Geraldo Rivera, Fox News Legal Analyst and author of "The Geraldo Show," stops by to talk about the Iowa Caucus, the New Hampshire Primary, and Biden pulling out of New Hampshire and into South Carolina early. Joining him is Pastor and Dr. Darrell Scott, Chairman, Urban Revitalization Coalition and Vince Ellison, is a conservative columnist and lecturer and author of the book, "The Iron Triangle." Finally, Bloomberg’s walk down memory lane with stop and frisk may be his last as far as this election goes.
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All right, it's primary day and we are in New Hampshire, and glad you're with us eight hundred and ninety four one Sean you want to be a part of the program. Two big stories emerging. One is that quid pro quote Joe apparently packing up his bags and headed on out of town because quid pro quote Joe ain't gonna do too well here in New Hampshire. Probably a fourth place finish if I had to guess now, and maybe even a fifth place, who really knows. Oh, we've got an awful lot of coverage of Oh, Mayor Bloomberg, the guy that has spent millions and millions and millions of millions and millions and millions of dollars that nobody ever sees in what is an ad campaign, the backup hope when quid pro quote Joe likely fails. His campaign may have died today, and I'll explain in all its ugly details. You got Joe Mansion literally saying that if Sanders is the nominee, I might vote for Trump. He's said it on fake news CNN. When you know, support Sanders over Trump if came neither that we'd have to see at the time he said, But he said, Sanders, I can tell you one thing. He's got a good heart and he wants to do the right thing. Who knows Bernie might change and moderate just a little bit every now and then. No, that's never happening. He's a socialist through and through. That's not gonna happen. Oh. One side note, non related to the primary today in New Hampshire or the election. Lindsey Graham intends to grow Comy and McCabe and Yates and Rod Rosenstein and everybody else for the fi's investigations. Now, I know it's been long in coming, and I know we're waiting for the Durham report, and we know that we were completely vindicated with the Horowitz Report, even though pretty much everybody in the media was out there chasing Russia conspiracies and lies that were proven untrue, and everything we told you about the Espionage Act and obstruction and the leading some penet emails, Bleach bid Hammers a dirty Russian dossier, likely Russian disinformation from the get go. Even now the New York Times admitting, yeah, we told you the truth. And then the bulk of information and the FISA applications, Yeah, that was premeditated fraud because they were all warned. Now we have Durham and we have bar now saying yeah, it's all true. Pretty much, it all happened. They spied on a candidate to transition team and a president. Oh and they denied one fellow American the civil liberties and constitutional rights. Interesting side note is the DOJ is over ruling Muller's prosecutors on what they're calling grossly disproportionate the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone, even the guy I don't know who this liberal guy is that's friends with Stone. Well, listen, I've known Roger Stone for years. Roger Stone is He's just a crazy character. He really is. I mean, to be important, let's be honest, but he's not dumb. I mean, how many people put it this way? How many people are gonna get a tattoo of Richard Nixon. You gotta be a little crazy to do that. But they've gone after this guy just like that. You know, they want to throw Michael Flynn in jail. But Comey has been recommended, you know, and referred for investigation in criminal prosecution. McCabe has struck in Page and the whole rest of the deep state mob. And when we get to it, let's find out what Clapper Brennan, Susan Rice Oh and Barack hu saying Obama knew and when they knew it. We're never given up that story. We're gonna get there. So all of that is out in the news today. But again it's Primary day. We had to guess it's gonna come down to Bernie Sanders and Pete Buddha judge. And but that's not even the big story either. I mean, we have a colossal collapse. And even though everyone will tell you in the medium mob, there is group think that exists in the United States of America. Believe it or not. It's sad because every time the media mob and every Democrat that will tell you that quid pro quote Joe, there's there's nothing really two any of this, No, not at all. You're not getting a billion dollars until you fire the prosecutor investigating my son who went on Good Morning America and admitted he had no experience in oil, gas, energy or Ukraine. I'm sure every company wants to pay people with zero experience millions of dollars. We know what it is. You want to know why Joe Biden collapsed. Well, Number one, he's mean to people. This is the third run in with voters. You know the thing that he said yesterday about I came the pony soldiers. Yeah, I am the Iowa caucus. That's all I remember. So how do you explain the performance in Iowa and why should the voters believe that you can win the national election. It's a good question. Number one caucus, Democratic caucus. He's an You're a lion, dog faced pony soldier. You said you were, but now you gotta be honest. I'm gonna be honest with you. I was a Democratic Caucus. I mean not so. Uh. I did get into the Biden event last night. Whoa, you guys missed the fun? Uh so sense's with me? Uh? I got the you know, the TV team Fox are like sixteen people because I thought I was you know, it was World War three, would break it? You know what I did? I want to walk around the whole room. I did see buses of young kids that are in a voting age coming off buses. Though interesting because it was a tiny crowd to begin with, and then it was okay, a little bit bigger. I think because of the people and the buses that aren't a legal age to vote. How do I know because I talked to them, and then I went through the whole quid pro quo joe thing with everybody. And then I went through, well, thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty in the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies. And then I talked about Donald Trump's success. They weren't very open minded um and then I brought up, oh, would you give the mullets? And around one hundred and fifty billion? I hate Donald Trump. That's the only answer you can get. One lady goes to me. You you just never, you just you never tell the truth ever, you ever, ever you know? And you I said, okay, here's the microphone. Tell me one thing that I've ever said that's not true. I know it's true, but but there's so many I can't. But I don't even watch your show. Then how do you know I'm not telling the truth. It's just it's kind of too easy. But it was. It was, It was very entertaining. We showed some of it on TV tonight because I guess the news we won't be able to get a lot of it in today. It was look, you know I did, so I will say this people that really won't think I guess there there's this image that is created by Democrats which kind of leads into the whole Bloomberg disaster for him today. And they have been told every two and four years that Republicans are racist, Republicans are sexist. By the way, I'm not even a Republican, I'm a registered Conservative in New York, Okay. That they're misogynists, that they're xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, you know, as Obama said, their plan is for dirty air and dirty water. No, I actually want clean air. I would like to breathe clean air into my lungs and my children. I would like my children to have clean air. And I'd like to drink clean water. I don't like dirty water. I don't like ugly water. I don't like Russville water. I even pay for water because I want the best water that I can put in my body water. And we should be good stewards of the gifts that God gives us. God created the heavens and the earth. The majesty of God and his creation of universes within the universes, and he gives us the honor to live here, and we have an awareness of Him which separates us from the animals, and we have a conscience and a soul and an awareness that He exists. Now we don't understand the great deep mystery of God, but we're not supposed to at this point in our infancy, because it's really infancy that we're living in. So anyway, and then they'll say that, oh, and they want they want grandma and Grandpa to die. And you got the commercials of Republicans throwing granny and Grandpa over cliffs after years of eating dog food and cat food and not getting any medical attention whatsoever because Republicans are evil. But that's what they say. Well, now let's put this through the well, what if Donald Trump said it? Tests? Shall we? Let's just say, you know, we have Mayor Bloomberg. Now you gotta remember his mayor in New York. I'll be honest, I know nothing about the guy because he just was one big, dull, boring guy being blunt here. He was sort of the caretaker. He switched parties from being a Democrat because there was like forty people running in the primary and there wasn't any Republican running, so he's not stupid. He said, I'll just say I'm a Republican. Everyone knows I'm a Democrat. I'll run as a Democrat. My platform will be Democratic. But I'm just gonna go here and i won't have to go through the hell of that primary, Okay. And then he eventually switched over the Independent, and then he switched back to Democrat, which is what he is, Okay now for seventeen years, twelve as mayor fourth through Comrade de Blasio, and then a year later, well Mayor Bloomberg defended stopping frisk and now where the emerging audio is, and we're gonna play it all for you in the course of today's show. It's pretty bad, you know, Like, for example, when he says police stop white people too much and minorities too little, he actually said that. He said that, yeah, police, we're targeting minority kids and the cops must throw them up against the Lall. Wow, that tape exists too. Again, what would happen to Donald J. Trump? What would the mob and the media be saying today if these words came from Donald Trump? And then he actually goes even further and he says in one point in this so you know, oh my god, people say to me, oh, you're arresting kids for marijuana that are all minorities, not half, not ninety percent, all minorities. Yes, that's true. He's only arresting minority kids from marijuana. Now what you know, I would think the laws apply equally. I believe in equal application of our laws as all of you know, equal justice under the law. Yes, but he only is targeting minority kids from marijuana and drug use. Why, he says, because get ready for it. Because we put all the cops, all of them in minority neighborhoods. Oh, because that's where all the crime is. I happen to have lived in New York, New York City, grew up in Long Island. I know New York pretty well. I have my offices in New York radio and DV and I can tell you there are kids of all races that commit crimes in New York. There are gangs