Remembering Those in Afghanistan - January 7th, Hour 3

Published Jan 7, 2022, 11:00 PM

John Ondrasik, musician and songwriter is still bringing attention to the hundreds of thousands of people that Joe Biden left behind. While Biden talks about January 6th, and his administration compares it to 9-11 and Pearl Harbor, American citizens and allies are being tortured, murdered and forgotten in Afghanistan. YouTube has now removed the 

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All right, News round up, Information overload hour. We'll get to your calls coming up this hour on this Friday, eight hundred and nine for one Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. John and dreisik By for Fighting Fame came out with probably the most powerful song in many decades coming from the music industry, and it has to do with the disaster that is Afghanistan. And it's now day one hundred and forty six that Joe Biden stabbed our fellow Americans in the back. That would include military family members, thousands of Green card holders are Afghan allies that we promised that if this day ever came, we would get them out of there. And then Joe of course leaves a successfully it has turned the page. But then he leaves billions and billions of dollars worth of sophisticated military weaponry for the Taliban. There's stories out today about security concerns, especially in Afghanistan, as defense officials are now fearing isis K and al Qaeda threats in Afghanistan. As the months go by, we are now no longer able to even get anybody out of Afghanistan at this point they've been private groups that have been willing to spend a lot of money and charter airplanes and bring people to other countries to get them out of there and get them free. And of course the State Department was no help at all whatsoever, because they said, well, if you get your private charter to go to a third party country and they need our permission, it will not be forthcoming, and you're not allowed to land in the United States. How is that possible? You know, we abanned Americans behind the enemy lines. We have banned you know, legal cardholders that could be in the United States. We abandoned thousands of them. We even abandoned military family members, never mind our Afghan allies. And we now know. I think it was the New York New Yorker they came out with the piece this week. Because nobody else seems to want to talk about it. I'm the only one counting down the days one hundred and forty six days since we abandoned them, one hundred and fifty nine days since Joe promised he wouldn't abandon them, but he did. And women now can't go to work or school. They're getting beaten in the streets. They have people dragged out of their homes, murdered in broad daylight, and it's it's just deteriorated to the old Taliban as the new Taliban just sad. Our friend John and Dressik from five for Fighting has now put out his first video that we highlighted to you. He now has a second video that he's put together. We're gonna put him both on Hannity dot Com so you can see them. And the song is called blood on my hands, God blood on my hand, God blood on my hand. And I don't understand what happened. We will make the arrangement to get them out. There's blood on these hands. There's still American. I want to some lifter the tliband I have that happened and he hands believe the country who those learn we gin blinking and sho looked me in the want William minutes, When did you decide this will defend your sacred never the leadership to be disrespected like they were at Dover with mister Biden looking as watch each time the salute was released. Was was disrespectful as as anything I've ever seen. God blood my hair. We are here to celebrate the return of American citizens. Black of the Taliband he Afkin Day. Most people will spend a lifetime trying to make sure, trying to find out if they made a difference in this world. Marines don't have that problem. My marine did not have that problem. Aaron's marine does not have that problem. None of them do. Now it gets even more interesting because John Androssick just put out earlier on Twitter that he received a notification YouTube has taken down his video Blot on my Hands. That's why if you want to see it, go to my website Hannity dot com the White House Dock you music video that he that he has that we just played for you, and he joins us. Now, wow, did they give you a reason why they took it down? You know, Sean? They said it was a graphic content warning, which was interesting because I uploaded the video five days ago, and as you know, I have a I have a graphic warning label and they put a children's restriction on it, which I appreciated. I thought that was the correct move. And they published it on Monday with the children's restriction with my warning, and it played for the last five days, and as you know, it's been growing and resonating around the world, especially with our veterans and Afghans. In a way, Actually the song never did because I think of the nature of the video, and you're right, just an hour ago they said we took it down, and it's really it's really disappointing because I think it distracts from the message of the song and what