POW Reunion - February 11th, Hour 3

Published Feb 11, 2022, 11:00 PM

Pamela Evette is the 93rd Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina and the first female Republican lieutenant governor. Will Grimsley is the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for South Carolina. Prior to that he served a distinguished career in the US Army retiring as a Maj General with multiple awards including the Silver Star and Purple Heart. Brenda Stewart is the Founder and chair of the Vietnam POW Reunion Foundation. Today they are here to tell us about an amazing event recognizing, celebrating and remembering those served in the Vietnam War. Today they discuss the Vietnam POW 49th Freedom Reunion. Their website www.powreunion.com 

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All right, News, round up, information, overload our eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program, listen. I want to tell you about an event that's happening, and then we're gonna get to your calls. Here in June, there is an opportunity to celebrate incredible American heroes. And there's what's called and I was told about this, the forty ninth Reunion, which is going to be held in South Carolina, and it's a national event with former POWs all across the country coming to reunite with each other. Now, six hundred and sixty two of them return from Vietnam, and only four hundred and one of them are alive today. And this year they're expecting almost a hundred of these surviving POWs to attend the reunion. The event may be one of the last two that they have, the next year being their fiftieth anniversary. But many are unable to travel, many others aging out, as they call it, meaning just too much for them to make it. The event is a private reunion and opportunities anyway. Their plan is basically historic. It's a panel discussion and it was brought to my attention, and I just want to bring it to your attention. They have a website that they have put together. It's POW Reunion dot com. Pamela Evet is the ninety third Lieutenant Governor of the South Carolina first female Republican Lieutenant Governor. Will Grimsley is with us the Secretary of Vets Affairs for South Carolina. Prior to that, served a distinguished career in the US Army, retiring as a major general, multiple awards, Silver Star, Purple Heart. Brenda Stewart, Founder and Chair of the Vietnam Pow Reunion Foundation, thank you all of us. Thank you all for being with us. Just real quick, Brenda, you're the founder, tell us about the event and how people maybe could help you. Sure, So this is their private reunion. They've been having these reunions every year Scooch to West Coast, and a lot of them come when they can, but as they get to the point where they're literally aging out. I found out about it and wanted to host them. So our foundation is hosting the Vietnam POWs here in South Carolina. But as you said, it's a national event. We're obviously looking for support. There's a lot of community engagement. There will be pieces that are historical, so we'll record it and have it available on our website that they can go to our website POW Reunion dot com and donate. Any contribution is appreciated. And we also have a challenge grant that was just announced earlier this week. Starting today through April thirtieth, any contributions that are made up to one hundred thousand dollars will be matched, So no amount is too small, and we really need to honor these heroes for what they did and their sacrifices and for coming back and being such productive members of our military and our community going forward. You know, it's pretty amazing, you know, the torture of people don't know the story. I mean, these soldiers were beaten and tortured at a level that is incomprehensible to any human being that as a soul. Pamela, you're the Lieutenant governor of the great state of South Carolina, first female Republican lieutenant governor. Congratulations to you, and I appreciate the fact that you're supporting this event. Sean, thank you so much for highlighting this event on your show. You know, in South Carolina, we're a proud military state, and you're right. We can never say thank you enough to our men and women who serve us, and so we are so honored to be hosting this forty nine anniversary of these POWs and as a state, we're looking forward to welcoming them. We're gonna be rolling out the red carpet to them and the governor and I couldn't be more excited for June to come. Yeah, and let's get your take. Well, Grimsley is with US Secretary Vets Affairs for South Carolina, and you had your own amazing service record, including a silver Star, Purple Heart retiring as a major general. Your involvement is critical to this, yes, sir, and I'm just so grateful for what Brenda Stewart and her team would bring into this. We're proud to help service sort of an adjunct staff. My staff is help publicize, help do a lot of legwork. But you know, when we look at how we want to emphasize the notion of pride in our veterans, and veterans pride themselves. This group of incredible men who, as you said, just endured so much. They're