Remember The Laptop?

Published Jul 8, 2021, 10:00 PM

Miranda Devine, NY Post Columnist and author of the upcoming book, Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide, which is out this November, had an article out on Biden this holiday weekend that you have to hear about!

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, Thanks to all of you for being with us toll free. Our number is eight hundred and nine for one Sean you want to be a part of the program. I this literally broke like seconds ago. Was brought to my attention by sweet baby James, you know, people that are actually connected to the Internet. Not me any longer apparently. But anyway, Joe Biden, all right, so he's speaking again. Forgets what he's talking about. Then he tries to take credit for the Osama bin Laden rate. The problem is he opposed that rate. It's well documented he opposed that raid. Remember the mantra twenty twelve. Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive. With the gmpell out. Let's play this tape. I'm hearing it like you for the first time. We went for two reasons one one one, bring some of them Laden to the gates of Hell. Yeah. As I said at the time, the second reason was to eliminate Alkaita's capacity to deal with more attacks in the United States from that territory. We accomplished both of those objectives. You know, this is pretty bad. I can't joke about it anymore. And some people say Hannity you gotta joke about it, because otherwise you're gonna drive yourself crazy. It's too serious at this point. And again I did this at the start of yesterday's program. I'm not going to spend as much time on it today, but I'm just trying to make you aware of how dangerous this is for the world, not just the US. It's dangerous for us to have a president of the United States that such a cognitive mess. You know, listen to the Chinese where we will take out US military basis, we will take out Japan's military basis and support that they might provide the US. They're talking about reunification with Taiwan. We're their number one allied. They don't want quote reunification. That's basically a takeover, just like Hong Kong didn't want the oppressive you know, crushdown of the people in Hong Kong. That's happened too and no consequences. You know. Now it's you know where America is receding and China is on the move and their territorial ambitions know no bounds here. And add to that, China Russia giving the Iranian Mullah's weapons to fight proxy wars as the number one state sponsor terror, noticed that these terrorist attacks are not by the Iranians, are not happening in Russia, and they're not happening in China, just like Putin. You know, Joe gets asked, what are you gonna do now with the latest cyber attack, fifteen hundred new companies after colonial pipeline, after Joe hands putin the list of sixteen areas, after the meat shut down in this country. I mean, this is really scary. This is a scary time. And the and the and these hostile regimes are emboldened right now, and they see a weak American president and they're stating it all publicly. It's not good. It was really sad to see, you know, if we're gonna pull out of Afghanistan, why apparently sky News has videos showing the Taliban seizing abandoned US bases and quote a treasure trove according to zero Hedge of weapons and AMMO and then trucks and we left it all there. Why wasn't there some logistical planning to get this stuff out of there. Joe's had six months to do it. Joe Biden had nothing to do with the Ben Ladden rate. Nothing. He was against it. By the way, updates on the issue of election reform hang on one second. According to various accounts officials involved in Biden was one of the two main skeptics of the intelligence, suggesting that Ben Ladden was in Pakistan at the time, and he publicly even stated that he said, don't go until more intelligence was gathered. Okay, that pretty much puts that to rest. We've known that though for a long time. You know what update you? Why am I telling you that state legislatures now matter as much as the people in Washington because we needed election integrity measures. You know the fact that Joe Biden gets to call George's new inclusive and open voting laws and reform. You know where his state is the most restrictive Jim Crow two point Oh, it is beyond defensive. And I don't think anyone but us have really called him out on it every day, But a federal judge now is weighed in in favor of George's new election law. I would urge the legislature in Georgia to do one other thing, and that would be to add signature verification to the new voting law. I think that would be an important step the federal judge today refusing to block George's new election integrity law from taking effects, saying that a liberal group's request for a preliminary injunction failed to show immanent constitutional harm that would disrupt upcoming elections in the state. Well, you have seventeen days early in person voting. You have drop boxes in every district available. There is no early voting in the state of Delaware. No drop boxes in Delaware. You get you can get a mail in ballot. You don't need a reason in Georgia, just need an ID. In Delaware, you need to provide a reason and an ID. And it's outrageous what goes on here anyway, So the court was not persuaded by the argument. Remember this whole thing got started and now we've discovered, apparently with this audit going on in Georgia, that all the chain of custody documentation is missing. Well, that doesn't instill confidence and integrity in our election results, does it, especially when you have a close election. Pennsylvania GOP state senator is announced an investigation, they're doing their audit. They're now changing their laws in Pennsylvania. They're doing the same in Arizona. They're doing the same in Wisconsin. I believe they're doing it in Michigan as well. Now is the time to do it. That's got to get done now. Onto the economy. I mean, none of these numbers, none of what Joe's telling you is really truthful or any good. For the month of May, US job openings hit a record nine point two million. Businesses cannot find enough workers to fill these positions. They can't, they can't find them. They don't know where they don't know where the workers are. I mean, that's a record high nine point two million. Look at the price of everything buck twenty five more per gallum per gasoline, at filling your tank, heating and cooling your home. But it's also every product you buy and frankly every service that maybe is provided to you because it costs more to deliver it. That means it costs more. They're not going to take a lower profit as a result. No, they're going to pass that on to the consumer. That would be you. That would be a tax. And things are even so bad that you know, for example, if you have patio furniture, there's a shortage. Probably one way right now to make money is if you if you're willing to live without patio furniture for a year year, you can buy it next year, and you can probably sell your patio furniture for more than you're paid for it, or you feel like doing it, maybe you want to upgrade it next year or something. And meanwhile, Biden's out there did another verbal gaff, misquoting one of President Reagan's most famous campaign ads during his speech earlier today while promoting the potential economic benefits of his two prongs spending in infrastructure related projects, and he goes on to say, you know, swapping out mourning in America for an America mourning. I mean, it's just so embarrassed. It's getting to the point it's so embarrassing. I can't even joke about it anymore. I can't. I mean, for a while, I'll make light of it, but it's just not funny. Then you add to the high cost of energy, the high cost of every good and service that you use. Then you look at people not wanting to go back to work. Then you look at shortages. You know, we're paying record high prices for meat, record high prices for energy, record high prices for lumber, basically everything that we want to consume and buy, costing more. And then Biden, who said, well, if you're not making more than four hundred thousand dollars a year, you're not gonna you're not going to be taxed. Well, that there's a lot of assumptions there. First of all, it was two hundred thousand dollars per person, four hundred thousand dollars for couple, So let's stop start there. That it's half of what he said. Biden now plans to raise taxes on corporations. How many more times do we need to go over the my speech about corporations don't pass taxes, don't pay taxes, they pass them on to you, the consumer. But Biden's plans. Thankfully, CNBC is even reporting to raise taxes on corporations and quote, wealthy Americans are losing momentum, and it should. It's not going to help the economy. It's not now one frightening development. I don't know. Jonathan Turley pointed out in a pretty interesting Zero Hedge article that there is a sharp rise in support for socialism among young people in America. Doesn't surprise me. The famous Churchill saying, you know, if you're twenty and not a liberal, you don't have a heart. If you're forty and not a conservative, you don't have a brain. But anyway, Axios does this poll, fifty seven percent of Americans thankfully still have a favorable view of capitalism. There's never been a system design that has produced more wealth that has advanced the human condition more than liberty, freedom, capitalism, and our constitution. No one not a perfect country, but we've advanced the human condition using our freedom, more recently giving our vaccine away for free to countries. The scary