that are not minority as well. In New York usually, if you want to be honest about it, where you have more crime, and you have more drugs, and a lot of it's socioeconomically driven. So what a big city mayor's done over the years to help build up, you know, and stop crime and create opportunities zones. Oh, you mean like Donald Trump is doing. He's the guy doing or create Let's see record low unemployment Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, women and the women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. That would be Donald Trump. Alice Murray Johnson, Well, yes, she got sent to jail for one drug offense, non violent crime, and it was Donald Trump that not only commuted or sentence, then he put in criminal justice reform because of disparate sentence, seeing unfair sentencing for minorities. Well, I guess that's why Donald Trump's approval rating among African Americans and Hispanics has pretty much quadrupled since two thousand and sixteen. And I'm talking not about an outlier poll, but about by ten poles. And then we said, then he actually goes on further and say, you know that you throw them up against the wall and you frisk them, not that you stopping frisk, No, you throw them against the wall and frisked them. And by the way, I'm only getting started in terms of what this guy trying to buy the Democratic nomination has said over the years. And you know, for all to talk about Rudy now stopping frisk and putting more police resources in the areas where higher crime is is smart, but he is saying it's only one community. He's all the police resources, only kids going either to be arrested for drugs and minorities. If Donald Trump said any of this, yeah, I don't think the mob and the media would be as quiet as they're all acting today because they're trying to ignore it and fake news. CNN somebody texted he said, oh, they haven't been able to confirm it's him saying it. Well, everybody else has confirmed it, and you can hear his voice unless you're a dope and you just don't want to. You know, Take now that Biden is dying in terms of political political viability, and take the one guy that was setting up to be the alternative doing all of this. Now, why did Mayor Bloomberg, after seventeen years decide, oh no, no, no, I'm gonna cry crocodile tears and regret I ever did that. Because he's playing identity politics and he wants to be president. And you know, like the Republican Party, the Democratic Party is a coalition party. And oh a big part of the Democratic vote is off in African Americans. So those crocodile tears I told you at the time, I didn't buy anyway. All right, how are y'all doing today? It's primary day. We're in New Hampshire. Love New Hampshire. It's little cold for me, but I love New Hampshire. I can't put my finger on the whole story yet, but something is going on that is deep, and that is profound, and that has a lot to do with the DJ speaking out saying no, the sentencing you're saying for Rogerstone's over the top. By the way, what they did with Rogerstone's case was over the top. Frogman in the backyard, fifty other people. What they did with Manaphort, all they needed to do is call the lawyers and say you need to show up by nine am or we're gonna send our guys to you. But no, they had cameras at Manaphort's arrest. Why to scare the crap, abuse power, scare the crap out of people. You know, I don't know what Roger did it didn't do. I didn't see anything wrong with it. You know that. I don't know what he's done. You know, it was stupid for people not to pay their taxes, and it's stupid if you lie on a loan application. It's dumb. But I will tell you the double standard is clear. But now what's happened is very interesting because the prosecutor, remember the DJ, waiting in and say no, we're not going along with your seven to nine years sentencing recommendation. You know for Roger Stone. What apparently lying that's it? You know, Comey's free. He was referred to yet a referral for lying. He's still out there being a super patriot. Say with McCabe and all these other people, I as only if you're you know. But the DJ prosecutor Zelinsky resigned after withdrawing from the Roger Stone case. I mean, these people are not going to be happy. Less old people die in jail. Somebody, Look were they treated Michael Flynn. There's something happening that's very deep. I'm telling you this is a big deal. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, we are in the live free di Granite state of New Hampshire. It was fun last night going to the Biden event, sparsely attended as it was, even with young people that can't be a voting age there. But I actually had a good time. So there were people that wanted to hate me, as one lady said, wow, you look so much skinnier and younger and taller in person. So I'm like, oh, so I'm a fat, short old guy on TV. That were basically I mean, that's what she's saying. I mean, essentially they want to hate you. But the problem is that you walk in and you're nice and you say hello. You know, they're used to Antifa, so they just assume that everyone's violent and crazy. Let's sense I sit next to you here because here, come on, sense be there? Uh because no, he was there and so this is sense a Glenn, and I keep telling you my passion for martial arts and mixes martial arts. We do problem of god camp, bo jiu jitsu, uh, boxing, sticks, blade, firearm training, all the you have to actually talk closely to a microphone. It's radio. I know you're good at you're a lawyer, a Wall Street guy in a great sense, Thank you sir. All right, so you were there for the whole time. You were right there with me. Yes, okay, how would you describe what happened? Well, I thought everybody he warmed up to you real quick. They wanted to hate me, right, they did, and you charmed him all. You're polite, you're nice, you say we can agree to disagree. But there was the one guy. He the guy that turned his back. He turned his back on You could see he was like seething hatred. I mean, it was the sight of me. It was like alka seltzer and water. It just was he was bubbling and fizzing before our eyes. Meanwhile, I'm like, I'm like tapping his thing, and I'm like, look at this guy's out of his freaking mind. We're laughing. We're laughing, are you know what? It wasn't very funny. Uh So, since how long you've been training me? Now? About seven years? Seven? All right, now, explain to people because they asked me all the time, because I always say, it's a it's a eclectic blend of the arts. Yes, um and blade crab kemp, Brazilian jiu jitsu. Yes. So the arts that that you're training is Filipino martial arts, which is Collige, a screamer and our nie. We do some kickboxing, kempo, submission grappling. Um. We put all that together to have one comprehensive system and we do blade firearms, stick training boxing. That's all in the Filipino arts, and then we mix in some of the Israeli arts, which is the crowd, and we do a lot of situational yes, you know, preparation and a lot of fitness. Oh yeahs. Explain what pain day is? Pain day so Sean gets hit hard, it's hit hard. I had to show. Next time we have Lawrence on Lawrence Jones, who we love. I love Lawrence Jones. Uh, he was there and so I let sense they do pain Day on my arm. My arms like blown up twice its size today because he hits that hard. I mean, you're so dense with your hits. And then he hits me how many four shots to the stomach, four shots to the isnamic four shots by the way, he didn't do this five because you always dropped me purposely on the fifth shot you bring me down? Maybe no, you do, I mean, but that's why I do. You know, hundreds of sit ups, push ups every day, absolutely all right, So it was overall, how many black belts do you have? Be honest, I know you don't like to talk about how many Jac Penny black belt? Yeah all right, how many black belts do you have? Seven? Seven? Okay? And how many multiply have multiple degrees of each belt? So you worked at Wall Street for how many years? So I was. I was a securities trader in the beginning, and I was always trained in martial arts. And then I used to do something not a lawyer, I did. Uh, I went and got my jurist doctor to great while I was in a family business. But I was always into training. But this is your passion, this is my passion, and you want to you literally want to take a vacation. And your vacation you told me, is you want to go to Thailand. Yes, I'd love to go to a tie camp. And you you want to go to a tie camp and tell explain you want to go to every camp that performs the arts and fight at every one of them. Yes, I do. I mean literally no holds barred. Well, basically what you do is there you do full contacts marring with taie fighting. You don't go to the ground. It's elbows and knees, and you would wear some gear. So everyone walks out of there. But you can go for a seven ten day program and basically everyone beats the crap out of each other. So I've been training four or five days a week. We were for seven years, yes, sir, and so everybody else in the dojo. When I do have time to train with other people, because we're like a family and very respectful, we bow in. You know, if we're doing weapon work, we put our weapons down. We show honor to the to the arts. Yes, where I say it's a modern approach, traditional values, okay, But like when I'm doing my thing with you know who, especially um, like I'll have gear on and everyone's told you, listen, you can't hit him in the head. You can't hit him in the face because he's got to go to work tomorrow. I think everybody would respect you a little bit more with the black guy, because we hit hard. I mean this is we don't hurt. I mean, we're not going to break bones. We tap out if somebody gets us in a hole. We're very quick, very respectful. Nobody wants to get hurt. We were respect each other, not to hurt each other. Yes, but we want to win when we when we grapple them, when we're when we're when we go full contact. We want to push each other real hard. We want to train. You know, you fight the way you train and train when you fight. But you gotta admit I take a lot of crap because I work on TV and I can't go to to work with a busted face every day. You could, that's called makeup. Anyway, I'm glad you could come. And I know that some guys are mad because they're missing the training because of me. But uh, anyway, thanks to all our friends and our dojo. It's by the way, north Shore Martial Arts is where you're that's your dojo. Yes, um, all right, now let me play Michael Bloomberg. And again, this is all the stuff that I'm telling you. You know, imagine if this was Donald J. Trump, you know out there saying wow, just zero. Yeah, I just need her up for one second. I just want you to know that we're family, been with you a long time. What and if you ever need me to punch you for free or kick you to make you feel strong, I am. I am here for me, I'm here for you, my friend, I just want you to know that I don't want to waste much more time. This is that. Wait, this is this is a show of love. And so when we go on the road, what