President Trump Launches

Published Jun 21, 2019, 10:00 PM

Interview with President Trump following the rally on Tuesday. Today we will share Sean’s interview with the commander in chief, discussing his run for 2020 and the state of the nation.

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All right, glad you with us. Happy Friday, and write down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Yeah, I know, all Lisa on the Middle East, and I know how the media is playing. You know the media. If Donald Trump I said this, if he cured cancer, they'd criticize him. Gave every American millions of dollars, they'd criticize him. Look at creepy crazy you know, sleepy uncle Joe. And you know he's got some real racial issues. I don't my whole life. Yeah, your whole life is the problem. And we'll get to that in a few minutes later today. But of course, all Liza, on the Middle East, we now have had two incidences, one involving the shooting down in the international waters of a drone in American drone by Iran and them. Of course, earlier in the Gulf of Aman you had the two tankers that were hit by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and we have all that evidence too. And I know a lot of people expected to lose cannon, Donald Trump to race out there and go out and bomb them to smithereens. Oh, I think a response is coming, by the way, I have no doubt a response is coming, but it will be on his time. Now. One thing that the president I think has been right on it. And I remember this was this was my personal relationship with Donald Trump, long before he was thinking of running for office. But he was fully engaged. He never liked the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and he would say, why are we there? Why are we there? Why are we there? And I said, well, you know, I felt after nine to eleven we had to. It is just one of those moments where you you know, it just called for it, the worst attack on history. Now, we've learned a lot since then inasmuch as and even as a supporter of the conflict, and certainly the surge was painful and difficult, and what really pissed me off. On one hand, you know, we were not ready in terms of we didn't have the military readiness. We didn't even have and again we didn't know this at the time. Early on, we didn't have up armored hum vs. I'm like what, And these kids are getting their legs blown off and their faces disfigured and their arms blown off. And we're not protecting our own kids. It drove me nuts. And yeah, we got to Bagdad quickly, and that part of the mission was accomplished. And the media made such a big deal about that. But just think and remember how politicized that war became. I mean it was you know, Mitch McConnell telling then President by the way, then President Bush that no, we're not going to do the search. We're gonna start it, but not finish it. Now, to the President's credit, he has used all of the new technologies that we have available. And hang on, I gonna write something, Okay, anyway, so we got I think the answer is in new technology because after Vietnam and you'll lose fifty eight thousand kids. Now, I'll slow down for a second. Fifty eight thousand American kids. That's our national treasure. That is you know, I know that America has paid the price for freedom, the blood, the toil, the sweat, the tears. We have been We've even taken on the financial burden to keep the world safe. We don't get credit from many parts of the world, but it's been us. You know, there's never been Barry Farber a country that has accumulated more power abused it less than the United States of America. Ad Sean Hannity, never been a country in the history of man that has accumulated more power and used it for the advancement of the human condition more than the United States. And Colin Powell he often said this, You know, we don't ask, We don't conquer, we don't take lands. At the most we might ask for normandy, for example, a plot to bury our dead that went to fight to free Europe from the clutches of Nazism and fascism. You know, it's hard for good people to know that there's evil, but you can see it. You know. Maybe most of you are so busy in your daily lives, and I would understand it completely. Life is busy, Life is tough, Life is hard. And you get up in the morning and you shovel some coffee down your throat, and you help your kids getting dressed for school and getting off to the school bus, or maybe you drive them yourself, whatever it happens to be. And then you're racing to work. And then you get to work and you're ready by behind the eight ball. And you had this meeting and this presentation and you got this to do, and you got let's see, oh, I got to finish this job. I promised the homeowner I'd be done in a week, and I have two weeks worth of work and I really got it. Now I'm working eighteen hours a day. And then you go home. If your kids are asleep, okay, you don't see them, or you help them with their homework. You feed him and you get into bed, you try and read a book to them, and your eyes are falling asleep, you know, fallen down because you're dead tired from the day. And then you get up in the next morning and it's like groundhog day. You do it day in and day, day in and day out. It's there is a grind aspect to life now. On the other hand, if you had to get up every day and you had nothing to do, it may sound appealing while you're in the middle of the grind. That represents real life for real people. But I can't think of anything worse than waking up and having nothing to do except turning on the TV and watch you know Mori povit say you are not the father. You are not you know, it's ridiculous, by the way, And then he acts like he's so compassionate, and oh, I know you thought he was the father. Don't worry. We'll test the next guy and if it's not him, we'll text the next guy for you. I find it's so exploited to be blunt, just horrible. Well, we'll get you counseling. No, this is not about this is about Well, we'll fly it to New York. We'll give you a big hotel room, you can ride in a limousine. And you know, we're really going to try and exploit you and make fun of your story. And then five years from now you're gonna feel embarrassed they ever did this. It's terrible. Well, you know, but we need every human being I think needs a purpose. I've said many times the Latin derivative of education is a duke rade to bring forth from within, and that presupposes is predicated on the belief that I really have in my heart, which is that every single one of us were created by a living God with talent and ability. And if that talent is in us, then if we live in a good environment and we're giving love and an atmosphere where we can bring the talents to fruition, Wow, people will benefit from our service. Everybody works in the service industry in some way, shape, manner, or form. I mean, you know, every job I've ever done is a service job. Dishwashing obviously, cooking, obviously, making dinner, busting tables, cleaning up, you know, then waiting tables, giving a good dining experience to people that you know, want to have a good night out on the town and have some fun. And tending bar was kind of a good time for me because people are having fun, and so how can you not have fun? Maybe too much fun I had at that age, tender age of seventeen, yes, even before the legal drinking age. But life is hard, but you but you know what, We're all in the service business right now. We're in the news and information entertainment. I've said this many times. Well, I'm a member of the press. I am a member of the press. This is what we do. I work on a news channel, I work on a radio station. And you know, for example, there are many nights and we did part of this during the show last night. We just gave out information. There are plenty of interviews, hundreds of hours I could produce radio TV. We do straight interviews in other words, no opinion, just okay, what's the news of the day. What happened that the schools shooting? God forbid, what happened in New Orleans, what happened in Afghanistan, what happened in Iraq? Those are not strong opinion nights. And then we do investigative reporting the whole deep state, which we've been involved in now for well over two years. We'll vet Obama just like we're vetting Biden and all the other you know, democratic socialist, radical extremists that want to be president and take on Trump could look to any of them. But you know, so we do investigative reporting, we do straight reporting. We don't hide the fact that I am a conservative conservative. You know why Donald Trump's economy is good because he applied conservative principles limited government, ending burdensome bureaucracy, the biggest tax cuts in history, and unleashing the energy explosion, which has now brought us to the point where seventy five years, for the first time, we are energy independent, which the timing couldn't be any better. With everything that is happening in the Straitsahormus and Oman and what Iran is doing, and the saber rattling. And the only reason all of that is happening is because Donald Trump is not an appeaser like Bill Clinton appeased Kim Jong UN's father, Kim Jong ill and tried to bribe him out of nuclear as a good deal for the American people. I'm gonna be saving secure, you promised, now knowing nuclear weapons. Yeah, great, they have nuclear weapons. Or the Biden Obama, you know, bribery of Mullahs in Iran appeasement again and they drop one hundred and fifty billion in cash another currency on the tarmacs for radical Mullahs that are committed to the idiocy, the insanity, the ideology, the theocracy of you either convert or die. And they're willing to strap bombs on their own kids and promise them, you know, virgins in heaven. If they kill innocent men, women and children, especially Americans or Jews. This is a real, clear present danger for the world. What hundred million human souls were murdered in the last century. We see evil every day. For those of you that don't