Project Veritas is Back At It

Published Feb 26, 2020, 11:00 PM

James O'Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, has another video out today exposing media bias. This time it’s ABC, and one of their own, David Wright, expressing his thoughts on media bias. You have to hear this latest bombshell!

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All right, glad you with us, and two hundred and fifty one days until the ultimajority. You we the American people, you get to decide and hopefully shock the world again. But that is in your hands, not mine. My job is to help inform you every day about what is at stake, and there is an awful lot at stake before we get to last night's debacle, before we get to James O'Keefe will join us today. Wow. ABC News suspending David Wright, a reporter because the comments that he had made to Project Veritas about the state of the media. I mean, a pretty stunning statements, but I mean he didn't know it was being recorded, and he's just the moment of candor, and he's telling us what we've already known, how corrupt and abusively bias the news media mob is, and how journalism, if it ever existed, has been dead and gone and buried a long time ago. Bill O'Reilly today, and much much more, the lack of equal justice under the law, and I don't care, you know, if it's Roger Stone's case is just it takes my breath away. How corrupt that is. And Hillary Clinton, how ironic they want to extradite Julian Assange and on information they claim he got from Russia. When I interviewed him, he said, over and over and over again, he didn't all right, I don't let other people decide. But he didn't pay for his Russian lines, not one bit. You know, in the case of Roger Stone, I wonder if Roger Stone now is allowed if there was a jury and Hillary Clinton was on trial, or any deep state actor was on trial, I wonder if Roger Stone would be allowed to sit on that jury, or whether his comments in the past about Hillary Clinton might come into play. Ethan made that observation earlier today before the show. Great point. They are so hyper ventilatingly politicizing the coronavirus and none of it is based in truth. There's you know, I've said this before Donald Trump came up with a cure for cancer, they'd impeach him because maybe he talked to a Russian about the cure or are Ukrainian about the cure. There is some good news, well, if you want to call it good news. The Wall Street Journal is reporting I'm not playing into all the hype now. I think you should take every virus seriously. I asked the President when I interviewed him for the Super Bowl specifically about this, and the President said, no, no, no no, We've our top people. We have offered all the help resources that China would need and assisting and the world preventing the spread of a potential pandemic. A lot of facts about it that you know, people are getting the daylight scared out of him. So far as sixty Americans, that's a lot. That's enough. We have to take it seriously. The President now is willing to spend a fortune doing it, but it's never enough for liberal Democrats that want to politicize an issue. But the Wall Street Journal did point out today, if you're looking for real information, there is a drug maker, Moderna Inc. Is the name of the company. They have shipped the first batch of what they are rapidly developing, which is a coronavirus vaccine to US government researchers who are going to launch the first human testing on this and whether the experimental shot could help suppress the epidemic which originated in China. That's good news because that's how great our scientists are, that's how great our medical professionals are. It doesn't surprise me that we have people that can work that fast and come up with something that quickly that they think is going to be able to help the entire world. As I always say in America, we have paid the price of freedom for the entire world, and no countries accumulated more power and used it to advance the human condition more than us. Anyway. They sent the vaccine by rolls from their Norwood, Massachusetts manufacturing plant to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, and the institute expects by the end of April to start a clinical trial of about twenty to twenty five healthy volunteers testing whether two doses of the shot are safe and induce an immune system response likely to protect against infection. We have Anthony Fauci, we've had on this program. It's been around a long time, said in an interview. The initial results could become available in July or August, and again American scientists leading the way. Anyway, their turnaround time and doing this code designed with Anthony Fauci's group and i AID after learning of the new virus' genetic sequence in January, is a stunningly asked response to the emerging outbreak. That's not going to stop Democrats from politicizing health issue, is it? Now? There are some hot spots here. Italy now is reported it's eleventh death by rain. The tiny Persian Gulf nation, they've got twenty four cases ran. The death toll there apparently is up to sixteen. Spain reported their first case a woman from Barcelona who visited northern Italy the Canary Islands. A coronavirus case was identified there. South Korean officials are racing to contain the virus and they now have about a thousand confirmed cases. Switzerland, Austria, Romania confirmed their first cases people that went to Italy. Croatia confirmed their first case. But when you look at it, one of the biggest problems with this is during the incubation period, you it's infectious, you can transmit the virus, but you don't even know you have the virus. That makes it more difficult. The death percentage rate of people that get most people recover ninety eight percent of people recover. It's about two percent of people that do not recover. And a top doctors has now said the disease will spread in the US. That's definitely a possibility. I mean, just based on the way the world travels. The president was very quick to close off our borders to people from other countries. By the way, Democrats didn't support that, and now they're trying to attack the president with all of this. And again, sixty cases confirmed in the US. Vast majority of people have been evacuated from an infected cruise ship in Japan that we're being held in quarantine. I mean, contact tracing is extraordinarily difficult in all of this. The virus about eighty thousand people estimated worldwide, about two thousand deaths emerging in China. I think the Chinese were trying to keep this a secret in the hopes that maybe they could contain it, but they didn't. We need to stop the panic. According to these Italy's Prime minister, we had one case of an infected Korean air cabin crew worker who had been on flights to Los Angeles. One US soldier in South Korea has tested positive. Every adult in Hong Kong to get a cash hand out. That's a separate issue. Sorry about that anyway, But you know, now they're politicizing it. Now, they're doing what democrats do. Now we're and even mitt Romney. Of course, I told you Mitt Romney is just a diminished figure at this point. Now he's looking for relevancy. Donald Trump did not fire, by the way, Mayor Farmer, Mike Minnie, Mike Bloomberg. He didn't fire the pandemic specialist or defund the CDC. I don't know why that came up in the debate last night. I guess it came up last night somewhere in South Carolina during the debate. One of the great problems to read about the virus. The President fired the pandemic specialist in this country two years ago, nobody here to figure out what the hell we should be doing, and he defunded the Centers for Disease Controls, so we don't have the organization that we need. No. In reality, the pandemic expert voluntarily after the National Security Advisor, John Bolton was appointed, left and Bolton dismanded the unit that he was the supervisor of in an effort to downside the NSC staff. And the purpose of that unit had been to look at cases like Ebola, long before this virus ever emerged. What are they doing. They're trying to weaponize the coronavirus into a political issue, and there are certainly concerns about how it impacts the economy. There are concerns about Okay, well, people aren't going to go to work in China. That impacts trade, that impacts the global economy. You know, it's an eighty five trillion dollar global GDP. Question is that going to impact for a period of time something we've got to be aware of. But when I first interviewed Anthony Fauci, going back now a number of weeks, you know, they've been working on it. The CDC has been working on it. The President told me in the Super Bowl interview that all of our experts have been offered to China in the world to help in all of this, and yet Democrats are all over the president saying this is terrible. President's not doing enough. Okay, well, the President has now appropriated two point five billion dollars in funds to get started. What's the answer of the Chuck Schumer types where if the dog bites the beast things, if you're feeling sad, if Donald Trump cured cancer, you'd still hate him. Oh no, no, this is just not enough money. We've been caught flat footed. Okay, so they're not going to support the two point five billion dollars to help combat the disease in this country. That's pretty stupid logic on their part. Why because they're upset what that they didn't think of it and they didn't support. By the way, the president, well, pretty early on and the President tweeted out his administration has been doing a great job on this, including the very early closing of our borders to certain areas of the world that, by the way, was opposed by the Democrats as being too soon, but turned out to be the correct decision. And he tweeted referring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But it does n't A two point five billion is a good start, and as we need more money, let's take it as let's take the two point five billion and get going. But you know, you got Chucky Schumer racing to the cameras. The most dangerous place in America's to be between a camera and Chuck Schumer. But this is this is who they are, This is what they do. I mean, if the President asked for five billion dollars, they'd say that's not enough. If he asked for ten million, that's not enough. Two point five billion. It's a pretty good start for Americans to do the best that we possibly