Remembering 9/11 - 9.11

Published Sep 12, 2017, 1:15 AM

Sean dedicates today's show to the memory of those America lost during the 9/11 terror attacks. Sean revisits that tragic day and all of the progress we've made in the war on terror in recent months. A special visit by Kellyanne Conway recaps the Trump's administration's message today on 9/11. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity radio show podcast. This just into our newsroom. A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Another apparently that was another plane seized. An airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center. There appears to be a gaping hole there. It goes there, it goes there, it goes here, it goes but the full side has collapsed at buildings by she to airplanes kept crashed into the World Trade Center. This we're not going to be cowered by it. That we're not afraid. All the freedom loving nations of the world stand by our sasship. STIs route to have the red, white, blue whiz TWI where we're not glance so way brought to be a part of this country. Jeer me, I think about the families children to the play. Freedom itself was attacked and freedom will be the fantasy east area westre here. Just when you league, it might be just league by some FISI to raise resolve of our great nation is being tested. She stands. I prayed he didn't through the black and united for three courage it's there. I means you under guarding larity and then we will not forget the twenty eight hundred people feel police and fire and not only were heroes at the beginning, but they're still heroes. And with really, we're gonna come out of this emotionally stronger and the commitment of our father, which is now the calling of our time. By the bridge. Guys sitting more than anyone ever expected over this truth. They missed with the wrong city, they missed with the wrong station. St and I just don't want people to forget they all have a sense of duty to protect us. All well, you love, when we step first in our determination, the rest of the country now understand who the truth defenders are made Irish hills, Korussian maker lakes and rivers. Blesses we see we made the look of the Irish instrology. We've seen make the blessings of Saint Patrick behoove, God blessed Ireland, and God blessed the United States of America. She stills. Now America is embracing a new ethic and a new creed. Let's roll The phrase New York's Finest and New York's Bravest mean something now, doesn't it. This is a time to reflect and be thankful for where we are today. Through we will rebuild New York City. She still yet after America was attacked, it was as if our entire country looked into a mirror and saw our better selves, and saw our better selves. It's hard to imagine it's sixteen years later. Um. I was just telling my team over here that every time I hear that montage song that was put together Jason, I know you did this years ago, it just gives me goose bumps. And everybody's I'm telling you right now, I've already got text. I would need a copy of that. We'll put it up on the website. We'll try and play it later in the program as well. Today. UM, it is an amazing, sobering thing to hear all of that to me every time. And I was I was texting and emailing with a friend before the show today and I'm like, you know, this person was in third grade at the time that this happened, remembers the name of the teacher, what was going on, what happened? And you know, my daughter was born on August twenty nine, two thousand and one, just a few days obviously before this happens. It's just I remember that day like it's yesterday, and it all comes rushing back, the memories. You know, it's um. I I wrote a book after this in two thousand and four, Deliver Us from Evil. It is such a hard thing for good people to wrap their arms around around the concept that there really is evil. But there is there's there's darkness, There are people that for whatever reason. You know, when when evil calls itself a martyr, it just captures everything. That line in Michael W. Smith's song that is what radical is lamas they call that. They think they're martyrs. They tell their kids, drap bombs on you go kill, go get yourself seventy two virgins in heaven. It's pretty amazing that you can be so sick, so do disgusting lye twisted and evil. You know, but you think of a lot of human I remember walking through the history of human evil in that book, saying, all right, there's a hundred plus million souls that were slaughtered in the last hundred years of human history. Nazi Germany was evil, Nazism evil, fascism evil. You know, the former Soviet Union under Stalin is evil. Radical Islam is evil. You know, the the latest evil here, you've got a saber rattling madman you know, known as Kim Jong un, following in the heels of his father, Kim Jong il, you know, now has nuclear weapons because we are so stupid. Bill Clinton said, well, this is a good deal for the American Now, it's not a good deal to give despots this guy's father billions of dollars with the promise that all of a sudden they're gonna be good. There are some people that are never gonna be good, and the only thing they seemingly understand there is the use of force. And it's hard for people to ask that. You know, you think, on just a local human level, um isn't murder to some extent just pure evil? And I'm not talking about self defense. I'm talking about you know, somebody that can is so addicted to drugs, they can, you know, beat up a grandmother, or shoot an innocent person and kill the innocent person, or paralyze an innocent person, or how does how does anybody abuse a child in life? That's evil? Or the rape of a woman is pure evil. Then people have this on a small level, and governments have at a large level. You know, America's Creed has always been a stand up for goodness. And I think back to that day and I think back, it's such a shock. You know, then look at look at the issue of billions and billions and billions of dollars transported to Iranian mulus in the with the promise that they're not gonna spin their center fuges and they're gonna allow inspections. It's it's a bad memory. It's like, what part of of the North Korean deal didn't you understand to do something that's stupid, and we're gonna end up one day in the same situation we now find ourselves with North Korea. There's no good options. You know. The next thing that's probably gonna happen is you're gonna see the North Koreans fire another i CBM or another missile that they want to fire over Japan and more saber rattling all the shoot this one towards Guam and America is gonna have to take that sucker out of the sky. It's gonna happen. That's probably the next step. That would be what I'd anticipate. And then what's he gonna do then? And you know, as Newts said, how do we know the next missile he puts on the launchpad doesn't have a nuke on it. We have to assume the worst unless this guy opens the door for inspections, which I don't see happening. So then the result is, all right, we're gonna take out his nuclear sights. We're gonna take these missiles off of the launching pad. And then what is he gonna do? Is he gonna, you know, attack South Korea? Is gonna fire a missile, a real missile, a nuclear weapon at Japan or China. And there's no good options here. And that's there's gonna be no good options with I ran either North Korea tonight, warning the US of the greatest pain if the sanctions pass. All right, that's great. Also a headline in the UK Telegraph, North Korea is secretly helped by by Iran to gain nuclear weapons. According to British officials, North Korea may launch another ballistic missile tomorrow, and experts Warren is Kim Jong un plans to celebrate the anniversary of his crazy kingdom's founding, and how you know, we're literally naked. Then we have to incinerate them, and then there's potential nuclear fallout, because God knows what's gonna happen if we take out the nuclear sites, and then there's the risk of retaliation, then there's the risk that potentially millions of other people can die. You just gotta you gotta grass this concept that there is evil. Now on nine O we saw a pure evil, but we also saw a goodness and a greatness in humanity that we've never seen before. I mean, you think of the bravery of the fireman, policeman, first responders, volunteers. All these guys know that buildings surrounding them could probably collapse any minute, and they're literally on fiery rubble trying to find and recover people that still might be alive. And then the literally New York, not exactly known as the friendliest city in the world. Every single person is uniting and literally seven you know, I'd never forget Campbell's soup opened up, Free soup for everybody, free food for everybody. Now went on for a while, and everybody got that we have an enemy, and we didn't address radical as long. We had ignored the colbar towers, ignored the embassy bombings in in Kenyan, Tanzania, we ignored the USS call. We ignored the first Trade Center bombing, and we had to do something. You know. Recently, I was listening to Howard Stern's nine eleven program and he's having as usual, great fun time, and then every minute it gets more serious and more serious and more serious. And I guess, as program director of station manager comes in, yeah, that the trade center was hit, the second trade Center was hit. Oh yeah, the Pentagon's hit. Oh a field in Pennsylvania, and you just know it's a terror attack, you know, and you know, I don't even want to call attention to it. It's some politically incorrect things are said, and it's just like, you know, we've lost touch and sight of the fact that we do have enemies and forget about the differences that we have. You know, we saw like, for example, I'm gonna show you looting video tonight. We'll give you examples of price gouging that took place in Florida. But that was the exception, not the rule. For the first time, I'm the biggest, you know, small government conservative that you'll ever meet, but government kind of stepped up and and both in Texas and Florida, and it was kind of cool to see state, local, federal government coordinating, having learned the lessons of Katrina and and other failed hurricane operations, and they prepositioned even Navy ships off the coast. They mean, the President literally called in the Marines for a rescue operations. Thank god it moved west. The people cooperated. And then you get a few idiots that, you know, do things they never should have done. But the majority of people got it. State government. Governor Scott got it. Governor Abbott got it. You know, Pam Bondi got it, Dan Patrick got it. The White House got it. They preposition food, water, medicine cots, baby formula, pillows for everybody, and they were ready to go. And thank god, it just wasn't quite as bad as we thought it was gonna be. All right, we got a lot of news today. We do have North Korea news, We do have news out of Washington. Uh. It is the sixteenth anniversary, nine eleven, two thousand one, the fifth anniversary of what happened in Benghazi, And we'll get to all of this today. In the course of the program. Kelley and Conway will join us. Uh. Tonto Pronto, my buddy, one of the heroes of Benghazi Dana Roboca will join us and so much more. We'll get to your calls today as well, your memories and recollections. All right, So I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. 