Sean is live from London as the protestors begin to bring their nonsense to the streets of London. As madness blocks the streets, Sean addresses the latest on the Russian probe as 12 Russian spies were indicted today for their part in the last Presidential election. No Americans were involved...again. Is it finally time to end the investigations? The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. If you're like me and suffer from insomnia, you know what, that's not fun. You know I tried everything I couldn't get a good night's sleep. And this is neither drug nor alcohol induced. That's right. It is my pillow. Mike Lindell invented it and he fitted me for my first my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and the good news you can too. Just go to my pillow dot com promo code Sean and take advantage of one of Mike Glendell's best offers, his special four pack. You get fifty percent off to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere Pillows Now. My Pillows made in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee, no risk to you, and attend you warranty. You don't want to spend more sleepless nights on a pillow tossing in tourney that's not working for you. Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mikelendell's special four pack. You get two my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recruitative sleep you've been craving and deserve my Pillow dot Com promo coach sewn. All right, Glad jo with us right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We are in London, all right, so we're on Twitter live? Is that what it is? I'm not doing this the whole show. I've never wanted a camera in my studio during the radio show. It's annoying. And we did Facebook live once. When did we do that? We did it when Lauren got proposed to. It was a surprised proposal with Don her which is Linda. Who's back there? You can show Linda, show sweet Baby, James, show Sarah Carter who's putting the pillow up? Yeah, we're in a hotel room. I mean, this is crazy because we have to hide out and sleeping beauty. Why don't you show yourself? Come on, man, up, let's go do it. No, you don't want to do it? Oh no, Oh, well, it's been a crazy day here in London. I spent quite a bit of time out amongst the anti Trump protesters here, and it was it was kind of like a I guess a bet between me and my television staff, because I kept saying, nobody in London knows who I am. I think we're on Sky TV, but when we come on, it's like two in the morning because it's five hours ahead of time, and what would that make so seven in them? I don't think anyone's waking up to Hannity. It's I don't know what channel we were even on. You can't get it at this TV that's behind me. I know they don't have it. They only have fake news CNN. Oh and how great was the president? Oh no, no, he gives a joint press conference with Theresa May. Now he goes, we don't give we don't answer questions for fake news. It was. It was priceless. The big deal was the London mayor will throw this up on so those of you actually watching at Sean Hannity on Twitter, that was the big balloon that they have of Donald Trump. It just wasn't funny. So I'm actually talking to these people, or trying to talk to the people. The first thing that if you put a microphone in their face, would you like to talk? And the first thing they opened their mouth, they're like, whoa, hey, I give me a match, and I can literally his place is gonna blow up. They're all wasted, they're all tanked up, they're all drunk. And at least all the people I talked to were pretty stupid. Why are you here because Trump? That's why we're here. Okay, what don't you like about Donald Trump? Um, he's mean, he's hurt America. I'm like, no, he hasn't a nice start gift throwing out my my Hannity statistics and trying to have a conversation with them, and that didn't work out that well. And I just go on and on and on and it's just like a waste of time. Now. There was some hostility one guy when we were out there, True story, and Sarah Carter saw this where a guy I'm interviewing somebody like this guy comes up tries to grab me and it was a hit and run a big, big baby, and I'm like, hello, whoa, and I start trying to follow the guy. Come here, Sunshine, let's go come on over here. I'm going like this. I think we got that on tape too, and but I just walk away with the feeling. It's just like the protesters occupying Antifa and all these other you know, sometimes you interview them and they say the dumbest things. They don't even know why they're there, except that everybody else is going there, and let's have a party there, and let's have a few pints while we're there. By the way, the pubs in London they are actually fun and they don't seem to have the restrictive rules like Nanny State New York City that Nanny Bloomberg put in place. There are people that actually smoke cigarettes and they can take their drinks outside the pub, which is it's yeah, that would be called freedom. Good point. You can we take calls from the gallery here anyway. So that is everybody worked up, of course over the president, and you know, the President had to say, yeah, he likes in respects Theresa May, but the problem is she did wreck Brexit. And we're gonna talk to Nigel Farage later in the program. It didn't work out. Well. This was the cover of the Drudge Report last night. Yeah, it says the Son had an interview with the President and it became somewhat problematic for them, and the President rightly blamed Theresa May for blowing up Brexit. Now she's saying it's gonna happen in twenty nineteen. The people of Great Britain, the people in England voted for that, they want that, and she's been incapable of getting it done. Boris Johnson now recently challenging her and resigning just this week. So a lot was coming up, and the President even going as far as to say, well, I told Theresa May had to actually do this, but she wrecked it how to do Brexit. And that means that the trade deal that they were going to have Great Britain with the United States one on one, which was a good deal for everybody, might now be off the table. But that said, we'll see what happens over time. Nigel Farage at the heart of the movement, he's saying the same thing, that they wrecked it. That's one of the issues we're gonna get to today, where we have more fallout from the Peter Struck disaster that was yesterday. We have more fallout from the NATO meeting that the President had and a big preview. The President is meeting the bad actor, Vladimir Putin and Helsinki. Just for programming purposes, we are going to pack up all this gear. Well, we're doing Hannity tonight here first from London, and we're gonna pack up all this gear and we're gonna move to Helsinki where the President will be meeting with Vladimir Putin and the hostile regime that is Russia and the bad actor that is Vladimir Putin. And it's going to be very very interesting for the light of what happened back in the States today. Now, remember they did indict all these Russian bot companies. Remember that was a big deal, big announcement Russian bots. Just to give you some background, it was Devin Newness. Nobody should have been surprised that the United States that hostile actors were trying to create chaos in the United States. They do it every single day. They're doing it today. If there's any controversy in the United States, they will actually take both sides, some bots taking one side, some bots taking another side, and they did it in the election, you know, some supporting Trumps, some supporting Hillary. So Robert Muller thinking that these bot companies are never ever ever going to respond to his indictment, you know, he thought it was a win win. He gets the word Russia in there, has nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Seems like his special counsel is doing their job and they're figuring out what had happened here. But then these companies, well, they started to actually fight back, and it was obvious and clear, especially when you read the court filings that have been put forward, especially by the companies. Robert Muller had no clue that they were going to fight back. And then now Robert moll is actually trying to say that we are not going to allow discovery in those particular cases. So Rosenstein today big announcement now that the timing of this is pretty dubious to me, which is pretty much on the eve of the president meeting with Vladimir Vladimir Putin and if I'm Vladimir Putin, and nobody in the media got this part right. When President Trump challenged not only the NATO Alliance to step up and pay their fair share because we're paying seven hundred billion dollars a year. That's all of you in tax land here. That's all money that you could have for your families. Okay, we understand the need for NATO. I'm not saying it get out of NATO, but we're paying the bulk of money to provide for European defense. And then Angela Merkel is signing billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars in energy deals with Russia and literally creating a dependency that puts them in jeopardy because of Putin turns off the spicket in seventy percent of the lifeblood of the German economy comes from Russia. What are we going to do then? And what Trump really was doing was advocating, well, we've got more natural gas resources than any other country in the world that we could literally provide for hundreds of years. It was a great story out today, how the US is now on the verge of passing both Saudi Arabia and Russia reclaiming the title of the world's biggest crude oil producer. Well, that's because the Obama error regulations against energy formation and using energy resources. Well that's now been lifted under Trump, and that means, yeah, it saved the coal mining industry in West Virginia and Kentucky and other places. Yeah, we ken drill in anwar in the forty eight states and off the coast of the Pacific and Atlantic and off the Gulf coast, and we can move towards energy independence. Now, why would Germany undermine their own security and give seventy percent of their energy moneies to Vladimir Putin and the hostile regime of Russia. That just doesn't make sense. And they're not even paying their fair shar as it relates to NATO. None of that makes sense anyway. So Rod Rosenstein, just to get back to this other point, twelve Russian intel officers, let me tell you what that's the equivalent of. That's like twelve CIA operatives that have been arrested in Russia. We're never gonna see these people, but it creates the appearance that something terrible is about to happen, or it happened in the election. Well, nobody seemed to care that Barack Obama when he was president, that he even used taxpayer money and sent some of his political cronies and operators over to Israel for the very purpose of undermining Prime Minister Benjamin at Yahoo on one of our closest allies. Why, for the purpose of impacting the election, hoping the prime minister would be defeated. Now, the real truth is simple. The Russians try to hack us. We try to hack them. We try everything that we're upset that they're doing, we're doing to them. That's what happens. The fact that the United States has not lived up to preventing the ability of these people to hack us as ridiculous. You