can. Donald Trump did not cause the virus. Then you have other people, this is Donald Trump's Katrina. I'm like, what are you people talking about? Anyway, if you go back and look at the real timeline in all of this, Health and Human Services Secretary Azar said, the preparation of impossible because of the how aggressively the president responded. He said that because of the President's prudent travel restrictions and early containment strategy, local government officials have been granted time to prepare, which they've been doing. Administration takes the incredibly seriously and in the spirit of full transparency, keeping the public informed of the situation as it's rapidly evolving. Now, if you get sick with anything, the place I'd want to be is in the United States of America. Why because we have the best doctors, the best scientists, and the greatest ability to heal people and solve these problems. Hence the Wall Street Journal, and hence this company in Massachusetts that has already developed what they think will be the basis of a vaccine for the virus. It's gonna take time. All these things do, but they're moving expeditiously, and I would say that is a good thing anyway, it's who they are. This defines them. Donald Trump could do nothing right in their view. Well, when you have Democrats saying Debbie Dingle saying it was a disgrace the Democratic debate last night, it pretty much sums it all up. Will cover all of this, the politics of it. We also have Bill O'Reilly, We have Wow, this big, huge investigated report by Project Veritas David Wright and on air reporter has now been suspended as a result of it. And if I know James O'Keefe, it's probably only step one. All right, glad you with us. I don't know what you say. I watched this thing last night and there was an interesting CBS poll the debate made democrats Democrats now more nervous than optimistic or inspired, forty seven percent more nervous, which I thought was very very funny. You got, you know, Bernie Sanders doubling down on oh, let's see the former Soviet Union and Cuba and Venezuela and Nicaragua and all of these regimes. And I mean that was a spectacular admission on his part, even as fellow Democrats are saying, well, lease, lie and act like you don't like these these tyrannical regimes. One of the things that was very clear to me is, I'm watching this entire debate, is none of them I thought had any ability to get in the arena with Donald Trump and and have any chance of making any inroads if I heard you know, Bloomberg with his he comes in obviously with his prepared line against Bernie. It was so rehearsed, it fell so flat it was almost embarrassing. Bernie, you know, is fixated on hating billionaires and everything being free, free college, free loans, loans that will you know, be forgiven, and healthcare for all, Medicare for all, single payer system. Poor mayor Pete you know, was out there just he did it in a fairly funny way, but it's not going to help begging for money. A lot of pandering that went on for the identity politics side of the Democratic Party. Bloomberg, you know, his answers on stopping frisk are just pathetic. And Warren clearly has made an alliance from my perspective, with Bernie Sanders. She's vying for that VP spot with Bernie and m and Joe Biden's trying to act tough and Joe Biden's not tough. And after the week that he had, which has been a disaster, saying yeah, I'm running for Senate and every other debacle of the week, it didn't go too well for him. You had the false claim of Bernie that you know, claiming that US prisons more in US prisons than in China. You have Joe Biden claiming that one hundred and fifty million Americans died from gun violence since two thousand and seven. Okay, that's half our population. So that's another lie. Bloomberg in the debate claiming Russia is helping Bernie Sanders in the democratic race. They're Russia obsessed. And oh, Michael Bloomberg wouldn't call the dictator president for life in China a dictator? Wow, amazing developments. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, look this is now what it is. You have what we've been telling you, a radical extreme democratic socialist party. There are no moderate Democrats any longer period. End of sentence, and you know it's I don't even know how to explain it. I'm almost getting a headache watching these these Democrats debate. At the end of the day, there are a ton of similarities. They all support open borders, amnesty, they all support late term abortion. They all support pretty much eliminating in some way, shape, manner, or form, the Second Amendment. They all support free, free, free, free, free. It just depends how much of the free they want to give. And none of them seem to believe in free market capitalism and lower taxes that I mean, they're all saying they're going to raise taxes, all of them, and it just comes down to a matter of how much. And so as they sit there attacking each other and Bernie Sanders, every other word is billionaires, billionaires, billionaires. I mean, okay, it's getting I don't want to understand. I've never had, even when I had no money at all, a belief that I had a right to other people's money, or hatred towards people that were successful. I actually had a fascination with, how is it that people can actually successfully achieve these amazing things in life? How do you do it? Now? We all work and serve other people. You either provide goods of services that people want, need and desire. That is our system, and it's the most honest system. And it's a system where the harder you work, the better you tend to do. And it's a system that you know, while you're out there providing your particular service or building goods that people want, need and desire, Well, then you have the money to pay other people to build your house and build your car, and put the food on the shelves, and the farmers grow the food. Farmer Mike of course knows he can teach anybody to be a farmer. You don't need a lot of gray matter. According to him, I don't care if it's Medicare for all. I don't care on a lot of these things. You know, Bloomberg apologizing repeatedly about a stopping frisk went too far. It is it is election year, an election year conversion in pandering at its worst. It is what we hate about politicians. He's lying, and the reason he's lying is because he didn't think he was going to run for office again. He thought he was done. But now he says, oh, I got to play identity politics A big part of the base of the Democratic Party or African Americans, and African Americans are not going to like the fact that I supported stopping frisk. I don't even think it's the policy, because you can make the strong case that stop and frisk saved a lot of lives, and many minority lives. But it's what he thought about and how he expressed his support. Oh, it's where all the crime is. That's where he put all the cops. We only arrest minority kids, and cops are told they gotta throw these kids up against the wall. No, they don't have to do that. And I guess he breaks from the Democratic pack on the issue of healthcare because he's willing to tell a ninety five year old cancer, Oh, go home to your family, you're done. We're not pay we can't afford it. We're not gonna pay for your healthcare. Gohim and die. Is he gonna do that in his own life? Where is he gonna go to the Mayo Clinic and every big health hospital expert in the country to try and save and extend his life? I mean, so it is breathtaking hypocrisy on his part, But there is a contempt. They all agree on one thing, as they hate Donald Trump, they don't have a good answer about the record low unemployment than Trump has given us. They don't have any real criticisms that are valid as it relates to his foreign policy. I mean, he has kept his word on judges and tax cuts and ending burdensome bureaucracy, and on energy into dependance, and got the money for the wall, and he's building the wall, and better and freer and fairer trade deals even with China that will benefit manufacturers and the automobile industry and the service industry, and our great farmers with a lot of gray matter that know a lot about science and the science of agriculture that feed the entire country and the world. On top of that, But they all agree, all right, no second Amendment. They all, most of them want to stack the courts. Most of them would love to get rid of the electoral college. Well, that will divide America in a way that that'll be irreparable damage. Because if you think red states are not going to are going to accept that people in New York, Illinois, Chicago, and San Francisco, California, the sanctuary states, that's not going to happen. And they all want to pay for healthcare for illegal immigrants, and they all want open borders, and they all want a pathway to citizenship for those that did not respect our laws and sovereignty. And they all support some version of this late term abortion madness. So they're out of touch. Um. I don't know if you can say there were any winners or losers in this thing. I just know that the money doesn't add up for anybody, And I don't care who you are here, it just does not add up. You got Bolshevik Bernie Sanders and you you know, another day of praising dictators. Now he's added Venezuela to the list. I'm like, can you pick the worst countries ever that have done more to dehumanize people, kill people, steal private property, take over every industry. They all support some version of the New Green Deal and getting off of oil and gas, which is now the lifeblood of the world's economy. That is pretty scary, and that would destroy our economy in pretty short order. You know, Bernie starts his taxation. You make twenty nine grand a year, you're gonna get a slap of the four percent tax increase. Employers they're gonna get hit with an additional seven point five percent payroll tax. Well, what do you think the employers are going to do. They're not going to give their employees raises and whatever goods or services they provide, they're going to raise prices on us, we customers. We will end up paying more. They're not. They will not absorb that seven point five percent payroll tax. You know, there's this myth that corporations pay any taxes. It's just a lie because they pass on the cost to we the people. Under Bernie's planned capital gains, taxes will go up. If you're a quote high income earner, you'll now get taxed