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And uh listen, I I've got to give the the shout outs to all those people in Florida that that got into things we're gonna talk to. Job is starting talk about the westward ship of the storm and where ranks on the scale, and and then we've got a lot to get to today. Bannon was on sixty minutes last night. Hillary Clinton now doing her interview tour. She's so dull, she's so boring, and I think Bannon's I don't think she's particularly bright. I want to take a minute today. UM, it's a tough day all the way around. I mean, it's the anniversary of nine eleven, sixteen years later Benghazi. Tonto peronto joins us later, UM, I want to ask you all to keep a couple of people in your thoughts and prayers, not only the people in Florida and Texas. Of course, we're going to continue to follow through. UM, my good friend Eric Bowling lost his only child on Friday night, and um, I know how much he loved his son, as did his wife, and I can't think of anything harder, more challenging, more difficult. Literally, in the in the course of five hours, he had separated with the Fox News Channel and was moving on and and Troy Gentry, So you know, if you can keep Eric Bowling in your prayers. Troy Gentry of Montgomery. Gentry also passed away at a helicopter accident late Friday, and Linda would not tell me during the show because rightly so she knows I just would have. I just have a hard time. I'm not the best person to deal with death. And it's just me. I It's hard. It's the hardest thing you ever do. I mean, one thing I've learned in the course of my life. And I just and I've been writing with Eric all weekend and I just you know, as I said, I don't know anyone that's had except you know, all these parents that I've met over the years that have lost their sons and daughters, and I just remember looking at them and thinking to myself, how do you go on? It's so hard? And they do they endure, They fight through it, and but there's nothing It changes you forever. And Eric lost his only son. Troy Gentry had helped us with a lot of our freedom concerts and raising money and just an amazing talented, gifted, and and generous human soul that I just had come to love and and and really like a lot of love their music forever. So in the course of your day to day, as we pray for those military people we lost as a result of nine eleven, and those that have been injured, and the families that lost people on nine eleven, and of course the families of of the heroes at Benghazi, you know, please, I have to ask you to keep Eric Bowling and Troy gen Free in your prayers. All Right, we'll take a quick break, we'll come back, and we'll continue. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I can't say enough about how they have shown up and they're continuing to show up to do the right thing. Our military not only defends the freedom of this country, but they show up when there's a crisis. I just received a weather briefing on Tropical Storm Irma's continued path through our state. It's been downgraded to a tropical storm and sustain has sustained winds of sixty Here's what we're seeing across our state. Storm search across south and southwest Florida range from four to eight feet. Unrone County experience into this ten ft of surgeon landfall. Miami d experienced it per actually four ft of storm search. What's interesting about the storm searches is totally different than Andrew. A lot of us remember Andrew, and we didn't see the storm surgeon. Andrew was a wind more of a wind event. In Tampa, we're seeing two to four ft of storm search right now and this will last route today. Christine search of three to six ft along the Big Bend. But if you remember the Big Band and further in the Panhandle last year and Irma got significant storm search and we see we saw a lot of damage in central in the in central Florida and the Lando area, we're seeing flooding due to a torrential raindow more than the foot in Jacksonville, Northeast Florida, storm search is three to five ft on top of more than a foot of rainfall, which is causing record and historical flooding along the St. John's River. They also explained explained to me this morning and the weather briefing that Hurricane uh Jose is also pushing water into the northern part of our state, which is which is preventing the water from flowing out as fast. I spoke to Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry this morning assured him the resources are being deployed. Fisher Wildlife Commission immediately deployed three search and riscue teams with tweet two officers and tin boats that were pre staged in the reason into Jacksonville. We're gonna do everything we did. The way I look at is as governor and all of us think this way. We want to keep everybody safe to this storm, and want to keep everybody safe back after this storm, and we get everybody back to a normal life as quickly as possible. We've also deployed a twenty person team from the State Emergency Operations Center to the Emergency Operations Center and Putnam, Duval, and Clay Counties in response to this historic flooding. We will continue to send resources to Jacksonville and neither any other community in need. Rainfall exceeding a foot in many communities in Northeast, Central and Southeast Florida, Southwest Florida. Unfortunately, the heaviest raine has cleared the state. However, this rain cause or flash flooding in Northeast Florida. Rivers across the state continued to rise, and standing water remains an issue over the entire peninsula. The biggest threat for this week is EMA leaves Florida will be river flooding, and most of that's going to be in the northern part of the state. Sat A Tune sat IT tune to local advisors for river flood watches and warnings. Founilies in southeast and northwest Florida, as well as the tamp Bay area need to be especially vigilant as local rivers could remain in flood levels into this weekend and we'll see We generally see that in the I fourth corridor north the heat. The heaviest winds have now left Florida. About the entire peninsula experience at least tropical force winds, with Hurricane gus being felt as far east and north as Jacksonville. Thankfully, the threat of tornados is diminished. We've received seven reports of tornadoes, including two in Bervard County. The National Weather Services working to confirm these reports. Giving this weather report if your family and you and your family have evacuated, it is extremely important that you check with local officials before we return home and make sure you can safely do do so. Don't go back. Don't don't think just because this impact you can run our past, you can run home. We've got we've got down power lines all across the state. We've got roads that are impassable to across across state. We've got debris all over the state. Our goal again is don't put any more lives at risk. We already went through this horrendous storm. Don't put your life at risk because of downparal lines, debris, impassable roads. This point and I had the opportunity to travel with the Course Guard and Emerald Schultz to survey damage throughout the west coast of Florida through the Keys. I want to thank the Coast Guard for this opportunity. And here's what we saw. We saw we saw the remnants of the storm search along the west coast, but we didn't see what we I didn't see the damage I thought I would see. We clearly saw homes that were messed up. We clearly saw roofs that were off. We clearly saw boats out of the place and things like that. But I thought we would see more damage. They're still flooding, they're still standing on the roads and things like that. But on the west coast. Uh, and this is confirmed by the Mayor's I've spoken to the today. Uh, it's not as bad as we thought the storm search would do. Now when you get the keys. Uh, we were able to fly into the Nibble station in Key West, which was which as of just a few hours before we landed, had signiffic water still al right twenty one now till the top of the hour. That is Governor Rick Scott. I gotta give a lot of credit to the governor of state local officials again, just like in Texas. That an amazing job federal government was there. I mean, you know, the thing that they had prepositioned everything people would need. The people of Florida listened, I know, when a little more westward than they thought, Oh why did I leave? Because you're smart and you don't want to risk your life. That's why you left, and you always air on the side of caution. This this was a massive storm, and you know, the President even called in the Marines for m rescue operations. Uh. One thing I want to warn everybody about. The Governor mentioned there's Jacksonville, Florida w o k v OR affiliate down there. They're warning people in evacuation zones A and B along the St. John's River to get out because the rivers at historic flood levels likely to get worse right now as we speak, and so I think people are doing that. Um it's still a tropical storm as it now heads north, and still a lot of people are going to be impacted by the storm. We have yet to really get the true damage of all of this. Um I. I love the fact that four Navy ships and marines were redeployed to help the people in Florida, and including, by the way, the main support force, the twenty six Marine Expeditionary Unit based out of Campbell June, North Carolina. All those marines all sent down, they're all ready to help people. Seven million plus people without power in Florida as we speak. And Uh, then of course you got the people that just you know, just jerks. At least thirty two looters arrested. We've got some of that video will show you tonight thieves prompted a swat standoff in the middle of all this, like, this is what the this is what we need law enforcement to have it have to deal with. Job as starts with WeatherBell dot com. Um, where does this rank in terms of storms that we have experienced in the country, Well, it's probably gonna wind up in the top ten as far as southwest flaw to gooes. Uh. It did not beat Donna in nineteen sixty. Remember when we were talking on on Friday, I was alluding to this thing going down into Cuba for a while, and that's certainly really mitigated the intensification process, because not only didn't stop it from intensifying over the Florida Straits, it also weakened it a bit over northern Cuba and then it had to start over again. So when it got to the Florida Keys, and while it was a borderline Category four hurricane, it was not what it would have been if it stayed away completely from Cuba. And so that that was a fortunate break. And the last part of the storm it weakened coming to the coast. And what happens is if you look at the tracks of the thirty five Hurricane. I should have thought more about this. That storm weakened after it came to the Keys, as it was parallel on the Florida coast because you get upwelling that east wind that comes off in Naples, for instance, the winds