Rebekah Koffler, is a former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) intelligence officer and author of the upcoming book Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America and Scott Uehlinger, is a Retired CIA operations officer and Russian intel operations expert - today they discuss the abrupt and unscheduled end to the meeting between Biden and Putin. The press was shut out, and Biden left early. What is going on?
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All right, Thanks Scott Shannon, thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our toll free number. We'd love to hear from you in the course of the program today. It's eight hundred and nine four one. Sean you want to be a part of the program. Of course, President Zippy Cup needed his cheat sheets to negotiate with Putin. You know, there was one thing a friend of mine sent this to me, pointed it out to me, and I said, there's no way this is true. So I got my team like just doing a quick double check on all of this. That Vladimir Putin in forty five minutes took more questions than Joe Biden has answered in six months. And by the way, they're not an easy press conference. I mean, look, it's so embarrassing to me. I think I think it's embarrassing. It's such a sign of weakness that Joe Biden. The reality is his team probably politically, probably in the best enswer's interest of the country. It's not good for Joe to stand on a podium and have a joint press conference with Vladimir Putin, who will publicly humiliate him because he's not up to the task. The problem is they all knew that before he ever gotten this race, and it's only gotten worse, not better, over time, and that is now a real clear present problem for the United States, to say the least. Anyway, appeared to be holding another one of his cheat sheets at his summit with Vladimir, and he seemed to be hiding the notes from Putin. You know, Putin's not stupid. He's evil, but he's not stupid. It's a hostile regime. He's a hostile actor, but again, he's not stupid. President she is evil, but he's not stupid. Same with the Iranian Mullah's. I don't trust any of them as far as I can throw them. And they have long assessed Joe Biden's cognitive issues long before this shortened summit. It didn't go on as long as they said it was going to go on. And Joe just doesn't have the mental alertness and capacity to stand next to Putin and do a joint presser. And I think the other thing is there was probably a great fear among his team that Joe would probably stick to the talking points that were probably even written before they left Washington and say this happened, and this happened, and this happened, and this happened, and if it didn't happen, would he would be probably corrected immediately by Vladimir Putin, who's listening to it. So they couldn't put Joe in that position either, because you know, now we have to make every decision and filter it through the prism of Joe's, you know, cognitive weaknesses. There was a testy moment where Biden got combative with a CNN reporter, Caitlin Collins, and he wrapped up his press conference. Why are you so confident he'll change his behavior, Collins asked, And here's what happened. A confident he'll change his behavior? Mister president, I'm not changing here. What do you do all? So, what did I said? It was confident I should what I've said. Look, that's kind of straight. I said, we will change your behavior. Is the rest of the world reacts to them, and man, he's just the shading to the world. I'm not confident of anything, just stated the fact. But given his past behavior has not changed. And is that press conference after sitting down with you for several hours, he denied any involvement in Cybertec He don't play human rights, and he says he that refused to say a lesson of all his name, So how did that help to a constructing me as president? You don't understand that. If you don't understand that, you're in the wrong business. I mean, he's just a jackass. And I don't know how really standing up for the CNN reporter. I mean, that's how they treated Trump every second, every minute, every hour of every day. At one point. We'll get to this later, Biden, I actually say, oh, I don't think Putin is testing me with cyber attacks. I'm like, how stupid are you? Of course these are Russian sanctioned attacks, or else they wouldn't happen. We'll get to this later in the program. We have we have cyber experts that will join us, you know, and these guys are watching all of this and they're scared to death because they know that we have a major national security vulnerability. And now we got a president that's in denial. Our Commerce secretary is actually saying cyber attacks are here to stay and they will intensify. That's that's not an answer to what is a real problem. I mean, it's it's pretty unbelievable and it's now pretty clear why the press conference couldn't be held jointly, which historically usually happens, because the comparisons would be devastating. You know, But then he goes Ao. You know, Awol, He's gone. You know, Joe is two and a half hours late yesterday. Still haven't gotten a reason for that missing in action moment. Anyway, he gives Putin a clear field to attack America on the world stage again and again and again. Putin had forty five minutes to beam what was just nothing but anti American propaganda into homes and businesses all across the globe. This worked in his favor unobstructed, and not that Joe would have stood up for us anyway, not that he's capable of even standing up for us unobstructed by an opposing response. You know, somebody made a comment, well, Hannity, you know it sounds like you're not cheering for America. I said, no, I'm i'm I feel awful that this is this is the mess that this country is in right now, because weakness is not going to end well, it's not going to be good for the United States, we the American people, and it's not going to be good for the world either. So you know, not facing reality is not something that I'm capable of doing. You know, you think about this. You know, all of the three long years of Trump Russia collusion, nothing but manufactured conspiracy theories, one after another after another, the unholy Alliance, the Democratic Party, the media mob, big tech. It went on for years. And what do we find out, What was the reality of it? Is? The only people in twenty sixteen that colluded with Russia and by the way, Ukraine was the DNC and Hillary Clinton. They bought the Russian disinformation dirty dossier. They they they leaked the dossier. They wanted America to believe that Donald Trump was compromised by Putin and was at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow with hookers peeing on his bed. That's the crap they peddled. And this went on for three years and they and we ever heard of correction, No, nothing, Are they ever going to correct the record? Never? And then the big Ukraine line. I couldn't believe my ears. Yesterday I hear Joe Biden literally say Ukraine is too corrupt to join NATO, and I'm like, hold on a second, now, we caught Joe two weeks ago, he had said I'd never had any conversations with my son Hunter about his foreign business dealings. Okay, then we have Joe on tape. You're not getting a billion unless you fire the prosecutor who's investigating zero experience Hunter and the millions that he made and son of a bee. They fired him because the Ukraine wanted the billion dollars. That's a quid in a pro in a quo. And how is it somebody with no experience gets millions of dollars. Imagine if their last name with Trump. But then we got Jazakstan and they're oligarchs feeding money to a hundreds. You know, this has a name if you don't have experience, and the only reason, by your own recognition, you have no experience oil, energy, gas or Ukraine. Why do you think they chose you Ounu because your father's in charge Ukrainian? Possibly probably, Well, yeah, that's the reason. It's called pay to play, it's called buying access. It has a name, and it's the heart of corruption. But according to Joe and the media, nothing wrong ever happened. Well, Joe denied ever talking to his son about any of his foreign business dealings. Now we got pictures, We got evidence of Joe as vice president having dinners with Hunters, foreign business associates and partners. I mean, it is unbelievable corruption. You know, the idea that Ukraine is too corrupt to join NATO, but it wasn't too corrupt for a Hunter to do business with I mean, why is that not a big deal? It was Trump, anybody with the name Trump, it would be a big deal. You know, it's this, this forty five minutes of I mean, you think about it. It is pretty profound, isn't it That Vladimir Putin took more questions and a lot of more pretty hostile actually in forty five minutes than Joe took in and all the time that he's been president in the last six months. Vladimir Putin took more questions in forty five minutes than Biden has had in six months. Think about that. Putin didn't need to read from a teleprompter. Putin didn't have any Q cards that I saw. Biden always relies on him. Unlike Biden, Putin didn't require that his questions be pre screened. He could have had his aides come up with the answers for him ahead of time. Putin actually answered several hostile questions which Joe never gets old. Joe gets puffball and he still struggles, and you know, one CNN reporter mildly pushes them, and look what happens. And you never heard Putin say, oh, I'm gonna get in trouble with my staff. How many times on this trip did Joseph I can't. I'm gonna get in trouble. My staff doesn't like it when I answer questions. I'm like, oh my gosh, who's running the show. How did we ever get such a pathetically weak, cognitively compromise President. I blame the media, and I blame everybody around Joe because they all knew. We everybody knew, and it just is like the perfect storm. We'll hide under the guise of COVID, unbelievable, just like we'll ignore laws and state constitutions when it comes to voting. You know, partisan observers posted as supposed to watch the vote counting start to finish. That didn't happen. Laws were broken, He's supposed to have voter ID well, in some states, you only had it for in person, not mail. Embelliding. You know you're supposed to follow their state constitution, and you can't write a law to circumvent it. You have to go through the constitutional amendment process that happened in Pennsylvania and the fourth three decision in Wisconsin. You