President Trump By The Numbers - 6.5

Published Jun 5, 2018, 10:00 PM

14 states have record low unemployment numbers. Democrats are hoping that we return to the Obama Administration and, as John McLaughlin and Doug Schoen share on the show today, they need to focus on social issues because President Trump's economic numbers are so strong. If President Trump can be inclusive, his economic numbers and fulfilled campaign promises will be an anchor for strong election performances. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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See website for full details. This would cost hundreds if you went to the doctor or a pharmacy, So go to four hymns dot com slash big. That's f O R H I M s dot com slash big for hymns dot com slash big. Glad you with us. You know, I'm done with professional football. I really, I'm Look, I'm just had it. I mean, you would think they would have learned from last year and the American ratings were down, revenue were down, everything was down, and uh, you know, the kneeling went on and on and on and on and on. It's just I don't think the NFL understands the magnitude of the players taking a knee during our anthem and what impact it has had on people's mindset about football. And you know, when the Jets new owner, you know, I guess Woody Johnson's what nephew, grandson, whoever it happens to be, says, who was his? Put it up? His what his? His brother Chris says, Oh no, if five players take a year, I'm gonna pay their fine. All right, Okay, you know what, fine, I'm not gonna go watch the Jets play football, thank you very much, And I'll watch a team that doesn't that. Literally, Look, there's room plenty of room for freedom of speech, but not in the NFL. You can't do certain dances in the end zone, you can't celebrate in the end you can't talk o the players in any way. You can do a lot of things that they would otherwise want you to do. All right, So Roger Goodell tries to fix it and says, Okay, if you don't wanna, if you don't, if you're gonna take a knee, you gotta stay in the locker room. Everybody's gotta stand. Now. You got the Eagles. I've never liked the much anyway, the Eagles. When the championship last year, they're invited to the White House, which is a massive honor for anybody. Maybe, like, for example, if I was I had said this older in the Obama years, if I ever had an interview with Obama, it would have disappointed most of you because I would have asked every question that I ken. They would have limited my time from the beginning. And then you know, in ten minutes he can Filipbuster in his sleep. And when you interrupt the sitting president in the United States and just you're never gonna win. You come off rightly as rude. And there's a way to ask an interview a president out of respect for the office. And similarly, you know, if you get an invite to the Oval Office and everybody's entitled their political views, I would have gone if I got one. In the Obama years, I didn't get a single one. An MSNBC conspiracy hosts were hanging out of the White House and CNN people hanging out of the White House. They're having a grand old time, and they thought they'd be doing the same thing for the next eight years of Hillary Clinton became the president. Didn't work out the way they plan and so what all but ten players, only ten players on the Eagles were willing to go to the house. Now I got to give the president credit. Presis than fine, don't come, you're uninvited. And right now the resident is replaced what was going to be a you know, congratulations, job well done to the Philadelphia Eagles. He's now doing with our military and a celebration of America. And there's a little bit of what's actually going on right now. Thank you very much, everybody appreciate it. I want to thank the United States Marine Band and the United States Army CARUS for that incredible performance. Their voices are I'd love to have a voice like that thought, a voice. We love our country, we respect our flag, and we always proudly stand for the national anthem. We always will stand for the national anthem. It is my great pleasure to welcome everyone to the White House for this patriotic celebration. Beautiful, beautiful day, and a beautiful celebration. I also want to thank our great Vice President Mike Pence. Thank you Mike for joining us along with Secretary Stephen Manuchin, Secretary Ryan Zinkie, Representative Lou Barletta who hopefully Lou Barletta will be your next Senator from the great state of Pennsylvania. It is a great state. Representative Mike Kelly, Thank you, Mike. Great to see you. I want to take this opportunity to explain why young Americans stand for our national anthem. Maybe it's about time that we understood. We stand to honor our military and to honor our country, and to remember the fallen heroes who never made it back home. We stand to show our love for our fellow citizens and our magnificent Constitution. We stand to pay tribute to the incredible Americans who came before us and the heroic sacrifices they made. America is a great nation, a community of family, and America is our home and we love our home. And our country has never done better than it's doing right now. Never record numbers that every outposts, you take a look at what's going on. Lowest unemployment numbers. We've had, lowest African American unemployment in the history of our country, lowest Hispanic numbers in the history of our country, lowest numbers for women. In twenty one years, we've created seven trillion dollars of value in our country since the election, with a largest economy in the world and getting a lot larger and fast. It's happened very quickly, actually quicker than I even thought. We're doing great. And all of those people that we honor, many of them are looking down right now. Some of them are right here, but many of them are looking down right now at our country, and they are proud. They are very, very proud. So we stand together for freedom, we stand together for patriotism, and we proudly stand for our glorious nation under God. I want to thank you all for being here. This is a beautiful, big celebration. Actually, to be honest, it's even bigger than we had anticipated. So I want to thank you very much, and God bless America. Thank you everybody. Thank you obviously the President making some great points. You know, I will tell you as we we're gonna beginning our coverage today actually of getting into what the midterm elections are are gonna be all about. And I'm gonna tell you it's very simple. And this is probably likely going to be the most important mid term election in your lifetime because so much is in play here and what is at stake matters. What you have is the Democrats want this to be a do over of the election. And by that I mean although they're having private meetings and they're pulling every Democrat aside and they are begging them please stop. Please Maxine Waters, stop saying in Peach. We know you mean it, and we're with you, but we're not going to tell the American people that that's what our real goal happens to be. That's what we're We're just not gonna state it. Now. If you just stop for a minute, think of where we are economically and where we were economically thinking we are in foreign policy, where we were this is day five hundred and one, of the Trump administration, and as the President point out, yeah, we've we've got record low unemployment not seen in fifty years in this country. We've got record low unemployment in fourteen states in this country, record low unemployment for women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans. In this country. We've got literally millions of people that are no longer receiving food stamps. Similarly, millions more out of poverty. Just compare that to what it was five hundred and one days ago, and that is what thirty million more Americans and after eight years of Obama on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, the lowest labor participation rates since the seventies, the worst recovery since the forties. Literally we had the lowest home ownership rate in fifty one years. And he doubled our national debt in the process, meaning we got nothing for the money that they spent, nothing, no improvement. People's lives weren't better. Then you got this, you know, hundred and fifty billion dollars. We'll give it to the Iranian mullus. That's a brilliant, genius idea. The Iranians today announcing, yeah, we're gonna continue to spend our centerfuges just as Obama allowed us, and we're gonna literally create more potential nuclear weapons. That's where we are. What did he do with North Korea? Nothing? What did he do to make the world a safer place? Nothing? The presidents this President's decimated isis. You know, look at what he's done with regulations in the economy. Look at what Look at the tax cuts that you have been given. Look at the money, the extra money you're saving every year you can calculated. We'll give you the website later in the program. Today, you know, tax cuts now, now, dot Com go to the calculate your savings. You can do what they have a calculator. You know, look at what's happened. America is now on the verge of potentially really moving towards energy independence, which is gonna not only be good for national security, but create high paying career jobs for millions of Americans. You know, the president is openly advocating for all these companies to spend their dollars in the US, build their factories. Here. Two tax cuts works dot Com to build their manufacturing centers here. Wall Street Journal as a piece today, I don't think a single fake news outlet you know, has said that the President, and I've always said this, I don't think he wants a trade war with anybody anyway. The Wall Street Journal Surprise, surprise, China is now offered to massively expand their purchases of American made goods if US negotiators agree to abandon this tariff plan. They've also agreed and made concessions on intellectual property rights. They've also agreed to lower tariffs on American cars so they can be sold in China. And China offered to purchase nearly seventy billion dollars of US farm manufacturing energy products if the Trump administration abandons their threatened tariffs. In other words, everything the President wants, free er, fairer trade just by taking a stand in negotiating. It's amazing what benefits that will get because nobody's ever done it before, you know. So you have these weekend talks in Beijing, negotiators with the Chinese president and they presented the US team in the Commerce Secretary Wilbo Ross of package that includes Chinese companies buying more US soybeans, corn, natural gas, crude oil, coal, and manufactured goods. And Chinese and US officials estimated the value of the package and nearly seventy billion dollars in the first year. Now the President is pressed China to commit to reduce three seventy five billion in US merchandise and trade deficits with China by two billion. Chinese officials are arguing that would go a long way of meeting that target. Oh, that's a good thing, you know. Look at the rasp Muse and Pole. Most Americans now see the economy is changing because of the President's policies. Rasp Museman. Majority now believe Obama and Comey spied on the Trump campaign. I'll get into this more. Something very nefarious. I suspect and and my