blown out the east causes the water to cool a little bit. And they're also is dry area coming in from Florida into the storm center. You know, it's a it's a relative term, and that they did not experience the worst storm in Southwest Florida history. Donna remains that. But this is still a top two or three storm where this hit and as well as in the Florida Keys. You know, it's so funny and um, look we haven't yet to assess the true and real damage, and uh, I really want to get to that. They're actually, you know, have shown some of the Jacksonville footage on Fox. Um. You know, so you write me a note this morning. Now, this was a dead on hit. My my southern home, which I never get to like a week or two a year, is down to Naples, and and everybody knows so Southwest Florida, and I just have friends and family down there that I just love, and so they're hit. And then you write me a really nice note today and say, oh, by the way, what does the hurricane Jose is headed for your exactly pinpointed at your house up in New York. I'm like, that's so nice, and Joe, I really appreciate all the good news you're bringing to me. Day Friday. You do you tell me you know one home is hit and then my other home is hit the next day. Thanks a lot. But well over the years, over the years, what I've done, go ahead, try and with we'se a lot of that one. Well over the years, I've told you you know, we can have to sometimes and we you know it's sandy ten days before you better look out as some of them don't work out. But I can identify threats when I can see it, and I can certainly see the pattern that's causing this. It is in line with what we thought was going to happen this year. That's what don't like this other storm Jose is if you are at the guests right now, you'd say it's on a track to hit the northeast, specifically New York that's in Long Island. No. If no, here's what I say. It's going to look like it's gonna do a loop and come back. Well, well, that's it. I just showed you the the US generated model, which interestingly enough, is in the middle of spread the Uh there's a there's a huge window. I sent you that window this morning of uncertainty. It's very, very big. It's from the Gulf of Mexico all the way into the North Atlantic. And what I do for for people as I put where I think the most likely track is, and it's in between to a point where yeah, it's gonna it's we're gonna have anxious moments. This is going to start back west Wednesday night or Thursday, and I think by Saturday it's probably a short distance off the northern Bahamas, and then we'll evaluate what the playing field is. Looking here we go again. So you're saying, basically, buckle up, this isn't the end of this. No, it's not the other way. In the middle of the hurricane season and it's supposed to be an active season, so we we What's interesting is they're all really intensifying. They're not intensifying right off Africa. They're waiting till they get further and further west. The Irma right now is in southwest Georgia and setting into northern Alabama. It will not be like Harvey. We're gonna have some big rains, but this is getting away from its source of energy. And by the way we have we may be having record breaking cold right now in Alabama and Georgia. This big high in the northeast that's making it so nice in the Northeast is funneling cool air and that air in the rain into it. You get evaporational cooling where in the mid fifties in most of northern Alabama northern Georgia right now with this storm, So the tropical characteristics are rapidly being diminished and it's sort of energy from the Gulf of Mexico is too. Alright, Joe, you've been amazing the last couple of weeks, and by the sounds of it, we're gonna have you back on by Wednesday or Thursday this week and the official meteorologist to the Sean Hannity Show. If you need information, want to track with Joe Bistardi Hurricane Jose that could be hitting again the United States, just go to WeatherBell dot com. Thank you, Joe. Hit yet. Okay, So people you know what I mean. I mean, I have to be politically correct with the weather now. I mean, seriously, you know what. Everybody knows what I mean. Joe, it's a a sean, it's a nutting. Can you believe this is what the world is today? With all that stuff. You can't even say, you can't even identify threats. You'll offend somebody identifying the threat. Okay, a hurricane hitting is not ideal. Deifying a threat I'm talking about. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. All right, job is starting WeatherBell dot com. Thanks so much for all your help this week. By the way, you know, there was um White House Chief of Staff John Kelly. UH. General John Kelly fired back at a House Democrat who called him a disgrace to the uniform. Wow. Illinois Representative Luis Gutierrez leveled the criticism at Kelly over support of the president's decision as to delay DOCTA for six months and let Congress get their act together, and Kelly responded and by calling the Congress a do nothing congress. And Um then went on to say, as far as the congressmen and other irresponsible members of Congress are concerned, they have the luxury of saying what they want as they do nothing and have almost no responsibility. I love that. Good for him. So sick of these people. And I was watching Bannon this weekend and I disagreed with what he said about Comey. I mean, you cannot have somebody that potentially is breaking the law and doing all the things Comey is doing. I don't think it was the biggest mistake by far. Maybe in retrospect we can say, well, it would have prevented, you know, Special Counsel Mueller from being appointed, but then he railed against you know, the Senate and leadership, and it's He's right. You've got fourteen weeks. You know, the president showed that the government can effectively manage to do something well and right. He did all. He's kept his promises on regulations and things he can do, the appointment of a conservative justice to the Supreme Court or originals to the Supreme Court. And he's right about the Democrats to they just they suck. The only thing Democrats stand for now is we hate we hate Donald Trump. That's it. It's unbelievable. And I think, you know, he made a lot of powerful observations, and you know, it's so funny to watch Charlie. Charlie Rose does not understand what it means to be a conservative. It's like one big He's spent too much time on his program interviewing New York Times writers. Um. Interesting development. Jeff Sessions want the wants the NSC staff to take light detector tests. I like that you saw more football this weekend and you saw you know, the same thing we saw with a Colin Kaepernick. And I'm going to tell you right now, people are just tuning out the sick of seeing it. Does Americans instinctively love their country? They know it's imperfect. There's another thing. You got a so called civil rights lawyer calling for Betsy divorce to be raped. I'm not wishing for it, but I'd be okay if hashtag Betsy divoce was sexually assaulted. What is wrong with these people? They're so twisted, ugly and sick. Um. Anyway, we'll get to all this in the course of the program. We do have other information on North Korea. We have a potential, with their anniversary coming up tomorrow, of another I C B M launch, And how's the world going to react to that? Right? I want to remind you, and we'll get to your calls coming up. Also, Tonto Toronto is gonna join us today, Kelly and I'm way at the top of the next hour, she'll join us. Congressman Dana Roarbucker checks in with us today, Pam Bondi on the looting and price gouging, and Reverend Franklin Graham of Samaritan's Purse. We'll get to all that in the course of the show today. One Shawn is a number. So Hillary is on our big book tour, which is a little bit like, I mean, her last book bombed, and these companies just keep giving her. You know what happened, Well, Trump happened. Then you were a horrible candidate and she's not the genius everybody thinks she is. Back up, you creep night stop. I don't want to hear it anyway. Hillary blaming Comey, Russia, wikilees, Facebook, fake news, motor I d laws, sexist and misogyny, all for losing then of course the Fox News Channel, talk radio and everything in between, and the vast right wing conspiracy. Can everyone say that really quickly? How about blaming yourself anyway? Kelly Anne Conway, Tonto Pronto Dana Roharbucker and much more straight ahead. It was the worst attack on our country since Pearl Harp, and even worse because us. This was an attack on civilians, innocent men, women, and children, whose lives were taken so needlessly. For the families with us on this anniversary, we know that not a single day goes by when you don't think about the loved one stolen from your life. Today, our entire nation grieves with you and with every family of those two thousand, nine hundred and seventy seven innocent souls who were murdered by terrorists sixteen years ago. Each family here today represents a son or daughter, a sister or brother, a mother or father who was taken from you on that terrible, terrible day. But no force on earth can ever take away your memories, diminish your love, or break your will to endure and carry on and go forward. So we can never erase your pain or bring back those you lost. We can honor their sacrifice by pledging our resolve to do whatever we must to keep our people safe. To terrorists who attacked us thought they could incite fear and weaken our spirit, But America cannot be intimidated, and those who try will soon join the long list of vanquished enemies who dare to test our metal. We are making plain to these savage killers that there is no dark corner beyond our reach, no sanctuary beyond our grasp, and nowhere to hide anywhere on this very large earth. Since nine eleven, nearly seven thousand service members have given their lives fighting terrorists around the glow. Some of them rest just beyond this, in the shrine to our nation's heroes on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. They came from all backgrounds, all races, all face but they were all there to dedicate their lives, and they defend our one great American flag. Here on the west side of the Pentagon, terrorists tried to break our resolve. It's not gonna happen. But where they left a mark with fire and rubble, Americans defiantly raised the stars and stripes are beautiful flag that for more than two centuries has graced our ships, flown in our skies, and led our brave heroes to victory after victory in battle. The flag that binds us all together as Americans who cherish our values and protect our way of life, the flag that reminds us today of who we are, what we stand for, and why we fight as one nation under God. America does not bend, We do not waver, and we will never ever yield. So here at this memorial, with hearts both sad and determined, we honor every hero who keeps us safe and free. And we pledge to work together, to fight together, and to overcome together every enemy, an obstacle that's ever in our path. Our values will endure, our people will thrive, our nation will prevail, and the memory of our loved ones will never ever die. All Right, That