Roger Stone In His Own Words

Published Jan 29, 2019, 11:00 PM

Roger Stone, political consultant and author, has been brought in by the special counsel and was arraigned today in Florida for crimes dealing with the Trump campaign, has plead not guilty to the charges brought against him. Once you hear the story of how he was arrested you may never believe the mainstream media again...if you ever did.

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All right, glad you with us, and right down our toll free telephone number. We got a busy show today. It's eight hundred nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Roger Stone's gonna join us. Later we have Greg Jarrett and David Show. I'm going to talk about this pre dawn raid, which we'll get to in a second. Also the battle over immigration, and I am ninety nine point nine percent convinced. I don't think there's gonna be a deal. There's a possibility that they could be a deal with the Democrats, but it's not going to be the deal, a bad deal for the president. The President is not gonna give amnesty. The President is not going to give a path to citizenship. The President would rather go it alone. He was offering DACA dreamers. You know everything Democrats say for years that they wanted, even themselves sounding like Trump in the need for the wall. But there's no sense urgency. President gave three weeks. Now. I know some of you think, oh, why did the President just keep everything closed? Things were gonna get pretty hairy around the country. Airports were going to be shut down, walkouts were about to begin, people were really burdened. Democrats wouldn't talk, so there was you know, how long you're gonna have a stalemate when nobody talks. And at some point he said, okay, Plan B. And I don't know for sure. I'm only speculating. Knowing the President as I do. This is not a guy that gives up. He is a tenacious fighter, and he digs in and he's finding an alternative way. I actually think in the end, assuming now that I'm right, and I predict that the President would use the national emergency, which you got a strong case, don't you. When you can bring in crime statistics that show thousands of Americans have at the hands of illegal immigrants. Again, it's only two percent, but that two percent does a lot of damage. That you can show the number of sexual assaults and the victims of sexual assaults, and you can show violent assaults, other crimes associated with the illegal immigrants. Then you can talk about who is involved in the ninety percent of heroin in this country, Well, that would be the drug cartels, and the heroine is devastating the opioid epidemic, devastating small towns and big cities all across the country, and then the fentanyl that comes across that border that it's killing people left and right. I mean, there's more fentanyl deaths now than I think we're losing kids and driving accidents. That's how bad it is. Three hundred kids a week, three hundred people a week, opioid overdose deaths and growing. I think that that's pretty compelling. Then you get rid of then you bring in human trafficking, Then you bring in you know, look at this caravan now fifteen thousand people strong. What if they get to our southern border, except this time they get to a part of the border that's wide open. What's gonna happen there when they cross the border and our border patrols saying don't do it. You know, that's not safe for anybody. You know, what are we gonna do? How do you defend against that without you know, the allegations of oh, they're trying to kill people. Well, we saw when there was a wall, rocks and bottles being pelted at ICE agents and border patrol agents and there was a wall in that situation. You know, I've said this is to keep people on both sides of the border safe. I don't want to see people on the other side of the border hurt in any way, families sometimes involved. Then you have the two percent that agitate that would maybe create some type of conflicts. Gonna be very very difficult. Before I get to the Roger Stone issue here, this is Washington Examiner has an interesting article out. Now, a lot of this has to do with you know, I've been arguing and we've been pointing out that the fix was in call me struck exoneration before investigation. They're writing in the exoneration in May, they're taking out the legal standard gross negligence reckless disregard is replacing it, so now it's not a crime. Foreign intel services as many as four or five six hacked into Hillary's server in the mom and pop shop bathroom closet. So then they finally interview her basically lay out the case that she broke numerous laws and the espionage app But never mind because one of the agents, the one that interviewed her, that was also authoring the exoneration in May before he ever interviewed her in July of twenty sixteen. Remember, he was the one that said Hillary should win one hundred million to zero against Donald Trump, and he's the same guy that talked about an insurance policy and he and his girlfriend were talking about media league strategies. So they put they rigged the investigation into Hillary. Then of course she goes and funnels money to a law firm legal expense, but it really goes to an op research group that then goes to a foreign agent that then creates a bunch of Russian lies and becomes known as the dossier. Those lies are spread before the election. It's leaked, so the American people hearing about Donald Trump, the Ritz Moscow hookers urinating in bets and then of course, so that would be Russian paid for lies to influence the election. May even call a collusion of some kind. Now and then it's used as a FISA warrant. The bulk of the unvaried. Now we know in August Bruce Or testified under oath that he warned everybody, all these top players in the FBI and the Department of Justice, that Christopher Steele hates the President, doesn't want him elected. He has a bias. Hillary paid for the whole thing, and it's unverified and not corroborated, But that didn't stop them from using that dossier in October to commit a fraud on the fires A Court because they never told the fhis A court in the application that Hillary bought and paid for it. A little asterix well might have a slight political taint, doesn't cut telling the truth. You're purposely omitting a key aspect to the dossier. Then they don't tell the judge that it's unverified either. They never bothered to verify. They just cared about stopping Trump and getting into Carter Page and his email and his life. Brought them into all things Trump because that was the backdoor into everything. The Washington Examiner as a piece out that another tough break, I guess for Russia Gate Democrats, because less than twenty four hours after the acting Attorney General Matthew Whittaker announced that Muller's Russia Gate witch hunt fiasco was on its last legs. I'm not sure. I'm I don't trust anybody on this team after what we saw with Roger Stone four mornings ago. How can you trust these people, you know, for lying to Congress. That's how we treat people. I'll get to that in a second. Anyway, there is this Russian based escort who supposedly had been suggested for months now that she could corroborate the Golden Shower urinating in the bed allegations against Trump. She just admitted she made the whole thing up. Yeah, Washington Examiner. The model claimed to have secret information about Russian attempts to interfere in the twenty sixteen election, now says she made up those claims in an effort to save her life anyway to give her name all withhold it for now. She was arrested last year and tie and for holding sex training seminars in the country. She spent nearly a year behind bars until she was deported and then arrested in Moscow earlier this month on prostitution charges, and she's known as Nastaya Rabaka. On social media, claimed to have recordings of Russian oligarch olek Dera Paska that would reveal more information about Trump's connections to Russia. She claimed to have obtained the recordings during an affair with the Russian oligark and she's now walking back that declaration, saying that she made up the claims to attract media attention to save her life while she was being held in Thailand. I think it saved my life. How can I regret it? If journalists had not come at the time, and that story had not come to the newspapers, maybe I would be dead by now. Well. Now the backpedal incomes after the model said she instructed she was instructed by Russian securities services to stop talking about Derek Posca. He's the one that has close ties supposedly to the bad actor Putin and a former associate of Manaphort supposedly, but we don't know, you know. But look, I'm watching here as we see all of this unfold, and I'm gonna get to the Attorney General a minute, but I just want you to think about this. With all the people we know that lied to Congress, Clapper, Brandon, all the people that lied to the FISA court and signed off on the unverified document, didn't tell the court, Hillary paid for it. All those people, all the people that have lied, And there's a long history, fast and furious Eric Holder, Lois Learner, John Brennan, Clapper lying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Hillary Clinton, you know some painted emails, deleted, acid washed, bust it up devices. So here it is Roger Stone, who was being charged with mostly lying to Congress a process crime, nothing, nothing to do with Russia collusion. And the reason they want him is because it's exactly what Judge Ellis said about metaphor. They want to put the screws to Roger Stone, who's sixty six, and they're gonna try and bankrupt them like they did Flynn, and they want them to sing or compose against Trump. That's the only reason. Otherwise, why would you arrest them for lying to Congress? Why don't you arrest the other people that lied to Congress so four days ago? Just think about this pre dawn raid on his home in Fort Lauderdale. Seventeen vehicles, including armored tactical trucks, two dozen, well twenty seven heavily armed federal agents. I don't blame them that they don't have a choice when they're told to do something. Wasn't their decision? Swat gear, tactical gear, weapons, drawn guns. Then Stone's face in the early morning for lying to Congress that well, now it's only happened. Let's see, Oh to cone mana for it and Stone, But all these other people that have lied to Congress, nothing happens to them. All the people that lied on the FISA warrant, nothing happens to them. Now, he's not a violent they're not accusing him of a violent crime. He's not a drug dealer or a drug kingpin. He's not a mafia guy or a gangster. He's not El Chappo. He got Okay, Well, you lied to Congress. That's how we's that's how we're going to spend