read the newspaper, you read about oh rape of young kids. One of the things that drives me nuts about not securing our border is the human trafficking aspect of things we now have unicled. We've interviewed these people that have worked fifteen years at the border, and these human smuggling rings of young teenage girls that are sex trafficked into you know, states like New York where they're raped thirty or forty times a day. That's happening in the world. We live in, evil before our eyes. Well, it would be smart to secure the border. It'd be smart to secure the border when seventy when ninety percent of the heroin in this country comes across that border. Now fit and all coming across that border, it'd be smart to do that too. The car tells the gangs, and of course in a two year period, four thousand homicides and then you've got thirty thousand violent sexual assaults, and then you've got one hundred thousand violent assaults by illegal immigrant criminals. Well, it would be smart if we could vet people anyway. So now we're in the Okay, what are we going to do about Iran stage? The only reason we're here is because the Iranian economy contracted over four percent last year. It's gonna be six to eight percent this year. They're now going to be facing inflation at a whopping forty percent, and that means they're in economic trouble. And they already have a restless population that is sick and tired of this repressive theocracy. And they're insane ideology and watching people get stoned to death quote either for adultery or if you're gay and lesbian, they're throwing you off rooms and killing you that just for being who you are. There too, I don't know why liberals were so quiet about life under Sharia law for women, gays, lesbians, Christians, Jews. I don't understand it. To me. I'm the human rights advocate here, just like you know, we're the civil libertarians on the abuse of power. All Right, I want to get to a lot today. I'm gonna tell you what I think is coming next. We'll get to all of that. We also have a lot to get to in terms of the deep state, the twenty twenty candidates, and much much more. All Right, as we roll along, Sean Hannity, shown this Friday, eight hundred ninety four one. Sean, Look, we all know a rand made a mistake. You don't have to be a genius to realize that they are feeling the pressure. They're cocky. They probably have think they have support of Putin that I doubt that they really have. And the President has been very clear he's not going to get involved in an international entanglement in the Middle East ever again. And by the way, being energy independent, the straits of poor moves has never mattered less to our lifeblood of oil and gas because we're now producing outproduced seeing all these other countries. Thank god. The timing couldn't be any better. Iran attack the United States our asset over international waters. This comes a week after they attacked and destroyed two commercial tankers and international waters. It will be a measured response. Some be well, why did he do it yesterday? He doesn't have to do it yesterday. He didn't do it yet today, doesn't have to do it today. One thing I would say is we've learned from Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam is how many more times are we going to start wars, lose our national treasure, and then allow a war to be politicized. I'm I'm not willing to accept those conditions anymore. And the President in that sense is probably right. The country is so divided, we don't have the stomach for it. So any conflict of war, I would say, has to be fought on a whole different level. I would like for the United States, I think this has to be our number one national security imperative that we develop the next generation of military weaponry as fast as we can, because once war has become politicized, they don't end with the complete victory that they should. And we don't want kids going door to door like they did in Iraq. But if we have the most advanced weaponry, I would much prefer we devastate our enemies from Tampa, then end with boots on the ground. I'll explain all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn tull free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. Iran directly attacked a United States asset over international waters. This provocation comes a week after they attacked and destroyed two commercial tankers in international waters. There must be a measured response to these actions. Now. The New York Times came out with a piece that well, the President sent the planes up in the air and then decided at the last minute not to do That's I'm getting a little bit different take than some other people. The decision was going to be made while they're in the air. It was an option in the air. Do I think there's going to be a response? Yes? Do I think it's going to be proportional? Yeah, I would say probably. Is I kind of have my own rule, which is, somebody hits you, you got to hit him back at least ten times harder. Now, what is not being reported as the president, you know what has precipitated or ran acting this way. Well, that's the fact that they're not getting blackmailed anymore. They're not blackmailing America anymore. And even worse than that, you know, the weak, feckless Obama Biden appeasement policies are now long gone, and Trump is not going to be sending over one hundred and fifty billion dollars in cash and other currency on a plane to land on a tarmac of radical Islamic mullahs that burn our flag, chant death to America, death to Israel, burn the Israeli flag, that have threatened nothing but Iranian hegemony in the region. And that if the real bigger picture. You got to think more strategically here there's really only one significant thing that matters in all of this that everybody understand. You cannot allow these radical mullahs in Iran to get nuclear weapons. That's it. That is, you know and will be. I can tell you the Trump doctrine on Iran. It's not going to happen. Mike Pompeo has said it, The President has said it. Right now, Iran is having a very hard time. They are adjusting that. They now know it will be on Donald Trump's time. Now, the world's watching. That means China's watching, Russia's watching, the North Koreans are watching. You know, I'm not expecting this quick, speedy. I'm gonna expect a well thought out response. President I thought very cleverly said, Oh, they couldn't have decided this on their own, You're not that stupid. I think they probably did decide it. The President knows they decided it. You know. If you want to know exactly though, why they're acting out is that remember it was twenty fifteen. You know, I don't understand. We don't learn the lessons of history. Hannity History lesson, Winston Churchill, Neville Chamberlain. Neville Chamberlain goes you know here you got Hitler is literally conquering nation after nation and rolling down Europe. And he says, so they have the meeting in Munich, and that's when Neville Chamberlain comes back after meeting Adolf Hitler. There will be peace in our time. Meanwhile, they allow Hitler to continue his military and territorial ambitions. But we're all okay because we made a deal or didn't work out that way. And the moral voice of clarity at that dark hour was Winston Churchill, who studied and understood the nature the geopolitical ambitions, the territorial ambitions of Hitler, and he warned everybody and all of a sudden, yeah, it happened. And then Great Britain is dragged into that war, as anybody could see through the prism of history. And then the people of Britain called in Winston Churchill. And Winston Churchill said, Victory, blood, pile, tears, sweat, I would say to the house, and I said to those who have joined the government, a blood toil, yet sweat you are spring up on the thing Victory will say it is to wage war by sea, landing there with all our might, with all the strength that God can give us to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime. You asked, what is our aim? I can answerin one word, victory, victory all costs, victory in spite of all terra, victory of a long and hard the road may be. But without victory, there no survival. Without victory, there is no survive whole. You know, there have been. When I wrote the book Deliver Us from Evil, I understand it's it's hard to understand. But once you understand it, I've concluded that it's hard for good people to wrap their arms around the fact that evil forces exist. You think of the you think of the concentration camps. That's what made the comments of Acacio Cortez so disgusting and despicable the other day, you know, comparing the remember the people that came to the country illegally, that are being fed, giving food and water, medicine supplies and cots and blankets and clothes and whatever's necessary to concentration camps where they slaughtered thousands and thousands of people daily, six million Jews alone murdered, and the concentration camps and she makes this flipping comparison and stands by it. You know, besides the utter complete ignorance on her part, which is breathtaking, it just shows nobody seems. I guess the expectations of her knowing something are not very high because there was nobody in their party that seemed to blink an eye. But if you look at fascism, communism, stalin Russia, the killing fields Cambodia, Nazism, real concentration camps, that's evil. We see. What do you think A drug dealer that doesn't give a rip that some kid's gonna die from the crap that he just sold them, that's evil too. If you can harm a child in any way, which happens so often, sadly we read about it every day, that's evil too. But all told, if you just add up the numbers, these are rough estimates. In the last century alone, one hundred million people died, one hundred million. My father signed up, fought four years in the Pacific. You think we just you know, had the anniversary, seventy fifth anniversary. You think of those kids slamming the beaches of Normandy d Day, you know, and