at a top federal rate of twenty five percent of fifteen percent hike. Well, the problem is those people that are high income earners. I don't know anybody really that got rich that it worked for it. That is stupid. I think a lot of them are going to look at the tax advance images and other countries. At this point, Why do you think we're seeing a mass exodus from all of these blue states like New York, New Jersey, California, and Illinois. We're seeing him for a good reason, and you have the death tax. He wants the death tax now to go up to seventy seven percent. I remember they support the wealth tax. After you've paid all of your taxes, all of them, your sales taxes, your property taxes, your income taxes, after you've paid it all, and if you've saved any of your money, they want to retroactively take a look at how much you saved, and they want to take a big chunk of that money, which I would argue is legalize stealing, and so they can pay for all of these programs that they are calling free, free, free, and they want to confiscate people's wealth. All right, seventy seven death tax. Okay, Well, if you live in New York, well, the state of New York, it's another ten percent, that's eight seven. The City of New York it's another three percent. That's ninety percent. So you work your whole life, you pay all of your taxes, you obey the laws, you contribute to society. You paid all that. Then they want to come back and legalize stealing with a wealth tax. And then when you die, if you live in a state like New York, they're going to take ninety percent of what you saved. Again, they want another bite at the apple, and you pay to die in the United States of America a very high amount. Now it's forty percent, and if you're in New York it's fifty three percent. What gives government the right to come back and steal your money at that level when you already paid taxes? So that's two more bites at the apple, the first one with a wealth tax, the next one with the death tax. Now they're going to raise the corporate income tax to thirty five percent of fourteen percent increate at fourteen point increase. What do you think corporations are going to do? What are corporations in the business of doing, providing goods and serve us is that people want, need, and desire. Do you think they're gonna take that thirty five percent fourteen percent increase and just do nothing with it. They're gonna do one or two things. They're either gonna move out of the country and produce their goods abroad and make Mexico and Latin America great again and build their economies, or they're just gonna raise the cost of their goods and services and we end up paying all of it. At the end of the day, it all falls on us. Anyway, that's the fallacy behind all of this. They're gonna put a cap on itemized tax deductions. Well, that's gonna reduce the incentivizing of buying certain goods. And you know, let's say there's a I don't know, you get to write off an airplane or something for your business. Okay, no one's gonna buy one. Well what about the people that make those airplanes? Guess what they're gonna be out of work? Or shipbuilders? Well, Hannahy, you're sticking up for rich people that buy planes and boats. Well, you know what, I never got a job from a poor person in all the years I was poor. When I was a contractor, I only got hired by people that could afford my services. When I was in the restaurant business, I was only serving people that could afford to pay for their dinners. And they claim that now it is look they want. I don't know what it is. That what they haven't learned how redistribution socialism fails everywhere it is tried. And they're all all of this is about you, we the people. You know. I guess there's a certain appeal that they're going to take away all of your natural fears all of your anxiety. What happens when I retire? Will I have money to retire? Will I lose my house when I retire? What's going to happen to my children? Okay? Can I afford to send my kids to college? No? No, No, We're going to take care of everything, just like they promised with Obamacare. And maybe everything free sounds great. And maybe the idea that you're going to empower them to go after you, fellow citizens, and confiscate their wealth and give it to you. The problem is, under no scenario with what it is they're proposing, do the numbers even begin to closely add up? They just don't. It's a matter of simple math at some point here. But again, I'm thinking, logically, how did we accumulate all of this power and advance the human condition the way we have as a country and simultaneously paying the price for liberty and freedom around the world and beating back, let's say, fascism and communism and imperial Japan and Nazism. We paid the price. We paid the price to beat down the Soviet Union in two Bernie's honeymoon place. So they're out there attacking each other left and right, Warren. I got the impression Warren is vying to be Bernie Sanders VP, going after Bloomberg and NDAs, etc. She's telling her refuted story about getting fired while she was pregnant, about a number of stories written about how that has been debunked. Whatever, It's irrelevant to me. Polka Huntas tells us the whole story about truthfulness and veracity as it comes from Elizabeth Warren. Bloomberg says he's been training for the president season's nine to eleven. He wasn't mayor of New York City during nine to eleven. He's now saying it everywhere he goes. I've been training for this job since I stepped on the pile that was still smoldering on nine to eleven, and I'm like, well, I was there. I was right there doing my shows from the location, right. I've walked right up to it, saw it with my own eyes and all of its evil. What the hell he's talking about? Does that mean every fireman, every policeman, every every worker that you know spent months and months in the rubble and the pile trying to recover their their fellow fireman, policeman and rescue workers does that mean that they were being prepared for to be president too, as you happen to go down to the site. No, his joke just fell flat. Look, it's really coming down to Bloomberg versus Bernie, because Bloomberg has the money to stay in That's the bottom line. Joe Biden showed a little bit of life last night, So some people huh, he's no, he's really still in this. No he's not. You know, he might win South Carolina is a good shot at South Carolina, probably the best shot of any state. But when you look at all the states, you look at all the polls, you know this is now really Bernie's race to loose. There really is, in a lot of different ways, and there's a lot at stake in this election, so much at stake. I mean, this is about freedom and liberty versus a nanny caretaker state where promises are made, just like in the former Soviet Union, just like in Cuba, just like in Venezuela, just like in Nicaragua. And by the way, look at Finland's government recently collapsing of its own weight because they could not afford the welfare state. A moment last night, Bloomberg bragging he bought the House majority for Democrats. Yeah, I said, well, yeah, I bought. I spent one hundred million dollars to help elect. Now you got it right the first time. Let's just go on the record. They talked about forty Democrats, twenty one of those with people that I spent one hundred million dollars to help elect, all of the new Democrats that came in and put Nancy Pelosi in charge and gave the Congress the ability to control this president. I thought I got them. I did that. You've had six national elections and Democrats this nineteen ninety two have won the majority. Why you would take that playbook has succeeded not once, six times, throw it out and try something not center left, but just left. That's what I want. It makes no sense these positions will be caricatured by Trump. And I think that what a lot of Democrats are saying is that a Bernie Sanders nomination puts the House at risk. It sounds pretty crazy what I listened to on sixteen minutes. He was right off, Yeah, he has there been a communist regime that Bernie Sanders visited that he didn't find something appealing There is nothing groovy about a dictatorship. It's just nothing good. The Vice president, how would you deal with Rothorea? You don't negotiet with a dictator, give him legitimacy without any notion whether he is going to do anything at all. You don't do that. Look what happened. He gave this dictator is a thug legitimacy. We've weakened the sanctions around the world against holding committing people not to trade bene Vigham oil to parts that they can deal with providing missile technology. And what's happened. It's been weakened. I would be in Beijing, I would be calling to I would be speaking with Hijing Ping. I would be reassigning the relationship between the Japan and South Korea, and I would make it clear. I would make it clear to China we are going to continue to move closer to make sure that we can in fact prevent China prevent North Korea from launching missiles to take them down. And if we don't, why am I stopping? No one else stops? Okay, okay, so my Catholic school training, Okay, all right, So when you hear that song, Leonard skinnerd simple man. That means it is all things Bill O'Reilly and Bill O'Reilly dot com. Um, you know this has now taken off. I think on your website you're gonna have to create Bill O'Reilly's simple Man t shirts. I could, that's true, and by the way, I should get a cut of that. Simple people though. You know, I want to be very sensitive to the simple people in the world and don't want to make fun of them because I am a simple man and I know how that feels. Okay, We're all simple people in a lot of ways. I mean, you know when you think of well, let's because let's go into this and answer this question through the prism of that disaster of a debate last night. Okay, yeah, okay. So most people, I think want to have simple lives. Most people, they would like to live in a nice house and drive a nice car, safe car, and they'd like to take a vacation when their kids are young. Every kid wants to go to Disney, right. I think people want good schools for their kids. Simple stuff, right, basic, simple, fundamental stuff, which I believe is achievable, but only in America, and only because this system of capitalism has created the greatest advancement of the human condition because we're free. You take it from there. It's already