Remembering Charlie Daniels - October 20th, Hour 2

Published Oct 20, 2021, 10:01 PM

John Rich, Artist and Whiskey connoisseur, has his own line of whiskey is RedNeck Riviera, and host of “The Pursuit '' on Fox Nation, now in its second season, which is now on the Fox Business Network. He has a very special episode tonight featuring the great Charlie Daniels. 

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Skinners, simple man. That means only one thing. All things Bill O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Um, mister O'Reilly sir, how are you good? I'm trying to pick out my Halloween costume, by the way, going you really you really don't need one, because but it's too frightening just to go as me. I don't want to. So I'm going to kids don't trick or treating to your house and stuff like that because they don't come to my house. Well they don't like you, um, but yeah, they come to my house. I have a fortress, Bill, I've been to your house like going to the airport. You got tsa guys out there. You know that's all true. But I'm going I'm trick of treating as Sean Hannity. So I gotta pick out the march outfit. I gotta get the martial arts to outfit. All right. So you always talk about your children and you declare you have urchins. Correct? Correct? All right? So we have kids. What's what's worse? What was worse than the O'Reilly household? When your kids screwed up and did something stupid or when they lied about it. You know, I never hit my children ever, because either you know, I was raising a home where they were crap out of me. Here's the question, what are the kids get in trouble more for the lying or what they did? Um, the cover up is always worse than the than the deed, as they said in the Nixon administration. Um, but I didn't have you know, I gotta tell you my kids didn't really misbehave that much because I'm just looming six foot four guy, and I was pretty lenient. I was right, this is not the focus of the discussion. I'm actually leading up to something. When, for example, when the Biden camp is either nonchalant or condescending, or they lie when they say the border, what's happening down there is not a crisis. That's a lie to me. When they say, oh, we don't need to test illegal immigrants because they're not going to be here very long, that's a lie to me. A flight at two or four am in the morning, that's not a flight in the middle of the night. Now that would be considered an early morning flight. When they talk about the supply chain problem, they lie and say it's a high class problem, and we know it's impacting every American that's a lie. Then they get really sarcastic and say things like, well, you won't get to choose fifteen colors of what you want, but at least you'll get one, or they lecture you, like Buddha Judge, shop earlier. Or when they lie and say three point five trillion won't cost you a penny, that they lecture you to shop earlier in October for if you want Christmas presents on time, and that you know Jensaki calling it the tragedy of the treadmill that you can't get on time. I don't like being lied to, Bill, and I don't like the condescension behind these remarks because that's what they allow me to go big picture on you, Hannity. Okay, yes, sir, all right. So the big picture is that the Biden administration's failures are so dramatic that they have no choice other than to deceive. They have to deceive you. Now, Saki is good at a job. She's the Minister of Propaganda. She's slick, articulate and does what she is told to do one hundred percent of the time, never goes off the reservation, as a cliche, goes. But the worst for Saki, and it really hurt her credibility with Americans, not just a press is when the questions were raised about migrant children being flown to New York City, Jacksonville, Florida, other places and landing at two three in the morning, and then Saki says sarcastically, well, that's not really that late. That's an early morning flight. As you just pointed out. Now, any person, even a fanatical supporter of Joe Biden, is going to say, why would you say something that's stupid, because that's the word, it's just stupid. But the Biden administration is failing. And this is a key for everybody to understand, because they are so arrogant. That's the word that Usually when you have a policy that doesn't work, you reverse the policy, correct a different direction in your personal life. Right, the government is over and the end of welfare as we know it. Yeah, you try to do something. If something isn't working in your own life, you try to a new tact and make it work and to solve the problem. Not the Biden administration. And it's stunning. They don't reverse anything. They double down. As a cliche goes, I've used two cliches and I'm driving myself crazy. So another one is Buddha Judge. Call it the Buddha Judge misjudge. Okay, So Buddha Judge is a Secretary of Transportation, a job he clearly is not capable of doing. Here's no background in it. He knows nothing about transportation, nothing about supply lines, nothing about anything. Doesn't think ahead, doesn't anticipate. Hey, we have a lot of shutdowns on COVID the world over. It's gonna be hard to ramp up to get everybody the products they need for Christmas. So maybe we deregulate instead of adding on regulations. That's what a smart secretary of transportation would have done, not Buddha Judge, because he doesn't know anything. In addition, he takes a paternity leave. All right, he's entitled to a paternity leave, but you appoint an acting secretary while you're out for two months. Did Buddha Judge do that? No, So who's minding Buddha Judge? Biden? Biden didn't even know who he is. Biden couldn't care less. So now my lead story cannight on the No Spin News on Bill O'Reilly dot com is it's not going to be a good Christmas for Joe Biden because they will not correct