Paul vs. Fauci Continues - January 4th, Hour 2

Published Jan 4, 2022, 11:01 PM

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is here to talk about Fauci the Fraud, vaccine mandates, and Joe Manchin. Paul has also formally announced his re-election bid and his fight against Big Tech in his op-ed in the Washington Examiner. 

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All right now our two Sean Hannity's show. Thanks for being with us, eight hundred and nine pot one, Sean A number, you want to be a part of the program. So all over the papers there are articles and the mob the media, they're telling us that Joe Mansion is back negotiating would build back better? And I can cite article after article after article. Well, Joe Mansion apparently is not negotiating a better quote build back better deal. Here's him earlier today in his own words, and would you support build back better? A child's tax credit would not included. I'm really not going to talk about build back better anymore because I think I've been very clear on that there is no negotiations going on at this time, okay, And there's an awful lot of things that had a lot of a lot of things that were very, uh I think, well intended, and there was a lot of things that was pretty far each on some things. And the most delicate times that we have right now, and our country is divided, and I don't tend to do anything that divides our country anymore. So whatever I can do to unite and bring people together, and that means you have to work harder as you work across the hole to bring people together. Now, what's interesting about this is both Dick Durban Chuck Schumer, they have said that they are going to put build back better on the back burner, and now they're moving forward with a vote to change the filibuster. Before I get to Chuck Schumer's statements about that, let's just remind everybody what Democrats have said over the years defending keeping the filibuster. Speaking of those other kendidates, several of them have proposed major structural reforms to our government and to our democracy. These include abolishing the electoral college, expanding the size of the Supreme courts, setting term limits for justices, abolishing the legislative filibuster, which, if any of these do you support none. What the filibuster does, what the extended debate does, is to force both sides of the aisle to come together in a bipartisan, compromising way. They want, because they can't get their way on every judge, to change the rules in midstream, to wash away two hundred years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic where if you don't get your way, you change the rules. That would be Chuck Schumer wanting a banana republic anyway, joining us now we have to talk about this obviously, what's going on with omicron and much much more. Senator and also medical doctor Rampaul of Kentucky is with us. So Build Back Better, for all intent and purposes, was dead at the end of last year, all these articles suggesting that negotiations are going on, Mansion denying it, and now they've moved on to ending the filibuster, the very thing that Chuck Schumer said would cause the United States to become a banana republic. You know, I think Build That Better still is dead. I think if they resurrected it will be something completely different. It'll still be spending money. But I think that Centaer Mansion's put the kabash on at least half of what they wanted to put into it. It would have to be a much smaller bill. It'll still be a bill according to Republicans like myself and conservatives that will just be full of you know, social spending and social organizing and social construction of your personal life, which isn't good. So I'll still oppose it even if it's smaller. But I do respect Senator Mansion for standing up and you know, really saying, look, this is not what the people of West Virginia elected me for. I think that's certainly true. West Virginia is a pretty conservative state, and I think they probably appreciate Mansion standing up to Schumer and Bernie Sanders and some of the crazy left wingers in the Democrat Party. Do you think that they have a shot at this successful effort to change the filibuster rules and what that would be used for. You know, a couple of years ago, about fourteen of them signed a letter saying they were against the filibust, getting rid of the filibuster. So there's been a large contention of them that have to change their mind. Now most of those people have changed their mind now that they're in charge. They say, oh yeah, we don't want the filibuster as we're in charge there. Really it's about protecting the minority and so we don't become a pure democracy. It's about kind to prevent things from moving too quickly in one direction to another. The filibuster is really a big part of, you know, of our republic and of keeping us safe from bad ideas and big government. Can can they get rid of it, it would require mansion in cinema. Both have said they would not vote to get rid of the filibuster to vote, and some Democrats say, oh, well, we'll just get rid of it for voting rights. Well, the interesting thing about voting rights is is I think there was a time in our history. Yeah, that it was terrible when people were suppressed and people