Protect Against Enemies Foreign and Domestic - 7.6

Published Jul 6, 2018, 10:00 PM

Jonathan Gilliam fills in for Sean Hannity and recaps America's celebration of Independence Day. Plus, Jonathan reminds everyone about the part of the oath of office where officers of the US Government promise to protect America from enemies "both foreign and domestic." We're seeing more and more domestic enemies but, with a little awareness and commitment to the Conservative movement, we can be prepared to save this country. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. If you're like me and suffer from insomnia, you know what, that's not fun. You know I tried everything I couldn't get a good night's sleep. And this is neither drug nor alcohol induced. That's right. It is my pillow. Mike Lindell invented it and he fitted me for my first my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and the good news you can too. Lease go to my pillow dot com promo code Sean and take advantage of one of Mike Glendell's best offers, his special four pack. You get fifty percent off to my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere Pillows. My Pillows made in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guaranteed no risk to you, and attend you warranty. You don't want to spend more sleepless nights on a pillow tossing interney that's not working for you. Just go to my pillow dot com right now, use the promo code Sean and you get Mike Glendell's special four pack. You get to my Pillow Premium Pillows to Go Anywhere Pillows fifty percent off, and you'll start getting the kind of peaceful and RESTful and comfortable and deep, peeling and recruitative sleep you've been craving and deserve. Mike Pillow dot Com promo coach Shawn. This is Jonathan Gillam back in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. The call in number is eight hundred nine four one seven three to six, eight hundred nine for one Sean. I got a couple of guests in here. They like to spell numbers, so we always do it like that, eight hundred nine for one Seawan. They're much smarter than I am. These two guys that are in here. I go into detail about who they are later, but today it's gonna be a great show. Those of you don't know who I am. I'm Jonathan Gillham. I am a former Navy Seal, Federal Marshal Security contractor special Agent the FBI, and author now of a book called Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival and if you want to know how to do threat assessments on yourself and your home. Well, this is the book for you. Go get it, Sheep no more The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival, and get down an Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, everywhere that you that they sell books. Go get it. We'll talk about more about that later. I hosted on the third and I talked a lot about the reality of the Declaration of Independence and how most people don't even realize, uh, the the intricate details of the declaration, and how it speaks directly to the way our government and government and governments around the country are conducting themselves in present day. When I went through there and I read the bullet points, and those of you that that have not read the Declaration Independence, there is a lot more to it than just you know, the life liberty and the pursuit of having its there, there's a lot more to it than that. Okay, that is the that is the good part of it. But the rest of the of the Declaration Independent is actually just that a declaration of independence from a tyrannical king, a tyrannical prince and the way that they govern, the characteristics of a tyrannical government. Now you just got through celebrating Independence Day. Yes the date was the fourth that ju lie, but it was Independence Day. And you know, we we go and we have our we relaxed, we take our time off. It's kind of weird when some of these holidays, you know, hit right in the middle of the week, because everybody thought it was Saturday on Wednesday, and it kind of gets everybody confused. But when when you were there, especially if you listen to this show, hopefully it mattered a little bit more. Independence Day. It goes hand in hand with the declaration independence, when we declared our independence from Great Britain and the monarchy, the tyrannical monarchy. And I started thinking, you know, when I was sitting there yesterday, relaxing, having some drinks, eating some hamburgers and lobster, and I started thinking about other things that we take for granted. Some things we used to do, like praying school. We used to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. When I was in school, there used to be uh corporal punishment in school. You used to get paddled if you did something wrong. You would go home and probably get the same thing. You quite often were in a way shamed when you did bad things in school, you were not looked at as somebody who deserves a trophy because you showed up. Things have completely changed. And I started thinking about the Pledge of Allegiance. How we used to say that. And I know this is controversial, but I still believe in the in the Pledge of Allegiance and the and the way that it came about. And I was reading up on it today, Uh, just to brush up on my history. Um, people in the eighteen hundreds, in the end of the eighteen hundreds, several people came up with areations of the Pledge of Allegiance. But people were looking for reasons to pledge their dedication to this country. There was a a already at that point because the independence had come in seventeen seventy six. And then you know, in the later of eighteen hundreds, hundred years later, we had a resurgence of Americanism, which is interesting because it's only a hundred years, but evidently there had been some down slope and back up and there's a resurgence of it. And when you look at the Pledge of Allegiance and what people were seeking, it's pretty amazing. Um, compared to now when you have people talking about, we need to get rid of the national anthem. We don't even say the Pledge of Allegiance in school anymore. You have politicians uh that literally literally folks, um subscribe to the same doctrine as Stalin, as Marks, as Lennon and now getting elected, uh the mayor of New York City, this new uh congresswoman from New York, A lot of from New York blatantly saying I'm a democratic socialist, which is the same terminology they used right around World War Two, the communist Uh, not just here in this country, but around the world. When you look at the Pledge of Allegiance, and this is what it says, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. It's very short, but people don't realize what they're saying when they pledge. When they do this pledge, they may get filled with inspiration, you know. They there's certain way things you're supposed to do. Put your hand over your your right hand over your heart. If you have a head dress, you're supposed to take that off and hold that a certain way you're supposed to face the flag. It is as close to a military pledge as there is. And one of the reasons very timely, once again, like we were talking about with the Declaration of Independence, one of the reasons why they came up with the pledge was for immigrants. Because they wanted people that were immigrating to this country to be focused on becoming Americans, learning our language, learning our customs, learning the reality of what our government was and that it was a republic of states, and people that were coming here understood that as well. And there were many people who were turned away that were not chosen to come into this country during that period of first hundred years for various reasons, sometimes sickness, uh could have been other other reasons that we would not that we would feel a five today. But they were turned away. But when they did come here, they subscribe to our way of life, They subscribe to our government. They weren't trying to come here and change the government. They weren't trying to come here and make and and take what they had there and do it here, which is very interesting. I'll just a little side note. When I was in the FBI, and we worked I'm not gonna go into the details of where I work when I was on the criminal side, but we worked around a lot of different cultures of immigrants, many of them most of them illegal. And it was astounding to me how they come from somewhere uh where it's oppressive, somewhere in certain times, in certain places that it's a communist nation, and they come here and live exactly the way that they did there, exactly the same. They don't change the way they live, They their their lives are no different than the day they left the country that they came from, and every bit of their culture. They don't learn our language, they don't understand our laws, they don't understand what our government is all about. Yet they claim asylum when they come here, and then they live the exact same way. I always found that very interesting because when you look at and and this is one of the things that happens when you get away from something like the pledge of allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. You're you're literally pledging allegiance to this thing that many have taken a need to have tried to burn or have burned, have protested, not even knowing. I could go and do an entire show on the symbology that's in the flag. But most people don't even better understand the symbology. They don't understand the power behind the flag. They don't understand the unity and the unification that that flag represents, and that it's there's and that's the thing that really really get It's me people that are born here, are migrate here, are free, they're born in freedom, or they come and obtain the freedom, and then they turn around and either try to get rid of it, instill another form of government, or they don't even they're too lazy to even wake up and do any type of studying to educate themselves on the reality of what they have. And I when if you go back and look at the pledge of allegiance again, I pledge allegiance to the flag, that that symbol of our unity, that symbol of blood and sacrifice, and all of the states in the Republic coming together, that powerful symbol pledging allegiance to that flag. They think now that that's the one percent that will just give that that allegiance to the military. People let them go out there and fight it, and whatever about the cops. We don't even care about the cops, but until we need them. That's the way these people think. But in the pledge in the beginning says, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, not to a socialist country, not to China, not to Russia, not to Honduras or any other place in Mexico or Central South America where people are constantly coming from saying that they are