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All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code topper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. All right, Glad you with us. Happy Monday. Oh, I got a story for you parents about kids and Santa, and it is going to make your blood boil. You can't believe, by the way this was done to five and six year olds, by the way Saturday Night Live. They want. All they want for Christmas is motor to lock up Trump. The only other option is a coup, of course, from them. We'll get into all of that, Al Sharton, It is the funniest story I've ever seen. He pays himself a million and a half dollars from his own National Action network. What for for the rights to his life story? This is his charity. He paid himself from his own charity five hundred and thirty one grand according to his latest tax filing. Fire. But they only get it for a ten year period of time. I guess he'll sell it again for a million dollars next time to the same people to coach Seller's life store. I don't know why that struck me is so funny today it did. Glad you're with us. Oh, we have a lot of caravan news, massive success by the president China tariffs. I've told every conservative friend of mine that was most worried, legitimately so because about some type of trade war that the president was going to engage in or tariffs that he was going to place on different countries. I said, Nope, it's not him. It's a negotiating tactic. If you don't make them believe that you're gonna do it, they're never gonna move and they're never gonna offer. We have had horrible one sided deals with everybody, that includes NATO, seventy two cents of every dollar that includes our even our European allies and friends. Supposedly they have one sided trade deals Mexico, NAFTA, Canada, now China. So we're making huge progress, which we'll get to also today we have a lot of deep state news we're gonna get into in the course of the program. We'll make it all happen. Um, what do you say about a guy like President George Herbert Walker Bush, except he just embodies it's all part of I mean, this is my dad's generation. My father bought four years in the Pacific in World War Two, and he, by the way, I didn't know, he's the longest. He lived longer than any president in American history, only two families have had a father and son become president, and he obviously being one of them. And you think of his years as Ambassador to China, director of the CIA, eight years the Reagan got me in love with politics. Reagan convinced me. That's when I became a conservative. And here we are thirty years later in radio, in my twenty third year in Fox. It's amazing how many people don't get how consistent I have been in terms of my conservative ideas and philosophy. Of course, you can't be intellectually honest and not at times change opinions on certain issues, which I have evolved, and over time I can set myself a little more civil libertarian certainly than I ever was before. I think the main things government ought to do ought to be limited in nature. I've always believed that. Reagan always said, you know, government is the problem. I've always believed in lower taxes, free markets, liberty and freedom. I've always believed that every individual is brought on this earth is a child of God. Every single person has natural talent and ability. That's where the word education comes from. Then, that is, you know, to bring forth from within. That's because God put it there. That's I've always believed in that we're endowed by our creator, our founding document. I believe that our great constitution, but government becomes was more intrusive, more intrusive, and and Reagan taught me something. I studied the eight years he was president. I was on radio just as he was. You know, I guess I started in nineteen eighty seven, and I remember I was like, you know, here's a guy that gave us tax cuts and created the single longest period of peacetime economic growth in American history. He left the presidency having created over twenty million new jobs. He literally and this happened actually in the Bush years. You know, but as Reagan has said, tear down this wall. And George Herbert Walker Bush presided over that. And you know, I look at the life of military service, I look at the life of as a businessman. I was watching forty three George W. Bush talking about his dad, and you know, he could have joined a hedge fund. After college. He went to Yale. He was a great athlete, and no, he wanted to be in Adessa, Texas, and you know, the living condition weren't particularly great. He said. His mom would describe their living next to prostitutes. Apparently, I'd never knew that story before. Anyway, on a personal level, I've just gotten to know him, and I know the family, and I've known him for many years, and just they represent everything that is good and decent. And this man spent a life serving his country. He had in every capacity. His entire adult life was about service for others, and he did it with a passion. It was only a couple of years ago, and you know, he's still jumping out of airplanes. And you know, at the end of the day, for any of us, when that moment comes and we've got to meet our creator and cross over to that other side. I think all of us want to have lived life and the world is a better, stronger place. The United States is better and stronger because of George Herbert Walker Bush, especially in his years as Vice president and president. It wasn't without controversy, it wasn't without his own tough moments in life. I mean, that's really what creates character and people, isn't it. When we get tested and then those roots inside us, we need to go deeper and deeper, don't we Otherwise we're just going to get blown away in the in the wind when the rains come and it's it's not good. Um. I did an interview with both forty one and forty three. I'm going to air parts of this tonight on Hannity. And there was a love between forty three and forty one. It was as unbelievable. I went down when the President Bush, George W. Bush, you know, invited me to his museum down there, and I went down on SMU campus. I forgot was his father's presidential museum. I forget where, I don't remember, but anyway, his dad and his mom were there. Mom had recently passed away, as you all know, Barbara Bush. And so I'm doing an interview just with forty three and forty one was in a wheelchair. And so anyway, we're about to do the interview and he says, no, no, I want to watch, and he came. He literally sat and watched the interview with his son. Couldn't be more proud. And I won't give it away, but what when I interviewed them together, you know, and George Bush said this in an interview that I saw last night or over the weekend when I was watching maybe it was sixty minutes last night, and he said, you know, told the story when he first went into the Oval office and his dad called him mister President, and how his father really let him be his own man, and he said, just love him and be a dad. It's just very touching, and it just you. You just embodies greatness. Goodness. You know, so many Americans never become famous. And by the way, if you want it, you can. You may not pee Holt's cut out to be. Let me just say that. But at the end of the day, you know, whatever you do for a living, whatever talent you have, we all have to serve other people in some capacity. You know, I can't imagine anything worse. I've said this many many times. Then what it must be like if you don't have a purpose and a job in life and you're not giving back and I don't care what it is. Listen, if I know we've always scorned almost some people have scorned on the left. Stay at home moms. Let me tell you. Stay at home being a mom bold time. That's a full time job, loving your children, raising them right, feeding them well, giving them great life experiences. You're serving a child. I don't think there's anything greater than that. You're influencing who that person. You're shaping that person, helping shape that person into becoming the person they were created to be. I don't care if you're at McDonald's. You're serving hungry people. So that's a valuable service. You know, if you're building homes, if you're doing plumbing, if you're doing electricity, if you're doing legal work, if you're a doctor and you save lives every day, it doesn't matter. And I've always felt that people that do their jobs publicly, you know, get too much adulation. It's just true. But it's the people that get up every single day and shovel coffee down their throat, dress their kids, you know, pack them a lunch, send them off to school, go put in their twelve hours, come home tired, do homework, make dinner, you know, read to the kids, fall asleep, get up and grind it out again the next day. But all of those people, collectively in a free society, make this a better world than a better place, and then you have great leaders. I maybe we can put athletes on a pedestal, and look, there's only so many people that can throw a ball over a tiny plate at one hundred miles an hour and strike out people. There's only so many guys that can hit that hundred mile an hour basketball you know, long enough that it's a home run, or you know, playing hockey or basketball or tennis or golf or whatever it happens to be. And so we marvel at people that are at the top level of whatever their profession happens to be. But whatever you do matters too. And so his job was more public than what most people have. But it's not any even if you're the president, it's not any more important for this country to be great. It's people have to be great. And there are so many people like George Herbert Walker Bush who did so much good in his life with a decency and a quietness that is his nature. And by the way, you know, it's amazing to me that the number one complain about Donald Trump. It's not about even people that say they're conservative. I'm looking at them, Okay. So he's a disruptor. He fights hard on every issue, even if it's better politics maybe not to fight hard, but he's fighting hard with China, North Korea, the Iranians. He doesn't care. He made a promise to Israel about moving moving the Embassy to Jerusalem, keeps it, He keeps his promises on regulation, on tax cuts, on judges fighting every day for the Wall, and people that were conservative cuts, taxes, originalist justices, energy independence, and they can't find a good thing to say about the guy. They just don't like a style. Well, there's a time and a place, in my opinion, for a George Herbert Walker Bush and a Ronald Reagan, and there's a time for a disruptor, somebody that's gonna fight hard, break things and get it done. Because so much of Washington has been broken, corrupt and horrible. But as long as you have the intention and you apply the principles that work, and people ben a fit. You know, I think people feign more outrage than they do. Here's the sad part of the whole coverage I've been watching this weekend is, you know, literally you have the coverage where people that were horrible. I saw this with John McCain too, People that refer to John McCain as a racist, you know when he's running for president, a horrible treatment of Mitt Romney, binders of women's resumes, bludgeoned him. But now they like him only because he criticizes Trump. You know, the horrible thing said about Ronald Reagan, the horrible thing said about McCain, the horrible thing said about George Herbert Walker Bush. Corrupt, You ought to be in jail, ran