Sean dedicates this show to covering the latest news surrounding talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's announcement that he has lung cancer. The pioneer of all talk radio, Sean covers the full impact of this legend and gets into more details about his illness and just why your prayers are so important. Plus, the latest from the Iowa Caucus.
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All right, glad you with us. Welcome aboard eight one hundred and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a part of this extravaganza. You know's a song by Tim McGraw and it's called Live Like You're Dying. Such a great song, and it's like, we have all these great plans in life and then something just hits you so hard, it just it makes us all pause. And honestly, I had an entirely different show book for the whole day, and I was listening to the end of Russia's show and he made this announcement, and it's that moment it just hits you on a dime. I don't think talk radio would ever be anything like it is, or I'd be here if it wasn't for all that Russia is done now. I want to be very clear. Rushi announced at the end of his program today that he has stage four lung cancer. It's being treated. Just said, I just need to be honest with your audience, so incredibly stoic and courageous because just you know, like everything else he's ever done in his career inspiring, and he's always forged a path. He said, good news that he didn't have any symptoms, which is good, just something that he noticed and they picked up on it. I know every single one of us now taking and absorbing this. We've all lived through this. Probably everyone listening. And if you haven't, thank god you haven't. I hope you never have it. When you get a call at three o'clock, three thirty in the morning and the phone rings, and you know, it's never gonna be good unless it's a you know, unless it's a call that you you know wasn't for you, it's never gonna be good. I find sickness and all of it associated with it. And my three sisters were nurses and brother in law's doctor. I know more. I have two of my best best three of my best best friends in the world are doctors, two brain surgeons literally and uh, you know, my own personal doctor. I can call him at four o'clock in the morning. You'll come over my house. And doctors are amazing people. And but it is it just hit me like a dime, like a ton of bricks, like a Matt truck. I don't whatever cliche you want to use, that's it. I just as he said, let me, let me just let rush say it. In his own words. The one thing that I know about Rush, his brother David, has been my agent from my entire career now going back thirty years. I know his family, I know him. His niece is one of the best workers we have on our team. I love this family. They are incredibly brave people individually. But let me just let Rush satan his words just announcing him moments ago. I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, diagnosis confirmed by two medical institutions back on January twentieth. First realized something was wrong on my birthday weekend January twelfth, and I wish I didn't have to tell you this, and I thought about not telling anybody. I thought about trying to do this without anybody knowing, because I don't like making things about me. But there are going to be days that I'm not going to be able to be here because I'm undergoing treatment or I'm reacting to treatment, and I know that that would inspire all kinds of curiosity with people wondering what's going on. And the worst thing that can happen is when there is something going on and you try to hide it and cover it up, it's eventually going to leak, and then people are going to why didn't you just say it? Why just why do you try to fool everybody? And it's not that I want to fool anybody. It's just that I don't want to burden anybody with it, and I haven't wanted to, but it is what it is. And you know me, I'm the mayor of Realville. So this has happened, and my intention is to come here every day I can and to do this program as normally and as competently and as expertly as I do each and every day, because that is the source of my greatest satisfaction professionally. Personally, I've had so much support from family and friends doing this that it's it's just it's been tremendous. And I told the staff today that I have a deeply personal relationship with God that I do not proselytize about, but I do, and I have been working that relationship tremendously, which I do regularly anyway, but I've been focused on it intensely for the past couple of weeks. I know there are many of you in this audience who have experienced this, who are going through it yourselves at the same time, I am at the moment experiencing zero symptoms other than I don't look. I don't want to get too detailed in this. What led to shortness of breath that I thought might have been asthma or you know, I'm sixteen, I could have been my heart. My heart's in great shape, ticking away, fine, squeezing and pumping great. It was not that it was a pulimentary problem involving malignancy. So I'm going to be gone the next couple of days as we figure out the treatment course of action and have further testing done. But as I said, I'm I'm going to be here as often as I can. And as is the case with everybody who finds themselves in a circumstance, you just want to You want to push your head and try to keep everything as normal as you can, which is something that I'm going to try to do. But I felt that I had to tell you because that's the kind of relationship I feel like I have with those of you in this audience. I say it every Christmas, which is when I feel more thankful than at Thanksgiving. And I feel thankful at Thanksgiving, but Christmas it really gets to me but over the years, a lot of people have been very nice telling me how much this program is meant to them. But whatever that is, it pales in comparison to what you all have meant to me. And I can't. I can't describe this. But you know, I know you're there. Every day, I can see you. It's it's strange, how but I know you're there. I know you're there in great numbers, and I know that you understand everything I say. The rest of the world may not when they hear it express a different way, but I know that you do. You've been one of the greatest sources of confidence that I've had in my life. So I hope I will be talking about this as little as necessary in the coming days. But we've got a great bunch of doctors, a great team assembled. We're at full speed ahead on this and it's just now a matter of implementing what we are going to be told later this week. So I'll be back here. I'll hope to be back on Thursday. If not, it'll be as soon as I can. And know that every day I'm not here, be thinking about you and missing you. Thank you very much. All Right, that was Russia's moments ago. As he closed out of his show today, it's sort of like what I was saying is, you know, I have a very different show planned. And there's the Tim McGraw song. We've all experienced this where you know, a moment comes and stops me on a dime. This is one of those moments, and all of us have gone through this. And as I sit here and as I think, and I kind of absorb it, and you know, I know that when he allowed me to fill in for him, it paved the way for me one day to get my own show. It's deeply personal and his brother, who I love, and his whole family that I know and love, and obviously I know and love you is his wife. And it's just very very hard to know that somebody's gonna go through a hard time. But I think that there's a message in there for all of us. Number One, Okay, Rush as stoic as he always is, and as you know, he wants this to be as normal, talk about it as little as possible, you know, of course, right he now he talked about he has a deeply personal relationship with God. I do, most of America does, and that's where I like to put my hope, and I want to make sure that we're very clear on one thing. I know that it's never good when you hear that C word. I know when don Imus described when he had it at the time, it's like your knees buckle at the word, and it does. I lost my father from the week he was diagnosed create of cancer one week later is gone. And all of us know when those moments come and stop us on a dime, and that kind of how it was today. But I want to just ask everybody that knows how much this guy has done. You know, everyone says, well, National Review, will William F. Buckley, Okay, all credit due. But Mary Matlin once said, I don't know how I would have survived the Clinton years without Rush on the radio. You know, how would we have survived all these years? As he has educated us, entertained us, advanced the cause with a love of country and family and patriotism and all the things that we value and life too, so that deeply personal relationship in God. I would just say, Rush, we are praying for you. Everybody, everybody that knows what you've done, how you've taken a lot of hits, over the years standing up for this country, our constitution, your belief in God, your belief in life. You fighting fights every single solitary day to make this a more perfect union, a better country. And we just as you go through this, we're all praying for you. We are praying for a speedy recovery and for years more of excellence in broadcasting. First day I filled in from of course I dropped the It was a golden mic and it actually fell anyway, Sean Hennedy broke my microphone. You know, unbelievable, all of us in this business talk radio. I always talk about the pioneers because I admire them so much, because I wouldn't be doing what I do I love to do every day but for the Barry Farber's, the Barry Grace, you know, the Gene Burns, the David Brodnoy's, the Jerry Williams, the Bob Grants, you know, a serbic talk radio, hard hitting. I'm as stern. All pioneers and they made this thing called freedom of speech possible and rush for conservative talk radio. I remember when I was in a radio studio, just starting out on a college station in nineteen eighty seven, and he syndicated in eighty eight. When some guy goes, you gotta listen to this guy Rush, I remember where I was. You gotta hear he does these homeless updates. They're hilarious and they were, and he paved the way for all of us. Me and Mark talked about it, Levin the great One all the time. He's going to call in at the bottom of the hour. And but I just want to make sure everybody understands here we are so lucky in this country that we have the greatest, the best scientific minds with the greatest medical advancements. I know Russia has raised money for leukemia all of these years and donated millions. By the way, if everyone knew the Rush, I knew that gives away millions, you know. And I mom putting my faith, my hope, and all of my prayers into his speedy recovery and taking his lead on this, because you know, it's just hard when you when you when you hear somebody