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All right, an unbelievable news day sit down, because you're not gonna believe all the news we have on the deep state. We've got a ton of battles over the wall, appending shutdown, more fallout as it relates to Michael what's his name, Michael Cone. But really I want to start with something, and this is very important because this is if this is how we are going to treat American war heroes, we don't have a justice system that is fair, that represents a constitutional republic anymore. These are not just words. If you let me just basically, you have now a former FBI director James Comey boasting how he quote got away with it, meaning pretty much in trapping General Michael Flynn, who was a decorated war hero thirty three years in the military, serving his country five years in combat, on charges that he lied to FBI interrogators. Even though Comey has admitted in the past he Comey said he didn't lie anyone, nor did he say anyone in the FBI thought so. But when you get to the whole the bottom line in this sordid case, it is beyond any comprehension that I think any of us could have what could actually really happen in the United States. Now, I'm gonna give you all the details of this, So we'll start with the Wall Street Journal. So there's a new FBI three zero two summary of the Flynn interview. And then deputy FBI Director, by the way, fired for lying. In part, Andrew McCabe and other FBI officials quote decided the agents would not general Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport. Yeah, and they also told him that, oh, you're not going to need your lawyer. This this is just standard stuff. Quote. This is something I probably wouldn't have done or wouldn't have gotten away with in a more organized administration. James Comey's bragging about this, boasting about this on national television. Quote. In the George W. Bush administration or the Obama administration, if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House Council. There would be discussions and approvals on who would be there, and and I thought, it's it's early enough. Let's just send a couple of guys over. Now if the you know, let me just send a couple of guys over and then not tell him he doesn't need a lawyer. They will tell him that, because if the goal here was to set a legal trap. Now backtrack, Remember what we've also learned a while ago now about real crimes committed that nobody seems to care about, and that was the illegal surveillance, the lack of minimization, the unmasking in other words, of the identity of General Flynn, and then the leaking of raw intelligence, meaning the conversation that they should not have had as he appropriately was talking to a soon to be Russian counterpart, And yeah, policy issues came up, and well, we have a different policy than the last administration. So whatever he didn't say, that was exactly in connection with probably what they had, which I'm assuming here was a transcript illegally obtained. Then you know, there's no way anybody's ever going to have such a perfect memory, especially at that point much later down the road. So you have two agents now and James Comey's bragging cuff. I wouldn't have done this another administration. Well, this is right at the beginning of the Trump administration, and I don't think any administration's organized on day one. And so anyway, the two agents show up at the White House hours after McCabe's call where he's saying, you don't need a lawyer. They reported into three h two that General Flynn had been relaxed jocular clearly saw the FBI agents as allies. One of the agents was Peter Struck, who's famous for his anti Trump texts, who thought that Trump should have lost one hundred million to zero. You know that's said he was a loan loothesome human being. Said no, he's not gonna win, said he had an insurance policy, part of a media elite strategy. Anyway, the FBI agents had seen the transcripts Flynn's conversation because he was illegally amassed by Obama administration officials. The three O two says that rather than flagged this and asked Flynn for an explanation, the agents decided before the meeting that if Flynn said he didn't remember something that they knew he said, they would use the exact words Flynn used to try to refresh his recollection and if Flynn would not conform to what they said, they would not confront him or talk him through it. Now Flynn's lawyers are requesting probation and community service. This case needs to be thrown out if we have any sense of real justice and protections. Fourth Amendment protections, constitutional protections and mccabin struck, by the way, have both been fired from misconduct, and this behavior reeks of entrapment. One of these people were going to be held responsible. Everyone talks about we got to hold everybody responsible, only if you're a Republican. Apparently, now it gets even more interesting because I've long believe that when the facts behind Muller's decision to prosecute Flynn become publicly known, that this investigation of Muller now becomes a house of cards. And you know, if if you could just take the hysteria of the media out of well, we got Trump, we got him, we got him on collusion. But no, no, no, no, no, we don't have a collusion, no evidence of collusion. Through three years of investigating, still no evidence of collusion. And because they started this way before even the election took place, so that, oh, I think we got a campaign finance violation. Well, most smart, intelligent lawyers don't think you have that either. But at the end of the day, here, you know, the federalists had a great piece up today. The federal judge overseeing flynn sentencing dropping of Hugh Bombshell. Now this has to do with the revelations that following an order entered late yesterday. The presiding judge in this case as a guy by the name of Judge Emmett Sullivan. What's fascinating about him is remember what they did to Senator Ted Stevens lost his seat over this whole thing. But he was the judge that found out all the exculpatory evidence in that particular case. I don't remember all the details of it at this point, but there was a grave miscarriage of justice there and this is the judge that insisted on finding it. Now, Judge Emmett Sullivan is directing the Special Counsel's Office to file with the court any three O two's any memorandum relevant to Flynn's interview. Now, while Flynn's sentencing memorandum laid out a case for a low level sentence of one year probation, if you look at footnote twenty three. This is all in the Federalists today a bomb revealing basically that the Agents three h two summary of his interview is dated August twenty second, twenty seventeen. Now that date is a striking detail because that puts the three h two report nearly seven months after the Flynn interview. Then, when you add to the facts that we already know, it takes on an even greater significance because first, text messages between Struck and Page indicate that Struck wrote his notes from the Flynn interview shortly after he questioned General Flynn on January twenty fourth, just days after Trump took the old of office. It's twenty seventeen, so specifically, on