just such an example of resilience and strengths of the nation and now more than ever, we need this kind of example. South Carolina is just so proud to host them. And as a retired soldier, son of a Vietnam veteran, brother of a Vietnam veteran, I couldn't be prouder to be part of this. So we really appreciate this well. I'm glad to be able to point it out to people. I want people to be aware of their website. It's on the web. It's pow Reunion dot com. Learn more about the brave men and the events that they're planning for them. And by the way, they're looking for help and sponsorships, and you know, you think of the torture and the terror and the horror of being a prisoner war. It's awful. And a charitable foundation there are five oh one C three is going to do a matching grant challenge for a hundred thousand dollars that they're trying to raise for this, so the foundation will match up to one hundred thousand dollars a contribution through the end of April. Just ask yourself this question, if it was your relative, your loved one that was a prisoner of war, four years and tortured four years. Wouldn't you want to honor them whatever you can do to help. I applaud all of you for what you're doing. Pamela, thank you, Will thank you, Brenda, thank you. And we're gonna put it up on Hannity dot dot com and I hope many people can help support it. Thanks so much, Thank you so much, you bet, thank you for what you're doing. Eight hundred nine four one, Shaun is a number you want to be a part of the program. Oh, by the way, I owe Linda an apology. I forgot to tell you this earlier in the show. I love I love segments that start like that. It's amazing. First we'll talk about veterans. We go right into an apology because shift the bowls this Sunday. And you know, last year we used to totally mock you and make fun of you because I would say, you know, you gotta look at it that you fight every election like you're behind and it's two minutes to go, no timeouts left, you're on your own twenty You got to march down the field eighty yards, cross the plane, kick the extra point, and that's how you win in politics and you'd always say you never understood what that meant. And most people don't understand what I mean. Now I'm like, yeah, they understand what I mean. You're the only one that doesn't understand what I mean. Do you know what cross the plane means? Now? So I don't want to get ahead of myself here. No, No, I don't know what you're talking about. Still you don't know what cross the plane means. You still don't know. I have no idea. How many points do you get when you get a touchdown? You get six? Okay, then what do you do? Then you have to kick a field goal? And how many points do you get for the field goal after the touchdown? One? Wrong? No, that's right. No, you kick an extra point, but it's not called the field goal. Not correct? What you know? What you know what a field goal is? I guess not because I thought it was when they kicked it again after they got the touchdown, and they have that one the kicker. That's if say you're fourth down, you didn't instead of going for the end zone and the touchdown and you're forty yards out and you're not going to get in the end zone, you can kick a field gold and get three points. What's the thing that they do after they get the touchdown then and then they go and they kick it again. That's called the extra point you can get. You can get two extra points if you I think that how many yards out is a Jason? What like three or three yards? Two yards? Two yards? Okay? If you run it in, you get two points, not one. Two points. I'm very busy right now. You know, my boyfriend's son, he's on the defensive team. He's a cornerback offensive team. What is the defensive team of what he plays? Defense? Or his team? So that's the part of the game that I'm learning right now. That's all right, So I will So I was making fun of your food that you said you were going to break through and actually do normal Super Bowl food. I am all right. So your contribution is a dip for I guess Buffalo wings, right, Buffalo chicken dip? All right, Buffalo chicken dip. But wings are expensive lately, I've been buying them, Yes they are. I'm not going to tell you how much I paid for a package, paid like fifteen bucks for a big package with nineteen eighty nine. I know it was, and it's I feel so bad for people. Some people can't afford this, No, they can't. And then so, but you also are in charge of making for the younger kids cookies or maybe the older kids. I don't know. They're gonna eat and the kids look really cool. They have thank you. By the way, what do you call those those white things on the cookies. That's where the that's where the extra point goes. I don't know what they're called. I don't I don't know what they're called. Should I know? Yeah, you should know. It's the goal post? Goal post. Who's whispering in your ear? Who? Just? Nobody? No lying? I swear, norows up when you lie, you're ing it's not true. It's I'm being on a picture of the cookies and your dip up on and you can even put the recipes up. Okay, you know who's playing in the super