those that came in the Second wave and the third wave and the fourth wave. All they see before them are dead bodies and severely injured fellow soldiers that they got a walk over, thinking that they're next, But they did the impossible. Winston Churchill during the bombing of Britain, this is the Prime Minister of Great Britain spend his days walking outside amongst the people of Britain. During the bombing of Britain and London, he walked outside, leading by example. Well, there's been a lot of evil in the name of government. Mentioned a lot of it, Communism, fascism, Nazism, imperial Japan. I could keep going. Now you look at the Mullahs in Iran, a chant death to America, and you know an ideology like Isis or al Qaida or the Iranians. They have fomented terror, they have fought proxy wars. Well, then they got an extra one hundred and fifty billion dollars thanks to the Biden Obama administration as they loosen their economic sanctions which we were beginning to work, and they drop one hundred and fifty billion in cash and other currencies cargo planes on the tarmac in front of the people that want to kill us and destroy us. And you know, I have a convert or die ideology, a sick, twisted ideology. You know, just pick your poison of evil, because that's what they did. And what do we get in exchange. We got a government in Iran making an unverifiable promise not to build a nuke for a few years, but they can build one in ten. It's I cannot believe the utter stupidity and weakness of the left when it comes to dealing with evil. It's not any different than Bill Clinton I've done. You know, this is a good dale of American people. You know, bribing Kim Jong UN's father, Kim Jong Ill. Well, we were told that they weren't going to get nukes either. You have this radical extremist government, not the only one for a while until Trump got on the scene, was that had the moral clarity. And I say it, Churchillian figure has been Prime minister that yah who, because that's the reality. Because they've been the target of this and at a pure necessity and self preservation, they have overcome and defeated the odds this tiniest of country. It's amazing what they have done. Well, now the prime minister who needs to get reelected. God help us if he's not, especially now. You know, now he as a partner who actually did what so many other candidates presidents said they would do and never did. Move the capital to Jerusalem instead of tell Aviv, recognize Golan as rightly Israeli territory. The radical Islamic extremists government theocracy Iran. They've been funding terrorism thanks to Biden Obama money all over the world. They killed Americans in Iraq. They chant death to Israel, death to America. They continue to be a hostile actor in the region. They seek Iranian hegemony and they're using Obama Biden money to foment a lot of this. And the president gets an office and thankfully things change. He pulled out of the dumbest deal. It's almost as dumb as Peace in our time, the dumbest of peaceman policies. Ever. Iran is now feeling the effects of the Trump reimpose devastating sanctions. Twenty eighteen, their economy retracted a whopping four percent. This year, the IMF is predicting Iran will lose another six percent. Their young population is getting restless and they want change. Inflation will likely top forty percent this year alone. Now our economy is booming. Presidents unleashed. You know, the straits or hor moves are less important than ever because we're now energy independent. We're in that exporter of energy. That's you know, remember these countries hate us that we've been getting energy from, manipulating us, getting rich off us. Well, now we can let the American people get rich off the natural resources that we have in great abundancy, more than anybody else, natural gas, oil, coal. We have the leverage. The Iranian economy is suffering. The Iranian people are growing restless, frustrated. Iran's armed forces they can't match the might of America's military. Now I'm with Trump, I don't want to foreign entanglement ever again because you know, these idiots in Washington, you know what they're gonna do. They're gonna politicize the war in ten seconds after how many people may die. No, I think America's number one priority now that we are energy and dependent, the next thing we ought to be doing is developing the next generation of military weaponry that is so advanced that we can fight and win wars from Tampa, Florida, or wherever else we decide to put them the facilities and one day we're gonna probably have to take out their facilities. And I saw that. You know, Obama's Iranian scam artist, Ben Rhodes, he's gloating over this. He once bragged about how easy it was for him to calm the entire media into helping himself the Iranian deal. He's now gloating that he failed and emboldened these Mullahs and caused a lot of this. Oh and then you got a congresswoman Omar blaming America for provoking a war with her on Okay, that's just you know, that's that's priceless. On deep state stuff. You got let's see, I say, Oh, Andrew Weissman. Oh, he's writing a book. M hmm, I think we need a book on him. Peter Struck a shopping a book deal. Amazing. Well, I think we need a book on all of them. By the way, Biden's issues of race are now becoming really big problem on the defensive after not only the segregation gap, but his history. Oh yeah, speaking at strom Thurman's funeral and the former clansman Robert KKK Bird's funeral, you know, my slave my state's a slave state. You can't go to a Dungkan Donuts or a seven eleven unless you have a slate Indian accent. You know, this is storybook man. For the first time you have an African American that's neat, clean and articulate storybook. And of course he was against integration, and of course he took out You know, he's changed every policy he's had. But I think one of the dumbest things these people ever did was this Iranian deal. The President will clean it up. He's not going to get into a foreign entanglement. We don't need to. But we better wise up if we're gonna politicize war and we're gonna send kids to to fight, bleed and die and lose our national treasure to say, never mind, every time, no build the next generation of the most sophisticated, deadly, most powerful weaponry, and when need be blow them to smithereens. I'd rather they die than we die. I said it there, Okay. I prefer those that want convert or die to die rather than we die. And I prefer we go right to where the location of the mullas are, take them out at the top, and then we can move from there. The eye of Tolos to blame. We didn't think anybody's ships. We didn't blow up any fight lines, we didn't go in and dismember human We're not supporting We're not the largest state sponsor terrorism. So what are they're trying to achieve. They're trying to bring Trump back to the degast shating table to intimidation. They're trying to divide us into Europeans. They're trying to drive up the prices of old because they need money. So getting out of the nuclear deal was a good decision because it was a bad deal to get Trump backed in negotiating table. They're trying to use hostile acts as the means to do that get their successful. That becomes the template for other outlaw regimes and terrorist organizations. So the Iranians have made a miscalculation. Only if Trump responds in a way to deter this kind of effort to restart negotiations for the Rania, that would be a provocative act for the United States and Israel, and all bets are off and put in place the military capability pographter their naval forces and their refineries. Because their refineries or the economic backbone of this murderous regime and not be intimidated by provocative acts to get to immigation and table if we get in here to intimidation and outrageous conduct, and North Korea will do the same. This drone was in international order. It's clearly we haven't all documented. It's documented scientifically, not just words. And they made a very bad mistake. Okay, you'll find out. You'll find out. You'll find out, obviously, obviously you know we're not going to be talking too much about it. You're going to find out. They made a very big mistake. And I think probably Iran made a mistake. I would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake in shooting that drone down. And fortunately that drone was unarmed. It was not there was no man in it, and there was no it was just it was over international orders, clearly over international order. But we didn't have a man or woman in the drone. We had nobody in the drone. Would have made a big difference, So let me tell you would have made a big, big difference. But I have a feeling I may be wrong, and I may be right, but I'm right a lot. I have a feeling that it was a mistake made by somebody that shouldn't have been doing what they did. I think they made a mistake. And I'm not just talking to the country made a mistake. I think that somebody under the command of that country made a leadership. Let's just see what happens. You just let's see what happens. It's all going to work out. I don't know. I find it hard to believe it was intentional. If you want to know the truth, I think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid that did it. Will be able to report back and you'll understand exactly what happened. But it was a very foolish move that I can tell you that I can tell you anyway. Glad you're with us as we continue our two this Friday, eight hundred nine for one sean toll free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. Look, there's some basic, simple, fundamental truths in life. If your radical Islamic Mullah's and your economy is contracting because the new president is not kissing your behind like the old president and vice president. The new president's not dumping one hundred and fifty billion in cash, you know the currency on your tarmac, and all of a sudden, you know, America's energy independent and the straits of Hormus have never been less