Congressman Andy Biggs, the co-chair of the Border Security Caucus, and a representative from Arizona discuss the immigration struggle with Joe Biden sitting in the White House putting Central America and Mexico ahead of Americans. Are we rolling back America's security?
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I glad you with us eight hundred and ninety four one Sean you want to be a part of the program. Eight hundred and by the way I'm from, I'm getting ahead of myself like Joe, because I'm thinking about throwing to this. I'm cracking myself up, all right. So I've gone through all impeachment papers. Let me tell you, Linda, you've read through them too. I spent them to you earlier. Today we got the Democrats that they're trying to ratch it up. The President said to fight, fight for you know, and then he also said, many of you will peacefully, patriotically march to the capital so that you could let your voices be heard. And I'm reading it and my eyes are glassing over here as the Democrats all this is with a foregone conclusion next week. Is them just trying to ratch it up to bloody up politically. Got to put all these these extra words in your speech these days because people will take it the wrong way. Democrats want to bloody up Trump so we can't run in twenty twenty four. That's what this is about. They don't care about how much time or money or the American people at all. When they're doing this all right, Lindsay Graham now is being very clear. We now know forty five United States senator senators believe it's unconstitutional. There are three arguments. One the constitutionality of this impeachment. Of course, that would include things like they don't have jurisdiction. A, because he's no longer president, you cannot remove him from office, and you know, it also includes other issues involving the constitution. Then it's the whole legal aspect. We have court documents, even the media mob all now and FBI investigators all saying that a lot of this was pre planned. Now, it doesn't mean that some of the people that went to the rally didn't allow themselves to get caught up in something they should never have been a part of, but that for them would have been spontaneous. But again we're down to like over the summer, the ninety nine percent of protesters weren't hurling bottles and molotov cocktails and rocks and bricks and injuring and killing, injuring over two thousand cops or twenty five hundred cops and killing twenty five people, and that was not condemned by liberal Democrats. So now you've got a problem. Is the whole well, incitement led to what happened at the capitol, narrative falling apart, and then the third aspect of this is, well, if this is your standard, okay, well we'll point out Chuck Schumer's threat to Supreme Court justices, Joe Biden's threat to beat the hell out of Trump, the comments of Kamala Harris after the burning down of the Minneapolis police precinct and the rioting that went on Minneapolis. If you be where, you take note, it isn't going to stop. It shouldn't stop. They shouldn't stop. We won't stop. Okay, well, that's now fair game. Nancy Pelosi's after what happened in Wisconsin and people rated the Capitol there. I didn't hear any Democrats all worked up over any of these things. And so it's a matter of okay, well, if that's your standard, then we need to be impeaching all of these people. Maxine Waters, I'm gonna take Trump out tonight. Great sounds like a threat to me. And so Lindsey Graham literally said, if the Democrats want to extend out what is a predetermined outcome, just to continue to waste taxpayer time and money and effort and divide the country further because mister unity Joe Biden won't speak out about any of this. That in fact, if they start bringing up witnesses, which is another sidebar to the whole Snap impeachment that Democrat Jonathan Turley keeps saying, you can't have that because well, we hadn't even established the facts of the case of what actually happened on January sixth, And now that the FBI, court documents, investigators, and even the media mob of reporting that, yeah, there's different groups. We've identified this one in Ohio, there's other group, and there's other state, and that they had plotted and planned the whole thing. That's very separate and apart. In other words, it would have happened because they planned it, and they're out there the night before. You saw the pipe bomb video planting pipe bombs the night before. So all of that is so Lindsey Graham is saying they if the Democrats want to call one witness, that they're going to open up Pandora's box. And what that means is, I think if they open up this can of worbs, I think he says he's going to bring the FBI in the questions this trial in if the House managers want to use this as a political commercial against Donald Trump and Republicans, and they want to call witnesses now they didn't call during the impeachment process in the House. This thing could go for weeks or months, and that would be bad for the country. So to my Democratic colleagues, if you vote to call one witness none were called in the House, get ready for a long trial. Well we only got a couple of seconds. But let me ask you. Do you anticipate witnesses being called and then being cross examined? I hope not. They didn't call any of the House. I think we know what happened that day. But if you open up that can of worms, we'll want the FBI to come in and tell us about how people actually preplanned these attacks and what happened with the security footprint at the Capitol. You open up Pandora's box, if you call one witness, I hope we don't call any and we vote and get this trial over next week when it starts. Now that goes right to the power of Nancy Pelosi. You know she's ahead of the sergeant of Arms and responsible for security of the Capitol. And then the question is, with all the knowledge ahead of time, why did they not they knew hundreds of thousands of people were going to march to the capitol. And why was the chief of police of the Capitol police denied the National Guard that was requested. We now know six separate times, all right, And then I would say, bring in Kamala Harris as a witness. And then how do you have presiding over the shift show a guy that already has declared that Donald Trump ought to be convicted at being pat Lahey? Why because John Roberts, who constitutionally would be the guy to preside over this, has said, no, not gonna happen. You're not dragging me into this. Not exactly a fan of Donald Trump's either, So now they're thinking about other ways to I don't hurt Trump. They now will Joe Biden revoked Donald Trump's access to intelligence briefings as past presidents usually get. They're usually considered former president has been considered, you know, as being kept in the loop on national security matters. Maybe just maybe that would be a good idea to do. But they just all this is it's a show. And if they want to bring in trial witnesses, I actually find if they brought in the right ones that I have a great list I'll put together that they ought to bring in and the questioning and where it ought to go. I have my own ideas on this, and I think if this is now the standard incendiary insurrection style language, there's an awful lot of people now that need to be added to the list of an impeachment trial. So we'll see. But it's really simply it's going to come down to all of all of that. And but I'll tell you another thing. This can happen, and I'll stick to the basics here. You know, everybody dropped the ball. Apparently there were indications, warnings, intelligence about this being preplanned. Why did not they Why did they not prepare for this? Why weren't why wasn't the guard brought up all of these things? I mean, it's it's pretty unbelievable. And Okay, they're going to edit their tapes. Donald Trump said to fight this goes back to oh targeted districts. And I think Sarah Panel still has this ongoing lawsuit with The New York Times over this. I thought it was supposed to be settled this summer. We're watching the case closely. I've just got my ole if the ball got busy. But a case of oh okay, targeted districts in a bullseye. Oh that means you're threatening people. No, that's Bob Beckel's invention. He's been on the air with us telling us we used to do that all the time. You target these districts for potential districts where you might be able to pick up a seat or two. Very common in politics, in other corruption news with Democrats because there you know their hypocrisy is breathtaking and morally bankrupt. But Joe Biden's head picked ahead the DOJ Criminal Division. Get this now we find out has ties to Hunter Biden, Axios reporting Hunter hired a new attorney to assist with what is now officially a federal criminal investigation and defense just a month before his father became president. On an auguration day, one of the lawyer's close colleagues was tapped to temporarily lead Justice Department's criminal division. Oh, how convenient for the Bidens. That move puts the new DOJ official a top of a powerful arm of the justice system, as his former colleague helps the president's son fend off a criminal probe. Can anyone say appearance of impropriety? Conflict of interest? Anyway? So Hunter Biden, by the way, why am I not? Why do I suspect this is not an accident? And imagine if Donald Trump did this, did any of this? I mean, you know, what would they say, what would they do if it was Donald Trump? That standard is never going to end anyway. I do have some election news. I've been saying for all of you out there that keep asking me, well, what can I do? What can I do? What can I do? And I've been saying, well, at the first level, you know, we've got to start with fixing and making sure and ensuring that we don't have that we fix and solve any issues that could raise questions about the integrity or prevent people from having confidence in election results. You know, I'll even you know, if you go back to two thousand, I think this is a fair statement. I don't think well, and this is sad. And this was what Florida got fixed thanks to Ron de Santis, because they also screwed up not only in two thousand, but two thousand and sixteen in Florida. We remember that show down there, but this time they had put the proper changes and check some balances in place and went along smoothly. And you know, but are we ever really going to know the exact accurate vote count in two thousand? I think it's I don't think anybody can tell us with any real confidence that this is the exact vote. Now we're the United States of America. Maybe you're never ever gonna have one hundred