Bowl this year? And everyone else shut up in there? Football players? You know what team playing in the Super Bowl? You're googling it as you speak. I have no idea who's playing. I have no idea since Los Angeles. All right, don't worry about it. Um, you know what, You're a better off just hanging out in the area where people are drinking heavily. I'll be honest with you. Here's what I'm very concerned about, Well, not concerned, but I'm interested in watching is since it's being held in communist California under crazy Newsom and how the rules don't apply to him, and I'm sure none of the people in the VIP boxes will be adhering to it. But they're lifting the mask rule on the fifteenth in California, not the fourteenth for Valentine's dayment everybody's gonna be out for dinner, and not the thirteenth for the Super Bowl. How many people you think you're going to keep their masks on for the two Nobody's just asking why should they? Because exactly if everybody in the stadium just holds their breath, they'll be fine. Exactly, that's gonna work out really well. Just like Gavin Newsom, I quick break, we'll come back, We'll hit the phones. The eight hundred nine sean our number. Listen. Want to remind you about Blinds dot Com. Look twenty twenty two, Blinds dot Com is celebrating you. That's right now. 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That's blinds dot Com all the breaking news for the analysis to help you make sense of it all. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Portions of the following program. We're prerecorded all right back to our busy. Let's get to some phones here. Eight hundred nine one, Sean on this Friday, all right, I don't want I don't even have a prediction. Chad in Texas. Chad, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. What's going on? Hey Sean, Hey Shawn, Happy Friday to you. And before I get into the Super Bowl talk, I haven't spoken to you since late last year getting through the phone lines. And even though it's middle of February, Happy New Year to you and your awesome staff. Thank you. I don't, yes, sir, I don't have necessarily a score prediction, but I think the La Rams are going to win. And there's this whole thing about rooting for Matt Stafford because he's from Dallas Holland Park and I live in a Fort Worth. But I'm you know, I'm pulling for my Texan and Maggie von Miller. That's on the defensive side of the ball, so Lynda Cano leads on the defensive the defense of he's on the defense, the starting linebacker. But I'm really pulling for Cincinnatti. I think there's kind of a Cinderella's underdog because they had one one hundred fifty to one odds. This started the season to get to get to and win the Super Bowl, And can imagine put it one hundred dollars bet on one hundred and fifty to one odds. That's that's a nice play day. So I'm going for Cincinnati because I've always lacked them, even on Cowboys. I have so many friends in Cincinnati, and I hate so many people out in California. To be very honest, I actually think the Rams are the favorite. It was was, what's the latest line on this four points? They're favored by four. Yeah, they're favored by four. Um, all right, four and a half. I'll tell you why I won Cincinnati. I just besides the fact I love Skyline Chili, I can't you know, it's always has to do with food and whatever city I happen to visit. Um, I just think Cincinnati needs it more. And I just have come to loathe California, and I know that I shouldn't be there. Shouldn't be politics and sports. I say it all the time, But for me, I just think, I don't know. I love I love the people Cincinnati, My buddy. If I went against the Bengals, Billy Cunningham would rip my head off. I mean, I'd be the talk of LW for you know, days on end. My buddy Sean Compton, he's he's a Cincinnati, Indianapolis guy. Um, I like the middle of the country. I just I just would like to see the heartland win. It does that make sense? No, it makes a perfect sense. And a lot of people were saying that, you know, the La Rams were kind of buying a Super Bowl everything they did to get Matt Stafford, who I think he's good. I think there's a lot of other quarterbacks that are better. Uh, they were just the Odell Beckham junior and then Bob Miller. They traded pretty much. They don't have any good draft picks coming up in twenty twenty two because they put it all on the line. I don't want to be hypocritical, but that was what Tampa Bay did in twenty twenty one with Tom Brady. So you give your you get your team the best opportunity available. And look at Cincinnati, all they got was Joe Burrow and then Jamar Chase, and they got a stingy defense. Sean, you know, defense wins championships, and so they have a whole field advantage. La rams, are you're not going or are you getting a red eye flight or an early morning flight? Let jam Vasaki had says, Andy coming back, excuse me, Well, I've been to Super Bowls. I'll be honest, and I'm I used to make it my Christmas gift for my son, in particular because he loves football. He's a big Dallas Cowboy fan. He was devastated this year. He was actually at the final game of the