oppressed, saying that they want asylum. When they come over from China, we want asylum. They come here. They don't come here and assimilate. They come here and live exactly the same way that they did there. They're not pledging allegiance to even the flag of this country, and they the second Line and to the republic for which it stands. They have no idea. Many of the young people, I would say a vast majority I talked to a young person yesterday didn't even have American history in school. I'm shocked by the at and we have to understand that this is one of the reasons why we continue to have these types of problems. You don't understand the symbology and the flag. You have no idea that our country is a republic of states, a republic of states, individual governments that stand against the strong federal government, that stand against the strong centralized government, that stands strong for freedoms and individual freedoms. That's why the states are so strong, or should be so strong. Now it's supposed to be one nation under God. People think that saying God is is crazy now that that the planets are gonna align in and things are gonna fall from this guy if you put God in anything. But that's not the case. And with liberty and justice for all, they love that parton and a lot of people would want to add equality and fairness in there as well. If I had to add one word in there be liberty and justice and opportunity whoever wants to go grab it for all. But people don't want opportunity, they want fairness and equality. They want candouts. And why is that Because they don't understand what they're born into or what they immigrate to. They want it to change for them. They don't want to come and figure out and understand and study that. It's a melting pot that we have to assimilate Yeah, we're gonna go to break here in just a second. I'm gonna come back and read a a speech that I gave and I started that at the end of the show last week and a lot of people wrote me on social media they want to hear me say the entire thing. So I'm gonna read that when I come back. This is Jonathan gil and filled in for Shawn Hannity Shaun Hannity Radio Show. You can find me on Twitter at Jay Gilliam Underscore Sealing on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. Go get my book Sheep No More The Art of Awareness, and at Tax Revival, I will teach you how to do threat assessments on your own life. Go get it. We'll talk about it here in a little bit. We'll be right back. This is Jonathan Gillham filling in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. You're a resident Navy seal. Yes, the United States Navy still not Tie Navy. So man, they're all in the news, and our prayers are going out to these children and to the rescuers that are trying to free those kids stuck in these caves. It is. That is a mission that is going to be very difficult. There's finding out now in case you don't know that the update. Not only they have to concern themselves with the rising water, but now, uh the oxygen levels, which I found fascinating from a rescuer standpoint, as they've had so many rescuers go in. This is like a six hour trek that they have depleted the oxygen levels from inside these caves and now they're thinking they may have to get them out sooner than later because of the oxygen levels. Uh so it is a very perilous thing. They're gonna they're gonna have to do what I hated to say, but they're gonna have to go for it at some point. And when you're doing a rescue, you don't want to just go for it. You want it to be planned and methodical. And I have a feeling the way all these things are starting to work their way out that uh, they're gonna have to start moving faster than than slower. Listen, I just want to tell you real quick, because we're gonna do the break um calling numbers eight nine one, Shane one, seven, three to six. You don't want to turn the channel. This is gonna be a great show. We're gonna have Luke Rosack coming on just a little bit to talk about the I want uh im Ran I want uh and this scandal that nobody's really covering. He's gonna break it down for us. My good buddy, Jeff Hyde. He is one of the band members of Eric Church. Uh the country of the incredible country music singer. This whole band is filled with raw talent that you just can't imagine, and they're they're pretty funny guys too. Uh. He's gonna come on. We're gonna talk about his uh Grammy or He's a Grammy nominated song. We're gonna talking about his new album, Norman Rockwell World. Play some of the music for that, and I played some of it on UH the show on Tuesday. Peter Schweitzer, who I am an amazing fan of this guy. I was stoked to know he's gonna come on UH to talk about his new book, Secret Empires, how the American political class hides corruption and enrich his family and friends and President of the government accountability or he is President of Government. I'm all over the place with this. I'll tell you more about Peter Schwitzer in a minute. And then last but not least, Greg Jarrett is coming back. I asked you to come back and talk about some of this stuff, and we're gonna get back into this deep state. Come right back here just a Minute'm gonna read this speech that I wrote and talk a little bit more about the importance of assimilation and the reality of what's going on in this country. Is John the Gillum Find me on Twitter, Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam and go get my book Sheep no more. If your truck driver driving down the road, go get it. We'll be right back exposing left wing media bias. No stone left unturned to Sean Hannity Show is back on the air. This is Jonathan Gillham back in from my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. And I just wanted to um start out here. We got a little bit of time about I said that the last week at the end of the show, or is actually this week at the end of the show, and the third I read a little um a piece of a speech that I gave and uh, and I want to go over this again with you guys, because I wrote this speech. This is a very interesting speech. I was gonna be talking in Reno with a Republican group in Reno and my good buddy Michael Jack that's where I met him. He's a former senior FBI special agent. And so it was about three in the morning. My uh dog Rico, who's since passed away, was there with me, and we were I was brainstorming, and um, I'm thinking, what am I going to speak about? You know? And I was listening to Ronald Reagan's speech that somebody has put together one of his speeches with music, and uh, I was listening to it over and over again, and this stuff just popped right out at me. And uh. And so I started to read this on Friday show. I didn't have enough time to finish it, and I got a load of emails and requests for me to finish this, and then if I could put it up online, which I'll do, I put it up online. So here it is, and it's called the Great mount m Um. There's a great mountain of which many minds young and old have gazed upon. God himself shines his grace upon this great mountain light so pure and loving that it draws forth greatness and inspires truth seekers to sacrifice for the greater goods so that all may partake in its glorious victory. Leaders of men, inspired individuals, freedom seekers have fought and sought the path to the top of this great mountain, hoping to find freedom, unity, and equal rights under God. Anyone that has fought the good fight and striven to achieve the greater good has looked up and eventually realized that reaching the top of that great mountain is not unachievable, but it is a quest that can only be achieved through participation of the entire citizenry. Now, this is the truth about that mountain. Almost drive as though the climb depends on their efforts alone, while at the same time everyone involved must understand that no single human is capable of sustaining a solo climb, nor are they worthy of standing at the pinnacle and claiming it as their own. But there is another truth about this place where a lot of God shines and his glory prevails. And I'm gonna take a break from the speech for a second because i want you to think about this. Folks, When I'm about to say here. When I was watching the words of Ronald Reagan, and when I was concentrating on the current events that are happening on the daily basis, I knew that communism and socialism and people who had not migrated to this country and assimilated, or people that were born in freedom here, how they themselves had failed, somehow, some way had failed to follow and understand and study and appreciate the very country in which they live. And when I start to look at the people that they cling to that they follow, well it just popped right out. So I'll continue. Those that wish to control and enslave their fellow man will also desire ownership of this great mountain. They were lye and convince the masses to give their lives for the climb, while consistently feeding them a distorted perception of the purpose and meaning of the quest to reach the top that happens every single day. We see it in mainstream media, we see it in politics, we see it in the schools. This distorted understanding leads straight to servitude and dependency. Now unable to think for themselves, the masses duped in the climb through deception and trickery and nefarious lives, will begin to believe that they themselves are working together for collective equality. There's that word. Yet, the sad reality is that the wolves of power have no interest and sharing their position at the top. The wolves use the knowledge and experience of the sheep, like rungs on the ladder to increase their position and stature, while the sheep, which we see every single day in this country, folks, the young people that are protesting, the big money people that blindly give their money away because they never took the time out to study who this country is in the reality of what's going on. The people that uh sit like with this Sarah Huckaby Sanders in this restaurant. The people that go in and yell at Sarah Huckaby Sanders then follow her to another restaurant and oppress her as she's just trying to eat. Those people would flip over backwards if somebody did the same thing to them. And the politicians like Maximum Waters right there with them instigating it. Yet, the sad reality is that the wolves of interest, the wolves of power, have no interest in sharing their position. That's the thing they have no interest in. You I wish they were. I wish there were a ten thousand liberals right in front of me right now. We just simply have to look at the at the simple litmus test. This isn't the speech, this is me talking. Are the things that the politicians are pushing forward, things that take away from your freedom and give those freedoms to the state, so that the state becomes the centralized