sources are telling me he's going on. As it relates to the i G report, We're gonna get into that as we unfold the program today. As a program unfolds and we have a lot to get to, we'll look at our posters. Is about this stopping Democrats from impeachment? Uh, stopping Democrats and open borders. Democrats want to keep Obamacare and they want more money back in the tax cuts that you received. They want you to pay more. That's it. So if you don't get out in and vote. You will get the American Erica that they want that you voted against. Now it was just it's becoming a historic election. With only a kite, a house key, and wet hempstring, Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle. Over two sixty years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it, ensuring Americans have the energy they need whenever they need it. Learn more about the nation's leader and energy storage at next era energy dot com. When you think about it, let's say for a minute that I'm right here that all right, this is what the midterms are about. It's about the left and not say it. They're not gonna tell you. They wink, theyill nod, but they're really telling and communicating. We're gonna impeach Trump. We're gonna find a reason, we're gonna undo this election. Just give us, please, please give us power. Please. What do they stand for? All right? Taking back the biggest tax cut in American history. Let me translate that for you. They're running on a platform that wants to take more of your hard earned money. They want to pick your pocket even further so they can spend it on their priorities. They're also pro open borders. They don't want the fence the wall built, and they're doing everything they possibly can do to stop it. But by the way, the entry point for how many drugs that come into this country? How many crimes have been committed because we have open borders. Not everybody. We always talk about it, but there are some people that cross these borders that don't have the love of America that that we want, and people that are coming. I don't mind having a door on the wall. Let's let's have everybody come to America that wants to be part of our family. But we gotta vet you. We've got to make sure you don't want to bring us any harm, and we've got to make sure that we're gonna contribute to the country. It's not hard. We don't care where you come from. And they want to repeat they don't want Obamacare repealed. There are two things Republicans need to do. Added things because Trump is pretty much single handedly been carrying a very weak Republican party on his back, and it's simple fund the wall, repeal and replace Obamacare. If you don't do those two things, I don't see how they lose. What do the Democrats offer except a rewind into eight horrible years of Obama. You know, it was so important during the election year that every single day I reminded you of the Obama agenda. Well, that's what they want to go back to. Here, we've had unprecedented economic growth, enormous success on foreign policy, a president that gives promises and keeps his word, O refreshing that also is, and a country that's better off. The forgotten men and women are getting out of poverty and off of food stamps and back in the labor force. And America is getting stronger again, and America is creating opportunity again, and America is safer again, and hopefully the world's you know, we're beginning a process as of next week, maybe we'll even make the world safer. Nobody had predicted, predicted or anticipated that. All right, we're gonna deal with the i G Report next. Welcome aboard, Glad you are with us at free tele about numbers eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, you want to join us? You know, it's um, it's pretty sad that I believe that we're now going on two weeks that the Inspector General Michael Horowitz had finished his report. Now going on two weeks. You see, but Inspector General, I guess out of the courtesy has given the Department of Justice, which means, you know, the very people that have been obstructing, ignoring subpoenas, the very people that won't hand over requested documents, the very people that have redacted in the name of national security, only to be proven later that it had nothing to do with national security. Those very same people have now had in their hands Michael Horowitz's Inspector General report on the Hillary Clinton email investigation, the server investigation, where we know the Espionage Act was violated A ten USC. Seven. You know, there's nobody with a straight face that can argue what Hillary did to subpoena at emails by deleting them and acid washing the hard drive with bleach pit. How many of you knew about bleach bit beforehand? Nobody, nobody, nobody, I've never heard of it. Do you ever hear of it? Nobody here heard of it. Everybody now knows about it, cause I'm I'm I will make them eat bleach bit in sense of their words that now you know, if everyone is allowed to acid wash, they're hard drives when subpoenae need. I guess that what's good for the Clintons is good for everybody else. Equal justice under the law, you know, equal application of the laws. It's good for the Clintons ought to be good for everybody else. And if she can violate the Espionage Act, I guess everybody else can too. The cloth cloth I mean, like clean it. What do you mean, d as if she didn't know what he was talking about. So here's what's happening. And I've been talking to a number of my sources. I know Sarah Carter has been working on this today also as you've got the Inspector General Report that is now in the hands of the obstructing d o J. That has ignored congressional subpoena, that have ignored subpoenas, that has ignored the fact that we have coequal branches of government, that has ignored the fact that we have separation of powers, that has ignored the fact that they have constitutional authority and an obligation constitutionally at oversight. And what's happened is is the i G Report that has taken eighteen long months. We're gonna get it in March. No, we're gonna get it in April. No, we're gonna get it in May. No, well, now it's done. People eighteen months and put this sucker together, apparently been working overtime, and now the Inspector General has handed it over two Rod Rosenstein and Company and Jeff Sessions, who sadly is just paralyzed. And I don't know what Jeff Sessions is doing because if Jeff's if Sean Hannity knows all these crimes that were committed, fise abuse crimes Hillary committed, you know the fact that they put the fix in. I mean all of this. Now we have the last week Struck Page emails that were revealed, the show that Struck as telling pay said, oh, this is all being run from the White House, the whole Russian thing, that means the Obama white House. And here's the problem. They actually in the Inspector General report. You might not know that they have an option now to write their own defense. They have an option now to go back and plead with the Inspector General. No no, no, this needs to be redacted. No no, no, no, no, you need to change this. No no, no, no, no, no, you need to fix this. No no, no, no, no, that's not true. You're wrong. And so here's what is happening. It was supposed to be released in March April May, and now it's June, and now the rumors been running all week. Well, they're probably gonna release it on Friday. Well, to be honest, it's called the Summer Friday, and it's called the Summer Friday Document Dump. And why does that mean something? Why is that different? Mr? Hanna? It's different because on Fridays in the summertime, people want to go watch the sunset at the beach. They're not home on their regular schedule, or maybe if with the tax cuts they have a little extra money in their pocket, on Fridays in the summer, they want to take their family. You know, maybe they'll go to a local place and and get a you know, a bucket of clams and corn on the cob and maybe even a lobster tail or two or whatever they like to eat. And then that's what they're gonna do. They're gonna go out to dinner, or maybe they'll go see a movie, or maybe they'll walk on the beach, or maybe I don't know what people maybe they'll watch them go to a baseball game. I don't know what people do. What the hell do I know? I never go anywhere. I'm a total loser. But you got my point. Summer Fridays are slow, and if you want a very bad information, you dump it on a Friday. And now my sources have been telling me that they want to dump it on not only a Friday in the summer, but on the Friday leading up to the Tuesday summit with President Trump and Little Rocketman Kim Jong Gun in Singapore. Singapore flight is twenty one and a half straight hours, and then that's that is a built in news cycle. What does that mean? That means everybody's gonna cover the summit. So if you dump the i G report on a Thursday Friday in the summer leading into a summit of the president, that is called a document or in this case, an eighteen month investigation dump. And what they're hoping is is it won't get the attention it otherwise would get. It won't get the scrutiny that it otherwise would get. And that's what's going on now. The President tweeted and I've been on this all week. What's taken so long with the Inspector General report on cricket? Crooked Hillary, slippery James Comey, numerous delays. I hope the report is not being changed and made weaker. That is exactly what's going on. In my opinion, there are so many horrible things to tell the public has a right to know transparency. Now, the IG report started in January of twenty seventeen. It's now June of ten. Now he doesn't have the power of the Inspector General. Now, he did get the Deputy Attorney General m sorry, the Deputy FBI director Macabe report. Okay, how long ago was that? Where's the report on Comey? Where's the report on Hillary's crimes? Where's the report on the cover up? Where's the report on the rigged investigation? Where's the report on Loretta Lynch and the tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton? Where's the report about call Me and Struck and what they were involved in in this and writing an exoneration in early May of sixt before they ever interviewed Hillary or seventeen other key witnesses. They interviewed Hillary and the summer over the fourth of July weekend, and right after that weekend there's James Colemey exonerating her. I never heard of an exoneration before an investigation of any of you. And if you think you're gonna get away with acid driving acid uh washing your your hard drive after emails are subpoenaed, and if you think you'll get away with the leading subpoena emails. And I don't even use bleach in my clothes anymore. I don't even bring in my home. I don't bring it anywhere near my house. It's a it's a dangerous that's a different type of bleach. That's a different thing. Okay, you're trying to very intense today and by the way, very angry. Today. We get ice cream. I don't know about you all, but I mean, I don't know how you didn't even clams. Who the hell's even clams on the beach in the summertime. It's a great And I like to go to like these hole in the wall places that have Oh yeah, I love big claims, but I only like the little baby ones. I don't like the big too. Or no, I don't need no that ain't happened, man, No, no, I I can force a California rolled down my throat if I put enough of that salty stuff on