you know and admire that also helped you in life. Rush helped me his brother's family to me. You know, his niece is one of the nicest and best people that's ever worked for me, and always gracious to me, and I know he's been that way with everybody else. And there's nobody better. Neil Boorts once called them the Babe ruth of talk radio. Wow Sports nailed it. He's it. There's only one Babe Ruth. Nobody else, nobody else comes close. Rush. We love you. We are praying for your speedy recovery. We're praying for God's blessings upon you and your health and your entire family Catherine, David, Lisa, christ and all the kids, everybody, and for what you've done so far and will continue to do for your country. Thank you for what you've done for me personally. Thank you, And I'm just praying for your quick recovery. We love you. We're sorry you have to go through this time. We'll be here waiting for the next broadcast. We'll continue, all right, as we roll along our prayers today with Russia Lambaugh as he made this announcement and he begins a treatment, of course, a treatment for his cancer. Uh. I do know that we have the most amazing people ever that work diligently every single day to make to find the cures for all of this. You know, I'm really convinced, having lost, especially I lost my father, well you know, six months after I started at Fox, and you know, the advancements are dramatic and I and and that's where we all put our hope. When you when you have family members, we all know somebody that was able to overcome a bad diagnosis. But it does hit you like a dome. It stops you on a dime. And I guess that's what makes us special, isn't it, as human beings, because we care, we love life. We know life is precious. We as a country or founding documented is God get given rights, endowed by a creator. And we only have a short time on this earth, very short time. You know. If somebody in your family is sick, we're just for the hell of it, tell everyone you love him tonight, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean if you want to be a part of the program, just really hard hitting news for this industry, for what we do and talk radio. And Rush Limbaugh's announcement that he announced he has a stage four lung cancer or at the end of his show today so kind of took all of us by shock. I want to listen. I know him. He does not want us talking about it all day. I know him, and I want to honor his wishes. More importantly, he's going to be getting a treatment, and he says as often as he can. He's back on the air and he's gonna be out there fighting every day. I'm just you know, it's moments like this that you really remember. You know, hey, what what does his life about? We appreciate our friends, our family. You appreciate gifted, talented people that give their all for what that what their passion, their heart, their soul tells them. The great one. Mark Levin is with me. Uh we would you know, to be honest, texting and bawling before you know as well hearing it because we know what he's done for both of us prior to coming on air, and uh, you know, it hits you like a dime. And but I you know, this is quintessential rush stoic and he didn't even heat. You know, he wants this to be normal. He's going to get his treatment, and you know, I just put my faith in my hope, in God and in medicine and in science that has advanced Mark. And uh, and I'm going to follow his lead. That's where he wants us to go. And he's asked people to pray for him, and I'm praying for him. Yeah, that's that's exactly right. And uh, you know, Sean, I think about Rush. I just uh what he's done. He's done for all of us. But even more than that, you know, this country do without him? What we would we what would we do without him? So we must pray and the best science possible. And um he uh, I had to be honest with you. I pulled over the side of the road. You know, we knew a little bit earlier than most people. And it's a it's and you're right, there is there's all kinds of breakthroughs in science and so forth. We know Russia ill I fight like hell and in what a class act this man is um And he so loves his audience. That's not a joke. And he talks about it all the time. And I want people to know talk writer is a very small circle of us who speak to each other, very small circle. But Rush, in terms of his audience, in many ways, it overlaps with all the audiences because it's so big as a special relationship with people who listen to He's loved, he's liked, his words a meaning. He's a man of great compassion and humanity. All the people who've attacked him, he never, he rarely ever strikes back. He's got you know in that sense that's like you never strike back either, you know, you never throw a punch. He's got a lot more self control than I do. But I'll tell you now is the time to be positive and strong in the fine ways where we can help each of us in our own way. Prayer U the best doctors in the world, excuse me. And that's the way we have to think. And that has to be our focus and more much care with the left or anybody else, has to say, this is our man. Love him, the nation so much, the nation loves him and his impact on our lives and when the country has been so important and so positive, and so that is what we will do. He will fight, We will fight with him, we will pray and if and if anyone gets through this, he can you agree with me? True? Yeah, that's so true. That's so true. Well, both of us personally, I would dead to gratitue to him, gratitude to him, and are you kidding let's be honest. I mean, around this whole damn ministry would be dead. Do you know how many do you know how many talk stations the war when he started two hundred, there's thousands, thousands at the time when he saved the AM band, Now he's saving the FM band. I mean it's you know, we played such a big part of it, all right, how many national how many national talk shows? Did you love us? Rush? I never listened to War. I'd listen to local hosts. He was the first, Yeah, Larry King live at midnight going it's like lassion. That was about it exactly. But he transformed the radio. But it's more important, you know, um, and I love what Mary Mattlin had said about the time he this. You know, we talk about the impact of National Review. You know, you and I talk about how we all have our You were very different in many ways. We all have our unique gifts. You have your you know, acerbic side, your your keen constitutional intellect. You know. I always felt Russia's one of his greatest gifts was a monologue and the fact that he he'd see things and say things on another level, another dimension, and have the ability to communicate it to people and it dazzles me. And you know, we all have different gifts from God, and he brought us to a fruition. I'm just going to say this. I don't want to belabor this because I know he's He's probably going who kill you and me both for saying all this, But we wouldn't be here without him, and we are. We're just we're just taking a pause and we're just saying, Okay, our friend is sick. He's gonna get the right treatment and he's going to be in all of our prayers every single day. And you know what, if we can only hear him for a while two days a week, I'll be thankful for the two days and then until he gets back to five days a week. And you know, John's he's the energizer rush. He always the energy, He's always there, he's always fighting and I and I'm serious about this. I think if anyone can get through this, he can get through this. There are tens of millions of us. We're gonna be praying and rooting for him, and there's going to be wonderful doctors who are going to be trying, who are going to be taking care of him and you're right. He's got an enormously close, special family. It's huge family, enormously close, special Family's brother David is dear friends of ours, as are so many other members of his family. And people need to know. This is a family man. This is a down to earth man, This is a happy man. This is a humanitarian despite what his enemies have said about him and everybody else. And and I really think he'll fight his way through this because he fights his way through so much. Do you know what's amazing home? Because when you think about it, look at it like a forest, and it's there's no opening. He single handily, for syndicated conservative talk radio chopped down every tree and by doing that, he's taken every hit. And then all of us that come behind him, and we all owe under gratitude that path exists because he opened it for us, and that's why we love and appreciate him. And he took a lot more. You know, I take a lot of crap every day. I get the crappy anatomy, you get the crappy what I mean. But really, when you think about it, he took the crap. You know, he took the hits early, so it was easier for us because we knew it was coming, and we knew how to deal with it because we watched him deal with it. And but anyway, I love you, brother. We're praying for our friend. You're damn right. And I'll just say one other thing. There's really a handful of people during your lifetime who affect the world. And I'm not overstating this. A handful of everybody thinks they changed the world. There's really a handful, and he's one of the handful. And that is a remarkable thing. So we'll get the best doctors, we will pray for him, and with God's speed, he'll get through this. Amen, all right, my brother, God bless you, God bless you. Eight hundred nine one Sean. Somebody just sent me this And I'm not going to get into all analysis of all this, but there is one thing from Science Daily that did catch my attention that a friend's hun that lung cancer in particular. There you know, the rates have dropped fifty one percent since nineteen ninety alone, in the years I know when Rush does his radio thon is Lukemi radio thon? I mean I lost. I remember a cousin of mine many years ago to Hodgkins disease, and nobody ever dies from Hodgkins disease, hardly anymore. Somebody very close to me in my life has had lymphoma for twenty two years and the medicine state ahead of it. And look at Dick Cheney had a heart attack in his thirties, eventually culminating in a heart transplant. I remember interviewing him when he had the machine to hold him over till he got a heart is you know for these people, we have such genius in this country, and sometimes we forget, but this is this is what they do every second of every day, is they're looking to figure out how to cure disease and illness. I had that he fouc you on about the coronavirus on TV the other night, and there's and I asked the President in the interview last night we had during the Super Bowl about coronavirus, Nobody does it better than we do. Nobody does it better than America and Americans and freedom and ingenuity and advancement. I've always said Barry Farber, another great radio pioneer, always said, there's never been a country in the history of man that has accumulated more power