People Can't Work To Pay Taxes - 7.7

Published Jul 8, 2017, 1:11 AM

Congressman Louie Gohmert fills in for Sean and sits down with Dr. Art Laffer to discuss proposed tax cuts and the painful deficit we're facing. How was Reagan able to stimulate growth? Dr. Laffer shares his clear path to prosperity. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a ten you warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to Go Anywhere pillows for forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been evning and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo called Hannity. You will love this pillow. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. This is Louie Gohmert sitting in for my very dear friend, Sean Hannity. Love the guy. People constantly ask, is Sean Hannity really like he is on the air in real life? When you see her here Sean, you get Sean. That's it. He is the same person no matter where he is. And it's one of the things you gotta love about the guy. Even if you hate something, you gotta love him because he is awesome and he is good for America. And I wonder sometimes if Fox really appreciates just how good a thing they have in Sean Hannity, because he is terrific. Uh So, I'm Louis Gohmert. I'm a member of the United States Congress from Texas the first District, and I'm telling you I know that I don't get asked to be on television because of my looks, and I know I don't get asked to be on radio because of the way I sound. I think it's the way, uh we think, at least of the people in East Texas think, uh that a lot of the country just likes the common sense that's located in East Texas. I just happened to be a mirror for seventy of the views of East Texans. And I am just tickled to be here. Uh at this microphone, Shawn's microphone, and uh, I tell you I come in here. I've got Lauren. Lynda's not here. I've got Lauren. Lauren is awesome. Lenda is awesome when she's here. And Jason keeps me straight. Sometimes he has to push kind of hard to keep me straight, but gets me straight. Um, but just honored to be here. Now. I want to get right to something that I think is absolutely critical to the ongoing of you know, freedom in America. We have the left that is throwing everything they can at the president, like him or dislike him. Let's don't make up crimes that just didn't exist. And what I have noticed over and over during my time in Washington is that Democrats do not all of them, but so many of them, especially the top folks, they do what's called projecting. They engage in conduct that is detrimental to you know, the good order of things, and perhaps it's criminal, perhaps it's immorl perhaps it's whatever unethical, But instead of ever admitting it, they come out and accuse the other side, the their opponents, or the other side, the Republicans, of doing exactly what they've done, when the Republicans hadn't even thought of it. You know, most of the friends I know, we don't think like that. But when you have people on the left that are thinking about ways that they can get over on good, good folks, good Republican people, conservatives, whether Republicans or not, uh, you know, it's just not the way most of us think. And um, it's it's been interesting, uh finding out more and more about Coomey. I knew all about Mueller as FBI director, and I was one of about the only voice at the time that I was aware of that was sending out warning signals about Mueller being tapped to be the Independent Council because, in my opinion, is my opinion, he did more damage to the FBI than any FBI director we've ever had, including the darker days of Edgar Hoover. And why would I say that? Because Mueller wanted nothing but yes men around him. He wanted nothing but yes men in the FBI, and we had just an incredible FBI, incredible Federal Bureau of Investigation. Now, I know every every group's got a few worms, you know, a few bad apples in every barrel. But I would submit to you that when it comes to law enforcement, including the FBI, you have got so many fewer as such, so much tinier of a percentage that are problematic than you do in rank and file citizens at large. Um. And the reason there's any problem at all is because we're human, and there's gonna be a human in every every group, and it's gonna be made up of humans. So anyway, but Muller, he wanted yes men. So what does he do. He creates what he called a five year upper out program. Well, what was that five year upper out? Sounds innocuous enough. Well, if you were in a supervisory position anywhere in the country with the FBI, and uh, you got to the end of that five years, you were not going to, you know, continue on. You were. You had a choice. You either come to Washington and be a menuon at a cubicle. Maybe you get a better desk, but uh, you come to Washington, you rip your kids out of their schools, you rip your family out from all their friends, and you bring them to Washington where you know they don't have friends. And by the way, for those in law enforcement that may be listening, you know, it takes a while to build credibility, and especially if you're a federal law enforcement like FBI, because when you come into a town, everybody wants to know is this gonna be a guy that's really helping man or woman? I use the guy term for both. If you're gonna be a guy that's going to help us and be a team worker, or you going to grab every bit of work we do and then run grab a headline with it. And it takes time to build that credibility. So yeah, FBI agents, uh, special agents in charge sacks. They've got S A, I, S b um And when they ended got to the end of their five years, then they most of them, so many of them. I don't know what percentage got out. I think it was. The Wall Street Journal had a story some years back on the thousands and thousands of years of experience that Mueller drove out of the FBI. And this wasn't a case where we needed to clean it out. But what I had experienced as a prosecute, as a judge, as a chief justice. You know, I came out of law school and I was a prosecutor, and I went, well, this is great because I know the law so much better than these who's I'm up against. Well, it turns out I knew the law better than them. But there is something to be said for experience. So I learned some lessons from some people that knew a lot less about the law, but knew a lot more about human nature. And I learned a lot from people. And so um, you had people across the country in the FBI that were in charge, and Mueller drove him out. He didn't want anybody in the FBI that might ever raise a question. Now, I know there were some people back when William Jefferson was found to have that ninety thousand dollars in his freezer, that cold hard cash. If you remember, I read the AFFI David that that they used to get a warrant to go into his office. They had enough evidence based on that what was in the warrant to put him under the prison if they wanted to. They were trying to work out a deal, but over two hundred years, because there is the balance of power, there's the check and balance, there's the separation of power. If the FBI has the right to come in any member of Congress's office and grab every hard drive, every flash drive, everything like that without having anybody screen that to make sure there are not things that should not be seen that are completely irrelevant to that, then they're gonna be able to find out who whistleblowers are. They're gonna be there. There would be no balance of power, there be no separation because the FBI could intimidate anybody, and that it was clearly what Mueller wanted to do when he came charging into Jefferson's office. No one had ever done that before. It had always been that you went to the Speaker of the House, and I didn't like the law when I read it and found out what it was. But you go to the speaker, and the speaker has authority to give law enforcement the authority to go into your office, but only if they make sure and they bring in attorneys and they make sure that those attorneys unrelated to the FBI or the Executive Branch screen that information for anything privilege that's unrelated to the alleged defense, and that allows Congress to continue with oversight. The BI can come barging in any time. Then, Uh, you know there's no oversight. There's just they're good at an intimidation. So the courts made that clear. That's the way it's been for over two hundred years. And Mueller, You're not going to be the one that changes that just to try to intimidate Congress. You can go back. I haven't looked in years, but I remember reading that Mueller made an offhand and comment about or maybe it's time to appoint four hundred agents to investigate Congress. Uh, that was a shot at Congress. This is a mean, vindictive guy. And Uh. There was an article by Molly Hemingway back in June and the Federalists and Boys. She does a great article. Now she points out that the Wall Street Journal um had a story back in the political Mr Comey, Obama's FBI nominee has a record of prosecutorial excess and bad judgment. And then it goes through how Comey was at the bottom of screwing over Martha Stewart. Look, I understand she's a Democrat, I met her. I like her. She she and and she has some really amazing ideas. But uh, Frank Quatrone unbelievable. I didn't remember this, but Hemingway brings this out. Um as Uh, Comey went after him for wait for it, obstruction of justice because of a single ambiguous email. And the conviction ended up being overturned and the first trial ended and hung jury. But quatroumb by the time it all ended about thrown out, was so scarred by the harassment he began funding projects designed to help innocent people. And who was at the bottom of all this It was Comy. Uh. And it was over a single email that was ambiguous. Uh. What did Comey do about Hillary Clinton's massive email scandal? Nothing? He protected her. Uh. And I know that there are people out there we're going, yeah, but you know what about him coming out right before the election and and saying they're reopening the investigation. Look, there are enough quality FBI agents, they are bound somebody is bound to have pointed out that we have just gotten all of this information from Anthony Weiner's laptop and more that we didn't know. Um, that was actually for whom Avid and Wiener's emails that were on Wiener's laptop. Uh. Somebody surely pointed out that we have got to reopen because now we've got all this additional evidence we thought was gone. If Comey had not said they were reopening the investigation, there was room for coming after him big time. Uh So what does he do in order to protect Hillary Clinton? And I know most people said, oh no, he