part is if you're between the ages of eighteen and thirty four, they're evenly split on negative and positive views of capitalism. Forty nine percent I believe are like capitalism, forty six percent don't. Well they what is their point of reference though, because I doubt they are thinking about. Well, the government they promised law and order. They're failing miserably, especially in blue states and blue cities. Obamacare, keep your doctor plan, and save money. That all those promises were a disaster. Millions lost doctors and plans, and we're all paying about two hundred and fifty percent more. It's there's always been this this odd appeal that government is gonna we will take care of your childcare and early child education, and now college and loan forgiveness and guaranteed jobs and guaranteed wages and guaranteed healthcare and guaranteed retirement and guaranteed healthy food. Who's going to pay for all of that? The history of socialism. We got a caller yesterday and I thought about it after the show that maybe I should do a summary of my chapter and live Free or Die socialism and its history of failure for young people, And maybe I should do it and summarize it and explain it because whatever manifestation, name form it's taken on, it always results in the same thing, failure. And that is false promises, false hope, things that they never were ever going to be fulfilled. Then more poverty, and then a loss of freedom. It's a matter of calculating how much freedom you lost in the name of false government security. And I just would tell all of you that listen to the show, and this is me, your friend, offering you. I think what is good advice. Don't ever think or depend on the government for your future. Just assume that social security won't be there. Just assume that if the means test that they'll steal it after they had promised it to you. Just assume that their healthcare plan is gonna suck into your retirement Medicare, Social Secure already now headed from bankruptcy, and and try and be as as financially independent as possible. Money is freedom. The more money you can save, the more freedom you have. Now in these times, it gets hard, doesn't it. It's much harder anyway, eight hundred I rolled it along Sean Hannity Show. I also shouldn't surprise anybody. Just thenews dot com. Red state cities far outpaced blue state cities in economic recovery from the pandemic. You know, it's now July eighth in Florida. Schools have been open since last August. Still there talking about keeping school closed. Schools closed in some states. This is insanity. Finally, people are beginning to get it that the price of energy is directly related to Biden. In spite of what they're saying, Oh, Donald Trump, Donald Trump didn't cause this. Donald Trump brought America energy independence for the first time in seventy five years. All Republicans, they're the ones that want to defund the police. No, that would be the Democrats that wouldn't call riots riots all summer long, but want to obsess about something that should never happen again, and that is January sixth. That's only because they can use it politically. All the people shot, all the people shot and killed, you don't know their names unless it can be politicized. That is a sad state of affairs. But now seven year high, at gas price high. And what's Biden's answer. He's now pushing to end tax breaks for the fossil fuel companies when we're already feeling the paint at the pump. Okay, let's say that he ends the tax breaks. Who do you think is going to pay more? Do you think that these companies are going to eat that and that they're gonna lower their profit margins or going to keep their same profit margins and raise the cost of a gallon of gasoline higher. It's not hard to figure out than the ripple effect. Now we're back to oh, heating, cooling homes and everything you buy, everything you purchase, every service you have. I mean, it's seven year gas price high. That's a big deal. And by the way, there was a question by Congresswoman Staphonic, what is John Kerry doing as a climates are alwa's pushing the Green New Deal. I can answer that one because because that is every decision that they're making. Everything is infrastructure. Oh daycare is infrastructure, College forgiveness, loans for infrastructure, free college is infrastructure, government guaranteed jobs and food. It's infrastructure. No, it's not. It's a big lie. It's all the New Green Deal socialism. Twenty five till the top of the hour. You know, I never thought Lindsey Grant made the statement that he said he's amazed that Biden's presidency has been so bad. I'm not amazed, then, fairness. Maybe I didn't think it would happen this quickly, But this is predictable failure if you give up the lifeblood of everybody's economy in the world in pursuit of this radical New Green Deal socialism. And we saw the first attempts at this back when Obama was elected in oh eight and then starting at OH nine, and the first attempts at socialized medicine which Obama Care and the false promises falsehood. But I mean, it's all predictable. Socialism doesn't work. It's history of failure, is right, there in black and white. You can just read it and maybe I need to do a you know, four millennials for generations z version of socialism and its history of failure. But from the border, what do we have? Chaos? Oh, my god, Afghanistan, China, Israel, you'll take it right on down the line. Russia, who've given putin a waiver for a pipeline while firing Americans. I don't multaneously from building our own pipeline. How dumb is that, you know, getting rid of sanctions on the Iranian molls? What have they done to get rid of the sanctions? How much more money is Joe going to try and bribe the Iranians with? You know, China? Oh, anybody want to comment on the talk of reunification with Taiwan. It's not going to end well for the country of the world. And we're beginning to see the effects of the economy. As I was just discussing, you know, six months wall to wall positive coverage from the media mob, big tech mob, Joe Biden's approval ratings underwater. It's sort of like the poll I mentioned earlier this week, fifty seven percent of Americans see don't think that Joe is in charge of the White House, fifty eight percent of independence A thirty Democrats. And then it raises the most important question, Well, if he's not in charge, who is in charge? Just minor details not discussed by the media. But remember those numbers are. That poll is a snapshot knowing that the media mob is not playing and not showing Joe's cognitive decline. He was in the candidate protection program. Now it's the presidential protection program. Anyway. Raspbews some pole indicating majority likely voters disapprove of Joe's job performance and at forty nine percent likely voters approve, fifty disapprove. He's underwater, just the beginning. By the way, tell you the person with the worst polling numbers is Kamala Harris. You know, look at the border, look at energy, look at China, look at Russia, look at i Rand, look at look at the price of energy, look at every every single aspect. Look at even the handling of COVID and the mixed messaging. You know, Congressman Ronnie Jackson, God bless him. He was the doctor for both Obama and Trump in the White House. He's saying, he's warning these cognitive abilities will cause the US to pay a price. Joe's never going to take that cognitive time. I want to take a cognitive test. You know. That's like saying, did you do cocaine before this show? Come on, man, you junkie. You might remember that moment that went viral when Joe was asked because earlier he had said he'd take many cognitive tests. But please clarify specifically, have you taken a cognitive No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man, that's like saying you before you got in this program, if you take a test where you're taking cocaine, what do you think? Huh you're junkie? Huh huh. Come on, man. He does have this tendency. Even the mob and the media is recognizing that he has a quick temper m. Wonder what conditions that is often associated with um. You have a chapter of the group Black Lives Matter. Remember we make a distinction after George Floyd, those protesting say black lives matter. Okay, that's very separate and apart from the group. The group on tape that was chanting what do we want dead cops? When do we want them now and pigs in a blanket, fry him like bacon. But you have a chapter of BLM in Utah has called the American flag a symbol of hatred and only used by dumb racist. When we black Americans see that this flag, we know the person flying it is not safe to be around. Not safe to be around because you have an American flag. Black lives Matter, Utah wrote in a fourth of July post, alongside an image of the stars and stripes. We see this flag and we know the person flying it is a racist. We see this flag, we know the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred, wrote the chapter, which founder Lex Scott says is not part of the National BLM organization. Okay, just to get clarification there, Pole finds more than three quarters of the American people want more police. Why is it all of a sudden the whole idea of Jim Crow two point zero and Jim Clyburne statement which we discussed yesterday, he's reversing himself. I've always supported voter right Dayton and not exactly. We've got your quote from the fourth of July, of all days, But why are Democrats now running away from HR one? Why are they running away from election integrity and confidence? Like for the five measures? How could it even be controval voter ID signature