know, you didn't see putin struggle. I didn't see it ten second brain fart from Vladimir, which is plaguing Biden at almost every media encounter. Putin didn't look out of breath, tired, agitated, never lost his trend of thought. You know, there were no painful ten seconds silences like we saw Biden on Monday. I mean, it's an unmitigated design. This is scary because the world sees it. It's not just that Sean Hannity sees it and that you see it. It's that Putin sees it. President she sees it, The Iranian Mullahs see it. The rest of the world sees it. Kim Jong unsees it. You know, putent ambush's Biden at this massive military exercise near Hawaii just before the summit. That's not testing Joe. Russian warships conducting the largest military exercises since the Cold War off the coast of Hawaii. I mean, they got so close. You know, three to five hundred miles west of Hawaii that the US Air Force had to scramble hours before the start of this. You don't think that was a message. It was a message US scrambling F twenty two stealth fighters from Hawaiian response to the exercises. You think that was just an accident. It wasn't an accident in any way. You know, the summit wraps up early, and again we have no indication why, well, what happened? Whatever. Whatever they were going to tell us about how great this went, they had already written before they left Washington. I can guarantee it. Just it's the way they work, and the media's not going to ask them anytime questions. You know, if Biden decides to lift sanctions on Russia Iran, guess what they might get their first Spice satellite. How great would that be? It wouldn't on top of the Russian Navy conducting them massive drills three miles off the coast of Hawaii. And now we now discover the Washington Post reporting that Biden overrode the State Department recommendation to impose sanctions intended to block the Russian nord to pipeline that's the one that Joe gave a waiver on. Now, is that because the Biden family syndicate is compromised by Russia? Why would you, while simultaneously eliminating building a US pipeline East Keystone XL pipeline, why would you give a waiver to him? And why would you give the waiver when your own state department recommended you don't do it? What does that tell us about Joe Biden, Mike Pompey. The decision not to hold the press conference shows enormous weakness. None of this is good for anybody. And I wasn't kidding Washington pre Beacon out of piece about of sanctions prohibiting the import of US technology used in Russian satellites are lifted as part of a quid pro quo deal with Biden and putin. Yeah, that could be a major enhancement of a RAN's military. In other words, a RAND could end up with their first by satellite. That wouldn't be good either. It's it's just pretty unbelievable to watch all of this unfold and then the media doesn't get it. They're just totally dumb and clueless, And it's um it's kind of sad. You know, we didn't get any specifics. We know that nine federal agencies now have been breached by Russian hackers in the last year. We know a hundred US firms were breached by Russian solar winds and that hack. We know that a Russian link group behind the cyber attack of Colonial pipeline. We know a Russian cyber criminal group known as Revel hijacked the meat industry JBS FBI director Ray huge portions of ransomware trace right back to Russia boot and claiming, oh, the attacks are farcical, not true. Russia continues to target our infrastructure. Russia now moving for It's the lowest point ever. And what did Joe do about it? From what I can see, nothing, nothing. And the same guy that said, oh, we got to hit the reset button in two thousand and nine, a lot of good that did with Hillary John Kerry making America green. One leoget liberal flight at a time. You just can't make this stuff up. Sean Hannity is on right now, all right twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the problem. What does this mean? You know this constant um I'm gonna get in trouble. I can't answer the question. I'm gonna get in trouble. I get it. What is that? Where does that come from? I'm gonna get in trouble, you know. Joe Focus, Joe, pay attention, Joe, Like, man, this is so bad. I don't know whether the laugh or cry. I'm I'm really crying because there is a seriousness to all of this that is extraordinarily dangerous. I mean, it's so bad. And the mob, the media, they just ignore it. I promise you. The world is not ignoring it's it's just not And you can see it in the foreign press. I mean it's pretty much everywhere. In a Sky News Australia. Yeah, what's wrong with Joe's mental capacity? They're asking the question out loud. Then you've got New York Post headline bumbling Biden's G seven and NATO's summit performance only boosts US euro foes. Can you just think for one second, now, do we know the state departments that don't give the pipeline okay to Vladimir and he did it anyway? Well, now, if it was Trump, would that not raise questions of whether or not Donald Trump was compromised by Putin and Russia. Why aren't those questions raised when we know for a fact that zero experienced hunter in his firm got three and a half million dollars wired from a Russian oligarch, the former first Lady of Moscow, the mayor of Moscow's wife. Do you think that the Medium might tie Russia to Trump if it was Trump? I think they probably would if Donald Trump paid for a Russian disinformation dossier that then was leaked to the Medium mob turned out to be totally unsubstantiated and full of lies and unverifiable, and that it became without which they wouldn't have gotten. The warrants to spy on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and god forbid if she ever became president. More evidence Biden is not doing well. Another headline. You know, nobody knows what he's trying to say half the time, Jill Biden having to rescue him when he ends up just wandering around and a reporter's shouting questions at him, come on, Joe, Joe, come on. Then having to turn around and somebody's we love you, Joe, and he just stares at the person saying I love you. You know, Joe, pay attention focus here. It's you know, then this whole thing about you know, I need permission? What do you mean? It's like is he raising his hand to go to the bathroom. You know, I'm gonna get in trouble. I'm sorry, I'm gonna get in trouble with staff. I don't know that's the right way, Jennifer Jacob Bloomberg. Yeah, I'm gonna get in trouble. That's two. I'm gonna get in troubles in one trip. What was it with the ten second pause? I mean, just just for a minute here. Now he's about to meet Putin, and he had referred months ago to Putin as a killer. Now he has a chance to tell it right to his face. Now, I'm gonna be honest, if I get an interview with Vladimir Putin, I'm gonna say you're a murderer, and I'll go through the link I say it right to his face. Donald Trump wouldn't have any any problems saying it right to his face. The mob that you know, they they oh the vapors, oh. Donald Trump tweeted out bad words. Donald Trump is he's he's a little bit more crude than the average president. He's bombastic. He went into the G seven and he rocked their world, and he did it on America's behalf. He did it to make sure that NATO allies paid their fair share. He did it to get better, freer, fairer trade deals, and it worked. He did it to show that America really is back. Joe's definition of being back means America last and always last, that America will pay and pay and pay and pay and pay. And of course, you know European socialists love it. But the world's not better off with the week America. That I can promise you or a cognitatively weak and frail president either, I mean and end the disappearing act for two. Who goes disappearing for two hours and forty five minutes later for a press conference? How did that happen? With no explanation. Oh, the president had to take care of some urgent business. Sorry for the delay something. No, I'm not going to meet with Vladimir and do a joint press with Vladimir because we know, yeah, we know, Joe's gonna get his head handed to him and embarrassed on the world stage, which already happened anyway, like when Boris Johnson had to say I already introduced the South African president Joe, and then everybody laughs because they can see it. I know, the media things just because they don't talk about it, although it is pretty fascinating. I can tell you one thing, there are media mob people the back channel to me. They see it. They know they see what we see. They're just not allowed to talk about it or don't have the guts to talk about it. You know why people don't attack me over because I'll just play the hits again and again and again and again and again. And you know what, they don't don't want They don't want these hits going viral. Thank you forgetting I'm President covid Is. I know you all know, but a lot of people may not know what covid is UH and uh. In Libya, we should be opening up the area classes to be able to go through and provide provide food assistance and economic ass I mean vital assistance to a population that's in real trouble. Russia has engaged in activities which are we believe in contrary to international norms, but they have also um uh, bitten off some real problems they're going to have trouble chewing on, and for example, the rebuilding of of Syria. Of I'm sorry, I'm going to get in trouble staff, I don't do this the right way. Well, look, I mean he has made clear that H one three, one four I believe in the past, essentially acknowledge that he was he is he? Do you still think he's a killer? Joe? That was what the question was. I didn't want to answer it because he's about to meet Vladimir. You'd have to say it to him face to face. Vladimir is just doing military exercises off the coast of Hawaii. It's pretty humble and one cyber attack after another. Now do you begin to understand when you piece it together? Zero experience hunter, Ukraine, Ukraine. Joe said now that they're too corrupt to join NATO, but then wants a clear yes or no on getting into the nats A members faction pen. So what's answer depends on whether they meet there. The fact is they still have to clean up corruption. The fact is they have to meet other criteria to get into the action plan. And so it's you know, school's out. On that question, it remains to be seen. It means to be seen. Oh, he's telling them what to do. That's like a quid pro quo, right according to the media, and then Hunt what the Hunter gets