was the President earlier today talking about nine eleven victims. We can honor their sack rerifices by pledging our resolve to defend America, no dark corner where terrorists can hide, and saying America does not bend, waiver values, indore, and from there we go on. Joining us now is counselor to the President, Kelly and Conway is with us. Kelly, and thanks for being with us. And you know, when you think about nine eleven, two thousand and one, sixteen years ago and five years ago Benghazi, and you know, the hurricanes and devastation yesterday, just the reality of life kind of hitch on a day like today. It does, and that's why all the pettiness and the peevishness really just tested be diminished in each of our lives. I would encourage people, not just today but every day to reduce their social media examinations. Folks are getting ideas about who they are and what we all believe based on nonsense from complete strangers. I mean, you can't let people define you. In on forty characters are lesson this President likely agrees. I was really struck by the President's remarks. I mean, consummate New Yorker who witnessed those towers fall in his hometown from his purcha Trump, I want to interrupt you, I tweeted out two days after nine eleven, Donald Trump was down at ground zero and did an interview, and I tweeted out parts of that. I don't know if you saw that. That's amazing. Um, you know, he's in New Yorker, He's always there to help. And I was also struck by the Vice president's comments in Shanks Fell, Pennsylvania today, the sight of Flight nineties three going down with those heroic passengers trying to take control of that plane. And Mike penns really getting emotional today as he recalled he was a freshman member of Congress and that he feels he owes we all owe a debt of gratitude to those brave men and women on that flight because that that that plane was likely headed towards the nation's capital, and and who knows, God forbid what else with the further devastation. But it's a day we should honor obviously the fallen and their families shown and never forget. But we should also really hold up and lift up so many profiles encouraged, so many stories of heroism. And we see that again with the Harrogane neighbor hurricanes nenagh a neighbor, patriot to patriots, stranger to stranger. It's really the best, the best of American American spirit and Americans camaraderie. We don't see that all the time. I think it's just a day for reflection. You know. It's funny because we've been friends for a long time and one of the things that I agree with you on social media. It's so funny because I came to this conclusion just I guess a couple of months ago, I just said, you know what, this is never end. And I really think I'm good at the Twitter fights, and nothing anybody says about me ever bothers me. I'm just way beyond that at this point in my life. And I just realized, anything I have to say, I'm gonna say it on radio and TV, and I'm gonna use Twitter in a different way than I've used it before. And it's just a conscious decision because you've got these people I imagine the keyboard warriors in their underwear, with nothing else to do, and as soon as I tweet anything, it's it's on the left. It's these predictable, hateful people, and it's just all right. It's getting old. And the same with the media people I fight with. Yeah, I've learned to pray for them all really and and as I've even told the President of others with whom I work, you know, out of one people who approach me will say some combination sewan of tell the president we're praying for him, or keep doing a great job, or thank you for your sacrifice, you child the president, we love him. And then people will say, look, I didn't vote for him, but I love my country. I want to give him a chance, or I think he's being treated unfairly. They don't even they don't even give him an opportunity to to succeed. It's really one hundred people who approached me say things like that. And they're not all Trump voters, they're not all conservatives like you and me, but um but there they love America and they want us to succeed. It's really the people hiding behind these social media platforms and nameless faces, them thinking what could have you so miserable in your own life that you speak this way about total strangers, or you describe folks you know who have who have children, or you describe children who have parents. It's just, it's so, it's so beyond comprehension for anybody who's happy and productive and look, express your opinions but disagree on policy, don't don't insult people personally. And you see so much of that on social media. And this is not about what's directed towards you or me or anyone else. We have very broadshel I'm just saying generally, I have to say, you and I are raising children in these times, and it's it's just some of it's just access pool out there. But anyway, that's why we like to point out these stories of courage, and I was I was also struck by what the President said yesterday on September ten, which is, we're not talking about money right now, we're talking about lives when he was asked a question about funding for hurricane relief and we saw the devastation of Harvey. Now IRMA, people are watching Jose barreled down perhaps this week, and we just want Americans to know at the White House and administration wide Sean that this is the President of Vice President having all of us who are praying for them, but also want to make sure they get the relief and the recovery funds that they need, and that when you look around the corner, that's when a lot of the rebuilding occurs. That we don't know what will face people. We don't know what the the losses and property and and whatnot will be. But also people when they lose their power, they tend to turn to other means of power. And that's when people get carbon monoxide problem. They poison they had turned on generators they hadn't used. And I was reading up a lot about that and past disasters where it's what happens after Mother Nature goes through a lot of the devastation and God forbid deaths happen afterwards. So people, don't let your curiosity get in the way of your safety. Um if if in doubt, just don't do it, stay in the shelter, go to someone else's home, and just listen to those local authorities. I think this is where government functions best. Those of us who want a more limited, less active government have to appreciate the coordinated efforts of local, state, and federal governments when it comes to I started the show today and I started listen. I've known you for well over two decades now. We've been friends a long time. We've done a lot of TV and radio programs together. Neither one of us are big believers in government, and especially big bloated bureaucracy and government as what's now developed into what it is today. And it kind of was refreshing between the two hurricanes to see Governor Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, to see Rick Scott in Florida and and Pam Bondi, both friends of mine, and to see all the local authorities do everything right and coordinate with the federal government and pre positioning food, water, medicine supplies it and mad Dog Maddie thinking this is gonna be possible death and destruction positioning for Navy ships. It just is nice to see it work. We've seen what happens when it doesn't work. I e. Katrina, and it's it's just refreshing because you know, and now to follow up and take care of those people that are gonna need help rightly. So, I mean, I just think it's the right thing to do. It is the right thing to do. And again, if people feel like they can volunteer their time, give a couple extra dollars if they feel comfortable doing that, cause they should just look at the again, go for the local or or their federal They can access the information on any federal website. HS has it up, FEMA has it up, American Red Cross obviously. No, I'm advocating for anybody to do that. I'm merely connecting people with information, which, by the way, Sean is really I think, first and foremost the job of the media. I'm this loud voice administration for always talking about incomplete coverage. Please connect people with the information they need. It's because of technology, because of the forecasting, because of social media, because of multimedia platforms, TV, radio, social media, and elsewise. Is how people are getting so much information ahead of time about evacuation, about the risks, about what to do and how to do it, and how to help it. I think it's mitigating a lot of these losses. And and one death is too many and tragic the fact that that so many losses have been mitigated here because people are listening and their heating authority, and they're taking the word of their governors and their mayors, and they're not saying which party do you belong to? And should I trust you? Just listen or on the side of caution, and I we just have to say that as as they try to clean up and recover, because that's in a lot of these problems. Haven't But you remember nine eleven, there was a feeling of camaradio, a great confusion and consternation and grief, but that a lot of camaraderie and coming together, and we haven't seen that in quite a while now. And and for all these people, all these detractors, you say, oh, the president keeps missing opportunities to unify the country. He's been doing that a lot lately, and maybe he's not getting the credit and the visibility for it that he deserves and that people need to see. But he's been taking the lead. Leaders do this when a country or people in different states are suffering or hurting, a country's remember and grieving. Vice Presidents go to Shanksville, Presidents go to the Pentagon. They they do what the what the nation needs um And I think it all begins to the top with leadership, and he's showing it well. I agree with you. I've got to take a quick break more with Kelly and Conway, Counsel to the President on the other side, as we continue the Shawan Hannity Show. A right. As we continue, Kelly and Conway is with our special counsel to the President, what did you think of the New York Times piece, Because I know a lot was made over the fact that I was a little shocked at the Republicans last week. We're ill pared to go forward with the debt ceiling. They had just been off pretty much the entire month of August, and the President wanted to get immediate aid to the victims of Hurricane Harvey, so he expanded or extended the death ceiling for three months and a lot of people are angry. The New York Times headline was bound to no party Trump Trump ends fifty years or two party rule. Now. People ask me all the time what I like about the president, and it's like he keeps advocating everything he said on the campaign trail with no deviation that I see, and that the president wants the economic plan, the energy plan, the border wall, uh, conservative justices. I don't see any deviation except that, you know, he's trying to get things done, and I see a party not prepared to move at the speed of anything at this point. They're looking at this through an ideological prison, where they should be looking at it through the facts of