do we do at night? I always invite all the tech people, all the camera people, all the behind the scenes. You turn into a bartender. No, we call them the Hannity Dinners. They're like classic. Absolutely everybody loves it. Right, And you didn't show up last night with Blair didn't show up either, and you know, really piss me off. But I'm not gonna talk about. Well, we're at the Red Headed step Child, a hotel about thirty minutes outside of your luxurious day and where do I order my food here? Because it's better than at my hotel Anyway, long story, sh hold on, I'm not done crying yet. Okay, I'm done nucka. Okay, So last night, nobody believes that I train hard. It's like I think they think I'm pulling it. Does believe you? I believe you, your Manaretic now so so Lawrence Jones is there and I said, you don't believe me. I said, all right, So I stood up and we did pain day. I mean, and it is the hardest hit you. I mean, this guy can hit well. I can see your arms today. The right arm looks terrible. So I said to Lawrence, I just did four shots each. You take one and I'll give you one hundred dollars for each shot. He goes, no man. And you know, Lawrence, big built, stronger guy. Yeah, like, I'm not doing that. He's a man of God. Everybody's like shocked. They all think I'm nuts. Now I do think you're crazy. I have no idea how I got so passionate about this. Well, listen, I just want you to know that I'm here for you and as you as we're on the road this year election twenty twenty. If you need a good slap, the kick, the punch in the gut, I'm your girl. All right, all right, let's go. So imagine Donald Trump Junior says, oh about all the murderers, and you know, well they fit one m Well, you can just take the description this is what he says about minorities. You xerox it and you pass it out to all cops because they again, they are males and minorities sixteen to twenty five. And that's virtually true in every city in America. Now, that's a pretty broad, sweeping generalization. And then he goes on to, you know, justify that, Well, we put one hundred percent of the cops, all of the cops in minority neighborhoods. And he even says, is that. Oh yeah, by the way, people say, oh my god, mister Mary, You're you're arresting kids from marijuana and they're all minorities. And he goes, yeah, that's true, they're all minorities. Well it's not true because they're I see them in New York. You can't you can't escape the stench, the skunk stench of that crap that these kids smoke. It's so disgusting. Anyway, Yeah, oh yeah, we're only only minorities. And then he said and he said, because we put all, not all the cops in minority neighborhoods. Uh, that's where all the crime is not suck all of it. I'm like, oh my gosh, Donald Trump had said all of this, and it even gets worse. And I'm sitting there thinking, well, if Donald Trump said this, you know, and then he talks about throwing minority kids when you're doing it up against the wall, I'm like Wow, xerox it same description. I'm I'm stunned. And that is now the guy that's supposed to be the backup candidate for the failing quid pro quote. Joe, listen up. We have the whole tape. Listen, you gotta listen closely. We'll show it on TV tonight about it. That's true in the artist anniversary everything, And that's where the real time you've got to get the guns and out of their hands with people, she's gone if you want to send them on a lot of costs three but those costs where the crimes which you in minority neighborhoods. So it's a funny hunted thing and handy con sequaces is you will say, oh my god, you are arresting kids from marijuana. They're all, I arn't. Yes, that's true. Why because you throw all the costs in the minority neighborhoods. Yes, that's true. Why we do it because best were all refinement and on the way you get a gunned out the kids hands is to throw up against the wall prisman begin. Then they started they say, oh I don't want to I don't want to get caught, So they don't blame the gun. They still have a guns that they leave go at home again. Run that through the prism of let's say that was Donald J. Trump saying it. Now the mob in the media we've been per like flipping around the channels today. I don't really see the wall to wall coverage you might expect if Donald Trump had said it, because that's who they This is the medium mob. This is the two years, four years every four Republicans are racist, sexist, Oh elector Republican and a black church's black crosses are gonna burn. And you know then they Al Gore goes into a predominantly African American audience and he gets into his preacher cadence. Republicans are the wrong agenda forever. I don't even want to count you in the census. And I ain't feel no ways tired. And Hillary Clinton, remember her, and the whole, the whole speaking approach changes. But now every two and four years, well people ask for votes. Well decades of big city rule. We have thirteen high schools in a predominantly minority neighborhoods in Baltimore with not one child can read and do math that is proficient in either one. What did liberal Democrats do to fix it? You know, I think I'm the only one on TV that has scrolled the names of every person that have been shot in Chicago, year after year, after all during the Obama presidency, Democratic run, Democratic rule. Many of the minorities. That's our family, that's our American family that is being slaughtered every day, and we don't help them. Democrats, why don't they fix that? What we can't fix it? We don't fix it. We don't Why don't they fix it? Now? Okay, Republicans are Donald Trump's so racist? Oh's policies have set record after record after record for minorities in America. You know where under Biden Obama those negatively and disproportionately impacted by the policies of Biden Obama or minorities. Thirteen million more Americans food stamps, eight million more poverty, lowest labor participation rate in the seventies. They ask forward three years of Donald Trump, nearly eight million new jobs, eight million fewer people on food stamps, millions out of poverty, and the biggest beneficiaries record low unemployment, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, African American youth unemployment. Wow, and guess what the biggest beneficiaries in terms of real wage growth and financial gain other bottom fifty percent of worrieds earners. By the way, I got killed by the Trump tax cuts because now I can't deduct the ridiculously high New York state taxes I used to be able to deduct, which frankly was an unfair benefit to me and every other New Yorker because we elect stupid politicians that taxes. People in Florida and Texas don't get that, because they elect smart politicians. It's unbelievable. And of course I mentioned Allas, Marie Johnson and disparage sentencing. Who fixed it? Who got rid? Who did criminal justice? That would be Donald J. Trump. Now we's have ten poles the last few months. You know, he's nearly up on average four times the support in the black community. Why but the he's helping, he's doing it. He's getting the job done in spite of the platitudes and the bumper stickers and the cheap rhetoric and the cheap politics. You here every two and four years. That's disgraceful. Well, where are the Democrats. What have they done except talk every two years and accuse others. It's an old playbook. They keep over the old playbook. You know what Joe Biden gets. You can't work at an go into a dung and nnice or um seven to eleven unless you have a slight Indian accent. What if Donald Trump said that, Oh man, you got Barack Obama. He's he's clean, the first and articulate, first one first mainstream who make sure right, articulate, right, clean and clean, nice looking storybooks. If that's not every day, what the hell is that? I'm tired of this this game that they play. You know what, they're playing games with people's lives. Our American family. We're not. We're we need to want everybody to be happy, prosperous, successful, with good schools, a nice neighborhood, a good home, a decent car, family, vacation, grief. People are so phony. That's what's at stake in two hundred and sixty six days Furder birthday. You can just thank for this. Versions are everything. Yeah, that's where the real man. You got to get the hands if you want to send them money, a lot of costs. But if those costs where the primers which we in minority neighborhoods, So it's only fact and not surpasses is will say, oh my god, you are arresting kids from our ware, all my art. Yes that's true. Why because we throw all the costs of mine already camberhood, Yes, that's true. Why we do it? The best were all resignments, and one of the way you could have done other kids hands is thrown against the walls. Begin and then they started they say, oh, I don't want to I don't want to get costs. So they don't blame the gun. They still have the guns that they leave go at home. They just keep saying, oh, it's a disportunate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disportunate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committee or in that case, incidentally, I think we disportunately stop whites too much and minorities too little. And our crime strategies and tools, including stop question frisk, have made New York City the safest big city in America. The fact that stops match up with crime statistics, and the fact that our police officers on patrol, the majority of whom are black, Hispanic, or members of other ethnic or racial minorities, make an average about less than one stop a week. Victims and perpetrators of crime are disportunately young minority men. That's just a fact. You can look at the victims, you can look at who were arrest you can ask witnesses and victims for descriptions. Because it's a couple of one newspaper and one news service, they just keep saying, oh, it's a disportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committee the work in that case. Incidentally, I think we disportunately stop whites too much and minorities too little. All right, As we start our two Sean Hannity Show, eight hundred nine for one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program two studying developments as we continue broadcasting from New Hampshire. The primary ongoing even as we speak, and that is Joe Biden is gone out of the state. He's done, he's packed, he's leaving. Another expected dismal performance by him here probably fourth, maybe a fifth. And all the votes, well, if they learn how to count votes in the Democratic Party, that would be a big start. You hear now, then Mayor Bloomberg, Now you got to remember here, he made a big deal once he decided to get into this presidential race. That oh and Tierri eyed crocodile tears and I was so wrong. And he's mayor twelve years and I would argue a caretaker mayor. I mean, he basically did very little, accept annoyed New Yorkers telling us how big our drinks can be and whether or not they can be salt on the table, and restaurants. Short of that, he kept in place and defended in ways. Rudy Giulietti never did stop and frisk. And when you