Chairman of the Freedom Caucus, Andy Biggs of Arizona’s 5th District talks about the rampant fraud in this presidential election; particularly in a few states, one of them being the all important state of Arizona.
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All right, glad you with us right down our toll free telephone number, it's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean you want to be a part of the program. We got a lot of stories, what's going on behind the scenes, battles, fights, recounts, you name it. I want you to all just stop for a second and think about this. How is it possible that so many states with larger populations are capable of running elections that people have faith, trust, belief and competence in. And then here we are eighty seven percent of the vote counted, it's Friday. How is that possible? Now? Not talking about absentee ballots, not talking about any of this stuff. It is you know, what has been building in this country for a long long time, and I have been trying to warn everybody as best I can. And I work in the communications business, and I wish I could say what I'm what I'm feeling and seeing better than I think I've been able to communicate. I should be able to communicate better. And there is there is every right when we see that observers of ballots, and it's it's a matter of law, and I'll go through the laws with you. So you fully understand that political observers are allowed to watch the vote count, and that they've been denied that what is the remedy at that point if the law was violated. I guess that's up for the courts to decide. But the law shouldn't be violated, and we should have a system in this country at this day and age whereby this is standard operating procedure, and that there is no room to take away the faith and the confidence in the outcome in any place, any state, regardless of whether they slant red or blue, or purple or pink or whatever. And that is you know, you cannot tell me that this is the best we can do, because it's not. And as soon as they desire, the push for changing election laws and extending out dates and saying needed postmarks, no needed postmarks, it was all building. But it's been building bigger than that, faster than that, longer than that. And I've been trying to to go out and explain to people on a regular basis what's really going on deep behind the scenes. Now I have said, and I'm going to repeat here, that we have major institutions that are systematically failing weave the people and they are all doing it because they all have a power political agenda. Why did we spend Why would there so few of us in our ensembocast here on radio are ensembocast on Hannity the TV show? Why so few that were able to discover slowly and dig deeper and deeper and deeper and take a die. And by the way, we're also going through this process called vetting and verifying and sourcing our information and we end up, you know, doing three years of what did we hear from the medium mob? One of the institutions, one of the great institutions that has failed us on a spectacular level. It is that words cannot describe. There are not people you can go to to get the truth. That's why I say they're a mob. They have Look what they've done this election, the media mob. Look at Joe Biden has to answer no questions. They allow this guy, they know he's in the media, you know, politician protection program, hiding in his basement bunker. You don't get simple answers to simple questions that any other candidate would have to answer about packing the courts, DC, Puerto Rico statehood. Joe Biden saying if he's elected president, and he's just saying today that his first step is to join the Paris Accords. Well, the Paris Accords requires a swift and dramatic reduction of the use of fossil fuels. Well, isn't that what he was just telling Pennsylvania prior to the election that he wasn't going to do. Now he's saying he's going to do it on day one. I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so so. But it's but it's bigger than that, because they told you day after day, minute after minute, every second, minute, hour of every day that Trump Russia collusion happened, and they dragged the country through hell for three years and there was no Trump Russia collusion. But if they really cared about Russia collusion, now, stay with me on this, if they had cared when we did discover a bought and paid for I'll use the New York Times final conclusion late in the game Russian likely Russian disinformation dossier that Hillary Clinton paid for that we now know she did on purpose to distract from the violation of the Espionage Act and the subpoena emails that she erased and the hard drives that she raised. Okay, So the point is nobody in the media they lied. They spread smears and slander and besmirchment and libel and conspiracy theories and hoaxes for three years. That's an institution that lied with regularity on a daily basis to the American people. And then when the real Russian interference came in and Hillary did pay for the Russian dossier, and that dossier then was used Andrew McCabe's were words and Sally Yates's words, and when it was used to get the warrants to spy on then candidate Trump in twenty sixteen, and then President Trump when he was elected, in his transition team in the interim, had did now think here follow this through? Did any Democrat speak out against that Russian interference? Did anybody speak out about how that is fraught on a court to spy on a presidential candidate? And any think, any Democrat, anybody in the media, did they care? Did they care at all? And then ask yourself this question, if Donald Trump had done it, would they have cared? You know the answer? So this is an institutional failure of both the Democratic Party the media. Now you can add big tech, because you know they're deciding what you can read and what you can't read. They're like the leading half the President's text messages. All the network spelled out on the President speaking to the country yesterday, we are fact checking him. We're not going to let you hear it for yourself. How bad this is, how bad it's getting now with this, you know, one party, one state rule that they're going to try to establish in this country is the greatest casualty is going to be truth now if the media is willing to do that for three years and then follow up after it fails. With this phone call with President Zelinsky, we only had one fact witness. It ends up every opinion witness, every every hearsay or double hearsay witness, but the one fact witness. What did President Trump say in the call? Did he did? He don't. I don't want anything, I don't want to quit procoll I want him to have an honest government. But they ignored Joe Biden. Stay with me here. This is not old material. Is it not irrelevant? Joe is on tape bragging about I you got six hours. You're not getting a billion taxpayer dollars unless you fire Victor Schoken a prosecutor. Who's Victor Schoken a prosecutor in Ukraine? Why would a vice president want to fire a prosecutor and threatened to withhold a billion dollars an aid our money, our tax money. And the reason is is because we find out his son, Zero Experience Hunter is making millions and that's that company is being investigated by the prosecutor and and son of am Be they fired him. Stop for a second. The media never went with the story. They ignored it. They protected the candidate they protecting in the lead up to this election. What did we learn about other business dealings? What do we learn in Peter Schweitzer's book Zero Experience Hunter gets a billion dollars deal with the bank at China ten days after he comes back from China having flown on Air Force two of his father. If if what if his name was Hunter Trump? So do you understand here now what I'm talking about? We have systemic institutional corruption. It's the media. It's look at when they tried to explain money wire transfers from a Russian oligarch, the first Lady of Moscow to Hunter Biden three and a half million dollars remember Hunter goes on Good Morning America. You have any experience in Ukraine? No oil, no energy, no gas, no Why do you think they've paid millions? Who? Or no? Is it because your father's the vice president? Probably? Yeah, that's probably the reason. Now it's Russian oligarchs. Now it's Chinese nationals, Kazakhstan oligarchs, Ukrainian oligarchs. They making millions all over the place. All the deep state operatives that were involved in the in the premeditated fraud on the fires are abused to doing backflips today because they're all getting away with it. This is going to end if Joe Biden wins, and I'm not saying he has, I'm saying that I don't trust these institutions. Leading up to the election, do you really believe that the big tech companies that reach billions of people would have treated Donald Trump the way they treated Joe Biden the way they treated Donald Trump if it was Donald Trump's kids involved in money transfers of three and a half million dollars with Russian oligarchs. This has been building. This has been building and building and building. These institutional forces have been literally lying to we the people forever now. Donald Trump ran in twenty sixteen, he said He's going to clean out the swamp. And for four solid straight years there's not been a whole hell of a lot of us that had voices and an ability to tell truth that we're willing to tell it. That is that that you can start there and start with. Why am I not surprised that the election laws in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, all of the states that are now in question, they all have Let's look at for example, Michigan in person voting, etc. Observers are permitted at polling locations. Actually says it in the law Michigan law i'n cited for you one six eight point seven three zero one six eight point seven three three Observers may observe absentee voter counting board at any time during the election wow, during election day, post election process, observers may observe the counting post election audits are open to the public. Recounts are open to the public. You know, they even have partisan observers in Pennsylvania. Partisan observers are permitted to be present when absentee and mail in ballot envelopes are opened and when the ballots are counted, and when they are counted in person voting partisan observers may observe at polling locations and may still until the time the counting of votes is complete. Well, we're now getting person after persons saying that that didn't happen. Well, Hannahy, you're just citing the law