any mistakes. They are too arrogant. And that's what we're looking at. The sad part is is who's getting hurt the most? Now, Well, that's honest, Bill, I as you say, the folks, you and I can afford to pay more for gas. We can afford the higher taxes that will be paying. Even though it's frankly stealing at this point, license stealing, legalist legalized stealing. We can afford, you know, to pay the money to do what we want to do. But I lived a good part of my adult life without money, Bill, and I've never lost that mindset. You know, my parents grew up very, very poor, and it was a big deal to get a fifty by one hundred lot Franklin squarehouse and four kids in one back through him, three older sisters. That's called hell on Earth. Bill. But in all seriousness, the people that cannot afford his policies are the poor and the plus became battered. They're getting crushed. Crush And Saki is going to go out there and weave a tale of deception that doesn't blame her boss. Joe Biden, and it is his fault. He's the president. The supply lines, the shortages, the inflation, it's all Biden's fault because he's in charge. So I interviewed Trump last week, as you know, and I said to him, we didn't have inflation in your administration, even though you spent an enormous amount of money. And he got on the defense. So I had to do that to rebuild a military. You've heard a million times. But then I said, listen, why didn't we have inflation? And he gave a very cogent, smart answer. He says, I kept energy down. The prices were down, and once they get unleashed, everything goes up. And that's exactly what happened under Biden. So Biden's he's responsible, But Saki, she's going to tell you the rich people are responsible, or let me get you to go a little deeper. When he promised thirteen days before he abandoned Americans in Afghanistan, that is that is a preventable crisis. He certainly could have gotten out in April, May, June, July because they knew the Talaban were on the march. The border disaster again, that all all of these problems are preventable. The energy crisis is preventable because he ended energy independence that Donald Trump was one of us didn't have to happen. You're absolutely right, and that then therefore impacts the economy. And then, by the way, there's more people dead of COVID this year than last year. Bill, how do you explain that it's not that these problems are insurmountable. They're man made problems. And the man made probably, and the man who made him is Joe Biden. Now COVID's a little bit different because that is not anybody's direct fault, um any human being. It might be government. But he did promise I can play it for you. He did promise that he would get this completely under control. That was but he didn't. He didn't, so you would think that he might go another way. Right, That's that's the theme of our conversation today. When somebody doesn't work, you go another way. So instead of mandating all this armed forces, you got to do it now. The armed forces are going to be in chaos, right, Chicago Police Department's already in chaos instead of the mandates. I asked Trump about that, and I hope everybody listening today, goes to Bill O'Reilly dot com and watches that my interview with Donald Trump. It's very illuminating. I said, would you have mandated vaccine? He goes, no, I would have persuaded, and that's how it should have been done. You better take it or we're gonna fire you. Because you can't fire people, Joe. We don't have enough workers, all right, There aren't enough truck drivers. Why because you decided to give the folks all this COVID money and now they don't have to work. They don't have to get in a truck. They don't want to get into truck, so we don't have truck drivers to get the goods to the marketplace. It's your fault. It goes back to you, but you'll never get the corporate media to report it that way. All right, quick freak Moore with Bill O'Reilly, simple man on the other side, and then we'll get to your calls in John Rich eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn our number as we continue. Oh it's simple man, Bill O'Reilly, all things o'reiley and Bill O'Reilly dot com. How does this end, Bill O'Reilly, Because I think it ends really badly. Where now at a point, well, I'm I'm making the comparison. You know when they say, oh, you know this is Jensaki sarcastically saying, oh, it's headmill problem or a high class problem. More shop earlier for Christmas. Store shelves are getting empty. Bill. How does this end? It sounds like Jimmy Carter and you know Americans need to lower their heat, their temperature of their heater and then put on a sweater. That's what it sounds like. It ends with the Republican party winning the House and the Senate next November. It's only a year away, and that's my calculation. My calculation is this Biden has a horrible Christmas, terrible people are furious, even the people who supported him, because everybody now is getting hurt personally. It's not theoretical anymore. And that carries over to the first three months of the year into March. Okay, the anger that people are feeling toward the administration. Then the campaign starts in earnest for November. From April to November, you have the Republicans against the Democrats, and you have the Publicans with a huge, huge amount of ammunition to say do you really want to continue his way by electing so and so is a Senator or a congressperson. So that's what happens. I think, unless there's a dramatic occurrence that alters a course of history. The worst part of this bill is that we're now if this mandate, if they stand, if they don't make the transition that you're talking about, which you're right about, the era of big government is over the end of well for us, we know it. If they don't make the transition, we're going to lose thousands, tens of thousands