our resources. Are you know limited police resources for this? What all they had to do is call his lawyer and say be at police headquarters for processing at nine o'clock or we're putting a warrant out for your rest, and he would have shown up. Why that show of force? Why only application of laws seemingly to Trump associates but not Hillary associates. You think you would get away with your subpoenaed emails being deleted, your hard drive being wipe clean with bleach bit. You think you get away with busting up your devices. You think you get away with ripping out SIM cards. You would not. Why not all these other people that lied? Because it is the witch hunt that the President said, now there's a danger here. We are a democratic republic. Our constitution that we cherish so much is the foundation of all law and order in this country. If you don't apply the laws equally, you only go after one group of people because of that political views, and you protect people with other political views. You've lost your constitution, You've lost your country if we don't have equal application of our laws and equal justice under the law. Let me just tell you something you probably don't want to hear. It's over, say goodbye, because it's it is. And this is why when you look at the people that Muller hired, which I have been harping on, I've always known this is it. It's never looked good. It's never been right from the get go. If you're in a relationship with that special person. There are a couple of important dates that require roses, you know, birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day is coming. 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If you're you're a Clinton, you get one set of rules, one rule of law, and there's if you're everybody else, forget it. You know it is you know when you're when you're being charged with lying to Congress on a process crime, as in the case of Rogers Stone. You gotta remember there was nothing in the indictment about Stone conspiring, coordinating, colluding with Russia, or an attempt to influence the election. He just was trying to find out, well, what other dirt is out there? Well, Hillary's case, she just bought the dirt created it out of whole cloth. Interestingly, it came from Russia, the great irony in all of this, you know, and look, you don't ever lie. You should never lie, you know, to any investigator. It's dumb. I think actually half the time talking to them is dumber because why because what it's a perjury trap if you don't have a perfect memory, if you can't if you're Jerome Corsi and you're seventy two years old and you didn't remember an email from two years ago, or Rogers Stone forgot about the text messages, which by the way, he found and didn't elete and handed over. You know, it just is it is mind numbing here. But this is what you know. We've had this investigation going on forever. We've seen nothing that even comes close to Trump Russia collusion, and we see a double standard on display that it's pretty shocking. Civil libertarians are quiet, Democrats are quiet cable TVs. They don't seem to care. I guess it's not happening to them. But if we can happen to one group of people because of their political beliefs, you better believe at some point they could flip and turn on you. You know, we're now criminalizing political differences. You know, everybody was asking, well, what's the next drop of wiki leaks? It was a common question. We'll take a quick break here. Roger Stone will join us later in the program. Today we have our Freedom Caucus friends. They're going to join us. The latest on is the president going to use the national emergency? I say ninety nine percent. Yes. One thing that is not political, it's smoking. That's about people, and there are thirty four million Americans. Now that's smoke. But for many, there's not been a clear alternative. Jewel for me, has been a game changer. I watch people all the time, they go outside in the middle of the freezing winner just to have their smoke. You don't have to do that anymore because of Jewel. Now people don't have to worry about the smell on your hands. Jewel was specifically designed by smokers, forced smokers to be a satisfying alternative. It's a clean technology. Jewel has no ash, no odor, no mess. 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Maybe you don't like Rogerstone, maybe you don't like General Flint, Maybe it don't like mantaphor It, maybe it don't like Papadopolis, Michael Khan, whatever, whoever happens to be. It doesn't matter. It's about the rule of law. You know. These process crimes, you know, they don't exist, you know, except that you go in you're asked to answer questions from what you were thinking, saying two years prior, year prior, and they decide whether or not you honestly don't remember or if they think you're lying. Now, then therein comes the rub Look at the people Muller's hired. How do you get away with hiring Hillary Clinton's attorney on the corrupt Clinton Foundation? How does she get to be in this or apparently one of these these people was apparently emails about him leaked because of the DNC whatever, So he's got an axe to grind in this whole thing. Then you got Weissman and everybody else. There's nothing in this indictment that talks about Russia or Russia collusion. You know, where's Cheryl Mills or Uma Abadeen? What we know? They lie? They said they didn't know at all about Hillary's secret server an email, then they found tons of emails. They didn't get the pre dawned treatment as all these other people have. You know, every single journalists in the country wanted to know what they might have or what might what what information might come out next. Everybody knew it, you know. It's what's interesting is McCarthy's piece he says, you know, to him, the FBI, after reading the indictment, knows there's no espionage between Trump and the hostile regime of Putin and Russia. Um, you know the fact that he indicted all of Putin's agents, well, we know that's going nowhere. That's just to get the name Russia out there, because Putin's never gonna hand over, you know, the equivalent of their ci agents to the United States for prosecution. That's not gonna hampen. And this whole time they've known that there's no collusion. It's just like in the case if you remember Scooter Libby, the special prosecutor in that case was a guy by the name of Patrick Fitzgerald. I remember reading a profile on the guy, and it's like, once he gets in a case, he never takes a second off. He works till the end of the case. I mean, won't take a day off. You might say, well, that's good, he's committed to his job. But the problem is is that the whole thing was dealing with Valerie Plame and leaking whether or not she was a covert agent. Turns out she wasn't, and who leaked it. Well, he found out on day one who it was Richard Armitage. But these councils never want to just close up shop. And then in that case, I think it's very similar. Why did Scooter Libby get targeted? Well, he was the chief of staff of Dick Cheney and as the chief of staff, I'm sure they put the screws Scooter Libby so he would sing or compose. And you know, this is another problem with our whole criminal justice system. The idea that these prosecutors is a general course of dealing with people. They'll say, oh, you're facing ten twenty forty years in prison, you know, or you could just tell us what you know and we'll give you a get out of jail free card. How is that not bribery? How is that not encouraging people to save their own ass and make up stuff about somebody else just to get out of trouble themselves. How trustworthy is that if they're getting something of such high value, which is either no time in jail or far less time in jail. I think a lot of people are gonna sing or compose composed, would be make it up, not tell the truth, lie to save their own ass, you know. And well it's fascinating. It just is you know all of this. You know, Stone's asking questions about, well, what is wiki leaks. Well, the New York Times printed WikiLeaks, Washington Post printed WikiLeaks, the whole Pentagon paper cases about you know, about if information is stolen, which it was. You know that Daniel Ellsberg the request of Bob McNamara in nineteen sixty seven, they prepare a highly classified study of US political military moment in Vietnam and the end of World War two to the present day. And you know, it became a report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Task Force and long story short, you know, the New York Times publishes a series of front page articles based on information that was stolen and leaked, called the Pentagon Papers. You know, after the third article, the Department of Justice got a temporary restraining order against further publication of the material, arguing that it was detrimental to US secure Okay, it was brought to the Supreme Court six three decision and the New York Times Washington Post. Supreme Court rules that the government had failed to prove harm to national security in the publication of the papers is justified under the First Amendments. Protection of freedom of the press, which means that they didn't steal it, it didn't conspire to steal it, but they got a hold of it, and they could print the stolen materials. Oh, I'm at that point. That's why the New York Times printed WikiLeaks. That's why every other news organization was curious, what's next. They took out the whole top echelon of the DNC on the eve of that convention. Pretty amazing. Now, what's really scary is, you know, you would think that if you're a Democrat, you could see that one day that maybe the maybe this could shift onto you. If we're gonna criminalize political different pans of people, maybe you're thinking, hey, what are we gonna do here. Well, there's some big billionaire left wing mega donor by the name of Tom Steyer I think is his name. Apparently he's holding Trump impeachment training courses, training days, and apparently continue to push his you know, impeach Donald Trump by holding a training day for fellow activists at a town hall in Washington aimed at reassuring skeptics on both sides of the political spectrum while also pressuring lawmakers to act immediately and Styer, who announced earlier this month that he did not intend to run for president in twenty twenty, also seemingly suggested that well, he might change his mind on whether he will challenge Trump, who has called him wacky and whatever other names. I said, I was going to go one hundred percent for impeachment and if we can do this, we can make a gigantic change. He said. Now that puts, by the way, all these Democrats, they're now, you know, concern earn because they don't some of them are smart enough to know it's not going to work