here, that's what the law is. Anybody else in the media telling you what the laws has Does the law matter? Does the law matter to the media, Does it matter to big tech? Does it matter to Democrats? Establishment Republicans that are they're just they already have their statements written for the good of the country. And we're asking Donald Trump and all his supporters to accept the results of the election. And that's coming the deep state. They're doing backflips. They're back in business. You know what they do next time? Now? It is, this is where this is not in a bubble. Here is what I'm trying to tell you, and I'm trying to communicate to you that there is there's no fidelity to truth, honesty, the rule of law, the double standard, the dual system of justice, all of the things that there were maybe thirty of us between Congress and being on the air, on my two shows that we're willing to tell the whole story that nobody else would tell. That's a problem for our country. You want to get out a deeper root causes of things. This is all a problem, and it's all been building, and it's like you have this one united voice, and it is bigger than just hating Donald Trump. I've always told you, it's it's about hating we the people, smelly Walmart shoppers, chumps, as Joe Biden says, irredeemable, deplorables, bitter Americans that cling to God, their Second Amendment rights, their Bible's religions. If our institutional forces can fail us at this spectacular level, why then are some shocked that there's a lack of trust When we hear that observers of the election that are allowed by law to observe or being told they can't observe. You know that nobody in these institutions cares. You see how it begins to tie together. I clad you with us twenty five till the top of the hour. You know, I find this fascinating. Again. I go back to the law. I'm citing law. If we can look at the laws in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, for example, and that many of them are very much the same, and that is partisan. Observers may observe appolling locations and may still until the time that the counting of the votes is complete. I hang on a second, didn't we see and don't we have evidence of poll workers papering over windows so that people can't look in. Yeah, don't we have videos now a poll watchers being thrown out and then a lot of clapping. Yeah, we have that too. You know, we have this case. We have a Michigan county clerk discovered a computer glitch resulting in votes that were meant for President Trump that were tabulating for Joe Biden. Listen to this six thousand plus vote error. Listen if all this wasn't enough, In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a six thousand vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes. Since then, we have now discovered that forty seven counties use this same software in the same capacity. Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that use this software need to closely examine their result for similar discrepancies. The people of Michigan deserved a transparent and open process. I mean, Arena is shocked as I am that this can happen in the United States of America. Nevada Republican Party announced that they sent a criminal referral to the Attorney General Bill bar Our. Lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least three thousand and sixty two instances of voter fraud. Nevada Republican Party wrote, we expect the number to grow substantially. Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from Nevada. Washington Post reported the party's lawyers sent bar a list of the voters identified by cross checking voter registration names and addresses with the national change of a trust database. Do you think anybody in the media cares? Do you think big tech cares? Or are they going to ban that from people from hearing that too? Which is interesting? Then we had what happened yesterday, We saw, you know, I had on Pam Bandi, the President's attorney in Philadelphia, Corey Lewindowski, last night all saying the same thing. Yeah, we weren't allowed to look at the ballots, even though the law says that partisan observers can be present. Huh, well, if that's the law, now, how would Democrats react if this happened to Joe Biden? How would the media react then if it was Joe Biden? You know, it's you know, the problem here is that we have the knowledge, we have the ability. We watched Roden DeSantis clean up the mess that was the Florida voting system. Couldn't be any more smooth, and they do a lot of mail in ballots, but they also do it they cross reference. They make sure it's the person at the right address, with the right identity, with the right credentials to vote, and then they cross check it and then they had results. He said on this program, they were ready to give results out at eight o'clock at night, and it took forever for that to happen. But all these lawsuits have been filed. You know, am I suspicious that nobody's going to care in the media. Of course, they're not going to carey at any cost. They were willing to lie to you about Russia collusion that didn't exist for three years. And ignore the Russian disinformation dossier that Hillary paid for that then became the basis of Faiza warrants to spy on candidate Trump and then later President Trump. This these are major institutional failures. And people ask, well, Hannity, you're you're sewing distrust among people. I'm saying that if you don't follow the law, the distrust is warm. If you lie to the American people for years on such a spectacular level, it is warranted distrust. If you claim to have such outrage about Russian interference and you learn about a Russian dossier and that was never verified used to spy on a president, and you never report on it and never correct your lying reporting and your propaganda against Donald Trump, who you hate every second, every minute, every hour of any day. How can anybody trust you? And when big tech companies step in and they won't allow Americans to even read stories about wire transfers with Hunter Biden and Russian oligarchs and Kazakhstan oligarchs and Ukrainian oligarchs and the media, it will impeach a president over a phone call with one witness that says the President said he wanted nothing, no quid pro quo, but ignored Joe Biden admitting that he leveraged a billion dollars to fire prosecutors, so a zero experience son can make millions. There's something. There's no fidelity to truth. There is nothing but agenda driven institutions now, and they are failing we, the American people. It's not just an isolated incident. It is institutional failure and it now poses, you know, for a free society. It is a danger. If people have premeditated fraud against the FISA court, they walk away scott free, but only one person, even though there's referrals for deep state actors online to Congress, but only one person will take Roger Stone as an example. You know, what's the charge lying to Congress? Process crime? Thirty guys, tactical gear, frogman, pre dawn raid, guns ablaze, CNN cameras awaiting. I mean, is that equal justice? Do you think that if you had subpoened emails yourself as American citizens? Do you think that if you erase the subpoened emails and clean your hard drive and destroyed your devices, that would end well for you, because I don't think it would. And this is now the problem. You spit on the sidewalk or you jaywalk and you're a Republican, they'll put you away. This is not now We're talking about institutional failure. You know, there's all these suits that are here. But Americans have to have faith and competence and trust in a voting system. And if some states can count their votes within you know, an hour or two and get it right and have full confidence in what the outcome was. And here we are eighty six percent of the vote in You know how many days have we've been locked into ninety four percent of the voting in North Carolina? How many more days is North Carolina going to hold out their vote count? How did that happen? You know, all you're watching is okay, all the vote talies come in. Somebody's up by five hundred thousand votes. You would think they won the state. Oh now they're down thirteen thousand votes. And Americans are supposed to have confidence that this is being done right, because that's the state that is not allowing, even after a court order, people to that have the right. As a matter of law, I could cite the law for you if you'd like. In Pennsylvania, for example, partisan observers, that's twenty four Pennsylvania Statute two six five zero. So they're actual laws that say partisan observers get to watch the vote count. And of course we know that didn't happen. Look as Americans, and this is where you know, I really worry about the future of the country for all of us, because there's got to be some fidelity to truth honesty in reporting. Now we have big censorship of these big tech companies, so you can't read certain things if they deem it politically, they're going to be the arbiters of great truth in the country, you know. But Americans are to have confidence and faith and trust in our voting system, they've got to be open to scrutiny. And that was not happening in many of these states. Just happened to be the states in question that are still counting the votes. One state that I actually think has been doing a very good, fair job with an open process, and Donald Trump has made up a lot of ground. It's the only one, as a matter of fact, is the state of Arizona. I've been we've been following they had almost over six hundred thousand votes that hadn't been counted long before that with over a million ballots, I thought it was wrong for any call to be made. Have been very straightforward about the state of Arizona, and the president has been picking up votes ever since. Chairman of the Freedom Caucus, he's out in Arizona's fifth congressional district. Andy biggses with us. You know, I do understand that partisan observers have and invite it in as they have had other recounts in Arizona, and that there's a lot of faith and confidence in the system regardless of how this is going to turn out. Am I wrong in believing that Arizona is getting it right? Well, certainly in the accounting process, we get it right. Sean Attorneys, um uh, part, you know, partisan observers are allowed in. They sit there closely, They're not one hundred feet away you having to use binoculars. There's not barriers put up there. There there witnesses from both sides, from from all parties, get you know, get to have people in their lawyers and just general observers. In that sense, they're