to make more money, so they don't meet the criteria too. I mean, it's actually laughable. They don't meet the criteria to join NATO, but they certainly meet the criteria. They're too corrupt to join NATO, but they meet the criteria that Hunter can do business with them. Is it not now a fair question? Now that Hunter makes money from Kazakh's down Ukraine, Russia, China, that maybe the Biden syndicate crime family is corrupt and compromised, because that's what you'd be hearing if it was Donald Trump as president, make no doubt about it, you know, and it just it went down there hill from there, you know, Ukraine's too corrupt, Like did I just hear that? Perfect for the Biden's family syndicate with no experience, perfect for him to leverage a billion taxpayer dollars to fire the prosecutor investigating it at all. Now zero experienced Hunter is going to be selling his paintings at a top gallery in New York City expected to collect up to five hundred thousand dollars for each quote masterpiece. I don't know. Maybe we'll call this, maybe we call Portraits of a crack Addict. According to the gallery, the buyers will remain anonymous. I guess a lot of Russians and Ukrainians and Chinese will be buying them. Communist Chinese. You know, the rules apply only if your last name's Trump, or you're a Republican, or if you're a conservative, you're Biden. You can get away with anything. Nothing bad's gonna happen. The medium, mob, big tech, they'll have your back the whole way, just like they did in the campaign Protection Program. Now it's the presidential Protection program. No investigations, no negative coverage. So called mob and the media journalists as they call themselves, stick together, put their heads in the sand, and allow the most flagrant hypocrisy and double standard to be as glaring as it's ever been. You know, it's it's a pretty amazing time, it really is. And I can't even believe in another way that this is even even happening, but it's happening in the United States, and it's happening every day. Yeah, you know, one of the Trump kids puts a gun in a you know what do you call it? One of those waste basket, not a waste basket, one of those dumpsters. Yeah, that's fine. That's called illegal, and I use crack illegal. All the things that's on the on Hunter's laptop. Ignore that. By the way, the economy not doing good. Wholesale prices now soaring at the fastest pace on record, and as a matter of fact, wholesale prices increased their fastest annual rate ever for May, driven by rising food prices. Soaring inflation now threatening to derail the entire economy. The Producer Price Index measures inflation pressure before it reaches consumers, up point eight percent in May, annual gain of six point six percent, the biggest jump since they first thought started compiling this data in twenty ten. According to the Labor Department, food prices you through the roof, lumber prices, through the roof, meat prices, through the roof. Everything's costing more everything. One bit of good news the Biden administration suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land, and that was blocked by a judge in Louisiana who ordered the plans be resumed to lease sales that were delayed for the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. Some hope. By the way, Donald Trump is announced he will be going to the border on June thirtieth. We will be down there with him and with Greg Abbott. We can announce that Texas Governor Abbott, he's building his own wall. He has no other alternative. He's not allowed by law to enforce the laws of the land if Joe Biden doesn't enforce them. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that's just a fact. You know. It's it's it's pretty incredible the times we're living. And I'll tell you that I am glad about that judge's decision. I think that's going to be very helpful. Joe, by the way, got slammed by Governor Christy No him South Dakota after his administration unveiled plans they're going to have their Independence Day firework display at the White House. Why can't she have it Mount Rushmore. They went through every hoop that they need to go through environmentally to make sure it's safe. They did it when Donald Trump was there. They know how to do it anyway. It's one of another broken record or rising prices. I am just telling you these are the hidden taxes we're all gonna pain. It's only the beginning. Now it's going to be the Democratic socialist They're gonna now use the reconciliation process for this. You know, democratic infighting is real. So their only alternative is they'll trigger Schumer will trigger in the Senate reconciliation and they're going to force it down America's throat, just like they forced Obamacare down America's throat. Because they can't get it done legislatively. Now they might not even be able to get it through with reconciliation if Cinema and Joe Manchin were to hold the line and say no, we got to put together a bipartisan bill and we gotta find only work together. But they're trying to ram through four trillion in in an effort to reshape the entire economy. Embrace everything New Green Deal socialism, and the name of daycare is infrastructure. Healthcare is infrastructure. Everything is infrastructure. Axios is reporting this could cause this infrastructure by partisan talks they're breaking down. You have all these impatient New Green Deal Democrats. They want to go it alone anyway, So what's Mansion gonna do? What cinema gonna do. Politico is saying Democratic leaders to progressives, layoff Mansion because he may just switch parties on us and the fake news media they're all about every day beating up Mansion. Why because he believes in the Constitution on some level looking out for the interest of the people of West Virginia. That's his job. Our two Sean Hannity Show, thanks for being with us, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. So Mike Pompeo, former Secretary Estate m He's not the guy that's going to sit in a meeting and get lectured by the communist Chinese the way that Biden's team did in Anchorage, Alaska. Nor is he gonna put up with any of Putin's crap either. And you know, it's just it's it's just a fascinating difference in terms of the utter approach. I mean, the summit wraps up early, Joe is incapable of holding a joint press conference. Uh, the US press left in the dark. They seem perfectly fine with it. Joe finally gives, gives, a presser, you know, just rambling, mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, stupidity, and it's embarrassing and there's really no other way to put it anyway. This is what Pompeo said as it relates to Putin using this as a stage for Russian propaganda, unchallenged by Sippy Cup. It's the strangest thing, right, that he was allowed to go up there and spout Russian propaganda to create the context for moral equivalence between the United States and Russia on every front, whether it was talking about BLM or protesters or our judicial system. Right, he talked about his protesters, but when we have a problem here, it goes to courts. We have a system, a constitutional foundation. They have none of that. And he got he got free reign to go on for all of that time and to the world spout this propaganda without an American standing beside. I'm saying no, that's not what we talked about, that's not right, and making the case for American interest. And the reason is is because Joe's not up to the task. It's that simple. Anybody that tells you any different is just lying to you. It's it's transparent, it's obvious. And everybody knows it. Here to weigh in on what the ramifications of all this are ultimately going to be. Rebecca Koffler as well US former Defense Intelligence Agency DA Intelligence officer, author of an upcoming book, Putin's Playbook, Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America. Scott Yulinger is back with US retired CIA ops officer, Russian intel ops expert. Thank you both for being with us now. Rebecca, you have an interesting background as it relates to Russia, and you understand Putin's mind as well as anybody. You read him as well as anybody. I am contending that Putency's right through Joe Biden, and he knows he's dealing with a cognitively weak and frail American president and it has taken full advantage. You're absolutely correct, Sean. President Biden placed America in the first place in this, as you said, embarrassing position. I agree with what you said by holding the summit in the first place with Putin, Biden going in was overmatched and outgunned with Putin, and then on top of it, to make matters worse, Biden refused to man up and to show up and hold a dual press conference where he could have challenged right then and there putting his propaganda, and he was just not capable. He's exactly, you know, inept. He doesn't understand putting. And it appears to me that the entire administration, I don't know who exactly advises him that he should show up. I don't think anybody can advise him because I don't think he can retain the information. Rebecca. I'm not even sure if he knows what day of the week it is, or or what country is in right now. It's very sad. Apparently he stumbled into a place where he ought not to have been, and his wife rescued him. And trust me, the Russians do their homework before these summits. They do what's called the profile of our national security leaders and political leaders before they show up with them. And he definitely knows what Biden's hotspots are. He really does not want to appear like the quote that like President Trump, who quote unquote was soft on Russia, nothing can be further from the truth. President Biden pretty much has erased his own negotiating leverage and given away the store even before he met with President Biden, so that meeting was doomed. He lost before even checked. He showed up. Putin took on his own forty more questions in his forty five minute press conference, and some of them were pretty aggressive questions. He didn't blink an eye and he didn't read from a teleprompter. I didn't see any Q cards that he was using. And then Biden's taken in six months. One thing Scott that I think is not been emphasized enough, especially in the media, is you know, Russian ships are conducting the largest military exercises since the Cold War off the coast of Hawaii, even sending our Air Force scrambling hours before this quote. Summit took place literally three to five hundred miles west of Hawaii. US Air Force has to scramble left twenty two