Sean spends the first hour remembering Pierre Zakrzewski, the Fox News photographer who was killed in Ukraine this week.
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Yeah, where I'm coming snaw Sean show morhind the scenes, information on freaking news, and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, Day number two thirteen, Day thirteen. Joe Biden abandons Americans behind enemy Lines day two twenty six since he promised, oh, I'm never gonna do that, stabbing our fellow Americans in the back. Um, I start with a sad note today. Um, we often don't give credit to people to do amazing work in life. You know. I think one thing that came out of the convoy in Canada is Wow, everything we buy and every store we go to gets there because a guy is behind an eighteen wheeler for ten eleven, twelve hours whatever he's allowed to drive a day. And every store that we go to we have, you know, full shelves most of the time, except during the Joe Biden inflicted supply chain crisis. And it's there because the truckers. I think over the pandemic, we gathered a greater appreciation for healthcare workers, for doctors, for nurses, for orderlies, for janitors that work in hospitals, everybody that worked in a hospital every single day during the pandemic, they went into a COVID petrie dish, even especially in the beginning when we didn't know as much about COVID as we do now. We didn't have monoclonal antibodies. Please everyone in those audience remember those words if you need it. There are two strains that we're watching very closely. Germany just said a record number of cases. This is far from over. It's a lull for us now, but it'll be back, either Amicron two or Delta cron, which is a combination of Amicron and Delta. But we learned a lot about the doctors and nurses, truck drivers, the farmer's farm, the packers packed the trucker's truck, the nurses, the doctors, all the factories that stayed open making producing the medical equipment that we needed so desperately, and working overtime in the car companies. You know, they jumped on board to try and put together a ventilator, and even their top engineers said, this is not easy. This is a very sophisticated piece of technology here, meaning a ventilator. But they all we got a greater appreciation from people. Fox News lost one of its premier cameramen, and his name is Pierre Zakchevsky, and he's been with the channel a long time. He died after his vehicle was struck by incoming fire out just outside of Kiev in Ukraine. It happened on Monday. I was not at liberty to really talk about it. I had heard that it had happened, we didn't know the extent of it at the time. And then, of course we have somebody that's been on my show during this invasion of Putin of Ukraine, Benjamin Hall. He has a young family. He's a great reporter, a great guy, extremely talented, and I don't know the extent of his injuries, so I'm not going to speculate. I've inquired, but I don't you know, I think he probably would want his own medical privacy. But we don't really appreciate, you know, a guy like Pierre is and you know Steve Harrigan and Greg Palcott. They all go out in these war zones to show the world what's really happening, and they're risking their lives every day. And I can't tell you how many times I'd say to somebody as they finished their hit. Um, you know, be safe, stay you know, stay safe, be careful. But Pierre was a war zone photographer. He covered nearly every international story for Fox News from Iraq to Afghanistan, as Syria. He's with the Fox News Channel a long time. He had a passion and he's a talented journalist in every way. And you know, as a statement put out by the president of Fox News, Suzanne Scott, my boss, you know, constant in all of our international coverage, I just want to stop. And the former New York Times reporter that got killed. I mean we kind of take for granted. It's not easy what they're doing. It takes a lot of bravery, It takes a lot of courage. I remember, you know, we've been in a couple of situations. We went to a Raq at one point, and I'll never forget. I mean, we're in a C one thirty. We did an in flight refueling there and an in flight refueling back. And the pilots are twenty two years old, huge cargo plane. And when you get close to a rack and you're about to land, they do what's called the corkscrew landing. You know what a corkscrew is right right opening up a bottle of wine, and you're in this plane. And I literally they let me watch this in the cockpit, just like I went in the cockpit and saw the in air refueling and experience is incredible. The technology, the innovation is amazing. These pilots at this young age blew me away. And anyway, you basically go vertical, but around in a circle like you're opening up a bottle of wine, and then room. Then you go right down. Then the idea is you don't want to do a slow descent because that gives the enemy more time to shoot that plane out of the sky. And these guys that did this, that's what their job was every day, flying people to and from the war zone. And then we got in a helicopter convoy with then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and you know, we went to we had a number of stops, I don't remember how many, but we went to the red zone meaning where it's dangerous, where you know, we had a fleet of helicopters, doors were open and manned machine guns on both sides of the bird, and you get just you just get a glimpse into the life of a soldier and then I'm you know, after whatever many days there, I'm leaving and I'm thinking, all these guys their their