it's what it's all about. You know. It seems that after Joe Biden turned the page the mob the media, they turned the page two. You know. I really can't think of anyone else on television, and I'm sure that there are others in radio. I know Glenn Beck was one of them. That he was involved in a lot of efforts to try and help rescue Americans, and I give them all the credit for helping. But we have American citizens there, allies, all the people that I mentioned, and you have everybody's turned the page. Now. The show to Nightline was literally built on the American hostage crisis with Iran and Ted got down, Ted Cobble, this is Nightline, you know, and day one hundred and forty six, you know, And but a whole show was emerged out of that and the country paid attention. Four hundred and forty four days Americans held hostage. They were released the day that Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president, and yet nobody cares here And I don't understand it myself, do you? You know, at the end of my video, I actually did an interview with the Vice President Salah who you know, former Vice President Afghanistan, because it was important to me that afghan had the last word in my piece, and he said something that I think is very telling and appropriate. He said, Afghanistan is like a mirror to America, and it's showing a side of ourselves that I don't think that's very flatter because it's not just the people we left behind. Sean is you know, we're facing the biggest women's rights catastrophe decimation in our lifetimes. I'm talking to some of these folks embedded who have gay and lesbian people on their list that they're trying to evacuate, some of which who have had their partners beheaded. We have children being sold for food, So you're right, Where are these advocates of women's rights, Where are these advocates of gay rights? Where are these advocates of minority rights? Humanitarian rights? It is crickets and it is a disgrace, and I would ask them to put aside maybe other political differences. You're right, women are being abused in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. Women can't go to work, girls can't go to school. Gays and lesbians, if it's discovered they're gay or lesbians, they're being murdered. Why don't they join this cause and speak out all the other oppression that goes on. For example, there's very little talk about, you know, the minority Muslims in China that are being persecuted. You know, people like me speak about it. I mean, this is happening forced labor in the year twenty twenty two. You can't even make it up. It's so horrific. And besides the humanitarian crisis, it's a natural security crisis. There's twenty thousand Special Forces commandos that we trained in Afghanistan using our weapons, and they have two choices. John. One choice is to be hunted and killed. The other is to join the Taliban. And if we don't get them out, we're going to be fighting them the people we trained with our weapons and intelligence sooner than later. So there's so many levels to this catastrophe. But you're right. The big shame, I think is the fact that so much of America, so much of the media, wants to sweep it under the rug. And part of my video was not letting them do that. Basically, the prologue was clips. It was their words, not mine. Clips in the video were of General Austin, General Millie, the President, Secretary Blincoln promising that we would get anybody who wanted to come out get out. And as you know, the way the State Department is moving, but it'll probably take four or five years to get approval, and by then there'll probably nobody left to get out. You know, it's really sad. But if you're asking me to be honest, do I think the odds of rescuing them, especially under Joe Biden, are high at all? I don't. I don't see them getting rescued. I see them trapped, and I see you know, Mogadishu images in my head, and I pray to God I'm wrong. I see you know, Isis and fear that they or ISIS k or al Qader re emerging in Afghanistan. It's now a safe haven for terrorists again. And if they find any Americans there. God help them, because they will be they will be tortured, they will be murdered. You're not wrong. As I've become embedded with many of these groups. We're on a signal chain once called atrocities, and I see it every day, our allies being murdered, families disappearing, and it will take policy to do that. And you're right. I think the administration wants it to go away. But to the credit of some of the folks on the hill, Joni Ernst has a letter from every female Senator, including Democrats, calling on Joe Biden to take action for women's rights. So I do think there are people on the hill, Mike Waltz, we can go down the list, Tom Cotton. People do understand the national shame and the consequences to come, you know, Sean. At the end of my video, the most scary thing in my video is something nobody sees. At the very end, before the final logo, there's a half second blip of Chinese planes flying over Taiwan. And as as Salah said, who's going to trust us now? If our allies are looking for a window to make a move, we're seeing it in the Ukraine, I think Taiwan with we'll probably see China go after Taiwan