Rebekah Koffler is a Russian-born former US intelligence officer and author of “Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America.” She is a strategic intelligence analyst with The Lindsey Group and the host of a new podcast, Censored But Not Silenced. Rebekah was born in the Soviet Union, and is appalled at the state of the nation right now, which is going in the wrong direction towards communism.
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I News found up information overload our eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program. I mean, I can't believe what is going on internationally in terms of foreign policy. I mean, I look at the Israeli Prime Minister Bennett, who, by the way, lied to the Israeli people. I have very little respect for him. But he's in a bind right now. And Biden is now talking about another Iranian deal. Remember the first Iranian deal. You have cargo planes of cash and of the currency. They drop it on the tarmac for the Iranian mullahs and anyway, so the new Prime minister invites Biden to visit Israel. In a phone call a few hours earlier, he said the Iran nuclear deal that world powers are negotiating in Vienna will make it harder to stop Iran from getting nukes. Joe is allowing that to happen on his watch. There was an interesting moment late last week on Thursday where an AP reporters grilling at eight Department spokesperson Matthew Lee on the price of on the claim that Russia is making a propaganda film about Ukraine. Now, if I had to make a guess and educated guess. I don't think Vladimir Putin is amassing all of this military equipment, all of these troops along the Ukrainian border unless he has serious intentions of pursuing geographical ambitions, just like I have no doubt President she will do that with Taiwan right after the Olympics. It's not going to be during the Olympics. And and Biden's response has been nothing but pathetic. But just listen to this exchange. What evidence do you have to support the idea that there is some propaganda film in the in the making. Now, this is derived from information known to the US government, intelligence information that we have declassified. I think you okay, well where is it? Where where is this information? It is intelligence information that we have declassific Well where is it? Where is the de classified information? I just delivered it. No, you made a series of allegations. Would you would you like us to print it out the top R because you will see a transcript of this briefing that you can print out for yourself. Not evidence, ned, that's you saying it. That's not evidence. I'm sorry, And what would you like, Matt? I would like to see some proof that you that that that that that you can show that that, Matt, you have been that that shows that that that shows that the Russians are doing that. Ned, I've been doing this for I know that you haven't you you have been doing this for quite a while. You know that when we declassify intelligence, and we do so in a means, we do so, we do so to protecting sources and methods not going to fall. I remember a lot of things. So where where is the declassified information? Other than you coming out here and saying, Matt, I'm sorry you don't like the format, but we have declass format. It's the content. I'm sorry you don't like the contents. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you are doubting the information that is in the possession of the US government. What I'm telling you is that this is information that's available to us. We are making it available to you in order for a couple of reasons. One is to attempt to deter the Russians from going ahead with this activity. Two, in the event we're not able to do that, in the event the Russians do go ahead, with us, to make it clear as day, to lay bare the fact that this has always been an attempt on the part of the Russian Federation to fabricate a pretext. Yeah, but you don't have any any events to back it up other than what you're saying. It's like you're saying, we think we have information that the Russians may do this, but you won't tell us what the information. And then when that is the idea behind the trance, then that is the idea behind as turrance. And when it is also that the Russians don't go forward when this is you say, I just gave it to you. But that's not what you seem not to understand. You seem not to stand the idea we are seeing the Russians are moving forward with this type of activity. That is why we were making a public today. If the Russians don't go forward with this, that is not, if so facto, an indication that they never had plans to do so. But then it's unprovable. Oh my god, what is the evidence that you have that suggests that the Russians are even planning this? Mat I mean, I'm not saying that they're not. But you just come out and say this and expect us to believe it without you showing a shred of evidence that it's actually true. Other than when I ask, or when anyone else asked, what's the information? He said, well, I just gave it to you, which was just you making a statement. All right, tell you have I mean it just you can't even make this stuff up. Why would Putin be putting all those military equipment and all these troops on the border. And look, is it possible that he's trying to get the world to freak out and gain major, massive concessions. You already got the biggest concession you could ever want from Joe Biden, and that's the Nord Stream to pipeline that, of course the waiver was granted to Putin, but Joe was simultaneously firing workers on our own Keystone XL pipeline, high paying career energy jobs that are not