know, everyone's saying, you know the other big story. Well, you know, we now know that the Russians they got into the DNC. Well we know that six foreign intelligence services hacked in the Hillary's email. We don't know which one or how it got into the hands of wiki leagues, We don't you know, it could have been any of them, you know, Russia, China, North Korea, the Iranian Mullah's. When are we at what point do you say, fool me one, shame on you, twice, shame on you, fool me a thousand times, and let decades go by and you don't create a defense against all these cyber crimes. Well, then it's shame on us. We've got to be really stupid at that point, you know. And then you've got crazy Democrats that if Donald Trump wakes up in the morning and breeds, they feign moral outrage that Donald Trump is president. They live in a perpetual state of outrage. But the Democratic suspects all coming out of the woodwork now. They're demanding based on the Rosenstein indictment of intel officers from Russia, how about we prevented twenty fourteen? Devin Newness and the Washington Times warned everybody, The House Intel Committee chair warned everybody in twenty fourteen. Russia's tried it before, They've done it in past elections, and they're gonna do it in twenty sixteen. Nobody doubts the nefarious intentions of Vladimir and Russia. They're not our friend, but it's smart to talk to them. Let's see if we can get some of these issues resolved. And then, of course you've got all the Russian intelligence. It is beyond comprehension that the United States doesn't do more to fix this. All right, are we turning this camera off? By the way, Twitterland, goodbye, We'll see you soon. All right, thank goodness, all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity's show. We are in London right on our toll free telephone number, it's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part, all right, why don't can we just talk about this? Put that mic up on the air there, put that mic up and you two to go over there and talk. So we just did this whole thing on Twitter Live. And so when this like a little edgy today, I'm not edgy and little so I said, So, what's wrong with you? You're always a good way, but in a good way. You know why I'm edgy? Oh? I do know why she's edgy? Why because you're you're annoying? Oh you're blaming me for this. No, it is your fault. I didn't know about this because somewhere I went long. I went long? Is that why it's about? Always go along? You don't listen to breaks. I would love you to see, I would love you to pull the crap you pull on radio on TV and see how well they would take it over there. It never happened. You're so lucky. You're looking at all prow things at you. I actually this is you know what, this has been my whole day. And because I've met first the London protesters, they didn't particularly like the got nothing on me. And now I'm getting protested into my own radio studio. I'm gonna make a big balloon of you, baby, seanab like, oh, you know what, that's so bad, Linda, because you know what's coming. It's coming, baby. Oh. I think it was. I actually enjoyed being out there with the people, and I don't think it was great, Sean. It was great. It was. It was kind of gut wrenching, though at moments it was a little tough because you know, for us standing outside of it all watching you, you were doing great. People were actually conversing with you, talking to you. But there were some haters out there, and it was there were some people it was like the my presence you could see visibly change their outlook and there they're a parent guy. I just told you you weren't invited. Get out of here. The taller left. But what surprised me and I don't even know when and where we air here. I have no clue. I mean, they're not counted in the ratings, but based on showing up. If every leftist in England knows who I am, I'm just well, then listen. They listen on your podcast, which is available on iTunes. It's in the top ten conservative podcasts country. Well, but they if they listen to the radio show, they don't necessarily know what I look like. Oh, they all knew who he was. They all knew I mean, and I had. There's this unbelievable thing. It's called Google. Huh men, you can put anybody's name in there. You know what my doctor says, So like I'll say, um, I looked this up. You don't have this little minor alm with that log, That's what he says. He goes, you know, I've been doing this my whole life and I really don't need your input from doctor Google. He goes, I'm a lot better than doctor Google. Why don't you just call me first instead of thinking that you're dying of cancer in the next sixteen hours. No, I do agree with that. I mean, if you go on Google or WebMD, oh, it's oh absolutely, you can't even do that. You just got to ignore that stuff. But that's how they know you. I mean, they know you from social media. I mean, these were young people. They knew me from the TV show. Oh, I know that watching on social media. Remember they can watch the show on from the Internet. It's the Sean Hannity Show. We got a big show. Andy McCarthy, Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, and Nigel Farage. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour Sean Hannity Show. We're in London, will be in Helsinki on Monday where the President Vladimir Putin have their big summit. Earlier today, we're out in the midst of these crazy protesters anti Trump protesters in London. Shockingly, a lot of them knew who I was. And we'll air that video. We'll actually play some of the audio. Linda went out on the streets as well. When Nigel Farage joins us later in the program. Today, back to the Rosenstein SAT. Twelve Russian intel officers were indicted. Remember Barack Obama that said, no serious intelligent person could ever believe that anybody would be able to impact our elections. Yeah, that was him. He said it just before the election. And the serious, stop whiny person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved, there's no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so I'd invited mister Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes. So with that announcement by Rob Rosenstein, let me tell you something, there is no way the Russians are ever going to allow their intelligence officials, their spies to come over and face charges in the United States. It's a now. Look, I would like to know who hacked Hillery server. Was it Iran? Was it North Korea? Was it the Chinese? Was it the Russians? You know? One of the reasons that would have loved to have Julian Assange knows where he got his emails from, and supposedly had said apparently they were trying to work out some deal with the Obama administration and reading at some point, and that was killed by James Comey, according to reports. But wouldn't it be nice to know if he could tell us exactly where he got the information from, because when I interviewed him, he said it was in a state. It wasn't Russia, it wasn't a state. It would be good for the American people to know. Remember, he's now in his mid forties. He first hacked into the DoD in NASA when he was like seventeen years old. So here we are, you know, thirty years later, and we're still allowing people to hack into everything and in any privacy we have. Where are the I think we have two hundred and fifty thousand IT professionals working for our government, and they can't prevent our government from getting hacked repeatedly. And that's why, you know, it was so dangerous what Hillary did. It was the heart of the Struck hearing yesterday, Lisa Pages now testifying, but behind closed doors because it was so important. Why because we want to know who hacked into Hillary's case, Hillary's you know, mom and pop shop, bathroom server even struck in Comey and their original draft had said as many as six foreign intelligence services had hacked into Hillary's email. Well, then that puts sources and methods, lives and jeopardies, and that's not good for the United States. And everybody complains, well, what was at Vault seven? I never even read any of that. Who can read I don't know anything technically anyway, I couldn't if I was responsible for engineering the show. Forget it. If you'd never hear it, it's never gonna happen. So it's just stuff. But we do have people that are professional enough that you would think we'd be able to defend ourselves against cyber attacks. You know, Obama says that everybody here acts so outrage that the United States that Russia is trying to impact our election. I'd like to know what we do to other countries, because if we're not doing the same thing to them, we ought to be doing the same thing, not to Israel like Obama did. Nobody really seemed to care that Barack Obama literally tried to impact the election of our closest outli in the Middle East. He did, doesn't even dispute it. So you have what is really just a sham indictment here, because it would be like Russia indicting twelve CIA operatives and asking to put them on trial. And it does raise the specter of the timing of all of this in light of the fact the President is having this summit with Vladimir Putin coming up next week. I'd like to know why the timing seems somewhat suspect. I don't know if the President signed off on this or not, but it's like the Bot indictments, Okay, I don't doubt it. What about I'd like to know what the Chinese have been involved in in terms of hockey. I'd like to know what the North Koreans have been involved in terms of hacking. I'd like to know what the Iranians have been involved in in terms of hacking. And it seems that the only thing they want to find they want to be able to find anything with the word Russia in it at this point because Trump Russia collusion, Well that's something that they haven't been able to find any information on none whatsoever. And Democrats want the President to cancel his summit. Well, there's no allegation in this indictment that any American knew that they were corresponding with any Russian, no allegation in the indictment that any American citizen committed any crime, no allegation that in fact it altered the votes in this country. So basically nothing's changed except we all you know, we would have listened to people like Devon Newness. We would have been in a much better position. But of course we don't listen to people like Devon Newnest because Barack Obama was president. It all happened on his watch, didn't happen on Donald Trump's watch, happen on Putin's watch anyway. UM, I'm not going to rehash all the the hearings yesterday, but UM, there is some interesting developments as it relates to the President in his ongoing battle with the fake news industry. First, he gave an interview with the Sun and said, Um, in this joint press conference, CNN got you know, Jim Acosta, who's the worst of the worst, and he's got an abusive bias on his part. Anyway, So the President was going to take a question from Jim Acosta, and he said, no, we don't talk to fake news. Here's what he said. It's not an easy negotiations. John Roberts, go ahead, No, no, John Roberts, go ahead. CNN's fake news. I don't take take questions from CNN is fake news. I don't take questions from seeing John Roberts at Fox. Let's go to a real network. Lets well, we're a real network too, sir, Thank