Remembering America's Pastor - 2.21

Published Feb 21, 2018, 11:00 PM

Sean is "live from the swamp" as he talks with Congressman Ron DeSantis about the ongoing FBI investigations. Plus, Sean remembers the Reverend Billy Graham, who passed away today at the age of 99. If you think he didn't have an impact on American culture and society, you're very wrong. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. So for a few years now, I have been working with Express Employment Professionals and they've been helping you my listeners know where to turn in your job search Now. Express offers local connections to the good jobs where you live in a variety of industries. So if you're looking for a job, go online, find the nearest Express office at Express pros dot com and let them help you. Now, recently, one Express associate share this quote. After applying everywhere for work, I called Express Pros after going into the office. I had a job that day. Now, when you turn to Express Pros, you benefit from thirty five years of experience in putting people to work. They help more than a half a million people find jobs each and every year, and job seekers that Express Pros never pay a fee whatsoever. Just go to Express pros dot com find the location nearest you. And another Express associate said, Express called me to come in for an interview right away and then sent me to interview with the company that same day. So don't go it alone any longer in your search for a job. Find your local Express Employment Professionals office at Express pros dot com. All right, glad you with a Sean Hannity show right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this extravaganza. Now, this is getting very, very interesting. Every new development we have in deep state gait, Obama Gate, whatever you wanna call it. We should probably name this whole thing, this whole extravaganza. No, I'm not worried that George Clooney has visions to run in twenty My attitude has run. George run. Well, they said that about Trump. You know, fine, if George Clooney wants to run, on them all for it. Alright, let him? Are you kidding? Let him run? You want to have Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney run. I think Oprah Winfrey would be infinitely better as a candidate than George Clooney. Yes, I think George Clooney's positions, once they finally come out, would be so asinine it would be hilarious. He doesn't have any possessions. He read the lines of other people read not. He's not running anyway. This is all you know pr stuff I think, But it's been on the runt cover of Drudge all day. I guess he's going to that the rally down in Florida and has given five thousand dollars. The is the rally in Florida? Is it in Washington? Anyway, We'll get to that a little later. All Right. A lot of these are small, but they're fascinating developments as it relates to deep state gate. Um. All right, So the Washington Time Sarah A. Carter dot Com both reporting at the same time. Because up until now we've been told the Trump dossier was a product of research that was commissioned, directed, and bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. Now they're gonna tell you, well, wait a minute, Hannity, Remember there was a there was a fusion GPS was first hired by the Washington Free Beacon. That's long before the guy Christopher still ever got into this and in terms of the nefarious activities that then there followed. So that is a big distinction that the you know, destroyed Rump media will never make to you. All Right, So let's go to the Washington Times. Hillary may have had a Trump dossier co conspirator. That's how I'm interpreting Devin nowoness is you know, comments and his letter that he sent out today to varying members senior Obama administration officials. Now we're getting to where I think this is eventually gonna go. Anyway, we got the first signs of this when Susan Rice with her uhum note to self. He's writing a note on January twenty at the twelve fifteen in the afternoon, Donald Trump has just been sworn in. She's leaving the White House now for the last time. And on her last day, her last minute, her final thought is, Oh, I'm a little worried about that January fifth meeting that we had fifteen days ago, that Barack Obama and James Comey and I was in and and others were in, and oh, I need a c y a fast on this. Uh and I better hide. I better do it for the president, meaning then Mamma at the time. And I'm gonna say he said to do it by the book. In the meeting, Barack Obama said, make sure we do everything by the book. Barack Obama said he is not initiating or trying to encourage any law enforcement activity of any kind. He said, do it by the book. That's called a cover your ass c y a, any way you interpret that. So we have and rightly so I want to know what everybody knew when they knew it. What do they know about the dossier? And I think if we get when we get to the end of all of this, depending on how many emails let's see, we're deleted and how Oh that was another thing nobody ever pointed out in the indictment. On Friday, Oh Mueller excoriating the the fact that emails were deleted and destroyed and missing. I'm like, okay, kettle, hello, Hillary, We've got more deletions, We've got more use of Nobody knew what bleach bit was until Hillary Clinton used it to acid washer hard drives and then of course pusting those devices with hammers. By the way, Ethan, can you go get a hammer and bust up these phones for me right now? I want to get rid of them right now. Um just kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You don't have to leave, all right. So not until now we thought that Trump Dossy was a product of the research commission, directed and bought and paid for by Hillary And of course she was spending, according to Donna Brazil, all the money at the d n C, s Now, Washington Times Sarah A. Carter dot Com both reporting Hillary may have had these Trump dossier cole conspirators people inside the Obama White House that knew. Now, Devin Nowness, who's the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, he's trying to determine the breath and reach of these unbar verified Russia Trump dossier inside the US government, as specially among senior leaders in the Barack Obama administration during the twenties sixteen election. Now, this is getting interesting, and the chairman of the House Intel Committee, so he released a letter earlier today that is now being sent to as many as two dozen senior leaders in the Trump and Obama administrations, and he's asking ten very specific questions to gauge who received the dossier information and what they did with it. Now, the letters recipients have redacted as of right now, but it's got to be assumed. I want to know what Brennan knew about this. I want to know about know what Clapper knew about this. I want to know what Susan Rice knew about this. And considering she was so busy unmasking people, I want to know if Samantha Powers was involved. Where's Ben Rhodes in all of this? Hasn't been a whole lot of reporting on Ben Rhodes. Love to know what he's up to in in all of these issues as it relates to all of these issues. And uh, and of course what did Obama know? And whendowd Oba, I'm gonna know it. And as I pointed out yesterday, everyone's so upset about Russian involvement in the election, No kidding. These are the same people that had people that we knew in the country involved in felony after felony after felony after felony, committing all these crimes. And and they did nothing except give Vladimir and you know here an unsavory character. They gave him of America's uranium, the hostile nation Russia, and a bad actor of Vladimir Putin, the dumbest thing I've ever think I've heard of. Anyway, Sonness doesn't disclose which people he's asking these questions of, but he and closes in his letter these specific questions. There are ten of them, and he writes and clothes find a series of questions regarding the information contained in the Steel dossier, which was funded by the d n C and the Clinton campaign and used for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act application targeting Carter Page. Provide complete written responses as soon as possible, no later than March second Friday, March second, to the attention of the Committee's chief clerk. And if you do not provide timely answers on a voluntary basis, the Committee will initiate compulsory process. The compulsory process. Thank you for your prompt attention. Now here's interesting questions I think of the names that I just threw out there. When did you first become aware of any information contained in the Steel Dossier? Question one? In what form was the information in the Steel Dossier presented to you and by whom? Please describe each instance. Who did you share this information with, when and in what form? Please describe every instance. What official actions did you take as a result of receiving the information contained in the Steel Dossier? Did you convene any meetings with the intelligence community and or law enforcement communities as a result of the information contained in the Steel Dossier? When did you first learn or come to believe that the Steel Dossier was funded by a Democratic aligned entity? Democrat aligned entity? And when did you first learn or come to believe the Steel Dossier was funded by the d n C and Hillary's campaign? When did you first become aware that the Steel Dossier was used to obtain a fiser order against Carter Page. Was President Obama briefed on any information contained in the dossier prior to January five, seventeen? They just discussed the information contained in the Steel Dossier with any reporters or other representatives of the media. If so, who and when? And here's the most stunning thing that nobody pays attention to. Remember it was in January before Donald Trump was ever sworn in. Remember the big meeting where James Comey thought it was so important that he had to see the President elect on his own, and he informed the President elect that the stassier existed. He informed the President elect that it was not verified, and he informed the President elect about the whole thing, and he said, not verified and salacious, That's what he said. Okay, But back in October when they're filing that warrant, and as the Senate and the grassly Grand Memo points out the bulk of the FISA application, the bulk of it, in other words, as McCabe had said, no dossier, no FIZER warrant. That's what they're saying. And the bulk of information that they used to get the FISA warrant that was rejected at least once before, maybe twice when they got that in October against Carter Page, Well they got it using the dossier. So now there's a probe into this anti Trump dossier which is filled full of unverified lies. And then of course we got to find out at some point, you know, who knew what, when and where is it relates to the dossier. Did everybody know that it wasn't verified by Fusion GPS? Did anybody know? I mean, this was a great point in that um that law article that I read yesterday, where if everybody's upset about their teen Russians trying to influence the election, excuse me, but Christopher Steele is not an American citizen either, and Christopher Steel I don't think registered under FARC and Christopher Steele I don't believe either registered with the FBC Federal Election Commission. So in other words, the very same charges that they're bringing against these thirteen Russians, well maybe that goes against Christopher Steele maybe that goes against Fusion, GPS and Glenn Simpson. Well, maybe that even goes against Hillary