easy to find. Just get another good union job where anyway. Rebecca Kaufler is with US Russian born by the way, former US intelligence officer, author of the book Putin's Playbook, Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America, and by the way, she's also started her own podcast, Censored but Not Silence. Rebecca, you were born in the Soviet Union, the former Soviet Union. Correct that, okay, And you worked as a US intelligence officer. How many years I watched from two thousand and eight until late twenty sixteen, early twenty seventeen, pretty much during the Obama administration, so I witness how everything was unfolding Sean, and how the Obama administration with light President Biden, did nothing about Russia's plans and intentions and missed every single signpost and did zero except trying to reset, to do a reset with Russia. And now my favorite, my favorite is tell Vladimir a more flexibility, Tell Vladimir more flexibility after my election exactly, it's outrageous. And now at the eleventh hour they're trying to come up with the magic bullet. You heard the State Department quote unquote expert talking about deterrence. Well, they had a chance. The Washington national security establishment had about twenty years to establish a deterrance strategy, and they didn't do anything about it. And now they have brought us pretty much from the brank of war because Russia Ukraine crisis goes very well escalate, you know, into something bigger, and well, you know Vladimir Putin, he's a former KGB I mean, or his intentions to extract some type of I don't know whatever he wants from the West, concessions from the West. Or is it his intentions to do what they did you know previously, which is you know, take over Crimea. Yeah, maybe maybe Kiev this time. What is the more likely scenario? So the interesting thing is that about Putin is that his fourth posture that he assembled on the border with Ukraine. It's pretty flexible, and it is by design he wants to achieve a tactical surprise by keeping us guessing. The fourth posture is really sufficient to do anything from the full mechani to you know, attack an invasion to actually take over the entire Ukraine if he needs to. She can also do a limited incursion just like President Biden green light and a couple of weeks ago. Or he can launch an air missal strike campaign from stand up distances without even ever you know, setting food Militarily, Ukraine can't compete, it's over. If he wants to marginal at Ukraine killed fifty thousand people, he could do it within seconds. And you're right, the minor incursion comment by Biden certainly seemed like a green light to me, The question is what are Putin's motives here? Is are these territorial ambitions or is it more likely is looking for more concessions from the West. It's both shod So Putin has declared and his government in multiple strategic planning documents that he wants to reintegrate the format Union right or some semblance of it, not exactly the same, but they call it the Union. She doesn't want to take Ukraine fully because DNS would have to deal with owning it right in Ukraine is a basket case by very multiple criteria. But what he can do is deployed peacekeepers right the quote unquote peacekeepers, And she tested out that playbook a couple of weeks ago in Kazakhstan. So control over the political economic control sumter to uncontrol possibly overas in Ukraine. And what you just said a minute ago, extort further concessions from what would the concessions be because their economy fifty percent of at least fifty percent of it is based on energy and exports. And why Joe Biden from a geopolitical strategic vantage point, why he would ever allow Putin to be the main supplier of energy to our Western European allies, which only pushes them into the arms of Putin and defeats, you know, even the purpose of NATO on many levels. Then then I'm trying to understand why that Joe would allow this to happen, and how does he Well, we nobody really knows, John, right, what isn't Joe Biden had? But the concessions that I'm talking about the person that knows least of what is in his head as him. But go ahead, that's that's true. So remember what President Trump did during his administration. He basically pulled out of a lot of treaties, right, you know with the Russians, the Open Sky Treaty that Russians were using or misusing rather to spy on American military installation. Uh. President Trump pulled out of the Intermediate Arrange Nuclear Weapons UM treaty. But Biden is now trying to renew all of these negotiations. Remember it's meeting up to meeting up the meeting in Europe, right, But the Russians figured out that they can simply, you know, uh, leave Biden by his nose and export concessions within various treatish That's what I'm most concerned about because Joe Biden is just selling out the store, you know, um with the with the Russians. I quick break Moore with Rebecca Koffler, Russian born former US intelligence officer on the threat that is Russia. Man frankly, China and Iran. Always honoring our servicemen and servicewomen and standing up liberty every day. Sean Hannity, Rebecca Conflidence with Us, Russian born former US intelligence officer. We're talking about Putin and Russia. You played this role as a strategic intelligence analyst. You're a US intelligence officer. And I look at the money that the Bidens got from the Russian oligarch, former first Lady of Moscow three and a half million. The money is that that hunter received from Ukraine, you know, with no experience in oil, energy, gas or Ukraine, but he's getting millions of dollars, the one point five