Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Contributor, Best Selling author and Host of the Podcast “The Brief,” takes a look at the final days in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Today the defense rests and closing arguments will take place on Monday. Leo Terrell, Fox News Contributor and Civil Liberties Attorney also joins the conversation.
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To Sean Hannity Show on this Friday, eight hundred nine for one Shawn on number you want to be a part of the program. So closing arguments in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, a lot of evidence came out in this case. For example, the prosecution's star witness admitted on the stand under oath that he pointed a loaded gun at Kyle Rittenhouse before Kyle shot him. Then, of course, then we've got the instances the video of pretty much a mob, a large group of people running after him. He's running as fast as he can, he gets trapped, his hat gets knocked off, he's down on the ground, A guy's about to put his foot right into his face into the pavement. And then we get to the issue of well, what does the law say that if you feel that you are an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm, you have the right to defend yourself. It's really that simple. I noticed that the trial judge requested applause on Veterans Day for veterans. Oh, how horrible. Why would anybody ever oppose that? You know, um, God save the court, So help me God. I assume I guess liberals want to take that out as well. The judge again yesterday scolding the prosecution. Here we go again. Listen, does Real America's Voice have any sort of political bias or agenda or anything like that, and it goes to the bias of the witness? You'rnor I in one respect, I assume that people we as it comes from the beginning. This is not a political trial. That's an attorney that you have out of medicine. That's relevance to this you're on. We've had a lot of questions about other people. I would like to know why he felt the need to retain an attorney to provide a video in this case. I think it goes to bias. I think it goes to ability. He'd be an idiot if he didn't bring a lawyer into the case. How stupid is this guy? You know? I do think he's probably trying to purposely get a mistrial in this case. I think the judge believes that as well. UM. We also had on the air last night Wendy Rittenhouse talking about Joe Biden defaming her son by calling him a white supremacist. Listen to this. When I saw what um afterwards of the President Kennedy UM candidate UM debate. When I saw that, I wasn't shocked. I was angry. President Biden don't know my son whatsoever. And he's not a white supremacist, he's not a racist, and he did that for the votes. And I was so angry for a while at him and what he did to my son. He defamed him, all right, So we get closing arguments now, we expect on Monday. The majority of updates today have been the sparring between the prosecution and the defense over the permissibility of lesser charges. The prosecution and defense teams met in Kenosha Court on Friday, going earlier today, going over all of this jury instructions will be the next battleground anyway. Here with their analysis of all of this. Greg Jarrett, Fox News contributor, and Leo two point Lt. Terrell, civil liberties attorney and a Fox News contributor, also welcome both of you. I do not believe, I'll state it right up front, between the eyewitness testimony, the video testimony which speaks for itself, the testimony of the prosecution star witness, I do not see a guilty verdict on any of these counts. But With that said, I don't guess what a jury is going to do. Jury's have surprised me in the past. Leo two point well. First of all, Sean a great interview last night with Kyle Rittenhouse Mom. I saw the whole thing. Secondly, I as a lawyer for thirty years, I don't want to guess the jury what they might do. But I do believe that I first degree conviction on these murders charges I don't see happening when you're throwing in Kyle Rittenhouse testimony. He was tremendously credible, and I thought that they have raised a tremendous arch affirmative defense of self defense. I don't think the prosecution has been able to knock that down. So I see reasonable doubt in all of these charges for first gree murder and masked. Why you see the prosecutor scrambling for these lesser included charges. They're trying to hook him on something, if anything, is going to be that mister meanor gun charge, which is a very very weak charge, but that's the only one that I see. The You come back with Greg Jared, as you look at the three individuals that were shot in this case and the evidence presented against all three. What is your take in each instance? My take is justifiable homicide in other words, self defense, and which should lead to an acquittal. But it's always folly to try to predict what a jury is going to do because people perceive things differently. They may have perceived Rittenhouse differently than I did. I agree with Leo wholeheartedly. He struck me as credible and sincere and candid. Yeah, he broke down, but I would too, trying to relive the nightmare of that night in fear I'm about to die. And then of course he has to live for the rest of his life knowing that he took two lives himself, but in self defense. So that's you know, of course he broke down. You know people like Lebron James and others who mock Rittenhouse for that. James posted laughing emojis there's nothing funny about this, not a joke. Two people