David Schoen, Civil Liberties Attorney, and former Board Member of the Alabama Civil Liberties Union and Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), co-host of Jay Sekulow Live and author of The Next Red Wave: How Conservatives Can Beat Leftist Aggression, RINO Betrayal & Deep State Subversion, discuss the lies peddled by Christopher Steele in his interview with Stephanopoulos on ABC.
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America trap behind enemy lines, day number sixty five five right our two Sean Hannity's show eight hundred and nine for one, Shaun or number you want to be a part of the program. Sixty five days Americans abandoned behind enemy teleman lines, and we're getting close to fifty days. Joe Biden doesn't say a word about it. Christopher Steele, I remember that the dirty Russian disinformation dosier. It's been debunked. It's been debunked by the source supposedly that Steele had, and even according to some reports, even Steele himself with the FBI. None of this has been proven magically. If you remember, there's an article, Oh, Christopher Steele deleted his quote emails, blah blah communications of some sort, how convenient right out of Hillary Clinton's playbook. Anyway, in spite of all of that, it does a fluffball interview with George Stephanopolis on ABC saying it doesn't believe the FBI finding that Michael Khone never went to Prague. Well, Michael Kohane produced his passport and there was never a Prague stamp in his passport. It just so happens because at the time I had spoken with Michael Kohen. I know exactly where Michael Kohane was. He was with his son who was being scouted by a major league baseball team. It just happens to be the exact time supposedly he was there. I just happen to know that one fact. I've stated it before. Then he says, I'm not prepared to accept not everything. I am prepared to accept that not everything in the dossier is true except khone not going to Prague, and says the p tape probably exists, but it has it needed to be released, which is just a lion and of itself too, because there's been no evidence of anything. Well that Trump was even there for crying out loud, but he gets to spew these lies even further on ABC. Listen. One big play in the dossier the FBI, according to the Inspector General support and while it reinforces it is not true, is the claim that Michael Cohen had a meeting with Russians in Prague. Do you accept that finding that it didn't happen. No, Michael Cohen has completely turned Donald Trump has accused him all guys of things. He's gone to jail. It defies logic that if he did this, he wouldn't say so. Now, I don't agree with that. It's very self incriminating to a very great degree. Since he's going to prison, since he's turned on President Trump, he's told every single story. Why wouldn't he admit to this? Because I think it's so incriminating and demeaning. And the other reason is he might be scared of the consequence. Do you think it hurts your credibility at all that you won't accept the finance of the FBI in this particular case. I'm prepared to accept that not everything in that dossia is one hundred cent accurate. I have yet to be convinced that that's one of them. So you stand by the doc. I stand by the work we did, the sources that we had, and the professionalism which we applied to it. Bearing in mind that this was rule intelligence, raw intelligence in the sense that what we sent over was the initial finding. Is that raw intelligence is just that it's like throwing a lot of stuff against the wall. All the talk about this alleged tape by bet you've heard about it, virtually no evidence came forward in public to corroborated it would be quite the team if it became public. But it's now five years later and we haven't seen a trace of it. And today, do you still believe that that tape exists? I think it probably does, but I wouldn't put one hundred percent certaintil on it. So how do you explain if that tape does indeed exist, it hasn't been released. It hasn't needed to be released because I think the Russians felt that got pretty good value out of total Trump and he was president, which is just the opposite of what he said. Anyway, here to react to respond to all of this, and remember we went through three years of this, you got Hillary Clinton. We now know and we'll find out more with the Dorham report, but we now know that this has been debunked. There's no evidence, there's no facts, nothing. I mean, remember, the fives and warrants were all based on this dirty dossier. And yet there's been none of this dirty dossier that has been proven to be true at all, none of it, as a matter of fact, the vast majority of it debunked. David Shone, civil liberties attorney, former board member Alabama Civil Liberties Union. Jordan's seculo is the executive director of the American Center for Law and Justice. He co hosts with his dad, Jay Secular Live wrote the book The Next Way Red Wave. Jay, I'm sorry, Jordan. Has there ever been a single instance in which any part of this dirty Russian misinformation dossier has been proven true? Absolutely not, Sean. And you know, we lived this. We all lived this in different ways. David lived in his way. You know, we went through We were President Trump's attorneys Derryby and Muller investigation, which was based a lot of this on this docia, and the start of Crossfire Hurricane based off this dossier. You had the celastious stuff like the tape does that tape exist? But you also have the bigger claim that Donald Trump was a Russian agent running for president and then when he won, he was going to be a Russian agent. That was the big claim that was not just debunked by Trump supporters, that was debunked by the Mueller team. The Mueller teams, who was out to get Trump for anything