Sebastian Gorka, former White House adviser and author of a new book, Why We Fight: Defeating America’s Enemies—with No Apologies, and Dan Hoffman, Fox News Contributor and 30 Year CIA Operations Officer, are here to discuss the latest news out of Saudi Arabia, and the ongoing negotiations that the President continues to make despite the liberal left’s agenda to destroy his administration at any cost. Again, what does it look like with Nancy Pelosi at the helm and two heartbeats away from the Presidency? The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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And by the way, Mike will also give you two standard my pillows absolutely free. All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code hopper promo code topper for this great deal and the best night sleep you ever had. Alright, three weeks from today, when you tune into this radio program, well, guess what's gonna happen. We're gonna be talking about results of the election the day before. And it's either gonna be You're totally psyched because you pick up Senate seats, get a much larger margin and people like um, let's say, Cinema Out in Arizona loses, Dean Heller wins in Nevada. Uh we got Rick Scott the new Senator from Florida, Rhonda Santis the new governor of Florida, Heidi high Camp gone, Joe Donnelly gone, Claire mccaskell gone, Marcia Blackburne the new Senator from the great state of Tennessee. That is what we could have in the Senate now, or you're gonna have a loss Democrats. Chuck Schumer is now the Senate majority leader. What a disaster that would be. That would be two years of unmitigated, NonStop, never ending you know, Trump investigation, investigation, investigation, And the same goes for the House of Representatives. You vote if you vote for any Democrat, you're voting for Pelosi in the House. These House races are all critical, and we know what Nancy Pelosi has as her agenda. She's now his Republican plan to cut essential health benefits and protections for pre existing conditions will make it impossible from possible to afford the health coverage they desperately need. This is deadly. They are ready, They already destroyed the health care system. May I remind you keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save money. And if you don't have a plan, we're gonna penalize you. We're gonna at tax you. We're gonna force young people to buy plans they don't want, they don't need, and they can't afford, and then penalize them if they don't get what they want. We know they want endless investigation, but not into the deep state. Oh no, they want investigations Trump Trump Trump Trump. I mean it's gonna be never ending, never ending, and subpoenas and that just this is what they do. And they want their crumbs back. Then they want open borders and and they want to eliminate ice. But they're not telling you that they're hiding all of this from you Center for American Progress advising Democrats don't dare talk about immigration, Get off the topic quick. Don't let people know what you're really gonna do. You're gonna keep Obamacare, open borders, want the crumbs back and impeach the president in peach fort Um. Look at what has happened though to the Democratic Party. It's almost like they they're so void of any one, single positive thing to offer the American people. They are literally a party without an identity that is flailing with one source of energy, which is to hate Trump. They're not offering any plan for the forgotten men and women of this country. What did they run on Obama's record which I've repeated over and over and over and over and over again, of economic failure, or they they're gonna run on what how to protect the country with open borders. We already know what the results are that the impact to our criminal justice system, our educational system, our health care system. We were I've been to the drug warehouses and the human trafficking that happens every single day with open borders. Presidents building the wall, he spent three and a half billion. He wants the billion and anti Pelosi, of course, and that's not gonna ever happen. Said, Okay, well then you have a choice. You're gonna have a choice in twenty days. You want you want to give your crumbs back, you want to pay higher taxes. Vote for the Democrats. You want endless investigations and impeachment, Vote for the Democrats. Open borders, vote for the Democrats. Obamacare you're happy with it. Vote for the Democrats. And don't let any of these people. With the Project Veritas dot com videos, what do we see that they will say and do anything, including purposefully consciously lie with abandoned to the people of their states. We saw it first with Phil bretticon In in Tennessee with the Project Veritas videos. No, no, we're just saying we would support Kavanaugh. He would never do that. Once he hits in, he's gonna be who he really is. We see it in Missouri with Claire McCaskill. Now, what a phony she is, No admitting there's no difference between her and Obama and her antique Second Amendment positions, play parenthood, support that they hide and everything in between. And I can't imagine that Kristen Cinema is gonna win in Arizona after she has been exposed all the ways that she has been exposed. People know what's happening in Arizona. And we're not famous, like in a good way. We're kind of like a Lindsay Lohan kind of famous. Lindsay we're famous in Arizona in the Lindsay Lohan kind of way, not a good way. Arizonans are crazy. It's a meth capital of the of the world. I mean, it's it's unbelievable. Then of course she's got ties, invites the Arizona State University. The lawyer, the radical lawyer that supports and helped the Blind Shake. For crying out loud, why would cinema ever do that? The meth lab of democracy. Arizonans are crazy. A lawyer who represents the Blind Shake organizing an anti war rally. There's happens to be my my favorite. In the Washington Examiner, they dug this up self described, which is she sends invitations too for a big woman's rally of some kind, an organized anti war rally, you know, And then of course she has no problems if people want to join the Taliban, I mean people at Martha McSally is a war hero. I just I cannot imagine for a second that Cinema can win this race at this point. So the Senate's looking good. You know. My hope is is that three weeks from today, when the results are in and we're looking at them, I'll be able to say the Republicans have held onto the House because you got up and voted, and you made sure that Nancy Pelosi didn't become the speaker to stop the progress that we have made, which is significant, in the past two years. We now have, instead of thirteen million more Americans on food stamps under Obama, on eight million more in poverty. And no president ever went uh an entire presidency eight years without a single year at three percent GDP growth. Well, I hope you're gonna support the four million new jobs we've had since Trump's elected, eight million out of poverty and off of food Stamp, since he's elected four thousand manufacturing jobs, the largest tax cut in history, the greatest amount of deregulation we've ever seen in in five generations in this country, including literally now putting in position in place an explosion of American energy independence, you know, by allowing coal mining to continue in West Virginia, Kentucky, and and allowing gas to be you know, to fracking to take place, and allowing anwar to be open, and pipelines to be built and putting up let's see constitutionalists on the Supreme Court and lower courts in the country, I mean. And then, of course, you know everyone that thought he would start, you know, a little rocketman fire and fury my buttons bigger than yours and works. World War three's coming. No little rocket man stopped, blinked, capitulated hostages, home remains have been sent home. We have nuclear test sites shut down, and now talk of d nuclearization of the entire peninsula. Oh, the president shouldn't challenge our allies and NATO, even though they don't pay their fair share, and it benefits them to have the NATO aligns far more than us. But we're paying seventy two cents of every dollar. And how dare the presidents say they need to step up and pay their fair share? Well, now they're doing it. And similarly, Western European countries that have been unfair with us trade wise, well, if you don't say that you're gonna have a tariff against them, they're never gonna negotiate, and the fear of the tariff has caused them all to negotiate. That means more jobs at home. Look at you know, look at the the the new deal with Canada Mexico that helps American workers in Ohio and was onson in Michigan and Pennsylvania, you know, bringing back manufacturing. Look what it's done to the steel industry, which is seeing a revitalization. Thank god, jobs that are never coming back. Four thousand manufacturing jobs all coming back. Why because the President negotiated. You want to go backwards? This is that's what your choices. So we're either gonna get together three weeks from today and talk about Okay, huge wins. Republicans hold the House and the Senate. All we could talk about huge losses, you know, you know, Speaker elect Pelosi, Uh, let's see majority elects Chucky Schumer. You know, we can either be talking about Cinema losing in Arizona, hell are winning in Nevada, Joe Donnelly saying bye bye High Camp, Bye bye, John Tester Clater, Claire McCaskill, goodbye. You know, we could say welcome Marsha Blackburn, Welcome, Rick Scott, Welcome Rhonda Santis is governed or I mean, you see the proposals. Let me tell you, people in Florida, you better wake up. These polls are way too close. This guy gill him wants to put a forty percent tax on business. Goodbye, Florida. The economy is gonna tank. I promise you it will tank, and that's not then to make it up. I guarantee you're gonna join the ranks of New York, California, and every other dumb Northeast West Coast state and raise income taxes, which Florida has not had to have. You watch Rhonda Santis or socialism. That's your choice. Same with this. You know Rick Scott. I know he's not the flashiest politician in the world, but man, when something goes wrong and you need help and there's a crisis, there's nobody better, nobody better than Rick Scott. I've got to know him so well in ways that you Florinians need to know. Because every time he's up in New York telling businesses in New York get out of here, come down to our state, create jobs in our state, and they do it well, he comes by and says hello to us. So I got to know Rick Scott, I mean him, Bobby Jindal at the time, Rick Perry of Texas did it. Governor Abbott's doing it at Texas unbelievable. And by the way, Ted Cruz, he needs to be re elected in Tenas, Texas. Enough. I've had it with this phony hypocrite Beto and the and the what hundred million dollars that people outside of Texas are pouring into your state to lie about cruise and manipulate who this guy Beto is. And nice guy by the way, he got a d U I but ran away from the scene of an accident and then lied about it. What other controversy? We got a lot of beato stuff that we're gonna be bringing out. I mean, just a phony and every the only people supporting him are left wingers in New York, Washington, San Francisco, in l A and maybe Austin, Texas kind of liberal there. Well, I'm just saying, being honest. I'm gonna be down in Houston and Beaumont areas over the weekend. I'm gonna do some town halls down there. I'll tell you more about that as the week unfolds. There's a lot to do between now, and three weeks from now. Now we've got two Republican candidates literally attacked by anarchists and middle class quote avengers. I mean, it's so ugly out there, but you can't say or even suggest that, you know, get in their face and get a crowd, and and you follow them into grocery stores and restaurants and gas stations and department stores. And we can't say we saw this coming. Pam Bondi, Secretary Nielsen, Sarah Sanders, Ted Cruz, his wife Heidi, and and Mitch mccontin. No, we haven't seen this coming. Now it's even worse. Now it's not We've got people being punched in the face and a woman punched in one incident. No, I'm not making it up. A Republican candidate that's in Minnesota with only a kite, a house key, and wet hempstring. Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle over two d and sixty years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it, ensuring Americans have the energy they need whenever they need it. Learn more about the nation's leader and energy storage at next Era energy dot com. So you have a candidate out in well two of them in Minnesota. One's name is a state representative by the name of Sarah Anderson literally punched in the arm after spotting a guy destroying Republican yard science. Unbelievable. You know Drudge Report has the headline here anarch this middle class avengers. I mean this comes after the attacker, by the way, you know, left scared and her attacker only desisted. She had to flee in her car and throw it into reverse. What it was insane. He was charging at me saying why don't you go kill yourself? Told that to the Washington Free Beacon. To have someone physically coming after you and attacking you was just disheartening. The Plymouth Police Department in Minnesota are investigating the assault, and it's an ongoing investigation. And she's not the only GOP candidate attack have first time state represented the candidate Chain Meckland is his name. E. This guy suffered a concussion. He got sucker punched while speaking with constituents at a at a restaurant in Benton County, and he told the Free Beacon he's now suffering from memory loss out of the whole thing, and he's gonna have to have four to six week recovery time ahead of him. Cold cocked while sitting at a high top table at a local leatery and you know, hit his head on the floor. I was so overtaken and shocked and surprised. If this is the new norm, this is not what I signed up for. Benton County sheriff told the Freebeacon his department has interviewed the alleged a silent and they're awaiting the medical records about the extent of his injuries before referring the case to the local d a's office. Macklin said he was disappointed that he had not seen democrats condemn the attack against him when we're not seeing any of that anywhere. And this is unbelievable in the case of this this woman, Sarah Anderson, you know, man walked up, etcetera. You know, and these are quote anarchists, really anarchists. That what they wonder where they got the ideas to chase people that are running for office. I wonder who already got that creating crowds and follow him into restaurants, department stores, gas stations, well him here anywhere anymore. As we roll along, Sean Hannity showed eight hundred nine for one Shawn Tolpriy telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, I'll just take you back. I mean, this is not new with the Democrats, what we're seeing, and if you're just joining us, we have two Republican candidates have been assaulted now in Minnesota on the campaign trail. Um you know, if if, if, if you take the words Hillary Clinton, you can't be civil, Eric Holder, kick them, Maxine Waters, get a crowd, follow them into restaurants and gas stations and department stores and tell them you're not wanted anywhere anymore. On top of everything we've seen Pam Bondi, Secretary Niels and Sarah Sanders, Ted Cruz, his wife Heidie, Mitch McConnell, and by the way, every a lot of people. This is happening everywhere. You know. Just imagine Republicans said it and then you have these instances of violence. What would the Democrats do? It's directly they ordered this. I actually somebody that is fairly consistent in my views, and at the end of the day, words are words. At the end of the day, as horrible as they are. Their words, you should be less reckless, less irresponsible. But you got to hold the people that are involved in the actions. You know, you have the case of Sarah Anderson, this guy Shane Mecklin in Minnesota. These are Republican candidates. One suffers the concussion after being sucker punched while speaking the constituents at a restaurant in Benton County. He suffered memory loss. Doctors telling me as a four to six week recovery time ahead of him. It sounds like a bad concussion. You hit somebody the right way, in the right place in the head and they've knocked out and they hit the floor. You could actually die from that, believe it or not. If you're not careful, you can you can die. Uh, we know a lot more about injuries than we've known in years gone by. He's cold cocked. He's just sitting at a table at a local eatery oh, at a restaurant. You So, I was so overtaken by the surprise and shock. If this is the new norm, that's not what I signed up for. Can't barely say that I blame him. The sheriff is looking into it, waiting for the results, and then he's going to refer the case to the local d a's office. And you have Representative State Rep. Sarah Anderson assaulted by a self described anarchist who she caught vandalizing her campaign shigns. She said, hey, excuse me, those are my campaign signs. Don't vandalize them. I said, you can't do this. He said, yes, I can. I'm an anarchist. I can do whatever I want. No, you can't. That's not your property, she said, tried to stop, trying to successfully videotape the encounter. Man backed her into the street, swearing, and he charged at me again. He said, go kill yourself. That's when Anderson had to get back in her car. Car saw the man walking on foot towards the gas station, so you drove up to the station, captured a cell phone image of the man charging her. He tried to stop her from leaving, punching her. Wow, he said, I'm leaving now. I'm leaving now. He was still with his head in my vehicle yelling at this woman. What did Rampaul say? Somebody's gonna get killed, somebody's gonna get hurt and killed. I don't care what your political beliefs. Are you want to you want to affect change in the country, you can do so in twenty days. Go to the ballot box. Keep your fist to yourself and frankly, why are you even gonna bother scream and yell and be roote of people. It doesn't get you anywhere. You have an opportunity to impact the country now in a significant way in twenty days. And the same goes for the left. They want to go out and vote, they can go out and vote. I mean, it's really scary. Um we have Oh, by the way, this woman Natalie Mayflower Edwards member, she ended the courtroom uh apparently earlier today, facing two charges each carrying a maximum sentence of five years two fifty dollar fine. She was released on her own personal recognisance the custody of her parents. And this is the senior employee arrested in charge with unlawfully exposing uh, the information that we've been talking about. Treasury person that was involved in releasing that information. I mean, beginning on approximately October lasting Edwards unlawfully disclosed that numerous s a rs to Reporter one the substance of wish, which were published over the course of approximately twelve articles by news organization for which reporter one wrote illegally disclosed s A R is pertaining to, among other things, Paul Man of Fort Richard Gates, Russian Embassy, and it goes on from there. Edwards had access to each of the pertinent s A R s, saved them, along with thousands of other files containing sensitive government information, to a flash strive provided to her, and she transmitted the information by means that including taking photographs of them, texting the photographs to a report. You understand what this is. By the way, Hillary is not getting in trouble for any of this. You know, here you go, we have all the records in that particular case. Uh, I want to go back in time. We talked about Kamela Harris when she's on Ellen and she's saying, what was it? Mike Pence, Donald Trump, and one other person I don't remember who. If you can only save one of them, which would you say? Do I have to save any of them? If you had to be stuck at an elevator with either President Trump, Mike pens or Jeff Sessions, who would it be? Does one of us have to come out alive? Does one of us have to come back alive. Really in an interview in Member Tim Caine, Senator Commonwealth Virginia, is a little bit ahead of his time, I guess in terms of the violent rhetoric of people, because CNS News actually has audio and video of Senator Kane telling liberals to quote fight in the courts, and fight in the streets, and fight at the ballot box and away apparently uh. It was on with Mika Brazilsky of The Joe and Mika Liberal Morning Joe Show. Have a broad question about the future of the Democratic Party. How does the party reclaim it's reach across the country while fighting these battles. Kane replies, the way we get outside the bubble as we take advantage of the tremendous public outcry against the administration. Well, we've got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box. And now there's momentum to be able to do this. And we are so excited that the American public is energized to speak out against the abuses of this administration. But the way we gets outside the bubble is we take advantage of this tremendous public outcry against the administration. What we've got to do his fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box. And now there's the momentum to be able to do this. Now there's momentum, and we could be able to do it. We got Uh. There was one article out today I in Tifa place several Is that true? This can't be true. Gateway pundit reporting that severed pigs heads at polling stations in Austin, Texas. No way, I'm not believing that. It's gotta be fake news. Probably one of those fake reports. Have to talk to sweet Baby James and find out if that's true. Michael Moore, beloved Americans, Tom Hanks, Michelle