February fourteen, twenty seventeen, a month later, Struck texted Page. Also is Andy good with the F three h two, and Page responded launch three O two. Given Struct's role in questioning Flynn, the date three weeks from the interview, the notation F three O two has to be Flynn three O two. And it seems like Paige's position as a special counsel to McCabe seems extremely likely that what we're talking about here is these text messages concerned the February twenty seventeen three or two summary of the Flynn interview, in addition, not the August one of twenty seventeen, so that the interview happens, is three O two is filed, They talk about it on text messages, but yet we have in August twenty second, twenty seventeen. That wouldn't make any sense. That would mean that something changed, something changed dramatically. And now we know from the sentencing memorandum that the Special Counsel's Office has tender to three O two interview summary dated to twenty second, we can deduce that there was an earlier three O two form existing from James Comey's testimony before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee, because during that question ing, Trey Goudy asked whether Comey recalled being asked whether the agents who interviewed Comy thought he lied during an earlier House hearing. Comey countered, I recall saying the agents observed no indication of deception or physical manifestations or shiftiness, that sort of thing, And the exchange followed. Goudy said, well, who would you have gotten that from? If you were not present? And Comey says from someone at the FBI who either spoke to or I don't think I spoke to the interviewing agents, but got the report from the interviewing agents. So Gaudy says, all right, so you would have read the three O two or had a conversation with someone who read the three O two. This is where Comy. Oh, I don't remember for sure, but I think I may have done both. That has read the three O two and then they talked to the investigators directly. I just don't remember. Conveniently, now, President Trump fired Comey on May nine, twenty seventeen, so the three ZO two of Flynn interview had to have been read before the August that they're now pointing to as the three H two. Now, the timing of the rewrite. Now, let you understand here, if you change a three O two, you're changing it for the benefit of a narrative that you're using to now implicate somebody in a crime. This is an American war hero. So so Comey had to have read it long before he was fired. So that would be the February date that we're talking about, and the timing of the rewrite. This is the three O two again on Flynn. Now shortly after Peter Struck was removed from the Special Council's team after his anti Trump text messages came to light raises the possibility that Muller wanted a scrub the evidence of Struct's taint. Having a second agent involved in questioning the Flynn draft. A new three O two summary would eliminate attacks premised on Struck's bias against the president. But was that the only reason the FBI had a three O two? Were there any differences in the versions? Now go back to February, Graham and Crassley requested the DOJ Inspector General Harrowitz to conduct a comprehensive review of the misconduct in the Russia investigation, and specifically asked Horowitz to answer these questions about Flynn and the interview and the three O twos. Did FBI agents document their interview with General Flynn in one or more three O two's and what were the FBI agent's conclusions Lieutenant Flynn's truthfulness, you know, wasn't reflected directly in the three O twos. Were the three O two's edited and if so, by whom, at whose direction? How many drafts were there are there material differences between the final draft and the initial draft. Well, now Sullivan the judge who wants to see the documents, and ordered Muller by Friday afternoon to file the docket forthwith, citing memorandum and FD three O two, and Sullivan ordered the government to file on the docket any three O two's a memoranda relevant to Flynn's interview. It all assumes the Special Counsel's Office still has copies of them and based on other things, they don't. All right, quick break right back, We'll continue straight ahead. It's to Sean Hannity show. Smoking is not about politics, it's about people. There are thirty four million Americans that smoke. For me, Jewel was a game changer because you switch to Jewel, it's simple, it's satisfying and no more smell. I watch people all the time they run outside and the freezing coal you could be grabbing their cigarette. 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All of this ought to scare the living daylights out of you, because you know, when District Court Judge Sullivan discovered if he discovers the FBI tampered with their three O two interview witness summaries in a bid to set up Michael Flynn, and when he now knows that General Flynn, this whole admission by Comey that we just sent him over because we thought there was chaos over there in the first couple of days of the administration, and hey, we were just acting. Meanwhile, they had already surveiled, unmasked, and had intelligence on General Flynn, and we're not going to give up our hand here now. The last time Sullivan discovered Justice Department misconduct was in the Alaska case of Senator Ted Stevens. He not only dismissed the guilty verdict, Sullivan then appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the DOJ prosecutors that railroaded him. Now, if Judge Sullivan, and it seems like he's going to be true to form here, Now, what did Robert Muller? What involvement might he have had in this? That's what I want to know, because the date of the August three h two is suspicious to me because that means this is right after he was discovered by Mueller very quietly never told anybody struck in pager out when he was told by the Inspector General about these text messages between the two of them and that they had a political bias. Now two thousand and eight, Sullivan, you know, Stevens was found guilty on eight felony counts brought by the US government. Then he lost his election in Alaska, and when the sentencing came down in two thousand and nine, the case was dismissed because of dj corruption. But that was too late for Senator Stevens, wasn't it because he lost his re election a few months earlier? You know, if this happened to a thirty three year veteran, how could anybody in this country ever expect equal justice, equal application of our laws and look in the it looked straight in the mirror and suggest that we're really not a banana republic instead of a constitutional republic as we should be. All right, twenty five now ntil the top of the hour, just to give us summation here, too many details to get into, James call me bragging basically about setting up Michael Flynn by sending over FBI agents. You know than the early days of the Trump administration. Oh, I probably wouldn't have done this, wouldn't have gotten away with it in a more organized administration. This is days after literally the first week of the presidency of Donald Trump. No administration is going to be that organized. In the Bush administration, the Obama administration