percent purity on this, but I mean, at least to get to the level we have confidence, because I don't think anybody could ever just look at two thousand and say it was five hundred twenty seven votes in Florida with any sense of complete accuracy. It just became what it became, dimpled, pimpled, hanging, swinging, perforated chads. Remember well, okay, so we now know that every state had these statutory requirements that partisan observers could observe the vote count. That didn't happen in any state. And remember that a lot of these last minute changes were made because of COVID nineteen, ignoring the advice of the great doctor Anthony Fauci, which was that people can safely vote in person with social distancing and masking, all right, so it was possible to do it, but one time nobody wanted to quote their favorite doctor who was I'm sure a nice guy, but got a lot wrong and I'm not even blaming him. So anyway, now we have some developments and this in Georgia. Remember the big issue down there was the issue of signature verification and voter ID requirements. Now the Senator Georgia, controlled by Republicans, is introduced a bill that will require voters to provide a photo ID when requesting and returning their absentee ballot or their early voting ballot, and which should be mandatory, absolutely mandatory, and they should have one signature verification standard, not two. So that happens down in Georgia. Then you have in Arizona, they've introduced a bill and that state legislature that would repeal Arizona's permanent early voting list, voters on the list automatically receiving mail in ballots for each primary in general election. Separate bill would remove people from the lists who failed to vote in the primary in general elections and two straight cycles. All right. They also need to add some we have to have photoid voter ID everywhere. And then in Pennsylvania lawmakers there they're now pushing forward a bill to repeal they're twenty nineteen no excuse absentee voting law. That's the one that was in direct violation of the Pennsylvania state Constitution. And there's a process of changing the constitution, which is a lot more difficult than a bunch of legislators making laws. And that's why it was, in my view, unconstitutional. But nobody wanted to hear that case at the level it needed to be heard at. So we'll watch, We'll watch all of these and you know, Tom Wolfe would likely veto any election integrity bill, and they have an open gubernatorial and Senate contest next year. It's gonna be a lot of interesting racists come next year. So that's happening now. Iran is saber rattling as they launched a new rocket showing advances in potential missile technology, and we've got Joe Biden showing more struggles cognitively. I mean, it's getting bad. And I know that people in the mob don't like when I say week freill and cognitively struggling. But I'll let you decide, as we always do next and as we roll along Sean Hannity Show. Now on the other side of this, the Democrats, of course, they want to keep the same COVID style voting system in place and expand massively mail in voting. Is that you know, we of HR one, which we've gone over in great detail. Democratic lawmakers now of dubbed the bill the Vote at Home Act, which seeks to massively expand vote at home ballot access. Now, I thought the New York Toilet Paper Times suggested, well, there's a greater chance of fraud with mail in balloting, etc. Now, I'm not saying that there isn't a way for you to improve voting systems, but you got to make sure that every person of voting that it's the person that says they're voting doing the voting. And there's got to be some type of verification. For example, you go to a Democratic national convention, you need a picture ID to get into the capitol. You need a picture ID, which by the way, I think is whole write and appropriate. And so if you don't have them, why would you get to vote without it? Or change the rules. But we're gonna let sixteen year old vote and we're not gonna have any signature verification. That doesn't work. I couldn't believe it this year. I go to vote. Give me the first three letters of your last name. H A. N. Okay? Is this you? Yes? Okay? Here's your sheet? Go vote? How was it? Nothing else? All right? Eight hundred ninety four one sewn? You want to be a part of the program. A lot on Biden's cognitive issues. Straight ahead news you won't hear, I can promise you from the mob, the media or big tech. Straight ahead twenty five till the top of the hour. Well, no Americans gonna should love this. This is not good. Tehran, the Iranian mullahs now and this is this is a typical pattern of these these evil regimes like North Korea. They've played this game all of the time. Iran in other countries. So they've launched a new rocket, apparently showing advances in potential missile technology. Right, there's two aspects of this, uranium enrichment and delivery systems. Is the missile delivery system the rocket developed under a government back program to send civilian satellite supposedly into orbit three hundred ten miles above the ground. According to the Iranian Defense Minister Space Department. The technology, though, however, that would be quite easily transferable to Iran's military missile program run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Now why are they doing it, Well, they're doing it for the same reason that Kim Jong UN's father, Kim Jong ill, was able to extort a fortune from Bill Clinton when Clinton wasn't it it's a good deal for American people. No, it wasn't a good deal for the American people because they weren't supposed to develop nuclear weapons. And guess what they did. This one hundred and fifty billion that Obama and Biden gave the Iranians and cash and other currency and dropping cargo planes full of cash and currency on their tarmac. Yeah, this is all you know, them raising the stakes to show their saber rattling for possible negotiations for even more money from Biden. And God only knows the concessions that are going to come China's way. Considering, oh, this seems to me that China has an awful lot of well contact with the Biden family. And let me tell you something. This is one thing, and they were actually a separate story apart from this, about how the Chinese government and their oppressive surveillance of their own people. Now they've been doing this forever. That is, they've they've got sophisticated spying mechanisms against all of us in this country. Oh, I think considering it wasn't that long ago that everything that Zero Experience Hunter and company were involved in with China and Joe's time in China was probably all recorded. And I'm imagining that's probably stuff that Joe and Zero Experience Hunter wouldn't exactly want in the public domain, and somehow they might it might become aware of its possible existence. Who knows, But that's that's why you don't. That's why family members of vice presidents shouldn't be getting wire transfers of three and a half million dollars from Russian oligarchs, the First Lady of Moscow, or Kazakhstan oligarchs or Ukrainian corrupt oil companies like Barisma. And that's where the quiddin a pro in the quo for Zero Experience Hunter came in there, and they shouldn't be taken out on shopping spree with Chinese nationals. It's like congressmen like Stalwart whatever his name is, shouldn't be hanging out with a Chinese spy. Fang Fang. It just can't make this up. What's that what you're saying in my ear? Swallow whatever his name is, the guy. Yeah, we still don't know the nature of this long term relationship with the Chinese spy. But don't worry. He's on the House Intelligence Committee with all of our government's secrets. Wouldn't and why is that? I don't want to know about his private life. I want to know though, if there's any pillow talk, just to use a phrase between the two. So anyway, there's one interesting thing in the Atlantic. I don't know what to make of this that tens of thousands of people in cities across Russia protesting the jailing of an opposition leader. I don't know, knowing the hostile actor that Putin is in the hostile regime that is Russia, I don't know how well that's going to work for people there that are out there protesting. That's that's kind of what happens when you lose freedom. But the pictures were pretty interesting. You don't get to see a lot of the world's unrest. There was a January thirty first rally that was just massive. It almost looked like a Trump rally. They're saying terms of its massive size. Now. So all the time we're going through this campaign cycle, what did I say about Joe? Wow? It was startling to me and startling to many people that I know and people that i'd meet and then asked me about what I thought about the presidential race that was then pending, and they'd ask, well, what happened to Joe? I mean, he just doesn't seem like the same guy. I mean, if you look at Joe Biden ten years ago versus today, it's it's startling. If you look at him four years ago versus today, I find it even more startling. And even Democrats and medium mob people that I know and Democrats like every time he speaks like, oh, please don't screw it up, please, please show don't screw it up please, They're like they're like hanging on eggshells there and it's obvious what's happening. Now. Occasionally they'll get him out there answer a few questions and and mostly though they just pictures him oval office, act like he's busy, and then he goes behind his desk and he signs what looks like a new executive order, something that he defined as being dictatorial. But yet he's signed more than three times the past, the three prior presidents before him. Pretty interesting, So you got to get the votes man anyway. So now we're finding out Daily Beast of all places, is reporting good for them. According to three sources with knowledge of the matter, a new president's communications staff as already probed reporters to see what questions they plan on asking the White House Press Secretary Jensaki when called upon during briefings. Now, the requests prompted concerns among the White House Press Corps IS members, like many reporters, are sensitive to the perception that they are coordinating with political communications staffers. One reporter raised the issue during an informal White House Correspondent Association zoom call on Friday, and, according to The Daily Beast and multiple sources, leaders at the meeting advised print reporters to push back against requests by the White House Press Team to learn the questions in advance or simply not respond to Biden's Biden teams inquiries. While the