Previewing Super Tuesday

Published Mar 2, 2020, 11:00 PM

John McLaughlin, Pollster and Strategist and Syndicated Columnist, Attorney and Pollster, Matt Towery are here to talk about Joe Biden’s South Carolina win, the decision for Mayor Pete to bow out of the race 36 hours ahead of Super Tuesday, and how much money Bloomberg needs to spend to get a vote, and who is feeling the Bern? 

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All right, happy Monday, two hundred and forty six days until you the ultimate jury, get to know and decide and shocked the world once again once again, and that means, yeah, we can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected forty five president of the United States. All right, a couple of things. It looks like, all right, Clovichar's out, Buddha Judge is out. Everybody's out except Stire is out. Now we're down to three. You've got the communist the praises every maniacal communist dictatorship, murdering dictatorship, Castro Danielle Ortega Venezuela Honeymoon's in the former Soviet Union. You got you know, radical insane Bernie Sanders that wants, let's see, a seventy seven percent death tax. He wants taxes raised into the fifty five percent range, which means, oh, you basically get nothing if you have a state income tax, property taxes, sales taxes, forget it. And then when you die, a seventy seven percent other bite at the apple, a wealth tax before that, legalizing, stealing, nationalizing industry, the healthcare industry, and nationalizing energy lifeblood of our world economy, industry and it's over. That's what you got. Then you got let's say you got farmer mini Mike Bloomberg. You need a lot more gray matter to do what real work in life. These farmers don't have a lot of gray matter. I mean, beyond insulting, beyond out of touch. Then you got racist Mike. Oh, we put all we only arrest minority kids fro marijuana. We throw them up against the wall. Yeah, you just take one description your xerox, that you print it out your xerox, that you send it every cop. It's virtually every city, not just New York City. One M minorities sixteen to twenty five. We put only cops, all cops in minority neighborhoods. We only arrest minorities, and we do so because that's where all the crime is. Okay, good luck with the minority community. Yet people in the church at all, Amma turning them back to many Mike the farmer Bloomberg this weekend. So we got him. And then you've got Joe Biden. All right, Joe Biden, quid pro quo Joe. I mean, this guy has made more more He is scaring me, to be very honest, I mean I've never seen anybody that out of touch, that's losing it this publicly, this quickly. So we'll get to all of that today in the course of the program. But I want to say something here, and I want you to really understand, because this is very important. I've never watched and witnessed anything quite to the level of rage hate Trump, derangement syndrome, psychosis as it's it is now. And they have they have done everything to destroy Donald Trump. They can't beat him at the ballot box. They have they have never accepted the results of the election in November of twenty sixteen. And we have watched the Russia hoax. We've watched the Trump Russia conspiracy theories advanced every second, minute, hour of every day. We had four investigations, no evidence of any Trump Russia collusion, simultaneously taking on breathtaking hypocrisy and lawbreaking to get there, including Hillary and her secret server with top secret classified information that would have put any of us in jail, including real obstruction of justice with the deletion of subpoena emails and the bleach pit and the hammers and the simcards removed, ignoring real Russian interference. So bought and paid for dirty not only unverifiable, now debunked Russian dossier Hillary Clinton pays for with funneled money to a law firm, to an oper research firm, to a foreign national, and then that unverifiable, now debunked Russian lies leaked to the media to impact the twenty sixteen race. That it's used as the fundamental base of a quote verified. It says verified at the top of FISA application, and it's used there to not only take away the civil liberties constitutional rights of one carter page, but also spy on an opposing presidential candidate and then his transition team and then his presidency. And then you're gonna You're gonna absorb more hypocrisy when you ignore quit and pro and quo and Joe. You're not getting a billion as you fire the prosecutor investigating by zero experience son who's being paid millions. You have to ignore that. You have to ignore you care about foreign election interference, you have to ignore the January eleven, twenty seventeen political investigative report that takes twenty two minutes to read about Alexandra Chulupa, a DNC contractor working in conjunction with the DNC in the Hillary campaign colluding with Ukraine to get dirt on Trumpet associates, which that article concludes they did, as did a Ukrainian court. You have to do that. Now, you have to believe that Donald Trump wants Americans to die and did not act at all when it comes to the coronavirus, when just the opposite is true. They don't care about truth. We've never had anything like this when they're weaponizing a virus for political gain. And I'll tell you there's a certain natural fear that people have as it relates to any virus. Anecdotally, in church this weekend, pastors are saying to people, you know, when you show each other the sign of peace, you don't have to shake hands. When you take the Eucharist, you don't have to drink the wine. You can just dip the Eucharist in the wine. My daughter and her friends were asking me a million questions about coronavirus this weekend. There there is there's only one country, and that is the United States of America that has ranked number one in pandemic preparedness. Of all countries on the planet, only one that would be US second. We have eighty three point five out of one hundred scale measuring the strongest measures. In place, UK they come in second, seventy seventy nine, the Netherlands seventy five six. China they came in fifty first with a score of forty eight point two. They're not ready at all, and that needs to be pointed out to the American people. The timeline of all of this matters, and it matters dramatically because what the Democrats are trying to sell the American people is just another bunch of lies. I'll give you the timeline. If you look at the American Journal Clinical Pathology, happens to be December thirtieth, twenty nineteen. All right, that's just last year. Quote scientist in China. A cluster of patients with a pneumonia of unknown backgrounds was observed in the Wuhan Province section of China, reported to the World Health Organization, and a week later, January seventh, twenty twenty, a new coronavirus SARS CoV two isolated from those patients. That's January seventh. Now we suspect that the Chinese government, we're not being honest. And fourth, right from the beginning, but we did send in our experts very early on, and I've got numbers to back all of that up. What we do know, though, is three weeks later, Donald J. Trump, your president, declared a public health of urgency and began doing something that hasn't been done in decades, and that's restricting US access to non citizens from China. Now for Americans flying back from Wuhan and other areas of China, yeah, they were allowed back in America. We want our citizens back home and safe. They were quarantined on US military basis for two weeks. So that you want to know why this didn't spread to the levels that we see it spreading in other parts of the world because the President acted in record time, record time. Now you don't believe me, Let's go back so far. Facts matter, Truth matters, And I know people are panicked. I know people that the panic is. They're trying to use people's natural fear of a virus two for political benefit. We've got eighty plus thousand people infected worldwide, less than three thousand fatalities, three thousand too many as far as I'm concerned, ninety eight percent of which have been in China. We now have five in Washington States. Six altogether, I think is the latest numbers we have in the US. But if you look back at the swine flu pandemic, for example, Joe Biden is saying, well, I would have done this a differently, et cetera, and said, okay, well they had a chance, because we lost twelve thousand people in America in two thousand and nine and ten. He was the Vice presidents. Most of us were alive. The global death toll was well over five hundred thousand people. I was in the Obama Biden years, and anyone out there remembers the media going bonkers over swine flew. One a thousand people had died, five thousand people had died, ten thousand people. No, you don't remember that, do you, because they weren't bludgeoning Biden in Obama. Now, by the way, it gets even worse than that. It killed twelve thousand Americans in twenty two thousand and nine. In twenty ten, according to the CDC, As recently as twenty eighteen, one hundred and sixty seven Americans died from West Nile. In twenty twelve, the death rate from West nilehood an all time high two hundred and eighty six fatalities. The combined death toll from West Nile two thousand and two and three well over five hundred people with corona in the United States. Again, this president acted. I'll even go back and quote fake news CNN. I think every once in a while they actually get something right because they were reporting on the people whose political ideology they support. That's by an Obama and it goes on. The two thousand and nine pandemic continues to evolve since, and it says, by the way, Obama declared the emergency in October two thousand and nine, now is help to be fair, as Health and Human Services Secretary did so earlier on, but Obama didn't declare an emergency himself national emergency. Since two thousand and nine, and since the age one and one flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the US have been effect infected. At least twenty thousand people have been hospitalized, more than a thousand people have died, according to doctor Thomas Freedom, director for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Oh, hang on a second, that's that we're not treating it the same way because, of course not, because that's what they do. This is they are weaponizing a virus because Russia didn't work, the Mulla report didn't work, Ukrainian lines didn't work. Their candidates are pathetically weak. They want to win an election and if it means scaring the hell out of people and attacking the president. Now, I've got a lot more to point out here as it relates to this. Now, when the president reacted again, it was confirmed Corona was confirmed January seventh. Well, the president on January thirty first, Australia's Singapore instituted travel limits. The next day, it was Donald J. Trump that implemented the travel ban and the quarantine and the checking of people. What did that do? It prevented widespread, a much wider spreading of this virus. February second, the State Department issued a level forward do not travel ban and advisory. And by the way, that has now since extended to Iran, Italy and South Korea. Now, what