and we'll do it by the way, they'll do it after the Olympics. I don't think Putin is amassing two hundred thousand troops on Ukraine's border for the fun of it or to have a barbecue. And I think the Iranians are aggressively now putting together nuclear weapons. And why is that? Because we have a big question that we're asking. I think we're to crossroads in our nation. Who are we? That's the big thing in my video. Who are we? Are we Normandy? Are we the America that brought down the Berlin Wall? Or we are in America that abandons our citizens and allies to terrorists. And ge knows that Putin sees that Iran sees that, and I think the worst. Sadly, I hope I'm wrong. Well, A squared B square to C squared, So your logic is correct. If Joe Biden will abandon Americans in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan, he's not going to lift a finger when China quote reunifies, meaning takes over the independent country of Taiwan, he won't lift a finger and he's not going to do much to putin either. And don't forget the Biden family, the syndicate that it is they're compromised by all of these countries, and that in my mind, plays a big part in all of this. Anyway, we have the video Blood in my hands, both versions of it on Hannity dot Com. John, great work, and thank you for not backing off, not going along with everybody else and just saying, all right, we'll turn the page. They're stuck, they're on their own. I'm not gonna stop counting down until every American is home safely. Appreciate the video and if you can't get it on YouTube, you can get it on Hannity dot com. I appreciate you leading the way. I'm sorry we have to talk about these tough things, but happy New Year, and thank you for all you're doing for Afghanistan. On one last thing, I saw John play this in concert undisclosed location that I went to when he was performing, and I snuck in and nobody knew, and anyway, it was so powerful the reaction of the crowd. If you have a chance to see John on the road, you just you gotta see him. See the reaction when he plays this song. John and Drassik, thank you so much for being with us. Eight hundred nine one sean or number. You want to be a part of the program, all right, glad you with us twenty five till the top of the hour on this Friday Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We got a great show for you. I hope you'll join us. All right, let's get to our phones. Scott is in the great state of Kansas. You know Mike pomp Pales from Kansas. I was reading a story about him today and I know what his life was like when he was the CIA director. I've been friends with him for a long time. I know what his life was like as as Secretary of State. You live on an airplane and it's not conducive if you want to work out, exercise, being the best health you can be in, eat right, etc. He's lost ninety pounds. He looks phenomenal and they told how he did it and he said, simple eating an exercise. Anyway, He's from Kansas. Great guys, Scott, We'll glad you called. Thanks for being with us. I'm a rancher and I will discuss the meat. How many cattle do you have? About three hundred scales? Yeah? Oh, by the way, that's a lot of work. But do you watch the show Yellowstone? I gotta ask you that first. Yes, I is it realistic? Oh yeah, yeah yeah. By the way, you know, there are many days, Scott that I really wish I was you, or a farmer or something else. You know. I love I've been blessed in every way to do what I do every day, But there are days, man, I would love the privacy of a rancher. But anyway, what's on your mind today? Yeah, it's a great life. Um, you know, I'd like to discuss big meat. Um. Joe Biden's bringing it up here lately, and he was saying that big meat is is doing bad things to the people. Um, you know, but big meats there, their expenses are going up, just like everybody else. They raised their wages, their energy costs are going up. Um, their ppe costs going up considerably. Um. But so are ours on the farm ranch. Um fuel costs are you know. So in other words, see, he's accusing you of being a price gouger. He's accusing you. Now, ranching is not a particularly easy, easy it's not easy work. It's hard work, it's labor intensive, it's long hours. Um. I know farmers that they're having a hard time even finding fertilizer, and they're paying astronomical prices in the course of getting your cattle to market. How many times does does are the cattle transported? Because you know, you're paying a buck fifty more for per diesel now a gallon. So, but there are different steps. For example, I don't know if you I don't know if you extensively take it yourself or you just sell off the cattle. I assume you just sell it off, right, Uh? Yeah, the keller sold league go four or five six times um throughout the course of their lives and which they're transported, you know, from the time they're born and then they're winged and uh you leave background it or were So when you sell cattle, where does it usually go to? Next? Um? I usually sell to a sail barden and then from there they'll get sold to a feed yard which would feed them, pinch them, and then they'll be taking backing plant, fatten them up a little bit, then a packing plant. Then they