while it's a relief to see the briefing's return. Now, the press can't really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions that they want. That's not a free press at off at all. And apparently it even mild league aggravated enough reporters. But apparently that's what's going on behind the scene. Not two issues here, one now that they're bringing up the issue of me saying Joe looks weak, frail and is cognitively struggling. Well, we've played our best of hits many times. I won't waste your time today and play it again. We'll play it enough in the next four years. But this is more recently, the more recent screw up. And if you listen very closely to what Joe is saying, you gotta listen closely. He says, not once, but twice, and we'll be able to get four hundred million doses and six hundred millions, and we're going to increase in fifty percent, and three hundred Americans are going to get a vaccine. Okay, misspoke, right, then he misspoke again. Okay, this to me seems like he's struggling cognitively. We'll let you decide, and we believe that we'll soon be able to confirm the purchase of an additional hundred billion doses for each of the two FDA authorized vaccine FISER and Maderna. That's one hundred million more doses of FISER and one hundred million more doses of Maderna, two hundred million more doses than the federal government had previously secured. Not in hand yet, but order. We expect these additional two hundred million doses to be delivered this summer, and some of it will come as early began to come in early summer, but by the by the midsummer that this vaccine will be there and the order, and that increases the total vaccine order in the United States by fifty percent, from four hundred million order to six hundred million. Okay, now, let's go just apart where he says three hundred Americans will get the vaccine. Listen, it's enough vaccine to fully vaccinate three hundred Americans by end of the summer, the beginning of the all. But we want to make it look that's I want to repeat, It'll be enough to fully vaccinate three hundred Americans to beat this pandemic. Three hundred Americans. When did I hear that? Right? I just want to make sure that I'm not hearing something I'm not. I'm not I'm hearing it right? Correct? He said three hundred. And he didn't send it once. He said it twice. Correct, that's right. He doubled down, doubled down on Really, he really should have circled back. He should have circled back. We're gonna get to that in the second good point. He's gonna circle back. You know, you can't make this up. You know what? Maybe for clarity because the mob is so angry at me. Well, I again, We're gonna let the American people decide. Is Joe seem as strong and uh, I don't know, vibrant, energetic, alert as he was when he left office four years ago as vice president. Because these are some of the highlights. Donald Trump don't understand healthcare. Donald Trump thinks healthcare as a privilege. Brock and I think it's a right for people that bad at kelt care, I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize true in our subfage to pressure isolated, punished China. I'm running as a proud Democrat for the Senate I got in trouble when we're running again. The Senator who is a Mormon, the governor. Okay, tomorrow, superstar Tuesday, and I want to thank you all. I'll tell you what. I'm rushing the head, aren't I. We hold these truths to be self evident all men and women created by Go you know that you know the thing. You agree with me? Go to Joe three O three three oh. We choose truth over facts. Play the radio, make sure the television. Excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the phone, make sure the kids hear words. Donald Trump does pose an excel sense to this. It's not hypothetical. All right. Now, I'll let you decide. Am I being uncharitable here? Unfair? Or is my observation that have you ever had Let's say, his fastball was the years in the Senate, And let's say, well, I'll be developed a medium fastball and a changeup for the time he's VP. I don't see any of those pitches anymore, just my own way of saying it. Now, we have a favorite phrase that keeps coming out of the White House official propagandist Press Secretary Jensaki, which is, let's circle back. We now have a whopping total. I on think we'll play them all now, but we can play a good number of them, she said at a whopping seventy seven times to date. I didn't include today. Listen, I can. I'll circle back. If there's more I can share with you, I'll circle back with you. If there's more to convey, I'll have to just circle back with you. We can circle back then. I'm happy to circle back with you. I can circle back. I will have to circle back on that one. That's an excellent question. Oh, such an important question. We will circle back with you, and we'll circle back with you. It's an interesting question, but we'll circle back. I'm happy to circle back, but I'll have to circle back with you on It's a good question. But we'll circle back with you on this today. We will certainly circle back with you more directly. I hate to disappoint you, but I will have to circle back with you on that as well. And last thing I just want to do before we get to your questions. I often know what I'm going to circle back. I hate to disappoint conservative Twitter, but I am going to circle back on a number of things. As we often do directly. Let's just circle back on everything, meaning I don't have any answers, great question, let me circle back with you and give you the official party line, and getting snarky because people are laughing at it. It is pretty darn funny, I'll tell you that. And now Political outlined why you haven't seen Biden do a national interview yet. There's no word now. Usually last year, for example, I had the honor of interviewing President Trump for the interview before the Super bowls a tradition that's gone on now for a while. And I'd never gotten that opportunity before, and I got the opportunity. I was glad to do it. It was a lot of fun actually, And anyway, there's no word if Biden is going to do a Super Bowl interview, we'll have to wait and see. And anyway, and you know, so we're just gonna watch a lot of these things. What is interesting is to watch how the Democrats now have turned on Mansion and turned the heat up on cinema because they're the two Democratic senators that said no, we're not breaking Senate norm and going along with your you know, mandate to end the legislative filibuster. So then there's Kamala Harris. We're not going to stop. We won't stop, we shouldn't stop. You beware take note. This was after you know, of course police precinct burned to the ground and the writing took place. Sounds like insurrection language if we use the Democrat in the media mob's definition. So we'll have to wait and see what happens there. Plans Now people are getting critical about how African Americans and Hispanic Americans are falling way behind in these vaccination efforts. You have researches at NYU publishing a bogus, ridiculous study about big tech and conservatives. Yeah, turns out it was funded by a Biden downer. How convenient. Pretty interesting. You have a Democratic congressman wanting to screen military recruits social media posts. Better have put everything in there that is politically correct. Pretty scary times we're living in, I'll tell you that. Anyway. So what's happening here? And then you got this whole thing with this guy John Weaver. I remember Weaver, wasn't he working He was working with Kasik and he was on the McCain campaign. I never knew him really well. Apparently calls saying that he knew all this stuff about him going back a long, long time and that it apparently was widely known. And you know of the eighty seven point four million dollars raised by the Lincoln Project by people that say they're Republican, but they really are supporting Joe Biden with the greatest socialist agenda in history, which is laughable. Fifty was used for independent expenditures, adds that expressly advocated the election to defeat a specific candidates, and most of it was against Trump and Republicans. Great times when you have Republicans that say they're not Republicans, well they're not conservatives either. You know, you've got the McCain supporters, the Romney supporters, the never trumpers. That's it an hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program. It's getting quite a bit of attention. The new White House Press Secretary Jensaki has her obvious obviously her most favorite praise, which is, we'll circle back, circle back, circle back. We now have counted a total of seventy seven time. She knows nothing and tells the mob and the media that is praising her and gushing at her every day that she'll circle back because she has no answers. Let's circle back, I can. I'll circle back. If there's more I can share with you, I'll circle back with you. If there's more to convey, I'll have to just circle back with you. We can circle back with them. I'm happy to circle back with you. I can circle back with me. I will have to circle back on that one. That's an excellent question. Oh, such an important question. We will circle back with you, and we'll circle back with you. It's an interesting question, but we'll circle back. I'm happy to circle back, but I'll have to circle back with you on It's a good question. But we'll circle back with you on this today. We will certainly circle back with you more directly. I hate to disappoint you, but I will have to circle back with you on that as well. And last thing I just want to do before we get to your questions. I often know what I'm going to circle back. I hate to disappoint conservative Twitter, but I am going to circle back a number of things, as we often do directly. We'll circle back with all of it anyway, here and weigh in on circling back. He's circling back as a guest. Mark Simone, morning show host on our affiliate, our Midday. I guess it's technically the right term here on our flagship New York station AM seven ten WR Rando Divine New York Post columnists. You know, Look, everyone has little phrases that you get into patterns, speaking patterns, Mark Simone, I'm sure you've done it occasionally in your long, successful career. I've done it many, many times. The audience likes to point it out, but for crying out loud, I mean the fawning on top of it. And meanwhile, she's got no answers to anything of substance. I didn't know you've been asking me this off the circle back to you with an oh man. Apparently they rig these briefings that reporters have to submit the questions in advance. So this is with the