Charlie Daniels Jr., son of the late great legend, Charlie Daniels, joins us to talk about the Volunteer Jam on August 18th that will honor the memory of his Dad. He also brings us some exciting news about a new project which is his own podcast.
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Hey News, Round Up Information Overload Hour this Friday, Sean Hannity's show, toll Free number eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Well, New York City starting it now, LA is following in cities like San Francisco following, And that is you know, proof of vaccination if you want to go to a restaurant, if you want to go into any store to buy something, if you want to go to a concert, if you want to go to a venue, a sporting event, yet you need your proof of vaccination or you will be shut out. You have Comrade du Blasio probably saying the dumbest thing of the week. Unless we want freedom taken away, think about this. Unless we want freedom taken away, we need a vaccine mandate. How is that not taking away freedom to choose what's in your best health interest. Listen, the delta variant has changed the game. Unless we want to run the risk of going back to restrictions and having our freedom taken away and people losing their jobs again, it's really clear what we have to do. So here's a clear message. We're saying, you want to go and enjoy great restaurants, Amen. You want to go to movie theaters, to go to the gym, that's great. We want all that. You gotta get vacstade. You want to work in those places, you gotta get vacsadd for the good and the health of everyone around you as well. It's not that tough to do, all right. So anyway, then you have if you look at the media New York, you think there's only one person running for mayor of New York City, there's not, and that's the Democrat Eric Adams. And Eric Adams, you know, was in Washington sucking up to Joe Biden, and Eric Adams came out and he supports this vaccine mandate. Now there is another candidate. We're going to talk to him in a second. He's the one I've endorsed, and that's Curtis Leewa. He's been helping to secure the streets in New York for decades, on the streets in the subways day and night. He's been out there well along with the rest of the Guardian Angels that he trains to keep people safe. But anyway, here's what Eric Adams supporting the mandated vaccine, which would shut a lot of New York city residents out of any venue, any place, anywhere. I speak with the mayor from time to time. He's making the decisions right now, he is the mayor of the City of New York. But we do communicate, and yes, I believe it's imperative that we have these one incentives for people to get vaccinated, to put in place of those things that will encourage people to say, you're going to miss out what's great about the city if you're not following the basic rule of being vaccinated. Vaccines will ensure that even if you are impacted by COVID, you're not going to have an a level of severity that we see without a vaccine. So I'm going to continue to encourage people to do so, and I think the Mayor is in the right direction current. Oh okay, I think that you know what, You don't know a thing about anybody's medical condition, medical history in New York, and it's up to every individual to take into account their unique medical history, their unique current medical condition. They are to do their own research, talk to their doctor, their doctors, and then in consultation with them, make the decision that's right for them. I don't know when build the Plazio became the great medical doctor that he is to give you one size fits all medicine anyway. Curtis Sliwa is with us is the independent and Republican running for mayor of New York. He has promised to implement the plans that we know solve crime and will make the city safe and secure again so people can live free or in New York. Curtis, welcome back, and first let's get your reaction to these vaccination mandates. Appreciate it, John, What they are doing is crushing freedom. Hamrad Bill de Blasio, who's been a part time mayor who single handedly has destroyed this city that you love, I love, and so many others have loved. Unfortunately, they've had to flee as a result of his ineffectiveness and inefficiency in dealing with this pandemic situation and always over hyping it. He's following the lead of France in Italy, in which they have mandated masks and mandated vaccines. Well, how's that working. They've had virtual riots in the streets, a lack of cooperation. They don't trust their people. They're not giving their people freedom to make their own determinations. I am opposed to the mass mandates. I am opposed to the vaccine mandates. People if they choose to wear masks, that's okay. People if they choose to take vaccines, that's okay. I've been vaccinated. I encourage people who get vaccinated. But what's lost in this discussion, Sean, is there are so many people for medical reasons who cannot be vaccinated, people undergoing chemotherapy, people who's conditions were not permitted. There are people of strong religious belief that their religion says it can't be vaccinated. And then there are