were killed, an eighteen year old could spend decades behind bars. Where's the comedy? Lebron I suspect he hadn't watched much of the trial. If he had, he wouldn't make such an incredibly stupid remark. But it's not the first time for Lebron. Monday is going to be an important day when the lawyers bring together, well, they marshaled together all of the evidence and the witness testimony, and they try to make sense of it from their advantage point. And I think the defense has an advantage here because it was a parade of witnesses and videos and photos that support the argument that Rittenhouse was acting in self defense. One of the main things, and I'll ask both of you the same question that is also going to be discussed, is and this happens all the time you have prosecutors high profile cases. We hear the term overcharge. In other words, now they're going to begin the process of trying to add new, lesser charges against Rittenhouse because they don't expect the verdict to come back their way, which is if Alan Dershowitz this theory is right, Leo, they were purposely shooting for a mistrial. So we got the prosecution now wanting to bring in more options for the jury because they don't think they proved their case. The other issue that's hanging over the head of the prosecution is the possibility of a mistrial with prejudice based on the admonition of the judge, which was as severe as I've ever heard. Well, I'll say right now, Sean, the prosecution of a dismissal with prejudice is a strong possibility. Let me be very clear. I think Greg would agree this prosecutor violated so many ethical constitutional rights of Karl Rittenhouse as far as commuting on his silence, on the fact that he may reference to that fact in front of the jury, that's a very powerful violation. And then the guy doubles down and asked one of the witnesses, why did you need an attorney? Why did you hire an attorney? It's the right to have counsel. You point that out. I think that the prosecutions they know they know they're losing this case, and they are trying to get a mistrial. In my opinion, I think they may get the wrong type of mistrial because they if the judge delivers a mistrial with prejudice, game over. They cannot retry this case. And I think personally the defense, if I was the defense attorneys, I want this case go to the jury. I want a dismissal on those first first degree charges because I don't want to come back. I don't want to come back. Well, listen, I do believe that's a strong possibility a mistrial with prejudice. I also believe that the prosecutor can be held in contempt and he might himself be facing ethical he should Well, I agree with that too. But let me go back to Greg. I'll throw that to you, throw this to you. The prosecution now wants to add lesser charges against Rittenhouse. And what that mean it means is to me, is they realize, Oh, we didn't meet the standard that we would need to meet for the charges we've we've put up against him. Your thoughts, Yeah, I agree with Leo. It's a sign of desperation. They know that their case has been an unmitigated disaster, not just their own stunning misconduct, but the midstep of presenting witnesses who only reinforced the defensive self defense, you know, which invites the question why did they bring the charges to begin with the answer seems obvious to me that they were bowing to public pressure and the woke mob, fueled by the false narrative day in and day out by the liberal mainstream media. You know who convicted Written House in the court of public opinion. They didn't care about the evidence, They don't care about the spect Well, now, but now we got a point here. All these people, starting with Joe Biden on down, I have not seen any evidence that this kid as a white supremacist or has any racist views at all. Okay, So Joe Biden says it, other people repeat it, the media mob repeats it. They basically declare this guy guilty. They don't believe in due process or presumption of innocence. They're saying all of this before one iota of evidence was ever brought up in the case, and they rushed to judgment. And now here we have Kenosha again, Chicago again bracing for potential riots because an expectation was created by Hollywood, by Democrats, by the media mob that they were going to get one result without knowing anything about the case. Now, if it doesn't happen and then there is you know, unrest, I blame them, that's right. These you know that news organizations glamorized the rioting, the anarchy, the violence, looting, vandalism, arson and they did it under the guise of racial equity and social justice. And these so called journalists cheered it all on. And when Rittenhouse dared to oppose the rioting in violence. The media treated him his enemy number one, calling him a domestic terrorist of racist a white supremacists, and Joe Biden did the same thing. He tweeted the Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. These are slanderous term shun that's not opinion protected under the First Amendment. These are assertions of fact that are verifiable as either true or untrue. So it's defamatory and Rittenhouse should sue them all for defamation, including Joe Biden. And I agree with what Greg Jets said. There are multitude of defamation lawsage Greg's exactly right. They rushed to judgment to play to the narrative. And this is again the aftermath of the George Ford case. Trying to justify the riot and trying to hang this young man as a white supremacis it's insulty and offensive. Now that's the whole thing here. And I'll tell you