disruption. And that Donald Trump said he's going to come to Washington owing no one anything, and that frees him up to keep those promises. And you see at these rally is now his biggest appause lines are still his program. Drain the swamp, repeal and replace Obamacare, cut taxes, put ices in defeat, American exceptionalism, invest in the military, respect the first responders, fight terrors, and keep us saving secure, secure borders, build the wall. It's all there. Sean and it's never changed. The fact is he wanted to make sure a couple of things happened last week. Wanted that the aid and assistants get to those hurricane victims as soon as possible in US before irma hit. This is about harve Eve and number two. Uh, that he wanted to He wanted to make sure that we had that he has room in the legislative agenda to get things done between now and December, when when the three months c R would run out, and those who wanted to negotiate for a longer one to have more time now to make their case. Those who want to get rid of the debt ceiling have more time now to make their case. But in the interim, he's still talking about building that wall and getting the funding this year tax before very much in our sights, we feel like we can get it done in the next ninety days with the right help. He certainly know there's just so much to do. Uh. And he also wanted to keep his options open a military spending. So this is the president who leads He governed the way he ran, which is I'm coming to me and people just you know, people in the swamp just can't get used to it, and thank you for being one of those. Thanks for all you're doing as well. I know you're working hard every day and we appreciate it. Thanks for being Sean, God bless the country. Take care. Sean Hannity talks to the people involved in the top stories of the day. Every day Sean Hannity is on. This is a fairly volatile situation, and it is in response not to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our embassy in Cairo yesterday as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. We can all condemn this reprehensible video. Recruite and gusting. Video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video. But where any of these U S Military personnel not permitted to travel on a rescue mission or relief mission to Benghazi? They were not authorized to travel. How did the personnel react to being told to stand down? They were furious heard that message come down? Where did the stand down order come from. I believe it came from either Africa or South Africa. Movie open this weekend. It's called Thirteen Hours The Secret Soldiers Have Benghazi. It's a cinematic version of a nonfiction book telling the story of the six private security contractors who defended the U. S Consulate in Benghazi, Olivia, from an attack by Islamic militants. Are you planning to see it at all? I'm just too busy campaigning, So I'm kind of raising up in a crash position, starting to shoot because I do. I see Tyrone's in a fetal position at my at my left and my feet, and his gun's gone. He's not shooting, so he's out of the fight. I turned back to start shooting, and as I raised my left hand up, I realized that um from about six inches above the list, it's kind of hanging off at a ninety degree angle. Some of the family are still very distraught. One of the mothers said that she still feels all this time that she has not had sufficient answers. How do you relate to her as a mother? Oh, I totally relate to her as a mother, or to any of the family members of the four Americans who were killed that night. My name is Patricia Smith. My son, Sean was one of four brave Americans killed during the two and the twelve terrorist attach at Benghazi. Sean was a wonderful son and father to my two amazing grandchildren. That night, we lost sons, brothers, fathers, and husbands. We lost four brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice for the country they chose to serve, and the American people lost the truth. I blamed Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son. I spoke to her at the coffin ceremony and she told me what she told me within about five seat of my my son's coffin, and she lied to me. Then the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk? One n I have decided to go kill some Americans. What difference at this point does it make. It was the worst attack on our country since Pearl Harper, and even worse because this was an attack on civilians, innocent men, women and children whose lives were taken so needlessly. For the families with us on this anniverse, we know that not a single day goes by when you don't think about the loved one stolen from your life. Today, our entire nation grieves with you and with every family of those two thousand, nine hundred and seventies seven innocent calls who were murdered by terrorists sixteen years ago. Each family here today represents a son or daughter, a sister or brother, a mother or father who was taken from you on that terrible, terrible day. But no force on earth can ever take away your memories, diminish your love, or break your will to endure and carry on and go forward. So we can never erase your pain or bring back those you lost. We can honor their sacrifice by pledging our resolve to do whatever we must to keep our people safe. Alright three now till the top of the our toll free, our telephone number one. Shan sixteen years since nine eleven, two thousand and one and five years in Benghazi nine eleven, joining us now. Chris Tonto Paronto. Now he was one of the heroes of Benghazi save so many different people and and lives. And he was one of the people given a stand down order and recognized immediately that well we had nothing to do with the YouTube video was nothing but one huge, massive big lie. This was never a spontaneous demonstration. Never made sense anyway, because who shows up to a spontaneous demonstration with mortars and you know, rocket rocket fired grenades in their back pocket. Never made sense. This was an attack, a terrorist attack. It was from the get go, and they consciously, we learned later it was just an outright lie. And you know, you heard some of the family members saying they were just lied to directly to their face by Hillary and others. Uh So, anyway, Tonto Paronto joins those. Congressman Dana Roharbacker of California's with us to talk about his experience personal experience with nine eleven. And he was warned in advance that there would be a signal of an imminent attack and the assassination of his friend and and the tribal chieftain Massad two days before was that signal? Anyway, he made an appointment with Condi Rice at the White House to warn her lost The appointment was the morning of nine eleven. Anyway, guys, welcome to this program. We're just not going to stop thinking and talking about it because I know that other networks have moved on. I haven't seen anything near the coverage we've seen in years past. But Carnssman Roarbaker, I had not known this story, that that there was some advanced signal that you knew of and you were acting on it. Well, I'd been involved with the Dean and they're trying against Soviet occupation, so I had friends there, and I've been working with the various tribal leaders to try to offer an alternative to the Taliban, and so I got tipped off that there was a major cherish to Jack being planned. And I assumed that the CIA knew that if I was quote, why didn't pay and uh them They said it would to follow a major major of FANTI in Afghanistan And when commander was sued was murdered. Uh. He was one of the great anti Italipane leaders. I gone up there to beat him in the in the Tangier Valley. He was also fanti Soviet leader, and they murdered him, and I knew at that point. They said if they killed him, then it was so that we could not retaliate against them by helping him. And I said, that's the way it is. This is gonna be one hell of a terrorist attack. I tried to warn everybody, and quite frankly, I had the day before I sort of felt like William Shackner on that airplane in Twilight Zone. Nobody would believe him that there was a monster trying to destroy the plane. Why did you think that this was a sign though, Why would the the assassination of a tribal you know, chief be assigned to you or a signal to you that something big was going to happen here? Yeah, he was sort of the the the warlord of all warlords, for chief of all chief he was a one of He was the only leader in Afghanistan at that time that posed the real front to the Taliban. And uh the guy who who anyway, the tip offs that I got was at a high level from someone who had helped me during the wars against Soviets, who was then a Taliban leader. And I believe that the CIA must have known, by the way what we're talking about, how you believe the must have known? Well, slow down, you believe the CIA knew that nine eleven was happening. No, I believe the CIA that this is one of the biggest grew ups in the history of our intelligence community. And afterwards, after this we end up with what you're commemorating today also, which is the right thing to do. The politicalization of our intelligence community by the last administration, especially by Hillary Clinton. And uh, we we see that even today, the politicalization of our intelligence community. Who's trying to tell us a big lie again, just like Benghazi, the big lie and the big light today is oh, it was Trump polluting with the Russians that stole the last election. Before I get to Chris Tonto Pronto here and he can wait. Even he's a friend of mine, you know, he's you know, he's he's not exactly our favorite guest. I'm kidding, he's one of my best friends. Um he's no, he is. And and by the way, he gives me a much harder time than I ever give him. So I feel defensive and I need to strike first. Um, but Congressman, I really want to are you because this is very very important. We know that there was no coordination with the FBI and the CIA that was supposed to be one of the things that we fixed. I agree with you that there's we've seen no evidence of any type of collusion between the Trump campaign and this Russia issue. Russia has tried to influence elections in the past, they tried in this election, they'll try in future elections. That's all been testimony. Nobody is even us any evidence of any collusion. And you believe now that there's a plus percent certainty that it never happened and that there's evidence that will prove that that's correct. And remember what we're talking about today again is that the are intelligence services were politicized by Hillary and Obama. And that's why five years ago, uh the when when when our guys were on the line and Benghazi, they were betrayed. And now that that showed you when they went along with the intelligence commuties went along with that phony story that there was some these people were just mad about a video that was done, when when obviously this was a major terrorist attack commemorating nine eleven, But our intelligence backed up Hillary and that, and now they're backing up the former president of Hillary saying that the Hilly didn't lose the election, it was stolen like a collusion between Trump and the