power, not you, not empowering you, but taking away from your power, making you dependent and making them powerful. If that's the case, you should wake up and walk away from those people, the wolves. Back to the speech, the wolves used the knowledge and experience of the sheep, like wrongs on the ladder, to increase their positions and stature, while the sheep blindly give over their freedom and ultimately their lives, not to get something greater, but they give over their lives to oppression. Don't you see. That's what's happening on a day. The basis here when we talk later a little bit later, uh in the hour, and when we talk about the reality of all these promises and all this these things, these ideas that people show up with the socialists and communists that are in our government now. And you think that you're going to get something, You're going to get oppressed. History shows that there's no way around it. Yet there is one last truth that we must understand, and we must understand it now. It is a truth that cannot be comprehended by the great liars of history or those in the league with them. That truth is this, While God may have granted freedom to each individual, to be ensured through the Constitution, those rights are completely dependent upon a unified citizeny of which we are failing, and the great mountain of which I speak, where the sacred pinnacle exists, upon which the light of God shines and his glory reigns. That mountain, my friends, is named America, and its true location is in the hearts of its citizenry, The mountain upon which the power hungry liars climbs. In fact, a completely different mountain, which many called by different names. Some call it communism, while others now call it demo democratic socialism, and its pinnacle is known as tyranny. Excuse me, tyranny, and its purpose is slavery. Think about that. The pinnacle of America is empowerment of the people. It's unity, it's opportunity. The pinnacle of the mountain which the hungry, the power hungry wolves long for, is tyrannical and slavery and oppression. You see this. I'm shocked at how people miss this on a daily basis. I'm shocked this mountain. That mountain, the bad mountain, exists in the desires and lies of those that hate freedom. They hate equality and equal rights under God, and they hate unity. They hate America. And so we realized the most dangerous enemy any country could ever face. Remember, folks, I wrote this speech before Donald Trump was elected. Let me let me start this paragraph again. And so we realized the most dangerous enemy any country can ever face. The second enemy spoken about in our oath of office has risen, the domestic enemy. Anybody out there that has ever served in the military, that has ever been in law enforcement, anybody has ever taken an oath, had a security clearance, you should realize when you swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, it's not just foreign enemies. All enemies foreign in domestic and the domestic enemy has risen. And if you don't see that, you are blind. As we go through the rest of this show, you should see that the people that Peter Schweitzer is gonna talk about, those are domestic enemies. The people that Luke Rosiac is gonna talk about shortly, those are domestic enemies. Greg Jarrett's gonna come on the end of the hour. Guess what he's not talking they say. They throw Russia in there. They're talking about domestic enemies. So let's go back to the speech. For the first time in American history, those that wish to do us harm and impose their will of servitude upon the citizenry is not an existential threat. They were born here. As American citizenry becomes divided and more so and more so, you can see these power brokers of the new communism lurking about. They call it globalism, they call it democratic socialism. It's all the same centralized power. They spread propaganda in plain sight while they performed their devious work in a covert manner, drawing tyranny ever closer. Remember this tyranny is in fact, and I want you to think about if you if you haven't really if you tuned out because I'm reading this speech, this is what you need to pay attention to. If you're a truck driver, a school teacher, a teenager that's being forced to sit in the back of the car while your parents drive, and listen to this. You have to remember this. Tyranny is in fact made possible when a citizenry gives their freedom over to a controlling entity, and tyranny is sustained when that same entity crushes the people that gave away their freedom. That's what continues to happen. Whenever socialism leads to communism, leads to fascism, leads a dictatorship. What happens the people give over their freedom and then the tyrannical government crushes them, crushes those same people that just empowered that centralized state. If America's citizenry are able to regain its unity as one people, they could stand firm and continue to stand free in light of God, in his glorious presence, prosperous and protected against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. We could do this, folks. So you see, my fellow Americans, there is no need for a revolution. Our revolution happened over two hundred years ago, two hundred and forty two years ago this week. What we need now is unity. And so I say this to you, is we get ready to take a break here in just a minute. Take heed to my words, America, for I am a voice crying out in the world. Make your path straight for the Lord to travel, and only then will you find that great mountain. Only there will you find America. I'm Jonathan Gilham. We're gonna come right back. You can find me on Twitter j Gilliam, Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gillham. You can call in eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six and go get my book. Folks, you like the way I'm alright, go get Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. I will teach the truckers how to do a threat assessment. The parents, the kids, the teachers, the superintendents, the cops, the mayors, the president. You want to know how to do a threat assessment. That's what this does. It teaches you how to assess the threats in your life and how to defend against them. Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. Go get it. We'll be right back on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Welcome back to Sean Hannity Radio Show. This is Jonathan Gilham filling in for my good buddy, Sean Hannity, your resident Navy Seal, FBI special Agent, security contractor author. I try to do it all, folks. You only got one life to live, so you might as well live it. I'll tell you what. Let's go do. I'm gonna take a phone call real quick. Let's go to Kevin in Jamestown, Ohio. Go ahead, Kevin. Hey, you know, I really enjoyed your speech. Really did hit me to the heart, and I believed every word. And also, since you said you're a seal, I appreciate what you did for the Country's like that most spect for every military member, and everyone should be that way for him. I believe that in my heart every day. Thank you very much for all that, Kevin. I appreciate it. And are you a truck driver by chance? No, I don't, but the family that is. Yeah, I didn't know acause you're driving out right now. I didn't know if you were truck driving out. We get a lot of truck drivers calling it. I'm not not in front of my job. I I do work. Here is a little bit. That's why I'm gonna call in real fast. Well, I appreciate it. I appreciate it. And how was your Independence Day? That was good at some time, my mom, my dad. It's it's very interesting how people have just forgotten what Independence Day is all about. They didn't call it. They call it the fourth of Juli. That's it. Well, you know, that's independence. And every day since I did play a music musician, I played guitar, I played in I played the national anthem every day on this day. Awesome. Well, listen, let me tell you something. Thank you, thank you for being a great American, and thank you for remembering all the people who have served and for understanding what the Independence Day was all about. And we're gonna have you're gonna like this. At four thirty, Jeff Hide is gonna come on. He's one of the uh, the band members for Eric Church, and he's gonna talk about his new album, Norman Rockwell World and uh and we're gonna play a little bit from it. So stay tuned, James or Kevin. And I'm sure I'm glad that you're you're listening. I appreciate it. I'll be able to hear it. Well, it'll you can get it on replay, buddy. All right, Well, I'm gonna let you go. Thank you very much, and uh, everybody else is out there. I hope you stay tuned for the rest of the show. It is gonna be an incredible show coming up here. I'm gonna bring in some of these experts have written books and uh guide and all this stuff. And again Jeff Hyde, Uh, you can find him at Jeff Hyde music dot com or go on iTunes and get his album and then when we talk about it, you can listen to it. It's John the Guillam filled in for my good buddy Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Go get my book Cheap No More The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival and find me on Twitter at Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. We'll be right back. This is John the Guillam back in for my good buddy Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Radio Show. I hope you had a great Independence Day and those you had to go back to work today. Well, I hope you're enjoying the show. It maybe it will be not may will I wanted. It will be so good you will want to sit in your car and Listen to this if you are, if you're pulling in your house or or you're just getting ready to leave work. Um, you've got a lot of stuff coming up here. And I am shocked when I was just going over, um the amount of stuff that the im Ran uh Im ran ah on and reality is, I think his whole family was in on all this stuff. But listen, there's so much stuff that these people were involved with that it blows my mind that as of last week, their only only Imran is gonna be charged with bank fraud, I think is what it was. And the possibility there his his attorneys are gonna move to just have probation for him. Anyway, We're we're gonna bring in Luke Rosiac. He's an investigative reporter for the Daily. Call her and uh, you know all the latest updates on this scandal. And we know we use this word scandal a lot, Luke, um, but this is a scandal, and I think the scandal is not just what these people did, but the scandals also it's another example of how nobody is going to pay a price. There is he there? Yeah, that's that's exactly right. This is a d J Deep State cover up now. When it shows that uh Democrats are unaccountable under the law, they can do whatever they want. So im rom today, after over a year of delays, was basically he got a plea deal