you, mister president. UM, Okay, well, we've got the greatest tits of Jim Acosta. Maybe I'll play them on TV tonight. Because Jim Acosta is hostile to the president, Jim Acosta has an agenda, and Jim Acosta is obviously biased. So why should the President bother taking his question because it's all basically to fit his his predetermined narrative. Um. By the way, this is a Sean Hannity show Alert Republicans are actually doing something smart. I mean, besides the Freedom Caucus, they do something smart pretty much every day. But you know that the Democrats have been out there campaigning that they want to abolish ICE. Basically they want open borders. Goes to the heart of what my argument is that they don't have any vision for the future of the country in twenty eighteen, is about impeaching Trump, open borders, keeping Obamacare, wanting their crumbs back, and not wanting the President to have a choice to pick the Preme Court justice of that he wants anyway. GOP House Majority leader Kevin McCarthy is saying the Democrats they're going to get their chance to abolish all Interior immigration Enforcement officers before the twenty eighteen mid term elections. Now the people that have actually put forward the bills are saying that they don't want the vote. Oh so it's basically a show to say we're early against ice. But it put to the task of standing up what they say they believe in. That's not something they actually want to do. They're not involved in doing that part. Anyway. Let's get to some calls here. We're in London. I think you'll enjoy the video from earlier today when I went out amongst the protesters. We'll start with Martha Is in Winchester, Virginia. Martha, how are you Welcome to London and welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, I've been hearing you talk about your ends insomnia for such a long time, and I just want you to know that as a fellow sufferer, I went through seven and a half years of I couldn't sleep, zombie Mama. It was awful. One of the things that helps me was a massage technique, and I would I'm a massage therapist now. That's one of the reasons because this helped me so much, and I would like to tell you about it if I can say, Okay, but I just want to say, and I don't just say this. My pillow has changed my life. And I do sleep better because I don't know why. It's just my head like falls into this and it's like heaven. It makes a very big difference for me. But I'm not the best sleeper, and I don't really want to spend most of my waking hours sleeping. I figure I'll do that when I'm dead, be plenty of sleeping. Then there are some there's some spots on your jaw, at the corner of your eye, at basic neck. I mean that's basically go and on your neck. And you don't have to lie down on a table without clothes on. You can sit in a chair and have somebody do this. If I could send you a diagram or just an overview, would you be interested in reading it and learning about it. I appreciate your kindness, I really do. I'm not one of those people that loves massages. Remember when I gave Velma um the I give I'm gonna give it to her now every Christmas and every Birthday, Velma from Vegas, and I sent her to get a massage, and the manny and the petty and this and that I'm not a massage person. I don't like strangers touching me, so I think I think that would make me more tense and more Wait, why are you laughing? Why? I just yeah, I can't. I can't picture this being your thing, but we would be more than happy to look into it. Linda and I need a massage. Oh you guys want one? Okay, we'll send you if you want to. We actually have a free day tomorrow. You guys can go out to whatever day you want. Oh, look at Linda's into That sounds good. All right. While you're doing that, I'll go to the Winston Churchill War Museum because that's where I'm gonna be. Oh that was great. I was already there. It was great. Um. Anyway, I do appreciate your concern. Thank you, Martha. That's very nice to you. Tanya is in Texas. Hey Tanya, how are you welcome to London? Hi? Sean, thank you, love you and your team. I'm a young blonde anesthetist who loves President Trump. But I can't even wear a Make America Great Again t shirt here in Texas for fear of being accosted by the local tolerant liberals. Why are the left so hypocritical and hostile? Well, I just experienced it. I mean I all I did was going to a crowd of protesters anti Trump protesters here in London today, and the level of hostility towards me, I mean it was palpable. This is how it's always been. The intolerance. Now is the left the intolerance? You know? Look at Secretary Nielsen, look at PAMBANDI, look at the intolerance Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I mean, she's with her kids for crying out loud, leave the woman alone, and and others, so many other people, and it's happening more and more. I'm just not going to live my life intimidated. I look, I'll be very, very blunt. Most of my team did not want me to go into this London protest today. I faced strong opposition, and after the strong opposition, I just said, we're going. That's it. Linda went out. But nobody knew who Linda was. But she and Linda actually did it a little differently than I did. She acted like she was on their side. So how do we do this? How do we get rid of Trump? She was asking them, and they still can't answer the question. M look, at the end of the day, I do think human beings have a capacity to recognize, understand sincerity, honesty, and truth when they see it. And we've got a hope that there's more people that love truth rather than lies. And if they want to shut us down, silence us, etc. We just can't allow that because then we lose ourselves, we lose our country, and we lose everything that so many other people fought for. So it's really not an option. And I know a lot of people don't like confrontation. I don't have any problem with confrontation at all. And when a guy came by and tried to push me from behind, I literally started, hello, hey, come back here, let's go, and he ran like a little little baby that he was ran away, big courageous guy. Tanya, thank you. Joey is in Atlanta News Talk WSB. What's going on, Joey? How are you? My friend? Welcome to London. It's a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you, sir. So these indictments that came from the Rob Rosenstein or Stein, I believe that the timing on this is imperative because of course Trump is going to meet with Putin. Sue and I feel like that just gives the left or the media one of the same, the ability to set the narrator Trump and say that if you don't talk to Trump or when he gets back or whatever, you didn't talk to Trump, you didn't talk to Putin about these indictments and how you wanted to extract these people so they can get set on trial here in America. And I would assume the President will talk about it. Yeah, but listen, the timing is suspect and it's dubious. I do think the President probably was giving a heads up about it. I'll look into it later, and if he was, he probably would have had the ability to stop it, because he has that power, but he probably didn't care. And I think if I'm Vladimir Putin, the thing I would fear the most out of this week is the President saying to Angela Merkel, you're being really stupid and you're compromising your national security by importing seventy percent of your energy needs from Vladimir Putin in a hostile regime known as Russia. And I also think what the President very cleverly was doing the very few seemed to pick up on, was pointing out that America has the natural gas energy resources that could take care of all of Europe without the security threat. So that would be devastating to Vladimir Putin, probably would be the end of his regime. Actually, you want me to read this? Pleased? Hi? How was Trump other than Milannia? Trump is a disaster. I have no idea how destabilizing his presidency would be. Repeat that again? No, No, he's not, will stop it. I want to believe the path through throughout for consideration in Andy's office if there's no way he gets elected. But I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy and the unlikely event you die before you're forty. What the f happened to our country? Lease? Okay? Read it again that way, sir? Did you not? Was not? You just want to hear it? Give me to repeat it please? Okay, sir? Sure, happy to indulge you. I can't pull away? What the f happened to our country? Lease? You said you did not personally receive documents from mister or but the FBI did. Is actually correct? And you also said ye I got documents from a different source than mid September, different source than whom different source from mister Or. It was not mister Or who provided the initial documents that I became aware of in mid September. So mister Or did not hand you the dossier. That's miss Or didn't hand me anything. Mister provided information to the FBI that included material that is what everybody's calling the dossier. And then again since again mister Or provided what he provided some elements of reporting that my understanding has originated from mister Steele. So mister so Bruce Or did give the FBI information relative to the dossier. Yes, all right, now we're too Sean Hannity show as we continue from London. Where do you see the video tonight on Hannity. Yeah, I actually went down on that crazy London protest right in the heart of it, right in the middle of it. A little test the at times, but we handled ourselves pretty well. That of course, what you just heard was some of the testimony from the ever so arrogant, pompous, and narcissist Peter Struck, who I would argue is in a lot more trouble today than he was yesterday. Behind closed doors. His girlfriend Lisa Page is to be meeting all day with Congressional investigators. When we get new information on that will bring it to you. One of the big developments is what you just heard there, and that had to do with Bruce and Nellie or Nelly or worked on the so called dossier, and of course it was Bruce Ord handing it over to the FBI. And now, of course it was unverified that it was used to obtain a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate based on unverified, uncorroborated bought and paid for, foreign national put together, funneled money with Russian lies and Russian government lies. I know everybody's making a big deal about the indictments today of what twelve Russians. Okay, that's really interesting. But the problem is, and the headline is, as Rob Rosenstein says, twelve Russian intel officers are indicted by the Special Councils Office. Well, number one is no allegation the indictment had any Americans knew that they were corresponding with Russians. It has nothing to do with anything involving the Trump campaign. No allegation in the indictment that any American citizen committed a crime, No allegation a conspiracy, changed the vote count, or any of these things. It just seems to me that Robert Muller and Rod Rosenstein wanted, once again, like they did the last time, get the word Russia out there, and then when they actually challenge him in court, they don't want to allow discovery to the Russians that they charged. So what's the point except the show? Anyway? We continue from London and Sarah Carter has been on the ground with