Clinton, who paid for all of this. Here's gonna be the interesting thing. Are they're gonna use the same tactics that they use against other people that are being investigated. Well, we can spend five years in jail, or you can tell us what Hillary knew and when she knew it, or you can tell us what Obama knew and when he knew it. Are they gonna be going that far down that road? Um? I just does Muller's indictment mean the Clinton campaign can be indicted in terms of for Christopher Steele? What is the difference if it's a foreign national from Russia or a foreign national that's paying the Russian government, Christopher Steele? You know, if they're trying to influence the American elections. Now, Robert Barnes wrote this piece. It is amazing. It's on Law and Crime dot com and we'll put it up on Hannity dot com because it's a great piece. All Right, So, Robert Mueller's indictment of foreign citizens trying to influence the American public about an election because those citizens didn't register as foreign agents, and nor record their financial expenditures with the FEC, the Federal Elections Commission. Now, if that's the case, when is Mueller gonna indict Christopher Steele? And then if it's gonna he's gonna indict Christopher Steele, that would mean Fusion GPS, that would mean Perkins Cooeie, that would means the d n C, the Clinton campaign. They paid for all of this. You got an indictment against thirteen Russian trolls, and then we have a new indictment today, by the way, against those Russian oligarch alec Vandra Swan. He was charged with lying to the Special Council and the FBI over the course of this investigation. He's a son of a Russian arligarch. But just stay with the logic here. If Mueller's theory is correct, three things makes steal a criminal, as as Robert Barnes points out, First, he's a foreign citizen. Second, he tried to influence the election when he received payments to do so, including the FBI perhaps themselves. And third, he didn't register as a foreign agent, nor did he list his receipts and expenditures to the Federal Election Commission. And according to the FBI, along the way, Steele lied a lot while the dossier was disseminating false information. We know that he had a political bias against Donald Trump. And if the theory is correct, that would also apply to Fusion GPS. And if the theory of Mueller's correct, that would also apply to Perkins Coueye. And if the theory is correct, then three things that make the d n C a potential target and the Clinton campaign a potential target. Why wouldn't we expect the same applicational law to these entities if in fact it's the truth that we're looking for here. I just think this is a stroke of genius. I think you gotta think about this. If if Robert Muller's indicting foreign citizens thirteen Russians for trying to influence the American public about an election because those citizens and they didn't register these foreign agents, they didn't register as foreign agents, they didn't record their financial expenditures to the FEC. And if that's the case, will Robert Mueller indict Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS, Perkins Cooee, the law firm that they funneled the money through from the d n C in the Clinton campaign. They used that firm to funnel the money to Fusion GPS went to Christopher Steele. Does that? Does Muller then indict them? Now it's a question of equal justice unto the law once again, because we have a dual justice system. I mean, it was hilarious to read the indictment last Friday about Mueller talking about, oh, well, they destroyed emails, they deleted them, and they got rid of them. I'm like, hello, hello, hello Hillary. Did you wipe this with a cloth or something? Like with a cloth or something. I mean, that's probably the best answer we've ever gotten. You mean like that, I should I have wiped it with like a cloth? Ed you know, do I put like um wind X on it or fantastic? I'm just chilling in cedar rapids, right. And you were supposed to destroy these, not destroy them, archives them, and not have them available at the at your wind like a national trade. So what happens is as you get board back there in the middle of the show and you just decided to just start playing it just purposely to piss me off and annoy me because you think I do a better show and I'm piste off that's what you've said, you do. I do a better show angry, so I should just come in and be piste off every I thought that was like half of my job, just to get you angry, so you have a good show. Well, staring at you sometimes just makes me angry. And what makes me even angry is the degree to which you suck up to Linda every day. It is. It is unbelievable what goes on in there. The only one that's not sucking up to you is Jason. You got Sunshine, you know, the sisterhood that has now been for not okay, it's not okay, all right, we'll get into all of this. We got a lot of other news. Now. We do have some developments in the General Flynn case that it is telling me hold on to your hats. General Flynn's indictment may go, by the way, so it was guilty plea. You got CNN and MSNBC and Michael Moore all caught apparently hanging out at this Russian troll anti Trump rally in New York City on November twelve. Honor about November twelve, will explain that and more straight ahead alright to the top of the hour. Four one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. Poor Sarah Sanders sitting there. I mean, I don't even know why do they waste their time doing this dog and pony show every day with the media that hates Trump and lies every day. I don't even know why they do it. I mean, she seems to be a good cheer, and she handles it well. I couldn't do it. Rocks. Literally do not understand why they still have these pressors. They are rude, they are sanctimonious, their agenda driven. They can't even imagine if the if the roles were reversed and she was a Democrat and she was a woman working under Hillary, they would say this good anti female. All the feminists we out screaming or praises what. I don't understand, but the wine House in this sense, and I know they haven't done a presser in a couple of days, but one of these stupid, you know, press conferences where the media is so hostile. I don't understand why they don't get up and do a Bill Belichick of the Patriots, All right, start asking me questions. Go ahead, Jason ask and uh Ethan, start firing questions. At me. Yeah, So how come you have and place sanctions on Russia? No? Uh, I'll be getting around to it. Next. Do you think there's any proof of medline in the election? Said it before? Is there any truth to these of to these rumors with you and your wife? Uh? No, thank you. How do you feel tattoos? Are they good? Bad ones? What? What? How do you feel about tattoos? Uh? Personal choice? Next question you guys, how's your golf game? Sucks? It's terrible? Or is there anyone you're looking to replace on your team? You? Oh? Next, keep going. I mean, why don't they just answer it like that? Why? Because she's polite and she won't stoop to their level of being rude. She she respects the office of the president and what she's been hired to do. I they're so abusively biased. I just don't get it. Anyway, Speaking of your media, let's listen to CNN and and the whole fake news network and the conspiracy theorist network over at MSNBC. UM. Now, this is interesting was put out by NewsBusters a check of their November twelve coverage. Remember, if you go back to Friday, in Mueller's indictment of the thirteen Russians. Well, they talked about honor. About November twelve, the coverage that took place at an anti Trump rally in New York City. Listen to the breathless hysteria that supposedly is news from these two networks as they report this. And he's Morgan Radford is at Union Square in New York City. That is where the anti Trump protests is just about to kick off. And Morgan with a good dating about to kick off. Sorry, starting back, you can see hundreds of people behind here in Union Square, hundreds of people, as you know, Alice were feeling marginalized. Those into what she said. You can see hundreds of people. Well then she goes, but thousands have been marginalized. Go back and play that again. Yeah, I started from the beginning. It's fine. Morgan Radford is at Union Square, that is where the anti Morgan with a good day to you. What's happening there right now? Well, it has already started. In back, you can see hundreds of people behind me here in Union Square, thousands of people, as you know, als we're feeling marginalized. President elect comment and they said this is a love rally. That's after they pointed in that direction. They yelled, We're not going to be um tolerating any sexism or homophobia or racism. And that is really the message all of sort of these protesters coming together, frustrated, angry, and all directed at the president's elect. Hey, Morgan, can you tell who has organized this rally? It has been suggested that so many of the protests across this country have been impromptu rallies. I mean, it's been supported by a very diverse array of constituents. Is there someone in charge here? Anyone right now? This is a lot of Russian groups of people who have come together with no necessarily official leader. And that's been some of the criticism. People have said, well, what's the point do you have all these disparate groups coming together. But what they're saying is the point is they know they can't change the results of the election, because that is in the can. But what they say is they want to come together and show America that love really does wait. Alex I have to say I've covered quite a few protests from the Black Lives Matter. Something different, it's something uniquan. The energy here is electric elector woman when she's saying she's concerned that black people will be shot in the street. Did she back from that at all or is that a legitimate concern for her? Because that's scary, Alex. It's not only legitimate concern for her, it's a legitimate concern for a lot of people who I've spoken to. There are Donald Trump's elected and that's what they're saying. Thinking over Fifth Avenue with several messages, although aimed at our president's alets, we have people talking about being against racism, sexism. You hear black Lives Matter being yelled um, and we again are shutting down Fifth Avenue right now, headed straight to Trump Tower on This is the most organized protests that I've seen. I can't take it. I mean, just listen to what these people report that is supposed to be news, that is beyond advocacy. I guess you could really say in a lot of ways that these uh, these reporters, if you go back to the Mueller indictment on Friday, they were unwittingly sucked into the Russian troll protest against Donald Trump, and Michael Moore was also one of them. Apparently Michael Moore was there. Now, Michael Moore feels about that you know, I don't. How do people make proclamations like Donald Trump is elected, so uh, people of one race are gonna be slaughtered in the streets now. Then you hear right behind her Black Lives Matter. I still remember the chanting pigs in a blanket for I am like bacon, and what do we want dead cops? And when do we want them now? And hear them talking about that in any way shape matter reform. You know, Look, I get that there's this divide in the country. I I understand it. But you cannot say that these are news networks anymore. They're not. They are advocacy networks, and their advocacy advocating the removal of a president, a duly elected president, and they're led by hateful people like fake Jake and