season. Um um he um. You know. But now he goes on his own if he wants to go. I just I'd rather watch it at home and then when at the end end of the night, I just go to sleep. Um, I don't know. I've been there. It's exciting. You should if you can enough for to do it once in your life. I did it a few times. I had a great time every time. It was very cool during the was it last year the year before when I did the Trump interview for the Super Bowl that was a kind of cool experience. I purposely did not make a controversial because I didn't think anybody wanted any politics in the middle of the Super Bowls, so I kept that out of it. And the President didn't want it either. He wanted it to be a big game. I know Roger Goodell has a very he's got a threaded needle every single day on every issue. I don't envy the position that he's in, and I just want to go, you know what I want. The last two weeks of football have been the most phenomenal football games, every one of them better than the next. And I just want to see a good game. And if we have that then then it'll be great. Anyway, my friend, thank you. Eight nine is a number you want to be a part of the program or your calls coming up? Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, as we continue all right, twenty five now till the time. But they are so Lester Holt, He's not exactly pushing Joe Biden in this interview. I mean, Joe's having a hard time remembering countries names, and is this so tired the whole time? Let me just play a few minutes of this, just uninterrupted, and you ask yourself if the forty plus Republicans that want this guy to get a cognitive test a right to call for it. Listen, back in July, he said inflashan was going to be temporary. I think a lot of Americans are wondering what your definition of temporary is. Well, you're being a wise guy with me a little bit. I understand that's your job. What are your plans toward American citizens who are in Ukraine and might be there during an invasion? What scenarios would you put American troops to rescue and get Americans at there? Not? That's a world war when Americans and Russia starts shooting it one another. We're in a very different world than we've ever been, not even on behalf of simply evacuating Americans. No, how do you do that? How do you even find them? This is not I'm hoping that if in fact he's fullish enough to go in, he's smart enough not to in fact do anything that would negatively impact on American citizens. Have you told him that, Yes, you've told him that Americans will be aligned, that they can't cross. I didn't have to tell him that given the size of this build up. Has the inertia reached a point where it's inevitable that they have no choice but to invade? Well, Look, I've spoken with Prutin, I've spoken with every NATO leader I've brought them together like I think they've never been has coordinated in modern history. NATO leaders about what to do if Prutin moves, The question is he knows. He has to know that if he does, the entire circumstance for Russia changes worldwide changes overnight. The cost to Russia, both in terms of reputational cost and economic costs to be profound. On the senject of American citizens. I have to draw your attention to that Army Board. An investigative report that's come out about the lead up to the withdrawal from Afghanistan interviewed many military officials and officers who said the administration ignored the handwriting on the wall. Another described trying to get folks in the embassy ready to evacuate, encountering people who were in essentially in denial of this situation. Does any of that ring true to you? No, No, that's not what I was told that. You were told that the US administration officials were prepared, they knew it was time to get out. No, what I was told. No one told me that, look, there was no good time to get out. But if we had not gotten out, they acknowledged that we would have had to put a hell of a lot more troops back in. It wasn't just two thousand and four thousand. We would have to significantly increase the number of troops. And we were back in this war of attrition and there was no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine. I mean it should be a rat Afghanistan. No way that was going to happen, and so this is a much wiser thing to do. I just want to clarify. Are you rejecting the conclusions or the accounts that are in this army report? Yes, I am. They're not not true. I'm rejecting them. When can Americans expect some relief from this sewering inflation? According to Nobel Laureate's fourteen of them that contacted me and a number of corporate leaders, it's ought to be able to start to taper off as we go through this year. In the meantime, I'm going to do everything in my power to do with the big points that are impacting most people in their homes on What I've done is I've taken about four people and done the deep dive on the meeting. This thorough background checks and to see if there's anything in the background that would make them not qualify. Is it important that you believe they'll get a vote from the Republican side. Well, I think