Obama could defeat Trump in unbelievable that's true. The pictures in front of me, thank you. Oh good grief. It's really twisted and sick. I gotta tell you, look at how sad things have gotten. You know, you got this every mob now that we're talking about mob mentality, well, apparently their scorched earth war against Republicans who opposed Breck Cavana. By the way, you know, they want to impeach Bret Cavanaugh. There's no reason to impeach him. No way they can impeach him. Can't be impeached for what he did did before he was in office. Anyway, we had poor Susan Collins that day after the hazmat team had to be called in to deal with the suspicious packages that they claimed Risin was a part of UH one of these anti Cavanaugh nut jobs sent to her and her husband. Now we have a major university being bombarded with calls to rescind the honorary degrees they gave Collins twenties seventeen. He never you know, it's just where's I mean? I just don't understand the whole sick, ugly twisted mentality that has emerged here. But it's it is what it is. This is the modern day radicalized left wing Democratic Party. Nancy Pelosi vowing yesterday that if she wins back the speakership, you might as well, you know, why don't you just in your mind say, do I want Nancy Pelosi Speaker? Do I want to elect somebody that's gonna vote for Nancy Pelosi? Do I agree with the agenda that gave us the worst economy and America's declining position on the world stage, which was Pelosi and Obama. Do I want that? And maybe I don't feel like voting, But that's like a half a vote for Pelosi and a half a vote for your Democratic Senator Schumer if you stay home. She said, if she uh nothing that she would trade for President Trump's wall, she said, if it had it happens to be like a manhood issue for the president building a wall. I'm not interested in that COMPREHENSI part of what in the United States and it, but that that's some probably in the half refused to take up. That's the place that we have to go. We have to do something other than building a wall, which you capatterize very well, and my view is moral, expensive, in effective, and not something that people do between countries. Um. But in any adventage, it happens to be like a man would issue for the president. And then I'm not interested in that. I mean, imagine, if Trump says it, we can't allow him to say, we're not interested in protecting the border, will you're not. They want to open borders and they want to eliminate ice. Anyway, her stands on the wall won't matter. You know, we're Republicans. During the lame duck, they have enough votes to pass you know, the billions of dollars the presidents requested. By the way, some Democrats are claiming Obama's a wall during the mid term campaigns. This was in the Daily Beast. Too bad. I don't think he really helps. Voter registration numbers showed no sign of Democrats so called big blue wave in the country if you look at after conducting an extensive study of voter registration numbers across the country. NBC News, which has been pushing this phony blue wave narrative for a long time, now, look, maybe unfolds. I don't know. I hope not. I don't have a crystal ball. You have that power, not me anyway that it will actually materialize, will say, you know, they now not sure that with any uncertain to new uncertainty over whether or not the wall or the wave will materialize. Contrary to the fake news media predictions, Democratic GOP voter registrations are at the exact same level as they have been in the past election cycles. Whoopsie Daisy, I don't know. By the way, I paid democratic fraud bringing has been uncovered in in Texas, picked up by CBS News in Dallas. Apparently, four women have been charged with felonies and port worthy after discovering that they were intercepting ballots primarily intended for elderly voters and filling them out themselves before trying to trick the intended voters into signing them. It's not just a few ballots either. Voter fraud involves mail in ballots and apparently is fairly widespread and a major organization. Attorney General's office is pursuing the case for two years. It's a major organized crime situation known as harvesters. These women were part of a group that's been filling out ballots in the hundreds or even the thousands. Great, well, where's the Democrats over that? Let's see Pelosi having the gavel will give me leverage over Trump. Pelosi Democrats could win a tsunami. Some Democratic candidates are actually running ads against Pelosi. Don't worry. When they get elected, they're gonna do everything you'd expect them to do. Vote for her. You vote for a Democrat anywhere in any House district, you're voting for Pelosi. You vote for a senator that's a Democrat in Florida, Nelson and Cinema in Arizona. If you vote against Teller in Nevada, if you vote for Preticon, a Democrat Phony in Tennessee, not Marsha Blackburn, you're voting for Schumer. Same thing goes for Claire mc caskell. You vote for her, You're voting for Schumer. You vote for Heidi high Camp, you're voting for Schuter Schumer. You vote for Tester, You voting for Schumer. You vote for Donnelly, You're voting for Schumer. It's just what it is. You don't vote for Ted Cruz, You're voting for Schumer in Texas, Texas unbelievable. And give me more leverage over Trump. If I have the gavel, I'll trade nothing the manhood issue for the president building a wall. You know, there was one interesting article I read to don't know where I saw it posted. Perhaps the Democratic wave crested a little too early. You want you gotta wonder, you know, think of it this way. In twenty days. You can be happy, very happy. You can be eh split decision. Say we get seats and the Republicans pick up seats in the Senate, would lose the House, Nancy Pelosi and loss investigation, their agenda stop a lot of progress, or you can feel miserable. I don't. Well, I'm not sick of winning myself and personally, just the price of admission to watch the media's face if you shocked the world again in twenty days is worth it to an intelection night and you can flip around see their faces shocked again. What are they gonna do? Then they're gonna hate you more. That's what they're gonna do. Then, unfortunately, that's who they are. I glad you with us our two Sean Hannity Show twenty days from today, very important midterm election. Donald Trump has asked Turkey for any audio or video evidence of this missing journalist, Jamal Kashogi, and you know, well are you giving are you giving? You know comfort to the people that did this. President has sent his Secretary of State I think is one of his best choices ever, Mike Pompeo. In the last two days, he's been to Saudi Arabia they're denying it, and he's been to istanbuland Turkey where Jamal Shakogi, the Saudi journalist uh was missing. Now we have two reports, one from the British newspaper one from the The New York Post talking about audio revealing that Jamal Kashogi was tortured and decapitated. You know, I I shudder to to go down this road. I suspect every all of this is true because we know he went in Istanbul, Turkey to the Saudi Console. He went in and he never came out that we know. So, uh do I suspect based on his criticisms of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Um, you know that you're not dealing with the best of actors on either side of this. You know, just this week we had an American pastor released after being held two years in one of their prisons. Why because he's a Christian. So I'm not exactly that confident in Turkey or everyone the you know, lunatic that he has now emerged into. And nor am I confident. You know, I'm the one that's most critical of Saudi Arabia than anyone else in the media and their mistreatment of women, their persecution and murder of gays and lesbians, their persecution of Christians and Jews. You know it's I know they gave to the Clinton Foundation, didn't seem to get much criticism from any Democrat or the Clintons in this, but somehow, I mean, it boggles my mind. You know that everybody rushed to judgment, and you know saying that the President, well, the President saying he's not walking away waiting for the facts to commit. He's asked Turkey now to reveal any audios, any tapes they may have had they may have, and the reports, the fact that they have it from the New York Post, they're reporting that, in fact, Jamal Kashogi was tortured and decapitated inside the Saudi consulate in Is. Thom Bull also have a Turkish newspaper reporting as much. Because Shogi did work for the Washington Post. He vanished after visiting the consulate. He had lived in Saudi Arabia. He's not an American citizenbody. He wrote for the Washington Post for many years. Saudi Council can be heard on the tape saying during Kasho he's tortured. Do this outside, You're gonna get me in trouble. H In another tape, an unknown person, again, I can't corroborate this. I'm only telling you what the New York Post and and the British newspapers are reporting, and one Turkish newspaper, if you want to live when you come to Saudi Arabia, be quiet anyway. Returned to Riad on Tuesday ahead of a planned search of his residence, part of the official Turkish probe into Kashogi's disappearance, that is, the the Saudi Council. He's back in South Arabia. Middle East English language website quoting a Turkish source is saying that there were no attempt to interrogate Kashogi, but that a Saudi hit team came to kill him. The source told the site that his death took seven minutes forensic position Dr Salah Mohammad al Bagi listening to music as he began to cut Kashogi's body while he was still alive. Again New York Post. Turkish authorities believe Kashogi was killed by a special team of fifteen Saudi officials, though the Kingdom the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia denies it says these claims are baseless. This report comes as Mike Pompeo met Wednesday after being in in Saudi Arabia, now meeting with the Turkish President Air Doan and the Turkish Foreign Minister after arriving from Riadi, where he said the Saudi has promised a thorough investigation. Mike Pompeo and Wednesday, refusing to blame Riad, said he didn't want to talk about any of the facts. The day after, the President said there's got to be a presumption of it since but he wants all the facts. Top US diplomat diplomat Wednesday, refusing to blame Riad, blah blah, blah blah. Several of the members of the alleged hit team were found to have close ties to the Crown Prince Ahmed bin Salmon Solomon, according to a photo by The New York Times. Turkish officials have shared an audio recording with the US and Saudi Arabia that they say proves Kashogi was murdered by Saudi operatives, except the president saying they didn't get any tape at this time. Have a pro government newspaper reporting that Kashogi's Apple watch recorded the interrogation, torture in killing. Well, I would assume if that watch exists and this happened, and what