out well. Even the Washington Post ABC News poll now shows a majority of Americans distrust the Muller investigation. You know, just forty three percent said that they either had a great deal or a good amount of confidence and the final report that it will be fair and even handed. A full fifty percent say they doubted Muller can be fair, saying, you know, many saying they have no confidence whatsoever in the investigation. How could you at this point, you know, he couldn't find one Republican. I was arguing with Chris Christie on TV last night because it kind of defended Mueller. I'm like, how do you defend this team of only Democratic donors and even Clinton's lawyer or somebody that has the atrocious track record of Oh, let's see Andrew Weisman. You know, how do you get to that point? How do you justify that in any way? What we're watching, you know, is you're watching and it's gonna take time for people to realize what's happening. You're watching the emergence of a new more radical, extreme democratic socialist party that everything they hit in twenty eight team will now they'll they'll be proudly boasting up. You know, Maxine Waters, she came out, I don't have the proof, but Russia sent Manaford to run the Trump campaign. I don't have any proof, but and she makes these outrageous statements, you know, at the center of the question, you know, where's the evidence for something like aren't they lawmakers? Don't they believe in innocence until proven guilty? It was an amazing write up about the radical ties to anti Semitism. For this new congresswoman to leave, I don't think anyone seems to care about that. Apparently, she was a Facebook member of the Palestinian American Congress and a lot of people on that page demonized Jewish people, and the founder of the Palestinian Activists was a key fundraiser for Talibe in the organization campaign events for her around the country, and apparently in January of twenty eighteen, this guy her friend shared an anti Semitic video claiming Jews aren't really Jewish, described Jews as Satanic. That's a new member of Congress. You have another new member of Congress, Omar, opposing sanctions to Venezuela, but she wants them on Israel. You know, look at look at the well, look at the launch and the positions of the Democrats. Now, I mean, they're trying to turn Kamala Harris into the next rock star. Wow, she was great. We played a clip last night. She says, it's humane to maybe protect DOCCA kids, but not parents. I won't vote for a wall under any circumstances. No reason to have assault weapons and civil society. That's where she stands on the Second Amendment. She defends her record as a prosecutor. But you know it gets even more extreme, you know, saying that she vows to get rid of all private healthcare plans. Let's eliminate all of that let's get support the Medicare for All bill, I think initially cosponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders, you're also a coresponders. I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance, so for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it. Well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require. Who of us has not had that situation where you've got to wait for approval and the doctor says, well, I don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this. Now, let's probably lets get rid of private health insurance. Let's confiscate. Well, do you realize she's talking about something that would cost over ten years thirty two plus trillion dollars in other words, three point three trillion a year, which you know that's pretty much the entire budget. I mean, what why let facts get in the way of anything important. So we're gonna get rid of all private healthcare. That's her big plan. Then let's move on. By the way, some Democrats are not as thrilled with the Costio Cortez and are floating the idea of a challenge to her. That's pretty interesting. You know, look at the numbers. Eighty nine percent of Democrats say economic unfairness that favors the wealthy is a bigger problem. Well, the bottom fifty percent of wage earners only pay two percent of federal income taxes. Twenty percent pays ninety percent of the taxes. You already have redistribution, complete redistribution. Then you've got the genius Elizabeth Warren. She wants a wealth tax. In other words, you've paid your taxes, all your taxes. Then if you saved any money and you put it away and you get wealthy, she wants another bite of the apple, and then when you die, they get another bite of the apple. I mean that where has this ever worked, these ideas of socialism, you know, redistribution to each according to their need, from me, each according to their ability. Because I can't think we're watching all these events unfold in Venezuela. Right, Venezuela has more oil, well except for us. You know, they could be one of the wealthiest countries. Remember they were promised, Oh then you got Andrew Cuomo supporting abortion up to the ninth month, and the New York State legislature. But look at Venezuela. They were all promised, oh, free healthcare, free education, you know, the universal healthcare, all of that. What have they got now? Death, destruction, chaos, three million Venezuelans fleeing their homes because of poverty, hunger, hyper inflation eighty thousand percent. They have large oil reserves. Now a poster child for the failure of socialism. Great promises, great failure. You think we would have learned after the Obamacare debacle. These are crazy times, really is. But it's gonna take people a while. They'll start absorbing the insanity of all this, and it will be our great pleasure to point it out every day. At some point it's gonna be humorous. I'll tell you that, at least I hope. So all right, we'll get legal advice and opinions next from our friend Greg Jarrett and also David Shone as to how bad you know that this rate is. What are the implications, especially when we have all these other people that lied to Congress and covered up and deleted and acid washed and busted up. I mean, it's unbelievable. What does it mean to the rule of law? Now? Also, we'll be checking in with Roger Stone later in the program. I mean, I gotta imagine, you know, guaranteed for the next at least, you know, taking his word that he's gonna fight it. He seems really dedicated to that, which I think is the right thing to do. But that's now at least a year or two years of his life. That'll be full time mind literally, it'll consume every second, every minute, every hour of his day probably ageum. And then of course can he fight? Does he have enough money to pay for it? We'll ask him, and much more. We'll get to that all coming up on this edition Sean Hannity Show, right hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, we're gonna have Roger Stone in the next hour in our news roundup Hower later today. But four days ago, pre dawn raid, Seventeen vehicles, including armored tactical trucks, roll up to Roger Stone's house. You have heavily armed federal agents dressed in swat gear surround his house. Draw their weapons, pound on the door, he's taken out Roger Stone. This is not in any way He's not a ruthless gangster. He's not a drug kingpin. He's not Il Chopo. You know, he's not a mafia leader. He's being charged with lying to Congress. We've gone through a long list of people that we repeat, that have lied to Congress, that get away with it, and we don't have equal justice under the law. That would include people, Oh, let's see, like oh, Eric Holder and it doesn't stop there. Or Hillary Clinton? When is her door gonna get knocked down? When is that pre dawn raid gonna happen? You know, at every single point in this what all we see is a double standard. You don't see equal justice under the law. You know, fast and furious with Eric Holder, or you know the lies told about the Iranian deal by Obama officials assuring a ram wouldn't get access to US banks they did, or Lowest Learner her department, you know, financially persecuting TEA party groups. She lied about that. What about Brennan? What about Clapper's perjury before the Senate Intelligence Committee? What about Hillary? If we don't if look I don't care if you're a liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter. This is about a two tiered justice system. And if we don't apply our laws equally, and we don't have equal justice under the law, then you lose your country. Our constitution is the foundation of our rule of law, and when you only apply it to one group of people because of their political views and not the other group of people, then you might as well shred it because it's it's worthless. It's not worth the paper it's printed on or parchment perhaps anyway. Here to weigh in on all of this, we have Greg Jarrett, where the Russia hoax comes out in paperback by the way, if you haven't gotten it yet. On February twelfth, we have up on Hannity dot Com the Illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. David Shona's with US Civil Liberties Attorney, Criminal Rights Attorney. Welcome both of you. What's your reaction all this? Is there anything I'm saying here that's wrong? No, you're absolutely one hundred percent correct. The arrest of Stone was outrageously abusive display and use of force. I mean, think about this. More than two dozen tactical team FBI agents storing the home at dawn, guns drawn. This is a sixty six year old white color suspect. And over the weekend I got a call from a thirty year veteran of the FBI. He's in my book The Russia Hoax, who rose to become deputy assistant FBI director. He said he was appalled and angry at the excessive use of force in how Muller exploited the FBI to frighten and intimidate this former top FBI official said he has made in his career more than a thousand arrests. Never once use this kind of force for a white collar suspecting. He said. Christopher Ray, the FBI Director, should immediately notify Robert Mother the special counsel. He is withdrawing all of those FBI agents for further use by the special counsel. And he's right. If Ray had an ounce of integrity about this process, he would tell Mueller, knock it off. You're not using my FBI like this again. I will tell you every single FBI agent I know is absolutely disgusted. And these are the rank and file guys, These are the field office guys. These are the special Agent. Guys that dude the hard work every day, and they all say the same thing to the organization that is in their blood, that they love, they feel has been abused by those few people at the top. Right, And this is another instance. Why wouldn't you've worked on a lot of criminal cases, David Show, Why would they use those tactics for a guy that's being charged with lyne to Congress, Pure and simple