question in the van, she has to circle back. Who is he going to go? Ask Joe Biden? He doesn't even know where he is. He's upstairs watching Matlock while she's doing these briefings. She's got no personality at all. She's there for one reason. You look at her resume. She was Obama's press secretary, very tight with Obama, and he's really the guy running everything. So she's like this Manchurian press secretary and that personality. She wouldn't be the life of the party in a coma award. Where did they find her? By the way, that's Mark. That's Mark Simone's standard in life. The funniest thing, it's like a joke between me and Mark, is I'm a loser and I Mark, you can confirm this. I'm a total loser. I never really go out often, but when I show up at any event or even any restaurant, not exactly, always on the top of my priority list. I mean, I just cannot believe Mark is everyone. I've never met anybody that is out as often as you. I do not know how you do it. You got a TV show or radio showing to me go out, You're mob by thousands of fans. This is so are you? You got your y'all? Come on, you're like a legend. Stop um circle back on this yourself. I mean, it's it's it's bizarre, yeah, II Sean. Honestly, you would think after about the sixty fist circle back that the journalists in the room might just start getting a bit aggravated because they're they're not getting their questions answered. But they're not. You know, it's just the exact opposite of Kaylee mcinanny, who she had grown men in that press room standing up and shouting at her. And if she'd been a Democrat, they would have been accused of being you know, domestic terrorists and misogynists and man explainers and all the rest. But Kaylee mcinanny did her job superbly. And it's such a contrast to Jen Szaki. Kaylee mckinetnie was always on top of the material. She had these voluminous folders that were all divided up with the labels, and she would keep talking very coherently while she leaked through to find her material. She was so good, and yet she never got any thanks. She was always abused. Jen Zaki, on the other hand, you know, seems like a nice person, but this is basic incompetence. If she can't answer basic questions, I think this is like a window into the real b team nature of the whole Biden operation. All right, so you are both friends of the program, and you both know that I say, the week frail, cognitively struggling Joe, and we have our standard montage that keeps getting longer and longer and longer. We choose truth over facts, but they're day and we hold these choose to be self having All men and women have created equal and doubt by the oh, the you know the thing, the thing, you know the thing, God the creator of everything. So we have the latest Biden moment. We're gonna have it. And he says it not once, but twice, and his math is a little fuzzy. Here, you're much smarter than me. Mark Simon will give you first crack at this. But he says, we're gonna have enough vaccine, but three hundred Americans. Listen, this is enough vaccine to fully vaccinate three hundred Americans by end of the summer the beginning of the fall. But we want to make a look. That's I want to repeat. It'll be enough to fully vaccinate three hundred Americans to beat this pandemic. All right, three hundred. Now, he just went through fuzzy math explaining how we're going to increase the number of doses by fifty percent. He didn't know how to do simple math either. Okay, now, I get beaten up by the leftist media mob, and you know out let's say, I don't know daily bees toughing them posed the usuals. And because I say week frail, cognitively struggling. Am I wrong or is this some bizarre Hannity observation that only I see. Well, I don't want to make light of this, but if you talk to serious medical experts about cognitive stuff, I'll tell you that's one of the early signs getting numbers all mixed up and missing zeros and all that stuff. Sob I had to say it, that's a sign of that three hundred vaccines. So it's great. I mean that will take care of Dick's notch New Hampshire. Wipe it out there. Because this other story that they lost twenty million vaccines, I don't think anyboy. I'll bring this up in today's breathing they lost twenty million vaccines. PolitiFact corrected me, by the way, and said they are absolutely not lost. This is an actual quote from PolitiFact. They are making an effort to locate them. That that's the situation. But how do you how do you lose vaccines? Apparently they were sent out. They don't know if they were received, they lost them somewhere in the transit. So but again he you know, he doesn't know what's going on. He's you know, at least she'll circle back him. You won't see him again for the rest of the week. Yeah, Miranda, Well, it's funny I think with Joe Biden that he is obviously has a huge problem with numbers, and yet perversely he seems attracted to talking numbers all the time. If you notice, practically every time he gives a speech, there are lots of complicated numbers in it, and he likes to pretend he's masterball on on top of it, and invariably he just MUCKs it up. So I think I've sort of been surprised actually that he's much more in the public frame now since he's entered the White House and become president. And yet they haven't been too many slippers. And I think that's because he now has this team of people around him who are dedicated to protecting him and his cognitive failings from the public. And so if you notice, the most we see of him if he sits down at a table, fumbles around, finds a pen, and signs things. And then as he's doing it. He sort of mumbles through these post it notes that he has attached to them retells people, and it looks as if he's looking at it for the first time himself. Oh really, I'm signing us there's something deeper here. If in fact, this is a really significant decline cognitively now and everybody in Biden world is protecting him, Aren't we really talking about a level of dishonesty to the American people that is deep and it is profound? And may I add, with Iran launching their new rocket, showing their advancement and potential missile technologies and re engage their pursuit of enriching uranium, etc. Isn't that a little bit dangerous because it sounds dangerous to me if people really know something that we don't know. I'm just looking at the verbal you know, malaprops his constant inability to remember getting lost in the middle of every other sentence, if he's not with a teleprompter. If it's worse than that, what does that mean? You know? They always says Joe being Joe. Go on YouTube or someplace and go watch Joe Biden twenty ten, watch him ten years ago and meet the press. Right, it's a totally different guy. He's a different guy with a different voice, His eyes have a different look at him. He's just not the same anymore. I mean, as far as displaying weakness the rest of the world, I can only hope that at least they got Susan Rice or Obama or somebody behind the scenes really running things. But that's a pretty scary thought too. So we're really in a problem here. I don't know what we're gonna do about it. Twenty twenty two when we get a Republican Congress, all right, But here, this is the thing. Now. It was interesting during the campaign, nobody ever criticized me for calling him week frel and cognitively struggling. Now that he's president and I say it, and all of a sudden, it was like a united front against me, Miranda. Everybody started criticizing me saying it. And then what I did is I went on radio and TV and I played my longer montage and I said, Okay, I'll let you decide. Does this Does this sound like somebody that really is cognitively sharp? Because it doesn't to me. Now, in fairness, I look at somebody who's older like Bernie Sanders. I think he's even older than Joe. And this guy's got is, he's his faculties. He's full on, totally energetic. You know, he seems you know, he hasn't lost a step in ten years. And Mark's right when you compare the tape, it's dramatic, yes, But you know, during the campaign, Joe Biden was the Democrats problem. Now he's in the White House, he's all our problem, you know, like it or not. He is our president, and we just have to hope that our adversaries don't try and take advantage of that. I mean, you can be sure that China and Russia and Iran know all about they will know more about Joe Biden's cognitive problems than any American citizen does, apart from the people working right with him. And that's a real vulnerability to this country. And so, you know, much as we all suspect that there are deep cognitive problems and we've seen the evidence of it over and over, I guess we're all stuck in this charade at the moment this weekend, at Bernie's charade, because unfortunately that is the president and we just have to believe that this great dishonesty, that this deception that's been put on the American people by the Credit Party, that they know what they're doing. All right, Miranda Divine, New York Post Mark Simone, my fellow host on our flagship AM seven ten WR in New York. Sir, thank you, Miranda, Thank you eight hundred and nine for one. Shawn, your calls coming up. I'm gonna do a quick border hit with Andy Biggs in a minute, and then your calls twenty five to the top of the hour. Thanks for being with us, eight hundred and nine four one, sewn you want to be a part of the program. One of the phenomenons we watched and learned the summer was we'd be watching let's see cities literally rioting and attacks against old federal courthouses and police precincts being overrun and even burnt to the ground like in the Minneapolis case. And Kamala Harris, she's raising money for the Belle of those people that were out there writing and saying we're not gonna stop. We shouldn't stop, They're never gonna stop. Beware, take note all these all the well, if we're going to use the Democrats standard that would be calls for insurrection. But putting that aside, you'd have fake news CNN, MS DNC, and they'd be out there and they'd have fires raging in the shots behind them. It's mostly been a very peaceful protest here. As we continue our coverage here or at fake news scene, n don't don't pay any mind to the massive, huge fire in the city behind us. You know, the autonomous Chaz Chops Summer of Love spaghetti pot luck dinner zone. Yeah, that wasn't ending peaceful either, literally taking over a police precinct there. And now we've got the re emergence. Shocking, I thought, because only Donald Trump was responsible for this, but they would just deny reality. Well, the same thing's happening with the Democrats parroting this new talking point that we've