Tragedy struck this week with the loss of Alan Colmes, Sean's television partner for over a decade. Jay Sekulow is at the helm of the show today but Sean called in to share his thoughts about his partnership with Alan Colmes. What was it like to work with the nicest liberal in the world? The Sean Hannity Show is live Monday through Friday from 3pm - 6pm ET on iHeart Radio and
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They go back a long way and they were very close. Shawan is out today, but he's agreed to call us to talk about this, and I think we we have to start the program Sean with acknowledging the fact that we've lost a great one. Jay, by the way, thanks thanks for doing the show. And you're a good friend. You know, it's amazing and I'm all these years we did this show together, do you know every single conservative friend of mine? You included Laura Ingram, included, Bill Cunningham included. I mean, I can't tell you the number of my friends on my but that agree with me politically. That just knew. The guy that I knew together, that I worked with together an amazing human being. And you know when we started this show, j when Fox News went on the air in October, nobody, I mean nobody thought we had a shot. Neither one of us had a lot of TV experience, and and every single day, you know, we were working on really just trying to hold our own and survived in those early years. And and the amazing thing was that even though we had political disagreements, he got along with all of my friends. And you know, he used to always say to me, you know, you're friends always treat me better than my friends treat you. And maybe it was a tribute to him over me, but um, he was an amazing, amazing guy. He had a wit, a sense of humor, quickness, and more importantly, I mean he was he was somebody that loved free speech. I'll tell you that we had him when we approached to had him come down and join us at Regent University for a symposium where he was one of the guests, and he was just phenomenal. I mean, this was a guy that loved free speech and did not mind, as you said, Shawn, speaking to an audience that didn't agree with him, and they walked away maybe not agreeing, certainly not agree in most cases, but they loved the guy. And that was that was the magic of Alan. And he also because he had the stand up comedy background. I can't tell you how many times I've often said that it's the most difficult people to debate, our comedians because they can switch on in time. You can think you've got him pinned up against the ball and you made all your great political points and then all of a sudden, you know, he takes all of it right of your balloon. And and Alan would do that. Um, I want to say that you know, when we started Jay in, we never thought we were going to make it very long, and so we really collaborated and really worked hard behind the scenes together to make the show a success. And I know people may remember the fact that politically we disagreed, but the one thing that we always agreed on was that we wanted this show to work, and it really did. It became a huge hit and were but we were both so very proud of that, and it was it was us working together as friends behind the scenes every day and trying to make this thing work. The one thing that really stands out about album, You just know, how can just the political atmosphere is in the country right now, and he, you know what the mikes would he believed everything he said he when when he wrote in his books, and it proved me crazy, absolutely insane, but he believed it. And we we argue when we'd argue, and we'd argue, and then after the show we were discussing how we can do a better show the next day and we were discussing, I'll tell you one of the things, you know, I without the everything that I've known for a while when when he first was his illness and he had a big fight out of him, and we actually were more very hopeful that things would turn around for him he said to me, was he goes, you know, this is easy for me. I'm just worried about my wife. I don't want her to worry. I don't want her to be upset. And that that kind of captures the Alan that I knew. He always thinking about somebody else. He was the most generous human being, the nicest guy to ever work with. If you got to work with somebody that you don't agree with politically, he was the guy. And I was very honored all these years to work with him. I know people thought because people typically we never got along, and I was never true and and uh, I just have such a deep respect for him. It's a really tough day. I got like a hole in my heart. Um, I thought to Monica Crowley's sister in law, and and she's heartbroken. His poor wife has devastated. They're both wonderful people. They did so much for him, and he did so much for them. And I'm very very impressed with every It really was a tribute to Alan to hear from every single major conservative that ever went on our show today how much they liked him, and how much even though they disagreed. What a good guy, what a great person. What a fun person to be around. And so it's a it's a it's a tough day. It's um. You know, I deal with everything. The one thing I've always had the most difficulty dealing with his death. And uh, and you know, I was hoping this day would never was hoping for a miracle. And I can tell you this. He went out fighting. He went out with great courage, and even in his toughest latest moments in life, he was thinking about everybody else. And that's the guy that he was. Well, as you said, Sean, he's a he's a great one. I spent a lot of time with him on your program in the in the in the for so many years. But also, as I said, we've had him in a number of events where he spoken in debates and programs and even at the dinner table with students. Usually I would have students from Regent University around him. And he was so engaging, so warm. People loved him and he will we will not forget, and we will pray for and continue to pray for his family. And he had a weak sense of humor, wicked. He was just sense of timing, and he had a way of the slating you know, tense moments with that sense of humor, and and that made him you know, we used to always say it bounds the lovable liberal, and he loved being all that because he felt we should be compassionate. He lived out that life in his personal life. And so I have great admiration for him. I have a whole in my heart today. My my prayers are so with his his wife and Rick Proudley. Um. You know, they've devastated, They've lost you know, a husband, uh, a brother in law, and you know, we lost their friend. And I was very proud, very honored, and I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to work with him because it was a collaboration and and we he more success than we have a dreamed of. When we beat Larry King and we became number one in that time slot, that was yeah, yeah, well and then we sustained it and he uh and and when even when he moved on and by the way, he even when he got the scent humor comes out, well that Obama's you know with that. That's what he said to me, and hie, that's for sure. Gave me the communist He gave me the copy of the Communist manifesto. That's so Alan. You know, well, he was a true believer. I mean, he believed what he said. He wasn't pretending that was that was who he was. I think that was one of the real reasons for the success of the show. I mean, I think my audience knows you know me for a long time. You you believe everything you say. I believe everything I say. And he believed everything he said. But he had an ability to turn it off, an ability too. He had the human side of him. He wasn't like these crazy, you know, people in the streets and marching and trying to silence conservatives. The one thing you mentioned, freedom of speech. The one thing we always always always agreed on was free speech issues. He because we both knew he made our living with freedom of speech. It didn't matter if it was politically incorrect, over was controversial, it was over the top. He he was the staunchest defender. And he didn't like I can tell you this. He didn't like when conservatives were shut down on college campuses. He didn't like that his side was doing that. He felt it was a kind of you know, liberal fascism, and he felt like hear these people out, you know, let's have the debate. Let's make it free, open, fair debate, and and a dialogue discussion and exchange of ideas and principles and and and I admire him for that too. He you know, Jay, he died too young. I mean, such a young man. He had so much life in him. And uh, that's that's the hard part. You know, if somebody get it, you understand they had a whole life. And he was so full of life. The one other thing I want to add, you know, he he loved a microphone, and and for his radio audience, and I know we share some audience. He loved every single solitary moment he spent on the air. It was his passion, it was his vocation, it was his hobby, it was his life. Even when he was really sick and I would see him, Um he still was. He was he was pushing through and doing his radio show and I'm like, what are you doing here? I used to you know, I'd argue with him about that. And so you need to be resting, you need to be taking care of yourself. And he couldn't pull himself away from the microphone because he loved it, and he loved his audience, and he loved what he was doing, and he loved life. So I, um, you know, just because we have disagreements, sometimes you can really see the good in a person. And he represented everything that I would want, you know, that's going to live true to their their ideology and their principles. This to me, you know, he he embodied that. And Uh, we lost a dear friend today, Jackson. We sure did an uh a liberal in the classic sense. And the party that is now operating and the liberals that are now operating did not have the convictions of Alan Colmes on free speech, that's for sure, and free discourse. As you said, he was a protector rub but he wanted to hear both sides. He'd argue, he'd argue intensely, but he would listen also, And that was He'll be missed. And again, thoughts and prayers for his family and Sean, thanks for taking time out today. He's for giving me the time and our thoughts and prayers really especially for his wife, Jocelyn and and Monica and the rest of his family. And uh, they're having a tough day. Yeah, Our thoughts and prayers will continue for them. All right, thanks, Shawan, appreciate it very much. All Right, we've got a lot more ahead. Let me tell you what we're gonna get into. And again, I'm Jason Kilo, Chief council of the American Center for Law in Justice. You can find out more about what I do at a c LJ dot org. I'm not normally hosting Shawan Hannity's radio broadcast. Normally I am spending my time at the Supreme Court or other courts around the country. But then I've been a frequent guest on this broadcast, so it is great to be with you. I want to get into when we come back from the break. The potential Democratic head, the d n C Chair for the Democrats, a former fair con member, could be the literal chair of the Democratic National Committee, Keith Ellison. We'll give you a little expose in a little background on him when we come back from this break, because folks, you're gonna wanna, you're gonna want to know a lot about this. And again, if you want to talk to us, it's one Sean. That's one eight hundred one seven three two six. We'll be back with more, including your comments in a moment in the I r S scandal and the n s A Atrocities Convention. You need a watchdog on Washington with insiders sources. You need Hannity every day. 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My pillow dot com promo code Hannity. You will love this pillow. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Program Everywhere. This is j Sekulo. I am a guest hosting today for Sean, Chief Council of the American Center for Law in Justice. Been on this program a lot as a guest. Glad to be co guest hosting today for Shawn. We'll be taking some of your calls at one Shawn. That's one nine, one seven, three to six. You can find out more about what I do at a c l J dot org. So we've got a Democratic congressman calling for the impeachment and impeachment investigations to begin on President Trump. Well, that's not shocking the Democratic member of Congress would already start thirty two days into administration calling for the impeachment of the president. There's one issue here though, This particular congressman, Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison, is running to be the chairman of the d n C, the Democratic National Committee. They are going to be voting in Atlanta this weekend and right now, according to a lot of sources, he is the leading candidate to be the d n C chair. Keith Ellison is a congressman. He is an anti semit He was a devotee of Louis Farrakhan. He's also called for the impeachment of the president. Take a listen to this. This is Keith Ellison talking about impeachment. I think that he h Donald Trump has already done a number of things which legitimately raised the question of impeachment. Thirty two days into the administration, and it already raises levels of impeachments. By the way, under the Constitution, to impeach someone high crimes and misdemeanors, that's basically how it works. They don't like his policies, you don't get to call for impeachment. That's number one. Number two he's got. Look, Keith Ellison has a long history and a long history of anti Semitism. I'm gonna start with, though, the fact that his initial conversion to Lam it's a free country and believe in whatever religion you want, was under Louis Farrakhan. That's the one of the leaders, the leader of the Nation of Islam. Here's some sound from a conference the Nation of Islam with Keith Ellison giving the famous Muslim chance a bala Wakbar. Yeah, well, there you go. That's that's Keith Allison. Ala Akbar could be the chairman of the d n C. He also, and I'm gonna play this a little bit later, he also has made direct statements about choose. In fact, one of the things he said, and I'll talk about this more with our next guest is gonna be Jorgan Seki, who's our executive director at the a C l J and has studied Keith Ellison for a long time. This is a guy that says, why should foreign policy be dick tatd by a country of seven million people and their d as bora that of course is Israel. That's who he's talking about there. So he's making no bones about it. He's not hiding it. This is an anti Semite. He's anti Israel. He's anti Semitic. Which is the irony of this is you've got an anti Semite that may now end up being the head of the d n C. When yesterday the Vice President the United States, what was he doing cleaning up graves that were desecrated Jewish graves that were desecrated by anti Semites. Interesting time we live in all right, We're gonna be back with more, including your comments. George seku will be joining us next back with more a minute stay in Dutch with a Hannity faithful joined the message board at Hannity dot com. Everybody, Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Program. This is j Sekulo. I am guest hosting today for Sean, Chief Council of the American Center for Law and Justice. Always love being a guest on Shawn's program, and it's great to be able to host while he's out today. If you want to get more information about what I do, go to a c l J dot org. That's the American Center for Law Injustice where I've served as Chief Council. We've got a great program lined up where you We've already had a good discussion again, our condolences to Alan Come's family, the passing of Alan uh much too young and a great defender of free speech and a great friend of Shawn's and ours. I might say, let me say this, we are concerned that you've got a Democratic National Committee chairman possible looks like the leading contender right now, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison. He is anti Semitic, and that's being kind, that's an understatement. Uh. This is someone that has had a relationship with Louis Farakhan. He's someone that has even deeper is than that within the Islamic world and against free country. Believe whatever religion you want, you could serve in office. We don't have a religious test in our constitution. But you need to know where people stand. Right now in the studio with me is Jordan's seculer. He's the executive director of the American Center for Law Injustice. But also someone that has as a lawyer, has studied Keith Ellison, and there's some interesting things, you know, And this is someone that's gonna be, could be, and as the leading candidate right now, could be decided this weekend to be the leader of the Democratic National Committee. This is a big position with a lot of influence. But Jordan, let's talk about who is Keith Ellison. Keith Ellison is one of the top two contenders to be d n C chairs. So it's either him or Tom Perez, who was a former Labor secretary under President Obaba. We will know this weekend four hundred and forty seven Democrat National Committee members will select their new chairman. So either way he will finish probably one or two. He's going to be someone with a lot of influence in the Democratic Party over the next few years. So he entered Congress in two thousand seven. He was elected to OH six. His controversy started back when he was in law school as a defender of the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakon. Actually worked to organize events for Louis Farrakon. He converted, he was a convert to Islam. It was a nominal Catholic before that. Uh, no problem there. He has the right to convert to whatever religion he chooses or not. But but then the issues start right when he's in law school. He doesn't distance himself from far Akon. In fact, he was a known anti Semite who spoke publicly about in a very derogatory way against the Jewish community. And Ellison's writings, Keith Ellison's writing the leading candidate to be the chair of the Democrat National Committee that had had Democrat in his writings on Farrakon. That started while he was in law school. He was defending Farrakon as not being racist, as not being anti Semitic, while he was spewing some of the worst rhetoric of the time. And that was back again a couple of decades ago. He did not distance himself from the Nation of Islam until he and for the States Congress now and the and the controversy doesn't stop when he runs for Congress, because what happens when he runs for Congresses he ends up getting investigated. Why does he get investigated. He gets investigated because he started engaging in activities with Saudi Arabia and others that raise serious concern That's right. So he makes a two thousand and eight trip. This is just after a year after being in office, so he hasn't been up for re election again yet at this point. He makes a two thousand and eight trip to Saudi Arabia, which is paid for and organized by the Muslim American Society. Now you can see photos of his trip and of the individuals are about to tell you that he met with because the Muslim American Society's chapter in Minnesota posted the photos. So none of this is Here's say, this is congressional investigation. So First, he meets with Chik Abdullah bin bay I. Important because in two thousand four, that chik from Saudi Arabia issued a fatua calling for jihad and the killing of US troops in Iraq. So he is sitting down a memory the United States Congress with that Chi as a member of you at the U S country, and the Sheik is calling for the destruction of American troops and American civilians killing American troops in Iraq. But that's not all. He also met with Dr Ahmed Mohammed Ali. Now this guy very interesting, president of the Islamic Development Bank. This bank established in two thousand the Al Kuds into Fata Fund and the Aloxa Fund. What does it do provide money to Palestinian terrorists families who are killed, including suicide bombers by Israeli's after they carry out their ROAs. So everybody needs to understand what happens here. The individuals that engage in terrorism, especially coming out of the Palestinian areas, or Palestinian terrorists, are actually paid money by various probe Palestinian leading organizations, including these banks in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. You've got a member of the United States Congress who may well end up becoming the chair of the Democratic National Committee. I mean this is Keith Allison is right now in the lead. If the boat was today, probably would win. It may take a ballot or two, but he would probably win it. He has the support from what I understand, President Obama. And this although the President tries to stay neutral, but this is clearly an outgrowth of President Obama where he'd like to be and as a member of the United States Congress, and that's what the audience needs. As a member of the United States Congress, he sits down with bankers who are funding and giving rewards to terrorists, to suicide bombers, and specifically the president of the bank, not just bankers, but the president of the Islamic Development Bank. You know that fund when it was started in two thousand, which was during the first into Fata, the first uprising by Palestinians against Israeli's acts of terror. The funds started. This just tells you about the money being tossed around in that Islamic part of the world, in this terror world. Started with two hundred million dollars to give out to families of the United that's how they recruit these people were in bad economic situations to send their kids off to be suicide bombers. So you've got a member of the United States Congress sitting down with a bank that funds suicide bombers while he's a member of the United States Congress. At the very same time time, you've got statements that he made that are not only in flammatory and by the way, they're not just you know, Ferricon and that ILK are not just anti Semitic, they're anti American, they're anti are values. But listen to this sound. This is again about nine eleven, and the speaker here is the potential chair of the DNC, all this discrimination against religious minorities. Uh. And but for nine eleven, I mean, you had it, but you didn't average to the degree that the ey Now nine eleven is this is this junger not event in American history, and it allows I mean, it's almost like, you know, the Red stock fire kind of reminds me of that. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? Benefit Well, I mean, you know you you and I both know bos. But but the thing is is that you know, after the right stock was burned, they blamed the Communists for it and then put um the leader of that country, in a position where he could basically have authority to do whatever he wanted. So this is a guy that may be chairing that's one of the largest parties in the United States. Now, you know, Republicans conservatives will say, well, you know that's where they want to go. Let him go there. This is not good for the country though that you've got a major political party in the United States that thinks that this may be a good way to lead the country down the road. You heard the comments in there by the way, who do you blame? And the audience member said the Jews and who benefited? Yeah? Does he distance himself from it, No, he's never really distanced himself from this because this is his worldview. This is really how he thinks. This is the way in which he engages. So Jordan, you look at this guy and you see the nature of what he's saying, and yet he is the leading candidate to chair a major political party in the United States, one of the two largest, the Democrats are the Republicans. He's the Democrat. He's a nine eleven truther, He's anti israel I mean he's still part of this area. Bush is responsible for nine eleven and this was just a reason why, I mean comparing it to Hitler and the Reichstag. But he was congressily investigated because, of course, as typical with Islamist he didn't disclose the trips cost to Congress, which these congressmen have to do now, and ended up he was forced to disclose that he received this trip cost over thirteen thousand dollars that came from the Muslim Brotherhood founded and they'd make no calms about this. And we in the United States still list the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization, certainly the the aspect of the Muslim Brotherhood that's involved in Hamas, which is their military wing. That's right. And so the Muslim American Society, which is founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, they paid for his trip. He gets congressionally investigated. They post photos of it. It's why we know all of this about Keith Ellison. We're not having to figure this out. He's telling us, he's showing us in photos. He's meeting with the terrorists. He's meeting with the terrorists religious leaders in Saudi Arabia. He is then