the sad part is you can't undo the damage. You know, I'm not patting myself on the back, but I do make a point of telling this audience that you know, all of us, we three we were right for three years. We've been vindicated. There was no Trump Russia collusion. It was all a conspiracy theory, a hoax, a lie. You have two best selling books, Greg on this. You know there's a reason why I was right on Richard Jewell and the rest of the media wasn't. The same goes for Ferguson Missouri. The same goes for Freddie Gray Baltimore, Maryland. The same goes for UVA, The same goes for Ducal Lacrosse, Cambridge police. We're right time and time again, wrong every single time because they never learned the lesson and then never held accountable. Greg. You know the notions of due process and presumption of innocence that you hold, dear Sean and constantly repeat appropriately, So those are just antiquated notions to the mainstream media. Don't give a damn about that, and the media invariably gets it wrong. So when they convicted this guy in the court of public Finnie and I knew immediately, you know, there's pretty good chance this guy is innocent, because you know, the media says he's not. And so the media bears a large amount of responsibility for pushing this false narrative. And I think that drove the decision by prosecutors to charge this case inappropriately, well overcharging. You got these politically ambitious prosecutors. It backfires. Do you believe Leo two point out Terrell, that the just gonna sanction this prosecutor, And do you believe that he's going to step in and declare a mistrial with prejudice? I really think that's a strong possibility. Well do right now when you look at the constitutional violation again, the post silence, post arrest silence, those are ground for at least an ethical referral to the state Bar of Wisconsin. He should do that automatically when you and Greg would agree hopefully or maybe disagree. When you take a case away from the jury, when you declare a mistrial with prejudice or dismiss a case of prejudice, you're taking the case away from the jury. And that's a very powerful decision being made by the judge. But he has a factual basis to do so because he knows for a fact if he declares a mistrial there might be an issue as to whether or not it was the right decision. So I don't know if he's going to do it. We'll see. Thank you both, Greg, Jarrett and Leo two point Terrell, appreciate you being with us. When we come back, we'll hit the phones. Eight hundred nine one, Sean on number you want to be a part of the program. When fake news gives you lies, Hannity supplies the truth. Sean Hannity is on right now, all right, twenty five now to the top of the hour this Friday, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program, and has promised. We are getting to our busy telephones. We start with Tony. Tony's in Minnesota. Tony, Hi, how are you? And glad you called? Sir? Happy Friday? How are you doing? Sean? My brother from another mother? What's going on? My friend? How are you? Hey? I got some remedy used to keep our mainstream media accountable, But first of all, I got a question for you. Yeah, I know you're talking to Kyle written now. I'm sorry to his mother last night and stuff. Is there any plans in the works for them to sue either Joe Biden or to be mainstream media like Nicholas Sandon. I would if I was them, I absolutely would, because remember, you know, Kyle's not a public figure, and they might say, as a result of this case, he is um But there's I've never seen a single shred of any evidence whatsoever that suggests that any of these attacks, any of you know, the names that they've been called are accurate. By the way, Look, we'll never know the amount of money that that this Nicholas sam Nan kid gets. He deserves every penny, but I could probably tell you this, he's never gonna have to work a day in his life if it doesn't want to. You know, everything that was said about about both of these guys, sam Man and Kyle Rittenhouse. You know, it's an amazing thing when you don't rush to judgment and when you allow for due process like we do on this program. It has served us so well. Do I think that anyone's ever going to write an article and say, how come Hannity always ends up being right. It's not that I'm doing anything special except my job, and my job in Ferguson, Missouri was to talk to people that were empower sources of mine that told me there were numerous why eyewitnesses that backed Officer Darren Wilson's account. My job in the case of Duke Lacrosse while I actually spent the time to talk to the kids and the parents and others, and I realized all this exculpatory evidence was going to come out. And it's it happens time and time and time again. You know, with all those talk well, there might be rioting depending on what the result is. And the verdict is, why would that be because expectations were set by people that labeled him a white supremacist, labeled him a murderer at without any due process, any presumption of innocence, and any evidence put forth. You know, look, I can't I don't like to go in the business of predicting what juries are gonna do. I'd be very shocked if it's not. If he doesn't get a knock guilty across the board, we'll see anyway. I appreciate the call, Tony, God bless your man. Have a good weekend, Scott and Arkansas. Scott, Hi, how are you? Thanks for checking in with us. Happy Friday, Oh, happy Friday to too, Sean. I really appreciate you taking m a call. Thank you quick. Right now, I have a friend, a really