that the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official. You would work through the White House Council Council. It would be discussions and approvals on who would be there. And I thought, wow, it's early enough. Send a couple of guys over. But we're gonna tell them, hey, you don't you don't need a lawyer for this. It's not a big deal. Now I'm looking at all of this, and what is really amazing is the presiding Judge Emmett Sullivan here. It's going to be fascinating to watch this unfold because what's happening in the sentencing memorandum that they methodically laid out with this footnote that was dropped that the agents three or two summary of his interview was dated August twenty, twenty seventeen. The only problem with that is that is contradicted by a couple of things. One is the struck page text messages where they're clearly talking about the Flynn three O two And more importantly, remember James Comey was fired in May of twenty seventeen. Okay, but in an interview with Trey Goudie. The problem is he's talking about. Yeah, I probably saw that three o two. Now, that's where it gets fascinating. Now, The New York Times reported at the time, Now, when this judge Emmett Sullivan threw out the Ted Stevens conviction ethics conviction, he was furious, and he took an extraordinary step of naming a special prosecutor to investigate whether government lawyers ran Stephens case. The ones that did should themselves be prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing. That's how angry he was. The New York Times described him as speaking in a slow, deliberate manner that failed to conceal his anger, saying that in the twenty five years he's been on the bench, he'd never seen mishandling and misconduct like what I have seen by the Justice Department prosecutors who tried the Stephens case. I know, people, what are the people carries? One senator from Alaska? Right, Well, just one person. If there is corruption in the Justice Department and you're weaponizing and criminalizing, as Alan Dershowitz always says, political differences, you are losing your country. That's why, as The New York Times said that he gave a lacerating their words fourteen minute speech focusing on disclosures that prosecutors had him properly withheld evidence in that case virtually the guaranteed reverberations beyond the morning's dismissal of the verdict that helped it ended Stephen's career. How does he get his good name back? How does he get his career back? Now? The judge it was named to the Federal District Court by Bill Clinton delivered a broad warning about what he said was a troubling tendency that he has observed among prosecutors to stretch the boundaries of ethics restrictions to conceal evidence to win cases. And he named a prominent Washington lawyer to investigate six career Justice Department prosecutors, including the chief deputy of the Public Integrity Section, an elite unit charge with dealing with official corruption, to see if they would face criminal charges. Now, as the Federalist points out today and notes rightly, and we have had on this program. Sydney Howell wrote the great book License to Lie about this kind of corruption. Andrew Weissman, Mueller's pit bowl has a history of tampering with FBI three zero two's and in the end Ron prosecution, which he was involved in. Weisman destroyed some of the original FBI three ZO two witness statements that the court wanted to see. And that's why I have been from day one so critical of the appointment of Weisman. You know, we heard a lot about Genie Ray weighing in on the whole Michael Cohne issue. Genie Ray was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation. Do we not see a conflict in all of this? I am telling you there is so much wrong with this and getting to the bottom of it is going to take a commitment to unpeel every single layer of this onion. I just am stunned that it's even possible that that, in fact, James Comey would be out there bragging like there is eventually something is that there's gonna be a moment where the damn breaks in all of this. By the way, just to give you an update, Mark Chairman told Martha McCallum on Fox that three Clinton Foundation whistleblowers with thousands of pages of evidence documenting explosive allegations, they're going to be testifying this week. And I'm telling you there's a lot of stuff going on there now. We also found out from the Daily Caller that Christopher Steele, Yeah, the one used the Oh, because campaign finance violations are so important. The Hillary Clinton and DNC money that was funneled through a law firm as a legal expense, that hired the op research firm, that hired the foreign national that paid money to his Russian sources to make up lies about Donald Trump, and then used it those Russian lines to influence the election in twenty sixteen. Now we're discovering Daily Caller report that the infamous dossier to Strobe Talbot, a longtime Clinton insider former State Department official. Court documents released yesterday show that the Steel had shared the information with Talbot because of the latter's position on the State Department's Foreign Affairs Policy Board, and Talbot's linked to the dossier has not been previously reported, and his brother in law, another Clinton insider, compiled an anti Trump dossier of his own during the campaign. Oh so we have everybody all one big family, you know, fest going on here on every level. Oh, I'm loving this. The President canceled the annual White House Christmas party for the media, and I know people say that, but why why should he bother. Let them have their Christmas party in the media over the DNC headquarters. That's where it belongs. And you know, I don't think the DNC will let them call it a Christmas party. Maybe they'll call it a Winter Solstice party. But anyway, it's I know it just because they're all going. I wouldn't go anyway. I wouldn't want to go. Why are we going to pretend that they're not biased when they are? It is, And I think other people have actually gotten invitations. But I thought that was funny. You know that their heads are exploding pretty much everywhere. Now. One other thing on Christopher Steele, because this is a pretty Washington Times had a great piece about this when he told the London courtroom that he was hired in to gather evidence that Hillary Clinton's campaign in the DNC could use to challenge the twenty sixteen presidential election results. Now they point out that his scenario is contained in a sealed all a second declaration and a defamation lawsuit brought by three Russian bankers in London, and the Russian bankers well their American attorneys, filed his answers Tuesday in a libel suit in Washington against the investigated firm, Fusion GPS, which handled Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Steele testified that the law firm Perkins Cooee wanted to be in a position to contest the results based on evidence that he unearthed on the Trump campaigns conspiring with Moscow on election interference. In an answer to these interrogatories, Steele wrote, quote Fusion's immediate client was law firm Perkins Cooee. See how by the way they're funneling money that's supposed to be legally How they