minimum deployment is a year in that hell hole, because that's what it is, a hell hole. And the incredible bravery, valor and commitment that they have and the sacrifice they're willing to make because their families are still back home and maybe they get to FaceTime, maybe they get to talk to on the phone occasionally, to their kids and their wife or whatever, your husband, and it's such a commitment. And it's moments like this that you really stop and think of how great people are in all that they do. What makes this country greater, it's people. When we were in Israel and we go to the it was in the middle of hostilities. Wasn't an outright war, you know what? One not one day we went to a border town Saroyt is how you say it, Linda will correct me. And it's right on the border of Ghazi settled, all right, you say differently than I do. And it's on it's on the border of Gaza. You can see Gaza. And you know, the night before we had gotten there, that kibbutz, meaning a neighborhood and they call it a kibbutz. Was you know, hit with trapnel and hit with these you know, with with weapons that are designed to destroy lives. And I'm thinking, and then you go to the playground. The playgrounds for kids in this neighboring town of Gaza were under ground because there wouldn't be enough time for a kid that was playing outside in a playground to get to a bomb shelter because of the close proximity of Gaza. We went to the police station and they had in the back of the police station thousands of rockets that had been fired into Israel over the years, over ten thousand rockets in this one town in ten years. Linda, you remember this trip, and that's the trip where we went into the tunnels that were dripped, that were dug underground and you know, sixty feet underground. They use Israeli an American cement and electricity, not to build hospitals and schools as it was designed for, but they do it to commit acts of terrorism against innocent Israelis. I mean ynt to be fair, Sewan, it was you know, we were at the University of Siroca hospital. They were incredible there, their ICU Department is amazing, and they were taking care of soldiers like we're seeing now on the front lines of Ukraine, that where some of them were no older than eighteen years old. And then we meet and so and then one night we went to this place. The food in Israel, I fought was horrific. I mean, unless you're like Linda, I like these green this disgustingly green puke projectile vomit disgusting smoothie or an orange projectile vomit smoothie and you love hummus, which I can't stand. Um. Even McDonald's was awful in Israel, which really disappointed. I saw a McDonald and like, stop this car right now, I'm starving. But you think of these guys and they put their lives on the line for us every day. And I just hit home losing this photographer, not knowing the condition of this journalist friend of ours, Benjamin Hall, Pierre Zakchevski. You know, how does his family feel it today? But he did it because he wanted us, that he had a passion for what he did. And I'm just grateful, and I just want everybody to know our thoughts and prayers love sent their way, and that's for everybody. I don't care what news organization you work for, because all of them are brave and any soldier that goes into any war zone. I remember leaving thinking, what if I had to stay in Iraq a year? How would I feel? Not knowing if you're ever going to see your family again? And then you're out on patrol and maybe it's not you, but maybe you're fellow fellow platoon members, maybe maybe they just got shot, maybe their legs just got blown off with an ieed, and it just can't be any war as hell. That's why when you know some people have been saying, well, Hannity, what do you think, what does America's role in the world. We can't be the world's policeman. Totally agree with you, we can't. The world has a lot of darkness and a lot of evil. Evil does exist. I wrote a whole book on evil the last century. One hundred million human souls destroyed in the name of some ism, Communism, Mao China, Stalin Russia, Naziism, Hitler, fascism, Mussolini Tojo Japan. It's hard for good people to wrap their minds around evil. So what's the role no, we're not going to put boots on the ground. One of the reasons we can't do it unless our own national security interests or at risk. And even then I would lean towards the medical the I'm sorry, the military sophistication and technology advances we've made as a country where you can fight wars and with pinpoint accuracy, hit any target any place in the world, at any time and push that button in an unmanned drone from Tampa Bay, Florida's I'd prefer that kind of war. And that's why we always have got to be the leader in terms of military technology. But we learned in the past what happens when these politicians and oh they're all gung ho and they start these wars, and time goes on and casualties come in, and it gets politicized, and then it's you know, it's used to score cheap political points. And then finally it gets to the point we say, never mind. Now, what if you're the parent or a family member of a loved one that put themselves in harm's way and they die because we didn't fight the war to win the war. If you're gonna fight to win, if you're gonna fight a war, fight it to win and then go win. And you don't, it can be no mercy if you want to win the war. In that sense, yes, of course, you try to avoid collateral damage. Putin's not doing that. Putin is out there hitting maternity hospitals. We've seen the images of mass graves. We've seen entire