Sean has been very critical of government spending as long as he's be on the airwaves and he's not stopping now. Congressmen Dave Brat and Scott Perry stop by to give the latest updates on the budget deal that allows for an additional $300 billion in spending cap increases over two years. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. If you're like me and suffer from insomnia, you know what, that's not fun. You know I tried everything I couldn't get a good night's sleep. And this is neither drug nor alcohol induced. That's right. It is my pillow. Mike Lindell invented it and he fitted me for my first my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and the good news you can too. Let go to my pillow dot com promo code Sean and take advantage of one of Mike Glendell's best offers, his special four pack. You get fifty percent off to my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere Pillows. My Pillows made in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guaranteed no risk to you, and attend you warranty. You don't want to spend more sleepless nights on a pillow tossing interney that's not working for you. Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling in recruitative sleep he'd been craving and deserve my pillow dot com promo coach Sean, al Right, glad you with us right down our toll free telephone number. We love to hear from you. We'll get to your calls today. We're loaded up eight hundred nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Sarah Carter and John Solomon have busted open the uranium one story in a major way. Remember I told you at the beginning of the year, this is the year of the Boomerang. Isn't it all coming true? Is it everything that we've told you for the last year. As we've been unpeeling one layer of the onion after another after another after another, I said, it's now gonna be more downhill. That the Trump Russia collusion story was a bunch of crap and lies fed to you by a compliant media and abusively biased media in this country, and there never was any evidence, and that Robert Muller and his band of a big Obama Clinton donors. You know, there was no objectivity from the beginning, and then we now we've been able to break down and figure out. Okay, well we know that Hillary Clinton got a pass. First, she committed multiple crimes. I'll go through them in a minute. You want to know what her crimes are. The Espionage Act. It is, It is illegal, the Espionage Act eighteen Usc. Seven nine three. It's gross negligence in mishandling classified documents. Well, Hillary and the Mom and Pop bathroom closet had her email servers server and guess what, that's mishandling classified documents. It never should have been there. And if any of us did this, we would have been charged. And then, of course, intentionally mishandling classified documents, that's another Act eighteen Usc. Seven nine three. That's e gross negligence is f knowingly removing classified documents with intent. We know that happened. She did this all intentionally, that's eighteen USC. He our friend Greg Jared has broken all of this town. We're gonna go through this tonight on TV. Also, you can even charge her with theft of government documents a teen USC. Sixty one when she tries to erase them. Then of course concealing, removing, destroying government documents. Well she did that too when she deleted her emails and then acid washed and bleached bit the hard drive and then busted up the devices with a hammer. That's eighteen USC B and that would also constitute an obstruction of justice charge a teen USC. Fift oh five and fifteen fifteen B. And on top of it, you could probably charge it with making materially false statements to Congress, you know, all of which any of which you if you if you took deleted, if you deleted emails that were subpoena a good luck to you. If you destroyed the hard drives, good luck to any of you out there. So she got away with it because the fix was in, and the fix was in because of people like me and Peter Struck and writing an exoneration before an investigation and then having their backup plan. But we've what we've learned this week is so far worse than what we ever thought could have happened, because then on top of it, then we've got oh, let's see, Hillary has a bought and paid for Russian government. According to the Grassley Graham memo, a dossier built on Russian government Russian lies, salacious details about Donald Trump. Now, why did she pay twelve million dollars for that through her campaign funneled through a law firm, the d n C that Donna Brazil said she controlled the money? Right? Why is she paying for for salacious lies about Donald Trump in a Ritzen Moscow with hookers uring urinating on his bed. What was the point of that? What was the point of fusion GPS In testimony Glenn Simpson testifying that oh, he tried to coordinate disseminating this false information of the compliant news media in this country. What was the point originally? The point originally was simple. She wanted to build a dossier of lies on Donald Trump, so it didn't matter if it was true or not, because she wanted to lie and manipulate and propagandize the American people in the hopes that she would win the election. There's no ethics involved in in this political game that they have. And just like I can predict to you every election season, every four years, every two years for that matter, you know this whole litany of lies that are told about conservatives and and Republicans, that they're racist and their sexist, and their homophobic and the xenophobic and the islamophobic, you know, and that they hate women. It's it's all a bunch of lies. So this is just taking the line to a to another level and paying for it and using Russia as the source. There is a Russia collusion story, and the Year of the Boom Rang, as I've been telling you, is now now unfolding before your very eyes, and uh so far it's not working so anyway, so then you have to fix in with Peter Struck and company. McCabe looks like Loretta Lynch knew, Lisa Page knew. Then they have their insurance policy. But the worst part of the story is what we learned in the Grassley Graham memorandum, and that's it's that simple. Is that when the FBI, because they got refused by the FISA court the first time, which is hard to do. Fis almost as like a rubber stamp. But their first attempt at a FISA warrant failed, I guess that was in July, and then they come back in October, just before the election. And remember Carter Page is just a pretext in all of this. You know, the idea is, you want to get real people though the surveil, whether's the Trump campaign. They didn't need to surveil. Carter Page wasn't even a part of the campaign. The idea was to get to what the Trump campaign was doing. And then what did they do? Then they go back to a FISA court. Then the House Intel memo that came out, you know, it actually quotes the deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe saying, no dossier, they wouldn't even have been an attempt to get a FISER warrant. And then we learned in the Grassley Grand Memo, as it relates that to get this FISA warrant, the bulk of information was the Hillary Clinton bought and paid for dossier with Russian government lies. See whether Russian conspiracy is See where the truth now lies. We actually have evidence for the things that we report, unlike the rest of the media. So then they're using it was the bulk of evidence from the phony Clinton Boughton paid for Russian dossier. And then they mislead the judge a couple of different ways. Yeah, they did footnote apparently that it may be political in nature. But the FBI knew, and well where it came from. We know they knew at the time that it was Hillary Clinton Boughton paid for. It's not even an issue in dispute, it's it's now as a matter of fact that they knew. So they don't tell the FISA court judge any of this, and they get their FISA warrant, And they also deceptively they know that Michael Lizzakoff got a leak from Christopher Steele and he writes an article for Yahoo News, and then they put that and a catch that as part of the FISA warrant as though it's an independent story with independent corroboration. But the sources the exact same source as the dossier. And then if you think it can't get any worse than that, then we find out that we've got Clinton cronies feeding Christopher dossier, people like you know, Sid Vicious Blueman, Um, I'm sorry, feeding Christopher Steele phony information. So you've got Clinton associates and Clinton lover's feeding Steele lies for the dossier and corroborating stories that on the surface you would know are not true. Is anybody not true that the reputation of Donald Trump for many years is a journ pope. He was, and so the idea that Donald Trump's gonna go to Russia hire hookers to urinate in his bed never made any sense. And where really it ought to take your breath away is just how corrupt your news media is. They're they're not newspeople anymore. You know. One of the reasons I guess there's so much hate for people like me because we make them look bad every day. They've been wrong for an entire year. There's no evidence of Trump Russia collusion. The biggest corruption story in their lifetime was missed by them. I mean, there was so much time spent by the news media yesterday. You know what that was spent on? Well, apparently when they first reported on Fox News that, in fact, that struck in page we're preparing a memory random because Barack Obama wanted to know every detail, and they assumed that that was every detail about the Clinton email investigation. There's some ambiguity. I'm not gonna lie it was just attacking Fox. But they've never covered the story themselves. And there's new emails, I'm sorry, new text messages out today with these two How by how do you have time to text fifty thousand texts. I don't have time to text anybody fifty thousand times. You know, if I'm having a longer text conversation with one of my friends, I'm like, call me, call me. It's too much work texting. You gotta sit there, type it out, misspell go back then you then you go back and read it before you send it. And you see the stupid program put in a word because you started spelling a word, and then it puts in another word, and then you have to fix it against a pain in the ass against it's a pain. I hate typing anyway, So I'd rather talk, as I am a talker more than I am a writer. So all of the this is happening in our country. Now, what what makes this as bad as it is? Well, what makes it as bad as it is is you have certain people that protected Hillary. I just went through all the crimes that she committed. They protected her for a reason that she would stay in the presidential race. And the idea was is that we can't let Donald Trump win and we can't put this race into such a tailspin that it would guarantee pretty much that Donald Trump would win. And Their assumption always was that Hillary is gonna beat Donald Trump. They never thought remember when he first announced, there was just nothing but laughter at the idea that he was gonna run. And then it gets even more sinister because they keep this spying going on, as the illegal surveillance going on again, they never told the FISA court the truth that Hillary had bought and paid for the dot c A. Now we know that dossier represented the bulk of evidence presented to the visa judge. A bomb the Visa court judge. And there was an email I'm sorry it letters sent out by Devin Newness that I think at some point it's gonna bear some fruit. I think that's all gonna come out. Now we've got on top of it. We've got John Solomon and Sarah Carter. Now the Iranium one informant. This guy was he has like thirty years experience working undercover and for six years he worked inside of Putin's network inside of America where he documented bribery, extortion, money laundering, racketeering. It's at kickbacks. He's telling the FBI all of this in real time. Robert Mueller. It's amazing how these