getting it right, and it's just taken slow and This is probably a technology question for the Secretary of State. Why do we have technology that move so slowly? But the transparency and openness has been good so far. Okay, where are we last night? They were around three hundred little over three hundred thousand votes left the president and made up more than half the margins so far. I understand that the expectation is that these were they have not really started counting the day of votes and the day before election day that we're handed off mail and ballots that people didn't send in on time, but they dropped off to make sure their vote was counted. Where do you see this coming out? I heard the governor actually behind closed doors might be telling people he thinks the president has a really good chance of winning Arizona. Well, I do think the president has an excellent chance to win because what you have left is similar little north of two hundred twenty five thousand statewide, but more than two thirds of that's in Maricopa County and also in many of the rural counties that support the president and came out in droves on election day. And by the way, Pima County, which was expected to come in heavy Biden Trump had a fifty two forty eight advantage I saw last night, and then in the outstanding ballots being sent in, that's correct, Yeah, those ballots being sent in, and there's there's twenty five thousand more ballots in Peoma County. But the reality is many of these areas, whether it's the suburbs of the Phoenix metro area or in the rural areas, they were coming out almost three to one Republican to two Democrat. They were coming out two to one independent to Democrat. And day of voting, independence are going to break the President's way. The three to one tale Republican to Democrats, that's going to break heavily the President's way. That what you're going to see next to those sean is going to be probably the vote of the central Phoenix area that's going to be far more blue, far more Democrat than the suburbs and the rural areas that still have to report. Yeah, now, how do you see when you look at what's happened in these other states and you see the absolute method's taken place in some of these states, what are your thoughts? I think that definitely the media is protesting too much saying that data there's nothing to see here, Move along, Move along. I think the President's exactly right. You have to go through and find if there was voter fraud, if there was a voter suppression, if there was illegal ballot harvesting, if they're not following the rules, which we know they're not following the rules in some of the places you've iterated. Those actually get to the election integrity issue, but they also get to skewing the election results. And so the President is right to say, look, we're going to have to pursue litigation here. And I wouldn't be surprised if if we end up seeing some of this come up to the US Supreme Court. For what is the remedy If the law says partisan observers are allowed to watch the vote count, but they deny the ability to do so, and they're papering over even people looking in the windows, which I don't think you can see a lot anyway, But what is the remedy and where does that remedy come from? Because you do have this whole issue of whether or not state legislators can determine that they don't believe that it's a fair count and they have the final say. As I understand it according to law. Yeah, the constitution is pretty clear that the state legislators can actually make that determination if they think that it's been hopelessly tainted and they don't use the words hopely tainted or anything, so that that can happen with the state legislature. And by the way, and it's Republican legislators, legislatures in all of these districts states that we're talking about, whether it's Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, in Arizona, I mean we're talking Republican in nature. So they could say it's hopelessly tainted. Of course that would lead to further litigation. But the remedy is that the election officials that are denied this. The first thing that has to happen is those people need to be held in criminal contempt. The court has got to say you are violating the law and in a criminal fashion and hauled him in. But that doesn't solve the election problem. The election problem may ultimately be solved, could be solved elect in North Carolina where there was fraud and so they actually had a reelection in that district. But we hope that doesn't happen. We hope that doesn't happen, all right, Andy Begs eight hundred nine four one, Sean. Jim Jordan is on the ground in Pennsylvania. We'll get an update from him when we come back an hour two. Sean hadded a show eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of the program. I'm gonna get to Jim Jordan and Philly in just a second. You know, those amazing things. We haven't spent enough time on it. The media and the House Democrats and Senate them, they're stunned at the fact that Republicans picked up seats in the House, that the Republicans, this was not the year Republicans were going was supposed to hold the Senate, and it's anticipated they obviously will House Democrat. They are absolutely stunned how close the election is. They're stunned that Donald Trump won the states that he won, Florida, Ohio, go through the list. They're stunned at how close all of this is. There was a caucus call of Democrats and literally livid Democrats saying that you know this this radical race to the left, and it, you know, has destroyed the country. You know, it is amazing how they don't understand so many of we, the people you know over there at MSDNC, Joy Reid says, the votes showed a great amount of racism in the US, anti blackness, anti wokeness, you know, Rosbolt, Rachel Maddow, I said it. I didn't know until I tried to live. I didn't mean it like ID intellectually figured it out over We talked about it on the show. But going in the last night through this that experience, Oh, this is going to be the last night, and I realized, Wow, there really are conservatives that believe in lower taxes and limited government and support Donald Trump. They couldn't believe it. One other thing I have, and I'll go into some detail on TV tonight. If there was a report put out by the Committee of the Judiciary and the Committee on Oversight and Reform in the House of Representatives, it stated September twenty third, twenty twenty, the title is how Democrats are attempting to so uncertainty, inaccuracy and delay in the twenty twenty election. And as I read through this whole thing, you know, as it says, all mail in balloting not to be confused with time tested, limited absentee balloting raises questions about the election integrity. To begin with, states have notoriously inaccurate voter registration lists. One estimate suggest voter registration rates succeed one hundred percent of eligible pospulations in three hundred and seventy eight counties across the US. As the Bipartisan Commission of Federal Election Reform found, voting by mail remains the largest source of potential voter fraud. Even the New York Times and Washington Post of agreed. In October twenty twelve, the Times reported that votes cast by mail are less likely to be counted, more likely to be compromised, more likely to be contested than those in the voting booth. And it goes through state by state, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Minnesota. I mean, they predicted all of this, So did the President, and so did I. So it doesn't surprise it shouldn't surprise anybody anyway. On the ground is the House Judiciary Committee rank. Remember you remember this report, I assumed, Jim from September twenty third this year. Correct. Yeah, our team wrote it because we saw, just like Yushan, we saw what was coming in a hearing where we had the Postmaster General in front of the Oversight Committee back into end of July, when the Democrats has this plan and started implementing this plan to undermine the integrity of our election. I asked the Postmaster General, why why are they coming after you, why are they doing why they passed the bill before they even had you in a hearing to ask you questions. The reason is they know the president is going to be winning on election night, and they're going to try to win the election after the election. First time in American history you have a major political party making a decision, an active decision, putting in place a plan to win an election after it's over. And now we're seeing it play out. And I'm in Pennsylvania. I've been here for three days with Congressman Perry, the Pennsylvania Speaker of the House, the Pennsylvania majority leader in the Senate. Just did a press conference three hours ago where they announced that they won a full audit of what took place. Because I have in my twenty six years in politics, Sean, I have never seen anything so egregious as to what took place in the state of Pennsylvania. Think about these five quick facts. One hundred over one hundred thousand provisional ballots. Never had in the history of this Commonwealth that they had that many count of provisional ballots. There was counties that let ballots be cured and remedy and other counties that didn't. And you can imagine sean which counties they allowed to be cured and fixed. It was the big counties with all the Democrats. It was the philip it was Montgomery County, it was York County, of the Center County. Then there's the whole issue of violating the state laws. And the state Supreme Court said, we're not gonna follow the law. We're gonna let ballots be counting three days after the election, even if you can't distinguish the postmark. That Supreme Court of the United States said, yeah, but you need to keep those separate. We now know that in certain counties that would they were not kept separate those ballots that came in after the election. And finally, the transparency issue, they didn't let people come in and see them, see see what they were doing when they were doing it. And now the damage is done. That all happened in one state. This is the most egregious thing I've ever seen in an election process. But the law of Pennsylvania is clear that partisan observers are allowed to watch the entire vote count, and it didn't happen. We have person after persons saying they were not allowed to observe being put as far as twenty or one hundred feet away from the ballots. That's not observing ballot counting. That's observing some stranger work. Does it give us any transparency? You know what they do