were the Democrats doing at the time. Now, when the President implemented his travel ban, Joe Biden aim that Donald Trump was xenophobic. There is no time for Trump's record of historian xenophobia. Well, the travel band prevented the spread of the virus, something he didn't do with H one and one. CNN fake News ran a story about the US coronavirus travel band could backfire and have the effect of quote, stigmatizing countries and ethnicities. Now the Washington Post, they were out there hoping that the coronavirus could become Trump's career Katrina. Now we even have you know them when Trump appointed Mike Pence or so, he doesn't believe in science, according to AOC. But what were the Democrats doing around this time? Well, Nancy Pelosi on December fifth began the effort to impeach the president. The first reported cases of corona were revealed December thirtieth or thirty first, twenty nineteen. It was January seventh when the President put his travel ban into effect, and January thirty first, the President the Claire the Coronavirus of Public Health Emergency Friday the thirty first, A significant global situation is continuing to evolve, CDC, said Anthony Fauci Friday the thirty first, A lot of unknowns, etc. Well the Democrats doing were they looking for solutions? No, they didn't vote on the final articles of impeachment. Until February fifth, they weren't doing a thing about it except calling the president xenophobic, talking about stigmatizing countries and ethnicities, hoping in the mob in the media that this could become Trump's Katrina. Or last week the New York Times declaring, well, this is the Trump virus and if you don't feel good, you know who to blame. Wow, what a difference in coverage. This is how sick they have all gotten. We have a lot more to explain about Corona. I've been doing a deep dive all weekend and comparing it to how Biden Obama dealt with H one M, because there is no comparison. Nobody's acted faster. Nobody has done more to protect the public than this president nobody, and he got beaten up for it. It's that sick out there that you know. They the President put the travel ban and effect within three weeks, which stopped the spread of this virus immediately. Biden said it was xenophobics, CNN said it will stigmatize countries with people and ethnicities, Washington Post speculating the coronavirus could be Trump's Katrina. Then we have everybody over the weekend and in the last presidential debate, ripping Trump saying it's a hoax, Washington Post, Politico, NBC, CNBC, Bill Crystal, Yes, Share you go, Bill Maher saying Trump will use the virus to declare martial law. The fact checking of the AP. No, Donald Trump did not cut funding to the nihrc DC. No president has acted faster when they say, well, the President said that it's a hoax, the virus is a hoax. He didn't say that at all. I don't want to talk about the possibility of being able to do this well. But the idea Donald Trump several days ago did it is a lie. Everything that they are saying the President never said it was oas said. They're using it to bludgeon him as a hoax. Now the Democrats, he said, are politicizing the coronavirus, politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, how's the president doing? Not good? Not good? They have no clue. You know. One of my people came up to me and said, mister President, they tried to be on Russia. Russia, they didn't work out too well. They tried the impeachment hoax, and now they're trying to say. Donald Trump said, it's a hoax. This is their new hoax. He said, because he's the one that quarantine people. He's the one that stopped people from coming into this country, that with hundred countries that had high incidents of it. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program. The amount of lying that goes on in the mob and the media is so disgraceful. And the Democrats the politicizing, the weaponizing, you know, of this virus to bludgeon the president when he's done more more quickly than anybody in modern history, to prevent the spread of the virus. You know, the latest talking point is Joe Biden, Bloomberg and Woppo and Politico and NBC and CNBC and Billy Crystal the Democrat and Share and everybody else. Donald Trump said that the virus is a hoax. There really isn't a hoax. It's not what he said said he said, quote Now, the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. They're politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, well, how's the president doing They go, oh, not good, he said, they have no clue. They can't even count their votes in Ihua. They can't count their votes, said one of my people came up to me and said, mister President, they tried to beat you with Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn't work out. Well. They couldn't do it. Four separate investigations later. They couldn't do it. They couldn't. Then they tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. Then we have quid pro quote Joe. Of course, breathtaking hypocrisy. They tried everything and anything, over and over, but you've been doing it since you got in. It's all turning. They lost, you know, think of it. This is like their new hoax. Oh, we're gonna say that the president he's calling the virus a hoax. No he's not, Bill Maher. He's going to declare martial law. No he's not. It's unbelievable. You know, they don't care. He's cut spending for the NIH and CDC. Nope, that's not true either. Even the AP fact checkers figured it out. I mean, you know, then you got guys like New York Times Krugman, Ah down twenty five thousand. It's like they're hoping Americans dying get sick and that we all lose a fortune in the stock market because of the jittery stock market. By the way, stocks are up nearly nine hundred points today. My Wall Street friends told me there was going to be a quick recovery, and they were right. You know, if we use their same logic. By the way, we can now get to say sanctuary states and sanctuary cities, they're free violent criminals that go out and commit more violent acts. Is their blood on their hands. Those that won't secure the border, we have three hundred Americans die every week, ninety percent of heroin crosses that southern border. Are they responsible or the fet and all because they won't solve the problem. The timeline could not be any more clear than what we have here, and that is we now have December thirtieth as the date when scientists in China and the World Health Organization they find this pneumonia cluster of patients in the Wuhan province of China, and a week later, on January seventh, twenty twenty, they identify the coronavirus January seventh, and then on January thirty first, Donald Trump declared the coronavirus a public health emergency, ordered US citizens returning from where the outbreak was in China to be quarantined for two weeks in a military base. Declares coronavirus a public health emergency, did it within three weeks, ordering quarantining, and then, even more importantly, this thing breaks out. The President then implemented his travel ban, and that was denying access to the US for non citizens from China. China, by the way, was not happy with Donald J. Trump. As a matter of fact at the time, I think they actually said that they called the ban of the president racist. Sorry, Now, the president, we now know, had been sending our doctors and offering all the help that he possibly could. Now, if you want to look at the actual timeline, well, let's what were the Democrats doing when they started December fifth with Pelosi announcement to proceed with articles of impeachment. Now, the day after December thirtieth, the first reported case of coronavirus, that's when we finally identified Corona. December thirtieth, twenty nineteen. Friday, January thirty first, the Trump administration declared it a public health emergency, ordering US citizens returning from those areas where there's an outbreak in China to be quarantine in military places for two weeks, declaring coronavirus of public health emergency by the way, I mean a significant global situation that was evolving. Then if you look at what with the Democrats, what are they doing next? Oh, they were in the middle of impeaching the president. They weren't dealing with the coronavirus. So yeah, there's a huge overlap. They were paralyzing the country with their latest attempt to destroy Trump, and the Trump administration was doing their job. And you know, then what about the Democrats? When did they weigh until much later? Now one of the you know, facts are really hard things for Democrats to deal with. Because when the President put his travel ban into effect, and that was January thirty first, and called it as you know, declared the emergency, well, Biden called it xenophobic. CNN said he was stigmatizing countries with with countries and ethnicities. China was saying it was a racist band Washington Post hoping it was his Katrina and he announces by the way, other countries have been added or ran Italy, South Korea. That's all been added to the band list. Schumer saying, you know, to the New York Post, this is not political. Our proposal was put together after hearing he didn't put anything together. That wasn't until much later, but he was still criticizing the president. January twenty sixth, Schumer proposed the US should declare a public health emergency. Doctors need to be educated on the virus. Well, that's what Donald Trump did, and he put in place the travel ban, but they were more focused on impeachment. Citizens arriving from China had all been subject to health screetings. Since then, Americans arriving from China CDC has been how many people's lives will likely saved? Now, can we actually have the ability to go back and do some real research and if you look at for example, and those instead of those that want to call it the Trump virus? All right, so we identify this thing first shows up December thirtieth, World Health Organization. A week later, you know, they now identify coronavirus. Three weeks after that, the president declares the travel ban. Now, if you want to compare it, let's go back to the Biden Obama administration. It was April a, two thousand and nine, when H one N one became a pandemic. It wasn't until six months later, and I'll concede eleven days after that the Health and Human Services of their administration said it was emergency, but it wasn't till six months later when Obama declared a public health emergency. But at that point it was already a pandemic. By the time Obama Biden did it, we literally had millions of Americans infected and over a thousand people had died inside the US. This is in two thousand and nine. CNN reported each one N one flu pandemic began in April. Millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least twenty thousand hospitalized, and more than a thousand have died. Doctor Thomas Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We're nowhere near where we thought we'd be set acknowledging manufacturing delays contributing to less vaccine being available than expected. We tend to forget these things, but facts matter, Truth matters. You know, you go back to fake news CNN because it wasn't Trump. They weren't trying to bludgeon Obama and Biden two thousand and nine. One N one pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly many communities across this nation, and potential exist for the pandemic to overburdened healthcare resources localites. This is six months in. They're finally beginning to realize a thousand Americans are dead. Did any of you recall the same amount of breathless reporting, because I don't, and I do this every day. Now, if you want some perspective, we're here to give you that perspective. We don't want anybody sick. I don't want anybody say I hope we can cure cancer and heart disease one day, and I think ultimately we will. But we have eighty plus thousand infected worldwide. Ninety eight percent of the three thousand fatalities have been in China. The infection numbers, Yeah, we're now up to six deaths in the United States, but nowhere near the number of people infected had we not had the Trump travel band put in place almost immediately. If you look at the swine flew pandemic, the outbreak starts in two thousand and nine. That was April. They declared the national emergency in October. It lasted through twenty ten. Over twelve thousand Americans died, twelve thousand right here in America. The global death toll was over five hundred thousand. Many of us were alive in twenty ten. Anybody out there that remembers the media going nuts when the swine flu body count hit a thousand or five thousand, or ten thousand, I don't, of course, not because the swine flu outbreak was not newsworthy. They weren't trying to bludgeon the Obama Biden administrations. Swine flu. Remember that twelve thousand Americans died first outbreak in America. If you want to go back, the West Nile virus killed over two thousand CDC As recently as twenty eighteen, one hundred and sixty seven Americans died from West Nile. As recently as twenty eighteen, twenty twelve, the US death rate from West Nile hit a high of two hundred and eighty six fatalities. That combined death toll West Nile two thousand and two and three well over five hundred people five hundred and forty eight to be exact according to CDC nineteen ninety eight I'm Sorry. Nineteen ninety nine to twenty eighteen, West Nile killed two thousand, three hundred and thirty Americans nowhere near Corona. This president put a travel band and plays them was called xenophobic and racist. You know, so if you look at you know, what the truth is and the preparedness, you see a very different story emerging and then the lying. When are they ever going to take responsibility for the swine flew deaths? Why did they act so slowly? Why the double standard in the media. Why are we always at the same point Donald Trump? If the dog bites the beast things you're feeling sad? They hate them. Nobody ever acted faster, with more resolve, taking more incoming than Donald Trump period. The travel restriction band began January thirty. First, we didn't identify Corona chill January seventh. Xenophobic, Joe Biden said, stigmatizing countries and ethnicities. Fake news CNN said, now we've got people wanting to call the Trump virus. This is how sick they all are. This is beyond sick. But this is why you get to declare, you know, you get to be the final jury in all of this. You get to be the final jury here. By the way, last week major court ruling vindicated Trump on an impeachment and historic ruling that Don McGann White House Council wouldn't have to be required to answer as congressional subpoena. I'm sure that applies to let's see John Bolton, but it doesn't matter. They want to bludgeon this president. Now. By the way, we have the greatest capacity of any country on the face of this earth. United States named the country with the strongest measures in place in terms of the country's best able and prepare to deal with any epidemic. Of course, we have to take it surge seriously, and I'd think probably the Likelihod, the only reason Israel is ahead of everybody is because Israel has been working on a variation of the coronavirus ahead of time. That's the only difference. He cut funding for NIH. No, he didn't CDC cut No, he didn't didn't happen. I mean, it's unbelievable to me. But this is how they want to politicize everything. So anyway, it will be a big issue in the campaign. We have our medical experts. Coming up later in the show, Doctor Spiegel, we are one day away from super Tuesday, and when three breaking news. Do you know who knows what day tomorrow is? No, not Joe Biden. Tomorrow superstar. And I want to thank you all. That literally just happened, an't I Yeah, just called He called Chris Wallace Chuck over the weekend. Priceless is a gift that keeps on giving. Stires out boota Judge, Klobuchar's out. So now we're down to the Communist to praise his murdering regimes. Then we have Many Mike, the farmer that thinks farmers are dumb and need more gray matter. And then of course Many Mike says his healthcare plan is go home and die. We don't have the money for you. And of course he's got his race issues. We got that, and then you got Joe Biden. Listen, Joe Biden. This is getting scary. He says he's running for senate. He said that his late son was a US Attorney general. He was not. He says, Bolivia borders Judge, I don't know, I don't have time, but his Bolivia borders Venezuela. It does not He mixes up states all the time. Ohio, he's in Iowa and he says he's in Ohio. He claims to have, you know, gone to one college, historically black college. He did not. He couldn't remember the name of Merrick Garland. He said he was vice president during the Parkland massacre. We choose truth over facts. Poor kids are just as smart as white kids. I'll put y'all back in chains. And the Margaret Thatcher, remember that gaff at Margaret Thatcher. Yeah, that was a mistake too. Margaret Thatcher was long gone. Oh stand up, Chuck. And on top of you know here, you got Obama. I mean mean first, the first sort of mainstream African American who's articulate and bright and clean. He's actually a nice looking guy. Storybook man can't go to a Dungan done at seven eleven without a slight Indian accent. Says there are at least three genders miss is. The locations of back to back shootings were first to Michigan and Houston when it was Dayton and el Paso touts his relationship with a segregationists. I'm like wow, confuses New Hampshire for Vermont. He makes up an entire war story confuses a rack and Afghanistan says, you know this is bad, This is really bad, and you want one gay Joe three zho three three zero three Oho two three three o two. That's pretty bad stuff. They got many. Mike the farmer, the guy that wants you to go home and die as his healthcare plan on tape says, we only put police in black neighborhoods, minority neighborhoods. Throw them up against the wall. We only arrest minorities from marijuana because well, that's where all the cops are, not all of them, because that's where all the crime is. Wow. And he's got his harassment issues. And you got the communist they're all communists in some way. You have a lot to decide in two hundred and forty six days. So do you believe Bernie Sanders would lead the Democratic Party to a big loss? I do. I think Bernie Sanders position on a number of the issues, even in the Democratic Party are going to be very, very controversial. The idea that you're going to find sixty billion dollars and not going to trillion dollars, I should say, not gonna have to raise taxes on middle class people, the idea that you know, we're talking about immigration. I mean, if Bernie had voted for the if we had passed the immigration bill that that I voted for and Teddy Kennedy that voted for about ten years ago, we'd already have six million people who were undocumented American citizens. I mean, so there's a lot of talk we're getting down now. Everybody's going to look at Bernie's record as closely as they've looked at mine over the last five months, and I think they're going to see some stark differences. And where we stand. I want people see me standing next to him and him standing next to me. We'll see who's sleepy. Mister Vice President, thank you, thanks for your time. Please come back in less than thirteen years, sir. All right, Chuck, thank you very much. All Right, it's Chris. But anyway, I just did Chris. No, No, I just did Chuck. I'll tell you what, man, and he's are back to back anyway. No, at some time, you do it early in the morning too. Safe travels on the champaign trail. Thank you, sir. By the way, how many of you did really well with that one point nine trillion dollars tax cuts that increase really good shape, right, really changed your well? You did well, that's good you. I'm glad to see you're doing well already. And I but guess what if your lect me, I'm not going to have your Your taxes are going to be raised, not cut if you're benefited from that. After a year of going everywhere, meeting everyone, defying every expectation, seeking every vote, the truth is that the path has narrowed to a close for our candidacy, if not for our cause. And another of those values is responsibility, and we have a responsibility to consider the effect of remaining in this race any further. Our goal has always been to help unify Americans, to defeat Donald Trump, and to win the era for our values, and so we must recognize that at this point in the race, the best way to keep faith with those goals and ideals is to step aside and help bring our party in our country together. So tonight I am making the difficult decision to suspend my campaign for the presidency. I will no longer seek to be the twenty twenty Democratic nominee for president, but I will do everything in my power to ensure that we have a new Democratic president come January. All right, our to Sean Hannity's show, eight hundred and nine for one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. We are only two hundred and forty six days away till the ultimate jury. You we the American people. So this is now what we're down to. You got Klobuchar out, you got Buddha, Judge out, Stire out. Everybody's out. Now it's down to three. So you got the communist that wants to legalize stealing and confiscate everybody's wealth, and then of course nationalize all these industries like the healthcare industry, the energy industry, New Green Deal to all supports some version of this madness. Then you got let's see, farmer Mike. I can teach anyone to be a farmer. You don't need much gray matter. Who's also racist. We put all cops in minority neighborhoods. We only arrest minorities because that's where all the crime is. Good luck selling that, and a serial harasser on top of it. And then you've got Joe, big, big, huge South Carolina win by Joe, the same Joe that just called this Weekend, Chris Wallace, Chuck Joe three oh three three zero and three O two three two three oh and you know you're the ones that that sent Barack Obama the presidency. I have a simple proposition here. I'm here to ask you for your help. Where I come from, you don't get very far unless you ask. My name's Joe Biden. I'm the Democratic Senate candidate for the United States Senate. It is all recently saying that his late son bow was a US Attorney general. He was not. You know, he says, Bolivia is bordering on Venezuela. It is not. How many states is this guy mixed up? Iowa for Ohio? He claims, I got started at HBCU Delaware State. I