billion dollars Bank of China deal, the thirty one million from China that the Biden's got, as revealed in Peter Schweitzer's book. And my question is this, you understand their intelligence apparatus better than anybody. To what extent do you believe that the Bidens and Joe Biden in particular, is and the Biden family in particular are compromised by Russia, Ukraine and China and probably other countries as well. How to what stent I believe. Definitely he is compromised, but most importantly the Russians beliefs that is compromised. Okay, to find what compromise means in your world, that means you know that somebody, somebody, and that somebody would be Russian intelligence services, would blackmail Biden into you know, doing things, or that would mean that they would let the Bidens know, yeah, you guys don't really want to mess with us, because we've got all this information on you, and let them know that they have it. Correct. That is exactly right. That's what companiment means. And this is why we see a very soft posture, not only right now during the Biden administration, but the same you know, back during their Obama administration. They had the opportunity to develop a very viable counter strategy and they did not. And the reason is very possibly there is compromisa right there. And the Russians acknowledge themselves, you know, they're following they hadn't a Biden leaptop story and everything all the year. They probably any anytime any Biden was in Russia, they were spied on the entire time. True or false. Well, of course you know, just right, Sean, I mean you you try, Yes, yes I was. I was warned when I was in Helsinki that I better not turn on my phone and that I was likely being monitored the whole time. Absolutely not just Helsinkid really anywhere you know, you go to China, you go to Russia, Um, you better not even bring your own phone, Sean, just get a get a burnout or something. Because there are close proximity operations. It's not just like you know, hacking your phone somebody even without physically owning your phone or obtaining your phone, without even deploying malwa, with close proximity adds can um get and shoot your data. And that's just the best. Right. We know the technology exists because we see the scandal in Israel with the NSO group on this new spyware technology. They could be outside your house and download every single piece of equipment you've got. So I'm sure the Russians have it too, and the Chinese exactly what closepportunity operations mean, by the way our own FBI has it. That scares me too. Anyway, Rebecca, thank you appreciate it. Uh. Eight hundred nine is our number. You want to be a part of the program. We didn't even get to the Biden China. Um. I don't know genocide Olympics. Thank god, nobody's watching it. We'll continue get your dose of independence and liberty every weekday right here on the John Hannity Show. All right, twenty five down to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine, four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, so many people want to get to these phones. We'll do that now. Dan is in Connecticut. Dan, how are you glad you called? Hey? Sean? It is an honor and a pleasure to finally speak with you. The pleasure, sir, is all mine. What's going on? I just wanted to call about the incident with Joe Rogan and how Cancel culture is literally trying everything in the book to take this man down, and how chaotic it's become. It just it needs to stop. I mean, it's like it's like they're sitting at a drawing board. All right, Well, Spotify is not gonna remove them, So let's dig up something else. Oh, he said the N word in an episode once, but let's not bother to actually read into the episode. Let's just totally take what he said out of context and throw that to the wall and hope it sticks. It's just getting ridiculous. It's like the interesting thing that has evolved out of this is I've never heard of Odyssey, Linda, did you ever hear of Odyssey? I'd never heard of them. I am very familiar with Rumble. Rumble is an alternative to YouTube, and actually we have a pretty big following on Rumble. And although I have no access to any of my social media anyway, so I wouldn't be able to tell you myself. And both companies have offered Rogan a four year, hundred million dollar deal if Spotify doesn't work out. Now, I hate that word. Nobody should ever use it, and I don't think they should use Nazi analogies either. Now, how many artists I don't know the answer to this. It would be we're looking into how many artists use that word in music on Spotify. I would imagine I don't like that music that uses that word either. I don't like it used in any context. Um. Now in terms of is Joe Rogan racist? Um? Okay, you listen to the context. I'll let you decide. But the idea that we have a mayor in New York City talking about cracker cops and let me let me remind people what the new mayor of New York set every day in the police department. I checked those crackers eyes man, I was unbelievable. And the police department. I mean, the only point is I don't like any of this language. I don't like bees and hose and and the N word is off limits. People should stop if they don't know, if they can't make a proper Nazi analogy, don't talk about it or the Holocaust. It would be wise not to. But it's it's we're at a point here where from my perspective is I don't like some of the music that uses that language? Right? What is my answer? What is the antidote is? What is how does Sean Hannity handle music that I don't like or or music with language I don't like, misogynistic, racist, Whatever it happens to me is I won't