do that? The very thing that liberals are so up in arms about Trump might have violated campaign finance. He spent on the sidewalk. Whatever they can say anyway, So that was it engage Fusion Perkins Cooey to obtain information needed for the law firm to provide legal advice onto the potential impact of Russian involvement in the validity of the outcome of the twenty sixteen election. Maybe they were seeing numbers that they're not admitting to that they thought they'd lose. That's why they have an insurance policy in a media leak strategy with their friends that let them off the hook for the crimes they committed in the obstruction of justice that occurred, and then of course using that phony Russian dossier as a means of spying on the Trump campaign to cheat, just like they did with Bernie Sanders, and then when that didn't work, just spread the lies Russian lines paid for by Hillary to the American people. Hopefully that'll influence the election anyway. Based on that advice, parties like the DNC and her presidential campaign could consider steps that would be legally entitled to to take challenge the validity of the outcome of the election. Democrats never filed a challenge. Steals answer those suggests that was an option inside Clinton camp, which funded Steel, through the law firm, through the research group. I know it gets confusing. We also have the Justice Department. This is interesting, big headline destroying Struck and Page iPhones after Mueller's office assided they weren't relevant. This is more new information today. Sounds like a Thursday afternoon document dump, but you know, we'll put that aside anyway. I would think this raised his eyebrows once again. It seems like Democrats get away with destroying anything they want, but those concerned about all this misconduct. The Justice Department revealing today and the Inspector General report that Investigator's white clean the iPhones that were used by Trump paiding FBI officials Struck in Page after the so called records office or officer in Mueller's office decided there was nothing relevant in a newly recovered batch text messages that had never been made public. So they saw the proof that these lovebirds hated Trump had an agenda, quietly fired him. Let's get rid of these phones, Let's clean him up. Apparently they sent them back to the manufacturer to make super sure they were clean. Maybe they had never discussed bleach pit with Hillary Clinton anyway. The Hill points out that the Inspector General's report partially redacted. I read it all today, detailing how the office was able to recover these lost text messages between Struck and Page. These are the ones, many of which were released, but not all of them by a long stretch. But now Struck turned over his iPhone to the DOJ once he was pulled from Muller's team. Struct's phone was reset to factory settings reissued to another agent, meaning that it didn't have any data related to Struct's use on the device. A records officer with the Special Counsel's Office told the Inspector General that Ruck's phone was reviewed for text after it was returned and it was determined to contain no substantive text messages. And then, as it relates to Page's iPhone she got from the Muller team, it wasn't located until September twenty eighteen. Now it hadn't been reissued like Structs phone, but it too had been reset to factory settings, quote they called a routine practice within the department. Had no data related to Page's use of the device, but unlike Structs phone, Page's device was not reviewed by the Special Council's records officer for possible records that would have been kept. And the FBI accepts the fact that not all texts between Page and Struck were collected by the FBI's text collection tool, but appreciates and degrees with the Inspector General's conclusion and explanation that the content of the text messages exchanged between the two did not appear to factor in their collection. Blah blah blah, and it goes on from there. Imagine if you did this, I did this forget it. Look what they're doing, loan applications, taxi, medallions, taxes two thousand and seven, Ukraine, not Russia. It just goes on and on, but no evidence or collusion. Really, you know, you're gonna get everyone else for spitting on the sidewalk. We have a lot to get to actually have a debate later in the program. Some headlines as it relates to the borders. DHS says that substantial wall construction will be completed by October twenty nineteen. There is a quote in Conservative Review of Nancy Pelosi. You know now she's saying, well, no wall funding, even if it means the government's closed forever, something to that effect. If she wants to take on the responsibility, that'll be Look, we're gonna have to make a decision here. Everybody needs to know. There's never a government shutdown ever, There's never it's it's seventy percent of essential services keep going. That means the military. That means we're gonna fund the government. We're gonna make sure that everyone gets their Social Security checks. Nobody's gonna know. Security issues are going to be impacted, and our troops will be working on Christmas Day and so on and so forth. I'm not afraid of a government shutdown, and I don't want people to lose their jobs. But in every past case, rightly so, people that are unfairly impacted because of impasses like this, they get their money that they deserve. It's not their fault that it's a political battle. But if we're not going to fight for the security of the country, what else are we gonna fight for? And the President, by the way, and the Pentagon have said, hey, they're ready to help build the wall regardless, which I think is probably the best way to go anywhere you get the whole twenty five million billion that would be needed to build it. And if you actually look at the amount of money we're paying every year, it costs we you, the taxpayers of fortune when it comes to border security. You know, we've gone over this education. When you look at state, local federal spending, you know we're talking about forty four billion dollars a year state expenditures, one point seven billion, you know, federal educational expenditures, seventeen for medical expenditures, thirteen for law enforcement expenditures. Building the wall is going to save us money, a lot of it in the long term. All right, glad you with us our two Sean Hannity show. Right down our toll free number. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. All right. A ton of breaking news on the deep state. We now know the Justice Department literally destroyed the tax that were on struck In Page's iPhones when they were given those phones courtesy of the Special Counsel's Office. Fascinating how quickly they can they can get rid of them, clean them up, send them back to the manufacturer, White Clean, and it's beyond frustrating. We have Christopher Steels saying that he was hired to help Hillary challenge the twenty sixteen election results as an August second declaration with the funneled money through Perkins Couey and then hiring Fusion GPS, which hires former m I six agent foreign agent Steel that uses Russian contacts. That of course full of lies, but it becomes the basis of a FISA warrants. They don't tell the judge FISA judges that Hillary paid for it. That information's disseminated, the Russian lies are told to the American people. It spreads like wildfire Russian lies to influence an election. And I think our big bombshell that has come out today are these comments by former FBI Director at James Comey, because these basically boasting about setting up General Flynn back in you know, the first week of the Trump administration. I mean I frankly, he says, well, this is something I probably wouldn't have done or wouldn't have gotten away with in a more organized administration. It was week One's organized about any administration week one, but in the Bush administration or the Obama administration, that the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official. Ha. You'd have to work through the White House Council and there would be discussions and approvals on who would be there. And I thought, it's early enough, let's just send a couple of guys over. Now, this is after a few other events happened. One is that we now know Deputy FBI Director McCabe told Flynn, no, no, no, you don't need a lawyer for this, Okay, But it becomes the basis of a you know, of an admission of Lyne to the FBI. And remember the information they had a transcript obtained illegally because it had to do with surveillance with no minimization of an American citizen, and then of course unmasking of General Flyn and leaking the raw intelligence because they got a transcript of the whole thing. They're bragging about setting up a thirty three year veteran here. And you know, now the judge in this case, this is going to be fascinating. This is the same judge that I've been telling you about Emmett Sullivan who literally unloaded on horrible tactics of the DOJ and the Ted Stevens case. All right, joining us now, we have two Freedom Caucus members. They have been in the forefront of fighting on a lot of these issues. And whether or not there's going to be a government shutdown, we'll get to that too. Louis Gohmer to Texas and Representative Jody Heiser Virginia. Guys, welcome to the program. Thanks for being with us. Hey, Sean, great to be with you. You know I'm talking to you, Sean, and I'm glad you brought up Ted Stevens case because it's another reminder that that was while Mueller was FBI director, and the one that actually the FBI agent that was a whistleblower in that case got run out of the FBI on Mueller's watch, and the one that's that actually hit excuplatory evidence and basically framed Ted stevens Uh that agent went on to do well and continue to move on to bigger and better things. That's the way Mueller ran things, and now he's in charge of this. It is an outrage. It is outrage. And let me tell you, you know, for all of my professional career, as as I've been prosecutor, I've been court appointed on a defense case in federal court and state court, had been a judge in Chief Justice. But but every other law enforcement agency in the country now video tapes, they audio tape. You know, you go into an interview room, there is a camera there so that there is no question about what is what's said. The FBI has been able to get away with all of this modernization of communication because they were so straight and we could trust them, and when they did an interview, they didn't need an audio or videotape because they were going to make a note of what was said and we could trust that. The trouble with that is now we have caught so many of the top FBI people under the Obama administration and now under Trump administration of lying that I think it's time and I hope that Judge Sullivan will help initiate this by having a ruling. I'm afraid he's not going to do it, but a ruling that sends a message to the FBI, come on, end to the modern age. You start audiotaping because your notes that you try to manipulate and maybe even change after the fact to manipulate, are not good enough to go after somebody for lying. Let me get Jody in on this. I look at this and I am flabbergasted at the statements of Jim Comey former find the actions of Comey and the actions of McCabe. And knowing this judge's background, Sullivan's background in the Ted Stevens case, I could see him vacating the whole thing and maybe doing what he did the last time, and that would be appointing a special prosecutor to look into the prosecutors. As I've always been saying. Yeah, I think you're spot on, Sean. I mean here, you know, these people were so focused on getting Trump that they were willing to set up a three star general, and I mean that is appalling. And as you mentioned earlier, we're talking about the first week of this administration. There's four things with this they really are disturbing to me. Is before the interview with Flynn, during the interview, and then afterwards, there was not a they didn't follow procedure and even setting up the interviews with Flynn, it's just kind of casually lessened a couple of agents over here and talk with him. Then the meeting elf Flynn is not even aware that it's a it's a formal interview. It doesn't appear at least that's that's what's being alleged. In fact, he gave a tour of the White House after the interview. He it was just a casual meeting as far as he was concerned. I listen, guys, I'm going to tell you something. If they treat little old Sean Hannity like this, maybe I expected you know, this is a this is an American hero, a three store general. Absolutely, this is a guy was setting up a guy that served his country for thirty three years. What is going on here? They didn't even whether it was the details of this until seven months after the interview. I mean, how do you do how do you have an interview like this with the FBI? And then they did not even turn in the what the interview consisted of until August and the interview. But there's a problem with well, hang on and I'll tell you this is a great piece that was put out by the federalists today. But call me. In the latest interview with frank Out, he said, oh, yeah, I think I probably did look at that three h two, but he was gone in maya, twenty seventeen. And then the struck page memos refer to a three O two with an F in front of it, which probably means Flynn. And so they're caught red hand. That means that it was either destroyed or altered to me one or the other. Pick pick your poison, Louis, Well, it sure looks like it was altered or maybe redone and they got rid of evidence that was there. But under the law the case of Brady, you have to disclose exculpatory evidence, and there are all kinds of exculpatory things here that it appears not only did they not disclose it to the defense but they actually hit it, much like they did in some other matters we dealt with. But let me tell you though, whether it's Sean Hannity or a decorated hero, of course you're my hero too, Shoan. But but they'm not know what General Flynn. Well, hang on, they made this guy Sella's freaking house. This is ridiculous. Because he's a target, they have to give you your rights, and clearly General Flynn was a target. They were coming after him. They're required to read him the rights. And when your target read the rights, they didn't do do that. They were setting him