it, the soy sauce. We'll leave you with the packets of soy sauce. I gotta train it in that and then this, Okay, I can suck down the what is it made up? Fake crab? Is that what they call it that? I mean, yeah, it's invitation crab meat. It's gross, okay, And I don't want to eat. I don't want to eat avocados either. It's not exactly my number one. It's a good fat that flattened your belly. It's mono saturated flat. So you're saying I have a fat belly. I would never say, why did you call me fat? On national team? And but you still owe me an apology for saying I was lying to you last friend, and I still keep you here. It's unbelievable. Sarah Carter is actually highlighting this point too. Is that you know the i G report is expected to reveal that James call me is handling of the bureau's investigation and the Clinton's use of a private email server. We know Andrew McCabe is also expected to come under fire in this report now, it's over four hundred pages. It was completed weeks ago. It addresses Clinton's use of a private server for government business, which is illegal, and James Collmey's original draft included the fact that six foreign intelligence services hacked into that mom and pop shop bathroom closet. That means they've got all the Clinton emails, even the one she acid washed and deleted. And we're hearing that it's long and it's thorough, and it's gonna criticize the handling of the investigation of Mr Comey and others. But this has gone on long enough. You know, eighteen months is enough. Now we're gonna get eighteen months at a document tump on a summer Friday by the i G. Because people in the Department of Justice have had this for two weeks and they're on their hands and knees, begging and pleading Michael Horowitz to change the report that he and five hundred other people put together over an eighteen month period. And probably, my guess is, because I don't have any faith in the deep state, is probably happening to one degree or another. I mean, are we ever gonna clean up this this absolute sewer which is your federal government. I have the new date. What for? What for the release? They'll do it, okay, the day after the fourth of July. Fourth of July is on a Wednesday. You didn't just like James Comey on then the two year anniversary. It has been eighteen months. Rhonda Santis is saying this has gone on long enough. We've been patient long enough. Sarah cites another congressional official has been fighting to obtain documents from the dj and FBI, saying, no surprise, they're putting all the pressure on Horowitz. They continue to slow roll documents, failed to adhere to congressional oversight, and concern is growing that they will wait until summer and then turn over the documents that are heavily redacted. Now, what's gonna come behind the i G report is there are at least thirty now FBI agents that watched the Comy corruption, McCabe corruption unfold. And I've always said, you know, this isn't about rank and file FBI. They're gonna be the heroes of this story in the end, if they ever get to tell it. The thirty people are lined up to talk about the practices and procedures that were used by Comey, and how faulty they were, and how literally the fix was in the investigation was rigged. And they'll want to tell the truth, but they can't tell the truth unless they are subpoened. And if you're not, if you don't understand, if we now are rigging investigations. This is why I kept saying, you know, Jeff Session, well, well we'll have another inspector in general investigation and of the fise abuses. Oh great, eighteen months later, no grand jury. People's memories are short, and you know, we're gonna be told by the fake news media that's old news. That's what they're gonna do. But I'm telling you that if Hillary Clinton gets away with her crimes, and top officials, not rank and file FBI guys and d J guys, top officials, if they're able to rig an investigation that allows her to violate commit felonies with the Espionage Act, have foreign intel services steal all of her classified top secret special access programming information. Oh and by the way, she lied to everybody. Michael Flint's charged with flying another double standard. And if she's allowed to do it, we don't have a system of justice. We don't have equal justice. We don't have equal application under the law in this country anymore. We don't have a constitution, which is the foundation of all of our laws in this country. It's done, and yet that's what they want to do. I know they're gonna they'll, they'll, they'll, I guess critique Comy's handling. But are they gonna say he committed a crime, that he ate it and embedded in a cover up and a rigging of an investigation. Let's see how it goes. And I'm telling you right now, watch because what's happening behind the scenes, I am telling you stinks to high heaven and all these same things like Rod Rosenstein begging Paul Ryan, please please please, Paul Ryan, don't release what became the FIS abuse information in the bulk of the Nounz memo and the Grassly Grand memo. This is not shocking news, but it's good news, maybe for all the wrong reasons. But it doesn't matter. If the Republicans in fact fund the entire order Wall and they go back to repealing and replacing Obamacare, it'll be a slam dunk Foreen. In my opinion. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced today's canceling the Senate's planned four week recess in August due to historic obstruction by Senate Democrats of the president's nominees the goal of passing appropriations bills at the end of the fiscal year. The August recess has been canceled. M hmm. Maybe they can fund the border wall while they're they're not taking a vacation. Who takes the month of August off anyway? I take like a day too. Maybe I can tell you the President has been receiving daily briefings on North Korea from his national security team. And I can also tell you the schedule or uh tentatively for that first meeting will be on June twelve at nine am Singapore time and take place at June eleven East Coast time. And you people are gonna have to travel because you'll be in Singapore in June twelve. Uh. And I think it will be a process. It's not. I never said it goes in one meeting. I think it's going to be a process. But the relationships are building, and that's a very positive talking about years of hostility, years of problems, years of really hatred between so many different nations, but I think you're gonna have a very positive result in the end, not from one meeting. We're not going to sign a We're not gonna go in and sign something on June twelve, and we never were. We're gonna start a process. And I told them today, take your time. You can go fast, we can go slowly. But I think they'd like to see something happen and if we can work that out, that would be good. All right. That was the President and Sarah Sanders. All right, it's all on June the twelve in Singapore. That is the North Korean summit. Where things stand now. You just heard the president. There's not going to be a deal signed likely on that a. The the President will go at the speed of whatever Kim Jong un, little rocket man, wants to go at. So far, we've had many, many concessions. And you look at the nuclear missile test site that has now been dismantled. You look at Kim Jong un. He stopped firing missiles over Japan, he stopped threatening Guam. He's not threatening the entire region at the moment. He's willing to talk about d nuclearization. We've got three American hostages back and I'd say, all in all, not having paid a dime, it's a pretty good deal. And the purge that kind of went unnoticed of three, well of the three old school hard liners just out. That usually means they disappear, never to be seen or heard from again. Uh So we're watching very closely, and I think the President managing everybody's expectations because it's realistic to say, all right, we're getting to know each other, we'll meet with you and yeah, this is gonna be about d nuclearization or we're not gonna have a deal. And in the interim that means that the sanctions continue, and obviously, if need be, the President will continue to show military force in the region. Danielle Hoffman is with us. He is a Fox News contributor, former CIA operative, and Shaq Hill joins those former US Air Force combat plot pilot, Republican candidate for Virginia's tenth congressional district at primary. By the way, is on the day of the summit on June twelve, Fox News contributed Dr Sebastian Gorka and thank you all for being with us. Shaq Hill, I want to ask you a question. If you got elected, would you join the Freedom Caucus? Good afternoon, Sean. I absolutely would join the Freedom Caucus without question. That is the group that is really working to help push America's first agenda, and it would be my pleasure to be reinforcements for them. Uh. Interesting, All right, Let's start with Danielle Hoffman. Daniel you, Uh, both you and Dr Gorka have been really adamant about Number one, pointing out the success America's lost nothing to this point. We have lost absolutely nothing. And the great news is we only have a a for world to gain here and the fact that all of these concessions have been made in the lead up to this ship should give people hope. But you don't want to get the cart in front of the horse, do you, right. That's absolutely true. And I think the President has done an excellent job of managing, uh, the expectations for our citizenry. And and you know, he's had to deal with a lot of failed policy in the past. Remember the two thousand summit between North Korea and South Korea. South Koreans had to buy business licenses at the two to the tune of five million dollars They paid North Korea for the privilege of having that summit. North Korea had it in them, this sort of muscle memory to expect a lot just for showing up. And again they practiced this diplomatic brinkmanship, and the President called their bluff rightly so and and I was ready to walk away from the summit. I think that really set the tone for going forward and putting it at a position where we can achieve whatever it is possible to achieve on on the twelfth of June and going forward. But I do believe this is going to be long process. And and just to comment real quickly shown on the on the three guys who are removed. This is when the CIA steps up and produces leadership profiles on the three individuals who replaced the old three hard liners. I think there's no question it reflects Kim Jong Leon's effort to consolidate his power. You know, authority and regimes are inherently unstable. They silenced people's fears. I think it reflects frankly, Kim Jong Leon's concern about potential instability in his own hermit kingdom. Oh. I think that's really well set. And by the way, that would not be unprecedented. I mean any leader that tries to take a step towards reform, UH is certainly at risk. I mean, one a good example, I think Sebastian Gorka, Dr. Gorka would be you know General ALCSI in Egypt. I mean, I think he put himself in great peril when he took over from Morsey UH. And literally it's played such a pivotal role in in a new emerging alliance between Israel, the Egyptians, Jordanians, of Saudi Is, the Emirates and others. You're absolutely right. So when I met General CC before he became president, when he was the commander in chief of Egyptian forces and he saved Egypt from