listen to it. Now. The beauty is you don't have to listen to anything, watch anything, and that's where where if we're going to really celebrate freedom, then take the freedom you have and use it and use it wisely. Does that make sense to you? It makes perfect sense. I mean it's a saying as old as time. My grandfather used to say. It you don't like it, change the channel. No one's forcing you to listen to Rogan. He's allowed to have a platform, he's got a great following, and we all may mistakes, you know. I think back to last year when Chris Rock was on The Breakfast Club and he was like, it's it's like we've forgotten to allow people to fail. Failure is what helps us learn and grow. I mean it's the same with Whoopee. I think Whoope's gone off the rails in these past years, but I don't want Whippee to be canceled. Let her learn from her mistakes and move on. And that's what we need to do with Joe Rogan. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Joe Rogan has a biracial daughter, so I don't see how Joe Rogan is racist. I mean, the guy's been in the MMA scene for years. I mean, think of all the fighters from all different backgrounds that have gotten a chance to get out there because of him. I mean, the guy's got a great following. And you know, I'm so glad you brought up how Rumble made an offer to him, because I saw that that they emailed him, and it's like, you know, Spotify, look, Rogan seems to be very patient with all of this, but I mean, you can only push somebody so far. So if you know, I can't speak for Rogan. Spotify CEO says he's found the defensive or help him out to Spotify CEO this weekend when this came out. Now, I didn't listen to all the times he said it, so I don't have that context, but I listened very closely, and I watched his I don't know, whatever apology, whatever medium it was put on Instagram or some one of those social things, and I watched it, and you know, he couldn't have fallen on the sword any harder in terms of owning it, apologizing for it, admitting it. He's embarrassed by it. I mean, how far back do we want to go? I mean, obviously people don't want to go back and talk about Joe Biden actually partnering with a clansman to stop integration of schools and buzzing because he didn't want public schools to be racial jungles, or he can't work at a seven eleven, or my state's a slave state, or for the first time ever he got an African American that is clean and articulate and bright. I'm like, the first time ever, really, Joe talking about Barack Obama. You know, Kamala Harris had called them out on all this. A lot of this is selective, so but at the end of the day, it's going to be everyone else that decides. Remember this, it's gonna be something far less severe that is going to take out conservatives because it's used all the time. I've experienced this now for thirty three years. I mean, are we gonna go back now and go over every Howard Stern show because I'm sure there's stuff on there that Howard probably wouldn't want to come up again, and the same with anybody else in radio and TV. It's got to be some level of statue of limitations. And also did people mean this? Like if somebody really apologizes and you believe it, you'll find out very quickly by their actions. If this since here anyway for sure? Yeah, anyway, appreciate the call down. Thank you. Eight hundred nine one, Shauna is our number if you want to be a part of the program. Henry in Florida, Henry, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. What's going on? Yeah? Hi, nice talking to you. Let's talk to you. Watch I watch your show every night. Thank you. I was just wondering Joe Rodan using the N word, but nobody's ever been saying anything about Hunt Dubiden using the N word for all that time. Well, we brought it up on the show at the time, and I remember saying, if it was a conservative, we've had a very different reaction. I don't think I was far off, was I? No? But no, nobody even mentions it. But as soon as it's a conservative. By the way, I don't even think Joe Rogan is a conservative. I don't. I don't know what his politics are. I've never met the guy. Well, any any any conservative, any conservative says the N word, to jump all over them. But as long as you're a Democrat, they don't even bother saying it. We listen, it's if anyone in this business wants my advice, take if you're even if you're making a point, take that word and get rid of it forever. That's my advice, because it's never gonna end well for you. And we'll see, you know, whether or not Spotify sticks by him, I don't know. But he's got two offers sitting on the table right now, starting with Rumble, And if he wants to go to Rumble, he'll get paid the same amount of money and maybe more. Maybe if they offered a hundred, maybe they'll give him one hundred and fifty. Who knows. And I don't think his audience. If you watched his apology, you got to ask yourself did you believe it was Sincere? I thought it was Sincere. That's my take on it, and so do I. But you know, like they bring up everything like with Trump, Trump when he was running for office, they're making him take it while his business stealings dount. Why don't they do this to Biden and his son? You know the answer standard you know, you know you listen, Bill Clinton's brother used the N word, Joe Biden's son used the N word. Um, you know, everybody needs to just say goodbye to that word period anyway. Appreciated Henry god Bush eight hundred and nine for one Shauna who want to be a part of the program. Jan Is in Michigan. Hey, Jan, how are you glad you called? Than? It's a real pleasure to talk to you. Thank you the pleasure