verification chain, the custody controls every party has has equal control to preserve the integrity of the ballots that they're not tampered with, or you know, clean bullet voting rolls, updated voting roles every election, which I think should be mandatory, partisan observers should be able to observe the vote counts start to finish. What's so bad about that? How is that unreasonable? Well, anyway, the same thing with defunding the police. That's not going over. Well, that's why Jensaki knows Republicans Republicans wanted to defund the police. Well, everybody knows that's a lie because we know it's the left that has been pushing this, including Joe when he said yeah, I would redirect funds and Kamala Harris that was advertising for the bail fund in Minneapolis. After the police station was burning to the ground and the riots that took place last summer seven out of ten American support increasing police department budgets. Seventy seven percent said they would like additional police officers deployed on street patrols. Sixty two percent said that the police budget should be used to fund community policing. The demand for an increase in police officers and budgets interesting comes as Democrats. And let's see, they've deepfunded the police a billion dollars in New York, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, d C. Baltimore, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Oregon. Then of course you have no bail laws like they have in New York. And then you have promises that if you're involved in the rioting and the looting and the arson and pelting cops with bricks, rocks, bottles and molotov cocktails and worse, they're not going to prosecute you, even if we have pictures of you doing it, videos of you doing it. And in San Francisco, as long as you don't steal a thousand dollars, you now have a license to steal. Now, if you look at these cities in particular, crime is surging. It's happening mostly in Democratic run states and cities fifty eight percent increase in homicides and Democratic run Atlanta five and thirty three percent increase in homicides and Democratic run Portland thirty seven percent, and Democratic run Philadelphia shootings up fifty four percent, Democratic run New York City fifty one percent, in Democratic run Los Angeles eighteen percent. Democratic run Chicago already had a pretty high but still even higher than last year's record, and this now coming as polling is now showing that support for law enforcement matters. James Clyburne, so oh, I always supported voter ID, now admitted Democrats. Initiatives to defund the police in major cities are quote cutting the throats of the Democratic Party. Well, they gonna as anyone going to stand up to the squad because I haven't seen any signs of it. It's even so bad New York Post that a story today Congresswoman to leave proud member of the squad is calling for defunding of ICE immigration agencies like customers. The symbol answer answer to that question is we must eliminate funding for our cpp ICE and their parent organization DHS. Time after time, we have seen it as advocates on the ground, as human services agency on a ground to continue to see over and over again that these agencies are inet to humanely guiding migrants through our immigration system and further continue Instead, they further continue to terrorize migrant communities located within our communities. Terrorize migrant communities located within our communities. Okay, that is now the party in charge all branches of government. Washington Post even had to knock the White House for their claim that the GOP wants to defund the police. Even they called them out. I saw actor James Wood ripping Biden and lightfoot saying, as long as Democrats continue to defund the police, America's streets will run with blood. I wish you was wrong. I wish I could criticize him and say he's wrong. But I can't because it's inevitable. A license to steal, a license to commit crimes in New York, nobel license to steal in San Francisco, processing illegal immigrants, ignoring the laws of the land. God forbid. If your last name was Trump and you did that, or having to be a Conservative or a Republican, there's a whole other, entire unique justice system for you. Throw the book at conservatives. For Jaywaukee spitting on the sidewalk. Not that I don't think anyone spits on the sidewalk. I don't, I don't, I haven't seen it. Chicago shooting spree ends after a man with a concealed carry license took down the attacker. Oh, that would be John Lott's book, More Guns, Less Crime. They're gonna allow more people to protect themselves, innocent Americans that are that are helpless at an activist now in AOC's districts slamming the defund the police movement, citing the violent crime surge. In other words, it's not working. After July fourth weekend violence, California's officials are saying the city experiencing a safety emergency. You think, well, you've given them a license to steal out there in Oakland and San Francisco. You gotta be kidding me. This is as predictable as the day is long, just like socialism will always fail, just like border security is mandatory. It's like energy independence is one on one, just like you know strong piece through strength, tough military, and engage President Matters. By the way, an Indiana police officer was killed. Did you hear about this? Do you know his name? At a federal building. On the same day, two ATF agents were shot in Chicago. Does anybody listening to this program know the names of these officers. I can give them to you. You have Detective Greg Farrensee, thirty year veteran of the police forces, was shot outside a federal building in Indiana. Belief the officer was on assignment with the an FBI task Force. Look around the country. This is happening everywhere. You know, the same thing, and pretty much that's why we scroll the names of these officers. We're gonna we're having a record this year. Times Square suspects sixteen in custody after that marine injury. It was injured in the shooting. Remember we covered that story. And one congresswoman, a South Carolina congresswoman stocking up on firearms and taking target practice. Her home was vandalized. Congresswoman Nancy Mayce, we've interviewed her in New York. I gotta give Claudia Tenney's some credit. She's pushing for the Supreme Court to overturn New York's gun laws and has the support of a lot of House Republicans on that. I mean, these are two different Americas we're describing oh out in California. We'll get into this more in the final hour of the program today. They're offering cash, proposing cash for junkies. According to zero Hedge, California Democrats want to pay meth addicts to seek treatment. You've seen the one mile video we've shown from Nancy Pelosi's home in one direction, multimillion dollar neighborhood, gated mile on the other side, as her office in between is defecating in the streets, needles everywhere. Unbelievable. You know this is all preventable. All of this is preventable. We can save this country. We know what works. Curtiusly would implement New York, the policies of Rudy Giuliani. That worked. It's not hard to do. We know how to do it. There's a way to do it, but apparently the will doesn't exist. Our two Sean Hannity show gladuate with us eight hundred and ninety four one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. It is inexplicable to me. The profound, obvious, clear, abusive bias. Corruption that is the media, the mob, big tech, that mob, how one sided they are advancing only a political agenda. If your last name is Trump, you treated one way. Your last name is Biden, you treated another way. If you're a hunter, you can You can lie on a gun application, dump a gun and a dumpster and nothing happens. You can make money from Ukraine with no experience, millions of dollars. Get money from a Kazakhstan oligarch, no consequences, a Russian oligarch, first lady in Moscow three and a half million to your company, no problem. Travel with Daddy to China and ten days later you have a billion dollars deal with the Bank of China, not deuts your bank, not Goldman, Sachs, JP, Morgan Chase. Now the hunter you know, smoke, crack, prostitutes, everything in between, and nothing happens. And when I say we don't have equal justice under the law, when I say that we don't have equal application of our laws, this is what I mean. And that's a danger to all in society. Now we have learned in the last couple of weeks thanks to the New York Post, great reporting, a lot of it by Miranda Divine, who will join us in a minute. We've learned that Joe when he said that I've never talked to Hunter, not one time about his foreign business dealings. Well, now we have pictures of him actually having dinner while vice president with Hunter's business partners. Now we know that Hunter is whining, complaining when Daddy's VP that he has to pay all of Daddy's bills and everyone in the family's pills, as he had other other ideas for that money. Anyway, and so I want to play Biden denying that. Now he's been revealed as a liar. Remember Tony bob Olynski revealed that Biden knew about Hunter's business dealings, the big guy. Remember that specific quote my interview with John Paul mack Isaac. That's that's the guy with the repair shop, the computer repair shop. Anyway, Listen, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings. I've never shoken my son about I have never discussed with my son, or my brother or anyone else can be having to do different businesses, period. And what I will do is the same thing we did in our administration genial, to be an absolute wall between personal