stealth fighters from Hawaiian response to these exercises, and the bombers, you know, didn't enter air defense identification zones. And we're not unaccepted. But clearly Plutin wanted to send the message before today, or certainly certainly he did jump and that would be a standard, you know, that goes back to the Soviet playbook to do these sort of things. North Korea does the same sort of thing. But this is exactly the problem, as Rebecca has pointed out, is that Putin realizes that Jill Biden is not a quote as a Russian would say, a serious president, and as such, for instance, everything that Biden said to Putin about like US strength or we don't want to tolerate cyber attacks that originate from your soil, etc. It doesn't really pull any water with Putin because Prutin understands them. For instance, under the under the Joe Biden layst budget, US defense is effectively taking a cut. So at the same time that Biden is hyping up talk that America is back, what the Russians see is that the United States is not building as many ships, is not fielding as many active duty personnel as they have in the past. So he realizes that they're just empty words, and so he is positioning himself to fully take advantage of I think it's very interesting, though, that Putin did not exactly spike the football with In other words, what I think happened was Prutin observed Biden's dismal performance at the G seven and realized that Russia would really gain nothing by like pointedly humiliating the President of the United States in a press conference. So, in other words, Plutin was very happy to extol Biden's virtues, etc. And of course hurl some barbs at the progressive that's the diplomatic nicety bs. That's all that is. It's bullshifts. It's just crap. It's garbage, right. But he saw no reason to go out of his way to humiliate Biden because basically he feels that Biden has done that job for him already, sadly enough, and so he can just continue to make nice with the Biden administration at the same time where he continues his moves abroad unchecked. You know, I just there was one moment in particular, Rebecca, I'm not sure if you picked up on it. There was some in the media that picked up on it where Biden seemed to respond affirmatively to the question about whether he trusts Vladimir Putin. Now, why would you trust Vladimir Prutin? Vladimir Putin is he was right, He's a murderer. I mean, he gets asked the question just prior in the lead up to the summit. I don't know if you saw the ten seconds of the most uncomfortable silence by an American president. Ever, it's breathtaking, Rebecca. Now, if Putin is a hostile actor, he's evil in many ways. He's corrupt as hell, but he's not stupid, and nor is President She's stupid and as evil as the uranium mullas are, they're not stupid. And the reality is is they're studying this guy backwards and forwards, and they're gonna They're not going to be influenced by the media that ignores Joe Biden's cognitive weakness. I agree with you Putin, Yes, she's all of those things that you just said, But he also constantly reminds President Biden that he is there not to be. And this is something thing that actually what I'm about to say that I heard in the Russian press. Putin said that we are not the two lovers who are there to basically swear to each other infinite love. We are there representing the interests of our countries. So there's no such thing as trust when it comes to Putin. He's a highly trained former KGB officer. And you know how the Russians viewed this summit to begin with. They characterized it basically as an intelligence gathering opportunity. Russian Deputy Minister for an Affairs Sigator Pov said this, it is impossible to impose on your spy counterpart your own thought process and your interpretation of what he says. But what you hear from him and the conclusions you make as a result of what the counterspace spy says become food for thought. So he basically summed up, We're going in to quote unquote strength and trust and mutual understanding, which in Russian intelligence parlance. And you weigh in what that really means is a good intelligence gathering opportunity. As a former intelligence officer for DA and Russian born, I'm a native Russian speaker. This is what that lingo means. And Scott, go ahead and jump in if you want to comment. I think that's an important point. And one question I have Scott is he's now twice referred to Oh if I answer questions I'm gonna get in trouble? Who are you gonna get in trouble by Joe? Right right exactly. I mean you're gonna you're gonna get the tension, Joe. You're gonna have to sit in the corner. You're not gonna get your warmy milk and sippy cup tonight or what. And as you were saying, as you were saying, Sean, uh, you're exactly right about again, the administration and the American left in the United States, they think that they're going to get a free pass from other countries leaders in other countries the same way that they get a free passed by promoting all, you know, various lives that they put out in the United States. And that's not true. In fact, you know, to quote another Russian source, a Russian think tank was writing a few days ago and and what they were seeing, what was going to happen during the conference. And for example, they wrote that Joe Biden will not push the Ukrainian topic because of certain corruption circumstances related to his son. You got to freeze frame. What you're saying here is they're too corrupt to join NATO. But is zero experienced son the guy that went on Good Morning America and was asked, well, what experience do you have an energy and oil and gas? Non? None, none. I mean, but that's Ukraine, that's Kazakhstan, that's the former first Lady of Moscow, you know, so it's okay for one hundred to do business with Ukraine, but but it's not okay for the US to do business of them. Unbelievable, that's right. And Twitter can kick off people who want to write about Biden's, you know, the corrupt dealings of the family. But the bottom line is the Russians in Chinese are very well aware of this, and they use this and they use this knowledge as a way of, you know, suddenly intimidating Biden or the administration into doing what they want. And hence why we have to avoid these corrupting influences when we elect the president, because it compromises their ability to keep us sleep. All right, quick break, we'll come back more on the other side with our intel experts, Rebecca Koffler and Scott Yuhlinger. Then we'll get to your calls. The eight hundred and nine for one Sean our number. You want to be a part of the program, And we've got a great Hannity nineties ton tonight, Donald Trump will be calling in among our many guests. Quick break, right back, we'll continue, all right, as we continue with our intelligence experts, Rebecca Koffler and Scott Yuhlinger, let me go back to Rebecca, and then I'll ask Scott the same question. So when I was in Singapore, I was warned by top intelligence officials that the Chinese, in the case of Singapore more Helsinki more the case the Russians, that it was not. Nine was one hundred percent likely that those intelligence agencies from these countries knew I had a relationship with Donald Trump, and that they said to me, I would be monitored every second I was there. Is that true, Rebecca, I would say one hundred and twenty set And they said, people that work in the hotel, they will be spies. They said people They said, if you get a burner phone, they'll find it. That's what I would being told. Russian intelligence is tracks all of uf you know, sort of um people who are connected all over the world, not just in Moscow. But they watched very very closely, because that's how they developed a nuanced understanding of the American psyche and also of the relationships between our business and political leaders. All of that information is ultimately fed into the doctrine and into the strategy that was developed based on Putin's orders. That is precisely why they launched these attacks cyber attacks because they understand that we're not going to respond, because we have demonstrated unwillingly, unwillingly, obviously unintentionally to them that they're going to do nothing doing it for twenty years. And that is all based because Russian intelligence services do their job, they do their homework, and unfortunately we deprioritized Russia as an intelligence threat Russia and Russian strat has sort of fallen through the cracks. Hillary Butter Dassier from Russia. You know, I mean the great irony the Bidens got rich off Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan in China. But I and I would argue that probably the Biden families completely compromised and they know it. Rebecca, thank you, Scott. We love having you back on. Thank you. Eight hundred ninety four one, shaunas or number. We'll get to your calls when we get back. We'll continue twenty five to the top of the hour. Eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. One of the funniest things that's actually emerged this week, although it's not really funny, it's not funny at all, and it was Secret Empires and the incredible book by Peter Schweitzer that got this all out in the open and began a process culminating and Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Chuck Grassley even getting more details about how corrupt the Biden family syndicate is. It wasn't just Ukraine, it wasn't just Barisma. It isn't just Kazakhstan. It was also Russia. It was China. It was the Bank of China, which ties to the Chinese military, a Russian Chinese national hunter Biden, you know, with all his depth of experience, you know, making millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars. I mean, you think of the irony here. And I said this earlier, How how is it Hilary bought the Russian disinformation dossier. She brought that into the twenty sixteen elections. She bought and paid for it. And then the deep state took an unverifiable document and committed premeditated fraud on a FISA court to spy on a presidential candidate and a president. And they did it even when they knew from Christopher Steele himself it was not verified and from his subsource that it was all bar talk. And they did it anyway, and yet, oh, Trump is Putin's puppet. No, it was the Biden's and it was Hillary. They were the ones. The guy that stood up to Russia, China, Ukraine and other places was Donald Trump. It's unbelievable, you know, great irony is Biden actually says, yeah, Ukraine is too corrupt