happened here, correct, So there we have to strive for it. Most people in America, even people in poverty, live very well. Oh you know the studies that poor people in America have air conditioning, have cars, and big screen TVs. They live pretty well compared to the rest of the world. So why are we tearing down? You see, people are going to misconstrue what you just said here. You wouldn't want to live in a neighborhood that was socioeconomically where this is where Bloomberg screwed up, you know, where there might be more crime, more drugs, gangs, etc. And I would like to see all of America transcend all of those cultural problems. But it's never going to happen. So you're talking about in nirvana that's never going to exist. And I can make an argument that even poor people in America live better than middle class people in most other countries in the world. So why do you want to destroy a system that provides opportunity to rise and improve your circumstance as my parents did, your parents did. They came out of the depression, nobody had anything, all right, so they use the capitalistic system to get their kids into college, and then the kids did better than they do. So the argument now is that it's all fixed and you can't do it. It's rigged, and the billionaires did it in the corporation, so we have to tear the whole thing down. That's a simple argument, but it's a stupid argument. So I'm a simple man, but I'm not a stupid man. And there's a difference between simple and stupid, and last night what we watched was stupid, the whole thing, from top to bottom, the debate. The first thing is Jerry Springer should have been the moderator, and then you should have brought in Horaldo to hit somebody with a chair. I'll be nice to our friend Haraldo. That's so mean, I know it is, but Horaldo expects that kind of treatment for me. That's true anyway, it was. It was when I sat there and watched it, all right, because you and I have done literally tens of thousands of interviews in our career, and we've been of you. Everybody on that stage, maybe not the exact person, but people like them, And there's a way to control people. And the CBS five person moderating panel had no blanket clue on how to do anything, and it was almost amusing to watch it. But what the message was out there was that Bernie Sanders is feared. I hope everybody understands this. The Democratic Party fears him, and they fear him on two ways. They know he's going to lose to Donald Trump, and you know, the wise guys like ro'm emmanuel and Podesta, they know, carvill they know and the other thing is the Bernie brows. So if you go after Bernie, these people on social media will smear you, They'll do horrible things to you. And so you have he has almost a protection around him, a shield around him. Sanders does. But if you look at really essentially what he's saying, he's telling you, and I respect sentators for this, He's telling you, I hate America because it's a racist place. He's already said that we're a racist society top to bottom, and millions, perhaps most Americans don't have a chance to improve their circumstance in our economy. So I Bernie, I am going to give you everything. And in return, he doesn't say this, and this is the key. You will sacrifice all your personal freedoms because the federal government will control how much you make, how much you spend, where you go. He says, nothing's going to change on Medicare for all. Is that right? Well, you're going to You're gonna say to the doctors, I'm going to pay you this for this procedure. A lot of doctors are going to say, no, I'm not going to be a doctor anymore. I'm going to make more money in a research place or doing something else. So therefore you're going to have to see a physician's assistant or a nurse practitioner. You're not going to see a doctor anymore because there won't be enough doctors, particularly in a poor neighborhoods that you just spoke about, they won't be there. Just like in Cuba. There are no doctors in Cuba. They can't get medical care there even though it's free, because all the doctors have left. It's amazing. Never hear that ever from the modern rasor CBS. From the Democratic candidates are certainly from the socialist Sanders himself. Look his praise of the former Soviet Union Nicaragua. Danielle Ortega, the Castro regime in Cuba and even Venezuela is very revealing. Now you see, maybe Bernie is a little more open and honest. But all of those candidates on stage last night support open borders, amnesty, free healthcare, debt forgiveness, no Second Amendment. They all want to get rid of oil gas, the lifeblood of the world's economy. They all are offering some version of every single thing in life is free, free, free, free, free. And when you add it up, well, you don't need to be a mathematician to understand that one hundred million dollars Trump sorry trillion dollars in ten years with medicare for all and the New Green Deal is a disaster. Well, it's one candidate who doesn't believe all that, and that's Bloomberg, the guy that wants death panels, that will tell a ninety five year old go home, We're not going to treat your cancer, go home and die, because that's what he's on tape saying. Bloomberg is not a far left progressive. He may be trying to mask a rate is one with the Green New Deal stuff and then I'm going to take your gun stuff, But he isn't he doesn't believe that he's a self reliant go oh. He definitely believes in this environmental extremism. He definitely is anti Second Amendment. That's the exception. Okay, he does believe in those things. That's why he's running as a Democrat. I can't run as a Republican if you believe that we have to change the whole economy for climate change and you're not allowed to have a gun. But that's it. He doesn't believe in socialism, he doesn't believe in medicare for all. He doesn't believe in any of that. But he's not going to say it because he has to get the nomination within this progressive tent of the Democratic Party. So you've got a little subterfuge from Bloomberg. And by the way, he would be the toughest for President Trump to run against. If here's the trouble, will wipe out all the rest of them, surely easy. But with two hundred with two billion dollars billion to spend, he'll spend, he'll spend. He'd be the toughest. Now, Trump could roll him in the debate because, as you see, Bloomberg is very, very tentative in the debates. He does not quick on his feet, he doesn't like to be challenged. He's not personable. Is there's really He's not a strong public speaker. Trump knows how to get him two. But of all of them, Republicans and Trump supporters should fear Bloomberg the most. I don't disagree with that analysis, although I don't see a path. Bloomberg telling old people go home and die is not going to resonate with a part of the Democratic base, which is older Americans that were well, hang on then it you know Bill his comments, it's no, it's not going it. Well. Here's the problem though, because the Democratic Party is a coalition party, like the Republican Party is a coalition party. A big part of that coalition is older Americans that want Medicare and social Security. I know. Another part is minorities, African Americans. And I'm going to tell you something, Bill, it's not going to go over well. And it's not going over well. Murder murderers and murder victims fit one m just one. Take the description xerox that pass it out to all cops. They're all male, minority sixteen to twenty five. Yeah, I only arrested already kids from marijuana. We throw minority kids up against the wall. Why because we put all the cops all in minority neighborhoods, because that's where all the crime is. Now, if you said that or I said that, it would be the end of our careers. But you have to understand the context of what's happening within the Democratic Party. So what's going to happen Biden? Biden last night told the world that one hundred and fifty million people have been killed by guns in the United States. Lie. It's Bernie Sanders in two thousand and seven voted against the Brady Bill. Now it wasn't a lie, it's that Biden doesn't know what he's saying. You know, only people killed the World War two, less than one hundred million. By the way, he's lost his mind. I mean Bill, he says he's running sent I mean, this guy has gone all right, Um, if you look at the numbers, Look, you're a numbers guy. I'm a numbers guy. It looks like it's Bernie's to lose. At this point, we are now six days away from Super Tuesday Saturday. We have South Carolina Saturday. Looks like it's going to be either Biden or Sanders. But if you look at the states, the guy that is leading in almost all of them is Bernie Sanders. Do you see that changing before Super Tuesday? Here's what I see happening. I think Biden wins South Carolina. But Biden is so damaged. Again, we'll go back to what we're talking about before the break. When you look into the camera and you say one hundred and fifty million people have been killed in America by guns and the CBS people don't even correct it, you imagine that. I mean, I'm just saying, Oh, that's absurd, that's insane. What kind of a person would say that. That's not a mistake. By the way, that's that's half the population in America. And yeah, but the day before he said that, you know, he was running for Senate. Bill, He's not exactly all there. No, but that's a slip of the tongue. I can understand. I do that sometimes, make dope remarks, but that stat. He throws that stat out when the stat is less than twenty thousand Americans a year killed in gun violence, and we don't count suicide, so that that's just homicides, a police shooting, less than twenty thousand over a thirteen year period. That's insane, and nobody corrects him, and he's there. How many times does he say the word in fact? How many times? Eighty one hundred? Well he has been taught because his brain is not moving as quickly as yours. Right, So you can't elect him. So there's only three electable Democrats, right, Bloomberg, Biden, and Sanders. You can't elect Joe Biden because he can't even get a thought out of his mouth. You can't, and he won't get elected. I used to think he would, but I'm sure I gotta go. So give me your prediction. Who gets the nomination? I'm saying Bloomberg gets it now because Bloomberg will spend so much money slaughtering Bernie Sanders and ads. Way do you see the attacks that Bloomberg launches on