that gave him essentially full immunity in exchange for pleading guilty to a minor bank flawed charge. Uh. The d j gave in to all the defense requests, including probation, and they put a highly unusual paragraph in his plea deal saying he did nothing wrong in the House. The problem is that contradicts server laws, procurement records, and findings by the House Inspector General, the House accountants, democratic whistleblowers, and the Capitol police. So the Democrats know how to play this thing. You can rig the justice system. And then you get the New York Times in the Washington Post to say, uh, Trump's attorney general has debunked his conspiracy theories. That's not what happened here. But the evidence speaks for itself, and it's not It didn't come from the media and converting conspiracy. It came from Democratic whistleblowers. All that evidence I just named, that evidence still exists says someone did something wrong here, and that's kind to the point. Um, that's what that's what I don't trust about these i G reports though, these I reports like we just had, uh you know about comy in and struck and page. Um, the i G is a senior executive servesman Bright. I did a whole show on the sc SR s and how that is where the deep state exists. There's no overwatch. Um they are they're the ones who are either doing the wrong or covering up the wrongdoings. And whenever one of these IG reports come out, they may point stuff out, but there's nothing ever happens to these people. Nothing. Yeah, and that's kind of what happened here. Is the i G documented what happened, and the problem was that there was no follow up. And you get into a different kind of shielding here where you have the House of Representatives says basically, what happens in the House stays in the house. We have separation of powers and that means even if crimes occur here, we are going to block prosecutors. And that's basically what they did. They just said, back off, we're gonna deal with this our own and then they never dealt with it. And the lawyers have basically hinted at what they would have said at trial. They would have implicated Democratic members and staff in a financial scheme involving cooking the books at the House representatives. And they also would have said that Congress doesn't care about i T security at all, that it's their fault. When these guys were busted making unauthorized access to servers, logging into members personal user names, logging into servers of members that had previously fired them, they're gonna say, Oh, it's all your guys fault, you didn't stop us. It turns out Democrats don't care about cybersecurity at all, and obviously they can't say that when they're talking about Russia and hacking and all that. So they basically said, uh, it seems like they were going to turn this round on Democrats, and the Democrats said, forget it, then let's just let them walk. Uh, And to do that, you know, Paul Ryan, I'm not trying to let him off the hooking. He's in charge of the House and he didn't say anything about any of this. So this is a full on deep state cover up. But what happened in court this week is fully what we expected. The writing has been on the wall since the beginning. If if, if this wasn't break from the beginning, this guy would have been arrested before the election when the i G found that he was making one authorized access to servers. And that's what all the U S. Fellow I T guys told me from the beginning. They said, we know something's up here because if we did what he's accused of doing, man, we would be in jail the same day. Yeah, you know. And also I'm looking at, you know, this whole list of things that that he is connected with or things that have happened. I want to know who who the FBI agents were that um took his his wife Um as she was fleeing the country with carbon box of possessions, as says I'm reading here, the FBI agents said in Affidavid, they approached her the airport, but she refused to talk to him. They found twelve thousand dollars in cash, but led her board anyway riding. They do not believe that Alvi has any intention to return the United States. That's exactly why you wouldn't let her go because she may leave and she may have uh knowledge of these things. She is a participant. And then the other thing was UM the connections of foreign entities. A former business partner of Imrand's father says the father handed over a USB of data data to Pakistani official UM and that Imrand claimed he had the power to change the US president. Now, if that's the case, why wasn't that individual interviewed? None of them were interviewed. These things are just shot exactly right. So when Mr McGue Jeff Session says that he couldn't find any crimes in this case, it's just what you said. They apprehended this woman at the at the airport and they found twelve thousand dollars of cash. When you have undeclared cash over ten thousand dollars, you can be arrested for that alone. They knew she wasn't coming back, they believed she wasn't coming back, and then let her go. I mean, that's the writing has been on the wall on this from the beginning. Uh. In fact, even when they first banned im Rom. What happened is they busted him for this stuff at a basically the critical time of the election in August of and they said he was something very very bad. It's going on in the House Network, and they took no action. They waited until right after the election and actually days after Trump's inauguration before they even banned him. And they actually let him leave the country in the meantime. So when they bust, when they put out, when they finally banned him from the network in February, he had already he had already left the country. He wound up coming back in order to go into the building at midnight and leave Debbie Wasspon Schultz's laptop in a phone booth at midnight, and the police seized that, and Wassmon Schultz desperately wanted his back. She threatened the Capitol police over it. And then they kept delaying. They delayed the court dates seven times, and they said they were haggling over Debbie Wasspon's laptop whether they could look at it or not. And there's no indication that they ever did. So when they say they found nothing wrong, the reason it's obvious. It's just like with Hillary Clinton, they didn't look. Yeah, and on top of that, you also have his entire family was on the House payroll. It wasn't just him. That's the only I mean, you know, all these people left, they're gone, and they were on. They were paid high salaries, despite most of them not having any training in I T you don't hear of that. They got paid seven million dollars between them over the years. And one of them was working at McDonald's. They didn't, they didn't, he didn't have work there. Um, you know. Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver admitted he was paying the McDonald's guy, but he had never met him before. An im rom who wasn't even on his payroll was logging into his servers. I mean, these people would just let a random person who's not on their staff log onto their servers. Had full control. These guys had access to all the emails of one in five House Democrats. So the way that they're protecting them is for the reasons that I mentioned. But then there's also even the possibility that they have you know, when you've got all these people's emails, I mean, my god, you have such leverage over them. Yeah. Yeah, listen, I haven't been an FBI agent, and uh, and seeing the way once you get to a certain level in government, how you're treated and this whole like we have special Uh, there's a certain agents that that's their job is to strictly deal with anything congressional and politics. There's special ways that has to be investigated. Same thing with clergy members, same thing with doctors. I don't agree with any of that. I mean, when as soon as you start saying special ways that people have to be investigated, what you're doing is you're basically setting them up, uh for exploitation of power. And that's basically what I see here. I don't know if you all have you yourself, uh luke, if you've ever looked at the Senior Executive Service Program. If you haven't, I'm trying to push that on every journalist that's a real journalist out there. Uh. There's so many people who call themselves journalists these days. But anybody that has uh any ability to research, start looking at the Senior Executive Service Program. We saw this when I was in the bureau, uh, and I see it now. These are people that have political ties. There's no overwatch they and and it's not just the sc S, it's the people who work for them as well. It's not just the d o J or the FBI. Lois lerner um, any political appointee, any um Mueller was and is an SCS Special Prosecutors or sc sr UM and uh, Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State was an s c s R. And they they have this ultra power, this ruling elite mentality, and there is no overwatch and it doesn't say anything in the constitution about this. So I don't know where this started. Yeah, that's exactly right. I mean, at the at the end of the day, what we had here is Jeff Sessions was unwilling to prosecute misconduct that would infuriate forty Democratic members of Congress, especially because Paul Ryan wasn't standing up to enforce the rules of the House. So, you know, you talk about a sanctuary city, Paul Ryan is running a sanctuary Congress right now. Because we know we know that purchase holders were falsified in a way that allowed equipment to disappear. You know, they were paying people who weren't really showing up for work. Uh. You know, we know that these guys lied on their house. They're sworn ethics disclosures to hide LLCs that they had, including a you know, a car a purported car dealership that took money from an Iraqi government minister while they were working for members of the Intelligence Committee. Why do we even have ethics disclosures if you can just lie on them? Are they even are they are ones? Even American citizens, They are dual citizens, but they spend significant amount of time in Pakistan and they actually do their jobs from Pakistan. They were controlling UM congressional computers from Pakistan. Wow, that I'm We're I'm sure Lauren is holding their ears over there. That is Lauren. Isn't that When you hear stuff like that, I mean, it's mind blowing and disheartening. It really is that these guys are getting away with all of this. Yeah, I worked at McDonald's when I was in high school. I didn't make seven million dollars. So you know, here's Here's the thing about all this um is that when you look and I've been saying this for the longest time, I don't think that when you look at the Republican establishment and a democratic establishment, they have may have different um narratives, they may have may have different motivations at