to join NATO. I mean, I'm sitting there and I'm like, did I just hear that Ukraine wants a clear yes or no on getting into the NATSI members faction pen So what surrounds depends on whether they meet the criteria. The fact is they still have to clean up corruption. The fact is they have to meet other criteria to get into the action plan. And so it's you know, school's out on that question. It remains to be seen. They got to clean up corruption. That sounds like a quid pro quo. That sounds like what Donald Trump said. The guy that leveraged the billion US tax dollars to protect his zero experienced son who is being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor, that was Joe. And then the media just runs with their phony, fake, lying narratives. You know, people saying, well, conservatives that they're cheering for Joda fail. No, we don't want America to fail. But you know we're not blind either, and we see truth. You know, what did I say when the George Floyd tape came out. Our eyes aren't lying to us. You know, I don't rush to judgment, but that can't happen what we saw on that tape. Joe Biden's on tape. You're not getting a billion, you got six hours unless you're fire Ukrainian prosecutor, which we now know was investigating a zero experience son. So Ukraine's too corrupt to join NATO, but it's not too corrupt for one hundred to make millions of dollars and Joda leverage our tax dollars to protect him from a criminal investigation. I mean it is. Everything is topsy turvy. I mean it is. It's just the information America media. The mob is just full of corruption. There's no honesty in these people whatsoever. It's all to advance the radical New Green Deal socialist agenda. And they lie and they lie daily, and the things they're guilty of, it's a conspiracy theory, Russia conspiracy, Trump Russia collusion. Three years alies quid pro quotes. That would be Joe, you know, Putin's puppet, That would be Hilary and the Biden's, the Biden syndicate, crime family syndicate making money from Russia. Wasn't the Trump kids getting three and a half million dollars from the from the First Lady of Moscow. Wasn't No, that was Hunter. It wasn't. It wasn't Don Junior or Eric Trump getting money from Kazakhstan and Oligarch's there that that was Hunter. Wasn't Don Junior or Eric getting money from Barisma. It wasn't Donald Trump threatening to withhold the billion tax dollars. That was Joe and the millions were made by Hunter. One hundred thousand dollars shopping spree with a Chinese national. That was Hunter and his family. For what Why would a Chinese national just take you on one hundred thousand dollars shopping spree. I wish I had that deal. I ever took it, I'd be in jail for the rest of my life. And it wasn't. It wasn't Donald Trump Junior. Wasn't Eric Trump that that got the billion five deal with the Bank of China. Oh Goldman Sachs isn't good enough. Deutscher Bank isn't good enough. JP Morgan Chases isn't big enough. We're gonna go to Hunter with ties to the Chinese military. Unreal? All right, I'm I can't stop myself today. Patricia's implorida. Hey, Patricia, how are you good? How are you? I'm good. I'm glad you called. So. I guess I was listening to your show and we were talking about um Joe Biden's cognitive absence during that press conference the other evening, and I I saw something in him and recognized it clearly because I had an instance where my husband and I had to go to the court to get guardianship of his elderly sister who was suffering from dementia. And when I saw that pause and him i'm just a look on his face, I immediately recognized I had seen that before, and it was with her. There were some people that were taking advantage of her financially, and they were supposed to be friends. We ended up having to go to court to get guardianship of her finances and of her. But one thing that happened in the courtroom was the judge, you know, would ask her a question, and she would be immediately like, they I don't want them to have control of my finances. I don't want them to have control of my finances. And she asked that question several times. Saint got the same answer, asked different questions, several times. I got that same answer, and it was almost like someone that had coached her. And then the judge finally said, well, well why not, and she said, I don't know her. I don't look, it's transparent, it's obvious. You know, there is this other whole question out there that we've kind of been skirting around. But you're kind of bringing up here. Who knew what about Joe's condition and when? And I would argue that everybody involved in his campaign knows, and they knew that Joe was a cognitive mess. They knew that he was weak, they knew he's frail, they knew that he's really not up to the job. You know. David Axelrod would say things at different times like if you can't cut it, you can't cut it. And this is the most important job in the in the world, it's the most demanding job in the world. And I know because I've I've interviewed presidents my entire career, Um, Patricia, and I see what that office, what it takes to do that. It's never the pressure never stops. There's no off minute of any day. All right, well he's playing golf, there really isn't off time, And especially if you're engaged. Donald Trump was engaged at the highest level every single day he was there. And I know because I saw it and I heard it, and I you know, I've worked my sources around him, and I'm just telling you he never stopped. You know, I don't think Joe could do one week the way Trump does a day. It's just it's sad and it's hard to watch. It's frankly, I feel a sense of just embarrassment. It's embarrassing. You know. Democrats, socialist, mob, media, tech, big tech. I used to say, they were so offended at Donald Trump's tweeting. I'm like, this guy went into NATO and told him, hey, start paying your fair share. He went into G seven and said, no, we're changing these trade deals. They're one side and you're taking advantage of us. Any any thought for we the people. That's America first, and now Biden back to America last I mean, it's a profound distinct difference. Do I think that the mob the media were really as as outraged as they pretended not? I don't because I can tell you right now, there's nothing that any liberals ever said about me that is really that bothersome to me in any way. You know, it's they faked this phony indignation and oh oh, I get the vapors. Donald Trump tweeted something I disagree with is that what we've become woke, you know, weak Americans that words so offend us that we've got to cancel people that utter words or sentiments that we don't like. I don't think most people get that pissed off at words. You know, I have every reason to get pissed off at people. Sometimes. I'll be honest, Patricia, I don't care. I don't don't care. I care about the country. I want America to be strong, and I don't see a strong president. No, thank you. Good call alas in Florida. Al what's going on? So? Are glad you called? Hi? Sean? Well, I've been listening to you for quite a while. Unless I really appreciate you and what you're doing and trying to accomplish. But I'm going back to like that Bruins game the other night when the crowd literally shut off the talent from finishing this song. They're not great, it was. I've been to a few I don't follow sportshal heavily, but I've been to quite a few big games of various types, and I've never seen anything like that. For one thing, I hope. I'm very curious now the series is tied. They played the first two games. The Islanders now in the semifinals, heading into hopefully the finals of the Stanley Cup. They split. Home ice advantage was Tampa's, but by winning one of the games in Tampa the first game, the Islanders now have home ice advantage, which does make a difference. I am very curious if it happens again tomorrow night. Yeah all I said, gold bolts, many you want to you want to get into this now, you want to have a bet out who's going to win this series. I'm all up with you on it. I'll miss that. But I want to say, though, is that a patriotism. There's been a renewed interest in it. Gladly I'm happy about it because I'm getting older and for years though, when I didn't know half as much as what I don't know now, I still would say to people in conversation that we've lost patriotism. You don't see it, you don't feel it, you don't hear it. And well, I saw President Trump get into office, things started to change, and they changed dramatically. I see, I think this might we might look back at this game six the Islanders and the Bruins, right, I mean, you have that Boston New York rivalry thing and the crowd singing our national anthem proudly and loudly. And I would love to see this duplicated in football stadiums. I'd love to see it duplicated in baseball stadiums. I'd love to see it duplicated at you know, before NBA games. And if that ever happened, it would be basically the public taking their middle finger and saying to the woke, cancel culture mob, we love our country, We love people that protected our freedoms and were standing loudly and proudly, and you can go, h Adam schiff yourself, all right, it's it's a beautiful thing. I was its great at a concert. I was at a concert the other night, I went down locally to see some friends who play in tribute bands. One of them was for a heavy metal artist, Ronnie James Dio, and the other one was for AUSI Slash Black Sabbath. And the guitar player for the Ausy Black Sabbath tribute band when they announced the band members and he had played with other bigger bands even at one time, but he went off into a lead break and then he broke into the Jimi Hendricks version of the star Spangled Banner. Very cool and our metal metal heads you call them at a concert, and they went absolutely berserked for it. You'd be surprised. I've actually found some of these guys actually are fans of mine. I'm like, huh, it doesn't quite you know, connect with me. But they, you know, like all my all my music DJ friends, they're all talk radio fans. They don't want to listen to the same song so over and over again. They're done. Anyway, I gotta roll. Thanks. I'll appreciate you being with us. Right back to our busy phones. Tim North, Carolina, Tim, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called. He's showing. Thanks for taking my call. Can I give a shout out to your A call screener? By the way, she was very friendly and I appreciate her. I being so, you're flirting with Katie? Is that what