hear that montage that we just played for you there where he goes on and on, it's it's not disproportionate percentage of witnesses and victims describing describe as committing the crime. And I think we disproportionately stopped whites too much and minorities too little. And meanwhile then he goes on to say that, yeah, we should we put every one of our cops in minority communities and is bragging about it. Now the White House has reacted to this. Brad pat Scaled, the president head of his campaign, tweeting out, yeah, hashtag Bloomberg's a racist. That's how big this has gone viral. The there was only eleven percent of stops last year were based on suspicion that the individuals committed any crime whatsoever. And you know, so you got Mayor Bloomberg defending this madness again and again. Throw them up, throw those minorities up against the wall, as he said, Yeah, we target minority kids absolutely, and cops must throw them up against the wall. And then he goes on saying, yeah, I'm one one hundred percent of our cops in minority neighborhoods, one hundred percent. Unbelievable. Anyway, here to help break all of this down, what impact this is going to have on the race, and what if Donald Trump had ever said this, we have Horaldo of ra Fox News legal analysts with us Past the Darryl Scott, chairman of the Urban Revitalization Coalition, Vince Ellison, conservative calmness lecturer, author of the book The Iron Triangle. Guys, thank you both for being with us. Let's start with you, Horaldo. Hey, I'm pretty I'm pretty stunned when you hear it. I'm like, it kind of takes my breath away. And I guarantee you that this was leaked by the Democrats, not any Republican. Well, you know, I see Bloomberg's past and his history differently than most people. You know, I was on the air radio in New York during those years, and I thought, I mean, to my eye, new York City born, and almost all my years spent there, that stopping frisk worked to take guns off the street. In fact, when I moved here to Cleveland to be Pastor Scott's neighbor, I was wistfully wishing that they had stopping frisk here in Cleveland, where the murder rate is disproportional. I'm just what you're what you're saying, Hang on, though, what you're saying is very different and your description then what he's saying. The way he's sang it, and his description, you know, you can hear the tone, the arrogance. And I'll be honest, Geraldo, if any Republican never said it, I don't think they'd survive as a candidate, would they well he said it just the way he said it. No, well, we know, wait, he really never was a Republican. He did it to avoid a crowded democratic field. Let's be honest. That is that is true. But you and I together, I remember, were in favor of all of the uh police activism to get the squeegee winchfield wiper guys. And uh, I'm not talking about it. I'm not talking about that. We're not talking about even like we're talking about what he We're talking about what he said and how he said it. He let me go, let me go. I'm disappointed that he's so ashamed of his path that he's running away from it. But it's not going to work because you know, the thing about tape is it's it's indelible. You can't get rid of it. It's he's he bless his friend. That's why you got to pick a lane. But for seventeen years now, he only brings this up, uh, Vince Ellison Ellen brings it up now because seventeen years later, Oh, I want to run for president and you know, both the Democratic and Republican Party of coalition parties, and he's playing identity politics and he knows that, Oh, it's unpopular with African American voters. So let me say that I'm so sorry that I really did all of this and believe this for seventeen years, because I think when he said that he was lying and I thought those were crocodile tears. Well, well, this is the Rodney King take this election cycle. I've said the years of the Democrat Toomy's looked this. I looked at black people's being dangerous, and they've always wanted this armed them ever since the end of slavery. The right to defend one's self and the keeping better arms is an unamilable lights is a rank, is you revocable, non transprobable, giving you back? God cannot be taking away with thy man. It's absolute. And whenever you see a large people of black people come together and then the Democrats getting power the first thing didn't want to do it, just armed black me because their stamp and they want to control them. And if you want to stop the trailing in these black areas, left the law thoughting people in those areas defend themselves. The police won't do it. You know you have this ye this uh this Crusian stop defending them. Whether the left says that the police are trying to kill black men, that white supremacy is on the lies. We have a governor here in the state Virginia that's in blackfeet decide inside the cribsmen they want to even say that Don Trump is a racist, which how to believe. But their solution to this, it's this arm all the black men in America saw that these racists and these police can't beat the hell out of them and kill them and put them in jail. See that's crazy, but that's their solution. So what does Bloomberg do. He says that we are going to this arm all of the law bouti citizens and let the criminals have guns. But then when the people cry because the police won't protect them or can't protect them, when they decide to practice their unpaidable right to defend themselves, they get pushed up again to all, they get accosted, and they get taking the jail. No one has a right to tell me how to defend myself. I'm a man of the earth, i am a free moon. My right to f myself is absolute. I am free. No one tells me how to defend myself. The government if it's trying to do it. That's when we're going to resistance mode. And that's what they're doing inn Thestaatevirginia right now, Well, let me go to let me, let me, let me, let me bring him Pastor Scott because at one point he says, oh, oh my god, you're arresting kids from marijuana that are all minorities. Bloomberg says, yes, that's true. He actually says, yeah, we're only going after minority kids from marijuana. Then he goes further. You know why, He said, because we put all not half, not ninety five, We put all the cops in minority neighborhoods. And he said, because that's where the crime is. Wow, imagine if Donald Trump said that. Listen, First of all, Bloomberg is not a serious candidate anyway, but you can stick a fucking him now because he's done. There's a script in the Bible that talks about your sin finding you out. His sin has found him out. Now. The thing about Bloomberg is this, he has the stereotypical racist mindset against blacks and browns, uh that they are the source of the crime in the community, that they are the dregs of society. And the thing about stopping frisk is that you know, I'm not anti stopping frisk, like Corroldo said, but stop mc frisk has to be indiscriminate. Stop mc frisk does indeed save lives, but you cannot target certain races. Excuse me, let me be very hang on a second. There are kids in every race committing crimes. Now, if it's a neighborhood disproportionate amount of violence or crime, you're certainly gonna add more police resources. That's not what he's saying here. Oh, no, we only target we only target minority kids. And uh that he actually you talk about a broad, sweeping generalization that is where all the crime is. Excuse me, that's total b s. There are kids in any race and background that are troubled, kids in troubled areas. Usually We're gonna be honest here. It transcends race and has to do more with socioeconomics. It has to do with poverty. It has you know, plenty of people from every race in poverty in America. Pastor, you know what it's like. I know what you've done. You're you're in your church in Cleveland. You've done a lot for the people of Cleveland, of all races. You're helping anybody that's a need to help. Yeah, but notice what he said also, Sean, he said, throw them up against the wall. You know, basically Snatty's thoughts out of the cards. We don't know what these people, you know, just he's doing a broad breast sweep on all of them. Just pull them out the cocks and throw them up against the wall. And you know that is the way he wants them to be handled. And so once again Donald Trump said something like this. If a tape of Trump thinking something like that Service did would be national outraged. CNN and dumb Don Lemonhead and all of the race dads and race trader race hufflers would be having a field day with this. But they're being kind of they're not outraged like that over over Bloomberg. Stay stay right there. Uh, this is too important a discussion to have. I think this is now. I think I think you're all right. I think this is a game changer. And I will tell you now, we have other factors involved, and that is Donald Trump. He's the guy that has created one economic record after another for minority Americans. He's the guy that got rid of disparate sentencing and criminal justice reform wasn't any Democrat. They promised it, they never got it done. Right as we continue, uh, we're probably gonna hold our gas. We have Haraldo Rivera, Vince Ellison, and Pastor Darryl Scott with us. Although you know you're looking at this too, okay, you we're only arresting kids that are minorities for marijuana, really, and we're putting every cop only in minority neighborhoods. You know, and I know in New York there are kids from all backgrounds. If you disagree, tell me it's usually socioeconomic related that are that are doing the stuff. We gotta go after every kid that is in trouble. You go where the higher concentration a crime is, but you don't ignore everyone else and you just go after one race. Because that's what he's saying here. Well, to me, with Bloomberg's biggest sin Sean is not that he used stopping frisk or a tactic that impacted one particular community more harshly than others. The problem with Bloomberg is he's a hypocrite that he endorsed these policies that took people like me with him, Ray Kelly, his terrific police commissioner. We watched crime drop in New York and then, however, when he wanted to run in an area where demographically that didn't play as well as it played in New York City, Carldo hang on gig back on his history and changing his mind. That's the thing that bugs me that he does. He said police stop white people too much, a minority's too little. But he said he put all the cops in minority neighborhoods. Now, if Donald Trump said that, Horaldo, game over, yes or no? Well, I agree with Pastor Scott that President Trump has now taken a brilliant turn in a way that, with full disclosure, has embraced the African American and Latino communities, lighting the wave of this employment boom and the fact that minority unemployment is at historic lows. Donald Trump, let's take a fragment that resonates that he's the true civil rights leader, not Bloomberg. That Trump's right. Let's get to that. On the other side of the break, We're gonna hold you guys over because this is too important a discussion