all watched the latest videos of people I don't see a lot of social distancing or mask wearing that are making their way to have been making their way to the southern border. There is a report out today on foxnews dot com that shows, you know, Biden has now expanded as push for open borders. One of the orders directs his executive orders the Department of Homeland Security to review migrant protection protocols, which Biden has promised to end. They're known as the Remain in Mexico policy, which would keep people south of the border while their immigration hearings are underway rather than admitting them into this country. They get a court date and then wow, lo and behold. Ninety nine point nine percent don't bother showing up for their hearing because I don't think the hearing will go well, nor are they willing to take the chance because they're already here. So anyway, so that by ending this key policy, ending catch and release, the Biden administration taking another significant step in stating the incentives and the loopholes where people can enter this country and remain illegally in preparation of amnesty of as many people as possible. The foxnews dot Com pieces pointing out that now we have immigrants in mass now literally lining the border wall in places like California, well pretty much California to Texas. I mean, you see in dramatic increases in the numbers of people that are showing up there every day. But yet the media is saying, oh, this is just a manufactured crisis. Your eyes must deceive you. Almost the same as them denying the riots the summer. President Trump must stuff holding the American people hostage. M stop manufacturing a crisis. This president just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis. Folks. The President has manufactured one heck of a political crisis for himself. Donald Trump is manufacturing a national security crisis. Will hear you say is that this is a manufactured crisis. It's not a national security crisis. The big scam of the whole address was that there's a crisis. There's not a crisis the ocean. That we have a crisis, their security crisis is absolute nonsense, all right? Joining us now Congressman Andy Biggs. He is the co chair of the Border Security Caucus also the head of the Freedom Caucus, and he led a tour last week of the US Mexico border in southern Arizona with eight members of Congress. Congressman, thanks for coming back and giving us a report. Is the media lying to us yet again? Oh yeah, Sean, they are. I mean, is exactly what you say. There are masses forming on the southern side of our border, which is northern Mexico. Of course, there are caravans being put together. Cartels are advertising again in Geo's are advertising again. Biden himself says not yet. Don't come over. I can't give us to you yet. They're waiting for his magic words. He's talking about giving a parole in one of the executive orders he's doing today. This is going to be far greater than the surge that we had just a couple of years ago, if you recall where it was a humanity crisis of humanity. And I just think that that they are denying this, and they're burying this, and that's it's a crying shame and it will be very bad. Yeah. Look, and now I don't see that there's a whole lot we can do at this point. Is there still talk of maybe taking down the border wall. I don't think they're going to take the border wall down now. But they've basically shut down the construction completely there there there's big, heavy equipment that stopped Sean. They've they've built roads that they so they could put in the fence in some places, and they were ready to put in fence in some very heavily traffic places. In fact that in one area they told me that's the heaviest traffic place. They just had to completely stop the fence. It's wide open. And now because they took down some fencing too, you know, like but it's four strand barbed wire or something like that through places with this grape fencing. Guess what, now there's nothing there in some of those places because the Biden administration has just stopped it cold in its tracks. Well, if you look at these new policies of Biden and now it's going to be a path towards legalization, is there anything the Republican Party in either Congress and your the House of Representatives or the Senate can do. Well, we have to rely on the Senate as a backdrop if we can. And because they're really close, we've got to rely on some people here who come from swing districts to maybe try to soften some of this. Oh what about Senator Cinema, she's in your state of Arizona. Where does she stand on this. She's I'm not sure where she is today, but she's in the past has been for some kind of pathway to citizenship. So those are lures, those are incentives to come out and bring more people in. And we're going to have to fight here and see if we can get some of these, it's a close. They're going to have to keep all their Democrats. If we can get four or five Democrats and keep all of our Republicans in the House, we might be able to stop some of the stuff. Let me ask you, is Governor Doocy going to run against Cinema? My understanding isn't g up in twenty twenty two. She's not up in twenty two. She's in twenty four. But Mark Kelly is up in twenty twenty. That's right, Mark Kelly's up. I stand corrected, Yes, sir, Yeah, I don't think Doocey is going to run for that seat. There's a there's a host of people kicking tires on that, that's for sure. Are you thinking about it yourself? Well, I'm I'm kicking some tires on it, Sean, That's for sure. I'm looking at it. Andy Bigs, Congressman Arizona, co chair Board of Security Caucus. Thank you for being one of us with the update. We appreciate it. Charlene is in Washington State. Charlie, glad you called. Sean. Thank you for taking my call. I appreciate it. I'd like to talk about Como's action on the nursing home decision. Yes, ma'am, I work in a medical office. It looks to me, like senior that the Democrats don't value senior citizen lives. We can't forget these people. They weren't at the end of their lives. They still had more memories to make with their families, and they died alone. They died without their families. This is going to be an open wound for their families forever, every Christmas, every lost birthday, every wedding that they're not at because a lot of these people they weren't going to be in a nursing home forever. Well. The sad part of all of this is, you know Cuomo out there saying, well, you die in a nursey gome, you die here, what difference does it make? You're dead? And there's more recent comments about restaurant workers, etc. Qualifying for the vaccine. We don't have enough anyway, I mean, it's and then frankly New York City State, like everything else, they botch distribution of the vaccine and it's just another typical mess. Nine of Cuomo's top health officials have left amid the vaccine rollout. Not only disagreement, but disaster. And it's kind of sad and it's unfortunate, but it is what it is. And that's look and even worse than that, and Rick Scott mentioned this earlier today, is that now states like Florida that balance their budget, every red state that funds their pensions, balances their budgets, where politicians are elected that are fiscally responsible, Now the taxpayers in those states, mark my words, are gonna have to pony up Cuomo demanding fifteen billion dollars for New York State, and my guess is he's probably gonna get it. Now. One thing that a lot of people won't pay attention to either. We'll see when Joe finally submits his budget proposals economic proposals what they mean. But I'm going to predict with a certain degree, with some certainty here is that Joe is going to once again exempt and allow people in blue states that elect high taxing governors and legislatures to once again deduct their state income tax and again not a benefit that any state with no income tax or a low income tax benefits from that. That means again red states will be funding these blue states that are fiscally irresponsible. Now when the president, President Trump now in exile, according to Jim Acosta, president Trump in exile now, when he got into office and he got rid of the state income tax tax deduction, well that didn't benefit Sean Hannity personally. But I said at the time and numerous times after, it was the right thing to do, because I don't think the people in Red States ought to be funding a special tax break. Only because I'm stupid enough to live in a state that elects irresponsible politicians that spend more than they take in. And my guess is they're going to give that money back again and look for the time being, as long as I'm here, it benefits me. But I don't think that should. I don't think it's fair to everyone in the Red States that are going to fund that. No, we pay enough taxes exactly. All right, good call. We appreciate you being with us. As we continue back to our busy phones, as we say hi to Carol is in California, the United Socialist Utopia of California. How are you, Carol? Hi, Sean, good to talk to you. Thanks for taking my call. So yesterday I was watching Martha McCallum and Rona McDaniel was on the RNC head and she seems to think from the interview that Trump is right back in with the Republican Party and she's all giddy about twenty twenty four and twenty twenty two and he's the most famous person in our party. Well, the Trump supporters are not Republicans. We're Trump supporters. And I am set up with the Republican Party with this going back and forth and how they treated us and how they treated President Trump, and I'm not going to the Republicans anymore. So I pray that the President understands that he needs to start a third party. That's the only way out of this mess with these people. Look, the problem is, you know, and Carol, this is an age old question because remember Reagan was hated by the establishment, and he gave a very very famous speech at Seapack in nineteen seventy five, and in that speech he raised the question rhetorically, is it a third party we need or a revitalized second party with no pale pastels but bold colored differences. The problem is if and Poles are bearing out exactly what you said, is that more people in the Republican Party would would go with the America First, Make America Great Again agenda of Donald Trump over a week Republicanism, establishment Republicanism. Now establishment Republicans are of the mind now that they think they're taking their party back, like Liz Cheney thinks she's going to take the party back, and they're fine to think that. They can, you know, try and guide the party in whatever direction