us. She'll be with us in Helsinki on Monday, also joining us an investigative reporter and Greg Jarrett his book is coming out. It is called The Russia Hoax, The Illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton framed Donald Trump. Let's start with the summary of yesterday and Lisa pages in today and what do you think of these indictments? Greg Jarrett, Well, I find the very entertaining to watch CNN's take on this. They put Adam Schiff on the air, who's the ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, and all but indicted and impeached President Trump over this indictment. Today. At one point in time, he starts going off on some crazy hypothetical of Trump being taken away in handcuffs, and Dana Bash speculating she's an anchor there at CNN, speculating that there would inevitably be indictments of Trump campaign associates. Nowhere in this indictment, I've read it thoroughly, does it suggest that there is no connection to Donald Trump. There's no connection to the Trump campaign. But you know, if you allow democrats like Schiff and liberal media like Dana Bash to have at it, Dale condemn and Donald Trump for if he costs or sneezes. Yeah, I mean, and Sarah, that's the whole point here that you know, the last indictment against these bot companies of Russia. They never thought that they'd show up in court, meaning Robert Muller and his team. They showed up in court. They've written stinging, stinging indictments against the Special Council. Special Council doesn't even want to give them simple discovery because they weren't prepared for the Russian bot companies to defend themselves. And they're getting brutalized in a courtroom. And my prediction is they may end up dropping the charges. That's right, because it was all for theater, right, it was to bring Russia into the picture, to make it look like, Okay, we've done something here, and you're right. Robert Muller was stunned. He was surprised. Jenny Ree, who was handling that case, was stunned and surprised. And it opened it up for discovery. I say, let it go forward, just like the Russian company wants. Let them open up for discovery. Have Muller turnover everything they have. And now we have this indictment twelve gru intelligence agents from Russia. There is no way anything is going to happen with this. This is not the first time the Russians, so that would be like, well, first of all, Devin Nuness because nobody disputes that the Russians wanted to influence our elections. Absolutely. Devin Nunez warned about it in a Washington Times piece back in twenty fourteen. That is going to happen. It was just before the election. If we're going to be accurate here that Barack Obama is saying, no serious person would ever think that any outside entity could influence our elections. And he didn't lift a finger even though he was warned by Nunes and others that this would happen. This all happened on his watch, not on Donald Trump's watch. Absolutely, So I guess the next question is, all right, so where do we go with that? Greg Jared, I mean sounds to me. Are they going to allow discovery if in fact lawyers would be like the Russians indicting CIA agents in Russia? Are we ever going to allow the American CIA agents to go on in Russia or extradite them to Russia? It's never happening. Well, I assume that none of the twelve defendants in today's indictment or anywhere near the United States, and we don't have an agreement with them for extrasitions. So it's easy to file an indictment. Proving a case is actually hard, as Robert Muller has found out, because several months ago, when he indicted other Russians and companies associated with them, he figured he'd never have to prove his case. It's really easy. I'll just to render the indictment and brag about it. Well, what he didn't expect was that a company that is actually named in that indictment had counsel make an appearance on their behalf and started asking for documents and discovering all of a sudden Muller didn't know what to do. Oh my god, what are we going to do? So he starts to assigning lawyers from the Department of Justice and borrowing them to try to do his jock does he don't know how to do it? Eighty what was it? An eighty page stinging rebuttal just it was a Muller beatdown, which I'm sure you read. Let's go back to yesterday. We don't know what's happening with Lisa Page yet. I'm sure we'll be getting some leaks coming out shortly. I would love to see Lisa Page and Peter Struck actually at the same hearing and let them answer questions together and see, well, did you know what this meant? Did you know what this meant? What did you think when you said, you know, he's a loathsome or we're going to stop him, or we want an insurance policy? So my question is, what were the biggest parts of yesterday? And do you think, Sarah Carter, that Peter Struck now finds himself in trouble. Oh, I certainly think he finds himself in trouble. And I think Jim Jordan's questioning of him was very telling and very important that he did not want to explain how he received those copies of the dossier. I think that's the crux of a lot of this, And Lisa Page is going to have some of those answers, because remember she's just not a regular FBI agent. She was general call, so she was working directly with McCabe and Coomy. And who was she meeting with, who was she talking to? How did she play a role in this beyond just the text messages that we've seen. Those are the questions they're going to be asked. I mean, where did she get a copy of all of these that's right? Was there somebody deep within the deep state that might have handed it over another urgency, maybe another agency? Maybe there were people involved in collecting that information, would be the NSA, the CIA, possibly the CIA, maybe the NSA. I mean, because remember they were listening in on these conversations. This was not all about the FBI. There was a lot of evidence that much of this was happening in Great Britain early on before July thirty fourth, before the FBI actually says they opened the investigation. There was a lot of things happening on the ground right here in London that they were collecting information. Who knows were they sharing information with the United States? Was m I six sharing information? Was GCHQ collecting telephone calls or information on people within the Trump administration or back then during the Trump campaign and then sharing that with the United States. I think these are questions that Congress wants to know. Let's go back to yesterday and your thoughts on struck beyond being extraordinarily arrogant and pompous and narcissistic, and I think the thing that he must really think, we're really dumb, smelly people that go to Walmart, because nobody can believe a single word that came out of his mouth. I know I certainly didn't your thoughts, Greg Jarrett, Well, he was smug and pompous, a constant smirk that was stapled onto his face for hours. He was insufferable and incorrigible, the personification of the arrogance of power and corruption. But the critical point he was asked, he sat down as a computer and changed Coomy's statement that Hillary Clinton was grossly negligent, which is a crime, he changed it to extremely careless. So what did he say yesterday? When asked by Congressman Senson Brenner about that, he said, oh, you know, I don't specifically recall that, but he did say that Komy made the decision to change the wording. Well, that's interesting because Coomy told the Inspector General that he doesn't recall the original draft where he wrote gross negligence, and doesn't recall any of the decisions to change it, doesn't recall discussions about that, even though note show Comy attended meetings about the change of the wording that exonerated Hillary Clinton and participated in those. So everybody's got amnesia. You know, Struck doesn't remember changing the words. Coomy doesn't remember writing the words. And this was the crux of the case. If he'd stuck with his original findings that she committed gross negligence, she would have been indicted one hundred and ten times because there were a hundred in ten classified emails on an unauthorized private computer service. So the thing though, nobody can remember, well, and there any crimes here that you see, oh I do see. I look. It is a crime, if you're an FBI agent or FBI director to clear somebody in the face of overwhelming evidence of guilt for political reasons. It's called obstruction of justice. And then to use a knowingly fabricated, unverified document to spy on somebody through a warrant, that's abusive power. That's a that's a federal felony crime. And then of course leaking stolen presidential memorandums, which Komy did, some of which contain classified information. Those are crimes. So you know, the law enforcers became the lawbreakers, sir. But who who will enforce this this action? I mean, who's going to charge them with crimes? And we have adj sorry to say, but the Department of Justice under Attorney General Jeff Sessions doesn't appear to be doing anything. We got Rod Rosenstein now with this silly indictment against twelve gru intelligence agents from Russia. When think about the timing here, right before the President goes to meet with Vladimir Putin and Helsinki, they indict twelve Russian intelligence agents that they'll never be able to get here in the United States. You know, the only thing that smells, as Peter Struck likes to put it, the only thing that smells is their big fat lies. That's what smells here. Well, just when does everyone get held accountable, which is everything that we wandered and talked about. All Right, we got to take a break. We'll come back. Eight hundred nine for one Seawan is our toll free telephone number. More with Sarah more Greg Greg's book now or about eight days away from its release. Go to Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, Andy McCarry, Nigel Farajel coming up today in eight hundred and nine four one Sean from London. It's the Sean Hannity Show. A right, final thoughts as we continue before we get to Andy McCarthy at the bottom of this hour of Sarah Carter. Okay, so now we've got Lisa Page today, what are we going to find out? I think they're going to be very curious about Lisa Page's involvement. As I said before, They're going to want to know the scope. They're going to want to know one, how involved was she general counsel? She was general counsel to McCabe. What was his involvement? Did she have access to the dossier? Did she have any meetings with people on the hill? Did she meet with other people from other agencies? How is she involved in this? All right, we gotta give Greg the last word, then we got to move on. Greg. Lisa Page will be asked today about changing the wording that exonerated Hillary Clinton. She told the IG quote to use a term that actually has a legal definition would be confusing end quote. Well, it most certainly would. How do you exonerate Clinton under gross negligence if the very phrases used to describe her behavior? It was a clever legal charade conjured to exculpating clear Hillary Clinton, who was a scheme by all of these people, struck in Page and come and McCabe. The fix was in your title captures it the Russia hoax, the illicit scheme too. Well, let Pillory go free and of course