spewing the rhetoric of of Islamic kind of leftist Islamic rhetoric. What's unfortunate He's got the endorsement of Senator Schumer, who was the Senate Minority leader, the top Democrat in the United States Senate, who is Jewish and a very strong supporter of Israel. Actual Lee is supporting Keith Ellison for d NC chair. I mean, it's one thing to have, you know, Bernie Sanders support for him, but another that Chuck Schumer is still to this day, even with calling for this impeachment thirty days into Trump's presidency, that the Chuck Schumer who should be shamed into backing off this endorsement. Yeah, he really should be, but he's not. And let me tell you the words. I like presenting evidence when I'm in court. That's what I do. I present evidence. I'm laying out some evidence for you. Let me lay on another piece of evidence here. This is a flashback to a speech of Congressman Ellison. Now this is again, let me kind of set this up for you. He is blaming a group of people on foreign policy issues and that we're taking basically the wrong side. But listen to what he says, and I'm gonna break it down for you. Here's what he said. The United States for policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a cuntry of seven million people region all turns are seven million. Does that make sense? Yeah, well, actually it is logic, and it does make sense. It's logic because the country he doesn't name, but that he's talking about is Israel, a country of seven million people surrounded by the entire Muslim world of three million people. And he doesn't like the fact that the United States foreign policy is in sync with the state of Israel, because, let's face it's the only democracy in them at least. I mean we, by the way, we don't have other allies in the region. We do the United States, so does Israel, Egypt. I could George Jordan's there are a number of the Arabs of the Gulf States that have very close relationships with the United States and with Israel. But the point is here, this individual, Keith Ellison, to be possible, looks like the leading candidate to be the chair of the d n C, has these views. This is the way he thinks, this is the way his mind works, and this is gonna be the person leading a party. And that's what you gotta be thinking about here, one of the two major political parties in America. And though if you're a Republican or a conservative out there and you think that's great, because I don't think the Democrats are gonna do very well with him as their leader. Remember when you have a Republican president, the RNC chair is not quite as f in the forefront on the news, not as much in the media, because the president is really the head of the party. President Trump is right now, but there's an RNC chairs actually don't get as much attention. When Keith Ellison now is going to be the could be the leader of the Democrat Party, that means nationally, so anytime issues come up, he would be their spokesperson for all Democrats. I think if you're a Democrat out there, this is very concerning. Only four hundred and seventy four basically they're super delegates get to vote four forty seven this weekend. But he again, I think win or lose, he's coming in first or second place. He's going to have This is the trend of Democrats right now. And now we've always warned about the this move between Islamist and leftist. It makes no sense because Islamists are so against LGBT rights. They don't let women drive cars. I mean, they are anti Semitic, they are, and it says they're they're racist, sexist, homophobic. Everything the leftist doesn't like. They don't they don't like free speech. They don't even like democracy or elected not even a word in their language. Now. They believe democracy is evil. And yet we've seen this alliance between Islamist and the left, and I think Keith Ellison is the merger of that as one of their representatives on Capitol Hill. Yeah. I think what you've got to realize here, folks, is that this is a serious situation for the United States. And we may say, yeah, politically, but let them do this. But the fact that you know a large part of the country is going in this direction should send shock waves to the American people. That's why defending free speech is so important, because these are groups that want to shut down speech. They don't want you talking about this. They want they don't want the truth of a Keith Ellison coming on. That's why I'm so glad that Shawn's on the air every day talking about this because this is the reality of what we live in our country right now. Is it very divided, Yes, but there used to be a unifying force, and that unifying force was free speech. That seems to be what's in jeopardy the most. And all of this. I've spent thirty years in the Supreme Court of the United States arguing free speech cases. I will tell you that we are in a season of life for our country. We're free speech is in peril. And you look at a situation like this, we end up with someone like Keith Ellison and you say to yourself, this is not the way the country is supposed to be. All right, Thank you Jordan very much for that. We've got a lot more ahead. I'm gonna talk about the shadow government when we come back from a break here. What do you mean by the shadow government? You know, when they're talking about intelligence leaks, we're talking about information getting out. We're talking about internal bureaucrats entrenched. You know what we're talking about. We're talking about a shadow government. We're gonna get in depth on that coming up, and that includes, by the way, inside our intelligence agencies, which makes it even worse. All Right, We're gonna take more of your calls or more of your comments when we come back as well. One Shawn. That's one, seven, three to six. Jay Sekulo sitting in for Shawn Hannity, back back with more in just a moment and a se of government lies. He's the beacon of truth. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Everybody, Welcome back to the Shawan Hannity Program. Is Jay Sekulo. I am sitting in today for Shawn. I'm Chief council of the American Center for Law Injustice. That's a law firm that engages in cases all over the country, do a lot of work at the Supreme Court of the United States. I also host a radio broadcast at twelve o'clock noon Eastern Time, Jason Seculo Show. But I am thrilled to be sitting in for Sean. Coming up, I'm gonna talk with Professor Harry Hutchinson. Professor Hutchinson's the director of policy at the American Center for Law and Justice. Also a law professor, was with George Mason University. Now with Regent. But let me just tell you something. We're gonna talk about the shadow government. It's getting a lot of news. Now. We we talked about this last week when I was on with Sean, and that is when you look at these leaks that are coming out, and you look at the difficulties the administration in the sense of kind of silencing these leaks. Whatever you thought about whether Mike Flynn, General Flynn should have been the the NSA director or not, the fact of the matter is this, there were leaks by the intelligence agencies. We're not supposed to do that in the United States of America. We're gonna talk about this shadow government. Hey, if you're enjoying the music, by the way, that's the J Secular band. I gotta give a plank to a little plug to the bandmates there. We have a Facebook page, J Seculovan. I've got a Facebook page as well, Jay Sekulo. When we come back, I'll be joined by Professor Hutchinson. We're gonna talk about what is serious, the shadow government, the bureaucrats in wrenched inside even the current agencies. We'll talk about that when we come back from the break, and we'll take more of your calls as well. We'll be back in a moment. Hey, welcome back everybody to the Shawan handy program. This is Jay Sekulo. I am guest hosting for Seawan. We're taking calls at one eight nine for one Shawn. That's one one seven, three to six time. The Chief council for the American Center for Law Injustice. That's a law firm. I do a lot of work at the Supreme Court in Nined States, literally getting all over the country. Host of program also at noon Eastern Time called The j Secular Show. And I will tell you that I want to start this off by acknowledging something very important and very important to Shawn, very important to to our team as well, and that is the passing of Fox News Channels Alan Combs. We had Shaun on earlier and um Alan Colmes was a friend of mine, a very close friend and partner with Sean Hannity for many many years. Of course, when it started, Hannity and Colmins first launched on the Fox News Channel. I've been on that program many times and had the privilege of getting to know Allen and a couple of different venues, including speaking at an event that I sponsored and hosted at Regent University School of Law. And he was not only gracious, but he was some of that understood free speech and the importance of civil discorse. I do want to take a call. We're gonna take more calls as well at one Shawn. That's one, one seven, three, two six against Jay Sacho sitting in for Shawn today. Let me go to Randy from Colorado Springs, Colorado, who wants to talk a little bit about Alan. Then I'm gonna be joined by Professor Harry Hutchinson in just a moment. Randy, go ahead, Jay, Hi, and nice sir, you too. Um. I've been a talk radio junkie for probably thirty years, and the first time I heard uh Alan's voice, I was traveling in Portland and I thought, jeez, you know, I don't really agree with what the guy has to say, but I sure like the way he said it. Yeah. Well, this was a guy who love free speech and a guy that was true to his convictions. He was liberal in the classic sense of the word. And while we disagreed on a lot of issues, and I know Sean did as well, they were very close friends. I was a good friend of Alan's and let me tell you, our thoughts and prayer really go out to Jocelyn, his wife Monica Crowley, his sister in law, in the entire family at this untimely passing of a good friend and a great broadcaster. And I've never called talk radio before, but we appreciate it. And I said, we lost a great one with Alan Combs. All Right, folks, there is something that we have been concerned with in my work in the legal arena, and that is this issue of what we're calling the shadow government. You look at the situation with my Flynn and the leak of intelligence gathering. I look at head lines today. We started talking about this on John's program last week. I look at headlines. Obama's shadow government is organizing to undermine Trump. Now, the Democrats call Obama's shadow government a problem, and that's because we're normally presidents go away quietly do their presidential libraries. President Obama took his Obama for America organization converted it to Organization for Action. That's what he's doing now. And that o f A is basically got entrenched bureaucrats, and that we now find out that a law firm has been basically established by former d o J and White House counsels of President Obama challenge everything that Donald Trump does I wrote a book called Undemocratic where I talked about unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats taking our liberties one agency at the time. And this is an entrenched part of the problem. And this is what even a president as strong as Donald Trump is confronting the entrenched bureaucracy and what we call this chef bato government. Joining me right now is our director of policy at the American Center for Law in Justice and professor of Law, Professor Harry Hutchinson. Harry, thanks for being with us. Let's define for our audience here when we talk about shadow of government, when we're talking about undermining, we see leaks coming out of intelligence andc. By the way, I'm gonna be joined a little bit later with someone working for the CIA and is concerned about this very issue of leaks and intentional sabotage against the president. We'll talk about that coming up, but let's define terms first. We're talking about a shadow government. What are we talking about in the perfect term. That's a very good question, Jay, and thanks for the opportunity. Uh. We should note that a shadow government represents and ever expanding, ever ramifying network of individuals who wish to will power secretly. In many instances, they appear to be invisible. Um. The term shadow government, the term shadow government um arose initially because of a parliamentary system of government