and private and the government. Do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son's overseas business trot, and by that state, here are the facts I know, and everything I'm saying is collaborated by emails, what's app, chats, agreements, documents and other evidence. Now is the evidence that compelling that it was that relevant? I assume my interpretation is that you saw flagrant double standard existed? Am I writing my interpretation? What I saw was, yeah, to two young men that were definitely capitalizing off of at least one of their father's positions to drum up more value and their efforts to get more money, and it was it was definitely a pay for play scheme that yeah. Again, I got my law degree at Rodeo Clown School, so I'm not the Brian's better at the legal stuff. But it looked like this would be something that you would want to have a conversation with to another foreign leader about because this was a lot of money that was exchanging hands, like a lot of money. Miranda Divine New York Post columnists, she's got a book coming out. I'm looking forward to it. I want to find out when it's when it's when it's due to come out. And that is the Laptop from Hell Hunter Biden, big Tech, and the dirty secrets the President tried to hide. It's out. I guess sometime in November, if I understand her, sometime in the fall. Miranda, Welcome back to the program. These are massive developments. If Donald Trump were caught lying three times about his son's business dealings, foreign business dealings while he's the dealing with countries like China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, I think there'd be a very different media reaction, big tech reaction. And yet that doesn't happen because we now have caught him in a lie, Hi Shan, Yes, absolutely, And you know the tragedy is that we've really known that Joe Biden didn't tell the truth about his knowledge of Hunter's business dealings and Jim, his brother's business dealings since before the election. I mean, Tony Bobolinsky really is a hero. He came at a great cost to himself to tell the truth. And he's not a particularly partisan person, but he had been in business with Hunter Biden, he had met on two occasions with Joe Biden. Jim Biden was part of this deal that they were trying to cook up with the Chinese, and Tony Bobolynski, who had a proper business reputation, was trying to do it the right way and he was getting instruction all the time from Hunter. They ended up Jim and Hunter ripping him off, he felt because the money that was supposed to go into this joint venture never adventuated. And then bob Lynsky realized when he saw the Johnson Grassley report and their access to these treasury suspicious transactions that are confidential, that six million dollars had flowed actually out of that Chinese company that was supposed to go into the joint venture that he'd spent all this time working on, and in fact it went elsewhere to other companies that were associated with the Bidens. So, you know, that's one aspect of it. The fact that Joe Biden had met twice with Tony bob Lynsky, and also we have, you know, the photographs of five meetings that Joe Biden had with Hunter's various business partners, and we have lots of other instances that are recorded on the laptop of other meetings. So he was pretty well involved with what Hunter was doing. He was at the very least using the perks of the vice President's office, such as Air Force two, such as breakfast at the residents for Mexican billionaires, such as meetings in the West Wing in his office. He was using those perks of office to assist his son in his lucrative business dealings overseas. Now, so when you really break this down, as Joe Biden lied on a pretty spectacular level about not knowing anything about his son's foreign business dealings or having spoken to his son when he's meeting with some of these characters, some of these players, then you've got Hunter complaining that he's paying all of Daddy's bills. Well, where does that money come from? Him? Cashing in on Daddy's name. If you don't have any experience in oil, energy, gas or Ukraine, how do you get millions of dollars? You know, nobody wanted to pay attention to the real quid pro quo, which is Joe bragging on tape that he leveraged a billion US taxpayer dollars to fire a prosecutor in Ukraine investigating his son. You know, the first Lady of Moscow three and a half million dollars in that deal. The Bank of China. Okay, Well, we now see the territorial ambitions unfolding of the communist Chinese Miranda. They're now talking about reunification their words with Taiwan. We've seen the crackdown in Hong Kong. We also see that, you know, Vladimir Plutin can pretty much and you know, the Russians can hack us here, there and everywhere, and nothing ever seems to happen. The iranium mullahs, They're getting everything they want enriching uranium. Nothing's happening there either. The Chinese and the Russians are now giving arms to Iran. And one has to now wonder is Joe compromised. Well, that is inevitably the question that he's going to be asked, and he's left himself open to that because of the way that he and his family had conducted themselves. And you know, I'll just point out you mentioned the money that Hunter was getting from Ukraine, from Barisma, the corrupt energy company there. His money. They were paying him about a million dollars a year. It was eighty three thousand plus a month to sit on the board. But just a few weeks after Joe Biden stepped down as vice president, Hunter's salary from Barisma was cut in half. So that's a pretty direct, circumstantial evidence there that what he was being paid for. But Miranda, when he went on Good Morning America, remember the questions he was asked, you have any experience in oil, energy gas at all? No, any experience with Ukraine? No? Why do you think you got the millions of dollars? Why why were you picked as a consultant? I don't know. Could it happened to be the fact that your father is in charge of Ukrainian policy? Probably? I mean he's you know, can somebody get me that deal in life? I'll take that deal. You'll take that deal right? Well? Yes, And he was sort of refreshingly honest there. He said, I don't think I would have had anything without my last name being Biden. And this is the truth. I mean, you look back at Joe Biden's career in Delaware, you look back at a Hunter Biden. Ever since he graduated from school, he has had every job, every single appointment has been care of his father. And there was a reason for that. You know, Joe Biden and his late son, sadly Boe Biden, we're both going to be pure and go into politics, and so you know, even they had champagne taste. They were going to have these just regular political salaries. And Joe Biden frequently says I'm the poorest man in Congress as some sort of indication of how squeaky clean he is and how unsullied by money he is. And yet what he had going on with Hunter was Hunter had to be the family breadwinner. So he was tipped into these first of all these jobs through Joe's Delaware donors, a credit card company and VNA gave Hunter this job that was way overpaid, and out of that money, he paid off his own tuition and his brother's tuition, and you've told me also his sister's tuition. So you know, that's money that Joe, the normally a parent would pay. But no, poor old Hunter, who would have rather have been an artist or a writer. He is out there as the bagman, as the breadwinner, as the cash cow for the family. And that's gone on his entire career. And then it's when Joe became vice president he expanded that sort of Delaware the Delaware way, the influenced peddling operation that he had going on on a small scale with his Delaware donors, he expanded that to the world, and Hunter followed along in on Air Force two and to the countries that Joe had carriage four as vice president, such as China, such as Russia, such as Ukraine. And unfortunately that has put the America in a parlous state now that Joe is president, because at the very least, there's a perception that he's compromised. At twenty five to the tip of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Let's go back to yesterday and Donald Trump and his announcement that a class action lawsuit against these big tech companies. We're asking the US District Court for the Southern District to Florida to order an immediate halt to social media companies a legal shameful censorship of the American people. And that's exactly what they are doing. We're demanding an end to the shadow banning, a stop to the silencing, and a stop to the blacklisting, banishing, and canceling that you know so well, if they can do it to me, they can do it to anyone. And in fact, that is exactly what they're doing. They're taking people off who don't even realize they were taken off. They'd have no idea why they were taken off, you know. So that's the president making the announcement. And so Bill O'Reilly sat down and his interview with Donald Trump talking about the lawsuit, and here's Trump's answer to Bill. So, the lawsuit against the social media companies is unprecedented, number one and could be a game changer for the country. Number two. Are your lawyers prepared though, for the war? Because it will be a war, you know that. Are they prepared for it? Everything's a war With me, life is a war. And yeah, we're prepared. And somebody had to do it. I made a big speech in Florida the other day. We had forty eight thousand people, and the people are screaming, when are you going to sue social media, big tech. Everybody's wanted me to do this, and they're bad. They're bad people, and