don't want to hear anything negative about Delaware State. Here they're my folks. Set out at a South Carolina town hall, claiming that to have started out at Delaware State University City, historically black college in his home state, as opposed to the University of Delaware, where he actually went to school. This is all recently. He forgets the name of Merrick Garland. This is all recently. He says he was vice president during the the Parkland massacre. He wasn't you know we choose truth over facts, that guy. You know, poor kids are just as smart as white kids. We're gonna put you all back in chains. Remember, I mean, stand up, Chuck. I mean they're at least three genders. Biden, he you know, back to back shootings. He refers Michigan and Houston. No, that would be Dayton and l Passall. He confuses New Hampshire for Vermont. I mean I can keep going on. That's that's those are the three. That's the option and to an in forty six days. Anyway, our polsters are back. John McLaughlin poster strategist, syndicate and columnist Matt Towery here, and on top of that, it was Joe Biden. You know, no, it's xenophobic. When the President took the bold position to close off the borders to people coming into this country from China back in January, he was out there saying, well, that's xenophobic. CNN was saying it was stigmatizing countries and ethnicities as it relates to this coronavirus. Anyway, Matt Towery, John McLaughlin, thank you, Matt. What do you think of South Carolina? Will know a lot more after tomorrow night. Well, it wasn't unexpected and it did provide him Biden shot in the arm in the South. I mean the way I see things going, you know, I think Biden will do well in Alabama, Virginia, Tennessee, places like that. It seems to be his base right now. But Sanders is going to pick up the big ones like California and Texas, Colorado, Maine, Vermont, Utah probably is his. So I think what you're going to see tomorrow night is going to be Biden picking up probably more states than are expected. By the way, klobash Hard got out today, not really to help Biden. She's going to toss up with Sanders up in Minnesota. She didn't want to be embarrassed if she lost Bernie Sanders. That's my opinion of her timing. But I think you Biden's emerging a little bit, but I don't think he's got enough to go all the way to the convention. Where are you on this, John McLachlin, do you see it the same way? Well? This is huge. I mean we've been talking about this for weeks. It's now months that there was going to be this big showdown between the socialists and the mainstream liberals because none of them are in the center. They're all left wing. But tomorrow you get thirteen hundred and fifty seven delegates are going to be picked, and you only need nineteen nineteen ninety one to win in the Democrats side, and you've got two big prizes oft Matt mentioned California four fifteen and Texas with two hundred and twenty eight delegates. Sanders is ahead in both states, and you've got Sanders to the pulse. At the end of the last week, Sanders was ahead in nine out of the fourteen states. Now Bloomberg had slight leads in three of the states, Virginia and Oklahoma. And I think, yeah, right, but but I think Bloomberg has been terrible. He's three minutes last night a disaster, and when you look at that, so he's collapsing. Biden's picking up the African American vote, the Latino vote in California because Sanders did well with Nevada, with Latinos in Nevada, so that's why he's doing well in California, in Colorado and Texas. So you got this huge fight that's coming off tomorrow, and you know who I mean. I've been saying to people the big winner in this is going to be President Trump. But I'll tell you know who else the big winner is. I want you to guess who's the big winner tomorrow. I'm I'm waiting Hunter Biden because Hunter Biden's going to get a lot more contracts. Now, if Joe Biden becomes the nominee, all right, you got, I can't. I wouldn't have picked Hunter zero experience. Hunter is already a multi multi millionaire with no experience. But by the way, nobody's paying attention. But Ukraine has now opened up an official criminal investigation and I sense, my sense is it's real. So we'll know a lot more tomorrow. But now the question is, look at the strategy. Matt Towery of Evan Elizabeth Warren is saying it she wants a brokered convention, and I mumbling and bumbling that's been going on among the Democrats is how we can't have Bernie and maybe we'll bring in Michelle, Obama or Hillary to save the day. Is that a possibility? You know, if it is, it is a possibility. But what would happen is they would lose a certain percent of dedicated Bernie Sanders voters forever, they would not turn out to vote. As much as they don't like President Trump, they would sit this race out. This they feel like this is their year to win. They feel like they've been winning. And if they see that there's some sort of last minute, sort of behind the scenes deal being worked up to run someone who's from quote the middle of the party, their middle of the party, or an establishment candidate over Bernie, this will be a complete civil war within the Democratic Party and you will not see the voter turnout on the Bernie Sanders side that they need to win in the fall. See. I think this is now the second time they've done this, does Bernie look? Bloomberg is gonna throw money at this race regardless. But Bloomberg doesn't seem to really have a path, And I think after tomorrow it'll be even more clear that he probably doesn't have a path. But he doesn't sound like he's getting it getting out either. He sounds like he wants to come in with all the money at the convention and throw it at everybody. I mean, up there on the debate stage basically saying, oh, I bought the twenty eighteen House of Representatives, and he's got a strong anti gun agenda. He's a radical in terms of illegal immigration. His healthcare plan is, oh, well, just go home and die because we can't afford to pay for it. John McLaughlin, Well, you can bet there's a lot of pressure on Bloomberg right now to get out because you can see the whole Democratic establishment and the media publishment is trying to push all the support to Biden. I mean, Clover Shark getting out is ridiculous because in Minnesota, with her out, Sandy's going to win that state and Bloomberg. What's going to happen to Bloomberg is he's going to get embarrassed by the former socialist mayor of Burlington, Vermont is going to beat the former mayor of New York tomorrow. So Bloomberg's probably under a lot of pressure right now to get out and back Biden because the Democrat established. But his ego is so massive. I mean, if you watch him on the debate stage, it was almost reminiscent of George Herbert Walker Bush and in the push for the second term, and with Bill Clinton looking at his watch thinking he's this is beneath him to be up on that stage instead of seeing it as an honor. He doesn't want to be asked any tough questions. I guess he's doing a town hall on Fox tonight, but you know, his record is what it is. He thinks so highly of those farmers that lack gray matter, So that is him. He's got a racist pass that that's not going to help him with the Democratic Party base. Serial harasser and his healthcare prescription. Matt Tower's go home and die well, Sean. I will say this, he is the worst candidate I have seen in many, many decades, at least a major candidate, and it's amazing to see how he's fallen apart. I mean, he has thrown money around this country left and right, and yet he may end up doing okay in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Tomorrow we're going to look those are a couple of states where he might actually end up in the lead, but they're going to be small potatoes for a guy who was mayor of New York and he thinks he's such a big player. He's going to collapse. There's no doubt about it. And so it's likely now it's Biden and Sanders do either one of them get the necessary delegates to get the nomination outright, all right, as we continue with our polsters heading into Super Tuesday tomorrow, only two hundred and forty six days till the American people become the ultimate jury. Matt Towery and John McLaughlin, do you think, John McLaughlin, that either Bernie Sanders or assuming Joe Biden have enough delegates to win those nominations out right or is there going to be a fight, And if there's a fight, how does that emerge? I think I think that one of them is going to get the delegate count. And tomorrow's critical because if Sanders maintains his momentum, that all of a sudden he's two or three hundred delegates over Biden, He's on his way, because March seventeenth, you've got big states like Illinois and Ohio, and also you have a Arizona and Florida. Now Florida is a place where he could get stopped. But after that you're coming into like April twenty eighth, you have New York in Pennsylvania, and it could go that long. But right now, the whole Democratic establishment is in a panic because what they're afraid of the bottom line on this is they're afraid that Donald Trump, whether it's Biden or whether it's Sanders, they get reelected and Sanders can beet Biden on this message of corporate Greek going right or Hunter Biden. You agree with that assessment, and do you see any scenario under which Hillary or Michelle Obama get brought in Matt Tower, I don't see that scenario. And here's the reason because and I agree with the analysis John has I think Sanders is most likely to emerge between the two, but it could be close. When you get two individuals like this who've been invested in this campaign for years, they are not going to step aside at that convention for some other name. And I don't believe that the delegates who are pledged to them are going to allow that to happen. So, in my opinion, you're not going to have a broker convention in the sense that you have some third party swoop in and suddenly who hasn't been doing a single thing in the last year and a half swoop in, had suddenly become the nominee for president. I don't knowing politics, having been one at one time in office as well. I know how politicians think they will not let that happen. So well the person that as the most delegates get it. That's the next question, John. I believe so. I believe because it's very hard to stop the momentum. We saw it four years ago when we were in the Trump campaign and as the President kept racking up delegates, we had the momentum and we want it in Indiana. When we won Indiana, we secured it and even though they insiders which still trying to take it away, they could not because the people spoke and the people in the demo Capoty are speaking. Well, that's where Manta for it. I think worked his magic for the president for that period of time that he worked with them. All Right, Matt Towery, John McLaughlin, Our posters will know a lot more after tomorrow, and it should be very interesting. Eight hundred and nine four one Seawn. If you want to be a part of the program. Millennials, where are they going to vote now that they have the lowest unemployment record, low unemployment, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment demographically? Where is this headed? We'll check in with Charlie Kirk. Then our