we believe that he might have been taken out in body pieces I'm not sure that they wouldn't take the watch at that point. But before leaving Riata, Pompeo toll reporters that the Saudi leaders made no exceptions on who they would hold accountable anyway. So now, according to the British newspapers, the saying Turkish sufficient Turkish officials have a recording of blah blah blah, and that in fact happened on the Apple Watch. Then you have some of the other people saying it's highly unlikely that Kashogi could have broadcast a signal from his Apple watches. It was too far from bluetooth connection, you know. I think what's happened clearly as the Turks and the Saudi consulate. Had the Saudi consulate wired, they have transmitters, and the Turks don't trust any dip Blomatson have been into most of the embassy's most consulates in Turkey and they listen to what's going on. So we'll find out in this case. Um my take, I think it probably all happened, but I don't think we should rush to judgment because the truth is going to come out, probably sooner rather than later. Joining us now, Dr Sebastian Gorka, former White House advisers brand new book is phenomenal. By the way, why we fight defending defeating rather not defending defeating America's enemies with no apologies. Also Dan Hoffman Box News contribute to thirty years CIA operations officer uh Dr Gorka. I assume you agree with me that all signs point to the South East assassinating murdering this guy in a barbaric way. That's what I'm thinking. You know, there's a ruling warfare or reports from the battlefield must be questioned. I think this man is dead. Whether or not these audio tapes exist is another question. But it's absolutely certain that this individual was caught between two nations that want to dominate the Sunni Muslim world. That's the Neo Ottoman Ruin regime of Turkey and the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia, and this man was caught in the middle. However, however, this isn't the fake news. We've got to be accurate. This man wasn't a journalist, and he wasn't an Americans or they're trying to spin. He was a foreign national resident here who was a commentator. He wrote commentary and he has a long, decades long history of backing the Muslim brotherhood and is also related to the biggest Arab arms dealer of the twentieth century at Nan Kashagi. So all of these things are total statements of fact, seor what do you think? Mr Hoffman, it's been a while by my friend Dan. It's good to have your back. I know this has been your life and your business for so many years. Um, My gut is pretty clear on this. I think this man was murdered and the most evil, brutal, brutal way possible. And I think that the President is wise knowing that we're going to get to the truth now there's no doubt we're going. We're going to have the truth. Rushing to that point is not smart in my opinion. Yeah, I agree with you. And look, there's a lot of evidence that we have already. We know that fifteen Saudis traveled on this Gulf Stream air and arrived at the consulates the day that Koshogi entered. And we know he Kogi never exited the consulates. Um, we know the makeup of those of those fifteen Saudis for them apparently part of Mohammed ben Salmon security team. One of them the forensic doctor you referred to as listening to music while allegedly dismembering Kashogi's body after he was killed. What we don't know is what were the orders that were given to these fifteen Saudis and who gave them the orders? And then to whom did they report post mortem? Those are all questions we need to answer. The President I think was right to dispatch the Secretary of State to gather the fact, emphasize that this is an issue of gravest concern to us. We'll get the fact with accuracy and alacrity. That's what matters. I will remind the listeners that when stair gates could have palled with poison back in March, British Home Secretary Rudd said that we needed to avoid speculation while we allow the police to carry on their investigation. I think that's what's going on here. And the last thing I would just highlight is that well Secretary Pompeia was needing and doing his public diplomacy. I'm quite sure that the FBI legal at shay and Riyad and the other in uh Isan bowler in in Anca Roup probably meeting with their Turkish and Saudi counterparts, not to collect the evidence, but to be a part of reviewing it. Sean, you know, it's I wish everything could fit in nicely, neatly into a box. Assuming that I believe that the Saudis are involved, and whether it goes straight to the top, I don't know. The Crown Prince is denying it. I'm kind of having a hard time buying that myself, but knowing that they're a very different country. But now it gets complicated because also the Saudis, the Egyptians, Jordanians, the Israelis, the United States, the Emirates, they're all fighting against the Ranian hegemony in the region and their quest for nuclear weapons and the instability that would cause the entire world. UM. I know everybody, Dr Gorka would like to say that, Okay, we're cutting off all times with Saudi Arabia. We're done, We're this with that. UM. I think there's there will be consequences, severe consequences, the President said, UM. But it gets a little rougher. What do you do if you're also trying to battle another enemy. I mean, the United States did partner with our arch enemies, the former Soviet Union to defeat uh Nazism in World War Two. Yeah. Absolutely, I mean, you don't make the perfect the enemy of the good. Geo politics is like politics itself domestically. It is the art of the possible, not the art of the perfect. And the truth is short. We have a lot of leverage over Saudi Arabia. At the beginning of the Trump administration, we established very very good ties to MBS, to Mohammed bin Salmon that those relationships are now going to be tested. But this is a nation that survival depends upon our support militarily in arms, salves, and in training. So there's a lot that we can leverage against Saudi Arabia. But you're absolutely right, this is part of a go I wish we would have leveraged it in the last eight years when Obama was president. You know, knowing that gays and Lesbians are killed routinely, and Christians and Jews are persecuted, and women are treated like fourth class citizens. I mean, you know that never seems to come up when there's a democratic president. Shut. Can I give you one example of how bad it was? So this guy who was a deep, deep sympathizer for the Muslim Brotherhood President Obama when he went on his global apology tools and he started it in Egypt. Who was in the front row of that event, sitting there, invited by the Obama White House, the Muslim Brotherhood's chief representatives. That's how big a difference in the election makes sure. Yeah, Dan Hoffman, what are your thoughts? Well, you know, this is a bit of a self inflicted wounds to Sean from the saudiast. I mean, it's the two countries that are most pleased about this is Iran and Russia. They did absolutely nothing to cause what is a riff now between the United States and Saudi Arabia. I really believe that there are certain elements of our relationship that has to be immune from the vagaries of our Bilaud relationship. Just over the weekend, former Director cee i Ah John Brennan, with whom you know, I've had my differences, uh, that we should consider halting routine intelligence collaborations that would do nothing but put our our citizens in our homeland at risk. So we need to not do that. Uh. And and while we consider policy measures, I think the President is going to need to own that at the appropriate time. There's a bipartisan consensus um to go pretty far and and consider freezing military tales and sanctions. I think the President is going to have to reach out to the Congress and manage that to ensures as Sebastian Gorkas said that our interests um are are taken care of from a national security perspective. Agree with Dr gork on that. All right, it's very continue on Sean Hannity's showed Dr Gorker's brand new book, By the Way, Why We Fight Defeating America's Enemies. No apologies. Dan Hoffman also with us Fox News contribute their thirty years c I a OPS officer, and uh, thank you again both of you from being with us. What about this story of this Treasury employee charge leaking financial information on Trump campaign officials and the Russians now been arrested and charged pretty outrageous and it makes me think, why doesn't this happen to Hillary? Ann Hoffman, Yeah, you know, you gotta be really concerned about that, um and I would like to learn more about the fact of the case and the extent to which the Russians may have sought him out. But it's very dangerous when government officials and security clearances are providing um sensitive information to our enemies. It's very very serious issue. Sean. What do you think Dr gorka last word? We need to find that in America if Lady Justice still was a blindfold, or if your last name is Clinton, you gotta pass a committing felonies. It's really that simple, short, Really is the double standard? Just reeks to high heaven. Um anyway, congrats by the way, his brand new book, Why We Fight, Defitting America's Enemies with no apologies. Uh, I'd say that's something we really need to remember as a country. Um, thank you both for being with us. All right, when we come back, the mooch Anthony Scaramucci will check in with us. James O'Keefe his latest undercover video. Also, is it possible polka huntas Elizabeth Warren loses in Massachusetts or Senate race as she really wants to just run for president. We'll get into all of that the latest of the polls. Hannity tonight at nine, We've got an unbelievable show. Tell you about that in a few minutes. You don't have to be Sherlott Collins. My favorite line to figure this out. He goes into constantly. He never comes out. We have intil that Saudi Arabia. The Crown Prince was annoyed with this guy. They lure him. Where did these fifteen people come from? That landed and Turkey went to the consulate and left somebody who's an autopsy expert. What's that got to do with the interrogation. I will not have my intelligence insulted or my support disrespected. I was the leading advocate for Saudi Arabia coast, the their strategic ally and Donald Trump. President Trump has been tremendous to the Saudi the country say Arabia, this is the most disres disrespectful thing I've bear seen toward the press in United States. Survivors is in a Mexican restaurant in ball Places. Shame on you, brother, your little white ptle really like you're white? You aren't you the first broa. You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. If you have to be stuck in an elevator, with either President Trump, Mike Pants or Jeff Sessions. Who would it be. Does one of us have to come out alive? If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasol station, you get out and you can ado and you go back