couldn't vote. But the great thing about our country is, for really probably the last ten twenty years, African Americans are actually voting higher percentage been white Americans. So, I mean, we've come a long way. And the Supreme Courts acknowledge this, historians have acknowledged this. They're not wanting to fix anything up here because of racial disparity and voting. They're wanting to fix it so Democrat operatives can mail balance to Democrats and they can mine the election for Democrats and try to get people to vote by mail without knowing who the people are, not having them showing identification. It has nothing to do with racial disparity, has everything to do with David Perrats trying to game the system. You know, it's it's an amazing listen. I'll be honest. Republicans do the same thing when they're in power. There's something that will support changing the filibuster and then vice versa. But both parties do it. But the scary part is where they would take this agenda. I think you're a constitutionalist, Senator, You're a libertarian more than a Republican. I'm a conservative more than I'm a Republican. And we just it's a coalition party with varying viewpoints that I admire, libertarian viewpoints. I become even more libertarian as I get older and as I look at this. If what they really want to do is take away the constitutional authority that is, you know, it's directly addressed and expressed in the Constitution that states are responsible for the way and manner in which elections are to be held, not Washington. Yeah, and I think the reason you still want to filibuster is to think about it. Over the last two hundred and fifty years, are there more ideas that promote big government or more ideas and legislation put forward that would actually limit your freedom. See, the advocacy is for groups that want to manipulate government, make it bigger, use it to their advantage. Whereas the people who want freedom, the people who want to be left alone aren't a real advocacy groups. They don't have lobbyists on Case Street. And so what happens is, over time, more often than not, legislation is bad. And so we should make it such that legislation is not easy to pass, that it takes an overwhelming consensus and a supermajority. So the ledger, the filibuster has actually protected us against a lot of bad ideas. There have been times in our history where we probably would have gotten outright socialism. You know, we headed towards socialism, but there was some kind of restraint with a filibuster that ultimately didn't allow us to go all the way to socialism. And so without the filibuster, that's what will happen is very quickly someone will win a big election and they'll go headlong into socialism, will never be able to get the country back. I saw the file for re election. I was glad to see that. I think we need people like you in the Senate. There's not many of you that I admire. To be perfectly blunt with you, would you like me to give you the list of names of people in your caucus that I don't admire? I don't think you do, but I am. But by the way, I'm pretty sure, deep down in your heart, if you were going to be totally honest, you don't like them either. Well, what I would say is is that I think my voice is an important one up here. I'm willing to stand up to Fauci on where the origin of the virus came from. I'm willing to put him in his place to rebuke him with the facts. And I'm also willing to say that if I'm elected again that I will take him to task. I will subpoena his records and we will find out exactly what he did, whether or not he covered up anything with regards to the origin of the virus. But you have to realize that the knives come out. Anybody stands up to the establishment as often as I do, the knives come out. So people want to know more about it, you know, they go to ranfall dot com and they can help me because the institutional forces that are out there are aligned. Because some Republicans don't like my voice, and none of the Democrats like my voice, I don't really care about them. There's there's very few senators that I really want reelected, and you're one of them, and you've been a very powerful voice on a lot of important issues, one of them being COVID. We now have what a million cases, and you know chronicled in the last day and a half. America has taken the brunt of the COVID epidemic more than any other country. According to articles I'm reading today. And here's what I'm having a hard time reconciling. Senator. You were outspoken, You told the world, you shared your personal medical information. You got COVID nineteen, you were covered from COVID nineteen. You refused to take a vaccine. This is what I learned over my two week vacation. I spent a lot of time helping people, giving them information that I had, and passing them on to doctors if they didn't have doctors available to them. I learned the people that were fully vaccinated, they still got amicron, fully vaccinated and boosted. They still got omicron fully vaccinated, boostered, and even people with natural immunity got amicron. I know people, a number of them that got COVID now for the second time with omicron. Now, since the early days of omicron, we've learned that it's way more contagious than previous variants, but