up. And I don't know what Judge Sulivan or rule. I know what I would rule. This is such an outrage. Well, and Louis, if I can add to that, I mean, you're exactly right. He was not even allowed to have an attorney in this interview. And the double standard is glaring. When they interviewed Hillary Clint, she had what nine attorneys in there with with her when she was interviewed by the FBI. But here she was not even allowed them to anyone. Yeah, she had witnesses with her too, Yeah, us they never allow witness to be in with another witness's testimony. They did that with Hillary. Well, I'm to tell you something here. It's now beginning to come together. There have been rumors of this. I have heard for well over a year, year and a half. John Solomon has heard them. Greg Jarrett has heard them. Sarah Carter has heard them. You know, we've discussed it. But this seems to now be the smoking gun here that we now have. And what do you both make of the special counsel that they hired struck in page find out that these two are politically, you know, the ones that exonerated Hillary. He was writing the exoneration before he ever interviewed her. Then he races to the Russia investigation. He's the one saying, well, the one hundred million of zero Hillary should win. And so Mueller gets rid of them quietly. Then these phones are white clean? How conveniently? Yes? And you know the answer. Mueller wanted people that we're going to treat the Trump administration and anybody that was close to him very unfairly. He knew Weisman's record and you've talked about this more than anybody. Sean Weissman destroyed thousands and thousands of lives in a case. That wasn't even a crime knocked down nine zero, and Mueller knew that he doesn't care as long as he could destroy these lives. This is a really serious I think I wanted one of the few people that said, why would he ever hire a guy that lost tens of thousands of jobs lost in the Enron investigation. He has been cited and excoriated on the issue of exculpatory evidence read license to Lie. I mean, it's chock full of information about Mueller's pit bull, just like Jeanie ray is at the Michael Khne sentence thing that she'd worked for the Clinton Foundation. I think I'm the only one that I've been saying, Um, can we not find one Republican here? Oh Mueller is a Republican? I don't think so. And you know, all of these guys are best buddies together, And I don't know what to think if this is how our top officials now have acted. I don't I don't even know if there's any hope Jody heis Sean. I'll just say I'm thrilled that finally, at least there's a glimmer of hope that Judge Sullivan is going to hold Muller accountable. Uh, this has been long overdue, and it appears that at least we have the possible possibility, the potential of that taking place. Well, he got Muller got away with destroying Ted Stevens life. I'm hoping that Sullivan won't let him get away with destroying that. It wasn't well, I don't think it was Muller in the Ted Stevens case. Wasn't he was the FBI director. Well, he wasn't the pro he was. He involved in the prosecution because because they went after six specific teap of the deal Ja, the whistle blower to be fired and the one that engaged in the set up the fraud. Uh. She went on to do great things from there, you know, and I mean better jobs rather. But it also brings back to mind the meeting with Rose Ginstein is sitting there and most of the media, not you, but most of the media. Was he kidding when he said he where while? Or was he not kidding? That was not the point of that. The point of that is that you had high DOJ officials sitting around conspiring to take down a duly elected president. Believable, whether he was kidding or not. All right, stay stay there. I gotta take a break more with Jody Heist, Louie Gomer. Then we'll get our legal experts and Greg Jared David shown on the same issues. All right, rolling along Sean Hannity's show. Congressman Louie Gomer, Texas Representative Jody Heist, I think I said Virginia earlier. I apologize it as Georgia. You should have corrected me, Congressman. You should have just tell Hannity or an idiot it's okay. I can deal with that. Louis tells me that all the time. All right, So we have a possibility. The President said, you're either going to fund the border wall if the government and I'll own it. The government shuts down, now there's a myth. There's no such thing as a real government shutdown. And by the way, I'll even speak out for those people that do get a furlough. I want them to get their back pay. They shouldn't be victims and all of this. But national security is what's at stake here, Louis. And even if the Defense Department, which said that they will fund this and get this done, I'm cool with that too. Yep, yep, and if you go back to last spring, the President made clear that you know this people coming across our southern border illegally has become a national emergency, and especially with this invasion caravan, it is a national emergency. And you know, we lost just over fifty thousand precious lives in all those years of Vietnam, and one year we lost over seventy thousand people to drug overdoses, mainly from Mexico. So it is a national emergency. And in a national emergency, he can use the military. Well, it's a national security issue within the standing of the Defense Department. Real quick, we'll have about twenty seconds for Jody, Yeah, Sean, exactly right. It is a national security shoe. What amazes me how anyone, anyone, even the Democrats, could not be in favor of securing our borders, and it has improven over and over and over. A wall helps protect our borders. And it's time for us to deliver what we promise to the American people and let's get the wall built. Hopefully we'll be able to get that done this next week. All right, guys, thank you both, Jody, Georgia, Merry Christmas, Louie gomert A good friend from Texas. We'll take a quick break the legal side, Greg Jarrett, David Schona coming up when we get back next We also look, there's a lot of news about the Wall that we're going to get to. There is this debate over whether or not the Defense Department confund it. Now, if we have drug trafficking, human trafficking, and terrorists crossing the borders, tell me how that doesn't fit under the banner of national security in the Defense Department to keep the American people safe. To me, it does, especially in light of well we now known that suspected terrorists, teen of them have been apprehended recently. That's only the ones we know about, on top of all the other crimes that have been committed. Not buying me at all a matter of fact, not even the vast majority. But we have a right to protect our borders. This is a moment that we may not get back. Do it now, fight for something that's what the American people need and want. I had a question for you. So let's just say my boyfriend was a dreamer, but he's registered to vote. He just needs his ID, right, Huh, that's it. So long as he's registered. Yeah, Okay, yeah, yeah, I just ask you a question. I went back and we went and grabbed his driver's license. He's just he's saying something about how some people are questioning whether it's legal since he's not a