their heart takes them. But they're not in touch with the rank and file of the Republican Party around the country. So Reagan also had the eleventh commandment, thou shalt not He did, and he said, look, if somebody is an eighty percent agreement with you, he's not your enemy. There's some truth to that too. There's a lot of wisdom of Reagan. But the Republican Party was way different back when when Reagan was astounding all this stuff. Now it's so fractured you can't trust them. They flip, they flop. Look at this mess on Monday. The president is going into an impeachment trial. We all you know, I'm not going to go into the mess. I'm a lawyer. They're they're alleging that he incited this an insurrection through using the voter fraud, the bad words. Don't say the bad words. He has a right to defend himself, which basically puts the whole election on trial, by the way, and they should just dismiss it. And here we have the usual suspects, the Republicans that are probably I'm only tell you this, and I'm only because I'm short on time. I could talk about this with you for a long time. And you know, it's sort of like, you know, Lincoln and Jesus. A house divided against itself cannot stand. The apostles got mad at Jesus because there are other are people that are that we don't know, that are curing people in your name. He's not against us, is with us right, And and Lincoln, a house divided against itself cannot stand. Look, here's the thing now, Republicans have their choice. What what the what the core and rank and file this country? They want bold conservatism. It's simple. We don't want we want constitutionalists on the bench. We want lower taxes, less bureaucracy, secure borders. We want energy independence, we want free and fair trade deals. And we want the biggest badass military on the face of the earth. And we don't want long protracted wars and a few nuances beyond that, that's it. It's simple, stick to the agenda. I gotta run. No good call, Carol, you raise great points eight hundred nine for one Sean coming up next our final news round up and information overload hour. Man, it's a super Bowl weekend coming up. This is gonna be a great super Bowl. I really haven't been paying attention all year to football. I did watch. I've been watching a couple of the playoff games. I had to see, you know, Brady versus I mean, this is a Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers and then the previous week against Drew Brees and watching that saga. Now it's my homes versus Brady, and I'm just sorry. I'm just that storyline alone has got me fully completely interested. And I'll be cooking up my super Bowl food on Sunday, and none of it's gonna be healthy, starting with my Philly cheese steaks. And I don't use Swiss cheese like John Kerry likes it when he he's not in his private jet emitting carbon emissions anyway, So that's gonna be pretty interesting. Our friend Eric Bowling and Brett Farve have now signed a deal for a podcast. Uh, and this is gonna be pretty cool. Uh and on this new network podcast one. It's a leading podcast platform which has become an extremely popular Eric has been a friend a long time. We worked together many many years together. And Brett Farve well known as a Green Bay packer, less known as a New York jet probably not as smart as decision, and I've been a jet fan for a lot of my life. Welcome both of you of the program. Hey Hannity, thank you Bowling. Appreciate the opportunity to promote the podcast. I got Brett sitting with me right here. We have I have no clue what the hell Brett Farve is hanging out with you for. I'm just trying to figure that part out. He's he's saying, am I you got doing this together? Or are you doing it? This is we're doing together? Yeah, we're in Atlanta right now. We got the Brave Stadium right over there, right out the window over there, and we're delivering the first podcast sitting next to each other. I won't be together every every week, but well, I mean it actually has worked out. I mean Boomerow Science and has been very successful as a broadcaster in New York on the fan. He's done, He's done a great job. And um, but so you guys have teamed up. Now is this a podcast audio only or audio video? Right? Right now, it's audio. I think it's going to be audio video very soon. No. Yes, yeah, they're giving me thumbs up in control Hannity this podcast. So look, you know, I come from the news, politics world, and obviously Brett Hall of Fame super Bowl quarterback, always in the discussion of the goat the greatest of all time. We decided we get along and we talk about everything. So we talked. We talked football, we talk politics, we talk news, we talk culture. We did a segment on on Puxtani phil and bitcoin and Ardashians, and we talk a little of everything. And okay, also if I want to also talk about bitcoin and algorithms and math problems. Yeah, he lost me the man, I'm right, hang on. Brett helped me out with this. I've had more friends telling me to get into bitcoin when it was nothing, and I don't stupid, but I don't understand it. No matter how going to get into something if I don't know what the hell it is right. This is how they explain it, Brett. It's well, it's a cryptocurrency, kay, I give you can I give you the basics right now, Sean, here we got all right, let millions of people listening to you. There are twenty one million bitcoin eventually that will be the most that will ever be allowed to be in circulation. They're not all mined yet. It's about sixteen million right now, we'll get to twenty one. Demand is soaring for the sixteen million that are out there. When it hits twenty one, Sean, they are cutting off all supply of bitcoin. That is it you've seen for the rest of eternity. Twenty one million will be the number. If demand keeps going up, if if PayPal and Target all says they'll take bitcoin. You got massive demand with a limited supply. What's going to happen? What's gonna happen? Hannity, Okay, So let me explain it, and then Brett can help me. Because I understand the cryptocurrency. I understand that it's a finite amount. You're gonna get to what twenty one million bitcoins? Whatever the hell? You said? All right? I got that part, and then I said, we'll explain it to me. How come it keeps going up up in price. I gotta understand supply and demand dictating price. But then everyone gets into, well, it's an algorithm. I'm like, okay, it wasn't my best topic in school. An algorithm, all right? I understand an algorithm is a math problem, and a math problem that never has a final answer. I have a hard time digesting Brett Farb. I'm right there with you. I need something like when someone says I have a quarter, hand it to me. I see that quarter I put in my pocket. I don't see. I don't I don't get something that is that I can't touch. Yeah, and you know what's sucks because you and I don't get it, we don't invest in it. And meanwhile, Bowling's gonna walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars in this steal, like Eric kiss. Yeah, I'm hoping to be a bitcoin billionaire someday. See you think I'm doing the show with him? Exactly? You may you'll vouch for like is what he said. We said on the show. I said, I like Brady plus three and the under fifty six and a half. I said, Brett, I go by the way, Brett, I suck at gambling, but I'm really good at investing. Andy, can you can you back me up on that? Listen, I'm gonna I don't know why, and I know Mahomes is he's he's like the new Brady. I mean, I mean it would be a hell of a story if he wins back to back Super Bowls, Right, yeah, I mean that's huge. It doesn't happen very often. And then you got Brady who's supposed to be an old man by this point, who I think is performing at still an extremely high level these games against the Packers, in the game against New Orleans was pretty amazing. Brett, Right, absolutely, absolutely? Who are you cooking? Boy? I I'm I think the favorite should be the favorite. And that's the Chiefs. Um you know everything. You can a forty three year old guy really win the Super Bowl as the starting quarterback with a new team and never got the practice with his team leading up to the season with the pandemic. Is that possible? Yes? Apparently? Yeah, that's right. That's that's apparently. If I was a Chiefs fan, that's what would scare me. Everything points to the Chiefs winning. You see, Mahomes is is such a franchise player, and Brett You're in this category too. There's certain guys when when the game is on, there's gonna be games I'm not interested in because the storyline doesn't intrigue me. But if it involves somebody like you or Joe Montana if you want to go, or Peyton Manning or Eli Manning or or Tom Brady, you know, or somebody like Gronkowski or I mean, Maholmes is already in that top line of NFL quarterbacks in my mind. So I'm fascinated and want to watch every Chiefs game. But man, I'm watching every Tampa Bay game. So I'm torn. Yeah, I mean I'm torn to now. Andy Reid is a really close friend and former He was my former coach way back guy. Oh, great guy, great guy. Had this been his first goal around for a Super Bowl win, I would definitely be one in his corner. But I'm gonna say I'm fifty fifty. I want to see a Chiefs win. I want to see the Bucks win because of Tom and in that whole scenario, because I've been there and I was close. Um, it'd be nice to see him do it with someone else what he's done so far up to this point is nothing short of incredible. The question is if he wins the Super Bowl, does he retire? He said no, he said, he said he wants to play forty. I heard that. But your body gets beaten up in football. That's what does the average uh length of a career in football? Three and a half year r Yeah, that's about three years. Yeah, So she's defied that by hey, hey, by the way, Handy, I'm sitting next to a guy who went two hundred and ninety seven consecutive starts in the NFL. Think about that, well, because I mean, you've been there. What's this week like for these guys, especially guys that haven't been there? Well, and you won the Super Bowl? You lost the Super Bowl? Yeah so this week, yeah, Sean this week. But but you have to you have to throw the asterisk in there of you know, everything's virtual. So there's not the there's not the long bus ride to practice, and you know, at the super Bowl city like like normal, it's a ghost town. And so you're doing interviews virtually usual. The media day as like a circus. So there's there's this almost like you have to prep the guys. Usually, you know, before the pandemic, you have to prep the guys. Look, you know this is gonna be a mad house. You gotta stick to stick to the buses