go after Donald Trump. It's out in less than a well a week and a half now, Greg Jarrett, thank you for being with us. Sarah Carter, thank you. Will be Monday in Helsinki when we come back from London. Andy McCarthy joins us, and we'll talk about the indictment from today and whether it's meaningful or not. That and of course I meet the London protesters straight ahead. That's on Hannaday tonight. I five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, as we wrapped this week up in London tonight on Hannity, we went out in the middle of the protest, and kind of shocking to me, everybody here in London knew who I was. Got a little tense for the team that I was around. Security was a little nervous. They didn't like that we stayed out as long as we did. We only had one little minor incident. Minor wasn't I'm bad all right? Andy McCarthy, National Review Online is with us, Andy, how are you good to talk to you? Wish you would hear with us Sean. It's great to be with you. I'm here in Bucolic, New Jersey, so it's not nearly as uh as cool as the life you lead. Yeah, let listen. Um. It was very strange by the way every one of the people that I interviewed here, they're all wasted. Didn't you ask them, well, why are you protesting? Trump? Is mad? Bad, bad? He's full of hey, and give me an example. You just she's hateful, um um. And then they're like, all right, I don't have anything else to say. That's about the extent of the conversation. You get and it was. It was. The funniest part was one guy goes, I know way do I I know you? It's you and he's like it was funny, and oh I did it one cue moment, it was like, holy it's you and uh. It was one of those what are you doing in the middle of our protest. It was one guy that goes, I want you to know I don't agree with the thing you say, but you're you're welcome here. You're welcome here, and I'm like, thank you. And he had a cute little daughter. We actually had a cute moment with her. Let me start with, we had a previous indictment of these Russian bot companies, and I don't think that Robert Muller and his team were ready for the fact that those bot companies were going to in fact fight back. And I've never heard of a case. Maybe you can help me out as a former prosecutor involved in the blind Shake case, for example, where you're gonna make charges against somebody but you're really not expecting them to respond, and then when they respond, you were saying, well, we're not going to allow discovery in the case. That's not how the system works, and now we got Rosenstein saying twelve Russian intel officers are indicted, which, by the way, I've always believed Russia is trying to influence our elections. Devin Nunez wrote about it in twenty fourteen, and of course Obama said, uh, no intelligent person would believe they could impact our elections, but he was impacting the elections in Israel. But what do you make of this? To me, it seems like they just want to get the word Russia into the mix to make it sound nefarious and none of it's connected to Donald Trump or his team. Yeah, well, that's certainly the way the indictment reached Sean, and it's it's obvious that they went out of their way not to make the mistake that they made the last time. So all of the dozen who are charged today who are named are all individuals, that is to say, people, not companies. And that's important because the likelihood that somebody is going to show up and demand a trial as that as that Kremlin Front company did in the troll Form case is really nil. I mean, that's not going to happen, so um where they're never going to get somebody in a US court room. For trial to make this as much like a political document as it is a legal charging instrument, in the sense that they'll never really have to prove it in court. I don't mean to suggest, just like you did not mean to suggest. I don't mean to suggest that I have any doubt that the Russians did this. My only point is that, you know, it's one thing to say that you can draw with confidence in an intelligence report that the Russians did this. It's quite another thing to prove it in court beyond a reasonable doubt. And I don't think Muller will ever have to do that. The main thing I was concerned about when I heard about this today was did the president get briefed on it? Because the timing of it is very peculiar to do it right before he sits down with Putin. Well, was it done on purpose? Well, it sounds like the president was briefed on it, which means he could have ordered them not to do it. So you know, the question is where they trying to force the president's end or were they trying to strengthen his hands? And you know, maybe in some way since he was obviously he knew this was going to happen before it did, could have told them not to do it. I assume that that means it strengthens his hand somewhat going into the conversation with Foot, and I think it would be an awful thing. It be to me it would be a firing offense if you pulled something like this, with the timing of something like this, and didn't give the president a heads up before something is important is Monday. Do you think ultimately that the Bot company case has to get dropped because they don't want to allow discovery. I think the case against the company gets dropped, and maybe that means the case against all three companies. I don't know that they have to completely dismiss the indictment. They probably leave it intact against the individuals, but I don't think that case is ever going to get tried against the company. And so, in other words, it seems to me that after a year and a half and they didn't find any evidence of Trump Russia collusion, that what we are left with is, look, we don't we know this, Andy, Because remember the original draft of the Exoneration of Hillary that Peter Struck and James Comey were working on. This is in early Mayor twenty sixteen. They didn't interview her seventeen other key witnesses till July. But it also not only did it have the legal standard gross negligence, which was changed to extreme carelessness, but it also mentioned that foreign entities had hacked into Hillary Clinton's email server, where we know top secret classified information was being stored, which is a violation of the Espionage Act. But we know, and it's likely that at least six according to them, and they just took it out. And I think that's part of the assist that they gave Hillary when she should have been indicted. But isn't it likely that Russia, that China, North Korea, ran and other countries got into her server too, And why aren't they going after them because it doesn't fit their narrative right well, at least one of them, for sure. And I think Coomy as much as he came as close to admitting that in the July fifth press conference as you could come without just coming right out and saying it. So whether that's actually being investigated, we certainly haven't heard any indication of it from the Justice Department. And again, I think it underscores the point that we're making here, which is if you're returning indictments that you don't think you're ever going to have to prove in court. These are public relations documents more than charging instruments, and I think it's perfectly fair to draw the conclusion that you're trying to craft a narrative. And it's the question I have about all this, Sean, is this was under investigation before we had Muller. And remember it was Mueller. It was Komy firing on May ninth of twenty seventeen that triggered Rosenstein to bring Malor aboard. I look at this indictment today and one of the reactions I have, the same as I had when I saw the troll form indictment, is why do we need a special counsel for this? I don't see a single reason why the Justice Department couldn't have handled this case. I think that's a good point in and of itself. What did you think of the testimony of Peter Struck yesterday? What are the observations you made, Sean? If you want to do this in a competent way, there's two things that have to happen. Number One, you have to be able to hold people in contempt when they either refuse to answer questions or refuse to produce documents. And you have to have the documents first before you interview the witness, so you can force the witness to walk through the documents and get to the bottom of what happened. If you don't have that, you have what we have right now, which is a situation where Strack gets to tell his part of the story that he chooses to discuss and that the FBI chooses to allow him to discuss. He doesn't answer the questions he doesn't want to talk about, and there's no effective way to cross examine him because the Justice Department the FBI won't give the committee the documents. So I really think I would want to. I want to start holding people in contempt. Before I went any further with this, I think, well, if they don't do that, doesn't it mean that anybody that is subpoened to appear before Congress, and I know that Lisa Page is doing it behind closed doors today, Why would they ever feel compelled to show up or why would the Department of Justice ever really feel compelled to hand over documents, some of which were requested well over a year ago. When there are no consequences if they don't do it. And you know, it's just like if there's no consequences if you delete emails that were subpoened and use bleach bid and bust up your devices. You know, I would imagine other people think they can get away with that too, but I would think that's bad advice to give people. Yeah, well, look exactly what you just said, Sean. Look what happened. I mean, Lisa Page played games with them this week, right and what was to come up, And she not only didn't get penalized for it, she not only didn't get held in contempt, she didn't have to have her interview until until she could sit for ten hours and watch Struck testify. So she knows what the whole script is before she goes in there, and she goes in there with the same FBI lawyers who were going to tell her what questions she can answer. So if they were playing games like that with me, I would either hold people in contempt or if the fact, if the if, the brute fact of life is that I don't have enough votes to help to hold people in contempt, then I'd close up shop until I got the documents but I don't really. The bottom line is going forward. So we got a joint defense, in other words, and that means they can all get on the same page and basically memorize our lines and say the same thing, and everything should be hunky dory. And meanwhile, they were involved in I think rigging an investigation into Hillary. Do you have any doubt Hillary committed these crimes that we talk about and obstructed No, No, I think that she got she got the sweetheart deal. It's not even a sweetheart deal. She didn't get prosecuted, So you know, it's they had a mountain of evidence against her, and they contorted a statute to avoid think about that, Sean, with everything else that they did in connection with the investigation, they still had to rewrite the statute in order to rationalize not charging her. I mean, that's how you mean an extreme carelessness instead of gross negligence. Yeah. Well, I also think it was a layup of of a straight in tent case. I you know, I know we're focused in on this changing and