the Muslim brotherhood, he said, when I asked him, why did you do what you do? He said, I may be a Muslim, but I'm an Egyptian first, and these people were trying to take our country away from us. And since that day, he's had a target on our back. And he's exactly the kind of leader that we need to support. And that's why that was one of the first meetings the president took. So you know, everything has changed geopolitically in just the space of five hundred days. The world has been changed because American leadership is back, whether it's trained draining the swamp in d C with Candidate Black Shaq Hill, whether it's revitalizing NATO, whether it's telling telling China you're not going to intimidate our friends, or potentially ending the Korean War. This could you imagine this? This would be a kind of record you'd be proud of after eight years in office, and it's only been a year and a half. I don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but I mean I think all it's certainly lining up to be an opportunity that nobody saw existed before. And I would argue Shaq Hill that also that an emerging opportunities in the Middle East. I mean, there is now a moment in time, as I said, where the Egyptians, the Jordanians, and the Israelis and the United States and the Saudis and the Emirates now are all aligned and sharing intelligence and standing up against the potential of Iranian hegemony in the region and a nuclear on Uran. Well, you're exactly correct, Sean. I mean, when the President pulled us out of the Iranian agreement, he made America instantly safer and in doing so, he also made our soldiers and sailors across the world safer, and each one of us at once to live the American dream safer. I mean, the bottom line is the people are frustrated with politics and the establishment career politicians, and we don't want to go back to any type of appeasement. And the only thing that the world often wants to see is do we have strength and do we have fortitude to move forward with what we believe is correct? And the President showing that leadership. He's actually doing things differently than what has been done in the past. And I'm thrilled. My two youngest sons are in the United States Army. One of my children just rotated back from South Korea. He's now in the United States. But another one of my times is going to be going to Germany. So we need to have the strong leadership and not only in the Middle East, but also in the Far East and other places. And I champion what President Trump is doing. Yeah, and what do you feel about North Korea? Do you think this is a moment in time? I mean, I'll be honest, I mean, there's a you know, deep in my solar plexus i'mthing all right. You know, Kim John Gun is a little unpredictable. Who knows. Maybe he shows up that ding and says no meeting, you know, And I frankly think Donald Trump will say, Okay, see you later. You gotta fire up Air Force one and fly home. He doesn't care. Well, he certainly would do that. But don't forget this, Sean, and I know you don't, but what President Trump wants if he wants people to enjoy their individual liberties, he wants the people to enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy here, whether it's in Korea, whether it's in the Middle East. And the people right now of North Korea, they're starving, They're hungry to just live and be free. And I think when you have the leadership that President Trump is bringing to the table and surrounded by those le Secretary Pompeo and others, I think we've got an a team now leading us, and it's going to be very exciting what happens in the future, I feel. Daniel Hoffman, I know that, um, you have traveled a global lot. What can you tell us about Singapore and the reception the president is likely to get there? You know, I gotta be honest with you. I spent my time at the CIA in places uh like pack Stand and Baghdad and Yemen and Libya in Moscow, and I actually have never made it to Singapore. But what I can tell you it's a it's a you know, it's a first world country with outstanding services. I think it's it was the right choice, you know, um the time. Maybe the meet in a depltor zone is down the road in the future, um, but this was this was the right kind of neutral territory for us to hold this meeting. And what I would what I would want to highlight as well. You know, North Korea is like the most isolated country on the planet and their economy is an absolute free fall. Their life expectancy is decreasing. It's under seventy years. UM that I think Kim Jong un recognizes that he's a young guy. He's you know, in his early thirties. His country is simply not going to survive his lifetime unless he takes some measures. And if we I know you believe that, and I've thought often that's the case too. But I look at countries like Iran and North Korea, Daniel and I'm thinking, you don't win revolutions with sling shots. You just don't. I mean, unless there is an ability to arm opposite freedom fighters, you just can't win because they'll mow you down and they will slaughter as many innocent people as they have to. Yeah, I think one of the concerns from Kim Jong luin, frankly, was that there might be the Boris Yelton to his you know, Mihail Gorbiteub if I use a Soviet reference. In other words, somebody from his inner circle who could say, you know, we're not real happy with the way things are going. We maybe we want to take it for a harder line, or maybe somebody wants to go in a softer line. I mean, I think that's why he consolidated power with three guys who are absolutely beholden to him. But I agree with you, I think this is an extraordinary difficult challenge for us. At the end of the day, the you know, the eye on the price for US is eliminating nuclear weapons in the Korean Peninsula. And if there was ever a chance for the art of the deal, it's right here before our eyes, and it's it's the you know, penultimate art of the Deal, I think, and and nobody better than than this administration to take their shot at it. Yeah. Dr Corka, what would you to that? I just think that we we have to be cautious. I think the president always has the right signal. He wrote it in the book The Art of the Deal. Never be so vested in a deal that you're not prepared to walk away at any time. He signaled that before he did it with his letter. That's why pion Yang, you know, beat feet back to the West Wing to deliver their response and say, pretty please, can we have our summit again? So you know, this is a dictatorial regime, that's not forget it. Daniels absolutely right. But the irony of these regimes is that they are incredibly frantile at the same time that they are powerful. Look at what happened to chaossko In. He had everything, he had, the tanks, he had, the helicopters. He came out for his Christmas Day address and the people just started doing at him and then he ran for his life, and then there was a court martial and he was executed by the Romanian armies. So anything is possible. Let's not get carried away but at the end of the day, the is the hermit kingdom. They lie for a way of life, but they know that this is a very very different kind of president, and they are desperate to keep their own positions. So we we'll see what happens. We gotta take a break, we'll come back and we'll continue with our friends Daniel Hoppman, Dr. Sebastian Gorka and Shaq Hill. By the way, US Air Force combat pilot and Republican candidate, if you're in Virginia's ten congressional district, and as we continue with Daniel Hoppman, Fox News contribute to former CIA operations officer Shack Hill Uh, former US Air Force combat pilot and Republican candidate for Virginia's tenth congressional district that primary June twelve. By the way, when we are in sin when the Singapore Summit is actually happening, and Dr Sebastian Gorka is with us, all right, let me let me ask you, Shaq Hill. I mean, I look at these Republicans and I look at your background, and I'm always impressed with the military. I mean, I love military guys. I don't like the position that I'm in, but I have to because there's been such corruption and abuse of power, you know, within the intelligence community, the d J, the FBI. But it's only the upper russial and it's not rank and file people, thank God, and I and one of the reasons we'll get to the truth is because of rank and file. But I look at, you know, like the Republican Party. I think there's so many people run for office, make these great promises, and then when the moment comes and they can make change, they don't do it. Why, you know, I think what ends up happening is people start thinking more about individual power and the opportunity to be somebody. But you have to look at somebody's life to see who they have been their entire life. And when I raised my hand and I promised to protect and defend the constitution of the United States, I did that for you and my children and for Dr Gorka and others. I mean, I didn't do it for myself. And we have to see, you have to see that somebody has a service oriented heart. My wife is a very healthy cancer survivor Sean, but twenty five years ago she was diagnosed with the rare form of cancer while she was pregnant with our second child, and the doctor said, you have to terminate the pregnancy. Well, work with a life, and all of a sudden, Mrs landed in our lap. Well how do you handle that? And the answers, You stick to your principles. You do not move from what you believe. And Robin looked over at me and she said, Shack, will you raise the children? And I said yes. Well, twenty five years later, our son is in the United States Army. He represents the fourth generation of our family to our nation's juniform. Robin and I became foster parents. Good for you. We fostered forty six children and we adopted four of them. So when somebody said to me, what are you gonna do, When Paul Ryan or or when McCarthy or others say, you know, Shack, we're gonna put this pressure on you. Hey, the answers. I've had pressure, and I've been tested and I passed the test. And I am there not to make friends with other congressmen. I'm there to represent the people of the tenth Congressional District and That's what I'm gonna do. All right. We wish you the best that's happening the day of the summer June twelfth, Shot Hill, Thank you, Danielle Hopman and Dr Gorka, and I'll be seeing a lot of both of you in the coming days and weeks. You guys have been all over this and been amazing. Thank you for being with us. When we come back, Former Speaker of the House, New Kingridge, he's gonna weigh in on the election. We got our posters. We're gonna begin our look at eighteen and what this election mid term is really now coming down to, and much more as we continue the Sean Hannity Show eight nine for one, Shawn is a toll free telephone number. We welcome back to the program today. New Gingrich. He is gonna be a bookends tonight in New Jersey. He's given a speech and doing a book signing. And it's one of the great great bookstores that when I was writing books, which I will never do again, uh, that I had the opportunity to go and meet so many wonderful people there. It's such a great place. And uh, anyway, the book is called Trump's America and uh, the great success, the untold story of the President's uh you know, five d days in office. Now as of today, Uh, well, congratulations. I know the book's doing really well on