Travis Herzing and Aaron Negherbon are two local victims of Hurricane Harvey who have been showing extraordinary heroism by rescuing hundreds of people. Sean levels with these guys about the huge task ahead and just how much the government can help. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep pealing and recuperative sleep that you've been eaving and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code, Hannity, you will love this pillow, all right, Glad jo with us Happy Wednesday, although it's my Friday. Yeah, I have to rub it in people like, really, Hannity, we don't want to hear about your good day. We're having a rough day today. If you're having a rough day, I want to put a smile on your face. All right. So the President, uh, just a short time ago, starting his speech in Springfield, Missouri. It's really really good, and he mentions Houston and obviously Texas and his tax reform speech. And I'm listening to this and I'm saying, do you Republicans stand for anything? Because right now you have no identity, and if you don't support this plan, I think you all need to go. Let's play it from the top. Before we begin, I'd like to take a few moments to discuss the deeply tragic situation in Texas and Louisiana. As we all know, our Gulf coast was hit over the weekend with a devastating hurricane of historic proportion, torrential range, and terrible flooding. Continue to pose a grave danger to life and to property. Our first responders have been doing absolutely heroic work to shepherd people out of harm's way, and their courage and devotion has saved countless lives. They represent truly the very best of America. We must be vigilant. We must protect the lives of our people. I was on the ground in Texas yesterday to meet with Governor Abbott, who is doing, by the way, an incredible job, and local officials so that we could coordinate the very big and unprecedented fed ural response. In difficult times such as these, we see the true character of the American people, their strength, their love, and their resolve. We see friend helping friend, neighbor helping neighbor, and stranger helping stranger, and together we will endure and we will overcome. To those affected by this storm, we are praying for you, and we are here with you every single step of the way. And I can speak I know for the people in this room every step of the way. To those Americans who have lost loved ones, all of America is grieving with you, and our hearts are joined with yours forever. The city sins of Texas and the Gulf Coast need all the prayers, support and resources our communities have to offer. Recovery will be tough, but I have seen the resilience of the American spirit firsthand all over this country. To the people of Houston and across Texas and Louisiana, we are here with you today, we are with you tomorrow, and we will be with you every single day after to restore, recover, and rebuild. Our thoughts and prayers remained firmly with the citizens and our fellow people, people, great, great people, all affected by this tragedy. We're also glad to be back in the heartland with the very, very fine folks of Missouri. And I said to Senator Blunt, and I said to Billy Long on the plane coming in, can I say Missouri or should I say Missouri? Okay? And they said whatever you want is okay. So I said, good. But I'm especially pleased to be here in Springfield, the birthplace of a great American icon, the legendary Route. Who would have known that this is the place where the main Street of America got its start, and this is where America's main Street will begin. It's big, beautiful combat that you're over you are seeing it right now. This is a comeback of historic proportions. You're seeing it happen right now. Right you'll say that we're here today to launch our plans to bring back the Main Street by reducing the crushing tax burden on our companies and on our workers. Our self destructive tax code cost Americans millions and millions of jobs, trillions of dollars, and billions of hours spent on compliance and paperwork. And you have seen what's happening with regulations. They're going fast. We need regulations, but many of them are unnecessary and they are going fast. That is why the foundation of our job creation agenda is to fundamentally reform our tax code for the first time in more than thirty years. I want to work with Congress, Republicans and Democrats allow on a plan that is pro growth, pro jobs, pro worker, and pro American. There is no more fitting place to launch this effort than right here in the American heartland, surrounded by hard working men and women who skilled, determination and drive are truly second to none. And by the way, before I start, Ivanka Trump, I see my beautiful daughters in the audience, stand out party. She's working very hard. I'm very proud of Ivanka. For many decades were sixt SI captured the American spirit the communities along this historic route where a vivid symbol of America's booming industry. Truck drivers hauled made in America goods. Along this vital artery of commerce. Families passed through bustling towns on their way to explore the Great American West, and high quality manufacturing jobs lifted up communities gave Americans a paycheck that could support a family. Mr Cook is a great example of the people that do it. Yah, stand up, stand up, pasify, stand up. Yeah, I think they like you. And provided millions of our fellow citizens with the pride and dignity that comes with work. But in recent years, millions of Americans have watched that prosperity slip away in the rear view mirror, and it wasn't pleasant to watch, especially for me. I would sit back, I was in business and I could see what was happening wasn't good. If we want to renew our prosperity and to restore opportunity, then we must reduce the tax burden on our companies and on our workers. In the last ten years, our economy has grown at only around two a year. You look at other countries and you look at what their g d P is. They're unhappy when it's seven, eight nine, And I speak to them, leaders of the countries, how are you doing? Not well? Not well? Why GDP is down to seven? And I'm saying we were hitting one percent just a number of months ago. So we're going to change that around folks, that I can tell you, and we're going to change it around time. And today a very appropriate day that this should happen. We just announced that we hit three percent in g d P. It just came out and on a yearly basis. As you know, the last administration, during an eight year period, never hit three. So we're really on our way. If we achieve sustained growth, that means twelve million new jobs and ten trillion dollars of new economic activity over the next decade. That's some numbers. And I happen to be one that thinks we can go much higher than three. There's no reason why we shouldn't. So this is our one set of generation opportunity to deliver real tax reform for everyday hard working Americans. And I am fully committed to working with Congress to get this job done, and I don't want to be disappointed by Congress. Do you understand me? Do you understand understand Congress? I think Congress is going to make could come back. I hope. So I'll tell you what the United States is counting on it. All right, By the way, with the President in Springfield, Missouri, for stations along the Sean Hannity Show network, no that we are continuing our coverage through your local break If you decide to break away, we understand, And for listeners you can call the local station Blame them, not us. All right, back to the President. That means getting rid of the loopholes and complexity that primarily benefit the wealthiest Americans and special interests. Our last major tax rewrite was thirty one years ago. It eliminated dozens of loopholes and special interest tax breaks, reduced the number of tax brackets from fifteen to two, and lower tax rates for both individuals and businesses. At the time, it was really something special. Since then, our tax laws have tripled in size, and the tax code itself now spans more than two thousand, six hundred pages, and most of it is not understandable, tax rates have increased and special interest loopholes have crept back into the system. The tax code is now a massive source of complexity and frustration for tens of millions of Americans. In the basic ten forty form that most people file had two simple pages of instruction. Today, that basic form has one hundred pages of instructions, and it's pretty complex stuff. The tax code is so complicated that more than of Americans need professional help to do their own taxes. This enormous complexity is very unfair. It disadvantages ordinary Americans who don't have an army of accountants, well benefiting deep pocketed special interests. And most importantly, this is wrong. First and foremost, Thank you. First and foremost, our tax system should benefit loyal, hard working Americans and their families. That is why tax reform must dramatically simplify the tax code eliminate special interest loopholes. And I'm speaking against myself when I do this, I have to tell you, and I might be speaking against Mr Cook and we're both okay with it. Is that right? It's crazy we're speaking Maybe we shouldn't be doing this, you know, but we're doing the right thing. True and allow the vast majority of our citizens to file their taxes on a single simple page without having to hire an accountant. Second, we need a competitive tax code that creates more jobs and higher wages for Americans. It's time to give American workers the pay raise that they've been looking for for many, many years. In Ronald Reagan led the world by cutting our corporate tax rate to that was below the average rate for developed countries. At the time, everybody thought that was a monumental thing that happen. And but then under this pro America system, our economy booned. It just went, it just went beautifully right through the roof. The middle class thrived, and median family income increased. Other countries saw that success. They looked at us, They saw what is America doing, What's happening with the United States, and they acted very swiftly by cutting their taxes lower and lower and lower, and reforming their tax systems to be far more competitive than ours. Over the past thirty years, the average business tax rate among developed nations fell from fort to less than and some countries have an unbelievably low tax including by the way, China and some others that are highly competitive and really doing very well against us. They are taking us frankly to the cleaners. So we must we have no choice. We must lower our taxes. And your Senator Clara McCaskill, she must do this for you, and if she doesn't do it for you, you have to vote her out of office. She's got to make that commitment. You've got to make that commitment she doesn't do it. I just can't do this anymore with the obstruction and the obstructionists. If we don't get