Sean covers the "Parental Rights in Education" bill in Florida. It's not the "don't say gay" bill, it simply limits the conversation about sex for kids younger than 3rd grade. Why is this narrative so crazy?
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Come on coming to y'all city. We'll all be desire hi jail and if you want a little banging and come along right now. Of course, we had the putin price hike at the pump, so my budget has a billionaire minimum tax, a twenty percent minimum tax that applies only the top one one hundredth of one one hundredth of one percent. We also recognize, just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution where I'm coming to y'all sent you want to play our gains and saying you a new Sean Hannity show'd the scenes, information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show, America Trapped behind Enemy Lines, Day number two thirty All right, Day two thirty yep, and it's day two forty three. When Joey promised he wouldn't abandon our Americans, he's turned the page. We're never going to forget them. We can't. It's just my conscience forbids me from doing it. Um, I want to start with this issue. We we haven't spent a lot of time, but it is front and center. If you think back to the governor's race that Glenn Yunkn won, the issue of CRT education and doctrination of our kids' schools, that was a big, big campaign issue. And you've got this battle down in Florida with Disney taking on the state of Florida and completely misrepresenting the bill that was passed. The official name of the boat. It's not the Don't Say Gay bill, That's not a bill that passed the Florida legislature. That's not it. It's actually the bill's official name of the Parents' Rights and Education Bill. I'm gonna give you the details in a second. And Disney now has picked a huge fight with the state of Florida, and Rhonda Santis now has pointed out and I'm going to explain this in a minute. You know, most people don't know that Disney has special accommodations from the state of Florida, and why do they Why do you treat anybody differently than anyone else. Now, I'm pretty convinced I can't prove this that one of the reason Wall Street has not moved to a more tax friendly state is I think, if we get to the nitty gritty, I'm or that the state of New York has offered great incentives tax wise to large corporations on Wall Street, Banks, etc. To keep their headquarters in New York because financially it doesn't make sense for them to stay in New York. That that's what my gut says. And any state probably would love to have Disney, you know, build out a park because they make a lot of money, They bring a lot of people to the state. It's good for surrounding communities, it's good for the economy, all those things. But we're now getting to the point it's been so distorted that somebody's got to lay out what the facts are. And I mean, I guess the Disney now has gotten so woke that they're even when you would say ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, you can't say that anymore, you know, but you know, there is a reality. There are boys, there are girls, and there are genetics and and I'm not getting into the whole trans issue. I'm not even touching that but that raised serious questions with Leah Thomas and this, you know the fact. You know, I thought Caitlyn Jenner nailed it. I could play the LPGA Tour and I can outdrive everybody on that tour. And I did ask off air, how far do you drink? Took him out two ninety. I'm like, what um, which really infuriates me because when I used to play golf, I don't have time anymore, and my body's breaking down on my old age. But with that said, I you know, I hit a two forty two fifty two sixty and I was happy if I can keep it in the fairway. He used to be happy with that drive. Meanwhile, my son, who's you know, been an athlete his whole life. You know, he picks up a golf club, you know, the fourth time he plays, he hits a two hundred ninety five yard drive. I'm like, okay, this is just not fair. It just really is not fair. There is no don't say gay bill, it doesn't exist. Now I'm gonna start with what should exist. We spend more per capita on education than any other industrialized country. That's what we do. We get the worst results for the money. We spend. I mean, you have thirteen public high schools. I think Baltimore is number two in terms of per capita spending per student in the entire world, and they have thirteen public high schools with zero kids proficient in reading a math. How do you fail on that spectacular level? That's the New York City. I mean, there's there's scores the level of proficiency or disastrous, and then they just keep lowering the standard of these tasks to make it that if you can write your name, you basically pass. I mean, it's it's crazy. Why did juncn win in the Commonwealth of Virginia. He was fighting for parents rights. Remember this whole idea of parents are domestic terrorists and the Department of Justice was going to look into parents going to school board meetings. That would be the job of your local police. If things get a little heated at a school board meeting, it's not that bad. And what are the what should the role of a school be? What should it be? It's pretty simple. How about we teach reading, writing, math, science, computers and start there and when the kids are proficient and that then we could start having conversations about where they need to stand on social issues. Now, then you have another problem. These these two creatures that are called parents, mommies and daddies. They have values that they want to instill in their children, and those values ought not be contradicted by people with an agenda in a school that's supposed to be educating their kids. Now, schools want to set up after school curriculum and they want to have gender