and abused it less than the United States of America. And I very very humbly gently add there's never been a country in the history of man that has accumulated more power and used it for the advancement of the entire human race in its condition. And it's done under a system of governance. That's why government, That's why elections, that's why politics matter, because if you have the freedom, you know, there's there's these gifts. If you believe as I do, we are we are all created by one God, every human being on earth. What separates us from the animals is we have this capacity to understand. We don't know fully, nor are we designed to know fully. And I don't even know. I wish I knew a lot more, right, you know, I just look at the majesty and universes within universes of creation and I'm like, I'm blown away, and that God created every every single human soul. The word education comes from the Latin that Duke Gooday to bring forth from within, and that that that is predicated on a belief that it's already there. We don't have to ram stuff into kids' heads. We need to bring out of them. The gifts that God gave them. That's why I endowed by our creator. We're not the perfect country, but we're you know, we're where the country where freedom allows us that opportunity. I have two friends of mine, fellow talk show host on our station in New York, wo R Mark Simone Joe Kanscha, media writer for The Hill. I know you've been sitting Mark, and it's just like you know Tim McGraw says, in a moment comes and stops you on a dime, and that was about ten to three today. Yeah, Rush has some things going for him. You know, he's had some real medical difficulty in the past, battled through it and won and succeeded. Obviously, you'll have the best doctors in medical care in the world. He has got some pretty good karma. He's one of those guys. Sean won't want me to mention this, but Sean is too that has done a lot of good deeds for a lot of people. That's Rush. You know, people in trouble, they need help, money, doctors, employees, ex employees, strangers he read about in the newspaper. I could tell stories that would take entire shows. So you're right, and we could tell those stories about you. But I know you don't like to mention, and that's one thing, but people to do that, they don't want credit, they don't want even anybody to know about it. But that kind of karma can really help. He's gonna hate me for doing this. Trust me, I'm fully aware. I'm I'm on his blank list right now, and I hope he'll forgive me. And nobody could ever explain to people today what he meant. You know, It's like the Beatles or Frank Sinatra. Everybody knows they were the best, the greatest, but they don't realize how they changed the whole landscape. They just changed music, and Rush did that for radio. He wasn't just the best. He totally changed everything about radio. Am talk radio. AM was dying. They didn't know what to do. They were practically going under, and Rush just saved it and created a whole new world of AM radio. And then they everybody tried to be the next Rush. Everybody filled in for It never worked until Sean came along and you you filled in for like a year for him, and everybody realized this is the other Rush. This is no. No, I'm not in the same category. But you know what, but when we build mont Rushmore YouTube, guys go up. There's only there's only one Babe Ruth, as my buddy Neil Boorts would say. But I do want to keep this positive and I want to I want to take his lead on this, and that is he's coming back to work, He's going to get his treatment. We're all going to pray for him, and we're and I just believe in that. I believe there is a God that can answer our prayers. And here's our please on our rise and our calls. Joe Concha. Yeah, he had said, Sean when he was signing off there before you mentioned around ten to three that he hopes to be back on Thursday. In other words, he's going to get treatment Tuesday Wednesday, and then he wants to get right back to work because this is something that he has done syndicated for thirty one year. Sure, but he got into broadcasting at age sixteen. I mean, he knew that this is exactly what he wanted to do. And you could tell when you listen to Rush Limbaugh that he enjoys his work. He enjoys it every day. He doesn't have to scream to make a point and drive it down your throat. He comes to work, and I've said this to people that have some influence in this business. I said, you know what, I always marvel at his prepped that every day he has the stack, he calls it right, and it's just so seamless one thought to the other. And you always know when you tune into Rush Limball, you're going to hear a perspective that you didn't hear from everybody else that's in this industry. And that's what made him so unique. So this is something that for me personally, unfortunately, I'm an expert in this. My mother hass Toway from lung cancer back in two thousand and twelve. If he has advanced lung cancer, you know, we want to keep this positive, of course, but it just depends on, you know, where this may have metastasized too, and if surgery can be successful in getting the tumor out and then hopefully it could be extinguished. So again you're talking about who Talkers Magazine called in two thousand and two the greatest radio talk show host of all time, And you cannot deny his influence from everybody to the president currently right now, just like he does with you. You know, it listens to what Rush has to say. And then the millions of listeners, I mean fourteen fifteen million people listening on a daily basis. There has never been a broadcaster like him. And we're not going to talk in past tense. We're going to talk in future tense. In other words, feeling that he's the type of guy who's going to beat this thing and you're gonna be hearing from Russia. Part part is when you get that call or that moment that came and stops you on a dime, go back to that phrase. It just it gives you the pause. You see life differently. You appreciate everything a little bit more. I mean in that song, it talks, you know, all right when it sinks in, all right, this is real. Gotta I gotta fight this, And what am I gonna do? I'll go, you know, skydiving, Rocky Mountain, glining at two point seven seconds on a bull name Fu Manchu. And you love deeper, you speak sweeter, You give forgiveness you've been denying. And everybody that I know that has survived cancer. And I'll end it this hour this way, and I'll get to the news in the next hour. Every single person in my life that has survived cancer is just like that. Speak sweeter, love, deeper, give forgiveness you've been denying, and then you. They live at a level that most of us don't because they came to the edge. Our prayers are with Russia's family, everybody, and we can't wait to hear him back on the air sooner than later. Thank you, Joe, thank you Mark Simone. When we come back, we'll get to the news. We have a lot to get to and your calls to all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity's show, Toll Free, eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program our prayers for Rush today. You know, somebody writes me in the thing, Hey, he goes Hannity's two hundred and seventy four days. I know, as we're praying for Rush and we want him back on the air as soon as possible. I know what he wants. He wants us to go kick some serious ass and win this election in two hundred and seventy four days. And I'm like, you're right. A ton of news. Obviously, we had the Super Bowl. I thought the President's ads were spectacular. I mean, it was a touching, terrible story in the in the Bloomberg Gad. I felt so bad for the mother of this child. I'm like, Okay, you know, if you look at the violence, what have cities been run by liberal Democrats done to stop violence and end poverty and bring solutions? Not a lot. And it is And you know, his whole lad campaign is about either hating Trump or I had my interview with the President. We'll try and get some of that in throughout the program today. You can't believe how the Democrats cannot still get over their loss in twenty sixteen. That's why in two hundred and seventy four days, what do I say? I say it every day, the ultimate jury exists. Because this is a busy week. We got obviously the caucuses tonight in Iowa. We begin that process. You know, which radical leftist socialists are they gonna pick? That's what it comes down to. Then we've got the election in two hundred and seventy four days. You'll be the ultimate jury that can shock the world again and the people that we have now that those that have done this to this country done nothing for the American people, but have dragged this country through all of this because the acquittal schedule about four o'clock on Wednesday, all but a certainty at this point. This is all they've done, conspiracy theories, lies, a hoax after a hoax. We have some other election news stuff. I'll tell you what's happening in the Democratic Party. They are losing it. There is now a never Bernie, as somebody put it in an email facts to me today, apocalyps coming. You know what. They can't believe it's Bernie, and that starts from Obama straight on down all every Democrat. They're now hoping that, oh, Sanders is now up pretty much everywhere Bernie Sanders. Okay. You know Trump was funny yesterday when I was interviewing the president for the super Bowl, the interview that aired, and he goes, yeah, communist because I did a lightning round because there's only so much I can do in eight and a half minutes of airtime in the pregame of the super Bowl, and I knew people at home it was just supposed to be a short news segment. How do I get if I ask them two other questions that would be eight and a half minutes. So I figured out, all right, how can I make it a little more intro and I we dide a lightning round with the President. I brought up Bernie Sanders. He goes communist. I know they call him a socialist, but he's a communist. And he goes whoever thinks of weddings and Moscow, because I guess that's where Bernie we've reported on before. I guess went for his honeymoon, this former Soviet Union. Now let's go to communist Russia. That's her old former let's go to let's go hang out there. Great, and you could see it like you got the MSDNC crowd, Rama, Manuel Deadfish, his crowd, the Clinton crowd, the Obama crowd, the Hillary crowd. They all hate Bernie Sanders. And it's fascinating because the President said, I can see it. They're they're setting him up to steal it again from this guy. And it's so funny. I never understood and stated so many times since that whole primary it was rigged. Remember Donna Brazil in her book or and I know I interviewed her about it. You know, she said, I'm going to investigate it. This is after Wasserman Schultz was escorted out just prior to the convention. In the summer of twenty sixteen, Donna Brazil was brought in in the interim promised to get