in England. In England, they created what is called a shadow cabinet, so you'd have a foreign Minister, and then you'd have a shadow foreign Minister, and you'd have a Chancel of the Exchequer, which it would be like our Secretary of the Treasury, and they would operate independently. But here, Harry, these are individuals that were in lockstep with the Obama administration for eight years inside these bureaucracies, deep career employees, many of them, and they are the ones that are now causing this internal problem, this internal shadow government. Absolutely, they are also leaking information, uh, with the connivance of willing members of the press at CNN, at NBC and at other networks who are spreading either misinformation or classified information which violates US law. Yeah, you know, I don't want to talk about the law here for a moment, folks, because we got lost in the whole general Flint situation was that there was a violation of federal law when that intelligence information was leak Now, think about this, Why in the world would an intelligence agency leak information, Well, they're trying to harm the person that is taking a position contrary to them. Who is that In this particular case, they don't like the policies of President Trump. Now take it a step further. The National Security Agency, the n s A had in place since Ronald Reagan. When sig intel signature intel, that is, like the phone taps, wire taps, that information would come in the raw intelligence would go to the n s A. They would decide where it would go. With seventeen days left in President Obama's administration, seventeen days left, he changes the rules signed off by James Clapper and then Lauretta Lynch, the Attorney General, on January three, seventeen days left to go, and decides that now sixteen agencies can get this raw data. So now go find the leak. And we ask yourself this question, why in the world did they wait? Why in the world did they wait until there was seventeen days left in their administration? If this was so important to share this intelligence information with these other agencies, giving more individuals access to it, but for eight years during their administration, they didn't want to do that. But they did that with an incoming president. You know what that is sabotage, That is a soft coup attempt, that is a shadow government being empowered. Absolutely, and so essentially the Obama administration did not want to live under these new rules. On the other hand, they wanted to expand the network of people who would receive classified information pursuant to their own request, and then they could use that information to subvert the Trump administration and to some extent, protect the Obama legacy. So I want to talk about the Obama legacy as you hear quickly, Harry, and that is this. Normally, presidents go away, they do their library, they do humanitarian efforts, whatever it might be. Here you've got a president that's sending out tweets, former president sending out tweets encouraging protests in the streets, and a lot of these protests, by the way, you're seeing at the Republican town halls, these are put up. These are these are paid protesters or or activists that these aren't people that are voting for these members of the United States Senate or have ever voted for the members of the United States Senate. This is the put up Okay, it's a free country. Say whatever you want to say. But when you look at the situation as it exists with this legacy attempt to protect this president, former president President Obama, former President Obama is not going away quietly, absolutely so. Number One, he decided to set up residents in Washington, d c. Second, he set up a new foundation which he claims will be a startup citizen foundation. Third, he initiated a partnership with Eric Holder, and this partnership is designed to create another political action committee. So when you have the new executive order that's rolled out next week on immigration, Eric Holder and that's the former Attorney general, the United States is gonna be filing lawsuits or assisting in the filing of lawsuits with this whole cabal of groups. Listen, it's a free country. File lawsuits, but you need to understand, everybody needs to understand exactly what's going on here. These are bureaucrats that I would say it this way. You gotta resist, you gotta reform, and you've gotta revolutionize. And the revolutionary aspect of this is you've got to change these agencies. Because right now, firing these bureaucrats is almost it's like they get life tenure, Harry. Notwithstanding the difficulty, I believe the Trump administration needs to launch an affirmative effort, a root and branch effort, to remove many of these Obama loyalists, particularly from mid level positions in the bureaucracy. And if he doesn't move quickly on this, this will impair or impede his agenda going forward. You know, I litigated that I R. S case and that targeting that went on in conservative organizations, and you know, everybody was looking at lowest learner and she was certainly guilty of her involvement, but it went much higher and much deeper, and we found that out on the litigation where we ultimately won. But you need to understand that this is an entrenched bureaucratic machine. When we come back in a little bit, I'm gonna be joined a little bit later in the program with a former CIA operative who's gonna tell you a Democrat, by the way, who's gonna tell you how concerned he is about what is taking place right now in these intelligence agencies, how difficult this is. And coming up after this break, I'm gonna be joined by Colonel west Smith, he handled classified information. We're gonna talk about that as well. This is Jay Sekula. I'm sitting in for my friend Shawn Hannity. I'm gonna take some more calls when we come back as well, and again, and our thoughts and prayers of condolences to the family of our friend Alan comes and again if you want to talk to us. One eight one Shawn. That's one seven three two Sick is Jay Sekulo. I'll be back with more in a moment. Never mean Scott problems. He's got solutions. America listens to the Sean Hannity Show. Everybody, Welcome back to John Hannay. You showed this a J Secular sitting in for Sean. I'm Chief council of the American Center for on Jesse. If you like that music, that is the J Secular band. Most people do not know that. Addition to being a Supreme Court lawyer, I'm a drummer and occasional guitarist. There you have it, h Enough of the selfish plugs here, all right, here's what we're gonna do. I want to talk about We've been talking about the shadow government with Harry Hutchinson. I want to talk about we've got an executive order that's probably coming out Monday or Tuesday on the asylum immigration issue. We've been working on it. We believe the Ninth Circuit was wrong. But I'm gonna tell you something. We are joined right now in the studio by our senior military analysts, Colonel West Smith. Colonel Smith, by the way, was the presiding officer when the remains of Ambassador Stevens will return to the United States. The famous picture of Colonel Smith between the President, President Obama the Secretary of State as he offered a prayer for Ambassador Stevens. So this is someone that knows government knows material. But I want to you know, West, is one thing that you know, we talked about this Ninth Circuit case in the District Court judge, and I've argued in the Ninth Circuit. It's you know, it is a court that if you win there, you're gonna lose at the Supreme Court of the United States. Let me just put it generally that way. I may I think, I but one case that on the Ninth Circuit that I want at the Ninth Circuit and actually want at the Supreme Court United States. One, uh, that rare, But you talk about classified information, but you talk about information not getting out. There have been and this judge in this case involving the initial immigration order, by the way, Washington State, they're all gonna file a lawsuit again even though the president's order, I believe is gonna be airtight, and believe the Ninth Circuit was wrong this last time, but this is gonna be airtight. But you talk about what's happened in the United States with prosecutions of iss from these countries of concern, which, by the way, this judge said there were no incidents. The judge was absolutely wrong, Yes he was. Whenever he asked Michelle Bennett was one of the lawyers from the Department of Justice, how many citizens of these seven Muslim majority countries have been arrested on domestic terrorism charges since nine eleven, she said she didn't know, and his response was, well, I do know, and I can tell you it was zero. He said it was zero because he read it in the like the New York Times are never Washington Post. Yeah, that was his evidence. Go ahead, But in fact, seventy two people from those seven countries, according to the AP and other other sources, have been arrested since nine eleven own terrorism charges seventy two of them. So you know, I deal with courts, I deal with evidence. The government did not do a great job on that hearing. Let's be honest. I've been critical of the performance of the Department of Justice. That was before our friend Jeff Sessions became the Attorney General in the United States. A different world now, and I believe as this case goes, as the order comes out, and the case goes forward, we're gonna see a very different response here from the Justice Department. I have no doubt about this, and this we will win this and may take it going all the way to Screme Court to win, because I still think that the Ninth Circuit could easily get it wrong, because they generally get, like I said, everything wrong. But West, you were a colonel in the Army, and you served in the Middle East, and you've served and you've handled classified information. These leaks that are going out right now that which I'm concerned. The President is supposed to get a report from the General's about their plan to eliminate isis the president. President Trump said he's gonna do it. I believe he's going to But they're gonna be those inside the Department of Defense, the State Department that are gonna be opposing this, this classified information mishandling that's going on. If you were to do with and when you're on active duty as a colonel in the United States Army, what would have happened to you? I would go to prison. Absolutely, I handled classified information and we were read the Riot Act about the proper way to handle it. And it is illegal, and those kinds of leagues are are against federal law. And in all seriousness, people in the military that have done there, they go to prison. So when you're looking the presidents can get this report about how to deal with ISIS, how to deal with this Islamic threat that we're dealing with in a group called ISIS, They're gonna be people inside the agencies that are entrenched that are not gonna win. Like the way the fact that the President calls it radical Islamic terrorism, you have to be concerned. I am as an American and as a lawyer, I'm concerned, and you, as a former military officer, have to be concerned that there will be those inside these agencies trying to undermine exactly what the president is trying to do. Here right right, And it is really alarming because it becomes a real threat to national security when these kinds of things are compromised, and it undermines, undermines what we're doing is for is keeping the nation secure. So that was my last question, because we're going to a break. The nation's security is at stake here, both with the executive order and with the president's plan on when he gets it from the General's on isis our nation's securities that stay? Absolutely, that's the bottom line. It was famously said at the Supreme Court of the United States that the Constitution, folks, is not a suicide pack. We need to operate under that understanding. I'm Jay Seculo sitting in for Sean Hannity. We're gonna be taking some calls. We've got Doug Shown coming up, also, a former CIA operative that is as concerned as we are about what is developing right now. And this is folks. Look, these leaks are undercutting our constitutional republic. And all I'm doing today is laying out this evidence for you so you understand exactly what we're facing as a country. That's one one, Sean. I'm Jay Sekulo back with more in just a moment now three breaking news straight from the source. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Everybody, Welcome back to The Shawan Hannity Show. It's Jay Sekulo guest hosting for Seawan. We'll pay calls at one one Shawn. That's one nine, one seven, three to six. You can follow Seawan on Twitter at Sean Hannity. You can follow me on Twitter at j Seculo, and you could like the band page if you like the music you're hearing to some of these breaks. It's Jay Secular Band. We have a Facebook page and we sometimes broadcast live on Facebook our concerns and jam sessions, so we encourage you to do that and follow the A c l J as well. I've got a page Jay Sekulo at Facebook, and so does the American Center for Law and Justice. And Jordan who was on earlier, also has a page. Well, we've talked about this shadow government, we've talked about concerns about leak I. I read a fascinating piece up at Fox News yesterday, and this is by Brian Dean Wright, former CIA operative officer, member of the Democratic Party, says I'm a Democrat, an x C I A but the spies plotting against Trump are out of control. He says. Over the past few months, America has lurched from partisan warfare to the cliffs of what this is. What Brian says is an existential crisis. Joining us on the Sean Hannity program is Brian Dean, right, author of this article. Brian, thanks for being with us, the absolute pleasure to be here. Let me ask you about this, former CIA operations officer. You're a registered Democrat. I'm concerned about these leaks. I don't like leaks, period, no matter which party. Don't like the way the Justice Department handled the whole situation, UH during the election with Hillary Clinton for against her, for whatever, back and forth. I don't like leaks that are going on against I don't like the leaks that were going on with Mike Flynn. And I was a gunment lware in the beginning of my career a long time ago. You're a former CIA operative. Tell us what you're concerned about here. What is it that you're seeing and hearing that has you so concerned. Well, two things. First, the vast majority of America spies are incredible people doing amazing things. But there's also an equal amount of fear that I have or concerned that is bordering on this existential crisis. There are clearly folks within the national security apparatus, whether it be the CIA or FBI, et cetera, who are leaking information. We saw this fall with the dossier, and then we've seen it once again in terms of the leaks in the last six weeks to the New York Times and CNN, Washington Post, and then there have been reports of the intelligence community withholding information from the president. Now the president, whoever it may be, cannot defend this nation if they don't have all the information that one needs. That's the first big piece. The second is what happens when we start making our military or our intelligence services partisan or political right because today, you know, maybe liberal spies might think, hey, great, we can we can bash this Trump and get them out in Well, what happens if let's say Warren or Sanders should win for the Democrats. That becomes a problem if the conservative spies want to start creating problems for the liberals. So of course there's let me ask this, Brian, there's a constitutional loath that you took in the c I. It was the same oath that I took as a lawyer for the Treasury Department, and I'm going to faithfully execute the laws of the United States, defend the Constitution of the United States. When I was sworn into Supreme Court, it was the same thing. And I make I take this oath of office. You took the oath of office. Your fellow agents took this oath of office. But they're basically what I'm hearing from you is that there are people. Now we're not talking about all the people when I've been talking about a majority of the people, but there are some intrenched within these agencies, including our spy intelligence Agency. These are agencies and in conduct counterintelligence, UH, deal with terrorism that disagree with the policy and operated. You said, I know what's best for foreign policy and national security. I'm going to act on that. As if they had the right to do that. That's just the concern, Right. So you've got a group of people with tremendous power, and trust me, I had it, and it is uh. It is an amazing power to have. It can also be wickedly seductive. Right. So they've got this tremendous power, and if they start engaging in this partisan warfare, they forget their oath not only to the agency that you mentioned, the Department of Treasury, et cetera, as a civil servant, but to your constitution and ultimately your commander in chief. Uh. And that is the piece that starts to get extraordinarily dangerous for the republic. And that's a huge concern that I have, regardless of the fact that I'm a Democrat. I mean, before being a Democrat, I'm an American, and I think that that's the most important thing that most fives understand. But clearly there's a group that aren't. And in fact, one journalist recently quoted a member of the intelligence community is saying, the d i C. Or the intelligence community is going full stop on this guy, and we are going to make sure that he dies in jail. That is horrified. All right. So you've got a policy president United States that's putting forward policies that he thinks are best for the country in consultation with his cabinet. That's how it works in a constitutional republic. So that's that's usually a given. What is not a given is that you've got and I know there has been This is not the first time in our history where we've had leaks, but what I hear from you and in reading your really well done article. And by the way, this is up at Fox news dot com and I encourage people to get it. It's by our guest, Brian Dean Wright, former c I A operations officer and as he said, proudly a registered Democrat. And this is not a Republican Democrat issue. This is goes to the heart of our constitutional republic. So if there's disagreement, Brian, in an agency on an intelligence matter or the way something should be approached, there's normal conversation. I would expect that people talk about their differences. It's that's very different from then acting on So what is it typically without disclosing information that would be confidential. When you were engaged in your activities with the CIA, you had discussions, because I've represented agency officials before, you had discussions where people might have disagreed on an approach. What was that supposed to look like when you disagreed it was a real conversation. Well, I'll tell you from what I understand what has already happened. And this is not open source, but I'll give you sense with this pieces of Russia and and ties to some of the cadre that surrounds President Trump. Right, so the investigation, uh that there is one. Right now, the Department of Justice and its Counter Espionage Division are working with the n s A and the CIA to make sure that there are no defarious connections as have been alleged. That's where this should happen, right within the system that is classified in nature, and use all various kinds of tools to make sure that that isn't in fact happening. That is this connection between President Trump and some of these advisors and the Russian government. All of we should stand up and say, listen, that is a good thing. Let's make sure that there's nothing to this. And if there is nothing, then this investigation dies. It does not be prosecuted, should not be prosecuted in the open press. That is not good for the country because clearly it's being done for partisan reasons. So I have absolutely no objection. I don't think any reasonable person would have an objection to making sure there's no funny business going on between the current president and the Russian government. But for Pete's sake, it cannot, it must not be prosecuted in a way that it currently is in the open press. You wrote in your peace, and I want to quote this exactly. You said, for reasons of misguided righteousness or partisan hatred talking about these that are leaking and causing these issues. They've taken in upon themselves to be judge, jury an executioner. They have prosecuted their case in the court of public opinion with like minded media outlets. And you point out CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post. But we're talking about our nation. Spies are intelligence gathering capability here. So what you're writing about, Brian, is a very serious statement. And when you first heard of the leagues and first saw the league, what was your initial reaction to this? Well, when the dos he uh was the league? Uh? In the fall? I gotta tell you, my jaw hit the ground because here's the thing. You do not brief unvetted rumors. Right, There's something called Presidential Daily Brief or the PDB, and when that goes to the president obviously usually every day, there are a variety of different pieces of information that about what's happening in the world. Well, they included this this doss he which was completely apparently unvetted, right, and just rumored that doesn't happen. I can't emphasize how bizarre, uh that is to be done. And in fact President Biden at the time, the Vice President Biden rather said well this is strange. Why the heck are you guys including this. He's on the record of saying that, right, And then of course the c I. A. Brennan at the time was director, said well, hey, it's it's it's not our information. We we just included it just in case, you know that the next president want to be should be aware that this was out there. That's garbage, that doesn't happen. So clearly they did this for a political purpose, knowing that it would be leaked and thus smears President Trump. Again, I did not vote for Mr Trump the president. It was not my choice, but I understand that he is my president, and he's the country's president for at least the next four years. And this kind of stuff that happens in terms of politization, it's so incredibly dangerous. I've always taken the position at look, I mean, elections, common election goes, but the Constitution and the republic that is represented by that Constitution in the United States of America, we've endured really difficult times in our history. But when you've got this kind of partisan bickering or even worse here leaks and attempts to sabotage the elections over there's been an election. I mean, that's what happens now, you wrote again, I I like pointing people to evidence into hard facts. You wrote. If you're not convinced about this difficulty, imagine that consequences of letting spies decide not just Trump's fate but other political winners and losers. To imagine how they might treat our candidates next talking about Democratic candidates. So I look at the situation with Mike Flynn, putting aside the fact, which is hard to put aside, that he made a misstatement to the Vice president of the United States, so that was you get terminated for that, but the fact that that information was leaked, there was lack of minimization, which isn't within the own law on how you deal with that, The fact that information is leaked and letting spies decide the fate of these I feel like that with Mike Flynn, they figured they got one. Now those that are opposed to what Donald Trump, what the president wants to do, are looking for the next target. Am I overstanding that? I think that's fair, and I think that that you were getting to that conclusion because you're looking at the evidence and it's a pretty reasonable one to say, well who's next, right, And that's the ultimate fear that I have is once this can gets opened about, you know, partisanship within our intelligent agencies, it's incredibly difficult to shut it because when the culture starts to do embrace, even to a small degree, it's it's people get away with it. Then what's to prevent the next generation of spies to try the same thing? You know? So that's the concern, is we end up like a Pakistan or in Egypt that we're you know, the intelligence agencies really control those nations even though there is a quasi democratic process in each of those countries. That's the fear. Yeah, And of course not you know, Egypt, Pakistan and not. Constitutional republics were more than as you said, we're more than a democracy here. We're a constitutional republic. We have rules, we have laws, we have a constitution that impacts how the branches of government operate. So bottom line here and this is you know, you you served our country