identity classes and any of the stuff they want to talk about. And parents, if they want to opt their kids in for this instruction, maybe they're uncomfortable talking about sex, I don't know. Let them opt in, but not during school time, not until we're proficient in all of this. So the official name of the bill, it's not that don't say gay bill. No, it is the Parental Rights and Education Bill. Now the bill itself, which if you read it, is very clear they banned school employees or third parties from giving classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity for kids in pre K through third grade. Why would we ever even think about bringing these topics up. You know, we're talking about four or five, six, seven, maybe eight years of age. It requires school district to adopt procedures that reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children in a specified manner. In other words, you're allowed to have your own moral belief system, and I'll have a contradicted by a teacher, especially if your kids are in schools that are not proficient in the basics reading, writing, math, science, and computers. You need to know computers these days. Although I'm one of the few living people in America that doesn't have one, I refuse to have one. I don't want one. I'm not allowed to have one. My team won't let me have one. I have no access to my social media. My team won't let me have access to social media anyways, A long story anyway. Prohibits classroom instruction that not casual discussion about sexual orientation, gender identity again only pre K through third grade or in a manner that's not age appropriate. And it requires schools to notify a student's parent if there's a change in the student services or monitoring related etc. Etc. You know, if the kids have a struggling in any way, they should contact the parents, involve the parents. Prohibit schools from encouraging a student to withhold information from a parent. Requires the school district to notify parents of each healthcare service offered at their students school and the option to withhold consent and decline any specific service. It requires that parents be allowed to access their children's educational or health records kept by the school. It requires the school to get parental permission before administering administering a well being questionnaire or health screenings to students in kindergarten through third grade. And it requires schools to respond to a parent's concern within seven days of being notified of any concerns they have in the school must resolve those comments within those concerns within thirty days with prescriptions if the issue is not resolved now by the way. It does not ban the word gay in schools in Florida in these grades. It does not ban discussions of topics relating to sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom. It requires the schools to notify parents if their children comes out as gay or transgender. Mommy and Daddy Ever, Right You Know to Know requires schools to notify parents of information regarding these students mental emotional, physical well being. If a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse or abandonment or neglect. Okay, so that's where we are. Then incomes Disney. And you know what's interesting as a little bit of background to Disney is the Walt Disney Company. It's a massive company. My kids love to go to Disney, and I went there more times than I wanted and because my kids loved it costs a fortune if you're paying for it. Anyway, it's they're now expanding to ten countries and I looked at the countries. Let's see, they're gonna go to Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Aman, Palestine, Cutter Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Yemen. Every one of those countries outlaw homosexuality. They outlawed. Now I'm trying to understand the logic and the thinking behind Disney, because you know, they're already and I think they're in China, right they're in There's a there's was someone some Disney in China somewhere, because I know it recently closed down because of some COVID issue around there. But anyway, Disney now is alienating the American people if they want to. It kind of reminds me a little bit of the football fight with the kneeling incident, starting with Colin Kaepernick, who's trying to make a return to the NFL. I doubt he's going to be able to do it with all these years having passed by. And my argument then was, you know, you're taking the most unifying event, which is a sport, a shared passion. Everybody in that stadium has a shared passion football. Everybody in that stadium, for the most part, is a shared passion for a team. Some people from the other team come and sometimes they throw beer on each other, but you know what I mean, And sometimes, and you think about it, you're high flying, high fiving strangers, and it brings people together. You're not talking about politics. Bringing politics into the NFL is the dumbest thing they've ever done. Bringing politics into Disney is the dumbest thing they're ever doing. This is not smart to do, there's no reason, and to do it while you're now expanding into these other countries that outlaw being gay. You know, it doesn't get any more insane than that. Now, Governor DeSantis has pretty much had it in terms of and I don't blame him one bit. He's kind of had it with all of this, and so anyway, he's broached the repeal of Disney's special self governing status in Florida. Now this is an interesting development because in nineteen sixty seven, Florida created what's called the Reedy Creek and Improvement District, semi private, independent governing entity controlled by Disney. Gave the company the power to approve construction projects for the theme parks as well as build managing the necessary infrastructure to support the