to the bottom of the Bernie thing and said, yeah, I had to cry and I called Bernie Sanders and basically it was rigged against you. Now, we were told that they had put I guess some type of safety measures in place, but that hasn't happened. But you can even see, Oh no, you got top Democrats now facing the prospect with Bernie Sanders being the top of the ticket, and they're pretty nervous about it because he's not only in the lead in Iowa, but also New Hampshire and also South Carolina. And by the way, Michael Bloomberg is just spending a fortune dropping money. Michael Bloomberg is the dullest human being on the face of this earth. You know, twelve years mayor of New York, basically a caretaker for the Rudy Giuliani policies out there, supporting the stop and frisk that Rudy put in place and fought for. I was called a racist about every day, and the murder rate dropped precipitously as a result, and here we are, you know, eighteen years later, you know him acting like he's crying that he ever supported it, because he's thinking, of course, like all Democrats think identity politics, how will African Americans you know, support me if I supported stopping frisk etc. Etc. But you got some old time Democrats like Chris Matthews. This is a disaster for the party and the prospect of having Bernie win the Iowa caucus and then he's gonna win New Hampshire and it's like, oh no, but I don't see anybody that's going to be able to beat Trump based on if we judge elections or reelections. Are you better off than you are? Yeah? It. Did the President lose any of his support from twenty sixteen, I don't think so. I think they're more energized because of the horrific treatment by the Democrats and the media mob. Did the President keep his promises? Yeah, pretty substantial list. Does the public get famous outrage that the mob and the media over everything that Donald Trump says and does. No. The American people, they've come to understand what a disruptor is, what an iconoclast is, and what draining the swamp and the sewer is and they're used to his tweetye. You know the number one comments I got from friends and people I know yesterday. You know what he says about Sleepy Joe, Elizabeth Warren Polkahontas, communist, Hunter Biden, nobody. How does everybody literally act like Hunter did nothing wrong, He's all innocent. That's the breathtaking hypocrisy you take on as a liberal and the double standard. It reeks of just a irrational hatred of Donald Trump. You know, John Kerry, you know I'm not effing running. Let me delete that. I'm not running warning that Bernie Sanders is going to take down the entire Democratic Party, dead fish and manual announcing the same thing, and you have Bernie himself is announcing a plan to nationalize the energy industry. Says his green energy push would muscle many of the country's biggest companies out of business, nationalizing health insurance Medicare for All, said, he laid out a sixteen trillion dollar climate change plan. That's four years of income that the government has, and that's not spending another penny on anything else. It's the lifeblood of our economy. Anyway, So they're talking about a never Bernie apocalypse coming Biden. I don't even know what to say about Biden anymore. Now he's telling everybody don't vote for me. He's losing it almost on a daily basis. I mean, get more cuts of Biden saying something stupid. I think if I ran it on this show or on TV, be a never ending, you know, shift show to use a phrase, you know. Tom Brokaw weighing in that twelve Sanders twenty twenty chances hard to see how people will say I'm for socialism. Hey, Tom, I don't know where you've been. Almost, well not, almost all of these Democrats are supporting some version of this idiotic New Green Deal or Medicare for all. You know, dead fish, Emmanuel, I mean, hey, dead fish, who are you to lecture anyone on politics? What did you do to stop the violence in Chicago? Nothing? Not happy with this field MSDNC Area fifty one, Roswal Rachel Maddow's you know channels state run Democratic TV, saying the twenty twenty Democrats can't beat Trump. Joe Biden snaps oh Man at Savannah Guthrie for the Hunter question. You don't know what you're talking about. Has it occurred to you that there's a certain irony here here the president is accused of and has acknowledged, wanting to get information about your son Hunter and his dealings with Ukraine, And this process of impeachment has ensured that everyone knows about Hunter's dealings with Ukraine. It's a good thing, and no one's found anything wrong with his dealing to the Crane, except they say sets a bad image. Well, do you agree that it sets a bad image? My son said that. Do you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you? Well, that's not true. You're saying things you do not know what you're talking about. No one said that, who said that? Don't he said that? Don't you think that? It's just one of those things where people think, well that seems kind of sleazy. Why would he have that job if not for his who his father was, Because he's a very bright guy. I guess the question I'm kind of asking is is it right? His apparent? Yeah, yeah, well he said he regretted having done it. Yeah, speak to himself. It's a gold man. I regretted, oh Man, Yeah, okay, And why do you think you got Do you have any experience in gas, no oil, no energy? No? And they experienced with the Ukraine. No. Why do you think you got the millions of dollars? I don't know. Maybe because you're you're vice president fathers in charge. I told him you're not getting the billion. Fire the guy. I still cannot get over it. By the way, Senator Graham vowing to investigate this Ukrainian impeachment conspiracy theory hoax. But the double standard is breathtaking. I don't know how these people can buy for Kate and compartmentalize such hypocrisy and such lying to themselves. Jake Tapper calling out Joe Biden for not taking or talking on the Sunday shows. Hey, fake, Jake. Nobody gets ratings on these stupid shows anymore. Nobody watches them. I know you can convince yourself that there's all this prestige involved with it, but it don't. You're not Tim Russert, Tim Russell, David Brinkley, They're gone. They were. That's a by gone error. I have people like Michael Moore apoplectic that guys like Mayor Bloomberg might be able to buy his way onto the debate stage, which, by the way, is true. They're changing the rules just for Mayor Bloomberg so he can get on there. And he literally he was at a Bernie Sanders rally in Iowa and you know, talking about how the DNC lowered the standards allowing candidates to participate in the next primary debate, saying that the rule change is just an effort for the Democratic establishment again to screw Bernie like they did in twenty sixteen. And by his way onto the stage. I watched the debate in Iowa two weeks ago, and the all white debate, he said in the fact that the Democratic DNC will not allow Corey Booker on the stage, not allow Julian Castro on the stage, but they're gonna allow Mike Bloomberg on the stage because he has a billion blanking dollars. There's a lot of truth to what he's saying here, and the DNC is now I in this rule change, in this bid to block Bernie. Here we go again. This is in the Politico. Small group of Democratic National Committee members has privately begun gaging support for a plan to potentially weaken Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. In conversations on the sidelines DNC Executive Committee members meeting calls, texts in recent days about a half dozen members discussing the possibility of a policy reversal to ensure the so called superdelegates can vote on the first ballot at the party's national convention. They're trying to screw Bernie one more time. Isn't that nice of them? What a shocker. I'm literally about I'm not kidding you better right now, I literally am getting And now we know in the Hill they're reporting Bloomberg's surging past warrant. Nobody knows, Bloomberg. What you do is paying for ads. Mike is great. I hate guns. You know, Mike will get it done if Mike a chance. Nobody knows. I'm telling you it is. They're just like throwing anything up for they couldn't impeach them. Muller report fails, Russia conspiracy lies, three years, Ukraine impeachment all falls apart. And now you got progressive groups. They're getting pissed and they're now uniting behind Bernie Sanders and he's introducing legislation that will end US energy independence. Oh, and by the way, Bernie leads the twenty twenty field in private jet spending. Oh, Bernie's a hypocrite, just like Al Gore. Shocker. All right, as we roll along, eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn is our number. We'll get your calls into in the next half hour. The only guest we have is Congressman Scalis is in the final half hour of the program today. So all of this about Bernie's announcement about the environment, and you know, he's surging in. The Democrats are freaking out and his new plan. By the way, we're gonna We're gonna get rid of oil and gas. I'm like, oh, okay, Bernie is getting screwed again, and they're trying to do it right in front of everybody, which cracks me up. But then I find out they read this, oh headline, Bernie leads twenty twenty field in private jet spending. Oh, we can't drive a caravan or an escalade or a car that uses you know whatever. You know, we've got to fly less. The New Green Deal. We're gonna get rid of oil and gas and the internal combustion engine, and everything's gonna be free. And it's gonna be ninety four trillion or some version thereof. He's latest one is sixteen trillion. That's four years of income, assuming that our economy is still standing after they take away the lifeblood of our economy. And so he introduces legislation that will end us energy independence. But he's flying around in private jet to the tune of one point two million dollars just in the last quarter alone. Must be nice up there in the sky, not having to worry about going through TSA and having you know, your cocktails in private whatever you do up there. Progressive groups, though, are uniting behind Bernie. The New York Post never Bernie Apocalypse is coming. Democratic insiders and now you could see you got the Obama faction, you got the Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton faction. You got you know now literally trying to Then you got the DNC hierarchy. You want to talk about a swamp. Well, they already ripped this guy off once, why not do it again. They're now planning it, and even the mainstream media is picking up on it, and Joe Biden is fading in South Carolina. Now they're going to change the rules. Maybe maybe it's gonna be Bloomberg all right, we'll get to that Super Bowl. Latest on impeachment disaster for the Democrats on the falloup coming up. All right, twenty five now till the time of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. We talked about Rush. He