you're doing? You want to flirt with her? Get it, Get out of here, Get out. I'll get out of there. Okay, you know what the problem is, you know what I could see right through this, But go ahead, I'll let I'll give you a pass. Go. I was wondering how strong the legal case is against the DNC and Joe Biden's handlers for elder abuse, considering the way that they're treating him, and now obvious if you just listened to him for more than two minutes, not that. Um that that's my kind of comment, And what I was calling for was, um, I have a day job right at work in healthcare. I have a side job a big old suburban I drive people, right, I do have a little side hustle and a thousands of people, and a small percentage of them about politics. But nonetheless, I've talked to some people about politics. There are three words that describe what I've noticed, regardless of side, that people are feeling. Both before coronavirus and now okay, and it's leaves me alone. I tell you no, I think that's that that is real. Listen, I'm telling you I feel it. The Islander game one example. What you're saying is leave me a little. People have had it, and I think people watching this, this shift show and feeling I think the way a lot of us are feeling, you know, pretty awful and embarrassed. I just think it's going to result in a major wave election in twenty twenty two, which I hope and pray carries through twenty twenty four. Anyway, thanks, my friend appreciated. Eight hundred nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, I News Round Up, Information Overload hour eight hundred nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, we'll get to your calls bottom of a half hour. So I was right yesterday the news broke during this program, but I wasn't able to independently corroborate it. I mentioned it could be a possibility because we don't like to go out early. I mean, I mean, we take meticulous care to get things right. We really do. We work hard. It's important to us. And anyway, so It turns out that Southwest Airlines ended up grounding flights all across the country yesterday, and this was the second time this happened in twenty four hours, amid reports of nationwide computer issues and then air travelers, you know, we're all over social media with reports of what airline staff were reportedly telling them was a computer system outage had occurred. And this is hours after intermittent performance quote issues and with a third party weather app forced to a similar group stop on Monday night. We are aware of the system issue and we're working quickly to resolve. We'll share more info soon, Southwest posted on their Twitter account as of yesterday, we haven't lifted a finger to have real cyber security, and I can guarantee if the Russians are working on it, I guarantee the Chinese are working on it. I guarantee you every enemy country in the world that hates US is working on it. And there's obviously a vulnerability here and we're not doing much to take care of business now. Joey Sippy Cup, you know, is asked if he thinks Putin was testing him with these cyber attacks. Here's a short answer, is testing you? Does the government have to do more to force businesses to protect themselves and their customers. So I think the first thing we have to recognize is this is the reality, and we should assume and businesses should assume that these attacks are here to stay, and if anything will intensify, we should. That was Gina Ramondo, who's the Commerce Secretary. She's telling us we should assume that cyber attacks are here to stay, and that you you mean you're not going to stop them because that would be national security. Now that we're talking about being compromised. I can't think of anything dumber. And President Sippy Cup, Oh, I don't think Putin is testing me? No, And what was that little exercise off the coast of Hawaii yesterday? Just an accident. It's it's pretty It's beyond naive at this point anyway. Brian Finch is the co chair of the Cybersecurity practice at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman. Doctor Peter Prye is with US Executive director of the Task Force on National Homeland Security, nonprofit Congressional Advisory Board, and he was also the Chief of Staff of the Congressional EMP that's Electromagnetic Pulse Commission and on the staffs of the Household Services Committee with the CIA, So these guys know they're talking about doctor PRYE will start with you, why do you believe that Putin is testing the US? Russia is testing the US. And do you agree with the Commerce Secretary that we must assume that these cyber attacks are here to stay and just accept it. These attacks are definitely from Russia, sanctioned by the Russian government, and they as much as told us that they were going to attack US about a month before Colonial Pipeline. I know Washington as a short memory, but of people remember back to the Ukraine crisis we had when Russia had mobilized supposedly an exercise, but it had mobilized enough forces so it could roll over Ukraine and possibly even attack the frontline NATO troops in Eastern Europe. Even according to our own war games in the Pentagon, Russia can overrun Ukraine and the frontline NATO troops in seventy two hours. So the Biden administration was very concerned about that, as we're our NATO allies and we're demanding that the Russians stop it and stand down. In the middle of that crisis, Martian who is a spokesman for the Russian media giants RT and Sputnik, and as a friend if Putin has gotten many awards from Putin many medals, you know, as an unofficial spokesman for the Kremlin, went on TV and said a cyber war between the United States and Russia is inevitable, that they were positioned to win it, and that they could do things to prove it, like blackout Harlem in New York City, or black out the state of Florida, or blackout the whole United States. This could literally shut down every system we have, and that means all of our national security defenses. You said something that really caught my attention, though, and that is you're saying, you know that colonial pipeline, the attack on the meat industry was sanctioned by the government. How do you know that, Well, because the administration's arguments, you know, are that these are criminal acts by criminal organizations. You know, these the Russian mafia is not independent of the Russian government. You know, it's a tool that's used by Russian military intelligence, the GRU, and by the SBR, their successor to the Russian KGB. And on top of that, we have Margarita Semonion a month before Colonial Pipeline telling us that they could win a cyber war and there were various ways they could demonstrate that they could prove that. And then there was the attack on Colonial Pipeline. Why Colonial pipeline, Well, it supplies half the petroleum products not just for the civilians in the eastern part of the United States, but for our military forces, for our military basis on the eastern coast of the United States, which are the very forces that we would need to protect power to protect Ukraine or NATO against the Russian invasion. So it's just an interesting coincidence the Colonial Pipeline happened to be the thing that got hacked. I mean, I think that that was Russia demonstrating that yes, they could win a cycle war, and that if Biden administration tried to deliver on its threats, you know, to protect Ukraine, to protect NATO, you know that they could do something about that by doing starting down the pipeline. And you know, we're paying the bulk of the frame for NATO in part to protect our Western European allies from Russia. And meanwhile, our Western European allies now are doing more business and getting the lifeblood of their economy, their energy from Putin and Joe granted the waiver to Vladimir to build the pipeline, all simultaneously shutting down the Keystone Xtil pipeline. That makes zero sense. Brian Finch, how vulnerable do you believe the United States is to the cyber attacks? Hey, Sean, always good to be here. You know, the US is pretty vulnerable. I do think it's important to note that we have been doing a lot. I mean, the US government, going all the way back to Bush two, has been focused on cybersecurity. The level of emphasis has waxed and waned depending on geopolitical events, domestic events, etc. Is certainly during COVID, for instance, the focus on cybersecurity has shifted or waited a little bit. Means a matter of record that there was funding that was meant for cybersecurity products in the federal government was shifted over to COVID. Response that we can make. We can argue all day long whether that was right or wrong, but it happened. But to the question of whether the US is vulnerable, sure, we're vulnerable. Does that mean we're the most vulnerable in the world. No, I don't think so, but it also means we can't protect everything at the same time. And I think that's the question we really need to be asking right now, which is, you know, you assume that Russian criminal gangs, whether operating either at the direction or at the knowledge and benign consent of Putin, are conducting this latest wave of ransomware attacks. You know, how does this benefit Putin? I mean, that's the question that really needs to be asked, in part because you know, now you have US law enforcement, intelligence agencies and others focusing on ransomware, and they're starting to shut down some gangs here and there, which is good. But if you're a fan like I am, in no endorsement, but I joyed Narcos for instance, watching you know all the story the drug kingpins in the eighties, you ever noticed the pattern where whenever one drug kingpin fell out of favor, all of a sudden that he got cracked down upon by the Colombian or the Mexican or whoever government and suddenly got captured. Is Putin trying to do the same thing here, all of a sudden, he's got some gangs that he doesn't like, wants the US to do his dirty work for him, or maybe be like the solar wind situation, where he's going to send out these fake messages about, oh, we're going to hack the election. There's gonna be all this disinformation. You know, there's no confidence in the election. And then in reality they didn't do very much there. They were too busy hacking the US government. So you've got to worry about the old problem of maskuoka as they call it, the Russian disinformation and misdirection campaigns. And you know, I feel reasonably confident in our intelligence and law enforce and communities are paying