medical team will weigh in on the coronavirus and the President's handling of it and the Democrats politicizing of it as we continue this Monday edition of The Sean Hannity Show, and under the so called Trump economy, we are actually achieving the progress, hope, and change that liberals have been falsely promising for decades but early failed to deliver or produce. And it's really driving them crazy. That's why we'll probably end up with crazy Bernie. He's crazy. We got some beauties, we got Sleepy Joe, we got crazy Bernie, we got Mini Mike. But I think he's out of it. I would like to spend seven hundred million dollars and end up with nothing Mini Mike. I know him well. I knew that was going to happen. That was probably the worst debate performance in the history of presidential debates, do we agree? Has there ever been anything like? But he's gonna keep spending the money. I think this weekend he's gonna hear his ad stop on Tuesday. He's going for Thursday. He's going to spend a lot of money. It just shows you that you can't buy an election. I mean it just there's a point at which people say, you gotta bring the goods a little bit too, you gotta bring the good Well, I did Pocahonas destroy him, I'll tell you. And look what I did to her. She choked, you know, she went out and got a test because I was killing her with a Pocohona. Remember I said, I have more Indian blood in me than she does, and I have none, right, I said it. I said it that love to have some, but I have none. And she was getting hit with that name, Pocohonas. That was one of the good ones. And they said, we want you to apologize for that name. And I did. I apologize. Nobody ever heard me apologize before I apologize to the real Pocohontas hypologize. But she went out and she said, oh, this guy's killing me. Remember she was dropping like a rock. But I learned something, never do it too early. Who a year and a half before the election, I said, what am I doing? I should have saved it. But that's all right because she had those burning embers and then she started. But ultimately she failed. She's gone so but she was really mean to many. Mike. I'll tell you the way she treated her. He didn't know what them. He's going all get me off of this stage, Get me off. My job is to make sure that we're secure and to defend our country first, our country today, the United States. For years, they've been trying to do this, and today the United States signed a deal with the Taliban so that we can hopefully begin the immediate process of finally bringing our troops back home. Nineteen years nineteen years were there. Thank you, and as you know, others wanted to do it, we got it done and just signed it. And I want to just thank our military because you know, we've been really a police force there for the last long time, and we're not supposed to be a police force. Were supposed to be fighting soldiers. And we could win that war very easily if we wanted to lose. Kill a million people that have nothing to do with it, that don't know anything about us. Pretty complicated deal, I have to be honest. But in exchange for the Taliban's action against al Qaeda and other terrorists who could threaten us, we're prepared to begin those force withdrawals. And if the Taliban and the Afghan government live up to their commitments, and they may or they may not, but I think we have a lot of reason why they will. I think they will. That means that the longest war in American history by far, it's not even close. We'll be over. We're prepared, and I'd like to just ask and caution that the media. We would respectfully ask the media and politicians and everybody else involved not do anything to a panic, because there's no reason to panic at all. This is something that is being handled professionally. I also want to thank, by the way, governors and representatives of our various states, in some cases, some more than others, because they've really been working very hard in areas where we've seen indication of the virus. All right, that was the president. I mean he was on fire at Seapak on Saturday. As the featured speaker has now gone there a number of years, eight hundred and ninety four. One Sean, if you want to be a part of the program, all right, I'll let you. We're going to know a lot more about how this all plays out. With the Democratic Party, as I've been saying, it's you know, you can sum it up this way. You've got an avowed communist that praises and heaps praise on every insane, murdering dictatorial regime that wants to literally take over every industry and confiscate all wealth. I mean, you imagine seventy seven percent. Pirsdy wants his wealth tax. First, he wants to raise taxes more to insane rates fifty five sixty cents of every dollar. An he wants a wealth tax if you would save money in the past. An he wants when you die as seventy seven percent death tax. Now, if you're in New York that's eighty seven. That's ninety percent. By the time you pay New York City and you pay New York State, there's ninety cents of every dollar you were dumb enough to save and not spend that they didn't already steal. Then we've got let's see the gray matter farmer, Mike Mini, Mike Bloomberg out there and his racist comments. Good luck winning with that as part of the Democratic coalition, and basse, this is you know, serial harasser, and this is a guy that's saying, no, we can't afford the healthcare for older people. Go home and die. You've outlived your usefulness. Add to that, let's see, then we've got Joe Biden, who's nuts. We're gonna know a lot more by the end of tomorrow night. It's gonna get interesting. I've given all the facts I can the bludgeoning and politicizing of the coronavirus. No president ever in history has ever acted as swiftly as this one, not a single one. And of course the news is bad for people that are in Seattle and Washington, where a lot of flights from China end up landing, which is where I believe a lot of that has come from. And we'll know more in the days to come. But again, within three weeks of identifying Corona, this president put in place a travel ban and was called xenophobic, racist, and every other name in between this. You go back and you make the comparisons with the Democrats, Well, when they had an opportunity, Yeah, there were a thousand dead in the US with the H one N one virus, but back in two thousand and nine before they ever stepped up and decided to do what Donald Trump did, and that would be six months later Obama Biden declaring a public health emergency even we had a thousand deaths at that point, all right, joining us now, Charlie Kirk. His new book, The Maga Doctrine, The Only Ideas That Will Win the Future, just out this week. I saw him on The Great One Mark Levin Show last night on Hannity. Mister Kirk, how are you, sir, Great Sean. It's a great honor to be with you, Thanks so much so. I'm a registered Conservative, and as a registered Conservative, I've always believed in ending burdensome regulation. No president has cut it more than Donald Trump. I've always believed in lower taxes, more freedom, more liberty for the American people. Nobody, in terms of dollars, has ever cut taxes as low as Donald Trump. I believe in conservative justices. Nobody's appointed more in modern time than Donald Trump even said he would appoint to the US Supreme Court. I never I always believed in free and fair trade. No president has ever challenged the status quo and successfully navigated new trade deals with our Western European allies and Canada and Mexico. With a new deal, I guess that you could say the money that we're getting will pay for the wall. Then Japan and now even China, two and twenty billion dollar deal that helps our farmers, our manufacturers, our auto industry, our energy sector, service sector. Nobody has kept promises like he has, including the promise to build the border wall and now the promise to keep Americans safe and put Americans first and get called xenophobic. You say in this book the magad doctrine the only ideas that will win the future. That to me is everything I believed my entire thirty one years on radio and my twenty four years at the Fox News Channel, because it's the only thing that works, and we see it with every demographic and the lowest unemployment level since nineteen sixty nine. That's exactly right, Sean. And I first just want to say, you know you are there the drum beat a conservative movement every night. I love watching you and you're able to really be able to defend the president in such a remarkable way. That's exactly right. And I wrote this book to try to articulate the doctrine of ideas that he's fighting for and the importance to continue the conservative movement not just up to November, which is critical, but what's the party going to look like post Trump? And I think it should be a Trump movement, not just a Trump moment. And you said it best were energy independent, lowest ever black Leasino, Hispanic Asian American disabled unemployment, lowest ever black poverty rate, criminal justice reform, Slomany and Albec Dottie are dead. We got Gorsitch in Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. It's extraordinary. It's everything that we as conservatives are passionate about. And despite a sham impeachment then illegally spying on our president, which you've done a wonderful job uncovering, throughout the last couple of years, he's been You know, he's stronger today than he even was the day he was inaugurated. And I think it's very important that we as conservatives really read the playbook that President Trump is coming from, which is love of country and an admittance that over the last twenty thirty years it seems as if the elites had our country and managed decline. You see what I find impressive about people like you and Kaylee McEnaney, And there's a group of you, and I know you founded the student organization Turning Point USA. In a Winston Churchill once famously said, well, if you're twenty and you're not a liberal, you don't have a heart. But if you're forty and not a conservative. You don't have a brain and real life experience I think contributes to that evolution of thought if you agree with that. But the thing is is you understand it. They have all these young people seemingly buying into the false narrative, the false sense of security of socialism. Why is that. It's a great point, Sean, And thank you for speaking to our five thousand students in December. You were a huge hit and it was very generous of your time to do that right before Christmas. By the way, next time, could you open the bar before I speak, because they had apparently been sitting there at twelve hours listening to speeches by the time I got there. I'm kidding in another two hours and they would have loved it. But it was very generous of you to do that. But look, students usually always kind of compose and comprise of a socialist movement. Unfortunately, it's the universities where these bad ideas are given a form and given credence. It's very easy to be generous for other people's money. It's very tempting to want to take other people's stuff. The message of conservatism is one of hard work individual initiative, taking responsibility for your actions. Unfortunately, you have anti American university professors that