possible, had to is the team that debunked the entire Steel dosia, which puts in the question the entire all the FISE awards and the repeated renewals of those FISE awards which allowed the Obama Department of Justice and FBI to spy on the Trump campaign. And yet Christopher Steele is net right now being resurrected by the mainstream media. So I think we all need to pay attention to that. What URIs would there be? I think we can all start figuring it out very quickly to resurrect someone like Christopher Steele and try to breathe new life into his art. What is what would be the reason? I think the reason is that they're still scared to death of Donald Trump. They know that Donald Trump is the major force in Republican politics and every single poll doesn't matter. If he runs again, he would be the nominee, so they'd have to face that movement again and the midterm elections. This idea of any way to distract the country from the problems of the buying administration. So instead of talking about China, or instead of talking about supply chain Sean reports, we're talking about Christopher stealing it. And they're putting out a whole documentary about him. And while we haven't yet seen the full documentary, and I'm glad there's some people questioning him in it. I don't trust George Stephanov was a Clinton ally with really shedding true light on who this guy is. My belief is that this was all designed to distract from Hillary Clinton's legal problems involved having you know, all of the emails, the emails, a server scandal that she was involved in, and then of course, you know, you just you break, you smash phones and other items. You know, she's never been held accountable. What should take on a David shoone. That's a big mistake if that's the case, and they're really making a big mistake even mentioning steal again because remember how he was funded, and that's going to come back to the whole team. You know, was funded through Hillary Clinton, and she funneled the money through a law firm, Perkins Cooeye, which hired an research firm, which hired Christopher Steele, which has a member of the firm under indictment now, and which has many other several other former members of the firm who now left Perkins Koy under investigation or at least mentioned in the report. Let me say this a couple of things real quickly. M Stephanopolis misses the point, and this is where Jordan said, also, it's a softball interview. You said that earlier. He said, he lets Steel get away with saying Michael Cohen probably didn't admit to going to Prague because it self incriminating. Michael Cohene cut a deal with the government. Everything he told them was self incriminating. When a person makes that kind of deal, you want to disclose everything bad you've ever done so that you have coverage from it and can't ever be charged with it. People admit to murders that weren't even known about them before, those are certainly self incriminating. So he's missing the point there. They Later in the interview, he asked, Steal, your sources basically have even dropped the story. They say it's not true, He says, Well, sources panic at times, that's the opposite of what happened. The source would want to prove the credibility of its source. That Steal comes off as a complete amateur. But one of the overriding things is such a disgrace here is there's zero accountability from the media. You have been saying since day one, Steel had no credibility. There's no basis for this dossier. They all for years rammed it down everyone's throat. This is the basis, proper basis for faize warrants and for going after Donald Trump. It paralyzed the country for years, and now they're starting to ask questions and have to acknowledge because the IG, the FBI, Mueller, all who had great incentive to show that the Steel dacier was true have all rejected it categorically. So where's the account of accountability for the media and the harm that they did to the country. Well, I think there's no accountability. And you know, as we can see, for example, what happened with Andrew McKay blast last Friday. I mean, you know, there were actual referrals for the very crimes that people like Roger Stone were accused of Jordan, But there wasn't a predoorm raid with you know, thirty guys and tactical gear and Frogman and CNN fake news cameras filming the whole thing over a process crime of lying to Congress that there were those very same referrals for top echelon within the FBI. Nothing happened. Why No? And I think David pointed out something important too, which is the people who are getting involved now with the Durham report. I mean there's also a report on now about Jake Sullivan. So I think that they was right. Bringing this back up could be very dangerous for them because it brings back up the Hillary an issue, puts Durham back in the spotlight what he's been doing. And not just sussmen Over who was the Clinton campaign attorney who was also at Perkins Cooe but all, but you've also got Jake Sullivan, the National Security advisor. He testified twice to Congress that he didn't even know this opposition research was being done. So not even he wasn't saying he didn't know details or but he actually flat out denied the Congress once behind doors, once publicly in these last five years. And so the question now is, well, if the campaign's lawyer, who was taking time from the firm to be that in that position and the top four in policy, I, how is that possible? So there's a lot of potential here for wrongdoing, not for the people that the mainstream media would like to get, but for the people on the left. Now, I will say this Christopher Steele makes in this and because anybody watched this, I want to make sure they understand this is just such a false line of reasoning. He says, Well, I