they're doing bad things and they're really hurting our nation that maybe in the process of destroying our nation. We're not going to let that happen. Now. The question of if you listen to any of the coverage, but for shows like this, there aren't many of us in radio and a few of us in TV. There aren't many you would think that this lawsuit is frivolous. It is dead on arrival. Greg Jarrett Alan Dershowitz said just the opposite last night on my TV show. Is this This is the most important First Amendment case in the twenty first century. Now, a lot of it deals with something known as Section two thirty. We've spent a lot of time outlining what two thirty is all about. If you are a if you offer editorial, your own reporting, and you're not just a platform for people to place information, you get liability protection. That is what Section two thirty is all about. But now we know these big tech companies Facebook for example, Twitter for example, Google for example, the ones being sued that in fact they do editing, editorial, They make decisions. It has a political impact, like spiking the story we're just talking to Miranda divine and in terms of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election, and that has to be measured as an in kind donation to the Democratic Party, probably worth so much it's incalculable. And now the question is, Okay, I agree with Bill. All lawsuits are hard. It is it's going to be a battle. These companies are well funded. They'll pay any amount of money to keep their monopolies. And where is this headed now? Craig Partial, This is what he does, this is what he studies. He is a special counsel for the American Center for Law Injustice, Senior adviser on legal policy for the Civil Liberty for American Principles Project, and he is incredibly versed on all of these issues. And if I listen to the liberal media, this case is frivolous. It's going to end in failure, and it's a disaster, and it's going nowhere. I don't quite believe that. Your thoughts, Sean, Yeah, we shouldn't believe it. Here's the intriguing, really interesting thing about this Trump lawsuit. And number one, can you blame him? Sitting president into the United States and he has taken off the world's largest social media platform on frivolous grounds allegations in the media that he incited violence on January sixth, But it was that was so untrue. Even Facebook didn't use that as an excuse to take him off its platform. They avoided saying that he inside a violence because they knew that he didn't so the charade is over. We're now getting down to the fact that, as Donald Trump's lawsuit says, there has been a level of cooperation between big tech companies, in this case, Facebook, Twitter, and Google's YouTube. All three got separately sued in three separate class action lawsuits. Unprecedented cooperation between them and the government of the United States and particularly one political party in cong as well as Anthony Fauci over at the CDC. And this level of cooperation, the Losses says, has transformed these platforms into not just private businesses, but into state actors, so that the First Amendment now applies to protect Donald Trump from them. So the question is now, and we brought this point up many times and again last night on TV and yesterday on radio, is it's okay that the Ayatola, the Aetola is an Iran that they get their Twitter accounts and Louis Farrakan gets to keep his Twitter accounts and Rohanna gets to keep his Twitter accounts, but a former president is canceled. And the idea that they're going to determine what is legitimate content which is abusively biased towards conservatives and get government liability protection in the course of doing this, What is the best way, in your opinion, for this to be argued, and how Congress should handle well. First of all, the Supreme Court has a long history on so called viewpoint discrimination cases. And if let's assume for a minute that the level of cooperation between Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, you his company, and a Twitter and Google's YouTube, with all these federal agencies inside emails back and forth about we've got your back, basically we're going to suppress stuff that doesn't tell the orthodox, politically correct ideas about COVID or the election or whatever. Let's assume that for a minute. Now, the Supreme Court I had a long history of saying, if you treat all these other groups in one way with regard to their freedom of speech, but you target a person or a movement for discrimination because of their viewpoint, that is taste closed in terms of proving not only unequal treatment under the equal Protection Clause, but of violation to free speech. So that's what this lawsuit is saying. It is saying, look, you've given a pass to all of these other left leaning organizations and tyrants and dictators and terrorists, but now you pick up sitting president of the United States or others who support them. And by the way, Donald Trump has added private citizens as plaintiffs in his lawsuit as well to tell their stories. So this blanket anti conservative viewpoint discrimination is rampant. He's bringing it to the forefront. A judge is going to have to decided. I will guarantee that whoever the US district judge and the federal court who looks at this, that will not be the last word on this. This will go up to a Court of Appeals, possibly to the Supreme Court. It's going to be fascinating to watch. All right, Craig, any updates, Please let us know when you get them. Great job with the American Center for Law Injustice. Appreciate you being one of the Are were better shape to talk to you about it? Right? I'll tell you what they sent me. Thanks. Oh sure the idea. First of all, we're not sure who it is for sure? All right, back to our busy telephones. Debbie is in New York. I don't know why, I don't know why I'm here. Glad you called Tabby. How are you? Misery likes company? That's a good line. You're right, Misery likes company is right. We can't do this alone. Um yes, um my messages. I'm angry at the Republicans. I'm a Republican. My sister and brother in law. They switched to Independent after the election because of the messaging. You had Kevin McCarthy on your show the other night and you asked him straight out about Joe Biden's mental status do you think there's a problem with it? And he went around the blush. He said, well, I knew him was his vice president and now he is different. Now do you think Nancy Pelosi minced words about Trump? All they did was bash that man for four years. That's all they're doing today, you know. And I go through I go through my list. I mean, you take any of the issues with foreign countries and money, even Hunter. They get any of the issues of Hunter and drugs and prostitutes and gun applications and dumpsters and guns and put the last name Trump and something would happen. And that's how corrupt now things are. Institutional corruption is everywhere. It's scary. Actually, well, the Republicans need to stop recross the aisle to get along. There's not going to be getting along. This is a war. I don't know why they can't identify. If you can't, you're not going to win the war and get the twenty twenty two back the House if you don't identify the problem. I think that's exactly where. Look, there needs to be a message. I did ask the President at this town hall that we had on immigration about you know, what are the things that you need to do. I see three specific strategies that have got to be employed. First step is election integrity reform. And those are the five things that I've mentioned. I won't repeat them. Then, Republicans, you know, you've got to prosecute the case against how disastrous Joe's foreign policy is and his economic policies and his energy policies and his immigration policies. We all know that, but he's still got to let people know what it was like and what he's done and how bad the damage is. And the next thing is, you've got to tell people what it is you stand for. And I say it often, Debbie liberty, freedom, capitalism, our constitution, law and order, peace and security and safety and security, choice in schools, healthcare, free market, healthcare solutions, protecting pre existing conditions, constitutional justices, lower attacks, is less bureaucracy, secure borders, energy, independence, piece through strength, trust, but verify and free and fair trade? Am I missing a lot? Tell me no, no, and what I give? I missed Donald Trump? Everybody misses him and when our president by, you know, misses him the most. The liberal media, but going on their ratings have been a toilet um. But when he Biden went over to that meeting with Putin, I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed, you know, when he when he sat there and for you know, ten seconds, he can't give an answer. No, I was embarrassed. This weekend, he's asked a simple question. There's not a difficult question, and he starts answering the question about what are you gonna do about Russia's latest cyber attacks? And he goes, hum, that's um, that's why I was late getting off the plan. I was and briefed on it, and um, weekend, I'm not in the mood to aunt talk about that time. Well, it's worse than that. He had to take out the notes they wrote out for him because he didn't remember the briefing that took place five minutes ago. No, I mean you would think you remember one or two points, not not stammering, stumbling, bumbling. It's humiliating. I find it drum here because doctor, everybody's afraid, everybody, you know, and I know, I don't know why they're Listen. We've got a problem. We've got a president