neighborhoods leveled. We've seen it all. So I think providing the Ukrainians, who have now shown a willingness to fight, Jablin which are very effective, Stingers, which are extremely effective. Ronald Reagan provided Stinger missiles to the Muja Aden and they beat the Soviet Union and they ran them out of Afghanistan in the nineteen eighties. It worked. If the Ukrainians are willing to fight, give them the Jablins, give them the Stingers, give them the fighter jets. Why why anybody asked permission? Asked Joe's permission? Joe Biden's permission is beyond me. Sadly, we have a president so weak, frail, afraid and compromised. This is what leading from behind is America last is and live free or die America in the world on the brink, This is the on the brink part I tried to warn everybody about and it's only going to get worse with the RAND, and it's only going to get worse with China. These are not good times anyway. Our prayers are with everybody in any war zone, including the people of Ukraine. What do you think when you see mass gray? What do you think when you see a young girl in the laying and a mother laying in the street, dead with their luggage trying to flee a war zone. I think we can provide the military aid if they're willing to fight their own fight. Got a lot of ground of cover today. Ram Paul will join us in a little bit. Um. There's a lot of people out there that are are very optimistic. Um, I have pause for cautious optimism, but I tend to really be realistic and I'm irish, so I always think the worst is gonna happen. And what I'm seeing is and Greg Poalcott pointed this out last night, and I really took note of it, and then I did a deeper dive into this, and I'll go into more detail throughout this hour, but there the Russians were eighteen miles out of Kiev last week. Remember we interviewed the guy in the bunker and he said, oh, I don't really see the perimeter being surrounded. It's being surrounded. And now they're nine miles out and the bombardment has gotten worse, and Ukraine is now becoming Czechnia on a larger scale, as the UN is even warning of a potential nuclear war, which there's always going to be a possibility with any nuclear power. You know, the idea that we will cower because Vladimir Putin makes a threat, Well, if that's the case, we might as well just hand them the United States. At some point, you're going to have to fight. In this case, the Ukrainians have to fight, and the free world should support a sovereign nation and stand up against a brutal thug dictator murdering men, women and children. We now know that they've gone scorched earth. Putin is somewhat embarrassed on the world stage that it hasn't gone as well as it may be people thought it would. He's killing civilians, bombing hospitals, He's knocked out a number of schools and leveled entire neighborhoods. These are all facts on the ground from our reporters that are telling me what's going on there. I'll give you more of the details on the other side. And we're not going to buy the big lie of Biden, Saki and Kamala, which is, oh, everything that's wrong is all Vladimir Putin's fault. It's a lie. Breaking news all afternoon. When you get off work, be sure to check in first for everything you missed during the day. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight nine one, Shawn our number if you want to be a part of the program. So I fear that the Russians are, albeit ever so slowly, getting closer to the capitol Kiev. What we're seeing and reading and reporting and sources the people on the ground that I talked to is not good. Because my observation is and this is speculation only on my part. Is all the surprise shock that how bad Putin's generals and army have performed in this You're looking at a megalomaniac egomaniac that has very broad wide territorial ambitions. Anyway, So Ukraine is becoming Czechnia on a larger scale. Un is saying that they're warning of a potential nuclear war and Russian forces. Now it's been chronicled everywhere. They're killing civilians, looting stores and homes all across occupied parts of southern Ukraine, vording a residence there. Kiev is more in the north. In the middle below Belarus, people arriving from Russia held areas over the weekend described hungry, are hungry, and they see undisciplined Russian troops shooting unarmed villagers. We've seen these pictures of innocent people several residential buildings in Kiev itself. The bombing in Kiev has been ratcheted up greatly as Russian troops have gotten closer. The mayor of Kiev has announced the thirty five hour curfew in other areas. In Kiev. In particular, nineteen citizens killed nine injured in the latest Russia attack on a TV tower that's going on there. Ukraine official is claiming certainly some other areas casualties are approaching twenty thousand people. An advisor to one of the regions in outside of the border region are making those reports. Russian state run TV program is advocating for the public hanging and occupied Ukrainian cities. What do you think is going to happen to this woman who worked in a newsroom that protested and put up the sign that says no war. Don't believe the propaganda. Apparently she was in court today, had disappeared. People wondered if she'd ever be seen again. Zelinsky is predicting victory in Ukraine. He's begging the West to provide the weaponry so the Ukrainians can fight their own war. Maybe you think that's the right thing to do. Maybe you don't think that that's the right thing to do. You know, at some point, you know, we can't be the world's policeman. You can't. But