names keep popping up again and again and again. He's the FBI director at the time. So Putin has you know, his network inside out of America, wants to get a foothold into the uranium network. We have a spy working on our behalf telling them all these activities are happening and documenting it for the government, and then you know he's there eighteen months or about eighteen months before Siphius signs off on the ranium one deal. That gives you know, the bad actor, the hosta Putin and the hostile regime Russia of our uranium using bribery, kickbacks, extortion of money laundering to get there. And then of course we find out, well, the the uranium is not gonna leave. Well, we don't went to Canada, we don't went to Europe, and we know we have pretty good suspicions it went to Asia and they let this deal go through, which the sad part is that we don't even have enough uranium as a country, and nobody in the news media touches it. You flipped the script and make it Donald Trump doing all these things, you'd have a very different reaction in the news media. But they're compliant, the willing accomplices of all ing's left wing right. As we roll along Sean Hannity Show, The Daily Caller has a piece out today that it appears the actual source for the most salacious allegation and that Trump dossier, and that you know the Russian hooker's ping on the bed, that one at the rich Carlton is a longtime Hillary Clinton hitman, Cody Sharer, and apparently the Daily Caller reporting that he was peddling dirt on Trump as early as August, two months earlier than previously known. According to a US government source telling the Daily Caller News Foundation and the House uh Intel and Senate Judiciary committees are investigating the so called Shearer memo and how it made its way from the Clinton operative through the State Department into the hands of Christopher Steele, the British spy who wrote the infamous Russian dossier. The core allegation and the memo is that the Russian spy agency, the FSB, had deo footage of Trump engaging with prostitutes. The first memo and Steal's dossier dated June sixteen, makes a similar allegation, and Steal's sources claim that the fsp had recordings of Trump etcetera, etcetera. And you've got the revised grass Lee Graham memo. You know, Gouty now is named sid Vicious Blumenthal as Steal's Clinton source. You have Clinton Crony's actually you know, feeding phony information to Steal to put the dossier together, and it's being fed to the compliant news media in this country. I think the funniest, most underplayed story is Adam Schiff, who wants to be an NBC CNN contributor. At some point he sends his staff to try and collect classified materials for the FBI after Russian pranksters told him that Putin has naked blackmailed pictures of Trump. And you're the phone calls, you see the emails. In other words, he's doing the exact same thing that they accused Donald Trump Jr. Of doing, which Donald Trump Junior had not done. All right, everybody's up in arms. Uh, And this is getting interesting to me about um, the idea that Trump wants to have a military you know, awards thing and a parade. We're gonna explain why I think it's a good idea. I mean, the left is unhinged. I mean, you know, Joe Biden, Trump presidency. He's a joke. Chuck Todd. We can't take Trump seriously or literally, Hillary, I get overwhelmed by Trump a dozen times a day. Have CNN's Phil Mud, but he warns the FBI is they're gonna win against Trump. You got MSNBC the Cole Wallace Trump is a hamburger eatings Amboni riding loon. CNN. Every immigrant in this country is a killer, claiming Trump made the claim. Chris Matthews. You know Trump goes after Pelosi because she's an ethnic sort of person. They've lost their minds alright till the top of the hour one sewn. If you want to join us, did you um than any of you in there? Have you heard the reaction to Donald Trump wanting to have like put our military on parade and honor our military. Did you hear he's a trip that proves it he's a dictator? Did you hear any of this insanity? Yes? I hear a lot of it every day. It's it's look, I have a list in front of me. James gives me every day. I hate Trump pack and that's what the pack is called. So that takes up about h I don't know what you look, look all right, let me just run through the headlines and then I'll get back to the uh. Biden He's a joke. Chuck Todd, we can't take him seriously or literally anymore. Hillary, I get overwhelmed. H she gets the vapors twelve times a day, the vapors, the vapors. Uh. Then you got this guy, just like Chuck Schumer warning, uh, they'll get you six ways in Sunday, the intelligence community. All this guy says, He warns, well, the f I was gonna win. What is the FBI gonna win? They're gonna take out Trump? And what does that mean? What do they talk about? And you got this Joe Scarborough wanna be on Nicole Wallace. Remember she along with what's the other guy's name, Steve Schmidt. They ran the McCain campaign with Sarah Palin. She didn't even vote for McCain and she's at the top of running the campaign. She calls Trump a hamburger eating, zamboni riding loon. When I was a kid playing hockey, you know what I wanted to do. Ride the zamboni. That's all I wanted. Listen. I know this is terrible, but they we used to sneak out and hit her ride and let the zamboni pull us. The guy used to get furious with us. Got no, just around the rink? Is that redoing the ring? We never wanted to wait for the ice to be done over redone. So we you know, like in the middle of a skating session, or we used to do what's called open hockey, or they had just uh puck shooting night and goldies would go in there and we'd go to do that. I mean what we do all that. I was a center. I wanted to score goals. That's all I wanted to do. One day, so I'm playing in this league. My father, Look, he was tired. He worked nights on weekends, he worked seven days a week. And anyway, he takes me to hockey one early one Saturday morning. I scored five goals in the game and he's sitting up there. I knew I could see him. It was at Port Washington, a place called Twin Rinks, And so I come in, you know, my chest all puffed up after the game, and I'm like, what do you think? And he goes about what he was reading the newspaper. He wasn't watching the game. Um, Meanwhile, I'm like the crazy parents. I can't watch tennis because I'm flinching. I hate it. I can't watch it anymore. See, and then they got somebody melting on every immigrant in his country Trump believes as a killer. How do they say these? Chris Matthews, this is my favorite. Mr thrill Up is like Trump goes after Pelosi because she's an ethnic sort of person. What the hell is he talking about? Uh let's see oh Biden again. Uh? Trump is doing everything putin never wanted. Jake Tapper, Trump continues eroting basic lines of human decency. Now, I'd actually say that's the news media that does that. Get Tierra says, John Kelly has a lack of love and a lack of empathy. And you've got Lawrence o'donald trashing Kelly is the worst chief of staff ever, full of hatred like Trump. It's unbelievable. What is this wiki leakue story. I didn't get a chance to go through this today because I've been so busy on the uranium one story and on obviously the Darcier issue. There is a story I think aim accuracy and medias. I'm pretty sure what the group is that wiki Leaks revealed all the journalists who schmoozed with the Clinton campaign. Did that come out today? I remember Wiki leaks has never been wrong. I think they're going on twelve straight years now. Yeah, it's a piece. It's like thirty eight New York based media members they attended this drinks and dinner party in with Joel Bennison. But didn't we know about that? Yeah? But now it's like they had the goals of the dinner, so there was like, I guess, like a bullet point. So it's like, what's your goal? What are we doing here? And it's like, we're gonna give reporters this, We're gonna tell them how to frame the message, make sure they don't do any better reporting on Hillary, you know, just more back in the pocket stuff. Do you act like it? But I mean, you think about the media missing the biggest story in their lives and careers, and then they hate us and to just absolutely despise us and the few of us that have been all over this, and I'm waiting for the next hip piece. You know what's funny though, because you basically all of you and the people of TV are now I will tell I'll send you a text to tweet out this or tweet out that occasionally, but for the most part, after all the hackings, I don't do any social media anymore. And I used to be so good at fighting on social media. I used to love it, and I realized it was becoming too much of a full time job. There's just too many people to fight. I can't fight everybody at once. So I just decided to focus. And you know, whoever I feel like going after, I'm just gonna do it on radio and TV. What else do we have? You know, in spite of all of what I just said, Trump's approval rating tops Obama's approval rating at this time. Now, Scott Rasmussen, he called the election more accurately than any other. Any other poster out there now has Trump attent and um anyway, that number is higher than what Barack Obama's was on this day in his first term. Now, as we all know, the anointed One was so popular, mostly loved and adored politician. You know whoever lived, he he had acent approval rating with the media. You know, the media never vetted him. The media never talked about eight years of the worst economic record, the dumbest deal ever done with the Iranians. They didn't care. That's why, you know. They they think in their bubble they knew better than the American people. That's why they were all in a state of shock on election night. Now, since the president has been in office, Uh, tax revenue, I'm sorry, since they passed the tax cut, tax revenues has gone up eighteen billion dollars, which kind of pisces me off. Because this new budget deal, this two year deal, and I know we need more money for the military, and I know we've got North Korea, and I know we've got Iran, and I know we've got you know, we've got a serious rebuilding in terms of modernization of our military that's needed, and that's very costly. But and the eighty billion is definitely warranted. But you get rid of sequester as part of the deal, and now we're blown away all all all budget restraints at all. Yeah. But see, the bigger problem here is that we're talking about domestic expending. We had eight years of domestic spending under We do not need any more domestic spending. And whoever is advising President Trump that he needs to counter defense spending with the medic The problem is nobody went in and fought for Trump's budget. That's the problem. This is the Republicans. This is a Republican Congress. Is Mitch McConnell's sitting down with Schumer McConnell, Ryan Sellouts, How do you feel very upset about it? We don't need a trillion dollar deficit, and it could have been done better. And the Freedom Caucus a spot on on it. The Freedom Caucus of the people I trust in Congress. Now that's it. Uh. There is some other good economic news though. Citing the Trump tax cuts, CVS boosted their employee wages by that's awesome. Maybe it's not the career job that you want in your life, but maybe if you're retired and you work at CVS, or maybe if you don't have any job at all and you still want to work, or maybe you're starting out and you need a job. I mean, that's a pretty significant amount of money. By the way, a professor at a federally funded elite university wishes Trump were dead. When is the Secret Service gonna go find this guy? Northeastern University in Boston under fire. He was recorded during a public lecture saying he wouldn't mind seeing Trump dead. So nice that these professors that you know, speak so lovingly and kindly about their president. I cannot imagine what would happen to those professors if they had said this in the eight years that President Obama was in