got to be you know, sent to the to the individual stores. So that's a lot of transportation costs. And the cost of transportation now is dramatically higher because of Biden's energy policies and is horrific inflation and economic policies. So the real culprit, the real person to blame for the high cost of meat. And by the way, I eat pretty much paleo now, and I eat That's all I eat is meat and salads. That's what I eat. And the high cost is really Joe Biden. But he accused you. How many hours do you work a day? Oh, at least twelve sixteen twelve sixteen hours a day. And if you could sell your cattle at a lower price, because let's say fuel costs went down tomorrow, you would lower the price of the cost of your cattle, wouldn't you. I'd rather not. We'll barely breaking even as it is. Well, then then a fair point. I mean, the whole purpose of a business is you provide goods and services that people want, needed and desire, and the marketplace is going to dictate what the price is. Supply and demand criss cross. If there's a high supply and a low demand, you're gonna get lower prices. But the demand for meat is pretty high. Um, you know you you're providing a service to this country. I love to eat meat, that's that's basically what my diet is. And I've noticed a year ago that the price of meat was going higher, and it's gone considerably higher. Um. But I don't blame you. I blame Joe. Let me ask you another question. It may sound a little strange. How many how many births do you give for for your cattle? Every year? Calves are born on your ranch? How many births? Yeah? How many calves are born usually on any year on your ranch? A wow? And do you go out and do you do it yourself? Or do you bring it? Bet? Or what do you do? Oh? Yeah, I do everything myself. And if it's a breech birth, you know how to handle all that stuff. Oh yeah, Oh yeah, yeah, I mean that's pretty cool. I you know what you're watching, the circle of life and full before your eyes. I bet that doesn't get old, does it? Oh no, it's a new adventure every day. Yeah. Well, I for one, thank you for what you do as a meat eater, as a carnivore, as a paleo diet guy. I can't say thank you enough of what you do, and it's pretty cool the service you provide America. And you deserve to do better than just about break even. You deserve to make a profit because you're feeding the entire country. Thank you, Thank you. I appreciate it. I know you're looking at me like, what's what the hell's wrong with you? Because I'm fascinated with you. Know, there are days of my life, not many, but there are days I'd love to be isolated from the world. I think you would do great on a ranch. Actually, why do you think that, Well, you really do have a green thumb. That's something that our audience probably doesn't know. From your early days, you were great at landscaping and gardening and you know, making your own vegetables, and I think that you'd be great at it. And I think there's a lot of solace and you know, putting in a hard day's work. One thing I've learned about growing your own garden, it's very simple. Um you can at the end of the year you do all that work. Like for example, I love corn, and you're ready. You get two ears of corn right out of your one little corn seed, and you watch it pop up in rows right and it's very cool to watch and it's great to know. But I can then go down the block and get, you know, a dozen ears of corn for like five bucks. Now, I think I'll go down in five five bucks. The interesting thing about corn is it's like the one vegetable that has absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. So when you picked yeah, no, but but I love look you you even have to love like a sweet corn It's the word I like. I like corn bread. I like sweet corn bread that's made with the corn kernels. You know, you can't. You have to ruin everything. Well, is they ruining it because you're telling me you don't like corn dipped in butter with salt on it? You know, if I had my choice between corn bread and you know, gooey Ikey's thing, the just keep sipping on your disgusting pull your callers, um anyway, and that is in North Carolina. What's up Onett? How are you? Thanks for taking my call, Sean. I've got two points I want to make. Um. I did watch the hearing today and so I wanted to comment on that. But listen, I'm kind of a crazy person. And I went over to the Department of Motor vehicles on the thirty first of December, and there was quite a long line, so I'm gonna be here for about three hours. So I got a little crazy and I stood out and I asked a big question. I said, folks, I just want to ask you a question. There's about seventy five, seventy five people here. How many people love God and feel like they're called according to God's purpose? And people raised their hands excitedly. I thought that there was at least seventy five percent of them that said yes. And then I said, well, let me ask you another question. How many of you feel patriotic an American and not afraid to vote? And do you know that I only got like about forty thirty something like that percent. People started looking away from me. Then at that point I thought I was gonna cry, and I just got back in line and didn't