that is clearly struggling mightily cognitively. It's a big problem, you know. You know. When I hear China, I mean, I'm like, what is he gonna do about their talk of destroying American military basis reunification they're calling it with Taiwan. We've seen the crackdown in Hong Kong. What's he going to do about Vladimir and the cyber at tax? What's he gonna do about Vladimir and she partnering him and giving arms to the Iranians? This, these are not insignificant issues. Their territorial ambitions, I can predict right now, are going to be realized and by taking advantage of what they perceive as a very weak America right now. He sad. They're good people, they're good folks. When he was running for election, he wouldn't. He said, well, there we could eat China's launch, And then he said they're good folks. Everybody, so well, they've been good to the Biden family. I'll say that. I mean, how would you like a one point five billion dollars deal with the Bank of China for your company, even though you had no experience or Ukraine? How would you like all that money flowing into your family? Coffers, Well, his son's it's a sad story for that song. I feel I don't know what's going to happen with that son. It's a sad thing. Yeah, Rudy Giuliani was on with Mike Huckabee and actually he's sad that you know, he believes his child pornography on that laptop. We'll see Miranda's book. Would I would imagine when to reveal it. We'll see, all right, Debbie, appreciate the call. Thank you for being with us. Eight hundred nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program quick Break Right Back coming up next our final News round Up and Information Overload hour A right News round Up, Information Overload Hour eight hundred and nine four one sean If you want to be a part of the program. They've been trying to play games out there with the California recall election against Gavin Newsom, and my sources on the ground are saying they're trying to time this and like a state like New York, they have a filibuster proof legislature. They're trying to time the recall election so it'll be prior to what will likely be the predictable wildfires and wins and power outages that California experiences every fall. So they're trying to move the data around as a means of benefiting Gavin Newsom there and then Gavin Newsom, interestingly, have a seventy five billion dollars surplus out there. They get another fifty billion from red states that are fiscally responsible, and Gavin is expected to give out checks to two thirds of the population of California, including the illegal immigrants, just prior to the runoff election, just prior to the recall election. And it's pretty unbelievable. And San Francisco, it's so bad that they're telling criminals, as long as you don't steal more than a thousand dollars, we're not going to prosecute you. And we see what's happening at these high end stores this most recent weekend. Neiman Marcus, the San Francisco mayoral candidate is saying the city is now governed by the radical left. That's to say the least Richie Greenberg. Listen, this is a far left wing governed city. There's virtually no conservative, even even centrist candidates that really win, especially on the city council or border supervisors. This city is controlled completely by left wing ideologs. Oh anyway, John Cox joins us. Now, sorry, welcome to the program. Thank you for being willis great to be with you, Sean. I appreciate the opportunity. I'm a I'm an outsider businessman who's going to shake up Sacramento and get this state turned around. My biggest worry is the first question. In other words, you know Gavin is going to have endless sums of money. We know about the Shenanigans going on in Sacramento to maybe give us more more context and texture and d tell to what they're maneuvering as a fate more favorable date for the recall vote. Yeah, they originally put in extensions of the day to protect a state senator who was getting recall because he raised taxes. Our gas tax is now the highest in the country. Our gas prices out here, Sean, are approaching six dollars a gallon in some spots. This is unprecedented. But now they're changing these recall rules because they want, you know, they think it's going to help Gavin. It's not, Sean, I'm telling you right now, we're already seen rolling electrical blackouts like we did last summer because we've only relied solely on wind and solar. We have we decommissioned gas and nuclear, so we don't have any electricity, or we already are in a drought water situation because they haven't built desalination plants. And now we're having fires all across the state because Newsom won't manage the forest and he won't put money into buying airplanes that would be able to put these fires out. Instead, he's wasting billions on this train the nowhere in the Central Valley that no one's going to ride. And I think, well, I mean, I mean, I'm trying to understand why are they following the science of forestry, which is that you clean out the brush and the areas that kindle these fires to get so out of control where millions of acres are destroyed. What I mean, isn't that a science of forestry. Well, listen, Sacramento is a swamp only junior to the swamp in wash NDC that our former president had a wrestle with. And let's face it, Sean the environmental lobby in Sacramental controls it. And Newsom is a slave to that lobby and why because he's focused on running for president at some point he knows he's not going to be able to do it if he doesn't get the environmentalists, the teachers unions, and the trial lawyers behind them. So the French laundry dinner he did was really instructive because he violated his rules. But he violated his rules to go out to dinner with lobbyists. And there are the people that are controlling things, and they're the ones that prevent any kind of decent management of the forest as well as any energy sources that would help the state. Do you believe Sacramento and that's assemblymen and senators are purposely moving the election date, the recall election date, to prevent the news cycle from being predictable with rolling blackouts and wildfires. Do you believe that's their strategy? Yes? Because a year ago, which is by the way, when I put fifty thousand hours into the recall. Over a year ago, before the French Laundry Dinner, the state of California was in flames. Sean, I have friends in northern California that literally couldn't open their windows. They couldn't literally see the sun in the middle of the day because the smoke was so thick in all of northern California. That was about the middle of September last year. I think they're thinking that that may well be the case again this year, because they know that they haven't done anywhere near enough to do something to put out these fires, or to manage the forest or as you say, follow the science, and so I think that's in their minds. What they're not figuring out, however, is the fact that we're already seeing fires and it's only July. And we're also seeing the drought. The government made drought as well as the government made electrical shortage, and those things are and on top of that, we've got gas prices soaring. There's a lot of things in this state, along with homelessness and housing and rising crime that I think are going to sink mister Newsome's governorship and bringing a new regime here. What's the latest on the plan for or Gavin Newsom that I've been reading that he's planning to send out pretty hefty checks to significant portions of the California population. I've read as high as two thirds of the population. We'll be getting a check. And what is the timing that those checks will arrive versus the recall election? Well, there's a check going out actually right now. I think this is the last one as a matter of fact, So I'm not sure that there's checks that are going to go out right with the ballot. But you know, Sean, he's running commercials all over the place talking about you know, it's almost like a game show where he's handing out money and you know, eleven hundred hours for this family and five hundred hours for that family. And you know, I think the taxpayers of the state are looking at this and saying, what are you doing. You're buying votes with our money, and you're handing it out to people who certainly need it because the cost of living is so bad, and because Newsom crushed small businesses and restaurants and hotels is extended shutdown. In contrast to Ron de Santis, who kept the state open in Florida. You know, people need the money, but they're looking at the situation. They're saying, WHOA, what is five hundred hours going to help me with? If my rent has gone up five hundred hours a month here, which it really has in many parts of the state. Now there wasn't just restaurant hypocrisy of Gavin. Then then as kids they had in person learning because they don't go to California public schools, they go to private schools, and those private schools that in person learning. I sent the our Hannity TV show cameras to California numerous times. We've been to Los Angeles. We've been to Nancy Pelosi's district, in particular, one mile from where her gated home is with million dollars home multimillion dollar homes, and then a mile in the other direction is her office. And in between you have in San Francisco areas where all you see or people defecating on the streets, syringes everywhere, drug abuse wide out in the open, drug dealing wide out in the open. I mean, it is unconscionable. You know, I've often wondered why Nancy hasn't knocked on the door of our very wealthy neighbors and said, well, we're going to