those who have been brought up as I was brought up, as you were brought up, Sean, to believe that if the FDA has not given its signed, sealed and delivered approval for any medication, it's not to be taken now because of the emergency situation that's been waves. But there are many people who still are unsure of the vaccine. And as you mentioned, in the minority community, blacknesspanics to the about forty percent have been vaccinated. How are they going to go to work, how are they going to earn a paycheck? And what about all the children? Sean, If you want to bring your children to a restaurant to visit with their grandparents. The children haven't been vaccinated, so that would mean all these restaurants wouldn't be permitted to have children come in. Their business already crushed by the pandemic, will face in economic just complete annihilation bars old night venues. We would just starting to open up. Do you know that the International Car Show canceled the day after the Blasio mandated mass mandates and vaccine mandates. Amazon, who is going to bring its workforce back into its huge commercial space that has been vacated, said forget about it. We can plan on January. Google said instead of September. Come back in October. He's crushing the economic life out of the City of New York, the capitalistic engine of the world, and I won't stand by it. And my adversary, Eric Adams, is just a Blasio two point zero. I believe in trusting people. I believe in freedom. That's what the United States is all about. They believe that the government should control you from the cradle to the grave, and that's at horn to our traditions as Americans. The New York City to return to normal, meaning when you and I both remember we look what we live through this together, Curtis. We remember the old Times Square where there's nothing but drug dealers and prostitution and you know, triple X rated movie theaters and porn shops and pimps and hustlers. I mean, it's just we remember those days. You patrolled the streets in those days. And then all of a sudden, Rudy Giulietti comes in and he starts enforcing the laws lifestyle. The squeegee people go away, the panhandlers go away. Then he puts a high concentration of the police force into the areas that are most ridden with crime and violence, Stop and frisk is implemented, and lo and behold, it's like Disneyland, or it was like Disneyland in Times Square. Now it's extraordinarily dangerous again. And isn't an interesting sean that this Mayer, who's under attack to doing nothing about the rising gun violence, gang violence, and violent crime, chooses to switch the discussion. He's more interested in the one shot the two shot vaccines. I'm more interested in people getting shot and getting lead poisoned. And those who won't come to New York because it's so dangerous they fear getting shot. He won't spend any time addressing the most serious issue in this election cycle, which is violent street crime, gun violence. He's chosen to do nothing about it. And you know my message on because I've been very consistent in forty two years. When you catch those individuals committing these crimes, these gang bangers, you use every resource. Now, recently you saw that film footage in Corona, Queens where men on mopeds on electric rights one out and shot ten people indiscriminately in a gang war, some of them illegal aliens. I put the call out to say, I should be brought in ie. These brave men and women who have the best gang data. Imagine the bold they know which gangs are going back and forth across the border. And this city will universally order all of its law enforcement, the NYPD, the DAS, all the investigators not to cooperate with ICE. Now, if these men who come in and assassinate people in the streets and then flee to their countries of origin can't distract by local law enforcement, why wouldn't we employ ICE. The brave men and women out there who put bulletproof vests on every day and go out and extract from our communities, those illegals who have committed crimes against society, biling crimes, pedophiles, drug dealers, gang bangers, bad embres. You would think we would be availing ourselves of that resource instead of Cuomo has called ice thugs. Eric Adams, my opponent, has called ice thugs. I say the ice law enforcement agents of America are brave, should be honored, and we need their help in getting rid of those criminals who obviously costs over the international boundaries only to stay away from the long arm of the USA law Quick break. Welcome right back, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. More with Curtis Sliwa, who is running as an independent Republican in New York City for mayor, would bring back Juliani era policies to keep the city safe and secure and preserve businesses. And yeah, by the way, liberal New Yorkers were moving to your state. Hey, listen, I want to tell you about Legacy Box. Is the greatest idea I wish I thought of this company. This company is brilliant. Now millions of people are doing this and it's a very simple but profound principle an amazing idea, an incredible service, and it's very simple to do. You go to Legacy