announced on his program at the end of his show today that he's being treated for lung cancer, and we talked about it for a good part of the first hour, and I just want to remind people our thoughts and prayers are with him. He thinks he'll be back on the air on Thursday. And what a what a what a profound impact. Mark was right when we had to live in on very few people actually really impact history. What an impact he's had. We're all blessed, and we want that impact to continue for decades and decades to come. A lot happening today. So you got the Caucuses tonight, looks like Bernie is surging everywhere at this time. There is an all out freak out within the Democratic establishment. You've got you know, the Clintons, and then you got Obama stating pretty publicly and behind closed doors, and it's been ported they're not interested and all Team Clinton doesn't seem too interested. And then you've got state run tv MS DNC in a total meltdown with Chris Matthews. These twenty twenty Democrats can't beat Trump. Then the Democrats are now DNC is now changing the rules so that Michael Bloomberg could actually buy his way into the debates, and Joe Biden is falling like a rock, as is Elizabeth Warren. And Bernie's surging pretty much in every poll that looks like, by the way, as a shot at South Carolina, and they're trying to build in a stop gap. And now the DNC, well, I think we're going to go back to the old rules where on the first ballot the Superdella gets matter again. Wow, pretty amazing. John Kerry among those freaking out as well that Bernie Sanders will take down the entire Democratic Party. You noticed they don't get nervous until he starts to win, just like the last time. That's when the whole thing was rigged. That's when Donna Brazil had to call Bernie Sanders and say, yeah, that's true. I never understood why people within the Democratic Party that like Bernie. You have a right to like Bernie, you like a socialist pretty much. They're all socialist now, pretty radical socialist. And they literally rigged the system so he can't win, so the establishment candidate Hillary emerges, and I don't understand why so many people in the Democratic Party are willing to take it. And I'd say, on this program and on TV a lot, I'm like, why am I like the only one that thinks rigging an election in this case of primary is really bad and probably shouldn't be happening in the United States of America, Just you know, random thoughts, because I think if it happened and somebody I supported as a Conservative that was running for the Republican Party nomination and they rigged the system against them, I think I'd end up being pretty ticked off. But the DNC finally announces there's going to be two pathways now to qualify the New Hampshire debate, and that is one earn at least one pledged delegate from the Iowa Caucus, and then, of course, well meet the donor requirements of contributions of two twenty five thousand unique donors and one of two polling requirements two poles at seven percent or more. New Hampshire, Abada, South Carolina, and then the three early states qualifying poles for the New Hampshire debate will include national polling in New Hampshire, Abada, South Carolina. But all of this now is you've got okay, maybe we were gonna have to go with Bloomberg just to screw Bernie again. And this again from the Politico. Would he paid attention to Politico January eleven, twenty seventeen when they did a long expose investigative report about Ukrainian election interference and how in fact they were successful at it separate apart from what they do with Russia. Anyway, I've got to give some to Politico. DNC members discuss rules change to stop Sanders at convention now. Karl Rove has been keeping his eye on the possibility of a broker convention now for some time. I do have some friends of mine that are thinking this isn't the Clinton's Hillary wants to get in. I'm like, well, you never know. I mean, I have no idea, but you do know their motives aren't particularly pure. What they're really saying is they don't like Democratic voters. That's what they're really saying. They're really saying we know better than you do. It's sort of like when you know, you watch fake news CNN and they're laughing all Trump voters ha ha, harn M lines and m map and all that stuff that they were doing the other night on Don Lemon Show. Well, I think that's pretty revealing. They don't particularly like Donald Trump's supporters because they think they know better than we do. That's why the term irredeemable, deplorable soul noxious Trump supporters. That's why smelly Trump voting, Walmart shoppers, wow, Peter Struck, it smelled them all the way far away or Obama. You know these bitter you know people in Pennsylvania that cling to God. Oh okay, I cling to God. Guilty is charged, our constitution guilty. Uh yeah, our Bibles and our religion guilty, guilty is charged. Irredeemable Yeah, deplorable, Sure, if you want to call me that, whatever you want. Smelly I like Walmart, you know, I like Walmart. They have everything and it's all cheap. You got you save money. That's a good thing. Michael Moore's not standing for this. He's ticked off of this. It looks like every Birdie's supporters gonna get pissed off this time. And I don't know how that ends. I don't know if it's going to end particularly well for them. M Well, the the show, if you will, is almost over now, it's all but done. And that directly has to do with the issue of this sham impeachment. This is all we've gotten from these Democrats for four consecutive solid years. Have they done a thing to make this country safer or more secure? Nothing, even those that supported a border wall soon as Donald Trump supported it. No, that's racist. No, it's a manufactured crisis. I mean, that's spectacular hypocrisy. And it was Russia, Russia, Russia, impeach, impeach, impeach, all through twenty the end of twenty sixteen. Immediately thereafter Washington Post within hours of the inauguration of Donald Trump, talk of impeachment has begun. Wow, because they don't like what the who the American people chose either. That's why I say, you have the power as the ultimate jury. You now have the power. We the people have the power. They can't stop us. They can't stop you. By the way, if you want voting information, we try to make it information friendly. Went to register in your state, who might be running for Congress in your district, early voting time periods, absentee voting process. We put it all up on Hannity dot Com for your convenience. So if you're interested in shocking the world in two hundred and seventy four days, maybe you'll go to Hannity dot Com. I was glad that Senator Lindsey Graham made it very clear today, while impeachment may be over, his investigation of these Democrats and this impeachment hoax, which is the latest hoax, they've done nothing to keep us, you know, safe or secure. They've done nothing for prosperity, having created a single job. They've done nothing but hate Donald Trump and just viciously attack him and his supporters for three years. I don't think that's a good platform to run on. When you hear what they want to do, it almost makes Barack Obama look like a moderate. Obama didn't work out very well for the country, with thirteen million more Americans on food stamps and eight million more in poverty, and the lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, and he took on more debt than you know, all forty three presidents before him combined Donald Trump's Now, well, I think he's doing all the things that somebody needs to do. If if you want to be reelected, are you better off than you are four years ago? Check? Okay, did you keep your promises? Check? Like you kept up almost all of them. Did you you know? Are things better? Eight million new jobs, millions out of poverty, eight million fewer Americans on food stamps? Check? What about those trade deals? Check? China two hundred and twenty billion in two years to help farmers, our service industry, our energy sector, or manufacturers, our car manufacturers. Wow, nobody thought the China deal would get done. No, he got the deal now with Canada. Mexico got the deal done with Japan. By the way, as far as Mexico, we have a better deal that means we'll making more money. They're kind of paying for the wall and a roundabout way, aren't they better deals with our Western European allies? Has he gotten us into these long established entanglements abroad? Nope. Showed a lot of restraint with Iran after they shot down two drones that people didn't think he'd show, or when they were taking tankers hostage in the Straits of Hormus. I think the President did a pretty good job, even after they tried to interrupt the free flow of oil, of market prices and take out the Saudi oil industry. He didn't respond that either, But when the Iranians killed Americans, he responded. He responded. Then he did take out the Caliphate in Syria when he just simply removed the handcuffs, which are the rules of engagement of Biden and Obama, and let the military do their job and bomb them. I'm the living hell out of them. Baghdaddy, He's dead. Solomani's dead. Around number one state sponsor terror. That terror was led by Solomani. That's a pretty big deal, I guess, except if you're a Democrat. They were too busy Russia, Russia and Peach and Peach Ukraine, Ukraine. Now I know. The Inspector General's report validated everything I told you about the dirty Russian dossier that Hillary paid for, and how that was the bulk of information, and the visa applications and the DJ affirming Yep, they were fraudulently obtained to spy on Carter page than I am, his civil liberties and his basic fundamental civil rights and that it was used as a backdoor to spy on a presidential candidate. Wow, they cheated Bernie, they tried to, you know, cheat Trump. Remember even the New York Times finally came around that Russian dossier full will full of nothing now but debunked lies, hookers, bads, urinating and Trump's rits, Carlton room in Moscow. It was all false, leaked to conspiracy theorists, the compliant, you know, state run media, the mob, the ninety nine percent of media, you know is a cough corn. Yeah, they're all leaking all this crap, you know. And what's Pelosi saying today, after knowing it's all over. Ukraine has done well, we'll see what we do next after Trump is acquitted. Oh, she wants to drag the country through more of this and more. Unhinged Pelosi suggesting Trump's impeachment lawyers should be disbarred. Why because they won, Because they did a good job, pretty amazing. Because I thought Justice Roberts frankly showed more gave more leeway to Democrats than I even thought was ever permissible. All the hearsay witness testimony, he allowed, all of the opinion testimony, He allowed, even allowed the Muller Report to be dragged into this, but still there was no case. While John Bolton may say that the president said he was going to