of mine. I just want to talk a little bit about I was listening to Friday and you talked about Pelosi making those comments about the olympiads to say anything, well there in China and it could be changed hers and retaliation. And I agree with everything you said that that's not American. Why is she saying that? But hell must be freezing. I don't because I have to agree with her on one thing. I don't trust we can protect her athletes. Sean, what would make you think when you said what nine thousand now was your latest update on Americans left in Afghanis to him? So you're basically saying that China would want to use the Olympics to declare war on an American and imprisoned an American if they spoke out against let's say China on human rights abuses or the weager minority Muslims in the in the country, or COVID nineteen and what they unleashed on the world, or their territorial ambitions with Taiwan and the crackdown in Hong Kong. You're saying that, you know, like if it was let me put it this away, if one of my kids and my kids were both athletes, if one of my kids was going to the Olympics and then not, and they asked my advice, I'd say, follow your heart and I would not be fearful that they would be taken prisoner in China. And if they were, trust me, I'd start my own war with China and make sure that the world knew. You know that this is what they are. Think it's a very They got a lot of pressure on them for the Olympics. Now, you know, we can call it the Biden China, you know, genocide Olympics. Why the IOC ever gave them the Olympics is inexplicable to me. There's no rational reason, but the idea that we're the land of the free and the home of the brave, and we're going to tell our fellow American Yeah, they you better be quiet. You don't want to make the man or anything. I'm like, that I can't give that advice to my son or daughter. It's not in my DNA to give my advice to my son and daughter. You know, if you have something to say, say it, speak up. You know, if my son and daughter, you know, I don't want my kids to be cowering in a corner because of the communist Chinese. That's my take. I agree with you. I just don't know. If God forbid something happened, if they would leave soldiers in Afghanistan, what would make you think they wouldn't even athlete in China. Let me tell you this would be This would be as big as Munich nineteen seventy six. But I will tell you it is. The world is in a very precarious position. And I'll tell you the main reason is we don't have an American president with even an ounce of strength. We just don't. And I'll take it a step further. Our president is compromised by China. His family's compromised by China. He's compromised by Russia. His family's compromised by Russia. He's compromised in Ukraine, and his family's compromised in Ukraine and other countries as well. That is a huge problem, and if his last name were Trump, it would be a very different world reaction to this. Anyway, appreciate the call, jan God bless you. Let's say hi to Julia's in Tennessee. What's up, Julia, what's going on? Where in Tennessee? Are you Bentwood, Tennessee? Love Brentwood. Yeah, that's close to Music City. What's going on? Yes? Yes, last towards in the last week, you were talking COVID, as we frequently do, and you all say, in conjunction with your doctor, make these decisions, get monoclones. I just want to mention and as I heard that, I'm beginning to believe that we no longer have a pandemic of the vaccinated or the unvaccinated, with other pandemic of primary care providers who can't want, or aren't allowed to be able to give people who test positive for COVID early intervention, therapies and medications that would keep people out of the hospital. And we hear when we hear of all the people who are hopefully they seem to want it to be unvaccinated people who die in hospitals. Nobody has ever done any research to say how many of those people were allowed to get early intervention therapeutics or medications because of the work, and we know there are plenty of them, even though monoclonal antibodies seem to have been put in a lockbox someplace. Julia, why do you think I am repeat this so often? Because I know that if I say monoclonal antibodies one time, nobody's gonna remember. But if I say five times a day, people will begin to say, what was that? What did Hannity call that? Again? And then the people will ask their doctor. The problem is as Joe Biden failed, he failed spectacularly, and he failed because he didn't prepare or we didn't see omicron coming, ran out of tests, ran out of monoclonals, including the new one that works best on omicron gsk Satrova MAB, and he's run out of We never mass produced the anti virals that every doctor raps about. There's there's no forgiving him for this anyway. God blush you in Brentwood. We appreciate all our friends in Tennessee eight hundred nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program going way beyond the headlines on the stories that matter most to you right now. Portions of the following program will be recorded. That's gonna wrap things up at today. Loaded up tonight Hannity nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Senator Marco Ruby has been very outspoken. We'll tell you about that tonight, Kelley and Conway, Leo two point Terrell, Mike Huckabee, Tulsi Gabbard will show you the Mike Waltz ad that you don't want to miss. And we have reporters on the ground in Ottawa with the convoy up there as things are heating up. Nine Eastern News. You'll never get from the mob. Hannity, Fox News. You make this show possible. Thank you for making this happen. See you to morrow.