Bernie Sanders. It's gonna be vicious that I agree on, all right, Bill, O'Reilly, Billoreiley dot com all things, O'Reilly. James Keith strikes again, and wow, what a discovery we have. We will break that coming up next right here on the Sean Hannity Show. Straight Ahead Deep State Reporting and investigating the stories that matter to you. Sean Hannity is on right now. Don't give me credit for what he does. Again, I think some of that at least in where the place that I want and the place is like it is that we you know, it's Trump interested in three things in the outrage of the day, the investigation, and kind of Propelligantry's back to the Yeah, like I wouldn't that. I consider myself as Susan. Like I think there should be nastal health deciance. I'm totally fine with Granning and brook ranksins. I think there are too many billionaires, and I think that there's a wealth guy that's a problem, like nobody in New York and people in New York. I think, how could people like them could be one and down then and come out and spend some time and you know, we don't understand a little hard to hear. But Project Veritas has struck again. New video Joe released. It's on their website. We link it to Hannity dot com, Project Veritas dot com. This is of ABC News correspondent by the name of David Wright and an ABC News producer by the name of Andy Pies, both admitting what is utter frustration with their network bosses and their refusal to cover news that is important to voters and instead choosing to cover Donald Trump's latest tweets and palace intrigue in the White House and impeachment, impeachment, impeachment. But anyway, in these audios, what we're hearing here is both Right and Pies actually saying they believe the media does not care about understanding voters, which is true because the you know, corporate media as they describe it, has been significantly diminished. It has significantly diminished the media's ability to deliver real journalism. What have I've been saying since O seven and O eight? Journalism in them America is dead now. Both of them said they believe that ABC News is making the same mistakes the network made in twenty sixteen, and Right, by the way, graduated from Havid and Oxford told Project Veritas journalists about the current state of ABC News and the media in general, and he literally said, we are not disciplined enough to cut Trump off. And we second guess ourselves because we're sensitive to the accusation that we're in the tank for the Democrats, and so that enables them, and so we enable them, and every time we take debit on it, that's what he wants. It's totally an abusive relationship. Trump's the nightmare spouse that you can't win an argument with quote with Trump, we're interested in three things. The outrage of the day, the investigation, and the palace intrigue of who's backstabbing who. Beyond that, we don't really cover the guy Trump, who's Trump throwing out of the White House today, w blowing the whistle and stabbing Trump in the back, or in this awkward moment where we have this planking president. We can't figure out how to challenge him. We don't hold Trump to account. We don't give him credit either for things that he does do. I feel terrible about it, he says. I feel the truth suffers, and I say it, and he goes on to say that voters are poorly informed and people also have the opportunity to tune into whatever they want to hear. And so it's like there's no upside in our bosses. They don't see an upside in doing the job we're supposed to do, which is to speak truth to power and hold people accountable. In television, we've lost any sense of context perspective, and it's the urgent moment and the horse race and the outrage from Trump, and I think that we don't have the bandwidth to give everybody political candidates a fair shot, and we should. We're all guilty of the same thing. And I think that all the big news organizations, and I'm speaking about broadcast television, ABC, CBS, NBC, we recognize we're dinosaurs and in danger of ying. It's become a profit center or a promotion center, like now you can't watch GMA without it being a Disney Princess or Marvel Avenger appearing in some segment. It's all self promotion and promotion of a company and a promotion of individuals within the company, as opposed to the kind of dedication to the story and commitment of promoting stories that we need to tell and are hard to tell. Anyway, The founder CEO of Project Veritas, James O'Keefe, is back with us. From what I hear, he has now been reassigned away from political coverage. When he apparently returns, I guess he's been suspended. Any action that damages our reputation for fairness and impartiality or gives the appearance of compromising, it harms ABC News, the individuals involved, and David Wright has been suspended to avoid any possible appearance of bias. He will be reassigned away from political coverage when he returns. First, I thought he'd gotten fired. How are you, sir, Hey, Sean, great to be with you. Thanks for having me on. I don't never want to get on your bad side. Well, it's kind of like getting on Linda's bad side. Isn't either one as good? Well, that's that's definitely not a good idea. Again, Linda's best I know, right, she has that reputation. Absolutely, you're a hundred correct, a force of nature. This guy is. I think that this tape is special, first of all, in that they suspended him yesterday. They gave us an exclusive comment. They said, Sean that this is a senior correspondent for ABC News, reassigned away from political coverage. David Wright has been suspended to avoid any possible appearance of bias, said the network bosses. This guy, right, is just being honest. He's just talking about how ABC's pushing Disney products on Good Morning America. He called himself a socialist. He calls Trump a bad name the D word. In this tape, he also, though, seems to say that they don't give Trump credit, they don't give him enough credit. He actually says this about Trump, that they that they don't give enough credit for the things that he does. Right, So he's simultaneously kind of trashing Trump, calling himself a socialist, but also saying Trump does some good things and we don't. We don't talk about it. We don't care about voters. We don't cross the Hudson River. This guy says, to look at what voters care about. So he's just being honest. He's been suspended for being honest, and for that. I think it was wrong to suspend him. I think he was just telling the truth. Sean, Well, I think so too. And and you know he was he did not know who he was being interviewed. Correct, Well, he was. This is an interesting question. He was in the Manchester bar on primary night talking to his colleague, speaking loud. He's never a good idea, never being in a bar at night. So, you know, it's like most newspaper people, if they're going to anonymously quote someone or from a meeting, they do the same thing. It's just so happens to be that one of these people had an audio recording device on and recorded him saying all these things. Look, the bottom line is that I've been saying that forever journalism in America is dead. We've been following it, We've been covering it. We have a dual system of justice. You know, look at how wrong the mob and the media has been. Let me give you an example. So last month, another record month Fox News. And thanks to this audience, they give me that camera every night, they give me the microphone every day. I can't do it without them. But and honestly, the reason I would argue my show is successful is because we seek out the truth. We seek out news information on radio and television with the best team in radio and the best team in television that you're not going to get on any of those networks, any of the cable networks, or the New York Times or the Washington Post, all of them have been spewing lies, slander, besmirchment, conspiracy theories, hoaxes, and they never take response, and they've been wrong. They've lied to their audiences repeatedly and simultaneously missing the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history, which would start with the dirty Russian dossier and premeditated fraud on a buys a court and spying on a presidential candidate transition team and President Um. They did not want to cover that story. They still don't cover that story. I mean, this is what this is what this guy says, Sean because it's hard to hear it over the radio, but he says, quote, we're all guilty of the same thing. I think that all the big news organizations, the broadcast television, ABC, CBS, NBC, quote, we've lost any sense of context and perspective. It's all outrage from Trump. The truth suffers. The voters are poorly informed. This guy says, and and and he says this FFing president. He's talking about Trump, but he's also given Trumps some praise. And he says, we're not interested in voters, and they've got This is not this is not surprising. It's not shocking. Everyone talks this way. In fact, most reporters talk this way, at least that I've heard in my limited interaction with them. It's just nobody has the moral courage to say it is publicly, which is the purpose behind why we exist. And he's brave insiders inside ABC News, the same person that broke us this story in November. It led to more people coming to us and sometimes sometimes more more honest in private. And I think that investigating the press is not about being against the first Enendment. It's consistent with the first because the fourth, the state has more power than all three branches of government as far as I'm concerned, and we need to investigate them. So I'm just most surprised that they suspended this man for saying what everyone knows to be true. And now Sean all the blue check mark, you know, verified journalists, variety, The Washington Post called me. Brian Stelter at CNN even mentioned me by name, which is shocking because usually he doesn't want to. Actually we call him humpty dumpty, umpty dumpty. Full time jobs, being Jeff Zucker's stenographer and hating me and hating Fox. That's all he does. Well, they're they're all paying attention because this is one of their own, because they say the similar things. And they're all very outraged about ABC suspending this guy. So very interesting develop series of developments here, developing story, all happening now, and I hope that it leads to more insiders. You're if you're listening to this