operations. In other words, there's a whole list of special privileges that the state of Florida has given Disney that is now attacking the state legislature and purposely, for whatever reason, misrepresenting what's in the bill, because you got all these Disney employees calling it that don't say gay bill, and that's not in the bill. The word gay is not in the bill. It's a parental rights and education and we're only talking about pre K through third grade. And everybody is so demogot this thing. So I'm with the Santas. I think the Santis is right, no more special privileges for Disney. And if you want to know how the people of Florida feel, well, there's a new Florida poll out. Saint Leois University now has a Pole University polling Institute. They got an approval rating of dissentis of fifty eight point eight percent. Him up against what Charlie Christ former governor, Republican turned Democrat. He's beaten. He's whopping him fifty percent to thirty three percent and not even gonna be close. And I just think, you know, the American people have had it. People who don't go to Disney to get lectured. They go to Disney to see princes and princesses, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. We're gonna ban all that crap too. And then Disney's gonna go to countries to actually banned homosexuality, a real issue which we have We've talked about often and said the trans can community gained lesbian unity. They ought to be with me because I'm the most critical of sharia law me. Sean Hannity anyway, eight hundred nine, Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, I just roll along. Eight. Big news in the media world. Jen Saki is abandoning Joe's sinking ship and she's bringing her lives in propaganda to She's gonna fit in perfectly. It's going to MSDNC as she when she leaves the White House around May. I don't know, do you think they'll put her right in the the Rachel Madaw Times cloud or what do you think they're gonna put her, Linda, I'm not really sure. I mean, she's primed, she's been lying for a long time. I think she's ready to go right. There's no they don't even need to put her through training or anything to just put her right in the seat. Just keep doing what you're doing. You're doing great. She could literally just go from one seat to the other here. Well, she's standing now. So whatever I think we have, uh and I'll play maybe after the news at the bottom of the hour. Some of my favorite lies of Jen Zaki, Oh we got Zaki's greatest hit, shan we got a whole, we got a bottom. We'll play like you know. For example, Oh, we don't need to test all these illegal immigrants because they're not going to be here very long here early morning flights. That was Early morning Flights. I love that one too. They're not going to be here very long because we're about to put them on a private plane that we're paying for and disperse them all over the country in the darker night at about two three, four am in the morning. And when I asked, well, you know, why are you flying in them in the middle of the night, Well, we consider that an early morning flight. I mean, she's not wrong, right, that's a technicality we'll get you know, you know, really we really want to get technical about it. Yeah, I'm I'm gonna also explain why Biden can't succeed. He just can't. All right, that's all coming up. Eight hundred nine four one. Sean is our number now. Also, Mel Gibson is going to be on the program today, Dave Bossi. He has a new movie out or documentary Rig twenty twenty and much more. Straight ahead, You're on the Sean Hannity Show, a place where free speech and the First Amendment are still alive and well get your dose of independence and liberty every weekday right here with Sean twenty five down till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of the program, So Big News, Jensaki circle back. Chief propagandists in the Biden White House is apparently leaving show's sinking ship. She's abandoning ship and you know anyway, she's now going to be taking on a role at MSDNC. I'm not sure if they've given her a show right out of the box, but probably is the person I guess chosen to take over for the open time slot of Rachel Maddow, who's moved on to other projects apparently, and also, according to reports, vetoed Keith Olberman from taking the slot. Not sure what that's all about, nor do I really care, nor do I care what Jensaki does. But she fits in perfect She would have fit in perfectly at Fake News CNN or MSDNC. Probably more suited for MSDNC because they'll tell any lie. The biggest conspiracy theorist in the country that never got held accountable is Rachel Maddow. She lied for three plus long years about all things Trump and Russia and collusion. She ignored Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for Russian Distant Formation dossier. But Hannity, she's a Rhodes scholar and everything. I'm like. She lied to the American people who made a apparently a lot of money doing it anyway. So assuming she, you know, does leave here, I guess we'll get a new chief propagandist. We'll just you know, step up to the plate and you know, misdirect outright, lie, do whatever they have to do, because, as we've now been talking about for a week, cleaning up Joe's mess is not an easy job. If you are here in Poland, you American troops. You'll see for yourself when you're in Ukraine. Uh, we're sending troops to Ukraine. Uh yeah, well our guys are training Ukrainian troops in Poland. Oh did you just give away top secret intelligence. You can't make this up with Joe. You never know what Joe's gonna say. If he uses chemical weapons, we'll responding kind, we'll use chemical weapons. What a dope. Glad they had to clean up that mess too. It's not a fun job. And then, last, of course, the call for regime change with Vladimir Putin ad lived by little Joey. Sure he got a