I'm not saying that's insignificant to changing the documents or to changing the standard from gross negligence, which is in the statute, to extreme carelessness, which isn't. But I think that argument obscures something that to me as a prosecutor is even more clear, which is that if I were doing the case, I would have done it as a straight in tent case and then argued to the jury that even if you have any death, that after she intentionally created this offline system to have all our communications under circumstances where she knew, like eighty percent of her job as Secretary of State was going to be classified information. Even if you don't think she did that willfully your fallback position as you can get her on gross negligence, But I still think it was a straight in tent case. Our friend Andy McCarthy as well US Fox News contributor to National Review Online. I'm watching what's happening in a Paul Manafort. Let me go back to Judge Ellis and what he had said at one point, which they went back to a two thousand and five tax case that didn't deal with Russia but Ukraine, and literally they're putting the screws to Manafort, so he sayings or composes, meaning saying something that will get him off the hook that would implicate Trump for the purpose of either prosecuting or getting the president impeached. And apparently he tried to get in touch with as I understand it, and he never did get in touch with a so called potential witness in this case. They never talked, and the judge threw him in jail, and he had been up to this week spending twenty three hours in solo confinement in jail sounds to me like that's a bit of an overreach. What are your thoughts, Sean, I've never heard in a white collar case of somebody being denied bail prior to trial under circumstances where everybody understands because of his notoriety. As a practical matter, if you put him in custody, you have to put him in solitaire. So it seems to me that there's about eight million ways that you could if you wanted to give him home confinement where you cut off contact with phones and computers, if that's what you're worried about. But why he has to be in custody pre trial in a non bail situation in a white collar case, it's astonishing to me. And he is an ankle bracelet, so he can't be a flight risk, right well, I was never crazy about the ankle bracelets, because sometimes that just means you're the first one to know the guy left right. But I do think that they're what they're worried about, apparently because we remember he was on bail and he had very high bail conditions, millions of dollars that were posted, and they were satisfied that he wouldn't take off. So the issue now is will he tamper with witnesses? And if that's what they're worried about, I think you could put him in home confinement and cut off ability to have communications except when he's talking to his lawyers preparing for trial. Now they have them in a jail setting, where as I understand it, it's even a couple of hours for his lawyers to have to come to visit him to get ready. I'm gonna have to leave it there. Andy McCarthy, a great writing. You've been doing great work on all of this. Also, welcome to the Fox News family. We appreciate it. Um, we'll take a break from London. When we come back. Nigel Farag checks in with us. Huge London protest today, we were out there in the middle of it. We'll play some of that sound coming up next, Going up next our final news round up and Information Overload hour. Okay, so tell me why you're protesting beating human rights and everyone should be allowed to okay, okay? And how do you feel about what's happening here in Britain? Like with Brexit, No there was what is the deal with May? Is she and or is she out with Brexit? Todas away? Because last week then the guy who was part of Brexit leave Boris Johnsons. I know David David Davids, So what does that mean? Does that mean that she really no one knows what's happening? Hu. I thought maybe it was like she played them no team remain. It was trying to get them in line and like no one's going to play the more so wants to do it. So it's just don't think anyone that wants to leave. I think it's just n and they in the EU remain of the amount of referendums that have been held, and like it's just opinion. It doesn't have to be made into her praying like actual college. And then how long have people been planning this because we've on't eve been here. A couple of days. But this is clearly well organized. So what happens? Is it like a Facebook thing? Is it at Twitter thing? So it's also shot okay, So tell me where you're protesting. I'm protesting because Johnson is the last human being alive. Uh huh. So we're here just to say that we don't even leave with them, we don't really like and yeah, just to make a stands against everything is standsible. Now you have a very very clear sign. It looks like a murderer. Marny man it if there's cut out letters other than letter, okay with it. So tell me why you're protesting. Well, it's all this here I am. But yeah, just the fact that he is the worst Christie, that he's destroying the relationships between the UK. How do you think about to resame? Oh it's stay. But do you think do you think she's as bad as Trump? Okay? And then how do you feel about Boris Johnson and Dave David's leading. I think it's good that they left. Yeah, I think that they've got their own agenda uh huh. And I think it's there with undermine interasa me which in a situation for a situation that we're in at the moment and a stable situation. I just think that this quaint myself. So now let me and let me ask you guys question, get close. What do you need to be the next best step about for Trump? You clearly hate Trump? Yeah, so what do we do to your stick? All right? That was Linda. She went down for radio in the midst of those protests. Uh it got a little more heated when I went down there was actually a big surprise to me. And we're gonna air this tonight on Hannity. Oh nobody's gonna know me down there, and every single person at this protest recognized me. I was really surprised. Nigel Farage is with US European parliament member, Fox News contributor and of course the leader in the Brexit movement and a friend of the show. So I go down there and uh, well it was getting a little tense down there. So they didn't particularly like me. I had no idea I was that well known here in uh in Great Britain, but apparently I am. It was surprising not a lot of people didn't particularly like me, and I don't think they particularly like you either, as the leader of Brexit at least this particular crowd. No, they absolutely hate me. In fact, I've been dodging them all day. I was even dragged out of a building through the fire escape later on when they found out where I was. But you know, did you notice the accents of all the people in that crowd. They're all upper middle class with rich mummies and dadd is. They've all got named like Jocasta or Hugo or Sebastian. None of them actually work, really, you know, they're the least representative group of the British people have ever come across. And they're the same people that attend the anti Brexit marches and all the rest of it. I honestly, honestly, please in America, don't take it too seriously. It wasn't as big as they had anticipated it was. It was And here's the thing that I can tell you is when I asked people, well, what don't you like about Donald Trump? They had no answer. They just and every single person and I'm not making this up that I talked to because I have to get close to them, they were absolutely drunk and wasted. So it seemed more like a party than anything anything else to me. And when I'd asked him about Donald Trump. Well, he doesn't want open borders, and I'm like, why should we have open borders. We're a nation of laws. And it wasn't like the most intelligent crowd. It seemed like a lot of people there for the party, you know, as you say, it's a day out, and quite a lot of dilated pupils, if you know what I mean. All sorts of substance is being used. No, I mean, we've just had wall to wall negativity in this country about Donald Trump. Very very few people out there put in a positive case. And remember, amongst our political figures, shod I was literally the only one that congratulated him and supported him during the presidential campaign. So they just had it fed into them. But somehow this guy is the most evil, sexist, racist person on earth. As you say, when you ask them, they can't tell you why. All right, let me ask about Teresa May and what's going on with Boris Johnson. Does Teresa May hang on as Prime Minister? And is the president right that she really is wrecked? Brexit which she said earlier today, is going to happen in twenty nineteen. It's remarkable. Somebody must wind her up at the back. She must actually be a robot, not a human being, because she keeps on coming out with this phrase, you know, we're leaving the European Union, We're taking back control of our borders, our laws, our money, and you know, you just want to cheer. And then you see the detail of what she does, and she portrays every single aspect of this. Well, does she thinks just my lying to us, somehow she can get away with it. I don't know. I will tell you I'm convinced of one thing. If she remains as Prime Minister, we will not get the Brexit that we voted for. And I'm very interested that a piece of polling out this afternoon shows that fifty one percent of people think Donald Trump was right to Brisizer over breakit. And I've just got everything crossed that she's got rid of pretty women quickly. Well, what about Boris Johnson? Does he have a chance? Well, Boris is Boris who President Trump called my great friend. It's worth remembering that Boris was very disparaging about Trump in the election campaign. Time, you know, time moves on. Boris did back Brexit. You know, he came to the party very late, but he did back Brexit. He's now resigned as Foreign Secretary. He is making a speech in the House of Common the resignation speech, on Monday, and I think it is from that speech that people will decide whether he looks like the next Prime minister or not. Hey, I'd rather have him than to reason day any day. Let me ask you. So, the President first met in Brussels with NATO leaders, and from the get go, the opening breakfast, the President was brutally honest. And that is is that the other NATO nations, Alliance nations, Allion nations are not paying their fair share. And here's the United States paying the bulk of money of the billion dollars that they spend every year on NATO. Well, we pay in the United States over seven hundred billion of it. By the way, Great Britain's paying their fair share. It was supposed to be two percent. They pay over that. They're the next highest in terms of actual dollars an amount, but it's significantly less. I think it's about sixty one point five billion. And then you have Germany. That's one of the main reasons for the alliance is they want to prepare against hostile nations like Russia. And unfortunately you have the German chancellor that's making, you know, these billions and billions and billions of dollars of energy deals where they're allowing themselves to become seventy percent dependent on the lifeblood of the German economy. Why