tax cuts and reform a proved potentially the biggest ever, we're looking for the biggest ever jobs and our country cannot take off the way they should. And it could be much worse than that, but at a minimum, they won't take off the way they should. The Dems are looking to obstruct tax cuts and tax reform, just like they obstructed so many other things, including administration appointments and healthcare. Not one vote. We got, not one vote to try and fix healthcare and get rid of Obamacare. The strategy of our economic rivals has worked. They made their taxes lower and far lower in many cases than ours, and jobs left our country. Large corporations change their business models by exporting jobs to other countries and then shipping their goods back to the United States where they may massive profits, and they wouldn't be paying tax to u US either. So we lost the jobs, we lost the taxes. They closed the buildings, they closed the plants and factories. We got nothing but unemployment. We got nothing. Other businesses, even classic American brands, switched their headquarters to foreign countries. Because of this and other reasons like weak borders, America remains stuck in the past. Although I have to tell you we have General Kelly here today and we stopped seventy eight percent going up to on the border traffic coming through in just a short period of thought. He's done some job. Whole different world out there. Right now today, we are still taxing our businesses att and it's way more than that. And think of it in some cases way above when you include state and local taxes in various states. The United States is now behind France, behind Germany, behind Canada, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and many other nations. Also were these countries and almost every country. We have massive trade deficits, numbers that you would not believe. But this administration is going to fix that. One by one. We're fixing it. We're working right now on NAFTA, the horrible, terrible NAFTA deal that took so much business out of your state and out of your cities and towns, and we're working on it. Let's see what happens. Mexico is not happy. But as I told them, you made a lot of money for a lot of years, and everybody left you alone. We've got to change this deal, and hopefully we can renegotiate it. But if we can't, well terminate it and we'll start all over again with a real deal. So when it comes to the business tax, we are dead last. Can you believe that? So this cannot be allowed to continue any longer. America must lead the way, not follow from behind. We have gone from a tax rate that is lower than our economic competitors to one that is more than six higher. We have totally surrendered our competitive edge to other countries. We have totally surrendered. We're not surrendering anymore, all right. So the President in Springfield, Missouri today warning Claire mccaskell, uh, either she gives her your tax cuts, so you should vote her out of office, and saying Okay, Uh, Congress, do your job. You haven't done so well so far, and it is the proper challenge. Uh. All right, when we come back, we have a busy day to day pretty much either continues of speech a little bit longer and he outlines his tax proposal. What you heard a lot of their uh, we'll touch on that. We'll touch on his comments on Hurricane Harvey. We've got some of the heroes of Hurricane Harvey. Harvey, people on the ground, people donating. We'll get to that. Diamond and Silk will make you laugh. Today we continue our investigation into the Debbie Washingman Schultz case. Well, that's all coming up, and your calls. Eight one, Shawn is her number. When we come back. The news of the day and your reaction straight ahead, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour. Uh. An incredible speech in Springfield by the President. We'll get back to that in a second. We have great stories of neighbor helping neighbor coming up in the course of the program. I want to remind you you know, we all have documents, we all have firearms, or many of us do, and we have important papers. 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Twenty bucks a month, and you know what. It saves everything that is important to you and protects the things that are of value and keeps your firearms safe and secure the way they should be. So remember when you buy, buy bigger because most people run out of room. That's my advice. When you go to liberty it's liberty safe dot com. Go there today. They also have local stores around your area. Look them up on the internet. You can find them. But the best place to go their Labor Day sale ends on September the seventh. Liberty Safe dot com. Um. You know, I really I've got to say this. We are very blessed with some of the best, nicest people, supportive advertisers, and when we come unto fire, I mean, it's unbelievable how how our advertisers rally around you this show, this audience because you've been so loyal and supporting them, and without your support, believe me, there are more than a million people that want to see the show go away. And and one person that also has taken heat just because he supports the president is is the inventor of my pillow. And you know you can go to my pillow dot com eight zero nine zero. It's the best pillow I've ever had. And I just become friends with Michael Lindel is the inventor of my pillow, and I have my pillows everywhere I have to go my pillows. I literally need four of them. I surround myself, two for the back of my head, one for the top, and one on the side for my arm. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I sleep better than I ever have. And I'm not the best sleeper, but I've gotten better than ever anyway. So I was just texting with Mike yesterday and he goes, yeah, you know, I just want you to know him. I think, I think I'm just gonna send pillows over and then I found out he sent sixty thousand pillows sixty And it's one of the just you know, the many, many stories of people Samaritan's Purse. They're on the ground, all of the Cajun Navy guys, Waco Navy guys, military experts using their training to save lives, incredible stories of neighbor helping neighbor. And I just asked Mike Lindell to come on, tell us quickly what he's been doing. Uh, sixty was in pillows. That is extraordinarily generous of you. And you know what, I bet you it's gonna end up for a lot of people to be the one comfort when they lay their head down at night. If they've never had my pillow, they're gonna be in love with it like I am. Yeah, Sean, it is. It's been a blessing for my platform to be able to even do this. And we're we're heading down. I'm actually sending a crew down to help too, and we're sixty thou pillows we're sending initially here. It could end up being a lot more. But uh, another thing I wanted to say, if I can the uh we last summer when I met the President, I was telling about my foundation where it's a path through energy where my pillow and Mike Lindell pays all the overhead. So any money donated is to these to these causes was gonna be a percent passed through with no overhead, and we were going to launch up in um Minneapolis and in Detroit. Well, now with what's happened in Houston, we're launching that right now as we speak on your show. So if anybody goes to the Lindale Foundation dot org and wants to donate, you can rest your shirt of your money with another no overhead cost at all. That's almost unheard of for any charity. Yeah, zero, I'm covering every every every part of it. Every you know, if you put in a five dollars, five dollars is going to go to someone in need down there in Houston surrounding communities. And we, uh my board, we're gonna we're working with the organizations in the area to make sure that you know that we that everybody gets helped and we're gonna try as much as we can to get um to get as much funds as we can to help out. But uh, I just thought it would be great to it to announce this now where people can know. You know, in nowadays, the people people with foundingses and touch you don't know how much your money really gets there, but we pay all the overseed, like, well, I want to help you with your foundation. We we've helped out Samaritan's Purse and we got another group that we're helping. And you know, I just I mean, I watch every day and I see what everybody else is doing, and I'm just blown away by everybody's generosity. And uh, you know, I'm sure that sixty pillows are are not inexpensive, and uh but I will tell you this, it's gonna make a difference for all those people that are are sleeping in conditions that are less than desirable. That listen, I need a pillow to go fall asleep. I mean I just do. Um, well, it'll be hopefully it will be a little a little bright spot in there on this whole, in this all these other tragic things that are going on down there, and to get sleep for anything is so important. And um they like I say, this is just the start. We're sending sixty thou down and my my crew is gonna be there on Friday morning and we're gonna be working all over the um, all over with all different community communities all around Houston and the other in the other rocks Port and all the ones that work at heart well anyway, you know, it's an audor to become a friend of yours. Uh, let's stay in touch over the weekend. Let me know if there's anything I could do for for your It's it's Lindell Foundation dot org. Yeah, Linda phoned a dot org. Basically we're just using it as a tool. We're gonna have the thing up there with Houston right now as we speak. You put your whatever you put in it goes right to the people in need. This No like I said, I'm even paying um every fee, every every overhead. You're paying all the overhead. Cause that's amazing. Yep. So I just wanted to, all right, to be taking a damage of this, uh of any uh, these tragics. Well, in case people forget, which they might, I just linked at the Hannity dot com now so it'll be easy access. Michael Lindell, you're a great friend of great American. That's extraordinarily generous. And I know our friends down in Houston and surrounding areas are going to be very very happy that you're sending that uh and we'll stay in touch throughout the next week. I mean, there's gonna be a long term rebuild, and our thoughts and prayers are obviously with all those people. Thank you, sir. Well, thanks Sean. It's noted to be on your show, and God bless you and everyone. And we'll talk soon, all right. My friend Micha Lindell, my pillow, my pillow dot com, and of course zero nine zero we'll link his his foundation of the web site. Um, you know, I want to just go over something. So the president started out today. Do you know that President Obama was the first president in American history, on top of thirty million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, for US recovery since the forties, lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years, and doubling the national debt, more more debt