lot of trouble for this. May not get his ice cream in Delaware over the weekend, but he spent a quarter of his time in Delaware. They're not, by the way, they won't release the visitor logs from Delaware. I'd like to know his visiting. Wonderful, A lot of medical doctors visit. Just curious. I wonder who else visits anyway, So she's joining her friends at ms d NC. You know, the same person calling Hunter Biden's laptop Russian disinformation. That was all a lie. The comment that oh, we don't need to test people at the border, or oh there's not a crisis at the border, that was a lie too, or say we're not going to test people because they're not going to be here very long. Illegal immigrants another lie, And it goes on and on and on. A matter of fact, we got a little montage of the lies of Jen Saki circle back chief propagandists. Why should somebody say in Laredo, Texas, or Alpaso or Tucson, Arizona have to have their chance of catching COVID go up because hundreds of miles away there is an open border. Well, there certainly is not an open border as individuals. As individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms. If they have symptoms, they are the intention is for them to be quarantined that is our process. They're not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. I don't think it's the same thing. It's not the same thing. Pieve b better will not add a dime to the national days, correct, it won't. Why would? Why Why should Americans believe it? Because it won't go ahead? What if tax is that? He says, if you want to can't get more taxed in? What it is that? What if the economical solar lots of things gonna happen. What are you you're going to tell from their future generations not even born yet, that they're out in the hook for this? Is that? Right? That's right? Okay? Following up by something else the president said last night, why did President bind say he has been to the border? Well, Peter, as you may have seen, there's been reporting that he did drive through the border when he was on the campaign trail in two thousand and eight, and he is certainly familiar with the fact and it's stuck with him with the fact that in El Paso the border was right through the center of town. It was crystal clear that things were not improving. On some flytein people couldn't get ditchwatchers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things. So why is the tragedy of the short the treadmill that's delayed? I is the administration flying thousands of migrants from the border to Florida any York in the middle of the night. Well I'm not sure that it's in the middle of the night. But let me tell you what's happening here. It is our nine am, well, very early in the morning. Here we are talking about early flights, early than you might like to take a flight. Oh the just the early morning fla. By the way, I've forgotten about the tragedy of the treadmill. Oh so sorry you have to wait for your treadmill like they are so compassionate. Anyway, it's um, it is what it is. It's it's what I expect I have. Americans now have the lowest opinion of the mob and the media than they've ever had then, they've ever had. Now, I'm a member of the press. I am. I don't claim to be a journalist, but I do journalism. We do investigative journalism that the press won't do. We vetted Obama very few people would do it. We went through it in great specificity, in detail, and I was even told by new Ingrich, you might be killing your career, and I said, telling the truth. I said, Okay, I'm fine. I'm fine with that. If my career is over the deep state, we you know, we're unpeeling every layer of that onion and we were proving correct when everyone else was proven wrong. You know, I just look at this disaster of the Biden presidency, and I know it's shocking for everybody, and the embarrassment last week and the world. This is what america last policies look like. This is what climate alarmist, religious cultism looks like. There's what New Green Deal socialism looks like. This is, you know, far the most destructive presidency in our lifetime. Jimmy Carter was not this bad, and he was bad. He's not going to make the changes. Every problem Joe Biden is facing, including Ukraine, is easily solvable. He didn't have to have the the disaster in Afghanistan. That was preventable and it's fixable if he had somebody with enough strength to tell the Taliban we're coming in, we're taking our people home, and if you don't like it. If you're gonna get in the way, we're gonna find pinpoint, with pinpoint accuracy, we're gonna bomb you straight to hell where you're gonna end up anyway, just a little sooner than maybe you otherwise would, So I'd do it. Taliban was afraid of Donald Trump. Not a single American died for a nearly eighteen months, the final eighteen months of Trump's presidency because he told the head of the Taliban that's what he'd do, and he did it to solo money and bag Daddy and associates and the al Qaida leader in Yemen and the Caliphate. You know, but Biden could fix the border, for example, bring back Trump's border policies. Wouldn't wouldn't be that hard to do. He could fix the issue in terms of the high price of energy, and they would also impact inflation in a dramatic way. If we would bring back the Trump energy policies and go back to energy independence. If they would abandon their defund dismantle Nobail laws New York. By the way, New York legislature doubling down on keeping the Nobel laws, they will not address it. This is what one party rule does, and it's happening in small cities, big cities, and towns all across America. You know the issue of education we just talked about. You know, this parental rights bill in Florida. It's the right thing to do. That that propelled Glenn Young cons straight into the governor's mansion in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and