contra, blah blah blah. Oh he's the nicest man. But they basically doing is using the death of George Herbert Walker Bush now to bludgeon President Trump. But the same people were bludgeting or people like them were bludgeoning George Herbert Walker Bush. And just like I supported John McCain because I thought even be a better president than Barack Obama, I was right, by the way, And you know all these people now that said horrible things in life, now you know, oh, the greatest man ever. Reagan was the greatest man. Bush was the greatest. And I can't stand that phoniness. That more than anything drives me nuts. We pray for his family today, and they're a very close family. This is not easy, and especially it wasn't long ago that President Bush's father, mother had had passed away, Barbara Bush. And I know the President has sent Air Force one to Houston to pick up the forty first president and his family. And there's gonna be a lot of ceremonies. We'll be carrying it all this week for you. God speed, George Herbert Walker Bush. You're a good man. Thank you for a lifetime of greatness and service to the country you loved. Hey, guys, remember when you need gifts that you need to bring a smile to somebody's face. One eight hundred flowers dot com. They have to be your go to, whether it's a birthday, an anniversary that slipped your mind, or maybe you just want to get ahead and deliver something just because you want them to know you're thinking about them. One eight hundred flowers dot com. They have the deals, the bouquets that are guaranteed to show people you love them. And right now, when you order twelve peppermint roses for twenty nine ninety nine, well, one eight hundred flowers will give you an extra half dozen roses in a vase absolutely free now. That's up to forty percent off the original price. Peppermint roses from one eight hundred flowers dot com are picked at their peak and they're shipped overnight to ensure maximum freshness. Now to order twelve peppermint roses for twenty nine ninety nine plus another half dozen roses and a free vase. Just go to one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. That's one eight hundred flowers dot com slash Hannity. But you gotta hurry. This offer ends on Friday. Even the ape didn't get the memo. It's now okay for the Democratic media, and it's okay now to say nice things about George Herbert Walker Bush. AP had to delete a tweet about the death of the former president. It was a huge backlash on this, and it said, we've deleted a tweet and revised a story on the death of President George Herbert Walker Bush because the tweet and the opening story referenced his ninety two electoral defeat and they didn't even talk about his World War Two service. I mean, it's just so typical. You know. It's sad. You know, John McCain for at least this as an example. John McCain and I had our battles over the years. We really did when it mattered, and I thought he was a better person for the job, and you got a choice coming down to two people, and I knew Obama was a rigid radical ideologue that was never gonna ever change and his policies would be bad for the country. And by the way, all my predictions were born out, and I supported John McCain, and I know he said, you know the hell are these people on talk radio? How are these people on cable news? And I'm like, clearly you didn't hate me back in the days when you were running for president. But it's fine. It's you know, everyone trying to now use the death of President Bush to attack President Trump in the media. This nbcas despite the resentments between these two families, all right, you want to and then the stylistic differences. I can play some of this, we have them, will play m later in the program. And I'm just thinking, you know, I watched the treatment of Ronald Reagan in death. These people were so gracious in life. They were horrific when it actually mattered, you know, they never saw the wisdom of what Ronald Reagan sought to accomplish and what he did for the economy and how many jobs he created. And you know, bravely challenging garbage, mister Gorber, tear down this wall, or are you know the things that were said in the allegations made in Iran Contra, etcetera, etcetera. You know, it matters to me more how do you treat people in life? Not the things you're gonna say in debt. To me, it's just phony. And now, you know, any of these men that I'm talking about, John McCain, Bush forty one, Ronald Reagan, even Mitt Romney is now headed to the Senate, we're treated horribly. John McCain dies, the nicest thing said by people, some of whom were like involved in destroying this man's character. You know, the same with Reagan, same with Bush forty one, same with Bush forty three, even Mitt Romney. And it's just it's it's a phoniness that they have that It just fries me a little bit because it's you know, now they're doing it. Okay, Well he was so nice, he was such a good guy. That's not what they were saying back in the day. Trust me. All right, a lot of news we're gonna get to today. Oh boy, you're gonna be mad if you have young kids, Santa Claus. So I'll probably have to give a disclaimer coming up straight ahead, Sean Hannity Show. Smoking is not about politics, It's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. 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All right, twenty five to the top of the hour as we speak, Air Force one, the President Trump had sent his plane to pick up the family and the casket with the remains of President George Herbert Walker Bush had just landed, arrived Joints Joint Bass Andrews, and as we speak, they're about to the casket is about to come off Air Force one. Some news the President, meaning President Trump is apparently expected to be at the rotunda tonight in the Capitol as the casket lies in state for the former president. We expect that to happen. I have a really cool interview that I did with Bush forty one and Bush forty three. I'm gonna air some of this tonight on Hannity nine Eastern if you want to hear it. I did have an opportunity to talk on another occasion to George Herbert Walker Bush about his on and this is a small part of it. It's got to be harder to watch your son the president than to be president. It is far worse when they go after your son, and I would say unfairly a lot of the time than when they used to when I was in a cross crosshairs and we get condemned and criticism, even when I thought it was unfair about me. It hurts much more when it's your own son. Yeah, and you might even close call, not even close, because I think about my son, who was a lot younger than yours, But I would think it's got to be a lot harder and you may have to go through this one more time. You know. I just thought that other son of hers in Florida, he's good. He's oh God, he's good. And they singled him out for two years ago as the number one target for the Democratic Party nationally, not just for governor or senate. How Terry mccauliffe, for whom I don't well put it this way, not very high on him who came and made this the number one, number one one goal for the Democratic Party nationally and Jeb won by fourteen points? Did they were? And the Poles were a little closer go into that election and he won by much ye to margin, And um, I guess maybe did mister cullif a little unhappy about that? You know, your son said something the other day that really struck me. He really did want to go to Washington and change the tone, something that he was able to accomplish in Texas since he's been there. And I'm not talking about the Michael Moore's or the pundits on TV. Yeah, we'll get to him in a minute. Oh well, good, Harry. Have you heard the leaders at the Democratic Party that shrill? I've heard him shrill, and I've heard some of our shrill in the past, but I've never felt the climate like it is now, nor the shrillness of the political opposition. It hurts. Well, yeah, you expect some of it. But when when it's your son and they got him a liar, why when they impugne his motives, it hurts a lot. Yeah, you think I feel strongly about it. Talk to Barbara Bush because she just gets tells me not to watch and all of that, but I can't. I can't not watch. You're engaged. I read recently that she won't read The New York Times anymore, and she done tells you to stop whining about it when you do read it. Yeah, well, I still read about it, and I'm whining more and much more publicly than I used to, because I think they've gone too far. I think they are advocates for the Democrats. I think they have lost their objectivity that they did have many years ago. I think there's a certain arrogance amongst a lot of their people. I think, you know, you expect this on the op ed page. You've got people in there that's mere George and slam him every day. But that's you know, that's different. But when the news columns, when you see subjectivity creeping into the news columns, it concerns me. Yeah, I think they'll deny it's happening, and I say, well, too bad, I think it is. I mean, I was just one of many interactions I've had the fortune of having with President George Herbert Walker Bush, and I think the best moment was when I interviewed him and George W. Bush together as a pretty special moment. You know, let me just say one thing, as media people and pundits and TV people, and then I'll play it later in the program when we get back to the topic. But and how they're basically using the death here of President Bush forty one to attack President Trump. Let me let me just dissuade anybody. I understand the Bush family's resentments at times or maybe hostility even at times towards Donald Trump. But you know, let me tell you something. George W. Bush went into South Carolina in a battle with John McCain, and it was brutal. It's just the nature of politics. Unfortunately, it's a blood sport, it's not beam ball. And if you don't have the fight in you or the ability to take on that criticism and fight back on some level, some capacity, you know you're gonna get eaten alive. And it's the only thing that frustrates me is I listen to all these never Trumper people, and some of them have been writing and commenting on conservatism throughout even my whole career or longer, and it's just stylistically they can't stand the current president. But I remind you, how did they treat McCain when it mattered in his life when he was running for president he was a racist? How did they treat Ronald Reagan? An amiable dunce and a grade B actor? And you know another guy that they just bludgeoned him. Not as bad as today. It's never been this bad. And you just heard Bush forty one saying it was really bad and his son was president. It's it's worse. And the same thing for Mitt Romney, binders of women somehow. I mean, it's stunning what they did to that man. And let me tell you, Romney is one of these guys that is pretty It's just decent to the core. I don't like what he did in the election, and I kind of understand it. Maybe somebody as it doesn't understand a New York sensibility. I grew up in New York, but I also had the advantage of living in Rhode Island, New England, and living in California, and living in the South in Alabama and Georgia, and it has given me great perspective and ben to almost every state now about the middle of the country, the red part of the country that is so much different than than what you see in d C, New York, LA and San Francisco. So it's it's a very tough it's a tough sport. There's a lot at stake, and if you have a strong passionate belief system that if you if