are indoctrinating a generation to be ungrateful for one of the greatest gifts we've been given from God, which is the United States of America. And when you're not grateful for something, then why not try to start a socialist revolution within that country to tear down everything that we hold near and dear to our heart. And so every day I go to college campuses to fight back against it. You've done a wonderful job as speaking against the horrors of socialism, but your listeners have to know that socialism is not going to go away just if we beat at the ballot box here in November. Being a conservative and you've experienced this and others have experienced this. If you're young on a college campus and you're a conservative, you are a priah. You are hated. I mean, there is pure vitriol and hatred. What has been your experience with this and how do you deal with it? That's exactly right, Sean. And you know the young people sometimes say they want to be a rebel on a college campus. Do you want to be a rebel on the college campus. Don't wear a Bernie Sanders shirt, were a make America Great Again hat that actually meant put you in physical danger against retalliation, or against being punched in the face, or being potentially firebombed, or having bear spray put in your face, all of which are things that are turning point USA activists have unfortunately had to endure the last couple of years. But I will tell you this that the conservative movement on campus has never been stronger because of one person, President Donald Trump. He gives us the courage and the conviction to continue to fight. Our students see inspiration in him going up against the news media, the deep state, and he is a leader that is able to embody what it means to be a conservative in a hostile environment, which gives cultural conservatives on campus a lot of confidence to continue to fight even when it gets very, very diff Well, I want to applaud you and all you're doing. Stay in touch with us, keep sharing the tape that you guys get a turning point. It's great for television. It's funny as hell half the time. I know you're taking a lot of heat. Keep being courageous. We put it up on Hannity dot comments, on Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. The MAGA doctrine the only ideas that will win the future. And I gotta tell you, Charlie, you know, I'm an old person. It's really about you. It's about my kids, It's about your kids one day. And if we don't get this right now, that's why two hundred and forty six days from now really matters, We're going to regret it because those promises of security in exchange for your freedoms. I don't think. I don't see a road back if you give up that much power to people that are just power hungry and ambitious and status. Charlie Kirk, thanks so much, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Quick break, we'll come back on the other side and we'll get to more of your calls on medical experts on coronavirus coming up straight ahead, very just honest people. Now, the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that coronavirus. They're politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs you say house President Trump doing. They go, oh, no, good, no clue, they have no clue. They don't have any clue. They can't even count their votes in Iowa. They can't even count. They can't count their votes. One of my people came up to me and said, mister President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn't work out too well. They couldn't do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They've been doing it since you got in. It's all turning. They lost. It's all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. You know the idea that Donald Trump said just several days ago, this was a democratic coax. What in God's name is he talking about? What in God's name is he talking about? Has he no shame? We're in a situation where I respect a vice president of Pence and has been put in charge. But we should be hearing from the scientists. He mentioned Faucci. Fauci's been there since since Bush. We all through presidents, we listened to him. He was a spokesperson. He was out in front. Let the scientists speak, Let them tell us what's going on. Let them prepare us, let them prepare the country. Let them be the ones expanding how they're going to provide the protective gear for hospitals that are intake hospitals. And as you pointed out, Jake, the fact is that you know, the other nations have had thousands of tests so far. What are we doing? Why? Why are we just getting started? I would have not dismantled the organization we had put in place first place. I would have made sure we had American scientists in China insisting we know what's happening in China, and I would be doing the same thing in Europe where it's now spread. I would have I would have. I would have really anyway, News Round Up, Information Overload hour of the Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred and nine for one. Shaunas on number one, Okay, we actually have the ability to go back in fact check crazy quid pro quote Joe, and what do we find? On two thousand and nine Obama and Biden they waited until let's say millions were infected and a thousand were dead in the US before they declared the H one N one emergency. Whoopsie, Daisy. Now we first found out about the Trump virus the American Journal for Clinical Pathology. If you want to know the real timeline here as it relates to coronavirus. It was on December thirtieth, my birthday, twenty nineteen scientists in China quote a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown origin observed in Wuhan, China, reported to the World Health Organization China Bureau in Beijing January seventh, a new coronavirus was isolated. It's January seventh. Now let's fast forward. When did Donald Trump react? January thirty first, within three weeks the president because you know, we know now the Chinese government was trying to keep the virus a secret. But on January thirty first of this past year, I know the Democrats were in the middle of impeaching the president. They weren't focused on coronavirus. That's when the President first declared a public health emergency three weeks in and began restricting US access to non citizens from China, and flights filled with US citizens who were in Wuhan in that area of China were brought to America and those people were quarantined on US military basis for two weeks and by the way, the president, Yeah, guys like Joe Biden were calling Donald Trump and his band xenophobic. This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, according to Joe Biden, hysterical xenophobia, fearmongering, said Biden. The day after the travel restrictions were imposed, that's when fake news CNN talked about the president stigmatizing countries and ethnicities. Chinese Communist Party called the ban a racist. Washington Post said that speculated the coronavirus could be Trump's Katrina, and of course the New York Times saying it's the Trump virus. If you're not feeling well, you know who to blame. But if you go back and you made the comparisons with Biden and Obama, well, in April two thousand and nine, H one N one became a pandemic. Six months later is when Obama declared a public health emergency six months later. By that time, the disease had infected millions of people here. Thousand people had reportedly died in the US, and by the way, CNN had a very different take. Millions of people in the US have been infected at least twenty thousand have been hospitalized, more than a thousand had died, said doctor Thomas Frieden, director of the Center for Disease Control. Amazing. Now when you want to politicize things, now, what were the Democrats doing when at the end of the December, while starting in December fifth, Nancy Pelosi decided to without any reason, proceed with articles of impeachment. The first reported cases of Corona were revealed on December thirty first, twenty nineteen, and it relates to the president. January thirty first, the President declared coronavirus of public health emergency. He ordered the quarantines, and that is when he put the travel ban in effect. Never been a president that's acted at any quicker, the president saying it's a hoax, meaning oh, they're trying to bludgeon him with the virus, when in fact he did everything humanly possible at record speed and was criticized for it anyway. Doctor Mark Siegel is with US Professor of Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, Medical Director of Doctor Radio NYU Sirius XM, Doctor doctor Nicole Sapphire, Board Certified Elogists, New York City Fox and his contributor as well author of the book Make America Healthy Again, How bad behavior big Government caused a trillion dollar crisis. Thank you both for being with us, Doctor Siegel. I can't think of a single thing that this president didn't do in record time, not one thing. Sean, thanks for having us. I, as you know, have been following contagions back with you for many years, and I have been an enormous critic in the past of CDC of sometimes h First of all, I have never seen, as you just outlined, a better handling of an emerging contagion in my life, certainly in the last twenty years, since nine to eleven that I've been covering it nineteen years. Everything you just said is the reason for it. First of all, he assembled this task force very early on. And Joe Biden is saying that the scientists aren't speaking. To take a check of how many times Tony Fauci has been on TV or on different networks too talking about this. I've been on with me numerous times. Yeah, it's been on with you numerous times, and he's been on and Alex Hazar has been on numerous times and CDC. So the scientists are speaking and the president has actually taken his knowledge and his message is from his task force. He happens to have a CDC director who's an extremely famous, well regarded virologist. Perfect By the way, do you remember the timeline is that Accurate has reported that a thousand people were dead in the US before they declared an emergency in two thousand and nine. That's absolutely right. The only thing they got right in two thousand and nine was that they went into production on the vaccine very quickly, and that's Fauci. So that's that's the one thing. They turned around the vaccine in six months in two thousand and nine. But they're messaging, and here's the key point. What's some messaging? You know? I think the messaging here has never been better. And what is the role of the President of the United States. He's supposed to put things in perspective. He's not supposed to sable rattle, sable rattle. He's not a rattle. He's not supposed to be ahead of the story. He's not to be supposed to be projecting doom and gloom like the World Health Organization panicking everybody or protecting China's rear. End the way, that they're doing. The president is supposed to project the message that lets people know what's going on, how concerned they should be. I call him the anti fearmonger in chief, which is the role he's been playing. I think he's been playing it perfectly. I think he's been calm, measured, well informed. Nicole, your take on all of this, you know the way, Hi, Martin Shaan. I'm so happy to be on with you guys. One