and go to the places that we have designated for you to go because it's gonna be a madhouse. Now it's like it's totally the opposite. All right, guys, you know you're gonna be the only ones out and about, and uh, you gotta make sure you gotta wear your mask and you need to do all this stuff. We got protocol in place, blah blah blahu. So it's almost like a total one hundred and eighty degree difference than what it normally is. Uh, No one's getting getting booked to come in and as a celebrity and radio row and all that stuff. What about this For the first time ever a Super Bowl is in the city of one of the team's playing that no fans can go to. Well that's a good point, but still home team, no no fans at all. I thought there were some I don't know, Sean. Uh, well, let me ask you us. Do you know that you're sitting next to a guy Eric Bowling? It was a damn good baseball player and correct me of my memory faults me, mister bowling sir, Um, But didn't you get called up and for the Pittsburgh Pirates. I did. I was drafted by the Pirates and blew the Rotator cup pretty early. Um, you know, got into the other trading world Wall Street for a while, and then and then broadcasting. You played third base. If my memory serves me, correct, Yes, I did. Corner. You think I'm not paying atten everyone the things Hannity's not paying attention. Don't. You can't get anything by handy never all right? I hear you like to toss the football over a little bit of studio. I do. And every time I have a professional football player on set, they say, you know you're throwing it wrong. And but at that point I had, like Eric, I had a bad rotator, But I've been I've built built it back up because of my mixed martial arts bowing. You're gonna do the show them ask Eric how rich he is? Because how much do you have in bitcoin? For example? Don't lie, um I have I have? I have fifteen bitcoins and I about one hundred um ethereums, which is a little satellite of a big kind of it's it's not them. Look it's going to four hundred thousand. I know it's going to go to four hundred thous What would that portfolio be worth today if he cashed out today fifty million dollars? Oh my god, I wonder he's doing this for free, exactly doing it for free. Listen. First of all, I'm so I'm listen. I'm not as you. I would love people's success. Good for you. I'm proud of you. And what was the average price you bought in a nah said? So there, I started that six thousand, and I bought some nine. I watched to go to three thousand twice. Shot, it's a you know, it's it's a vault. Or you don't want to put your nest in it. You want to put stupid money and stuff that you weren't going to touch you, you know, just have fun with it. Put it there. Just you might hit a home run, just file man. But listen, you would you buy in now? Yes a question, Yes, yes you would, Yes, what's that today? Like thirty two is thirty five thirty five thousand? But but but there's so much demand, and when when people like us are talking about a radio and no one knows what bitcoin is or how to get it. And it's gonna It's got seventy five percent of the way of topping out all time supply ever, and no one knows about it. It's it's ripe, it's gonna run. I believe, all right, I gotta ask you is the key question. So you're starting this podcast together. First of all, congratulations, you're two great guys. Wish you the best. Um tell us about how people can find you. Let me give you the We just tape the segment. You can't steal this handedy. You can't steal this idea of It's called what's called date, debate or terminate. So we name three three people in the world and we have to decide to date, debate or terminate them. And I'll just leave you with this. One of one of the categories was lebron James, Shaquille O'Neill, and Michael Jordan. And you'll hear Brett Wayne on who he date, debate or terminate. You know there's another spinoff version of this, you know about kidding many exactly, yeah, exactly, Okay, I'm not going down your road to survive longer. Handed Mahomes or breeze. Who would you date, debate or terminate? I get the hell off Meg if you think I'm gonna answer this crapody bowling with far all right, John, talking with you, all right, Eric, not elations to both you. We'll be watching the game. Well, we'll reconvene soon. Thank you. Thanks. Now now that we have the democratic age of New York saying, oh, yeah, the nursing home deaths, yeah, up to fifty percent underreported. Wow, this is the victims family speaking out and and on this debacle. I miss her, everybody, and she's the reason why I have courage to fight. The family of Anna Martinez, who died of COVID nineteen in a West I Slip nursing home never got to say goodbye. The Harrison's grandmother and great aunt, both World War Two, Rosie the Riveters died together of coronavirus in a smith Town nursing homes. We weren't even notified that it was time to say goodbye. Just come get her, Come get her remains, Come get her body, Governor Cuomo, give us the number, Give us the number. He died holding the hand of his beloved wife. Our family is still waiting to have a funeral. And I think this is the biggest story of the pandemic. If the Governor Cuomo's administration had spent one one hundredth the amount of time with investigators in the nursing home so making sure they were protecting nar senior's, we'd have a lot fewer that's in New York State. It's up until this point. He hasn't apologized, I think in the very beginning, or if he had taken some accountability and said, I was trying to save some of the hospital beds for the patients that we needed, and that's why I made that mistake of putting COVID positive patients into nursing rooms for forty six days. By the way, if he had done at the very beginning, but he never has. And by the way, he's blamed everyone else except the person that signed the executive order Andrew call Well, it was an effect for forty six days. He's blamed God and Mother Nature and the President and the CDC and the New Year Post and Fox News. He's blamed everyone except the person that signed the mandate, the order putting those COVID positive patients into nursing homes. That's what gets my blood boiling. He still refuses to acknowledge that. The other day in one of the interviews, he actually said, we didn't need to put COVID positive patients into nursing homes, and I screamed, it just makes our grief even worse. So when will there be accountability? Oh well, that doesn't matter if they died here or there. Anyone's still dead. Pretty callous. At twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. You know, we've been having the greatest calls lately. I mean they're always great, but it's like the cut above. I mean, I'm so interesting to hear the passion of so many of our fellow Americans, how engaged everybody is, and and I think there's there are millions and millions of us, tens of millions of us that understand the gravity of the moment. Like I actually had to spend time because it's my job, and I decided not to even go through it with you because I've read the democrats Shift show and their arguments, and it's like Russia, Russia all over again, breathless hysteria and and just flagrant, you know, hypocrisy. The stench goes to right straight to high heaven. It's just awful. And I watched this pretty simple arguments that yeah, it's unconstitutional. Nice try we also have a constitution with something like the First Amendment, so that'll be a big part of their arguments. And they got this other big problem that has emerged, which is court documents. Even the mob media having to acknowledge the FBI now is pretty confident that a lot of this was all pre planned. Now, did some people that were at the rally the one percent not the ninety nine percent you join in and what others had planned? Yes, they did. Were they planning on it? No, they weren't. They were stupid and got caught up in it, and they shouldn't have been there, and many of them will pay a price for it. But for the butt now that we're discovering there was an organized assault on the Capitol and that we missed all of the signs ahead of time. Again, I can't scream this loud enough. They better get a nine to eleven style commission and make sure this can never happen again. But it takes away the argument that this was a spontaneous riot incited by Donald J. Trump and his words of insurrection at the rally before hand, especially when ninety nine percent didn't even go anywhere near the Capitol. But it just is what it is, and so it'll happen, it'll play out. We already know what the conclusion is and this this will be their last chance to squeeze any little more blood. Just bloody him up a little bit more. Donald Trump beat him up, so it will be less viable as a candidate. So they think in twenty twenty four, that is yet to be determined. We'll see. Okay, let's say, Hi, Bobby is in Missouri. So I had long distance cousins and I had some that said Missouri and some that said Missouri. Like I say, do you have a preference missoury Missouri? Is that what you're calling him? Missouri? Yeah? No, it's great here. By the way, Roy Blunt has been great lately. I don't know what happened to him. It's like he woke up from the dead and he just appeared as somebody that's like finally speaking out, Roy Blount, your senator. I didn't hear what he's been saying. I'm sorry, what has he been saying. No, he's been he's been pretty outspoken about the Young Constitutional Impeachment Shift show that's coming to DC next week. Yeah, but you know, we really don't trust him to hold the line. We do, like what's on your mind today, let's go, let's stick to that. Yes there, Um, you know, I'm just really kind of perplexed how we can open the border, tear the wall down when we're not even allowed out of our houses. Um, and we're going to take care of these people when we can't take care of our own. We have people going to bed now at night, hungry children, and but we're gonna have thousands. It just doesn't make sense. They're coming from places that God knows what diseases they've got from, you know, no health care. It wasn't the border wall. In the Patriot Act, alongside of this five the courts that we commissioned, we gave up all of those rights of privacy to have protection. And now see politicians, and you you already know this, bobbing politicians always promised spending cuts, but they come later. You always get the tax cut, tax increases, You never get the spending cuts. You always get the amnesty, you never get the wall built. The only person that broke that trend was was Trump. When you talk about, you know, Joe Biden's mask mandate. Uh, From what I'm