you believe in limited government, you're gonna fight for You're gonna take on a lot of incoming and you know, sometimes it does get personal, and I would assume at some point, I guess you know a lot of times differences eventually get put aside. I mean, Clinton and forty one used to go on tour together and if you know, I know that that there was no way George w. Bush was going to criticize Barack Obama. I tried to get him to say something that number of times. I've never had any luck doing it. But um, But at the end of the day, but the people that step up take the heat. It's NonStop, and it's their calling, their service, what they believe. So I think some people are just genuinely trying to do their best. It might be wrong on the policy, but I also think there are people that are just pure power hungry. And that's a lot of the people in Washington. They love being called Senata and congressman and governor whatever it happens to be. And that's unfortunate too, because we don't benefit from that when they're looking out for themselves. All Right, a lot of other ground we're going to cover um as we speak. By the way they are, the casket is coming off of Air Force one that President Trump had sent, landing now in Joint Joint Bass Andrews on its way to the Capitol Rotunda. This is gonna anger a lot of people. But if you're a parent, you have young kids in the car, I don't want you may not want your young kids to hear this, But I think it's gonna make you mad. So you got this school in New Jersey, it's called Cedar Hill Elementary School, and you get the substitute teacher comes in. And this is one of the things that just pries me about the entire educational system and this unholy alliance that exists between teachers, unions and the Democratic Party, to the point where New York is paying literally hundreds and hundreds of teachers. They can't teach, but they can't fire them in case in some cases for literally having sexual contact with kids, you still can't fire them. Why they're not in jail is another question. But putting that aside, but the fact that you have a captive group of kids, usually it's in junior high, high school, college is the worst where all these ex hippies have gravitated for because the jobs might not maybe I don't know, and they feel that they can take a captive audience and just indoctrinate them into their belief system. We spend more money per capita per student than any other country on Earth, and we're like thirty seventh in reading, writing, and math. Overall. It's pathetic. You know, there was once a famous study in the Reagan years a nation at risk that I actually said that what has happened to the educational system in America, were it done by some outside entity or force, would be tantamount to an act of war. That's how bad it's gotten, you know. But mostly we've kind of left the really young kids alone except to it. Can't play dodgeball anymore in school because if you played dodgeball, you're gonna hit the kid with the ball and they may not like losing. You can't keep score because somebody's feelings are gonna get hurt. As if kids can't keep kids are keeping score, whether they're allowed to or not. We beat you, We beat you know whatever. I mean, you can't choose sides because one kid that maybe is really smart and math and really more academically oriented, that's where the natural gifts are. But that kid's gonna feel bad that he's picked lass. So you know, we'll just divide teams some random other way. I mean, it's gotten crazy, But think about this. So imagine you're sending your five six year old kid to school and you have a teacher is telling five and six year olds that Santa Claus isn't real. His reindeer aren't real, telling them reindeer can't fly, telling them Santa is not real, and parents, can you load this a little bit lowder? This a lot just buying presents and putting them under the tree, not some guy named Santa with a red suit and a big All right, I can't yeah, all right, So Santa Claus that your parents are Santa Claus. And then raindeer can't fly, elves aren't real. Elf on the shelf is just to pretend all that your parents move around, And then she doesn't stop there. Then the teacher says the tooth fairy isn't real, and mom and dad sneak into your room in the middle of the night when you're sleeping they put the money under your pillow, and then the Easter Bunny that doesn't exist either, and tell us them magic doesn't exist. There's no such thing. This is a grown woman thinking she has the right to literally rob kids of the utter joy, anticipation, happiness of Santa, and thinking, without any any sense that this might be wrong, that you're going to crush a kid's spirit for Christmas, and it goes you go back to this whole war on Christmas. I mean, Bill O'Reilly followed this for years and he was always right about it, inasmuch as what he was saying is you can't you know, stories say it says Christmas sale, but you can't say, or an employee, you can't say Merry Christmas, and or telling these kids, or feeling that you have the right to contradict deeply held values that you have and whether it be about religion, or about Santa or the Easter Bunny or the tooth fairy, I mean crushing five and six year olds. One of them was quoted in this article in New Jersey say, my granddaughter came home and said, Mimi, Santa isn't real. The woman flipped out and explained, no, no, no, Santa's real. Don't listen to the other kids didn't realize it was the teacher that said this, and the substitute teacher launches into a you know, grinch like diatribe. Well during what was supposed to be a writing activity. Now when you think we don't teach kids to read and write, we spend more money per capita per student than any other country, with like the worst results, the worst return our investment than anybody else. And this is what happens, and it gets you know, you see this everywhere, like for example, hannek is going on right now, and when I see my friends that I know or say happy honeka. If I see my friends at christ Mary Christmas, and if it so happens, I got it wrong with a friend. They know what the spirit is behind it. I'm trying to be nice. Unlike Saturday Night Live, all they want for Christmas is for Mueller to lock up Trump and the other option is a coup. And by the way, Sarah Palin had a great Land suck it Up cupcake. She said that the Joy Behart after Kid Rock took a shot at her, and Joy Behart Trumpetter save pardons for his kids. I'm just saying, listen, We're gonna have to make some decisions here as a culture, as a society, as a country. You know. Stanford University told the Sigma Chi fraternity to remove its American flag. Why Stanford to improve their image. Administrator reportedly told the fraternity that the flag could be seen as intimidating, aggressive and alienating. Is this is this the country? We want? The greatest generation of George Herbert Walker Bush and people like my father that fought four years in World War Two and so many others in that what Tom Brokaw called the Greatest generation an American flag, we're gonna, We're gonna now teach kids in college that that flag is seen as intimidating, aggressive and alien when all the our treasure, our kids, blood shed, lives lost, limbs lost, you know, faces destroyed in war, no country ever accumulating more power in using it for the good than this one. And we're saying that in college to our kids. And we're telling five year olds that Santa doesn't exist because we don't. We let them run away with the culture. There's no stopping them. And this is where I keep warning you we have If we have a dual justice system, we don't apply the laws equally. We don't have equal justice under the law or equal application of our laws. We're gonna lose it. And remember Reagan said, you know, freedom is but one generation away from extinction. Scary, all right, glad you with us. Sean Hannity Show told free it's eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Am So air Force one is landed. It joins Bass Andrews and the casket and now hers carrying Bush forty one is a route to the Capitol Rotunda, where he will lie in state. It's expected that the President, President Trump will stop by sometime this evening. I just heard in the nine o'clock hour when I'm on Hannity. Obviously we will cover that. One of the things I want to share with you tonight is an interview I did with both Bush forty one and forty three, which I think captures more of a love between father and son than anything else. Joining us now, former Speaker of the House, New King Rich is with us. How are you, sir, Good to have you back. I'm doing well. And I think part of the reason for the great outpouring for President of Bush is that he this is the last of the World War Two heroes, the youngest naval aviator, and I think his deep love for Barbara was a model for the whole country. So it really is, in a sense, the passing of a generation of leadership. I think all of that's true. There's one little thing that irks me, and I bet it probably irks you as well. And I'm watching the media and I'm watching their coverage, and frankly people that didn't treat him well at all. They're actually the kids. Nothing bad they could ever say about him, And you know how he was treated in the course of his president Oh, he can't he doesn't even sew out of touch. He can't even use a grocery store scanner because he doesn't know what it is, or obviously ran contra or you know, the Democrats kind of push and push and push, and he tries to compromise, but he broke a campaign pledge about read my lips, no new taxes, and they bludgeoned them with that. And they're also saying, well, he's such a good man. Now they're using his demeanor, which is obviously different than President Trump's as if you know, somehow forty one or forty three didn't know that presidential politics was a blood sport. After all, it was forty one that called Reaganomics voodoo economics. And the runoff or the primary between President Bush and forty three in McCain in South Carolina was about as tough as it gets. And you know, this is part of politics, isn't it. Of course, Look, if you are a liberal and you have a chance after they die to say nice things whether they did the same thing to Ronald Reagan. I mean, people who had despised Reagan for his entire career, you know, waxed eloquent and rhapsodic about him once he died because it gives them the veneer of being reasonable and fair. But you know, in both the case of President Reagan and President Bush, the same liberals that everything they could to defeat them. And I think that's just part of where we are as a country. I mean, we are. You sure you should never and you don't, of course, but no one listening to us should never kidd themselves about where the left is and what the left's trying to accomplish. Oh. They did the same thing with John McCain. I mean, and when John McCain, when it would have mattered to say nice things about him, when he ran for president in O eight, which by the way, I suported him over Obama, and I was glad to and I was ended. I think I ended up being proven right how disastrous Obama's rigid ideology would be for the country and his policies would be. But same with John McCain, and the same Look at what they did to poor Mitt Romney. Look at how they treated Reagan. Look at how they treated Bush. But you die, they may even say a nice thing or two about you or maid who knows. I'm not saying it now. I wouldn't go overboard, and I'm not children to wait in any expectation. But uh no, you know, Senator