program and you're on the inside of one of these places, you should send us a note. Veritas Tips at ProtonMail dot com will give you a camera and you, too, can be part of the Veritas army and reveal what's going on inside these institutions. The thing is is, I don't see any of it changing. I think this should be I'm deeply fine with ratings. I think there are too many billionaires, and I think that there's all right as we continue. James o'kee Project Veritas dot Com has struck again. Now, let's say in two hundred and fifty one days, the ultimate jury, which is we the American people, they decide to reelect Donald Trump, and all these networks and fake news network CNN and conspiracy tv MSDNC, they have to say the magical words we can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president of the United States. They're going to lose their minds. It is. If you think twenty sixteen was bad, it is going to be worse. I don't think they you know what's missing in all this, they's there's a lack of understanding of anything outside of DC, New York, LA and San Francisco really comes down to that and a contempt for and it reveals itself at times. You know, smelly Trump supporting Walmart shoppers and irredeemable deplorables, and you know they cling to their God and their Second Amendment rights, their Bibles and religion, and they're angry. There is a deep contempt for we, the people that voted for Donald Trump. They hate us well, I mean they do. And the question is will it be fixed? Will it change? I'm not sure it will change unless we do more videos like this, Sean. I mean that this is you got to catch them in their own words. You've got to inform the people. People. People have to see and images tend to trend fix people's emotions in a way that words do not. I mean, everyone's talk about this right now. I've got all the blue check mark reporters are sending me tweets. This is outrageous. He's here's a right to be a socialist. But what are you saying is fundamentally true that the whole I don't even know what these people believe in, Sean. Is it selling Disney product? Projects and Marvel comic books. Do they believe in reporting information? Do they care about what the voters? These are like, really profound things. This I was saying, and he's telling the truth. Look look look at the comments. Think about this, James O'Keefe, Look at Michael Bloomberg. I could teach anybody to be a farmer. I teach anyone here to be a farmer. He dig a hole, drop a seed, cover it with dirt, put some water on it. Pops your corn. And I'm thinking, wow, if that is there's a level of sheer, arrogance and total complete ignorance, and then taking it a step further. Oh, today's world requires a lot more gray matter. I'm like, wow, is that what you think of the sophisticated chemistry and science that goes into agriculture and farming today? Because man, you're out of touch. I hear it, I hear it. And all I could say is that the only way we're going to solve this problem is for people to see and hear what is happening inside these news I have to first tell me inside the Washington they were all crying the day that Trump got elected. They were all crying, and that doesn't surprise you. I'm sure, what if the a video of that, What if we could hear what they were saying? And I know that these people out there listening to this program, I know that you're out there, all right, James O'Keefe, as always, thank you for being with us. Project Veritas dot com. Hannity dot com has the link, and we'll show you the important parts of his investigative report tonight on Hannity nine Eastern on box. Coming up next, our final news round up and Information Overload hour. And it's my strong opinion that the forewoman of the jury, the woman who was in charge of the jury, is totally tainted. When you take a look, how can you have a person like this, she was a anti Trump activist. How can you have a jury poll tainted so badly? It's not fair. What happened to him is unbelievable. They say he lied, but other people lied too. Just to mention, Comey lied, McCabe blide, Lisa Page lied, her lover struck, Peter struck lied. All Right, dudes, round up an information overload, our eight hundred and ninety four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, well, you know, we have all the articles and all the evidence and the IG reports. Uh yeah, McCabe showed lack of candor under oath three times. Why didn't he get indicted? USA Today? James Clapper lied to Congress. The Guardian, CIA director John Brennan lies to the US Senate, The New York Postretta Lynch lied to Congress, Washington Examiner, James Comey lied to Congress. Uh, Loretta Lynch, James come Again, town Hall lied to Congress. Investor's Business Daily, Eric Holder lied to Congress, Washington Times, Lois Learner lied to Congress. US Treasury Secretary Jack lew in the Obama years. Washington Post, YEP lied to Congress about a key part of the Iranian dealt. Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe quote lied to Congress and investigators. Well that's the Inspector General report and the Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Clinton aide, Cheryl Mills lie to DOJ officials. Let's see the Daily Caller. Clinton aide, Uma Aberdeen lied to DOJ officials. So don't take my word for it. It's all over the place, and you can't dispute what the facts tell us. In all of this. Look, there is so much here, and this is why everybody's gotten so frustrated with the fact that there seems to be in America today a dual system of justice. Now, I understand the Inspector General was confined to only investigating the Department of Justice and the FBI, I got it. But there were numerous referrals that were made. There were examples after example of people that I would say, when you say you lie and you lie under oath, that would be a crime, and yet nothing has happened to them. Then you take the case of Roger Stone and you watch what's happening, all right. You know, it's funny with this judge yesterday, I'm watching all of this unfold and getting real time reports about what's going on, although we were only able to hear from it here from people. Because they were only able to hear the proceedings. The judge wanted to keep it secret and private as she is now. You know, asking the jurors about this woman to make a heart the four woman in this jury. You know what she didn't ask the jury if any of you were being tried by a jury, any of you, would you want somebody on the jury that had been outspoken against you. Would you want somebody on the jury that thought, well, if you're Trump supported, and then you're a racist, Because that's the question. You know, it's really really simple, and it's really fundamental, and it's really basic and constitutional, and that is we ever write to an impartial jury, period. But that didn't happen in the Stone case, you know. And it's like with the Wiki leaks issue. You know, anyone ever read the Pentagon Papers case Landmark Supreme Court decision six three, decision in favor of the New York Times Washington Post, and they published stolen materials, classified materials as it relates to the Pentagon and their analysis and details of the Vietnam War. We would happened in that case, Well, they came down in favor of something called freedom of the press. You know, it's ironic Julian Assange facing Espionage Act charges publishing otherwise secret material that seems to be covered by the Pentagon Papers case. Then they're talking about, well he got materials from Russia. I played the interview with him. We actually took the time. We flew all the way out in one day. We flew to Great Britain. We went to the Ecuadorian embassy. I was shocked at how small it was. The guy lived in like three hundred and fifty square three hundred and fifty square feet and he lived there for seven and a half years, and now he's facing extradition to the US. Okay, Well, Hillary Clinton paid for Russian disinformation. How come she's walking around lecturing us even yesterday that the Russians are likely now going to try and interfere in the twenty twenty election. Well, I think the argument could be made when she paid for Russian lies that were leaked to the media and hacks like David Cory and Michael Izakoff. Well, she bought Russian dirt to impact the twenty twenty election, and she did it in a way that I would argue as nefarious. Also funneling money through a law firm, hiring an op research firm, hiring a foreign national. So you know, when are we gonna go after her? Why are we involved in this other case? If somebody's involved in reporting something and you don't like what they're reporting, and people didn't want to believe what he told me in the interview, that's fine. I don't care if you believe it or not. That's what he said. But ultimately we do know what she did, and ultimately it's ironically and sadly it's the same thing. You know. So I'm watching all of these injustices. You think you think General Flynn was treated fairly? Did we really need for five process crimes? Did we really need twenty nine guys in tactical gear and frogment in a pre dawn raid to pull in Roger Stone pretty well, you know, he's in his late sixties, I guess by now maybe early seventies. Did we really need that? Did we really need a judge that says, if you say one thing publicly in your own defense. I thought we had freedom of speech I'm gonna put you in jail during the whole trial he had, he had a muzzle on his mouth. Well, maybe he wanted to go out there and defend himself, which I thought in America would be pretty straightforward. I don't think that that that's a problem. You know, you've got a you know, the four woman in this case, she outed herself. She didn't like that. Attorney General Barr looked at the Mueller and the over zealous prosecutors, on T. Mueller wanting nine years for five process crimes, intimidating a witness, and a witness that was so called intimidated said, no, don't put this guy in jail for this. That's just who he is. He's Roger being Roger, which was fairly unprecedented. But I guess she wanted the guy in jail forever, to die in jail. I guess just kind of like with the Manaphort case. People are gonna be happy on his Paul Manaport, Okay, income tax issues, lying on loan applications, a dumb thing to do. Does he need to die in jail for that? Is that a death sentence? Now you'll look at this one jury, four person mocking bar. You know had commended the