honorably in the c I A. How serious of a threat is this for our national security and for our republic. I think we should all be watching this very closely. I don't think that it is at any breaking point, but boil boy, the fever is increasing and we have to be watching these kinds of stories are coming out, you know, referencing these intelligence officials, and if it continues to happen, we have all got to be deeply concerned because I think President Trump will understandably react very angrily to the intelligence community, and he will start, one could say, understandably shutting different entities down, different operators, and that's not in the best interest of the country. Do you think there do you sense there is tension? I mean there's in the media is talking about this tension between the intelligence community and the president. When you've got information being leaked, i'd have some tension to what's your sense of the of the relationship, what you're hearing from your former colleagues, what's your sense there At the end of the day, all the uh that that are my friends salute the man. They understand that he's their commander in chief. I think that there has been some pretty profound frustrations, if I can just be real honest around the the rejection that President Trump or Kennedy Trump had that the Russians were monkeying around in our election. Listen, I don't believe that they ultimately convinced Americans to vote for Trump or against Clinton. I think that American people made their choice. But what people in the intelligence community were very frustrated with it is, listen, we we did our job as for president. We we gave you very good information and the excellent assessment with multiple sources of information that the Russians were doing this business, and you just rejected. That was the first frustration I think a lot of us had, both former and from what I understand the current the second pieces. You know, on the first full day, he did try to go to the agency. In fact, he did go and in front of the wall of fallen comrades and and said, hey, uh, you know, I want to address you all, you know, managmen and man woman. And he turned into a bit of a candidate at that point. He talked about how smart he was and where she disliked the media. It just was the wrong place at the wrong time to have that kind of conversation, and but of course, as you as you said, though, Bran, none of that justifies if there's tension, None of it justifies this leak's all right. Brian Wright has a great piece up at Fox News is an op ed. It's called I'm a Democrat and next CIA. But the spies planning against Trump are out of control. Brian, I really appreciate you coming on the Sean Hannity prog am and appreciate your insight on this. This is a big topic and I'm with you. We gotta keep our eye on this. I am very concerned about where this could go, and I'm very concerned about the next aspect of this. So we are keeping our eye on this. We're gonna be back with a lot more conversation. We'll taking some calls. We've joined by my friend Doug shown talk about some of the politics of all of this. Believe it or not, folks, even in the intelligence agencies, it's politics, you know. At the end of the day, that's what we're dealing with. We're gonna talk to Doug Sean. I want to talk to him about Keith Ellison. I trust Doug. I like Doug. I don't always agree see what he has to say, so we'll take more of your calls at one Sean. That's one eight, nine, four, one seven, three to six. I'm Jay Sekulo, sending in for Sean Hannity. Be back with you in a moment. The biggest stories of the day, solutions to help move America forwards. This is a Sean Show. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Program. Everybody. This is Jay Sekulo. I'm guest hosting for Sean. We're taking your calls at one Sean. That's one to six. Coming up, our friend Doug Show, and I want to ask him about the Democratic National Committee chairman race, where Keith Ellison, congressman that has said provocative things to say the least I call him an anti Semite. He is the leading candidate right now. We'll get Dougs perspective on all of this. We've had a fascinating conversation about what we're calling the shadow government, and that is this whole issue involving the in French bureaucrats. They're unelected, they're unaccountable, but they're running these agencies. How do you root them out? We talked about that. You gotta take action. I think this president is gonna do it all right. We're gonna come back from the break again, J Seculo. You can follow me at j Sekulo. Also get information at a c l J dot org. And we've got a radio broadcast at noon. Be back with more in just a moment. Hey, welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. Everybody. This is J Secular, guest hosting for Sean. We're taking your calls at one hundred nine f one Seawan. That's one one seven three two six. I am the chief counsel of the American Center for Law in Justice. It's spent a lot of my time dealing with cases at the Supreme Court in the United States and litigating in front of the Supreme Court. I thought about this the other day. For three decades, thirty years and UM actually had a case in front of Judge Gorsch, who I am very hopeful will soon be Justice Gorsage of the United States Supreme Court. We had a case involving a ten Commandments display out of Utah. That case ended up, but what's called an on bank proceeding, that is the entire ten Circuit heard it. He Although we lost in the District Court. One in the District Court lost in the Court of Appeals, we won unanimously at the Supreme Court nine to zero in our favorite Judge Gorset's joined an opinion by Judge McConnell which really served as the basis of our religious liberty claim and our free speech claim. And I was very pleased with that, and I'm looking forward to Judge Gorsets becoming Justice Gorgious. I was hearing set for March twenty, so this pretty much the Supreme Court term this time is probably going to be gone, but we will have him for the next term. We'll be back to a full complement of nine justices. I've had the experience, by the way of having eight justice members eight justices at the Supreme Court, and I've had to reargue with cases before. It's not fun for the lawyer. I'll tell you that that someone that does it. I also host a radio broadcast at new on noon Eastern Time called the J Secular Show, and you can follow me at J Secular on Twitter and follow the A c l J at a c l J dot org. I'm gonna go ahead and take some calls. Let's go ahead and get Paula up from Hamilton, Ohio. Paula, Welcome to the Seawan Hanny Show. Hey, how are you great? Um? I have been watching you and listening to you for years, and I'm feeling older by the moment when you said that, But go ahead. I appreciate that, really respect you. I've watched you for years and I've prayed that you would be able to give wise counsel to President Trump. And Um, but my question was about Hillary and Obama and Loretta Lynch and I was just wondering, why hasn't any of them than brought to justice yet? Well, here's what you happen. Yeah, So here's what you've got, um, And this is a look, this is a decision that that when President Trump became president, he had to make. Was he going to allow the Justice Department to reopen the investigation of Hillary Clinton. The President wanted to move forward, he wanted to look forward, So going looking back and drag the country into something that sometimes it's just not that necessary. So with President Obama, look, I mean I didn't like the policies, I didn't like the I R. S targeting, and there was a whole host of issues I didn't like the way we handle the war on terrorism. But that's the past now and I think what we've got to do is look forward. And what we've been talking about on the on the program today, and it's something I'm very concerned about, is this undercurrent inside these agencies. Doesn't mean, by the way, that that that everybody has to agree on every policy, on every issue, but this idea that you've got leaks going on right now by the intelligence agencies themselves should be sending chills up Republicans and Democrats. We should all be concerned about that because it's it's not simply a problem. It goes beyond a problem. This goes to the heart of our constitutional republic. And it's one thing to challenge the president's policies, and you know, you know, we challenge a lot of those policies in court. I was involved in a lot of the litigation on that on those issues during the Obama administration. But at the end of the day, now you got to look forward. You've got to close these leaks down. I think you have to have wide discussion in any of these situations, but you have to go forward. And I think the President made the decision. We're gonna move forward. We're not going to concentrate on the press. Look, President Obama is not going away. I think that is very very clear. He's going nowhere. He set up his Organizing for Action, which was the previous Obama for America group. He's already tweeting about various protests going on right now and encouraging a lot of that. He's a citizen, it's a former president. Is the right to do it. But I think we have to be aware of what is going on internally, and that's where this real fight comes in. I appreciate your call, Paula. I'm gonna go. Let's take Mike's call out a Los Angeles, California. Hi'm Mike, Hey j how are you, brother? Good? Good? Good? Go ahead, please listen. Um, this has just been bothered me ever since it occurred. Why didn't President Trump just tell the Ninth Circuit to stick it? You know, I'm the president, You're only the Ninth Circuit. You can yeah, because we're a country of laws, and even presidents will respect the law. And I think, look, the President made very clear he disagree with the Ninth Circuit opinion. He's gonna be reissuing an order. I think it's gonna moot that entire case out. But we're a country of laws are coequal branches of government. That's what we're talking about. So a president shouldn't ignore the courts. I mean, I think that's a mistake. I mean, you gotta fight when you get listened. I don't like losing and I like getting you know. I famously in the Supreme Court case I had, we had lost it in lower court, came up to the Supreme Court in the United States. Then Chief Justice William Rehnquist said to me, goes, Mr Saeculo, exactly what would you like us to do here? And I said, somewhere in the opinion, I'd like it to say reversed, because that means we would have won. So the President respected the court, disagreed with it, but moved on by issuing. I believe the new order that will come out Monday. Hey, good news. Doug shown is joining us. He is. I've been on this program both on radio and TV with Doug for many years, of course a regular with Sean Doug. I want to get your impression and your sense, and you're well connected Polster political analysts for Fox. I appreciate you coming on this whole situation with Keith Ellison and he you know, a lot of people think he was gonna be the chair of the d n C. This is a guy and I'm just laying out the evidence and we could. I'll play it for everybody and if we need to. He has made some very anti Semitic statements. He has he has a former relationship with Louis Farrakhan. He was investigated by the Congress for a meeting with the Saudis, uh and and groups that were sponsoring terrorists. You're a democratic polster, You're a polster. What do you think? Tell me what is happening here with your party? Well? I don't know, Jay, I I can't answer the question because this is a horrant. This is somebody who has never renounced his support of our coon announced Farcon. He has made comments that I consider hostile to Jews, if not anti semitic, and he you know, I will not be the same type of democrat I am now and have been for forty years. If Keith Allison becomes the d n C chairman, I can say that with certainly, what do you think is gonna happen there? Doug, I mean, do you. I mean a lot of people think if it goes more than two rounds in the vote in Atlanta, that maybe not him, but if it's in the one or first or second, it probably goes to him. What do you think? What are you here? I think he's the front runner going into the multi candidate process. Um, you know. I think it'll be close between me and Paris on the first ballot. I don't know what will happen thereafter. But all I can say if if he's the front runner, having the support of our senior Senator