McCain is a great example, because Senator McCain got great press until he got the nomination and then for four or five months, and I think I know he was from just deeply hurt and frustrated because for four or five months the left wing media went after him and sided with Obama. And these are he thought, these had all been his friends, and then it didn't work. You know, they ended up doing everything they could do defeating Yeah, I think that's just part of it. And you know, and I also do think, I mean, let's be clear, as much as you and I think that President Trump is a historic figure and is changing the country. From the standpoint of the of the elites, the country club set, President George H. W. Bush was just a you know, a kinder and milder and nicer person. He naturally into that group. Look, he deserves all the credit the Reaganomics, which he did call voodoo economics in the primary. But you know what, they got along great. But the team of Reagan and Bush forty one was an amazing team. And you know what, all the things that we love, We cut taxes. Twenty one million new jobs were created, long guest period of peacetime economic growth. And you want to talk about inheriting a bad economy, nobody inherited a worse economy than Ronald Reagan and George Bush. But when it came time to take the gloves off and bludge in George Herbert Walker Bush, you know, some of the people saying nice things today were nowhere to be found. They wanted him out then, just like they want Trump out now. Yeah. By the way, that reminds me one of the interesting side notes of where we are today. People on the left talk about, you know, Trump not being popular, and he's about forty four percent approval despite two years of overwhelmingly negative press coverage. Ronald Reagan in January of nineteen eighty three was at thirty five percent approval, and the darling of the left, President mccrona France, is currently at twenty six percent approval. So it just goes to show you sometimes the people see past the media. Well you know, and look, there's sometimes the right people right place, right time. I mean, I'm watching people now, there's never Trump or crowd in particular that they they they're so they're with the leftist, they're with Schumer, they're with Pelosi, there with you know, Maxine and Peach forty five and getting their faces and follow them into grocery stores, etc. And I'm listening to them and I'm like, these are people that wrote for longer than I've even been on radio, which is now my thirtieth year, about the need for lower taxes. Well, that's Trump. Uh, conservative justice as originalists, that's Trump energy independence, that's Trump. Securing our borders, that's Trump. Um. All of these accomplishments that he's had that you wrote about chronicled really well in your book. And not only that piece through strength, that's Trump. Um. Look at this this sight everything they're trying to do with Muller. Notice with Putin, Trump or Obama, and it's clearly Trump, Yeah, has been much tougher with Putin than anybody else and gets zero credit forward from the left. What do you think of the president? Now? The two things that I think happened that nobody's paying any attention to. One is the President was able to extract a number of concessions from the Chinese in exchange for not imposing new tariffs on Chinese goods, a major agreement while meeting with the world's leaders at the G twenty in Argentina. But they spoke for two and a half hours, longer than previously scheduled. Amazing and productive is how it was described. And you know, immediately China began buying more agricultural products from America along with the pledge to purchase more industrial and energy products. And also it looks like a report that you know, the Trump auto tariff tweet lifts the stocks and Beijing's been silent. But you know, we have a better deal with our European allies. We have better deal with NATO. People are now paying more of their fair share. We have a better deal with Canada and Mexico. Now a better deal with China. Oh and by the way, the president's being tough with the RAND. He's being tough with everybody in the Middle East, moving the embassy to Jerusalem. North Korea has obviously moved in quite a big direction. And you're right about Russia. This is unprecedented movement by yeah, somebody that's a disruptor, a little bit louder and break some dishes. So what well, no, not so much that that technique is working. I look, if he had not been as tough as he was with the Jim Jong Hill, I am confident that we would not be seeing any movement if he hadn't been prepared. And then this is very much the Trump model. If you read his book The Art of the Deal, the Trump model is to be personally friendly well being very tough in negotiations, and to keep the two separate. So he and I think have actually developed a reasonably good personal relationship. Well, he has said to him, look, you know, sure, you don't cut a deal. I'm just gonna have to get tougher and tougher because I represent him America and you have been ripping us off. And I think it was a clear signal that Jijan thing decided it was very much not to their interest to get involved in a head on, knockdown, drag out fight with the United States. I think that Trump's proven he can, he's willing to engage in the fight. And if you're if he didn't have believability. Then there's no way NATO is going to step up and pay their fair share. We're paying seventy two cents of every dollar in countries like Germany of making Putin rich again with energy deals. That's ridiculous. Russell the Bookie row was the art of the deal, not the art of the fight. He doesn't start a fight to have a fight. He starts to fight to move you to a position where you're going to get a better deal. But you know, but that's the whole thing. Nobody seemed. I've told many of my conservative friends were so worried about trade issues with Donald Trump. I said, he doesn't want a trade war, he doesn't want tariffs. What he wants his freer, fairer trade. And if you don't convince the people that you negotiating with that you're gonna walk, what's going to happen? They're they're never gonna give in. And then the bad deals that have been accumulating over the years that cost the American taxpayers milk billions of dollars and jobs and opportunities, guess what, Now we're getting them back. Now we have better trade deals. Now they're freer and fairer. No American president has negotiated as many economic deals in as many different countries as Trump did. Well, he was a businessman. That's why you see Trump towers in places like Panama City, and you know, we we saw them. They're going a new Trump tower down in Uruguay, which I think is now Eric's project. But you know, so this is the guy who understands that you have to have You have to understand the country you're negotiating with, you have to understand the local system, and you've got to figure out a deal that makes mutual profit, because if you don't both gain something in the long run, it's a bad deal. It's got to be when we agree. Yeah, let me ask you about Yeah, go ahead, No, mom, you're watching the issue of Robert Mueller. There's we're gonna have a lot of news at the top, well later on in a program today, but you have some updates. One article came out today and actually suggesting that there's no end in sight. You know, the Cone and Manaphort developments. You know, that's going to keep Mueller's pro going deep into twenty nineteen. And I'm thinking, you gotta be kidding me, but there's never going to be. And now all that I am writing a paper. This came this scheme out of doing your TV show the other night, and I was trying to this is right after the co on you know news, and I was trying to figure out how to put this in context because it is so nutty. And I finally concluded and I'm writing a paper that we should rename this um the Mueller Destroyed Trump Projects. This is not an investigation. This has nothing to do with an investigation. This is this is Mueller doing everything he can to destroy the president of the United States. And it's one of the reasons I made the point that Trump is more popular today than Reagan was at this point, and he is more popular today than macrona France, and that there's no legitimate basis percent the other day last week. Okay, So so here you have a guy who won constitutionally forty eight percent of the country favors him despite two years of unending negative press, and Mueller has taken upon himself as the agent of the establishment to destroy him. And there was a column written by by somebody at the Post that had absolutely captured it when they pointed out that Trump thought he was going to Buenos Aires to a really positive event, and that Mueller messed it up. And this person said, you know, Mueller does it over and over again deliberately. Well, that that is such a total violation of our entire system. By what right does this guy go out of is to try to destroy the president states? Well, look, I think you and maybe there's only a handful of us that have seen through Muller and his team from the get go. I remember back a year ago, it was no, it's gonna all be over right right after um, right after Thanksgiving, It's done, right after Christmas, right after the New Year, right after March, right after April, right after the fourth it's I don't And I look at the team he hired. No it's not. And I don't see anything that warrants the continuation of this at all, you know, And when he was first appointed, I tweeted a very positive tweet based on her record, and then I watched him hire people like Weissman, And every single person you hired was a was a left wing, cutthroat prosecutor, and I began to realize that this guy was building a hunting party that if in anybody who doesn't believe me reads Sydney Powell's amazing book To Lie About About the Justice Department, Scarry and and these guys, you know, I mean, I mean Westman was described by one of the Justice from the people as a terror And this was back involving a different case, the Arthur Anderson case, where the Supreme Court by nine to zero repudiated the prosecution, but in the process they had destroyed the company and put eighty five thousand people out of work. These the kind of guys we're dealing with. And I think I queued off of two people, Alan Burschowitz, the Harvard law professor, and Andy McCarthy, the former prosecutor for the Justice Department. And they both have been saying over and over again, where's the underlying crime? I mean, if you look at the things that co inline about, and he shouldn't lie in it. It's perfectly appropriate to punish people who lie to Congress or who lie in the growth. So I'm not happening to him at all. Look at the underlying question. Nothing that there's been alleged that about Trump was illegal. I got a lot of go there, mister speaker. Thank you We're appreciate your time. As usual, well said, treated people with respect and dignity, and put country ahead of party and self time and time again over his half century in public service. Half century. Over the last two years, deviancy has continued being defined down by this current president, his cronies, his supporters, who love telling reporters that they don't care how deviant his behavior becomes. Let's see what happens at Wednesday's memorial service. My prediction is that Trump fakes more respect for a family's whose unprecedented history of public service has repeatedly belittled. Then he goes back to making a mockery of the very