four prosecutors that wanted nine years angry. We now know that she had herself said that Stone inserted himself into pressing a pressing issue of the day, whether Sane had Hillary's emails, how did he get him? Whatever that was all about. Stone wanted him align Hillary Clinton with our research. Okay, that's called politics, that's what people do. You know, what do you think happen? What do you think Hillary was paying for with the dirty Russian dossier. You know, you look at the comments about the president that this woman has made, and I'm sitting here thinking, this can't be the United States of America. This is not constitutional order. All of our laws are based on that document, the Constitution. There's not a single person in America, not one that would ever want ever a jury member, wouldever declare somebody that hates you and has said so publicly hating you on a jury judging your criminal case. You know, she kept mentioning the committee was run by Newness and Republicans and Donald Trump's supporters were all racist and Donald Trump was like a KKK member. I think it's pretty clear that she had a pretty biased opinion on the case before she ever sat on that jury. Well, that would call for a new trial, wouldn't it. That would call for a dismissal in this particular case. But no, then that's not happening right now. It's a little scary. That's not even a little scary. It's very scary. You know what the lead Stone juror writes in the questionnaire is also scary. You have jury questionnaires, portion of which was obtained by The Daily Caller, and Stone Ledge's heart. Former Democrat. This woman jury four person withheld information during the jury selection process. Her Twitter features that she indeed posted multiple times about the Russia probe, at least once about Stone. Well if she if you post one time about the guy you're you're supposed to be impartial about, and it's pretty negative, I would argue that's gotta go. That can't hold anyway. Greg Jarrett and David Schoner with us right now. Guys, welcome back to the program. How are you. How are you, David? You have been following this as closely as anybody. Yeah, let me say this. You know it's not just by the way, the matter of the juror posting social media, as you well know, is interactive. She says, she has twenty five hundred to three thousand followers to judge. When it came to Roger Stone said specifically, it's sentencing. Roger Stone con consciously used the tools of social media to achieve the broadest dissemination of his message possible. Well, how about this juror. This wasn't a juror who passively was thinking about things. And some of the things, by the way, you mentioned are actually comments the judge made how would you like to have a judge sitting on your case who now says it's sentencing. This was about roger Stone maligning Hillary out well, it came from Nonez's committee, she said on there talking about a political message. She said in sentencing because of roger Stone, the House committee investigating this Russian collusion came to an incorrect conclusion. This is just such a political message. She's trying to do what Mueller couldn't do. Muller had that information, he couldn't conclude there was conclusion. But Nunez spokesperson said, what's the judge talking about. We had a two hundred and forty page reports. Maybe it mentions roger Stone once he didn't change our conclusion. And then she said, roger Stone, as you said, insinuated himself into an issue of the day, not to support President Trump, but to cover up for President Trump. That's this judge Article three, judge appointed for life by President Obama, making a finding that the president did something wrong and that roger Stone was covering up for him. That's outrageous. And the whole time she's professing to be against the politicization of the institutions she holds with such great sanctity nonsense. She denigrated the institution of the Fed of Courts that I work in every day. All right, take a break, we'll come back. We'll hold these guys through the next half hour. Greg Jarrett, David shone eight hundred and nine for one. Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, as we continue the dual system of justice that appears in America today, Greg Jarrett and David Shona with us. They'll stay with us through the half hour. Greg, let's get your overall take on this. First of all, is it not attained to jury if the jury four person is tweeting out on social media or posting on social media negative comments about the person that she is now deciding their future and fate of You're right. I went through her posts again last night. She has one referring to Trump with a hashtag clan President. She has a string of posts commenting directly about the stonecase, negatively praising the Muller investigation, suggesting the President and his supporters such as Stone, are racists. She should never, under any circumstances have been sitting in judgment of the defendant. She had manifest prejudice against the accused by virtue of his association with Trump. As four person, as a lawyer, she had the ability to guide and induce other jurors to convict Stone. I don't care what they said in the hearing yesterday. Of course they're going to say, oh, it was a fair process. They don't want the weeks that they spent to have been wasted because of this four person bias. Roger Stone had his due process rights deprived. It was not an impartial jury, as the sixth Amendment demands, and it is only right that a new trial be granted. Judge any Burman Jackson will not do that because she herself is biased, as the motion for her own recusal explained in great detail. Well, I mean to me, this is fundamental. Would any juror, would anybody being tried for any crime want a juror, not even a jury four person to sit on a case when they had a prejudice against them? And the answered no, you know, you're you're supposed to be neutral and dispassionate as you evaluate the evidence. The fact is she concealed her bias from the jury. You know, in any other courtroom. I you know, I think there might be consideration for a fault and misleading statement charge against that four person. David Show, we have twenty seconds and you get the last twenty You asked the question exactly right, would you want to on your case? This judge revealed her true leanings at the sentencing. She asked the lawyers to speak, and then she had a written script prepared ahead of time. We don't know if he's even scratched the surface about this jury yet. These are social media posts that a journalist found. How about the interaction did other people respond to this? There might be deception here, failure to follow instructions, extrane his influence on the verdict, all kinds of things. This judge is what we call a rescuer in jury selection. Whatever the juror says, she says, well, can't you put that aside and be fair? Okay, that's good enough. That's not the way this process works. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Shawn Tolfree telephone number of you want to be a part of this extravaganza. The issue of equal justice under the law, is it happening in America? Now? We do have Bill Barr, the Attorney General. He's been pretty clear about what happened. He's looking into the origins of the Russia witch hunt and the investigation known as Operation Crossfire Hurricane, and he has John Dorman, prosecutor now doing all his work behind the scenes going on almost a year now, and they're committed. We know certain things that the Attorney General has said little crumbs, if you will. He stepped in about the over zealous guidelines for jail time regarding Roger Stone. The judge in the case even validated that opinion of the Attorney General in spite of people saying that's outrageous. Well, rapists that are convicted median time in jail is four point two months in jail. That's it. Then we have all the people that I've been mentioning that we know have lied and they have not been charged. Like, oh, let's see General Flynn and who didn't lie. The FBI didn't even think he lied and ironically said, well, after you sell your house and pay your lawyers fees, and if you don't sign this paper saying you're a liar even though we didn't find you, it'll be a liar. We're going to go after your family and your son in particular, and we may end up putting him in jail, and he ended up signing. I don't think that's justice in America. I don't think there's equal justice with all the issues involving him Hillary Clinton, the Espionage Act, the server with top secret classified information in it, the deleted subpoena emails, the acid washing with bleach bit of the hard drive to remove any forensics of any emails, and then of course devices being busted up with hammers. I don't think anybody it's now incontrovertible the evidence as it relates to Hillary Clinton paying for a dirty Russian dossier. How ironic. Julian Osang, who's now fighting against extradition to the US over the issue of the Espionage Act and information that some three letter agencies think came from Russia, denied it to me when I interviewed him. But that's neither here nor there. And the fact that Hillary actually paid for Russian lies, Well, she's running around warning about Russia interfering again in twenty twenty, but she paid for Russia to interfere in twenty sixteen. It doesn't get any worse than any of this anyway. So we continue with David Shone and Greg Jarrett, and I'm looking at all of these things. Where do you see all of this ending up? Because I didn't get any feeling from that judge yesterday you were listening in David Shone, and you've been in the courtroom in roger Stone's case. I didn't get any feeling from that judge whatsoever that she sees anything at all wrong with a jury four person that had posted on social media negative things about Trump, Trump's supporters and roger Stone specifically. I think you're exactly right. I mean, that's the only impression anyone could take away from it. This judge has had her mind made up for a long time. She has an agenda that should never be with a judge. You know, you wanted to talk about a conflict. This is what your listeners should know. Among the many other things, the judge said that roger Stone was maligning Hillary Clinton and he was trying to get opposition research against her. So if you have the double standard you've mentioned, but how about this prosecutor who helped get the