we've also learned that it's far less lethal. Here's my question, how is it possible two years into this pandemic we ran out of tests all over the country. In the lead up to this election. We know that Joe Biden was presented a plan in October, according to Vanity Fair, that would have provided seven hundred and fifty million tests that would be available for the holiday season, and he turned it down. So two years into it we ran at a test. Two years or a year and a half since since we've had monoclonal lantibodies. I didn't know they were readily available everywhere, but now over Christmas there was a shortage of them. It was very hard to get them. I tried to help many people find places that had the infusion or the shot. Now we've got these anti viral medicines by fives and I think the other companies MRK and their FDA approved and according to medical professionals I'm interviewing, I don't know anything about it, to be honest, they say that it's very effective. None of those anti virals were availed belither. How is that possible? This is a problem with putting the government in charge of all healthcare. So supply and demand in the marketplace is met because suppliers want to make a profit, and so there's always the supply to meet the demand. The government bought all the monoclonal lantibodies, and so the government owns them and distributes them, just like the pullet Bureau would distribute bread in the Soviet Yeah, they're affording it, and they won't They won't allow states to buy their own, which was finally Rond de Santa set up these monoclonal lantibodies centers, and Joe Biden cut him off and he started buying his own. Now he can't buy his own. He told me last night, I have doctors calling me, emailing me and pleading me with me for supply of monoclonal antibodies. What they did is they cut off the old one. Now, the old one may not be as effective. Some of them were genera on the initial monoclone lintibodies may not be as effective with them acron there are better ones now, but before the better ones are on the market, when the old ones, see, we don't know who has Delton and who has an alimalcron. Most people aren't tested though they have coronavirus. And so the thing is is, if you're getting sicker and there's no other choice, would you want to take through general on minor front atom bodies if that's all that's available. But the government and their wisdom just sort of cut us off. And that's a real problem. But by the way, it's not that difficult to break down the sequence of which virus you have. It's an extra step, but it's not that difficult, you're right, But they're still not always doing that as people are testing, and a lot of the home tests are just testing for coronavirus. On the testing or lack of testing kits, it's twofold one. There's the Biden bureaucratic snaphew that they're just not very good at doing things or distributing things. But the other problem is with Scott Atlas and Jay Baascharia and others have pointed out, is we've never in the history of medicine, really for really modern medicine the last couple hundred years, we've never tested people who don't have symptoms. So to continue to encourage you who we get tested when they have no symptoms is really a problem? Right, quick break Moore? Would Senator rampaula Kentucky on the other side, we continue now with Senator Rampaul of Kentucky. If we now are in a position where I think most people have made up their mind about vas or don't vax. I don't know whether you agree with that, but I think most people have made their decision. So if I'm right about that, and now we have people fully vaccinated getting omicron, fully vaccinated with a booster getting it, and people with natural immunity getting it, my question is, shouldn't now the focus be on the therapeutics And where's operation warp speed to put out millions of test kits? Where's operation warp speed to speed up the process of making monoclonal lantibodies and these anti viral medicines. Well, there's a real question whether you're right. We should have therapeutics, and we should be prepared for those who get sick the vulnerable, and we should try to save the vulnerable, absolutely without question. But the other question we have now is omicron may actually become more like a cold virus. There are four coronaviruses that are out there we've had them for a hundred years and they cause twenty percent of a common cold. There are many doctors who are now saying that omicron will be the fifth coronavirus that caused us to come and cold, and we will all gain inoculation from it. We will all gain immunity from it. And the good news is there's cross reactivity, so those who get omicron, which is pretty mild, will also have some resistance to delta and to the original one of the words more natural immunity. Again, it could get us to herd immunity is what I think I hear you saying when you're going there, one way or another, everybody's going to get omicron. Though the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission. So this argument by the nuts over there at CNN that oh, you're endangering grand fall, No one's endangering anybody vaccinated or unvaccinated. You're liable to get this. What the vaccine does is it reduces your chance of being hospitalized or dying. And by