Brian's Delter. Oh, Humpty dumpty and dumpty dumpty said a little boy's favorite song. My interest is much greater than Jeff Zucker. Yeah, who hired those morons? Soon to be scandal plagued further, Jeff Zucker, Matt Lower's buddy bff. We'll talk um brand new. We've got the you know, and the president. They're upset that the president fights back. They're upset that the president uses Twitter, They're upset that the president actually defends himself. Well, well, what's the is. I guess I never under stood this about George W. Bush. Never understood all those years I've I always felt that George W. Bush would have benefited himself greatly if he had the desire and the willingness and the ability to go on either television or communicate to the American people. Because he just for all those years I remember watching him take it and not respond. I don't understand that mindset. And Donald Trump is not wired that way. You hit him, He's gonna hit back, and he's gonna correct the record, and he's gonna stand up for himself. And that's not something that the media is used to. I mean, personality wise. I look, I interviewed George W. Bush after he left office. Every time I did, I gave him an opportunity. I opened the door. I'm like, Okay, here's what Obama is saying about you. Do you want to respond. No, he seems more hostile to Donald Trump than he did Barack Obama, and that shocks me. I don't know. Maybe it's personal in the sense that everything that went on with Trump and Jeb Bush. But I also remember a time when when George W. Bush was running in the primary and it was down to him and McCain in South Carolina, and that primary meant everything, and it was Glood's gloves off. It was a bare knuckles political brawl. And that, frankly, is the sad part of politics. If you want to win, you fight. Everybody says, oh, if you ask any focus group, they hate negative ads. They don't hate negative ads. Negative ads keep getting played because negative ads work. It all works. Um. Now, the Russians spent we found out from Byron York just a little more than three grand on Facebook ads, and and key swing states Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. And by the way, Hillary didn't even bother the campaign in those states. You know, the the election meddling shouldn't be a surprise to anybody, as I've been pointing out again and again to anybody that would even listen to any of this stuff. You know, we're at a point where facts just don't matter, where truth does not matter any more. You know, the media in this country, they have convinced themselves that they live in this bubble and they were gurgitate each other's talking points, and they're a little echo chamber and in some way shape manner of form, they have all convinced themselves. Here we are what eighteen months in that Russian collusion with the Trump campaign actually happened. Donald Trump colluded with the Russians. There's no evidence to back it up. If they come up with evidence, Donald Trump, maybe he sent a message through uh Med Vedet. Hey, uh tell Vladimir my last elective of a lot more flexibility, and uh I tell Vladimir, I tell him. Now sounds to me like he was colluding with Medvedev, the real collusion. Look, there is collusion here, and I won't repeat everything that I've told you, but uranium one, how do you allow operatives of Vladimir Putin? You have a hostile nation, Russia, a bad actor in Putin. They've got Russian operatives on the ground in the United States involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion, money laundering. We have an FBI informant inside of of these the operation of these operatives. He's reporting back to Robert Muller, then the FBI director. All that's going on, and eighteen months later, the reason he had the operatives on the ground was because they wanted to get a foothold in America's uranium industry and they successfully achieve it. Now, for those that might be upset that Putin and Russia successfully in some capacity, you know, trying to influence our elections, Well, when do we blame ourselves here? Because we allowed the Uranian one deal to go down and we had full knowledge of everything that was happening. It's unbelieve this is coming to a head. This is not going away. That story is not done. And at some point the same thing with the Russian dossier. Imagine if Donald Trump paid for the dossier full of lies about Hillary in the ritz Carlton in Moscow with hookers urinating on a bed, and that is not verified, but it can be used as a is the bulk of an application for a fiser warrant sinsanity. Now you just keep hearing. And if you go to Rod Rosenst, No Americans were wittingly involved in the Russian effort. Okay, that I guess that means the media unwittingly was supporting the Russian troll effort because they were showing up and praising the protests that we're going on. You know, the key points of information has been missed here. No collusion in this indictment about Donald Trump colluding with Russians. No indictment about members of the Trump campaign colluding with Russians. Nothing about Donald Trump Junior colluding with Russians, nothing about the president obstructing justice. I can't wait for this IG report to come out. I hope they do their job. I hope Harwich does his job. You know, when the President tweeted out, I never said Russia didn't meddle in our elections, Sarah Sanders just said, well, excuse me, but I can give you the dates and the times that Trump said, yeah, there was Russian interference, and he said it twice. I guess in Poland on that trip anyway, Maybe Russia, I said it. Maybe China, Maybe another group, maybe a four pound genius sitting in a bed and playing with his computer. Those are the people that stalk us here on this program and other conservative talk shows. You know, you've got people in their basement naked, and they're paid to just well I'm assuming, I mean they have no lives. Let's put it that way. If you're paid to monitor the Sean Hannity Show three hours a day, in one hour at night. You need a life in the hope that I say something wrong so we can boycott as advertisers. Anyway, It's um a lot of key points in all of this. You know, Devin Nowness warned the Obama administration back in. They didn't care. We've been reporting everything that was happening with Putin's operatives inside the United States. And just one side note I did mention yesterday. Has everybody forgotten that Obama tried to influence the Israeli elections and undermine our closest ally in the Middle East, Prime Minister Netan Yahoo, and they actually used taxpayer dollars to do it. You know, We've also been involved in influencing elections. Let's even Italy and I ran, and then Guatemala and Chile and Nicaragua, and seriously, James Woolsey even even said as much. I don't know either. The Obama administration wasn't prepared. And then Obama, as I played yesterday, he's literally lecturing Donald Trump, Hey, hey, you know what, stop whining. Well, he was worn back in. It was gonna happen so much to get to so little time Sarah Carter has a great piece out today that we'll get into. Even the l A. Times this was pretty interesting today because we have been highlighting through Sydney Powell and Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter, uh Mueller's pit Bull Andrew Weissman, and even the l A. Times has a big article out today. They're finally picking up on the story that we've been reporting on now for some time. So we'll get to that and what the underlying charges are. I want to get back to this Barnes article later too, and will also be checking in. Luke Rosack has some breaking news about Bruce war Why does he even still have a job? This guy and John McLaughlin Doug Show, and we'll look at some of the polls. I know it's early, but is not that far away. All coming up, glad you with a Seawan Lannity show. Now. In your memo, you went through great detail to say that in the fives application and subsequent renewals four times, they never informed the fires of court that, in fact, this money really came from the Clinton campaign and the d n C. In other words, that's right, and more so, they never informed the court that Christopher Steele was meeting with journalists. I think the court would have known that. One of the things that we're going to do this week is we're going to send a letter to the court. We don't know if we'll be successful or not, but we're going to try to ask the Court whether or not they will provide the transcripts of the four proceedings. It would be very interesting if we could get those transcripts to know exactly what was presented verbally to the court and to see if that was transcribed. Chairman Nowness, I believe you've done a great service. I believe it's the right thing to do. The American people need to know about all of this because fundamentally, we had an effort to undermine our election and then undermine an incoming president. Is that a fair statement? Last question? Yeah, I mean, look, I think there's clear there's there's clear evidence of collusion that the Democratic Party in the Hillary Clinton campaign colluded with the Russians. Okay, you don't get to you don't get to hire lawyers to pretend like that didn't happen. The very things it goes to, what what what they accused you of is what they actually were doing? He said, that you coordinated all of this with the White House. What's your reaction. Yeah, well Mr Schiff knows that he's spreading uh, false narrative there, but that's not new for him. He spread false narrative the entire time. So the Democrats were well aware that I did not leak information. However, for a year they stayed quiet. Uh, they continued, they advocated for my removal from the committee. And why is that? It's because we've been successful at getting to the bottom of a lot of of real problems with the institutions in our government. Uh. And so look, there's no question they want me gone. But but whatever they accuse you of doing is what they're doing. So so we know that that there has been almost a hundred leaks that we believe have come from the Democrats and the House Intelligence Committee. Uh And and as of right now, remember a year ago they were claiming that they had more than circumstantial evidence of collusion, of Trump colluding with Russians. But they keep coming up with goose eggs. They have nothing. All right, there was part of my interview with the House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Noonness. We have breaking news today, actually a lot of it and a big part of it is uh nooness is now demanding answers as it relates to senior Obama officials. And I think this is getting very interesting as we now move along and anyway and clothes, please find a series of questions, he writes, regarding the information contained in the Steel dossier, which was funded by the d n C and Hillary for America Hillary's campaign and used in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Remember with the bulk of information for that FISA warrant was the Steel unverified dossier that was paid for by Clinton. And of course the judge wasn't told any of this in this case. Please provide complete written responses as soon as possible, no later than March second. And some of the questions, when and how did you first become aware of any information contained in the Steel dossier? In what form was the information in the Steel Dossier presented to you and by whom? And also describe each instance who did you share the information with, when and in what form? Please describe each instance what official actions did you take as a result of receiving the information