Russians. Again, just a political based intelligence. It's wrong and it needs to be exposed. All right, both of you, stay right there, Chris, Tonto Pronto, and Conrassman Dana Rohbacher as we continue, eight hundred nine one, Sean is our number, all right, Tonto Pronto, you are a hero, and I do give you a hard time, but I do love you and we've become really good friends over the years. When you guys first saw the coverage and you first saw them blame this YouTube video as it relates to Benghazi, and then you knew a stand down order was given because it was given to you and you saw all the lying that was told about this. What was your first reaction when you saw it. I was actually, uh, just woken up in Germany the in a couple of days after we finally got to Germany out of Tripoli, and I'll be honest, I wasn't upset, but I was. That's pretty much what I expected. It was. It was that kind of reaction. Was well, I expected that. I thought, for a second, man, I wish they could have come up with something a little bit better in the video. And that was that was it. And I think that even it says even more so how how much corruption there was in d C, how much corruption there was even within the agency. Itself was that I fully expected them to cover it up, but I just figured they could have thought of a better story. And it's sad. I mean, it's sort of like heading into these two hurricanes, you know, I'm kind of like, you know, are they gonna screw this up? And as I was saying at the beginning of the program, and it's kind of nice once in a while to see the government can get something right. And they had actually pre position water and food and medicine and supplies and baby formula, cots and blankets and and and pillows my pillow, I hope. But in all, honestly, I mean, you know, for two hurricanes in a row, they actually had their act together. It's pretty amazing because, like you, I just my expectations are not high, and you expecting them to lie is so typical of I think the it's the opinion that most people have because governments earned it, let's put it that way, and they do. And what we did, and by first of all the heroism, of course by Tyrone and Glenn and sacrificing their lives to save others, but by the team standing up and saying something outwardly publicly and saying no, they are lying. This isn't correct. This is what happened. Um. I really feel that that we we we started to show the American public hate you know what, We're exposing this corruption that's going on a d C. This is happening all the time, but this instant in particular, we're in Ambassador Hied and they still want to try to cover it up. And they left us to die. All these people died and you were at the annex and how many times were you told to stand down? Just in case there's any ambiguity, we just played the tape of both the president at the time, Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Hillary still hasn't told the truth except that you know what difference at this point doesn't make which I think became a big issue in the campaign, and that's still discussed me. It makes a huge difference when you leave you when you leave your guys to die overseas when they're fighting for the list three times two weeks, one stand down, and we're not even counting the stand down orders that were given to the military when they were trying to come and help us. So you know the multitude of stand downs we're just we just disobeyed orders and did the right thing, and because of it, we lost our security clearances, which is basically we were fired if we're doing the right thing. But that was that was what needed to be done. You always do the right thing, no matter the consequences, and we did it. You know. You know, I think of the Iranian deal and I look at the bed Clinton deal on North Korea, and I actually wrote a friend of mine today who lost a very close relative, a brother on nine eleven, and I said, I just I can't believe we still don't understand radical Islam. And you look at these deals and you got to think, boy, we really can be stupid. All right, guys, we gotta let you go here. Dana Rohbacker and Chris Tonto Paranto, my two good friends. Thank you for being with us, and uh, we appreciate you taking the time out of a busy day. Thank you, Sean. And I hope I'm gonna I'll be able to get the work to the president. Uh about what we know in terms of the fact that it wasn't uh you know who actually did and it wasn't the Russians who got those emails from the d n C. And we need to get that word to the president. All right, I appreciate it. In Tonto, Toronto, God blush you, my friend, thank you all right. Eight hundred nine for one Seawan is a toll free telephone number. A lot more to come on this busy nine eleven, sixteen years later of two thousand and one, five years post Benghazi, and of course we have the rest of our hurricane irma coverage of more. Chairman, that the storm hits you a category three with winds of about a hundred and fifteen miles per hour. Can you just describe for us what it was like to be there? Was certainly nothing like any of us have experienced. UM. One event of terrific proportions, knocked down most of the street signs on the island. Its stripped most of the non palm trees of their leaves. The palm France literally island. Um. A lot of the residents. Most of the residents took our advice and took their personal effects inside, so we don't need the kind of litter that you might you might be associated with, let's say a tornado. But it's clear that a tremendous storm came through this area. Are you Mr chairman, expecting you said a thousand people stayed behind. We're looking at pictures right now, just incredibly strong winds. Are you expecting or fearing at all the worst that there may be casualties in this storm on your island? We certainly do fear that. Will they thank you for asking us the number one concern of all of us on our going room. We just we just don't know. As I say, we have our first responder crew here right Uh care for people. All of our first responders are qualified in all of our fire rescue people are qualified and advanced life support. But I hope we don't have to use them. But we just don't. We don't know at this point. The sun is up now over Florida this morning with seven two Florida time. What are you seeing as the sunrises? It's howling outside really first light? Uh, the highest winds. This mother nature has a mind of her own. She was supposed to go up the west coast uh north of Fort Myers. She suddenly decided otherwise, came in it and headed for between Orlando and Tampa. So at one thirty in the morning, we were getting winds of a hundred miles an hour and it was howling being low and behold it is still howling now. So what are your biggest concerns right now, Senator, because obviously we want to talk to you about what has happened further south, but you still have an active, life threatening situation in northern Florida. Now, that's right. And this storm has covered up almost the entire state except for the western Panhandle out near Pensacola. So it's going to be massive damage. It's gonna be a lot of people displaced. Uh, they're gonna be millions and millions of people already without power. It's going to take a while to get back to normal. SEMA is really going to have a job because not only are they stretched to Texas now they're going to have a huge task in Florida. Right there, you hear all that's happening the aftermath obviously of what's going on post hurricane. Joining us now, Pam Bondi, the Attorney General for the Great State of Florida, as well as from Sabaritan's Purse, the Reverend Franklin Graham is back with us. Reverend, welcome to you, Pam, Welcome back to you. Um, it looked like it turned out much better for the state than we originally thought. But we still have a lot of damage that occurred, a lot of people's lives up ended. It's gonna take a lot of money and resources. Where are we right now in terms of the effort to get people back in their homes and and certainly helping people that have had such great damage that they can't go back to their home. Well, Sean and Reverend Graham, I want to tell you thank you for all your prayers, because prayers work for Florida. You know, when when people were texting us from all over the country, we said, please pray and prayers work, um, But right now the damage is extensive. Sean, I've been at the e o C Emergency Operations Center in Hillsboro County all morning working with personnel there. I just landed in a law enforcement helicopter we had flown up. I'm trying to send your stations and photos of that. I mean, just complete how homes underwater. But for the most part, Um, we were really blessed that the thing right now is getting power on. I've been on the phone with Rob Bennett, who's CEO of Tampa Electric, and of course Eric Selaji was slar to power in light and they're bringing trucks in from everywhere trying to get power up and running. For our state, hospitals are priority, then shelters of course, and then folks homes. But um, but really it could have hit us a lot worse. But even and um, if you're familiar with Slot at all, the Anna Maria Island, it's a small bridge that goes over to Anna Maria. Um, it's opening up again for residents. So the way the winds were blowing, and you know, you know, I'm from Tampa Bay, I've never seen anything like this in my in my life. I'm Bay Shore, the Bay Shore, it's one of the it's the longest sidewalk in the world actually, and Bay Shore the Tampa Bay. The wind had pushed the bay away, the Bay Shore had become a sandy beach. The same thing happened to some extent in Naples too, literally with the beach was never as big as it was and then incomes the surge. Yeah, yes, yes, Sean, if I could just mention too. When I left the emergency Operations center, I want to personally thank the Red Cross. Um they have I mean throughout the state. There are five hundred UM and eighty evacuation centers, two fifty eight of days are run by the Red Cross, and UM hundreds of volunteers for the Red Cross all over our state. And you know, if people want to donate, your viewers, you know you're safe going to red Cross dot org. You know, I always I've worked with with Franklin over these many many years and uh, and I've always donated to Samaritan's Purse revenue. Have no clue, but I did send a donation after Harvey. I will send a donation and send some money over today or tomorrow for the people in Florida. Before I get to Reverend Graham, how much do you think the damages? Do you have any estimates? Now? It's going to be in the billions, obviously, Sean, it is, and we don't know yet. Again, we're still assessing it as far as areas that are safe to get back into. Um, it's actually you know, safe for law enforcement now to get back into the keys. Even we could have taken a worse hit than we did. But you know, I've lived here my entire life, and I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime. You know now, of course we look for different scams going on, and you know the predators who come in to pray on our citizens that it says it's really been something else. But I can tell you it's subteral stay local law enforcement, our