say a word. But the same day I was listening on a show where there was a host on a radio show and on fock that Kemp pouted that he did not vote, and there were callers that called in and agreed with them that it was okay not to vote. Let me just let me add the don't I tell this to my kids all the time. You cannot live your life in fear. You cannot live your life caring that much. Will people think of you if you're doing the right thing, obviously, not if you're doing the wrong thing. There's certain principles, you know, America. You know, we say the Land of the Free and the Home of the brave. That actually means something. And I think many Americans have become intimidated and are fearful, you know, people afraid of the irs. People you know, scared to death over COVID, but they're not taught any of the fundamentals about therapeutics and monoclonals, etc. Etc. And it's a scary time or that you know, have you or are you or have you ever been a Donald Drum supporter? I mean, which is kind of where we're getting right now. It's you know, there's reason to be afraid. We have a dual justice system. I think the country if we don't win this mid term election and stop this UM. I'm not very hopeful. I think the damage will be irreparable. I don't think we'll be able to repair it if Joe Biden has a Democratic Congress next year this time, so fear is of the devil. And how can we as Christians raise our hand and say that we lost We're called according to its perfect this. How about let not your heart be troubled and you just, you know, speak up and people will be drawn to you, and then other people will hate you. Look. I can walk on a restaurant and I can spot people that hate me instantaneously. It's on their face. Um, I can spot people that might happen to like me in New York. I'm pretty canceled. There's a lot of people in New York. They see me and it's you know, They're visibly agitated at the fact that I'm actually breathing and living, you know, and I'm even in the same room as them. None of that bothers me. I don't care. Whatever switch I'm supposed to have that cares about what other people think about me, I wouldn't be able to do my job. Bennette, all right, So you'd be strong and you'd be tough, and you speak out, and you're going to find your drawn to better people, better friends, and people that share your values, and you don't have to worry about the people that don't like you. Who cares what they think. Don and lake Ronkon, come on, what's up big Don? How are you my friend? Hey? Sean? Well, no rescipe you since you your first week back from vacation. You know, I like to ask God, what is the purpose of my existence? What am I here on earth to do? Well? Way, he had a plan for January that I wasn't expecting, but go ahead, since a Democrat to re name it with political anniversary today January seventh March, the date that and teach been trial of Bill Clinton formerly began with him lying under rowth and obstructing justice. So there's an anniversary form. But you know, Sean, I really wanted to call in and compliment you and your radio and TV crew for the excellent audio and video montages that you have to that they explain bitter than anything of the insulting hypocrisy of political Democrats and those in the mainstream media that ignore it. I appreciate you noticing. And by the way, I condemned violence. I condemned it in real time. This is but this is a sham committee, you know. And you know, look at everyone on that committee voted to impeach Donald Trump. You have the biggest purveyor of election lies in the history of the country. In the congenital liar Adam Schiff is on the committee. Um, we all know that they're not looking for answers. We all know they have a predetermined outcome. That's why they kicked Jim Banks and Jim Jordan off the committee. Now, if they really wanted credibility, they have to ask this question. Donald Trump saw an approval of twenty thousand National Guard troops on January fourth. He needed the mayor of DC Bowser, and he needed Nancy Pelosi to sign off on it. They haven't signed off on it. So unless and until this committee brings in Pelosi and questions her and Bowser and questions her and the sergeant at arms, and questions the sergeant at arms. And by the way, the emails they're not being turned over, I wonder why. And the Capitol Police chief that requested the National Guard. You know, it's it is what it is. They could write, They could write their conclusions now, but they'll save it for October twenty fifth, So it will impact the election. But I gotta roll. Listen, don We love you. Happy New year, my friend, Happy new to you, my friend. Right that's gonna wrap things up at today. Full complete ball out coverage from the Sham January sixth Committee. John Nathan Turley, we'll join us tonight. Senator Ram Paul takes on a whole variety of issues, including the failure of Fauci and Company. How did we run out of tests? How did we run out of therapeutics and monoclonal antibodies? Leo two point, Terrell, Tammy, Bruce, Greig Jarrett, Zarah Carter, much more. Say your DVR Hannity ninetiestern tonight. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.

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