and we're expanding it out war with Horaldo Vince and Pastor Scott on the other side. As we continue were in New Hampshire. It is Primary Day. Full coverage on Hannity tonight at nine from New Hampshire. Quick Break right back will continue all right twenty five now till the top of the hour. In New Hampshire. It is New Hampshire Primary Day. Two big stories emerging. One Joe Biden apparently decided it not gonna go well here and he's on his way out of the state. Live free or die, Well, we'll die and we'll go to South Carolina and try and pick up our political chips and fortunes there. And the other is, you know, Mayor Bloomberg. By the way, nobody ever sees the guy. He's just been spending millions and zillions and millions dollars on ads and you know, seventeen years support Stop and frist that's not really even the issue here. Now we've got these tapes that have emerged about him, and it is shocking where he said, oh, yeah, you're arresting kids from marijuana, they're all minorities, only to not really and he said, because we're only putting cops, we put all the cops in minority areas. Why because that's where all the crime is what. That's not a broad, sweeping generalization. I would argue that it probably is. Let's listen to the montage of Mayor Bloomberg that we've been talking about all day, including oh yeah, cops must throw minority kids up against the wall. And our crime strategies and tools, including stop, question frisk, have made New York City the safest big city in America. The fact that stops match up with crime statistics, and the fact that our police officers on patrol, the majority of whom are black, Hispanic, or members of other ethnic or racial minorities, make an average about less than one stop a week. Victims and perpetrators of crime are disportunately young minority men. That's just a fact. You can look at the victims, you can look at who were arrest you can ask witnesses and victims for descriptions. Because it's a couple of one newspaper, one news service, they just keep saying, oh, it's a disportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disportunate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committee the work in that case. Incidentally, I think we disportunately stop whites too much and minorities too little. And our crime strategies and tools, including stop, question frisk, have made New York City the safest big city in America. The fact that stops match up with crime statistics, and the fact that our police officers on patrol, the majority of whom are black, Hispanic, or members of other ethnic or racial minorities, make an average about less than one stop a week. Victims and perpetrators of crime are disportunately young minority men. That's just a fact. You can look at the victims, you can look at who we or arrest. You can ask witnesses and victims for descriptions. Because it's a couple of one newspaper, one news service, they just keep saying, oh, it's a disportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disportunate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the work in that case. Incidentally, I think we disportunately stop whites too much and minorities too little. All right, there's Michael Bloomberg again. All right, Now we continue with Eraldo Rivera, who is with us, who made a really good point as we were going to break pastor Darryl Scott is with us, author of the Iron Triangle. Vince Ellison is with us. Vice. There is this issue and I've been pointing it out and others seem to be ignoring it, and that is these are no longer outlier polls. But you've got the president who only got eight percent of the African American vote in twenty sixteen. The poll that I've seen in the last two and a half months, three months with the African American community sixteen percent, all the way up to thirty four and a half percent, and you have three polls in the thirties. I mean, that's game changing. Then you've got Hispanic American same thing. Then we've got record low unemployment African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, women in the workplace. And then you've got Alice Murray Johnson, who he had on this program last week. Not only was she released, but that then led to criminal justice reform that Democrats have talked about and never implemented when they had an opportunity. And I'll add one other thing here and then I'll shut up. You look at every big city that has been run by liberal Democrats for decades. Every two and four years here from liberal politicians. Republicans are racist, They're sexist, They're a xenophobic, misogynist, you know the list. They say every Republicans are racist. Well, conservative policies are now helping African Americans like never before. Disparate sentencing now is ending because of Donald J. Trump. And the question is will this now turn into perhaps a transition that I've been looking for because I would never be friends with a racist, nor with any conservative I know be friends with them. It is repugnant. We're all children of God, every one of us. God made every one of us. And the idea that there are repugnant people out there that are racist that may say they're conservative, I want nothing to do with those people. Anyways. It's gonna translate into votes, I guaranteed. Will. I say in my book there in Triangle that why considered Christians have nothing more to apologize for everything that's wrong in the black community and the fish in the black community, and Donald Trump has transcended it. Jeeves talked over the press didn't he said, I'm no gonna have to going through the pool pits. I'm not gonna ask me newspapers. He's got on television, he got on Twitter. Every time he gives a speech, he tells what he's doing for the black colidity, and black people are listening to him. He's done something that's been completely different, and it's being appreciated. I'm out here in the streets every day and I'm talking to black people every day, and no matter what's seeing it in sayings or msnt around of what they say, it is resonating. People have jobs. That's all this great. Polo and CNN the other day they said, not even said of the people in the background, I satisfied with their lines right now. That's amazing. Ninety percent are satisfying. Donald Trump is doing a great job. I support him one hundred percent. This thing with Mike Bloomberg is just as the thing it's Ronney king Cake. This is what they do all the time. This is how they feel. Mike slipped up and he allowed people to find out that this is how they feel. They just arm the population. They pump drawings from down in their community. They destroy the public education system. They will not allow consumers to come down. They help prepare the system. They take these people and I and they ansulates them and then they just basically treat them like brute beast. We have the only way of technology has given us an opportunity to go around them and talk light to them. And Donald Trump is gonna be a game changer. I mean, this is going to be something big and I'm just glad to be a part of it. Your take, Pastor Scott, Well, the thing about this whole Bloomberg incident is the fact that what he expressed is the way a lot of the Democrats viewed blacks and minorities. What a hell? Only call us super predators. What does he say needed to be done? She said, we need to be brought to hell. He's not the only ones that things like that. Notice something on that tape. Whoever he was speaking to his audience, there were a lot in agreement. I didn't hear any protests from the audience. I didn't hear anyone say, hey, wait a minute. You know it was a Democrat crowd that he's spoke in front of her, and he was simply echoing the centiment. He was playing to his base by saying that the one thing that the black community does now is the black community realizes that the left wing media has been playing us for a long time. The left wing media told us that that old white men posed an existential threat to all of mankind. But now all you see is old white candidates in the Democratic primaries. All of the blacks that they held up to us to show their diversity have been gone by the wayside. The Bloombergers simply saying, well, a lot of others on that democratic side, in that Democratic Party really think. I'm not surprised, And all it does is validate Donald Trump even more and causing people to realize that listen, they've been playing us. They've been trying to feed us a line about this guy. He's not the way that they say he is. In fact, they're the way that they're saying he is. So I agree with my brother. It's going to be a great time for us and President Trump will benefit through these revelations from Boom Bloomberg. All right, quick break, we'll come back from New Hampshire. It is primary day, all right. As we continue with Horaldo Rivera and Vince Ellison and Pastor Darryl Scott Bloomberg's comments continuing our broadcast this primary day from New Hampshire. You know, let me go to you, Horaldo, because at the end of the day, you look at I know where you now live. You live near Pastor Scott. You lived in New York City. No, no, no, seriously, every two and four years, Horaldo, You and I've been in this game a long time. You're a little longer than me. By the way, I'm a little younger than you. But no, in all seriousness, that's probably true. Actually, do you have kids older than me? You might, I don't know. Here's the deal. Every two and four years, Republicans are racist every you know, if elect Republicans a Democratic party at ninety eight in Missouri, black black crosses are gonna burn. Republicans don't even want to count you in the census. Al Gore once said, we know that the remember the James bird at It's like my father was killed all over again. Yet Bush supported the death penalty when when that vicious, evil murder took place, but he didn't support hay crimes legislation. When you don't vote, you let another church explode. When you don't vote, you allow another cross to burn. When you don't vote, you let another assault wound a brother or sister. When you don't vote, you let the Republicans continue to cut school launches and hit start. I mean, you got the first sort of maze stream Frican American. Yea who is articulate and bright and clean and myce louping guy. He said in the first hundred days, he's gonna let the big banks once again write their own rules on chain Wall Street. You're gonna put y'all back in chains. Don't tell me we live in a color bland society. The Republicans know that there is the wrong agenda for African Americans. That's why they don't even want to count you in the sims. They're doing everything they can to stop black people, Latinos, poor people, young people, people with disabilities from voting. It's a blast from the Jim Crow past. I thought we had won that battle back in the nineteen sixties. There not. You have an ally in the White House. This time they have an ally. They're a small percentage of the American people, virulent people, some of them the dregs of society. Or June seventh, ninety eight in Texas, my father