link funding to any release of funds, but the truth is he didn't, did he and neither and the Ukrainians say it, And they got all the money, every penny, and they announced nothing. They wouldn't. They never announced an investigation. All true, you know, So this is a spectacular win, but it's so sad and the damage so real for the country. We all love impeachment Democrats raging for an election interference. You know, they can't explain the dirty Clinton dossier. You got Kim Jeffries, New York Congressman, arguing on Thursday that Steele and the dossier did not constitute part medalling in an election because it was purchased. That's how nuts they got, you know, they all exonerate quit and pro and quo and Joe and zero experience Hunter being paid million, millions of dollars eighty three thousand a month. Average American family of four makes hundred fifty four grand a year. There's a great piece. Georgetown law professor, I've not heard of him before. His name is Randy Barnetti as a professor who points out that they brought an incomplete case to the Senate. That was my point, and it's not the Senate's role, he said, to finish it. By the way, the biggest loser in all this is Joe Biden, because the one that did it was Joe Biden. You're not getting the billion unless you fired the prosecutor that's investigating my zero experience sun being paid millions. They brought an incomplete case to the Senate. It's not the Senate's role to finish it. This professor's right. They're tasked in the Senate with reviewing the evidence gathered by the House and making a judgment on whether or not to remove the president. Too bad, Senator Romney didn't understand the simple basics of the Constitution. Beyond disappointing from Mitt Romney. Based on what I've seen the professor goes on with my own eyes these last few years, I am convinced the US would be very well served to intensely review every single case that Adam shift has ever prosecuted. Wow, I like that a lot. By the way, Lindsey Graham said so, said as much and Lindsey Graham's going to go forward with that. And you know, it's even interesting because in a rare moment of candor, even over at fake News CNN, they're lamenting the fact that the president and having survived the Mueller conspiracy theory hoax and now the shift show, the Schumer shift show, sham show, that quote, he will be stronger than ever good, you know what, because he's getting good things done for the country, for we, the people that they're all supposed to serve. All they seem to be serving in their own personal interests. All I desire, will Caucus stay well of the latest on this, All right, all closing arguments done. The acquittal vote is now in schedule. That will happen on Wednesday around four o'clock. During the show, the vote is scheduled. We will get to all of that. The Democratic Party and complete chaos meltdown and they're trying to again cheat Bernie. We will get your calls in and a lot of you have been been calling about Rush. Yes, our thoughts and prayers are with him as he moves towards his recovery, and we look forward to having him back on the air on Thursday. We'll get to all of that. Eight hundred nine four one sewn is our number, quick break, right back, final hour, free for all, straight ahead, all right, clad you with us, toll free eight hundred nine four one sean if you want to be a part of this extravaganza of you're just joining us. There is sad news today, but I am I just believe in medicine and science and miracles too. And I know I know what Rush means to this conservative audience because I know what he means to every conservative in the country. And as I said in the first hour of the show today, I would not be doing this job if people like him didn't pave the way for all of us that followed behind him, all of us. And anyway, he's getting treated. He announced that he had lung cancer, that he's being treated and he will be doing his show as often as he can and going through the treatment, which you know, it's just so we all know people have gone through this. It's so hard. You never want that for people you love and care about, and in his case, somebody that has almost single handedly advanced the conservative movement in modern day since he first syndicated in nineteen eighty eight, and my prayer and what his prayer was is for a speedy recovery. That's what we're looking for. That's what we're hoping for. Anyway, we got a lot happening. So you got all those chaos with the Democratic Party. Yeah, the Iowa Caucuses today, we have the State of the Union tomorrow. Then you got the acquittal on Wednesday. And at what point, though, does the media mob, At what point do the Democrats ever pay the price for the damage, the destruction, the divisiveness, the wreckage. They'll lies, the conspiracy theories, the hoaxes, the slander, the smears, the besmirchment. Because that's all we've gotten out of them for three years. You know, I used to always complain every two in four years, we always get the same thing. Republicans are racist, they are sexist, They're misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic. That their plan is for dirty air and dirty water, Obama once said. And of course they don't care about old people. They want grandma and grandpa to eat cat food or dog food. Before Paul Ryan look alike will show up in a commercial, I guess now it'll be Givin McCarthy and throw your grandmother and grandfather over the cliff. That's pretty much. But now it's even worse than that. And it's never been this bad with the mob in the media. It's never been this bad because you know, look look at for example, this Schumer, this Schumer shift sham impeachment show. Now to get there, the mob and the media and the Democrats, they have to ignore a real quid pro quote with real laws in play. The good news is is that Lindsey Graham says, you know what, I'm looking into this, as are other people. But we see even three years the muellerhax. All right, we got the inspector General report. Inspector General doesn't have the ability to convene a grand jury and push charges. Now, he did make referrals, and that means criminal referrals for call me and McCabe lacking candor, people like Michael Flynn. General Flynn, he ends up getting charged when is Comey gonna get charged because it sounds like the same thing or McCabe the same issue we're struck in page The only difference here is it takes forever to get to the bottom of the great injustice, And I hope we better get that fixed, because otherwise we won't have anything that resembles equal justice under the law in this country. We would never will We'll never have it equal application of our laws. Now, John Durham and the Attorney General Bart, they're not living in the with the confines that General Inspector General Harrowitz had because he could only narrowly look at what he could see within the Department of Justice and the FBI. By the way, not the ninety nine percent great people. This investigation has taken them far and wide and abroad. They now even said, yeah, a spying on a candidate, occurred, on a transition team occurred. Deep Attorney General bars words flying into the presidency. They've now even confirmed Yeah, those fives applications, Yeah, yeah they were issued. Yeah, No, that was improper, meaning laws were broken. So I'm gonna tell you, but one good piece of news on that front. By the way, there was a there was a piece and editorial board piece in the New York Post about how the case against General Flynn is now in a full collapse. This is how we treat people that serve their country for thirty one years, including in war zones. Yeah, combat guess that's how we do that. We do things. If you're a conservative, you get one set of justice. You're a liberally get a whole entire set of justice. Pretty sad and pretty sick. But more importantly, even more more, it is so dangerous. Um I was going to play today, I won't do it today. We might get to it tomorrow. We'll definitely get some of it on TV. I was very happy. I've been in radio thirty one years now and I'm now my twenty fourth year, believe it or not, a Fox, and I got an opportunity of a lifetime and by the way, we were up I think two and a half million viewers from whatever the interview that Margaret Brennan did with the president last year. I was pretty happy about that. Thank you for watching and the part of the pregame show. But you only have eight and a half minutes. So that's why I did the lightning round. That made a lot of news. We'll play some of it, will play some of what we played yesterday and some of what we played that we didn't play. But the interview went on a little bit longer. We gave us some extra time, which was nice. And anyway, so it was it was interesting and what a football game it was. It was amazing, wasn't it. I don't you know what football to me is like our gladiator sport. I mean, it's just the athleticism. And I know there was criticism of the halftime show. Yeah, it was a little racy. I'm kind of used to it now, so it doesn't really surprise me. It was an awarddrobe malfunctions, so I guess we're on the upside of it. I will tell you just the athleticism of you know, athletes now hard. They work to play their season, to stay strong and fit at the top of their game. Only a tiny percentage of college football players ever make the pros. And then I saw incredible athleticism during the halftime show. I was blown away. I mean, incredible athleticism coupled with the music, and that impressed me a lot. I'll tell you the two ads that the President ran were pretty amazing. They'd been given our heads up from a source that this might happen and that there was going to be I was told maybe an ad on Alice Murray Johnson, but then I saw it for myself. Now, she's one of the most inspirational people I've ever known. I've interviewed Alice Murray Johnson. She's gonna be on the show to Mars, She's gonna be on TV, Amazing woman. She was sentenced to life in prison. I'll play the ad, but you gotta remember that a lot of it was actually written on the screen. And she never thought she was ever getting out of prison. And rather than just give up, she built her own prison ministry and she would counsel younger inmates and do Bible studies with younger inmates to help change their lives, and she did. She never thought she'd get out. So the ad has written Alice Marie Johnson. Alice Johnson was sentenced to serve life in prison for a non violent drug offense. Thanks to President Trump, people like Alice are getting a second chance. Then you're gonna hear the moment when she came out. I remember one moment. It wasn't part of the ad where she said, I want to thank the American people. I won't let you down, thank you for giving me a second chance. But in this at it says I'm free to hug my family again, free to start over. Politicians, you know it's written that they all talk about criminal justice reformed. President Trump got it done. Then you