in Arizona. They actually videotape it and anybody could watch it online. And by the way, you actually can see it, so you know, there's certainly ways to do it if you wanted to. You know, the fact that you guys predicted all of this in all specificity, in detail, it's kind of eerie, to be very honest. Well, let me ask you then, So now that we have we know that the law, and I'll read the law again. If people are interested interested, and that is, partisan observers may maybe present at the tabulation, canvassing, unofficial official returns, recounts, vote processing. Partisan observers may observe at polling locations, may still stay until the time the counting of votes is complete. Did that happen in Pennsylvania or was that law broken? No, I don't think it happened. We're getting all kinds of reports from around the state. We know, for the Speaker of the House told us read the Speaker of the House's letter. We'll make sure you get the letter that he put out where where he laid out the concerns in this state and called for the audit. We know that in certain states, as I said, they were allowed to fix ballots that came in if they didn't sign it right or whatever, and other other counties they weren't allowed to do that. And the state law says you're not allowed to cure, you're not allowed to remedy a ballot. So we know that took place. We've had all kinds of people test to buy or or give examples of that taking place. So that is again I have never seen anything like this. And how do you, how do you, Jim Jordan, how does this get remedied? Where the American people? And by the way, you couldn't design as you had predicted in your committee. And I'd kind of give you a credit because you know you wrote this thing just in September this year, predicting with pinpoint accuracy everything that was likely going to happen. Now, how do you remedy and how do Americans get to the point where they can have faith and belief and confidence in the outcome knowing that laws, if you care about the rule of law, was violated. How do you get there? Sean? It was last night on your show, former Speaker of the House Gingrich pointed out ballots that were that weren't segregated, that were supposed to be segregated, that came in after eight o'clock on election day, as as required by state law. But the street port over ballots, it came in after election day that weren't segregated as as we're supposed to be, and we're counted, they have to be thrown out. There was no o. What about what about where votes were counted and observers as a matter of law again, I'll even cite the law. People are interested in it. It's twenty five ps. Two six five zero. What about when the observers would deny the opportunity to observe in some places actually covering up windows so people couldn't even look in. This is again Speaker. Gingrich said it last night on the Sean Hannity Show. He said, if people weren't able to observe as required by federal law, if there was a violation of federal law for a federal office, which is exactly what we're talking about, for the presidency of the United States, then those ballots are not valid under federal law. The Speaker could not have been clear, and as you pointed out, the federal law could not be clear. The grade one Mark Levin got this all started. This is his wheelhouse as a constitutional attorney, reminding Republican state legislators. He's tweeted out, you have the final say over choosing electors, not any board of elections, secretary of state, governor, or even court. You have the final say Article two of the federal Constitution. So get ready to do your constitutional duty. Do you believe that that is happening? If you talk to any of the state legislators in Pennsylvania, what are they planning to do? Step one is to call for an audit, to get the facts, to get the truth and find out everything that we've seen and things that we've heard, make sure that is accurate. Get a court to say wait a minute. We got to hold on this, and then at some point you're going to have to potentially have the general assemblies and the state legislatures say we're under article too. We have the ability to select the electors. So we may get to that. But step one is to get all the facts on the table. That's why you saw today in Pennsylvania the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate say we need an audit based on the five things I just told you about. So what is okay? We had an audit of the deep state? Didn't we? Jim Jordan aren't. Didn't we discover that, in fact, there was no Trump Russia collusion after three separate investigations. Didn't we discover that there was a dirty, bought and paid for Russian disinformation dossier that became the predicate, the bulk of information without which Fiser Warrens wouldn't have been granted according to Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates, that was then used to spy on a candidate and then in a transition team and president. And did anything happen to the people involved in that corruption? Look, I'm as frustrat. Well, hang out, Jim because people Americans don't don't have faith that laws applied to the powerful and elite equally. So so Son, Look, no one has talked about this more than I have. There were a handful of us three and a half years ago who first said this is a problement with you, and a handful of others in the press, and frankly about five or six of us in the United States Congress. We've been calling for this, but in the end, Sean Hannity and Jim Jordan can't indict anyone. Only the Justice Department can do that, and we have been pressuring them, pushing them to do do it. I believe Bill Barr put John Durham in this case to do that. But when is that going to happen? I don't know. I can't determine that. That is only up to the Justice Department. I'm as frustrated as you. That's the number one question I get. When I've been walking through airport, people will walk up to me and they'll simply say, one, since when is someone going to jail? And I think I want them to go to jail too if they're done wrong. But I can't do it. You can't do it. Requires a Justice Department to do it. What does this mean. I've been talking about institutions failing the American people, and that would be the media. Now we know big tech. They just censor whatever they want to censor and even have liability protections from the government to do it, which is insane. Educational system. We have a deep state. I would assume right now about now they're doing do them back flips because they know all of this goes away. But a media that would ignore the fact that Joe was weak and frail and cognitively struggling. A media that never got an answer about packing the courts, A media that never got an answer on electoral college or DC statehood. A media that allowed Joe to hide in his basement, the media that set was talking to me privately, Oh, this guy's a total mess, but they still supported them and protected them. A media that allows out his son to make millions and heat leverage a billion dollars, and they don't care. What of Americans to think when they see this double standard? Jim Jordan, because I know how I feel. It's not I don't feel I don't have trust and faith and confidence, Jim, I don't have it yeah, well, look think about to here's the positive. Look where you started this hour. In spite of all that, In spite of all that, guess what, we didn't lose one incumbent member of the House of Representatives and picked up seats. In spite of all that, we didn't lose the United States Senate as as all those groups you just talked about said we were going to And in spite of all that, President Trump did an amazing record number of votes for a Republican and presidential race. And I think Jim Jordan, is there any way we will have an accurate accounting of this election based on what we know now? Is there any possible way to get a true, fair, accurate accounting of the election? It starts with It starts with what we did, what happened to day in Pennsylvania. You've got to audit what took place in the state today in Pennsylvania, and it may have to come to general assemblies and state legislatures selecting the electors. As Mark Levin pointed out, that the Constitution permits to happen and requires that that that under Article two, the Executive Branch part of the Constitution requires that the electors are chosen by in the end, the general assemblies in the respective states. Stay right, there will continue. Jim Jordan's on the ground in Pennsylvania eight hundred and nine for one. By the way, the Postal Service, apparently political reporting discovered more than one thousand ballots in Philadelphia facilities three hundred in Pittsburgh that they're rushing to election officials for the five pm Friday deadline. Little Lake guys, all right, if you continue, Jim Jordan in Pennsylvania, what do you think the next steps ought to be for the Republicans, for the president because you know what's coming next, Rhinos, for the good of the country. Even if you might have won, Oh think you might have won. You know you got a step aside that's probably would just hours away from that, those lectures coming meanwhile, they didn't say a word about Russia, Russia, Ukraine. Rain Hunter and Joe go ahead, No, we can't do that. We gotta we gotta look in the end, count every legitimate vote. You've been saying this, we've all been saying this, but do not count illegal, ill legitimate votes. And we have to determine if that was done and what those votes are and where those votes are So that is just for the integrity of the election process. For the future of this country, the greatest country ever, that has to be figured out. Again. I keep coming back to what the former Speaker to Gingrich said last night on your show, Sean. He laid it out. This is this looks like a real violation of federal law. This is about the integrity of our election process. This is about confidence going forward that the American people have that their government actually does things right. Actually, I think we have a process that is fair and legitimate. That's what's involved here. So, no, you cannot, the president cannot. These people who are saying, oh no, we gotta say that Biden, No, No, you have to get to the truth first, and then whatever comes out comes out. I think. I think if we just count legitimate ballot, president Trump won this election and should be the president in twenty twenty one and for the next term. But we're gonna have to see, all right, Jim Jordan, We'll keep pursuing the truth, trying to get to the bottom of it and expose the instances where we