on them, and you tell them then that wilcome anymore anywhere. Please don't just come here today and then go home. Go to the hill today, get off, and please get up in the face of some congress people. You know when they go low, they go low. Just new Democratic parties about Yeah, they go low. Kick them. That's what we're gonna do. And you can't be civil with with people you disagree with. Oh, you can only be civil if we win. Pushed back by the way, getting in their faces and and get a crowd together. You're not welcome anywhere anymore. Follow him into grocery stores and gas stations, and follow them into you know, department stores. You know. Pam Bondi, Sarah Sanders, Secretary Nielsen, Ted Cruz and his wife. Mitch McConnell. Now we got the latest incident where we have the Minnesota Democratic Party suspended a spokesman for calling violence against Republicans to GOP candidates in Minnesota have been assaulted today and what are looks like politically motivated attacks. Democratic Farmer and Labor Party has had to suspend their communications staffer only for a week without pay after making a Facebook post joking that Democrats would bring Republicans to the guillotine the day after the mid term elections. And you got the Minnesota Republican Party chairman, you know, saying the suspension is not enough, call for the immediate firing. Here you have one state representative, Sarah Anderson is her name, in Plymouth and Minnesota campaigning Sunday, saw a man kicking her yard signs uh, taunting her and taunting other GOP candidates, and she said please stop. He refused, saying he's an anarchist, could do whatever they want. So the politician did what every red blooded American would do. She tried to catch the incident on video. And then the assailant was having none of that, cursing at her, backing her into the street and telling her to go kill yourself, then walk to a nearby BP, presumably to stop stock up on you know whatever, cheetos, a mountain dew, whatever, it happens to be they go to source or whatever. But Anderson gave chase in her car. The man charged her again, leaning through the window, punching her. You know, I mean, it's unbelievable. And that sign incident came two days after another House Republican candidate, Shane Mechlin, was punched in the face in St. George township northeast to St. Cloud. It's just campaigning in a barn or restaurant with a larger guy approaches him. Described the conversation as amiable until the guy literally and invoked the hallowed name of the middle class. The man, we can only assume, didn't wish to hear another politician talking about whatever, so he punches the Republican in the face. Oh, getting their faces, Oh uh, create a crowd, you know, follow them into grocery stores, gas stations, department stores, restaurants. Then I wanted anywhere anymore. Anthony Scaramucci is with us, by the way. Next week. He's got a great book. I've been reading it. I got an early copy. It's phenomenal and it's called Trump The Blue Collar President. I know it's that's too early to talk about the book, but you tell some amazing stories about who really Donald Trump is, where he came from, and and his background, and you know, a whole story that the media has never told about him. And I learned a lot reading it. How are you my front um? You know, Sean, I'm doing great, but you know you're you're You're mentioning a lot of very interesting things. And one thing I always remember about the President he may hit hardest shun, but he always hit second, and he often hits last. I've never seen him unilaterally come after anybody. It's only after they attack him that he doubles down and starts to CounterPunch it. You know, So Elizabeth Warren attacking him, he's ignoring her, and then bam, Pocahontas a Republican candidate and the primary attacking him. Then he fires off the nickname, you know. So the point being is that, like, he is actually a very civil guy until you start shooting at him. Then once you start shooting at him, he's gonna hit you with the full force stab. I just think it's a very important distinction between what's going on between the Democrats and let me tell you, you know, I mean, it's so funny because I remember a conversation once I had with the President and and you were at the White House for a pretty short period of time, and he he talked about you, which is very interesting to me. And he talked about, well, there's Harvard Anthony and then there's the kids in the street Anthony and uh, and I know both. I mean, yell. He yelled at me. He yelled at me after the curse. And you gotta remember, like the the guy Ryan Lizar like he's a total liar. He basically bade me into the call. But then he's asking me to do a profile with him. And then that's when I responded with the exployer. But you know what it is, what it is shown. But but what the President yelled at me, He said, hey, man, I need less Street Anthony and I need more Harvard Anthony. But you know what, Sean, what makes you great on the radio? And uh? And the reason why we're so close is that we both have a little bit of that in us, don't we. When you were busting when I was washing dishes, busting tables, I was a cook. Yeah that's right, but you know something, a little bit. I wouldn't trade that experience in life for anything or the years I spent in construction, which was two decades of my life. And I don't know. I mean, I think a lot of us that are blessed and lucky and successful. I've met too many people that forget where they come from. And I'm not gonna forget where I came from. And I'm just it's it's not in me. Well that's the point though, That's the point in the book, Sean. I really do try to explain that your story or my story is a classical American story where we were in these aspirational working class families and our parents wanted us to do better and they were fully bought into as were our grandparents. It's into the American dream. And so what the president is trying to do, what you try to do every day, what I try to do in my small way, to see if we can make that happen for people that were similarly situated are currently similarly similarly situated the way we were in the nineties, sixties and seventies growing up. And so that's one of the reasons why despite getting fire from the White House, I never broke ranks or never broke my loyalty from the president because I really do believe his heart's in the right place, and I really believe that, you know, he is the right Well, the proof is in the proof is in the putty. I mean, wait, wait, when you go from eight years adding thirty million more Americans to food stamps, eight million more in poverty, you can't get three the only president never to get three percent GDP growth, the worst recovery since the forties, And all of a sudden we got four point two percent for the second quarter of the GDP growth projections of way over four percent for the third quarter. You know, now we have four million more Americans working, eight million out of off of food stamps and out of poverty. I'm thinking, Okay, finally, the forgotten men and women, the young Scaramocis and Hannity's are now doing better. Why why would we want to stop that? I you know, not not and I agree, And it's gonna get better because he's continuing to delayer the process of regulation. Uh. He's continuing to find ways to incentivize corporations large and small to move their money back on shore of the United States. I know you talk a lot about the re engineered NAFTA or the U S m c A. Now, Uh, Sean, I've gone through that. You know, I'm trained as an economist, and I'm running an eleven and a half billion dollar fund that I founded, uh that is going to have monumental positive benefits to middle and lower middle class families. The re engineering of that trade agreement, because it's just the configuration of the cars, just the the manufacturing points and the price on way burg that's been agreed to in those agreements is going to mean more disposable income for working class camps. And by the way, you know, where was the establishment politicians thinking about those people over the twenty five years of NAPHTI shan, Well, we're worthy. We have at the top of the hour James O'Keeffe's latest undercover video about Clara mccaskell. It's even worse than what we thought yesterday. You know, think about his negotiations with Little rocket Man and my fire and fury, my buttons bigger than yours, or negotiating that NATO now pay their fair share when we pay seventy two cents of every dollar for defense, mostly of our Western European allies, or you know, demanding better, more fair trade deals with our Western European partners, with Canada, with Mexico. People don't understand is if you don't threaten to pull out of a deal, and you don't threaten tariffs, you're never gonna get the deal. And nobody ever thought in the past to ask for these things. And the fact that he not only does it then ends then the American workers all across this country doing better. And that's what brings us to this election. And I'm thinking, I don't see any good ideas from the Democratic Party that's going to improve the lives of Americans make us more prosperous or secure. I don't care about it. I want I want this country to be prosperous. He also did something that the mainstream media is not reporting. On the twenty five July, the declaration of a cease fire in Europe was absolutely brilliant Sean because he was able to get pressure on China from Europe. He's effectively and people aren't really reporting this, but he's joined forces with the Europeans. The Europeans also have these trade issues and these trade grievances with China, and so what the President did is rather than fighting a war in two directions. He declared cease fire in Europe. He knows he has to deal with them, but they're applying maximum pressure on China. And I'm gonna make a prediction right here on your radio show. Hopefully you'll invite me back. I think he gets a trade deal jump with China, end up before the end of the year show, and if not by the end of the year, it's very early in then let me tell you why. Because when he did, when he applied these sanctions and tarrorists on China, what happened. Their economy took a thirty five dive, So that would tell me. By now, they're probably and I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming they're banging on his door begging that they can get this back, no question. Yes, seven percent hit to the currency, thirty hit to the stock market, and their their economies grinding down. And what we know about China is they need to create twenty five million jobs a year just to break Evan Shawn. And so if if, if the locomotion of their growth and progress is stalled, it'll be cataclysmic for that political system. So I believe they will be at the table. Uh maybe they don't get it done at the g twenty, which is at the end of November, but I bet you they get it done shortly