attention to that. But the rest of the media has got to get on board too, and not just blindly assumed that Putin's out there to make a few million bucks from shutting down a meat plane or a gasoline pipeline, because he thinks much bigger than that. He's probably he thinks billions and trillions, not millions. All right, quick break, Welcome back more with Brian Finch and doctor Peter Pry on the other side. Eight hundred and nine four one sean as our number, well gets your calls, final half hour, All right, cancel culture wokeness, indoctrination in schools, the mob is after any and all things conservative in any way. And by the way, that even applies to our friends at Tuttle Twins Books. These books are selling by the millions. Why because they reinforce values of American parents that they know their kids are not getting at school. They're amazing books and for kids toddlers through teenagers and anyway. They now they're under attack. Why because they believe in entrepreneurship, capitalism, individual responsibility, love America. Oh well think oh the vapors anyway, Socialist magazine writing a lengthy hit piece attacking the Tuttle Twins books a heap of steaming carbage. Why because they teach freedom and liberty and responsibility. I guess you know when a socialist attack you, you know you're doing something right. Millions of these books have been sold because parents love them. It is the antidote to the indoctrination that is now institutionalized in so many of our schools. Your kids are gonna love it, from toddler to teenagers. Just go to this website Old Twins Hannity dot com. That's t U T T L E Twins Hannity dot com right now. And by the way, they're running a sale. You can get pre workbooks as well. That's Tuttle Twins Hannity dot Com and your kids will love it and you will love it as well. Digging D D d D to expose how the government waste your money each and every day. This is the Sean Hannity Show. As we continue the threats of cyber breaches everywhere, we continue with Brian Finch and doctor Peter Prye. Listen, I'm probably the biggest technical idiot you're ever going to meet in your life. This is not my wheelhouse in any way, and I'm the first to admit it. I guess The next logical question, though, is simple, is do we have the means to quickly build up the defenses that would be necessary to prevent them from being successful with the cyber attacks? Doctor Prye, No, not quickly. You know, it can be done over time and define times. What's time year, two years, ten years? The significance, well, it depends upon the strategy that you follow. Part of the problem is that we have a grand strategy that's doomed to fail. You know, the administrat the policy that's been followed since the Bush administration and continued under Biden, and you could see it in some of the in the commentary from the Biden administration you had is that this idea of a public private partnership where the US government is the junior partner in the partnership and the national security responsibility is basically shoved over shouldered onto the private sector. That's not going to work. It was that that's not going to work, that this is a national defense issue, a national security issue. You studied and you were the chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission Electromagnetic Pulse Commission. How real is that threat? Well, that is related to this threat. You know, this is not about ransomware. This is about a demonstrating a new way of warfare in which cyber attacked are the tip of the spear. But in a real war, you know, it would be followed, you know, by the use of non nuclear EMP weapons as an additional means of sabotaging our cred What would that do to the country And ultimately even a nuclear EMP attack, which has been considered a dimension of cyber warfare or information warfare by Russia, China and North Korea, it's not considered a nuclear attack and it would basically destroy our electronic civilization. It would collapse the electric grids, all the life sustaining critical infrastructures, and kill millions of people. That was the conclusion of the EMP Commission. And this is the test that everybody has been expecting the Biden administration to be put to by Russia. They're putting them to the test, and he's failing the test. You know. Now, the President Biden, I will give him credit that he has is continuing to try to implement the EMP executive Order that President Trump passed. Okay, but there's another crucial executive order that has been suspended by the Biden administration, Best Executive Order one three zero, which is protecting the bulk Power System. And this executive order is designed to stop our utilities from importing transformers and skatas and other critical electronic equipment from foreign countries, particularly China. We saw back in October of last year that China was able to black out the city of Mumbai, a city of thirty people, during a border conflict with India. You know, in part because India is very dependent on China imported technology transformers and skaters. You know, if we're serious about cyber warfare. We've got to start stop comporting stuff from China that's so crucial to the operation of our electric rid and other critical infrastructure. Well, we believe Pinch, for example, that TikTok was a means that the communist Chinese were using a spy on Americans. Trump stopped it, buying open that door up. Yeah, I mean, you know, TikTok is obviously a threat. I think it's you know, it's a spying threat of all the scraping of information as a pairent of teenage girls. It's also a morale threat for anybody who's ever had to listen to TikTok's and all that sort of thing. But I would say, and on top of all that, you know what the doctor is saying about investing more in critical infrastructure or cybersecurity, etc. Yes, we need to do more than that, I think. You know, Sean, I know you're a student of history and you know, like me, a fan of World War Two and all that good stuff. Yeah, what we do have to realize is that every once in a while, the enemy gets through no matter what, right. You know, even the Japanese were able to send some balloons armed with incendiary bombs that killed a few people in the United States at the end of the war. So you know where we really need to go is we need to go to a situation where companies, governments, and people understand that, Look, you know, we're never going to get to a situation where we can stop every single cyber attack. That that's just not reality. But what we can do when you were asking this question earlier, and what success success in this case means, it doesn't really matter whether they get through or not, because if we in order to have a successful cyber defense, it's one where even if the enemy gets through and causes some quote unquote damage, it doesn't really harm us that much at the end of the day. Like in the example of Colonial Sure they're able to get in and spread this ransomware which cripple systems, but in a really good cyber defense world, you would have Colonial saying, oh, we know it's only going to affect these systems. We can isolate them, we can shut them down, we can keep seventy eight the pipeline operating while we fix the rest of it, rather than just closing the whole thing. That's how you've got to look at success so that Putin looks at it and says I'm not going to get much, or the Chinese. The reality is you're both describing a level of vulnerability that is intolerable, pretty chilling. I hope our government pays attention because this is going to be our future if we're not campful. But we're just at a time. Brian Finch, thank you, Doctor Peter Pride, thank you. Eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Eight hundred nine f one sean, you want to be a part of the program. I want everybody to remember one thing, um And this is a pretty fascinating expose. It's sort of like a barometer of success. But this right now, the New Green Deal socialist they're trying to convince Americans everything is gonna be free. You're gonna get free childcare, free early education for your kids. You're gonna get free college. You're gonna get free student loan forgiveness. You're gonna get a guaranteed government job, guaranteed government wage, guaranteed government healthcare, guaranteed, government retirement, guaranteed government healthy food. Everything is going to be free. Everything Now, I say this all the time. Well, how have all these people making these grandiose promises? What is their track record? Teach us? Because if you look at how these states that their number one responsibilities to keep their citizens safe, law and order, safety, security, so one can pursue happiness, how have they done. Look at any blue state, look at any blue city, and the numbers speak for themselves. The violence, the crime, out of control, getting worse every single day. Then you look at well, howd that Social Security lockbox thing work out? Yeah, they rated it and it's going bankrupt. Medicare is headed towards insolvency. They didn't do good there either. Those are promises they made, same people, same socialist, same big government, radical leftists. How they make out with that Obamacare promise, keep your doctor, keep your plan, save on average twenty five hundred dollars per family per year every American. Millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plans, and we're all paying about two hundred and fifty percent more thanks to that promise. So, and then you look at the school system. I have in front of me today's edition of the New York Post, and it says right at the top of the page, black families and queens were revolts. Schools failed to US twenty seven thousand dollars spent per student for a terrible education. The article goes on, schools and queens are letting black students down. Fed up parents are protesting despite high pupil spending, per pupil spending and only six percent of kids at one elementary school proficient in math. Only six percent? How is that possible? How do you fail on that huge level? Families are playing to private charter religious alternatives who want to know why parents are putting up at the PCBs and shift, if you will, at schools like Dalton and Breeley and all these expensive private schools fifty sixty grand a year because the alternative doesn't exist, because then you're stuck in the public school system, which is an unmitigated disaster anyway. And it goes on to say that in this article, it says inside the