contained in the Steel dossier? Did you convene any meetings with the intelligence community? And or law enforcement can unities as a result of the information contained in the Steel Nazier. When did you first learn or come to believe that the Steel dossier was funded by a Democrat aligned entity? When did you first learn or come to believe that the Steel dossier was funded by the d n C and Hillary for America the Clinton campaign? And when did you first become aware that the Steel dossier was used to obtain a fiser warrant order on Carter page? Was President Obama briefed on any information contained in the dossier prior to January? Did you discuss the information contained in the Steel Dossier with any reporters or other representatives of the media, If so, who and when? Anyway, there's a new article out highlighting all of these developments. We have Sarah Carter is with us and go to Sarah E. Carter dot com if you want to get a hold of it. We have a link on Hannity dot com. Alright, so these letters were sent to former senior Obama administration officials. Do we know exactly who? Well, they're not releasing the names right now, Sean, So that's very important. Send it to quite a few senior Obama administration officials. I think we can get who some of them are. I would suggest, you know, Victoria Newland is probably one of them over at State Department, Jonathan Winer over at State Department. People was in the White House close to President Obama. Possibly even President Obama himself maybe got one of these letters. UM. Definitely Susan right, others that were very well aware of what was going on here, and possibly people within the intelligence community. UM. I've heard rumors that maybe even John Brennan is on this list, other senior officials. I think that the questions are so pertinent, Sean, because one of the most important questions in the in the whole list of questions, is did President Obama And we know we've seen all the information and text messages between Peter Struck and Lisa Page going back and forth where they talk about briefing Obama. Some people believe it was Russia. Uh, And did he know about this? Was he aware of the dockier before January five? Was he aware before he was briefed by his intelligence community on this? And how much did he know? I think that's going to be a very significant question that needs to be answered. And you know, when you talk about leaks, the number of leaks that have come out in the last year, and and some which are just factually wrong, others which are national security related, particularly with regard to then National Security Advisor Mike Flynn and his conversation with Ambassador Keith Leac. These are some of these leaks are criminals, and they're investigating them right now at the d o J. And I think that putting these questions out there, giving them till March teco. I believe that they don't answer at the next step would be disubpoena them. All right, So to what connection do you think that this is related in any way to what we learned about Susan Rice and her memo to self on January inauguration day, Uh, just before she was leaving the White House for the last time, and she writes, oh night, note to self. Barack Obama said do it by the book. He said, do it by the book. He said, do it by the book. Um when she wrote that note to self, which was interesting to me. Uh, is this in relation to what might have come up at that January fifth meeting because they were also talking about not telling the Trump administration the incoming administration, Uh anything or a lot of things about this. Absolutely. I think you brought up a really great point there, and it is according to the sources I've spoken with related to that as well. And that's something that they want to look into and think about this Sean. And this is a question that keeps coming up. When that strange email to herself that Susan Wright sent, and when she talked about doing it by the book, why did they do other things not by the book beforehand that they have to you know that she has to overly emphasized do it by the book in this particular instance, you know, was that the c y A As people are are stating, you know, based on the strangeness of this email that she's sending it to herself. Uh So these are questions that they need answer to. They need to know who inside the administration was aware of this because as we know now as the evidence has come forth, as this onion is being peeled back, and we used to say, uh, we see more and more that the direct collusion here was the d n C, the Hillary Clinton campaign fusion GPS A foreign Agent X for an Agent British by Christopher Steele, the FSB in Russia, other Russian entities that were involved, um, so directly we can see with these with these American entities, which are that you know, the Hillary Clinton campaign. And now we're looking at the State Department. And when you look at the State Department, a lot of people tend to forget that because there's so much news out there. You have senior officials in the State Department that are being said information um from Christopher Stiel, and then they're feeding that information, you know, from the State Department to Christopher Steel, Christopher Stiel back to the State Department. You have people like Sydney Bluemental involved close friends of Hillary Clinton as second dossier, and Cody Sheer who was also very close to the Clinton's and worked with Phil Clinton during his presidency. So this is something that I think is vitally important to look at. And this is the reason why Sherman Nunions and others like Senator grass Lee, who wrote a memo himself and he's charged the criminal referral against Christopher Stiel to the d o J, are so intent on finding answers. All right, let me go to what is happening with General Flynn. The sentencing phase of that case when he pled guilty to lying to the FBI, which we all believe was a bogus charge, and we think he was set up in a perjury trap. At least I do, because I'm pretty confident in his been talked about at length, how there was surveillance of him, there was no minimization of him, and there was unmasking, and of course the raw intelligence was leaked, and when he was interviewed by the FBI, Uh, the FBI obviously knew every word he said, and if he misremembered or said one thing that wasn't consistent, they absolutely quote had him for perjury. Well, now the sentencing was put off until May. But the judge in this case is the same judge that was involved with with Senator Ted Stevens, and in that case we thought we had a senator involved in corruption. It had turned out in that case that exculpatory evidence was withheld purposefully. We know the track record because you wrote a great column on Friday about Andrew Weissman. Twice he's withheld exculpatory evidence, and we know that he's been overturned by the Supreme Court nine zero, by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. And my question is this is this case a General Flynn with this judge. It sounds to me like the judge suspects is guilty, plea was defective, and that there may be excul putory evidence regarding him, and he's demanding that the Special Council send all that information over. And he has every right too because he does believe this, and and he wouldn't go this far uh if if he did it. I mean, this is something that's very unusual. And the reason it is and Andrew McCarthy actually wrote a really phenomenal piece on this and by renework actually referenced it. I did as well in my column on Wiseman is because you know, for all accounts, Flynn already fled guilty, So why would he be asking for all of this evidence He believes that exculputory evidence was withheld. I can tell you this, Sean Um. I just spoke today to somebody very close to General Flynn, a personal friend of Lieutenant Lieutenant General Flynn, who said that he felt compelled to plead guilty because the FBI and d o J had indicated that they were going to begin investigating his son and his family and so despite there being no predication to do so, that he would already in the hole so big. I mean, you've got to imagine the amount of money that General flynn Um had already sent It was close to one point five million in the hole on this investigation. He was up against the government. So who knows what his attorney is going to do now and how he is going to handle this. Stay right there. This is gonna get interesting with the judge's request, and by the way, he said he will determine what is exculpator. He wants everything in the General Flinn case sent over to him, which I found fascinating. All right, as we continue with Sarah Carter, investigative reporter with the Fox News Channel. Um, now, other developments that we we have today about Robert Mueller. What do you know about this Alex van der Zwan that was charged today with lying to the Special Council in the FBI over the course of this investigation. I guess the son of a Russian oligarch and he's apparently known as a known quantity. Anyway, what do we know about this guy? Well, we know is that now he's been indicted for apparently lying to the FBI. And what what's interesting here is that we see all these connections. You know, says Paul Maniford indictment. We've seen the George Papadopolis indictment and you know Flynn's indictment. Now that's interesting because when you think about Flynn and when you think about Papadopolis, you also see it was the one count of lying Uh to the FBI. Now we have this new guy who talked about Alexander slan Uh and he's also apparently being charged with the same one count of Lyne. What we don't see here still is any indictments proving any kind of collusion. We're seeing that, you know, the Special Council reach and of course look into Ukrainian elections and Paul Manifort's past dealings with Ukraine and with other nations states and how his his financial dealings. But we're not we're not seeing what the original edict of the actual Special Counsel was. And I think because we know now obviously from Rod Rosenstein coming forward and speaking to the public that and making it very clear that in the indictment against the Russians, and this was the indictment we just saw a couple of days ago against the thirteen Russians and three entities that even though they charged those those foreign people and those foreign corporations, that there was no actual witty American involved in any of these schemes. And I think the answer is pretty clear. I think that what we're seeing here is Special Council Moller kind of wrapping it up where I know some people are expecting more indictments down the line, but I don't think we're going to see indictments to the extent of what was once proposed over the whole last year of any kind of connection between the Trump administration and Trump campaign and collusion with Russians. I don't think that's gonna happen. I because it's more of a deep dive into the Paul Maniford case, and we'll see a couple of deep dives into other area is, but I don't think we're going to see anything actually on on the main frame of the edict of what we're supposed to be collision between the United States and Russia. All Right, Sarah Carter, We'll see you tonight on Hannity nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. As we continue this investigation. Every day, there's bigger and bigger and bigger developments. And yeah, it's like unpeeling layers of an onion. But we're getting there. I got to take a quick break. Luke Rosiak with the Daily Caller has an investigative report about Bruce Or. Why is Bruce Or still working for the Department of Justice. I