Schumer here in New York, it's it's it's calamitous, horrible. How explained to me, Doug? How do the party? How did the DNC? Because I've said this is what I said. Republican or Democrat, independent, libertary, and whatever your political position is. We have two major parties in the United States, Republicans and Democrats. The idea that one of the major parties in the United States would be not only aligning themselves with but supporting and nominating and putting in as the chair of the d n C Keith Ellison, that has me concerned as an American and where that party is going and what it means for our country. How did you get here? I don't know. I mean the left has taken over the party. Israel has been delegitimized to a very large event, and as part and parcel of that, somebody who has views that I think are outside the mainstream, certainly on Israel, the Middle East, and Louis Farton uh is um emerging as a front runner, if not the front runner. And Jay, I'll tell you this. I spoke to some non Jews today and they couldn't bleekly when they didn't believe me when I explained who Allison was and who far Account was. You know, this is in large measure of faded from our consciousness. But those of us who are culturally, politically and socially aware Jews and Democrats, you know this is almost a revival of the Holocaust. Let's be clear. Well, I mean the things that the things that he said, I'm gonna play. I want to play some of the sound here. You know, I'll get to the impeachment one in a moment, but I want to play. I mean, you've got this is Look, it's a free country. You can believe in any religion, you want, and we have no oath of office. You can. But there's a difference between believing in a religion and preaching hate, and ellis exactly have preached hate consistently with never never an apology. Here's what I don't understand. And I've got a lot of family members that are Democrats, uh, coming from Jewish households. It's part of the politics. My family wasn't, but a lot work all right, So let me play this sound bite because I think this is the most anti Semitic of all of them. And this is the bite where basically what Ellison lays out is this issue of seven million people controlling the foreign policy. And basically he doesn't say Israel, but this is the reference. Obviously, let's go ahead and play that one. The United States for policy in the Middle East is governed by what is good or bad through a country of seven million people, a region of three million. All terms are a cuntry of seven million. Does that make sense? What does make sense? Actually, because Israel's are allied. But you know, Doug, he's talking about million people now. And by the way, not all of them, not all of them are not allies. Are Egypt Jordan. We've got allies in the region, the United States, but in the Gulf States. But you know in that region is also Iran and Syria. So how in the world is and and what does this mean for the Democratic Party if it goes in this direction, Doug? What what do you think the future holds? It means that we are throwing in with the worst sort of anti Semites. And I call it racism because you just can't ascribe political views and social views to people based on their religion and creed. It is. It is horrific. And look, Jake, you and I have differed on politics, sometimes VEHEMENTI but that to me is the American way. This is rank, gross, offensive anti semitism that cannot be countenanced, whatever your views are. If I was a leftist Democrat, which I'm not, I would still find this abhorrant. So the question, of course, it begs the question, Doug. And that is right now he's the leading contender so inside that party, and I mean, I don't know if this is the Bernie Sanders wing or it is. Okay, so is the influence of that part of the Democratic Party. That's significant right now that I mean, he's leading yes, it is, and it means that are only uh stable, consistent democratic ally in the Middle East, Israel is at risk. Let's be clear. I know there's this, you know, Doug, there's something area and we both agree on this. And I've done a lot of work for for the State of Israel. I've I've done a lot of legal work at the International Criminal Court in the Hague defending Israel's positions on a variety of things. And we've talked about this before. There's this whole movement to de legitimize you said, a de legitimize Israel is called BDS, boycott, divest sanction. To me, this feeds into the worst of that by by encouraging this kind of anti Semitic, anti Israel, anti Jewish fervor inside the party. That's absolutely right, and that's what so scares me, because this hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Only courageous people like yourself and Sean have brought it out. But this has calamitous, calamitous potential impact on the State of Israel and indeed on our relations, as you suggest rightly with other states radical states in the Middle East. At the end of the day, if Keith Ellison is the chair of the d n C. What do you think the reaction within the party will be. I think, sadly, in the most cases, it will be a big yawn. The sent minority leader is his most prominent supporter, who is a you know, a to who has been a strong supporter of Israel, opposed the the Aran nuclear deal. I don't know how he can back Ellison. I couldn't back him ever, just that, but I think it's gonna be bad for Israel. J And we got to keep speaking out. We appreciate it, Doug. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate you and saying this. Look, there's areas, like he said, we're Doug said, we agree, we disagree. This is when we agree on this would be disastrous for the country. That's what I'm saying about Keith Ellison as the d n C disasters for our country, disastrous for the state of Israel. And I think that we as Americans have to understand that. All Right, Jay Secular in for Sean Hannity. I'll be back with your phone calls in just a moment. Breaking every single day. This is the Sean Hannity Show, and welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. It's Jay Sekulo Shan. That's seven, three to six. Let me tell you what we're looking at Monday. I'm already looking to Monday. New executive order is probably going to be released from the President on Monday. That executive order is going to deal with the issue of asylum immigration from seven countries of concern. Now they may expand that out somewhat. The seven countries of concern were the countries that the Obama administration labeled as the most dangerous, the place we could not verify who was coming in and coming out of the United States. Now, we went to work when the first case came out, when the President unrolled it back in January, and then the Ninth Circuit came out with their decision. We looked at that Ninth Circuit decision, which, by the way, fundamentally was incorrect as a matter of law. In our view, the Ninth Circuit is generally incorrect as a matter of almost reversed circuit in the country, always in the top one or two. But I looked at the holes, if you will, that were in the order, and those holes, I believe what you're gonna see on Monday or Tuesday are going to be filled. The president has the authority to determine who comes into the United States and who does not. There is not a constitutional right to migration into the United States. There's not a constitution. And I'm I'm the grandson of a Russian immigrant, so I believe in legal immigration, and I think we need immigration reform, comprehensive immigration reform. But I gotta tell you, we need to know who's coming in and what they're up to. So I believe what you're gonna see in the new order that the President is gonna put forward is gonna be a clarification of exactly that the seven countries of origin will be named. That will we do process for those that are Green cardholders, those with visas. That doesn't mean, by the way, that when you come into the United States, even if you have a valid visa, that you can't be questions. For instance, if you were in Czechnia. The Sarnet brothers were here legally they went to Czechenia, our immigration officials could have questioned them significantly about what they were doing in Czechenia even though they had a visa. So part of that is just the law as it is, so I expect that order to come out on Monday. So that'll be, uh, I think a pretty big day for the President again as he rolls out this new uh immigration order. When we come back, I'm gonna take more of your calls. This is J Sekulo, Chief Council of the American Center for Law in Justice, for Sean Hannity today. One eight one sewn. That's one eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six. We'll be back with more in just a minute. Yea, yeah, yeah, Hey, welcome back to the broadcast with Sean Hanny's program. I appreciate Linda having playing that song for my bandmates. That's J Secular Band, a great tune. We have a Facebook page, by the way, J Secular Band on Facebook. That's simple. All right, we're gonna take your calls. One's seven, three to six. Let's go ahead and start with Dan and Buffalo. Go ahead, Dan, you're on, Yes, Hi, Hey, thanks for having me on. You're doing a great job. Thanks me and joining the show today. UM my pleasure, wasn't it here in Wyoming? Uh. You probably know that Wyoming is um the largest energy producing state in the right country. And we've lost thousands of jobs in the last two years under the last administration and the e p A. And my question is, and I'll just listen to your answer off the line, Um, what do you know about Prutt and who has been appointed by by President Trump? Yeah, and I know that he was an attorney general I believe for Oklahoma and he's fighting against the e PA for years. But I'm wondering if you have any insight into me. Yeah. I actually we've worked with Scott Pruett in a variety of capacities as the as the attorney general to state, and I think the President made a great select the e p A regulatory process. And you could be in favor of environmental protection, I get it, but some of these rules and regulations are so non number one outdated. Some of these don't even make sense with the technology we have now. But also what you saw in Wyoming and what you've seen and elsewhere in the country is it is stopped our ability for energy independence. And I think eliminating these unness I love what the President is doing about For every new regulation, two have got to go and a great way to start that is right there in the Environmental Protection Agency. I think that's where a great place to start. So I think Scott Pruitt was a great choice. Will do a great job. Randy from Cincinnati, Ohio. Hi, Randy, Jay, how are you doing good? Sir? Hey, I have a question about the executive order you were just talking about Monday Monday. Um, you know, and I know that a liberal group like the a c l U was going to job shop this and challenge the coutionality of it. Um, my question is why can't an organization or group like yours the minute he signs that, you guys challenged the constitutionality of that law in front of a judge that would be more favorable uh, getting it in the circuit. Yeah. Let me tell you how it works, though, and I appreciate that. I appreciate the call. So here's how it works. It's called forum shopping. By the way, it's not illegal. You can go to a forum that is hospitable to your viewpoint. And that's precisely what why Washington State and Minnesota joined them in this. That's why they went to the Ninth Circuit because it is the most liberal court in the United States. The Ninth Circuit not only ignored the law live in a twop that gives the president the authority and make these determinations on on asylum and immigration and coming into the United States. They didn't just ignore it, they didn't even cite it as if it doesn't exist. But the way you have to beat them, and this is what we did. While it was this first round, the initial executive order, we filed what's called a friend of the court brief. So the American Center for Law in Justice, our organization a c l J dot org, we filed a brief on behalf of millions of our members, putting out the legal position that established the president's authority. So how you engage the litigation when you're not a party is through these called amikas cure a friend of the court briefs. That's what we did so the administration can't file what's called a put up lawsuit. By the way, there were times when the Obama administration would do that. They would