box dot com slash Hannity and today you'll get fifty percent off and what does that mean? Then they're going to send you a box. The only work you have to do is go into every class does it, Go into every Go into your basement, go into your garage, you know, go into your attic and find every picture, family picture you can, have your relatives do it as well, find every video you can, and then you're gonna put it in a box, send it on out the Legacy Box. They will hand digitize and preserve in perpetuity your family memories and you get the originals back as well. They do it by hand. It's incredible. And then they'll put it up on the cloud. They'll put it literally on a disk drive any way you want it, thumb drive, whatever way you want it, and you can give it as a gift to the entire family, and it will also be a gift for generations to come. They'll be able to see their great great great great great great great great great great grandma and grandpa and what they look like and what their lives were like. It's an incredible service. They do a great job. Legacy box dot com slash Hannity's that's simple. They'll send you a box, you put it all in there, they'll digitize it by hand. You get fifty percent off today legacybox dot com slash Hannity fifty percent off and you'll never regret it. In your family and future generations will love you for it. Curtis Sleewell was with US Independent Republican running from Mayor New York City. Well, people don't know about Curtis, and we've been friends for oh how many decades now, and you know, and I'm still fond of you know, all of our old colleagues when we were on the same radio station for many years together, even your former partner. I mean, as much as he was hardcore left wing radical communist, he was still a good guy. But you know, I will tell you it's sad to see what's unfolding in the city and Eric Adams is trying to thread the needle. I watched that. Every time you do a press conference and you talk about, yeah, we're gonna bring back stop and frisk, we're gonna refund the police, we're gonna get rid of these idiotic nobel This is how we save New York City. This is we're going to lower the taxes and especially taxes on property, and we're going to we want to bring New York business back into you know, being making the city, you know, one of the greatest cities in the world. It's not any more, Curtis, and you know, for years I used to say the greatest city in the world. I'm not saying it anymore because it's not the greatest city in the world. It was after Rudy Giuliani, but it's deteriorated dramatically under Comrade de Blasio. I don't see Eric Adams doing anything other than to try and thread and needle to sound as close to you as possible, but without really doing it or meaning it. Well. Sean, just look at who he is embraced of late Bill Deblasio has indorsed him to become mayor imagine he's accepted his endorsement. The worst mayor of our lifetime. Andrew Cuomo, who's on the ropes, has also contributed to the deterioration of New York State. In New York City, That's why hundreds of thousands of people have fleet. They're part of the exodus south of the Mason Dixon line, and he has embraced both of them. So he is just going to bring more Cuomo and more to Blasio policies into effect. He is Deblocio and Cuomo two point zero. And I tell the voters, what do you got to lose? Because you know I'm not going to follow in Cuomo's footsteps. And you know I'm not gonna follow you know. You know what I love about your candidacy is and this is I haven't been in the subway at a number of years, Curtis. I'm sorry. I just I had to get out of there after I was being chased every time I went in there, from car to car to car, being recognized because of my television appearances. And you know what everybody knows, And that's in the Bronx, that's in Queens, that's in Manhattan, that's in Harlem, that's everywhere all over New York City, some of the toughest neighborhoods. You've been there with people on the ground for decades. They you, they say, hey, Curtis, what's going on. Everybody knows you. I've been out on the street with you, Curtis Curtis, Curtis, Curtis Curtis, and they know you mean it because you've done it for free for years. We got forty seconds. Well, you know, I go into neighborhoods. We're the only Republican they've ever seen. Is Abraham Lincoln on the dollar bill and you're right, five dollar bill. Well, if people want to know more of how to improve, don't move, because I want to save the rest of the country from having New York improved. Don't move. Think about that. I think that what a slogan you have to use. Wow, that says it all right, Jeff, go to Curtis Sleewood fromaya dot com. That's Curtis Fleewood FROMAIA dot com and Sean, your listeners have to help me keep New Yorkers in New York before they turned your states purple. And that's true. Listen, these people that are leaving New York, they're bringing their dumb politics with them, and that should be a concern of everybody in every other state. I agree with you. Well, that's why I tell them improved don't move. Listen. The proof is in the pudding. You've worked for free to protect people