really went after No, he protected her. He came out, he stopped anybody else from quitting at the FBI to bring out how Comy was covering up for Hillary. Oh no, we're reopening. And I think I said it on Fox said it somewhere, was asked, you know, well, what about Comy coming out with this before the trial? I said, well, we'll know what his intentions were if he comes out a day or two before the election and says she's exonerated. And that's exactly what he did. It was a smoke screen to protect Hillary. It was not intended to hurt her. But you look at Scooter Libby, you look at Judith Miller, that the damage they did there, and then you find out that he and Mueller, Um, you know, we're in ca hoots on on some of these cases. Um, here's the bottom line, folks. We need President Trump to appoint an independent council e as full authority to do Jef Sessions because of his recusal anything to do with Russia, it may lead over into this. So it needs to be the president himself. He needs to investigate, Well, it did Comy do to Jeff Sessions what he did to John Ashcroft and encourage him to recuse himself so that Comy could get a friend the job of special counsel. He did that with the godfather of one his children, Uh, Gerald Fitzpatrick. So anyway, we need an independent council. Gotta gotta investigate the whole blooming lot. Uh. That means Mueller, Comy, Lynch, the Clintons, and Obama. Now we're gonna come back. We're gonna take your calls. Please call in eight hundred nine four one seven three to six. Eight hundred nine four one seven three two six. That's eight hundred nine f one. Sean. This is the Sean Hannity Show, and I'm Louis Gohmert. I can't wait to hear from you, guys. We'll be right back. From number one New York Times bestselling author and radio host Mark R. Levine comes in essential new book Rediscovering Americanism and the Tyranny of progressive Ism, a searing plea for a return to America's most sacred values. Mark R. Levine revisits the founder's warnings about the perils of overreach by the federal government and concludes that the men who created our country would be outraged and disappointed to see where we've ended up. Levin asks how do we save our exceptional country because our values are in such a precarious state. He argues that a restoration to the essential truths on which our country was founded has never been more urgent, and understanding these principles can serve as the antidote to tyrannical regimes and governments. Rediscovering Americanism is not an exercise in nostalgia, but an appeal to his fellow citizens to reverse course for the sake of our children and our children's children. Rediscovering Americanism and the Tyranny of Progressivism by Mark R. Levin, available now wherever books are sold. This is the Shawn Hannity Show. This is Louis Gohmert sitting in for my friend Shawn Hannity. Uh, let's go to Jacob in Bristol, Tennessee. Thanks for listening to the Shawn Hannity Show. Jacob, what do you say? What's on your mind? Hey, louis great monologue. I just agree with you on Trump needs to appoint an independent council to go after these people who obviously broke the law. Clinton. You know, I can go on and on. UH think that that kind of way with breaking the law must be a lot nice to have a last named Clinton. Anyway, I gotta run and have a great day. And God bless well, God bless you, Jacob. You're exactly right. Uh, nobody should be above the law. I remember Chuck Colson. I think he was a modern day apostle Paul and and Watergate was his Damascus Road experience. But he pointed out I went to prison for a year and a half for having one FBI file in the in the White House. The Clinton's had over nine FBI files in the White House and nobody did a single day in prison. Uh, it's time there was some accountability. So we will be uh finding out more about that only if we get an independent council and the president himself has to point. Look up. I'm thrilled to be here. I hope you are thrilled as well. You're gonna love our guests. Come on back as after the break, We've got Peter Schweitzer and a lot of revelations. This is the Shawn Handy Show, exposing government waste an abuse of your liberties every day. Sean Hannity is on right now. This is the Shaun Hannity Show. This is Louis Gohmert, Congressman from Texas, sitting in and we're thrilled that you're listening to us today. I have as my guest now, president of the Government Accountability Institute, author of Clinton Cash Uh. He has a new column out in New York Post calling for US officials to demand answers about Hillary Clinton confidante John Podesta's ties to Russia. Peter Schweitzer, glad to have you on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, congressman, thanks so much for having me. I appreciate it. Well. You your ears must have been burning when Podesta and my friend Maria, I hope she would consider a spread. But Maria bartar Barbaroma was getting into it, and Podesta was basically saying that she was just wrong. She was getting ridiculous information and she was seemed to be taking pretty valid information. Um. Did you see that or see a replay of that interview? Yes? I did, and h you know, look, Um, I wish you, Competer, I wish you could have been part of that because I just knew that your ears were burning and you were just jumping at the bits to jump in there and straightened John out. So now I'm looking forward to having you straightened out the places where John was not being as honest as he perhaps should have been. Well listen, Congressman I appla Maria Barbaromo for raising those issues. A fantastic job. Um. And you know the problem is is that John Podesta was deceptive and in some instances dishonest about his relationship with the Russian government. Um. You know, yeah, he said he didn't have any stock in the Russian company. Said go back to the effects, right bad Roma said that's not true. John. We know you owned five thousand shares you were on the board of Julie. Is that how you say it? Jewel, Yes, jewel, Um, yes, that's right. Um. You know, he he would would sort of purposely mischaracterize what she said, so he could deny that it was true. You know, here's the bottom line. When John Podesta in two thousand eleven was part of Hillary Clint's Foreign policy Council at the State Department, he was an advisor. We know from the Wiki leaks emails that were released. He was advising her on everything from personnel matters to policy. Two speeches um in that capacity. When he was there, he joined the board of this small energy company in Massachusetts called Jewel Energy UM. It's actually located offshore legally through a series of complex corporate structures, but it was physically based in Massachusetts. And two months after he joined that board, they got thirty five million dollars in Russian government money and Congressman this is from a fund called Ruce Nano that the Russian science Minister calls Putin's child because Putin set it up, Putin runs it, Putin directs it. Uh that thirty five million dollars represented more than a thirty percent of what the company raised, and two Russian officials joined the board and sat by John Podesta. One of them was the head of Bruce Nano. The other is a Russian oligarch um who has been appointed to economic revitalization boards by Vladimer Putin. So they're both very close. And what's troubling is is not only is John Podesta tried to sort of misdirect exactly what his relationship was. We also know that what Jewel Energy was working on was a new form of fuel that had both civilian and military application, and that John Podesta got seventy five thousand shares in the company. Uh. And this all took place, by the way, at the time that Hillary Clinton, through something called Skokovo, was transferring Western technology to Russia. The Pentagon and the FBI later said had military applications. So it's a whole cluster of relationships that I think needs investigation or does it ever? Uh do you think Muller will be getting into that kind of investigation? Well, I sure hope. So you know guarantee I can guarantee you he will not. I can. I'd tell you, Congressman. The other factor I think that's so important here is that John Podesta appeared before the House Intelligence Committee to talk about, you know, the Russia hacking of his emails, and Maria Bardaromo, in that interview we talked about, asked him whether he was asked about his commercial and financial ties to the Russians and he said he couldn't discuss it. What I would say is if he was as um deceptive to the House Intelligence Committee as he was to the American public and to meet Maria Bardaromo, he's got some very real problems and the House Intelligence Committee needs to have him back because he was not being accurate and truthful about his relationship with the Russians to the American people. Well, one of the problems I've had with our House leadership under John Bayner, and it didn't seem to improve too much when it comes to enforcing our jurisdiction and going after people that lie or oath. It's happened repeatedly, and we have not held people UH in check by going after them when um when they've lied under oath. It's happened many times during the Obama administration, and uh so I'm not sure that it will do much good to have them in front of a House UH committee, because once we catch them in alive, we don't do anything about it. At the most we ever did was have a vote and holding Eric Holder in contempt. And then I think Baynard probably didn't agree to have the vote until he found out nothing was gonna happen unless we pushed it after the vote, which we did not do, and so nothing happened there either. I think we need an independent council going into this as well. I mentioned earlier in the show that one of the things and the Clintons just just were incredibly good at projecting. They would engage an inappropriate conduct and then they would accuse opponents of doing the very thing that they were And I really think that's what happened on this collusion with Russia. Uh, they had been engaging in collusion. There's all kinds of ties between the Obama administration and the Russian government and detail Vladimir that I'll have more flexibility after the election. And uh, then they tried to throw all of that on Trump like he was like he threw the election. Uh you know, his own way by using the Russians. Well, you know, accongressman. You know, it's been about eight months now since this, Uh, this idea after the election came to fruition that there was some kind of collusion or collaboration between people around Trump and the Russians. And I said at the beginning is I think a lot of people did his look if if something like that happens, we want to know, Well, you know, eight months of investigation, there's zero evidence of anything. What we know is it relates to the Clintons and the Russian government when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. We know that Hillary is Secretary of State during the Reset, gave a lot of favors and benefits to the Russian scope vote this tech tans transfer program being one of them. What was happening at the same time, benefits were flowing, financial benefits were flowing to the Clintons and their friends. You had what we just talked about, John Podesta and this deal with dual Energy. You had Bill Clinton giving five d thousand dollars speeches twenty minutes speeches in Russia, well above his rates. You had Russian government officials and Russian connected oligarchs donating millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. This is all happening simultaneous. So the sorts of transactions or the sort of exchange of favors that people argued, um you know, was taking place between Trump and the Russians, which there's no evidence for, was occurring when Hillary Clinton was secretary of State, and what we need to investigate now is how will those transactions related at all? And I think for anybody who was concerned about the Trump Russia question, um has to be honest and say, if I was concerned about that possibility with Trump, and now there's no evidence, we need to be concerned about that possibility. Haven't happened when Hillary Clinton was secretary of State? Yeah? Well, uh, and I'm talking to Peter Schweitzer. This is Louis Gohmert sitting in for Sean Hannity and Peter. My gosh, if we got a council appointed to really start digging, I mean, the first place I would recommend that he go is to your book, Clinton Cash. Uh, here's where you start, because you've got a lot already investigated for you. It's just laid out on a platter. You did some remarkable investigation before you wrote that book. Well, thank you. Yeah, it was. It was a lot of research. And you know, I think what I was most excited about when the book came out. It it obviously got a lot of attention, and Sean and others were so supportive, But what I was most happy about is when it came out on the front page of the Wall Street Journal that the FBI took Clinton cash and according to the Wall Street Journal, used it as the roadmap for the FBI to begin the investigation of the Clinton Foundation. And what we know is that there have been five field offices of the FBI investigating the Clinton Foundation. That during the Obama administration, FBI field offices were asking for subpoenas and wire tap capability and they were turned down by the career Department of Justice lawyers to do so. Um. You know, let's hope that changes, because it needs to be investigated. And you know, Compressman say to me, people say to me sometimes, well, look, she's not in office anymore. Doesn't really matter to me. This is not at all about avenge. It's not about hope engines. It's about finding the truth and and and we've got to clean out the cesspools where they are. You know, there were crimes committed during the Clinton administration years. And God bless George W. Bush. He's just I know some people don't care for him, but I'm telling you he's as gracious a guy as you could be around. And he thought he was being gracious when he came in his presence and in essence said you know, all right, everything that's happened in the past, that's bygones. We're starting fresh today. And the problem that good natured approach allowed people who were going to leak, who were going to try to destroy his presidency, and that included it at most every department and agency, and they did, and they undermined him at every turn. And Uh, one of the things that's going to be really important for Congress to do. We've we've given the president authority to fire people at the v a um for cause and not just go through all of the ridiculous hurdles that that allow a felon to stay in in the office. But we have got to give the president more latitude to get get rid of the bad folks there. But anyway, um, there are a lot of people that wanted to get to the bottom of it. And yes, I understood they had your book and they were looking, but the people at the top were not about to let anything happen to the Clintons. I mean, you had surely, with all the investigation you've done, you had to be amazed two here through the news the deals that were being cut with people like Ryl Mills. You know, you let us see your laptop and then we'll destroy everything that's on it. And you have amnesty and we want I mean, nobody is I've never heard of anybody making those kind of amnesty. The agreements just incredible, incredible. Yeah, no, it's it's it's remarkable. And you know, look, one of the things we know about the election by looking at the exit polls, is that three out of four Americans and these are people that voted for Trump or voted for Hillary, of all voters, three out of four believe there is widespread corruption in Washington, d C. And the question is how are you going to root it out and deal with it. And if you adopt the posture that certain people are untouchable, certain people are are just too prominent or too powerful, or they have too many people that like them, so we're not going to investigate and and and you know, take proper course of action if it's necessary, you've completely undermined people's faith in government. And so I think, you know, that's where we are. That's where we are. And this is one of those issues, Congressmen that I do I really don't think is a right left issue. It's right wrong. Well it shouldn't be a right left issue, but I'm afraid it gets down to that. But now you have done phenomenal work, and we really appreciate you coming on and illuminating us. The Clintons need to be investigated, and it's gonna take an independent counsel, Peter, I think to get that done. The career folks that want to get to the bottom of this will not be allowed unless we get somebody independent in there to do it. But man, thank you so much for coming on, Peter Schweitzer. Go check out Clinton Cash if you haven't read it, great read. And this is the Shawn Hannity Show, and we'll be right back. We'll take your calls. Eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six. Sean. This is the Sean Hannity Show. And this is Louis Goldmer sitting in for Sean. Let's go to gym in Florida. Jim, Welcome to Shawn Hannity Show. Pleasure to speak with you, talk to you. Go ahead. The question is real quick, is why do we keep starting these investigations when we don't finish ones that we originally started. You still have the I R. S scandal when they were going after the tea party, you have fast and furious, Um, Benghazi is still out there, and every time they just keep talking about starting investigations and they never finished. And even when they do, nobody's held accountable. Yep, You're exactly right. And that's what I pointed out to our leadership. I guess last October when they were saying, look, it's not looking good for Trump. We better make sure we keep the majority so we can hold hill reaccountable. I was going, are you kidding me? We hadn't held anybody accountable. I couldn't agree with you more, Jim. And that is exactly why I am saying, we've got to have an independent counsel that is an investigation. They have subpoena power and they got prosecution power, and they can put people in jail. That's where we need the investigation. Congress. You know, we call them up, we get statements and that may be helpful to use in perjury charges later. But we got to do this. This is Shaun Handy Show. This is Louis Golmerk sitting in for Shawn Hannity. You've got the Shawn Hannity Show. Now, look, I was one of the people that bought into the line, Yeah, we need to be able to buy in health insurance across state lines. That's gonna bring down prices. But then the more I got to thinking about them, going, wait a minute, if you buy across state lines, this is the way markets work. Maybe, uh, California, Illinois, where they've had a lot of big malpractice verdicts and things, maybe their prices come down because they start buying in places like Texas or Ioway, places where they could get it cheaper. Maybe New York gets it cheaper. In other places, I'm sure it would be ill you brother. But but then overall the cheaper policies they get more expensive because you've got people from like California with work mints of claims filing on their Texas insurance company. Well, it wouldn't it just equalize? I mean, I was a history major and uh not an economic economists, But I do agree with John kinn of Galbert on one thing about economy. There are only two kind of economists, those who don't know and those who don't know. They don't know. But in any event, Paul Gossar from Arizona represents the fourth Congressional district. He's a member of the Freedom Caucus and he is a very close, very dear friend of mine. I think the world of him. And uh, anyway, Paul was the one really pushing this in the House, this idea of wait a minute, that's not gonna cure things just by across state lines. What we've got to do is we have got to stop the exemption that health insurance companies have from the antitrust laws they're allowed to monopolize. And so who do I have on the Sean Hannity Show with me, Louie Gombert. Substitute is fellow Congressman Paul got Sar. Paul, Welcome to the show. Thanks for having me on. Louie, Well, why don't you explain it. I'm sure you can do quite a bit better than I have so far, But explain why it is so important that we end the exemption for health insurance companies that was put in place by the mccaren Ferguson Act of nineteen forty five. And folks, that was nineteen you know, way back when Louie in there was a case of Southeastern underwriters versus the US in the Supreme Court rule that the insurance industry was subject anti trust laws. Um, the insurance company ran to Congress. They've got an exemption. And maybe at that time it was warranted because they were just an impetue type of industry and they needed to share. But today they got the best of all the world. They got the best mathematicians, the best algorithms, the best computers. And what ends up happening is we need to open up the competition. And this is what's key here. Um. When you open up competition, your rates flower, and it's going to help not just the insurance market of health premiums, but also those panels of doctors that are held on by insurance industries. This is one of the first things that you have to do to liberate a marketplace because the insurance industry has so many opportunities and so many different products to produce, but the federal government doesn't allow them. And what's in it for them? I mean, we've got to allow them to compete. And if you believe in the markets, they compete when they compete for the consumers dollars. And so this is a key component of a new birth place in the health care industry. Well, Paul, let's just give for example, if you were well, say a health insurance company went to a hospital and said, uh, look, we want you in our network, we want to do business with you. But there's a new healthcare law out here, and there's a whole lot of new health insurance companies popping up, new meta share all kinds of things, and so we're putting in our agreement that if you do business with anyone else, any of these other insurance companies, we're going to cut you out of our network. Um. Would that be the violation of anti trust laws if you didn't have an exemption. Well, what happened is is that currently in Arizona, we actually have insurers that own hospitals, own doctors, and service areas. That's a perfect definition of a monopoly. And so what happened is is that the full forcing of the federal government is understood to actually break that up so that there's competition in that marketplace. Um. You know you see this every day with grocery stores, um like Safely and bash shows around the country. When they get too much of a marketplace, Um, the Feds break it up and return it back to the states and That's what's key here is that the tentament has jurisdiction. States Rights has jurisdiction over insurance and healthcare, and what we're trying to do is return that so that we see the best options, giving it back to the government that's closest to the people. Um, imagine the idea of federalism. Really there you go, that's how we get the marketplace going. Well, uh, you know, it just should make sense to most anybody that if you're going to if you're gonna have real competition across the country, Uh, it's not going to do it if people buy across state lines and health insurance companies still have this anti trust exemption. You know, we're told that thirty to forty states have one insurer left in the state. Well, it occurs to me, if we don't end the exemption from anti trust laws, and all we do is allow people to buy across state lines, then instead of having thirty to forty states with one insurer, you will have one country with one or maybe two insurers, because they'll be the monopoly for the country. Doesn't that makes sense. That's exactly where they're going. They want a single payer and welcome Canada, welcome, Great Britain, welcome the European model. It doesn't work. And you know, by the way folks welcome the v A system. You know, how well is it that helped our our our veterans who have put everything in the harm's way. You know, we'd not we nott rectify it. This is gonna be an albatross to try to fix, Louis. You know, once you push one bug and sports to another area. Well, you're the one that brought it to my attention, Paul, and I like to think that I've been up in our conference almost as much as you have, demanding pushing that we get a vote on your bill in the House that will allow that the end of the exemption for health insurance companies UH from the anti trust lost. As you know, it will be a task. Were sixteen to seven, there really wasn't anybody against it. Well, there were six members of the Congressional Black Caucus that voted against it just because they wanted to give it to John Conyers. She's a fund of mine and held this health aspect. That yeah. Well, the thing is, it doesn't matter which party you're in, you really don't want to be running for elections on the platform of supporting monopolies. That just can't be popular thing to do. But now, uh, there was a Senate version in the last conference, and I didn't know until this afternoon. We don't have a Senate bill of this, and I can't. I bet they would come close to a hundred votes if h McConnell would bring it to the floor. Well, and that's what we're trying to do right now, is he assigned the right person to carry the water in the Senate that this is a no brainer wholy as you asked, as you're under and now, Paul, there are a lot of things that are no brainers that never get to the floor of the House or Senate for a vote. You know that. And just because it's a no brainer doesn't mean it's gonna get to the Senate floor for a vote. And let's face it, if you are a huge insurance company and you like the idea of being the monopoly left standing, then you'd probably be willing to to contribute a lot of money to help keep people in power that would keep that from the floor to make it law. Here's the problem, though, Louis is is that eventually you get down to a single pair. And so what is up happening is because you end up getting an insurance that basically just want insure, so all the rest of them go by the wayside. And then what happens the government takes it over from the single insurer that's left. There's room for everybody, and this is a liberating aspect for the insurance industry to come up with the new ideas, the nuances. That's why you want to get up closer to the consumers so that they can see what new ideas can be rebrought for It's not hurting people with native pre existing conditions. It's bringing the resources that they need and is at the Piper time and the piper uh timeframe to get that care that they so desperately need and to get people the health care that they that they want. It's not what the federal governments you dictate. It's not what people want. I mean, this is this is something that is so critical and so easy and so basic to understand that it's a win win for everybody. It is, and it ends up creating so much more competition. So I hope the millions of listeners that are faithful to Sean Hannity that are still hanging with you and me. Uh, they will start telling their their senator you need to help push this bill to the floor of the Senate. We're not concerned so much with buying across state lines because ours is probably gonna go up. And you know because seriously, I mean when California, Illinois, some of these states would have high costs, the ears will come down, but some of us with lower costs, even though it's high to us. Uh, it's not going to go down just buying across state line. So uh, this is the more important bill, the much more important bill. And I wanted to get you on and I'm glad you were able to come on, Paul, so that we can educate America. And you weren't just a good dentistman, You're a good educator, Paul. Thanks for being passionate and explaining it back. Louis. If it's one thing that I can give back is to teach you. This is a teaching moment. Americans are afraid because the federal government has promised everything is delivered on nothing, and this is something that the doctor, the dentist of town actually can deliver on. This is something that when we don't know the right answer, get the dusk people forward and empower them to come up with great solutions, and that's what America deserves. Well, you are awesome, Paul, Thanks for coming on the show. That is Paul gost Our, Congressman from the fourth District of Arizona. And we will be back after this with the Shawn Hannity Show. This is Louie Gomert. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gomert, Congressman from Texas, sitting in and uh, I'm glad to have the listeners in East Texas listening to Sean through the station. I do KDBB in Tyler, Texas, UM and shout out to Paul Glicer, Mike Edwards and John Sims, all of our friends there. Uh, this is a Shaun Hannity Show and I'm surrounded by competence. That's a wonderful thing. But let's go to some calls. We're gonna be taking your calls the rest of this hour and all the next hour. So call eight hundred nine four one seven three two six, eight hundred and four one. Sean, Let's go to Mark in Independence, Missouri. I've always liked the sound of independence. I think Harry Truman did too. Yes, good man like you, Louisa, speak to you. You're one of the authentic leaders in Congress, one of the few. And it's a calling. The way Bayner treated you just for doing what you said you would do. It was a greatview with me than ghost are too. Uh. I didn't realize that was great information and the Senate should pass that. But speaking of that, doesn't that make sense? Mark that the solution is not buying across state lines. It's stopping the uh, the the exemption from being from anti trust laws they can monopolize. Yeah, that that that would solve a lot of things. And but you're you're probably skeptical about whether or not the Senate's going to pass a healthcare bill, right. I was just gonna ask you that. I mean, it passed in the House, and nearly everyone who ran for Senate ran on repealing Obamacare. But it seems to be stalling. So many special interests are coming forth. There's wobble, either's so called modern Republicans, there's these fake protests are being people bust in And what do you think it's going to take to get it through there for something other than just Obamacare light. I mean, are they going to be able to pass it? Will it get done before the August recess? Shod they not have an August recess. Where do you think it stands right now? Well, it used to be done you and I, but it doesn't scare you. But we've shared like mine on this issue, I've been extremely concerned about the Senate passing anything. If you remember when Harry Reid was in charge, Uh, there were good bills, so many good bills that came to the Senate, and he did his members the favor of never bringing them to the floor for a vote because it would have exposed them. Uh. They would either have to cast a vote that would have got them defeated, or they'd have to vote for something that was a good bill that they didn't want passed because who was donating that kind of thing? But um, I look, Mark, I told the President months so ago that this is feeling a lot like two thousand and five when Haster and Fris did not want to uh do a lot of heavy lifting. I think, uh, Paul Ryan is capable of doing a lot more heavy lifting than was done back then. But uh and I gotta I want to give Paul Ryan credit as speaker. He brought the ghosts Are bill to the floor and a lot of people said, well, we're not sure it's gonna pass four hundred and sixteen votes. I mean, what Democrat could afford to say, I'm for monopoly. So it's gonna pass, and it will pass like gangbusters if it's brought to the floor. But this is where people putting pressure on their senators to uh uh, you know, to talk to the majority leader and say, let's bring this to the fore and get it done. With regard to the ghosts are building in the exemption from any trust laws, but with regard to repealing Obamacare, I don't know about you, Mark, I was excited to see that that, you know, the President said maybe we should. If the Senate can't do it, let's just do a repeal and then we'll get the replacement done. There are people that have proposed, uh, let's just vote to end the tax code as it is on a date certain and then that forces us to get something as a substitute before then. So that may be what we want to do. The thing that gives me though, that's what we promised we would do. We did it in the last Congress. It passed the House, it passed the Senate, and then initially something we're saying, oh, but we don't think that could get past the bird rule. Yes it can. It did in the last Congress. So it doesn't make sense that we couldn't go ahead and bring that same bill back. Just repeal the stinking think on a date certain, and then we have to come up with a solution. Thanks so much for the way you think, Mark, I love it, and we will be right back and take your calls called eight seven, three to six. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Louis Gorman. This is the show on Hannity Show, and this is Louis Gohmer sitting in for my friend Sean Hannity. And I am so proud to be here. I feel like Minnie Pearl. I'm just proud to be here. But let's get to the phones. You want to call in eight hundred nine four one seven three to six eight one, Sean, let's go to Tim in Milford, Connecticut. Um, Tim, welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Pleasure to talk to you. Thank you, Congressman. I'd like to first say, hands down, bar none, Sean couldn't have picked a better guy to do this show. While he's gone a great job, Well aren't you God? You know, Foxworthy says when people here a Southern accent, they normally deduct fifty i Q points from how smart I think? I don't think so. Thanks for being open minded, Tim, But as smart as you are, I'm looking forward to hearing what you've got to say. Well, it's it's not going to be good because you have wisdom and experience, which is what we need. But as far as the American public, we're looking at Washington when they say drain the swamp. I mean honestly, every single decision and vote that the Congressman and senators make, almost of them, not you, but of them, the first thing they think about is how is this going to affect my re election if I vote this way. They're not thinking what's best for the American people. They're thinking what's best for me to get re elected. Well, that's a that's an interesting point to Already in the Senate and we have a majority in the Congress. You're exactly right. But let me let me give you a little clue. A little secret. I was surprised when I went to orientation within two weeks after winning my first election to Congress. And uh, the most common used phrase, most frequently used statement during the orientation, what ever it was three days or whatever, Um was this the best thing you can do for your country is get reelected. And they kept drilling that in. Now. The first time they said it, I went, well, that's interesting. And then eventually I'm gonna wait a minute, and it started irritating me so much because you know, there are times you just have to take a stand based on what's right, and it may lead to you know, you're being thrown out of office, but you stand for what's right. I mean, heck down in Texas, we had a great role model in Sam Houston. Um in at least role model in some areas. But uh, he didn't think that secession was a good idea. He didn't think slavery was a good idea, and uh, he didn't have very many friends when he passed away. Um, sometimes you have to take a stand for what's right, even though it's gonna cost you politically. But but little bit of insight, tim, so that starts being drilled into your head when you first hit Washington, the best thing you can do for your country is get reelected. When the best thing we can do for our country is just do what we promised our constituents we were gonna do when we got there. And uh, but the indoctor nation starts early. And then the other thing that goes along with it is you know, you are so awesome, You're incredible. You You're the best we've ever had. Um And we just need you to be a team player. See, and and we're gonna get these and you're gonna you're gonna change the country. There's no limit to what you're gonna be able to do. You're just we just need you to be a team player. Then you're gonna get the chairmanship, a committee, this, that and the other. And then after you know, I've had guys tell me that. Gee, Louis, I went and told him, Look, I've been a team player for two years. We hadn't done anything that we've said, and I got elected first time two years ago, and and I'm going to look where it hadn't helped to be a team player. Did we misread you? We we we thought you were a team player. So you're gonna be one of these guys that just gotta be out there, be a big shot. You're not going to be part of the team. No, No, I've been part of the team and we hadn't done anything. So that is the kind of indoctrin nation. And it works better than any kind of threat. It works better than any kind of promise. Um, just be a team player, because everybody wants to be part of a team, and you certainly want to be part of a winning team. But I agree with New Gingrich. If we don't get healthcare reform passed and into law, if we don't get um tax reform passed into law, then we're we stand a good chance to lose the majority in the House. I think that's exactly right. So gee, what a what an easy thing to do. Just do what we said we would do and we don't lose the majority. Um. But anyway, you're right on tim. Uh, you're right to be concerned. Uh. People do worry too much about the next election. But Uh, I have good news for all of those people that worry too much about the next election. We gotta do is Path's healthcare reform. That we gotta repeal Obamacare, like every one of us promised, And as I said earlier in the show, why not do what Trump tweeted out, Let's repeal it and then come back with helping make sure we got a free market coming out of that. All right, thank you, Let's let's take another call, um. How about God's call here from from Texas, my own district and Nakodoches, Michelle. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Great to have you on. Thank you so much for taking my call, and thank you for all I'm excited you're listening to Michelle. Thank you. Yeah, we really appreciate it. No, my call, um is more about, you know, what we can do as far as helping people, you know, for their health care. It seems to me like if the Democrats get re elected and they take the House, that they are going to impote single payer. And Michelle, I hate the term single payer because what it means is you're going to have government run health care, socialized medicine. Single payer sounds too pleasant for the disaster that that ends up being. And but you're right, that's where we're going. And if we don't get this going, You're exactly right, Michelle. And my thing is I mean, I've worked in healthcare for thirty years, and you know, we talk every day about what's going on, and it seems to us statistically that the sickest people is a percent of every health care dollar. And to us, statistically, I think that that's probably people over age fifty and kids less than age five. That seems to be where you know, the majority of money has spent. And since we already have systems in place Medicaid and mature do not just you know, do the age difference so that they're covered and then that way it takes the pressure you know, off the insurance company and um, you know, also provide care for those people. I mean, you've got you've got a good point, Michell. Uh. The thing is, we have not had free market forces at work. That's the most powerful weapon in bringing prices down in anything with free market forces or at work. We have not had free market forces at work in the health care industry for decades now. We haven't because the good best example of that is you don't know what anything costs. You get a bill from a hospital, you get a bill from a doctor you know or are from, say they're radiologists, whatever it is. Uh, you get the bill and you see a number that is not what the government is gonna pay, It is not what the insurance company is gonna pay. You don't know what's gonna be paid. And I think until we get back to truth in the cost of healthcare, we're never going to be able to successfully and consistently bring down the costs. We ought to have a requirement that that the costs are posted. If you have advertising online, you ought to have it posted online, but absolutely posted at the office, so that when you get treated, you know what that cost is, whether you're Blue Cross or at no or you've just got cash and that's all there is. Now. I've had some people say that, uh a doctor tell me that, uh their contract with an insurance company says it prevented them from taking the same amount that that insurance company paid, uh, taking that same amount from somebody who's paying cash. Uh. Others have said they dealt with the same insurance company and they didn't put that provision in. But for heaven's sake, a person that's coming in it has a health savings account, which is where I think is the solution to getting us back toward free market principles and patients having more control. Then you have insurance that has a very high deductible, but you got cash in your health savings account that will cover all of that. Um. So that's where I'd like to see us get. But in the meantime, until we know what we're paying that, you know, nobody chooses to go to a doctor because of how much they charge. We did when I was a little my mother one time I said, well, why aren't we going to the same dark we did last time in our little town of Mountpleasant, Texas. Grown a lot now, but anyway, the answer was, well, he went up on his prices, and both of these doctors are just as good. So nobody does that anymore because one charges more. UM. So I'm hoping that's gonna be a big part of the solution. But Michelle, I can't tell you how grateful I am. You're listening there in Nacodoches. Uh. And by the way, um, we have a new Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. And some years back when I met him the first time, I was talking about East Texas and all the gas. I knew he was president of VEX soon and he was saying, yeah, you know, I think the Hanesviell shell gets over into Nkadelchies County, and I think, you know that's gonna do a lot of good. And of course Center Texas is they're benefiting from the gas that's there that nobody knew for so long, and that Bowser shell under that, and he's naming off towns in East Texas like Timpson and and I'm going away. How do you know so much about East Texas? He said, oh, ex and it sent me to Tyler to work out of that office at one time. So when I saw him recently, I said, well, there are a lot of people in East Texas that are pleased that we have the East Texas connection with the Secretary of State. And he said, oh, it runs deep. He said, my twins were brother born in Mother, France at the hospital there in Tyler, so we got in East Texas connection and we will claim that. But let us go to Bryce in Lubbock, Texas. Um, I understand that you're feeling betrayed by Congress is what it says here on the computer. And gee, I can kind of understand your feelings there. Bryce. Yeah, and you know you you made a point just a caller to ago that if they would vote to do what's right, that this would solve our problem in America. And I've always thought that until recently. I don't like Obama Light. I don't like those versions. But the way Congress works is by compromise. And so the congressmen that are saying I cannot vote for that deal. It doesn't do everything I want. They kept us from moving the bill forward, and and yet they were voting their conscious on what was right and why they got elected. Well, but except that, from what I didn't read the Senate bill, Bryce, but from what I understand, it was basically Obamacare light. And if if we're going to simply just you know, tweak around the edges of Obamacare, then the American people are gonna suffer. We promise. I don't think there's anybody in the House or Senate that's a Republican that didn't promise to do a repeal. Maybe there's somebody, but I don't remember. And I know the press promised to replace. But most of us felt like, if we can repeal Obamacare, we still need to do some things to get a competitive free market system at play, and to get costs under control and get back to a doctor patient relationship without the government or an insurance company between us and our doctor. I didn't grow up with somebody in the government or insurance company between me and our doctors and mouth pleasant. I mean, that just was unthinkable. But that's all you got. Now you you your medicine. You know what treatments you get. Uh, that's all based on what the insurance company or the government says. But BRYCE understand your feeling. But we have got to get Obamacare repealed, period exclamation point. We've got to get it done. We promised. We just got to do it. This is the Sean Hannity Show. We'll be right back with more your calls. Eight hundred nine four one seven, three to six. This is the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gomert. Come on back. This is the Sean Hannity Show. This is Louie Gomert sitting in for Sean. Let's go to Susannah and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. What's on your mind, Susanna, Thanks for holding hi. Louis so good to talk to you. And I have to keep it right. So I'm going to just say I understand that the um politicians in d C are scared, although I don't understand where they are. Because look, President Trump had the media against him, the Rhinos against him, the Democrats against him, and the illegal voters against him, and he still wants because we, the people out here in Twitter world and the real world, got out into everything we needed to do to get him in and so we can do that again. I want you to tell us, speak to the Twitter world what we need to do. Do we have to show up in person on a particular day. What do we need to do because we could, Louis be could we have to um, we have to get this done right, I have died because of Obamacare. Well, oh my well, I'm so sorry about that. We we need to hammer keep hammering. Senators and representatives on the ghosts are bill. We passed it, send it, needs to bring it the floor and pass it. And we need a repeal. We don't do that. We haven't. We're not gonna be able to do anything repeal, repair, repeal. Keep sending that message. Thank you, Oh Susannah. We'll be right back with more of the Sean Hannity Show. This is Louie Gomert. This is the Sean Hannity Show. This is Louie Gomert sitting in for my friends Sean, and we're glad you're listening in. You know, there's sometimes uh it's just great to talk people that are so uh informative and so well educated in areas as so wise to what's really going on. And then if you throw in a sense of hume or and just being a really fun individual, what you get is a guy named Dr Arthur Laugher, and he was founder chairman of Laugher Associates. Uh was a member of President Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board. He's the one that told President Reagan that he needed to bring down taxes by at least thirty percent in order to turn the economy around. And that's exactly what it took. But uh, the deal he made with Tip O'Neill actually kept it from kicking fully in until nineteen three and uh eighty three, just as doctor Laugher said, that's when the economy recovered. But anyway, I ask uh my friend Dr Laugher if he would come on the show because there's something particular I wanted to talk to him about. Uh Art Laugher, Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show, very much. Louis, it's great to hear your voice, it's great to be on the show. I'm a big fan of both of yours. Well, you know, I'm a fan of yours. And uh, that'll get you in trouble in some circles, Louis. Well, no, no, not in any circles. I care about that. But I'm telling you, uh, back uh years ago. You well, you have spoken to Republicans and Democrats alike. You just want good policy, you want good laws put in place. But what has been shouted so often and murmured behind closed doors so many times? Oh no, uh, we may get a bad score from CBO. It'll kill our chances of passing this bill. And one of the two things that the President and Republicans alike promised is a big tax reform. Let's throw out the old huge, uh income tax code and let's put in a simple system. But then constantly the line comes back, but what about the CBO score. We'll get a terrible CBO score. But what But we need to cut taxes so the economy can take off. But what about the CBO score. What's your answer to that? Well, you know, I don't think the CBO should do the scoring. I really do not. I mean, they are a branch of government. They should do the accounting, and that's very correct, but they shouldn't make the political estimates as to what's going to happen, because then they're just part of the political process. And you'll find exactly what you say, Louis, is that congressman and senators will try to follow the CBO score rather than doing what's right for the country. We need a low rate, broad based flat tax and get the hell out of the way and let the economy grow no matter what the CBO or anyone else says. That's so good, well, and just let listeners in. It's been maybe five years or so ago. I had asked he wasn't speaker then he was chairman of the Budget Committee, if he would agree to sit down at a dinner with you and me and Steve Moore to talk about how we could get rid of CBO and have actual competition in scoring, where we could score the scores. And we had a fantastic dinner that night in Washington, and Paul was intrigued, and you took it so seriously. You actually created a model how that could be done. Didn't you have I do have a model how that could be done, and the model is very clear. It's it's sort of common sense. And now it's not a common sense model, it's a math model. It's based on actual data, all of that stuff. It's done professionally and academically correctly, but it comes out just as you and I would expect. People don't work to pay taxes. They work to get what they can after tax, and it's that very after tax incentives that creeze the growth and output unemployment in this country. I've looked at the average tax r into the US income tax rate. It's very statistically significant and powerful, and the higher the rate, the worst the growth. The lower the rate, the better the growth. I've looked at the progressivity of the tax calls. Louis the same thing. The more progressive your tax codes, the worst the performance of the economy. Look the Social Security tax, the corporate tax. I've looked at all of these, the highest income tax rate. They all are extremely important and affect growth in this country exactly the way you and I would think they were, although they were developed from models, from maths, from data, and without bias, without prejudice, without tilt, and it's just amazing how they work and work really well. Well, what's your answer to people that say, we can't just pass a flat tax without adding a border adjustment tax, or are getting a bunch of money back from healthcare reform so that we can pay for the tax cuts. Your response to very honestly, as you, if you have a good tax cut, you'll cut taxes this year, and you'll pay for it with very rapid economic growth in the future, not this year where you destroy the growth that will be created by the tax cut. It's just I don't think of an entrepreneur development business. Does he need to make profits in the first first minute of the business. No, he's got to put in money, capital, effort, time, et cetera. And then what he hopes for is down three years down the road, he makes money. And that's exactly what you do with Texas. Is exactly what we did with Reagan, what we did with Thatcher, and what we've done in all these other cases where Kennedy and it works beautifully. Louis, you think it would get us back up to two growth years and then you make your money in the in the out years. You think we'd get us back up to two growth or maybe even the number Forgibby, I hate it from January one when you said the tax cuts took effect from January one three until June four, and that's eighteen months. That's a year and a half's worth of a period there in that eighteen months. How much did the US economy grow in real terms g n GDP growth. That's a good question. Let's the answer, Well, the answer a year and a half. Louis I did not realize. I knew it was growth. She's under Kennedy. It happened to harding and college. And let me tell you the problems you solved with economic growth like that, all of a sudden, people have good, high paying jobs that they're taking off welfare. All of a sudden, you get tons of revenues pouring into the conference and you just solved and state and lower government's become solvent. There are no more Illinois or Wisconsin's or but some say West Virginia's or Kentucky. Like Ireland, they had a low tax rate and then they got into trouble. And some point back to the Reagan years and say, hey, they ended up running a deficit. But my understanding is that as the money poured into Ireland, or poured in during the Reagan years. You had democrats here that we're spending the money. They just got giddy. He's spending more money than I was very involved in the Irish tax cuts known. We cut the corporate right down, the fantastic what they called it the Celtic Tiger. And during the Great Recession of two thousand they had a really big hit. They got hit really hard. They are the fastest growing country in the European Union with a twelve and afrecent corporate Why the hell don't we just do that? To Louis, it makes sense, Well, there was everyone is investing in Ironman. Well, yeah, I don't know, but I do know this. There were several of us. There were several of us in the capital is always Dublin. You said, I was funny when you are funny and that the capital is always Dublin. That's good, thank you. Well, now there were several of us. Went over to China some years back. Uh, trying to see why so many businesses were going to China. I thought I threw the knew the answer. I thought it was a waste time. Well, it's the unions it's the regulations. Well, those were huge problems, but over and over, the number one answer was that the tax, the corporate tax rate, just made it too attractive to go to China. In seventy in China, of all business went through state run enterprises. Today it's down to we. That's called a tax cut. That's why China grows like mad and we don't. Well. And it's also why I've encouraged the president don't let people talk you out of the fifteen percent corporate tax, because that will suck businesses back into this country. Uh, much better than any terror for any tax or anything else will Yeah, great, Louis. You know you want to pull businesses in. You don't want to hit him in. That's so true. Well, it makes me excited thinking about the possibilities if we will just go ahead and do the tax cut, get get the taxes down. Uh. You know, with all of the talk that Obama had about the evil rich, he finally admitted on he said on video, admitting that and it was the first time in our history he had to admit of all the income went to the top one per cent while he was present. Under his his mean spirited position, towards the wealthy. He separated the wealthy from the floor even further. And what you're talking about is when you give people a tax cut and let them use their own money, the whole economy rebounds. Everybody does America. The dream of America, Louis has always been to make the poor rich, not to make the rich poor. And Obama substituted making the rich poor for good common sense economics is how do you make the poor rich? I mean, Kennedy put it so beautifully when he said the best form of welfare is still a good, high paying job. And I wish the CBO would understand that you come from Texas. You know what you do. I come from Tennessee, where we just clean house because we have lowest, the lowest Texas taxes in the country. Well, you moved from California to Nashville, isn't that amazing? I moved from from karl Mark City to Adam Smith Village. Well that's fantastic. But but anyway, I just had to have you with your wisdom on because so many in Washington keep saying, we got to have the border adjustment tax. We've got to have this tax. We we need to keep some of the Obamacare taxes because we you know, we got to keep that to you be able to cover you know what our tax cuts. No, we don't one favor. I've got one policy that I'd love to have you a spouse and see what you think about it. You know the problem with Congress often as they spend a people's money, that's all the teops are responding to radical left wing groups or whatever it is they're My view is that Congress should be like all the rest of us. We should pay them on commission. If we have a three percent growth rate, I have no problem with Congress genness pay four percent. They should get double their pay, five percent, triple their pay. But if they only get two percent, no pay, If they make one percent, they owe the people that their pay back, and I think you should put them because if they had to spend the money and bear the consequences, they'd never vote the way they Yeah, if we got paid on commission, just like all the rest of us, well that would sure make people look at what actually drives the economy and what hurts it. But actually even vaccine waters would to vote for correctly have a very big taste for money. Well, when we were talking some years back about having competition in scoring instead of having CBO, you know, and have university whether SMB or Moody's others might get involved, but score the scores. And then you suggested, because you're always into having competition, you said, yeah, and in fact, if somebody gets within a small marginal area, and you could pay them a bonus for being so close to what and and we would score the scores, and then we would be able to know more accurately what a what a bill really would most likely do to the Ecomntany it's like Merritt pay for good teachers. Yeah, it's like, oh wait, I didn't think we could do that for the top five percent of kids in school on their s A T scores, giving a big bonus for doing really well in school instead of just for playing basketball. Well, but that sounds like your prejudice against bad teachers, and we can't go there. I'm not prejudiced against them. I just want to pay them with that's all that they can be fine. Bad teachers have a role in life. Darker Arthur Laugher, I love you. You are awesome, and I hope people get hope. I hope people will pass this on to their senators that are worrying about what we do about taxes. Just do the tax cut corporate tax. That's it. Everywhere you read three five, you change it to fifteen and then go home. I love economy growing like mad I love it. I love it. Well, this is a Sean Hannity Show. Thank you so much. Dr Arthur Laugher will be right back with more of Sean Hannity. This is Louie Gomert sitting in. This is a Sean Hannity Show. I'm Louie Gomert sitting in for my friend Sean Hannity. We have got ed in Indianapolis, Indiana, ED. Welcome to the Sean Hannity Shows. Is a pleasure. It is my pleasure really think this more often. I love do anything I can for my friend Sean. But thank you. What's your observation about healthcare? Well, I think, I think to write on I think the fact that uh, you go, I go, but someone else pays. I think if we all went out to our restaurant and someone else was paying at the end of the meal, the bill would be at a lot higher than if each of us were chipping in our own money, But the bills that you get from healthcare, that's not actually what gets paid you. You know, we don't even know what gets paid by the insurance companies in the government. That's a separate bill that we're not allowed to actually see that if you even ask, they can't tell you. I have asked, and that's a great point. I've asked people that I deeply respect, heads of hospitals. You know how much for a single bead, single room? H Well, Louis, it just depends, you know what what's the disease is that Medicare, Medicaid? Is it you know, Blue Cross Anthem? Who's paying? And what kind of policy do they have? And and and they are really being honest, they cannot tell what it actually costs. Well they ought to be able to tell. We need to get it to where that you know what you're paying. And I think that's where health savings accounts makes a difference. I think if people see, look, I've been paying eight hundred dollars a month, or some people I'm hearing them paid a thousand dollars a month having sucked out of their their check for healthcare. Wow, you you know how good you'd be sitting ten years later after you were putting say ten of your twelve thousand dollars into health savings account and just had you know, um catastrophic insurance over the top of that, you'd be so much better off. He gives you the latest breaking news when he it's the air. This is the Sean Hannity Show. This is the Sean Hannity Show. This is Louis Goldmert sitting in for Sean. And we're glad to have you here. I'm the lowly legislator Louis from East Texas and glad to be sitting in for my friend Shan. Um. We're glad you're here. There is so much going on in Washington. Of course, the most important things are going on across America. It's unfortunate that we do so much in Washington that has an adverse effect on what's going on around the country. But folks, you've heard so much about the hacking of the d n C, the hacking of the the Democrats email and we know that Wiki Leaks got ahold of them, and and uh so much was published. And of course Hillary come plain that when people found out she'd been lying about some things that hurt her voting and that's shocking, shocking, I tell you. But anyway, something that has really been uh basically pretty low under the radar. The Daily Caller has been um one news group that just has pursued it. And they have a reporter that's been quite the investigator, and he's been digging stuff out when things just I'm amazed more people aren't really digging like Luke Rociak is. And we have him with us on the show. He's an investigative reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. He's been reporting on a Pakistani family who allegedly misused their position as I t workers for dozens of House Democrats, not a single Republican and uh apparently been paid over four million dollars. That's what's being alleged since July two thousand nine. Luke, Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show. Thanks for having me. Well, you have done amazing work. I've quoted you many times, UH read from your articles on the House floor trying to get people, uh to be at least somewhat curious about what is going on. I mean, this is the kind of stuff that you wouldn't believe would happen in real life, that that members of Congress or anybody of sound mind would hire somebody from any country, but you know, Pakistan happens to be the country and have them work on their computers. And apparently these people never had a proper background check, yet they had total access to the members computers. Uh why don't you tell us what got you to dig in on this? Well, like you said, I mean the House basically their information technology systems have been compromised, but you wouldn't know it from what you see in the media. Um. Back in early March, there was a tiny little story in Politico that said, uh, quote, five House staffers are accused of stealing equipment from members office and committing serious, potentially illegal violations on the House i T network. And that was enough to get you going. Yeah, they got me going. And I heard that they were brothers. Originally, you know, the media buzz Feed did a little thing on it and they said some House I T employees have been uh implicated than their brothers, but they didn't name them. And I was able to find out who's the only group of four brothers that works for Congress or three brothers? And it turns out to be these guys Imron, Juan uh Jamal Along and a Bidawan. And then there's also they had two of their wives on the payroll as well. So it's you, it's a nepotism on its face, but it goes well beyond that. Um. And basically, the more that I looked into these guys, there was red flags every single aspect of their background. Well, like what kind of red flags Luke Well for example, Uh, one of them has a criminal record? They have, oh, that is a definite red flag mark goodness. And these are people that have total uh control over an access to the members of Congress's computer system, all of their computer the information in their computer systems. Now, I've been told if you can, if you have access to the congressional computer system for one member, then it's not that hard to hack into more of the system itself, if you heard anything on that. I haven't heard that. But I know for a fact that these are the guys who set up the email accounts for the members and their staff, and they worked for well over twenty members, uh, And I know that they could read all the emails sent and received by those twenty members, who all Democrats and some of them are on the Homeland Security Committee and the Intelligence Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee. And these guys mostly didn't show up for work. By all accounts, it was partially a ghost employee ran, but they also were operating this card dealership that took a hundred thousand dollars from an Iraqi politician named Ali Alatar, who is fugitive from the U. S Department of Justice. So while they're on the payroll of House Intelligence members and they can read Members of congresses emails, they're taking money from an Iraqi politician. Well, and when there's somebody, I mean, that's bad enough. But wasn't there somebody that uh the one brother's old money too? And they got him on the payroll of the Congress. Yeah, you know, there's this guy that was working at McDonald's and they put him on the payroll for Congress as an I T guy. So, um, you know, we do hear a lot about hacking of you know, the d n C and all these various things that are very real and very serious, and and part of his pattern is that there was a serious security breach in the House Representatives and uh, no one's talking about it, and and then the members to put these guys on the payroll, including the McDonald's an employee. They refused to answer any questions. So it's kind of like, did that guy really show up? I mean he was flipping burgers? Why did you think you were paying it? Did he? What did he do with your computers? And if he wasn't doing it because he didn't know how, then who was it that had full access to your computers? Well, what was your understanding about the stolen the equipment that was alleged to be stolen for those computers that they had taken off the Capitol Hill or or allegedly what your understanding? You know, that's a whole different thing that I don't really know much about at all. Um, when you look at the house payroll records, you can see that these guys were being paid as much as chiefs of staff. They were making a hundred and sick the thousand dollars and more um. And that's the highest that a congressional staffer is allowed to make because other than that, they'd be making more than members of Congress if they made any more than that. So, but that were getting part time pay from various different Democrats, right, and that's how that worked, right, And so they had access to all those different um members of Congress email to their systems, and apparently they were able to access that remotely, weren't they. Yeah, you know, apparently they were basically taking all of Members of Congresses data and funneling it to an off site server. And uh, you know, basically I've heard that they replaced computers with what they call SEIN clients. So basically the staff are sitting there and as essentially a monitor, but all the data is stored somewhere else, which is not in the Congress's possession. It's not in conformance with the rules. Um, no one knew about it. And basically they were running a server that it could have been out of their house, it could have been somewhere else, but they had full control over it. And there they had copies of all these Members of congresses emails. And now the Capitol Police are have announced that their suspects in a criminal investigation, but members of Congress who they worked for have been very reluctant to uh condemn them or talk about this. And the reaction is very strange. You think when someone's staff has done something bad, you condemn it, you forcefully condemn it, and you move on that these guys have really downpladed in. That is strange that they have copies of their emails. That is very strange. Well, it's not strange that the Democrats wouldn't condemn it, because these guys have copies of their emails, But it is interesting that Republican leadership has chosen just to keep this downplayed. Uh. Just from my experience, if this had been Republicans that had hired Pakistani's who uh came in and got paid and they were um charged with the kind of things that have been charged or ledged here and under investigation now, uh, I think they'd be having press conferences every week talking about how outrageous this is exposing the Congressional um computer system to this kind of access by people that absolutely should not have had access to to this kind of information. But the response has been, well, but the people that are on the Intelligence Committee and on Homeland Security, UH, they weren't accessing that information through uh their regular email that was all protected and and that hasn't been compromised. But you know that there are emails that go back and forth that don't actually mentioned the classified material. But actually can give indications of what's going on. So it's just amazing to me that more people have not really gotten upset about what has happened here. And if the head of the d n C h had these people set up her computer system for a congressional office, um, it brings the question about did they help her with the d n C computer system? Could it have been these people and that made it look like the Russians hacked. I mean, there's just all kinds of questions that get raised. Do you know if if they did any work for the d n C. Well, if you search for imran Wan's name in Wiki leaks, you'll see that he did have the password to w wasser Insult's iPad and d NC employees didn't even have that. When they needed to get onto iPad, they said, we got to call him Ron. Uh. He was like her right handman for technology issues. But I'm not aware of him setting up anything on the d n C access to that. That's uh, that's pretty compelling. Wow wow. Yeah, So this definitely connects back to Wasserman Schultz. She's the one who has She's really the only member here who has continued to refuse to fire Imron, who has been her guy since two thousand five. And uh, there's just an incredible congressional hearing where Wasserman Schultz, she's on the committee that gives out the budget of the Capitol Police. And again, you a lot of people haven't even heard about this investigation, but it's serious enough that the Capitol Police did seize the computer connected to Wasserman Schultz's office that you know has clues about what Iron was up to. And she threatened consequences in a public hearing to the chief of police, uh if he didn't give back that evidence. And the Capitol Police explains, well, we need this to hold the hacker responsible, and she doesn't seem to care. So kind of sounds like the d n C when they refused to turn over their system to the FBI so they could determine whether or not Russia really was involved in hacking the d n C server. We still don't know that. We've had to take others words because they won't let any US law enforcement look at the server to make that determination. But it's you're raising lots of eyebrows and I'm sure glad you're on the case, And would you say your last name for me, Luke Luke Rosiac with the Daily Caller. Well, I wanted to make sure I was saying it right. Luke Rosiac. Hy'all need to read his stuff. It's amazing. And just appreciate you being on the Sean Hannity Show and illuminating the audience. Thanks so much. We'll be right back with more of the Sean Hannity Show. This is Louis Golmbert sitting in for my buddy Shaan. Your oppressive trying to break you, but Poland could would not be broken. And when the day came on June second, nineteen seventy nine, and one million Pauls gathered around Victory Square for their very first Mass with their Polish Pope. That day, every Communist and wars must have known that their oppressive system would soon come crashing down. They must have known it at the exact moment during Pope John paul the Second Sermon, when a million Polish men, women and children suddenly raised their voices in a single prayer. A million Polish people did not ask for wealth, they did not ask for privilege. Instead, one million Poles saying three simple words, we on God. In those words, the Polish people recalled the promise of a better future. Was our great President, President Donald J. Trump, speaking in Poland? Been there. I've been an exchange student in the Soviet Union back when it was the real Soviet Union, and they turned in and turned a cathedral into a museum of atheism. They demanded an absence of God. There was the Russian Orthodox Church, but that's one thing the people of Poland were hungry for. And when the Pope came there in ninety nine and the people demanded, we want God. I mean, that's incredible. I didn't realize that, but President Trump brought that out. And it takes me right back to Thomas Jefferson's quote, Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm base is a conviction in the minds of the people that their liberties are a gift for God, one that most people aren't aware of. Jedediah Morris, whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them as fall with them. He was the father Samuel F. B. Morris. But folks, uh, the president was on to something, and you're onto Sean Hannity Show. This is Louis Gomert. Let's don't forget God. Uh, you'll be back tomorrow. No, that's will be the best job tomorrow. You'll be back Monday, and Sean will be here with you. God bless you.

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