Jim DeMint, author of the new book, Satan’s Dare, remarks on the state of our nation, the horrid partisan politics that has taken over Congress, like never before. DeMint, who was a Senator from South Carolina, can speak directly to the tactics of Schumer and his group. DeMint has also been outspoken on the border, and the many deliberate steps of inaction being taken.
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Thanks to all of you for being with us. Our toll free number is eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I gotta tell you something. This is getting really really bad. I don't know what that whispering thing that the cognitively weak Joe was doing in his press conference, I don't know. I mean, let me play. This is weird, bizarre. He's lashing out of people. He's so forgetful, he's got gaps in conversations that you know, are beyond uncomfortable. It's like at the G seven one, one thousand two, one thousand three to one thousand. I mean, this is getting really creepy. And a part of it, I'm not gonna lie, you know, and kind of making fun of it, Sippy Cup, President, Zippy Cup, you know that it's it's well worth talking about. But I mean, now it gets scary when you think of the real ramifications and all of our enemies, they're all they're all seeing this, this bizarre behavior. You know, Creepy Joe started trending on Twitter as a result of this, this disastrous press conference yesterday, and you know, there's an announcement of a bipartisan group of Senators have come to a tentative deal on an infrastructure bill. By the way, the Republicans are getting suckered. And I'll explain why in a minute. But you know it caused Joe Biden at the press conference when he starts whispering and it starts trending. Creepy Joe on Twitter. I mean it was trending. Listen, employers can't find workers, I said, yeah, feed them more. This isn't emplolease employees bargaining ship. Now what's happening? Oh my god? Them one point nine trillion dollars relief so far, they're gonna be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for childcare, to bill on the environment. Why would I not be for it? Back up, you creep, get away from me. It is insane. You know, I assume cut too. Is that just the last two weeks? J C one All right, now, this is just the last two weeks. Now again, I've explained this to many of you. You know, here I call him presidents sippy cup. And you know, Joe average is less than one public event a day. You know, Joe has now said how many times Yeah, I'd like to take questions, but they yell at me and I get in trouble and everything, and I don't want to get in trouble. And you know I'm gonna get yelled at, and you're the president. It's it's it's oh, it's beyond my comprehension. You know. Now, the question is who knew? What went about? Is this cognitive weakness of Joe, because it's see seems to be accelerating and getting worse every day. This is Joe just the last two weeks. His blunders, his confusion is mumbling and bumbling and and and gaps of awkward, bizarre silence. Listen, I'm leaving a lot of people here. I apologize. I'm going to get in trouble. But anyway, we'll get back to that. But uh we um uh. You know, there's a lot that that is happy to police Ship Murray of the Baltimore's gonna be police Chief, Merit police Chief Murphy Paul of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We hold these true self evidence that all men and women. We haven't lived up to the completely, but we've always widened the arc of commitment and included more and more people those just say the blood of the the blood of patriot, you know, and all the stuff about how we're gonna have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not wonder the blood of patriots. What happens is that they're never been. If you wanted to think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need have fifteens and maybe some nuclear weapons. Ottomer Reputtin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer? Is that still your belief sir, that he is a killer? Answer the first question? I'm laughing too, And married Daniel and married Daniella Levine Cova, Miami Dade. Now let's go to that. Let's go back to that killer question, and then you know, count with me. I'll count very I'll speak like Joel's a whisper, like Joe did when he was really creepy yesterday. All right, let's play that. Ottomer Reputtin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer. Is that still your belief sir, or that he is a killer? Answering the first question, I'm laughing too. They actually a thousand. Well, look, I mean he has made clear that I believe he is in the past, essentially acknowledge that he was. There are certain things that he would do or did do. This is scary. This is getting worse. You know why people in the media don't hit me on this, and people in the media hate me, which I'm perfectly happy with. You know, if they like me, I wouldn't be doing my job the way I look at it. Um. I am telling you this. We might be hitting a point here if this continues where he's not going to be able to continue doing this job. Nobody else is going to tell you that. But if it seems to me now we've played tapes of Joe in twenty twelve and twenty sixteen. He's not the same guy that he was then. And it's obvious. The problem, the biggest, the scariest part of this is the world's you know, every evil actor putin hostile regime, Chi China hostile regime, the Iranian Mullah's, radical Islamic terrorist groups, Kim Jong un, they're studying this guy. You know, It's what the hell is going on. I think doctor Ronnie Jackson, who's taking care of both President Trump and and President Obama, is right that we need we