office, Well, I can. It would have been complete mayhem, just Hillary dossier. And we have Sarah Carter and John Solomon at the top of the hour, I mean, the FBI informant now blowing wide open this ridiculous uranium deal. You know, we care so much about Russia. Here's the great irony and all of this. You know, they for a year we've heard about Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russa Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, russa Russia. And then it turns out that there was Russian government lies to propagandize and mislead the American people in an election year that was paid for by Hillary. And then we've got, you know, going back in this particular uranium one deal. Obama's president at the time, we don't have enough uranium as a country, but we get nine departments to sign off on Accipius deal to give of America's uranium to the bad actor. Putin and the hostile regime Russia. The irony of it is is mind numbing. And the fact that it's rejected by everybody in the news media. I mean there's there's also massive media bias of omission. It's the story as they choose not to cover. It's so freaking dishonest. A whole bunch of them, just a bunch of agenda driven hacks and liars. You know, I would think that there's somebody though, that wants to be unique, somebody that wants to get to the truth, you know. But they if you ever have taken the time and you look at any social media, these guys, they really do live in a bubble and they really want to be like so desperately. I don't know why I'm missing that ship. I don't have no is this true or false? Landa. I do not care if I'm like by any of these people. I despise them. I think they're a bunch of hackst than you do. You guys get upset. I mean it's ridiculous. And then you know, James is like hitting me. Did you see what said about you know what did he say? That's the military in him? Oh? Oh, and you guys are like apoplectic. You know, well, you gotta you gotta fight back, and I'm like, God, I have too many I have too much work to do to fight back all the time. I like fighting, I do. I mean it's fun. Actually, I mean with these these stupid liberal journalists, the lazy fat cats overpaid that just you know, propaganda's and they're not even journalists anymore. By the way, we're are the calls for Adam Shift to resign. You know, he claimed for weeks before GOP leaders decided to release the FISA Steel Memo that it would be the most reckless act ever committed by any government entity in American history. A little bit hyperbole on his party. Insisted it would damage national security, compromise sources and methods, jeopardize the lives of American intelligence assets. Um, he was lying through his teeth and he knew it. They just didn't want this out unbelieved. These are unbelievable times we're living in. All right, let me get to this other issue, which we where I started. So in acting, you've got the Alliance of Women Film Journalists Award, You've got the American Film Institute Awards, the Dorian Awards. You've got the Razzies, You've got the National Society of Film Critics Awards, You've got the National Board of You're supposed to be in that room talking to me. By the way, you're not supposed to be in this room. This is my room. My space is my quiet place. I'm kidding. But anyway. Then you've got the Avian Awards, the National Reporter Reviews, You've got Daytime Emmy Awards, Critic Choice Awards, Directors Guild Awards, Independent Spirit Awards, Producer Guild Awards, the Screen Actors Guild Awards, the Emmys, the Golden Globes, the Oscars, the Tony Awards, the Writer's Award Guilds. Did you just say on live radio that you wanted to save space bringing cocoa? I was trying right now. The music industry as the Academy of Country Music Awards, the American Music Awards, the Billboard Latin Music Awards, the Billboard Music Awards, the Country Music Awards, the c m A Awards, the I Heart Radio Music Awards, the Latin Grammys, MTV Video Music Awards, and the Grammys. And then you got ahold of this, so we don't have any awards ceremonies for the military, and Donald Trump that's what we should do. Well, that's what Donald Trump was saying. He was he's having a parade. A parade is like an honoring of our military. I mean, you've got all these actors and actresses. They got a thousand awards ceremonies. There's no awards ceremonies. Well, there actually are for hosts. We do have the Marconi Awards. I showed up for both Marconi's I did. I didn't. I wasn't able to get to my induction into the Radio Hall of Fame because I had to work and then what a uh TV. I guess they have awards, but I've never been honored. I've never been nominated. Um, but you got all these multi car you know, even the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, the People Choice Awards, the Teen Awards, the b ET Awards. Media has got let's see the CLEO Awards, Conscience and Media Award, Edward R. Murrow Award, the Glad Media Awards, the Pulleitzer Prizes, the White House Correspondence Dinner. We were the why can't we have a parade and honor the military, and then maybe we should have, you know, we should have we should have the you know, the people that fight, bleed and die and make America great. Awards like the Best Plumber Award and the Best Contractor Award and the nicest reception is to ward and you got to nominate people. I mean, I'm sick and tired of seeing these people. And oh and there, what is your gown? Oh is your gun stolen? Mccaughtney, Amazon, page three. Yeah, I'm wearing Levi's and a T shirt. That's what I wear. I mean, it's pathetic and you would think he's a dictator. See this proves it. He wants to have a military parade. I'm like, okay, let's honor the military, like you all honor yourselves at every moment in life. I just like, I can't stand those awards ceremonies. Why did they think that? And they go and they sit in there a little black tie and their designer dresses and their borrowed jewelry. It's so stupid and so so sanctimonious and so full of themselves. I hate those people. I do. I have no respect for them. That's why I've never been on House correspondence. There Ethan wants to know if you have a hate list. No, I don't mean hate in the real sense. I mean I just anger. Righteous indignation is a better way to put it, because they've packed themselves on the back and what do they do? They entertain us, big deal. And with all due respect, people are gonna hate what I'm about to say. There are some really great actors out there, but most of them suck. They're all average, oh well autistes. And as we roll along, by the way, we have another Justice Department official along with McCabe and uh Bruce or and we got all these other we got another one apparently involved up to his eyeballs. Tell you about that, Sarah and John Solomon, next right hour to Sean Hannity Show. Right down our toll free telephone numbers eight hundred nine for one, Sean if you want to be a part of the program. I want to start before we get to this breaking news on the uranium one scandal. Now that the informant has now testified before three one House, uh two House and one Senate committee yesterday, Um, and everything we've been saying about uranium one is now being vindicated. Here you had a guy that was working for the FBI for many, many years, he knew and understood the Vladimir Putin had a network of people in this country that absolutely wanted to break into the uranium market in America. It was bribery, extortion, kickbacks, money laundering. We knew about it long before Syphius the nine, the nine cabinet positions that that signed off on this deal. We knew about all these crimes. We knew about Putin's motives. Hillary Clinton does a radio interview of she doesn't know what people are talking about regarding Uranium one, and here's what she said in this interview. That has been the whole thing has been investigated repeatedly, and it's been debunked repeatedly. Can I ask you just on the surface, because one of the things that people point to is that in their Uranium one story, it troubles them that the Clinton Foundation failed to disclose it was about over two million dollars in donations from the chairman of Uranium one as the deal was being reviewed considered. Do you agree that that just looks bad? Rita, That's not true. The gentleman in question had sold his interest in Uranium one some years before. It's just not true. Rita. Now I know that, you know, the right does a great job of throwing up these crazy allegations, but just look at the facts. Go back and look at Shepherd Smith's takedown. None of this is true. Now that doesn't mean they won't investigate it because they're trying to divert attention from their connections with Russia. But I can assure you it's been investigated. It's then looked at by the press, by experts. Everybody has come to the same conclusion. There is no factual basis. I had nothing to do with the decision. Now that is a fact. I had nothing to do with it. It was delegated to somebody else in the States of part and nine people had to agree, and they all agreed from all the different agencies in our government. And then two Republican governors had to agree, you know, John Huntsman and Utah and Rick Terry in Texas. This is just a smoke screen. So you know, there's no facts to it. But you know, I can't stop the Justice Department and the White House from trying to throw sand in the eyes the sea fall all right, joining us. Now, they both had blockbuster revealing articles yesterday about this informant that now testified before three committees yesterday. We have Sarah Carter, investigative reporter, Fox News contributor John Solomon, investigative reporter, UH with The Hill. Thank you both for being with us. Sarah, let's start with your report and John then will add yours. Yeah. I think this is an incredibly important moment because for so long everybody was waiting for this informant to come forward, for Congress to at least question him, to speak with him, and for congressional members. And remember they lifted the non disclosure agreement the Justice Department did last year, and he was able then to transmit everything that he had been collecting over all those years as an informant with the FBI to Congress. And now that he's actually spoken to Congressional investigators and staff and answered a lot of their question and gave a written statement to them, were able to see how far and how long this informant had been working for the US government, which is significant because if anybody is going to try to stress that his his character or that there was something about him that wasn't quite right, I mean, now you look at it and you see that he was paid fifty dollars by the government. He had worked with the United States government for many, many years, even prior to Uranium One. He was giving information and working with the CIA at one point in time and then later handed off to the FBI. And his testimony was really explosive um Sean. He spoke about having information that the Russians were still dealing with Iran, that they were providing Iran assistance with their nuclear reactors. That was information that he gave to the FBI. And remember, at that point in time, the Russians were really vying to enter our energy market. They were really taking over the global energy market. This was a big deal for Vladimir Putin, and they wanted to downplay their work with Iran. They wanted to downplay their relationship with Iran with regards to the nuclear issue and the nuclear reactors. What he is that he provided evidence, enough counter intelligence evidence that the United States was well aware that the Russians were double dealing and working with the Iranians, but still went ahead and approved the deal to sell all the Canadian firm Uranium one to Russia, which controlled of our uranium assets. And we don't have enough uranium on our own. So the idea that we would allow any foreign entity, never mind a bad actor like Putin and a hostile regime Russia, to