the way, for the record, you recommend people, older people and people with pre existing conditions to get it out question without question. And I think obesity at any age you got to be vaccinated, and particularly after a certain age at least sixty five, but probably lower than that. A vaccine is without question, much safer than getting the disease. All right, Senator Rampaul, he's now announced his reelection, and if you want to see where he stands on the issues, what's your website again? If they can go to rampall dot com, they can help us out or find out more about the issues. All right, Thank you, Senator Rampaul. Quick break right back, Keeping Uncle Sam accountable to you every day. Hannity is on all right, twenty five until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, there's a great article put out by Foxnews dot com bias biomission with the media mob. Now we've chronicled obviously zero experience Hunter and the great financial contribution of you know, there was a virtual blackout of what was in Hunter Biden's laptop, just like those of virtual media amnesia and ignoring the quid pro quo with Joe. And you're not getting a billion dollars unless you fire the prosecutor that is investigating my son, who's being paid millions and has zero experience, but actually is a pretty good list that The sex allegations, for example, that plagued the Lincoln Project, damning report that had come out that one of the co founders had formerly parted ways with the group accused of sexually harassing twenty young men online, including miners. The mounting political woes of Andrew Cuomo. Did you notice, Linda that Andrew Cuomo, He's not going to get indicted for any of the nursing home desks. There's not going to be any criminal anything there. I assume there'll be civil lawsuits that make their way into the courts, but who knows when you get into the New York courts system. Biden's phone call urging the Afghan president to push the stability perception. Imagine if Donald Trump made that phone call, there is a need to project a different picture. That would be called telling the Afghan president to lie knowing that the Taliban was on the march, and now we know the result of it, Americans abandoned and trap behind enemy lines, and thousands of Green card holders and Afghan allies getting pulled out of their homes and murdered, and broad daylight and women and girls now losing all rights that they had prior to the Islamic the emergence of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan. The media doesn't seem that interested in what rampaul is talking about, and that is the Fauci lies to Congress about the NIH and their funding through the Eco Health Alliance of the Wuhan Virology Lab, where we all knew that coronaviruses were being studied. We all knew gain a function took place there. So it was a pretty logical conclusion to come to. And we have all the evidence from the intercept, all of Fauci's emails, and we even have the NIH acknowledging that they knew, but that's not an issue. There was very little coverage of mcculloff, who was running in Virginia, his remark declaring parents shouldn't have a same What schools teach is that the Modern Democratic Party Kamala Harris going viral for space video with the child actors. That was one of the most hideous moments. It's sort of like, Linda, did you see the video today of Joe Biden with fake snow behind him? It's so bizarre it is, I mean, they probably didn't even tell him it was fake. He probably thought he was in a snowstorm. Maybe maybe I'm the only one that observed this. We played this montage yesterday on this programming on TV last night, and the montage is of Joe Biden in the campaign, and Joe Biden said over and over and over again that he was gonna, you know, beat COVID, And now I've juxtaposed it with him saying, well, it's not the federal government's job. That's up to the states. Listen, I'll put in place the plan to deal with this pandemic responsibly. I've already done it. Look, there is no federal solutions. I'm gonna shut down the virus. I'm gonna shut down the virus. Look, there is no federal solutions. I'm not gonna shut down the country, but I'm gonna shut down the virus. I'm gonna shut down the virus. Look, there is no federal solutions. I'm gonna shut down the virus. I'm gonna shut down the virus. Look, there is no federal solutions. We will deal honestly in the American people and will never ever ever quit. That's how we'll shut down this vire. Look there is no I'm gonna shut down the virus. Look there is no solution now. By the way, did you notice Joe Biden just a year ago the sound quality, cadence, tone, pitch of his voice versus today, there's no federal to listen, We're gonna shut down the virus, a federal solution. Did you notice that or is that just me? I think everybody notices it. I mean he's sluggish at best. I think those are the days he can't get home to his you know, third floor medicinal hospital, in his own Delaware home. I mean, the guy is so jacked up. I don't know what I don't know what it is, but I do know that it seems to be progressing and he seems to be getting cognitively worse. Yeah. Well that's why when he has a moment of brilliance he speaks the truth, like he did with Peter Ducey when he was like, why would we ever