National Guards, FEMA, the White House has been incredible giving us the resources we need, and and and Governor Scott has been out there tirelessly working, you know, spreading the word. And Sean, I think the fatalities were so minimal because so many people chose to leave their home and heeded the warning, so that that was a very positive thing. I know. And some people say, oh, why did I leave at the last minute? It moved westward. I mean, thank god it moved westward. Reverend Graham, good to talk to you again. Um what I've always loved and I had the blessing ones are going on a trip with you with Samaritans person. For years, I've I support your efforts and Operation Christmas Child and and you're still in Haiti. You never give up in parts of the world when other people have long forgotten it. And I know you have a big team down in Texas, and I assume you were staging people before Irma to head down to Florida, and I know that I know that Samaritans Purse is going to be up to their eyeballs and probably years of help and assistance and work. We are Sean. We've got two teams that are in Florida now. They will be set up in Fort Myers and in Naples this this evening, and UH and Sean will be there for weeks helping especially people that got flooded, because that's that's the that's the mess when when water comes into a home, we've got to be able to get all the wet things out, let the house dry out, and that just takes time. But we're also working Sean and the Caribbean, where it's St. Martin. We went in Thursday, just a few days after the hurricane hit. We had to d C eight in there with eighty thousand pounds of plastic um. We've taken generators in there with our d C eight was back in there yesterday into St. Martin. We've got a team set up. We're setting a distribution center up at San Juan so that we can go to Antique with Barbuda and some of these other UH islands that have smaller airstrips on them. Um the World Food Program uh took I think it was sixty uh thousand assumings. They took in sixty tons food into Port Prince and Haiti thinking the storm was going to hit there and it didn't. Uh. They've asked us to move half that food for them, which we want to do and take that to St. Martin into into Antigua. So we're we're going to be busy Sewan. The islands really got smashed and it's going to take years from dwellings destroyed, just wiped out, that's right. And we're going to go to bar Budha and we'll be in there this week with Unfortunately, most of those people have been moved off the island and they've gone over to the main island of Antigua and they're in a stadium there uh and that's where the Word Food Program wants us to get this food to them, which we'll we'll have that food in there, I think by tomorrow into Antigua. But it's a shown. It's anytime a storm like this comes, it's a mess and it just takes time. And all you can do is get on the ground and start working and figure it out as you go. If you wait at home to try to figure it all out, you'll never get there. You just gotta go and start start the process. When we went into St. Martin last Thursday, the airport wasn't open. We landed and um, there are a few Dutch marines and they were surprised what you guys doing here. We helped us send load the airplane and we started taking We took Jonathan folwell a both people. He was down there. He's a great guy son. We got him out of there. It's the anniversary, the sixteenth anniversary of nine eleven, two thousand one, the fifth anniversary of Benghazi, and that was twelve and then we had the hurricanes, first Harvey, now Erma, all over the weekend and it's still by the way, you know, headed towards you know, areas in Georgia and Alabama as we speaking into Tennessee, I think, and we saw the worst in humanity and unspeakable evil on nine eleven, Pam. And then we saw the best in humanity, the fireman, the policeman, the first responders, you know, all of the community, you know, feeding those guys and and everybody you know coming together in ways, we've never seen the same with Texas and the same that happened you know in Florida. Everybody's working together, but then you always have you know, darkness and evil, and you have people that were price gouging, which really ticks me off, and sell them bottles of water from forty bucks a case and other people apparently I saw the videos of looting, will show it on TV tonight. Um, what are you going to be able to do in regards to these issues? Well, and then you're right, Sean, and to always start off, we see so much more good than bad, like you said, and we're seeing it now. You could have seen the emergency Operations center this morning, all the folks volunteering and Reverend Graham everything that you're doing. It's unbelievable, but yes, you know. And now we get a whole different group of price gougers, Sean, the different people and frankly a lot of them are coming in from other states to prey on Flooridians. They're coming in and and folks, if you live in Florida and you're listening to this, since somebody's coming up to your door and they want you to to um use them for contracting services and they want you to sign something to assign your insurance benefits away to them. Don't do it. Talk to your insurance company first, get quotes, get itemized sayings. Do not be paying people, especially people who come knocking on your door, any money in advance at all. And again, our our hotline is one eight six six nine, no scam. As far as the looters, um, I can tell you that law enforcement will be out enforced everywhere and were we will show looters no mercy throughout our state. I'm so glad to hear that we have videos of them. All right, to stay right there, we gotta take a quick break. Franklin Graham Samaritans Purse, we have a link if you want to help the people in Florida or Barbuddha and you can earmarket any particular place you want to earmarket, as is normally the case with the Samaritans Purse. While I more with Pam Bondi, Pam will be on TV to I will show you those looting video. It's gonna break your heart. Considering everybody was working together and state, local, federal government actually coordinated and did a good job for once, which is refreshing Franklin Graham with Samaritan's purse, and all the people in the United States, bar Buddha, everywhere else that were impacted by Hurricane Irma. You know, after seeing Barbuddha that scared the living daylights out of a reverend with of dwellings knocked down. Now with your contact with some of these smaller islands, do you know how many people died as a result of this hurricane? No, Sean, we don't have that information yet, and I'm not sure um the local people have that information. It is Um. It looks, Sean like a like a war zone. Um, like an atomic bomb or something went off. It just flattened everything. Even the steel reinforced communication towers were blown over. So it's going to take a long time for these these islands. But whoever was affected by the storm in Florida, the islands, people need to know that God is not mad, Adam. Some people ask me after a storm, I think he's just mad at Hannity because Hannity is the biggest paint in the neck he's dealt with in a long time. Well, I think God loves us, Sean, and I want the people of these islands. I know that God hasn't forgotten them, he hadn't turned his back on them, and that we're going to do everything we can to help them and to help them not only just get through this, but to help them get on their way again. And that's that's what's so important, and that's why we need volunteers. We have in Florida we will be able to use about four volunteers a day and people, by the way, and people are volunteering. A lot of people volunteered after Harvey, right yes, and we've got a lot of people right now in Texas. UH and if you call and if you want to volunteer at the numbers busy called back. Um. But we're going to need volunteers not just for this week or next week, but Sean, we'll need volunteers into next year. UM that we're willing to go in and work in these homes and help people, especially those that don't have insurance. That's what we focus on. We focus on the elderly, and we also for for military people who are deployed and are not able to come home. Of course, we want to be able to help those families and be there for them because their overseas defending us. We want to be able to help them at home, so we're gonna we make them a high priority. Pam, we'll give you the last word. Well, and that's why I like you said, Samaritans Perk is a great legitimate charity. Please help, Reverend Graham, because that you will have charity scam calling you and praying on our good natured people around the country wanting people to donate, but that donate to legitimate charities that you know who are going to help people. And Sean, thank you for writing the word. And Reverend Graham, thank you for all you're doing and your prayers. All right, guys, we'll see you both soon. Thank you both for you're doing. And we're just glad most people in Florida, thank God, are safe and that there's going to be helping assistance along the way. We have on Hannity dot Com a link to Samaritan's Purse if any of you want to help, quick break alright down till the top of the hour, told free our telephone numbers eight nine one, Sean, we're gonna get to your calls here in just a minute. One of the things I read over the weekend that what MSNBC used to do on every nine eleven anniversary is literally literally play the play out live everything that happened that day, the evil that we face then and frankly we face today. I just I refuse to forget, and in large part because we don't learn sometimes, and I think it's imperative that we remember. Our friend Michael W. Smith put together this song it's called There She Stands, and he did this after being encouraged by President George W. Bush to write a song about what happened. And then we put in all the accompanying sound to remind you of that awful day where we lost so many of our friends and neighbors. There she stands, just just into our newsroom. A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center. Another apparently that was another plane seized. An airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center lost. There appears to be a gaping hole. There goes, there goes there, it goes, here, it goes, but the full side has collapsed at the building. By she s to airplanes kept crashed into the World Trade Center. This we're not going to be coward by it. That we're not afraid, faful friend, the freedom loving Nations of the world stand by our sass, She stares. Rout did have the red, white, blue whiz twie. We're not lamp to sway Rout to be a part of his country. Je me, I think about the families, the children, to the freedom itself was attacked, and freedom will be de fantacy East. Are you here? Just when you league it might be just laid by. Someone will raise the THI to raise to us all of our grade nation is being tested. She stands. I didn't he didn't hear the lady United States from three power courageous game, my men guarding pity, and then we will not forget the twenty eight hundred people feel place and fire, and not only were heroes