hear Alice again, this is the greatest day of my life. My heart is bursting with gratitude. Then it says written thousands of families are being reunited. Then you hear Alice Johnson, and Donald Trump says, I'll let you hear the rest yourself. And I'm Donald Trump. I approve of this message. Listen, I'm free to hunt, I'm free to start over. This is the greatest day of my life. My heart is just bursted with gratitude. I want to thank President Donald john Trump. Thank you. I'm Donald Trump and I approved this message. You know, if you look at these statistics, amazing, isn't it Liberals, big cities, decades of rule. How's it working out in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore? How is it? You know we're promised, oh, you got to keep your doctor your plan and save money on average twenty five hundred dollars per family per year. Well we're now all paying almost two hundred percent more. Almost forty percent of this country only has one healthcare Obamacare exchange option one. That's it. What happened to keep your doctor in plan? Lies. What do you think the new Greeden Deal is lies? What do you think free everything is lies? It's unsustainable. Nobody ever asked them in the mob because they just hate Trump. They want Trump out now. The second ad, well, I'll just play it and let you hear it yourself. America demanded change. Donald Trump wills the president, and change is what we got under President Trump. America is stronger, safer, and more prosperous than ever before, the best twitch growth. I think we've seen almost a decade unemployment rate sinking to a forty nine year low. I play in African Americans are well. Unemployment for Hispanics here, all time record low. Ladies and gentlemen, the best, and Donald J. Trump can I approved this message. Biden Obama had eight years, thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, now millions out of poverty, about eight million off of food stamps, and about eight million new jobs, including the manufacturing jobs that Obama's that are never coming back. They're back. And then the trade deals, and then the originalist justices and then dollar amount, the largest tax cut in American history, the biggest reduction ever in the bureaucracy, ending burdensome regulations. Wow, conservatism works trade deal with China that get this two hundred and twenty billion in two years only that helps farmers all across our country. Are the greatest farmers in the world. Nobody's better than us. And our service industries are benefiting. The energy sector, the car industry, manufacturing, they're all benefit from that two hundred and twenty billion dollars deal alone. Nobody thought he'd get that done. He got it done, and a new deal with China, Japan, and a deal with Mexico and Canada and our Western European allies. And then he takes out the entire Caliphate because he let the military do their job. Wow, and we're not having we don't have boots on the ground. Then he took out Baghdaddy and associates. Then he took out Solomani. Not one good word from Democrats on that either. So these are amazing times. But the Alexander a quid and pro and quote Joe, you're not getting the billion, and they'll come up with a new conspiracy theory after three straight years of lies and conspiracy theories. It's unbelievable. Some unbelievable. You know these are we have. This is beyond an information crisis. Linda, you can tell James what to bring in here. Thank you, if you don't mind, please Um. These are amazing times. But here's the good news. Two hundred and seventy four days, the ultimate jury is you, and you can shock the world again. Imagine for a second we at fake news CNN, we had conspiracy TV, state run TV MS, DNC can now project Donald J. Trump has been reelected the forty fifth president. I can't make that happen, but you can, all right. I know a lot of you've been out there. Steve Scolis at the bottom of the hour, let me get to let's say hi to Ronda Indiana. Hey, Rohnda. We'll be watching you in two hundred and seventy four days from now. How are you. I'm great, Sean, It's so nice to hear your voice again. Hey. I want to tell you something personally. I was listening to the impeachment the other day, just here in my home, and I just was feeling the heaviness and the bruising that this whole debacle as laid on our country. And I remember something that Vice President Pence's assistant had told us recently at the White House. She just said, we need encouragement. And I thought of you. I thought of you and the way that you fight to bring truth, and I thought of the Trump administration. And so here in the quietness of my Midwestern home, I got down on my knees on the floor and I prayed for you by name, and I prayed for Trump and his administration because I wanted God. I want God to encourage your hearts, to strengthen you with resolve for the battle. And I pray as the mother of four boys. Believe me, I'm acquainted with the power of prayer. And there's nothing like having a praying mother on your side. And so I pray as a mother. I pray for my fellow Americans, because even the ones who are doing their worst are still my fellow Americans. And I may disagree strongly with their ideas, and I may work hard to see them defeated, But if I allow my heart to slide into hatred for them, then it will only entrap and ensnare me, and I refuse to let that happen. Well, first of all, let me, let me let me, because I don't have a few seconds. Let me just say something. I humbly thank you. I believe in prayer. Rusha's announcement today makes me pray for him. It's not you know, you worry about us taking these barbs or whatever. It's an honor for all of us to be able to do this every day. And I'll tell you there are things worth fighting for, and the future of our country is one of them. And what some have done the last three years is beyond despicable, culminating in you know what will lend on Thursday at four o'clock, two hundred and seventy four days Rhonda, there you can pray for that. Too. Remarkable is you now have Republican senators coming out and saying, yes, the House proved its case. The House proved the corrupt scheme that they charge in the article's impeachment the President did withhold hundreds and millions of dollars from an ally to try to course that ally into helping him cheat in the next election. That's pretty remarkable when you now have senators on both sides of the aisle admitting the House made its case and the only question is should the president be removed for office? Because he's been found guilty of these offenses. I think it's enormously important that the country understand exactly what this president did, and we have proved it. I also think it's important that the Senate take the next step having found him guilty. If indeed that's what they have found, they need to remove him from office because he is threatening to still cheat in the next election by soliciting foreign interference. Right there, it is. I mean, it's just endless, never ending, never ending, NonStop exation, lies, propaganda, misinformation, and that, of course the congenital liar himself who's compromised in the case, the only guy we know that is colluding on tape with somebody believes to be a Russian that has compromising Man, what's the nature of the compromise? Naked pict of throm does watermir No, the only guy it is the only guy that is on tape doing it. But he exonerates quit and pro Quo and Joe and zero experience Hunter. That is the breathtaking hypocrisy that is the Democratic Party today, that is now that they ought not and can never be rewarded for this type of behavior, because I'll tell you if they are it is. It will be the biggest travesty of justice ever. Now, this, this acquittal is real, It is spectacular. This was a tail. You're from the get go. There's a I don't know the guy a Georgetown law professor's name is Randy Barnett, and he wrote this piece. It was devastating and about the articles of impeachment, and he pointed out that criticizing senators for rejecting the substance of the House case is different than criticizing them for not allowing the House to correct the deficits in the Senates in the case. And the Senate that's not their job. Quote. They brought an incomplete case to the Senate. It's not the Senate's role to finish it. They are tasked with reviewing the evidence gathered by the House and making a judgment on whether or not to remove a president. Based on what I've seen with my own eyes these last few years, I am convinced that the USA would be very well served to intensely review every single case that Adam Schiff ever prosecuted. And wow, and Lindsey Graham, by the way, agrees with that sentiment. Here, you know, did he orchestrate the whole scheme. Now you know what role did he and his office play in all of this, because look at what he's now done to the country twice because he lied for three years on Russia. Russia. Remember when Devin Newness he said, Devin Nuness didn't tell the truth. The Nunaz meant memo. Everything Newness put out was true and accurate and confirmed by the Inspector General. Everything that Shift said about, oh no, no, he stood up for the dossier as credible and said, no, no, it was not the basis of the entire AFISA applications. He's lied spectacularly again and again and again. And at some point here I would say that we need to know whether or not this guy in his office, the congenital liar in his office, coordinated with the whistleblower to create a case of impeachment against the president. And as this professor says, I would go as so far as to say he may belong in jail. Not only distracted the country, he has created further division between Americans. I find Shift to be a malevolent, dishonest figure. And it goes on from there. Anyway, we have with us the Republican whip, our good friend, Congressman Steve Scalise, Louisiana. You know I have not asked you in a long time. I need to take a minute. I know that your recovery has been long. When you got shot in the ball field that day, I know you faced other surgery since then. How are you doing, Hey, Sean, great to be back with you. Appreciate it. I'm doing really well. In fact, my New Year's resolution in twenty nineteen was to end the year not having to use my crutches anymore, and starting in January, I've been walking without a crutch. So God has been good and the recovery keeps going well, still doing physical therapy, but getting better every day. Wow. And I'll never forget one year later that incredible play you made well you're playing second base. Wow, it was amazing. All right, So look, I think this professor from George Town has a really interesting point. And you know Pelosi is now warn'ting we'll see what we do next after Trump's acquitted and saying his impeachment lawyers should be disbarred. There's something so ugly and twisted about this tempered tantrum now that has gone on three years. Yeah, it's been disgraceful. It's been such a