important to us than they are now because everything always gets back to the lifeblood of every economy, which is oil and gas. We may want to tell that to some of these new Green Deal Democrats that don't get it, that would like to eliminate it in ten years. But it's very clear that the President is taking his time, he's thinking through it, He's going to be thoughtful. What's interesting to me about it now? Very consistent with what the President said while running for office. He does not want to get engaged in foreign entanglements. But with that said, you don't get to take an American drone and shoot it out of the sky and paraded around on Iranian TV and think that that's gonna fly. Now, what I believe we have to ultimately do is what I was talking about in the last hour. We need to modernize America's military to the point where we build the most sophisticated, the best, the most technologically advanced military equipment, where we're not gonna have to send kids boots on the ground, so that these idiots in Washington who send them, you know, a year later, two years later, we're gonna say, oops, never mind. And that in the current political clients we live in, that is almost inevitable. I don't think it could not happen at this point anyway. Dan Hoffman is with US Fox News contributor thirty years CIA ops officer and former CIA officer Dan Gabriel, director and executive producer of Mosul and Dan specialized in countering terrorism, violent extremism, and direct encounter insurgency operations and by the way, developed and benchmark counter radicalization theories and methodology in the Islamic world. These are two of the most experienced people that you'll ever meet. And thank you both for being with us. Thank you, thanks for having me. You know, Dan, I've known you a long time. You know. By the way, if you hang out with Dan Hoffman, I just want you to know you're gonna end up walking away after a fifteen minutes so paranoid because he thinks everything's bugged. Now we're together in Singapore and my room is getting swept every day, and you're like, of course there's bugs in there. I'm like, great, can we at least take the one out of the shower, and you laughed. But the level of sophistication in terms of spying today is beyond most people's comprehension, isn't it. Oh yeah, you talked about technology to enable us to develop the most advanced military weapons. We also use a lot of technology in our espionage as well, in tracking people using technology. So yeah, you were probably being watched in the shower. Shown as harsh as that is for all of us to imagine, it was probably true. That really is so comforting to know, because what even though we swept the room every day, you're saying, they still got it well. In Singapore and Hanoi as well, we were certainly of great interest to the enemy. That would be China first and foremost, because of the work that we were doing there tracking the summit and frankly, your ability to track what's going on in this administration. That would have been an interest of interest to the Chinese, and it's why they probably turned their attention to you and the rest of us. Me for sure, based on my background. So the question is, assuming that they're accumulating all those intelligence, why did you never read about it? Why did they never release it? Well, they use it to inform their leaders, and specifically Hija Pink, so he can make educated decisions about how to deal with China's main enemy, the United States. You know what scares them. It is very similar to what scares Russia. It's democracy. We've seen from the protest in Hong Kong last week. That's really the threat that poses that has post to China right now. And there's no question that all of China's opponents derive inspiration from the United States, from our Constitution and Bill of Rights, from liberty and freedom and democracy. We enjoy this country. Yeah, let me go to Dan Gabriel. Dan, you spend how many years in countering terrorism working in the CIA violent extremism, directing counterinsurgency operations. I mean, both of you have such incredible life experiences and both of you you are real patriots, and I thank you for all your service. I don't know you as well as I know Dan Hoppin. Tell us a little bit about your macro well so on. Sure. So I was in most of the two thousand and four to two thousand and five, which is actually what part of what inspired me to make my film, most of which just came out, you know, and one of the things that we saw in twenty fourteen were actually five years away from the anniversary of the fall of Mosal Tiss. So I think for me and certainly for Dan and a lot of bets that were there and spend time and bloodshed and lost friends there to see that happen was you know, it raised the question what was it all for? And I think luckily what we saw between October twenty sixteen in July twenty seventeen, which we captured in the film, was the Iraqi forces coming together, the different groups within their you know, within their community, united at least for the time being. All Right, So now I know that there are people well, oh no, Donald Trump's gonna you know, it's got to be proportional. Whatever the response, it's got to be proportional. I'm very clear in my mind that you can't shoot out an American drone over international waters. I was shocked an Hoffin last night, Haraldo saying after having met with I guess the Iranian ambassador yesterday, that well, they have a very different story to tell and we need to listen to it. I don't I don't believe a single word that comes out of the mouth of any of these leaders in Iran. They have killed Americans in Iraq. They have been fomenting terror in the region forever. On top of that, we know that they've been fighting a zillion proxy wars, especially funding radical extremist groups like Hamasan has Blah to go after Israel. They chant death to America, death to Israel, when nowhere they're coming from. The real red line in the sand is never allowing them to get nuclear weapons, because if you do, and you marry that to their extremism, that could be a modern day holocaust. From my thinking, Yeah, so what Haraldo heard was exactly what the Iranians want us to hear. It's their propaganda message. We know that that's not even close to the truth. It's just the same you hear from China and from Russia, those autocratic regimes that don't have a free press to counter all the lies of the government. I think for us, you know, going forward, there's a couple of things we need to be thinking about. First, look for a diplomatic push on the part of the United States. Europe has been holding to this idea that the nuclear deal is a good one. I think they should be opening their eyes now and realizing that Ron is a malign actor and that they need to side with us to enforce those sanctions rather than seeking to support Iran and seeking to support the nuclear deal that we rightly walked out of. And secondly, you make the right point, Sean about we need to make Iron pay some consequences for we're mining tankers in the Gulf and shooting down our drone. The response needs to be proportional, because look, we don't want an all out war with Iran. That wouldn't serve our interests at all. But at the same time, we do need to make them pay some consequences, and I think that will be something that's discussed in the coming days. The last point is we really need bilateral consensus. If there was ever a time for Democrats and Republicans to get together and agree on something, this is it. You know, we really need both parties to come together. Maybe they can't figure out healthcare or immigration reform, but but this one, we really need it. And I think we've seen some of it, but I'd like to see some more. All I gotta take a quick break. We'll come back and we'll continue more with Dan Hoffin and Dan Gabriel. All Right, as we continue, Dan Hoffen, Fox News contribute to thirty years CIA Ops officer and former CIA officer. Dan Gabriel, director and executive producer. By the way, we'll put a link up on hannity dot Com to Mosul Dan specializing encounter terrorism, violent extremism, and direct encounter insurgency operations. So, if you're the Mullahs, you make a calculated decision, you're gonna knock out two tankers in the Gulf of a mom You're gonna start to tighten up the grip of the free flow of oil and the straitsa hormus, and then you're gonna take an American drone out with a missile over international waters. Now a lot of it, I believe is due to the sanctions that the President has effectively put on Iran. They're clearly promoting something that they shouldn't. Where's this go, Dan Hoffman, Well, Lucen, The sanctions have crippled Iran's economy. Their currency is worth nothing, and the Iranians are trying to induce us in the Europeans with nuclear blackmail and by escalating these kinnectic attacks in the Persian Gulf to come back to the negotiating table, but on their terms, they wanted the the flawed and nuclear deal that was signed in twenty fifteen by the Obama administration to be agreed upon again, and we're just not going to do that. The Sunset clauses, the fact that it doesn't deal with Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, and the Iran's ballistic missile program make that impossible. And I would also encourage listeners to go back and take a look at what Secretary Pompeo said in May of twenty eighteen about the twelve requirements for Iran to get back into the negotiation process. It wasn't just about the things I mentioned. It's also about getting out of Syria. It's about allowing IEEA inspectors into Iran. There's a whole host of things that I think we're very well thought out at that point by Secretary palm Tale, and we're holding the line and there's going to be some friction here as we do so, but we need to continue to do it, and there's really no other option. All Right, Dan Gabriel, you'll your thoughts, Sean. There's no doubt the mulas are playing brinksmanship. And I think one of