get access to this is beyond any comprehension. Uh On. In your report, you talk about how the informant before these three committees made a lot of Clinton allegations to Congress. Uh Democrats as usual apparently trying to dismiss it and discredit this poor guy. But he spent how many years as an informant for the FBI on this particular issue, and how many years in the CIA? Yeah, so almost thirty years across multiple years intelligence ages. He's going back to the nineteen eighties and six years undercover inside the Russian green industry. That's a long time to be undercover for anyone, let alone the FBI, which has a very intense stob But here's what we Here's what he said yesterday. He said that while I was sitting there undercover of informing on this bribery scheme that the Russians were conducting on US soil, I was told by the visiting Russians who came from Moscow to Washington one time that they were hiring an American lobbing firm called AFCO UH to do some mobbing and that it was important that they do this because AFCO had connections directly to the Clintons, and that some of the three million dollars the Russians speaking now telling the informant, some of the three million dollars that was paid to that lobbying firm was to be used to provide pro bono donations of free work to the Clinton Foundation so that they would ingratiate themselves with the Clinton Foundation. Now that's a sensational allegation. Now, the question is was there anything to back that up? Right? Well, here's what we've learned in our reporting. One, starting in two thousand and eight, APPTO was doing pro bono work. They volunteered and made, whether noted in kind contributions to the Clinton Foundation. And remarkably, in two thousand eleven, shortly after the Russians hired APTO, the amount of pro bono work they gave markedly increase. That's according to the APCO's own records. UH. Now, the apt will say that's a coincidence, nothing, nothing there. But if you're trying to judge the credibility of this informant. He not only heard this and reported in real time, but there is some substantiation, some pattern of evidence that suggests it could have happened. And the real question now is what did the FBI Injustice Department do with it then and might they be doing with it now? Are they investigating it? Did they investigate it then? Is there some improper uh situation going on here? We don't know the answer to that yet. All right, So we know, Sarah, that Mueller was the FBI director at the time, UH, and we also have other information. He had to know that Putin had this foothold because it was his informant that was undercover and the informant is reporting back to the FBI. And I think one of the things we know for sure is that the informant was shocked that the FBI and our government did nothing to stop Putin and his efforts to literally get that foothold in the Uranian market. Um. And one of the things I think was most shocking is when you reported that that the confidence that was expressed to the informant that in fact, the scifious approval was was going to happen is because of Hillary's, you know, position as Secretary of State. There was no way it wasn't going to go through. Yes, And I mean he was stunned. He was so stunned by what was happening and the fact that they didn't even begin the prosecutions. I mean, he had already handed over a significant amount of evidence and Transportation Logistics International, and that was the American trucking company that was involved in all of the bribery, kickbacks and schemes with the Russians. And remember they were moving a national security asset uranium. And so not only was he stunned that they weren't moving forward with the case, he was stunned that the information that he was providing. And you're right, Robert Mueller would have known about this, you would you would think, um, he would be apprised of this issue. Andrew McCabe, they were actually reporting back to him at the Washington Field office. Uh. There were other people involved here, Rod Rosenstein and others. So there's some of the same place. How do these how do these names keep coming up again and again and again. It's like this, this this little cabala of people that are involved in every single aspect, and Hillary never gets in trouble with all the Shenanigan she's involved in. Well, it is interesting that you keep hearing the same names, and you you think of a type of insulation. I mean, you know, I don't think it's um something that was planned. I think that you know, these people are in politics together, they become friends. They live and breathe politics, They live and breathe Washington, UM and these federal agencies, so they know each other quite well. I think what was most stunning to me was how patriotic and how much this informant really believed that this information needed to get out. I mean, this is something that has lived inside of him for quite a long time, and he's willing to fight this fight, despite the fact that he has been diagnosed with two separate times with cancer and he's fighting that right now. But he thinks this is the time to get the information. And he's still spent four hours before Congress yesterday correct correct, four hours exhaustive hours, he said, And I want to ask you both when we get back on Solomon and Sarah Carter with us about following the money part of this story, which then goes directly to the Clinton Foundation, and like everything else, now we're still peeling back layers of another onion, another scandal, and again our our so called colleagues and the media are nowhere to be found. Right as we continue, investigative reporters John Solomon Sarah Carter is with us. John, all right, so both of you breaking the fact that the informant, the person working for the FBI some six years thirty years experience doing this kind of work. He infiltrates Putin's network and he's discovering all sorts of shenanigans and bribery and extortion and money laundering and kickbacks by Putin's Uh. Well, I guess spies that are really in America trying to get a foothold into the ranium market. You know, the question I have after the informant testifies before Congress is, alright, how far does Congress go in terms of following the money, John Solomon, Because at the end of the day, a lot of the people that were involved in this deal, we're huge donors to the Clinton Foundation. Yeah, and you know, I think there's another issue too, and that's called following the timeline. I think when people look at the timeline that Doud Campbell laid out in his UM uh testimony. Yes, it creates a really troubling national security picture. Let's just go through it for a second. Fall of two thousand nine, he absolutely ascertains for the FBI that the Russians are engaged in bribing, UH, bribery and corruption on the US so including compromising the very company that moves uranium around the United States. That's a very sensitive thing when you think of the broken arial aero scenario, right, someone could walk off with some of that iranium because they've been compromised. So that's in two thousand nine. In the spring of two thousand and ten, he UH picks up the first evidence that Russia is assisting Iran to elicit nuclear program and may even have a mole inside the United Nations inspection that's giving Russia early companies of their intelligence reports on Iran in the In the fall of two thousand and ten, before Siffius rules on UM on the uranium one approval, Keep reports at the Clintons that they may have hired APTI and there may be some untoward activity going on between the Russian lobbying firm and the Russians in the Clinton Global Initiative, which is a subsector of the Clinton Foundation. Now, those are the three things that he reports in real time, not disputed. The FBI hasn't in the records. It's not a doubt. Now, let's look at what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's administration fit thousand and ten. But I'm say yeah, two thousand and ten, they restore the nuclear agreement with the Russia that had been suspended because Russia had invaded Georgia. In two thousands ten, they approved the Uranium one deal, and in two thousand and ten to two thousand and thirteen they opened the door for more than ten billion dollars of new zuclear fuel contracts that make US reactors, US utilities reliant on Russian uranium. So a good question is, if you know the there're those three black check marks against Russia, right, corruption, possible UH influence, peddling with accountance, and the assistance to Iran? Did you let all these things go? That's the national security questions, you know, really has to get you. And Sarah gets confusing for people because you know, this is separate and apart from all the other stories that you guys have been breaking, I know. And the strange thing is they all somehow intertwined with the same cast of characters like you had mentioned earlier. I think another really important part that a lot of people don't realize is during that time that the administration, the Obama administration, reauthorized and removed those sanctions from Russia, they also removed a loophole that a lot of people don't focus on, and that allowed Russia to send which they eventually did you know, s three hundred air defense missile systems to Iran. Those got put into place in two thousand sixteen, and Israel was up in arms over this. And and this is something that people don't think about. Every little scene leads to something else, sean to something more and more dangerous. And and as far as the investigation, I certainly hope, and we have been told and we have reported on this. I know John has as well that there is an investigation ongoing. It appears into the Clinton Foundation, and I'm sure that this will play a part of that. And I certainly hope that the Department of Justice takes it upon themselves to really look at what happened here with uranium one, because they're the only ones with the assets and the capabilities to look at where this money trail goes. All right, John Solomon, Sarah Carter, thank you both of being with us. Will continue to follow these stories and both of them will join us on Hannity tonight. UH news. You're not going to get from the destroy Trump media. Why would we ever give away of our uranium? Unbelievable? All right, when we come back the horrific budget busting UH deal that has been making its way through Congress. UH, this a lot I don't like about it, including there's no consideration of all the debt we're going to accumulate. We'll get to that next with Dave Bratton, other Freedom Caucus member straight a Hut. I'm reminded of him, my own grandson. He's Um, Irish, English whatever whatever and Italian American. He is a mix, but he looks more like the other side of the family show. He said he's um. And when he had his um six fifth birthday, sixth birthday, he had a very close friend whose name is Antonio, who's from Guatemala, and he has beautiful tan skin, beautiful brown eyes and the rest. And Um, this was such a proud day for me because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake, They said, did you make a wish? And he said, yes, I made a wish. He said, well, what is your wish? She said, I wish I had brown skin and brown eyes like Antonio. So beautiful, so beautiful. The beauty is in the mix. The face of the future for our country is all American and that has many versions. None of my friends from my hometown, no, he's My parents raised me to be gritty, never to complain or take hand debts. I didn't want to have a victim mentality or be known for being undocumented. But I realized that sharing my story would be therapeutic, raise awareness and help other underprivileged people. All right, that was Nancy Pelosi during our eight hours so called filibuster yesterday. Glad you're with us, twenty four now till the top of the hour. I'll tell you one thing that is in grave danger of extinction, and that is being a conservative out in Hollywood. Antonio