than every other president before him combined. Do you know he's the only president though, that never reached three percent GDP growth? Do you know the president just by doing what he's done personally picking up a phone, encouraging businesses and changing the business environment and ending burdens and regulations. I went through a whole list on TV the other night last week. Do you know that we now have three percent GDP growth in the country for the in the second the quarter was revised upward from two point six to three. Now, repealing Obamacare is going to help that more. And if they can pass the Economic Plan seven brackets to three middle class tax cuts, which are desperately needed. If we could get corporations at a low tax rate and were patriot were patrioted money that are trillions overseas that people can't bring into the country because of the confiscatory rates. If that corporate money gets spent, the multi corporate, multinational corporation money gets spent, and factories are built here, and manufacturing centers are built here. And energy the president now has opened up and we moved towards energy independence. That's gonna be millions of high paying career jobs for people. There's no telling. I mean, this country will be infinitely better off in every way imaginable because economics will impact people's view of the country and life. It's so important now. That was one of his major campaign promises that he wanted to get above three percent g d P. And he set the goal and he's reached it, and he's done it, frankly without a lot of help from Congress. I mean, I gotta tell you this is if Congress would just get off their Trump hating bandwagon, we'd be so much better off and everybody forgets the forgotten men and women. It's sort of like the pettiness of the news media. Oh, let's talk about shoes. I mean shoes. I've got a hole in my shoe I found out two days ago. Were you confirm that if everybody have a hole in my shoe, because you're the one that would not stop talking about how is it possible I have a hole in my show? Yes, I can confirm that Sean Hannity take a picture of it. But has a whole issue and why do all right? Stop? I can't stand hearing that drives me nuts. No, But the point is, I didn't know I had a hole in my shoe until you pointed it out. And I don't. I'm not changing my shoes because it hasn't a hole isn't big enough that it actually hits It hits my foot, it hurts. So why should have Why I need a new pair of shoes? Why so I can show everybody at the latest greatest Look at my Look at my you know, uh m may is bag, look at my Louis butte, I don't care about that stuff. I just couldn't care a rip, you know, Look at my Why don't we get a red bottom of my shoe? And I'll say, it's really expensive? Why don't we do that? I've never understood that you're laughing because you know it's true. Come on in, I'll call it for you right now. You got crowns in there. Um, you know. The Houston Mayor ignored the twenty sixteen morning that this storm would be monster. He's the only person that I can see politically that did you know, We'll have other great stories for to hack to get through something is traumatic as what the people in Texas have gone through. You need three components. You need the people neighbor helping neighbor. We've seen more inspiring stories than I've seen since nine eleven has met. You remember nine eleven, how inspiring. That was the worst moment in our country's history. And you see the best out of people. He's see it down in Texas and it just as inspiring. It just shows what we're capable of as a country, as a society. But the media only wants to focus in on hating Trump and Milania's shoes. And I'm thinking, you idiots, People are dying, people are suffering, They just lost everything they care about in life, and that's all you people want to do is hate on the president. And I'm thinking, and it's just like all of the distractions about Russia and he's gonna start nuclear war and racist, racist, racist, and all of that served nobody except themselves and their effort to delegitimize, overturn and election, which is basically what they wanted to do. By the way, US missile's missile defense warning shot at North Korea. Trump administration fired a warning shot in North Korea's direction this morning, conducting a missile defense test halfway across the Pacific that demonstrated the capacity to take out Pyong Yang's medium range missiles. This is beautiful, What a great move. Anyway. The test was done from the U s S. John Paul Jones and comes a day after North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan. Now, the test, using standard Missile six guided systems, intercepted a medium range ballistic missile target. You know what's next. I'm gonna tell you what's next. The next time Kim Jong un or one of these future times he fires a missile, We're gonna shoot that sucker out of the sky. Then let's see how tough he is. One of the saddest things we've learned this week that nobody paid attention to is the Obama administration was likely hiding information about Iran elicitly very militants into Syria on commercial aircraft to promote the landmark nuclear deal. That's how dumb Obama was. But nobody seems to really care about that now later in the program. I think this is one of the biggest unreported stories out there, and that is the very odd indictment of this I T guy that was working for Debbie Wasserman Schultz. And when you look at this particular case and the guy who had all the money, you've heard his name a million times before. But anyway, uh Iman im round imrond Uwan is his name, Luke rose Yak who is with the Daily Caller and he's been really good at this um. Why did she keep him on the payroll? Why did he have people that had been fired from McDonald's on the payroll? Ethan, is something funny in there? Can I Is there anything I can do for you? Because you could go take a walk, as far as I'm concerned. If you're gonna be obnoxious, no no, no, no, look at him, his faces beat red. You don't like getting called out? Alright? I didn't have the guy's name off the top of my head. I admit I'm awfully sensitive. You could have just moved on, but no, you just look at his face. It's it's tomato red in there. I'm just teaching him a lesson, so he doesn't you called me out. No, you were read, but for that laugh, I'm irish, Okay, alm irish to my face is just tan. Uh you know, all right, we're gonna get into all that Luke Rosiac today. Uh. Oh, We've got the debate of a century. Katie Hopkins and Heraldo Rivera. They're gonna debate. Oh, Kathy Griffin now pulls back her apology on the severed isis pose head of Donald Trump? And blood? And then we've got some of the heroes of Texas are going to join us today and we will check. Oh, Diamond and Soilco are gonna put a smile on your face. Always fun. All right, it's my Friday. And don't get people. Oh you're off again. I don't take a lot of vacation. I don't have a lot of vacation to take. This is pretty much it until Thanksgiving and one week. That's it the whole summer. Everybody else in media has been off this week and I've been doing my job and I'm in tonight. All right. We got some stories, some heroes that we will be introducing to you today. We also have an investigation when we get back. Why is the media ignoring the Debbie Wassman Schultz, I t scandal well on top of the fact that they're biased. Also, we've got Katie Hopkins, Eraldo Rivera, and so much more. Diamond and Silk joined us today on the Sean Hannity Show. Straight Ahead. Let me just be very clear, at no point during my tenure at the d n C was Eye contacted by the FBI, d h S or any government agency or alerted or made aware that they believed that the Russians, a an enemy state, was in shooting on our network. At no point, and I am a member of Congress who had the ability to sit down and be briefed in a classified setting. Even Director Comey testified publicly that he wished that he had gone to the top of the organization. Secretary Johnson says the d n C rebuffed the health that they offered. You're saying that no one ever, respectively, who respectfully the Secretary Johnson is is utterly misinformed. That is simply not accurate. And much that has been has been written about the time line of events by The New York Times, the Washington Post that document through multiple sources, including me, that that the the FBI and other federal agencies did virtually nothing to make sure that when they were aware, at the point that they were aware that there was or concerned that there was an intrusion on our network by the Russians, that they did virtually nothing to sound the alarm bells to make us aware of that, and they left essentially the Russians on our network for more than for almost a year. All all right, glad you're with a Sean Hannity show one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program our or two of our programs any and I want to get back into something that the media is forever and always going to ignore because it seems like they've got their agenda and only their agenda, and they're not gonna pursue truth or to get information out to you, the American people. Now, there's some very strange and bizarre things happening as it relates to Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the handling of this I T guy. The I T guy was caught double billing, she keeps him on the payroll for nearly a year. And then we see that people that apparently have no I T experience that we're working at McDonald's and a car wash or a car dealership, rather that they actually have the ability to get I T payments when we have no evidence they ever had any I T experience. Anyway, it is we've got an update on all of this. This former I T a that is suspected of stealing the equipment, and then you've got the broken government hard drives in his in his garage still has an active secret email account on his house computer system. This is the guy that's funneling three grand of Pakistan and and trying to sneak out of the country. Uh and and get the heck out of here, and even though he had an ankle bracelet according to reports. Now anyway, so he has a secret email. He's been banned from the Congressional network because of the criminal investigation and indictment into alleged cyber security violations. The Daily Caller Luke Rosiak has been all over this story, and im ron Awan's still active email addresses linked to the name of a house staffer who specializes in intelligence and homeland security matters for Indiana Democratic Congressman Andre Carson. According to documents and emails that actually show a Wand used the address in addition to his standard House Gov address. Now the mail was sent via Gmail files in the name of the account holder as Nathan Bennett, who if you look online and you looked at his profile and linked in in some of these other places, it says his individual legislative portfolio covers national security, foreign affairs, and includes work