of New York for years, and now you're asking them to help you make a New York safe again and secure again, and every neighborhood, every community that people can have safety, security, law and order. You bring that you've been committed to it for your whole life. Curtis as Curtis Sliwa fremayor dot com. Thank you well. Have you back on all right? Curtis Leewa eight hundred nine one. Shauna is our number when we come back wide open phones on a Friday. As we continue, the devil went down to Georgia. He was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bang because he was way behind, and he was willing to make a deal when he came across this young man sewing on the fiddle and playing it hot. And the devil jumped up on a hickers thumbs and bought him untill you what. I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a fiddle player two And if you care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you. Now, you've played pretty good fiddle ball. But give the devil his due. I've been a fiddle of gold against your soul because I think I'm better to you. The boys said, my name's Johnny, and it might be a sin, but I'll take your bet you're gonna regret because I'm the business ever bend Johnny here UPO. You know, we lost not only one of the greatest musicians of all time, but also one of my dearest friends. I just loved this man so much. What a great patriot, What a great musician, What a great performer, What a great artist. M Charlie Daniels. And you know, because of COVID last year, he always would have his volunteer jam and they're gonna have one a musical salute to Charlie Daniels. So they're doing it this year, and it's taken place on August the eighteenth. Not only the remaining members of the Charlie Daniels Band, thirty eighth Special Alabama, Big and Rich Cowboy, Troy I Mean, and I can go on and on, Lorie Morgan, Michael W. Smith, Pure Prairie League, Randy Travis, Rhett Atkins, Ricky Skaggs, the Scooter Brown Band, the Alman Betts Band from the Allman Brothers, UH, the Atlanta Rhythm Section, Marshall Tucker Band, Travis Tritt. I can't even name them all. It's gonna be an incredible, incredible day and anyway, so it's all happening on August the eighteenth. It's a musical salute to our friend Charlie Daniels, and it sounds like just a blast. If we can, We're gonna try and get there. What day of the week is at Linda? Do you know? Wednesday? Why is it always on a day I can never get out? Anyway? Up day, that's a good time. I say we go. We broadcast the showman past the last five years, I'd never take any time off. I've done more this year, you know, I'm trying to recover, get ready for twenty twenty two and twenty twenty four. I mean, what do you think though, should we broadcast from there? I think that would be fun. I guess we don't have to get permission from Charlie Daniels Junior. Well, Charlie Daniels Junior is on the phone right now. He's also been a long time print of the program Hiving and his dad m His dad used to write this his column on politics, soapbox Man, and it was it was hardcore, you know, straight from the heart. I don't give a rip on anybody thinks writing and h and and Charlie Daniels Junior is continuing it. By the way, he's got his own uh podcast that he's put together. We'll tell you about that in a second, Charlie, So tell me about this volunteered jam and how people can get tickets. Well, first, I have to say this because I wanted to say this for a long time, long time listener, first time. Wait a minute, you might be a You're not a first time talker to Sean Annity. We've had many conversations over the years. No, but and I also need to say hide your boss HIGHLANDA make can make that just drop down a thousand notious for that shot that you just took. Reason, I love that man. Yeah, of course you know Charlie love Lynda better than me. Also, it's unbelievable. Um. Anyway, um, I want you to know something I think about your dad. You might laugh at this, but I got some friends to They must have put enough booze in me to make me sing. The Devil went down to Georgia recently and karaoke machine, and they were shocked that I didn't need a teleprompter, and I'm like, yeah, I might have done this a time or two at your dad on stage, which was the worst version you ever had a little bit of experience, just exactly. It's on YouTube. You can check it out, you know, Vanity Charlie Daniels band singing the Devil Um. Your dad was a very special He loved God, family, country, and he loved football and music, and he was a great musician. And I know you listen, I know you think about him every day. And you know, your dad was a very special man to me. Anytime I ever called them, said him too, you know. Um. Anyway, so I want people to go, what a line of how'd you get all these great people? This volunteer jam? This is awesome. Well, you know, originally it was going to be just another volunteer jam. Uh. You know, they started back in nineteen seventy four, and they had him sporadically off and on through the seventies and eighties, and then kind of took a little break in the nineties, and then it came back in twenty fifteen, and then this was going to be another