thing that I want to mention is that upset me when I heard Biden making those references. The way that the Trump administration has handled this outbreak is he's saying that, oh, if he were president, that he would be sending the CDC, sending everyone over to China to have boots on the ground, serve and effort. But let's remember the CDC tried to get into China in January and China did not let them in. And when they finally said you're not coming in, that is when the Trump administration said, you know what, then we're in placing these travel restrictions, which is largely a cause of why we have a significantly lower amount of cases here in the United States because of that early travel ban and that was the responsible thing to do. If they were not going to allow our scientists to come in and see what is happening with this new virus, then absolutely what did President Trump do? Hate took the focus and said I need to protect our country. It was first observed on December thirtieth. Doctor siegeal with scientists in China with a cluster of patients and the Wuhan Province area of China reported to the World Health Organization, but it was a week later. It wasn't until January seventh until they identified quote the new Corona virus and isolating these particular patients. They certainly didn't want the world to know, and three weeks later the travel ban was put in place. It's now on the record, we know what the Democrats were doing. They were in the middle of impeaching the president the whole time. And for those that did speak out about it, they were pretty clear. Joe Biden called it xenophobic and said it was wrong. CNN fake news, they were all over the president for the travel ban, and the Washington Post they wanted to speculate it was going to become Trump's Katrina and so on and so forth. I don't and now other countries have been added, I ran and in Italy and South Korea. Seems like the President is doing everything within his power that nobody else would do historically to keep this from the American people, and I applaud him for it. What do you say to the people in this country that are nervous though, I mean, by the way, rightly so, I don't have any problem with people being nervous. I'm not that particularly individually. I'm not that nervous about it. Well, first of all, I want to just before I answer that question, I want to say I agree with Nicole completely on the CDC trying to get in there. She's absolutely right. The lack of transparency from China has been appalling. The suppression doctor Lee that the physician who discovered it being suppressed police coming to his house in the middle of the night. Who knows what he actually died of. But with all this going on, the President, by the way, has to preserve his relationship with the president of China, which is incredible. He doesn't get he doesn't get credit for any of that. Now your question, what do people here? Let me just add one point to that, because when I interviewed the President for the Super Bowl. Doctor segel I specifically asked, have you spoken of the president of China? Have you offered? Oh? Oh, we've offered everything. But it seemed to me the President did it in a way where he wasn't out to embarrass China, who was looking at it as a public health emergency and all hands on deck moment, and he had already offered, and we already have our experts on the ground there. They were already there, and they were dealing with Chinese scientists directly, and fouch you others keep saying that we're dealing with our brethren over there, and they're publishing in American medical journals as well, And the results of the virus were put out online. So that's true, and that's largely due to the President's efforts. I think it's the government of China that's been suppressing information, but we have been able to get some in terms of what this virus is going to do. I think there's been a lot of confusion about that. It looks like the numbers are decreasing in China right now, they're decreased in Singapore right now. It's a very contagious virus, which makes it hard to predict, but we don't really know what the death rate of it is showing because there's so many mild cases that weren't diagnosed. But it looks like what happens is it enters a new country, it starts to have community spread public health measures are instituted, especially in countries with as good a public health system as we have, and we managed to get control of it. That's what I think is likely to happen here. I think there's way too much saber rattling and doom and gloom and going to take over the world, and now they're trying to politicize it and bludge in the president over It's typical and it's instantaneous, and that's why the President said it was a hoax. So, by the way, even fact check, he didn't cut funding for the CDC, he didn't cut funding for NIH nor did he call the virus a hoax. He said those that are trying to bludge in him politically, that's just their latest attempt to use anything to hurt him politically. Quick break right back, Mark Siegel, doctor Nicole Sapphire, And as we continue, doctor Nicole Sapphire, Doctor Mark Siegel with US obviously talking about this Corona virus and the nature of the threat, the president's handling of all of this. All right, So as this develops, this seems to be some conflicting views as to the what the path of this will be. For example, there have been other viruses they tend to slow down in the warm and summer months, which is interesting. But then on the other hand, if you compare it to other viruses that seem similar, specifically the Mayor's virus, that it didn't show any seasonal variation and actually got worse in June and it was at its least infectious rate in January. Sarry has shared a generic genetic components similar to Corona, and it shows some serial seasonal variation. It doesn't go away when it gets warm. Doctor Sapphire, Well, you know, you make a good point there. But the truth is, when you're comparing COVID nineteen two Stars and mayors, Stars and Mayors had death rates of about ten percent, and mayors had thirty percent and the stars COVIE two, which we're seeing with COVID nineteen. Although the truth is we don't necessarily know how dangerous it is. As we're getting more information every day. It looks like outside of China the death rate is less than two percent, and probably even closer to under one percent. And so when you start hearing people compare this to the two thousand and nine h one N one, which killed a billion cases in six months, the numbers just aren't the same. And then I even keep seeing people that are comparing this to the Spanish flu of nineteen eighteen, which killed fifty million people in one year. The numbers aren't there when it comes to stars Covie two. And the other thing is it is fearmongering when you start talking about the Spanish flu. Let's remember the time that was we did not have fill traded water. We had people using the streets for restroom. The people didn't even know about washing their hands. So no, this is not going to be the same case. And all this is doing is causing unnecessary angst and causing an economic and emotional turmoil that is unnecessary. Thank you both, doctor Sapphire, doctor Mark Siegel, and we'll have you both on Hannity tonight to update everybody. We appreciate your calm, sensible voice amongst a sea of madness. Thank you both. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean toll free number. When we come back, we'll hit the phone straight ahead as we continue, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean. If you want to be a part of this extravagance, all right, let's get to our phone. So tomorrow's Super Tuesday of the politicizing weaponizing of a virus that is all things hate rage Donald Trump every second, every minute, every hour of every day, when nobody's ever acted faster than he did. So we got all that happening. Let's get two. Randy is in New York. Randy, Hi, how are you? And we're glad you called, sir, Hi Sean, thanks for taking my call. Thank you. Yeah, I just wanted to touch base on it's a whole idea of the social it's not going to work. For one. I'm a chart driver for one, and I've been all over this country people I talk to all the time, even up in upstate New art where we live on by the Canadian border. Everyone says the same thing. We don't need it, we don't want anything to be the government run. And this medicare whole idea of medicaid for all. My wife, God bless her soul. She's got a stage for a lung cancer. Oh no, I'm sorry, Yeah, thank you, you know. And by the way, I will say this after the after Rush made his announcement about this. I've done a lot of reading and a lot of talking to a lot of people. For example, I have two friends that are brain surgeons, and I hope this gives you some hope and some comfort. Obviously, there are specifics. I will never know the exact cancer where it metastasized too. If it staged four, it metastasized, you know, is it surrounding um organs. It often metastasizes to the brain. But they have what they have been able to do the last five years in terms of advancement the treatment for advanced lung cancer, even that which has metastasized with immunotherapy and mitigation and longevity in keeping people alive longer has been nothing short of a miracle. And I'm sure you already know all of this, right. Yeah, We've been down this road since last year. And the problem is this New York State of Health and you know, the health program that we have it we're limited. You know, a lot of the bigger places, like the bigger cancer places, don't take the insurance that we were actually able to afford to get, and that you can't afford a lot of the other things. Just you know that really we need you know, that's one of the biggest things, because it doesn't cover stuff. So what you're basically saying is that Bernie's plan for fifty two trillion dollars thirty million dollars in Medicare for all and no other options, and Bloomberg's plan to send you home you're sick and you've you've already reached the life expectancy go home, be with your family is not going to work, like Obamacare didn't work. Look, what you're saying is very real, and this is what really you want to talk about. When I was most angry with Republicans is that they were not ready to go with their alternative plan. We've now been stuck with Obamacare for ten years. Almost forty percent of the country is stuck with one Obamacare exchange option. Millions lost their doctors, millions lost their plans, and guess what everybody pays on average almost two hundred percent more. So it was all a lie and all these promises of a government job and a government vacation, and government healthy food and government retirement and Medicare for all and the new Green Deal. And we're getting off of the lifeblood of the world's economy, oil and gas. It is all. Government cannot do it well, they never do. They have botched everything. And you know, I go back to the principles of Thomas Payne Common Sense seventeen seventy six, where the you know, guides and dictates of one's conscience irresistibly obeyed, there'd be no need for any lawgiver. We wouldn't need governments. But that not being the case. He then concludes, government in his best state, is