on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The member Bennett works for, Carson is a member of both the House Intelligence and Homeland Security Committees, and Carson is the ranking member of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Emerging Threats, which oversees the Office of Director of National Intelligence, and the subcommittee oversight then extends to the National counter Terrorism Center UH in terms of information sharing programs. So none of this makes sense, and you gotta believe that there's got to be some type of security implications here. And just like in the case of Hillary Clinton, we've got more government hard drives busted, and we've got more issues that involved potential security breaches, because we know, in Hillary's case, thirty three thousand deleted it, subpoened emails, bleach bit acid washed, busted up and what did this guy know? Why does he still have access? When's the last time he access this account. Luke Rosac from investigative reporter with the Daily Caller as with us, how are you, sir, I'm good, Thanks for having me, Sean. All right, Let's go into this very very bizarre happening in this other email account that this guy had, and do we know how recently it was used. I don't know how recently it was used. I know that he's been using it for years. And it's one to three at mail dot House dot gov, which is just like totally bizarre. Normally, of course you have first named at last name, and people say he was using uh this government email address to basically intimidate them. It seems like, who knows who's emailing you from the house. If it's one to three, he could tell you he's Paul Ryan, who knows what he's doing. So I would assume that he probably still has acts us to it, considering it's still in existence, right right, So when the police banned him in February two, his real email address in ron Dotta Juan. When you send emails to that, it immediately started bouncing back when they cut him off. That means you can't send emails to it with this address you can continue even today to send email addresses to one to three and mailed that HOUSECT. It doesn't bounce back. The email address is still active. What do you think about Debbie Wasserman Schultz after this guy was caught double billing and it appeared that when you hire people that work at McDonald's and a car dealerships, I can't imagine they were working there if they had those great I T. Experience and background that they should be have access to some of our intelligence secrets. Right And he you know, in addition to being investigated for double billing, and authorities have mounds of evidence to that effect. Uh, the investigation is also into a secret server taking lawmaker's information and putting it somewhere where it shouldn't be. Any lawmakers also have plenty of evidence on that. So you know, that's all Uh, it's all known. This has been going on since the cops ban him in February two. Uh, and Wasserman Schultz continues to employ him even though he was banned from touching the network. And she made up a bunch of reasons like saying, oh, he's gonna plug in printers and somehow that doesn't constitute working on the network. And I think the question in everyone's mind is, Hey, if you still have this guy poking around the Capitol building, coming to work and being on the premises, you know, is there a risk here that he's going to still access to network? Is he going to interfere with the investigation somehow? How is it possible the A P the New York Times ignore the Wasserman Schultz Democratic Guy t scandal. How how is that possible? And the next question I have is, you know, how is the d n C. We remember after the Wiki leaks documents that came out just before the DNC convention. Remember that was a big deal and the information was a huge reveal, And how the d n C handled it. Remember they wouldn't turn their servers over to the FBI. They refused to. Do you think these are related? I think the response here, I think that's a great point. The response is there's so many parallels. Basically, what we have now here is authorities have a lot of evidence. They have all these vouchers, equipment being built fraudulently, no show employees, a secret server. But they haven't been charged with all that stuff just yet. And one of the reasons may be that members of Congress are not cooperating. After all, they're the victims here on the surface. So to build a case that they stole from they stole data and money from members of Congress, that may require the testimony of those members, and it's not clear. In fact, there's some reasons to believe, significant reasons to believe that members are protecting this guy, and they're not wanting to criticize. But you know, for those other media outlets out there and anyone who's questioning the story, I mean, make make no mistake. When you delve into the details and you look at the public records and you talk to the appropriate authorities, this is very real stuff. It's a real cybersecurity scandal on the Hill. And uh, just as uh, you know, Democrats have been talking about how bad hacking is. That we've been hearing about that for the last year, and they're right, hacking is bad, Hacking is serious. And by the same effect, I mean, that's what we have here, and it should be treated with equal uh, with an equal it's it's not it's not being treated that way. And frankly, you're out there on your own as always when you see the deletions and the acid washing of top secret classified special Access program information of Hillary and the destruction of devices, and the bleach bit used and all of this, and then you see similarities. The Democratic National Committee won't allow the FBI to look at their computers, and then as I t guy who double billed and as all these unqualified people seemingly working for him and is making a fortune, and then he ends up with government hard drive smashed in in his garage. Is there any way you can connect those two items or we don't know yet. In other words, is it the same information they're trying to get rid of. Well, we don't know what's on this hard drives, but we know that he tried to hide whatever it was. We know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz has gone so far to hire an outside law firm to make sure they don't see what's on a laptop that was found connected to this investigation. Uh. And we know that his wife led the country and you know she's not coming back when her arrangement data said she's not going to show up and she's going to become a fugitive. And they've got an early trial date on Friday, so we're gonna see what happens there not a trial date, excuse me as a preliminary Heroes, stay right there. Luke rosiac is breaking this Debbie Wasserman Schultz I T story wide open, especially as it relates to Imrono Juan um Andy McCarthy I thought had a particularly interesting piece on National Review about this, about the strange indictment of Debbie Wasserman Schultz I T scammers and what impact all of this may have on national security. We're gonna delve deeper into this also, Dana Roarbacker on Hannaday tonight. We'll do what the rest of the media won't do. Is it possible that the whole Russian narrative was an eleven month conspiracy? Lie? Well, he seems to think it is, So we'll do. We'll ask the questions the media won't tend Eastern tonight. All right, as we continue, Luke rosiac is with The Daily Caller. Mainstream media has been ignoring I think one of the biggest scandal stories of all time, and that is Debbie Wassonman Schultz and her I T guy that clearly was overpaid, clearly double billed, clearly had people working for him, that weren't qualified. And now our friend Danny McCarthy over at National Review writes a piece the strange indictment of her. Did you read that piece? Yeah? I did. I thought he made some very very good points. Well, what do you think I mean? If you have a naturalized Americans, you're investigating a husband and a wife they believe have scammed the Federal Credit Union of of hundreds of thousands of dollars. You catch them in several lies, false statements about their qualified cations for a credit line, and the strongest part of the case involves the the transfer of money to their native Pakistan. And it looks like Debbie Wasson and Schultz has been able to sort of manipulate the medians and not seeing this for what it is. Yeah, I think that's exactly right. I mean the timeline and they try to deflect, and they tried it with the way the media is every where, no one's got the attention span to follow the facts. But when you look at the timeline this investigation, they were tipped off that they were the subject of a criminal investigation. In late These guys owned like seven houses. They start frantically selling them off, taking fake loans, taking out the retirement under full circumstances, and wiring the money to Pakistan right after they realize they're the subject of this investigation. Now he makes the case there are there are grounds to suspect blackmail. What's your reaction to that. So, the way that members have been hesitant to condemned, to call out, to turn over evidence in this case and to assist with the prosecution of imran Awan is extremely unusual. UH. For example, Andre Carson, he's a member of the Intelligence Committee, UH from Indiana, one of two Muslims in Congress. He's on the Homeland Security as well as the Intelligence Committee. And he employed im rom So his office is connected to this fake email address one to three, the secret email address. So I went over there this week to tell them about this secret backdoor into the network, and they didn't seem to care. They didn't tell House authorities. There's no evidence of them, you know, frantically trying to find out what happened. Why is this guy using my I T my intelligence staffer's name. Uh? Did he get his identity stolen? How could our former I T guy have done this? They didn't say any of that. UM, none of these Democrats will say a bad word about im rom who is again they're his victims. He stole their data, he stole their money. Uh. And why did they let this guy's wife leave the country when there were many reasons to arrest her at that point? Right? So you know what they've what they've been charged with is just to cover up, not the crime. It's just the way to keep them here. But it remains to be seen whether prosecutors will um bring those charges or not, and whether what the hold up here is needing the co operation as members of coming. Now you're obviously following these cybersecurity issues closely. We have Dana Roharbacker on TV tonight. Do you have any thoughts about Julian Assange, who was the person that would know? Uh? The d n C email leak says it's not Russia. He has the proof it's not Russia. Is it possible the whole country fell for a lie in a conspiracy for nearly a year. Well, the only thing that I know is that the d n C under Washman Schultz, wouldn't let the FBI I see that server. And just a couple of weeks later she was told that her own I T Guy on the house was the subject of criminal investigation, and she yelled at the cops and said that the cops had framed her I T Guy out of Islamophobia and the facts don't support that. The facts support that this guy is a liar and he's pulling all kinds of schemes. So, uh, you know, we see a real maturn here between the two and it's it's something's not right, something's not right. This is not gonna end well for the liberal media and the Democrats, as my prediction. All right, Luke rose Yack, I got to meet you in person tonight. You're on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. And we're also investigating Dana Roharbacker's meeting with Julian Assange and does Julian have evidence that it was never Russia? Uh, in terms of Trump Russia collusion and the releasing of the emails. We'll get to that ten Eastern tonight, Hannity on the Fox News Channel. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back, we'll continue. On the other side. We got two people everyday heroes of the hurricane down in Texas, and they've been trying to use their monster truck to get people out of those areas that have flooded. Unbelievable stories of neighbor helping neighbor. Will continue that, and then we have the debate of the century, the Gobby one Katie Hopkins and Geraldo Rivera and Diamond and Silk stop by and what is my Friday Today? We'll continue alright till the top of the hour, right down on to free tele number. You want to be a part of the program. Its eight one Sean. You know I've been saying all week as we've been watching this whole tragedy unfold in Texas. If you want to be successful, and I know now we've what lost nineteen people confirmed maybe more soon, um, but if you want to be successful in any type of recovery effort, you really need three components. You need a what we've watched in Texas, and that's neighbor helping neighbor, and and just people standing up taking responsibility, helping people out, lending their boats, getting on their boats. Then you've got the professionals that come in and volunteer their time and their expertise and their training, like the Cajun Navy and the Waco Navy, you know, ex military guys ex law enforcement people and and they've now mastered the art of saving people in situations, just like we've seen done in in the Houston area, the the Texas area, and they've all been amazing. The next component is you need competence state and local government. And with the one exception of the Houston mayor who told everybody uh to go back to their homes and wouldn't take the governor's call at the time, you had full and complete state local government cooperation. Then you had great coordination between the state and the White House and the federal government. And the President is sending thirty thousand National Guard troops down there for what is going to be a very difficult transition for so many of these people that lost their homes. But to me, the most inspiring thing was at the height of this in the moment. It really takes the neighbor helping neighbor part to make this really successful and to prevent as much death as possible. You can't prevent the damage, but you can help the people. That was my biggest complaint about Katrina. When I saw an entire yard of empty buses and I had Jesse Jackson on the on the program. I think it was TV or right, I don't remember. After the fact and this conversation actually took place, I said, well, you know, he's blaming George W. Bush, and I'm saying, well, what about the democratic governor and the democratic incompetent mayor? You know, Ray, this is gonna be a chocolate city naked. You know. It was eating you know, food in a hotel and watching dead bodies float by with Lyon Brian Williams at an area that wasn't even flooded, and how incompetent he was. I mean, he couldn't even keep his police department on track to stay on their job because he wasn't doing anything and there was no leadership on the ground. And then I said that Reverend Jackson, Reverend, why do they have all those busses there? I mean, it's just the greatest evidence of how incompetent government can be. And he goes, well, Henny, what are they supposed to do with the buses? And I said, put the key in and then he goes, damn, what turn on the engine? And then what uh? Go pick up the people that need help and get him out of harm's way, And he goes where are you supposed to take people? And I said, away from the hurricane, And that's a true story, and that didn't happen in this case. And I know that everybody you know that Trump did a good job because the only thing they can criticizes the fact that he has his wife was wearing high heels out of the White House, not even on the ground in Texas where she had sneakers on. I mean, it's so petty, it's so despicable. And then they said, oh, you didn't show enough empathy, though I don't know how you show empathy by not when you show up, you coordinate, you do your job. You get FEMA on the groundployees, federal employees, thirty thousand National Guard troops. I mean, what did they want him to do to to, you know, go and catch the rain in a bucket. It's so ridiculous. And I said last week, if if Donald Trump cured cancer, it wouldn't be enough for those people that hate him, especially in the media and in the Democratic Party. It's so despicable. People are dying and they're worried about high heels. That's how pathetic these people are. And there's no going back for them. They're just they're so they're so gone and devoid themselves of empathy, reality, human understanding and compassion. Anyway, Travis hurt Sing is with us as well as UH Aaron nearby, and they're just two everyday heroes, two of the many of Hurricane Harvey. Travis has been out there using his monster truck. We showed some of these last night on Hannity. UH to get out into the Houston area and and rescue those who are stranded. And Aaron in his organization Troops Direct, they've been contacted by the Texas National Guard. They're donating supplies to the troops, you know, seven fifty thousand bottles of gatorade, two hundred thousand rescue blankets, eight hundred cots, waterproof boots and gloves. We had my buddy Mike Lindell from My Pillow He donated sixty thousand pillows yesterday and he said Moore's coming is needed. And UH. Anyway, welcome both of you to the program. But you're such a key component to making this work. Travis. Let's first talk about you. And we saw these monster trucks. I'm assuming that you can ride this thing and not worry about getting stuck in in these flooded streets, right, Yes, we don't have an issue with the majority of the deep water. Most of our majority of our veg um five ton army trust can take roughly five ft of water. I mean that's pretty amazing. So that means you can use the truck and go pick up people that are in need of assistance. Correct, yes, or that we've been doing. And how many people do you think you're rescued in the course of this whole thing. I would say anywhere from two hundred to three hundred and my and my one truck and your one truck. And now let me just play around a little bit. Why am I thinking? You know, you pull up to a house and there's people in need, and they see your monster truck and they're like, oh, you know, there's gotta be a little bit of humor in there that they're getting in a truck that they've never thought they'd be driving into their life, I know. And we try to lighten the move as best as we can, even with how devastating it is to most of these people. Um, we crack jokes. You know. Once you get in the truck, make sure you see backs and trade tables are in the upright and locked position, and we're just we try to lighten it up as best as possible, and everyone, luckily has been extremely thankful that we've been there to pick him up. Yeah. Well, if I want to just say on behalf of those but you did save and and the fact that you just dug in and and you're doing everything possible and you you literally change the lives of all those people that you took the time to go rescue and Aaron I, I've read a lot about what you guys are doing over Troops Direct and apparently you met with the Lieutenant Governor. I think it's a great guy, along with the Governor Dan Patrick, and you've been rescuing people with your off road truck and you've also been giving all these supplies over well. Hi Sean again, first I want to say thank you for all of your support that you've given Troops Direct today and also in the past. And President Trump's done a phenomenal job there in the area. And what Troops Direct is doing specifically is working with commanders with the Texas National Guard. Even prior to the storm hitting Sean, they were contacting us and we're a nonprofit organization and they were asking us for equipment they knew they would need even before the storm hit. And yes, like you said, they have requested gatorade and we have almost a million bottles of gatorade in the last twenty four hours, two hundred thousand rescue blankets, waterproof boots, ten thousand cliff bars, UH Strike Force Energy and av CEO Ran Operation out of Virginia is giving us energy packets that we're shipping out, printers for their communications centers, eight hundred cots, all these items at the Texas National Guard needs sean to rescue people, recover the lost unfortunately, and re established infrastructure. They're contacting us and we're supplying it because they just can't get it. Yeah, I gotta tell you, first of all, it's amazing and thank god we got thirty thousand National Guards troops going down there. And you know that I brought this up with the with the governor last night. Aaron I said, you know, I know we're still in rescue and rescue recovery mode now and the rebuilding is going to take a long time. There's no if sentence, but look my years in contracting all those houses half underwater. They're done. You gotta knock them down. It's it's you gotta start at the beginning, and you probably have to treat the foundation, you know, so you don't have the mold issues. You know. I'll tell you one of our members of our board of directors lives in Houston, and she has been stuck in her home, uh since the weekend, literally living on the second floor of her home. And we've been reporting to her everything that we're doing for the Guard, and I said, what else can we do? She goes, just support the Guard. They are gonna be the ones to save us. Support the Guard. Support the Guard. And so that's what you've been doing. Yeah, and those guys are all amazing too. And yeah, I think if we really look objectively, when you consider the historic amount of water that has hit this area and these areas that nobody ever thought would flood ever and a lot of these people don't have insurance, so the amount of money that's going to be needed for the rebuild, and I know the American people will step up and help our family down in Houston. That's what we do. That's who we