the things that the President said over and over this morning was very interesting and actually very smart. What he said was Iran has made a mistake, and what that is is that's him allowing them to kind of reset and come back to the table. It's it's actually a quite smart bargaining power. It's the same thing we saw Kennedy view in the in the Cuban missile crisis. So that really sets the resets to the table, if you will, for them to now think about what it is that they want, because clearly they came very close to having some airstrikes over the evening. Yeah, he's been listen, he's been very very smart. I love how unpredictable he is. And I think the red line in the sand for all of us is they can never have nuclear weapons, because then you're talking about a potential holocaust in our lifetime. But thank you both. You're both American heroes. Dan Hoffman, thank you, Dan Gabriel. Good luck with your new production, Mosol. When we come back, Governor Mike Huckabee stops by, we'll talk about this and so much more as we continue busy breaking news Friday, It's the Sean Hannity Show. All right, Happy Friday, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program. My interview with the President coming up at the top of the next hour. And of course it's Friday, our concert series, and a lot of your calls coming up. Eight hundred ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Sarah Huckabee Sanders shows up at the president's announcement that he's running for a second term down in Orlando this week and gets a rock star welcome and well, here are some of the comments that she had made earlier about her leaving as the press secretary for the president. But a woman who's a special woman and right and her father, by the way, he's out there fighting for us all the time. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Thank you, mister President. Thank you, mister President. This has been truly the honor of a lifetime, one of the most incredible experiences anybody could ever imagine. And that's because I've had the chance to be on the front row of history and watch you drastically change our country for the better. You've made America great, You're going to continue to make America great. I couldn't be prouder to be part of your team. I'm gonna go spend a little time with my kids, but no one will be a stronger voice and a more fierce advocate for this president because he's fighting for all of the people in this room and for all of the people that you represent all over the country. And he's going to have an incredible six more years to make our country as strong as it's ever been. Thank you so much. I'll try not to get emotional, because I know that crime can make us look weak sometimes. Right, this has been the honor of a lifetime, the opportunity of a lifetime. I couldn't be prouder to have had the opportunity to serve my country, and particularly to work for this president. He has accomplished so much in these two and a half years, and it's truly been something I will treasure forever. It's one of the greatest jobs I could ever have. I've loved every minute, even the hard minutes, I have loved it. I loved the President. I love the team that I've had, the opportunity to work for the presidents surrounded by some of the most incredible and most talented people you could ever imagine, and it's truly the most special experience. The only one I can think of that might top it just a little bit is the fact that I'm a mom. I have three amazing kids, and I'm going to spend a little more time with them, and in the meantime, I'm going to continue you to be one of the most outspoken and loyal supporters of the President and his agenda. And I know he's going to have an incredible six more years and get a whole lot more done like what we're here to celebrate today, and I don't want to take away from that, so I certainly want to get back to the tremendous thing that the people behind me have done. And thank you so much. Mister President's truly an honor you all right joining him joining us Now, somebody who I think is very fond I'm just guessing of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, because well, it happens to be his daughter. And I've gotten to know Governor Mike Huckaby's daughter really, really well, and she is everything you think she is warm, funny, tough, hard working, committed principles, and I hope one day governor. And maybe I'm overstepping my skis here a little bit. I hope she becomes the governor of Arkansas and follows in your footsteps, because I think she'd be elected a slide. Yeah, I think her elections would be way bigger than mine ever were in art Now, they wouldn't even no, no, they wouldn't be close. I mean, that's that's a given. We know that. But she got to remember when I was getting started at Arkansas politics, Democrats, you're making excuses, you know, and now Republicans dominate the states. So she's got a much better paper. You know what, if I had had the kind of accolades and the response that she got the other night in Orlando, amazing the President that having said it was wonderful and she she deserved it. I think she needed. It was a great affirmation for her. And you know, my heart felt thanks just dad to dad to the president, as one dad speaking to another. It meant a lot to me to see how warmly he has not just treated her then, but let me tell you, for all the people who talk about Donald Trump, and the way he treats people. He has treated my daughter with nothing but respect, with kindness, appreciation, And I should not be more grateful than I am to the President for the manner in which he has said just given my daughter the chance of a lifetime and then treated her with the kind of respect that every father hopes his daughter will receive. Well, I think she earned the respect. I think she's an incredible person. I've gotten to know her very very well. I think you have every reason to be the proud dad that you are. It is a brutal job at this time, you know, and I did, look I kind of mostly sort of kind of gave up my Twitter fighting. I recently had to engage this idiot over at fake News CNN because he's now stalking my staff because he's on the lowest rated cable network. They don't they don't even break a million viewers in any hour of the day. And you know, we we have over five plus million the other night and four million the next night. And he's begging to be on sixteen, six hundred and eighteen of the best radio stations in the country. And my answer is simple, I am not going to abuse the trust that my audience has putting me to put on a guy we know is part of the fake news industrial complex that petal's conspiracy theories and lies, and I'm just I'm not going to subject them to that. So then he said, well, you're not strong enough to meet me in the schoolyard. I said, I'm free the week of the fourth tell me, tell me where you want me to go. I'll be there. You know what, John, you realize that I know why you're not putting them on. You're afraid he's going to grab the microphone and not let go because no, yeah, listen, this would be the biggest moment of his career. I get that part, but he'd be talking to more people than he will talk to and all right, So then he goes, you're not tough enough to meet me in the schoolyard. I said, I'll meet you in the schoolyard. I said, I do have conditions, though, I said alone, and as long as that has nothing to do with your failed book, your failed network, and you know everything else that you've failed at, and or any of the lies you've told for two plus years. And the problem is is that you know, well, Mark Levin has been on my show four weeks in a row radio and TV. But not that he doesn't need my help. But I mean, Mark Levin in four weeks has sold hundreds of thousands of books on freedom of the press. So he tweets out that I guess he got on the New York Times bestseller list in the double digits somewhere. I know books that you know a number of twelve on the New York Times lists that sell a thousand copies. So I looked it up. He sold a little over sixty five hundred books. Governor, you've Mark Levin weeks six sold almost forty thousand books. His book is an epic failure, and the reason is that people understand where he's coming from. But this is the crap that your daughter has had to deal with, and I don't know how you could stand it as a five. I'd go nuts. Well. One of the things I had to deal with was just watching when Sarah would walk in there and realize that people like Jim Acosta and April Ryan and Ryan cam We're going to be disrespectful and they were going to show both they were going to try to make it about themselves rather than about the news. But one thing I came to learn quickly was when people say, does it make you nervous when your daughter walks in that room? And I would say yeah, but not for her. I'm nervous for guys like Acosta who are about to get their rare instanded to them and they don't realize it. You remember when they even questioned whether or not your daughter makes pies at home? Turns out apparently the best pies ever. Then she makes them and they say, well, where did you buy them? I'm like wow? And didn't they refuse to eat them because they thought she had done a kind of a recreation of that scene from The Help the movie where they made the pies. But Felicia say it was not exactly chocolate, So you know she would never away. I might have that she wouldn't. I just find it interesting that the people mostly in that room are solid professionals, and Sarah will be the first to tell you generally the press scorp in that room treat her with respect. They have a strong personal and professional relationship. But there are just a handful of people who so have tried to make it an opportunity for them to get really some camera time. And would people say, you know, they haven't had a lot of press briefings. Sarah works at the press every day, but the president himself is talking to the press, and by the way, almost every day. All I gotta take a quick