times, but there's protectionism and elitism that is shared by both. And an example of this the same mentality is the complaining and the griping of Obamacare. While Obama was in there. And then the day that the president at President Trump came into office, they didn't have a new healthcare plan for him. They didn't have If they really hated it, they would have said, Mr President, here you go. But they didn't think he was gonna win. And when he won, they that their little cash cow of no telling what all these people do uh was now dismantled. And so we still don't have uh, a replacement for Obamacare, we still don't have um immigration fixed, we still don't have all these things because and I think when it gets down to the thick of this, they all work together. I think that's exactly what we've seen here. They're all kind of protecting incumbents. They're all on the same team, and it would be embarrassing to pull back the cover. It's the kind of thing that really goes on in Congress, and uh, they preferred Uh it's kind of mutually a surd destruction, right, I mean, because the Democrats were telling the Republicans, look, the shoe might be on the other foot next time, so let's just uh, let's just make this all go away. Listen, Hey, I can't thank you enough for coming on here. Keep doing the great investigator work somebody, like I said before, you know this. So many people say I'm a journalist. I don't know what they are. Luke Rosiac investigating reporter for the Daily Call. I guess they can find you there, Luke. That's right, all right, buddy, Thank you very much. Have a great weekend. This is Johnathan gill and filled in for my Good buddy Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Radio Show. You can find me Twitter Jay Gilliam, Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. I'm also on Instagram, but I don't know. Maybe somebody can explain me what Instagram is all about one day and go get my book Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. We'll come back. We'll take a break, we'll come back. We've got more to talk about. We'll be right back. This is JOHNA. Mc gillhum back in for my good buddy Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Radio Show. Literally, there are Martians clear across the universe listening to this. That's what Lauren told me. I believe everything Lauren and Linda says. So listen, you know that music that you're listening to right there, we've been talking about all this stuff in politics. Um, I've been talking about the Pledge of Allegiance. I've been talking about on the third when I hosted, I talked about the Declaration of Independence. You know. I just I've met some of the uh, the people who work around Eric Church, I met Ric Church, his tour manager, the band members. I it is unbelieved they should do a study of how this whole group works because it's amazing of the teamwork, in the camaraderie and the patriotism that exists within this this group in Nashville. It's unbelievable. And um so one of this special group, Jeff Hyde, who you just heard there, uh, just released an album and it's called Norman Rockwell World. You can get that at Jeff Hyde music dot com and on iTunes. And I figured, you know it, I might as well reach out that Jeff and bring him on the show. I think in between playing music and being on tour. He's a male model something like that. Jeff, isn't that right? You're a male model. Yeah. It's a tough it's a tough business. I do well. I have a face for radio, you know, so listen. I figured I would have you on. I I told you the first time I met you. Um, by the way, the first time I met you and driver, I didn't even know you guys are so sincere and uh you're you're not out there, you know, with your egos and stuff, but you're an amazing musician. And uh you told me, you told me very much. Man. You told me that you learned on the banjo. That's that was the first that the first instrument you learned on. Yeah, my dad always kept a banjo under his bed. And from the time I was a little kid, my grandparents would take us to see bluegrass music and um, so I was always a fan from from an early age. And uh, I found a man that lived just twenty miles from my hometown and uh in the thrifty Nickel. It was this little trade newspaper and uh, that's just awesome. And uh, you know, just on a whim, I thought maybe I could find somebody to teach me some tricks of the trade on this instrument. And uh there was an ad in there that said Banjo lessons. So that's how it all got started. So once you learned that, um, you know, we talked a little bit about this one day. You you had your your concept is it you wanted to be a musician. You were interested in music? Yeah, that's that was really all I was interested in. And uh, I think those musicians that end up being successful. Um, that's the case with most of us as we we don't have a plan B. So we've got to do what we can to make the plan a work out. Sometimes that's the best motivation. Oh man, Yeah, there's a lot of people that are just just talent it and and not if if not more so, but you just, uh, it's a long road to home, you know, so you've got to be dedicated to it. So who was your when you started? Who were the big influencers for you? I know everybody always asked that question musicians, but were there people that were just like, man, this is an influence. Well early on, Uh, the stat The Brothers were one of my biggest influences. So it probably because of my dad being a huge fan of THEIRS. But uh, I was just a huge fan of THEIRS. And Tom T. Hall was another big influence. M Artists that wrote their own songs, Um had a big big impact on men. Now you are a writer, you do. You do a lot of writing, yes, sir and h Has that been something that you developed? Were you musician first and a writer second? Or is that or those things come together at the same time. Well, they kind of can't go hand in hand. Uh um. Remember as a little kid, I would make up my own lyrics to uh popular songs that I just put my lyrics in there. And I did too, but we can't see. We can't say any of those on the radio though, oh man. But yeah, so it just kind of developed slowly. It's a it's a thing that you It's kind of like playing the banjo or any instrument or writing songs. You never stop learning because there's always somebody out there better than you. Yeah. When I wrote my book Sheep No More, which I gave you a copy of, I realized after a while, um that your fingers. You can actually think through your fingers. After you, after you get used to that and writing, um, you you you can put passion into the words. And I know that people have never written may not understand that. But it takes a while. But after a while you start to literally think as you're writing. Yeah, you get to where you're not looking at your fingers, wondering how the heck they're doing that, because when you do that, uh, something bad is gonna happen. You're gonna have a You're gonna have a mess up. What's I trying not to do on stage? That's the two The two main things I always try to do is uh, trying not to hit any wrong notes, which is always a challenge, and then make sure your pants or as if before you walk on stage. Two, that's the two secrets to be in in show business that I picked up. That's it. That's the two serious All right, Well, that's that's good to know. So so what was now? I know? So what was? That's another good thing about radio? And my pants could be completely in zepped and nobody's gonna know the difference. So but I always try to focus, you know, I try to rise to a higher standard. So I always try to make sure that that's fixed, right. It never hurts. So when you when you came up with this album, first of all, is this your first album? You know, I have a sister who's a singer, She's had albums, but is this your first album? Is this? Is there something special about this album? Well? This is the first one that I would tell anybody about. UM. I had an earlier attempt years ago, but I was young and uh and green and you could tell. But this album is just a collection of songs that I've written since I've been here, which is been about fifteen years now. And Uh, of course, it's it's hard to get songs recorded by artists every now and then you if you're lucky, you get one recorded, but you end up with a lot of songs you're really proud of that are just kind of sitting there that don't have a life of their own outside the publishing desk. And so that was kind of the goal of this was too um put out a record that gave some of these songs. Uh, I brought her, I brought her audience. You know what song on there do you think really stands out? Or it was the initial push for this is there? Is there a particular song Well Norman Rockwell World is a song I wrote with a couple of my friends, Clint Daniels and Michael Heeney, uh about seven years ago, and it's just one that I've always been really proud of, and that was kind of the the song that we built the record around and uh so tell me real quick, because I want to play a part of that. You said, Um, first off, when we were talking today about how the reality of the world is as opposed to when it was in in Norman Rockwell's paintings, and that was kind of some of the motivation from this. Yeah, it just seems to get crazier all the time. Yeah, and of course I'm sure they thought the same thing back then. But um, why don't we play Why don't we play a few minutes of that? Go over a few seconds? Go ahead, Yeah, thank you. Mom's cooking in the kitchen, supper team just getting things, Jeff hide and Grandpa stands fine is their own track and ain't no Rockwell. You know, Jeff, one of the things about about Norman Rockwell was that everybody was always a whole family. You know. You didn't see two parents over there, you didn't see you know, it was like it was a real family picture, right, Yeah, kind of back to back to a simpler time. When I said two parents, what I meant was to like, you're you're not having two Christmas? Is That's what I meant to say. But uh yeah, so, um, when so when you started writing this. Uh, and you you started crafting this, and you had these other songs, you started bringing them together. Um, we we've played last week, I played earlier. This week I played fiction. I have to ask you where did that song come from? Well, I tell you before you say that, let's play just a few seconds of fiction that we came with. Hold on one second, we'll see ninth centro. I used to think of myself as a story teller that I could really weave and tell. We'll spending young. I can sit down and write you million seller with ben in paper on the back of my guitar. This turn of events shoot got me spinning. I'm second guessing everything and phone. It's under s en ding of a great beginning. I couldn't make it up if I wanted to. Is there ain't to say? Lines to run coach, to play faint ud