are, um, you know, in spite of everything and all the vile. Disagree means I mean, at the end of the day, I'm not asking the money I donate to Samaritan's purs whether it's going to a liberal or a conservative, it's so stupid. At this point. You want to help, You want to help your fellow neighbor out here. You're exactly right. And you know, the one of the majors by rank with the um with the Army that we spoke to down there, I said, how long are you going to be down there for? And he goes, It's gonna be months. And what I One thing I know about our support for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else is the public gives immediately, Sean, they want to help this week. But we gotta remember these great Texans and those in Louisiana and Alabama and everywhere else that are gonna be hit by this are gonna need support for the long haul. And our budget at Troops Direct, we're looking at at least a hundred thousand dollars of support just for the guardsman in the next thirty days. And so that's why I'm asking you, Shanda, go to your audience and ask that they make a tax deductible donation to troops Direct dot org so we can get these guards and what they need. Help these people. I'll tell you what I've donated to Samaran's Samaritan's Purse. We have that up on my website, right, we have the Red Cross up there, I assume, and we're gonna add your group. I'm gonna send you guys or why are you guys some money later today? Linda will work out the arrangements for you. But uh, look, I I don't want or expect people to go into debt to help out the people of Houston. I mean, you've got to manage your money. You got to take care of business yourself at home. Um. But maybe it's just one night out at dinner that you're planning and you just won't go to that dinner or something, whatever it is. If it's ten bucks, fifty bucks, a hundred bucks, it's gonna make a big difference if everybody but just puts in a little bit. Um. I I always say, if, if, if your listeners can each give ten dollars, every listener listening today to give ten dollars just that one meal, one couple of cups of coffee. What we can do for those guardsmen, protecting and recovering those people would be phenomenal. Yeah, I agree, And Travis, tell us a little bit more about the group of guys you have. Rick Levinthal was showing us all those monster trucks that are down there and all the boats that we're gearing enough for loui Asiana. I mean, that's where the Cajun Navy has been amazing. The Waco Navy has been amazing. These guys have been I mean, honestly, the most outstanding stand up citizens I've ever met. The people that are at our shop. We just met them two days ago, and they have given every single minute of their waking day helping doing anything that they can. We have big trucks coming from all around the states, North Texas, East Texas, Louisiana, trucks with boats, big just lifted much trucks, monster trucks, everything like that. Everybody possible is doing what they can to help. I mean, it isn't all hands on deck situation. And uh anyway, listen, I want to say I want to say thank you to both of you. You're both the amazing human beings and what you're doing is just inspiring to all of us. Thank you for what you do, and we'll make sure to put those links up on Hannity dot com. And I know our audience will be extremely responsive as they always have been extraordinarily generous so of the many years when when they see their fellow neighbor in needs. So thank you all for what you're doing. Okay, and stay on the line and I'll work on that wire transfer to you guys. Okay, stay right there by the way. Thank god, I went to a bank today, and thank god, uh, I don't have to go to a bank very often. What a pain in the neck? Good grief, quick break right back, we'll continue, all right, eight nine for one, Shawn, I'm told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Let's get to our busy phones. We'll go to Houston, Texas. We'll check in with uh. Phil is with us? Phil? Hi? How are you welcome to the program? Is anyone checked in on a J? Big time a J from Houston? He's doing all right? I don't know if what's up? Phil? How are you? I'm sorry? What's going on down there? You? Okay? What happened to you? I'm good? Well, on on. On Sunday, woke up and my family was okay, but I saw the news that just a few neighborhoods down. They weren't. So we grabbed the buddy and grab the canoe with one paddle and try to go see what we do. And yeah, it was frustrating because there's a lot of people out trying to help, but we just didn't know where to go. And so I called the deputy who I would go to church with, and just said, hey, give me an address, tell me where to go. So we did, and we spent the rest of the day in that one neighborhood trying to get people out. And at night when they shut us down, um, because we didn't have life or anything, I knew I was leaving so many people behind on the second floor of these houses. So I just went on Facebook that night and I just said, come on, guys, we're Texans. Let's get a couple of boats, let's get a couple of friends les, let's meet at the eldest church in the neighborhood. Let's go help people. And my phone blew up all night. I had people calling me from everywhere. I had deputies and Sheriff's calling me and uh an amazing lady who used to be as deputy dispatcher and started saying, you've got people, you got help, We got addresses. So by morning we had over fifty volunteers and twenty boats at our church. Um the constable's local constables found out what we were doing and started bringing the vacuees over. We members of our church immediately started setting up a shelter, and then other face nearby found it was going on. They started donating their services. We started coordinating efforts with the other churches, and by yesterday we were dispatching out of our little church over fifty seven boats for three different sheriffs districts. It was it was amazing. You know what that is? It's so inspiring to hear such goodness and greatness coming out of the American people. I mean, and when you know, when push comes to shove, we've seen this before. I mean, we're divided country. We're divided. After the two thousand vote George W. Bush's president, I mean, they were hating on George W. Bush as much as they are Trump. Uh in many ways. And and nine eleven happens, and our world shifts and our world changes, and for a while, I mean, we actually got along and we understood what radical Islamic terrorism was all about. Sadly, now too many people have just forgotten what matters. And I think, especially when if the media is focused on high heels and then focused on shoes at a time when people are dying and help is needed and all hands on deck are needed, then you know we've got a big problem in this country. And the President gave a speech today on tax reform and his tax plan that was unbelievably amazing. And the things he said today about Houston were incredibly inspiring. And and it doesn't matter what he does, As I said, if he cured cancer, they wouldn't care anyway. One Shawn is a number, A quick break right back will continue at the time you apologize, you were very upset. Are you no longer sorry for it? Correct? I'm no longer sorry. The whole outrage was a b s. The whole thing got so blown out of proportion and I lost everybody. But do you not agree that that picture holding opposite it head? Oh no, it's a mosque coveting tomorrow souls? But did you do you not accept that was and it'll be over the line. No, you're full of crack. Stop this, you know this, Stop acting like my little picture is more important than talking about the true atrocities that the president of the United States is committing. No, I don't apologize to that photo anymore. And I think the outrage is complete BS, because we have real things to deal with. Absolutely, I don't think I will have a career after this. I think he, I think he. I think he. I'm gonna be honest. He broke me, he broken the broth. And then I was like, no, this isn't right. It's just right, and I apologize to kick. That was the right thing with you, and I meant it. And then I saw the tied turning and I saw what they were doing, and I went, Okay, they're trying to spend this and making about hearing. And obviously that was never my intent. I would never want to hurt but anyone mentions the child. But I started to see what was really happening, and then it was a mob mentality pylon and so many people have expressed two week personally across the country at my shows, they're scared. So yeah, I don't know what I don't know what he's got to race, but he did. I don't know what I have to do the idea to be what do you mean, it's it's surfing, it's censorship, That's what it is. I just worked there for ten years. Ye, there's a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me, and I'm just here to say that's wrong. Uh, isn't that set? You know? I was one of the few people that said, don't fire Kathy Griffin, and she has a right to be his obnoxious and route. Now it does cross a line. And I don't even think it's really that blurry. If you're doing things and saying things that could be a potential threat to the president of the United States. I mean, you do have Johnny Depp talking about when's the last time an actor assassinated the President of the United States? Or Robert de Niro saying he wants to punch him in the face, and the many other incidences of threats and violence. Anyway, here to discuss all of this from every aspect of it, we have Katie Hopkins the Call be One from the Daily Mail UK and Hoeraldo rivera Fox News host legal analyst and colleague and and antagonizer Sean Hannity in all of real life, and uh and even a friend. I mean, if he'll admit it publicly, which I know he will because he's my brother. Um haraldo, I'm very sensitive to the idea. I mean, her whining and crying and taking back what she said, and and my little picture. And if this can happen to me, it can happen to anybody. I'm not you know, which is the real Kathy Griffin here, but well, you are my brother from another mother. Second of all, is the father of five. I wanted to pick up that screaming baby. I wanted to shout out, someone pick up that baby. It was hysterical. You know, I'm just like, you're an overpaid actress and frankly not even that funny. But what you know, she I'm very torn. But you know, we have a lot of latitude in this country, a lot of you know, you can make fun ofthing, you can make fun of anything. The one thing you can't do is to threaten the life of the president of the United States. It's a simple statute. You cannot do it. You can't threaten the life of the president or the first family. It's a federal violation. It brings it in the Secret Service, as Cathy learned to her her great discomfort, they came, they interrogated, or it's a very serious matter some thing. So just I mean, maybe you laugh at it. Maybe it was a joke that some people found amusing, but I don't. I don't see anything