but a necessary evil, and it's worst state and an intolerable one. What you're describing, and this is real time, real life, and life and death for you, which is your wife, who you love more than anything in the world. Is that it's not working for your family, is it? No? Not at all, not at all. And the way that the economy is doing great, I mean actually got we actually got to keep our tax returns without Obamacare and the stipulations of taking it this year, you see, I mean, this is what's really Yeah, I mean, so, what are you what are your options? What are you doing? Because I might be able to help you in some way. Where do you live in New York? We live in an upstate Yeah, what by the Salzan Islands region. There's two areas that I might point you to, And I don't know if you have any contexts. Look Sloancuttering, Md Anderson, Dana Farber. You know, these are the big cancer facilities in the country. Sometimes there are experimental drugs and programs that your wife might qualify for that. I would urge you to look into all of that. We have and how's it worked out with the Sloan Henry is the one down you're talking about New York City, Sloancuttering. Yeah, yeah, that's the one. We haven't gone to that room yet. She starts radiation next week and we're gonna see how that plays out. And she has a really great doctor in her corner. Now, thank god. What is the prognosis if you don't mind me asking, what are they saying to your wife in terms of realistic expectations for her stage four cancer right now? It states that it's the last round to chemo. It actually grew just a little bit and where it is, excuse me, is not it's starting a great right and all over lungs and yeah, but but if it's stage four metastasized, did it go to the brain, where did it go? No, it's stayed, it's stayed. It went to the liver. But that that, after all the chemo, everything else that disappeared. It disappeared along and it came back. Are they using immunotherapy? They tried that and it stopped working. And how long has she had had her diagnosis of stage four? Since October of last year. We've been fighting him. No, listen, I mean, honestly, she sounds like she's responding to treatment. But again, these cancers are tough. I mean, you know, but it depends what variation. Some are, you know, small cell and look, I don't get into the specifics, but some are easier than others to treat. I mean, it's just a yeah, I think if I recall, I think that's the tougher of the of the options. But they've made a lot of progress. Look, I would just do this. I would knock on every door, I would talk to every doctor. I would beg and plead and just say, you know, you tell me what I need to do. I don't have insurance that's going to cover this, this or this? Can you help me? And you'd be surprised. I mean, it might be that person that takes an interest in just most doctors. I know. I'm going to tell you something about doctors that I know. Every doctor I know treats people for free, every single solitary one of them, every one of them. And they do it because they're not doctors. They never got into being a doctor for money. They did it because that that's where their their skills set lies. That's what they're calling in life is and they want to heal. And I can tell you that I've never known one of my friends that's doctors. If I've ever called them about somebody I know that has no insurance and no money that they won't take on as a patient for free, I'll usually offer to help pay, but not one time. And I would just urge you, you know, go out there and one of the things you can do is advocate for your wife and you know, beg and just plead with them and do get on payment plan whatever you have to do. You know, downsize everything in your life. And I know, you know what I'm saying to you is easier said than done. Anything we can do to help you, anyone we can put you in touch with, we'll be glad to because and I'm sorry you're going through it. It's so painful. Oh, thank you very much. Like you said, you know, God busches all and keep the face hanging there. And you know we're praying for your wife too, praying. It's not fun. None of this is fun. Thanks for a good call, Randy. We're praying for you and your wife. I am convinced that at some point we are going to look back at the treatments that we used for cancer and heart disease and other disease, and we're gonna look at that we were in the dark ages, that this is like the Stone Age, this is Fred flintstone Land. And the reason we're gonna evolve into new treatments and cures is because we have so many people with that calling to do medicine and research. And we live in a system a country where if you come up with a better treatment, you're gonna be really wealthy on top of it, So there's an incentive there. And the more that we can free up these pharmaceutical companies and get some of the you know, the heavy hand of government off their back and fast track a lot of this technology. The better off. I think we're all going to be anyway. It's tough though, we all know people that are living this way. It's just it's awful. PAULA New Hampshire, Paul, how are you? Thanks for taking my call. I want to thank you for everything you do for us conservatives out here. It's a pleasure to talk to you. I just wanted to say that I've been born and raised in Manchester after for fifty years and when I was born, I had a Democrat rattle and a big blue D tattooed to my forehead, and my entire family's Democrats. Um, they don't like my views and my opinions. But New Hampshire as a whole is now now got this this Democrat five in it and they put Democrats in both the Senate and the House and we have, thank god, we have Governor Sanunu, who's a great governor. I got to meet him in New Hampshire. I'd never known him. He's a great guy, just a fantastic guy. He's down to earth and you know he's doing the right thing. We have gun legislation that we haven't had come to the state for ever, and thankfully he's vetoing the stuff as we go. But it's just the Democrats that are in New Hampshire. They don't want Bernie. My family is very good friends with you know, we're talking Senate President and the Democrat Committee chair in New Hampshire, and they are scared to death of Bernie and they won't publicly admit it. They're going to get behind the Democratic nominee, but they know what's the end of them if that happened. And like you said one hundred times, if they do anything to Stiff in time, those are all those votes that are just going to sit home and do nothing and they're never going to get him back. I appreciate the call. I will say this Governor Sonunu. When I met him, I remember staying over and doing Fox and Friends the next day and he said to me, he thinks he thinks New Hampshire goes Trump. That would be big. I'd like to see Minnesota and play along with Pennsylvania, along with Michigan and Wisconsin. I can't look anything as possible. I just there's a part of me that just wants to remain in mentally in the place where we're six points down. It's the two minute drill. We have no timeouts left, and we got to cross the plane and hit the extra point to win. And if we look at it and everybody fights that hard in that way, then I think we all win, because otherwise this is going to be an unmitigated disaster. They all want to raise your taxes. They're all extremists, they all want a nationalize industry, and they all think government is the answer to all of our problems, and it's not, and it's only gonna hurt. We've never had this level of success. Now you have the downside, the coronavirus, the impact on the economy. I think it's short, short lived, and I think Wall Street always skittish, nervous, that's jittery, is the right term. What do I say? Weeks before all this, I said I never used the Wall Street as my barometer. It's a good sign and I think that we're going to see a nice recovery bounce back, especially over time when when we get a good handle on this coronavirus. And I think it's all going to be fine. That's my gut. But you take every look. We're talking about people's lives, are talking about people's health. You got to you gotta do everything in your power to keep people safe. Back to our phones, Scott, Ohio, what's up, Scott. We'll be watching your state, the Buckeye State, very closely in two hundred and forty six days. Sir. Okay, So I'm kind of an opposite of the last caller because I'm a progressive and worule O while so that means most of my friends and family or Trump supporters. So we have really good conversations, conversations I definitely don't hear on mainstream media TV. And that's just I feel like it's sad. You know, I see both sides right now kind of doing what we did in twenty sixteen, where you know, you got rich people on CNN laughing about people's health care. Now, you may not agree with Medicare for all, but you know, don't mock people that are sick. You know, the color before the last you know, any system that could help him and his wife not have to worry about how they're going to pay for it. You know, let's have a conversation about that don't laugh at people. Listen, I don't know how you laugh at anything. To be very honest here, Um, look, we just got to ask ourselves what is the better path for the country. For me, it's liberty and freedom, not statism, not communism. You know, we look at your choices. You have somebody that praises murdering communist regime as and dictators, okay, option number one, who wants to nationalize all in this industry, confiscate all. Well, then you've got the guy that supports death panels, that thinks farmers are dumb with no gray matter, that makes racist comments about oh, we only put cops in minority neighborhoods, and as all sorts of harassment issues. And then you got Joe Biden, who is so far gone and out of touch it's scary to me at this point. I can't imagine. I can't imagine, you know, where he would take the Country's bragging about we're gonna raise your taxes, We're doing this, We're gonna double down on Obamacare. I mean, you know, double down on stupid, because that's what exactly is gonna happen. It's gonna end up being a disaster. Eight hundred and nine four one shown you want to be a part of the program. All right, listen, what don't remind you about our friends at LifeLock dot com. There was a data breach at MGM Resorts. By the way, Linda, I don't know if you got the after a data breach letter I did. Scary. I mean, everybody's really vulnerable. We don't even realize that anymore. Yeah, I got it last week and I'm like, oh great, here we go again. That's why we have nothing. Everything's everything's in Hannity world has been compromised a million times. We just give up. We gave up completely. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. All Right, we're loaded up tonight's monologue on Hannity. We are going to expose just how morally corrupt, how politically driven the mob and the media and all Democrats are in ways that with information you're gonna want to have for your friends. That's all coming up nine Eastern Hannity, Fox News. I promise news and information you will not get anywhere else. So we'll see it tonight at nine. We'll be back here tomorrow. As always. Thank you for being with us.

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