depiction of the winding up you this word so turned round, baking bound to slaying it down, Coach. I can't write enough toitch to keep up with the truth. Okay, So when you wrote that, where are you thinking about mainstream media? Well, honestly, that uh kind of hearkens back to the Statler Brothers because I keep up with Don Reid has a web page. He's their lead singer and wrote a lot of their songs and uh he um. He has a blog that he UM periodically puts out there. And one of the one of the things he said was he was just mentioning how crazy the world is sometimes and how he hadn't written and he's written a few books, um, and a couple of them have been fiction books, And he said, some of my fans have asked why I hadn't written fiction lately, and it's because I can't keep up with the truth and it is it's uh, And so I thought it would be a pretty cool song if you could write it around the relationship, you know, But it definitely UM can be taken many different ones. How crazy the world is? You know? Let me ask you. Go ahead, let me ask you real quick. So I know, when I hear myself on the radio, I sometimes shriek because your voice sounds different. But when you hear yourself singing, you have to be proud of the way that you sound. I mean your instruments, the way you uh, the way you play your music, the way you're right. It must fill you with a good feeling when you hear it, or do you feel awkward when you hear your self singing? I feel a little awkward to tell you the truth, but you know I do. I do the best I can and let the chips fall. Well they're falling pretty I think you were in Vegas. Well, thank you very much. My friend Ryan Tandelle who produced that record, he he did the jam up job. But so what I just want to I want to just tell you right quick man, thank you for having me on the show, and uh, thank you for your service. All of you veterans have the utmost respect for y'all. It takes a lot of guts to do what you do. Well, you know why we do it. We do it so that people like yourself can rise to the occasion and be the best of the best. And that's what you're doing. And uh, you know, I'm a I'm a huge country music fan, but I'm also a huge fan of artists and you were and you're not just a singer. You didn't win a petition, You've got a contract. You're you're somebody who is crafted a skill and you are, I mean, you're you're the real deal, real deal. Well, thank you very much. Man. That's that's a high compliment coming from you because I know you or a music fan. That's right, that's right. Listen, I'm gonna I'm gonna let you drop off here. I'm gonna pay a little bit more of your music. How does everybody get this, Well, they can go to my web page, which my management team, which is my wife, April, and she told me Jeff had music dot com. And then I have a Facebook page and they can get it on iTunes and Amazon. Thank you very much for the support anybody that might be interested in I hope you enjoy the music. And it takes people like you to make people like me. It takes people like you to motivate people like me through your music, so I appreciate it. Jefferson, thank you very much man. God bless you, Jeff Hid. Everybody, Jeff will be seen you soon. Let's listen a little bit more of his music because we go out Jeff Hid music dot com. In the name of the albums is Norman Rockwell World. I'm Jonathan Gilliman for Sean Hannity on the Sean Hannity Radio Show. We'll be right back this city to Long Mad down the thousand head Man, stripping metals, windows, Mom in the sky, get out face to blacking your durn this City to Wanda Rickey New Straight from the Source, Joy to the people involved in the top news stories, John Hannity, Jonathan Gillimre and for my good buddy Sean Hannity and uh man, now that we you know, we started off talking about the reality of what people are missing with the bludge of allegiance, and about the reality of who these people are, these communists, socialist, socialist democrats, all of it through the communism, the globalist, all these people, you know. And then we have Jeff Hide here again. I played his music. Go to Jeff Hyde music dot com, uh and iTunes get his CD. You won't be mistaken. Uh for that, you won't be sorry. It's a incredible The whole CD is good. Um, but I wanted to get back to the music or to the excuse me too. That's a problem that we have now. Um and I when I talked to Lauren about setting up this show, she does it. She springs these things on me. Uh every so often. I've never said anything about but one of the biggest I'm the biggest fan of Peter Schweitzer and uh, the Clinton cash and all the I mean, it's unbelievable from an investigative standpoint. Haven't been an FBI agent. Uh when I listen to this, and the way it's late out is to perfection. And he has a new book out now called Secret Empires, How the American political class hides corruption and enriches family and friends. He's also the president of the Government Accountability Institute, and uh, he's gonna come on here right now and talk about which everybody knows that I am insensed about, is how these uh, these politically uh quote unquote elite. I don't know what their elite at except for criminal behavior, but how they get away with these sweetheart deals, these shady deals consistently. So, Peter, thank you for being on. I can't appreciate you, can't say thank you enough for all that you've done for this country and and telling people the reality of the truth. Well, thank you so much. It's an honor to be on with you, and I appreciate your your kind words. And you've been fighting this fight as well for a long time, so I'm glad to be in the trenches with you. You know, at the beginning of the show, I read this poem that I wrote, and one of the things in that poem is where I talk about for the first time in our two hundred forty two years our enemy. Um. Now, this enemy has been around for a while, but it has grown to the point where the biggest national security threat we have in this country, and the biggest risk of tyranny is a domestic enemy. It's not foreign, it's here. Yeah, that's right. And you know, look, the Founding Fathers were very clued into the fact that you can have a political leadership, the domestic leadership that doesn't really serve the interests of the people anymore. It starts serving its own interests. And certainly that can happen because maybe they they embrace a foreign ideology. But a lot of times it happens because they start serving their own self interests, and that self interest can mean profiting from their office. It can mean, you know, taking actions that benefit themselves and their colleagues but are at the detriment of the country. Uh. This was a major concern of the Founding Fathers and they saw what had happened under the monarchy in in Great Britain. They feared that it could happen in the United States. And one of the reasons that they set up the system of government we have the way they did is precisely because of this fear that they didn't distrust the American people as much as they distrusted the political class and the political leadership that could be formed. And so, you know, that's really the battle that we face today. Things have certainly changed since the founding of the country, but I think where are concerns need to be placed and where our eyes need to be focused is in the same area, which is what is the political leadership doing, what are they trying to accomplish, what are their motives? And if they're self enriching, how can we stop them and how can we hold them accountable? And I think that was a big reason that Donald Trump wan I mean, you know, immigration obviously a big issue, a whole whole host of other issues, but I really believe that anger at the political class at Washington, d C. Was a major impetus for Trump's election in November. I gotta tell you why, where you're talking almost blanked out for a second because I looked up at CNN and Eric Swellwall, Uh, the representative is on there talking to um. Why did his name just jump out of me? That guy from No No, that the the guy from the White House. It's always given the president. Yeah, Jim, Jim Acosta. Yeah, two of the biggest. Uh. I don't know that these guys are just pungent liars. Um but anyway, getting and they go right back into what you're talking about. But here's the thing I want to ask you about, UM. So, I talked a lot about the SCS, a senior executive service program that was created, and I think it's N eight with the UM uh with when President Carter redid redid the Civil Service Act. And this SCS program is by and large there are senior executives in the government, but uh, I think they call them a Class C or something. That's a certain group of people that are more political. Their political appointees, their deputy directors, their directors, UM and UH special prosecutors for instance, all of them are SCS. And they're at a level where there there is no overwatch, there is no accountability. They they somehow allude punishment whenever they do things. And similar to the politicians that they work closely with. And I wouldn't even say that they work for because a lot of these sc s r s are autonomous. Uh, they do the bidding, but they're doing it on their own free will. They they they just do not and are not held to our laws. They don't even consider them. And so how I guess the question is, Peter, where did this start? How long ago can we trace this back? Is this something that goes back to the political parties when they were created? Does us go back to one of the downfalls of the founding fathers that they were the elitists themselves? They were they were highly educated individuals. Did it come from there? Or is this something that is more recent, with the flow of socialism and Marxism and a resurgence of that. Well, I think that's a great question. I think it's a more recent phenomenon. You know that the early problem, the first hundred dwive years of American political history, the concern was always about government employees and the fact that, um, you had patronage and you had people that were, you know, running the post office or running these other government agencies that were just you know, they might be the cousin or the nephew of the mayor or of a senator or of a governor. And so they came up with the idea of the civil service that we need to have sort of a professional class of people in government that are working. Okay, that kind of makes sense. We don't want cronyism dominating our political system. But the problem when they created the civil service system and then the SCS, the Senior Executive Service that you talked about in is you now created a class of people that were isolated, not just from the crony impulses that you know, they happened to be related to somebody in power and they were doing favors. They now became in a sense insulated