know he's demoted, but anyway, we'll get to that, and uh, news round up information overload the other news of the day, and George Clooney wants to run for president. Like, go right ahead, George, good luck with that quick break, right back, we'll continue, all right, glad you with us one, Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. Our friend Luke rose Each with the Daily Caller has a new piece out today and it's called Exclusive do O J Official Bruce Or hit his hid, his wife's fusion, GPS payments from ethics officials. That shouldn't surprise anybody. Uh, and Luke joins us. Now, how are you, sir? I'm good, John, good to be with you. All right, So, Bruce Or is working what four doors down from Rod Rosenstein? Correct? Right, all right, he's recently demoted. Right, we learned we learned that Bruce Or had met with Fusion GPS on numerous occasions, right both before the election and after the election. That's right. And you know, meanwhile, the whole time, it turns out that Fusion GPS was paying his wife Nellie, or making cash payments to her, in order to work on the very dossier that he wound up taking to the FBI and encouraging him to pursue as a case. And he's meeting with Christopher Steele both before and after the election, right right, Okay, And then he's supposed to disclose the fact that where his wife's money comes from. Meanwhile, his wife Nellie is involved in building the dossier Profusion GPS. There's no way he didn't know, but he purposely did not disclose that information. Isn't that a crime? It is? He could face between one to five years in prison for this. This is something for which the Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States could go to prison for for his efforts to conceal the financial relationship between the d n C and his family via these Fusion GPS payments to his wife. Um, this is an attorney, he's a smart guy. And the form says, provide the name of your spouse's employer. It's not that hard. And he would have known as part of his job. Um that you've got to discuss these conflicts with your boss. If something comes up, uh, and it's gonna overlap with your duties, you've got to talk about it. You've got to accuse yourself. Um. This wasn't a clerical error. It's not like his wife was, you know, selling time shares on the side or walking dogs or something, and he just forgot to write it down on this form. This was a material conflict of interest that he withheld despite repeated opportunities for this to be disclosed, and it was one that had a material impact, a massive impact on really the nation's politics, because when you think about that warrant application that they got against Carter Page, they emitted two things from that application, right, that the d n C had paid for it, and then that the company the d n C hired in turn paid the wife off this dj official. It wasn't just it wasn't just the d n C. It was Hillary Clinton's campaign and the other thing that they never told the judge, and they actually were trying to be deceptive. You know, the the little footnote that said, well it may be political and nature does not begin to describe what it really was, a bought and paid for opposition party dossier. And the next most important part is it was never verified by anybody. Fusion GPS never verified it, the FBI never verified it, and they still handed this to a Fiser court judge. And then they went the added step of citing, uh, basically the similar source, which is, you know, this this article that appears by Michael is a coof on Yahoo that oh cites. Oh, Christopher Steel is his source. So it was the same information just being recycled to look as though it's independent. Right. And so when out of all those things, one of them is you know, they didn't say that Fusion Gepast was paying the COJ official And it turns out that maybe because the d J didn't know, because Steve war didn't tell them. Um, that explains why he got demoted, not Steve Barr, yes, sorry, Bruce, or got demoted right after it came out that he was meeting with Christopher Steele and the Fusion GPASK was paying his wife. It seems that the DJ officials didn't know about this because Bruce war had concealed it from them. Um, so that explains why he's been demoted. Why shouldn't he been fired and may be charged? That's right. The law actually says anyone who deliberately, uh falsifies these forms shall face a fine, a prison, or both. So if he isn't charged for this, I think the DJ needs to explain, uh, not only why he hasn't been fired, but what legal judgment or what legal criteria they looked at to decide that this guy shouldn't be charged, because, uh, they had these conflict of interest forms for a reason. I mean, it's to provide good government. And you know this is and this is really a seemingly a fit and there's really no way considering he was meeting with Christopher Steele and his wife work per fusion GPS, and his wife was putting together the dossier and then he got the full dossier for the FBI according to either the Senate or the House Intelligence Committee memos, so he knew everything, and he knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew exactly what he was hiding. The question is if it's punishable by a fine end or time in prison, one then has to ask, well, what is he even doing working at the FBI at this point, Why wasn't he fired? Yeah, exactly, And you know, you really have to believe in it almost unbelievable amount of coincidences in order to believe that this case was anything but manufactured by the DMC at this point. And that's why I think it's funny when liberals talk about conspiracy theorists at some point sometimes because this is you out to be a conspiracy theorist. To believe that Fusion GPS would have hired this lady Nellie Or if she weren't married to this guy. I mean, they could have hired any old researcher, and they chose her of all people. And then you have to believe that Bruce would have brought this information to the FBI even without those payments. Uh. You have to believe that he forgot to lift it on this forum and then forgot to bring it up with his boss when it came up as an issue. Uh. And then this is actually part of from the beginning, they've tried to withhold this financial relationship between Bruce nelly or And and Fusion GPS. Glenn Simpson, the head of the Fusion GPS. When he was being interviewed by the House Intel Committee, they said, well, did you ever meet with anyone from the DMJ And he said, oh, I think there was this one guy, Bruce. Uh. They said, well, how do you know him? They said, oh, well he reached out to me. I think I knew him from a conference. Uh. To any rational person, when you're saying how do you know this guy, what you would say is, oh, he's married to my employee. There's really no way to admit to omit that from you know, how do you know this guy? It was like such a dancing around the this this elephant in the room. And there's a number of other examples like that. And ultimately, what Glenn Simpson said is the only way you could have found out that we were paying Nelly Or is through subpoenaing our bank records, which it turns out is how they found out about it. Um So that also suggests that Glenn Simpson from Fusion g GPS may have known that Bruce Or didn't tell the Department of Justice about it. It seems that there's a lot of people now and the list gets longer and longer. The highest ranking people within the Department of Justice and others that are in the FBI seem to be in the most legal jeopardy throughout all of this. But that's not the media narrative here. Why is why are your fellow so called journalists, Why are they incapable of discovering these simple truths. What lazy reporters do is they just report on when someone's been indicted. They just look at court documents and they transcribe them. Um So, if the failure is within the Department of Justice itself, then the system for doing this form of lazy journalism breaks down. And in this case you've got high level part is it Isn't it worse than lazy journalism in this sense that they now have become full on advocate advocacy journalists Like Look, I would argue, I'm an advocacy journalist, I'm an opinion journalist. Um we do we do do straight reporting. You know sometimes you've been on this program and all I do is I ask you questions about this and that. Yeah, No, I think it's true. I mean, this is a conflict of interest. This is a basic journalism fair When you're an investigative reporter, you love that kind of thing, and I pull those forms for democrats, I pull them for republicans. Uh. This is a basic staple of investigative journalism is did someone have a conflict of interest, did they act against it, and did they fail to disclose it? Were they upfront? And this is basic journalism one oh one. It should be an interesting story for any journalist. They can pull those forms that got them through the Freedom of Information acts. They can do them themselves, and they can see that Bruce war didn't get a waiver. Not only did he not disclose this relationship, he also didn't get a waiver. It's possible to sometimes say, okay, look I was up front with my boss about this conflict and he said it was okay, that did not happen here um, which isn't surprising because I don't think they ever would have granted such a waiver. The conflict was so blatant. But the other thing is usually when you have these conflicts of interest, right, the issue is did you reccuse? And so it's like if you were assigned by your boss and you knew that it was a conflict, you would say, sorry, boss, I can't do that. This is so much worse than that, because there's no indication that Bruce was told by anyone to get involved with this fusion GPS case. It seems like he decided on his own to bring this to the FBI, So it was like actively choosing to involve himself in what he knew was they concealed conflict of interest. I just can't believe we're at this. What do you make of now, the fact that this is getting closer and closer to Obama, the entire scandal, and you know, for example, Susan ICE's note to self UH and Devin Nuness's comedies, the comments he's the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and his letter that he put out today, UH sent to two dozen senior leaders in the trumpet Obama administrations, and he's asking ten specific questions to gauge who received the dossier information and what they did with it. I mean, I've got to believe Brennan and Clapper and and others, and Susan Rice and and maybe Barack Obama himself knew all about this. Yeah, I mean, that is one of the interesting things here. But it also seems like some of these high level of people, they just are regarding as untouchable, and that's where we're gonna have to see if we need specific names, and uh, you know, I think they need to justify why they don't bring charges if the leagual argument is clearly there. And sometimes there's the they're so afraid of the perception that it's going to appear at political targeting. Then they go in the opposite direction and they wind up allowing people to do things that in ordinary citizen would never be allowed to do. Yeah, alright, any update on the Debbie Washerman's case, which I know you've been working on. Yeah, you know, we should talk again in about a week. I'm going to have a huge case on that. Um again. The Inspector General of the House of Representatives sound that these guys were taking all this data off the network. And I've got a huge update for you about where what it seems like they were doing with that data. Well, what are we getting this Inspector General report? I heard it was