was killed, he was beaten. Change in the strain green Mouse Tuesday are because he was black. So when Governor George W. Bush refused to support hate crimes legislation, it was like my father was king all over again. Called George W. Bush and tell him to support hate crime legislation. We won't be dragged away from our future. This is a myth and a lie that has been perpetrated against Conservatives for years, and I resent the hell out of it, and I'm glad conservative policies work for all of our American family. As we can now see record after record demolished, I see something very fundamental happening here. Going back to what Ben said and what Pastor Scott said. The President in his State of the Union, in his recognition of the Tuskegee Airman and his promotion, and with his talk about the opportunity zone, and with his talk about a criminal justice reform, what Donald Trump is doing is fundamentally reshaping the old stereotypical lines that you mentioned, Sean Oh, the Republicans are all racists. What the President is doing by campaigning is a democrat in a sense, is being a game changer, in a sense that he's going to make republican Ism much more of a of an appealing alternative to African American voters and Latino voters and reshape what has fundamentally been you know, the urban Democrats run by Democrats and the Democratic machine and all that stuff. And the Democrats are good and Republicans are bad, and there's slave owners in this crap and that crap. I think that what we have to continue to applaud in the president's evolution is that this genius in recognizing this undeserved community that has been taken for granted, as Vince says and stereotype, tell these people, this is the American dream. You can make it. You can, you know, live anywhere you want to. You could be friends with him, or you can marry anyone you want to. You can be president, you can make millions of dollars. You this is the country of opportunity. You know, pick yourself up by your bootstraps. Don't be seduced by people who want you to be a minute AOC says that you can't pick yourself up by your bootstraps. That doesn't exist in America in spite of how many million stories. Is wrong. And I'm an example of it in store you. I've got to let you all go here. Um, great debate. I appreciate you all being one of us. Haraldo, thank you, Vince, thank you, Pastor Scott, thank you. And by the way, I want everyone to know that's listening to this hour, all three of our guests do so much to help those in minority communities. It would take your breath away if you knew how great all three of these men are. Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. This question came in from Nashville, Tennessee. Says billionaire Michaeloomberg has entered the race and just got the endorsement of a former Trump Navy secretary. Why do you think you are a better position than Bloomberg to be Trump? Senator Warren Look, I don't think anyone ought to be able to buy their way into a nomination or to be president of the United States. I don't think any billionaire ought to be able to do it, and I don't think people who suck up to billionaires in order to fund their campaigns ought to do it. I heard everyone here talking about as Democrats, we all want to overturn citizens United because we want to end this unlimited spending. Yeah, except everyone on this stage, except Amy and me, is either a billionaire or is receiving help from packs that can do unlimited spa ending. So if you really want to live where you say, then put your money where your mouth is and say no to the packs. Look, I think the way we build a democracy going forward is not billionaires reaching in their own pockets or people sucking up to billionaires. The way we build it going forward is we have a grassroots movement funded from the grassroots up in terms of public in terms of money and politics. All right, our campaign, and I am enormously proud of this. Unlike some of the folks up here, I don't have forty billion nats peak contributing to my campaign, coming from the pharmaceutical industry, coming from Wall Street and all the big money interests. What we do have is we have now over six million contributions from one and a half million people, averaging eighteen dollars and fifty cents, a contribution that is unprecedented in the history of American politics. If we want to change America, you're not gonna do it by electing candidates who are going out to rich people's homes begging for money. The way we're gonna do it is build a mass movement of working people who are prepared to stand up, not take money from these billionaires, not take money from Wall Street, but stand up to the drug companies in Wall Street. All right, this round up in an information overload hour eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this extra ravaganza. You know all the issue of money is We've been debating about Bloomberg big in politics. But the amazing thing about Bernie Sanders is, well, Bernie Sanders wants a maximum amount of money that people can earn. He wants his ninety percent tax. He's proposing spending that. Well, even I'd say some kid in first and second grade can add up that. It doesn't add up, and it is something that could never materialize. It is a guaranteed failure, broken promise. You know, the trillions in the New Green Deal Medicare for all. Why people after Obamacare, in that fiasco would ever trust anything any government person ever said is beyond me. Now we've talked at length about Peter Schweitzer and his new bestselling book and that his profiles in corruption, abuse of power by America's progressive elite. I still can't get over quid pro quote Joe and zero experience Hunter. I'm sure Peter, who joins us on our Newsmaker line, agrees with me the fact that almost speaking in one voice, the media, Mob and Joe and quid and pro quote Joe and zero experience Hunter. Oh No, no credible person ever thinks we did anything wrong. We've identified the Gratuitous Act, the Hobbs Act, the Bribery Statutes, and to me, they fit perfectly into exactly how those laws were written. I do believe they will be oversight. I do believe there'll be a proper investigation. If not, we don't have equal justice or application of our laws. Are you as stunned as I am that everybody in the democratic establishment, everybody in the mob and the media, that they're given this guy a pass. Yet they were trying to find something with Ukraine and Donald Trump, and I would argue there's a prima facial case against Hunter and Joe, and that the President by mentioning it, was fulfilling his oath of office, which is to faithfully execute the laws of the land. Number one and just like if John Bolton says, well, he said he wanted to withhold the funds Okay, even if he said it, he didn't do it, and he, by the way, from my perspective, he could have. But they focus on that and they ignore this. It is breathtaking hypocrisy. And then after we talk, Peter, I want you going to answer that question. Then I want to get into how Bernie Sanders is a class a hypocrite too. How are you? I'm great, Sean, great to be on with you as always, and I agree with you. I mean, look what you have with the Bidens that you never had with Donald Trump. You never had with any of these allegations against him. With the Bidens, you have the transference of money. You have foreign entities putting money in the pockets of the Biden family. And as far as bribery laws are concerned or corruption laws are concerned, whether that money goes to Joe Biden directly or goes to his son is irrelevance. And so the mystery to me is why this is a non story. When the sitting Vice president, Joe Biden is declaring and determining policy for Ukraine, he gets that appointment by Barack Obama in March of twenty fourteen. Within three weeks, his son is suddenly on the payroll of Ukrainians who are going to be receiving that federal aid from the United States. It's shocking and stunning, And you know, it's funny, Sean. He's been asked about it a couple of times in kind of limited hesitant ways, and the stunny thing is he does not have a good answer. He still does not have a good answer, because there really isn't there isn't a good answer. And then he gets so aggravated and annoyed and screams at everybody. And look, you know, look at the horrific treatment of this twenty one year old girl who asked a perfectly good question. And you know, yesterday, but whatever, we've not gotten into the dirty details of your research in your book about Bernie Sanders. Now, we have learned recently that Bernie Sanders missed the Green New Deal himself, has outperformed every other Democratic presidential hopeful in terms of private jet use. And yet he's going to lecture us on the environment and the need for a new Green Deal and eliminating oil and gas and taking over the entire energy sector of our economy. Oh and then we got Elizabeth Warren popping off her private jet, another hypocrite, but more specifically for a guy that is all about wealth confiscation, he's gotten pretty rich over the years, and you chronicle that in your best selling new book, don't you. That's right, Sean. He figured out one of the dirty secrets in Washington, DC, which is you can make a lot of money acting as a media buyer for campaigns. You know. So if you were running for the Senate, Sean, and I was your media buyer, and you said, spend a million dollars on television ads, we would spend a million dollars. But by industry standard, I would be entitled to a fifteen percent fee out of that million dollars. So I'd be entitled to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And the great thing about this deal, Sean, is it would never be disclosed that I got to see. It wouldn't show up anywhere in FEC records. Well, Bernie Sanders figured this out because what he did when he was in Congress, and continued later on, is he put his wife in charge of media buying. She actually set up a company with her, a son, and daughter. It was registered to the Sanders home in Vermont, and they handled media buying for Bernie's campaign. We believe they made at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, if not more, doing that. But there's also evidence that Bernie leveraged his position to basically get other candidates to hire his wife. So what we found is a couple of candidates that were running in Vermont. They were actually long time Bernie friends. We're not getting endorsed by Bernie. One of them was running for governor for example. They weren't getting Bernie's endorsement and this is a big mystery, and the press was talking about why is Burnie not endorsing this person. Well, it turns out this candidate hires Jane Sanders to do their media buying, and within two weeks, Bernie suddenly endorses this candidate for governor of Vermont. So it's a shakedown operation and this has continued up to his presidential campaign. It involves his nonprofit organizations, it involves Sanders Institute. You know, it's a major money making scheme. He employs his kids, his wife has this side gig going on, and it's been