intimidation, intimidation, intimidation. And it's worked so far with other people who've been willing to compromise the truths to cooperate with Robert Mueller. Listen, you both just said it all as to this. It shocks the conscience. By the way, I've also heard reports that they had amphibious vehicles on the canal beyond his house, the frogman ready for a water escape from a guy who was given a two hundred and fifty thousand dollars signature bond. It's outrageous. But more than this, the Attorney General has got to step in. He should ream Muller and his team out over this, and he ultimately has oversight authority over this. But you know who else should be up in arms is the left. I don't like these labels, particularly left and right. But all these congressmen who talk so much and so loudly, Jerry Nadler, Adams shift Elijah Cumming, Patrick Leahy in the Senate, they should be outraged by this. This is an issue that left to claim usually abusive police tactics. But it's okay if it's someone in the Mueller investigation and it pursued to their anti Trump agenda. It can't be okay because they come for them next. Well, I mean, I think that's the danger here. I mean, this is what I feared from the beginning. When you know you have Genie Ray, former Clinton attorney, you know others associated. One guy I think was associated with the Wiki League's dump was interviewing Roger Stone. I've read that somewhere or heard that somewhere. And then you've got all these other people you know that are Democratic donors. And then you've got the worst guy of all, the pitbull, Andrew Weissman. There are two things at work here. First of all, you've got a team of partisans that were hired by Robert Mueller. This is a hit team politicized completely. And second of all, the indictment of Stone underscores selective and unequal prosecution. Several people close to Hillary Clinton, more than a half a doz, made false statements and emails proved they made the false statements. I'll give you two examples that are prime examples, Uma Abadon and Merrell Mills. They said, oh, we didn't know anything about the private email server of Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State, and of course there are emails galore that shows they specifically talked about her private email server where they charge, of course not. Instead, five people close to Hillary Clinton were given immunity in exchange for nothing. So the bottom line is, if you're a friend of Hillary Clinton, you get a free pass. If you're in Donald Trump's orbit, Muller and his team of partisans will come after you with a vengeance. What does this mean for the country? What does this mean when they commit you have two different groups of people, two different political persuasions. You get the Stone, mantaphor Cone treatment on one side, then you get the immunity on the other side for the exact same thing. It means we cannot have any confidence in the rule of law and the integrity of the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Special Counsel. And I agree with you. The vast majority of FBI agents are great people. They're hard working, honorable people. They follow the law, they catch the bad guys, and we are indebted to them. But the senior ranks of the FBI under James Comey, and the senior ranks of Obama's Department of Justice weaponize the law for political purposes to destroy Donald Trump, to help Hillary Clinton. And this new Attorney General, once confirmed, William Barr, has vowed to get to the bottom of it, and I hope he does. If he doesn't, then I think my prediction is true. Deal with David the double standard that I'm pointing out here, unequal justice under the law, unequal application of the laws. Yes, that overriding principle is absolutely the key here. We've seen it. The Mother's Investing, so called investigation, is the perfect example. We saw him pick a team that everybody on God's green Earth knows is made up of members that have one agenda, get Trump. They were anti Trump, pro Hillary Clinton. Just look at the Roger Stone thing beyond the arrest, that should be a huge story for everyone. How on earth is Genie Ree a part of this prosecution team. The indictment itself says, this is about a doing damage to the Clinton campaign. It's about Clinton emails. Genie Ree was Hillary Clinton's lawyer, specifically with respect to her own email scandal. Genie Ree is a prosecutor against Roger Stone having to do with the Clinton emails. It's unconcertable, it's unprecedented, and I hope the lawyers are going to attack this ease she had anything to do. So far, in every case, any check on Muller's authority has been dismissed. Nobody's been able to penetrate and get the right judge that actually cares about the constitution and the rule of law. So, you know, looking at past history, it looks like we're in another Manaphort situation. They'll put the screws to Stone, hoping he sings or composes, or Stone is found guilty, and you know, maybe they'll put him in prison. He says, I think he's facing like forty years in prison, some insane amount that means he dies in prison, or attorney general. The Attorney general has to ask, you can't count on just Jack since he may be a fine judge in other situations. But we've seen her in the anti Trump you see the one that put manaphort and you know, isolation. Yeah, we've got to have the Attorney General take action. Listen, they are prosecutors on this team to come out of the US Attorney's Office in DC. I don't know how on earth that happened, since under six hundred point one of the regulations, they're supposed to be a conflict so that no US Attorney's office in the country can handle the case. Only the Special Council. The Attorney General has oversight over the US Attorney and Muller, you know, it has to act. You know, Greg, we've talked a lot about this. You read the indictment and I've read it two or three times now, and there's no Trump Prussia collusion. That's another process crime. That's right, And by the way, good luck Robert Mueller actually winning in court at trial a process crime like making a false statement. Why, I look at the statute eighteen USC. One thousand and one. It says in order to win a case of a false statement, you have to prove that the statement was made knowingly and willfully as faults. Now, that's a nearly impossible high burden for Muller to achieve. Why because a faulty memory or a diminished recollection is a complete defense. If Stone recalls events differently than Robert mu or interprets them, it's not a crime. If if people like Michael Flynn and George Popadopoulos, who were charged with these process crimes and making a false statement, had actually had their day in court, there is no way on God's green earth that Robert Muller would have won Flynn, especially because the witnesses and I've been speculating, and I don't know for sure, but I know the tactics that are used. And I suspect not only was he going bankrupt and couldn't afford the lawyers and how to Cello's house, but he was in business with his son, right, and at some point they said signed this. He sacrificed himself for the benefit of his son. What father wouldn't he fell on the sword. Now, now we learned that McCabe, the deputy FBI director, what did he do? He told him, you don't need a lawyer, right, and then call mey bragging. He put all process, you know the rules if you will aside and bragging that he would never do it in the Obama or Bush administ Flyn was clearly set up. And you know, can you magine the trial of Michael Flynn. The first witnesses called by the defense would have been Peter Strock and the other FBI agent that didn't think that were he was lying, and they would have said, well, we told Sally Yates and James Comey that we didn't think Flynn was lying. Boom, end of case. All right, quick break more with Greg Jarrett David Shone on the other side. Then we'll check in with Roger Stone four days ago, pre dawn raid, armored vehicles, tactical gear, guns drawn, and where that goes from here. We'll get to all of it on the Sean Hannity Show. Stay with us, all right, as we continue with Greg Jarrett and David Shon, I want to talk about this whole put the screws to somebody. If you're sixty six years old and you're facing twenty thirty forty years in prison, David, and the prosecution goes, you know, we can get you get out of jail free card. We can, we can get you out. You just gotta tell us about this guy and they'll even sort of tell you what they're looking for. That to me would be bribery. That, to me, would be offering something of tremendous value to incentivize people to lie and suborne perjury. Yeah, you're one hundred percent right logically. In fact, there's a case out of the Tenth Circuit that was going that way years ago, but Supreme Court said otherwise, when the government says it, it's not bribery. Somehow, this is very tempting. But as you've said before, so many of these people have faced bankruptcy, family problems. I just hope that mister Stone is going to be able to fight this thing. Are all of these stories on the internet. Well, he's waffling now and all that. I hope you're going to tell him to stay strong when you speak to him the next hour at fantast Well, I mean, I know for a fact, because he'd been saying in all these interviews he doesn't have the money to fight. I mean, I don't know why people assume that some people have a lot of money to fight this. This is millions of dollars. This is not right. And you see these other you see these other jokers with these defense funds. Jeff Israel, now you've got a legal defense fund, Michael Aafinati for Stormy Daniels. You know what, maybe people out a pony up Roger Stone because he's fighting for the American people, He's fighting for our constitution. He has to have his day in court, and we have to show the American people what went on in this prosecution. What do you think about this quid pro quall? Tell us what do we want to hear? Get out of jail free card? Greg Yeah, you know it. We sanction in America and it's wrong prosecutors using extortion and bribery and threats to get people to lie under oath to implicate others. It needs to be changed. But you know, the odd thing about all of this is that when you actually read the indictment, it demonstrates there is no known evidence of Trump Russia collusion. If such evidence existed, Muller would have charged Stone or others with that offense. Not a single person has been charged with the alleged crime that Muller was appointed to investigate. All right, gotta thank you both. Roger Stowell join us at the top of the hour. We're going to check in with Freedom Caucus members Mark Green of Tennessee, Andy Biggs of Arizona. We'll talk about immigration, also about this witch hunt, and much more as we continue the Sean Hannity Show Hannity Tonight nineties. We got a great show. Tell you about that in a minute. We need to have medicare for all. That's just the bottom kea and I'll say this. What we know is that to live in a civil society, to be true to the ideals in the spirit of who we say we are as a country, we have to appreciate and understand that access to healthcare is It should not be thought of as a privilege. It should be understood to be a right. It should be understood to be something that all people should be entitled to so that they can live a productive life, so they can have dignity. And having a system that makes a difference in terms of who receives what based on your income is unconscionable. It is cruel and in many situations that I have witnessed, inhumane. It is inhumane. It is inhumane to make people go through a system where they cannot literally receive the benefit of what medical science can offer. You support the Medicare for All bill, I think, initially cosponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders, you're also a coresponders. I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. So for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it. Well, the listen. The idea is that everyone gets access to medical care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require. Who of us has not had that situation where you've got to wait for approval and the doctor says, well, I don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this. Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on. Yeah, let's move on. Let's just basically confiscate all the wealth. This is a party now that has gone radical extreme democratic socialist. I mean, look at cultural issues, look at you know, possible contender for twenty twenty Andrew Cuomo celebrate rating that you can now in New York get an abortion even up to the ninth month, in the ninth month, just before birth, a fully formed, viable child at that point that would be infantaside. Then you got Kamala Harris member she comparing the ICE to the kkk okay. Well, Venezuela at one point was offered universal healthcare that government would take care of them, you know. Or look at Congresswoman Acasio Cortez, the new leader of the Democratic Party. They're pushing this plan Medicaid, Medicare for all number ten countdown, Medicare for all its four expensive people up and say like, how are you going to pay for it? And I find the question still puzzling, because how do you pay for something that's more affordable, How do you pay for cheaper rent? How do you pay for you just paid for it. Well, it's got a price tag of thirty two point six trillion dollars over ten years. That's three point two six trillion a year, which basically is the entire budget, the money the government takes in, and of course was before confiscation. Now then you've got Kamala Harris now saying there, well, let's eliminate eliminate all private healthcare. Well we're all screwed. Then nobody that's good at being a doctor's ever gonna get into that because they'll be price fixing and literally, you know, they'll have four years of college, four years of medical school, internships, residencies. She wants a new green, a green, new deal. Well, that worked out great under Obama with Celindra and all the wasted millions and billions of dollars there. Um, you look at some of the other extreme positions that she had, and you know, you begin to wonder, this is insane. Harris saying it's inhumane to protect DOCCA kids but not parents. I won't vote for all under any circumstances. Well, I take that to mean that heroin crossing our border ninety percent of it for this country keeps coming in. She said, no reason to have assault weapons in a civil society. Well, what does she know about weapons anyway, Because the difference between one rifle and the difference between another rifle often is cosmetic that they define as an assault weapon. We've got all of that, And of course the latest on immigration joining us now Freedom Caucus member Mark Green of Tennessee. He took over Marshall Blackburn's seat in the Great State of Tennessee's first visit on the show. Also our friend, also a Freedom Caucus member, Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona. Welcome both of you to the program, you know, and then we've got by the way and I'll start with you Mark. Then we also have Elizabeth Warren wanting a wealth tax. People paid their money, paid their taxes, that whatever little they get to keep. Now she's going to go in for another bite of the apple and another bite when you die. They never stopped taking a bite out of the apple. Your reaction. Clearly, the wealth tax is nothing but an asset draft. I mean, these are people that have been taxed once, tax twice in the case of you know, capital gains tax, and then you're gonna go and she wants to seize wealth. I mean that's taking it to a level that no one has ever discussed in this entire country. I mean, it's like Earth to Senator Warren, Earth to Senator Warren. I mean, this is just absurd. It's it's insane. And you know, you mentioned the whole cost of the healthcare thing thirty six point or thirty two point six trillion dollars and the best with the green plan, they're talking about a seventy percent taxes seven hundred billion over ten years. I mean, the math just doesn't add up, I have. It makes no sense to me, Sean. I'm looking at all of these candidates, Andy Biggs, and they are trying to out extreme themselves to now cater to this radical base and the party. But you know, maybe conventional wisdom is you cater to your base, but this is a new base. This is a radical, extreme socialist Democratic Party base. I don't see any way back to the center at any point, because this is what they really believe. All the things they hit in twenty eighteen, now they're bragging about going into twenty twenty in the primaries. Yeah, it's been kind of a race to the far left by everybody who wants to get in to be the presidential candidate nominee for the for the Democrats. I mean, when you think about it, there, they don't have a fundamental understanding of economics, they don't have a fundamental understanding of history. I mean everywhere that socialism and by the way, they have they have a bent towards authoritarianism as well, which is basically communism, and that's where they're moving to. That's really where they're moving to because they want to command not just the economy, but your personal lives as well. And that's what you're going to see in that seventy percent tax on the ultra rich. Where has this socialism ever worked? Um no, it has never created wealth. It creates a disincent for anybody that has money to invest money. It Literally look at what's happening to the populations of New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois. They are leaving in droves, tens and hundreds of thousands have left these states for other states that are more friendly towards not only citizens, but towards business. You know, no income tax in Florida, no income tax in Texas. Those states are growing by three four hundred thousand people a year, and there's a good reason for it. Yeah, that's right, Sean. And I'll just tell you what I see as so many people come to Arizona from California, Illinois, some of these high tax states, and they forget after a while why they're in Arizona. They came to Arizona for the better climate, you know, not just the climate, but the tax environment, the business environment. They're thriving. But then they say, well, you know, it was like this way back in California. So so many of them want to get back to California, but they forget what Margaret Thatcher said. Sooner later you run out of money other people's money to pay for the programs you want. Well, that happens pretty quickly. Congressman Mark Green, do you think, I mean, there seems to be a movement here. It seems to be gaining traction. There's always this, you know, EBB and flow to political cycles. You know, we have a disastrous eight years of the economy under Obama, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, takes on more debt than all forty three presidents before him combined. And it's like, Okay, now everything's gotten better because the conservative policies of the president and now you want to go back to the ones have failed. And Sean, they're all about the government being the answer to everything. So every single policy that they do is about growing government and putting power in the hands of government officials. They I mean, socialism is basically fewer and fewer people controlling the resources of the economy. That's what democrats want. They are all about that, and then, of course you could have well intentioned people at some point, but eventually, when power gets concentrated into the hands of a few, that leads to tyranny. That's what our founding fathers. Well for every bit of so called security you get. Remember the promise of Obamacare, keep your doctor, keep your plan pay less. Okay, millions lost their doctor, millions lost their plans, and everybody paid a lot more, including two and three hundred percent more, and many Americans only have one option because all the health insurance companies bailed out because they couldn't make it work, because it was really a redistribution scheme. Yeah, the young and the healthy literally that didn't need these policies paying for the old, sick, elderly, and disabled. That's what it became. Yeah, it was even worse than that. I mean, we cost shifted from small businesses to pay for that expansion market that the government wouldn't appropriately fund. They clearly couldn't afford Obamacare. So what happened is the insurance companies had to increase their rates. I was a state senator at the time. At the time, Blue Cross Blue Shield would come to us and say we need a thirty percent increase this year. Oh, we need a fifty percent increase. And all that is is they were cost shifting to the small businesses that had to turn around and buy insurance. The person who pays with these kinds of healthcare schemes is the mental class small business people that are the economic engine in this country, and that they don't care about those people. They care about the government. Andy, let's go to the issue of the border. Obviously a big issue in your state of Arizona, border state. We now have a new migrant caravan making its way up to our southern border. We see that Tijuana Medical Examiner's office has been overwhelmed by bodies. By not having a wall, we can't protect people on either side of it. It seems it's not about the ninety eight percent that want a better life. It's about the two percent that want to bring drugs and gangs and all this other and violence into our country. And we have a right to