encourage groups to go file lawsuits to establish their right to do something, even though they were in cahoots with each other. It was a fake plane of fake defendant. I wrote about it in a book called Undemocratic. This was a very typical practice of the Obama administration. But the way it's supposed to work in our republic is you get a lawsuit, you respond to it. Now, I think there will be an executive order Monday or Tuesday. I think it will be challenged immediately. I have no idea what the Ninth Circuit will do. I believe this is gonna be air tight, and the Ninth Circuit still, I will not be shocked if they rule against the President. Having said that, that goes to the Supreme Court of the United States. The way we've recommended w do process rights with it very clear on who's covered and who's not covered. I don't believe this religion argument, that this is a Muslim ban, it's going to carry that. I've argued a lot of pubishment clause cases. That's where the religion clauses come out of the Constitution. I've argued a lot of establishment clause cases at the Supreme Court. I would be happy to take that one. There is no way that they're gonna be able to say seven countries that happened to have a majority Muslim populations and that establishes a religion in the United States or shows harm to a religion when eighty five of the Islamic world is not covered by this. So I think it's gonna be a bogus argument. But we're gonna find out soon enough. John Michigan, go hey, John, Um, I just said an idea about term limits. You want to get your opinion on it all right now? You know, just a simple majority gets you in, right, right? Um? What if we limited to two terms like that and then on the third term they had to win by like five percent? You know what? That would take a constitutional amendment? I mean, John, that would take you gotta have a constitutional amendment to put that in place. And I mean, look, I think there's a lot of valid reasons. I'm the lawyers to I argue both sides of issues all the time. I think there's a lot of valid reason and for having term limits. And that is the idea with our founders was not that you'd have this extended, always serving United States Congress. In fact, it was really deemed at our founding to be quite a burden. You gotta remember, look at the founding of our country and then the first Congress is set, or for that matter, when the first Supreme Court set, you had no transportation capabilities. You don't even have trains at that point. Nothing. People were going on horseback or in carriage. So they would go to Washington, d C. Which was like the swamp of Washington, d C. It was uncomfortable, and there was this sense that you did this out of a sense of calling and duty, but you didn't want to do this for the rest of your life. Many of them wanted to get back to their careers, get back to their families. That you didn't hop on an airplane and get back to you know, Alabama or to Texas in two and a half hours from Washington. I mean these were day long's, week long drives on you know, on horseback. So the idea was never to have this you know, continual legislative body that would be the same people all the time. But again Founders would have to you have to do an there's an amendment process in the Constitution. It would take a constitutional amendment to do that. Adam is calling from Michigan. Go ahead at him. Yeah, I was calling because I'm really sick of the hypocrisy. During the election, everybody, all they wanted to talk about was that the leaks came from Russia and nobody wanted to talk about what was in the WEEKI leaks revelations and not with the administration. All they want to talk about what was leaked and where it came from. My question for you is, as the people, what can we do to ensure that what happened during the election doesn't happen again? And how can we hold those people accountable for what they did? Well, I mean the difference with wiki leaks, and you gotta put wiki leaks and the Hillary Clinton email scandal on one side. That is people internally leaking information or access to computers through servers that were not secured enabled these nefarious groups and they're out there and there's lots of them. That's why you have software protections and all this, and that's why what Hillary Clinton did was so dangerous by going to a server that was not protected, not controlled by our government. That's different, and it's bad. By the way. I don't I don't like those either. I think that what these individuals did is treason us if they came from inside the United States. But what you've got going on right now with leaks is internal leaks. In other words, Adam, these are leaks that are happening by people that are working in the United States government right now, in the intelligence community, and that has to have I don't care if your Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, independent, or you never voted. That in our constitutional republic is very, very dangerous and it sets our horrendous precedent. It puts our people at risk, It puts our country at risk, and puts our constitutional republic at risk. Look are we there now? Are we on the cliff of danger? I don't think we're on the cliff of danger. We live in the greatest country in the world, period. But you can't allow this stuff to go on checked, which means when you find out through the Department of Justice, with a real investigation, who did this, you hold them accountable. These are felonies ten years for each act. You put a couple of these bureaucrats in jail for doing this, for violating the law. Give them, do process, have a trial, they're found guilty, they serve time. Guess what doesn't happen so frequently it's very easy to be this, you know, undercover information going out when you're not held accountable. And we can't have that anymore. I mean, we saw that with the I R. S case. We won that, by the way, in the Court of Appeals. But look, the fact is the lowest learns of the world they got away with it. And that's just you know, it's unfortunate, but that's fact. So you gotta deal with the system you got. You do the best you can with what you got, and that's exactly what we're gonna do. Let me go to Lvy in Jackson, New Jersey. L we go ahead. Yes, today, I'm really on the same subject with Lewis Rhino and Obama and Hillary. They have to be held accountable. That's the biggest mistake we made because if the situation after us, well, I'm not I don't. I don't disagree with you on that, but let me tell you they were held accountable. Hillary Clinton is not the President of United States Donald Trump is. I mean they lost an election. Now, if there were violations of the law, I mean that whole scenario with the FBI engaging on engaging, we found no violation. Now we've got to reopen it. There's new evidence. Then we closed it again. The FBI should not have done that. I thought that what James Comey did was inexcusable. That was not professional. It wasn't right. I think he should have resigned. Frankly, but the FBI director does not just serve at the pleasure of the president. It's a tenure appointment. It overlaps administrations and that's not on purpose. It makes sense. But the holding them accountable was you all at the ballot box. That's how you hold people accountable. Republican, Democrat, independent, that's, at the end of the day, how you're holding people really responsible. Tony from Orlando, Florida, go ahead, Tony clear in that segment about you know the shadow government, mention any coup and everything. Isn't that illegal? And what could be done about it? Well, it is illegal to engage in a shadow government. When you're leaking information. You can we we talked about this. You could with Professor Hutchinson. You could hold your beliefs. That's one very different than acting on them in this way. So, yeah, leaking information is called a crime. We don't just call it a leak in the United States. It's a crime, and you shouldn't be able to do it and you should be held accountable. I believe that the FBI under Jeff Sessions leadership will get to the bottom. That's by the way. It won't be overnight. It's gonna take some time. But I am very encouraging to say that this is something we moved. All right. Uh Jerry from Texas, welcome to Sean. Hey, you said that we should let Hillary Clinton go in the past. But I got two points. Okay. First of all, it's not fair to the marine and spending a year in jail for taking six pictures on the submarine. I know that suck it based upon the logic that it's in the past and we should forget about it, and that means we should never open a cold case. Well, look, I'm not that's not what I said. What I said was the President made a determination because it's the Department of Justice that would have to bring any action against Hillary Clinton. Remember an Obama didn't give her a pardon. There's no pardon there, so it would be the president making the determination whether he would proceed with prosecution. He decided not to do that, and he decided not to do that because he wants to look forward. There's enough on the plate for the country. It is not fair to those marines, it's not fair to other people that have had horrible real sentences for doing violations and this look, you you disclose classes. We talked about that with Colonel Smith. You you disclose classified information. Guess what you're held accountable. She wasn't in the criminal sense, she was in the political sense. I don't know if that's a sense. I don't know if that's solace for anybody. But that's the way the laws and the president and the Department of Justice would have to initiate this. And I just don't think they're gonna do it. I think there, as I said, I think they're looking forward. Steve Utah, you're on the air on the Sean Hannity Show. Go ahead, Jay, you have done stuff. I want to be like you when I grow up. Well, then you'll be an old guy, because I'm I'm turned sixty. I'm almost sixty one. Actually I should say that very clearly. But then you can to have grandchildren. It's a great thing, and I've got four of them. Hey, So so here's the deal. First of all, I'm one of the newly underemployee who did not get to keep his doctor or planned as counted as a success by the Obamatiah uh let's see. Secondly, Maxine Waters on the scumback Thine. Yeah, um, she's got street cred on that. She may be believable because back and then, I think it was two thousand and twelve, there's a New York poster, New York Times article on this at that time, a few years before that. Let me tell you what that that is. This this political grandstanding and calling names. Let me tell you who does not help anybody in the body politic. I don't believe that helps anybody. I think that we've got to be clear that kind of language, that kind of discussed. I mean, it's a free country. Maxine Waters can say whatever she wants, but that's just not the way it's supposed to be in the United States of America. I'm Jay Seculo. I am been sitting in for Sean Hannity. What a pleasure it has been to do this. We've got more ahead, but I want to tell you something. This has been an honor for me to sit in for my friend Shawn Hannay after minutes. Respect for Shawn and the entire team that produces great radio broadcast every day. So it's been a pleasure for me to sit. Now I've got more to talk about when we come back from the break again one Sean. I'm Jay Sekulo a c l J dot org or at Jay Sekulo and again you could follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We'll be back with more, including some more closing comments in just a few minutes. Yes, you shoul where I'm Sean's got more behind the scenes in for ration, more contacts than anybody what more friends behind the church. Sean Hannty is on Everybody's Jay secularent for Sean Hanny. Let me thank Sean for this opportunity to come to you today on the broadcast. I have been a fan and have been pleased to be a guest so many times on this broadcast. I want to thank Sean, Thank Linda, I think Linda for playing some of that Jay Secular Band music. You can follow that by the way in Facebook. Ja Secular Band follow me at Facebook as well and at Jay Sekulo on Twitter. And again, our thoughts and prayers for the Alan Comb's family and the loss of him. I lost to our country of an advocate for free speech. Like I said, didn't always a grist agree politically, but he was a great guy and we sorely missed Thanks for having me, Thanks for listening to Sean Hanny program, Come Back