break. We'll come back and we'll continue more with Governor Mike Huckabee's eight hundred and nine for one seawan told free telephone number. Let me ask you about the president's handling of this Iranian situation. The one thing that Donald Trump was very clear about is he does not want a foreign entanglement. And I'll be honest, Governor, my mind has changed a lot of ways after watching Vietnam. We send these kids over, we lose fifty eight thousand kids, our national treasure. Our government asked them to fight. Never mind, it gets politicized in DC, Iraq, afghanistany same thing. And I'm like, all right, we really need to reevaluate if America is going to go to war. My attitude is we need the next generation of weaponry where we're not going to send kids into Iraq in some cases with no uparmored humves going door to door when the iraqis ought to be doing it, and with no commitment to win the war or defining what winning is. And I'd like to see the next generation of warfare with the latest technology built, that we don't have to send kids into these foreign countries and entanglements and we'll fight these wars from Tampa, Florida. Well, I think you've made a great point, Sean, and the biggest issue, and I think the President's right to look at it this way. It's not do we have the military capability to render a successful and a striking blow to a Ran. Of course we do. The question is what happens next? Do we end up in another Afghanistan? Eighteen years later, we're still seeing Americans come home in flag draped coffins. This is a president who when he Ran, said he was not going to just get us into a bunch of wars. He was going to get us out of him. And I think he's being very careful to balance the role of taking out our enemies when they need to be but at the same time not just embroiling us in something that billions and trillions of dollars later and thousands of American lives, we don't have any real resolution. So what we're doing with the sanctions. That's a good thing, and no Americans are dying from that. I'm proud of the fact that he exercised something that the press never gives him any credit for it, and that's restraint. And he did it last night, and whether people like it or not, he showed that he is not just a guy, trigger happy, ready to go out and use all the power. That said, I don't think the Iranians get away with shooting a drone out of the air in international waters. I don't think they should get away with you blowing up two oil tankers and controlling the straits or hormus. And I think eventually, I think now they're unnoticed and has got to be a proportional response. By the way, my definition of proportion is very different than other people. It's you hit me, I'm going to hit you back ten twenty times harder. Well, that's what the president has basically done through his whole life, and I think people get that. I think there will be a response, and it probably will involve some type of military response, but I think he will be also very careful to do two things. One is to make sure that it is measured and proportional to the offense that we feel. And the second thing is that we will have a clear understanding with both our allies as well as the allies of Iran as to what the limitations have to be in terms of their response. Well, I think the Trump doctor has got to be. We can never ever allow ever these radical extremists, these mullahs in Iran that think they're doing God's will killing everybody that doesn't agree with them, to ever have nuclear capability, because then we're looking potentially and maybe even likely at a modern day holocaust. Well, and one thing we have to do is to take them seriously when they say they want to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and then they want to come after us. These are radical zealots who have never kept a promise, but have always tried to fulfill their threats, and we cannot take that lightly. I couldn't greenmore. All Right, Governor Huckabee, thanks for being with us. We know how proud you are of your daughter. And my vote is she runs for governor and I think twenty two, and if she runs, she'll win. When does it come up twenty twenty two? So yeah, you know, she's got time to think about it. But wouldn't it be kind of cool that she goes back to the governor's mansion she grew up in. Yeah, I think it'd be very cool. And she gets more votes than her dad ever dreamed of. I think it's even that's even cooler. All right, Governor, Thank you, eight hundred ninety four one sewn toll free telephone number, News round Up, Information Overload, My interview with President Trump coming up, and your calls straight ahead coming up next, our final news round up and information Overload hour. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour. Sean Hannity showed toll free eight hundred and nine four one Sean, if you want to be a part of the program. Clearly a lot's going on. I think the President is just taking his sweet time and letting the world know that this is going to be on his timetable. And you know, remember one of the reasons we are here is because the President was very clear with Iran. Now the years of Biden Obama are over. When not dropping cash to the tune of one hundred and fifty billion on your tarmax after you threaten to wipe Israel off the map, wipe the United States off the map, burn our flags and chant death to America. Not gonna happen. And so the president through sanctions now and of course the added defense of energy and dependence. Well, now we are in the driver's seat in terms of what the response will be, when the response will happen. And you know what will the Trump doctrine end up looking like as it relates to Iran? Certainly it is you will never get nuclear weapons anyway. So I interview the President this week and after his big announcement in Orlando. We talked about this and other subjects, and a lot of you been asking for that interview on radio where you missed it. Here are some of the highlights of President Trump on with me this past week. Well, the media is not talking about Russia so much. You know, the Muller Report concluded that on Russia there was absolutely no collusion, and frankly, they led to the conclusion by our great Attorney General that there was no obstruction. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. It's a hoax. It was a hoax, a witch hunt, but a hoax the whole thing. Greg Jarrett said it very well. What he named his book, The Russian hoax, and it is disgraceful that they're allowed. And they're very upset now because it didn't turn out like they thought, because we did. We had eighteen angry Democrats that hated Trump and many of them contributed to Hillary's campaign, and it came out there was no collusions. So they don't. I don't hear Russia much anymore. You know, they've given up in that one, but you know, they did something that is a disgrace. I will also say, if the other side had won, if Hillary one, you would have, instead of being up almost fifty percent since election, five million jobs plus plus five million jobs. That's somethinkable. If I would have said that we're going to create five million jobs in two and a half years, people would have said how ridiculous. I would have been skewered by the press. All of the things that have been done that we've done and nobody's seen it. We have the best to the lowest unemployment rate for African Americans, for Asians, for Hispanics. Nobody's ever seen numbers like this. We have the best numbers on living standard for African Americans, the best numbers that we've ever had in history. So many things are I mean, just one thing after another. If the other side would have won, we would have gone into a depression, and we were headed that way. We were headed that way. The rules, regulations we cut more regular nations on any president and unmeaningful regulation. We want regulation, but it's got to be meaningful. It's stymied our country shown we weren't able to do anything. Jobs numbers would have been a disaster. Instead, we have more people working today, almost one hundred and sixty million people than have ever worked in the history of our country. Think of that. That's a great number. So it's really been something the other side you would have had. I really believe you would have had a crash. Well, when now number one in the world and energy, it used to be Saudi Arabia, the Russia. It's now we're number one. And soon as soon as I get the pipelines in Texas approve, which I'll do pretty quickly. It would have taken ten fifteen years, I'm going to have it done very quickly. We could increase our production by thirty and forty percent in terms of sale. So it's you know, what we've done in the last two and a half years has been great. We've had a lot of great people and they've worked hard. But the great people are the people of the country. They were they were being strangled. You look at what we've done, just energy, all energy, all over, all types of energy. Ln G now is with the hottest in the world. There's nobody even close. So it's been an honor. It's been an honor. We freed it up. But you would have had I really believe you would have had a depression or very close had the other side one. And my question to you is there really was some collusion, wasn't there? There was Russian interference, we know that, but we also had a bought and paid for Russian dossier and we didn't look into that. In the whole two plus years of Muller. The media is ignored it, and even the New York Times suggesting that it was likely Russian misinformation from the get go, the dossier. What are your thoughts about that. I think it's a disgrace. It's turned out to be totally discredited. The steel was sued by somebody, I understand, a wealthy gentleman in in London. I hear that what was revealed was incredible just a total phony deal, and yet they didn't look into any of that. One of the things that amazes me because it's so simple, and you know, it's when you get right down to it, the