personal political vendetta Seawan, And that's been clear from the beginning. This was never a search for truth. In fact, they hid the truth. They wouldn't let us bring the witnesses we wanted who could clearly contradict their narrative, the false narrative that Adam Shift and so many others said. But even with their witnesses, we took their witnesses one at a time, and they were asked to under oath, can you name an impeachable offense? Not one was their bribery. No was their answer under oath. And yet they still moved forward because their radical left base wanted to impeach him since the day he took office. And I think everybody has seen that through this trial, the kind of the personal, seething hatred they have for him and his president, and Trump has pointed out it's not just President Trump they're going after. These are the millions and millions of people, the hard working men and women who had been left behind by Washington, people in both parties that this president has fought for and delivered for time and time again. That's who they really are going after. And President Trump is not letting it get him down, and he keeps doing his job, keeps focusing on what he needs to do to deliver for those people. And I think that's why he's going to get reelected in twenty twenty in a few months. Well, that's why the ultimate jury speaks in two hundred and seventy four days, you know, and whatever satisfied, well, he's impeached. That's forever. We stuck compeachment on his you know, I'm like, uh, nobody really cares, Nancy. I mean, because we know well he will. He will end up going down as is one of only two presidents in history to be acquitted with the majority vote of the Senate, and so the acquittal will be forever. Two if Pelosi did this just to try to put something on him, or to put a skin on her wall so that she could go home to a radical base who who said we won't let you be speaker unless you teach him and that with the aocs of the world. You can go back and look at their tweets. They bullied and threatened Pelosi into doing this, and that's why they did it, not because there were facts. The phone call. Everybody's read the phone transcript and Zolinski himself said there was no pressure. The Foreign Minister of Ukraine said they got the money. There was never pressure. Trump did, by the way, more than Obama and Biden ever did to help Ukraine. I never heard them calling for helping Ukraine. Back when Obama was president, when he said, no, I won't sell you javelin missiles to stand up to Russia. Trump stood up for Ukraine, stood up to Russia. He's the one who delivered let me, let me go. You know, we're still in the process. We had the Inspector General report, Michael Harrowitz. It confirmed nearly three long years, congressmen of digging deep, a deep dive on this program and unpeeling every layer of the onion. And yeah, it's all true. The Espionage Act was violated. Yeah she did delete subpoena emails and bleached bit And yeah Hillary paid for a nerdy Russian dossier that even the New York Times now refers to his likely Russian disinformation from the beginning that became the bulk of information to deny an American and civil liberties and civil rights. That would be Carter page, but more importantly, using Carter page to spy on a campaign, the Trump campaign, than the Trump transition team, than the Trump presidency. And now we're looking into whether there was outsourcing of even further spying, and that will be in Durham's reign under I guess, I guess, under his umbrella. When that comes out, maybe in May, we never get to the bottom of it. When are we going to get to the bottom of a report all the lies of Adam Schiff, starting with what he's done and said on Russia and ending with this colossal Ukrainian lie. Well, if it would be the longest dossier we've ever seen, But you just go back to the the initial Muller report, the investigation, and the whole time throughout twenty two months, and all of the the whole time you heard Shifts saying he had more seawan more than circumstantial evidence that the president colluded with Russia, and of course there was no colluding with Russia. The report comes out and shows that, And does Adam Shift get held accountable by the mainstream media who in the mainstream media said, hey, Adam Shift, show me what that evidence was that you had, because clearly he didn't, he didn't see it Muller didn't see it because it didn't exist, and yet he was still given a free pass to go onto these other things. But the Durham report, to me, Sean is going to be really important because that goes to the heart of Durham online to the Inspector General Harrowitz, that Durham has the ability his purview goes well beyond just the DOJ and the FBI. So in many ways Harrowitz was in a bubble. Nor does he have the ability to convene a grand jury. And in diet now he did make referrals against Comy pay I, Guess Komy and McCabe and others, but nothing ever comes of it. Why you know, where's the equal justice under the law, Congressman, Yeah, there needs to be in Look, I mean, I have the full utmost respect for intelligence agencies, but there were serious problems within those intelligence agencies, and we've already uncovered some of it. Devin nunezs who you alluded to, started to expose this and that were that there were people within those agencies that were using their badge, their privilege as members of our intelligence agencies to carry out their dislike of Donald Trump, to use as they called it, the insurance policy. When you have a badge, you check your political views at the door, and you're there to just carry out the laws and administer justice. And that's not what some of those people were doing. And it gives everybody else a black eye. And so I would hope that they go back and name names and put people in jail who abused their power to try to literally take out a sitting president at the time a candidate for president. And now to this day still some of that are using their positions of power to try to take out a sitting president just because they disagree with his views, not because he did anything wrong, but because he got elected in twenty sixteen, and they're scared to death because the Democrat field is so weak. I mean, even John Kerry, for goodness, say he is talking now about getting in the race. How must Joe Biden feel. He's got John Kerry as a surrogate out there, and Kerry is now talking at Joe Biden events about maybe getting in the race himself because their field is so weak. And Donald Trump's got done such a great job delivering that was very entertaining when he said not effing true and he said, not true, and he said it except apparently said it because apparently it was captured by other people, the Republicans in the House in particular. You know, listen, I'm I'm not happy with Senator Mitt Romney, and I've made my opinions known and clear, and for whatever reason, he cannot get over that he doesn't like Donald Trump's style. And I think it's I think it's connected directly to his loss in twenty twelve. I may be wrong, but for the House, Republicans seem for the first time in many, many, many years, like they're getting their backbone back. If you look, you know how critical I have been over the years of Republicans. I'm not even a Republican. I can't stand the Publican party because at times they are so weak. But my question to you is, am I right in my perception that it's changing and changing for the better? Sean? It really is, you know, And I've been so proud of of how our conference has come together. And you know, within our Republican conference in the House, we have a lot of different factions, but all of the factions came together, and it's not only supporting President Trump's agenda and look, we worked very hard to cut taxes. Even when Democrats said they were going to make a partisan I said, hey, put me in the party that's for cutting people's taxes and making our country competitive. And it's worked. But then it's it's all of the other things that this president has done too, and then they go after him for it. They try to remove him from office for literally for following through on the promises, because they don't want him to follow through on those promises. And so to see everybody's sticking together, it's been I think it's been important, and it's it's even some other senators have cited that in the trial. They said, you know, Lamar Alexander saw the other day he cited when he said he wasn't going to call for even more witnesses as you already had where a dozen witnesses in everybody else that's given all this innuendo, he said, you know, the fact that it was a partisan appeachment that all the Republicans took together in the House, it's enough time for the I think it's time for everybody in Washington to get a message. You know, you're there to be servants, serve the people. What does it mean when you have a waiter, you're a server. I was a server. I guess you don't say waiter, waitress, whatever. Server. Serve the people, and that means getting their drinks, getting their food on time, ask them if they like more butter, can I get you something else with that? That's what politicians never do, and certainly the president's keeping his promises. I respect it and I appreciate it. In the country's better off, Democrats do nothing but hate the president. If Republicans will learn from what the President is doing, I think it's good politics. But more importantly, it's fulfilling a promise to the people there to serve. So Steve Slee and it's glad you're doing better. President in the face of this, never stopped doing his job. However, still every day goes to work and he cares about those people, the blue collar men and women who were forgotten by Washington. President Trump is standing up and delivering real results for them. We all need to be there with him and those people that don't want this for the country. They've got an opportunity in November to go make their case with whatever socialist comes out of the Democrat primary. I'm here in Iowa on behalf of the president's campaign. We're gonna be putting up a strong United front tonight at the caucuses throughout Iowa. And I think you're yeah here. Meadows and Jordan are there too, Have fun, right, Steve Scalise, All right, Steve Scalise, the House Republican Whip eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on Fox YEP. Democratic Establishment trying to rip off Bernie again. Well of all the details, it's Iowa Caucus night, the collapse of the latest hoax of the Democrats. We have. Lawrence Jones is in Iowa tonight. We'll get to them. Bill Hemmer is there. Our reporters are on the ground there also commentary, Eric Trump, call Rove, Ari Fleischer, Sarah Sanders, Matt Gates, Chad Program, and Mike huck We'll load it up tonight at nine. We'll see you then. Many prayers for Rush and he says we'll be back Thursday, and we will be back here tomorrow. We'll see you tonight at nine