need a test here. I'd like to see Joel Biden take a test. Now, there are other issues here. Apparently this was on Alabama dot Com that by confused the Tuskegee experiment with the Tuskegee Airmen. No. I mean if somebody makes an occasional blunder or mistake or gets confused, but it's every day with him anyway, you know, just before he smeared. And by the way, people are pretty angry about this. Critics blasting the UK Daily mailhot a piece on this today. They had been branded a racist after claiming Latin X he used that phrase Americans are afraid of getting vaccination out of fear of deportation. He made that's blunder in North Carolina, and you know, speaking to a crowd made up of African Americans and Hispanic Americans Latinos, you know, he was greeted with shouts of Uncle Joe and we love you. And when he made his remarks, he then implied that Hispanic Americans were afraid of getting vaccinated because they would fear deportation. It's awful, hearts as well to get latin X with an AX vaccinated. Well, that's kind of like a broad sweeping generalization. And we know what the media would say if it was Donald Trump that said it. But back to the Alabama dot com story, because he mixed up the Tuskegee Airmen with victims of the Tuskegee experiment. He's drawing criticism for this. You know, of course, the Tuskegee Airmen or heroic group of African American World War Two pilots, these unbelievable people, and he's confusing them with victims of what it was, the infamous Alabama syphilis study. And speaking of you know, reluctance of COVID vaccines, but Biden said it's harder to get African Americans initially vaccinated because it used to be that they experimented on them, the Tuskegee Airmen and others. Now the Tuskegee syphilis experiment involved withholding treatment from African American men. This is repugnant. This is evil. What happened infected with the disease so that they could be studied, that's evil. Study was exposed. It wasn't exposed until nineteen seventy two, and the federal government paid out a lot of money in a settlement. I mean, it's unconscionable. The Tuskegee Airmen had nothing to do with that study. They were World War Two heroes. Of course, Joe got it wrong. Oh get this Now Biden is nominated another Hunter connected lawyer to the coj But the Washington Examiner has this story. For the second time. He selected a nominee with ties to zero Experience Hunter for a top post at the Justice Department, picking a former longtime partner at the law firm where his son worked for years and which was involved in helping zero Experience Hunter in his business dealings with Barisma. Wow, he announced today? Well, why I announced it on a Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. Let's do it late on a Friday anyway. Six months ago, on the same day he was inaugurated, he tapped this guy, Nicholas McQuaid. He's a former close associate of the attorney representing Hunter and his current legal woes. I don't wonder what would happen, what would the media do if Trump did that? Now there's something else that we better pay very close attention to. When I've gone over, I've made all the comparisons Jim Crow two point zero. How many times has Joe now gone out there and said Georgie's new voting law is Jim Crow two point a lot. Well, it turns out when you compare the new voting law of Georgia, which allows seventeen days of in person early voting, Joe's stata Delaware offers zero days in person early voting. Georgia has drop boxes in every precinct. There's not a single drop box in Delaware, not one in Georgia. You don't need an excuse to vote by mailor apps and tea. You do need that in Delaware, and both states require voter ID. Now, now, with the announcement today that the Biden Justice Department they they're now going to sue Georgia, why aren't they suing Delaware, Joe's state, which is far more restrictive. He never lifted a finger to help accessibility to voting in his home state of Delaware. A guy who's practically the former clansman that philibustered the Civil rights movement right hand man in the Senate, the guy that you know that didn't want schools integrated and bussing, he wanted stopped, and he partnered with the former clansmen. He quote you didn't want public schools becoming racial jungles. Same guy that said we'll put you all back in chains. Wow, pretty despicable, even a low for Joe anyway, Just thenews dot com the Justice Department announcing this Friday that they're filing lawsuit over George's laws. Why don't they file a suit over Joe? State of Delaware. Our complaint alleges that recent changes to George's election laws were enacted with the purpose of denying or bridging the right of black Georgians to vote on account of their race or color. The Attorney General, Merrick Garland said this. In March of twenty twenty one, George's legislature passed SP two O two. Many of that law's provisions make it harder for people to vote. The complaint to alleges at the state enacted those restrictions with the purpose of denying or bridging the right to vote on account of race or color. That is an outright lie. George's law is way more accessible than the restrictive laws in Delaware. This is outrageous. Rolling along on a Friday, how are your calls coming in today? Eight hundred and nine for one Sean as we go through the day's news. I'm gonna tell you why Republicans. Now, there is some good news. The good news is Biden's big infrastructure bipartisan deal is apparently falling apart already that they announced yesterday. So that's good news. But Republicans, there's a trap that's being set here. And I would think that they'd be a little smarter and more strategic and play