of military personnel, thousands of teachers, thousands of police officers, thousands of nurses and healthcare workers. Bill it is going to be an unmitigated, unprecedented disaster. It's crazy. If Biden we're smart, which he is not, and he never has been. You know, I did a I'm doing a special on Joe Biden on Thursday night. I hate to keep plugging my way, psyche, but that's where O'Reilly's stuff is. As you point out, Especial, he's never been smart, and he basically isn't anticipating the unintended consequences of all the people you just mentioned leaving their jobs. Who's going to fill those jobs? Who? I mean, you're you're getting thousands of military people are going to leave the service, thousands of police officers leave the departments, thousands of medical workers leave the hospitals. Who's gonna replace them? Pete Buddha, Judge, you see talking about the National Guard. That's what their latest talking. They don't have enough national Guard. I agree, right, they just don't have and so you would think they would be thinking it out. But nothing is thought out. Nothing. And that goes back to Biden. He has poor people in the secretary positions. He is embracing the radical left, which is destroying the country socially. What is the man doing well? Give me one thing, Hannity, one thing he's doing well? Give me what listen. I've asked this question repeatedly, Bill, I can't name one, and I'm people used to ask me that question about Barack Obama. Can you see one nice thing about him? I said, you know what, him and Michelle seemed like very very good parents. That was my observation that they seem to really love their children. I worked with Obama, as you know, on Brother's Keeper, which was the solution to poverty in the Inner City, and I worked very closely with him on that. I personally he asked me to do it. It's a charitable enterprise, and I did it. So Obama did some good things, but not really. But you and I can said. We'll have that argument another day anyway, All things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. Don't forget Bill O'Reilly's going to be touring with President Trump for Cities in December, all that ormation on his website. Mister O'Riley, sir, thank you for being one of us, mister simpleman. Oh come than we have coming, ladies and gentlemen. We'd like to take a second to hear the immortal Bob Grant's thoughts about the world today. Hey, ladies and gentlemen, is sick and it's getting sicker. Now back to the Sean Hannity Show. I had twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one Sean. You know, one of the reasons that we start with big and rich and we've changed music on the show over the years is some of these stupid people in the music industry. We're on like how many stations now, six seventy six sixty five. How many stations. Yeah, it's almost seven hundred, all right, So we're on more stations than any other show, by the way, thanks to all of you. And we're willing to play the music of people we like. I particularly am drawn to country music. I like Christian contemporary music too, but I'm not sure that would fit for the program because I probably cuss even too much for Linda's pastor, but he's used to it with her. But to be very frank, these people then send us cease and to sist letters, and I'm like, you've gotta be kidding me. And if you play more than what is a thirty seconds of a song, that's then you owe a fortune. I mean we're not talking about a small amount of money. How much is it, Linda? If we get a violent, they want one hundred and fifty grand And meanwhile I'm promoting their music. I mean, it's so stupid. So one day I called my friend John Richard. I say, hey, John, do you mind if we use your song in the open to our to the radio program? Um? And he says, no, I love it. That's great. Which one and the one you just started come into your city that's on what I'm playing, and he didn't. There was no headache, no heartache. It was just two friends talking and we're best friends. And you know he was gracious about it. Took two seconds anyway. John Richards with us artist whiskey connoisseur as we know his Brandon Redneck Riviera. He's also now hosting his own show on Fox Nation and also on the Fox Business Network called The Pursuit. He interviewed Charlie Daniels and what ended up being Charlie Daniels, who we love his last interview. Listen, you know I think he would be. I think there's songs from heaven it's still waiting for us to hear and get down and put on paper. So I got one final question. Sure, we ask ask every guest on The Pursuit this question as the final question, and that would be this, how has the right to pursue happiness changed your life? It is my life. I live my life. There's so many things I enjoy. You know, I enjoy eating you probably tell that you know, enjoy a good glass of wine. I enjoy hunting. I don't need it the chance to do it anymore. But I love I love my guns. I love fishing. I love being able to if I decide today to say, hey, let's go down the lake wise and get some crappy you get in the car and go. Or let's go let's fly to Australia. Get your passport, you know, let's go somewhere. Let's do something. Nobody stopped me. A lot of places you couldn't do that. You couldn't go out of town you're in, you couldn't got to state you're in. Pursuit of happiness. Freedom and pursue a happiness go hand in hand together. Freedom to worship anywhere you want to, freedom to go anywhere you want to do anything you want to, to to say anything you want to, right, wrong and different, whatever. People don't have to listen to you, but you gotta right to say it. That's the pursuit of happiness. Being the person to reach your potential and be the person and that God designed you that you could reach your potential to be. That to me is a pursuit of happiness. God, family, country work. That's my four