would we do that, especially when you have somebody like the United States, we have an abundance of natural gas that we would gladly import export over to our friends in Western Europe. Yeah, I mean, look, you know, the NAT thing has been getting wrong for a long long time, way too much freeloading going on. And there's a different dimension to this too, which nobody talks about, which is of course that the European Union itself intend to build its own army, its own air force, its own maybe, and it's deluding itself that it can do it on one percent of GDP, not two percent. So there are quite a few big clashes going on here. But I think Trump was absolutely right to say what he said. I wish the reason may had been a bit more fulsome in her support, whether or not Donald Trump's closing address where he sort of claimed the great success had happened and that countries were going to pay up. Whether or not it does happen, I think still remains to be seen. Well, the NATO General Secretary actually said they had a record revenue year in large part because President Trump was demanding that other nations begin to pay their fair share, and if they get in arrears, they're still responsible for the payment. Yeah. Well, let's hope that's the case. And isn't it ironic that so much of the mainstream media says that President Trump somehow is in league with Vladimir Tutsin. You know, the last thing Tutsin wants is the NATO to be strong, and Trump I think he's making it stronger. Oh you believe that the media is saying that, No, because I think just the opposite. If you pay, if you pay very close attention. And it's interesting. We've got some things going on in the United States, you know, the Special Counsel and Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General. Today they announced the indictment of twelve Russian intelligence officers in the lead up to this, which the timing is very dubious to me. But putting that aside, for Joe. Second, if people would listen to what President Trump was saying to Angela Merkel and Germany. He was saying, you cannot give over so much control to Vladimir Putin an unsavory character and a hostile regime in Russia. You can't become seventy percent dependent on all your energy from them, and then you know, ask us to pay the bulk of moneys to protect you if something goes wrong here. And now that America has opened up its vast energy resources, it would be quite easy for Germany to now begin to import a lot of their energy needs from US, probably get a better rate, and also at the end of the day, create American jobs, but also would be better for security and the NATO alliance, and it would devastate the Putin economy in the process. I'd be very nervous if I was Vladimir Putin today. Well exactly, you know, he's he wants to take away these billions of dollars the Germans ascending them. He wants NATO to be strong, and I think he's making it stronger. He also is worth remembering did expel a lot of Russian diplomats after the Soulsby mob trunk poisoning. Now, just this consistent idea, and we saw it today from some of the questioning and NBC questioning the president today in the UK, there's still this obsessive, crazy idea that somehow Trump colluded with the Russians, and he's on Vladimir Putins and is on Vladimir Putin inside, and it's just nonsense. It's a nonsense because he just basically talked about the ability of Germany to wreck the entire Russian economy, which would then put the regime of Putin in jeopardy. Nigel Farage a great friend of the program. I think we're going to see on Hannity tonight. We'll look forward to it. And I enjoyed going out amongst the protesters here in London. It was a lot of fun. We'll see you tonight in studio. Thank you for being with us, sir, see you later. Thank you. And as we get to our busy phones and sadly we have a good bye coming up on the radio show, we'll start with Amy and Colorado. Amy, Hi, how are you welcome to London? Glad you called? Hi, Sean, thanks for taking my call. They didn't have a baby Hannity balloon today. I didn't see a baby Hannity balloon. One guy came up and I was doing an interview and he comes in from behind and he tries to push me, and then I'm like, oh, come on up. They get back, I said, Sunshine right over and he ran away like a little baby. He's just, you know, one of these guys that I'm like, Okay. There were other people really hating on me, though. I mean, you're just looking in their face and they're like, why is he here? Anyway, it was kind of fun. We'll show you tonight what's on your mind today. Well, I was just so embarrassed for Peter Struck yesterday. He made himself in the FBI look so awful, just set smirk on his face, how he talked about Trump supporters. And I think the most significant part is where they made him read his own checks and he was I think he was a little embarrassed to do that, and me, for one, I was offended. Listen, I don't think he knew he was embarrassing himself. I'm convinced he believes he is a super patriot. I believe he thinks that he's it, he's the it guy, and that he had a role, that he was going to save America and he was going to stop us from the evil Donald Trump. By any means necessary, we'll stop him. And if we don't, we got an insurance policy just in case you're forty years old and just you know, getting an accident, you're about to die. So the evidence is overwhelming, it's incontrovertible. The case is now clear that he is at the heart of the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history, and that is they wanted to steal an election. They tried to steal and rig an election, and then they tried to cover it all up, and bit by bit, piece by piece, we have been exposing it and it is now pretty much proven. I wish it wasn't the case. How this ever happens in the United States of America's kind of shocking. It shouldn't happen in the United States, but it did, and now we've got to make sure that we prevent it from ever happening again. And the way you do that is to first hold those that were responsible accountable for their actions. And that's what we gotta do. All right. When we come back, we're saying goodbye to a member of our radio family here, not goodbye, but kind of goodbye. It's a bit of sad gladness. We'll explain it when we get back or in London. We'll show you me in the middle of the protest in London from earlier today Tonight at nine Nineel Farage. Tonight we'll have the latest Lisa Page testifying today and much more Hannity Fox News, the best coverage on television. We hope you'll join us. We'll continue from London all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour. Eight hundred nine for one Sean is our number if you want to be a part of the program. Normally here on a Friday we would do our Friday Florida Georgia Line Concerts series. We're actually moving in another direction instead of getting your hands up getting ready for that summer of fun Friday Good time us. It's with sad gladness actually that we have to say goodbye because somebody's been on this show for a decade and we've we've been following the whole story of Lauren, who is the well I guess she's the single closest contact person to all of us smelly people from Walmart, who are irredeemable deplorables, who cling to our God, our guns, our bibles, our religion, because she takes all the phone calls here on the show. And an interesting the gladness part is we're happy for her because well she's getting married, thank you, Sean. And she is marrying Linda's brother, which it makes which means we've going to have another McLaughlin on the show, except she's actually moving out of state very soon, and although fairly close by, we're going to see you a lot. You know who you have to blame for this, right who? Linda? Oh? Because she set you up with her brother? Did you set that up? Let me get wait a minute, I should have known. I've ever even asked this question. They got together because of you? Yeah? Well, they kept dating terrible people and I finally had enough of it. So I thought I'd put them together and killed two birds at one stone one stone and have a very good process for me. Now, Linda's brother is not exactly like Linda's a little calmer, which is good. Everyone's calmer than me. Everyone's calmer than you, as per your announcements this whole week. Yes, exactly, um, while in a good way. Oh yeah, anyway, Sarah Carter, did I not Carter, get next to your bff? There? Did I or did I not? Give Linda and my team the biggest compliments that any boss could ever give their team. Absolutely, it was huge. It was she's amazing, she keeps the show going, incredible. And how was I when it was in the midst of chaos around here and we didn't know we were getting on the air on Wednesday? You actually took a step back and I said, everything's fine out You said everything's fine, whatever happened. I'm okay, that's right, and I'm putting no pressure on anybody. Had a trophy made for you today? You didn't. Yeah, it's beautiful. Yeah, you're full of it. Yeah. I put the London flag on it and everything. I said, calms boss in London. Well, anyway, back to Lauren. So she's gonna get married to Linda's brother in I believe August September seven seventh. Good job, very close the national holiday. Very everybody that works for me is getting married. Considering how much you love weddings, I can't imagine why you got every day. Yeah, exactly, not everybody. Jason still a freeman. I got that anyway, And I said this to Lauren privately and I'll say it publicly. Is that. Um, she's just a delightful, wonderful, warm individual. You can't not help love Lauren. She is kind, hard working, just amazingly generous. And Um, we're just gonna miss you. I mean, we're always going to be in touch and you're gonna still be a part of the program. I'm sure Linda's not gonna let you go that easily. We're happy that you're moving on with this part of your life. It's the best time of your life and we want you to enjoy every minute of it. And I also wanted to at the time personally to thank you, as I did privately, but I want to do a public before all you've done for the show and the hard work you put in every day, and nobody on the show ever made me cry. Well, Linda did that the other day. I never thought it was possible. We did the impossible. What we did are going away party for you. And we have that speech on tape, except somebody's not sharing it with anybody else. Yeah, I can't imagine why I want that tape and never getting it, never getting it. Well, I just want to thank you too. I mean just so you know, I mean to be honest. I don't know if you know this, but I as a kid growing up, I have vivid memories of sitting in the backseat of my parents car with your show on at three o'clock and begging my mom to change the channel because I was like, oh God, not this again. And then as time grew, I realized how much obviously the older I got, I guess I got a little bit of wisdom and I really started to enjoy your show and understood what you you spoke about and what you stand for. And it's just, let's be honest, You're you're really me, you know. It's you're very conservative. I am, of course yeah, and by there's not one person on the show that really isn't conservative, because you just can't survive the onslaught of common sense