indictment against roger Stone, Genie Ree. Genie Ree from the infamous Muller Weissman team of all political partisans, was Hillary Clinton's lawyer personal lawyer in the email scandal. Mueller's firm represented Hillary Clinton. How is that not a conflict of interest? And how can the judge with a straight face possibly dignify having this prosecution in her courtroom. Well, I mean that's the point, isn't it, Greg Jarrett? It is? But you know, I step back, and I just there's no wonder why many Americans, myself included, and I've been a lawyer for forty years, have lost faith in our system of justice. It goes all the way back to Hillary Clinton. She should have been charged with a one hundred and ten felony counts representing the hundred and ten classified documents she put on her private unsecured server. And on top of that, during his testimony, James Coming admitted to Congress that Hillary Clinton gave ten people who did not have security clearance classified information. So there's another ten charges. If five people close to Hillary were given immunity in exchange for nothing, which means they likely committed crimes yet were never charged, how can you prosecute Michael Flynn who told the truth. According to the FBI for Lyne and not prosecute Andrew McCabe, who admitted he lied up to four times. This is unequal and selective prosecution. And frankly, I've lost all faith in the Department of Justice. So you know, you know what highlights what greg just said at the end. One of the prosecutors sitting at the table in the Roger Stone case is the one who wrote the letter to McCabe telling him he wouldn't be prosecuted. And when they came to court they undercut what mister Barr properly did. They said, well, we're not withdrawing our first sentencing recommendation, and then they asked the judge to apply every enhancement. Meanwhile, pretty unbelievable times. How does this now play out? M bar Rogers Stone, General Flynn, Julian Assange, how do you all see this falling out? And do we hit a tipping point, a moment where every American begins to realize that there is a great injustice in the country going on, that we don't have equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, that constitutional rights are being thwarted, that a deep state abused their power, that corruption at the highest levels did occur and get it all cleaned out. I mean, I guess you know, this is what draining the swamp looks like. It's pretty pretty ugly at this particular point, is there a light at the end of the tunnel where those that did these things will be held accountable and those that were innocent and victim victimized in these cases and targeted unjustly in these cases that they get proper resolution. Greg There's no justice this in our system of justice unless you hold people accountable for the crimes they have committed. So down the road, we expect the Durham investigation to produce a report, maybe some prosecutions. But you know, as I said on your show last night, you know, I'm sort of fifty fifty about that. Will people be held accountable? I'm not sure. Now. If you don't prosecute a guy like Andrew McCabe, then why do I have reason to believe that others will be held accountable? Your take, David Shoam, Yeah, very difficult to disagree with that. As a McCabe admitted to lying. The Inspector General, who was a straight shooter, exposed well hang on, he admitted to lying after it was caught four hundred times. That's right, that's right. And now what do they say to him? I'm sorry, you get a path. It's too institutionalized. Unfortunately, right now there's not the will to break this open until that happens. I think we're in very sad shape. And the irony is this judge dared to speak about respect for the institutions. Unfortunately, we all lose a great deal of respect when she politicizes the process like she did. Unbelievable. All right, David Shone and Greg Jared, thank you both for being with us. We appreciate your expertise. Eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza, as promise to the phones, we go. Danielle is in the Great Sunshine State of Florida. Danielle, Hi, how are you glad you called? Good? How are you? I'm good? Thank you. I want to say, you're harder to get in touch with them, the president. I don't know how to take that. Well, we're glad you called, and we're glad you're on and thank you for being with us. Okay, Yeah, I just wanted to talk about the hypocrisy, and thank you for always pointing out everything that's been going on. You know, when Bernie Sans made that comment about communism and Fidel Castro, you know, the person's thought about how they attacked me to comment in char its Bille about good people on both sides, which he only meant the left and the right. He had had nothing to do with white supremaset And it's kind of the thing you're going to say that, you know, Trump did something horrible and racist, Yet you know, you have Bernie Sanders talking about Fidel Castro and a literacy program like that was horrendous. And I hope that the Latino community like really makes them suffer for that. You know. The other thing is like this Roger Stone. I work in the legal field, and I got to tell you it is appalling to see what's happening. And every American should be concerned with what's happening. Not Democrats and not Republicans. We're not independence, we're not libertarian. We as Americans should be scared to see what's going on. You know, I mean, there's outright bias. She posted on the stonecase. She mocked how he was arrested. She called President Trump and his supporters racist and used a hashtag clan President. She praised the prosecutors who stepped back down. She blamed the DOJ for interfering. How is that not outright being biased? As an attorney, isn't she supposed to be held to a higher standard, you think, right? You know, I gotta tell you there's many moments in all of this in the last three years, as we've done our deep dive and FISA abuse and premeditated fraud and deleting subpoena emails and you know, violating the Espionage Act and trying to you know, to rig it, rigging primaries and then trying to rig a general election, and for political purposes, you give one person a legal pass and then you work a backdoor to spy on a candidate, a transition team, and a president, and then do everything in your power to take that person down. I never thought this could happen in our country, Danielle Ever. I know I am. Sometimes I wake up and I think this can't be happening. The deep state. It's not a conspiracy, it's a reality. People see it every day, Americans see it. And Sean, I got to tell you, I just want you to know, and you just need to really have faith because the people out here are starting to see it. They are really starting to see it. In the last two weeks, I've had now five people. One my neighbor who's a sixty year old Union Democrat GM from Michigan, Union Democrat. You know how hardcore Democrats they are. She came to my house and asked me, I'm registered as a Democrat. I can't do this anymore. I helped her change her registration so she can vote on March seventeenth in our primary. My mom. I take care of my mom who is paralyzed in a wheelchair from a stroke. Wow, I'm by the way, I'm sorry about your mom. Good for you, though, thank you give her African American sixty year old Democrat her whole life. I never mentioned anything. As a matter of fact, I'm going to be honest with you. When I hired her so I could go to work, I hid all of my President Trump Republican stuff because of what we see out there and how people treat conservatives is horrible. You want to walk in my shoes for like a week out in public. Now I see it, and we are grateful for you and for Ingram you guys, but I just want you to know people are changing, people are seeing what's happening. I was a Democrat. I was my parents who came here from Italy and Democrat Democrat Democrats, And you know what they're afraid of, Sean. I'm going to tell you what they're afraid of. Coming from being a Democrat. Everything they're talking about is what they promised us every two and four years. All we would hear is they're gonna help with you know, prison reform, They're gonna help with jobs. They're going to revitalize our community. You know, they're gonna help people get off food stamps. It's it's bull and they want to keep people down. They want to keep people victims. That's how they get their votes. Wake up, America, Wake up. It's a powerful monologue you just gave it. Really is. I take nothing for granted. I really you know, who knows what dirty tricks are going to happen between now and November third, two hundred and fifty one days from now. And the only thing I would say to people. You can go to Hannity dot com. We have set up an interactive map. You can find out. You know the deadlines, when do you register in your state, early voting times, absentee voting rules, et cetera. We put it up there for informational purposes, and old I keep saying, you're the ultimate jury. I'm in New York. I have one vote. My vote for president is probably not gonna matter. I'm gonna vote, but it's not gonna matter. But it's really gonna matter in your state of Florida. It's gonna matter in North Carolina. It's gonna matter in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hand. I'm sure it's gonna matter in Ohio. It's gonna matter in every state you know, including Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico. All of these states matter because there are a lot of states. I don't think we have any shot at I mean, and there the states where everybody is. There's a mass exodus out of these blue states, a mass exodus. Anyway, I appreciate the call, Danielle, thank you for being out there. Eight hundred and nine four one. Shaun is at free telephone number. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. We are loaded up tonight, so we have some breaking News. John Solomon will join us to devan Newness. Jim Jordan, Yep, he's back, Mayor Comrade de Blasio, New York City. He's now supporting Bernie Sanders. Why isn't he supporting his predecessor? Of a lot to ask him? Nicky Hayley will join us. Lawrence Jones is on the road for US. Laura Trump will join us tonight. It's all ninety Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see it tonight at nine. We'll be back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us.

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