volunteer jam. And after you know, after Dad passed and and I don't really like saying that he passed. I got a good friend that says he changed addresses, and I said, I really like that a lot. So when after after July no I could see, you know, Rush got to the Pearly Gates and said, here, I'm giving a back talent on loan from God. And your dad got up there and said, you know, you know at the Pearly Gates and said, Johnny kicked the devil's ass pretty hard. And I'm reminded people every day. Yes, but anyway, so but it's now evolved into a tribute show. You you saved me the time of having to go through the list since you've already done it, and I thank you very much for that. But it's going to be an amazing night and there'll be some surprises. They're always are to volunteer jam, but it's going to be a beautiful tribute to Dad for sure. Special man, tell me about you getting into a podcasting business. How cool is that? You know? For the last year I've been trying to figure out what I can do to kind of keep Dad's legacy alive, and it just I kept coming back to this, and after I did a audio book, which I had never done before, and I kind of got used to the sound of my voice and I was like, Okay, maybe we can try this, and so I just kind of slam my way through it and have had a blast. And we just dropped the first episode today and it's at Charlie Danels dot com, slash podcast or wherever you get your podcasts, as they always say. And so far I've had a lot of great response from it, so I hope everyone will check it out. No, we'll definitely be checking I better be a guest on this one day. That's all I can say. Not you're in and deep deep, Adam Schiff, John, I'll do a whole episode of just you and I. Well, you know, we'll figure out at the time for it, but I'd love to do that. Well, I your dad the Freedom Concerts and it was great, you know. I got an update from Tom killed Gannon and I think now over twenty million dollars has been dispersed from the Oh actually was Ali North and Tom killed Gannon told me they hit the twenty million dollar mark. Of this was money raised years ago for the children of slaying soldiers to go to college, many of them young at the time, and people say, well, why aren't you given the money away? Because the kids have five years old some of them, and now they've now they've grown. This was after nine eleven, two thousand and one, and they've you know, to spurst twenty million dollars. Your dad was a big part of raising a lot of that money. And um, it was just a special guy to be around. I'll tell you he's electric. I mean, your dad just cracked me up. Um. I remember, you know, going in this bus a few times. He's popping out of the shower just before showtime and he's ready to roll. And you know, you know, on stage we'd be talking to each other as he's playing. And he couldn't have been funnier and he couldn't have been more supportive. And I think he really enjoyed me botching up his number one hit song of all time. Oh he had a great time. Uh. You know, watching your musical interpretation of all Right, you could say, I put my heart into it. Man. I got up there there. I was running around stage and and banging on drums and acting as nuts as I always am. You know, it was so fun fun for sure, Linda, we gotta take one of the better versions, maybe from the Orlando concert or something, and just throw it up there and and we had so much fun out on the road together. Um well, listen, um, I love this. Well. We're gonna put a link on my website, Hannity dot com. We'll link your your podcast and we'll we'll link the voluntary jam dates and who's playing. And I hope people can get out there. It's gonna be a hell of a show. That sounds like a fun, fun night. It's gonna be great, and I hope everybody can can make it, because I don't know if he'll be I'm not sure there'll be another one of these this, maybe this, maybe it So yeah, Sean, I might need that day off. I'd like to put in for off for when. All right, yeah, okay when? When? Don't I ever say no to anybody on my staff? Do I ever say no to anybody? I really do think we should consider doing the show there. I think that would be fun. Let me let me look at the schedule. If it can work, we can do both shows, I'll do it. I mean, you gotta give me some credit. I've taken a few days off this year. You have, indeed, you have and I am. The days I take off, You're like, finally, well, yeah, it's a it's a minor miracle, you know. Then I kind of take off and then I say that I think I'm gonna work anyway. They're my favorite. That's super fun. Yeah, she loses her Adam Schiff. Every time you told me you take it off, you told me, you told me. I'm like, well, I changed my mind, it says the Sean Hannity Show. That's Sean Hannity gets to decide. But anyway, you guys, if you guys decide to make it down. I know people, I think I can get you, and you've got it. It's a good seat, you know. I just I would during those freedom concerts, I usually always tried to find time and stand off to the side and just watch it. And then I'd love to look at the crowd and the reaction because I'm on TV and I'm on radio, and they're pretty powerful forms of