venom. So a lot of conservatives were upset that the President backed off the shutdown, gave Congress three weeks to get their job done or he declares a national emergency. Now, I personally have zero doubt he goes the national emergency route, do you Yeah, you know, Sean, here's the deal. I look at it and I say, I'm not seeing movement from our friends across the aisle. They're locked in and they've there's cognitive dissonance. They're not seeing what you and I see when we go to the border where we see people sneaking across who are bringing drugs and fentonel and the opioids that are causing an epidemic, and this drug crisis, I think lends itself to if it's not an emergency, then certainly there is a title within Title ten which allows the President and working with the Department of Defense to start building fences and walls and active drug trafficking corridors. This needs to happen, and I think that's the way he's going to go. He's gonna have to take executive action because Congress for two years didn't do anything and it's still not doing anything. Well, the bottom line is, you know, can you make the case that this is a national emergency? Now? When you look at the crime statistics which we have looked at in the number of homicide, sexual assaults, violent assaults, you look at ninety percent of heroin coming into the country, a lot of the fent and all that's killing people every day, that's coming in through the southern border. Then the cartels, the threat of a terrorist similarly crossing that border. To me, Mark, it's the president's job to secure the country and keep our our citizen re safe. No, yeah, Sean, you hit the nail on the head. I mean, I think you mentioned heroin. I mean that's killing three hundred Americans every week. That sounds like a crisis to me. Well, that sounds like a national emergency because it's yeah, that's right. Yeah, all right, we'll take a quick break more with Congressman Mark greene Tennessee and Andy Biggs of Arizona. News Roundup Information Overload hour coming up in our next hour. As we continue, It's the Sean Hannity Show, all right. As we continue with Congressman both Freedom Caucus members, Representative Mark Green of Tennessee, he took over Marshall blackburn Seed, Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona, and at the top of the hour, Roger Stone is going to join us as well. We'll talk about his situation. I think a little bit of overkill. What don't you agree, Andy, Did we really need twenty seven tactical, armed, suns drawn pre dawn raid for a guy that is being accused and indicted online to Congress. No, that was not meant to do anything more than intimidate Roger Stone as well as intimidate anybody else that the Mullard the team is investigating. That was ridiculous and in my opinion, that kind of militaryzation of a police force is absolutely unwarranted. I've actually contact the Inspector General. We need to get to the bottom of that. Well, the next thing is is what about Hillary Clinton's email issues, deletians, subpoened emails, deletians, bitch a bleach bit, busting up devices. What about the lies to Congress by Clapper and Brannan and come and all these other people. When do they get the pre dawn raid. They should have been processed and arrested, indicted, and they should be defending themselves because but the problem is that's not happening. It's only happening that if you are a Trump supporter, right, and this is this is the problem, and this is why so many of us were kind of gassed a little bit about our last Attorney general, because we were asking for a movement on criminal prosecutions on people who we knew hit committed crimes. At least take them to the grand jury, let the grand jury decide whether they want to indict them or not, and then proceed through. But we're not seeing that now, and now that the House is out of our hands, it's even actually slowed down the congressional investigations that we've been trying to do for two years. All right, last word, Congressman Mark green Well Searn First, thanks for bringing up these issues and fighting the fight for us to help get this message out. It's pretty clear that Nancy Pelosi and team want nothing to do with border security. They want an open border, and we're going to stand against them. We're gonna fight them, and we're gonna, you know, stand arm in arm on the Republican side. And I just appreciate you allowing us to get this message out and carrying the message forwards. Thank you, well, I appreciate it. All the best to you and good luck. We need a lot of fighters out there Without the Freedom Caucus. Frankly, I don't think we'd make it. You mentioned a Podesta you were talking specifically about one Podesta, Were you not? And that was actually correct? You know I was talking about both Podesta brothers, because on July thirty first, Peter Schweitzer wrote a devastating monograph called from Russia with Money about John and Tony making millions from the old guarks around putin in aluminum, in a uranium in gas in banking. And then on the fourteenth of August, Breitbart published another story by Schweitzer tying Tony Podestas to the same Ukrainian political party as Paul metaphords. So I said the Podesta's time in the barrel would come. What I was saying was I intended to get that information on a background basis to a number of reporters. Any other narrative about what happened there is false, And there was no controversy about my tweet for six weeks until it is alleged that Stone was foreshadowing Podesta's emails being stolen. Let me be clear, I never knew the source or the content of any allegedly act or allegedly stolen emails. That is a lie, all right, So gladuate with US News round up Information Overload hour four days ago the morning hours pre dawn hours of January twenty fifth, well seventeen vehicles, including armored tactical trucks, rolled into Roger Stone's Fort Lauderdale neighborhood, and two dozen heavily armed federal agents dressed in swat gear, surround his home, draw their weapons, pound on his door, and take him into custody. He's not a drug kingpin, not even charged with any violent crime of any kind. He's not a mafia figure or a ruthless gangster. This is not El Chopo. He has As we have discussed, this has now become another Robert Mueller process violation. In other words, if you don't have the witch hunt, none of this happens. And we all know there's no Russia collusion, there never has been any at any point. There are real questions here. This has now become the tactics of Andrew White, spin the Pitbull, and Robert Muller and in his merry band of Democratic donors and even hiring Hillary Clinton's lawyer. And we went over a less last night of all the Obama people that lied. When is the pre dawn raid gonna happen for Hillary slam dunk case? Although they put the fix in that would be Struck, and comey Struck who wanted Hillary thought she should win a one hundred million zero Then, of course subpoen at emails, deleted computer's hard drive, acid wash with bleach bit and then busting up devices. Or when are we going to get to Eric Holder or Cheryl Mills or Brennan or Clapper who will all led under Oath or Treasury officials under Obama or any of the other numbers of people. Anyway, Roger Stone is with us now. I got to imagine. I mean, there's been a lot of talk. You thought the last time I interviewed you that you were being targeted that at my happened. Did you expect that to happen this way? No, Sean, I'm represented by attorneys. The Special Council's Office is well aware of that. I'm sixty six years old. Although I support the Second Amendment, I don't own a gun, I don't have a valid passport, I have no previous criminal record. I'm not a flight risk. The court said that when they gave me essentially a bond on my own signature, this was this was meant to send an intimidating signal. To other witnesses. It was meant to intimidate. May twenty nine, swat team armed FBI agents surrounding my home wearing night goggles brandishing assault rifles. I opened the door, facing down the barrel of two guns. I was summarily. By the way, good morning, Roger. We'll just you know, that'll wake up better than any cup of coffee. And I'm not making light of it because it shouldn't happen, not in this country. And of course, and of course there's a camera crew fifteen feet away from CNN capturing the whole thing for posterity. Yeah, just by accident. By the way, they just happened to figure out the one day that they that I heard of. It was an only day. Now you said something last night. Now your wife is sleeping right, Yes, she was just sleeping. My wife is hearing impaired. She was not woken up by this discommotion. I came downstairs. They marched me outside in handcuffs, bare feet, wearing my Rogerstone did nothing wrong t shirt, Jim shorts, and they said, who else is in the house? They said my wife. I was afraid that they were going to think she wasn't complying with an order because she can't hear and shoot her. Did you tell them that I told them that she was hearing impaired. They still went upstairs pounded on the door. They've scared the daylights out of her. They traumatized my dogs. All of this could have been avoided by simply calling my attorney. The idea that they couldn't do that because I might destroy evidence is absurd. I've been under investigation for two y years and they have brought nineteen of my current or former associates before the grand jury or interrogated them by the FBI. If I was going to destroy evidence, which I haven't done, wouldn't I have done it a long time ago. It's an absurd These are the police state tactics of the Gestapo. This is something you'd expect in Nazi Germany or in Soviet Russia, but not here in the United States. But the idea Actean is to poison the jury pool, to make me look like public Enemy number one, for the American people to paint the black hat on me before I've had a fair trial. If I can get a fair trial in the District of Columbia, and then of course to break me financially, I don't have the funds to hire the lawyers to fight this. They want to do to me what they did to Michael Flynn forced me to plead guilty to something I didn't do, which is why I asked people to go to Stone Defense Fund dot Com urgently helped need help from the supporters of the president and other Americans who are outraged at what's being done to me. You know, I look at what happened to you Manafort, same thing, Cone, the same thing, and you in General Flynn. I mean what we learned that the deputy FBI director tells General Flynn, you don't need a lawyer, and Comy braggs that he did to General Flynn and the Trump administration that which he'd never do if it was Obama or Bush's president. There's something really and a three star general and a