know things have gone wrong eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program. When we come back Burgess Owens, we'll find out his case. How do you deal with fake fraud and abuse when you see it? What is the remedy. We'll talk about the legal aspects, and we'll get to your calls all coming up. I know it's not fun, is it all right? Twenty five until the top of the hour. I know so many of you are writing us, sending us. We have at our website. You can go check it out. Any tips you have Vote twenty twenty at Hannity dot com. And you hear what's happening. You watch with your own eyes, you know. I think the fact that I said last night, this is an amazing thing that I said, Well, this is what the law is. This is what the law guarantees. Partisan observers may be present the the tabulation canvassing of unofficial official returns at any recount, any re canvass till the end. And it's pretty much etched in law in every state. And then you have witness after witness saying that they would deny that opportunity, you know at some point, and then you say, well, then how do you ever have faith and confidence? And the amazing thing is is, you know, America being the home of Apple, Microsoft, Silicon Valley and states that absolutely do it flawlessly. South Dakota is in another state. I saw Christy Nomes comments about how they do it. It's really easy to do an honest election. Here's how we do it. We learned from Ron de Santas. He fixed the mess and plarted no questions on either side about how the process worked down. They learn from mistakes in the past. And then you look at the chaos. And I look at this report September September twenty third from the Committee of the Judiciary and the Judiciary Committee in the Oversight and Reform Committee, and they predict with pinpoint accuracy the exact states that would have the exact problems. It's actually eerie, sort of like that before Katrina the Times pick of unit said, you know, almost twenty some odd years earlier, this is what's gonna happen if the Cat five ever hits down to the Superdome being filmed with people and the breached levies they predicted at all, and they didn't do anything, And then what do you do to fix it? How do you remedy it? When things when laws are not followed. Does anyone is anyone angry that I cite the rule of law and sage should be followed. Obviously, people that didn't care about Hillary and the Espionage Act or subpoenat emails or premeditating fraud on the five as the court. Maybe I expect too much. And that's where I keep talking about institutions failing the people of this country is the saddest takeaway in this to me. We've been watching out a good friend, Burgess Owens and his race for congress, uh in the fourth congressional district. It's been a close race, but uh, latest tally, I see how many votes are you up by now? Sir? Well, right now we're twenty two hundred. We have another drop today. By the way, it's good talking again, Johnny really is well. First of all, congratulations, we're so proud of you, and you're sure such a great addition. Isn't an amazing How many seats looks like we've added to the house. Yeah, we're stilling to fight here. We still have. We're twenty two hundred up. Now we have another drop, and then I'm pretty sure what does another drop mean? How many? How many votes are they going to drop. And that's the thing. We're from one district, we're looking at maybe four thousand, another district maybe fifteen to twenty. So we still have allowed up there and we think it's gonna be very surely a recount. So so Burgess for Utah dot Com because we want to make sure we have the fundy to fight against anything that we have to fight against younation. It's Friday. The election was Tuesday. Florida was able to call the election within hours, you know, at at nine o'clock at night on Friday there was a done deal. And how come the how come we can't get a simple vote count out of these states? Well, you have to understand what brings us together, what makes us the strong culture. We have this confidence in our system and harmony with each other and unity with each other, which which each other and what the left does they understand doubt, divisive, divisiveness and destruction cares us apart. That's what we're seeing this last year. And the good thing and I truly believe this, Sean, I because of my belief and we the people, and we begin with jega Christian values that have served us so well and brought us so many miracles, I do expect another one that at the end of the day, we're going to get our present back in and we're gonna show, first of all, we have a game change with black Americans, twenty percent of us now are leaving the plantation, thirty gay Americans, Hispanics, all, we're showing everyone across this country that we truly do drift towards the light, which is now. I need to get them back in there really clean house, and and and and have the support that he needs to make this happen. So that's why again if burgess for Utah, for those who want to support my efforts his last few last few days to make sure this happens. And I'll say this, and that's unfortunately never I'll never know how much this impact, how close it is now because we had a deserate news here in Utah decided to pull my commercials last week. I still have not gotten answer in terms of why they did that. But this is the issue that we're dealing across our country. Things like this should not be happening the free country, when the voices of Americas should be heard and looked at and decide if it if it's ballad or not. When we start taking with people's voices, we have no idea what out there? Burgess. You know, my buddy Mark Levin, he cited the Constitution in a tweet and they banned them. Well, but he cited the United States Constitution. Now, big tech companies, we saw how they protected Joe and Hunter in the lead up to those election. How does how does somebody get to hide in their basement and not give any real policy positions on significant issues like packing the Supreme Court or DC statehood? How do they get through a whole election and ask get asked maybe one hundred questions, and everybody hides the obvious, which is he's very weak, and he's very frail, and he's struggling cognitively, and they all see it, but they ignore it. It's like this, it's sort of like the Democratic um, you know, house protection program. Yeah, yeah, Well, we're showing, first of all, let me see what I what I know about the American people. We don't like bullies and we don't like cowards and uh, and that's what we're seeing this last year. We're seeing what it is when you have tyrannical people who had behind their their their office, or their their or their media credibility or whatever it is. And they don't understand that what we expect is honesty and fairness and and and so this is gonna be a good chance to all of us cross the country, the Republicans, the Democrats, and independence waking up to see that we truly are not against each other. What we're fighting against is an ideology that hates everything we stand for. And they're so blatant and arrogant about what they're doing. Now there's no shame, but there's no shame with evil, and they really think they can get away with it because they don't understand the power of where the people. Once we understand this and once we come and by the way, what makes we the people's strongest is we have a God in heaven who truly still loves us and blesses us. So even though we might have to be more patient, run right now. I think at the end of the day, we'll end up seeing more of the truth than we would have we had not gone through this process. So I would say, hanging there, stay faithful, stay united, because I think that's that's what they want to to take away from us. And stay confident that the system we have will win. In the end. We'll come back. We just have to now tweak it and get back to where we can have an election. Believe in the end the results, uh be not beat each other up because because results, and go our way and come back the next time to try to win, if that's what our goal might be. All right, Burger shows following your race, congratulations so far, and we'll be watching very very closely, and we'll watch the drops. You know, whatever day they may come in fifteen days later. You know that all of this lends itself. It takes away every American should at the end of this process, and this is the sad part, had confidence that the laws have been adhered to. Well, we know for a fact, person after person is saying that they're not allowing what the law allows, which is partisan observers to watch the vote count. That's a violation of the law. How do you have faith and confidence then in the result? And it is sad to see and you literally we know how to do it right, We know ways to do this in an organized fashion, and we know how to keep integrity of votes, but they choose not to. And when you choose not to What does that do. It undermines people's faith in the system and trust in the system, and it's unfortunately more institutionalize than we would like. But purchase congratulations. We're watching very close out there joining us now. Congressman Dan Muser, he's in Pennsylvania's ninth Well he's not there yet, Okay, Well I thought he was waiting for us. Eight hundred nine for one. Shaun is our number. If you want to be a part of the program, and I know how many of you feel, let me read, for example, the law in Michigan, because in the law in Wisconsin and an law because they all say pretty much the same thing, which was amazing to me. Like, for example, in person voting, they talk about that partisan observers are permitted within the enclosed space for the purpose of observing the conduct of election and counting and recording and getting of votes. Apparently that didn't happen according to people that are on the ground in Fulton County. You know, Michigan has the pretty much the exact same laws. Partisan observers have a right to watch the county Wisconsin, you know, the locals canvas board and canvas. It's open to the public. Post election audits are open to the public. Vote county and observers are they are allowed by law to observe the county. I mean, these are pretty deep and profound things here anyway, Joining us now is Congressman Dan Musser. He's out of Pennsylvania in their ninth district. How are you, sir, great Sean, how are you great? To be with you? You tweeted out that the majority of Pennsylvanians voted for at real Donald Trump. They deserve to have their voices heard. We demand an open and transparent process. Governor Wolf needs to stop the