Senator Marsha Blackburn, of Tennessee, is working hard to ensure that vaccine mandates are prevented by introducing legislation to prevent essential workers from being fired over vaccine mandates and has introduced the Senate Campus Free Speech Caucus along with legislation to protect free speech with Senator Cotton.Blackburn talks about COVID, patients, mandates and our individual advocate for students.
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I was round a information overload our eight hundred and nine for one Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Now, all this money from the NIH, to the ECO Alliance, to the funding of the Wuhan virology lab where we all knew, the world knew that they did coronavirus research and they did gain A function research. That this is not at all a surprise to anybody. Now, Richard Ibright with the NIH corrects untruthful assertions by the NIH director Collins and doctor Fauci that the NIH had not funded gain A function research in Wuhan. Now, between the emails of doctor Fauci, and of course we had the leak of what was a nine hundred documents released by the Intercept, we already determined that Fauci was lying and that Rand Paul was the guy that was telling us the truth. Well, let's take you back and remind you this exchange between Pauchi and Ran Paul. Will you, in front of this group categorically say that the COVID nineteen could not have occurred through serial passage in a laboratory. I do not have any accounting of what the Chinese may have done, and I'm fully in favor of any further investigation of what went on in China. However, I will repeat again, the nih An NID categorically has not funded gain a function research to be conducted in the Wuhan Institute of our supported in the US, we have eleven labs doing it, and you have allowed it here. We have a committee to do it, but the committee has granted every exemption. You're fooling with mother nature here. You're allowing superviruses to be created with a fifteen percent mortality. It's very dangerous and goes a huge mistake to share this with China, and it's a huge mistake to allow this to continue in the United States. And we should be very careful to investigate where this virus came from. I fully agree that you should investigate where the virus came from. But again, we have not funded gain of function research on this virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. No matter Pars say it, there was research. There was research done with doctor she and doctor Barrick. They have collaborated on gain of function research where they enhanced the STARS virus to infect human airway sales and they did it by merging a new spike protein on it. That is gain of function. That was joint research between the Wuhan Institute and doctor Barrick. You can't deny it. I totally resent the law that you are now propagating, Senator, because if you look at the viruses that we used in the experiments that were given in the annual reports that were published in the literature, it is molecularly impossible. No one saying those it is it is a molecular los virus caused the pandemic. What we're alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab and NIH funded it. That is not away from it. It meets your definition, and you are obstruscating the truth. Let me just finished. I want everyone to understand that if you look at those viruses and that's judged by qualified virologists and evolution every biologists, those viruses are molecularly impossible. The results are the pandemic. We're saying they are gain of function viruses because they are not whole viruses that became more transmissible and human. And you funded it, and you admit the truth, and you are implying that what we did was responsible for the deaths of individual I totally resent that, and if anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you. Now we have a Freedom of Information Act reveal that in fact, FAUCI and the NIH in fact funded this gain of function research at the Wuhan Viology Lab. We have more than nine hund pages of documents released now detail how the US funded the research by Eco Health Alliance that's your tax dollars funded through the NIH on several types of coronaviruses at this very virology lab in the Wuhan Institute, and the Intercept first reporter, the documents described the work of this group. They subcontract the money out to Eco Health Alliance that's a health organization in the US, and they use the funding to conduct research at this particular lab. Now, these documents were released following ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation by the Intercept against the NIH, and basically we now have a roadmap to the high risk research that led to the origins of this coronavirus and the grant provided the Eco Health Alliance was a whopping three point one million dollars, including five ninety nine thousand that the Wujandrology Lab used to identify and alter bat coronaviruses to infect humans. That grant proposal even warned of the potential dangers associated with experiments like this quote, field work involves the highest risk of exposure to SARS and other CoV s coves COVID meaning coronaviruses while working in caves with high bat density overhead, and the potential for fecal dust to be inhaled. In other words, let me say it this way, I told you so doesn't even begin to cover it here. And that's the tweet from Senator Rampaula Kentucky who joins US now. Senator you were more right, I think than you even knew at the time, Yesean. And here's the real dagger in the heart for these people. The NIH now is saying, Yet Eco helth did do gain a function. Viruses that were unknown bat viruses were taken from caves, merged together with SARS virus another coronavirus, and they did come out more deadly. Not only did they do this research, they didn't didn't report it. I think NAH is trying to shift the buck here a little bit, and they're trying to say, well, maybe eco