will I will not believe that my research is wrong until you prove it to me. Well, when you have Mulla, okay, you have the FBI, you have the inspector General Horowitz, all say they found nothing. That's how you prove it? That is well, Adams shiff answers, Now the congenital liar, you know, corrupt as he is is Oh, well, I think that Robert Mueller was struggling cognitively. Okay, why because he didn't come up with the conclusion you wanted Andrew weisend wasn't. I'll be I can I can be clear with that. You know, so the guys who were running the show, he might have been a bit of a figurehead to some extent, his top guys with the guys bringing down in run. These were tough prosecutors. If they could have found this about Donald Trump, let me tell you, Sean, they would. This was their goal. This was like, this would have been their their life's work to find this about Donald Trump. There was a tape, the tape would have been released. There is no tape. And it's odd how I happen to know, uh that, you know, if Michael Cohen had been to Prague, wouldn't his passport had been stamped. You just don't get to walk into a country and not have a passport stamped, do you? Absolutely not? And to try and hide that shot. I mean, the amount of steps it would take for someone who's cooperated with the government and it's you know, cut their deals and gone to prison, The amount that he'd work he'd have to do to cover up a foreign trip with foreign nationals at to a point where our government and all of our intel just could never figure that out. Give me a break. Christopher Steel's a liar, but I didn't. I do get concerned when they bring him back up. I hope that Dave's right that this turns on them because it brings back up Hillary and the emails and the I'm just basically for the most part, unfortunately Jordan given up. Hope. I mean, Durham should have had his report out, you know two years ago, a year and a half ago. There was the low hanging fruit that existed in Michael Horowitz's Inspector General report was was you know, information of plenty to indict people. David, Oh, you're right, But listen, the bigger picture here, even is fis a sistant, is broken. We Christopher Steel proves it beyond any question of a doubt. But what's going to be done about it? You know, look at what they did to the country in those years. Look how many millions of dollars, how much time was wasted, and still the administration got so much done on their agenda. Imagine if it hadn't been this hoax going on for these years and stuff Christmas steals the epitome of what went wrong for all of those years. There has to be a fix for the system. Okay, what's the fix? There's no stopping them. Nobody's been held accountable. If anything, everybody involved. David is more embolden than ever. Yeah, well, I mean, we hope you know that mister Durham would have done more, and maybe he will, who knows. But you know, it's very difficult when the mainstream media takes a position. What's going to have to happen is you're going to have to keep putting out your message to the millions, and millions of listeners will grow every day, I hope will follow your show and listen to what you say because you have been right, and you've been proven right, proven right again and again. The Jordan last for a thirty seconds, like Trump, who whether it's Trump or not, people who are willing to take on that Washington DC system because, like you said, the swamp has not yet been fully drained. He started at President Trump started it, his team did. They paid the consequences for doing that. So we've got it either him or someone like him to continue that work and finish the job. Yeah, agreed, all right, Jordan's secular David Shoe. Good to have you both back. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one Sean. You want to be a part of the program, we'll take your calls this half hour. We were speaking towards the end of the last half hour with Hope in Ohio. Hope is a college student and she's dealing with well indoctor nation in college and professors that are trying to take a Basically, you have a captive audience. You got students. They have to be there, they have to take these classes if they want to get their degree. Okay, then they forced their political opinions upon them. So I have a couple of questions, what are you studying in? What if you want to tell what school you go to, you can, you don't have to What are you studying? And if you want to tell what school you go to? Tell us I'm a communication study major with miners in public relations and educational studies and this was a PR class. Um, I'm not going to say specifically what school I go to because I don't blame people's my name. So here's here's the question I have hope, Um, what what do you do? You know? At this point, I don't know what grade you and what year are you in. I'm a junior, okay, so you're gonna graduate at the end of next year. Do you have a strong feeling for what you're calling in life? Is what you want to do with the rest of your life. I've been starting to lean towards wine to possibly do something either like in politics or fashion, so like along the PR aspect. Is there anything that would require a more advanced degree that you're thinking about now? Most likely not? You see, this is where if you've made the decision. For example, I'll talk to some students. They want to go to medical school, they want to go to law school, or they want to get into business school or a master's program or whatever it happens to be, and one bad grade can literally tilt the balance in a very competitive marketplace, especially for good schools. Right, So I would say to them, just play the game. Just know that they're they're full of crap. They've got an agenda. It's a class that's required, you know. Just