perjury trap he can't afford a lawyer. They threatened to go after his son. He falls on the sword for that reason. You know, I know that it's probably you know, you're more of your makeup. I've known you for a number of years. I guess to just you know, say that I'm not gonna suborn that I'm gonna be able to get me to suborn perjury. You're not gonna lie, But then they threaten you with what, however, any years in jail and you're sixty six years old. That's not I'm I'm looking at a potential forty five years sentence based on these completely bogus charges. And I know how the indictment reads, but no lawyer, no reasonable individual could understand without seeing all the transcript of the four and a half hours that I voluntarily testified to see how bogus and fabricated these charges are, which is why I pled guilty today in my arraignment. But sitting at the prosecution table smirking, Jeannie Ray, the personal attorney for Hillary Clinton in the illegal email server case, the email case, and who represented the Clinton Foundation against charges of racketeering. She has been running the investigation into me. She's been questioning the witnesses before the grand jury about me. Sitting next to her, Aaron Zalinski, former counsel to the State Department under Hillary Clinton. His emails are actually among the emails published by Wiki Lake's clear conflict of interest. Recommended for his job by Rod Rosenstein, who he served as an assistant US attorney too. By the way, that's a violation to the US Attorney apart me. The Justice Department is supposed to be completely independent of the Special Council's Office. So these are partisan hit people there. They are, you know, they are Hillary supporting partisans, and their goal is quite simple. Silence me. Silence me on the Info Wars platform. Silence me so with a gag order so I can't come on with you, Sean, that's the whole plan, and then crush me financially, which is the worst part. I am gratified that so many people have gone to Stone Defense Fund dot com to help me, because my life is now in their hands. We have a precedent setting case that's called the Pentagon Papers. I went over it on this show in great detail last week, and I've gone over it before. A lot of this case is this indictment against you, which I've read now a couple of times, surrounds your desire to get information about what WikiLeaks might release before the election in twenty sixteen. Now, no in the Pentagon Papers case as well as I do well, it was a sixty three Supreme Court ruling at the New York Times Washington Post that they had every right to publish even stolen materials, as long as they weren't part of a conspiracy to steal it or steal it themselves. You're just trying to find out, Like, by the way, I think almost everybody in the media was wondering what Wiki leaks was going to drop at that time, And at one point you're speculating in one of the emails that it was about the foundation Clinton Foundation, and you weren't right about that, which says, Oh, you didn't have any coordination of any time, you didn't conspire to steal, and you didn't steal it. So how is this that is correct? In fact, there's also they cite an email from doctor Jerry Corsi telling me that the disclosures will come in August in two data releases. That's also incorrect. That turns out to be totally wrong. So it's very clear that I never had advanced notice of the source or the content of the Wiki leaks disclosures, either stolen or allegedly hacked, that I never received any such materials, that I never passed anything of the kind onto the Trump campaign or Donald Trump. And I'm not sure what about the claim because they're claiming that you did have contact with and a high ranking Trump official about this whatever information you were getting, but it wasn't anything you were ever able to confirm. Is that correct? I got an email from somebody and the Trump campaign about Ossinge's public press conference, and I responded with two things from that morning's media, both of which were public information that Assinge was concerned about his personal security. The Guardian reported that and that there would be weekly disclosures for every week from October first to the election. Politico had reported that five hours earlier, so again, no inside information. I do think there are some in the Trump campaign who have been pressured to bear false witness against me, and that will be proven at trial. My lawyers look forward to calling Adam Shift to the stand and Eric Swolwell to the stand because I'm entitled if I was accused of lying to the committee, to call committee members and see what they had to say that day and what the Republican members of the committee thought in terms of whether my any error I made before the committee in my testimony involves either intent or materiality. I believe I will be vindicated. Funny to watch pre Bahara and CNN say this is a slam dunk, calls me a liar. Here's a guy who a federal judge lashed for lying in the William Walton case. You're the liar, pre so, and then watching reporters jump to conclusions Tucker and say, oh, well, the Trump campaign official who directed Stone to find out about wiki links was Donald Trump. No, it was not right. As we continue with Roger Stone four days ago in the pre dawn hours, Well you add what twenty seven twenty nine swat dressed tactical gear dressed FBI agents. You did say that the agents were nice to you, but they don't have a say in who they are told to go and arrest, right, correct or the yeah? Yes? Once once I kept asking could I please be told what I'm charged with? They said, we'll tell you on the way to processing. Once I got in the car, they should be a one page sheet that told me not much. They were courteous. Uh, you know, they took the handcloths off the back of me and put them on the front of me for the ride to Miami, and then they re handcuffed me in the back. Then I was fingerprinted. I had mug shots taken if if my lawyers had been contacted, I could have worn a suit and tie. Were luck a lot better in my mug shot. By the way Stones rules, it's always about what you're wearing. Everything's about dress in your world, which is actually a funny side of you. Um. And then they I was taken, then shot onto the Federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, where I was put in leg shackles and handshackles, you know, around my waist, put in a holding cell with three African American gentlemen, all of whom strongly support the President's recent sentencing reform reform package. I think what the President did was amazing. Actually it was one of the best things he's done. Watching Noah Ever make fun of me tonight saying, now you know how black people feel. I've been criticizing the nineteen ninety four Clinton Crime Bill and the inequal sentencing of African Americans and poor people for fifteen years. It's in all my books. I don't think there was an Alice Murray Johnson when she was released. He was one time drug offense, spent over twenty years in jail. The President let her out, and I said, we need to do that. We need to find every Alice Murray Johnson and let them out, because she literally comes out, hugs her family and says, thank you America for giving me a second chance. I won't let you down. Yeah, So I agree with you on that issue, all right. When we get back, I want to talk about the underlying process crimes here, the double standard that is so outrageous. I think it creates a clear and present danger to our democratic republic, and I've been saying it now for a long time. We'll continue more with Roger Stone on the other side. We have a great hand nity. Tonight, more on this and more nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel will continue twenty five now to the top of the hour. Four days ago, pre dawn hours, January twenty fifth, seventeen vehicles, including armored tactical trucks, rolling into Roger Stone's Fort Lauderdale neighborhood, and about twenty seven heavily armed federal agents dressed in full swat gears surrounding his home, drawing their weapons. This is a processed crime. This is oh okay, this is not a murderer. These are not gangsters, this is not El Chopo, this is not even somebody that has a passport that could run away. It is getting very scary now that these tactics are being used regularly for what is known very clearly as a process crime. In other words, lying to Congress does not warrant seventeen tactical vehicles and twenty seven armed agents in a pre dawn raid. That would be a phone call to the person's lawyers saying, come in at ten o'clock voluntarily and you're going to be charged. That's the normal way of doing things. Now, if this is going to be the new standard people that lie to Congress or alleged to have lied to Congress, where is the pre dawn rate of Eric Holder in a long history of lying before Congress cover up of the Fast and Furious scandal? What about the Obama officials that lied about the Iranian deal and their access to US banks? They just flat out lied to Congress about it. What about former IRS official Lois Learner lie through her teeth about her department's financial persecution of Tea party groups, which by the way, was finally proven. Or what about Comrade John Brennan, He lied to Congress on multiple occasions about Hillary's bought and paid for Dirty dossier. What about James Clapper's perjury before the Senate Intelligence Committee? Where's his pre dawn raid? Where's Hillary's pre dawn raid? Biggest slam dunk case of obstruction of justice I've ever seen, subpoena emails, deleted, acid washwood, bleach bit the hard drives, busting up devices, pulling out sim cards. If America, if this is only going to happen to people of one political class or belief system, you do not have a constitution. This democratic republic is over. That's not equal justice under the law or equal application of our laws here. It should scare everybody, regardless of where you stand politically on issues. Where are the libertarians in this country? Where the civil libertarians? Where's the ACLU weighing in on such an important topic? And the tactics, you know, if it's gonna be we're arresting people for lying. Everybody that we now know was told that the Dirty bought and paid for Russian dossier of Hillary Clinton. They were told in August that it was unverified, not corroborated, likely not true, put together by a guy that hates candidate Trump, and also Hillary Boughton paid for it. They hit all of that, committing massive conscious conspiracy fraud before fives a courts, and they didn't do it once, they did it four times. Let's talk with more Roger Stone about this two tier justice system. You know, this is real. Your life now is in jeopardy. What you know as your life hangs in the balance, and