contribute a million dollars. We're going to build a facility, one that will provide showers and a meal and maybe drug counseling for people that are so inclined but rather that they don't even have a bathroom to go to and they're just defecating on the streets. And this is every day now, and it's gotten worse Sean, in the last couple of years, not better. And of course don't forget Gavin Newsom was the guy who initiated this as a mayor of San Francisco and didn't do anything about it there. I just released my homelessness Plan, which really, Sean, it's about common sense. You've got to treat the addictions and the mental illness. Most of these people are mentally ill. Most of them do have addictions, and they think it's fine to live on the street, but that's part of the mental illness. We've got to get people the treatment. Politicians like Newsom just buy hotel rooms. You're paying five thousand hours a month for hotel rooms, or actually buying motels at double or triple what they're worth. It's just a horrible waste of dollars. But importantly, it doesn't do the job, because just because you put somebody in a hotel room with beer and cigarette doesn't mean that they're going to actually get cured. You've got to get the cure going and get them job training and get them back into productive society. That's the compassionate thing to do. Sean, Yeah, well, you would think it would be the compassionate thing. More with California gubernatorial candidate John Cox, let me ask you, there's been a mass exodus out of California for the first time in California's history. This last year, you had more people leaving the state than coming to the state. To Sunshine State, I lived there at one point five years, just as a side note, in the mid eighties, and they were talking about desalinization plants then and they never built them because the same problems existed in the eighties. That's, by the way, there's my radio career thirty three years. That's where it started. But long story, but long story short, a lot of people have left the state, and the people that seem to be leaving the state are people that realize they're tired of the high taxes. You have the highest state income tax in the country, burdens some regulation, draconian shutdowns, and they're moving to states like Arizona, Nevada, Texas. To take a U haul out of California to Texas about twenty twenty five hundred bucks depending on the size. If you take it from Texas back to California, you can get it almost for free, Like yeah, like three hundred four hundred bucks. You're doing you all a favor bringing it back. I agree. What does that tell you? I mean, so now the question is of too many conservatives or people that would be willing to change the state of California. It once was a red state. Ronald Reagan was your governor. Richard Nixon was your governor. I know it's not anymore. Well, I think this recall is a great opportunity. The pandemic really opened people's eyes out here to the mismanagement because then it hit home their kids weren't in school, Sean. I have two nephews in Orlando who were in school the whole time, in front of a teacher, and parents here had their kids out for fifteen months and they're not even sure they're going to go back this September, small businesses were crushed, churches were shut down. The evangelical community, the religious community out in California, which is pretty large, believe it or not, is outraged and they're finally ready to take some action here because they saw that churches were shut down while strip clubs and pot shops stayed open. Uh, the pen, why would you ever call? Why would you? Why would you not? Why would you ever shut down a strip club and close the church. I'm trying to understrap my arms around that. You know where your priorities are. Pot shops are a priority and strip clubs are a priority for Gavin Newsom? Those aren't they going to spend one hundred million dollars to bail out the marijuana business out their recreational use marijuana? Well, the problem is is that Newsom led the charge to legalize it, and they were going to use it as a tax revenue raiser, and of course they taxed it so much that the black market is flourishing. It's it's it's you're you're right. The legal industry is floundering because they taxed it way too much. And you know why did they tax everything out here? Sean is because they have got these huge pension liabilities along with just the public unions that are controlling Sacramental and are continuing to get pays And why are they getting pay raises because the cost of housing is so significant Sean out here, out here, the cost of a typical, you know, three thousand square foot home could be a million, million and a a half dollars. It's insane level. It's just as bad in New York. It's insane. I gotta run. But there are a lot of good candidates, as I mentioned at the start of this half hour, that are running. I hope the people of California, and I have my doubts. It's sort of like I want Curtis Leod to win in New York as mayor. But you know, when you have nine to one registration Democrats to Republicans, it's tough. California is tough for any any Republican or even independent for crant out loud. But I hope people see just how damaging these policies have been and that they'll go out and vote. But John Cox, thanks for being well us well, I hope to be on again. And we've got nine million Independence as you know, I'm a businessman like the former president. He endorsed me in twenty eighteen. When I ran, I got a lot of votes and I built up name recognition, and I've had a business for forty years that I oh. I don't think there's any doubt. You and Caitlyn Jenner and if Larry got in, you would be the three top candidates. There's no doubt about it. Yeah. Well, I appreciate your help, and we're going to turn this state around, and we need an outsider, we need a business guy. Appreciate you being well us John, thank you. Eight hundred nine four one seun is our number. Quick break right back, all right, twenty five nowns at the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of the program. I'm meant to bring this up earlier today. I didn't. I saw that somebody sent this to James, and James sent to me a tweet. But I guess the Virginia, Virginia Department of Health. Many are experiencing significant anxiety as the world slowly reopens. Joined VA copes Virginia Copes for a free virtual event. They give you the time coping with reentry anxiety. Look, I don't want to minimize any any Look, there are all sorts of illnesses, sicknesses, neurosis that people have in life. I don't want to I don't want to minimize it because, um, you know, people that have cancer, they're sick. If you have some type of of psychological issue, it's it's usually means you're sick. I get that part, and I want to take it very seriously. And I do take it very seriously. I'm you know, I'm just trying to put in perspective. Though maybe it's the way I was raised coping with re entry anxiety. I'm I'm struggling with it a little bit because you know, I think of America and Americans, and I think of real stress like my dad had to feel, you know, four years in the Pacific fighting in World War Two, or the real stress that a soldier felt, you know, lamming the beaches of Normandy, or what our soldiers felt in Iraq and Afghanistan and the many many tours that they took, and the real stress of the real world every single day. And I'm not minimizing it. I'm just saying, Land of the Free, Home of the brave, and I just I don't see America or I don't really know many people that are struggling with re entry anxiety. And I asked my team about it, I mean, do you see this as a phenomenon, Linda. The response was, I don't think anybody knows anyone else. Everybody that I know is like, finally life is getting back to normal. That's what I'm seeing. I've been out in New York and I don't see any problem with people going out. People are all hell to get out. And the last time I was in New York, which was fairly recently, there's a lot of people wearing masks still, and I'm fine with that. If you want to wear your mask where every day of your life, I don't really care. But I mean, vaccine hesitancy, you know, this is I think a lot of it's created by the government and their mixed messages. You know, Biden's Health and Human Services secretary insisting the government as a right to know who refuses to get vaccinated. Now they're putting pressure. Now We're gonna go door to door and vaccinate people. Everybody's kind of made up their mind already. And again I'm urging people take this seriously. Take it seriously. I'm urging people do your research. There is a wealth of information out there. Know the difference between the m RNA vaccines Affisamderner versus A the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which is the more traditional way of producing a vaccine, and know the differences of it. And you know when Joe Biden goes out there and he's fully vaccinated, etc. So I'm watching this and again I don't want to and I'm talking about the United States here. To me, it's sad that Olympic organizers now are banning all spectators from the Summer Olympic Games, Japan now declaring a state of emergency. Now America is doing And I said this from the very beginning in January or February January of twenty twenty, I said, I believe that modern medicine, medical researchers, our scientists will likely be the ones that save the world. Okay, well, they now have given people choices. We have therapeutics we've never had before. Turns out, many studies now says show taken early, hydroxy chloroquine is effective at mitigating some of