whole thing is very simple. What happened. The fact is they were spying on my campaign, using agencies to intelligence agencies to do it, going after Page and Papadopolis and probably others. I'm trying to we're trying to find out whether or not they actually listened it on my calls. That'll be the that would be the ultimate. We'll see what happens. I think if if that happened, we'll probably find out. We have a great Attorney general who's working very hard, and we'll see what happens. I stay uninvolved. I like to stay uninvolved, but a lot of things are going to come out. I mean, if they spied on my campaign, and they may have, it will be one of the great revelations of revelation in history of this country. And I will tell you going to be very interesting. I think we're going to find out. Can you imagine if it were the other way around it I spied on President Obama's campaign? Could you imagine what the repercussions would be or I spied on Crooked Hillary's campaign, Can you imagine what the repercussions would be. Do you believe that there was a premeditated fraud committed against FISA court judges and these applications, Well, again, people are looking into that. If you're asking just my opinion, I would say absolutely yes. There would seem to be yes. You know when you get the struck page. The two lovers who put right out on the public waves. I mean they put the insurance policy. Well, we've been living through the insurance policy that she was going to win, but just in case she didn't win, we need an insurance policy. Well, that's to subvert government. What they did was unbelievable that they could do a thing like that, And they reported to McCabe, who I think is a terrible, terrible guy. And you know, the FBI, you have some of the finest people in the world that you know that. We say it all the time, and I'll bet you if we took a vote, I'd be so high in that poll you wouldn't even believe it. That's great people. I know so many, but the top people were terrible. They were leakers, They were liars. I mean, look at the leaking and look at the lying Comy admitted eleaked. Think of at the top of the FBI he leaked, and when you look at what went on Sean, it's disgusting. But the whole concept of they wanted insurance policy just in case she loses. The House Committee, which I understand today was in a very closed, confidential meeting with the wonderful whole pick. She's a wonderful person. She's been through hell. They put this young woman through hell. What she's had to pay for legal fees and everything else. Yeah, they were taking pictures of her. Congressmen, two congressmen in particular that I see on television all the time. I won't mention their names. We don't want to make them any more famous, but two congressmen. But they were taking pictures of her with their cell phone and then leaking the pictures of her testifying. And this was a closed room. Look, it's out of control. These people are absolutely you know, they use the word it's a good word. I guess unhinged. What's happened to the Democrats? And in the meantime, they're not doing any work in Congress. We could do legislation to lower drug prices very substantially easily. We could do maybe almost like The thing we need the most quickly is voter security. We've done an incredible job, but I have to do it myself. I can't get any we can't get any votes from the Democrats. We can't get any votes and infrastructure. We could do it so easily, but they're so busy interviewing Hope Picks and taking pictures of this incredible young woman and putting the pictures out to the press of her testifying, and then not allowed to do that. It's probably illegal. It's a terrible thing going on. John, What I wanted you to declassify the three O two's, declassify all this information, the FISA applications, declassify the gang of a, declassify exculpatory information. You have done so, But you gave it to the Attorney General. Why yes, because I think that he is a very honorable gentleman who wants to do the right thing, and he is allowed to under my agreement. He's allowed to give it out to whoever he wants. But I think it's really you know, maybe some of this you need to have for purposes of other countries, because I think that the countries were involved. I think they perhaps just based on what I'm seeing, they used other countries because they didn't want to get caught doing what they were doing in this country. You know that very well. I didn't speak to Russia. Russia has I was winning in Wisconsin, When I was winning in Michigan and Pennsylvania and Ohio and Florida and all of these states North Carolina, the last person or group I ever thought of, Collie would be Russia. It's a hoax. It's a terrible hoax, and it should never happen to another president again, because many of them would not be able to handle it. I don't care who they are, many of them would not be able to handle it. Do you think Joe Biden could handle it? I mean Joe Biden right now, he looks like he's got some big problems. But do you think can you imagine if this happened to Joe Biden? It wouldn't be good. But it should never happen to another president of what happened to me, and it should never happen Nobody should ever allow this to go forward again. And people have to learn there has to be a lesson taught. It has to be a lesson taught. Should never be allot so bad for our country. But you know, Bob Muller was conflicted because he wanted to be the head of the PI, the director again. He was already there for ten or twelve years, but he wanted to be And I didn't allow that. I said no, I said it respectfully. We had a business dispute in the private life when he was out of the FBI. We had a commercial business dispute. I had help about having a business dispute with somebody. Think of this and then he's supposed to be ruling on you. But it was a business dispute, and it was a nasty little dispute, you know, not the biggest one I've ever been in, to be honest with you. But we had a real business dispute. So you look at that. That's a total conflict of interest. How can somebody where you have a dispute be ruling and his best friend, who are very close to it is call me, and called me played a big part of this because McCabe didn't do anything without call me. McCabe was totally dominated by Comy he did nothing. Andrew McCabe was a bad guy. But Andrew McCabe did nothing without calling call me. He wouldn't there's an expression, he wouldn't go to the bathroom without getting Comy's approval. And so Komi's in and Brennan. You take a look at Brennan. You took over the horrible rhetoric, the horrible the horrible words he used. He accused you of treasons, described it. Then he said, well, I guess I was misinformed. You know, he was making all these predictions. And then when the said no collusion in the Muller report, which is amazing because they had eighteen people that were Hillary Clinton people that I think all of them actually were anti Trump people in one form or another. As the president, just as in a side, you did have a constitutional authority and the article too with a conflict to fire Muller, who would have been replaced, and it will be two powers. I could have done anything I wanted. I don't even bring it up because we don't even get there. Absolutely, I have article too. We could have used that and said I wouldn't even have about the talking to you about all of the other things. I wouldn't have to talk to you about conflicts. I could have fired Mueller for conflicts. I could have fired anybody, but I didn't want to do it because they said, let it play it play out. It's a hoax. It's a hoax. It's what is a glace and that they're allowed to go forward with, you know, interviewing people, having people like Hope Picks and others having to pay for a new set of lawyers. Same questions went through it with the Muller Report. At twenty five. Now until the top of the hour, it is Friday. Linda, you you have been in the greatest mood all day. What baby, You've been in a zippity do that day? What is going on? I just don't know, you know, I think this week just kicked disus out of me and I've just had it. Man, Well, when we get to this point every Friday, right, we all look at each other say, Jim, Man, you actually feel like this on Monday morning? It just keeps going the whole week. The whole week, I just does the week just kicks the crap. Nobody understands this, but you know, one of the reasons I've said this before, we don't leave our desks and go have a leisurely lunch. I mean, it's funny because there's what is the name out restaurant next door, don't mention it, but there's a restaurant next door to our built the restaurant next door, the restaurant next door, and there's a deli next tour to that, and not four away is a pizza Paula. Yeah, it's all there, right, But in New York you can have everything delivered. I mean you have grub Hub, you have Uber Eats. Yeah, you know, you don't have to do anything in New York to get food. And by the way, you can get anything you want it three am in the morning, four am in the morning, they'll they'll deliver McDonald's at four am. And you know what I love about New York? What do you love about New York? Which I mean, I guess you could do it the same as Singapore. No, definitely not. Um, I know, I'm on my game, go ahead, big. The thing I love about what do you love about New York? Because you hate walking with people because they walk too slow? Well, yeah, they do walk too slow. I had to tell somebody today, I was like, listen, you're walking four play walk to play to play left right left right, left right. It's not hard these people they walk. The thing I hate the most is people who walk in a row right like they're walking like a football team. They've got the entire football team stretched out. They're ready for the pass, but there's no football. There's no pass coming. You're just blocking everybody else. And then at the precise moment that the light turns green, you decide to stop. You just stop moving. You