Sobatos with us, Sobato Jr. And he's running for Congress, And how are you, by the way, you are like one of the most outspoken people in Hollywood. Pro Trump now running for Congress. And every girl when they heard you were coming in the office. It was like a whole contingency of people that were spying on you when you walked in. How you doing, I'm doing great. It's fantastic to be here in New York and be surrounded by you guys and pleasure men. Thank you. You know, so you have a background. You are Calvin Klein model, right, I was in my other things. I was in show business still am you know for thirty years and uh, still trying to trying to work as an actor as well as running for Congress at the same time. So did uh soap operas. I did soap operas, movies, TV shows, Dancing with the Stars, and so many other shows. How'd you doing Dancing with the Stars. I've been pretty good. I lasted for two months. I was I was impressed because I thought I was gonna go away really soon. But I lasted. That's a hard show. It is a hard show. I mean, I've watched the training. I mean I could. First of all, I don't like dancing. I know a lot of people. I'm not a dancer, and uh, I watched people and you know who's gonna lose like the first four weeks because they really suck. And then you watch other people that maybe you didn't expect would be so talented. I mean, some professional football players have been great, right, they have the rhythm, they can move their hips that, Yeah, you gotta move your head. And that's when my golf teacher tells me, I gotta, you gotta use those hips when you swing, Hannity, and I gotta, I gotta slapshot for a drive because I used to be a hockey player. Yeah, and so you did, all right. I got one question. So when you're like doing a love scene in a soap opera, right, I know, there's like they always say, oh, there's a thousand people around and it's not what you think it is. I'm like, that's such crap. I don't believe that for a second. Soap say even even there's a lot more people because you have people in the booth watching the show than you have what I'm talking about, the ant. But but I mean, if a person is really attractive and your scene is to make out with that person, you can't tell me that that's not you know, you probably it's sometimes don't feel something about that person? Sure, sure, I mean you would have to ask them. I've been fortunate enough that I keep those things separate. But some people is it is it all fake kissing and stuff when it goes on or is it real? Yeah, well it's real. You want to make a look real because people, you know, if you if you're kissing somebody, people are telling you you didn't really kiss that girl. I didn't. That's the last thing you want to hear. So I tried to do my best. But obviously people get together on shows all the time because of it. But you're doing this a I guess a new network called pure Flix. Yeah, pure Flix, and you're doing a Christian soap opera. Yeah. I did Hilton Head Island. Yeah, Now how did that do versus you know, the average soap operas that we watched over there. It's probably doing better because it's streaming online, so a lot more people, like right now, you on a radio station here saying can you can you get it on Netflix? You have to apply at pure flix dot com and just you know, like Netflix and uh and watch the show and watch a lot of other movies and TV shows. What's the difference between a Christian soap opera and one of the network soap opera? Well, this one is is spiritually related. There's there's there's an outcome that's relation to God and the bigger, bigger power. And because I did a film for the first time this year, I don't know if it comes out this year. So yeah, exactly. It did so well. We were like number two for a number of weeks. We had no Hollywood backing, we had no studio backing, we had nothing. And number one. We wanted to keep creative control, which we did, and it did so incredibly well. It's I forgot what we're in, like the top whatever. People need, good stuff. It was a great story and it was what they did a great job. I mean I was just the executive. Yeah, I might do another one down the line. Um, but listen, apparently you have a big fan base coming in and out looking at you in the studio. But I learned things that I never know. It's it's a whole different business from me. Yeah, it's all different business producing, execucing, executive producing, and uh, how long it takes the lead time, I mean production, post production. There's a lot of politics in it. I mean some theaters. I don't think I wanted to take it, but is uh my name was associated with it and I think because it was a Christian movie. It you know, you have distributors that don't want to take it, and it's kind of frustrating. It is frustrating, it's unfair, but we gotta fight for things like that. And exactly that's why I'm running for Congress, because we've got to keep things playing field on the playing field. Because right now that they already took it away God away from our schools, kids can now talk about God or even bring a Bible to school. And uh, sooner or later. I mean, they're taking away our Constitution, our twenty seven amendments. I mean, this is crazy. So what's it like in Hollywood for you as a conservative? And I guess even more deadly for you is that you're a Trump supporter, right right? You know, it was funny to me. In the last eight years we've heard about you know, if you if you talked bad about President Obama, you were called the racist anything bad about the president. Now all you hear is about this man, the new president, is racist. And it's just it's wrong to feel that way and to bring that race card, because right now we're Americans, all living together in the greatest country in the world, and we got how the American people. We might have differences, but at the end of the day, we're all Americans. So what is the agenda? What are the important things that have inspired you to go get into the world of politics. It really is a snake pits pit. But I think right now I'm a type of the politician that I want to be is work for the people, not the other way around. I mean, these politicians are walking away after retiring from being in politics a long time with millions of dollars, and the American people always lose. They're always the second or third or and I should be the other way around. I am eager and excited to work and go to Washington. I've been going to Washington. I've been talking to the President. I've been talking to a lot of people like Mayor Giuliani the other day, or Cruise or Rubio. People that I really had more most are people that have all been successful. That julianni as mayor of where in New York City right now transformed the city and from a whole the quotea phrase into you know, a city where tourism came back, safety came back. You know, we were at murders a year, and he brought it down, eventually got down as low as three hundred. I was here, I was living in New York when he came on board and cleaned it all up. I remember Times Square, remember that when we were growing up. I'm older than you, though. His kitchen was a mess by mess Times Square. It was all triple X, porn films and drug dealers literally every three feet that you'd walk. And he came in, violent, violent, like we've never seen. And uh, he said, no, you're all done, get out. And think of all the crappy took just for trying to clean up the city. Now they praise him years later. It was like Reagan changed the entire country around, built our military, ends the Cold War for its twenty one million new jobs. But at the time he was hated. He hated, and I think Trump the same thing. And we've had one great year in terms of turning the economy around. It's it's unbelievable. This man is the unsinkable ship. I call him because everybody around him is sinking and he's the only one standing. Uh. It's been a year, like you said, and he's been doing amazing, fighting both parties, and for the first time, we have a president who actually cares about the American people, and both parties are against him, and he's still standing there. How well do you know him? I know him well enough as a person to tell you that he's a good man. He's a good man. Uh listen, not not Any president is not going to be perfect by any means, no human beings. Part maybe you are, but I think at the end of the day, I believe that this man cares about our country is how would you describe your politics? Like, if people ask me politically, where are you? I've I've always been. I'm thirty years in radio, believe it or not, my twenty three year of Fox. I have not changed. I am a Reagan Conservative, and I know people try to describe the president as a nationalist populist. He's not. He's governing as a Reagan Conservative. The Heritage Foundation actually studied his first year in compared it to Reagan's, and by a significant margin, he's governing more conservatively. I would I would under I would be under the same category. Right there. I mean, they run regular libraries by my house. I go there all the time. I came here when Ronald Reagan was here and uh, he was always one of the greatest and I always looked up to him and everything that he did he did um And so I want to I want to follow up that I want to be able to help my community of in Tura County and please go to vote Antonio dot com because we need your donations to win this campaign. And so far, what I what I see is people coming to me and asking for help and hugging me. I mean, it's just beautiful, man. I just take pride in the American people and they want what's best for them. I lived in Santa Barbara five years. Neighbor Yeah, it's the neighboring counting. I lived there when I had no money. You know what it's like to live in Santa Barbara when you have no money, It's probably tough. It's really tough. Uh. It was a big deal. There was this place a Chubbies I think is the name of the hamburger spot. You ever go there is it's still there? Oh man. That was like a treat for me. That was my day out. That was a big dinner out at that time of my life. There. You know, it's it's a long story, but I was a contractor and and I just took I finally took time off after working my ass off for years, and I drove across country and I landed there and I said, I'm just gonna stay and that nuts. I mean, that's a beautiful place though, and that's where I got started in radio at the university there. Then they threw me out rightly so and once they took my microphone away, I was like, all right, I gotta do this. Okay, So you found a calling, Yeah, I did, And uh, I don't know why. I mean, I've been addicted to being on air for the rest of my life. It's such a nice it's such a beautiful part of the country. It is that one on one freeway. That drive is incredible. I've actually done it from San Francisco straight on. You know, we had the fires and the mudslides have destroyed our community. But uh, the state of California is so beautiful. But the liberals and the laws that they're they're they're pushing for are are just endangering our communities. How do the people of California take a thirteen and a half percent income tax state income tax? Listen it's not only that, but also the twenty six billion dollars we pay on immigration alone in the state of California, and uh, and all in sanctuary cities and um A B one on probably. Yeah, it's it's a state. I mean, it's crazy you think though, that you're gonna be able to transcend this mindset out there. For example, you're going up against pretty much an unknown congress Uh what's her name, Yeah, miss Julia Brownie. I call her Miss Santa Monica, Julia Brownie. She doesn't even live in my county. She's never there. She lives in Santa Monica. Yeah. Now, I I think right now we're gonna fight asking the people are gonna fight with me. We're gonna go if we can't go to Sacramento, and then I'll go to Washington. If I can't go to Washington, will go to the polling. Uh, they're gonna have to vote. People have to know