politics. Where the laws of Pennsylvania that allow partisan observation adhered to? Yeah, we believe they were not. We know that the province for legislation related to elections lies with our General Assembly, with our state legislator, and the governor's office. Completelysmissed that by allowing for votes to be received and counted votes to be counted that were received after ATM on election day. So that's just I mean, that's a pretty big grievance and it's clearly unlawful. And you know when you hear some news stations, let me let me just read the law, okay. Partisan observers may observe at polling locations and may stay until the time that the counting of votes is complete. Partisan observers are permitted to be present when absentee and mail and ballot envelopes are open, and when ballots are counted, and when ballots are recorded, and post election partisan observers may be present at the tabulation or canvassing of official and unofficial returns and any recount or any re canvass. Did they put paper up in some places to stop people from even looking in the windows? That true, Yeah, they absolutely did that. And that's very suspicion just to say the least, Why would they do that? Why would they deny access to lawfully permissible pole watchers that all happen to be Trump pole watchers or and Republican. There's a long list of irregularities as well as unlawful actions. You know this one in particular allowing votes to be counted after eight pm on election night foot but also those those that were mailed, they're even they're not even reviewing the postage, the postmark on there. And then well, you know, it was the Attorney General Secretary of State that said Oh, we're just we're not. We'll count the votes even if they didn't have a postmark. Wasn't that stated? It was stated, It was stating, And in some counties there was such confusion. They were being told that they could call the voter and correct what they referred to as a naked ballot. So some counties were doing it somewhere. I'm sure some Democrats were doing it for Democrats. Is it true in your state of Pennsylvania that a Philly judge election, a judge of elections, admitted he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates. Is it true that the city's treasurer was fired after getting arrested by the FEDS for embezzling money. Is it true that the city's former congressman was indicted on voter fraud and bribery? Because all is that all true from your state? It sure is, I'm sadly but true. Is it true in your state? The Attorney General said, if all the votes are added up in Pa before the election, even October thirty first, that Trump's gonna lose. Yes, John, in a very knowingly confident, strange manner, as the night of before any votes were cast the day before election day. Absolutely, and and our governor referred to this process as well be clean, as most efficient, but he's ever seen and he's just hoping for the mainstream media to carry that water. So people might think that it's true. But you know what, more than fifty percent of the people are onto them, and we believe that if the lawful, proper votes were counted, not the How do you now go back and justify that didn't You have a secretary of State that said using the title president before the word Trump demeans the office of the presidency, and she's in charge of this. She did say that she was more than an anti in Trumper, she was a real Trump hater U And that was still yeah, election process. My last question for you, is there any way that we'll ever get a true, fair, what accurate accounting of votes in the state of Pennsylvania from this election. Well, we're certainly hopeful, and with the attorneys and with the process, and by overturning the unlawful act of counting votes received after eight PM, if we can identify those we won't be able to identify all of that. How do you know what happened when the observers were not allowed to observe. How do we know what really went on? Well, that's very true, that's very true. Supposedly they were to segregate those so my guesses they segregated some. And there's bottom line is we don't really know though, do we. Unfortunately we don't. This is no longer an exact science. It's just no longer one citizen the vote. We need to go through this and come up with the best. All right, I gotta roll. Thank you, congressman. All right, glad you with us at News round Up, Information Overload. Our just doing a little bit of work here as I'm trying to get things organized and sent out to everybody. Anyway, glad you with us best post election coverage available on your radio dial. You know it's sad. I don't understand. I wonder how you think back in twenty sixteen and you remember the Remember the reaction of the left when Donald Trump was announced president. Remember Hollywood's reaction. Had an actor go out there and start talking about when is the last time an actor assassinated a president? Was it? Johnny deppt I think an awful lot about what did Madonna say blowing up the White House. I all I hear from supporters of the president is they want the laws followed. And I would say that would be exactly the same if Joe Biden had a lead of let's say, five hundred thousand votes on election night, and that the law says partisan observers may observe a polling location and may stay until the time that the counting of the votes is comite, and they weren't allowed to observe. You think they'd be happy with the results as they watched it go from five hundred thousand to four hundred thousand, to three hundred thousand, to two hundred thousand, to one hundred thousand, to fifteen thousand to now minus fourteen thousand, five hundred and forty one. Would they would they have faith and confidence. And by the way, if you take it a step further and you look at the results, and you look at a lieutenant governor that referred to the president as just another Internet troll, if you look at you know, the corruption in Philly just this year of Philadelphia Judge of Elections admitted that he took bribes to stuff the ballot box for Democratic candidates. And if you knew that the city's treasurer was fired after getting arrested by the FEDS for embezzling money, and the city's former congressman indicted on voter fraud in bribery. Would you not be suspicious if you were a Democrat. So it's important that Republican poll watchers, as a matter of law, have been there the entire time observing the process, which they were denied. As we've heard from one person after another after another, that's not in dispute, even especially since the state's top officials are openly and publicly hostile to the president. You know, if you look at, for example, the attorney general, Secretary of State predicting or the Attorney General predicting, if all the votes are at it up in Pa, Trump is going to lose. That's why he's working overtime to subtract as many votes as possible from the process. He said that October thirty first, Pennsylvania's Secretary of State, the person in charge using the title president before the word Trump, really demeans the office of the presidency. The state's lieutenant governor, referring to the President as just another internet troll and all but guaranteed a Biden win would do you? The question is you know when a state like Florida can fix its problems in this total faith, trust, confidence, and belief that an honest election took place. And then you read the September twenty third House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, Oversight Committee and Reform, how Democrats are attempting to sew uncertainty and accuracy and delay in the twenty twenty election. You read that September twenty third, twenty twenty, and guess what when you read the executive summary, everything that we're now observing was and they mentioned the states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada. They go through it all by extended mail in voting, relax election safeguards despite advice from health experts. By the way, they love Fauci so much, they forgot Fouchi said no in person voting is safe, that it would be safe during the pandemic if people kept social distancing and wore a mask. They said it would be safe. But then everything gets changed and tens of millions of ballants gets sent out and Americans, then observers from one side are kicked out and you get here cheering. That's on videotape. Miranda divine is a calmness. With The New York Post, Betsy McCoy is the former Lieutenant governor of the State of New York. They've both been taking a deep dive into the corruption and mismanagement of news. In Betsy's columns, he writes, in what seems like a coordinated effort, the media told Americans not to expect the winner on election night. If President Trump's ahead on November third, we're told it's just a red mirage that will be clawed back and undone. Well, Betsy, I don't know. I guess you have a crystal ball that I didn't have, because it looks like everything you predicted came true. Well, that's right. But our president has a very strong legal case, regardless of what the media are saying. To explain it, what is it? The president has a very strong legal because here's what's happened. In the weeks and months before the election. Democratic lawyers, armies of them, went across the country and changed state election law without the concurrence of the state legislature. They went to local courts, they went to commissions. They weaseled decisions out of governors or consent decrees, many many ways they changed state law to get rid of ID laws, to get rid of signature requirements, and most importantly to get rid of that election night deadline. So that was unconstitutional. In fact, the court, the High Court, the Supreme Court, has said that in the past, only state legislatures sean it's an Article one and again an Article two. Only state legislatures can change the time, the place, and the method of electing electors for the presidency. Only state legislatures. So in Pennsylvania it was done by a Democratic led Supreme Court against the will of the state legislature. So now they've got ballots coming in after election night, ballots without signatures, right, and ballots without appropriate ID And even today the election commissioner in Philly, Lisa Deely, was asked, well, are you at least segregating these ballots to come in late the subway? The Supreme Court told you you have to, and she declined to say how many of the ballots were even in that category. So, frankly, that's a very bad sign. Deely and the Philadelphia Are you suggesting, though, that the state legislature now been having their