whoever, I think we'll get a vote from the Republican side for the following reason. I'm not looking to make an ideological choice. I'm looking for someone to replace Judge Bryar with the same kind of capacity Judge Briar had, with an open mind, who understands in a constitution, interpres in a way that is consistent with the mainstream interpretation in the Constitution. I mean, if this continues, it's precipitous decline. He cannot remain president. I don't see how it's possible now. Usually conditions like this are degenerative. Talk to more doctors and they all tell me the same thing. I've talked to more brain surgeons, specifically the surgeries that he had on his two frontal lobes in the eighties and the way they used to do those surgeries. You know, but based on today's technology and knowledge and science and sophistication is light years advanced from the time that it happened to him. But anybody that says they don't see it, they're just outright lying, and then the people that are covering it up. One day they will have to answer for this one day, I promise you that's going to happen. Not wishing it. I'm not wishing anybody ill And frankly, if you ask yourself a question, let's go back to the Republican ad that they made after the disastrous press conference of Joe Biden, and then I have a question on the other side of it. Listen to this the political coverage. It looks some of the political players and some of them, let me ask, Okay, we've got a problem. It's the most important job in the world. The guy's totally checked out. Here's the question. Now, if you saw that in the well the person you hire, maybe I hire an older person to take care of your kids, and you begin to see that person have moments like that, would you feel comfortable allowing that person to drive your children, let's say, to and from school, or to and from some activity. Would you feel comfortable, Linda? Would you you have a young six year old boy? I do, indeed, I mean I don't. I don't feel comfortable at all. No, Jason, would you feel comfortable letting that person drive your child. Oh hell no. And I don't even have kids. Heck, I don't even like kids, for God's sakes, don't even But see, here's where I disagree with you, Sean. And I know that you and I have gone back and forth on this a few times. You seem to think that he was present at one point and that this is some sort of you know, decline. I feel like this is just him and he's just older. You know, for forty seven years in office, he did absolutely nothing. No, I don't let me tell me. He just sounds like a person who did nothing never, and he has absolutely nothing to talk about. Now. He does have lucid moments, and which, by the way, is so characteristic occasionally. I mean, the only time he's lucid is when he's angry at missing the point. I can show you tapes. Go back and look at the tape of him debating Paul Ryan back in the day. Go back to twenty twelve, Go back to twenty sixteen, go back to two thousand and eight, twenty twelve, go back to when he left office, when Donald Trump became president, and look at him last year versus this year, the beginning of last year, versus the beginning of this year. I don't disagree with you. He's aging quickly before our eyes. But my point is a precipitous cognitive decline. I know you say this, but when I look at him, for all the forty years he's been in office, the man could never put a sentence together. That's why he stole other people's words. That's why he's a plagiarist. I just feel in my heart that this just as somebody who's really not that bright, and he's just getting old. Honestly, that's what I think. Okay, let's get to our phones. John is in western New York. John apparently is a farmer. I've been saying, farmers, packers, truckers, medical professionals. They were the heroes of the pandemic. And that makes you one, John, What are you farm? My brother and I farm here in just west of Rochester. We farm corn and soybeans. Right now, Wow, how's it going? Other than supply issues, quite well. Commodity prices at the CBOT are quite high right now. But our issue is with availability of inputs. Fertilizer is hard to get, and if you can get it, you're gonna pay astronomical prices. For it. By the way, we've had other farmers say the same thing. If you can't get it, what do you do instead? Ah, you don't plan, you can't do you cannot run your farm without it. No, I can't do it. I mean, yeah, I could cut way back, but then you're gonna cut into your yield, which cuts into your profitability. And it's just supply chain issues, inflation, the pandemic, it's all. It's man, It's not just affecting the farmers. It's affecting the equipment dealers, the fertilizer dealers, the seed dealers, truckers, everybody. It's just ridiculous that you cannot chemicals, you can't buy round up, cannot buy it, well, unavailable. I'll tell you what's going to happen. We don't get this straightened out fast and and and for example, on the truckers. If I'm Trudeau, it's an easy call for me. I would have once this thing took hold the way it did, I would have gotten on an airplane, gotten in a car. I