early March. Well, you know, this is the Inspector General thing talking about in Ron Juan taking all the House data and it actually came out before the election was issued in September of And what they did is they withheld it from the House, so members are playing gum, acting like, oh, we never heard about that, it must not be anything um and so they actually they need to release that, uh, that report because it's it's a cover up. And that's why you don't hear about this major hack on the House of Representatives is because the evidence has been withheld. So um, that's really on the House of Representatives at this point. All right, little rosiac, thanks for being with us. Shawn is a toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of this program. All right, let's get to our busy phones here. Fred is in Punta Gorda in Florida. Next on The Sean Hannity Show. How are you sir? Hey Sean, how are you doing, sir? I'm good. What's going on? Listen? I want to thank you so much for taking my call. It as sure as nice to be able to speak with somebody that you appreciate who they are and what they repres at. But but basically, uh, my concern is, uh if the deep state and the uh Damns and gop swamp people, and I'll be nice and say people knew all along at this Russian collusion thing. Was it? What's fake? Then what else could they do other than you're trying to generate something such as this special counsel to uh go almost indefinitely to try to look back and try to find something on Donald Trump even had to go back seventy years to try to discredit him and his administration. Well, listen, everything that the media is doing now, everything that I have never ever trusted this special counsel. I don't trust this special counsel theil. That's why we spent so much time examining who these people are, what their political affiliations are, where they donated money to in the past, etcetera. And you know the fact is we do have a few people that are actually digging for the truth. And you know that's why nonez now zeroing zeroing in on all Right, who knew what about this Trump Trump dossier? Who knew about it? I want to know if Obama knew about I want to know if Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes and Clapper and Brennan. I want to know if they all knew with it, knew about it. You know the idea that you know, we get this report that shows that, yeah, the Russians were trying to sow discord in the country. It's not a surprise to those of us that know what happened in two thousand nine and ten, and it's not a surprise to anybody that knows about the dossier. And then the media feigning outrage. Wow, how did the Russians ever do this? It's it's it's a it's almost a comical joke. Their selective memories, in their selective or their story selection even is so abusively bias. Also, and I think the biggest and funniest thing about this, it looks like CNN and MSNBC were swept up in this Russia Gate dragnet, because when they talk about this honor about November twelfth rally sixteen, the anti Trump rally in New York City organized by these trolls from Russia working for Putin, And despite that, the rally got extremely favorable coverage by whos, CNN and MSNBC. And apparently Michael Moore showed up at one of these apparent you know, so he's now is he colluding with the Russians? I will tell you it is. Here's no shock here for those of us that have been following this, Thank you Fred Ginger is in Grand Rapids? Would radio Ginger? Hi? How are you glad you called? What's hi? Hi? How are you? Well? You know what? I am tired of Russian things. I'm tired of Well, I am tired of is politician, state, federal, local line to the people it should be illegals? Well, I mean I got arrested. If you lie to the FBI, you're gonna be like Michael Flynn. Although very interestingly, I'm watching this Michael Flinn case very very carefully, and I think the judge in this case the same judge that was in the Senator Ted Stevens case. I think this judge suspects that this guilty plea was defective and that information was likely withheld, And that would be no surprise considering the people that Robert Muller has put around him at the Special Council. I can't believe we've gotten this far. How could the people make quality decision who vote for when we are constantly lied to about policies because the reason they lie is because they can get away with it. You know, why wouldn't Why wouldn't Vladimir Putin after he got twenty of America's uranium in two thousand nine and ten. Why wouldn't he try to influence our elections considering you know, everybody knew we had an FBI informant in the entire Uranium one deal. He's thinking he's empowered. He thinks he can get away with anything, and we've allowed them to get to this point. I gotta take a quick break, one shot and toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We'll get to your calls. News round up, Information overload on the other side, straight ahead, going up next our final news round up and information overload hours and becas Morgan rat produce at Union Square in New York City, that is where the anti Trump protest is just about to kick off. And Morgan with a good day to you. What's happening there right now, Well, it's has already started. Back you can see hundreds of people behind me here in Union Square, thousands of people. As you know, Alice, we're feeling marginalized by President elect Donald Trump's comments. And they said this is a love rally. That's after they pointed in that direction. They yelled were not going to be um tolerating any sexism or homophobia or racism, and that is really the message all of sort of these protesters coming together, frustrated, angry, and all directed at the president's elect. Hey, Morgan, can you tell who has organized this rally? It has been suggested that so many of the protests across this country have been impromptu rallies. I mean, it's been supported by very diverse array of constituents. Is there someone in charge here right now? This is a lot of different groups of people who have come together with no necessarily official leader. And that's been some of the criticism, and people have said, well, what's the point do you have all these disparate groups coming together. But what they're saying is the point is they know they can't change the results of the election because that is in the can. But what they say is they want to come together and show America that love really does win. Alex I have to say, I've covered quite a few protests from the Black Lives Matter protests, and this is something different. It's something unique. Uh, The energy here is electric. That woman when she's saying she's concerned that black people will be shot in the street, did she back from that at all or is that a legitimate concern for her, because that's scary. Alex is not only legitimate concern for her, it's a legitimate concern for a lot of people who I've spoken to. There are thousands of people right now taking over Fifth Avenue with several messages, although aimed at our president's elect. Have people talking about being against racism, sexism. You hear Black Lives Matter being yelled um, and we again are shutting down Fifth Avenue right now, headed straight to Trump Tower on this. It is the most organized protests that I've seen happen here in New York City, and that's good news. They do just want their message heard and they want everyone even across the country to know that they are against what Trump ran on, and that is really what their message is collectively. But there really isn't a specific thing that they're calling for, Poppy. It is really a number of messages all wrapped into one aiming at the president elect Donald Trump. People out there, they're chanting, they're they're banging the drums, and they're explaining that they do not want Donald Trump to be their next president. Really delivering a message to Donald Trump, and that is that they will not tolerate a campaign that he ran on, a campaign they say fueled by hate. All right, there it is. That's the coverage that took place. Well, looks like CNN and MSNBC they were swept up in Robert Mueller's Russia Gate dragnet because, according to Muller's indictment last Friday, that November twelve, on or around November twelve, anti Trump rally New York City was organized by agents for Putin for Russia. And despite that, the rally received extremely favorable coverage, which we just played for you by both the whole fake news network CNN and the conspiracy network conspiracy theorist network MSNBC, and says Mueller is yet to grow. Network executive is not clear how much they knew about Plutin's of man. I wonder if they knew that Vladimir was doing this. I wonder if they knew that there were pawns in Vladimir's game. Somebody writes me, Hannity, Well, one of the trolls retweeted, you retweeted a column of yours. I'm like, okay, I'm supposed to have control over h retweets something that I put out there on Twitter or on my website, Hannity dot com. Unbelievable. Anyway, NewsBusters pointed out that a check of those November twelve coverage of both CNN and MSNBC gave enthusiastic coverage to the Russian organized anti Trump rally that day, live reports every hour correspondence celebrating the idea that it was a love rally and repeating the marches are anti Trump and the anti Trump mantras like we reject the president elect, ho, ho, whatever I mean, All these these protesters are all the same. Anyway, The two liberal anti Trump networks offered every coverage of this anti Trump rally throughout the day, and if you take a check of the coverage between noon and five Eastern, it found that the Fox News channel offered only a short recap sixty six seconds at the start of their four pm Eastern hour. But meanwhile, CNN and MSNBC they reveled in all the inflammatory messages of the march. Anyway, one correspondent, Morgan Radford cheerfully played along, Oh, it's it's only the legitimate concern of this when we now know it was the goal. But why, by the way, why would anybody be surprised at all, especially after two thousand and nine and beyond. Anyway, one Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Also, uh, we've got apparently Michael Moore was at one of these rallies, participating in one of these rallies that was organized apparently by the Russians. Anyway, prosecutors saying the Russians in dited from meddling and and sewing discord in the country and the presidential campaign. We're also behind this particular anti Trump rally and Trump is not my president rally in New York. And and Michael Moore tweeted at today's Trump Tower protest he wouldn't come down. Oh you know what, that was his first priority to go down and see Michael Moore and talk to Michael Moore has nothing better to do. Anyway, Joining us now to discuss, debate and talk about all these new developments. We have John McLaughlin, he's the founder of the McLaughlin Polling Group and associates. And Doug shown is with us, poster author political anialysts at Fox News Channel. Welcome both of you of the program. It looks like everybody was unwitting in this entire Russia issue, Doug shown. Yeah, and look, to me, what Donald Trump said over the weekend is what I believe and what I think is the real message, which is Putin has divided us, He's weakened us, He's polarized the country. And my sense is that what isn't fake news is that the Russians have been systematic in their efforts and remain systematic, as we've seen from what they've done about the Florida shooting. So I have written books, as you've been kind enough to publicize on your show, talking about Putin's