Amazon dot com and Barnes and Noble, and uh, it's up on our website, Hannity dot com and now it is officially in bookstores everywhere. Uh, you're on a big tour, I guess now. And Uh, I wanted to ask you about comments you made about the election, and we were just talking to two posters about it. And I honestly think that this election is going to be about Democrats want to impeach Donald Trump. They don't want to build the wall, they want to keep Obamacare, and they want to take back the tax cuts that President Trump gave every American. I don't think that's exactly a platform that is is lending itself to maximize success. No. Look, I think, for first of all, thank you for all the help you've been with my new book, Trump's America and our effort to explain how much he is accomplishing and how much most Americans are The Democrats are going crazy. I've mentioned to you yesterday this Minnesota state convention where the left wing of the Democratic Party just took over the whole party ran over all of the traditional establishment people have nominated folks so far to the left that they have no possibility of winning. Virtually guarantee that the governor Timplanti is gonna win the governorship again. We may well in the process pick up three House seats. I mean, UH, Minnesota is a good example of what's going on. John Cox out in California today. I think it's going to get into the runoff against the lieutenant governor. And John Cox is going to make a huge difference as the Republican nominee because the California Democrats have raised the gasoline tax. It's almost five dollars a gallon in parts of California now, and they have uh and and uh. Gavin Newsom of the Democrat is campaigning on a promise to raise your income tax, raised property taxes uh and and dramatically increased the cost of government in a state which already has the highest cost of living in the country. So I think John Cox, by the way, if he does make is I think he will that probably increases Republican turn out this fall in California by maybe as much as that virtually guarantees the Democrats camp pick up seats in California, and we may actually pick up two or three house seats out there. So everywhere I look, I think what you're gonna get is a red wave, not a blue wave. And I think things are continuing to build. There's an article today one last thing, but for the first time I can remember, there are more job vacancies than there are people looking for work. Uh. That is astonishing. Can I just say, I mean this five hundred days has been maybe the most fascinating five days of any presidency. And and of course the cloud that the Democrats and the media, they're now in a position, this to me is the most damning position for them to be in, and that is that with the economy now turned around, record low unemployment in fourteen states, record low unemploy him in for women, Hispanic Americans, African Americans. Uh. You see, regulation is literally has now been totally eliminated, and we're now incentivizing businesses to come back and people have more money back in their pocket now. The only way that I see the Democrats can win is if they somehow convinced the American people that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians and he did not, or that somehow Uh, he's bad for the country. And now the polls out today's show seventy of Americans think the economy is good because of him. Yeah. Look, I think that they're probably gets bigger and bigger. And I would say that there's somebody who's been active in the Republican Party for a very, very long time. I worry as much about the Republicans is about the Democrats, because Republicans are historically just bad politicians. Uh and and they don't get it if Republicans have the guts to go out and appeal to every American of every background. When when you're a situe aation where we have the lowest black unemployment in American history, every Republican candidate should be in the black community saying, look, isn't this better to have people with jobs rather than on food stamps. Isn't it better to have a chance to rise because you get that first job, then you get promoted, then you get another job, than one day you open up your own small business. Um, you know, that's what America is all about. And we have a chance. Trump is giving us a chance to have a head on argument between socialism. You know, the people on the left who can't explain Venezuela, can't explain the Soviet Union, can't explain Cuba, but have these fantasy ideas that if only we had big enough government. And this is what Gavin Newsom is going to be a great experiment on. He's he's running on a government takeover of healthcare in California, which would bankrupt the state. But we ought to be doing this across the whole country. So you would say that, Donald Trump, what are the states you really ought to be campaigning and it's California this midterm election season. Absolutely, I I believe, and I know people will say I'm crazy, but you and I've been down this road together over the years as good friends. I believe that the Democrats reached tilt. They in California. They passed a state sanctuary law which keeps which was an effectual out MS thirteen to continue to to rape and kill and murder and torture people in California. They passed a gasoline tax increase that was massive when they already have the most expensive gasoline in the country. They have a candidate for governor who spent the last eight years in Sacramento, and he wants to raise their says openly he's campaigning on a promise of raising their taxes. Uh. And I think John Cox, with enough resources, enough help, has a chance uh to to due to California what Trump has done to the country, and to do it exactly the same way, to go out to all of California, get every single person who's sped up with it. SI of Californias in a poll last week said California was now too expensive. Uh. And if you know, Cox can become the guy who wants to lower the cost of living in California, Well, Newsom is the guy who wants to raise your taxes. I think you can see a Republican governorship. Uh. And with it, we virtually guarantee enough House members getting elected that Kevin McCarthy probably becomes. You know, For those that might doubt that this could happen in California, I would just only point out states like New Jersey and Christy Todd Whitman and then later Chris Christy and New York Governor Pataki, and and there are examples after example where really deeply blue states have had it. They just get fed up. Uh. And I think the very issues you're describing here could create a condition in California where you know, look Arnold Schwartzenegger one and and Pete Wilson had one. I mean, it's going back a ways, but um, and I think and look at what's happening in the country. The most popular governor in America today is Charlie Baker, who's a Republican. In Massachusetts, Governor Hogan's almost certainly gonna get real did in Maryland? You if if people believe you're trying to improve their lives, and people believe you're honest, I mean, just the act of not being corrupt in such a big advantage of the Democrats in some states, uh that that you really have some breakthrough opportunities. And by the way, you mentioned New Jersey. One of the reasons I think there's gonna be a red wave not a blue wave, is I think we're gonna beat Menendez in New Jersey after all of his ethics problems. You can't be losing New Jersey and have any hope of Schumer picking up a majority in the Senate. So we're gonna gain seats of the Senate. I keep saying to people, you're gonna have a red wave in the Senate, You're probably gonna have a red wave for governor, and I think we have a fair chance that we're going to keep the House and maybe even at the margins do better than people expect. Uh So, show me where the blue wave is going to come. Well, I mean that's such a good point. Now, with that said, the House to me is very, very key and crucial, and I think the message is simple. I think you take the Trump's success story and you take the economic success story. I would add two things between now and November though. I would fund the border wall, and the second thing that I would do is I'd take another crack at repeal and replace it. And I think Republicans, you know, they've been hesitant to do to follow up on that one big promise, although he did get rid of the individual mandate as part of the tax package. But I think, you know, basically this has been the force of Trump, not the force of Republicans, especially in the Senate. Well, I think I think that's right. But I guess I'm a little more sureful than you are about all this. I do think he has to keep pushing on the wall, and he will, and he's gonna keep you know, they began opening the first new section in San Diego this last week. You know, and I and I know as you do, how really determined he can be, and he's gradually gonna win that fight. I think we are secretaries are doing a great job at Health and Human Services, and we're gradually going to keep taking a part Obamacare and replacing it with a much more market oriented and choice oriented system that will be better for people. And I think that these are important steps in the right direction. But I also think this the central question is really simple. Would you like to have more jobs or would you like to have an impeachment? Would you like to have a Congress that works to have an even better economy, or would you like to have a Congress that does nothing all the time except fight Trump. You really agree with with Nancy Pelosi that we need to raise taxes. I mean, I think you know, we have a chance here to win a decisive election in ways that would have been unthinkable six months ago. Well, it was a seventy point deficit and one pole even went to a six point plus advantage in the in terms of the generic PALA polling. I know that you know those better than anybody there's very few people you. Maybe Mike Barone understands the whole history of every county in every single part of the United States, from Cuyahoga County to Hamilton's County and everything in between, and certainly knows all the counties in Florida, North Carolina and all these swing states. But I do remember distinctly sitting in a meeting with you and and Joe Gaylord years ago before you became speaker, and you guys went through district by district by district. So the fact that you think that California should take on such incredible importance needs to be paid attention to. You know, I think so, and I think they will pay attention to it because you know, it's it's look. I wouldn't be saying this if it was just a typical environment. But but when I saw them pass the gas tacts increase, and I saw the survey and said, two out of every three Californians now think the state's too expensive, I could feel, much as I did back in with Prop thirteen. Uh, at moments when you can feel this stuff coming together, and I just think that John Cox has a great chance in California to run a much more successful race. He marked my word. Tomorrow morning, the elite media will I'll be writing them off, saying I don't have a chance. And just remember, these are the same people who wrote off Donald Trump. Well, I don't. And that's what makes us such an amazing election. Uh. New King Ridge is with us, and he's on his official book tour. It's in stores as of today. He'll