citizen, but he was able to register if he's if he if he had only need if he's right, Yeah, it doesn't matter that he's not as sicit as now or if he's registered, if he had the honey, it might not be that he's raised. If he's gay, you all this joble, it may not be. No, he is registered, he should able to us. He's got it with him. We ran home and grabbed his driver's license because he's a doctor recipient, so he was able to get a driver's license. He's saying he saw some mess on the internet saying that it's not legal for him to vote since he's not Someone said on the internet, I don't know, pant Yeah, Noma, we have dreamers voting, right. If he has a motivated district your car, he's right, he has an idea drop his right. Okay, Texas, I think a pan right, we get up here, that's a ide join to them and then he can vote. Oh Pa, I just said a question because my so let's say my boyfriend's out in the car. Yeah, and um, he's just really nervous because he's a doctor recipient. He was able to register though he in the system. Uh no, he is in the system, but he knows that. Like, I don't know, there's like an issue with DOCCA people voting. Um, I don't know yet. I got a lot of them. Okay, early voter. We have tons of doctor voters. Okay, all right, we'll do. He just needs his ID but all right, and it doesn't matter. That's okay. I'm sure to vote. And got my girlfriends too. She has her license, but she's like a doctor recipient. Okay, so I mean like she'll be good. She would be good. She has right d M, but she does have no I don't think she's like has been fully possed as a citizen, but like she does have right d's in oppressive getting right. Yeah, like she she's not a citizen yet, but yeah, but you know, yeah, there's still good. Oh wait, don't try. Okay, then I think she would. I just bring it them, just bring Yeah. So it actually says I actually okay cool because also my her mom and her she she also has the ID to they have the ID so the sit of Texas, there's no her discrimination against that. We don't actually verify. Man, I'm gonna make a statement, yeah, notot not tending who to vote for? A miracle is at a dark age, right, Yeah, I agree. Yeah, he is the one that you like recommend. I'm gonna say it, but don't come telling me he told me no. But things right now. The Demo has a better ball for you and for me. But think about how the country we gain we do Rick in the country's door. He's doing that. Well. I hope it's gonna change soon, gonna change it. If you don't vote right then it's going that way. Yeah, all right, I'll be back. Thank you. Though I'm not like supers. Yeah, kundrdly Democrat, That's what I mean. And I vote. I think your name is James, hey doing, My name is James. Nice to me, good to see you. Did you know that it was unlawful to um give your your advice and who to vote for? Yeah? Okay, you do know that's illegal? Right? Yeah, okay, give a noid you're talking about that lady eth No, the young man that came in here earlier. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I told him I can be telling him that he told him that. Okay, all right, did you tell that young man though, that he voted Democratic all the way and you know you didn't say that. No, Oh you didn't say that. No, I ain't called okay, he was telling me. He was telling me that he votes he didn't want to vote for Trump, telling me back, yeah, and I said, if you don't do just voting away, Look, you don't care, I say, you vollow all Democrats if you don't want to. I didn't say that. Yeah. Oh, that's called electioneering. That's the illegue all about. You know what difference does it make? All right? Twenty three now till the top of the hour. And before that, you heard a Texas voting official telling, yeah, Project Veritas undercover reporter that, oh, non citizens can vote, and then another poll worker admitting, we don't check for that, We don't check for citizenship. Oh yeah, it's fine, don't we We have loads of people like that. Well to bring them in, don't hurt you about it? Nonsense? Fine. Um, Now, if we go back and look at this election, um, I don't think there's any doubt that The undercover work done by Project Veritas had an impact on this election, as they got undercover video of Tennessee Senate candidate former governor. At one point the polls were very tight in Tennessee, Phil reticent until that Project Veritas tape came out exposing him as being a phony. Then we had Claire McCaskill being exposed as being a phony, and Heidi hi Camp being exposed as being a phony, and Andrew Gillam and Kristen Cinema. Of all those races, I think they had a major impact on the outcome because it made massive, huge news and there's been I guess some ramifications for James O'Keeffe. These are the newest developments that he has, mister O'Keeffe, Project Veritas, how are you, sir, founder, Hey Sean, Great to be with you again. Thank you for having me well. I do believe this had a big impact in a lot of these states because we played it nationally and I did notice a lot of local pickup, which means the people in these individual states. I mean, you exposed a lot of people to a lot of phoniness and they were all contrived, but yeah, you got them all on tape. I think you got everybody you know wondering what just hit them. Yep, Sean, this was a campaign across the country. We had a lot of recruits that we had worked with and hired over the last two years, some of whom, by the way, came to us from your radio show. I was on there two years ago saying come apply to work for Project Veritas as an undercover journalists. And by the way, if I was young, I would want to do this. This would be fun for me. I would really enjoy undercover work like this. Well, it takes a certain type of person. You have to be curious and enterprising and have initiative and have at acting skill and political skill, but you have to have a sense for justice. You really have to believe that there are wrongs like voter fraud the media will not report on and some people shan come construction workers, school teachers, nurses, just normal everyday heroes that decide to do something about it. And Sean, in this election mcclare, McCaskill, Gillam, we had exposed I mean, the difference between how they projected themselves in public versus who they were in private. These election officials, you just played on the air. They're all telling people who to vote for in Georgia, which is a misdemeanor. And in Texas they're saying DACA illegals vote all the time, is what they told us. So it was an extraordinary election season, and I think people are waking up to see the power of video, just how powerful the truth, just showing people who is the fallout be, because there's always fallout and aftermath for Project Veritas after stuff like this. And I did read that there were some people looking to bring legal action against you, which by the way, is just a means I think of trying to stop you from doing the work you're doing. Sean. They I mean going back to the two years ago, to the videos did on Creamer where they were inciting violence at Trump rallies, that guy Creamer is suing us for bogut things, for intrusion and trespass and tortious interference. They're coming after us. They're trying to use