master plan, and this is an elaboration of that plan, and that to me is not fake news. It's something that threatens Well, didn't we know this dog back at oh nine? Didn't we It wasn't a whole uranium one deal. Isn't that an example of Russian influence? You know, Russian operatives on the ground, He had an FBI informant, he was chronicling all of it and then being stupid at times. As a country, we actually allowed Putin's operatives involved in feloniese Bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering, and they still got the deal through, and and he got ahold of our uranium. Isn't that the same thing as Hillary paying for the Russian dossier? It seems like, you know, if we're gonna talk about the dangers of this hostile regime Russia and the bad actor that is Vladimir Putin, I gotta believe that it's important to go back to two thousand and nine and ten in uranium one and and go back to the dossier. But it seems the meat he only wants to talk about one side of this. Well, what what did Donald Trump have to do with Russia? And, as he said today, nothing, He's never talked to anybody in Russia, knew nothing about any of this. Well, con and s and IV on your program repeatedly called for a special prosecutor on uranium one. So I am a lonely voice among Democrats there that's for. But to me, I don't want to politicize it. I want to figure out what we want to figure out how to stop it, not as Democrats and Republicans to stop rushing and listen. I have a good idea. Why don't we give him the money back with interest on the uranium one deal and take our uranium back? Because it wasn't supposed to leave the country, but we don't went to Canada, we don't went to Europe, and we suspect it went to Asia. How about we take that back. I'd start there. I think the chance that we get that back is about as good as UH if Hillary Clinton apologizes for spending thirteen point five million dollars on the dos A, that's a good point. John McLaughlin, Well, you know the whole thing. It's it's amazing back in UH in November seen for our clients Secure American Now dot org, we asked the American public. We asked the voters, UM, do you think the election was conducted fairly? And the majority of Americans said yes, back then sixty six. And we also asked, uh, you know, should the President Obama, Hillary Clinton, UH, and the media accept the results of this election? In one the voters said yes, they thought this was an honest election that was back then. So the voters get it. It's just these elites are out of touch. And when you think about what's going on right now, and we asked in our January survey of this year, we asked, do you believe everything that's in the media or not believe everything that's reported in the mainstream national media and only said they believe, seventy said they don't believe. And fifty of the majority voters think that the media is biased against the president. Only only one third think that they're not. So the Russians have really gotten a lot of what they expected to do in terms of kind of destroying credibility and dissension devin media, and then they're successful. No, no, you go, and they're successful. But by the way, John, you were on this program, Obama was trying to influence the Israeli elections. So let's cut out the phony sanctimony. And Israel's our closest ally in the Middle East, and he's trying to undermine a prime minister. Well, that was scary, and it was all being done because basically he had his political operation over there and they were being funded. They outspent all eleven political parties, way under reported over here. They used our tax dollars, and they were trying to knock out d v net and Yahoo because he was speaking out against the Iran deal, which was a terrible deal that the majority of Americans when they know the details, they disapprove of it. But I'll tell you the thing certainly with Russian Now, we may have had radio free Europe under Ronald Reagan that Steve Forbes ran, we now need UH an Internet free Europe that basically gets the truth out. UH. And and the scary part for me, as you talked about the Israeli election, being involved in in Donald Trump's campaign and being involved from the primaries through election day dealing with sensitive political information and knowing that there was no collusion with the Russians. Who is nothing going on with that. The name of the game was beating Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. And they now it's clear from that House Intelligence Committee's letter, UH that they spine on our campaign. They used phony campaign research that they paid over twelve million dollars with to get a court order to have the Justice Department and the FBI, our own Justice Department, our own FBI spy on the Trump campaign. Unbelievable and let me give you, well, stay right there. We gotta pick it up there, John McLaughlin, Doug Showner with US eight nine one. Shawn, we'll also get to your calls final half hour of the program today. And as we continue, John McLaughlin, the poster Doug shown the poster as let me ask you both, where are we in terms of the President's polling. It seems now there's a poll out earlier today, New York Times poll finding a dramatic surge in the support of the Trump tax cuts. I've gotta believe that's gonna We've also seen it with rasp musin He's been as high as forty lately. I've always believe Doug shown that Donald Trump pulls lower than where he's actually really at your thoughts, well, I think it's clear. I think John mcclaston will agree with me. Donald Trump has gone up steadily in virtually every poll to either the low forties or the mid forties in terms of approval. Uh, it's clear in every poll i've seen the tax cults are getting more and more popular. And indeed, I think the shutdown that the Democrats did on immigration as well as their position on immigration has been a loser. So to my way of thinking, the Trump position, the Republican position is improving. The generic vote is down to I think single digits now, probably mid to low single digits. So everything's moving in Trump's direction. And if he can stay focused on and he can stay on message and on issues, he can continue to improve. If he gets to distracted or sidetracked, UH, it will only hurt him in the Republicans. Is it a mistake that Democrats are making John McLaughlin that you know here the President is offering them data in exchange for funding the wall and getting rid of the visa lottery and JA migration. Democrats didn't even want to consider it. It's absolutely mistake because you've got reasonable Democrats out there like Doug shown that we should be heading Democrats for Trump. But we've got our latest not so fast. We've got our latest national UH survey on from February nine. We took his national survey. Americans say the country's had in the right directions moving up. The president had a forty six percent job approval. It's moving up. He's got and his negatives are down to fifty two. He gets over fifty. With the Republican Congress, he can move up. The generic ballot. We had February nine behind three. Politico last week had the Republicans up one. So reputable polls that are doing likely voter models that are based on at least thirty Republicans still have Democratic edge four or five points or whatever. Um, we're seeing this move up. But it's the substance of Donald Trump because they set an apple. The economy is getting better fifty six thirty two. A majority Hill always supported when we pulled during last fold during the battle, a majority had always supported President Trump's plan to cut taxes. We're the only ones in the country that asked that question. The only time the media polls would use tax cuts was when they would say it was tax cuts for the rich, where they were trying to run it down. So the president on security and on the economy is moving the country forward, and it's moving the generic Republican ballot up for Congress, and and so that we're still a long way off, we have the ability to if we stay close, we can keep our majority in the House in the Senate. All right, thank you both for me with us. John McLaughlin and Doug shown eight nine for one, Shawn Tolfrey telephone number, you want to join us. All right, We've got so much breaking news by the way, we're gonna get to tonight on Hannity. I mean, one is you got this new guilty plea, this this oligarch uh that we've been telling you about today. Von der Swan is his name, Dutch citizen, London based attorney. His firm assisted in efforts on behalf of the former Ukrainian president and you know, worked as an associate and this project, that project. Anyway, we'll have all of that. And then you got the mainstream media loving the fact that they showed up at an anti Trump rally. The only problem is that anti Trump probably was formed by the Russian trolls, and apparently even Michael Moore got caught up in all the fun and action. Yes, comrades, I'm lads, let's join in our in our rally again. Donald Trump, your new president. I have no idea If that's a Russian accent, that's the worst one ever. But I think you get my point. Didn't the I R S scandal and the n s A atrocities convince you You need a watchdog on Washington with insider sources. You need Hannity every day alright to the top of the Sewan. You want to be a part of the program. I want to get back into this tape that I played yesterday because I think it's so critical that we now begin to pay attention especially with news and information. We have this new information that Devin Newness is now seeking answers about who knew, what, when and where in the Obama administration as it relates to the Steel dossier and the letter that he sent out to such people, because this probe into the anti Trump dossie now is it's it's just it's pivotal in in so many different ways. Who knew what and when? And uh, I think that point when we get start getting answers to that, we might begin to understand. If they knew early and they knew it was used as a FISA warrant, they knew who had paid for it, and they knew it wasn't verified, and they knew it was lies anyway, then we have the whole point of the Obama administration. They were warned in they were warned that Poote would want to impact the elections, and they didn't lift a finger. And even two weeks before the election, his Barack Obama laughing at mocking Donald Trump and lecturing him to stop whining. As it relates to, uh, the possibility that somebody might influence our elections, well, he was the guy that was warned about it, and you know, of course, he could have called up his buddy Medvedev. Hey, when you see when you see Vladimir, when you see him, just tell him, I'll have a lot more flexibility after the election, Okay, tell tell Vladimir that, okay, well this is my last election, all right, so we'll be able to more flexibility. We'll be able to do whatever you want. That is my last lex yes, and that's not my legtions. I have more flexibility, understand the listener. In this epid of course, we know what happened at No. Nine with your rainy one. Here's him lecturing the president. I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history, any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. It's unprecedented. It happens to be based on no facts. Every expert, regardless of political party, regardless of ideology, conservative or liberal, who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found. That keep in mind, elections are run by state and local officials, which means that there are places like Florida, for example, where you've got a Republican governor who's a Republican