constitutional authorities served by these people? Are you saying that they have a duty now to get this right on the court. They asked the Supreme Court ahead of time. The Supreme Court correct mind Amy Coney Barrett said she wanted to wait till after the election. Roberts, It's understandable often the justices don't want to get involved in these election issues. They're hoping that it will be a blowout for one side or the other and these these questionable ballots will account. But it turns out that it's a nail biter. And in fact, this Pennsylvania case is already in the Supreme Court, and by the way, the same is true in North Carolina, and there are commonalities between these two states and other states. So I'm telling you that the President of the United States has a strong legal case. Miranda Divine, you've been writing something. You've been doing some of your best work leading into this election. And before I gotta tell you're doing terrific. Look at how social media, big tech literally censored articles from the fourth largest newspaper in America. You're a newspaper, thanks, Sean. I know. It's incredible, and they're still doing it. I mean, they're censoring the president when he raises these legitimate questions about you know where or not. This has been a legitimate and fair election, and I think, as I mean bits, he's done a great job of laying out some of the issues and that'll go through the courts. But to have the Democrats and their pet media talk about respecting the outcome of elections when they've just spent the last four years saying that Donald Trump was illegitimate. We had Hillary Clinton just a few days ago complaining again that she had the election stolen from her. And now you've got TV anchors cutting off the president when he's talking, when he's talking about these quite legitimate concerns that there is fraud that's happened around the country and saying that he's not telling the truth and that they're baseless. Somebody has a strong case. And there's a lot of questions why, for instance, counting stopped in five states, Why were observers not allowed inside to see the counting. If there's nothing to hide, why are they hiding? And the problem is maybe there is nothing, Maybe there was only a little bit of fraud. Maybe it's not enough to turn the election, but this is a very close election, and Miranda, here's the question I have. If the law requires and allows partisan observers to watch the vote count, and they didn't where they weren't allowed to vote, the watch the vote count. How do we ever know what really went on? The answer is we don't, We never will will we Well, we'll need recounts, and that's happening in Georgia recounts. But was there any ballot tampering? Do we know if there was any ballot dumping? I mean, what do we know? I mean, one of the things that will happen in the Pennsylvania case, and the Pennsylvania Democrats were very clever about changing the rules contrary to the state legislature so that ballots could come in after election day with no signature and no postmark. Now tell me, Sean, how useful do you think it would be to be able to count a lot of ballots to come in after the date with no postmark and no signature if you're sort of ballots. I think it would be pretty easy, especially if that was partly a part of a planner design. I mean, unfortunately, I mean, we can't put our head in the sand and not understand that the people that don't have integrity and don't break laws. I just went through the list of public officials, including a judge and election judge in Pennsylvania, you know, taking money in bribes to stuff ballot boxes that happened this year. Well, the Philadelphia mayor said today in a press conference he thought President Trump should quote put on his big boy pants and concede the election. So how can we have any confidence that the Philadelphia mayor and his election staff are accounting ballots honestly if they're demanding the president concede before the ballots are counted. Yeah, Miranda, your thoughts, Well, I think that we just need to take a deep breath and slow this down. If Joe Biden to night with Kamala Harris at their eight pm press conference, comes out and tries to claim victory, that will be very damaging to the country but also to Democrats. They need to understand that they are not going to be able to have a comfortable presidency if he wins unless they convince seventy million Americans who voted for Donald Trump that their vote hasn't been cheat stolen. And so I think both sides need to be very careful. They need to ensure that the public is comfortable that this is legitimate and You're not going to get that when you have the Philadelphia mayor, as Betsy just said, coming out and saying that you have the Pennsylvania Attorney general. The Democrats in power in some of these states are behaving appallingly and it's not going to help them. I don't know if they have noticed that the Democrats were actually delivered a Sheller king in this election. They have gone backwards in the House. They have not won a single extra Senate seat. They are setting themselves up for the midterms in twenty twenty two to be a blood bath for them. They are not going to be able to get their pet projects through the Senate. So really, what are they getting. It's a puric victory if they end up infuriating half the country. I think you're both right. I will come back more with Miranda Divine and Betsy McCoy. Now at the bottom of the half hour, a Michigan geopea chair breaking news about how six thousand votes were caught that were for Trump that were registered for Biden and the software was used elsewhere in Michigan. Where do you hear this story next? You can't believe it. New York postwriter Miranda Divine former Lieutenant Governor New York, Betsy McCoy. Any state that changed the rules valid deadlines, didn't allow observers. What is the remedy, Betsy. The remedy is to go to court. And fortunately in two of these major states, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, we're already at the Supreme Court. Both of these states went to the Supreme Court and requested emergency rulings before the election to strike down these changes in election procedure that the Democrats had weazled out of state judges or state commissions ahead of time, contrary to the Constitution. The Supreme Court declined, hoping obviously that they wouldn't get embroiled in an election. But now in both cases, and probably in the case of Nevada for other grounds, we will be back at the Supreme Court. So that's where we are. What is your take, Miranda Divine? I mean, when you know, when when specific laws about political partisans are allowed to observe and they're not, how do people walk away with the feeling that this was free, fair and has integrity. Well, that is exactly the problem, because it's more than just winning an election by the data. You have to convince the people that it was a legitimate election. Otherwise how can you govern? And I think there are so many problems caused by Democrats with the election process. I do not understand why voter ID is even controversial. That just should be just automatic. Simple. By the way, you need a picture idea to get into the DNC, you know that. I mean, everyone has a social Security number, you know, but it's not as if people have cared that much about their privacy. In America. Everybody is able to be tracked. So why is it that the one area where you're not tracked is in the most important function that you have in a democracy, and that is to vote. And the other thing is ballot harvesting. You know, there are different rules in different states. In some states it's okay to have, you know, up to ten, in some it's three. Obviously, it just seems circumstantial evidence is that ballot harvesting was incurring on an industrial scale in these Democratic boon claims, and they used the cover of COVID to change rules and gather up beast these votes. All right, thank you both, Miranda divine, but see mccoye, thank you when we come back. Oh you're not going to believe what we're about to play for you. You're going to meet Laura Cox and what she broke about how the tabulation was so off in Michigan. Wow, it'll blow your way. Twenty five till the top of the hour. Our best election coverage available on your radio dial as it continues. We can't if we don't get this straightened out, the American people cannot have faith and confidence in elections. Now, many states got it right. Look at all the states that didn't, the very states that were predicted in this September twenty third Judiciary Committee Oversight and Reform Committee report, how Democrats are attempting to so uncertainty, inaccuracy and delay in the twenty twenty election. Amazing with pinpoint accuracy they predicted all of this. It's scary. Actually, this is going to blow you away. And we played it earlier, but I'm going to play it again. If you're just getting in your car. There's a Michigan County clerk, her name is Laura Cox, and she God bless her, caught a glitch, a glitch in tabulation in the software. So they hand counted votes and found that the glitch caused six thousand votes to go to Biden and Democrats that were meant to go to Trump and Republicans. Forty seven Michigan counties used this software. Now there's one particular guy, Oakland's fifteenth Congressional district, and you got a representative there representing Rochester and Rochester Hills, and they initially gave one hundred and four vote margin win to the Democrat, one hundred and four votes. The Republican, you know it's was an incumbent Andy. I don't know how to say his last name, Coca do Fer. Anyway, he said, I thought that was it. The results were the results, and I would not seek a recount one hundred and four, which is surprising in and of itself. Anyway, what a difference a day makes. As the fifteenth district election Oakland County commissioner, then what happens is he gets stunned yesterday when a call from the Oakland Counties Director of Elections flipping the outcome. Apparently there was a technical glitch in Rochester Hills and I actually ended up winning by a little over eleven hundred votes. The margin was one one and twenty seven. Wow, it flipped a House seat. Listen to what Laura Cox, and we're going to talk to her had to say. If all this wasn't enough, In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a six thousand vote swing against our candidates. The county clear came forward and said tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes. Since then, we have now discovered that forty seven counties used this