communication. But the but the most powerful to me is music. And maybe why that that, maybe that's why in heaven they talk about choirs of angels and heavenly music, and because it's the most powerful, it touches people's hearts, people will cry, people range of emotions you go through in the middle of you know, any concert of an artist that you happen to likeike and and you go on this emotional journey throughout concerts. And I'd love to not only just be watching it and feeling it myself, but when watching other people and how they react to it, and it's it's a pretty amazing thing to observe. And your dad did that for decades and and that's all he wanted to do. He was sort of like, you know, when we lost Rush, it was such a big hit, and I tried to tell people, I said, we now know what was on Russia's bucket list. He was he'd kill himself to get a little better and take these harsh, harsh, brutal treatments. And it wasn't to travel the world. It was to get back on the air, to be with his radio family, his fans, his friends. And the same with your dad. Your dad, you know, every summer was out on the road for months and months and months, living in a bus. It was, you know, up until you know, the last year's he was doing, you know, one hundred and fifty dates a year, easy I mean that is a little schedule for any for a young artists. Yeah, yeah, not let alone somebody was eighty three years old, and and he was chomping at the bit to get back on the road. Shown. I mean, he was just it was it was just tearing him up to be stuck in at home and not be able to go and do what he loved. And I don't know what he liked more though, I don't know if he liked politics on the side more, or of Tennessee volunteers football more. I'm not sure. Well, yeah, there's probably somewhere, you know, you're probably something a little of both. But I always kind of jokingly said that if you know, if dad had just learned to know stop holding back and tell people how he really felt, he might actually do that. That's the Charlie. I know. We had some great conversations in his bus, We really did, and on stage. Okay, we'll put it up on Hannity dot com. Uh, my best to your family and to the other bad members. Please send my love and prayers and your dad. I know we'll see him again. He's God prepared mansion in heaven for the likes of Charlie Daniels that I believe absolutely Well, if y'all can make it down, we'd love to see y'all. All right, Thanks Charlie Junior appreciate at eight hundred nine for one. Sean All that on Hannity dot Com. All right, real quick, let's go to Don Lake ron concom on next Sean Hannity Show. What's up, Big Don? How are you? My friend? Hey Sean? How you doing? Listen? I'm looking forward to your Hannity tonight with that COVID confusion Biden to pandemic failure or something. Oh it's let me tell you something. I've been working hard on this. We're going to do with the mob and the media will never do. Don. We're going to lay out what a colossal screw up that Joe Biden has made of COVID. And when you see and hear what were you put together for tonight and what we're going to show tonight, I think you'll I think it makes the case if it was a final argument before a jury, I think it would be one minute of deliberations guilty is charged. Well, my friend, I've been sent to me your frustration over this topic for quite a few weeks now. And you can see here it on radio, I see it on TV. And what I'm these burdens and mandates on all Americans is driving me crazy. Having children wear masks to school. It doesn't need to happen. It's totally out of control. And maxi taxi mandates. So you can't go to a restaurant, are you kidding me? Yeah, you can't go to a store, you can't go to a venue, you can't do anything. It told up what it is. It's dictatorship, out of control. Yeah, but they're telling us to doing this. If you want to maintain your freedom, you've got a mandate vaccinations. I'm like, huh, okay, how stupid do you think we are? Yeah? Deplasia as a complete idiot. Yeah, you can't take the guy serious. You can't wait for the day he's gone. Can you imagine if Curtis wins? How great would that be? It would be so awesome, that would be It would be so good. All right, don my friend have a great weekend. We love you, you're the best. Eight hundred Shawn is our number. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. But let not your hearts be troubled Hannity tonight, nine pm Eastern. Now we're doing something the mob and the media will never do. Here. You have Joe Biden handed every therapeutic three vaccines, and this man has done more to screw up our lives in every capacity regarding COVID nineteen. But beyond our worst nightmare, we're gonna lay out exactly the definitive case, use their own words against them, and it's a Hannity special about Joe's pandemic screwups. You're gonna want to tape a lot of the montages we'll having tonight show. That's nine Eastern. Please set you DVR, never miss an episode. But that's all the time we have for today. We'll see you tonight. Have a great weekend. Back here on Monday. Please stay safe and thank you for giving us this microphone every day. We will never forget it.