probably for the next year, at least maybe eighteen months. You have no idea how this is going to end. And I got to imagine that's not fun, that's not freedom, that's not you know. And then you see all these other people go free and not being what not applying the laws equally to them. I got to imagine that probably pisses you off. This is me off. Well, I mean, Sean, I'm in Weston, DC. I just got a call from my wife text message. My house is surrounded by radical left wing protesters screaming, howling. The Fort Lauderdale police receive is to respond. The Browert County Sheriff's office refuses to respond. My wife's in danger, my family is in danger. This is insanity, just insanity. It's been this way for six months, in the sense that I can't go to a restaurant or out on the street or through an airport or any public square without somebody wanting to mix it up. Some people just yell call me a trader. My family members were mowed down by Russian tanks in Budapest in nineteen fifty six. But to call me a Russian dupe or a spy is a true insult. But now I have to worry about the security of my wife. You know, It's just it's really disconcerting. I'm very upset. It's six and twenty one days. Is there any evidence of any Trump Russia collusion? Because I don't see it, But I do see that that both come and Peter Strock wrote an exoneration in May and then by the way, and call me live about writing it ahead of time, and he took out the gross negligence legal standard and replaced it with extreme carelessness. They also had a version that said that they believe six foreign intelligence agencies likely hacked into Hillary's server in the Mom and Pop bathroom closet. I see that Hillary gets to put together this phony dossier by funneling money through a law firm that hires an odd research group, that hires a foreign national that makes Russian lies that are disseminated to the American people in the lead up to the twenty sixteen elections. So I do see some Russian collusion here, but on their side, and nobody seems interested in it in any way. Fives of abuse, nobody seems interested except a few of us that see we actually have evidence of crimes and law breaking. Why do you think there's no interest? Why our justice department? Why do they not want to follow the clear line to guilt of Russian interference from does not have control of his own justice department? That is clear. The New York Times reported on January twentieth, twenty seventeen, that I was under surveillance in twenty sixteen. They've never explained that. The Times will not retract that story. They insist they're reporting is accurate. I hope to learn about that in discovery in my own trial, although I wouldn't bet on it because the government doesn't tell the truth. They claimed Paula Maniford was never under surveillance at any time in their discovery. I don't believe that to be true either. We have a rogue intelligence services that have been heavily politicized, and there's no question that the FBI was used to infiltrate Donald Trump's campaign, that the fis a warrants or other warrants were used to illegitimately spy on his campaign, and that this fabricated document that was paid for illegally with campaign funds have money laundered was used to rationalize that by But mister Muller seems to have no interest in these crimes. He's only interested in trying to fabricate crimes against Donald Trump and his supporters. This is a speeding bullet heading for the president. This is not about Roger Stone. I'm just a collateral damage. I'm being persecuted and driven to the poorhouse because I supported Donald Trump for president. I played some small role in defeating Hillary Clinton and for no other reason. That's why I ask people would go to Stone Defense fund dot com. Sean my backs against the wall. I want to fight. I don't want to be Michael Khane. I will not roll over. I will go down fighting. But I need the resources. You're going to fight to the end. And you said in an interview you don't have anything to tell the special counsel. Correct as it relates to the president. What I'm saying is I will not bear false witness against Donald Trump. I will not make up stories about him to ease the pressure on myself, because I would be committing perjury. To do so, I would have to fabricate. I'm thinking, I'm just not going to do that. This is not involved in Russian collusion, and either m I well, Andy McCarthy even said that, he said, I read, he read your indictment. And what it says to me is the FBI knows no espionage between the Kremlin and Trump campaign and the person we elected being a Russian agent. They know it was not true. They didn't tell us that. They always known, you know Greg Jarrett's bestselling book, The Illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. So, you know, one of the things that really bothers me, and I know it's a usual tactic used by prosecutors, is that all they do is they're gonna bring you in a room and they're gonna say, Roger, you're facing forty five years in prison. Roger, we can get you out on probation, maybe a little community service. You can have to go back to living your life. You know, you just gotta you just gotta tell us and then they'll start feeding you what they want to hear. Now, that to me is bribery. Somebody's facing whatever number of years in prison and they come in and say, well, if you give us this this guy you got to get out of jail free card. Is that justice or is that something of value in exchange for whatever story they want you to tell or to quote Judge Ellis put the screws in that case to manap it your case to Roger Stone so that you sing or compose Roger, aren't they looking for you to sing or compose? Well, we don't know that yet, but I think it's a pretty good possibility. Or maybe they just want to give forty years of payback for beating liberal Democrats and elections because I worked for Richard Nixon, I worked for Ronald Reagan, I worked for that great patriot Bob Dole, and I'm proud of it. And I've been trying to get down to run for president since nineteen eighty eight, again in two thousand, again in twenty twelve, this time in twenty sixteen. And I'm under based in my support for the president and his reform agenda. He is a man of enormous courage and enormous toughness, But he needs to understand that it's it's him that they want. They I think he understands that the twenty sixteen election, I think everybody understands that this is to take out undue an election a duly elected president. They had a plan in place. They had the phony Russian dossier, they had the Faiza lies that they got to the court. They had their insurance policy, their media league strategy, and now we know what it is. And it's about creating a narrative with no evidence. And that's why this witch hunt goes on and on and on, and people like yourself get caught up in it on process crimes. You know, do you think you forgot to tell them certain things? Did you misremember because it doesn't seem like there's anything there that is that you know, I couldn't tell you, Roger, who is on my show last week, to go back two years and remember a text or email. I don't think I'm capable of doing any of that, do you. Well, there's no question I did forget that there were text messages that are entire league sculpatory. Improved that everything I told the committee were true. But you didn't erase them and I had those. No, I haven't erased them, and I openly turned them in while I found them, but I didn't know. I didn't remember them. In September a year ago when I testified No, there was a lot of lying going on that day. Unfortunately it was Adam Schiff doing most of it. He claimed, for example, that the FBI did examine the DNC computer servers, which we now know to be false. Where do you stand with Corsi and the radio talk shows. I don't know how to pronounce the name Credit Goo or somebody yea. The allegations, they are probably both witnesses against me. Their allegations are false, They're taken out of context. Credit Coo perjured himself before the grand Jerry said he wasn't my source regarding the significance or the October timing of the significant of the Wiki leaks disclosures. I just proved that with text messages. He threatened to put a bullet in the head of another exculpatory witness who went to the Mother grand jury. He's not charged with witness tampa or witness intimidation. He's threatened to get a woman to falsely accuse me of sexual assault. That's clearly witness intimidation, but he is uncharged. Jerry Corsi claims that a memo he wrote me on research on the Podesta brothers lucrative business deals in Russia was part of some kind of cover up, and that he told me that John Podesta's emails had been boosted. Never told me anything of the kind. There is no evidence to support that. That later says that I knew about the NBC Billy Bush tape in advance and asked him to do something about it. That's also entirely false. Why doctor Corsi is well, but get to the money. I don't know. But get to the heart of this. You asking people to try and get information from by the way, a news of Julian Ossands or wiki leagues, which the New York Times printed, the Washington Post printed, everybody reported one Oshaman Schultz was out with the first email dump. You asking people, hey, find out what this guy may have next. What is the underlying crime here except that you were basically doing what every other campaign in the history of politics has done. And you can compare it to what Hillary did by paying a foreign national to make up Russian lies that they did use in the campaign and used as the bulk of information for FISA warrants. Yeah, they want to criminalize political communications, just as they want to criminalize free speech. It is really extraordinary, all right, So what's the next step for you? You're just gonna fight this to the end and hope and pray. But you know what, you don't know the outcome. Scary, No, I don't. Right now, I need to go make some arrangements to make sure that my wife is safe. That's my number one concern. Well, I wish you're the best on that part. This has to stop. We bet we better get to the bottom of it or say goodbye America as we know it is over. Roger Stone, thank you. You know, pre dawn raids, armored vehicles, tactical gear, twenty seven people, seventeen vehicles, for lying to Congress, and all these other people we know led to Congress, nothing happens. It is literally criminalizing political differences. That is not equal justice under the law, That is not equal application of America's laws. That is a perversion of so called justice in America, and a very dangerous one. I don't care where you stand politically, This should frighten you

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