regurgitate back like a good little Marxist, whatever it is they're they're putting in your head. But just know that it's all bs and they've got an agenda, and you just need to get your grade and move on with your life. Right, There's no shame in that to me. The second thing is or you can fight them, but let me warn you, and I have speak from experience, is that if you battle them, and you and you confront them, then the odds are probably pretty high that they'll penalize your grade. Correct. Yeah. He actually went around our class today and started asking each one individually like our opinions, And I told him. He started going on about vaccines and how he couldn't understand why people wouldn't do it, started guilt tripping us with a story about how he had a student who got COVID gave it to her grandma. Then her grandma died. So I said to him, I believe it's between someone and their doctor, their own personal choice. There's no one size fits all medicine. And not even Biden and Harris when the vaccine first came out under Trump, they were very adamant about like, don't trust it, don't trust it, And he straight up told me I was wrong. So, yeah, the ship is now selled. He's identified you as somebody that doesn't is not easily indoctrinated. Look, it doesn't really if you want to go into fashion or any of the things that you're mentioning. None of this probably in the end it is going to matter. I'm assuming you're probably a good student. You probably have a good GPA. Maybe you can even still take the class pass fail. I don't know. I will say this. You know, my son's out of school. He played the game. My daughter is in school. She tells me these stories. I just crack up laughing. And I don't let my kids use my last name because it doesn't help them in life. But but the reality is, as long as don't ever change this part of you that you're describing to us, and that is that you're willing to think for yourself, make your own decisions, and fearlessly stand by your beliefs and not live your life you know as a cookie cutter, you know, socially pressured, need to be accepted, never rock the boat, type of person, because you want to be who you are. You want to be the more you can be an individual in life, the happier you're going to be, the more self actualized you're going to be. And you're gonna find that you draw to you people that think like you, and you're going to find a better quality of friends in the course of all of this, and it's going to work out in ways you never dreamed of because there are also going to be people that you meet that like your views, like your individuality, admire your courage, and we'll want to be in business with you because of it. So it works both ways, right, all right, So hanging in there, don't let not your heart beat troubled. College frankly, to me, is mostly a waste of time unless you're studying sciences or something very very specific. It's a lot of these degrees and I don't I don't want to burst people's bubbles here. You know, you think I've got my degree in communications, all right, we'll go get a job in communications and come back and tell me how it works out. So there. But you know, if you really have a specific educational goal to be a teacher, to be a lawyer, to be a doctor, you know, something that goes deep into the economy or finance or something like that, I just don't think it has the value that most people put on it. I hope God blush you keep us in the loop. Okay, okay, thank you so much. Angie is in Kansas City. Angie, how are you glad you called? I'm great. Thanks for taking the time to take my calls on Thank you. So. The reason I'm calling is I was listening to t Bone when you were talking to him on Friday, and it reminded me of something that has been weighing on our family. I have a bonus daughter who is twenty six, my stepdaughter, and she has one child and has been on the fence about getting the vaccine because she's twenty six and wants to have a second child, or potentially have a second child. We're all rooting for one obviously extra grand baby, but there has not been studies on the reproduction and the effect that the vaccine can have on reproduction. Cook all right, I'll tell you the one thing that I can say is because I can't play doctor, I just don't know enough. It's but our issue. I'm the one thing I can say that gives me the most hope, separate and apart from this whole question of vacs or not vacs, is that I'm very hopeful. And the reason that I keep talking about monoclonal antibodies is I want everybody in this audience to be very aware of it. With breakout cases and with people that are not vaccinated still getting positive COVID results, we have more people die in twenty twenty one than twenty twenty. I want this audience to be able to ask your doctors individually intelligent questions. So if you get a breakthrough case or you're not vaccinated, get COVID, I want you to immediately contact your doctor and when you ask, what are your thoughts on monoclonal antibodies? How do you feel about regeneron? Would I qualify for that? Do you believe that as a therapeutic would be extremely helpful to me? I want this audience to be aware that is like the undist it's the most underreported part of this entire pandemic. In my mind, I had somebody that I know late last week with cancer that in the middle of chemotherapy the contracted COVID and got the regenera on infusion and on Sunday was walking in some BreastCare fundraising event or running in some BreastCare fundraising event. So I've only seen nothing especially taken early but success anecdotally. And you ask your doctor, So talk to you, you know, have herd's ask her doctor. I'm twenty six, I'm healthy. Do you see any any anecdotal evidence about risk for on fertility issues? And if I did get it, how do you feel about monoclonal antibodies? Okay, if I did get the vaccine, what do you think of the mRNA fisamaderner versus Johnson and Johnson shot? These are all smart questions that everybody needs to be asking their doctors. And then ultimately you're going to have to make the decision yourself. But I understand it's a dilemma, you know, I think there's time. No matter what they say, they cannot rush that time factor. And that's the part I think that's irritating me is you've got these nurses, supposed nurses, they're probably actors, saying that they're one hundred percent safe and everything else, and it's just you can't say that it's not true. Nobody knows that, Listen. I mean when we were told when when they were pushing this vaccine on everybody, everybody was told, if you get the vaccine, you're protecting yourself and your family and your loved ones. And then it turns out, no, you're not. Apparently now there are breakthrough cases and while initially it shows that hospitalizations are much lower, the death rate is much lower. What about the next variant? What about the variant after that variant? You know, we keep hearing about the lambda variant, the MEW variant. We haven't heard much about that lately, the the R point one variant. You know, all these variants are out there, and they're even doctors suggesting that heavy vaccination results in more variants. I'm just not a scientist, so I don't know. And they you're supposed to mix and match the boosters. Now they're not even supposed to mix and match shampoo and conditioner. I mean, come on something, it's actually funny line. Just listen, makes sense. I really really sympathize. Everyone's going to have to make their own decision on this. I'm just what I am trying to do is number one, I've seen the worst of it. Take it seriously. Also, research when you do research, and these idiots in the media thing I'm talking about putting on a white lab coat and trying to break down the sequence and genomes of the coronavirus, They're so stupid. Research. What is an mRNA virus? Is? What are monoclonal antibodies? What are the other thing? He repeutic protocols of some very smart doctors, even if you disagree, And then you could talk to your doctor based on your unique medical history and current condition and say, well, what do you think about me? And if I didn't get vaccinated and I got COVID? Okay, how do you feel about regeneron monoclonal antibodies? You know, you're now asking more sophisticated and smarter questions, right, And That's what I'm trying to urge people to do. These people playing doctor on radio, TV and in Washington scare the hell out of me because that's right. They only believe in one size fits all medicine. I don't believe in that. All. Right, back to our busy phones, Tim and Utah. Tim, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Oh Sean, how are you, sir? I'm good. How are you, sir? Very good. Congratulations on twenty five years. Brother, You've done a great job and we appreciate you well. I appreciate your support and being here every day. I can't do it without you, my friend. Well, I just wanted to make a quick comment. We've of course, nobody likes the mandates or anything, but yeah, here in Salt Lake City area, there's been two churches that have come out and said that therefore the vaccine and that they will not even give you the religious waivers for exemption. The Mormon Church or LDS Church as well as the Catholic diastases has come out and said that they would not. So it's like it's taking it one step further with the demands of what the government wants. And I just wanted to kind of get your take on that. I guess that's up to the church and it's up to people if they want to accept that I didn't know that religious leaders had such great insight into science that they feel qualified to make a broad, sweeping generalization like that. I personally do believe in something called the First Amendment, that's freedom of religion. I think the New York Court got it right on religious exemptions. And if people especially are willing to get tested to protect other people every day, and companies are willing to give them the test every day, that seems like an option that should be given to people that for whatever reason. You know, we we've done this with conscientious subjectors not wanting to go to war, etc. It makes sense to me, right, and it's been deemed legal in the past. Absolutely. I just think it's ironic that one group says that, you know, having a cup of copies back for ye, but taking the jabs okay, just doesn't make sense. Yeah, well, you know, I don't really know if I want to go to a church one day and get a lecture from a pastor that knows nothing about science on it just doesn't make sense to me. You know. The reality is, it's not even a question anymore of having this debate about getting the vaccine not getting a vaccine. Everyone's kind of made up their mind. I'm not convincing anybody, and I'm not even taking a position. I'm just telling people to be smart and talk to their own doctors and do their own research and be smart about it. And I think now it's just it's now gone in entirely different direction that people have decided to not doing it, and unless you just pin them down, you have government bureaucrats pinning them down. They've made their decision, right or wrong. And I don't think anything anybody else at this point that is going to say is going to convince them. They've heard from everybody and they've made up their minds. Most people that I have talked to that decide not to get vaccinated, they can give you chapter and verse on why they made their decision. It's pretty interesting, actually, I appreciate it. Eight hundred nine one sean is a number you want to be a part of the program quick