be at bookends in Bridgewood, New Jersey if you're in the New York, New Jersey area, given a speech and a book signing tonight and one of the great bookstores in the entire country and independently owned the great people. Trump's America and how we are making America great again and how it's successful. And uh, by the way, that's an untold story the media is avoiding at all costs. Right as we continue, Former Speaker of the House, New King Rich is with us. Why won't the media talk about the five days of success? Well, because, let's let's be fair, most of the elite media is so traumasaged by Hillary's defeat and Donald J. Trump's presidency. That and and he further every morning he gets up and he tweets, and as they wake up that morning, they're reminded, oh my god, he's still president. So you're asking people who are tormented, it by the failure of the perfect liberal to become president, people who were constantly these these are these are reporters and commentators who are going to break out the champagne at eight o'clock on election night, and now here they are faced day after day with the fact that that Donald J. Trump is president and it just drives them crazy. And then they get together to their cocktail parties and they reinforce each other's craziness. Well, I mean, yeah, and I think so, and I just think. But on top of all of that, then you've got this cloud that you know, hovers over the president. He's annoyed by it. I'm annoyed by it. You're annoyed by it. There's been no evidence of collusion, but there is great evidence of corruption at the highest levels of the d o J and the MPI. And you know, for example, I'm we're expecting an IG report and it's not coming, but we know the d o J has had a copy now for two weeks and that's problematic. Well, that's right, and you and I've talked about this before. Well, you have five different parallel scandals underway. Uh. And I believe that that the sickness of the system when it when it's fully laid out, people are shocked, how truly corrupt and how truly fundamentally this honest the system was, and how many of these players are really bad people, and uh, it's really really unfortunate. And uh, I shocked. I did the view today, which is quite an experience, and I shocked at me as one I said to me, well, are you saying that the Justice Department is corrupt? And I said, yes, I'm saying the Justice Department is corrupt. And you could just see that. It was kind of like, oh my god, how can we have this conversation. But it's true. And I think if people, uh would would look at Sydney Powell's book un Licensed to Lie about two of the major cases and realized that the the key person who did wrong in the in wrong case is on the staff of Miller, a person who was repudiated nine to zero by the Supreme Court for falsifying evidence. I think people need to look at this stuff. I did. By the way, I watched last night Molly Blue, which is a very interesting movie about about a woman who was running a poker game and and her relationship with the FBI and the way the FBI set her up. And it's worth watching because it tells you a lot about the pressures and the and the maneuvering and the way in which they try to blackmail people and gives you a sense of what Muller is doing to some people to try to force them into testifying. We're gonna have to end to their book. Book ends tonight. Uh new Kingrid Speech and of course is brand new book that is out on top of his last best out. It's called Trump's America and the the Definitive Guide on how we are making America great again and the media doesn't want to tell the story. Mr Speaker. Good to see you. Thank you for being with us. I'm going to see you tonight on TV. That's correct, We'll see you on Hannity tonight at nine after your book sign I can't wait to see you. We gotta take a quick break. We'll come back. Our posters, John McLaughlin and Doug Show and join us next. Coming up next, our final news round up and information overload. Our Donald Trump. Just last week he confirms the National Review that he is again considering a run in t do it tu, He'll cook Anald csid you account by your checking. Now on the half of this country which does not want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run, Donald Trump has been saying that he will run for president as a Republican, which is surprising since I just assumed he was running as a joke. Is that people think that Donald Trump is a clown? Donald Donald Trump is a clown. I mean, does anybody seriously think that Donald Trump is serious about running for president? Donald Trump, it ain't the clown. President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States. Exclamation point at real Donald Trump. At real Donald Trump. At least I will go down as a president's Basically, this is the beginning of the end for Trump, the beginning of the end. The beginning of the end is probably starting of the beginning of the end for for Donald Trump. Donald, You're not gonna be able to insult your way to the presidency. The strongest person usually isn't the loudest one in the room. So right now we have Hillary is about seventy five or eight percent favorite. We have different person has Hillary lit up by double digits nationally twelve points fifty thirty eight full way race. Liten leading in Florida, Clilton leading in North Carolina, Clinton leading in Ohio, Clinton leading in Nevada. I could go on and on and on. Uh. I continue to believe in Mr Trump will not be president. And so right now, Mr Trump, to answer your call for political honesty, I just want to say, you're not going to be president. All right. It's been fun, it's been great. I love you, but come on, come on, bunny. We are a major projection right now. Donald Trump will take Oh that's a project. Donald Trump will carry the state of Florida. When pryp Donald trumps Donald Trump. We project WILGN in Kentucky, with Indiana with its eleven electoral vot Vesta, Virginia, Tennessee, Mississimply, South Carolina, Alabama, New Yorth, Dakota probably it's three electoral votes in South Dakota, Texas, Arkansas, Louisia, the state of Montana, North Carolina, Georgia, im Utah, Wisconsin, Arizona, Kansas with its six electoral votes, Nebraska with its five electoral votes, and y only with its three electoral votes. Sorry to keep you waiting in complicated business. A lot of people have laughed at me over the years. Now they're not laughing so much. I'll tell you, in fact, what we needed. Somebody over at the r n C. I said, get that woman that ran Michigan. We need to elect more Republicans so we can protect our cities, defend our borders, grower economy, and continue to make America great again. And that's what we're doing. We're doing We're doing some job. We're all doing it together. But you see what's happening with regulations, with massive tax cuts, with the judges we're appointing. We're appointing judges like I guess never before has anything happened like what we're doing. On great conservative Republican judges were setting records and by the time we finished, I think we will have the all time record. You have no idea how important that are. You know. I could play that montage over and over and over again of what was election night, and I think Newt has it down pretty well that you know, at ten o'clock November there was a collective psychotic meltdown, an episode that Lingers even until this day and anyway, so it's a mass psychosis. Anyway, eight one, Shawn told free telephone number, you know how to be a going to be a part of the program. We have h two posters with us and a lot to cover here because a lot of primaries going on. We'll go over those and what we expect. But really eighteen is becoming a referendum election, and that is the Democrats. They want to impeach Trump, but they're not willing to say it. Number two, they want to raise your taxes and take back the biggest tax cut in history. Number three, they want to keep Obamacare. Number four, they don't want to build a border wall because they believe in free and open borders. Anyway, Doug Shoon and John McLaughlan are with us. We also have some polling that now shows, Yeah, the American people are just fed up, completely fed up with this witch hunt investigation by Robert Mueller, and a record seventy of Americans now think, yeah, the economy is really good and it's Donald Trump that's fixed the economy. Uh, thank you both for being with us. You know when you look at it, Doug show on, I mean right now, Democrats are in this position here everything has turned round. Fourteen states have record low unemployment numbers, record low unemployment numbers for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women in the workplace. Uh. You see what has happened, and the president's keeping his promises. So Democrats have to hope what that we go back to the Obama era and millions more on food stamps, millions more in poverty, millions more out of the labor force, and then they'll be happy. Democrats have to hope that Donald Trump and the Republicans do not deliver the message that you just delivered, that they focus on social issues rather than on the uh economic progress that all Americans have benefited from. American people want progress, they don't want partisanship. And if Donald Trump and the Republicans figure that out and speak inclusively and optimistically about a better country and a better future, they can and will maximize their position. You know, I just gotta say, I mean, I just never and nobody thought through all of this. I think that the American people are also fed up because they now see Robert Mueller, the media. They're all aligned negative Trump, negative Trump, negative Trump all day long, and on top of it. The American people have discovered some massive abuse of power, corruption as it relates to the election, as it relates to Hillary Clinton literally getting exonerated before being investigated, having committed many crimes, and having obstructed justice. They see the fies abuse and I think most Americans instinctively no. Lying to judges to get warrants to spy on opposition party candidates and using op research that Hillary pays for is not a good thing for the country. And putting spies in one campaign and not the other's good. That's not good either. John McLaughlin's and the majority of Americans. We have polls that show the majority of Americans are tired of the Mueller investigation. They want to move on, They want to let They want to let the President do his job and succeed. And as you were saying, we had, we have. The president has brought the country into the right direction. It's broken we've had in four years the president. This month on our our national poll McLaughlan online dot com, you have the President going up nine points in his job approval since last November. Where he's at, he's grinding up there and he's bringing the Republicans with him in terms of the generic ballot for Congress, so that they're in the virtual dead heat with the Democrats. Now, the key thing is what you just mentioned upfront is that the but that this is not a referendum election as much as a contrast election as much as the president with an agenda that's getting things done, making America great again. It's it's a wonderful slogan, but it's the truth. The economy. The majority of people in that poll said the economy is getting better rather than worse, uh fifty three to thirty six. So they see good things they had and they see a stronger America. And the Democrats, fortunately for us, they haven't taken advice and they don't have an agenda. All they're doing is trying to obstruct and slow down and deter the president. And that's why the Mueller investigation hasn't gone anywhere. There's no facts to it. It was just democratic instruction, and they're the elites of this country are trying to remove the president that the heartland of this country elected. You know, I mean, I think that said at the end of the day, but this, do you agree with with me that this is now a referendum. That really it's the Democrats got what they wanted, and that's the sixteen do over in the sense and while they're not going to say it, they want to impeach the president. They want to impeach them. They will make up a reason to impeach the president. Now, does that motivate the President's base enough to get out there and say, no, we're not gonna let you undo the election of by undermining as you have been are duly elected president who is succeeding on every levels. I think it is becoming a referendum. Uh. The numbers still are about fifty fifty is uh on his recent data suggests. The problem with my party is it lacks a message, it lacks the strategy, and to the extent it has one, it is redistribute, guaranteed jobs, guarantee healthcare. There's no opportunity, there's no inclusiveness, and there's no aspirational uh, set of policies of the type that we supported and implemented in the nineties with Bill Clinton. Well, you know, and that is the irony. Although Bill Clinton, you've got to admit, look like just a total meltdown that he had yesterday. I can't understand why Shan he just didn't say, I owe an apology. I'm gonna do it. Why is that so hard for people to say, I don't understand it. I mean, I've made mistakes, and I just say, oh gosh. You know, people say, Hannity back in seven you said this, and I say, oh, I know, I'm such an idiot. I'm so embarrassed. It's horrible. Why did I ever say that? Sean. I can't speak for him, but the best advice I could give him would be apologize. Own up to the fact that you made a mistake with Lewinsky, a bad mistake, and probably almost certainly a mistake with others. But you know what, he can't do it, and I think it's best for him to get off the stage, both for himself and for the Democratic Party. I'm sad to say it, because on a philosophical and policy based I agree with him, but I don't think that he serves the broader good of the party or of the nation by continuing to engage in the current. There's another thing too, you know, everybody now enlightened me to look, all of these issues were brought front and center by people like me in the election. But the only reason that they are throwing the Clinton's oval board now is because they're done. They're finished. But up until November nine, John McLaughlin, they would they were protecting Hillary and Bill and his Shenanigans and his you know, he's the grandfather of the me too movement in so many ways. Really, remember you started that montage ring your program where I love it because art is back to when Doug and I was saying I thought I thought Donald Trump was gonna win, and and the and the fact of the matter, as Donald Trump did win, brought sixty three million voters out to the polls and a record turnout. And now what's going on is they're motivating those Trump voters to come back at with all the attacks on our president, they're getting the heartland of the country upset because this whole thing with the me too movement, what are they doing. Donald Trump has proposed you know, paid pernal leave his his daughter Avanta was the one pushing it. And guess what, the Democrats and Congress won't take it up. They have no agenda. Uh, they have no agenda at all. And this the referendum is really a choice between you know, a party that's moving the country forward and a president that's moving the country forward, versus just a blank slate where we know their only goal is time teach the president and and it's and it's it's making most Americans very upset and disappointed right as we grow along Shawan Hannity, Sha all right, looking to een and you know new Kingrad said, uh, yesterday that in fact, he thinks that it's now looking more like a possibility of a red wave than the so called blue wave. I'm the believer you just don't count your votes before the election takes place. But there was a seventeen point generic ballot lead by Democrats. It is now a six point in one poll Republican advantage. Uh. Certainly a sea change in terms of polls. But you know, we have to see what happens in November. Do you think who do you think is more energized Doug Show going into the election, Well, and about a month or so ago, I would have said the Democrats, But given the uptick in the President's numbers that John spoke of the absence of a Democratic message, and what we may see in California tonight, which is in a number of districts, Democrats not maximizing their potential in the so called Uncle primary. I would say at this point it's it's hard to say who's more energize, but certainly the momentum to the extent there is, and he's with the Republicans. What do you think, John McLaughlin, You've been through a lot of tough election races over the years, you know, not the least of which was Obama trying to influence the Israeli election last time. But but you were there polling for Trump and you believed, as I did, he had a really good shot of winning, which he did, right and and uh, it's backfiring now. You're seeing what I call the Chuck Schubert backfire because such humors led the opposition. And that's why the Democrats have a total void is their agenda. And guess what, We're going to pick up US Senate seats because of the lay of that land of the states where they're I'm not really worried I want to get those Senate seats because you're talking about North Dakota. Um, we're watching very closely Claire mccaskell seat. We're watching Florida, Rick Scott down there. I mean, there are a lot of important seats that I don't know what's gonna happen in Arizona, but I mean we're watching a lot of important races here and the Tennessee is another one to come back out. And guess what. In a lot of these states you have you may have open Republican seats, but we have that have six seat House majority, and guess what, they're motivating Trump voters to come back out vote for Congress. So so I agree with Doug that I would have said a month ago, Yeah, the Democrats had seemed to have more energy. Well, the Democrats have gone too far, and they've gone they've carried down too long against this president who's succeeding and there and and uh he's basically they're motivating the Trump based to come back out and that vodes well for us in November. We just have to keep that. We have to keep that momentum going towards November. And by the way, Doug, you can't tell me what Democrats stand for except what I told you earlier. Impeachment, Obamacare, keeping it in place, not building the wall, and and literally raising taxes on every American. I don't think that's the best agenda. Uh, what socialism? Pretty much that's your party, not mine. I mean the Democrat. I'm a capitalist. I believe in the social safety. You're a bigger capitalist than I am. I mean yeah, but Petition is not the Democratic party that I joined when I was a young person. It's a very different party that believes that level of redistribution that to me is antithetical to the values that I believe in. And then I believe America was based on um. Anyway, I thank you both of me and with us. We appreciated. Eight one, Shawn is our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, we'll take a quick break. When we come back, we're gonna hit the phones, wide open telephones eight nine sean if you want to join us. A stunning statement here, probably from the president openly declaring that he believes he is above the law. Try to picture uh, an ordinary criminal who committed a crime saying that I can do whatever I want, and by the way, I'll pardon myself. You sound like you're guilty when you say that. Think about what we're talking about. The president all morning is basically again saying the President of the United States is the bove the law and is not required to comply with the Constitution or the laws of the United States. I mean, that is staggering. They are kidding themselves and will be let down horribly if they ever decide to try this on. To take this and put what was on this and take it out for a spin to the United States Supreme Court. If you don't leave me, go to the Supreme Court. You may get one, you may get two votes that said you will be run over. The President of United States is talking about pardoning himself about not being indicted. You have to look at what the political environment would be, what what political environment would be created by that. We're really talking about the end of his presidency. If you're talking about the President United States saying I'm going to pardon myself even if Republicans try to protect him, you're talking about the collapse in many ways the institutions of this republic. I have an aversion to the use of the word spy, but let's just for the sake of discussion, use that term, which conventionally means the use of trade craft using a formally trained case officer who would mask identity who would attempt to recruit, So none of the classical attributes of spycraft, I can use that term. We're present here. This is the most benign form of information gathering. So to characterize as a spy or spygate is of course part of the narrative, and it's directly antithical to what I actually said. At various times Trump has seemed attracted as that conspiracy theories. Um, there's the obviously much were marked upon looseness with the truth and and and the lies, etcetera, etcetera. But these are these The obsession with conspiracy theories and tall tales, as you say, Joe dates back for a long time. I think the point right now, though, is that he's using them to a particular kind of political effect. But Mr Clapper then went on to say that to his knowledge, there was no evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. We did not conclude any evidence in our report. And when I say our report, that is the n S, A, FBI, and CEE I with my office, the Director of National Intelligence, that had anything any reflection of collusion between the members of Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that in our report. Was Mr Clapper wrong when he said that? I think he's right about characterizing the report which you all have read, had anything that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. There was no evidence of that included in our report. Have you seen anything either intelligence briefings, through intelligence briefings, anything to back up any of the accusations that you made. They have the documentation that they did the hacking, the hacking on the d n C, right and on some of us. You know that put the collusion though we have not. Do you have evidence that there was in fact collusion between Trump associates and Russia during the campaign not? At this time. Have you seen anything that suggests any collusion between the Russians in the Trump campaign? Well, there's an awful lot of smoke there, let's put it that way. People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved, to what extent the President might have known about these people or whatever. There's nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that. Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors at the time you learned of twenty sixteen efforts. I don't know whether or not such collusion, that's your term, such collusion existed. I don't know. The big questions, of course, is is there any evidence of collusion you have seen yet? Is there there is a lot of smoke. We haven't smoking gun at this point, but there is a lot of smoke. Diane Feinstein has said there's no evidence of collusion, So collusion between whom? Can you tell us that? I'm not prepared to say that there's proof you could take to a jury, but I can't say that there is enough that we ought to be investigating. At the time you separated from service in January seventeen, had you seen any evidence that uh, Donald Trump or any member of his campaign colluded, conspired to coordinated with Russians or anyone else to infiltrade, or impact our voter infrastructure. Um. Not beyond what has been out there open source, and not beyond anything that I'm sure this committee has already seen and heard before directly from the intelligence community. All Right, as we roll along, glad you with us twenty four now till the top of the hour one, Shawn is our number if you want to be a part of the program. Yeah. The media hysteria over an issue that's not an issue. Hypothetical that Rudy Giulianni laughed at and said, no, that wouldn't take away potential political consequences if the president pardoned himself. That's a non issue. What is an issue is spying on a campaign. What is an issue? Are s eyes within a campaign and people like Clapper saying, oh, that's a good thing, Okay, we'll put it in Hillary's campaign? Then why wasn't it there. What is a big deal is fixing investigations because you want one candidate to continue the run for the presidency. What is a big deal is lying with propaganda put together through funneled money to a foreign national with Russian lies that even the guy that put it together said, well, it's not hot. I don't know if any of it's true at all. I don't have no idea. But you presented to a court in an application for a fizer warrant the toughest to get for the very purpose of what to spy on another campaign, paid for, bought and paid for by the candidate of your choosing and they lied repeatedly to fis A court judges subsequent applications. Unbelievable times. We are living in We got Shelley Is in North Carolina, Shelley High. How are you glad you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean, pleasure to talk with you. Um, I had two things I want to talk about. One of them was the media and the other thing was the spying. And with the media, what I wanted to say is, you know, you've been so adept at realizing that they've said nothing about what's happening until they've been forced to. Well, this is why I think they're forced to because they are accomplices, because they see that the writing is on the wall, and as the examination comes closer and closer to them, I think they're wanting to be on try to be on the other side of it, because for the last three years, it's hard to tell what what's wagon, whether the tail is wagging the dog, or the dog is wailing the ticket wagging the tail, because the it's either the media that is coming up with the narrative and then the politicians jump on it, or it's these liberal politicians that are coming up with the narrative, and they're feeding it to the media and making them be the ones that that propagate it. So I see, just like I think, once you start taking the Kingpins down, you're going to see people scattering from Washington. I think it's the same thing with the media. They are no dummies. They know that as soon as this investigation comes closer and closer to them, that they're going to be taken down with it because they have been in they've been in bed with all these deep state operatives that want to destroy our country. Well, I mean, well, listen, I'm gonna tell you something. It is everything we've said it is, and we now know it. I mean, it's not a matter. And this goes back to my opening monologue today. I mean, I am just absolutely livid. You know, we have the i G Report. Oh, but we'll turn it over to the corrupt Department of Justice that's been obstructing and not handing over and ignoring subpoenas of Congress so they can put in their reductions and suggested reductions and suggested changes and softening the blow and timing the release of you know it. The whole thing is just an abuse of power and it it is literally it is the deep state that is a clear and present danger to this you know republic, this constitutional republic that we live under, and dual you know, a dual justice system and lying to judges and covering I mean, the whole thing. It's just atrocious to me, and I think the American people seeing it is a good thing. That's the first step towards, hopefully in the end, fixing it. But we're gonna have to dig the root out of this because if you leave these people in power and you allow this to continue and we don't fix the core of the problem, we're gonna have some really big problems down the road and and ultimately our survival is even in jeopardy. Jeff is in a good call, Shelley. Jeff is in Fort Edwards, Wisconsin. Jeff, how are you glad you called good even the afternoon. Sean is great to talk to you. Say, I was telling your screener um Trump should come out Twitter or whatever and say, you know what, I'm I agree with James Clapper and John Brennan. Having a spy in a presidential candidate in a campaign is a good thing. We are going to put a FBI informant in every Democrat campaign for president and watch the liberals heads explode. Well, I honestly, if you ever did, and this was the point of Victor Davis Hanson's piece, just reverse this and you know in Donald Trump finishes his eight years as president and a Democratic candidate gets the same treatment by the Trump administration that the Obama administration and all these people in the deep state gave the Trump incoming Trump administration. Tell me would that ever be tolerated? The answers, no, absolutely not. But I'm just saying he should actually offer it, publish it, offer it, and watch them backtrack on on that. Uh, you know, they'll have to turn around and defend it. The fact that no, it's not a good thing. It's that well good point, really good point. It's not a good thing. It's not a good thing to use the powerful tools of intelligence against the American people. It's not a good thing to put spies. You know. All they had to do is relates to Carter Page was going to Donald Trump and say, we're watching this guy. He's going to Russia to give a commencement speech and he's associated with your campaign. Donald Trump would fully cooperated end of the entire issue. And but then throwing spies in the camp, and what did you know about the emails? Nobody knew anything about the emails. That's the point. We do know now that Hillary's server in the mom and pop shop bathroom closet was hacked by what as many as six intelligence agencies. Who knows where, where, what, who hacked what, when and where? At this point, and not only that, we've got two hundred and fifty thousand full time I T people that work for our government, and yet we can't protect United States government secrets. We can't. We can't protect you know, our Defense Department. We can't protect NASA, We can't protect State Department officials from being hacked. At some point, it's not shame on them, it's shame on us. You know, in this day and age. If they don't protect our secrets, that's their job. They know these people are after us, you know. Devin new Nes wrote about it in Everyone's saying they're shocked that the Russians want to create chaos in our electoral process. Okay, well, then what did we do to stop it? We didn't do anything, And at some point it becomes our problem at some point we should have learned. At some point, you know, look at Julian Assange. I mean I interviewed him. He had hacked into NASSA, the do O D. It's what sixteen years of age, he's in his forties. At what point did we say, oh, we're vulnerable, we better fix it. I mean, at some point you gotta look and say, what did we do? What did Obama do on cybersecurity in the eight years he was president? Nothing except now we could just share the intelligence, raw intelligence with more people, and that covers who actually ends up leaking it. And American citizens of spied on an American campaigns are given fies of warrants based on op research, unverified, uncorroborated information with funneled money and foreign agents and Russian sources, dubious lying Russian sources. You can't make this up in a book, You really can't. And that's what happened. Uh Tobias as a New Joysey. You can go see New king Ridge Tonight over book ends. If you're not doing anything, how are you? I'm good? How are you I'm good? What's going on? I have a different take on Rosenstein or Rosenstein whatever? Anybody wants to call him today, But have I have a look at it like this, Um Sessions recused himself. If you look at back at the tapes, He asked his team, what should he do as to recusing himself. Isn't Rosenstein like his number two guy on his team? He's well, actually, in many ways he's the number one guy, and he's conflicted. Remember he wrote the letter suggesting that Comey had to go, and he's the guy that signed the last fiser. Aren't using Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for phony Russian dassier? Yes, and Rosenstein met with Comey and McCabe. Okay, right before Koley was fired, Okay, to set up this whole entire conspiracy. Okay, so that he can basically run this whole entire, you know mess. That's let's get Trump, okay. Rosenstein told Trump to fire Comey. Okay, to set the wheels in motion. The next day after he fired, Uh Comey, all of a sudden, bright, we got the special council. It's it's it's done within the day. But yet now for the second special counsel, Uh, Sessions can't do anything. Oh well, well we'll look into it. We'll get the wheels, you know, in motion if it calls for one. But yeah, Rosenstein, yeah I think we need one, and next day it's done. It's it's already uh underweight. So I think Sessig is just the big Woods. Everybody says they like him. I don't know him, but everybody says he's good. But I think he's just the whist that can. I think he's he's almost in a state of paralysis. It seems it is. It is. I can't. It's not the person that I've known over all these years. And then there you know, there are so many different crimes, so many different horrible things that have happened, and why he hasn't done anything is beyond anybody's imagination, right, Hannity Tonight, Dying Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Why the delay with the inspector General report. We'll check in with Sarah Carter, Greg Jared Kelly, and Conway Nuke Ingridge Tonight, Sean Spicer, Jason Chaffits all of that, the latest breaking news on the deep state and how corrupt, yes, the deep state is as it relates to your government. Can we save the country our constitution. It's all coming up, nine Eastern set DVR Hannity on Fox. We'll see you tonight at nine and back here tomorrow

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