thereafter. Because we both know the president's personality. He's hit be very, very hard, but he's a very fair guy, and he'll hit the intersection of fairness with the Chinese government, uh and what is best for the American working family and so uh. And that's why he's doing so well. And by the way, you know, I'm back at Skybro Shawn, I'm doing a lot of traveling around the country. I was in Detroit last night. I spoke to three or four people. I'm down here in Miami today and the whisper rate is up, you know that whisper rate. We're some telling people that they don't like Trump and then they pull you aside as his a Sean by the way, I happen to really like. By the way, with this group, there is an intensity of his supporters and there are people that will never tell anybody that they support him, but they're standing back. Then listen, I get it. I love it all right, So we're gonna have you back next week. Um, you wrote the book, it's I'm reading it. Now it's phenomenal. It's called Trump the blue collar President. Uh. Anthony Scaramucci, thank you so much for being one of us. We appreciate your timely appreciate it. By the way, you're not you're not just down in my amy working. So just cut, just cut the ball. I mean, you're down there. Don't give me Street don't give me Street handedy before I get off the radio. Well, there is no hard art, there is no Harvard Hannity. That's there's no Harvard handed Street handy on the radio. I'm just from my heart. That's who I am. All right, thank you, that's hilarious. Al Right, News round up, Information Overload, Sean Hannity Show, eight nine one, Shawn is our number. Well, James O'Keefe strikes again. Now, first it was former Governor Brettison, Philip Bretticon of Texas, and he was caught with his staff red handed, just lying about who they are, what they really advocate, what they'd really do if we elected this guy to the Senate. As a result, Marcia Blackburn's now poll numbers have been skyrocketing through the roof because once people saw what a fraud Bretticon has been. Oh, yeah, we're gonna say we're voting for Kavanaugh, but we'd never do that. We're just saying it to get Republican vote. Don't mean any of this stuff. Now we got Claire McCaskill Stafford admitting she's lying to get elected, and McCaskill Stafford saying that, oh, Planned Parenthood, you know, they hide those contributions so moderates don't get mad and ostracized, and another staff are saying that Planned Parenthood contribution scheme is is to not ostracize the moderates, and they say that McCaskill, you know, another stafford saying they support abortion even though Planned Parenthood is not publicly supporting them. They guess they worked out a deal with them, and McCaskill staffer, you know, going on they don't deny publicly the support so she can attract Republican and undecided and that, by the way, she's just agrees with Obama on everything. She just can't say it, let's play it. Do you think she's more progressive alternatives because like the moderate Repulicans, Yeah, it's like we have to we have to lie to get elected. Essentially, something that Darcy found out that Planet parenthood. Will never donate money to Clara, even though she's very pro choice, because they don't want to ostracize those pro Democrats that might note if there's a plant parenthood plan. So they just they just funnel it through Emily's list probably and they go through like other means to get us that one night, they specifically will not donate to us. What were you telling me last night about plant parenthood? How they never they don't donate to Claire because they don't want to ostracize uh, pro pro life democrats of Missouri. So but they still somehow give get us money. They put it through like different organizations. Nick to Roast explains how Planned parent It hides their financial support from a Caskell so the senator can try to maintain a moderate image to moderate voters. I'm pretty sure they like donate through like different means of like whatever, like whether it's like Emily's list or whether it's through like it's something else. And that's to make because their their name is so polarizing, it keeps the pro life people from knowing the pro life Dems from like unless they deep go deep, deep, deep down into a campaign like finance, which most people just do not, right, they and like the people that do that are actively looking for that I'm going to be vote for anyway, let's be honest, right So yeah, so yeah, alright, so it's to keep them keep the Planned Parenthood name off of the thing, but we still get the doll. I love that stuff. I love I love it. It's great when it works for us, be honest. So I'm still trying to wrap my head around that that thing Nick was talking about the other day, that Planned Parenthood won't donate to us. Oh, I don't understand why. I don't give. I think it's the same with like Obama not endorsing any red state Democrats. It's still like it's that democrat isn't coming off as to like left his establishment. Yeah, I think it's like a tactic just to not make them too far left to try to get the moderate voters. But we're still going to support a portion, right, yes, yeah, like them, not like they go through other means to support and give the money. They just don't directly give the money from their like packs. So basically we're still going to protect a woman's right to choose. We just got we just got to kind of I don't think I could work for clear if she did it, probably it's a big deal for me to Richardson tells our journalists that planned parent it goes through quote other means to support and give the money unquote a life are so against name here? Yeah, so, like the name is toxic to some just okay, but we want so weird like they are abortion basically. Yeah, I mean yeah, so it's like, I know she gets a lot of money from Emily's list. I'm just like that and guns are my two biggest issues. Yeah, No, I think she's gonna stay produced wrong on them. It's just like the name brand joining us now. He is the head of Project Veritas Project veritas dot com. He is the founder and the CEO. James O'Keefe. You know, you are hated by people because of what you do they I mean, I've talked to people on the left. They you drive them nuts. I mean, you give them fits of fury that I thought only I could do. Seezing just utter disgusted. And I think one of the things that they're seating most about that what they're most hating right now is the fact that old Claire mccaskell and Philipretticon either Senate candidates, one of them as a United States Senator, had been forced to respond to these videos all over the local media coverage. I mean, it's it's it's critical mass in Tennessee and Missouri. They're there, they're the local TV stations are calling me, and the DC journalists do not want to talk about this. In fact, I just got Dave White guld Washington Post. He's tweeting at me and he's and he's saying, well, you know, she's been public about her some of these positions. I said, what all the the other things she's saying here, but she hasn't been public about so they very much hate me, Sean for good reason. Well, listen, and when you expose fraud, what this is now exposed is something that I've been pointing out for a while. We have Maxim Waters on tapes, and they keep telling me not to say it, and every time they tell me, I'm gonna say it anyway. In Peach forty five. In Peach forty five, then we see the Center for American Progress warning every single Democrat running for office don't talk about immigration. We know, we know we want open borders and eliminate ice, but don't tell the people the truth about what you're really gonna do. Don't tell them. So what you have is a massive fraud, propaganda, lie campaign being perpetrated by a party that has lost any sense of moderation, that has no agenda that they're willing to talk about. That's honest. That is a really scary scenario for the country and for people that literally that's the only way they can win is to lie and to hide who they are. That's what the story is about. These red state democrats have been on your show. Now, Uh, this is the fourth or third third video between Tennessee and Missouri, and one of the staffers degrees and the Castle quote essentially has to lie to get elected. And this is not just one staffer. These are staffers throughout her office hiding, hiding and masking the source of contributions. One staffer says, it's effing beautiful. It's great when it works for us, not against us, to take the money through indirect means in order to I guess appeal to moderates. Is the front page New York Time story today about how these pro life and pro gun democrats are a shrinking constituency in Missouri. The Democratic Party have voted these people out, but the Caskill still has to appear moderate so that she can get elected. So it's it is a truism that in order to get elected in the state of Missourior Tennessee, you basically have to mislead voters to get elected as a Democrat. And that's what these stories uncover. You know, the thing is to me, um, I think we've the American people had it when the Democratic Party abandoned any sense of due process under the law, equal application under our laws. You know, immediately I believe her, But they also had said the minute Kavanaugh was announced, we are gonna oppose him anyway, by any means necessary. And then when all the the the allegations are getting more severe, more severe, and everyone's saying, well, I believe her, not even wanted to hear from Judge Cavana on no presumption of innocence at all. And when corroborating so called corrobor writing stories fell apart, they still didn't care. And I think the American people are watching that. We have a story out today where you got these anarchists, middle class avengers attacking to Minnesota GOP candidates are assaulted. One is a woman. Her name is State Representative Sarah Anderson, punched by an anarchist after trying to stop him from kicking her campaign sign. I mean this, this is now the Democratic Party and you're exposing it and and yeah, you're gonna be hated, but I think shining a light on truth. I thought this is the stuff that sixty minutes used to do. We'll undercovered. Did the McCaskill's statement. McCaskill Clema Castle issue of videotape statement, which is unbelievable. I now, you played a little bit on your show last night, and she said, then to quote it. She says, well, it's starting with Josh Pauli's her opponent, would be part of fraudulently embedding someone in my campaign. First of all, I categorically, unequivlically deny he does not work for me, He does not work with me. I've never spoken to any of these candidates. I stay away from candidates. I investigate candidates. But she just went on TV Shawn Glamac caskill just falsely stated that Josh was involved in this. The Attorney general of Missouri was involved in this, and then she says three times I committed fraud. Well, well by what