principles. Boy, that was powerful. Our buddy John Richards with us speaking rich How are you my friend? Hey, Sean, I'm good, I'm good man, just listening to Charlie say that again, what a lifetime honor that was for me to sit with him. Who knew that nineteen days later he was going to pass away. And you know, to have that on record is that's that's what was on his mind and the things that you'll see in this interview tonight. I asked him a lot of questions, and you know how Charlie was. He didn't hold back, he didn't care, he's about whatever. He was just going to tell you the truth. You know, you know, when you really think about it, this is what I think we're missing in society now. Because I give this one minute speech on what it means to be a conservative, and if you want to hear it, I'll give it to you. And it's very simple. Conservatism is not complicated, but it's rooted in what Charlie said, God, faith, family, and country. And we believe in liberty. We believe in freedom. We believe in capitalism, our constitution, less government, limited government, lower taxes, less bureaucracy. We want choice for our kids, for schools. We want law and order and safety and security in our towns and cities. Very simple stuff. Free market healthcare solutions that take into account preexisting conditions. We want constitutionalists, those that believe in that document on the bench. We want let's see, secure borders, legal immigration. We want energy and dependence we had it under Donald Trump. We want free and fair trade. We want peace through strength. And that pretty much sums it up, John Rich. It's not that frigate complicated, if I can say it. So basically everything that's opposite of what's going on right now in act theymically totally opposite of everything you just said. So the way I look at it, because it's not my opinion, it's what it says. It's in the Declaration of Independence. It calls it our inalienable rights, meaning they are not rights given to us by man or given to us by government. They're given to us by God himself, by the creator of mankind. And it says that those rights are life liberty and not the right to be happy, the right to pursue happiness. And so this show I've got to pursue. I sit people down Sean of all kinds of backgrounds, all different kinds of Americans, who have pursued happiness, they have absorbed failure, they have dealt with defeat. They've dealt with disappointment that they continue to pursue happiness to exhaust their potential. If there was ever a human being that exhausted their potential, it is Charlie, by God Daniels, and so tonight on this show. This is the first time this has ever been seen on television. That's nine o'clock to Eastern and eight o'clock Central, Fox Business Network. This is honestly one of the one of my most proud moments of my life, John was to sit with Charlie Daniels and ask him these questions and learn his story. He was always a hero of mine, and he did a lot of the Freedom Concert tours with us. We raised millions and millions of dollars that had now been distributed. I got a note over twenty some odd million dollars to the children of slaying soldiers for scholarships for college. He was a big part of that movement, and believe me, it was a very heavy lift. Yeah, let me go back to something you said, because your life is fascinating to me. Hanging out with you was always a trip, and I if anyone had the opportunities that I've had in life, to hang out and party with John Rich. I'm warning you it's gonna be a long night. You're gonna wreek of cigars and some type of whiskey. Even though I don't even drink whiskey. He makes me do it. He's the only person that can make me drink a shot of redneck Riviera whiskey for crying out out way. And it's fun. But you set something deep and profound here. And by the way, the soul of the musician comes through in their writing and in their playing. So you have this background. You're the son of a pastor, you know, but yet you raise hell. And when you go out and party, I know because I've been there, and there's nobody more fun to party with. And you got this soulful side of you. And then you just said something really profound, and that is that our rights come from God. You believe as I believe that every human being on this earth. These are called natural rights, God given rights. I believe the word education, from the Latin derivative at duque, means to bring forth from within. Well is within is what God put in you. God put in you an ability to sing. God gave me a big fat mouth, I wish I had the ability to sing, because that looks a little bit more fun than what I'm doing. But you know, I'm not complaining, and a lot of people we don't understand freedom anymore. Like, for example, look at the choice that some people have made. These people are willing to give up their pensions, policemen, teachers, nurses, military personnel, and they're willing to They're standing on their freedom. Nobody's going to convince them at this point whether they should get the shot or not get the shot. They've made up their mind, John, And now we're going to fire first responding nurses and our military personnel that risked their lives for us because they have a personal conviction that that maybe many disagree with. Yeah, from heroes to zeros in twelve months flat, that's exactly how they're being treated. So here's what I see in the country, Sean. I see more and more every day America being divided into two groups. And it's not alone political lines, racial lines, gender lines, eco status, none of that, economy status, none of that. I see one group that believes what they're being told in one group that doesn't. That's it. I mean, ask yourself why twenty eight percent of African Americans are vaccinated. That means are not for a lot of those folks are not Republicans. They don't vote conservatives. They