the symptoms of COVID then you hear of medicines and therapeutics like ivermectin. Then of course there's regeneron the monocolonial antibodies that they infuse into people that have shown incredible recoveries and people. Then you got John Kerry caught maskless again, no mask a second time this year, or mixed messaging from them. Now Joe Biden walks outside, fully vaccinated, socially distant with a mask on. That makes no sense to me. Does a zoom call the only world leader with a mask on? Makes no sense to me. Vaccine hesitancy comes from moments like that the White House. Biden would certainly support states reimposing COVID nineteen restrictions. But what are you talking about. Everybody knows what's what the options available anyway, eight hundred nine for one Shaun is our number if you want to be a part of the program. But it's and then they blame conservatives. I'm clear, do your research, take it seriously, talk to your doctor or doctor. I know nothing about your medical history. I am not equipped to tell people what to do, and I won't do it. All right, let's go to Travis Is in Arkansas, Travis High how are you glad you called. Yes, sir, I'm calling. A couple days ago, Biden administration, they were praising the eight hundred and something thousand job creation. My question is this, how many jobs were actually created versus how many jobs are actually recovered because during the pandemic we lost like twenty point six million million. Yeah, yeah, no, you're you're right now, right now, and this I reported this earlier. Today. US job openings hit a record nine point two million. Businesses cannot find enough workers to fill them. This is a you know, job opening stated or record high nine point two million. A third of former hospitality workers are not going to return to the industry during the labor shortage because they want higher pay, better benefits, and a new work environment. Many people don't want to come back. You know, look at everything. We're now paying more for one because of energy prices soaring thanks to Biden's stupid plans on energy and the New Green Deal. You know, up a bucket a quarter on average, a gallon more to heat and cool our homes. Every product we buy is costing more, and then then there's a shortage of so much. Lumber is through the roof, meat is through the roof, you know, I joke about going grocery shopping and I like my Oscar Meyer thick cut bacon. I'm paying eight bucks a pack for it. Now, it's a pretty hefty price. If you want patio furniture, you can't find it. You want to make money, I'll tell you what. Sell your patio furniture and then buy it in the next year or two, buy it back because you'll make a profit on it. But this is this is real. Then you've got a part of the country the believes in socialism, especially young people, have bought into the lie that the government will take care of them. You know, I'm a young person myself. I'm twenty twenty seven, twenty eight, three months and I disagree with the whole socialism and agenda. I mean, that is complete crap. The to me, it seems like the Biden aministration is trying to discredit our police force so that they might be able to initiate martial law. That way they can just rule forever. You know, I look at you know, look at hr SR one now that they have to back off of that. Look at the Democrats, you know, actually the ones that didn't recognize riots for being riots, that only want to talk about January sixth, which I said, can never happen again. And and but they ignored, and they even aided and embedded and promote to bail funds for people involved in writing and people responsible for hurling bricks and bottles and rocks and molotov coptails at cops. And they denied. They never mentioned it at the Democratic National Convention. They didn't want to alienate what they thought was the base of their party. I mean, now they're going to say, well, Republicans are for defunding. No, even the Washington Post says that is a huge lie. It's not true, and it is. You know, we're in the middle of and I don't know how this plays out what I'm calling irreconcilable differences. I don't know where I don't see any middle ground. Fund the police or defund the police, law and order or anarchy. You know, how do you compromise on that secure the border, open borders, amnesty, energy and dependence or new Green Deal and full dependence on countries that hate our guts? You know, how do you reconcile lower taxes versus total complete redistribution and the government provides everything and That's why twenty twenty two is becoming more pivotal and more important every day. Anyway, I hope that answers your call. Thank you, James North Carolina. Next Sean Hannity Show, How are you, James, How you doing, Sean? Thanks for taking Micole? Thank you sir. I just you touch from the aroarted sessterday and how do you thank Even if you know it was proved to be true that Trump wons Arizona, that nothing would come of it, And I think that's probably the biggest mistake we'd ever do, is to let nothing come out of it, because I think the word that really we need to take into mind here is accountability, because if we let this go, then the will of the people, which is the foundation of the country has been shattered and the establishment literally stole the government right in front of our eyes, which is something of foreign power could only dream of. People want to trick every Republican into any interview in the mainstream media mob and oh do you think the election was rigged? The answer is simple is the laws of many states were not followed. Constitution. The Constitution and states were not followed. You had a two tier voting standard in Georgia a very lack standard for mail in ballots at a very rigorous standard for in person voting. You can't have that in an election you had in Pennsylvania. You have a constitution and the state legislature. Rather than go through the arduous process of amending the constitution, which they would have the right to do, they decided to just ignore it and circumvented and circumvent it's very clear language that they only allowed very specific and very limited mail in balloting. That happened too. We read the four three decision. It was a stinging dissent by the Chief Justice in Wisconsin about how the laws of Wisconsin were not followed. Most of the states that we're talking about have laws statutory language that allows partisan observers to watch the vote count from start to finish. We're now learning that in Georgia there are counties that never accounted for the chain of custody as the law requires. So, you know, if we want integrity in elections and confidence in election results, you've got to at least implement the things that I've been talking about. I'll give you the last word. Yeah, and I understand that I wasn't to yourself all the time. But my thing is, I mean, you could put those the safeguards to place all day, but if you never hold anybody accountable for the previous wrongs, they're just going to do it again. It's just like you always talk about in New York. You get arrested, you get till you get put back. Well, if I'm the established man, I can see you and get away with it, well I'm gonna do it again. I mean we have well, well, what do you think the criminals out in San Francisco that are not gonna They're told they're not going to be arrested as long as they don't steal more than a thousand dollars, and they're just stealing nine hundred bucks worth of stuff and walking out of stores. I mean, that's my point. I mean, and that's a petty criminal. If you look at somebody with powerful connections, they get to get away with it all the time. I mean, I mean, it's Banana Republic stuff. And we got we got to stand strong and hold people account I've been telling everybody, talk to your state legislature, state Senate, get the laws, get the integrity measures I talk about. We have forty five seconds left. We're giving it to Michael and New York. Michael, you got to talk fast, Hey, Sean, thanks for taking me. I really loved your segment with Curtis yesterday. And living in Manhattan now for eighteen years, paying the type of taxes and watching my city crumble. We need someone like Curtis and leaderships and take us back to the Giuliani days where we felt safe to walk our streets and walk around and be able to go freely and not have to worry about mental health issues as you discussed, and about homelessness, especially in front of our small businesses that are dying out daily, and just something I wanted to say. I also really loved your town hall with President Trump last week. Thank you for doing that, and thanks for taking me. And I'll let you have the final word, all right, Michael, appreciate the call. Yeah, I mean, the only question I have is and the law and order got Julianni elected. Curtis is running as an independent. He's also on the Republican line too, and if those policies are re implemented, guess what, New York will come back bigger and better than ever. If they're not, it's gonna deteriorate daily. We see it every day. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. But Hannity Tonight, ninet Eastern on Fox, there is a group running a campaign multimillion dollars our ad campaign against woke corporations. We'll find out what that's all about. Also, Mark Meadows, Steve Miller, Greg Jarrett, Tonight, nine Eastern, Say DVR, Hannity, Fox News. We'll see you tonight, back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us, and yes, we never forget. The show is made possible by all of you. We can't thank you enough. See you tonight,

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