what they're voting for, like that the gas tax. They passed this gas tax, and I talked to millions of people. Man, I talked to a lot of people. How much is the gas tax out there per gown? Well, it's gonna raise the twelve cents unbelievable on top of the thirteen and a half per cent. And you can't go anywhere unless you drive a car California. No, you're going nowhere. And they're paid. They're using that because they're paying all this money. Like I said on immigration. So if you live, if you live in Venture County out in California. Uh, Antonio Sobato, he's junior, is running for congress. Uh, we'll give out your your website in a second. I gotta remind everybody. Are you a good sleeper? I'm a lousy sleeper. It depends right now, I'm running my campaign. I'm not sleeping. Not sleeping a lot. Uh, you know, running four hours a day, I don't get as much sleep as I want. But so, as we continue in studio, he's running running for Congress in Ventura County out in uh, California, a beautiful part of the country. Antonio Sobato Junior is with us. So what's the reaction, Ben, I mean, this is a big change of career for you. It's a big change. I mean you gotta have uh, you know, I guess a tough personality there and be able to deal with the bad and the good. But uh, I think at the end of the day, you gotta you gotta know that I have a strong family. I've you know, you've been married a long time, right, how many kids know? I have three kids. I'm divorce right now, and um, I have beautiful kids. I'm close with my mother and my father and my kids and my sisters will do kids. My little one is six, my little boy sick, and my daughter is fifteen, and my oldest is twenty three. My oldest boy, I got a nineteen and a sixteen year old. Let me tell you, that's the worst ages. That's just the worst. My son's nineteen and he's all of nineteen, and my daughter's sixteen is the challenge, and she's all of sixteen. And how do they feel about your running for office? They feel good. I mean, listen, they they support me. And it's tough. It's tough on the family, but I think we're strong and we're gonna make it through. And at the end of the day, we're doing it for the right. Take any crap, I mean, my only you can't take any crap. You give it back to them. And the other thing you can't do is you can't read what people say about you, because if you do, it paralyzes most people. Yeah, I don't focus like I have friends of mining entertainment business. They like to argue on on social media and all that stuff. I don't take I don't take notice of that. I just listen. We do need really good people in d c Uh. We're supporting your Canada. See you have a full endorsement. Listen, we need strong fighters join the Freedom Caucus. If you go, promise me. Antonio Sobato Junior running out Inventora, California. Your website is vote Antonia dot com or you know, go to vote Antonio comments right there and I appreciate you very much. Thank you Antonia. Great to see in New York, and a good luck out in our race. Quick break and you'll come back. News round up, information, overload our coming. Well. As you know, we took an official position last night to say that we can't support this. It is eye popping and eyebrow raising, and and yet we we've got to figure a way to not only fund our military, but we've gotten to a point Chris where uh, you know, we we hold our military man and win a women hostage. So we've got to figure a way to correct that. Look, I get the problems with sequestration when it comes to the military. I've heard it from the men and women there who were trying to make the most of the dollars and cents that they get, and of course there is a lot. Paul Ryan himself has said, we spend more than whatever ten of the next countries. Why can't we do it for less? Seems to be a different tune now, But but look what we saw on the tax bill. I was shocked. I lost money. I didn't lose tax money because I'm in that top bracket, so you guys took care of me, but I lost money on bets that you guys would allow that tax bill. Giving how it explodes the deficit, what's happened to you guys on this, well, I can tell you on the deficit is is interesting. We got all these deficit hawks that were Democrats and everybody coming out when we were talking about and giving the American taxpayer money back in their pocket, But they were not anywhere to be found yesterday here on Capitol Hill. All of a sudden when it comes to spending that same dollar, which is not their money, it's the American people's money. They're very liberal with that. And I can tell you that when we look at the kind of numbers that we're talking about right now, Chris. You know, we talked about a trillion dollar deficit over a ten year period, and it would pay for itself over fifteen. This is money that actually won't happen that way. When we're looking at increasing it. We could give three different tax cuts the size of what we just came if we would just get our spending in line. And so I think it's incumbat upon us. We don't have a have a new problem, Chris. We have a spending problem, and it's time that we get that under control. I know that there is a real commitment to solving the DCA challenge in both political parties. That's a commitment that I share to anyone who doubts my intention to solve this problem and bring up a DACA, an immigration reform bill, do not. We will bring a solution to the floor, one that the President will sign. We must pass this budget dereament first, though, so that we can get onto that. So please know that we are committed to getting this done. All right, News round up Information Overload eight one Sean Paul Ryan having a press conference earlier today talking about this budget deal agreement that has taken place, Schumer, McConnell, and apparently the House of Representatives. Before that, we heard from Mark Meadows of the Freedom Caucus than not supporting the current spending bill. We do have a big spending problem. Sequestration has become a problem though as it relates to military spending. One of the good things that I think is happening out of this so called budget deal is that we are getting an additional eighty billion dollars for the military. Apparently it's very needed, especially in the more dangerous world we live in an eight five billion a year. Two joining us with their thoughts on all of this, we have Freedom Caucus representatives Dave Bratt of Virginia Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. Welcome both of you to the program. And uh, Congressman Bratt, what do you think about the deal overall? It seems to be an extraordinary amount of money and I don't see any cuts or you know, baseline budgeting is back forever, it seems. Yeah. No, I've taught economics for twenty years. I ran for the college kids in the next generation on this exact issue, and now we're running a trillion dollar deficit as far as the eye can see. What people may not know about the process. The House did its work, we passed all approach bills. But then, just like with Obamacare, once it gets to the Senate, everyone says they want us to compromise up in this city. But every time we compromise, it was over there for five minutes. The Senate added three hundred billion dollars and it's gonna be four hundred billion dollars by the time it's all done, and that just provides upper bound on the numbers, and then you're gonna see all sorts of liberal policy gets shoved underneath those budget numbers in the months to come, and we're raising the debt ceiling and tucked in a few hundred pages in it is probably the most important part. We're getting up our ability to do reconciliation unilaterally. That's how we got taxes done. We were gonna do welfare reform and some other great stuff using reconciliation. Were unilaterally giving up our power to work on behalf of Republican policy. And the Democrats are winning, and now we're gonna promise a DOCTA fix, and I hope we get President Trump's priorities straight there. Well, any deal, I think the President's been very clear that he is insisting on the border wall fully funded, isn't he Yeah, at a minimum, and he wants to he also wants to en shade migration and the lottery system too. Yeah, yeah, exactly if that's if that's the deal to get it done, Is that a good deal or no? If you've got the good Lap bill with all those components, I can back that. But you saw what just happened to us on the budget. Once you get negotiating and compromising up here with the Senate, look at the outcome on the budget. It's a disaster. Is there any Freedom Caucus members supporting it at all? Well, I don't know. Maybe a couple, but not many. What's your takes, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Well, I'll tell you sean uh three of us Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, and Scott Perry went up to the Rules Committee this fall and offered an amendment to the appropriations process to spend for the military at the higher number because we all know that readiness has gone down and I've worn the uniform for over thirty years. Readiness has gone down seventy over the last ten years. We have twice the twice the rate of aviation accidents. The military has been hobbled by the Obama administration, and we want to spend and investing required numbers so our boys and girls on the front line can can defend our country. But I will tell you it did not include and it never should have included. Uh this, this is a hundred and seventeen billion dollars higher than the president's request. The President requested more domestic spending. This is a hundred and seventeen billion dollars higher than that. It's literally seventy higher than any two year non defense increase ever requested by President Obama. These are Republicans doing this show and not I mean, sure the liberal Democrats on the Senate are are happy to do it, but this is essentially turning into a Democrat bill. And now we're even here and there's gonna be Obamacare fixes in this thing. Obamacare fixes. Well, when do you get a chance to read it? I thought we actually we're gonna read bills before we sign them. Well, they're still working in the Senate. So we're waiting for the details, okay, and then you're gonna have regular order. You're gonna have time for for every member to absorb what's in there is. They're gonna be time for debate. Uh are you gonna have time to adjust it and then maybe go to conference. I'm dreaming right, it's gonna shut down. We have the urgency of the ship. They always do this, but they always push it right up to the end, so nobody does read it. And they said, oh, we did it, we got it done in time, and meanwhile there's nothing but crapping it. Yeah, the fix is already in shore, and that's the problem. The House sent a good bill over just a couple of days ago, and the Freedom Caucus was all on board. Increase in military spunding, spending, hold the line on domestics so that we can get this true twenty trillion dollar debt in order, so we don't have to watch the bond market go through the roof and the stock market fall through the floor. And it comes. Like Dave said, it went to the Senate for five minutes, and all of a sudden they had three or four hundred billion dollars in in uh in in and non offset spending on it and then send it back and say, well, this is a good deal for America. Obama didn't even try this stuff now. So at this point you're saying, basically, Congressman Breath, there's nothing that can be done. The fixes in Well, I don't know. It's not just the Freedom Caucus. We're being thrown under the bus as usual, even by some folks on our side who ran on fiscal responsibility. So the new channels are full of it. But the we have a hundred Republicans that are no on this thing. We'll see if they can talk a few of them in to switching, but they're gonna have to have a hundred Democrats uh to fix it as well. And then the folks that listen to your show know what's going on. Right. We had about of wage rate inflation this week, and wages are up because