office George Bush and this nation long revered, just as President Bush's character was set even during his earliest days at andover with the stories that you all have told. Donald Trump remains the man. Think about this the man he while avoiding the draft and then telling Howard Stern on the radio that sleeping around with women in New York City while avoiding sexual diseases was his own personal Vietnam. He said that, as is always the case, the presidency does not shape character. It reveals it in a raw fashion. And that is why we celebrate George H. W. Bush's legacy and fear the next two years of mister Trump's wild White House rye. I want to say one thing about him that was not picked up really because as a candidate he said, those who think we're powerless to do anything about the greenhouse effect are forgetting about the white house effect. And then he signed into law the Clean Air Act Amendment of nineteen ninety, one of the most sweeping environmental statutes ever. This president that we have now is trying to unravel everything that he did and Obama did, And if I ever become a one issue voter, it will be about pollution and the greenhouse effect, and we focused on the president. Please, I don't want to talk about trouble. I want to talk about honoring. But I'm not interested in your one issue. I don't care what by another great moment, I guess on the view twenty five now to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Ari Fleischer is with us. Of course. He was the White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush Bush forty three, and he joins us. He wrote a column today. That really captured my attention and I agree with it wholeheartedly. It is amazing how short people's memories are. And the same thing happened with President Reagan for eight years Democrats bludgeoned him, and in death they say just the opposite. You know, remember Iran Contra, Remember all that they said. You know, they mocked the fact that George Herbert Walker Bush, they said, we got at this deal done. He made a deal with Democrats that did raise taxes, and they bludgeoned him with that even though that's what they wanted. And now in death, what do we have here the media is love for George HW. Bush that didn't exist when it mattered when he was alive, when he was president, is more about hatred for Donald Trump, as you just heard are Fleischer, How are you, sir, Great to be with you, Sean, you know, look for me. Well, let's go into the analysis that you have that that the media democrats their praise of George Herbert Walker Bush. And by the way, the man deserves nothing but praise. His whole life was about service to his country. From a young age ambassador to China, CIA director loyal wonderful VP for eight years president for four years, and I'm listening to the people that bludgeoned him all twelve years that he was in DC in that capacity. And you know, now he's the greatest guy that ever lived, because the guy we have now is horrible. You nailed at Sean, and you know Charles Heard, who wrote that up at piece, nailed it, and I totally agree with it. Here's the problem. And I'd lived through the Bush years and when I was a press or care on Capitol Hill in Washington, the press back then crucified George HW. Bush for the very things that today praising him for. They called him patrician, they called him out of touch, They called him part of the old noblesso blige that is part of an era long gone by today in his death, now they are praising the things that they back then used as a hammer to talk about how out of touch he was, including the New York Times story about him not even knowing how to read a cash register at a supermarket. Remember that of him being out of touch, And now you would have them everybody believe. And I'm glad they're covering him like this today. I wish they only did it when he was in office. What a decent good man he is, who represents some of the highest ideals of America about service, noblessoblige, and giving to your country. Now they're praising him for it. You know, it's funny because i'd noticed the same thing happened with John McCain. If you go back and John McCain's pull run, you know. And it's interesting from my perspective also because when John McCain came back after he'd had his surgery and by the way, which I thought was an act of courage and bravery, and the five years he spent in Vietnam. I can't do anything but praise a man that you had an opportunity to leave because of his name and didn't. And I had bones broken in five long years. I mean, it's heroic. There's nothing to no other way to describe it. But I supported him and went to battle for him as hard as I could when he was running because I believed and I still believe today, he would have been a far superior president. And what Barack Obama was and what he represented, and I think the truth bears out that I was pretty right about Obama being a pretty radical left wing indoctrinated leftist and he's going to stick to those policies. And he didn't show the trajectory of growth for example that I think Clinton showed it at times in his presidency. But the point is, then John McCain goes back and he bludgeons conservatives. Those people on talk radio and cable news to hell with them, actually said those words, but he kind of liked us when he was wronging. But I never thought it was personal. And then all these accolades coming from the people that called them a racist in that campaign, that's right and everything else in between, and I'm like wow, I mean, how things are reversed. And they'll do the same thing now with Mitt Romney. They were terrible to Mitt Romney when he ran for president and not to project to it. But when Mitt Romney is no longer with us, they're going to praise Mitt Romney for these same reasons. Look, Sean, I come from Bush world. I come from establishment politics. I'm much closer, as you know, to that way of thinking than I am to the Donald Trump way of thinking. But I walk in both worlds with my eyes open. And here's what I say. One of the big reasons that the American people, particularly Republican Party, rose up and wanted to Donald Trump is because they were sick and tired of people who weren't able to fight back. There's a graciousness of Republicanism. It was represented by George H. W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. Mild boss George W. Bush not to the same degree as his father, because George W. Bush was a bit more of a punch back punch, willing to punch and engage and fight than his father. But one of the things I hear all the time from Republicans is that Donald Trump at least fights. He knows the press will never be fair, never give you a fair shake, and so he'll fight back. And if only you Bushes had done that. I hear that all the time from people. By the way, that's interesting, he said, because I hear that all the time too. And then on the other side of it, people are saying, well, could he fight just a little bit less? Well, I think that's valid as well, Sean. I mean, there's a hand on a dial here, isn't there. How much do you fight to be the best fighter and to be the most effective. And we can argue about where the hand on the dial belongs. But the point I'm making is Republicans know that the press will go after Republicans with everything they got when it counts, when they're in office, and they're not fooled when the press then starts to praise you after you're gone and it's too late. We know that about the press. You know, you bringing up a lot of great points here, and you're saying you see, as a conservative, I've often been so disappointed out with the Bushes as much as with Republicans in Congress for not having even that healthcare promise, the sixty five votes to repeal or replace Healthcare when it doesn't matter, and then when it matters, about a hundred of them in the House with nowhere to be found. They never really had the intention of doing the hard work or the In twenty fifteen, you know, they're in the Senate and they're willing to repeal only Obamacare, but when it mattered two years later, they weren't willing to do it. Seven of them change their votes on the exact same language. And that's why I'm a registered conservative. I think that you know, different times call for different things, and I think that you know in many ways the establishment side of the Republican Party, and I'm a registered conservative, has they created Donald Trump? And then, no question about it, There's no question about different times call for different things, and that's truthfuness the history of our country. We react to the error and we're in We learned lessons from it. We moved to a slightly different error or a largely different error, and maybe sometimes we swing back. We've always been like that because we're self correcting democracy. But the broader point here, who goes back to George H. W. Bush. He was gracious, he was decent, he was kind, and the press never covered him that way in life. By the way, that's all true. And then, by the way, the same I always love forty three. I thought to this day, I think that he was the right guy to deal with nine to eleven. Yeah, and look at how they bludgeoned him over nine to eleven. I mean, it was, it was. It was awful of times, and not saying that he made every right decision thereafter. And we can look back in history and maybe had we known things, if we could see the future, we'd make different decisions. Here's what I want to understand, though, because you're right in every all your observations. How is it, though, Donald Trump, if we put style aside? Donald Trump on justices and judges, Donald Trump on tax cuts, Donald Trump on eliminating burdensome regulation. Donald Trump on issues like energy independence. We're now pretty much an energy independent country. If we want to be on the borders on the concept of peace through strength, a guy that puts America first, and we got to get our own house in order. If we really want to help other people all around the world, then we don't exactly always. We don't have every American working yet, but we're getting there. These principles work. And people that said their whole political lives as pundits or writers or observers of politics that say they're Republican conservative, they hate him only over style and will never even acknowledge that what he is doing is the very things that they advocated for in some cases twenty or thirty years. Well, there's a simple answer to that. Sean presidents get great on two levels. One is substance what they do what they do, but the other symbolic and the symbolism of who represents our country is tremendously important to many people. And that symbolism represents a lot of dreams, hopes, wishes, and the embodiment of personal values and virtues that people want to extend into that one person who represents the entire country. And that's the symbolic area of the office where it comes down to the president's fight and the way he goes after his opponents, the words he uses Charlottesville, those type of symbols that people look to the president to be the leader of all Americans for and given the president's animosity to President Trump, it's doubly hard for President Trump. But I'm with you on substantively. I can't see anybody making an intellectual argument against what President Trump has done. You see, this is where but you really stand out though, I mean, you have made an effort to study and understand Donald Trump. I really believe that, and I'm sure you wins the times that maybe something that he