close friend, that's fighting for his life with COVID. Right now, he's in a red state and a fantastic governor, but they still had the blockage from the federal from the fads of treatment. All right, how let me ask you this question. How long ago was your friend diagnosed? Um? I'm not sure. He messaged me last week that he had had the infusion on Monday. I think he had been in the hospital since Monday. When you say the infusion, you mean monoclonal antibodies. Yes, was he vaccinated or not vaccinated? I don't know that. Okay. Do you know how soon after diagnosis that he got the infusion? Uh? Don't don't know that either, do you? So? What what called me for prayer support? Well, let me ask you this question. How bad? How bad is it? Is he in a hospital? Do you know what his oxygen levels are been? He? Yes, they're dipping below ninety and uh, they're trying to keep him up. Um, he is in I SEU. And when we were trying to when they were trying to fight to get him UM treatments that were not FDA approved, they were blocked. And before he got on a respirator a respirator, well, respirator or ventilator difference, no ventilator. So he's so he's on events doctor he is he has been. Um, I'm not listen. I'm not gonna lie to you. Your friends in deep trouble. Yes, I know that when and he needs prayer, he definitely does. And you know it's That's one of the things I was gonna ask. I know that you're a believers, especially according to Phil Robertson he's friend of mine. But Phil's a good man. Yeah, but the whole family, they're just super. But anyway, UM just indulged me that anybody that's a believer in listening to this show, I'm please great for Kevin. He definitely needs him means a super super yah super. How How old is he? Um, he's about my age. I'm i'll be sixty in in. Uh. Does he have any pre existing conditions? Is he overweight? Call morbidities? Uh? Immune any compromised immune issues. It's hard for me to say somebody's overweighthed because I'm not back on more weight and I should, but everybody so a while because he would hardly be considered overweighted. Look, I don't I just don't know the I can only tell you what I've seen anecdotally and what is going on for example, and I had a long conversation with Ronda Santis about the monoclonal antibody centers. The only thing I will tell people vaxed unvaxed. That debate I think is over. I think everybody's made up their mind. I don't think there's going to be any new convincing. Uh. You know, if Gene Simmons is scolding you publicly, it's not going to matter to people. They made up their minds. So but I would say, I will say this, vaxed or unvaxed. My advice is immediately you must contact your doctor ask about monoclonal antibodies. What I have seen with older people, even with pre existing conditions, vaxed and unvaxed, getting the confusion within twenty four hours has worked every time that I know of, and I know of a lot of cases. I don't know. You're not able to answer these questions. But you know, um, I don't even want to give you the odds. I mean, once you're on a ventilator, it's it's it becomes a crapshoot. It's not it's the odds are not in a favorite To be honest with you, I understand that. Well, I hope everybody can pray for this your friend, and I wish him well. I don't want anybody to die. I lost friends from this thing too. It's horrible what happened to a right to try. That's one of the great things Trump put in at the very beginning. But I didn't know when um either Biden blooded it or Fancy thought it it or what? Why are they not trying it with COVID? You know, I believe in the right to try. Donald Trump, I think was very smart to do that. I don't know what you mean, right to try? What what would you want to try? Right? Well? When when he did like drives way before COVID and it was it was it was the right time. Whenever, Hey, listen, if I get a death sentence and basically, you know, they run out of therapy for let's say I have a cancer, God forbid, and and there's a there's a trial going on. Yeah, if there's a trial going on, you know, on some medicine, I'm going to take the damn trial and I'm gonna run with it and know and if they want to throw me in jail at that point in my life, I'm probably dead anyway. UM, anyway, we'll pray for your friend, Scott. I'm very sorry and wish everybody's the best if you get this. And I'm not dispensing medical advice here. I've resisted it from the beginning. I'm not a doctor. I didn't go to medical school. If you get a positive COVID test, immediately, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. Immediately call your doctor and ask an intelligent question, what about monoclonal antibodies? Are they available to me? If you want another opinion, you can. You can call any of the doctors that we've had on a show, for example, and get their opinion. Ask about any other therapeutics that they think might be helpful, but do it immediately. When the Henry Ford study came out on hydroxy chloroquin eighty four percent effective by mitigating some symptoms when taken early, but by far from what I see the science that I read monoclonal antibodies that infusion worked, and Rohn de Santis went over the numbers with me, and they were pretty staggering in terms of the success rate down in Florida. Again, ask your doctor, but don't wait five days. You know the problem is if my oxygen levels was ninety seven, eight, ninety six, whatever, and then on day seven, eight nine, or ten they just dropped to eighty seven. Well, by that time the damage is done. You have to act fast, early, move, and