know, in New York there is no stopping you step to the side. Why should I have to walk around you because you have decided there's something on your phone. There's just so magical. You need to stop walking your six play four play line. It just it makes me, It infuriates me. Why do you get so angry over something? So I get angry over a lot of things. How much time do you have? Yeah, but that's not the point. It's now time to put your party light on. That's right. You're better at this than me, because I'm a loser. That's right. I danced by myself like nobody's watching. Oh my god, it's so embarrassing. We're at Redneck Riviera in Vegas. John Rich's bar. It's a cool bar. You know John Rich appreciated mind dancing. Okay, he did not. He didn't come up oh yes on this radio show and admitted it. He didn't even see you. He was shut out from the stage. Okay, there's a big crowd and this this is this is rock and roll country bar. And if you served in the military, you go to the back bar. You get a free shot of whatever whiskey you want. Now it's usually redneck rivere or whiskey, which is making money for charities. I think he's doing with folds of honor. Yes he is. And what's really cool about it? And by the way, I don't like whiskey. I just don't like it. I don't know. I don't like scotch. I don't like whiskey. I like to just mask any taste of alcohol, just want the effects of it. But I don't want to I just don't want to taste it. That should be our next invention. He seriously right, Like you guys sucking down the moonshine the other day with Katie Pawkins and Rose Tenant. Every embarrassing that tastes like water is a dream. Well, you have some wines that all like that. You get the right wine, wine tastes like water, you get expensive wine. I was I once was that with Rush and Mark Levin was with us, and there was a bottle of wine opened. It wasn't mine, it wasn't Marks, it was Rusha's and I'm like, oh my gosh, this has a great taste and it goes down like water. The best wine I ever heard, and the first, by the way, and the first bottle was had turned right. So we're sitting at the table. One Levin goes, I don't know, I don't know if I should say. Now, let me ask you a question. You got a refund on that? Oh my god, yeah, how much does one of those costs? Anyway? I'm like, oh, no, Mark, stop stop. I love it. No, no, Rush didn't. Rush didn't miss some meat. He loved it. He was laughing out loud, and uh, I forgot what. It was pretty expensive though, and I said, wow, there really is a difference between that and the cheap stuff that I drank. Um, So I sort of like, go in the middle now, but it's not the same as the really really expensive stuff. Well, for those of our listeners who are not driving I hope they're at home having a drink right now and dance. You listen, the only thing I'm gonna say. They're gonna get to our great callers here. You cannot in a bar dance by yourself. It's packed too late. I already did it, okay, it's I was embarrassed for you. I tried to go out and save you. I tried to go out and say, come on over, we're waiting over here were Oh you did it? Does know what happened at all? You came over and you said, oh my god, stop dancing by yourself. You're embarrassing. Everyone didn't say I whispered it. I whispered, said I didn't. Oh yeah, didn't. I went in a bar screaming. I don't know what that's the point of as a costa. Now, seriously, ollo blow, Oh did you see? Did you see how how bad this book did? It goes down every day. That's why I don't even bother posting how bad it's now. I know a week it's going to be worse. And I offered to meet him in the schoolyard as long as it doesn't have anything to do with promoting his failed career. Is failed network, is fake news or his phony lying book. Yeah, I saw those tweets. Come on, you did laugh a little. You gotta that's old school Hannity twitter. Right, Yeah, that's when you take over and you don't consult me first. In the name, I don't pop up in the time. That usually means there's a misspelling. There's no proper curse word. Alwa, it wasn't that bad. I'm not judge and joy I called it a s e book, and it is. And I'm not gonna sell it for him. By the way, nobody can sell that thing. You know that you would need an act of God above to sell that piece of garbage. He's reached out the family and friends. Yeah, but you know what I wonder, I wonder how many like you know, how many thousand copies your dad buys ten thousand cops. Well, here's the thing. Mark Leavin's books been number one on Freedom of the Press for four straight weeks on the New York Times list. So he writes, maybe Hannity, he needs to get his classes fixed. I'm a New York Times bestseller, said, okay, great, I'm looking at it. But there's something that actually counts the real sales. It's all book scan and BookScan numbers given accurate reflection. I know books that sold about a thousand that end up in the New York Times list depending on you know, what the season is and when you'll release your book. That doesn't mean anything. And he, you know, he sold a little over sixty five hundred books. Mark Levin has sold hundreds of thousands marks in week five and it's not even over. And he sold over what thirty five thousand books already. You know, it's unbelievable. This guy said, Mark literally, I mean literally sold hundreds of thousands of books. He sold his first week. I think he sold one hundred and fifty thousand books. And they're selling like hotcakes because it's a good book. All right, let's get to our busy phones. Let's say hi to ron as An Arizona. Ron, Hi, how are you glad you called great John? Thank you Arizona for fifteen years, born and raised in San Francisco for sixty five. That's all you gotta know. WoT a question? Got a question? So every day we're getting news, we're getting you know, alert news alerts. Here something fabulous is going to happen. We got newnesses On and Jordan news On and we got this stuff happening. When do we get a win. It's been two and a half years. Watergate didn't take this long. Well, the problem that you know, remember how hard it's been to get to the documents that we needed to get to, and remember, you know, we're I said it, I nailed at the first day. I knew that we were taking on a really big onion and it was going to be one layer at a time, and it takes a lot of perseverance, trust me, to do this. But then then we'd get pieces of the puzzle. We'd get the oh, the struct page text. But last night, thanks to Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch, we got more of them. And you know, then we've got that the dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary. Okay, that's another piece of the puzzle. Then we get some closed door testimony, and then we find out that everybody was warned about FISA in August to twenty sixteen by Bruce orr under closed door testimony we didn't get until recently, so that's another piece of the puzzle. Then John Solomon breaks the story that Kathleen Cavalac also warned the upper echelon of the FBI about these things. Then we start getting information about Okay, who spread the phony dossier information to the press. Well, it turns out to be top ranking intel officials. Okay, Now, how were they able to do a lot of this work. Well, things are really pointing in the direction that they outsourced what would be illegal in this country to circumvent US law to some of our allied nations to do the illegal intelligence gathering for them against Americans. That's going to be a big part of this. Then you have the whole rigged investigation into Hillary. That was we kind of found that early on, but now to get the investigation going. Look, let's be honest. I mean, Jeff Sessions, God bless him. I like him. I always liked him, didn't do anything. Horowitz's report I think is complete. We're gonna hear in a week or two why it's being delayed. I believe that Durham interviewing Christopher Steel is a big part of that, and also that they have in the course of their investigation they found other things. Then we have the abuse of power, surveillance, unmasking, and and raw intel leaking. All of it now is coming to a head as look, the Attorney General was clear, it's over. Muller's over. You know, it doesn't matter what Nadler, by the way, what a jerk, What a jackass he was to Hope Picks. You see what he did to Hope Picks yesterday. Oh, miss Lewandowski, I'm like, really, you jackass? And then he did it again, and good for her. She goes, no, my name is Hope Hicks. My name is miss Hicks to you. Oh, I'm sorry. I was distracted. What he has to be rude? And then they're asking all these weird questions about our personal life. What does that have to do with anything Russia related? These people are really twisted and can't I'm sorry another word. So here we go with Nadler and this, and then why doesn't somebody known this? Especially Jordan? You know, we hear from Nadler every single day. He's in front of the people talking about you know, this is bad and that's bad, and we're gonna subpoena this guy. How about somebody like Jordan getting up in front of everybody in Congress and say, shut up, Nadler, you're wrong. How about when you walked out on walked out of the chambers and holder and went through all this stuff. But but somebody, you know, and then at least the other stations would be forced to cover it. Oh no, no no, they're they're now beginning slowly. They have to cover it. And even like look the New York Times saying that the dossier was likely rushing disinformation from the get go. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Of course we're on complete Iran watch and the president's reaction. We'll watch the nutty media and their reaction. And of course, well now we got more Paige struck text. We haven't had time to really deal with it the way we want to. We'll hit it next week. I hope you have a great, great summer weekend. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you back here on Monday.

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