a way of them funneling money, in some cases taxpayer money to the Sanders family. So politics has made the Sanders very wealthy. Well, pretty amazing when you look at all the money. So how many years in Washington and how much have they been able to accumulate wealthwise? And you know, I always say liberals are always generous with other people's money. Why don't they use their own money? You know, they're gonna lecture us on our SUVs and tell us we need to get rid of oil and gas the first time in seventy five fricking years that we're energy independent, and that exporter of energy, the Straits are hormules mean less to us than they ever have before, which is good for our safety and security. And yet they would bring they would literally take over the oil and gas industry, that's how corrupt they are. But fly their private jet of course. Yeah, no, it's you're exactly right. I mean, the energy revolution has just been remarkable for this country. And when you look at Bernie Sanders's finances, there's several things that that stand out. Number One, for all of his talk of wanting to help the poor, he has a terrible record for actually giving to charities, basically gives less than one percent of his income to charities. Second thing that stands out Sean is you know his investment portfolio. He has an investment portfolio. When James Sanders ran Burlington College, he ranted into the ground, they had a stock investment portfolio there. In both cases, they were not invested in, you know, socially conscious corporations. They were invested in blue chip stocks with Fortune five hundred companies. That's what Bernie invest in. So for all of his attacks on corporate America and how evil corporate profits are, that's where he's investing his dollars. And then the third thing that turns out that that's interesting that turns out is, you know they have these homes. We know that they own three homes ready, one of them is a vacation home. They actually put the vacation home into a tax shelter. That's going to help them paying taxes if they want to change ownership in that asset. So you know, there is rank hypocrisy from Bernie Sanders on all levels as it relates to what he's telling the country. He believes, but what he thinks actually applies to himself and to his family. All right, Peter Schweitzer, great work, best selling book, Profiles and Corruption. It's up on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Abuse of power by America's progressive elite amazing, stunning, breathtaking hypocrisy every level. Pittsburgh, Pa, Susannah. Susannah, welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. In two hundred and sixty six days, we'll be watching your state of Pennsylvania very closely. How are you, and we'll be pounding the boots heavily in Pennsylvania. Sean, I'm fine, Thanks for taking my COVID. I have to tell you I'm one of the millions who pray for President Trump's acquittal, and you know, we waited for him to announce it at the White House with expectations of joy and exuberance. My heart was like, oh yes, let's celebrate. And as soon as I heard him speak, I was stunningly saddened because I felt his pain. It was palpable what these evil democrats did to him and his family, and not just to them, to we the electorate, by taking no evidence, you know, valid witnesses, and running his name through their muck. This was painful for him, and if we're not going to forget it, so I really want every Well, I think what the president is. I think it's been painful for him because it's hurting his family so much. He's pretty tough. I listen's he dishes it out. He can take it. He's a tough guy. But I think other people would fold like cheap suits. Honestly, Well, we're gonna say this, Sean never I'm sorry about that. Never again, Democrat Crack Congress. Will you do this to our president or to us or his family? Never again? Democrats Senate and Nick Romney, will you do this to our asid an end to us. We're awake. We will burn your phone lines down with calls every time you try to do something like this. They said they're going to continue to teach him. We dare you, because there's one way to stop this. And I'll say this and Susannah, thank you for a great call. We love our friends in Pittsburgh. I gotta tell you something. There's one way to end it. The way to end it is if you've got to vote for the president and you want him to do even more to solve problems and serve the country. Elect Republicans and in the Senate, in the House. You got. That's it, then it ends. It'll all end right then and there, all right, as we continue the Sean Hannity Show, we are in New Hampshire Primary day tonight, full coverage Hannity nine Eastern. Back to our phones. We'll be watching Arizona closely. I hope Martha Sally McSally gets re elected out there. We need that Senate seat. That's going to be a tough phrase. Eric, Arizona. How are you welcome to New Hampshire and the Sean Hannity Show. Yes, hello, mister Hannity. It's a pleasure, sird is it definitely an honor. I feel that you are definitely the hand over the heart of heartbeat of this nation. And what you say means a lot to millions and millions of great Americans. You know you said earlier about the vote Republican. By the way, that means a lot to me. I'm just trying to do my part. We all are needed. In two hundred and sixty six days, this is all hands on deck as far as I'm concerned. Well, I feel in two hundred and sixty six days. When President Trump wins wins the election, you know we're going to have another four years of just greatness. His work record showed that already. But I really want to know what's next. I mean, I started thinking about this a couple weeks ago when you had Vice President Pence on with you, that we got to get off this roller coaster where we go Republican Democrat Republican Democrat. I mean, when mister Pence comes to you and says, let's keep this training rolling, and he wants you to be his running mate, what's your answer? Wants me Sean Hannity b to be Mike penns is running I think Mikes celebrity. We've seen what happens with the power of celebrity with that, you know, Trump winning. But you must you must really hate my guts if you want me to do that, because that would destroy my life. But I gotta You're very kind to say, please, this gotta be a million better people. I'm hoping for them, but you're you're very kind. Look at it this way, we're all spokes in a wheel, all hands on deck. We need this win badly, and we need the house and send it to all Right, we gotta take a break, Hannity tonight, all the results New Hampshire nineties time. We got a great show for you when we come back, Steve Scalise and will continue from New Hampshire. It's the Sean Hannity Show. So how do you explain the performance in Iowa? And why should the voters believe that you can win the national election. It's a good question. Number one, I was a Democratic caucus, mean new caucus. No you haven't. You're a lin dog face pony soldier you said you are. But here now you gotta be honest. I'm gonna be honest with you. It was a little bit confusing to Iahan frankly, when he speaks. A lot of what he's saying seems to be really papos face and very sad. We've heard a lot about deaths and cancer and keeople losing their jobs, and to me, he doesn't really seem very solution oriented and how we fix those problems. I don't think he has the momentum to carry this to a national election. All Right, as we continue twenty four now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program from New Hampshire, Today's big primary, will a full coverage tonight at nine on the Fox News Channel. I'm not sure when you call people fat and push a guy a little bit of put your hand on him and tell him to go vote for somebody else and then say Joe three h three three h and it means absolutely nothing. And to say I was a Democratic caucus and then insult the twenty one year old girl who's asking a significant, real and serious question and you want to be the president. That humiliating the girls a particularly good strategy. But anyway, there's quid pro quote Joe bailing out of New Hampshire, canceling any event knowing he's going to get as you know what kicked. We showed up at that Biden rally yesterday. The thing that really stood out to me is they had a bunch of young kids getting off a bus. I'm like, oh, you got a bus in the measily little crowd that you do have. Anyway, I had a fun time, walked around a lot, talked to a lot of people, and I think some people expected me to have grow horns and they were surprised. I am a real human being and actually pleasant and nice and not even a bad guy in yet at the end of the day. But anyway, we continue from New Hampshire joining us now is our good friend, Congressman Steve Scalizi is the Republican whip also congressman of Louisiana's first District Congress. Been good to talk to you again. How are you? I mean, all right, let me say it is in as nice a way as a talk show host, possibly Ken if he ever had a fastball, meaning quid pro quo Joe, if he ever had one. He doesn't even have a softball any longer. He seems disoriented. He just says these nutty things that come out of nowhere. And frankly, there's a certain edge and meanness to this guy that keeps coming out when he's when he's asking people for votes. That young woman asked a really good question. He could have given her a good answer, he didn't. What's your reaction? Wow? Well, first, sean, great to be back with you. If he had a fastball, I would definitely take it out of the park. But he, I mean, he's out there literally throwing fastballs that his supporters. I mean listening to that, it's getting worse and worse for him. I mean, you know, his poor performance in Iowa. They does anybody think if he was going to win Iowa they would have known the results immediately, But to coming forth and then they go to New Hampshire and I'm here in Milford, New Hampshire. I knew you're you're out in here in New Hampshire too. There's a lot of enthusiasm on the ground on both sides, but you don't see any for Joe Biden. And even on the Democrats side. You know, I've been visiting with some of the Tulsi Gabbert folks because I served with Tulsi. But you know, you saw the rally last night for Trump. Tremendous support for President Trump here, but on their side, I mean, Joe Biden is almost a non existent factor out here, and so he's insulting. He's he does, he looks like he really doesn't want to be there. And frankly, I don't think he survives to South Carolina in this race. I think he drops up before then. But it's it's a shame to see what's happening. And you know, I think the quid pro quo thing is real. People know that had happened. He bragged about it. But there's still a lot of reckoning going on with that too. So but the thing is, it's not it's not it's more than real. Here's what's really scary in the country we live in. You have the entire media mob establishment, which is basically uh ninety nine percent of all media, with the exception of a few of us in talk radio and a few of us on Fox. That's pretty much