the Trump's tax cut proposal is so phenomenal, we're hitting it out of the park. We got GDP growth at five percent next quarter, so that's got wages going up, and that's spooked the markets because that's gonna push interest rates up. And when interest rates go up, wait till you see the cost of paying off twenty one trillion in debt when you get back to just normal interest rates of four or five, and that's gonna cause the bond market to have a hiccup. And so we got to get all of our policy going straight here and your audience understands this stuff, but we gotta do a way better job of having this fight at the beginning of the year and making it clear to Americans that this the size of the federal government is growing bycent this year and hopefully their wages go grow now finally after the tax cup, but they certainly haven't over the last thirty years. They've been found the debt and the deficit is going to explode. I mean, it's a simple formula. You know. The president's economics economic plan is solid. I mean the corporate tax cut, solid repatriation, solid energy and dependence is solid. I think what the president wants to do build the wall, and end chain migration and and the lottery system, that's all solid. What I don't understand is how come, you know, why is there this you know, fixation and an addiction to spending so much money and no concern about future generations Because they're gonna have to pay back all this debt. Well, not only that, showan, we're gonna be paying immediately this increase in spending over the next two years. So while finally wages are going up and opportunities going up, you're gonna need to increase your wages in your opportunity by that much just to keep up with the federal government. Well, I mean that's the problem. All right. Let me let me switch gears here a little bit. By the way, what's the point I have in a Republican Congress. I mean it just gee, thanks a lot, guys. Uh, let me ask you both this. We have this situation now. Robert Muller is got a special counsel. But we're learning a lot of things that we've been breaking day after day and night after night. And now we know for a fact that you know, Hillary Clinton bought and paid for this phony Russian government dossier with salacious lies about Donald Trump. It was first then disseminated to the American people in the hopes that that phony information she bought and paid for would help her win the election, and then it was used to spy on an incoming administration and the president elect and I'm watching this whole thing unfold. Uh, this was This is connected in my view, and I disagree with Paul Ryan's comments about it. This is absolutely connected to the appointment of the Special Council Mueller. Of course it's connected. And they're all running scared here because they don't want it to look man, because the liberals are going to say, you're picking on the FBI and you're disrespecting the Department of Justice. All we're doing is pointing out the facts and where the facts leads. Certainly, we love our law enforcement agencies, and and certainly Republican and liberals have such a good history of standing up a law enforcement that argument just doesn't fly with me. Uh, And nobody's picking on the FBI. Were thankful for the FBI, were thankful for the intel community. We're thankful for all those people that that that are honest brokers. But when you know, when you see that James Comey and others are putting forward a fis a warrant and they're using Hillary's bought and paid for dossier, and they're not telling the judge that it was paid for by Hillary Clinton. Uh, something's really wrong here, Yeah, exactly right. The majority of these people are hard working, uh, people that have the right idea in mind. They want to go catch criminals, but only takes a couple of rotten eggs to really mix things up, and that's what we've gotten. Unfortunately, they're at the top of these organizations. Yeah, is there anything at this point that can happen? Is do you see the the Attorney General stepping in? Do we need a special counsel? Does Robert Muller need to close up shop at this point? Well, we definitely need a special counsel in my opinion, a special council, a second one, or a federal grand jury and paneled. And I think I'm really hopeful that the Attorney General is gonna step in once the i G Report is made public. Well, okay, so i G report is supposed to get into the Clinton email server scandal, but we already know she committed multiple felonies and we know that the fix was in because James Comey and Peter Struck. Uh, they all knew ahead of time that the fix was and that's why they kept writing the exoneration letter months before they did their investigation. Yeah, Jim Jordan's over oversight. They're gonna follow all these paths and the average person back home what you see is in and Perry had it just right. Uh, it's unfortunatelyse things are linked. But the reason they're linked to the prior investigation with Mueller is because the head of the FBI, call me, was fired and five other folks at the FBI and Justice part Department have been fired or lost their jobs. And now there's another investigation at the State Department, and so that connects. And these are all high level political appointees, right, And in those texts and emails you mentioned, the most damning evidence is they all it's a political bet up here. They said Hillary is gonna win, so let's put all of our chips over there, right so she doesn't get ticked off at us, And so they made a gamble, they bet and they lost. That was the shocker part was when Trump want the US crimes committed as I do. Oh absolutely, when you got people being fired and stepping down from the FBI, it's just a matter of time. But we have to go through the steps, like uh, Scott Perry just said, and you have to establish the legal case, and I think they're working on that all right. We gotta take a break a little more with Dave Bratt and Scott Perry of the Freedom Caucus. We'll have some fun with Diamond and Silk at the bottom of this half hour, and as we continue Freedom Caucus members Dave brad of Virginia Scott Perry in Pennsylvania. Uh So, what are we gonna do in terms of following the law? How do we get to the truth? Knowing that there was an attempt to disrupt and influence our electoral process in two ways. One you had James Comey and Peter Struck and others putting the fix in or crimes we know that Hillary Clinton committed so she could stay in the race. And then next they're not telling a FISA court that it was Hillary that funded this phony Russian government dossier full of lies. How do we on that it is exactly right? There needs to be due process here. We can tell now that the Democrats and the Establishment used what's tantam out to a secret police organization to to exonerate Secretary Clinton of crimes that we know she committed, but we don't know how deep this rat hole goes. So we need to have a thorough investigation and then do process through a special council. And the reason you have to have the special counsel is because the FBI and the d o J cannot prosecute and cannot investigate themselves. And unfortunately, because of this fake Russia investigation, anything that the President would want to weigh in on this thing is going to be seen as self serving. So it really has to come from the Justice Department, a second special council that independent of the swamp of Washington d C. Yeah. Well, Sean, you've been hitting it on the head, you've said over and over, and you've got it just right. There's two levels of justice, one for the elites and the swamp up here and one that all the rest of us, normal Americans have to live by. And so that's the problem. And Perry just put his finger on it. The box has been guarding the Henhouse, and we got to break that up. And luckily we have President Trump at the top starting to break this stuff up, and that that's the best insurance that will finally be able to see some justice and rule of law. Everyone emails us regularly, Hillary, as you said and shown, has just issue after issue after issue, and it's like, why isn't anybody ever prosecuted. And the reason is because both sides at the highest level nowhere all bodies are buried. We got to get to the bottom of it. It's unbelievable. All right, thank you both for being one of us. Congressman Bratt, Congressman Perry eight nine for one Seawan. We'll put a smile on your face. Our friends Diamond and Silk coming up next and your phone call straight ahead, Silk girls who thus into this week Ball up stupid girl, Well, Domond, Dommond done this week, Ball is stupid goes to the Congressional black Hawka. Oh, yes, the Congressional black hawk is sating down on the American people at the State of the Union address because now the President is bringing back job, little unemployment, great economic opportunity, and they have the nerves to sit down on it. And here the great Congressman Steve Scalise took a bullet, yeah, bounce back from all of this here, yea, and he was able to stand for the people he represented. That's right. All of these folks right here, Uh, they were sitting on their asset. That's right. You know what it's time to do. It's time to vote them out. Why don't you want people that is supposed to represent you representing illegal alien and sitting down on you. That's right. When I see these here leaders, these Congressional Black Caucus leaders sitting down, they are sitting down or the American people that they are supposed to represent, that's right, and for that we need to start sitting down on them and the volt them out. We heard about these leaks, yeah, okay, all right, we don't like that. And we're not talking about no leaky toilet. We're talking about somebody leaking out classified information against the law. Now, we heard that the president's phone conversations got put out in a transcript. That's where we heard. So we started doing all little investigation in our minds. So here's the deal. If the transcript was detailed, then check intelligence, checked the people around him, that's even checked the cook to come. Here's the deal where they find out who it is. They don't need to pass goal, they don't need to collect two hundred of dollars, they don't need to go across the board around the board. They don't need to buy a house or hotel. They need to go straight to jail to jail and let the law take its cord and let him throwing shade what he should have been doing and shedding light on the fact that black unemployment under this president is extremely low, Black home ownership is high. And see what I don't understand about jay Z is that he you know, he rapped and in his rap music he's calling women derogatory names, you know, and he's made money off of doing that. And the mere fact that he says money doesn't mean anything. See, this is what we're talking about with these liberals. They're trying to use their influence and their power to try to sway people. But but you want to sway people to continue to be poor, but they continue to be powerful so that they so that we can be beneath them. But it's not going to work. And what's wrong with jay Z? He just mad because his influence can not influence people to go out and vote for cricket Hillary. That's that's what's wrong with him. That's what he needs to do is respect this off, respect respect this president because this president is truly making America great. And somebody can also tell jay Z to stop crying like a baby and a little trick that because Trump is your president. Jay Z is out of touch. That's what happened. When they get itch, they don't even know what goes on in the hood. They wrap them bout the hood and they call everybody beats and housed in the hood, but they don't really know what's going on the hood. People are ready to start thriving again in this country, so people like jay Z and all of these rappers, they can't go somewhere and sit down. What if money don't mean nothing? Give your money away, Give your money away to