get for under fifty thousand dollars to ilegal immigrants? And then two days later when he was told to shut up and do what he was told, the whole story changed. This guy's a puppet. This is not this is not our commander in chief by any strips, no idea who's in charge. Nobody really does. Then we have the Durham probe indictment that gave a devastating blow to the Steel Nazier, the only media outlet. And I can't believe I'm going to say a nice thing about the Washington Post, but at least they acknowledge their reporting was for three four years was dead wrong. Nobody else did, and the entire mob and the media got away with it. Then you have the DOJ whistleblower. Imagine if Trump's president and you know there is a threat targeting parents with the FBI a threat tag to go after them because they might get loud at school board meetings. I mean, you can't even make that stuff up. And an FBI whistleblower revealed the agency created the threat tag to track parents at school board meetings, although that would be the job of the local police. But at the same time, Song, we got the new DA appointed by Eric Adams, who's continuing all of the ridiculous overreaching authorities from de Blasio. Now he's got this DA coming in, He's not going to be seeking prison sentences for all these criminals. We got bailouts for every single person who is committing a crime. But if you go to a school board hearing and you want to speak on behalf of your child, then you're a criminal and they can look into you. And not only they looking into you, but we got our acronive agencies looking into you. It's not just local police, it's the FBI, it's the CIA, and they're putting out forums on you. The biggest contribution in twenty twenty to Joe Biden came from the media, the media mob. Look at Un Biden's laptop, look at the lack of experience. You know, Libya had a dossier on Hunter Biden. They knew he was a drug addict, they knew he hired hookers. If they had that dossier, what do you think the communist Chinese have on the Biden family. It's an amazing amount of corruption that we have in the medium Mob. Medium Mob all week. This week will cover January sixth. This is the week the one year anniversary of what happened on January sixth. We sat it live that day on this program. We can't have any kind of rioting, and we've got to protect our elected officials. We've been very consistent, just like we were consistent over the summer of July of twenty twenty, when over the summer of twenty twenty, when we had what five hundred and seventy four riots, we had billions of dollars of property damage, arson and looting, We had dozens of Americans killed, murdered, we had thousands of cops hurt, many of them badly. And yet there's no committee led by Liz Cheney in company and Nancy Pelosi. The one thing they won't ask in this committee, and this is why I keep saying it's a phony committee, it's a rigged investigation with a predetermined outcome, is because this is Liz Cheney's alliance, unholy alliance with Nancy low Seeing Company, so that they can purge the Republican Party of Donald Trump and make sure Donald Trump never runs for president. And again, I don't think it's gonna work, because if they really wanted to get to the root cause, you've got to ask some really tough questions. Donald Trump asked for the National Guard to be called up that day, knowing hundreds of thousands of people were going to march on the Capitol He did that days before January sixth, The same with Mark Meadows, the same with the Capitol Police chief. He has six separate times. For the National Guard. The person that would be in charge of that is the Sergeant of Arms. The sergeant of Arms reports to Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi needs to be investigated and put under oath. Are they going to do that? No, that's not going to happen. It's pretty unbelievable, just like they're not going to investigate the five hundred and seventy four riots over the summer. I mean, is it is? And they can't talk about anything else because there's nothing successful that Joe Biden is done. What are they going to talk about? What the million COVID cases in the last that was just reported last night, the new cases of omicron? Are they going to talk about the shortage of tests in the country two years into the pandemic, the shortage of what is the single best therapeutic that's been out there, which your monoclonal antibodies. Are they going to talk about the shortage of anti viral medicines that I'm told I know nothing about it personally, Ask your own doctor that I'm told they're working. It's unbelievable. And if people vaccinated and boostered with natural immunity are all getting to omicron, maybe it's time to start talking about Okay, well, if you have a breakthrough infection, what is the best way to treat you? Unbelievable. By the way, I saw that, msdnc's Joy read on our show said they're white so called Christian conservatives who feel like this country was built by them for them, so everyone butt them needs to suck it up and let them have their way or else what is she talking about? That's NBC News playing that pretty unbelievable. The environment we live in. Quick break, right back to our phones. Eight hundred nine one, Sean or number you want to be a part of the