at the beginning, but they're still heroes with Really, we're gonna come out of this emotionally stronger, and the commitment of our fathers is now the calling of our time. What perfect but the bridge. Those guys studier than anyone ever expected over this truth. They missed with the wrong city, they missed with the wrong stake. Stand and I just don't want people to forget they all have a sense of duty to protect us. All due will be steadfast in our determination the rest of the country. Now understand who the true defenders are made the Irish hills, Krussian maker lakes, and us blessha. We see we made a look at the Irish intros. We see ste made the blessings of St. Patrick. Behold, God bless Ireland and God blessed the United States of America. She stills. Now America is embracing a new ethic and a new creed. Let's roll the phrase new York's Finest and New York's Bravest mean something now it doesn't. This is a time to reflect and be thankful for where we are today. Through we will build New York City. She yet, after America was attacked, it was as if our entire country looked into a mirror and saw our better selves. I don't know. Every time I hear that, it just brings me back and just it just sobers you. You just stop. You remember, you can't even believe that we've been through this trauma. And then we've just got to ask ourselves, how, you know, where have we gone from? How did we just give iron billions and billions and billions of dollars, Especially we're finding out North Korea has nukes, and now they have I c b MS. I'm like, okay. Bill Clinton told us I'm gonna give them billions and they're not gonna have a nuclear weapon. They're gonna get rid of all their nuclear stuff and and this is a good deal for the American people. Well, it wasn't a good deal. Nor will Iran, through the prism of history be a good deal either. And we'll literally look back and realize we funded their nuclear program. And when you hear what happened nine eleven, two thousand and one, you just gotta she's just got to say how the level of stupidity and ignorance is beyond breathtaking. Anyway, one Shawn on number, Let's get to our phones. Let's go to Nancy as in Fort Lauderdale wasn't hit as bad as we thought. Thank god, Nancy, Glad you called. Well, Sean, I'm not in Fort Lauderdale. I got scared and I got the heck out of there. I am a Andrew survivor. And at midnight Wednesday night, my husband said, you're not going to stay for armor. You're getting in the car. So I loaded up my daughter's, my granddaughter, and one suitcase and off we went and for you. That was a smart thing. Sart. Oh, you don't know it. But I wanted to thank you because we were listening to you in the car and we're gonna start heading home tomorrow and we're gonna listen to you again. But I also want to say God for giving me the mercy to get at the strength to get out of there, for protecting everybody at doing what we had to do, and for him to protect everybody in the future, to take care of us for it is. And I want to take all of America. You know, when we pulled into a taco bell in Kentucky, demand saw our license plate and we placed the order and I gave him his twenty dollars for our meal and he gave me about twenty dollars and change, and he said, God bless you. Just people all along the way we're coming up to us and tone us. We're praying for you, were praying for you. But also I want to thank President Trump, Vice President Pence, the FEMA, that cute guy broke Lawn. He's so cute to watch on TV. Attorney General Pam for going after the ones that are scam people. And Rick Scott when you went for president. I want to work on your campaign. He has done an excellent job. When I was in Andrew, I had to wait weeks for my electric to come on. I had to wait weeks for a National Guard to come down and help me dig out my my belongings, my home, cleared the roadways. I am under the impression now from Facebook friends who stayed down there that that stuff is going on right now. My husband is a hospital worker, therefore I knew he would be safe. My son in law stayed at home at his house with all the animals, which we can't leave our animals down there and by themselves, and he we heard from him this morning. But I have not heard from my husband yet. And I know that's because he doesn't have any signals or any electricity or anything like that. And I'm good with that. I feel good about that. I know he's okay. But the other thing that was was very important coming up from Florida at the time that we did with the millions of people other people, was that we were seeing all the electrical trucks, all the army people, all the cost I was trying. We were beeping the horns and wavering down him and then my granddaughter said, Nanna, why are you acting like that? And I said, when you get home, you'll see why. Glad you got out eight dying for one Seawan Shawn is in Palm Beach, Florida. I hope you're doing well down there. You got hit a lot less than Southwest Florida. What's going on in Palm Beach? Yes, I'm very thankful because I also am h a Hurricane Andrew victim who lost my house. My house was completely destroyed with shutters and I lived a half mile from the ocean, and I was within the eyewall of Andrew. So I know better than anyone when when the governor says to evacuate, And I am so so happy that that he put so much emphasis on people getting out, and because even with shutters, I was in an evacuation area. My home was destroyed, glass went through, tile floors, shutters had tile go through. How close are you to the shore? I was a half mile from the ocean, and uh he all this happened, and you you're riding this out. Yeah, well we I evacuated. It was my parents house, and you know, I just have to say, listen, this is the thing if you think of, and I'm only looking at my own life. And and I just remember when I got my first home. It happened to be in Roswell, Georgia, a number of years ago, and I remember I was the happiest guy on and on earth pod dollars. And it had like an acre and it was at the end of a cul de sac, and it was a dream house for me and every single person I know, for the most part, their home is their biggest investment. And it literally is your life in that home in this way that all those hours of work, all those years of study, you know, it's a it's a culmination of a life's work. It's a culmination of your life. And for most people, and for those people, for example in Texas that never dreamed, that did need flood insurance, their homes, everything they work for gone. We can't forget about Texas, you know, because those people are gonna need help. And the one thing I think the President was right last week when he made the deal to extend the debt ceiling because Paul Ryan and and Mitch McConnell, for whatever reason, this is this is mine numbing to me, didn't come back from their August recess with a plan on the debt ceiling, and so he's like, all right, I'll extend it. Um, I just think we gotta I don't understand the lack of urgency. These people need their homes rebuilt, the ones that weren't asked and it wasn't demanded of them to have flood insurance. You know, It's one of those things that could happen to anybody, and I think that there's an adequate role for the federal government and the generosity of the American people. We're not gonna let people's lives be up ended to the point where their lives are ruined. To me, it's just not fair. And I'm not talking about fairness and that we fundamentally have to have fairness in society. We've got the ability to take care of that. So um, you know, it's sad to hear these stories, but anyway you get the final work, go ahead, Shoon. I'm glad you're safe though. That was the most important thing, thank you. I also like to say it was interesting because this time around, um, I was on PGA National around the golf course and the canal behind the house when the winds picked up and I was able to see out the back window as we had several tornado wind uh warnings, which is really scary. And the winds, let me tell you, I mean it felt like a cap five and I guess the winds did pick up to about a hundred miles per hour around here. But we could see the water in the canal literally be picked up out of the water. And and the same thing happened with with our our swimming pool. It was really it was unbelievable. And um, I had a lake in front of my in front of my street and I mean my neighborhood. Somehow they drained it, but um, but it was really incredible to see that. And uh, you know, I'm just I'm just very fortunate, and my heart goes out to those who haven't been as lucky as I have. And um, also i'd like to say everyone please remember we never forget, right, we never forget. Have you forgotten my my good friend Darryl Worley. Anyway, Sean hanging there, um, and help is on the way, when you know. I love what we saw. I actually I don't praise government very often, but I mean you had the coast guard. I mean in the wake of these hurricanes, they did amazing work. Um. You look at for example, what happened with you know, General Man dog Madness. He's like, all right, let's get these ships positioned over here, and then everybody prepositioning everything that they're gonna need for food, water supplies and everything. The people in Florida, we predictably knew that they would need um anyway, So to me, it was a big It's just nice. The governors were amazing. Abbott and Governor Scott were amazing, and we literally saw the best in people again. And I know some people like, oh, you made me leave, and then the storm switched its path. Nobody can predict that. The bottom line is is still one of the worst storms. I think it was top seven ever and and it's extraordinarily dangerous. And when you talking about gambling with people's lives. If I'm in government and my job is to give people my best counsel advice, I would never for a second regret, not one bit telling people to err on the side of caution. And the people of Florida responded. Good for them. I was very proud of him. And you know, but for the looters and those people, Price gouging. Everything went pretty smoothly, and I know there's a disruption in everybody's life and it's a pain in the you know what, but better that you're alive and you get back to your normal life. Hopefully the majority of people and then those that need help are going to get the help, al right, Hannity tonight and and Eastern the aftermath obviously of Hurricane Irma. What do people need and when can they get back in their homes? When his power going to get back on the devastation the damage. Also tonight we'll have Haraldo, he's on the ground, Pam Bondi on the looting and the price gouging. Also we'll be checking in with Rob O'Neil, Greg Jarrett, also Deborah Burley Game and Rob O'Neil. Rob O'Neil killed Bin lad Never Burling Game lost their brother on nine eleven. Is one of the pilots. All right, that's all happening tonight, Hannity ten Eastern Fox News, And thanks for being with us, our thoughts and prayers with the military or men and women are families that lost members in nine eleven in Benghazi and also the victims of these hurricanes see you back here tomorrow.

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