the people that needed. Go down there and skip brow in California and give them if all your money so that they can have a place. And then you tell me how that's working out for you, or do your performance for free. That's right, all right? That of course, the well good friends of the program we have Diamond and Silk are just going off on on jay Z and uh we welcome them back to the program to make us laugh today. And they're always fun and and uh boy, you got how much heat do you guys get for all these rants that you go go through. We probably take a lot of heat for it, but we don't care because at the end of the day, we really want to help our president make this country great again. That's right. But but you are doing that, aren't you? Well? Absolutely, we are doing that. Yes, absolutely, do you do? You get a lot of criticism because I know a lot of people love you. I know people that see you on my TV show or watch you guys on or listen to you on radio. They love what you do. Absolutely. But you know what, Sean, Hey, the more they hate, the more we will continue to educate so we can make this place great. That's right. All right, So let's talk about how did you first meet Donald Trump? Oh? My god, he came to North Carolina in December up two thousand and fifteen. We were there, We met him backstage, and then he invited us on his stage that night, and that's when we became famous because everybody now know knew who did That's right? Well, and then now what do you now? I know, you're still out there supporting the president, your online president. How many people see you, know you guys do this, I guess on YouTube and on on social media? How many people on average see you guys do your commentary? Million? Oh that's right, millions? Get well, why don't you guys, you know, get your you know get on the road, get a busloaded up, and go go do this for people to see it live. Well, we are go ahead to say we're actually doing that, Sean uh And I just want to say real quick, we love you so much, Sean Hannity. We actually change our chit chat time to eight o'clock so people can see you at nine and even we can see you at I don't need the competition. I have enough competition in this world. I don't want to lose one viewer because you guys are chit chatting during the nine o'clock hour. That's why we changed it to eight so that we can all see you at nine. But however, we're doing a chit chat live tour right now. If you want to see Diamond and Silk in action, go to Diamond Silk dot com, get your chit chat toward tickets and come see where we're at. We're in Jacksonville, Florida, dollars taxes, We're gonna be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Charlotte, North Carolina. So go get your tickets so you can see what Diamond is Silk is doing. You know, it's pretty amazing. Now, have you done any of your events yet or you're just getting started. We just get started with our I guess, and we're so happy because this is what we call the glass roots work. So we just getting started. Yeah, when you have these different platforms censoring our voices, they're trying to say that we can't say this and we can't do that. Guess what. We're taking a message to the streets. Well, I think, but I also think that it's working. I mean, I think what you're doing is phenomenal, and obviously people are responding to it. Although I've got to admit, because I've had you on both radio and TV, watching you two and and oftentimes you have this blue drink that you all are drinking. What is the blue drink? What is so sil and hopefully soon everybody be able to take a sip of what sipping norm Well, what is silk sipping on? I want to know what's soca sipping on? What? What is that thing? I mean, it's a beautiful, you know, blue color like the ocean. And I'm looking at this drink and I used to be a bartender and I cannot put my finger on what this thing is. I love it. I love it. That's just how it is it's authentic and it's from silk and hopefully, um everybody can get a chance to soup on it. Are you gonna be selling this or bottling this? It's what's the name of that Frankel Real housewife? She came up with Margarita, Skinny Margarita's, skinny girl Margarita's or something. I mean, you know, we can try that, that'll be fine. I don't know skinny, think skinny Margarita, big girl Margarita, whatever margarita you wanted to be No, forget is it a margarita or what? I'm asking? What's in it? Can you give us any clue? Sean Hanny? Do you know I can't do that? What is it? Vodka based? Is a rum based? Is a gin based? What's it's stil based? It's silk based? Yeah? Is it is? How strong? Is it? Is it like a cosmopolitan or martini or something. It's really light. It's really it has to be light in order for me to be able to commentate and tell you all what's really going on and going down, especially with this FBI investigation and stuff that. What do you think of what do you think about everything that's going on? I mean, it's pretty unbelievable with Hillary Clinton and they used this dossier from Russia that she paid for it to get a Faizer Warren against the Trump campaign people. So now we see who was colluding with Russia. It was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. That's who was coluded. And another thing, Mueller shouldn't be asking to speak to our president. He should be requesting to speak to the DNC, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and the d O J up under the Obama administration. And it wouldn't surprise me if Obama Thombplin went over on all of this year. That's going down. We're very upset about it. Well, you should be upset of it. I've never seen anything like it. Have you two been invited to the White House yet? Because I think you guys need an invite. Oh? Absolutely. We'll be at the White House for black Estory Mum on Tuesday, So we'll be. But yes, we've been. So you're going. You're going next Tuesday to the White House? Absolutely? Yes, and you're gonna see the President. I assume when you're there, right he, I know, you guys get along. Grade you see the President. We may get a glass of we may get to see him. Yes, yeah, but we're going to be right there. Well why are you there? You need to say we want to see the Oval office. You got to ask him for a tour. That okay, But but if you don't. But if you don't ask, he's not gonna you know, he may not. You don't be thinking you want to see it. So you gotta say, hey, listen, can we see the Oval Office. They'll let you see it and go in there and have a good time. And I think you should bring them. I think you should bring the blue drink with you and just tell him there's no alcohol in it because he doesn't drink alcohol. You see, I thought we were all friends. And as you know, you're at our our company, our radio show Christmas party, and we had a great time. We were so thankful that you guys could come and you and you and you didn't have your special drink with you, and I thought that was the night that you were going to share the recipe with me. No, I didn't, but you had your best to drink there at the party and it was good. Yeah. Well technically wasn't my party, you know that, right, But you was there, and that's that I was there and I was there proudly absolutely all right, So let's talk about the tour one more time. So are you going on tour Diamond and Silk and where can people get tickets? Did they get tickets at Diamond and Silk dot com, Click on chit chat tour the reserve your tickets. We're going to be in Jacksonville, Florida on February the nineteen, Dallas, Texas on Mars to eighth, and then Pittsboro at Charlotte, North Carolina. Get your tickets at Diamond and Silk dot com, Diamond and Silk dot com. And so you're gonna be in Dallas, you're gonna be in Jacksonville, and you're gonna be what's the last stop participation Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Now, how many seats are in each venue? Do you know? I don't know how many? Yeah, I don't know how exactly how many seats, but we wore all of the seats. We want to see their faces on everybody face in the place. Oh my gosh. Now you're gonna do it standing up? Are you guys gonna have like a couch and chairs? And are you gonna We're gonna we're gonna do it sitting down, but we also going to be able to go into the audience and ad some questions. It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun, fun, fun. And then we're going to talk about the state of our country, um, and we're gonna talk about our president's agenda. And we've got to change this narrative because you know, the left wing media wanna lie and feed us a narrative and we're not biting at So let's just talking to people doing the grassrooms work, getting prepared for two thousand eighteen and the elections as well. Well. Listen, I wish you all the all the best, and we really appreciate you guys, everything that you do. It's been an honor of mind to get to know your both. Thanks for coming to our party over Christmas. We appreciate it, and we'll see you on TV soon. But Dallas and Jacksonville and Pittsburgh, Diamond and silk dot com get tickets and people can go see you and they're gonna have a great time. Yeah, thank you so much. We love you. I love you guys too, all right, we appreciate it, all right. Dan Is in Florida, Dan Height, how are you. You're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey Sean, how are you doing today? I'm good? What's going on? Well? I got a question or a concern here. I'm a act of twenty three year veteran of law enforcement here in Florida. And you know, when you're sworn and you're swore the uphold the law of the Constitution, were held to a higher um ethics, and you know you have to have an integrity to you. That's what holds us above others that are not in law enforcement. My concern is, I don't foresee I would love to see these individuals, um mcabe and all of them go to jail for the stuff they've done. I don't think that's gonna happen. But if we mess up here in law enforcements at the city or state level and we commit a crime similar to what they're doing, only would we go to jail, but they would pull our pension. And there's been no mention. You hear these guys retiring um like the cabe and and some of them retiring early. I'm just wondering if it comes to the point where they charge these individuals or they do find them guilty. Are they going to pull their pensions on them? Um? I don't know where this is all gonna end up, but I'll tell you this, if we do have equal justice under the law, if we apply the law equally, if we really just do the right thing, all of what you're talking about, and then so much more would happen. I don't wish bad things on people in their life, I really don't. But if you're trying, what what what should cut through? All of this is an attempt to influence at a very high level, not rank and file guys, at a very high level, the highest level within the d o J, within the intel community, within the FBI. They this is such an abuse of power, and it was all designed to influence a presidential election, and that is what makes this so sinister. That's what's so dangerous. And then they tried to her mind and duly elected president on top of it. There's got to be a punishment for all of this, and uh, if there's justice, there will be. If not, I can't imagine what that means for the future of the country. I really don't anyway. Thanks for a good call, Damn. We appreciate a quick break, right back, we'll continue. All right, that's gonna wrap things up at today. All right, big investigations one into the dossier, corruption, two into uranium one new information. We've got Sarah Carter, John Solomon's back, Greg Jarrett Tonight, Dan Bongino, David Limbaugh, Congressman Gates, Sebastian Gorka, Darryl Parks, and Jason Chaffits. That's all coming up, say d v R News. You will not get anywhere else in the news media. We're doing our job. We hope you'll join us. Nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. Thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow. Three