appointees are going to be running uh and monitoring a whole bunch of these election sites. Of the notion that somehow, if Mr Trump loses Florida's because of those people that you have to watch out for, that is both irresponsible and by the way, it doesn't really show the kind of leadership and toughness that you'd want out of a present. You start winding before the games even over. If if whenever things are going badly for you and you lose, you start blaming somebody else, then you don't have what it takes to be in this yet. Because there are a lot of times when things don't go our way or my way. That's okay. You fight through it, you work through it, you try to accomplish your goals. But but the larger point that I want to emphasize here is that there is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved. There's no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so, uh, I'd invite Mr Trump to stop winding and go try to make his case to get votes. And if he got the most votes, then it would be my expectation of Hillary Clinton to offer a gracious concession speech and pledge to work with him in order to make sure that the American people benefit from an effective government. And it would be my job to welcome Mr Trump, regardless of what he said about me or my differences with him on my opinions, and escort him over to this capital in which there would be a peaceful transfer of power. That's what Americans knew. That's why America's already great. One way of weakening America making it less great is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan, uh and have helped to hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries. I mean, he's just sitting there, mocking, just mocking Donald Trump. Now why because he thinks that this is it. He thinks that Hillary is gonna win. Nobody thought. This is the media's problem. That nobody thought Trump could win. They laughed when he first got in the race. They mocked him, and then they thought he gets slaughtered by Hillary Clinton. That's why all these shenanigans were going on. Anyway, let's get to our phones here as we say hi to Donna is in Staten Island and New York the All New Am seven n W A R. How are you? I'm good, my friends? How are you? I'm good? What's what's Lenn Burman's problem with Sjohn Hannity. Ah, he's a nice guy. I don't agree with everything that he says. I think we'll have to invite Lenn Berman. I know what the problem is. What's the problem? You get to sleep in and he doesn't, so he's very upset about the morning. He's cranky in the morning. Is that now? We love Mark Simone, Mark Simmons, love the voice of New York when we got Rush and then me. I mean, we got a great line up here in New York. It's fun. Everyone else had their coffee without him. What's up with Len Lenn the liberal in the morning? I know he's pretty liberal, Donna, don't you think I think that's part of his problem. Is just another angry liberal. It just kind of it goes together. I like the guy, but I mean, you know, I listened to him and he's like, oh, Hannity's okay. I'm like, okay, thanks a lot, len jalous. He's jealous, you know why. As my dad used to say, he's got a perfect face for radio. You don't hear. Well, he was on TV for years, that's me. He was a It's castor in New York. Anyway, what's on your mind? Donna? How are you? I'm good? How are you? I'm good? What's happening? I wanted to say, like, you know, Obama talked about you know, like three weeks before the election, and he said that Donald Trump should stop whining. Well that was you know then, and now it's a year and a half later. When are he and his cronies gonna stop whining that they lost the election? Go away already, you lost, Suck it up, you lost. Listen. They can't handle the fact that they lost. They never expected to lose. And Donna, you gotta, you know, look at all the insanity of the news media, zero zero evidence, and they always try to tie it to Trump. That's just the way they roll. And it shouldn't surprise you. Just listen to this, and really the goal here was simple damage Hillary Clinton and elect Donald Trump, and these Russians allegedly went to great lengths. He's found this incredible network of meddling, and now he has kind of a stronger basis on which to go and look at collusion that emails. This didn't do with the hacking of the emails and the issue of obstruction of justice. What's going on here is establishing an underlying crime, and then anything henceforth is going to be conspiracy to obstruct or to calud. There may well be information, there may well be lots of evidence that there was not only unwitting, but witting assistance from the Trump campaign. I think that the President has continued to advocate responsibility here about leading the country in response to an attack on the most core fundamental part of our democracy are free and fair elections. It's now obvious that the Russians were trying to interfere in our election. Well, it appears the stress might be getting to this is getting closer and closer and closer to the Trump inner circle. Are the White House staff getting more and more worried about that? Or is this just Donald Trump freaking out about it alone. It may just be Donald Trump freaking out about it alone, but his staff has to be freaking out about his freak out. Right, the big stuff is probably yet to come. Indeed, it does seem as though Muller is just beginning to lay the groundwork. But stay tuned for more. What concerns me is that Donald Trump seems to be more upset about the Mueller Muller investigation and what came out from that the Saturday morning, then these kids who are shot. I think Trump's got some problems. I don't think Mueller would have taken the case if he didn't see a serious problem here. If Robert Mueller asks you to come and speak with his committee personally, are you committed still to doing that? To believe, just to understand, just Sam said, there's been no collusion, there's been no crime. And in theory, everybody tells me, I'm not under investigation. Maybe Hillary is, I don't know, but I'm not. But there's been no collusion, there's been no crime. There was no collusion between US and Russia. In fact the opposite, Russia spent a lot of money on fighting me. But I also want the Senate and the House to come out with their findings now. Judging from the people leaving the meetings. Leaks, but leave the meetings all the time and they say, no, we haven't found any collusion. There's no there is no collusion. You know why because I don't speak the Russians. Well again, John, there has been no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians, or Trump and Russians. No collusion. When I watch you interviewing all the people leaving their committees, I mean, the Democrats are all running for office and they're trying to say this that, But bottom line, they all say there's no collusion and there is no collusion. I have nothing to do. This was set up by the Democrats. There is no collusion between me and my campaign and the Russians. Well, I respect the move, but the entire thing has been a witch hunt, and there is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign. But I can always speak for myself and the Russians. Zero. There is no collusion. But we'll continue to look. They're spending millions and millions of dollars. There is absolutely no collusion. I didn't make a phone call the Russia. I have nothing to do with Russia. Everybody knows if that was a Democrat. Hope it was an excuse for losing the election. Unbelievable. Everything we've been telling you, isn't it? All right? Let's get back to our busy phones. J R. Is in Greenville and South Carolina. What's up, j R? How are you glad you called? Thank you, San, Thank you for being the eyes and ears to the American people. And like many many others, I've heard and digested the news in relation to the FBI. Now, Sean, this is one of the more stabled agencies in American history, and it has such a precipitous fall and decline. I asked myself, number one, how with all the oversight does this happen? To what can be done to be sure this never happens again? And three? And most importantly, Sean, most importantly, and I do not say this to be inflammatory, is this agency even salvageable at this point? Or do we really need to wipe the slate and start all over again with an entirely new agency. I would say absolutely salvageable because the gender, the overwhelming number of agents are good people. You know, you gotta they live in your community, they live in my community, and these are guys that literally put their lives on the line for us. You know, if we everything that we are talking about here has to do with let's see Comey, McCabe, Struck Page, you know, Wiseman. Well that's Mueller and and a special counsel. You know, remember we did have j Edgar Hoover once uh in in charge and that was problematic. Remember they had the Church Committee was the US Select Committee to study government operations respect to intelligence activities. And you know there's a lot I wrote about this years ago. We've got to have intelligence on the ground. Uh, this is a very ugly dangerous world. Here's what I don't want you to get called up in JR. Just because Comey and and maybe Mueller and and the people that he's appointing and Struck and Page and McCabe and and all these other and Loretta Lynch and others that they don't represent rank and file, you know, and for example, if he's one cop that does one wrong thing. This is what the left does. They try to sweep with a broad brush and and create a false image that these cops you know, wake up every morning and they want to go out and kill somebody, which is just the opposite of what is true. They want to protect and serve. You're always gonna have one percent that are horrible. And it's the same with the FBI. And look, it's um, this is actually a good thing if we can get to the bottom of it. But you know, I am just worried about this never ending scope of investigation of Mueller. I'm just pretty convinced he wants to find something to justify his existence, well beyond what he has found so far. And I think his big prize is Donald Trump. And anyway, so I just you know the answers. No, Look, if you see a cop on the street, or don't you think that cop is is likely a good guy. You know, even if he's given you a speeding ticket, doesn't make him a bad Guy's doing his job. I mean that's kind of how I look at all the guys in the FBI. They're all good people, and unfortunately we had some people that thought that they could use their power their influence in ways that it was never designed to be used. And uh, and I just think as long as we get to the bottom of it will be okay. That's what we're fighting for every day. But this is just a tiny percentage of the FBI. I have great respect for FBI guys, great respect for law enforcement, great respect for the intelligence community, even you know, the c i A. In this dangerous, evil world, those those things are necessary, The powerful tools of intelligence are necessary in an evil, dangerous world with ISIS and al Qaeda and Iran and and North Korea. And that's just the start. So I hope that answers your question. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We have a busy night tonight. Sarah Carter's new article alt. Greg Jarrett joins us tonight. David Shown is back, also Tom Fitton, Sebastian Gorka, Yes, Jesse Waters versus Jessica tar Love, Graldo, and Larry Elder. That's nine Eastern. We hope you set your DVR for the Fox News Channel and we'll see you tonight at nine and back here tomorrow.

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