it. And then the rest of them will tell you, oh, no, no, that's been completely looked into, and no serious person thinks, since there's anything wrong when I'm leveraging a billion dollars and demanding in six hours the firing of a prosecutor that we know is investigating his son who went on Good Morning America and admitted he had no experience an oil, gas, energy or Ukraine and is getting paid millions. I can't, for the life of me to get lectured by one more person, Congressman, that there's nothing there, and yet the same people saw something wrong in a call with the President and President Zelinsky when aid was never mentioned and he got everything he wanted or the four facts never changed. It drives me nuts. The level of hypocrisy, it's breathtaking, No, it truly is. And you know, look everywhere I go. First of all, the enthusiasm for President Trump has never been higher. And here in New Hampshire, he almost one New Hampshire four years ago, came close. I think he's going to win New Hampshire when you see again enthusiasm, a lot of young people that are out that rally last night, get over fifty thousand people that wanted to than the rally, only eleven and a half thousand were able to get in. It It was a packed house. You could take every Democrat candidate for President's rally combined and it doesn't equal that. And so it's real. You see the left the way that they the hatred that you see for the President Pelosi, which she did, ripping up that paper with the names of war heroes, the names of victims of sanctuary city violence. I think it resonates with people when they see that the personal vendetta that the impeachment was, I mean a witch hunt where they were looking for a crime that never happened, and they impeached him anyway, even though Joe Biden's the one who did commit the crime and admitted what he did, and that, you know, they just keep going at it. Zelinski is Zalinski Trump were the only two participants on the call. Both of them said it was a fine call. Zelinski got said he got the javelin missiles by the way, that Obama and Biden wouldn't give them to stand up to Russia. Trump is the one who let him stand up to Russia by selling him javelin missiles. So, you know, the media doesn't want to get that out, but people get that. Everywhere I go, people are seeing this and they're saying, why isn't Pelosi working on things to lord drug prices or to secure the border instead of all this personal attack stuff. And so I think it's got a cost that Democrats are paying, and they will pay in November. Let me go to I guess the person that's supposed to fill Biden's shoes, or at least in the minds of other people. I mean, I've never seen a candidate buy his way into a race and nobody ever sees him and nobody ever talks to him. And that's Mayor Bloomberg. And so for twelve years. Bloomberg is like a caretaker mayor guy that all he did was pretty much what Rudy Giuliani did before him. Okay, for twelve years as mayor twelve he defends stop and frisk. He defends it another five years after the fact, after Comrade de Blasio was elected, and then all of a sudden he decides, I think I'm gonna run for president. So he goes out there and he tries to cry and say I was so wrong on my policies. Well that's blowing up in his face because of new audio and some video that is coming out where he literally says that I think we disproportionately stop whites way too much and minorities too little, and some other comments. Let me play him for you and ask you how you think this is going to play out. But I ask you to listen to this through the the prism of what if Donald Trump said it. Listen. They just keep saying, Oh, it's a disportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disportunate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committee in that case. Incidentally, I think we disportunately, stop whites too much and minorities too little. Murder murder. You can just thank for this version. And that's where the real You've got to get the guns and out of their hands to it. She's on if you want to send them money. A lot of cops intree put those costs. We have the crimes which you in minority neighborhoods. So it's a funny hunt. In fact and handy cut supplaces is you will say, oh my god, you are arresting kids from marijuana. They're online, aren't. Yes, that's true. Why because you throw all the costs of mine? Are you hamberhood? Yes, that's true. Why we do it? The best were all refinement. And the way you get the gunned other kids hands is thrown against the wall. President begin and then they started they say, oh, I don't want that. I don't want to get casts that. They don't blame the gun. They still have the guns that they leave go at home. And our crime strategies and tools, including stop question frisk, have made New York City the safest big city in America. The fact that stops match up with crime statistics, and the fact that our police officers on patrol, the majority of whom are black, Hispanic, or members of other ethnic or racial minorities, make an average about less than one stop a week. Victims and perpetrators of crime are disportunately young minority men. That's just a fact. You can look at the victims, you can look at who were arrest, you can ask witnesses and victims for descriptions. Because it's a couple of one newspaper and one news service, they just keep saying, oh, it's a disportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it's not a disportunate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the word in that case. Incidentally, I think we disportunately stop whites too much and minorities too little. And then he talks it talks about literally throwing minority kids up against the wall and that that was as philosophy as mayor of New York. Your reaction, Yeah, Sean, it's a day of reckoning from Michael Bloomberg. And you know, he was able to skirt by for a long time because he had a lot of money, and he was at three percent, and so nobody wanted to touch him on the Democrat side because they didn't think he was going to catch on, and they wanted his money. Well, all of a sudden, he's in double digits. He's surging a little bit now, so he's getting real scrutiny. And look, he was governing as a Republican mayor of New York and now he wants to masquerade as if he's you know, he's now morphing into a socialist, and so which one is it? And how are you going to answer for the things that you did his mayor? But imagine this if you're an African American and you hear Bloomberg actually saying, yeah, we're gonna throw minority kids up against the wall because ninety five percent of murderers are African Americans. And then he goes on, he goes even further, he goes, why do we do it? He's on tape saying this, because he goes the way you get the guns out of the kid's hands, you'd throw them up against the wall, and you frisked them and then they start, oh, I don't want to get caught, so they don't bring a gun, and they still don't have a gun and leave at home. And then he goes, yeah, of course we're arresting more minority kids for marijuana. We're sending And then he goes and he says this, we're sending all of our cops into minority communities, all of them nowhere else, just minority communities. Wow. I am like, are you kidding me? As the outrage and look, you know, and you said this. If a Republican, if Donald Trump would have done that or said that, they'd be going nuts. They always go nuts no matter what he says. Anyway, But I think he's gonna have to answer for this. I think Michael Bloomberg is finally getting the scrutiny that he deserves. He was avoiding it, he was hiding. Look. I was at a middle school in bed for about two hours ago, and I had a military veteran at one of the primary locations, the voting locations, and he said, look, Michael Bloomberg wants to avoid New Hampshire, avoid Iowa. He thinks he could just hide from people and spend billions of dollars in New York. He said, that's not going to work. And if there's an authenticity that goes with coming into these primaries hawk estates and meeting with real people and being scrutinized, and so he avoided that scrutiny for a long time, but it's catching up with him. Now. Let me ask you this because I want to move on to another issue here and that is all right. So we see what's happening with the Trump organization. We see again, just like in Iowa, uncontested really for Republicans. But what do we see. We see Trump supporters everywhere and apparently big turnout for them today in New Hampshire. What does your take on that, same as Iowa. Is that enthusiasm indicative of the passion that people have about this election? Yeah, Sean, the enthusiasm is unreal. I mean, you know, we were at the rally last night and a few of us with the campaign we're talking and just imagine, like, name another Republican or Democrat that can have that kind of crowd. And again, it wasn't just the eleven and a half thousand people in that arena over in the southern New Hampshire, but it was the forty thousand other people who wanted to get in who couldn't. And it's genuine enthusiasm because of what this president's done. It's all about results. You know, he promised things twenty sixteen, and he's delivered on those things. The economy is better. He's building over one hundred miles of new wall this year. We're actually securing the border. We're seeing a decrease and the illegal crossings now because this president is standing up for America. He's killing terrorists, and Democrats in Congress are criticizing him when he's killing terrorists. I mean Mayor Pete the other day said there's not a compelling case to take out solo money, by god. I mean, the guy killed over six hundred men and women in uniform and was in iact, plotting to kill more Americans. When President Trump gave the order to take him out, he was a terrorist leader. He's dead now because of the strong leadership of President Trump. People see that and it fires him up that not only do they see this president following through, but then they see the left of viciousness going after him, going after his family. You saw it last week, acquittal for life. I gotta let you go, but I gotta selly something. If this keeps up, it's gonna be amazing I'm up on a heartbreak. Steve Scolia's congressman, House Republican Whip. Thank you for being with us. You always are generous with your time. All right, that's gonna wrap up our New Hampshire primary coverage here. We'll have all the results on Hannity tonight. We got reporters everywhere. We got Laura Trump is going to join us. Senator Lindsay Graham's in town, Kevin McCarthy is in town, Sarah Sanders, Mike Huckabee, Geraldo, Dan Bongino mc gates. We're loaded up the best election coverage. We are only two hundred and sixty six days away. We'll have full coverage of what looks like the implosion of Bloomberg. So we'll have all of that nine Eastern from New Hampshire from the primary, Live Free or Die state the best election cover t Hannity tonight at nine. We'll see them. We'll see you back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us,