recording? The people being honest, that's fraud in their own words, their own words, not my words. I'm not the one who said quote get over it. This is a direct quote for staffers nick ster roast about how she's going to impeach Trump and she's gonna tell the moderates to get over it after she gets elected. That's their words. And she's calling me a fraudster for telling the truth to the American people. It's the job of investigative reporting to expose the truth. And I think she's gonna have to respond to her response because it's filled with lies and innuendo and accusation. I'm just glad that you were able to get all of this out and before the election. Um, why do I suspect that there's probably going to be more tape other candidates. I have known you, now what for a decade or more? That's right? Yeah, I mean you know my m O pun intended Missouri. Now you know my MO next is to release the candidate a bit at a time. We have two United States Senators and their candidates opposing them responding to our investigative work, were lying in their responses. We're sort of using the Lynsky tactics against the Olynsky heights. The Lynsky is to get the reaction and use the reaction again, the reaction to the reaction. We have two reactions now and we're going to the next state. We'll be releasing another video early next week in a very very battleground state. Same theme sean that they have to lie and then once they're elected to do the old bait and switchero and do what they actually intend to do. And it's it's just all on videotapes, not my words, not my claims. I'm not giving you unsubstantiated knowledge. Let people watch it themselves and they can decide. People are pretty smart. Um. James O'Keefe is with us, founder and the CEO of Project Veritas dot com and the videos are up there and you can check them out yourself, of both Claire mccaskell and her staff and Phil Bretticon and his staff, and he's telling us this more to come. We'll come back, We'll take a quick break, we'll come back and continue. Eight for one Shawn or toll free telephone number we'll make a quick stop. Uh, there is an opponent for Polka huntas Elizabeth Warren Jeff Deal and uh does that that that race now need reevaluation by the people of Massachusetts. Will get to that, and your calls, Shawn is a number will continue a right as we continue. James O'Keefe of Project Veritas dot com. The videos are up on his website. We have a link on Hannity dot com if you want to see them in full. First, Phil Bretticon of Tennessee just his staff outright lying until to the people of Tennessee caught red handed. And the latest now videotape of Claire Mcca Maskell and her staff also caught lying again as it relates to who she is, what she really represents, and how she misleads the people of Missouri. And James O'Keeffe is up to more mischief apparently, and that means that we're gonna have more more tapes and coming days and weeks. I assume can you give us any hint at all? Well, if the Caskill staff are saying that you have to essentially lie to get elected, and des staff are saying this, and you have to mask contributions. It's effing beautiful to take the money in directly said, the moderns don't know. It's it's just more of the same, Sean. In other states, other staffers, other candidates for Senate admitting that once they get elected into the Senate, then they can do the things they can't talk about. And this is not a left right issue. It's not my allegation. It's in their words, these videos having an enormous impact. Sean. The thing in Missouri you need to know is that they don't want to talk about these things. This is so damning that that she's saying banned semi automatic rifles in Missouri. It's so damning. I think that's damning. But the worst part of this to me is they will set they will purposely manipulate and lie to the very people they want to represent. I mean, we have a similar situation. I know you're not involved in this, but with with Kristen Cinema out in Arizona. Oh, well, you know I'm not involved in it. Hint, hint um, and maybe one of the states coming um. Well, let me ask if you involved in Nevada, are you involved in Montana? You involved in North Dakota and Indiana. Are you involved in Florida? Are you involved in involved in all of the states you just mentioned except one. We got a lot coming Sewan And And in fairness to the stories who want to get the local media is covering them. And and that's really critical because nobody outside of these states votes in those states, So the local media is covering at the candidates are reacting, Claire is reacting. I'm getting calls right now on my phone from local TV stations, So it's it's going to be a very big couple of weeks on Well, thank you for sharing it with us, Thank you for what you're doing. I frankly think you're you're performing a great service for the people in these states, because I don't think they understand what a spectacular conniving level these people are lying and and misrepresenting who they really are. And I think it's eye opening. And thank you for doing it, and thanks for taking the heat on the other side of it, as you always due to James O'Keeffe, Project Veritas dot com, Thank you all right, Project Veritas dot com. Hannity dot Com. Well, there was a fourteen study scientific study, and they said that average European American walking around his point one eight percent Native American. She's half of that. So the idea that she continues to double down on this lie is the most disgusting thing to me is the fact that she's in the public eye and she continues to use this and what she was trying to do was put this to bed so she could run against President Trump, and it is backfiring on her, and I'm glad to see it because what she needs to do has come out and apologize to all of us. I'm not running for president. I'm not running for president. I'm not running for president. I am not running for president of the United States. Are you going to run for presidents? Um, I'm not running and I'm not going to run after the mercies, I will take a horror and running for presidents. Hi, I'm Jeff Deal running to be your full time U S. Senator. You don't need a part time author, part time senator, and part time presidential candidate. I'm gonna put Massachusetts first. I'm Jeff Deal, the guy who stopped automatic gas tax hikes, and now I'm out to stop partisan gridlock in Washington. That's why I'm running for Senate against Elizabeth Warren. The same Elizabeth Warren. They called police officers racist from front to back. Me, I call them heroes. The men and women put their lives on the line every day. My campaign isn't about party politics. It's about getting the job done from Massachusetts. I'm Jeff Deal and I approved this message. All right. That is the ad. Glad you're with us. By the way, twenty five now until the top of the hour, one Shawn is our number. Those are ads by Jeff Deal. Elizabeth Warren. Well, she does have to get reelected as Senator if she wants to think about running for president from the great state of Massachusetts in the Commonwealth. Look, here's where we are this week. Elizabeth Warren has claimed forever that she is Native American. We can go back to nine eight six to n she listed herself as a Native American in the directory of the Association of American Law Schools. She identified as a Native American during her tenure when she was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. While teaching at Harvid Law School, she was described as quote the only tenured minority woman, and on multiple occasions, Warren stated that her mother and father were forced to elope because of racism surrounding her mother's Native American lineage. She was featured in a Native American cookbook that is entitled Pow Wow Chow. And it turns out, according to the DNA test that she released just this week, well, it turns out she is approximately between one sixty one six four and one one thousand, twenty four Native American. Let me interpret it another way, that's less than zero point one percent Native American European according to the American Journal of Human Genetics. That's less than the average white person that lives in the United States. So you have her claiming to be a Native American and her professional career, her political career for personal gain, claims that family was discriminated against as a result of all this, then tries to prove to her detractors that she's right and releases a DNA test showing less than point one percent of Native American heritage. Now, is this all the Democrats have to offer? You know, identa politics at the worst, and I mean, you know, it's a national embarrassment. What's going on here? Another question is I I know that Massachusetts lands solidly left. I know it's a solidly blue state, but do you really want to elect somebody that has lied on such a spectacular level to advance her career all throughout her career as your senator. Well, Jeff Deal is the candidate running against Elizabeth Warrent. I know it's a long shot, but you know, Massachusetts also a different points elected guys like Bill Weld and Mitt Romney at the time. So I guess it is possible, Jeff, that the people of Massachusetts can wake up. How are you doing, hey, Sean, great to be with you, Thank you. Hey. This is the state where um, you know Stott brown one when he ran again Affordable Care Act, the state that was the model for the unaffordable carrect So we can definitely win this. And I'll tell you something, the Boston Patrolman's Association has never endorsed a Republican for the U. S. Senate. They've done in this race. The last Republican was h George H. W. Bush Um. When Eliza with Warren talked about the criminal justice system being racist front to back, I mean, she got so many people angry. There's a lot of families out there that care about community safety, and here she is insulting law enforcement. So this is a different race than I think most people are expecting. And I think now that she's made it very clear that she wants to run for the White House in um and no focus on Massachusetts whatsoever. Uh, this is a no brainer for a lot of people out there. And of course the integrity issue. I'm not really concerned about her ancestry, but the integrity of claiming Native American heritage is what I think people are most concerned about. And she says one thing all the time and does another. She wants to raise your taxes, Sean, because you're a one percenter, But she also herself deducted fifty dollars worth of clothes in one year to lower her own taxes. That's Elizabeth Warren fifty thousand dollars in old clothes. That's like the Clinton's, you know, deducting their used underwear. As that's all true. They did it as a tax deduction. By the way, I don't think anybody wants They're all underwear, and they put a value to it. You know. I've always said this, Jeff, that basically liberals are interous only with other people's money. And