thankfully so. And then I'm not going to fix any of this. And you got a vice president I played yesterday, you know, these comments with the Jamaican Prime minister. It was a disaster and this is where the country now finds itself, you know. And on top of that, then we got we got the Biden family syndicate and the only reason the media now is even talking about it Washington Post this week. But you got MSDNC, ABC, CBS, you know, all side step. What is the authenticated laptop that they all joined in and dismissed it two weeks before the election in twenty twenty because they didn't want it to be the October surprise that would have propelled Donald Trump into a second term. That's how corrupt and abusively biased they are. Probably if you look at it as a campaign donation and the largest in kind campaign donation anyone could ever give, and then add to it, then you got big tech. You couldn't even tweet out the New York Post story. At the time, GOP lawmakers are demanding Hunter's communications with the Obama White House. I'd like to get a hold of those White House insists Biden didn't lie about Hunter's business dealings in China in twenty twenty. We know that he's lying about all of this from the beginning. Now that's authenticated laptop proves it all. And that's the interesting part of that, isn't it that they don't care if they won't dig deep. If it was Donald Trump, that'd be a whole different story. It's sad. This is why I declared in two thousand and seven journalism in America is dead. You know it's funny because I'm a member of the press. Now we're like the whole newspaper. We do journalism, straight news. I could produce thousands of hours of straight news coverage radio TV. We do investigative journalism. We vetting Obama, exposing the deep state, you know, Trump Russia collusion. We also do opinion. We're not but we're open and honest and straightforward in our opinions. We do, you know, for example, cultural issues like the water in Florida we're talking about today, We talk about sports at times, were like the whole newspaper. Yeah, so I'm a member of the press. Difference between me and all of them. They say they're journalists, they're not. They're lying to you. Biden order ring one hundred and eighty billion barrels of oil. Okay, so he's gonna wipe out a third of our strategic petroleum reserves and it's not going to have any impact. Even Senator Mark Warren said it's only a band aid. It's probably listening to this program. It's not gonna work. You know. The one thing the Wall Street Journal pointed out in their editorial is Biden tries everything to cut gas prices except the very things that would actually work. I have video of Nancy Pelosi, try and add it to the show tonight. I can't let higher gas prices be an excuse to produce more American energy. Wow, then we got Biden again. You know, typical. You know, driver will save eighty dollars a month by not having to pay for gas. The pumb that they just buy an electric car. That's what fifty sixty thousand dollars. I'm you know, maybe one day if I was going to buy an electric car, the one I'd get as a Tesla, you know, because I and you know why, because I have no idea. Here's a guy that's pushing a building out technology, Elon Musk, and I don't know him, but here's a great innovator giving them what they want, and then he gets trashed by the left. To explain that one to me, Now, the problem is OPEC. They're not willing to step up. They're gonna do like a minor increase in production, like, you know, an extra of thirty thousand barrels per day, big deal, It's meaningless. And the reason is that they're furious with Joe Biden. This was also in the Wall Street Journal because of what he is doing with Iran. I mean, what happened five years ago. If you would have told me Donald Trump would create an alliance with the United States, Israel, with the Egyptians, with the Jordanians, with the Saladies, with the Emirates the way he did, and to the extent that I know that this was real in terms of shared intelligence all standing in unison against Iranian hegemony, and then have Joe Biden come in with an even worse deal than he and Obama made the Obama's eight years in office. And now this time we're going to give them tens of billions of dollars. Russia brokers the deal at this time in history, which is breathtaking to me. And then the Russians are going to build what's it's estimated ten billion dollar nuclear facility for the Iranians, and then the Iranian Revolutionary Guard will be lifted off the no fly list, I mean, and we're going to import oil from Iran and make the Mullows rich again. Or Joe sending Emma's emissaries to Venezuela. That's happening too. This is this is really, really really, you know, asked backwards. Never thought I'd see a president doing all of this. Key inflation engage. Forty year high food and gas prices now soaring even higher. Medium home prices have hit a record of four hundred and five thousand dollars in the US, according to a new report. How are young people gonna get their first home? How are old people gonna pay their taxes for Front crying out loud. America has figured out the Biden has caused all of this, and it's only going to get worse because the real answers they refuse to even address. And by the way, buckle up. The White House, you know, is gonna lift what is titled forty two. And now we've got a more migrant caravans headed right to our southern border. You can't screw it up this bad, but they're screwing it up this bad. Anyway. We're gonna check him with. Actor Mel Gibson is going to be with us. Dave Bossi will give us a preview. He's he's exposed Mark Zuckerberg nearly four d four to million dollars our donations to impact the twenty twenty elections. He has a documentary outrig twenty twenty dot com as the website. He'll join us next