don't agree with a lot of the things I might believe in, but they have made up their mind. I don't trust what I'm being told at this point. I want to know more about it before I make a decision that big for my life. And so the government comes in and says, no, I don't think so. You said how to define freedom? They are changing the way they're trying to anyway the way we view freedom. They want us to believe that that the government giveth and the government take it away. In reality, are inalienable rights. It's the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Joe Biden is not God, the government God. It's just one size fits all medicine that really bothers me. It's all these people. I don't care if they're Hollywood actors or radio hosts or TV hosts or politicians in Washington. You've got to get the vaccine, got to get the vaccine. Well, there are people that have rare conditions that their doctors recommend they don't get a number one, number two for whatever reason. And I think a lot of vaccine hesitancy, and I believe in science was created by the government because they change their mind and their and their protocols almost on a daily basis. So I think they've created their own distrust here. But I'm trying to find a way that people don't lose their pensions. John, and I'm saying, well, if they're not going to get it and they made up their mind, will you at least test them every day and then this way they can keep their pension and pay their bills. Well, there's a word for what they're doing, for what you just describe. You know what that word is, Sean. It's called coercion. It's called coercion. When you threaten people that if they don't do something, something bad's going to happen to them, so you better go do it. That's called coercion. And so you've got people saying, listen, I can't find a long term study. I've got a friend that was vaccinated and they caught COVID and they died in the hospital. I don't trust doctor Fauci. I don't They've got a list of reasons and as Americans. They should be allowed to have their list of reasons and make the best decision that they think. Well, wait a minute, doctor Fauci says that being analized, there comes a point that you should give up your freedom for the greater good. John Richie, didn't hear that? Now, that's called communism. Yeah, one oh one, baby, that's communism, that's what that's what that means, the greater good, the community. You know, we have actual communists in this country, whether they want to declare that or not. You know, the only thing communists have ever ruled over sean burning piles of destruction. That's it. And so if you ask yourself, why are these people actively destroying our country right now on so many levels? Why are they doing that because they have to destroy it Sean before they can rule it. What did you do? What did you think of Travis tritztans that he said that on the money? You know, I listen, there's a show that I let go of as well. I just didn't publicize it. But I cut one out too. I said, no, I'm not going to be debate on the hook that you throw out there into the water to get country music fans to possibly do something that they don't really want to do, just so they can hear me sing a country song. I will not be a part of this coercion tactic. All right, quick break more with John Rich on the other side. Top of the hour. He is now closing in very closely on this November second race against Terry mcculoff, Virginia gubernatorial candidate. Glenn Young Kid will join us, and oh, Terry had a bad day yesterday. We've got the tape straight ahead and we continue. John Rich joins us, of course, a big and rich and the host of the Pursuit on Foxnation dot com. You know, it's interesting whether you agree or disagree, it's not even a debate anymore about Vaxa don Fax. It's not because they've made up their mind. And so at this point is is there another salute that we can save people from losing their careers and their jobs and their benefits and their pensions. I'm looking at the human side. You know, I don't listen. I get a flu shot every year, and people half my friends think I'm nuts. Lenda thinks I'm nuts, and then the other half of my friends think they do the same thing. But you have these discussions. I don't know why people make the decisions they make, but clearly nobody's going to be able to convince them at this point. I don't believe everything that can be said has been set well that is correct. And at the end of the day, the harder the government tries to force feed people and can cattle prod them into a decision that they're not comfortable with, the stiffer their nets are going to get. And this comes down to individual freedom. Listen, Sean, we know that vaccinated people can still catch the virus, and they can still spread the virus that's been established. We know these things. So people take all of it into a out and they make up their own decision. But Sean, there's a million people a weekend cramming into college football stadiums and they're not wearing masks, and they're not having to show vax papers and they're not having to take a PCR test before they walk in. But the police have to and the nurses have to. They weren't vaccinated last year when they were out being the heroes. So's it's all nonsense and it's in its hypocrisy, and it is causing major division in this country, and it's not going to end well if somebody doesn't pull the rip cord and allow people to be free again. John Rich, we appreciate you being with us Redneck, Riviera, Whiskey, The Pursuit on Foxnation dot Com, Fox Business Network, Thank you, sir for being with us. Charlie Daniels, your next interview. It's going to be a blockbuster. We appreciate you being on board. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. We'll see tonight. Thank you.

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