funny about enough. Well what about what about Madonna? And you know Madonna well, but with her phony British accent, Katie Hopkins, and she says, you know, I dream an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Now, I can only imagine if I ever said that Haraldo is my best one of my best friends, would call for my firing if Obama was in office. Yes, well of course, and you should be fine and something like that, My darling, I was there that those words, uh, the woman's marches in Washington, and and to be honest, the crowd won't crazy. They love that stuff. And so I think with Kathy Griffin, with Madonna, I think, these these individuals, these lunatics, these idiots, have the right to say whatever they think. I don't really think she should even be fired or lose her job for it, But I do think that we have to accept the consequences of the stuff we say, and we can't moan about it when we don't like the consequences. So if I tweet something and I'm fired from something, that's my problem. I still got to say it, but I have to accept I may well lose my job, or in Kathy's case, she lost some friends over it and her kind of gigs around the country for her so called comedy. But what I don't like about Kathy Griffin and Madonna for that matter, is the idea that they suddenly blame the fact that they're women. They suddenly blame that there's misogynists out there that's suddenly because they're female. No, it's not because you're female. It's because you're an idiot. And above that, you also have ginger hair. And that's inexcusable. How harsh out By the way, we are not responsible for guests on the Sean Hannity Shoulder opinions expressed are those it's such a cup out, I'm such a I'm such a whim own it. You don't need to own it. I'll own it owning it. Yeah, exactly. So I happen to be Irish and there's a lot of people with red hair and my family if you don't mind, you know, he eats up at my people. Will you do not my people? Me? You don't have people and you don't have friends, so don't like claim that stuff. Because she paid this guy to come on like you. He's not your friend. I'm not your friend, and no one likes you, even your producer Linda Like she completely hates you. She's just doing this like for penance. Wow, get over get over myself. I do what color my here is youth the lady. It sounds just for men, for me and Haralda. Now why are you being so mean today, Katy Hopkins? You Mr Hannity are going on holiday for five days. I haven't been on holiday yet. And frankly, if I'm working hard at you, then you're going to get a top time. With all due respect, I don't think a lot of people work. Yeah exactly, Yeah, No, I have nothing to complain about, Kittie Hopkinson. I have a holiday coming up, one of the rare holidays I have in my life. I'm sorry if it offends you. Is not okay? Aldo, you know, but let me go to you know, we We've been talking a lot about these Antifa people. Why did it take so long to get a single Democrat to say what I've been saying, and that is there are violent groups of people, and even Nancy Pelosi validating that they existed in Charlottesville when when the President said it, everybody went insane. But they did exist. That's just the fact we've We've shown the video a hundred times, You've seen it, But the video was the difference the video in Berkeley over the last week is why I think put it over the top. It was uncontrovertible, incontrovertible. Rather, it was indisputable. It was there. You saw. It was the Antifa people perpetrating all the violence, and they made President Trump's case the Schledgeville case for him. But I have to say this about the Trump family and all seriousness. They are so deeply unpopular with the mainstream media that anything they do that can be ridiculed will be ridiculed. Witness what happened with Milannia's shoes yesterday, where you had a president of the United States doing the right thing as healer in chief, going to going to Texas in the midst of this catastrophe, and what was everybody fastened on, at least in the initial stages Milannia's high heels so and and ruthlessly. But but the thing is, you can make fun of the high heels. That's fair game. Why is the pair game? No, I disagree because of Michelle Obama? Well, I don't. I don't remember her going to Sandy. Graldo and both of us had a lot of friends that lost their homes in Sandy, and I don't remember her being there. And I remember Chris Christie with his big hug of Barack Obama. My my point is that there is so much latitude, so many things you can make fun of, whether it's distasteful or not, but you cannot, going back to our original discussion, threaten the life and well being of the First family. That's where she stepped over there. But what if Sean Hannity said, what if Sean Hannity said, oh my gosh, look at what Michelle Obama is wearing. What would happen to me? Well, you would, But you are in the problem you face when you wake up every morning. It's just like the President of the United States. You know that of the of the punditry is hostile to you. You fight back. You you are I think you would have I say this, and I say this unabashedly, if you existed on with the power you have now during a ninety nine seventy three Richard Nixon would never have been forced to resign. You would have protected the office of the presidency against that rinky dink you know, second rate burglary. You would have and the cover up that followed. You would have fought against it. You would have protected him. You you now have changed the equation. Now this comedy on both sides. Now this power on both sides. Even though you know that you know if you were in the House of Commons, you'd be in the back bench because of the right stay right there too is a liberal. I don't know if I take all that credit, but I will say this, what is what has been thrown at this president is unprecedented, and you have five major forces. You know, if you're gonna here's the guy trying to help people. People are dying, and they're talking about the lettos and high heels. It's so petty, and it's so despicable and so out of context and reality of what real lives and suffering are going on. It drives me nuts. We'll even bring Katie back in the next segment of the She's beating me up today, Sean is our number? You want to be a part of the program. More with Katie Hopkins The Mean One and Horaldo rivera Straight Ahead And as we continue with Horaldo repair a Fox News, Katie Hopkins The Daily Mail, and Katie's being particularly mean to me. But we're talking about where there might be limits on freedom of speech. You know, the one thing that really stands out in my head is, you know, all of these threats collectively about dreaming or blowing up a White House, punching the president in the face. When's the last time an actor assassinated a president of the United States? And then a severed bloody head in an isis posed by Kathy Griffin, And you know, I'm just torn on it because I think it's right at that line where any reasonable person would recognize that that is a specific threat, and it's certainly delegitimizes and dehumanizes the president, and that could inspire crazy people to go do whatever they're gonna do. Katie, I think so too. I also worried that tomorrow is the start of the what I would call the Google pet you know, where they're going to close down accounts on YouTube, which I guess is the same kind of conversation. We would be very happy if YouTube shut down all of the sites that isis are allowed to put their material out on. But what we're seeing, of course, is a shutting down of conservative YouTube accounts with seeing them being demonetized. I think two of the Lovely Ladies is a diamond and silk. I think they've encountered problems, and I think that's what I worry about, is where that nine is between freedom of speech and then the other way, which is where we get censorship of the Internet. And that's a curious place for us to find ourselves in. Haralda, what are your thoughts on that? These are really profound questions because you and I both know isis as evil and we both know that they trigger cells all around the world through the Internet. But how do you possibly monitor that? In that regard? I have to say, Sean and Kepty that I I air in favor of censorship. And I'll tell you why the Internet has allowed a network to be established, no matter how hideous the the the people who are having the conversation, it allows for the most potent and malignant recruitment that you can possibly imagine. It is an extremely effective tool that can negate a trillion dollar defense operation for fifty cents. And if if these I believe that, if for instance, the KKK wanted to talk to the KKK via the Internet, let him talk on KKK dot com, you know, where it is clearly delineated, you know exactly what you're rather than infiltrate, rather than disguise. I think that it is incumbent on YouTube, which is Google and Facebook and all the rest of it to monitor this very very potent line of communication. If they had the Internet. Can you imagine in the Second World War, Uh, you know, everybody would have known everything that was going on camp. If we if we take the example from this week where you know, neither you know, I would the supporter of any of these things. But what we're talking about is whether they should have the freedom Daily Stormer, so that would be the publication that the right correct. But their publication and the Daily storm was pulled from the Internet. The guy that hosts it said he was pulling it. Also the cloud fairst site that hosts it pulled the hosting of it. Is that fair? Then I think that Daily Stormer should have a requirement that if you're a Daily storm It, then I want I want a list of who's using this. They pulled the whole thing. I mean, you could say anything you want to whomever you want, as long as it doesn't break the law like threatening life. But they the whole thing. I want to know who you are. I want to know who you are. I don't want to you know, a fourth column in my back. Let me ask your question what you said. It's fine that we have censorship. Your pro censorship for isis none of us are disagreeing with you. But then they've now sensor the Daily Stormer. I'm not a subscriber, nor are you, I'm sure, but should they sense for the Daily Stormer? Where do you stop with your censorship? Just want to find words to the Daily Stormer. I want to listen to the subscribers to the Daily storm as well. And by the way, what do we do holdo when you know the leftists are in power and they want a list of everybody I talked to, including you and Katie? But why not give it to them? Why not? I mean sure you have no secrets. No, I don't. I don't, but but I thought we had first two years. But what about privacy protection to regulate this stuff or use I don't know. That's just friends with this guy. I mean really, listen. I never said I agreed with him. Listen. I think his mission in life is to poke and prod me, and it belongs