we had the latest numbers from come out and the top bottom of taxpayers in this country. They want to pay three percent of the bill, just three We have redistribution payst of the bill, you know, I mean, so, I mean, I don't know what else. The tax cuts, the fact that they want their crumbs back, they want to impeache Trump, they want endless investigation, they want to keep Obamacare disaster, they want to eliminate ice, open borders. I mean, that's the whole thing. And hate Trump, that's it. Yeah, she wants to get rid of ice. In fact, it was a Cambridge warrant supporter about a month ago that was arrested for putting a five dollar bounty on ICE officers. I mean, her rhetoric actually is dangerous. And when Republicans wanted to fix healthcare make it actually affordable about a year ago, she was the one that said that Republicans want blood money from the American people. Know, this is right after Congressman Scalise had been shot by that Bernie Sanders supporters. So you know, she really doesn't seem to be able to temper her rhetoric whatsoever. And uh, I think if you saw on Monday, after the backlash of putting that video out, uh, and she got a lot of backlash around the country, including Democrats like David Axelrod even was critical. She went on a twenty six I believe tweet rant about Donald Trump. I mean, she's just obsessed with Donald Trump and has no focus at whatsoever on Massachusetts and what's important here. Whereas you know, I've been a legislator here for eight years. I've actually put two billion dollars in tax cuts back in people's pockets and they know it, and we've been campaigning pretty strongly. I think that again you're gonna be pleasantly surprised in November six with what happens. Listen, I hope. So you may not know this about my background, but I lived five years from Rhode Island, uh in Warren, Rhode Island, not far from the Swansea and Si Kong borders with Massachusetts, and you know, I spent a lot of time. This is, by the way, when it was the greatest NBA time in history with Magic versus Larry Bird and and Parrish and mcale and DJ and Danny Ainge. I mean, it was probably one of the best teams and one of the best rivalries ever in sports. Benapanuel Hall been up Ben in Boston a lot. It's a beautiful city. But I will tell you that. You know, if the people of Massachusetts don't see through those, I don't know what to tell them. Well. Look, Steve Grogan, the former quarterback, probably around the time you were there, is endorsed my race, Kurt Schilling's endorsements. But most importantly, anyway, where has Tom Brady? He needs to endorse you. We need to get that hat in his locker. Tom Brady is the most hated man except for New England. He's the most hated man in football number one, because he's a phenomenal football player, and they just don't like the fact that he wins that much. And they don't like the fact that he has, you know, a pretty wife. He used to be a model. They just hate him for it. Right. Well, okay, you know, Shawn, a lot has changed since you've been here. Unemployment is now at the lowest we've seen in New England in Massachusetts nine that's for the whole country, but Massachusetts is even lower. It's at three point five percent right now. Warren wants to repeal the tax cuts of two dozen seventeen that have given our state more money as far as new jobs, wage increases, our state's collected over one point two billion is an unanticipated revenue. Because of that, she called the crumbs, just like Nancy Pelosi, and she, if she had her way, would undo that and raise your taxes. I think she said fifty would be the baseline, and she's not sure. She might be too much when she was on MSNBC a few weeks ago. Maybe too much, but at least fifty. And then of course she wants to make it fully government run healthcare, which as we know, has a thirty two point six trillion dollar price tag attached to it, and of course that puts a bureaucrat between you and your doctor. H If you like government run healthcare, then you love having, you know, to wait for a hip replacement like Canadians do, or dialysis like people who do. You think so many Canadians come to the United States when they need heart surgery because they get better care that they're willing to pay for here. That's why right government has to rational healthcare if they take it over. And by the way, there is no incentive to drive down cost once government becomes the guaranteed payer, just like student loans. You know, Elizabeth Warren complains about the cost of college. Of course, she charged three and fifty thousand dollars to teach one course at Harvard. But you know the fact is when government becomes the payer of the loans, whether a student defaults or not doesn't matter. Those colleges get their money, and so they drive the costs up year after year after year. When government gets involved and takes the free market out of it with competitiveness, then that's when costs become completely out of control for us, the average Americans. Well, I wish you the best in this race, and I hope our friends in Massachusetts and Boston and everywhere in between will pay attention to, you know, the big lie of Elizabeth Warren and understand what a real true ambitions are here for her to become president. You've got a re elector and Jeff Deal is offering a better economic vision and better security for the people of Massachusetts. And I wish you well on your race, sir. Thanks Seanna. If people want to get involved, it's not too late. Deal for Senate dot com d I E H L f O or Senate dot com if you want to get involved or help out. It's funny days. Tell election, I just promised me you won't turn out to be Ben Sass if you win. Okay, not at all. Thank you. I appreciate eight nine one, Shawn Telfrey tele number. You want to be a part of the program, right, let's uh let's say hi to Loyal in San Diego. Uh Cogo radio. What's up? Uh Loyal? How are you glad? You called? Doing good? Shown huge fan of years and Trump supporters? Well, thank you? What's going on? Hey, I gotta got a kind of an idea that might help us out on the mid terms. What do you think about getting Trump to do address to the nation televised address? That way the fake news can't block anything showing all of his accomplishments on TV. I love look, I love the idea. I'll tell you what would happen is the media won't cover it. The media now that they're trying to black out all of the Trump you know, literally put a ban on all the Trump rallies that are going on. And by the way, they do it to their own detriment because people want to watch them. Now, I mean, Foxes run run a number of them. We can't, you know, run every single one. But I will tell you that that's pretty popular TV for a lot of people, and it's a lot of fun. And I think, you know the fact that he's talking about positive results and that we're better off than we were two years ago, it's a pretty good message. Why would the media want that when they're in the pockets of people that slant solidly Democrats, solidly socialist left. Absolutely totally agree with you. I think I think that would I think him doing that would be would bring people out of the woodwork, so because people people would watch it if he did an address to the nation, just an idea. Well, I think it's a good one. I like it, and maybe he should just do it on cable because you know, everyone forgets This was the most surprised, remember, Linda, when we were battling you know that weirdo pervert late night host, what's his name, Jimmy Kimmel, And I heard Howard Stern talking about it, and I know that he's friends with Jimmy Kimmel. And why is he battling Hannity. Hannity's on cable, you know, Jimmy's on a network. Hannity probably wants to be on a network. I've always known Stern. He's a genius when it comes to media. I don't care that his friends with Jimmy Kimmel one bit, and I don't care that he's defending his friend at all. But the fact is is that those days of big ratings on on these networks are over. It's done. Any big news night when there's news that's covered by the big three networks, we our show Hannity beats all of them. You know, the premiere of whatever that big show is that we beat that night. Um, you know, I don't even know these shows anymore. I don't even watch these stupid shows. The reality show No, I think it was Law and Order. Yeah right. And the point is his his ratings are less than half of what I get every night. I'm not sick of winning at all, and I'm very thankful to the audience that that they keep me working on full time basis. But I'm I'm doing my best because I want this country to succeed more. I just feel it now more. I want to win so bad. Number one, I want to shot the world again. Number two, I want the success to continue. I'm that person. I'm the forgotten man and woman. That's my whole life. I didn't grow up with any silver spool into my mouth. I worked since I was eight years old delivering papers, twelve years old washing dishes. I you know, all the people now that are getting jobs and new careers, and we gave the numbers out yesterday. We have the highest number of available jobs ever in history, and compared to the unemployment right we have a million more jobs available than we do have people that are on unemployment. It is a fantastic opportunity for people to, you know, change jobs, change careers, get more money, get better benefits, have a greater career trajectory in their life, so they can maybe get a little bit better house, a nicer car, truck. They can take the vacation, go out to eat, you know, every other week, whatever they want to do, not have to worry about where the money is coming from, safer retirement, you know, get something really cool for the kids, the grandkids. It's all takes money. You know. I've been without money and I've have money, and believe me, it's a little easier when you have it. And anybody that tells you any different is full of crap. It's also nice that I get to give us some away too. I like doing that. What are you laughing at me? Why do? Why? Why did I get that? I never laugh at you. I laughed with you. Now you just lied because you absolutely laugh at me a lot. I never laugh at you, only with you right now. It's a partnership. It's a team sport. That's like saying the treat is gonna make it, and you knew darn well treat wouldn't have made it to make it because they used used the change in shock treatment. That's how they got her to obey. There's something wrong with you, Yeah, there is? Uh right, Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern Fox News Channel. We're loaded up. We have new Kingbridge, Lindsay Graham. We have Senate candidates from Missouri Josh Holly, and from Arizona, Martha McSally, Tammy Bruce, David Limbaugh, Pam Bondi. That's all coming up tonight, and an important opening monologue, news you will not get from your corrupt media. Ninety Eastern Hannity on Fox. We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow