John McLaughlin, co-founder of McLaughlin and Associates, a premiere polling company and Matt Towery, pollster, attorney and syndicated columnist talk about the polls happening all around the country. With faith in our government at all-time lows, and Biden’s bumbling at all-time highs - what does it all mean for the midterms? With Biden’s admin now claiming that those who disagree or speak out against their government are terrorists, he’s certainly not endearing himself to the voters.
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Stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. All right, News round Up, Information overload, our eight hundred nine for one sean. If you want to be a part of the program, we'll get to our posters here in a second. Why do you think that all the Democrats want to talk about is January sixth? Why would the government be talking about investigating in the FBI, spending the limited resources they have, investigating mommies and daddies. They go to school board meetings and are passionate about what their kids are being taught and whether or not it's age appropriate, and whether or not it's should even be in the curriculum. Investigating them as domestic terrorists. Why do you think the Democrats is there a single thing they can point to that shows that well, and the year plus Joe Biden's been president, look what we have done? Not really and Democrats are giddy He's gonna get to replace Stephen Bryer with another Liberal. This is huge to what a success he's been. Okay, look at what's happened to the economy. We have a forty year inflation high, we have record debt at thirty trillion dollars. Joe Biden. Great job. Then we have open borders, We've covered that extensively. Then we have given up energy independence where we used to be a net exporter of energy. Now we're begging Opec and Russia to produce more oil when we can produce it right here. Then we've got every foreign policy disaster. I argue, because the entire Biden family syndicate is corrupted and compromised by places like China, Russia and Ukraine. Nobody seems to want to talk about any of that. There's not a sea. We have more dead Americans from COVID in twenty twenty one than twenty twenty What can Joe point to and say we're doing a really good job. So instead they want to focus obsessively on January sixth, which, by the way, we need to get to the bottom of that can happen in our country again. The way to stop it is to do a real investigation. Now that we know that I have three sources that are confirmed on live television, Donald both twice each, Donald Trump, marg Meadows Cash battel. The Donald Trump ordered up to twenty thousand Guard troops to be available as is required by law, and then the power to call them up, then goes to the Speaker of the House who's responsible for safety of the capital and the Mayor of DC, which was Muriel Bowser, and Muriel Bowser in writing says, no, I'm not going to call up the troops. And I'd like to know why the FBI, at the end of the day, is spending valuable resources investigating moms and dads that got loud at school board meetings. You gotta be kidding me, is Andrew McCabe Listen to what he's suggesting about conservatives? Are you going to catch this threat if your focus is only on the traditional right wing extremists, those groups that we know about the quote unquote fringes of the right wing movement. And I think the answer to that is no. And it's entirely possible that when the intelligence community, the law enforcement community looks out across this mainstream that Professor Pape will describe, they didn't assume that that group of people, business owners, white people from the suburbs, educated employed, presented a threat of violence. And now we know very clearly that they do all right. Joining us now we have John McLaughlin, co founder of McLoughlin Associates, at Matt Towery is with us polster attorney, syndicated columnist, also the poster for Insider Advantage two of the best posters in the country. Will add Robert kah heavily to the list as well. He's another one. If you look at the latest poll out today, let's see Biden's approval rating crash to thirty eight percent the IBD Tip Pole. Most of the polls that I have seen have him in the thirties. He's been as low with I think with Monmouth at thirty three percent. And I don't see anything that Joe can do that's going to fix the economy or put us in a better position on the foreign stage. John McLaughlin, we start with you, Well, a lot of those polls you mentioned, like the IDB one, they only have a forty eight disapprove. They really don't have They don't have the same level of likely voters like we had in January. At the end of January we had Biden at a forty one approval but a fifty seven disapproved. And that's what's driving with the Democrats plus the wrong track, we have two thirds of the voters same wrong track, and the difference it's likely voters based on a model of the twenty twenty election. A lot of these media polls, even though they've given them majority of disapproval ratings, now that they're still under reporting Republicans, they're still doing to register voters or adults, and so they're trying to trying to soft pedal it for Biden a bit. But like the Rasmuster reports out today has a fifty eight disapproved for Joe Biden and has only forty approves. So Biden is cracking up with the Democrats right now. In our poll if you Vote, we had fifty one percent claiming they voted for Biden in the last election, because we modeled it after the last election. Ain't that fifty one percent? Twenty two percent disapproved the job that Biden's doing, and twenty two percent of the Democrats disapproved. So now he's not only losing among Republicans overwhelmingly, he's losing among independence overwhelmingly. The Democrat basis cracking up, and he loses to Trump in a head to head election forty nine forty four. He loses a Trump beats Kamala Harris fifty one forty plus. Trump beats Hillary Clinton fifty one forty one. So so the Biden coalition is cracking up and the Democrats are leaderless, and it's a huge opportunity for the Republicans because we're five points to head on the generic ballot forty eight forty three. What's your take, Matt Towery and does this explain why the never ending talk of January sixth while simultaneously ignoring the riots of the summer twenty twenty. Well, I agree with everything John said, and then one of the things to notice that our entire Vanage Poeot wrote their politics had the exact same spread as John did in terms of favorable unfavorable. But here's something that I want to point out that I'm concerned about, Sean. I'm concerned about the fact that as much as the Democrats are doing a great job at diverting attention to January sixth, then anything else they can turn their attention to, rather than the economy or rather than the riots that took place the year before, we have a problem coming in the Republican Party, and it is very clear to me, I'm seeing it in polling in Georgia and other states. You have a leadership of the Senatorial Committee and the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who is dead set to be opposed to Donald Trump. Now you just heard John say Donald Trump beats virtually every Democratic candidate right now, Why would you have a battle between the leader of the Senate against a former president who clearly is the most popular person in the Republican Party. And this is going to have an effect in Georgia, in Pennsylvania and other states if the Republicans don't get their act together and if these people don't quit trying to fight Donald Trump and his popularity. Let's go to the broader question here, because I think there's an opportunity and you never underestimated the Republican Party's ability to screw up an election. So I don't count my chickens before they hatch here. But definitely right direction, wrong direction. Polling shifts changes. I mean from a year ago in twenty twenty, Democrats went from a nine point generic ballot advantage to now anywhere between a five to thirteen point disadvantage. That is a massive swing, John McLaughlin, So for Republicans to win the House, and then you look at these states that have Senate races, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Arizona, Nevada. I mean, this is a Bellweather Senate year, if ever there was one, well it should be. And the problem is the elections in February. And one of my favorite quotes the late Greg Pacadel, whose cars pulses and helped Trump. He used to say, the Democrats of the crooked party, and the Republicans is a stupid party. And we're doing work for New Gingrich who got his American Majority Project. And you can go and see the work on American Majority Project dot com. And you and Matt about friends with him. He's helping the Republicans are laying out there an agenda for Americans with a top issue right now is inflation. It's cost of living, and it's also you've got in the regional point in the outs because in Washington we now have gone him one year a Biden. You've gone from a twenty one trillion dollar debt to a thirty trillion dollar debt. And you wonder why you're paying almost double the price of gas and food prices are going sky high because the dollars becoming worthless as they keep spending money, and then you know, we want the government to stop spending, and the Republicans are going along, raising the depth feeling of Washington. They're going along allowing the government continue continue to spend. Well, the majority of the country wants them to stop it, and they want to make the Trump tax cuts permanent. We had that in RLS Pole sixty one percent. So so you've got rank and file Republicans who want to stand on issues and stop this and stop Joe Biden from working in our country. And you've got inside the beltways summer Republicans are going along with this week and it has to stop. Always they'll lose primaries, and you know that's the way to winning in November is to win the primaries and move forward in November. How the Republicans take the House and set up Matt Towery Well, I think other than just inflation and the other issues that John aptly noted in the news working on, here's a big core issue that I believe the Republicans should seize on, and it's the concept of liberty and privacy and the right to be able to determine what you do. That is the overwhelming theory and thesis that we're seeing in all the poeing. And let me take it to an example of that, I know well Georgia. In Georgia right now, we had all the crime last year. The city of Buckhead, which everyone's covered on television. City of Buckhead has become the number one issue in the Georgia General Assembly. We just found out from a poll that's seventy percent of everyone in Georgia who's a Republican want buck had to be created. But yet the General Assembly in Georgia is very carefully soft soft headling it so that Buckhead is the only city that isn't that people aren't allowed to vote on this year. Now, when you do that sort of stuff, you send a message to your Republican voters that the leadership and electing the art majority Republican for example, legislature in Georgia doesn't mean anything. Right back to John's point, it is time right now that we hold Republicans to their feet to the fire and make them follow through on the issues that Republicans care about. If they don't do it now, I guarantee you we're going to see some will disappointments in November, all right, quick, Braig we'll come back more with our posters, John McLaughlin and Matt Towery as we continue America's top defender of freedom, de liberty in American value. This is the Entity Show, all right, More with John McLaughlin, Matt Howi or posters. Then we'll get to your calls eight hundred and nine for one Sean. As we continue, let's go through the races one by one. I'll ask you both the same. I think Marco Rubio is a shoeing. I think he'll win. I think Ron De Santis wins as governor. Do you both agree? Absolutely? I see in Georgia, I see, I see a problem in the sense that you got a contentious primary there with the current governor Kemp, and now with David Purdue challenging him. I'm supporting David Purdue. Um, I'm not sure if if the anger Lingers post primary into the general election. I hope it doesn't. Vernon Jones is now running for Congress, not for governor, I would say, and he's given his support to David Purdue. And then I think we got a box star running for the Senate, and that's Herschel Walker or a team Herschel. What do you see in Georgia Matt Right now, Perdue is still down the camp. Kemp has gained a lot of ground in the last few months with the General Assembly spend in session. This is post burning getting out, So that's going to be a very close race. Herschel can win. He's a great candidate. He needs to have Perdue on the ticket, though. If Kemp has the nominee, I don't see the turnout necessary to win the Senate in Georgia given the demographics. What are your thoughts, John, I'm seeing the same thing that the Matt scene and Herschel's kind of above. I mean, right now, Warnut is weaker than he was when he went in the runoff. He's under fifteen his favorables. He's got a negative for every favorable. But Herschel is doing better than people expect it and he's slightly ahead right now. So Herschel, I think, is Herschel I think is going to win that seat. But it's going to be that's gonna be ground zero for control of the Senate between now and November. They'll spend a billion dollars in that race. Yeah, I mean, it's gonna be a crazy amount of money. All right, because we don't know a lot of time. Very quickly, what do you see in Ohio, New Hampshire. I'm pretty confident Ron Johnson wins in Wisconsin. And then we've got I like the attorney general out in Arizona Bernovich, and then you got Nevada with Laxalt. In Ohio, I don't know what's going to happen in Ohio and North Carolina. Real quick summary, each of you. Matt Towery first, North Carolina is always problematic because of it's demographic makeup. Like Georgia, I think Ohio stays Republican. I'm excited about Nevada as well, and I think most of those states you just reeled off they will probably have a great chance to either hold on to or win on. My one thought on this is in Georgia, they fixed the election law, the drop boxes, Zuckerberg draft boxes are done. They got a fight off the legal challenges so they can win there. You have similar challenges like in Ohio, not Ohio. Pennsylvania, it's what the drop at the absentee balance, we're unconstitutional. Wisconsin, you had a judge says people were like registered to voters permanently disabled shouldn't have been able to do that. We have to fight off Democrat election challenges to steal the election again. So they don't want you to talk about the last election because they in many places they you know, they're finding fraud, they're finding irregularities. We have to make sure that those are irregularities are corrected and we have honest elections in November. That's the key to taking Congress, and that's the key to winning the Senate. All Right, really appreciate you both, John McLaughlin and Matt Towery, thanks for being with us. Eight hundred and nine one, Sean our number. You want to be a part of the program. We'll get to your calls coming up at the bottom of this half hour Hannity tonight, nine Eastern on Fox. You can't always get what you want, but you can get Sean Hannity online at Hannity dot com. All right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine one Sean. All Right, why are you raising your hand? Can I do? That's what I do. I've raised my It's like permission. I got to get permission from the book. That's not usually our works. Usually works I'm in the middle of a monologue and you're like, hey, can I interject? And I'm like, I know, I normally say, I'm like, bless, I digress enough of my own for you to distract me. You know, I'm beginning to sound like Joe Biden. You'll, first of all, never say that. Okay, never talk about about yourself like that. Okay, once you look in the mirror, have some self affirmation time a good man. Come on, gee, I'm I'm good and I know I'm a good person. Okay, you're a good man. You know, all your words make sense most of the time, they flow, you know, it's a good thing. Usual with Biden, I'm like, what is the man talking about? Really? What's happening right now? That would be a good point anyway, What do you want to reach your hand about. So a lot of times people reach out to the show, and we have such an awesome audience, and they hear people call in and they're losing their job for one reason or another. And then people will say, hey, I've got a job opportunity. So I'm going to start putting some of these up on handy dot com on like a little corner or something. But I wanted to let folks know, Um, we got to reach out for a kitchen designer in Philly, if you're a proficient in twenty twenty design programs with you know, our conservative company, family owned business. They're looking for some freedom loving conservatives to join them. And they gave their email out PA kitchen job at gmail dot com. So I'll put it up on handity dot com. But whenever we get these, we'll share them with you guys, because we got to bring back two things on the website. And I don't know why I capitulated the last time. I shouldn't have. We've got to bring back our jobs for them, and we got back hand to day. How many? No, oh god, no, why I want to for what? There's got to be a disclaimer, you know, obviously, you know, take this at your own risk because because so many people ended up getting married meeting. But what if you get like, you know what happens now, I'm just listen, I'm just playing Devil's advocate as I do. What happens if a liberal sneaks in dressed as a conservative and trick somebody to actually fall in love, and then we've made the miserable for life happens what I Listen, there is a risk to everything in life. You can have you can have the lawyers right up, all the disclaimers in the world, which we will have to do anyway. And then if people you know, obviously you'd meet in a public place, maybe bring a friend and and make sure the person's legitimate. I mean, listen, they have they have a lot of platforms. Now, they got Christians, Christian Mingle dot com. That's it, Christian Mingle, they got that, they got um oh gosh, I don't know all kinds places, but they got just it's listen, how many people, dozens and dozens of people got married when we had You also were super awkward, though. You would put them on the air, and you put the poor guys on the spot. Well you should propose now on my show. It'd be great. I'm like, dude, take it easy. The worst when I was doing these, you know, five hour book sidings, and I'd be like, all right, playing music, I'm bored out of my mind. You know. Young couple comes up, I'm like, how long you'm in dating? Four years? Oh, when are you getting married? Then the girl's like yeah, well, and I would say to the guy. Every time. Well, you're never gonna do better, you know that, right? So, yeah, it was always you were very subtle. That's what I loved about you. And I'd say, you know, you know, life is precarious. You got to live in the moment. Why don't you ask her right now? And nothing like living in the moment and planning the next. Twenty five percent of the time. What happened, Well, I don't have a ring, I'm married. They'd get they would get down. I'd say, should he ask her to marry her? Yes? The crowd would go nuts. The funniest one was Amber from Perry, Georgia, who came to you know, miss miss pink hair who loves alice and chains, and she marrying. We saw her last well I don't remember last time, but I remember meeting her at Wow this goes We're in Georgie tea party. Yeah, it was the door in the tea party. We were down, we were a lambing and there's like twenty five thousand people that showed up in the street. It was, but she stood out, she stood out with her pink hair. Yeah. But Sean came and you talked to her, and he was on the air a bunch of times, and you ut married. Yes, and she got married to Sean and they have a little girl. Yeah. Did she have any more kids? Do we know? Nope, just the one girl. She stays in contact. I get you stay you stay in touch with her. Let's go to Derek and Michigan. What's up, Derek, glad you called, sir? How are you Alli, Sean? How are you doing today? I'm good, sir. So I'm I'm calling in. I'm an owner operator and I've been driving for about fournance years. Really enjoy what I do out here. I just wanted to call in about about what's going on up in Canada. And do I believe it's going to be here in the US? Yes, it'll be here in the US. I think it's a really cool thing for truckers and the fact that these convoys are building all over Europe now one in New Zealand and the one in America. I don't know if you're going to be a part of it or not. I love it because I'm very appreciative of what you do every day. What I feel bad for as an owner operator. I'm assuming you're struggling a little bit with the higher cost of diesel, and I'm assuming that you have to charge more to get to pick up loads. And I'm sure you, more than other people, understand that that cost is being put on the consumer. And that's where the forty year inflation eyes coming from. Yeah, exactly, you know, it's I mean just the cost and fuel alone. I mean, what before how much does it cost to fill up your rig? Close to nine hundred dollars? Oh my gosh, how many gallons? Two hundred? And what did it cost at the lowest point in Trump's presidency, what did it cost to fill it up? Four hundred and twenty six dollars to fill my tanks all the way up? So basically it doubled. Now do you have you been able to double the rates that you charge companies to transport your their their goods. No, we haven't been able to. Um brokers are still a little kind of financial in their pocket. But uh, try to build it as hard as you can and get what you can. Well, you have more leverage than you think, and I'll tell you why. And I had a long conversation with a buddy of mine that's in the trucking business, and he said to me, Nah, we just hold out because it's not you can't. If you wanted to build out your fleet right now today, you'd probably have to wait a year to get more trucks. So they don't have enough trucks on the road. There's not enough availability, and so that gives you leverage to make up the difference. I'm not saying you want to make more money or you're gouging people. You just need to break even and get you know, let's say you're on the road, you know, five days a week, you know, forty eight weeks a year. I'm assuming you might take some vacation weeks. That's a lot of time on the road. You deserve to get your pay. Yes, yes, you know who want to like it's it's kind of like how when we were told that we would be getting too like a compensation for keeping this world moving during the pandemic, and then we were pretty much smacked in the face and told, well, you guys are not offential. You know, let me tell you something. We were all dead without the farmers, farming, packers, packing, truckers, trucking. I'm sorry, that's total Adam Schiff, So well, listen, thank you for what you do. I wish you all the best. I know it's a hard job. We're very appreciative. Every time I go to my grocery store and it's full, it's not completely full lately. Um, it got there because of you guys. That's something you should be very proud of. Because we have an easy we have easier lives as Americans because of all you guys. Okay, yeah, I bless you. I appreciate everything that you do on the radio. I listen to you all the time. I love truckers, and thank you very much for everything you do. You really you really help us that don't understand some things. But I appreciate you a lot. That's my job, and you know what, I hope it makes you day go by a little faster when you're listening. Thank you, sir. An is in Florida, and you're smart, and I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot because I'm in New York. You're smart because you're in Florida. Where do you live in Florida? I live in Atlantic Beach. Okay, what's the temperature today? That's Jacksonville by Pontovidra. It is a little colder in that part. Okay, it's still better than it up here. You can still you could still go to Sawgrass and hit some golf balls over your golfer. I got it, Yes, definitely, And actually um it used to be called Selver Marina, but it's um. Atlantic Beach country Club is where we go to play golf most of the time. Life is what am I doing here? Why am I still doing this? I'm out of my mind. I live two blocks from the ocean and three blocks from the golf course. Tell me how bad is my life? I am? I am happy for you. You know. The funny thing is is the people that are closest to me in my life think I'm going to disintegrate the day that I stopped, and I keep telling them no, I won't disintegrate, and they're like, you know you are so you you are so lacking in self awareness. It's ridiculous, it's and it's universal. So I'm like, I'm listening to people, and I'm thinking they've got to be right, because it's every single person that really knows me saying the exact same thing that I'll to syntegrate. So I guess I gotta keep working anyway. What's on your mind today? Here? Well, there's a there's a long story behind that. But anyway, what's on your mind today, Well, our taxes are going for drug addicts with pipe and paraphernalia that Joe Biden is saying, Oh, this is a great idea, And everybody says, I can't believe he's doing that. I don't believe it. Well I do. He's enabled his son by giving him the platform to use him with being vice president now President of the United States, to go make money in all these other countries, tens of millions of dollars, so that he could do drugs and be with hookers and whatever else he wants to do. Why does it surprise anybody? Doesn't? It doesn't surprise me, Um, I will. This is justin rages me that that's where my tax You know, I have a small business. I also do real estate. I am so upset that my tax dollars are going for idiots. Yeah, it's by the way, why should one penny of American hard earned tax dollars go to, you know, buy crack pipes? Why why am I buying a crack pipe? You know? And let me tell you something. If they wanted to help people, and they said we're instituting a new program. Uh, and we're partnering with businesses, so it's a private, you know, public partnership and get companies to donate money and people to donate money. You know, philanthropists all throughout the country. They can go to their billionaire donors and say, listen, we want to put in every major city a facility where people can get drug counseling and I have a place to withdraw and maybe change their life around. Because all you're doing is kicking the can down the road. If you're small crack, if you're smoking meth, if you're injecting heroin, you're committing suicide. It's just it's it's a slow suicide, but it's a matter of time. It's you're ending your life. You're choosing to end your life. Well, Hannahy, there's no choice. You don't understand an addiction. Well, if one person can get off of this crap, then so can everybody else if they choose to. At the end of the day, people are making choices. I choose not to give my money to people that are going to spend it on to buy crack pipe so people can ruin their lives and I'm not advocating that the government spend you know, open up government rehab centers, because they'll screw that up too, like they screw everything else up. But I am saying to take taxpayer dollars and misappropriate it that way is sickening to me, and their arguments are ridiculous, and I, you know, I just can't believe with a thirty trillion dollars debt, we're going to spend millions and millions of dollars on the crack pipe purchasing. Maybe we want to go into the manufacturing or crack pipes. We'll probably make a fortune. We've got a government contract and everything. You know what's funny about this one? And I just need to add this one part? Can I whenever you want? I raised my hand, but you weren't looking at me. So there is one funny part to all this. It's funny hat, not funny hat, but more serious is that we're taking people off transparent lists because we don't like that they're not vaccinated for medical reasons. But we're gonna take taxpayer dollars and hand out crack pipes. And I just want to make sure that everybody's aware of that that's what's happening in our society. Right. Here's the thing. If somebody goes into a hospital and I mentioned this earlier, and they are overdosed on an opiate, say heroin for example, maybe it'd at Fenton Hall in it, we have the ability to save their lives. It's called narcam Okay, now we can because this person made a decision to shoot heroin in their arm, or we're not going to treat them. No, we're going to save their lives. Somebody makes a decision that they didn't want to get the vaccine for whatever reason. Maybe they have a rare condition, maybe they have religious reasons, maybe they just didn't believe the science and Fauci and Biden, etc. Etc. Or maybe they took one shot and got really sick and we're told not to take the second. And maybe they're vaccinated, but they're not considered fully vaccinated. It doesn't matter if at this point it matters, but it doesn't matter in this sense. In other words, fully vaccinated people with boosters they can still transmit the virus because they're getting it. We now have breakthrough cases. Anyway, Anne in Florida, God blush you and uh you know our money should not go to buy crack pipes. That's about as dumb a thing as I've ever heard