litigation as a weapon to silence us and to stop us, and to send a message to everyone out there that if you expose them, then they're going to come after you. Two they did it to David de Lydon. They're doing it to me. I've got twelve lawsuits against me. I'm being deposed, I'm in depositions. By the way, we did have a victory real quick. We did take it all the way to the federal court in Massachusetts on the recording law and it's declared unconstitutional. So we defeated them in federal court this week. But Sean, there's a bigger issue that these people think they can use lawsuits to stop us, and they want to try to make a lesson out of me, and in response, I have no choice but to make a lesson out of them. They have awakened a sleeping giant. You've got how many people listen to your show, twenty thirty million people out there listening, okay, And whether it's in your car, whether it's on your iPhone, I Heart radio, wherever, and you're thinking to yourself, I want to have purpose in my life and make a difference. I want to expose them. I want to do this. Maybe I even have access to some things that are happening and I want to do something about it. If that's you, you should think of joining our crusade. You should think about signing up to be a journalist, because journalism is an activity citizens now need to do it, not just the mainstream press. All right, so are you actually recruiting people now? I mean, do you? Or is this a job opening here telling us about or what I'm telling you that last time, one of the times they want on your program, there was a person inside a Silicon tech I'm not going to tell you which company was. This person came to me. She is a fan of yours, She was a listener of yours, and she worked her one of these companies. And she wrote to me and said, the things I find this company down in a quota, the things I find this company doing are so appalling. I feel the public has a right to know. Project Dartas just gave me the courage to do the right thing, even if it meant sacrificing free food and my high salary at the company. She now works for Project Veritas full time documenting what has happened, and we're going to go public with it soon. My point is there are people out there who feel they want to make a difference in life, who feel like they should be exposing the corruption, in the fraud in our government, in our voting system, in these technompanies and you can do something about it. Just go to Project Veritas dot com and send me a note, and I will recruit you. I will pay you a full time salary so that you can do this, because, Sean, we have to fight back. They have awakened a sleeping giant. We have an invisible army of people out there. I'm just we've understand look on a legal basis, and I know you have an army of attorneys, so I'm not really I'm sure it's expensive, and I'm sure that makes it difficult, and I'm sure it's time consuming to sit through deposition after deposition, but I do believe this is important work. And you do dot every eye and cross every tea, and you are fully aware of what the laws are in these states. Correct, one party, two party accord states like, for example, you would not have been able to do this or might have been questionable if you were in California. Correct. Well, Sean, we just and we didn't do it in Massachusetts, which is a state you're reperfencing. But just to show you that enormous will and the sort of moral courage of our attorneys, this is a pretty historic victory. For the First Amendment. We got the statute in Massachusetts overturned in federal court on the grounds it's unconstitutional. We have really good lawyers. I mean, this wasn't the New York Times, it wasn't the Washington Post that changed the law under the First This was Project Ritas. This is the new Frontier. You can't expect these journalists. By the way, Sixty Minutes used to do this all the time. Shows did this all the time news programs over the years of Sean. They don't want to actually expose what's really going on these days because it contradicts their policy positions if they expose the truth. So they won't do it. But the people out there can. And to answer your question, we never break the law. We wouldn't ever dream of doing anything that broke the law. Some people have. We don't do that, But that doesn't mean that the people out there listening to this program, and if you feel compelled to live a life of purpose to actually document and expose this stuff, you should still contact us and we will talk to you and we will try to put you to work. By the way, watch out for liberal infiltrators. They're going to try and do it jiu jitsu. Move on you as my first guest, All right, James O'Keefe, founder Project Veritas. These new tapes are unbelievable. We're linking them now to Hannity dot com. Their website has them all in full, Project Veritas dot com. I believe these are big, big campaign issues. Now. If they're going to fight back by going after you and bringing you and dragging you into lawsuits, what happens from there, well, Sean, I mean, we can never settle the lawsuits. Bob Kreamer is suing us, He's going around to get other people to sue us. They're trying to make a lesson out of me to send a message to patriots if you do this, if you expose them. So what I have to do is take a stand and never settle. I did nothing wrong. I was doing my job as a reporter. It's my first amendment. Right. We got the Supreme Court rather the Federal Court to overturn the statute in Massachusetts, and I just want to awaken a sleeping giant army of exposers. They can take down one man, but they can't take down us all. James Daymore gave Google a black eye. You can do that too. If you're on the inside and you see something, let's reverse George orwell and let's make them afraid. Let's report on their abuses. That's what the future of Project Viratas is, to engage a citizen army. So where can people either you know, write you, call you if they want to do this, because I bet there will be people, but I would tell you, and this is my advice. I'd also bet people on the left, I'm going to try and penetrate your organization. Well, we have a we have a very sean we have a very professional, dedicated group of employees at Project Viratas. We have we have many people that work with me who make sure that the people that come through our website. You go to Project Raitas dot com. If you if you're on the radio right now and you're hearing that's me. I want to do that. I want to serve a purpose, to expose that. Go to our website Project Veritas, Project veritas dot com and apply and submit a tip and tell us who you are and why you want to do this, and we'll put you through our our system and we will we will find the people who are meant to do this because we have to create an army of exposures. They have awakened a sleeping giant, and again, Sean, they're going to try to make an example out of me. In response, we're going to make an example out of them. We're going to make them know that we're watching them and if you're lying, cheating, or stealing, you may become the next unwilling Internet celebrity at Project Veritas. All right, James o'kaye, Project veritas dot com, thank you, sir for being with us,