you've also got to look at the broader, wider implications of all of this. And the amazing thing in a political context is Donald Trump's admonitions and warnings that NATO, you know, on one hand, where we are providing the bulk of moneys while countries like Germany and other Western European NATO allied countries they're paying much smaller amounts in terms of the actual money, but they're paying smaller percentages of their smaller GDP. And then he said, why would you then turn around and allow these countries because we're protecting you, paying for you. We're not that worried about Russia, but we're part of an alliance. We pay the bulk of money. And then you and your countries turn around and you import all these all this energy from Russia and make yourself dependent on Russian oil and gas, and you're making Putin rich again and Russia rich again. And it's just stupid. I mean, it's the same thing. Why would we make this idiotic deal with a RAN that is being broken by Russia and China. This is madness anyway by the person of the UN that said it's in the realm of possibility in nuclear wars. The UN Secretary General. Look, I'm not big. I don't have great confidence in the UN's ability to do anything right or the who's ability to do anything right. They ran basically as a propaganda arm for China throughout all of COVID. Not exactly particularly happy. If if the UN left the New York City, nobody'd be happier than me. European leaders plan to visit Ukraine's capital as as this now continues, and Biden apparently is going over there himself. You know, I noticed Boris Johnson is holding meetings with oil and gas leaders as the White House employees. Remember, Joe Biden brought in this week, within the last week, TikTok influencers. You say, well, what's an influencer? An influencers somebody you know. Companies will pay these TikTok posters massive amounts of money if they have enough followers, because then they'll promote their products and they're known as influencers. Now, this is what the Biden administration. They want the TikTokers to go in there and spewed Joe's propaganda. And the propaganda and the big lie is you know, being repeated and regurgitated over and over again, and that is oh, inflation. Vladimir Putin caused this inflation. We didn't cause this inflation. Okay, Well, we have had record high inflation for the last but four or five months now, went setting one record after another, long before Putin invaded Ukraine. Say with oil prices. You know this is the My name is President Joe. I blame Vladimir for everything I do wrong. Biden, this is one big lie. Now, the media always got upset. Oh, Donald Trump just old a lie, liar, liar, liar pants on fire? When are they going to hold? Everybody in the media mob is echoing this big lie. Democrats, Jensaki, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, all the usual characters. Are we gonna blame Putin for the crisis that Joe created at our southern border? Are we gonna blame Vladimir Putin for the fact that Joe Biden ran out of COVID tests over Christmas when predictably cases are going to rise as people get in closer contact with each other. Are we going to blame Vladimir Putin for Joe Biden's debacle and his exit from Afghanistan, which was an unmitigated failure and disaster. Are we gonna blame Vladimir Putin for the initial claim that inflation is only transitory? Now most economists are predicting or session or even worse. You know, we're gonna blame Vladimir Putin for the food chain crisis that we've suffered in this country. High gas prices. We already had it long before Putin invaded Ukraine. Now it's exacerbated it, no doubt about it. But we were averaging what nearly a buck fifty a gallon for gasoline, and you saw the prices at every store. You to go up dramatically, and you're paying more to heat your homes this winner. You'll pay a lot more to cool your homes this summer gas prices. It's not our fault. I will stand up. I'm the only one that we can go tote toe of Putin. Yeah, well you're really going tote toe. I have so much I have so much confidence in Joe Biden. Anyway, now, Boris Johnson, it's a little late, because if they would have listened, If Germany, NATO, western European countries would have listened to the admonition of Donald J. Trump, which is, don't make this guy rich. You're putting him in a position to destroy you, we wouldn't be here today. And if Joe Biden didn't push our Western European allies into the arms of Putin and given to the climate alarmist religion cult that he's a member of that represents the Democratic New Green Deals Socialist Party, we wouldn't have this problem today. We would be able to supply our Western European allies with the energy that they need. If we didn't cancel. If Joe didn't cancel on day one the Keystone XIL pipeline, the premiere of Alberta says it would be finished today and we would be able to have imported from Canada Canadian oil some nine hundred thousand barrels a day. And they're even offering now through the means we have currently available another four hundred thousand barrels a day if we want it. So he doesn't need to kiss the ass or the mullets in Iran, the dictator murdering thug in Venezuela, or the or the OPEC nations that don't like us. By the way, and this is another thing, all these reports over Oh wait, we have nine thousand areas we can drill. He's put more restrictions on energy production in this country than any previous president except for Biden and Obama. You know, now futures has gone down, oil did slide a little below one hundred dollars. That