Peace School's child neglect and it goes an exodus of African Americans over low scores. Then they have all these kids holding up signs report card Math skills D English D minus signed in Social studies D. That's what their report card is. So you've got African American parents and queens, saying that the city's Department of Education again twenty seven thousand dollars per student they're spending. It's a lot of money fueling an exodus from the public school system, fed up families in District twenty nine, primarily African American area includes Hollis, Rosedale, Cambria Heights, and the Department of Education has tolerated these abysmal math and English proficiency rates despite high per students spending. So I ask you now that they failed miserably in their promise to educate our kids. They failed miserably in law and order, in safety and security, They failed miserably on social security and saving and procuring that money, and Medicare and Mamma care. Here's my next question. Why would you trust them with anything else or believe anything else that they say? Good question. Mike is in Virginia. Mike, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called, Sir Sean, how you're doing. I'm in Virginia now, But I like you as a Long Island boy. Are our similarities are ridiculous? If you went point by point newsday to live a dousday daily news right onto Dishwashington, and I became a cop and then they had injured and then I retired, went into education. I've been down here for twenty five years, doing that teacher for years, in principle for twelve years. I'm back in the classroom. What led me to call you today? Who was listening yesterday? The young lady from Columbia and her points about the indoctrination on the college level which my family has Conservatives we've suffered through Lord, My children have gotten penalized in school for their outspoken points of view. But I teach fourth grade here in Virginia, which is a fantastic year to teach in fourth in Virginia, primarily because of one of our curriculum points is something called Virginia Studies. Virginia Studies is like a survey course. It takes you from like Native peoples all the way through current day Virginia civil rights, goes through everything. It's a great course. And now we're being told, slowly but surely, they're dismantling it. The dismantling the time we're being given to teach it, and the dismantling the curriculum and oursar mister Northam is at the helm of this, and it's killing myself. And it's literally quite a few conservative teachers with whom I teach, you know, look at schools now at this point, I think that it's sort of like we've got to get to a point of do no harm. The best thing we could ever do a school choice. Let schools compete for the dollars. If it's twenty seven grand and District twenty nine in New York, let the parents have a check for twenty seven grand and let them figure out where they want to send their kids to school. And I'll tell you what's going to happen. You're going to see schools emerge that will take on the public schools. And these schools are going to be focused on the important stuff, you know, like reading and writing and math and computers, so that these kids get the best education. Because I'll tell you where the parents are going to flock to. They're gonna flock to the schools that do the best job educating their kids. Next thing I would do is send kids to school and uniforms, and any kid get that becomes a disciplinary problem, you're out. Goodbye. Stop interrupting the learning process of other kids I didn't still discipline, and these kids should go to school, sit up straight, learn reading, writing, math, a little bit of American history. It would be nice, but I'm not even asking for that at this point, and prepare them for what the real world requires. If you ever want to be successful. The latter to success in America is a good education. And if you know, look, I can't tell you it's actually a passion of mine to that. You know, I'm in a position financially, I've helped a lot of people out go to school, a lot of people because it's that critical, it's that important that if you want to have any competitive advantage in life, you know, And if we can't agree on sex education, and you have some people wanting to teach masturbation to six year olds and first graders, I don't have any time for this crap. If you want to bring in controversial, divisive, critical race theory, I don't have time for that either. You know, make those electives where parents can elect to let their kids stay after school and learn all about the crap that they want to they want them to learn. I don't care. But stick to the fundamentals. When you become proficient at math, reading science computers. Then talk to me. Learn the basics first. Anyway, New Jersey, Moses is standing by. What's up, Moses, How are you high from the mountaintop? Thanks for taking my call against I'm doing? How are you doing? I'm good? How are you all right? So so, Sean, So the thing I'm concerned about the most right, I'm not concerned about us taking back the Senate, taking back the White House, taking back the House. So what I'm concerned about is how a Republicans going to fight back against the machine and the processes of the Democrats have created over the last six years that is effectively sabotaging and derailing Republican presidencies. You have Adam Shift launching unconstitutional impeachments with whistle blowers who are not named, who don't even know the exact details of the stuff that they're blowing the whistle on. You also have Adam Shift leaking the phone records of lawyers, journalists, and members of Congress. Then you have a media loop that what they're doing is feeding false information that is being used in front of fisichords. You have the deep state that's getting bigger and bigger, with people like Kevin Kleinsmith that's aligned to the Fisichord and unconstitutional and illegal warrants on presidential campaigns. Not to mention, you also have on the state level all these companies basically blackmailing all the people in their states by let me say this a little bit differently. You have major institutional forces in the media, in academia and other the Democratic Party, big tech companies that are all aligned to advance an agenda, and the antidote. And the answer to me is, just like conservatives found talk radio. Just like the conservatives, some conservatives have a voice on Fox. Not everybody's a conservative. We have to also become big tech competition. We need our own Facebook, our own Twitter, our own Instagram, our own everything. Because listen Twitter, it's very interesting. We actually have put out a number of trial balloons. And the trial balloons are simple, and that is that we'll throw out a tweet. And in the past, where so many people would retweet my tweet, or follow my tweet or comment positively on my tweet, it's just the leftist, hardcore Democrat. You know, they have now successfully chased away conservatives from Twitter. And we've tested this now numerous times and we've compared it to years past, so it is what it is. I'm not going to beg them to be fair. I'm just saying that if we want, if you don't like it, we we gotta get good, smart, conservative technical minds to build an alternative. And so far people have talked about it, nobody's gotten it done. I certainly can't do it because I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I wouldn't be able to build such a thing. Yeah, definitely. But you know what, the one thing you touched upon, which is the most important thing, is that I've been a Democrat all my life, but when I started paying attention after Donald Trump got elected, its voices like yours to help me understand the conservative values I've always had and basically discover my political identity and nat and I want to thank you for that, Sean. But now what my concern is is that with big tech basically shadow banning voices like yours, like Levin's, like Bongino's, that's going to be happening less and less. And what I'm concerned about, along with the previous point I made, is that Republicans are not in this fight, and once they get these gables back they need to be on day one. Let me tell you there is a battle for the heart and soul of this country. There's such a philosophical divide at this time. I don't see reconciliation. You know, you either believe in open borders amnesty or you believe in secure borders. Either believe in energy independence or you don't. You recognize that lowering the cost of energies in our best national security interest and financial interest. You either believe in constitutionalists or you want judicial activism. You believe in lower taxes, not confiscational wealth. You believe in less bureaucracy, more bureaucracy. You believe the government should create a cradle to gravee womb to the tomb. Socialist you know, Communist Marxist utopia, or you don't. You believe in strong national defense or you don't. I mean, these are very fundamental things, and the divide is great. What I've found about conservatives, once you understand it, once you and how simple it really is, once you see how corrupt the media is with their abusive and bias, you can't unsee it. Liberty, freedom, capitalism are constitution works, amitted government. Thomas Paine said, said, you know, government in its best state is a necessary evil, and it's worth state an intolerable one. But lower taxes, less bureaucracy, secure borders, school choice, energy independence, free market solutions to healthcare, law and order, safety security, constitutionalists on the bench piece through strength. That's simple. It doesn't need to get any more complicated than that. And if you have politicians, if they want to be rewarded with positions that they want, obviously, then stand and fight for those simple principles. Anyway, I appreciate the call. Eight hundred and nine one shans a number you want to be a part of the program. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, nine eastern on the Fox News Channel, complete wrap up of the Biden and President's Sippy Cups summit from earlier today. Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows will join us. Ryan's previous Dan Hoffington night and then Donald Trump exclusively reacts to the summit and much more. All coming up. Say your DVR Hannity nineties, turn on Fox. We'll see you then. Thanks for being with us. You make this show possible, and we'll see you also back here tomorrow.