intelligence and every day and sit there as a liberal, you would either melt like the people we met the protesters today. Anyway, we put this together. I don't know, have you heard this yet, Lauren, surprise, no idea what you're talking about. We put together a little goodbye tape and you might not remember this, but getting you on the air back in the day was a bit of a chore. This is a montage of all the best moments of Lauren over the past decade. You got a lot of good feedback from being on the show yesterday, didn't you? Yes? I did. Everyone was very kind to me, and people said they have the same fear as you, and that it was very brave at you to get on the program and fight through your fear of speaking publicly. Right you do? You know it's it's a bigger fear than death. What do your parents think about this? Um? They like it. They told me I need to speak up more because I've always been scared of public speaking when I was a kid. Actually, we have like home videos of me at like school performances lip syncing the words because I didn't even want to sing out loud. The number one fear people have as public speaking, Yes, it's above death. So if you're public speaking more than death, that says a lot. You are extremely outgoing in real life, and if you know, people are going to start to pick up on that personality and then next thing you know, you'll be as irreverend as Jason and Linda. It would just you know, scream at me. Well, I mean, I don't want to scream at you, but yeah, I'll be a little more feisty. I think that would be a good word. Can I to tell you I actually got my nails done this weekend? There were four men in there all at once. Well, this is New York City, right, Well, I was in New Jersey, but it was I was a little I like manly men, I do. I don't want to see a man getting his nails done. Look, by the way, today is April fools Day. And I played a little trick on Lauren today. All right, Lauren, tell everybody what I did too. You were very sweet and you came up to me and you said, today's the day you're going on TV tonight and I and I was serious about it, very serious, and I said, you're going on. I'm not taking no for an answer. Tonight's the night. I told her, I'm not going to tell you the day you're going on tonight. Yes. Um. The funny thing is that I this morning, when I remember it, I was like, oh, it's April fools I was like, I will not be fooled today. I will not be fooled. And what happens, what happens. You have that I happened. You're killing me. Brin's been bringing a new dog, Treat to the studio. She's a little annoyed with me because I'm teaching Treat new tricks and she doesn't like them. Treat is a canine companion for independence, right, and she is in training to be a services At least Treat is alive. The last dog you brought in was like half dead. That's dog didn't even budge. Moats was great, You're just you're all hearts. No the dog. The dog didn't even play. I'm like, I want a dog that's live. Dog listens to me more than you, and you can't stand it. It's not my fault. Now, if I'm in the same room and it's between me and you, that dog is listening to me. We're going to test this out for real. I want to know. No, we aren't really want to have attack. How much do you want to bet? And I'll give you one hundred to one odds that I win one hundred dollars. Sunshine. By the way, Linda is not here today, so Sunshine is filling in. How are you? Oh, I'm really good. Yeah, I feel great today. Why does this bother you? All the time that I am under attack? Why do you get so upset by this? I get upset because ninety nine percent of the time I really love you, and well you're It really does make me upset because I wish people could see the person night you are and a lot of them don't see that, and it just kind of devastates me that they're able to pick on you and try to destroy you. It really bothers me. And they don't realize what a good person you are and how much you do for other people and how much support you give people and how much encouragement you give people. And yeah, it annoys me and it bothers me today. I want to send you that angry face emoji. Well usually I would send you a heart. Listen, here's what I don't ever want you to change, because there is a a genuine kindness, sweetness, gentleness to you that and you're fierce in your own way. I'm I'm not dismissing that, but the way you love treat and the dogs that you're raising for people service dogs, and don't ever lose that quality. I am not as nice as you, I will never be. I am far more rooted. I think in a world where I see danger and evil and I'm just energized to fight for what's right. I see plenty of that, but I also just recognize how blessed my life is. And I'm not gonna get, you know, angry and upset about things that I know I can't change, but I'll try and change the things that I think I can't. I'm here on the air. I love you, and I always will love you no matter what I say or do right now, no matter what Sean, matter what you sure I might not like you, I'm still gonna love you. You have about a minute in thirty seconds and make up your mind. I think I'm gonna let it go. You know what. She's probably the only one person on the team that I know doesn't like all of this public and I'm just for now, it's only going to be a short while. There's only so much I can contain myself, because once the thoughts begin to bubble in my mind to my brain, you know it's coming out. I love you even more than I thought I could. Oh, I get another hundred? Is that what you're saying? You have to go online and you have to look at how to make what do you call them park rines? It is the most amazing process. Way do you see how it's done and how it pops up. It's it's incredible. It's disgusting. No, it's not disgusting. They have no calories too, and they're delicious if you put the right amount of salt and seasoning on it. It's so good. What else has no calories and they're really hot and delicious. Air I would rather just have air. All right, I'm gonna make a prediction, and I may be going out on a limb here. I'm predicting. I told her you're gonna be how many days in a yi? Two weeks? Two weeks? All right, on day you're not gonna do it. The first day, you're not gonna do it, the third day. You're gonna do it on day ten. And you're blowing up my spot here. So what day are planning on doing it? You might as well tell us all now, um, day ten, I'm predicting day ten. Actually it's uh, it's today. What today? You look? Wow? Thank god? And Don gets down on one knee. Wait, get the microphone down on one knee. Oh, by the way, that before you do it, there's some people in there. Oh look, oh, there are other people in there. Look at all there's grandma and mom and dad and Linda's mom. Uh, guess what it may actually be real? I don't know. His face is very red when you talk talking to the mic. The look at me, talk to me if I know it's three months. But you know I've fallen madly in love with you, and we discussed this many times over and I thought this would be the biggest surprise because I didn't think you would expect that he married me. Oh oh, they're kissing in the studio. No tongue, all right, stop, Oh look at this. Congratulations to seventy. No, forget the wedding that's gonna happen in England. The big wedding is your wedding. See it's funny. I like to plan for other people, but I don't like being the center of attention. So my own wedding actually gives me any only way that's going to happen is if you go a lope and go to the Little White Chapel in Vegas and come home and say I'm married, because otherwise it's gonna be Oh, Lauren, oh, you're such a I would have needed you to tell my parents that I got a looped or something, so I didn't have to do it. Well, I could handle that in ten seconds, so you know, let me be the bad guy all the time. All right? That was that was ten years worth of tape and almost began to sound my job Ethan. Oh my gosh, well what Dothan? Why do you think Ethan did that? Why don't you believe Ethan did do it? Say good job, Ethan. Okay, you say good job, Ethan, good great job. You know what that audio just reminded me of what what a hopeless romantic you are? Oh they're kissing? Oh no, tongue? Oh yeah, no, I guess just the opposite. I'm not gonna makes me laugh a lot. I was cracking up. Uh. You know, we should put the video back up on Hannity dot com for the day that you got proposed to And it was a big surprise. You did not know what was coming, did you. No. I had no idea even up until the very moment, like right before, I just didn't think it was going to happen. Oh, mom and grandma and Linda's mom and everybody's mom and you know, the spirit of my parents were in there. I mean, I guess by that point you've kind of figured out that it was happening by that point, But I really didn't think he was going to do it here, So I just up until that last second, I was like, he's not proposing here. And the part is it's a visual. Now, we did do a Facebook live if I recall, and we'll put that up. But the worst part is neither one of you talk. I mean, to get you to talk on the radio has been a ten year mission. And now that I've got you to the point where you actually can converse on the air, you're leaving. I know in a long time. I mean, as you heard in the tape, I don't like being the center of attention. I leave that to you. You have the gift of gab, and you have You're very good at it. You're saying and I love it. So I give you the floor all the time and have the biggest mouth on the team. Careful, that would be about that. Careful over there. You thought the protesters were bad, watch out, Yeah, we had the protesters today. Listen. We love you, Lauren, real love you, guys. We are happy for you, and I'm gonna give you a nice wedding gift. And I've got a really special going away gift for Lauren. My dog Marley had puppies, and I am giving one of my white golden puppies Majestic Manner. It's in Indiana and it's got a website. They're the cutest puppies. And you're getting one of our male puppies. Okay, I am. I think we're gonna have to get take a pole to see who's going to how we're going to name the puppy Majestic Manner Golden dot Com. All right, Lauren, you have a great life. It was nice meeting you. Thank you so much for being in la Hand. He'll give you a dollar. By the way, when you leave your Dollar Shave Club membership runs out, you're gonna have to re up it yourself and you can go to Dollar Shaveclub dot com if you want to look, feel, and smell your best you name it. They've got shampoo condition or you can even use it on your new puppy. And they got body washed toothpaste. I have been here in London without a toothbrush the entire time. It's ridiculous. I'm in the worst hotel that I've ever been in, and they don't have a toothbrush, so I've been using my fingers every daily, swallowing bottles of mouth. Right, that's gonna wrap things up from London, although we have Hannity in three hours from right now. As we check in tonight, Sarah Carter, Greg Jarrett, we have a new report what went on with the Lisa Page. Hearings with Katherine Herridge. Uh, Nigel Farage will start, stop by Louie Gomert, Rhonda Santis and Daniel Hoffman, and then Monday we'll see you from Helsinki. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here on the air Monday,