also from the American people, and the attitudes have really changed. There was a book released a couple of years ago by two scholars from Johns Hopkins University UM and what they found They did a survey of senior unelected officials. These are SCS officials and other people in the bureaucracy, and what they found was stunning when they asked them a series of very basic questions. One of the question was, if the American people want a certain policy and acted, but you are personally opposed to it, will you carry out the policy or will you seek to undermine it? And actually a majority of s of SCS people said they would work to undermine it. Think about that for a second. They're they're they're saying, we will not go with the popular will. That's a problem. And and there's a difference I think between the elite and elitism of the Founding Fathers, which was based on the fact that they were highly educated, highly informed, but they recognized that concentrated power is a bad thing. The problem with progressives who are elite is they believe concentrated power is necessary for them to accomplish their agenda, so it leads to the abuse of power. So it's a recent phenomenon. This this is a recent phenomenon in the deep state, which has been discussed, you know here of late the last couple of years. Is really a reflection of an idea that goes back thirty years ago from the Reagan administration, where there was same discussions of Ronald Reagan was elected to carry out certain policies UH and the State Department, for example, bureaucrats would try to work to undermine it. They disagreed with what Reagan was elected to do, and they tried to take matters into their own hands. So it's a major problem. And I think it's probably the biggest fight that Donald Trump is going to have as president, is the battle against the deep state. Yeah, and I think the way we're laying it out shows people the reality of what the deep state is. I think a lot of people thought it was it was politicians and there and their political pointies and their maneuvering and that's it. But this goes to now to the point of people that literally run the agencies, and as we've seen with the with the Russian scandal, literally can not only create a an entrapment style investigation, they created all the evidence and I and I and it's crazy how people just don't see it. Yeah, no, it is and and and you know, if you go through the you know, the Peter Struck emails, and I know Sean has done this on a show Is Radio show and on the Spots Show and other people have. But I really encouraged people in the audience to go through and look at these raw text messages between people because what you find is a couple of things. You find, first of all, that this class of people in the FBI certainly not everybody in the FBI, but the certain cast of characters we're talking about. They were first of all, carrying out and seeking out their own interests. They were saying, we don't like Donald Trump, we don't like what he represents. He basically needs to be stopped. Number Two, they wrapped themselves in the mantle of the country. So here they are. They're not involved in a campaign, they're not doing things publicly, they're doing things hidden. But they are convincing themselves that they are engaging in this corrupting activity for the benefit of the country. And that's always a terrible sign when you when you carry out those sorts of act and you wrap yourself in the mantle that we're doing this for the good. Uh, that's when it's scary. And then the third component is just set option. When you have to deceive other colleagues, when you have to deceive the US Congress, when you have to have to deceive other government agencies of what you're actually doing, that's a sure sign that what you're up to is no good. And this is how the deep state operates, and this is why the sunlight that has come out from these congressional investigations Congress has responsibility for oversight. They're exercising that oversight. And the fact that the Department of Justice and FBI is trying to avoid oversight should tell you something because this is Congress doing its job. So in your in your opinion, all this stuff that you've done, this information you've collected, these things that you have. You know, a lot of people have seen it, they've suspected it. But you literally put the points together. Are these people do they want to overthrow the republic? In other words, do they want to um get rid of the way our government is laid out by the founding fathers and men who were elite in their in their knowledge, but also people who I mean got on a ship and came across an ocean to found another country. Right, So, though I agree with what you said about them, but do these modern day UH political elites, these sc srs are they And am I wrong in saying that they appear to be people that are communists in their mindset where they want to centralize the power. They wanted UH degrade the freedoms by making people dependent and ultimately change the structure of our government and the constitution. Is it fair to say that about these people. Well, here's what here's what we know. I think what we know, based on the FBI investigation and based on the reaction that the deep State has had to Donald Trump, is you know, I would say to anybody, step back, whatever your opinion of Donald Trump, you like him, you don't like him, set that aside for a second, because that's not relevant here. It's very clear that the deep state only wants certain types of people with certain views to the president. Because that's really what this is about, right, It's about Donald Trump represented a certain set of ideas, uh, you know, about free trade, about the deep state, about the way American foreign policy was being conducted. And we can have a debate about those things. But there's simply no question. I think when you look at the paper trail of the FBI text and a lot of the other things that have come up in in uh, the course of this investigation, is they essentially want to have the ultimate vote. They want to select who can it can't be president. And when a major American political party, in this case, the Republican Party, elected Donald Trump as their nominee, they don't like it. They don't think he's legitimate, and they think that he needs to be stopped and that to me is a dangerous place to be. And by the way, I would say to people on the other side of the aisle. Uh, you know, if Bernie Sanders were the nominee, you could very clearly find yourself in a similar situation. You're going to be elements of the of the deep state who are not gonna like certain that Bernie Sanders stands for. I agree totally with you, and so does everybody out there. I'm sure I gotta run though, Peter Man. We ran that to the very end because there's just so much to talk about. You ever need me for anything, they know how to get ahold of me. You call me, I'm I'm there with you and all this, and I can't thank enough again for all you done. Peter Schweitzer, author of Secret Empires, How the American political class hides corruption and enriches family and friends. Uh, and the president of the Government Accountability Institute, thank you very much, Peter. We'll be right back this John the gill And filled in for Shawn Hannity on the Shawan Hanny Radio show. Go Get My Books, Sheep no more of the Art of Awareness and Attack Survival will be right. This is John of the gill and filled in for my good buddy Shaan Hannity. Shawn Hannity Radio show Man. Shows like this go by so fast, believable and the amount of information that we've covered. We're gonna get two more with Greg Jared and we come back in just a minute to talk more about this deep state. I know we talked about it a lot, but I hope that you're seeing the reality of what these individuals that have dug into this are actually seeing and what they're bringing to you. Go get my book Sheep No More, The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival. You can get down on Amazon. I keep talking about this. If you're a truck driver, uh, it will help you determine the most likely places where an attack and happened, because I teach you how to think like an attacker and to do the threat assessment. Same thing if you're a parent, or if you're a teacher, or if a superintendent, or if you own a company, or hey, if you're the President United States, you need it as well. I get you one if you want one, Mr President. This John A. Gill And find me on Twitter. Jay Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. We'll be right back. This is Johnaman Gillum filling in for Shawan Handy with this amazing team that is on top of everything here at the show. And I gotta tell you my next guest. I had him on on Tuesday. I asked Greg Jared if he would come back, and he said yes, And you know him, You're you know, even if I didn't announce it was Greg Jared. As soon as he starts talking that voice, you're gonna know it. He's a Fox News analysts and author the upcoming release The Russian Hoax, The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump, and that's available for pre sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble Um and here it's doing amazingly well. Greg and people, you know, that just shows how hungry they are for this information. Yeah, you know, I think it is a great explanation of how high government officials abuse their position of power to subvert our system of justice and undermine the democratic process. So, you know, I just got back from Florida. I was down there. A lot of people came up said I got to read this book. Because I, while I'm not familiar with all the details, they said, we expect that you're going to fill in those details for us. And I think I've really tried to do that. Well. Now you know, you just used the word a second ago, called that subvert, and I I've done a lot of research over the past year of subversion. I gotta tell you, I don't know if you've seen this in your research, but when you work in the federal government, it is very easy for them to pull the wool over your eyes because you just don't question a lot of stuff. And um, not when you're investigating like a drug crime or a terrorism crime, but when you're higher ups are doing things, people will they'll go right along with it. And subversion, I never understood subversion. And um I studied a guy named Yuri Besmanov who was a defector from Russia in the Reggae administration, and he when he described subversion, it's exactly what what you're talking about in your book. It's exactly what's going on in the deep state. Yeah. And you know, when you're armed with almost unlimited power as a you know, as the FBI and uh, you know, federal U s attorneys and others. The Department of Justice almost unanswerable to no one. You know, you have the ability to, for example, in