tweets out or a shot that he takes or whatever. But at the end of the day, for me, I care too much about the people of the country. And if you've got to break a few dishes and offend a few people to get things done that weren't getting done, and to you know four and a half million new jobs are created, we have eight few million fewer people on food stamps and in poverty in America. I care more about them than I do about the feelings of the media or maybe some establishment Republicans, because that's not their way of getting it done when frankly, they didn't get it done well. And this is why I've never been a never Trumper. I've always gone into this with my eyes open and trying to be good analyst as opposed to an advocate. And I'm willing to call it the way I see it. If I think the President's gone too far and says something that is hurtful, I will call him on it, such as when the president the President Trump made fund to President George H. W. Bush over Points of Light. I said back then, I don't mind the President Trump's a fighter. I do mind that he can be rude. I didn't like that. I'll praise President Trump when he deserves praise, just as he did at the G twenty and what he's accomplishing with China, which is monumental. Monumental. Well, and sorry about stay right there. I don't mean to interrupt you. We'll pick it up on that point, Ari Fleischer is with US media consultant also White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush forty three. As we continue, we really have. I had a great interview with both forty one and forty three together and this only happened twice now in American history where father and son become president. Amazing interview. I will say this, The love that they clearly have for each other is inspiring. It's it's a father's son relationship from my perspective, on the highest level, imaginable. Right. As we continue, Ari Fleischer is with us remembering George Herbert Walker Bush. Have you spoken to the Bush family anybody forty three? I amn't. I was with former President George W. Bush about two months ago, and I was It's interesting because I asked him how his dad was doing, and he didn't give a direct answer to the question. He talked about his mom and her death met but I have not spoken to him since. Yeah. Well, it's he's getting the treatment that he deserves, and I know that the president expected. I guess tonight, I think during my hour to actually go over to the Capitol rotunda where he will pay his respects. I'm sure the first lady will be with him. Ari Fleischer, thanks so much for being with us. We appreciate it, and listen to I don't see you have a great holiday and we'll talk soon. Same, All the best, All right, eight hundred nine four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Why is Comey's lawyers now putting out legal challenges to squash congressional subpoenas? Is James Comey in any legal jeopardy? We'll get into that, David shown Greg Jarrett, and We'll get a lot of your calls. And I'm gonna get back to my Santa Bad Teacher story, which is so outrageous it makes my blood boil. How do you tell kids at five years old, oh, that Santa Claus doesn't exist, That none of that's true? What is wrong with people? Quick break right back, we'll continue stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. President tweeted on Friday after I got fired that I better hope there's not tapes. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night because it didn't dawn on me originally that there might be corroboration for our conversation, there might be a tape, and my judgment was I needed to get that out into the public square, and so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter. Didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons. I asked him too, because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel. Unbelievable, a lot of news on the front as it relates to the deep State. Why was the FBI director He had a legal challenge that he ended up withdrawing. Sought seeking to quash a congressional subpoena that would compel him to testify in secret about the Bureau's decisions on the investigations I had at the twenty sixteen presidential election. More specifically, I'm sure it has to do with the fact that they changed the actual wording they were writing an exoneration in May early May twenty sixteen to Hillary Clinton the server that she had in a mom and pop shop bathroom closet. He had, the one with top secret class of Special Access Program information on it, which is a clear violation of the Espionage Act. I mean if Paul Manaford's going to get in trouble for putting false information on a loan application, and Papadopoulos is going to go to jail for two weeks for lying to the FBI. And thirty plus year military servant Lieutenant General Flynt. If he's going to go to jail for god knows how long and he has to plead to lying to the FBI when the FBI didn't think he lied, then I'm thinking that maybe Comey has to answer for why did you let her off the hook? And how many other Americans get away with? Oh, let's delete the emails, bleach, bit the hard drives, and beat the crap out of the devices so that we don't have to comply with a congressional subpoena anyway, So Comy finally agrees to sit down. We have Jerome Corsi, who spent an hour with us last week earlier today, filing a criminal and ethics complaint against Robert Muller and his team, accusing the investigators trying to bully him into giving false testimony, which gets to the heart of what we call the Sammy the bullgro HONO, you tell us what we want and we're going to get you a get out of jail free card, and that is a very scary scenario for the rest of the world. In my opinion, we can't have oh, we'll bribe you. And julianni is now accusing Mueller pressuring witnesses to lie, which is exactly what's happening anyway. Joining us to get to the latest developments on all this. David Shone's Civil liberties attorney, Criminal rights criminal defense attorney Greg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analysts, author of the number one bestseller of The Russia Hoax. Welcome both of you. Let's start with you, Greg, and let's talk about Coomy and his decision and withdrawing his legal challenge. What are you thinks going on? Well, Coomey is a crafty, cunning guy. He's who slippery as an eel, and look at what he's done. He twisted the law to clear Hillary Clinton when he knew she committed crimes. Then he launched an investigation of Trump without evidence. Then he lied to a fisichord to spy on a Trump associate. Then he stole government documents and leaked them to the media to trigger the Special Council. Who's his pal and then he continuously has given deceptive answers to Congress. You know, if anybody should be charged with making a Falter misleading statement, it should become ten times over. So it'll be interesting to see how he holds up under cross examination in front of Congress, and we'll know the results within twenty four hours. In a radio interview on Sunday, Juliani accused Robert Muller David Schen of pressuring witnesses to lie. Now, that pretty much is what was described in detail on this program by Jerome Corsi. Both Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone have repeated to me that they never, ever, in their lives, ever had any contact with Wiki Leagues, a representative of Wiki Leagues, a third party associated with Wiki leagues, or Julian Assange. Now, if that's the case, if they're sending emails back and forth and wondering what else Wiki leagues might have, which was frankly the widespread speculation after the DNC emails dropped, Would that be a crime? Is that something nefarious? Is that anything outside of the ordinary when it comes to politics, especially when you compare it to Hillary Clinton, you know, hiring a foreign national to put together a dossier full of Russian lies that were fed to the American people and used to bludgeon Donald Trump. You'd percent right, So listen. The underlying issue here that you put your finger on is absolutely huge. This Jerome Corsi thing is sensational. Frankly, I don't know that it will go anyplace if they indict in there's an ongoing criminal case, because be very difficult to be hesitant to interfere with that. On the other hand, because it's an ethics complaints, clearly the Justice Department could do something. Just is where the overseer of the Special Council must act. You have witt Or there now. He has the authority and I would say even the obligation to act when he learns about this kind of contact, which was completely to be expected. When you have a team of people like Mueller, Weissman, Andreas, Ree, etc. This has been their mo throughout their careers. Joe, keep tell us what we want, you get off. Don't tell us what we want. You're gonna have more trouble than you ever could have imagined. That's not about getting it. But let me just add some context to that. That is exactly what Jerome course he told us David this week, he said that he was told exactly what they wanted him to say. Now he's seventy two years old, and he could he knows he's risking potentially his life in jail. By the way, so is Paul Manaford. I don't know how old Manaphord. He's got to be close to seventy, right. So Manaphord comes up with a cooperation deal after he had the partial convictions in the one trial that took place to avoid the other trial, and now we hear that Muller is just out for blood. I mean, how many more? How many years do you want to put Manaphord in jail? You want to guarantee that he dies in jail because of taxes and a bank loan fraud. I mean, that's what if that's what the penalty is. I guess that's what he's going to get. It's called the justice system. This is a complete injustice. Nobody out there believes that this is how they operate day to day. I'm telling you, this is what these people have made a career of doing. In the run of the meal cases that don't get the attention. This is getting Nobody's done much in the past mc COURSI has done. Now he's at least putting it out there, whether it goes any place or not, he's putting it out there. And I believe within the Justice Department they have an obligation to find out if this is happening, you know that it is, and to rain it in immediately and to stop the special counsel from doing this or get rid of them. Well, we've been saying it for a long time now, I'm assuming here there was an article that came out no end in sight cone Manaphort development seen as keeping mulloprobe going well into twenty nineteen. So I guess now we've got a two year process in this, Greg Jarrett. But yet, you know, people ask me, well, why do you keep bringing up Hillary Clinton, Because well, if you don't Hillary Clinton, who pays for Russian lies that are disseminated by top intelligence officials within our government to the American people before the election and then used to commit fraud to get Lawrence to spy on a Trump campaign associate, and they don't do the proper vetting and corroboration, then that's fraud on affies. A court four separate times and then when it's used in a media league strategy as part of an insurance policy by top FBI people that think that Hillary should win one hundred million to zero, and we're also involved in her exoneration before investigation. I'm thinking that it's pretty relevant if we're going to consider principles of equal justice under the law and equal application of our laws. The only collusion with Russian vault Hillary Clinton. Clinton paid for Russian information, set