seeing, I'm not seeing a whole lot of social distancing and mask wearing in the caravan that's been making its way to the US. But but you bring up a good point, and that is I think I think we have to have secure borders. You got to vet people to come into this country. I happen to be a believer in merit based immigration policies like so many other countries Australia, New Zealand, etc. Would would adopt. Uh, and that would include making sure you don't have radical ties and associations. In the day and age of COVID, I would say, yeah, you ought to be tested for the coronavirus and have to prove you're negative before you come into the country. So we don't, you know, we don't have another super spreader event as they call them. These are all logical things. Now, illegal immigrants this was on Foxnews dot Com are now amassing along our southern border because they're waiting for Joe's open borders policies to clear the way for them to just enter the US. I don't know if they'll be wearing masks or not. In the last seven days, eight hundred arrests up in one agent in Texas in their sector, up from four fifty just a month ago. And now there's even talk of tearing the border wall down. So the answer to your question is, well, we have tens of thousands of Americans out of work, and the energy sector, we have high unemployment because of the pandemic and draconian shutdowns. Now we're going to legalize eleven million plus illegal immigrants that will be competing for the few jobs that are currently available, and all that's gonna do is hurt American workers and drive down wages, and it's going to hurt the whole country. And even the CBO yesterday was acknowledging that, yeah, we probably won't see unemployment rates that Trump left us for the longest time. So it's pretty frustrating. Bobby. I share your concern, and I think people have got to let their elected officials know how they feel. All right, two are busy phones Bruce, Wisconsin. Bruce, how are you glad you called? Thanks for having me, Sean say, I wanted to comment on a subject that you had touched on yesterday and one that's been kind of been floating around for the last few months, and that is regarding this forgiving of student loans. Kind of every time I hear that, I kind of cringe a little bit, just because I think that it's kind of a segregated class of people that are going to get that benefit if happens. But the unintended consequence that from my end, unless I'm wrong, is that if they were to have their debt forgiven, my guess is that they would all receive a ten ninety nine that year, and they would have a tax obligation due to the IRS. And I unless the Congress is going to amend that as well, I just don't see how this thing flies. I think you're one hundred percent right, Listen. I don't know. I know that I threw out I got two six hundred dollars checks. I forgot to tell everybody this like last week out of nowhere US Treasury. You know, I got the second six hundred dollar check. I'd never applied for any six hundred dollar check. The first one I remember throwing out. The second one, I just said it to my financial guy and said, I don't think. I don't think we're supposed to get this, and I frankly don't want it because I'd rather people that need it and deserve I'd rather they get more money. I don't need their listen, and I'm not saying I'm not over taxed, but this money is earmarks specifically for people, and I don't need the help right now, but there are Americans that do, or I'm gonna if they do cash it, I'll just take the six hundred and donate it to my local food bank, which has been needing more support than ever right now. And so I have no idea what am I going to get a fourteen hundred dollars check. I don't need their money, but people do need it right now through no fault of their own. And now we're going to add tens of thousands of hard working Americans that are losing their careers over this. And let me tell you, when you have a career job, you probably have committed to a mortgage, you're probably committed moneys for your kids to go to college, you probably have been saving for retirement. And I don't care what green new job they're promising it's not in existence, nor do I think it'll match the specific skills that people that work in the oil industry and energy sector have accumulated over decades and decades. So we're in for some serious, serious economic hardship in this country for people that deserve better. You know, I keep saying, you know, pretty soon, there's gonna be a lot of Americans and you'll see bumper stickers and hats and T shirts miss me yet, question mark hashtag Trump twenty twenty put on the back of the T shirt make America great Again. I could see that. Why don't we sell those land I guess the worst that could happen as we get just another cease and desist, something we're quite familiar with on this program. But it's sure anyway, last word, Sir bruce Um. Yeah, well, I mean, I'm I own a small business and I was fortunate to get some some grant money some smaller dollar months. But I still received a ten ninety nine grant or excuse me, a ten ninety nine form at the end of the year, and I have to pay taxes on the grant money I received. So if you start for giving student loans, those people better be prepared to get a nice, big tax bill right after that too. My understanding though is you'll you'll need to check with your professionals, because I don't know crap about taxes. But my understanding was those were loans that would convert to grants. The one I think you're describing you got if it was I guess pp what is it, PPP money, whatever it is, so you might want to look into that. I think there were loans originally, but we're considered to be loans that would then convert to be a grant. Did you know that? Yeah? I mean my specific ones were ones that were designated by the state state of Wisconsin. But you know that. Okay, that's that's that's different, separate and apart. I don't know what their policy is. I'm thinking anything that becomes like a loan that is forgiven and any type of an arrangement, you know, whether it's regular business not anything that's one that is considered instant income to the to the person who's being forgiven, and I just I see the irs was it would have their hands will here with having to administer this, because you know, otherwise you're going to have other parts of our country are going to be wondering why they're not on that same program in a difference. So just a lot of things I think that are going to confuse a lot more people. I think I just hope they leave that alone and don't go down that path. So the paycheck Protection programmers, what this is? Was? It was it was billed as a nearly trillion dollar business loan program for coronavirus from the federal government for coronavirus aid relief economic security to help businesses, self employed workers, sole proprietors, nonprofits, tribal businesses to continue to pay their workers. And it was I understand it was supposed to convert to a grant. That was my understanding. But don't you know check with your accountant that stuff. What the hell? Yeah, I can't give tax advice. What do I know. I can't even do my own taxes. Um, Bruce, thank you. All I say is pay well, we could probably take this discount of pay it. That's my answer every time. Um, I don't think. I don't think the I R S would be particularly forgiving if I took a deduction that was quote questionable Linda to you, I don't think deductions actually exist in the Hannity world. They really don't. They've been written awful long time ago. I know, maybe maybe I'm a fool. Maybe I should go in and aggressive. I just don't because I don't need the headache. It's just one headache, and I shouldn't have to live my life like that either, because of what I do for a living. But we already know that my privacy gets violated regularly. Yeah, well, people don't really understand when your personal text messages are released publicly by a judge, what that's like. Or to see that Muller's pit bulls are, you know, accumulating fifty pages of three zero two's on me? Because I'm in the I'm a member of the press and I'm asking questions. I've not noticed anyone in the press champion championing my rights for privacy, nor the intimidation tactics that are used. Pretty much, I would argue to stop the investigations that we successfully concluded accurately. But that's that's for another day. Let us go to Los Angeles. Frank is standing by. What's up, Frank? How are you? Hey? Sean? Hey, listen? You know all this stuff that's being said I still think we're nibbling around the edges. If no one checks into Fulton County, Georgia and what happened there, I would always say that, you know, people get they vote in the government that they deserve, but maybe they're not even voting, or maybe it's incorrect. So is anybody going to really investigate that? If not, If that's all fraud, everything else goes out the window in my opinion. Let me let me give you some good news on that front. You already. George's state Senate, controlled by Republicans, has now introduced a bill that would require voters to provide a photoid when requesting and returning even an absentee ballot. That's number one. In Arizona. A new bill has been introduced in the state legislature out there to repeal Arizona's permanent early voting list and votes on lists automatically receive mail in ballots. No, you would have to request one specifically, and I hope they add a like Georgia would add some type of voter ID requirement. In Pennsylvania, GOP lawmakers there they're pushing a bill that would repeal the unconstitutional twenty nineteen Pennsylvania no excuse absentee voting bill. So I have said this that if they don't do it now, and they don't fix it now, it'll be too late by the time twenty twenty two comes around. This is to ensure integrity and confidence in the system, and that the laws are obeyed, constitutions obeyed. And the other thing I would strengthen in all these states is if partisan observers are allowed to observe that you make, you make accommodations that that law can be fulfilled. No state did that. Okay, so there's some good news. We're making some progress. I'm staying on the topic that I promise you all right, that's gonna wrap things up at today Hannity. Please set your DVR ninety eastern Tonight, Fox News, Eric Trump will join us, Lindsay Graham and his admonition of Senate Democrats, the latest breakdown of all things corrupt, hypocritical media mob, Joe Concha, Grinnell and Gates, and much more, nine Eastern Hannity Tonight. We'll see you then, Thank you for being with us. Back here tomorrow