program. All right, as we get back to our busy phones, let's go to California and we'll say hi to David. David, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Glad you called. Hi, How are you? Thanks for having me on. I'm from Venice Beach and I was calling to talk a little bit about the so called a home much situation we have here, which is actually more of a criminal junkie situation at this point. I live in a nice area of Venice, and everywhere around this are these they called them homeless camps, and they're basically like little shamty town set up. I was attacked by somebody walking through there and had to go to trial with this person, and within a few weeks the person was right back on the street. And we're seeing this constantly over and over again. There's no policing and there's no enforcement of any normal laws any law bladys citizen would have to deal with. And well, Ella and maerage this out of control and more part of California unity to save you from than it's okay. Listen, in all in New York State, California, it's all the same thing, and that is you have no bail laws. Basically, it's like catch and process and release. Even bank robbers in New York so they can go out and rob more banks. They cut the police buy a billion dollars in New York City. They cut a huge amount of money from the LAPD and that was praised by Kamala Harris. So you know, if you're dismantling and you know, defunding the police and you have no bail laws, this is exactly why you know crime is surging. It was a story yesterday that people in the Beverly Hills are buying more guns than ever before because they feel a need that they're going to have to protect themselves and the police that are working. They're not that inclined to get in trouble because they know if they make one wrong move or one wrong decision, their life is over. They'll be prejudged by the media mob and by others. And if you try to do anything as a neighborhood, for example, we get together and we try and clean things up, or landscape some of the land so people can't keep camping there, and all of these so called advocates for homeless show up and they're all for example, we have a place they're called the Saint Joseph Center. They're getting millions, hundreds and millions of dollars from our state government. So why would they ever want this stuff to clean up? Because it's an ongoing job for them. And we've kind of figured out it's a money rapt it, like nobody wants to clean anything up because first of all, they're making money. Second of all, it convinces people to pay more taxes third of all. Basically they're saying, Oh, We're going to be the ones to come in and save you. But then nothing ever changes. And I think unless people start voting differently, well, I don't really see much hope for states like New York and California. I really don't. And I'm being honest, And I said this to Larry Elder. I said it to Caitlin Jenner. I admired the fact they wanted to throw their hat in the ring and give Californians an opportunity to change course. Most the problem is, and it goes back to this article that I mentioned earlier in the program in the New York Post, and it shows that residents fled democratic states that have surging crime and COVID nineteen draconian restrictions. New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, not far behind California, for the first time in one hundred and seventy one years, had a net loss of population. That tells you a lot. New Jersey led the nation with seventy percent of the people involved in moves were fleeing New Jersey to just thirty percent that migrated into the state Illinois. Same thing they came in second. New York came in third. Sixty three percent of movers heading for the exits, thirty seven percent moved in. And if you look at nearly eighty percent of the moves in Nassau and Suffolk County, where people exiting the highest outbound rate of any region in the country, and for good reason, for the reasons you're describing, this is almost, I would say, one of the most liberal places in the States. And I could see my neighbors who are the very liberal voters are starting to change their mind. So if anything, it's the time to seese on that and figure out a way to capture these votes because people are frustrated. But the thing is, they just keep voting for the same thing over and over again. I mean, I'm not I'm not Pollyannish. In my life. I don't see enough. I think the people that would be inclined to really change the state of California and turn it into the once great state that elected guys like Ronald Reagan, I don't see it going back anytime in my lifetime. The same with New York. New York's gone. You know, I can't tell you how many people have said to me Hannity, you need to run for office in New York. And I look at him, I'm like, why I'll lose. I'm not gonna win in New York. I couldn't win. I couldn't win Dogcatcher in New York. I just had to reality. Anyway, hang in there, my friend. My advice is, if you can get the hell out of there, join the vast majority of other people. Quick break, we're gonna update you on the COVID mandate lawsuits around the country with the Attorney General of Arizona Senate candidate Mark Bernovitch. Straight ahead,

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