it to the FBI and the Department of Justice, who used it to launch an investigation fraudulently and in violation of their regulations, and then used it to spy on a Trump associate. Yet there is no investigation that we're aware of, no legitimate investigation of Hillary Clinton, fusion, GPS, Christopher Steele, James Comey, and the whole gang of corrupt individuals at the FBI and the Department of Justice. And yet juxtaposed the investigation of Trump, there's no evidence that he ever colluded or had an agreement of conspiracy or coordination with Russians to win the election. No, but there are two tracks though that Muller is obviously taking. If they can tie anybody that knows Donald Trump whether they communicated with him or not. And in the case of Roger Stone, he said absolutely not that they can somehow tie him to some knowledge of the Wiki leak's release. Well, if Donald Trump didn't steal it, and Donald Trump didn't conspire to steal it, my reading of the Pentagon Papers ruling and six three Supreme Court decision is that they would have as much right to get that information as the New York Times has a right to get an imprint. Of course, he did exactly what I did. I reached out to Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange to get more information. Did you get time to do that? No, I got nowhere. Like hundreds of journalists correct what I agree with David that what by the way, I don't, But I got somewhere. I got an interview on radio, MTV interview. You're the only one who got anywhere. I'm not bragging or anything. I'm just saying, but Jerome Corsi has now laid out a complaint with the Department of Justice that Muller is trying to get him to sign on to a lie, to agree to a narrative that Mueller has conjured out of thin air of Trump Russian collusion. Of course he won't do it. He said, I'm not gonna lie about this, And apparently Manaford is doing the same thing. This is test the line. It's bribery, is extortion, intimidation, threats, and judicial bullying, and the person who should be held responsible is Robert Muller and his team of partisans. Well, if that's the case, and you know it is bribery, it is a thing of value. And I understand prosecutorial discretion, but there's a difference. You know, when you see a person and you go looking for a crime here, and you're willing to say to a guy that is going to jail maybe for the rest of their life, you tell us what we want and we're gonna, we're gonna, We're gonna take that jail issue away for you. That's a pretty large incentive for most people. What do you want me to say? Okay, I'm Sammy the bull. I murdered what nineteen people? David? You do these cases? He murdered nineteen people. But he testifies against Gotti and some other top mob guys and he gets a witness protection program house in Arizona. Pretty good deal. No jail time for nineteen murders or time served when he was first caught. Yeah, listen, Legitimately it is called obstruction of justice. You don't see it prosecuted because all of these folks are in it together on the state level. You know, the state DA is elected and they all work together, et cetera. You have an opportunity now to really send a message again. Whittaker, under the Special Regulations on the Special Council Regulations, has an obligation to oversee all of this and to rein him in specifically, the regulations provide for him to call back conduct conduct that's inappropriate and to report that then to Congress. This is an opportunity. Now he's independent from Muller. That's you know, the natures that by definition, and when he hears about this happening, he must investigate. He must take action, even if the courts try to stop it, because it's interfering with the against coursey. Whittaker has an independent obligation to get into it. Well, there's a story out today that Mark Warner, the Democrat from Virginia, and that he has sent a number of referrals to Bob Muller. And he said this in a Sunday Sunday interview and its signals. You know the quote, if you lie to Congress, and I'm your chairman, chairmanber On, they said, if you lied to Congress, We're going after you. Now, I had a whole list of people that had lied to Congress that have gotten away from gotten away with it time after time. The only person I know that's ever been held accountable is Michael Cohen. Yeah. And by the way, you know Christopher Steele, who phonied up this dossier that was used to damage Trump, a whole pretext for the investigation of Trump. He lied to the FBI agents. Why isn't there an outstanding indictment in order for extradition for Christopher Steele? Why he lied to the FBI When he said I never talked to the media, Clearly he did talk to the media about the dossier he and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson were feeding this. Simpson, by their way, has taken the Fifth against self incrimination. And so why aren't there charges and prosecutions and indictments against these individuals. Why hasn't this been presented to a grand jury? Stay right there, Greg Jared David Shone on the other side, I'm going to get back to this issue with this teacher corruption that is now a bounds everywhere sadly in just a minute, and as we continue with David Shone and Greg Jared, I only have about thirty seconds left each and we're gonna get the calls. And by the way, teachers telling five year olds that Santa doesn't exist. Do you think both Warner and Burr really mean it for those people that we know that lied to Congress, Greg, and they're really going to bring in all those Clinton people and charge them. I doubt it, No, of course not. No, they never will. Hillary Clinton gave deceptive answers on numerous occasions under growth. She deceived the FBI during her interview. She'll never be held accountable unless there is a new appointed and confirmed Attorney General like a John Ratcliffe who's a congressman from Texas. He would clean house and hold those accounts. Why do you have so much confidence in him? Broke in the law. All Let me give David the last thirty We'll talk about that later. What do you think they are all these people are going to be held accountable? Because I doubt it. It It seems the Clinton's we have a two tier justice system, David, absolutely, and they absolutely will not be held accountable by that Congress. Listen. We saw it with when Struck, when he testified, people like Jerry Nadler made him out to be a hero. They're not looking for the truth. Let me say this, this Comy situation offers a great opportunity. They have to be prepared this time. They had Struck making him look like monkeys last time. They must be prepared to ask him the tough questions. He has a lot to answer for, Toomey, and he can't make you the circus in public like he wants to do. Get him under oath and lock him in. Have some people who know how to ask questions, asking him the questions. Even the IG noted Comey's a conduct in the slow rolling, the Wiener laptop business, all of those kinds of things, the leaks. Listen. I hope, I hope it happens, but I gotta be honest. I don't have a lot of confidence, all right, David, thank you, and Happy Hanuka my friend by the way, and Greg, thank you, and happy Holidays to every buddy. Merry Christmas to everybody too. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn told free telephone number, quick break right back your calls. Yeah, they're trying to tell five year olds now in school Santa doesn't exist. Really, you want to take all fun out of kids' lives completely. They can't keep scoring now, they can't do this, can't play dodgeball. Somebody might get hit. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn toll free telephone numb. I'm gonna get to your calls here the story I mentioned earlier. By the way, little disclaimer here, if you have kids in the car, you may want to monitor the volume a little bit as you drive, because we're talking about a teacher that said some really dumb things to five and six year olds. Can you believe this teacher in New Jersey? I mean it's a it's Cedar Hill Elementary School, and you know you got this New Jersey substitute teacher. These are five and six year olds and she's telling them Santah doesn't exist, Santa Claus doesn't exist, and his reindeer aren't real. And it gets worse. She goes on and on and unleashing on five and six year old kids. Santa isn't real. And parents, for are the ones that put the presents under the tree. She tells them, reindeer can't fly, elves aren't real. Elf on the shelf is just to pretend all that your parents move around, and the tooth fairies not real. Mom and dad sneak into your room in the middle of the night and put money under your pillow. They easter bunnies not real. Magic doesn't exist. There's no such thing as magic. This is a grown woman. You know. Why do people think that they have the right in school teachers, in this case five and six year olds, that they can contradict values of parents, because most parents want their kids to enjoy the anticipation, the excitement, the fun of Christmas and that season and Santa Claus. And some of the kids, to their credit, they didn't believe the teacher, you know, some did. My granddaughter came home yesterday and told me, Mimi, Santa Claus isn't real, and I flipped out. The woman recalled, I had to explain to our Santa's real Sama. Of course Santa is real anyway. So I don't know why people want to take people's joy away all the time, all right before we get to your calls on this eight hundred nine one, Sean. I think the other great story of the day too is Alice Sharpton's National Action Network. Al Sharpton actually he gave himself five hundred and I thought thirty five thirty one thousand dollars and to give the his life story rights for a ten year period to his nonprofit in his latest tax filing. Oh man, I gotta pull this one off. I want to you know, this is sort of like Hillary, don't try this at home. Don't try subpoenaed email deletions and bleach bit of on your hard drive of busting up devices. Before we do, I want to just tell you I picked up a novel. So I work with wonderful people, the best people ever in radio. I have the best team I've ever had in all my years at Fox, and for many people I'm literally work with me twenty plus years. It's it's and you get to know people, and I just have the best teams everywhere. And one guy is really he works over at Fox with me. His name is Dion and he actually wrote this book. And I picked up the book and I was blown away because it's called blood in the streets. It's over the course of seven days in New Haven in the seventies with a veteran homicide detective by the name of Frank Succhi gradually losing his grip on sanity and sobriety while he's investigating the murder of his best friend's child, and he tells this whole story. I couldn't put the book down. And what even shocked me more is the nice thing. Why did you say all these nice things about me in the book. There's a lot of people that really hate Hannity, but he's really not that bad in real life. Dion is with us. How are you good, Sean? How are you on for Sean? How's everything? Thank you for having me on? Yeah, it's great, it's a great I couldn't put the book down. So I work with all these talented people at Fox UM And now you've you've done some acting work in the past. Correct, you've been on Neil Cavuto's show. Is another friend of a mutual friend of ours? Ryan? Yeah, that's correct. Yeah, I was going on Neil's show, helping him to demand Fox Business Network starting back in twenty eleven, and then I graduated to like a panel position on his Friday show. He occasionally does. But yeah, I work. I've been working with you, and it's it's so funny. I like to jokingly refer to you as the big brother I've never had. Oh yeah, you do every day to me. Yeah, and you jokingly refer to me as a little brother you never wanted exactly. Yeah, well, I gotta say this. I'm very proud of you because the book is great. We're gonna put it up on our website, and I wanted to give it a plug. But go ahead, what do you want to say? Oh no, I just want to you know, I love telling people how awesome you are, and it just times I just don't like the rawdeal you sometimes getting. I wish the stories of how nice of a person you are and how good you are to your friends and to your co workers. You know, we get out there more, you know. I just you're just saying that because I have I have pizza day once a week. That's the only reason you're saying that. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, going on sixteen years working with to day and day out, it's great to see this side of the world of you know, I'm usually just with at the TV show with you. I never get to see you on this side on the radio show. It's it's really exciting. Yeah. The book is Blood in the Streets. It's out tomorrow. It's a historical fiction of thriller that I've written. It started. I wrote it as a screenplay. It started it back in two thousand and three, and it's taking me sixteen years to get the thing out And in two thousand and twelve I finally turned it into a book and I'm finally getting it out there. So you know, it's been a long road for me to get this out to pasture and get it to the market. By the way, it's a truth you wrote in the acknowledgements that you know talking about me. You can literally ring Hannity up at three am and say I need ten grand for bail money and his only question and would be where do I send it? It's true, true, Yeah, it's it's you know, just just how great of a guy. I mean, we work in a business where people can be you know, sometimes not that mean, or they can have or not that nice, and they can have a persona where they're very nice on TV, but then they're quite different to the people they work with day to day, and you're one of those exemptions where you're nice on and off and it's just except when you except when you grab my back, I can't stand like, so d we have to give a context to that because that sounds awkward. Yeah, I do audio, So I put the microphone in the year on him every day. And sometimes you know, Sean will be running any hill, have other things on his mind, and I'm getting there trying to wire him up. And then you know, if something doesn't go right, you know, you're you're you got your mind another matter. So sometimes you just don't want to be, you know, I just don't like to be. There's two things that are really sensitive my life. Number one, my hearing is so shot from thirty years of radio. If anyone like pulls in my ear, I'm like, oh, it's just the worst feeling. And then the other one is, you know, somebody groping your back instead of just you know, having a system where we have now where it just takes two seconds and it's done. And it took a while for us to get that down. But yeah, you know, it's just it's it's great to work with you day in and day out. It's very nice. Well, I'm really proud of you. And by the way, this this is a sixteen year labor of love and it's called Blood in the Streets. We're gonna put his book on Hannity dot com. You can get it on Amazon dot com. Dion, We're proud of you. We'll see you tonight. Thank you, my friend, Sean. Thank you so very much for everything. Thank you. All right, eight hundred nine for one Sean Tolfree telephone number. All right, let's get to our busy telephones here. Alison, Louisiana Allison high, glad you're patient. Thanks for calling. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Hanukkah. I think we can say it all. Yes, Happy Mary, Christmas. See Sean. And Um, it's quite an honor. You're very talented at what you do and I appreciate you keeping list form. I'm glad to do it. It's my honor every day to have this microphone. Can you believe this teacher? Is this unbelievable? Um, I'm sad to say I'm not as shocked as I would have been a few years ago. But after the whole Rudolph incidence and taking certain song Christmas songs off the air. I just yeah, I guess for a five year old it's a little extreme, but yeah, it's crazy. They shouldn't do it. It's it's a parent's job to teach the traditions they want their children to have and to grow up with. It's not it's not a teacher's definitely not a substitute teacher's show. Yeah. Look, I you know, it's just as it's like for a five year old kid. This is like Santa. You know, they're just at the age where they're realizing that, oh my gosh, once a year this guy had a you know, a real real heavy guy in a big red suit with a big white beard and a nice hat, and reindeer with Rudolph leading the way, you know, flies and they're gonna come down my chimney and they're gonna and they're gonna put presents under the tree. And if I had been a bad boy or a good boy or a good girl or bad I know, I might get cold or whatever. And it's unbelievable that this is what teachers do. Though they have a captive all Adians, and many of them indoctrinate. They don't teach and the idea that they feel that they have a right somehow to abandon a mission of reading, writing, and arithmetic, of which they're not doing great in themselves in terms of where you know, we pay more money per capita, per student, per education with you know, some of the worst results, and you have those unholy alliance with teachers unions and uh, you know that protect bad teachers and the Democratic Party can't fire bad teachers. I mean, it's horrible and now we're gonna now we're gonna shatter kids dreams and then too bad for you if you don't like it. That's where you have only have one choice anyway, Thank you, Alison. You know, you live in a state of New York, and let's say you're in Westchester County, the number one property tax county in the country, or you live in Nassau County, the number two property tax county in the country, and New York forget it, real estate through the roof. And so you pay for these schools with these high property taxes supposedly, and then all the lottery money that's supposed to go to education, and you have one choice because you're paying so much in taxes. Then the idea of them putting another forty thousand dollars down for a private education for your kids. Then you're paying for schools you don't use, and then you're paying for on top of the high property taxes. You just they get you coming and going, and then it doesn't matter what you values you may have as a parent, they're not going to honor them. Unbelievable. Guy is in Maryland. Guy, Hi, how are you glad you called? Oh? Hey, Sean, thanks for taking my call. Hey listen, Sean, that teacher was a total jackass. But listen, you can turn a negative into a positive. Listen to what my wife is starting to do. When people say that Santa Claus doesn't exist, she says, wait a minute, he definitely existed, you know, you know, we have his history, a presence, he did all this. But if if he has passed on, now the parents have picked up and now the parents are doing the Santa Claus job. So that's what we've done to lighten them, to lighten the load. When you have like idiot teachers like that, you know, if the problem is it's at every level, I mean it's it's in grammar school, grade school, high school, now we're going after five year olds. Now we can contradict every value that parents want to instill in their kids, and still our kids can't read or write. And I'm a teacher and I'm telling you education has moved so far to the left, and until we get the value education back into schools, it's never going to get better. You got to teach values first before you can straighten up education. Okay, there's no values. These people that these people that are running the show have no values. So how the heck are we expecting the kids that have values? You know, I mean so true, Listen, I get it, but I will tell you most parents don't agree with this. You know, this whole war on Christmas, it is a war on christ Happy holidays right now, is hanaka. I have so many of my friends I have no problem calling hey, happy Honakah, you know, because and they'll they'll tell me on Christmas, Merry Christmas. Then you got a bunch of other people that are so uptight that they might get something wrong that they say, oh, we can't you can't say it in the store, Chris. Meanwhile, they have big Christmas savings, but they can't say their employees are forbidden from saying Merry Christmas. It's unbelievable. Back to our phones, is it? How do you say this? Kaya? What is okay? You're right? CJ? C I A Y E CJ. How are you? You're on the Sean Hannity Showy, Hey, Hannedy it's CJ. I'm with that group that's a horrible choir that literally sing about Trump. I've called in before. I remember you calling in. Yeah, how are you doing? I'm doing great? You're saying the devil went down to Georgia's And it was like the hollight of my life. You know. It's funny because a lot of people said, what do you mean you don't know them? And I didn't, and I'm like, I'm sorry, I don't know everything. I'm trying my best. Hey, what's going on? How are you guys doing it? You're all doing it right? Oh, we're doing great. We're just like constantly trying to champion causes that we believe in. Like we make fools of ourselves singing on the internet, we might as well, you know, stick up for things we believe in, like Trump And I called you actually to talk about the border wall. I've heard all the stuff going on about Christmas, and I've just got like words in my head. But we're right now. We just did a song called Brick by Bricks for the American Border Foundation, and I don't know if you or your listeners know about them, but we want the border wall bill. Well, I love what you're doing. You know what, maybe we'll put a link on my website. I'm a little bit behind CJ, but I will say this. It just irks me with all the tax money we pay and all the money that gets spent, and all, you know, for all these countries, including those that you know where they are citizens are not respecting our laws and sovereignty. And I'm just like, why why do I have to get I mean, I get it, and other people have suggested it to me, but I'm like, ugh, it just is wrong that government can't do their job. Securing our boarders is at their job. It's about national security more than anything else, and it's about the rule of law. And you have so many people that literally now we have aiding and abetting the States are aiding and abetting sittings, are aiding and abetting sanctuary cities criminal activity, and there's no consequences. But if you're a Republican, you're gonna be locked up. Don't do anything wrong, all right, Hannity Tonight, ninety eastern Fox News Channel. As the tasket now of forty one President George Herbert Walker Bush licensed state in the Capitol Rotunda. We expect President Trump Malania to be actually going over in my hour nine o'clock, and so we'll cover that live. The media literally many of whom hated Reagan and Bush and bludging them. Oh, now he's the greatest thing in the world, because then they can go after Trump. I mean, it is as sick and twisted and ugly as you would imagine. Well, the latest on the borders and much more, nine Eastern tonight, Hannity, Fox News will see then. As always, thank you for being Willis