health is now going to be thrown under the bus. NIH didn't know about this. But the letter is still confusing in the sense that it says, oh, this was an unexpected or an inadvertent thing. There's no truth to that. If you take an unknown virus and you combine it with the STARS virus, you don't know if it's going to be more or less. It's unknown, but it's not unexpected. In fact, it's a crap shoot. You combine a virus and you find out if it infects THELF more. That's what they're studying is does it have gain a function or not? And so sometimes it does. But to say this is unexpected, therefore it's not gained a function. Research is this sort of parsing of words. You're being too kind. It's not parsing words. It's outright lying. Now because this is what we now know. Remember that January thirty first email too Fauci. It says one of the genomes has that breaking down the sequence of COVID nineteen they stated emphatically looked like it was manipulated by human beings. That's gain a function. Now. This is the same doctor Fauci in twenty twelve that said even if it caused a worldwide pandemic. He still supports research and to gain a function with these viruses, which is insanity. And why one red scent from America went to this lab in China, in Wohan is beyond any comprehension I have. Senator, Yeah, this is the thing when you when you look at this, this is the philosophy of collectivism. The individuals don't matter, even if five million people have died Fauci, it's the collective that matters. And he thinks the collective wisdom of gain a function research is worth it even if you have a pandemic. But that's so very much a heartless sort of you know, who were other collectivists who thought a few people in experimentation might not be too big a deal. Well we know them. There were a Totelan, you know, tyrants of the twentieth century. So yeah, we have to be alarmed that this guy still leads to the country. He's been asked, you know, firsthand, in the last month, do you still trust the Chinese? If yes, should we still be funding research in China? Yes? Right now, this eco health alliance that's been lying to government, apparently according to the NIH, it's still got a five year contract. There's a twenty a contract, five year contract. You mean we're going to continue to give money to the communist Chinese over this when they should be paying US trillions of dollars after what they did to us and the entire world. My understanding is their contract Eco Health contract with the Wuhan into goes through twenty twenty five. And there was an interruption. President Trump stopped it. Doctor Bouchi got it started again. And my understanding is that money is still flowing from the US tax theyer to Wuhan. It's incomprehensible to me, Senator, he really is. First, I'm glad you're right. Now, let's take it a little bit further. Who's this micro plecular biologist Richard Ebright? You know him, I know him, in communicated with him. He has been fighting this battle long before it became politicized. He was worried about this from a purely scientific point of view. He's not a partisan, he you know is you know, he just not. He's in this because of the science and because he's worried that we could get pandemics that would leap from the lab. And I think he told me he'd been involved in two thousand and five with US. But there's also another famous scientist. His name is Kevin Esbelt from MIT. He wrote an op ed in the Washington Post in the last two weeks and he said that this type of research risks the very foundation of civilization. He thinks there could be a civilization threatening pandemic if a virus gets out that has like a fifty percent mortality or seventy five percent mortality. He thinks we shouldn't be doing this. And this is a scientist that invented the Crisper technology for gene therapy to try to cure genetic disease. This is, you know, a guy that is in the world's a leap with regard to genetic and recombinent genetics. And he wrote an op ed thing we should do it, and guess what not one Democratic Capitol Hill will let me have an investigative hearing. We've been denied hearings by Patty Murray and the Health Committee. We've been denied hearings by Gary Peters in the Homeland Security, two committees I sit on that should be investigating this. No investigations being done. Well, that's what it's that's what makes this election in twenty twenty two, even that much more important here. But the reality is is that Fauci lied, and we have the evidence that he knew that what was going on with the Eco Alliance, and he knew the gain of function research was happening on coronaviruses, and we knew that they knew the entire time, which means when he testified back in May to your committee and you had that exchange with him, that he lied to you. Now, Roger Stone, if you might recall, I'll use him as but one example, you know, pre dawn raid, guns drawn frogmen in the backyard, fake news, CNN cameras for the crime of quote lying to Congress. Wasn't that the crime that they were charging him with? Correct me if I'm wrong. Yeah, And I think that's the definition of injustice when one party is treated one way, when Republicans are concernives are treated with the full brunt force of government police, and then if you're a Democrat, nothing happens to you. So you know, I refer to doctor Fauci to the Department of Justice because he did live, he's committed a crime. I think what's come out from the NIAH today is further proof that he lied, and we will confront him with this. He's coming back to our committee in the next couple of weeks. We will confront him. And the thing is is we have at the very least allowed the American public to see that he has a self interest in covering this up, because if any of this attaches to him in the NIAH any responsibility for the pandemic. You can see there's a great deal of more culpability that attaches to five million people dying worldwide from research that he's been supporting. It's just an unbelievable thing. Quick break right back more Grandpaul on the other side, Hannity Ninetiestern tonight on the Fox News Channel. Listen, I want to remind you that right now interest rates are at a historic low. I know people still locking in thirty year fixed rate mortgages in the twos. Now Yellen Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, and the Fed both said they expect interest rates to start creeping up next year. 