the case of Hillary Clinton, to absolve her if you want, even though she flagrantly violated felony statutes. And then these same people at the DOJ and FBI weaponized other laws and regulations to investigate Trump without any legal justification. They were trying to destroy him. And the tragedy of this is that they compromised essential principles and they damaged the nation's trust. There was never any plausible evidence that Trumper's campaign collaborated with Russia to win the presidency, and the FBI had no legal basis to launch the investigation. They invented facts, they exaggerated others, They perverted laws and ignored statutes, and essentially, Jonathan, the law enforcers, became the lawbreakers. Now. You know, I'm reading an article today that says Mueller hires more prosecutors as Russia probe moves forward. So at this point in time, and this just blows my mind. Uh, he currently has seventeen federal prosecutors. Seventeen. I mean, when I was in the FBI, you know, you give you give us a you know, to agents or an agent, a detect and a detective. They can go out and do the majority of this stuff. You're an attorney, right, You're an attorney. Right. So when we say that at herneys are investigating, how much are they actually doing an investigating or are they just guiding this where they see that they can get a prosecution. Well, what I've seen is that that Mueller is increasingly using US attorneys in offices like New York, Alexandra, Virginia, Pittsburgh, and elsewhere, as well as attorneys of the Department of Justice to do a lot of work form. Now, I mean, there's there's a couple of ways you can look at it. You can say that he's escalating it. On the other hand, he may actually be making moves to step away, uh and de escalate because he may well realize by now that there's no evidence of collusion. Obstruction of justice is legally absurd, and yet he's filed some cases and he can't handle the paperwork. So he's increasingly relying on d J and u S attorneys to handle the paper I'll give you an example, the Russian trolls case, uh, where you know he filed an indictment against various Russians and other companies, claiming that they were attempting to sow discord in the two thousand and sixteen election. He never thought that some of those defendants would actually contest his indictment, and uh and lo and behold they did. And I mean it's easy to file an indictment, it's hard to prosecute a case. So it looks to me like he is now looking to other lawyers outside his office to handle these cases going forward. So when I you know, I I giggle a little bit because I can't take this serious. I just cannot take um the seven million, seven point seven million dollars that have been spent as of May two thousand seventeen. Uh, the fact that this information, a lot of it, if you just look at it, has been completely crafted. Is has been used to get flies? Is I mean, Greg, are we at a point here where there's going to be a breaking point in the American people or somewhere in the justice system they say enough is enough? Or is this now the norm? You think? I think we've already reached the breaking point. If you look at at some of the polling data. Uh, it indicates, uh, that the numbers in support of Mueller are going down, the numbers against him are going up. For you know, one poll in particular, a majority, substantial majority of Americans now feel that the Mueller probe is politically motivated. And it surely is. And you mentioned the more than stuff millions spent. A lot more was spent up to ten millions so far by the Department of Justice, and dare lawyers who have been, as I mentioned earlier, assisting Mueller. You know, before this thing is all said and done, I mean, you're gonna have a bill of forty fifty million dollars racked up by Mueller and what is essentially a fabricated case trying to frame Donald Trump for crimes he didn't commit. Hey, look at all the indictments so far. None of them have anything to do with Trump or Trump Russia collusion. None of them. Several of them are just process crimes. In Paul Manafort's case, these are it's a tax fraud case dating back more than a decade that well predates his brief tenure as campaign manager on the Trump campaign. So none of this has anything to do which with Mueller's assignment when he was originally hired would investigate links between the Trump campaign and Russians. And so far not a single indictment on that basis. And and let's let's not miss the point that that forty million dollars that you're talking about, it's not we're not talking about technology. We're not talking about they came up some whiz bang investigative tool. We're talking about paying for these attorneys, right, and investigators. I mean you've got, for example, he hired originally Lisa Page and Peter Struck. Uh, you know, the now infamous former FBI people who were kicked off the case when it was determined that they had this conspicuous and disgusting anti Trump bias and pro Hillary bias. Uh. And you know, so there are a whole host of investigators, a lot of them borrowed from the FBI, in addition to the seventeen prosecutors on Mueller's team. So, I mean, it's a huge operation. What have they come up with so far? Nothing? Nothing? Listen, Greg, I gotta let you go. I can't thank you for coming back on Uh. You helped me out a lot in these past couple of days. Um, and I look forward to reading your book and also what comes from from this stuff. I'm just I think we're at a precipice. I'm eager to see exactly where this is going. Well, my pleasure, Jonathan, anytime. And and you know, the book comes out in a couple of weeks, so I'm gonna get your copy. I hope you'll read it and we'll talk about it some more. You got it, and I got you a copy of mine Sheep No More The Art of Awareness and Tach Survival. But this is your plug for your book. Greg Jared Fox News analysts. We all know him, author of the upcoming release The Russian Hoax, The Elicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. It's available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble for pre order. Go get it, Greg, Thank you very much and have a great weekend. Thanks Jonathan, You got a buddy. This is Jonathan Gillham going in for my good buddy Sean Hannity Sean Hannity Radio Show. We're almost done with the show, but don't tune out yet because I've got another little bit of a poem that I wrote for you guys. I want to finish up with this this you know, listen, this has been my week. You guys all go on vacation. I stayed here, I covered the radio show, and it's my opportunity to share with you all the things that and the way that I see the country, to share with you the things that I've done that have molded this, uh, this viewpoint of what's happening in this country that other people just don't have because they've not worked inside the government. Let me just say this real quick. I want to read just a little bit of this poem for you. It's called the Perils of Freedom. I wrote this as well for another speech that I was given. But I want you to imagine, if you would, that the Founding Fathers. I'm not gonna read it verbatim, but I want you to imagine that the Founding Fathers are standing in a room around you right now, and they're looking down at you. How do you think that their faces would be. It would probably be pretty angry, And I wonder what they would say to you. That probably say to you, we provided you with the vessel of God's freedom, and only you could have ensured that vessel would be supported and defended. But what's that vessel? I'm talking about the Constitution. But we seem we just seemed to forget about this thing called the Constitution and why it was written. And then you see that vessel, our great Constitution and those God given freedoms it ensures are in peril of dying with you because no one remembers. It seems these days the tyranny that those Founding Fathers fled. But I want you to also imagine that those that have fallen in battle in service are also standing around you. Imagine that, literally, imagine that they're standing with you right now, alongside the Founding Fathers. I would imagine that they would have disappointed faces and they would say to you, were our sacrifices in vain. We died in service to you so that you could be free, and only you could have ensured the same freedoms for the next generation by continuing to serve. But I don't see a lot of people wanting to serve. I see a lot of people questioning why they should serve, and will it put me in danger? And they want to change things the constitution, They want to change the way our government runs. But now you see that freedom and this country's way of life are in peril. Of dying with you, because no one wants to serve anything, it seems like, anymore, except for their own special interest. Lastly, imagine the oppressed and those that were enslaved, who suffered as martyrs to the growth of equal rights. They too, could be standing around you right now. I would imagine they would have sad eyes, and they'd be saying, we sacrificed our bodies and lie to ensure equal freedoms for you, and only you could have sustained our legacy. But now our legacy and those freedoms are in peril of dying with you. So I'm gonna ask you this on Friday after Independence Day, after the holiday is gone. Consider this our nation's flag O Glory as she stands when you want buy a federal building, or you may have one in front of your house. Her powerful appearance representing exceptionalism of our citizenry and the strength of our constitution, her stripes representing the blood of sacrifice, and as stars, they display the unity of the individual states in our republic. When you see American flag, you see strength, You see silent professionalism. Without a word, that flag asks you who will you stand for? Will you stand with me? Will you defend me? Will you live and die for me? Well? I know if I died today, I know that my legacy would be that I gave it my best shot. I wasn't the best that in the Seal teams I held my own, I wasn't the greatest investigator, but I gave it my best shot. I failed more times than most people will ever try. But I continue to try, and I continue to succeed. And that's all I ask of you. Having served and bled and training and served with men that died in battle, don't take your citizenry light, don't take your freedoms for granted, and stand together and come back together as American citizenry. You are the elite out of the entire world. I'm Jonathan Gilham, former Navy Seal, Federal Marshall Security contractor, FBI Special Agents. Go get my book Sheep No More The Art of Awareness and Attack Survival and find me on Twitter at j Gilliam Underscore Seal and on Facebook at Jonathan T. Gilliam. I love you, America. I'll see you next time.

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