was earlier today. I haven't looked at it. But blaming Putin for you know, and COVID for record high inflation as a lie. Blaming them for higher gas prices of a lie, and you know, drafting TikTok stars to blame Putin for rising gas prices. You know you've got these kids. That's like the hiring no offense. I've actually interviewed Kim Kardashian. She couldn't have been nicer. It's like hiring the Kardashians to spin your propaganda for you. You know what is put What will Putin do of Russia? Has no chance of victory. This is an article on someplace I saw. It's not going to be good. I'm sensing now that Putin is feeling a level of embarrassment. He's an egomaniac, megalomaniac, narcissist. You know this, This, this is what we have now feared. Now you add to this something that nobody in the media is talking about. Interestingly, I don't know why they would ignore it. US lawmakers, some of them have taken can note and are demanding that Biden break out of the nuclear talks after Iran launched a nuclear up, sorry, launched a missile attack on the US consulate in Iraq. You have a large ballistic missile fired by Iran slamming right into this facility, our consulate in Iraq. What is Joe going to do. I brought this question up yesterday, you know, it's simultaneously. Don't think this is not my design. The world will take advantage these hostile nations, hostile actors will take advantage of this quagmire that Joe seems to have gotten in China's warning of the worst consequences for any country that supports Taiwan's military, and on the other hand, they're saying there's going to be you know, the US is warning China not to assist Russia. Does anyone in the right mind believe that that that president she cares what Joe Biden says or thinks, because they don't and they won't. You know, there's been a lot of miscalculations here. You know, I worry about a cornered rat in this case, and the rat being Vladimir Putin, you know, and this inability to take blame for failure is really annoying me. Now, NATO is amassing what thirty thousand troops fifty warships for huge war games on Russia's border. Okay, that's really gonna do war games in international waters. Moscow's claiming Biden has caved on Ukraine's sanctions against Russia because they so desperately want this Iranian deal, which is going to be worse than the first Iranian deal, that will put tens of billions of dollars in the pockets of mullows that chant death to America, death to Israel. British defense sources are saying the Ukrainian resistance does has performed extraordinarily, well beyond anybody's expectations. But this is an uphill battle. They're outmanned, they're outgunned. They have more sophisticated technology and Joe Biden veto the JETSA, meaning the MiGs that were offered by Poland. Now on the economic side of things, by the way, Biden's Labor secretary, Marty Walsh is even warning that a recession is now a real likelihood. Gee, welcome to the party, Saudi Arabia. Now some people say it want it's the u on is how you say it, you aa, and is the proper pronunciation of the Chinese currency instead of dollars for Chinese oil sales. That's not good for the country, and that's not good for the world because we were always you know, the US dollar, the full faith and creditor of the US government, which was always ps anyway, once we got off the gold standard of my humble opinion. The Federal Reserve expected to raise interest rates this week, likely tomorrow. Washington Post column, Buckle up, Inflation, risk of recession are about to get much much worse. Let me tell you why the mainstream media is finally covering this. Why because they're looking to use this Ukrainian invasion by Russia as a scapegoat for all of Biden's economic and energy policy failures. You know, producer prices now rise by double digits. In other words, wholesale inflation in the US shot up ten percent last month from a year earlier, which means the inflationary pressures remain intense, which means the likelihood of America hitting a recession is all the greater. And then Biden is just unleashing rage on Americans. I'm sick of them blaming inflation on me. Well, who do we blame it on? Because inflation a forty year high happened long before Putin invaded Ukraine, Joe, US economy all signs to a recession. And who's getting disproportionately impacted the most, the poor, the middle class in America. It's it's that bad then we got I'm not even talking about the price of gas. Democrats now saying criticizing Biden for the high price of gas is Unamerican. Congresswoman Kim Schreier to not blame Putin is denying reality, and I think it's Unamerican. Okay, does she not know the fuel prices were going up because of his policies before Russia invaded Ukraine? You know, by the way, there's an article on Foxnews dot com. I might put it on Hannity dot com because it's long, and the headline is Russia duped Europe into energy dependence by funding rabid environmental groups. Russians actually fund the most rabid environmental groups in Europe. Does that surprise you? New York Times, February twentieth Biden administration halts all new drilling. Oh, what about the nine thousand approved drilling leases. Unbelievable. Biden doubles down on ending fossil fuel consumption. In the middle of all of this, We're going to continue to be aggressive on the executive front. And he spoke about bipartisan infrastructure deal and he said, it's another reason we've got to get off our dependency on fossil fuels, Well, what's the alternative? Joe Gotta tell us eight hundred nine four one Sea on our number,