would have gone to the convoy. I would have sat with them and listened, and then I would have changed policy and say, Okay, you know what you guys are in your trucks. You're in there alone. I understand. I don't agree with it, this is my position, but at the end of the day, you're too important to the supply chain in this country, and we will adjust our policy. That's what I would do. And now they're talking about what they're going to send in the army and run these guys over and take their trucks and put them in jail and find them one hundred grand and take away their licenses. What a bunch of jackasses. How do you do that to the heroes that that kept us alive, including people like you, John, that kept food in our stomach. So you can't do it. It's idiotic. It's just ridiculous. Corn is like my favorite by the way, I love corn, but I don't need it's not part of my diet because it's too sweet, it's got too sugar in it. Well, you wouldn't eat our corn. So this is corn for the pigs, don't How are you telling me? No, it goes to the ethanol plant. Okay, that's well, that's listen, that's good. That's okay. I'm I'm fine with ethanol, all right, my friend God blush you. I hope, I hope things turn around for you. Colleen, Pennsylvania. What's up, Colleen? How are you? Yeah? I'm calling about those taxpayer funded smart smoking, safe smoking kits for drug addicts. Um, even without there being a crack pipe in the kit, I really have an issue. I don't believe them. They're lying to us. It was originally included. Well yeah, right that they all of a sudden said no. But even without it in there, the taxpayer dollars being used in this way is just ridiculous. I have a daughter who's had juvenile diabetes since she was three. She's eighteen now. So through all these years, I've paid insurance premiums and out of pocket costs for those exact supplies that they're putting in the kits, the syringes, the sharps containers, the alcohol lights. I can think of a lot of ways that thirty million dollars could be used to save lives, the children with type type one diabetes or anybody with diabetes, the adults with type two diabetes. Well, first, I'm sorry about your daughter diabetes. I mean, the good news is we know how to successfully control it, and we have more sophisticated technology through science than ever before, and she can live a normal, healthy life like everybody else. I know that that much about it. But you do make a great point. You've been paying the co pays, and you've been paying for the syringes or whatever else you have to pay for that your insurance may not cover. And meanwhile, we're not lifting a finger to help people like you and your daughter who have a real sickness or real illness not caused by anything that any decision she's made. Look, I'm just in principle when I run into homeless people in New York in the streets all the time, and if I determine that person is really sober, not on drugs or alcohol, and I will question them and that they really want to buy food, and I usually don't have time to all right, I'll go in and buy a sound. I don't have time. I'm always in a rush. So but if I determine in a minute that that person is likely to use the money for food or maybe for something to keep them warm, whatever, I will give them money. If I determine that they're high or they're gonna get high, then I getting a penny for me. I'm not I'm not helping in that way. I would like to help people, but if you're gonna spend any money, they ought to get counseling. Because addiction is only gonna end one way. You're gonna die from your addiction. That's how it ends if you don't stop anyway. God blush, Colleen, appreciate you being with us. Eight hundred nine one Sean. Hey, if you're like me, why I used to suffer from insomnia. If you do suffer from insomnia, then you need all things my pillow and that means all things my pillow dot Com. The great news all of these products help me fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer. The great news is is you have helped build my pillow dot Com into this incredible company. 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Apparently the Biden administration thinks that Russia invading Ukraine is imminent. Thirty two thousand Americans that will be abandoned by Joe there even admitted it in that interview with Luster Holt. Anyway, we'll watch that tonight now. The will Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau create a physical contact and altercation with these truckers? Are they? Are they gonna send the military in to arrest them, take their rigs, take their licenses, destroy their lives. We're gonna watch that closely, anyway, Load it up Tonight, nine Eastern. Jeanine pierro Clay, Travis, Ari Fleischer, Jason Chafitz, Sarah Carter is at is in Ottawa, Greg Jareded, Alan Dershwitz, and you know that dad that got pulled from the school board meeting. Yeah, we're gonna talk about that too, nine Eastern, Tonight on Hannity. I hope you have a great super Bowl weekend. Thank you for making this show possible. We'll see you tonight. Back here Monday,

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