same software in the same capacity Antrim County head to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that use this software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies. The people of Michigan deserved a transparent and open process. In one county, six thousand votes went to Biden that were meant for Trump and Republicans. Forty seven counties in Michigan, you use the software. Laura Cox, By the way, I got it wrong. She is the Michigan geopeach here woman who broke the story and found this tabulation. Eric, can you explain this to me? Well, thank you for your hard work, but thank you for having me on. Yes, I was in the war room in our states freight buy or state headquarters and you know, watching as the votes were coming in, keeping close tabs. You know, obviously had people across the state watching as well, and there was a irregularity that they looked into. And it was obviously a six thousand folks swing and it's a smaller county and it was very concerning to our folks, and so we looked into it, and this is how we discovered that there was a discrepancy. So we kind of dug a little deeper and found out that it was from a interface software that helps them put the vote totals public on their website, and it was a glitch from that. So we looked at the company, and then we looked on the company's website, which probably showed that they had clients in forty seven counties of our eighty three county state, which had some even more concerns. So we are obviously very concerned with that software being used and that that would be problematic in any vote totals across the state. But it was just very noticeable in this small very Okay, let me ask you, so when you how did you figure out that there's something off? And tell me the exact process you use to discover this glitch. Well, we have people, like I said, across the state watching different key counties as the votes the votes were coming in, and we noticed that this is a very Republican county and the votes were not what we had forecasted, what we had thought, what we would need to be meeting, and it was very irregular. So that's why we dug in a little deeper. This would be a very difficult process to do in much larger counties where we had much more narrow vote goals to make. So this was happenstance which has kind of opened up a can of worms that we are now collecting information and trying to make sure that we can check with all these different counties to make sure that there weren't any irregularity. And then you gave the other instance where the gentleman was told he was an incumbent, not an incumbent anymore, and then of course oops, sorry, we had a tabulation air and now you are you did win, so you know, happy for him, but again at the roller coaster, and we're just concerned about making sure that we are hearing all the information about possible fraud, incompetence or issues with issues with the software that's being used to make sure that all the votes are counted fairly in a transparent way and make sure that all the legal votes are counted. Now, have the other forty six counties gone through the due diligence that you've gone through, Well, that's what we're working to make sure that the word is getting out that we're expecting that to happen. That's what we're asking them to do. You know, listen, we want to make sure that all the votes are counted. That's why we have a website. It's all save vote at MGP dot org. Or they can call eight seven say vote to tell us of any instances where they think that there's some issues or concerns. And right now we're plowing through the votes trying to make sure that we are matching what we would expect to be the vote totals and seeing if we see any irregularities ourselves throughout the ac county based on the such a dramatic vote swing in your one county alone, and the same software is used in forty seven counties. Now has the computer software company admitted that that glitch was in existence and if it was work, if the glitch existed on your software, It makes a lot of sense that it could very well have impacted the other forty six counties. Has anyone gone to court and have the court demand that this glitch problem, that there'd be a mandatory recount in all those forty six counties and a mandatory examination of whether or not the vote totals are accurate and true. Well, as I gave you for the example of Antrim County, they had to hand count their ballots to make sure that every quote, every vote was tabulated properly. And we are now collecting information. We're combing through our information, drilling down to the different precincts to make sure that we are looking for any glitches. So we're right now on the investigation process and we're continuing to talk about it to make sure that we are getting the expected, transparent and secure election that the people of Michigan expect. What I would be concerned about is, you know, any manipulation of any of the machines. Is there any observers that make sure that this can't be tampered within the intern Well, that's one of the things that we're talking about and working with both right now. We're in the canvassing process, and we're having difficulty getting our volunteers in to be able to observe the campus team process. So we're talking about that. We had this press conference with R and C chairman today, Rona McDaniel, and to talk about the different instances where we had even in our poll challengers having problems in the city of Detroit, the largest vote counting area in the state, and how we had intimidation harassment. We couldn't fill all our slots. They wouldn't let us if somebody left tagged somebody else in. They were cheering. Wait, wait a minute, I have Michigan Law in front of me, Laura and says the elections are supposed to be an open process to be observed by any interested person. Any interested person, that there are election challengers poll watchers, and that the challengers have greater access than that would be you. In this particular case, observers may observe the absentee voter counting at any point any time during the election day. Post election observers may observe the counting. Post election audits are open to the public. Recounts are open to the public. That's all Michigan law. I concited for you one six eight seven three zero one six eight eight seven four one eight seven three three. Should I keep going? No, you don't need to because I agree with you, and I know we legally had the opportunity to be able to challenge. And it was absolutely a terrible situation. Like I said, there was harassment, intimidating volunteers, wouldn't let us keep our number of volunteers in the room when somebody had to leave after maybe being there twenty thirty hours. It was awful. You know. The Secretary State said that she would promise a transparent election to the people of Michigan. That's how she got elected, and she absolutely didn't deliver that. It's you know, they put boarding up on the windows so people couldn't see into the county boards as well. I mean in you see videos that all across. It was absolutely unbelievable what we've experienced here in the city of Detroit. And we have an incident where a whistle blower, we prefer this whistle blowers case their testimony to the US Attorney for possible criminal investigation. But the but the idea, who is making this call that keeps people out when as a matter of law. I'm reading the law. I know, Michigan law. I have a right here in front of me. I agree with you. It was the election workers and they were directed by state and city. Are you videotaping them not letting you in? Yes, we have a video taste of that. They kicked out lawyers. It was they locked somebody in a closet for twenty minutes. The law says they're not allowed to do any of this, Laura, I'm reading the law, I know. And that's what we're gathering our information and we're sharing it with a campaign so that we can make some decisions on how we're going to proceed in the legal process. So right now we are encouraging people to share their story with us. We'd like to get affidavits so we can send that information to our legal team so that they can assess it and the campaigns can make their decisions. How do people based on what you're saying, I'm citing the exact statutes of Michigan law that allows people in and you're telling me that they're not being allowed in, and then that gives them more time alone with whatever whatever machine software is, whatever you know, Maybe maybe it's just my nature. I grew up in New York. I just am a trust but verify guy, Laura. You know, just if the fact that they won't even allow follow the law that allows you to observe tells me that there can only be nefarious intentions behind that. Yeah, I mean, that's that's exactly what we're looking into. We believe that there are possible incidents of fraud or maybe it's just shearing competence. But the testimonies that we've received so far that we're forwarding to our legal teams are very gregarious at best. I mean, they're just really seriously shocking stories. And like I said, you can see City of Detroit employees boarding up the windows. I mean, what are they trying to hide from the people in Michigan. It's just absolutely wrong. Well, I we're gonna show all of this tonight on Hannaday. I want you to explain this in great detail, and the country needs to understand. I do applaud you for finding all of this friend sharing it with us, and I'm very sorry that you're You know that all of these voters now are not going to be able to have confidence in the system, and I think that there's got to be some remedy, and I hope that your lawyers are able to chronicle all of this and show all of this to the courts and hopefully the right decision is made. But thank you for sharing a great job catching this. Thank you, Sean, Thank you for having me on. All right, we'll have you on TV tonight as well. We'll be able to show people nine Eastern Hannity on Fox News, unbelievable. What an incredible story that we just heard from Laura Cox. He's going to join us on Hannaday tonight, the great one. Mark Levin is going to explain election law, the constitution, the role of state legislators, what do you do when laws were violated in terms of yeah observers, our partisan observers are permitted to watch the county and they're not allowed to watch the county. We have Jim Jordan, we have Matt Gates, we have Rick Rannelle, Laura Cox, Rona McDaniel, day Bossie were loaded up nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. It's very disheartening, but keep fighting. We'll continue Monday. See you tonight,