to you. I do not want censorship. I do not. I mean your friends. Oh my god, We're gonna put you two back together when I get back from holiday. But I take so many holidays. You need a holiday your life so hard you have to talk on TV on the radio. Oh my gosh, I'm gonna make you. I'm gonna make I'm gonna make you sing the next time you were back. All right, Katie Hopkins, Horaldo, Haldo, we'll see you on TV. But we won't see Katie. Thank god. Quick freak right back. We'll continue. And this is my Friday because we got the big holiday weekend coming up out. We need these holiday weekends. Occasionally we don't get enough of them, enough time off. But there are two of the best, the funniest, kindest, sweetest people you'd ever meet in real life. And they love their president, and they're very outspoken and they speak out. It's something that is just too rare today, which is an amazing sense of humor. For example, listen to my friend's Diamond and Silk here. So should. But let's get to Antifa. Do you think Antifa should be labeled as a terror group? I absolutely do, most as the tactics that there uses this out of ices playbook. As far as I'm concerned, we live in a country with laws. We have a police that we have police that police guce that protect and serve. We don't knee Antifa acting like isis in our country, that's right. Why do you say they acts like isis? Well, because they wear masks. They wear black masks like ice is. Like. Um, they go around here bloodying up people, beating people up, beating people up, intimidating, manipulating in order to dominate. And that's not right, it's wrong. That's an isis like ideology to us. And then they're wearing all of this black and then they're raising a black flag. That seems a lot like isis to me. And they need to be stopped. They need to be deep a terri group, just like the KKK and the Neo NAXI like, like, I think my best moment with Diamond and Silko when they were actually on this program singing Florida Georgia line with me in studio, Diamond Silk, welcome back to the program. How are you? Oh? Thank you? Everything good? You missed me? Wasn't it fun to hang out? Miss you? I missed you a whole lot? But everything's going good now. You never got back to me because when you were in studio in New York, I thought I sent you to like my favorite restaurant, your favorite restaurant. It was fabulous. We had a wonderful time. Now what did you What did you get to eat? Oh? Let me see still, I know she had held big old juicy steak got ordered. Are you reading? It was a lot of food? Yeah, it was a lot of food. Very well yeah, well, isn't that Listen? It is a lot of food. But it's a it's a special occasion kind of place, and you guys being in town as a special occasion. All right, let me start with your thoughts on everything that's been happening in Houston and like everything else, the people that don't like our president or out there attacking him, and they're now attacking the First Lady because they didn't like her shoes. Well, you know what, I think, it's a really a sad day in America when you have people that's all they all, they just want to attack. Listen, I am happy to see that the President and the First Lady went down. Un Like Obama, he didn't even go to Louisiana when they had a hurricane. And I didn't remember our Michelle going to our Sandy to do Jersey with Sandy hit. So the deal is, get off of our President and get off the first Lady. I think they need a phenomenal job going to Texas. I mean, it's just so petty. There's no substance behind any of these attacks, and it seems all they ever want to do is attack him. All they want to do is attack him. But see, listen, you'll hate this is who makes you greatest Sean And see they only they smear him because they fear him. They know he's going to do great things and that's what they're upset about. All right, let me get both of you, because when you do these videos that go so viral, you do it in a way that is I guess extempor any is it's not like you write out every word. It just comes out right right, right, all right, So I'm gonna give you a topic and you guys do a commentary. Ready, all right? Attacking the First Lady when people are dying in Houston, well this is okay, Well let's go here, let's go with it. This is not the time to be attacking the First Lady. When we have people that don't have a hole, that's rights, homeless, to have no jobs, that don't even know where their next mail is coming from. What we need to do is we need to stand behind the people of Houston to make sure that they know that we as Americas have their back. Get off the President and the First Lady back and that's how the great people of Houston, Texas and Texas Let's have their back and leave her shoes alone because I like the shoes like you, but you like the shoes. You know. People were making fun of me the other day because I guess who was the one in there that saw that I had a hole at the bottom of my shoe and was making fun of the hole. Oh it was Linda. That's what Linda made fun of the fact, What did you say to me the other day? You said, you know you have a hole in your shoe. I said, that's that's a rich man for your holes in his socks and his shoes. Well I didn't. Well, I have holes in my socks because of Marley. Marley, I take my socks off and she runs all over the house. I have a hole in every sock I own. She takes every one of them. Let me ask you a question, why would But you know this is just part of my personality. I don't feel like going out. Number one, I hate shopping. Number two. This pair is very comfortable. Number three. I didn't even know I had a hole in the show. So if it's not bad enough that I feel it, what's the point? Why should I? Why should I get a new pair of shoes? I agree with everybody had their comfortable panties and different things that they Jeez, I don't have a comfortable pair of whatever it was that you mentioned. I have no comfortable pair of that. I can tell you. They're all the same to me, and I used Tommy John. They all look the same, they feel the same, and I put a new pair on every day, obviously, But they're all the same color and they all look the same. I think that's I think that's too much information. But it's all about what flows your boat, what makes you happy on it. Well, it makes that all right. So here's the thing I want to ask you. Have you two ever done anything professionally speaking? And would you ever consider doing anything like going on the road and doing you know, doing doing like a team thing together, because you guys, I bet the crowds would be massive, and I bet people would love to come out and see in person, and you can put a routine together and and be out there. I'd love to do it with you. Absolutely. We would love to go on a roll shot. You just gave us the details and we'll be there right. Yeah. And where did you all start out with us? How did this start happening? Well, you know, back in two thousand and fifteen, the president came out and he was running for president. I was watching it This is diamond, and I called took us a girl, cud on your TV. Donald Trump is a notzing he's running for president. About what I was doing. I turned on my team. She called me back. Halfway through. She said, girl, she said, this is going to be the next president of the United States, and we started descending him because the media started throwing him under the bus, him out of his name, and we didn't love you. Do you take a lot of heat? Many of my friends that are black, conservatives, African Americans, they take heat because they're conservatives. Do you take a lot of heat? Oh, we take a lot of heat. But again, by the way, how insulting is that is not insulting. What we will educate, We will let them know you can no longer vote for a system that keeps handing you crumbs. It was okay for us, all for the businessman, the president that had the master plan that can truly make this place great again. And that's what we did. Amazing story. Thank you eight hundred diamond and Zoak. We love having you on the program. One Shaun is the toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. They're amazing people, they're so good um and you love him the moment. You just like him because they agree with you and not with me. You agree with me on most everything anywhere. Holes in your shoes, I don't what do you want me to do with the holes in my shoe? Not have them there do I Look, I'm not okay. Here's what I want. Nobody's believing that I have a hole in my shoe. It's a pretty big hole. Well, I'll let you send it out on my Twitter account, take a picture and take it's But I don't feel the hole. You will one day. So your attitude is just because I can afford new shoes, I should have new shoes. When you put new shoes on, they hurt. No. My attitude is when there's a hole in the bottom of your shoe that could be penetrated by something on a disgusting New York City street, that you should get a new shoe. But it's not totally penetratable. It hasn't everyone any second now I look forward to that would like to do They still have shoemakers out there, people shoes they do? Maybe I should get like a new soul right here, there's a lovely gentleman down the street. Do you ever go to him? Of course? Here's the thing. I don't give a rip. I don't care they're comfortable, and I don't you know what I don't want to pay attention to in life. I don't want to wake up on any given day and say, oh, what should I wear today? Oh what shoes should I put on today? Yeah, that's that's the kind of guy you are, Sean. I mean, your your your fashion statements to scream. I spend a lot of time on this. Okay, exactly, I wear, I wear. I have ten pairs of jeans. I have a couple of pairs of shoes. I do have one nice pair of shoes for like special occasions and that, and then I had as occasions where you won't I have sneakers. Yeah, the occasions where I have to like dress up in a suit and go to the White House, I don't wear these. I don't wear the whole shoes to the White House. When I've interviewed, the pairs are happy to hear that. Anyway, eight hundred nine point you're read. You all agree with her or me on this. Now you're cheap, I mean, if you know I'm not cheap, and my cheap man, you know you're not cheap. You can't be wearing shoes with holes in them. Not you. If any of you needed the shoes, I'd buy him in ten seconds. I need lots of shoes. Let's talk about that. In the breaking a right eight hundred nine shot right. That's gonna wrap things up. A Today Hannity Tonight, ten eastern on the Fox News Channel. The left politicizing a tragedy, really focused on shoes and people are dying and losing everything. They have full of full, complete coverage of all of that, Kelly and Conway. Senator Ted Cruise will update us on the rescue relief for Texas. Also tonight, a Hannity investigation. What does Julian Assange have. We'll ask Dana Roharbaker, who met with him, and we'll check in tonight with Luke Rosiak, The Daily Caller, ten Eastern