I'm saying to do it in conjunction with your doctor. I don't know darn thing about anybody's medical his street that's unique, or your current medical condition. So you know, most people, if I did a man on the street ask people what's monoclonal antibodies, I guarantee you nobody would know. But I want you, my audience to know. That's why I say research, take it seriously. And I'm not talking about putting on a lab coat and not opening your virology lab, talking about reading all the material out there, opinions you agree with and disagree with eight hundred nine one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Coleman is in Texas. What's up, Coleman? How are you? How are you doing today? I'm good, sir, Happy Friday, Yes, sir, I wanted to ask what can be done to hold the media companies responsible for the garbage that they're spewing because what they're doing is no different from yelling bomb on an airplane or fire in a crowded movie theater. They're setting the stage for massive unrest if Kyle is down, not guilty, or if there's a mistrial, I'll tell you right now where my mind is. If, for example, open borders process release disperse around the country, don't give a COVID test or a vaccine, mandate preferential treatment to illegal immigrants. If Americans get sick and die, I'd say the federal government has blood on its hands people that die in Afghanistan that Joe Biden abandoned John and Drassik Song says, at all blood on those hands. And I would say the same thing holds for you know, the media that create an expectation by not even knowing a shred of evidence, not offering any due process, and creating this anticipation that this is a slam dung guilty verdict for whatever high profile case it happens to be. They do a disservice to the entire country. And if people react to it because the expectation was not met that they created, I hold them accountable. Now is that are they ever going to be held accountable. No, the media led us for four straight years about Trump Russia illusion. They even got pullit surprises for it. It's it's disgusting, it's repulsive. The best answer is, don't watch it, don't listen to it. You know, Thankfully there are still a few shows like this around. Thankfully there's a few of us on Fox. Uh not everybody on Fox agrees with Sean Hannity. I'm grateful that I have my hour, my voice, my say, and I'm giving complete freedom to do the show as I see fit with editorial control. Um, and I am a responsible broadcaster. Quick break, right back to the phones, eight hundred nine one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Right back to our busy phones. Vicky, Louisiana. What's up, Vick? Glad you called? Happy Friday? Same to you, Hunt, and I want to talk about the comparison between these days and back when Jimmy Carter was president. Always been a conservative. I remember the trauma of the times, the inflation, I remember gas lines, I remember his failure with the hostages in Iran. I remember all of that and the feeling that there was a on the part of the Democrats to steal my future back then, whatever future I have right now left to me, I feel that they're stealing it all over again. We're not gonna but but you know what, all of us are not gonna let it happen. And I'll tell you right now, you know, take heart, and let not your heart be trouble, because I really believe I can feel it, I can sense it that the country has had it. We are now being told basically to lower our expations and standards of what the United States should be. Americans are not taking it. That's what happened in Virginia, and that's what happened in New Jersey. And there's unless Joe Biden were to turn around and adopt the Trump policies on the economy, the Trump policies on energy, the Trump policies on the border, the Trump policies on foreign policy, which he's never gonna do, it's going to only get worse. And by the time we get to election day now in less than a year from now, we are now going to have a chance to put this country right right this ship and get this country back on the right track. Right now, what they're doing is not working, and it's never gonna work, VICKI we need you, We need every friend you have, we need everybody listening to the show. It's all hands on deck. Everybody's deputized. We're all spokes in a wheel, and we're gonna save the country for our kids and grandkids. That's what we're going to do. How do you like that plan? I like it as as much as I intend to suit up and show up every you know, every election day I can. I have this feeling, though, that the other side has created new processes I guess in voting through you know, ballot boxes and harvesting and you know, no voter ID or any of this stuffs, and you know, dead people voting. And I think they're going to do what their rationale is that the means justifies the ends, and they will do it anyway they can, which is what's happening. I gotta let you go, but I'm but I've been telling everybody every state, make sure your state legislature adopts the measures I've been talking about, voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody control, updated voter rolls, and of course, uh partisan observers watching the vote count up close and personal start to finish. If we do that, we have a fighting chance. Also, Republicans, you got to get over your resistance from mail in balloting and early voting. You just got to get over it. Democrats are killing us, killing us on that front. Eight hundred nine f one seawn. If you want to be a part of the program, quick break right back.