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As we continue with Kentucky Senator Ram Paul, Is there anything any recourse the United States has to go and get the compensation to every every country, every American in particular, that suffered because of what they did to the world unleashing this virus and then lying about it. The greatest evidence I think we have, Senator, is that there was another travel band that nobody ever wants to talk about, and that was the Chinese government's travel band that people in other parts of China were forbidden to travel to Wuhan, and if you were in Wuhan, you couldn't travel to any other part of China, which pretty much tells the entire story here. And meanwhile, you could leave Wuhan and go to anywhere else in the world. So they didn't care about the world. They just cared about China. I think this should be part of every trade negotiation, every United Nations discussion. The UN's largely feckless because China can simply veto things that occur in the Security Council. But this effect is a whole world. Five million people who died in worldwide. I think most people in the world now believes that China let it cover up. They got rid of their database, the virus database, disappeared from the Internet. They have obscured the fact that people were sick with that research facility with COVID like symptoms. So I think the whole world, if it were unified, could punish in China. The United States alone, we have a tough time doing it, but it should be part of trade negotiations, should be part every negotiation we have with them, and for goodness sakes, at the very least, we should stop funding their lab I mean, I introduced an amendment and it passed unanimously, but it's never become law because the House of Representatives never took up the bill. Unbelievable. Let me ask you this, do you believe you know Joe Mansion pretty well? Do you believe Joe Mansion? Do you believe Kristin Cinema are going to hold the line on this three point five trillion dollar bill, which I guess now has turned into a one point seven or one point nine trillion dollar bill. Do you believe they'll stay strong on the issue of keeping the filibuster or do you think they'll try and get rid of it? And what other power grabs do you potentially see. I think they're sincere, and I know what it likes to stand up to people in your own party and to stand up against majority, so I think they are showing some courage. Now, I'm not promising you that the end result that they vote for is going to be a whole lot better. It's going to be less evil, but it's still going to be bad to the country. Whether we borrowed two trillion or and a half trillion, even if they whittle it down to two trillion, my guests, as they do it by not counting the out years. So instead of a ten year bill, we're gonna have a two year bill that cost looks like it cost left but over ten it's still going to cost the same. And if you put in these permanent free stuff, free college, free daycare, free cell phones, all the free stuff they're offering, once that becomes permanent, it becomes sort of the mandatory spending. Congress never ever does anything to rein it in. So I truly think this is a really bad bill, whether it's two trillion or three and a half. But I do I do commend them for at least standing up, you know, against the really strong pool of the socialist wing of their party. Pretty unbelievable times who we're living in, Senator Rampaul Kentucky, great job, you're right, Fauci lied. I wish I wish he would get the proper justice, which would be being fired, but I don't see that coming anyway. I appreciate you being one of us eight hundred and nine four one sewn you want to join us? Quick break right back? All right? Twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four and Sean, you want to be a part of the program. On top of all that I've now been saying for a long time, and it's getting worse by the day in terms of the price of energy, the economy, the supply chain crisis, the border crisis, the COVID crisis. You know, more Americans dead this year than last year. Great job, Joe, The Afghanistan crisis, the crisis with China, Russia, Iran. I mean, it's not a single thing I can point to that. I think Biden is doing well and is successful at Congress. I'm sorry, Senator Marshall Blackburn is with us, and she is working against these vaccine mandates among other things. But you might remember they all told us we were never going to mandate a vaccine. No, I don't think we should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand to be mandatory. Perhaps the federal government should step in and issue mannings. And if not, are you putting the needs of unvaccinated full ahead of the needs favaciitated. I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions private sector entities and others may take. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. I am all for more vaccination, but you know, I have nothing further to say on that except that we're looking into those policies, and quite honestly, as people are doing that locally, are those are individual local decisions as well. I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public. All right, joining us now, Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn is with us. Well, they first said masks would work at all in March of twenty twenty, Fauci said, we don't need masks. They don't mask, don't work. Then it was one mask, then it was two mass, then it was vax or mask. Now it's vas mask and booster, and that might be mandated. But here's the bigger problem, Senator. As the economy is deteriorated, and I know everybody in Tennessee's feeling it. It's costing more to fill our cars, to heat and cool our homes, and we're paying a hell of a lot more for every product we buy. So it's bad. Now we simultaneously are coming up on a deadline where we could potentially lose thousands, if not tens of thousands of nurses around the country and our hospitals and other healthcare workers. You know, these are critical jobs, and the economy struggling already. I can't imagine if they continue with this. Look, I don't know why people make the decisions that they do. Senator. This is not a vax or don't vax debate here, because I think these people that are willing to give up their jobs, their pensions, their benefits and retirement that I think they've made up their mind. I don't know that Joe Biden or Anthony Fauci's going to change it at this point. Well, I don't think they're going to change their minds, because these people are standing up for freedom, Sean, and look at how many people are affected. And as you said, I'm working on legislation with this, we're getting ready to file it on Monday. And the bill simply says, if you were deemed an essential worker during the COVID nineteen pandemic and you showed up for your work, you are exempt from this federal vaccine mandate. And that would take care of concerns of so many of our first responders and law enforcement and border patrol, and airline workers and healthcare workers, people that figured out how to handle this pandemic and how to keep themselves safe. They have earned the right to not have to take this vaccine and be affected by Joe Biden's mandate that is taking away their healthcare freedom, taking away their freedom of choice. And I decided to do the legislation after meeting with so many Tennesseeans who would say, look, you know, Joe Biden is taking away my right to provide for my family. He's taking away my right to work. And I talked with a young mom, sole provider of her family, in tears, loves her job, doesn't want to give her job up, wants to have another baby, does not want the vaccine. It is a medical choice for her. And what is she being told, We're going to have to let you go if you don't take the vaccine. I'm trying to find middle ground, not exactly what I'm known for here, but I'll tell you why I'm trying to find it. Because the thought of people police officers, or teachers, or firemen or first responders or military, you know, devoting ten twelve fourteen years of their life, and they're they're willing on principle for whatever reason. I'm not. I'm not. We've argued that vacs don't vacs debate over and over again. Yeah. I tell people to take this thing seriously. I've seen the worst of it, and that you need to educate yourself and know everything you can about this virus. And then you need to take into account your medical history, which is unique, your current medical condition, and talk to your own doctors. I'm not going to play doctor on radio TV, Senator, I'm not going to do it. But I don't want these people to lose the pensions that they rightly deserve. So is it a reasonable compromise that they agree to get tested at their workplace before entry? Right? And I've talked to so many who have said, Look, if you want me to take a test every week or so, then I'll take a test every week or so. But you can't force me to get a vaccine. What's the next thing going to be you have to get a flu shot? What is it going to be after that? If there is some other unique virus that comes out that you are forced to get at are you going to be forced to reveal private healthcare information. And you know, Sean unlike you are on this. I am grateful that President Donald Trump did Operation Warp speed and got that vaccine to the marketplace. He challenged the federal government and he challenged the private sector to get rid of red tape and to speed this process. They did. It is there for people who choose to get it. But you ought not be forced to give up your job and your livelihood and go on government assistance because you will not get a shot. That is wrong to do. And so well, let me ask you this testing. I'll take the test, all right. So, but Fauci says, for the greater good, people up to be willing to give up their freedoms. And then you got these idiots on television and radio and in Washington playing doctor. I'd like to know what medical school they want to because none of them did. The only one that did is actually Ran Paul. And Rampaul was one of the first senators to get COVID. He announced it publicly and he's also said he's not going to get a vaccine because he believes in natural immunity. Ironically, the doctor that created the technology that paved the way for the creation of the mRNA vaccines like Maderna and Fiser on this program said natural immunity is much better than my technology, and he cited nearly eight hundred thousand people in Israel. It's not been peer reviewed yet, but the early indications are it's like twenty seven times better than his technology. This is the guy that invented it all. Robert Maloney, Yeah, you're right about that. And I talked to a young man who has been adversely impacted for five this and is a phrag. He's going to lose his job. He said, I had COVID. Why do I need to get the shot when I have the natural immunity and it is going to serve me better? Last meet long, and I have to tell you, I think that this boils down to the fact. All Right, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on Fox, we start with the great One, Mark Levine, Laura Trump, and Kelly Anne Conway, LEO two point oh, Mark Bernovitz Tonight, Dana lash Tonight, Clay Travis and Lisa Booth nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. We'll see it tonight back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us. You make this show possible. We will never forget it.