chess instead of playing checkers. But I'll get to that and explain that in a minute. Now, we have other a key measure of inflation in this country. It went up sharply again in May, showing prices rising at the fastest annual pace since two thousand and eight. Now what does that mean. That means we, you, the American people, you can expect to pay more for everything you buy. I've been telling you this is happening, and every service you use, you're going to pay more, especially over the summer. The so called PCE price index prices index zero point four percent. Well that's just for May. That's the third straight big increase. That's a big increase, and over you know, just this short time Biden's an office, up like over three percent. That's the biggest gain since two thousand and eight, and that's at a time when oil prices we're at a record one hundred and fifty dollars a barrel. Oh yeah, we gave up energy independence thanks to Joe too giving into New Green Deal radical socialism. Anyway, the rate of PC inflation is now almost double the federal reserves two percent goal. I mean a separate measure of inflation that strips out food and energy. That's also at the highest level since nineteen ninety two. So anyway you slice it, none of it's good news. Now I'm gonna explain when we come back how Republican as I think it'd be so stupid. They're literally falling into the trap with this ridiculous infrastructure deal, and they need to not fall into this trap. We also have Kamala Harris at the border. We'll get to that today in the course of the program. Is doctor Fauci in legal jeopardy? Great Jarrett thinks he is. Will also update you on Kamala's trip to the border today and much more. We'll get a lot of calls in eight hundred nine four one Sean, But I don't know about you. Are you glad it's Friday, so glad it's Friday, all right, twenty five till the top of the hour, toll free. It's eight hundred nine four one sean if you want to be a part of the program anyway, Um, let me go over this infrastructure deal. Now. First, let me give you the good news. The good news center Republicans are now walking away from the stupid deal that they announced yesterday over its expense. You know, as Biden now is tying the measure to us separate reconciliation tactic full of far left items. And this in part I'll explain reconciliation in a minute. This in part is where the trap has been set. And now rightly some GOP senators have figured out and gotten concerned that they may get tied to the larger reconciliation package if they give the so called Bipartisan group political cover by joining them to pass the Bipartisan infrastructure proposal. I mean, how they didn't know this was a trap from the get go, I don't know. This was what infuriates me about Republicans. They could be weak and just they're spineless, they're visionless. It's like infuriating Democrats stay united under all circumstances every time. Anyway, Mitch McConnell said that Biden's strategies to pass a bipartisan quote infrastructure built tie it to a reconciliation package. I'll get to that in a minute, which is filibuster immune and and that's the poison pill that that's our red line. Now heat now in this case. And I'll be the first to tell you what I think. Mitch McConnell's wrong. He's actually right here. But this was unfortunately, this was the trap that was set from the get go, you know. And this is why I was saying. There was a New York Post article about this. It was really well done. I think it was Brian m was it right now, Manhattan Institute smart guy is in the New York Post today. And it was painful to watch. I mean, it was the usual Rhinos suspects you know in the Mitt Romneys of the world, you know, just the typical group of Republicans. We know who they are. Anyway, So Republicans, now, you know, deluded themselves. These moderates, did these rhinos did? I guess they want to be praised by the likes of the New York Times as being bipartisan. You can't be bipartisan with people that hate you. It's it's it's really hard for people to recognize that they get hated in life, but they do anyway, it's part of the agreement. Republicans stripped out the non infrastructure request, and they thought they were making a deal like a trillion dollars in corporate subsidies, four hundred billion long term care. Remember everything became infrastructure and this six million dollar wasteful monstrosity following the Blue state bailout bill. Okay, now, Democrats, this is where the trap is. Democrats are still allowed to pass at least one more reconciliation bill this year. What is the reconciliation built. This is how Obamacare came into being. If you go back, remember Scott Brown was elected, he was the vote that was going to stop Obamacare. No, they used the reconciliation process to get it done, which you never do on major legislation. Now they'll do it on anything. And remember everything by the Democrats is being defined as infrastructure. Childcare infrastructure, daycare infrastructure, college infrastructure. Everything's infrastructure except you know, roads, bridges, tunnels, like real infrastructure. Anyway, So there's nothing to stop the Senate Democrats. They're going to use the reconciliation process. They got one shot at it now they've already gone to the Senate Parliamentarian. I know this is getting a little bit in the weeds. Stick with me here, this is important and the Senate parliamentarian, because they used reconciliation once, they would have to put the one point nine billion and put it all together. It becomes a procedural nightmare for the Democrats to pull that part off, which is why they wanted the cover of appearing bipartisan that some Rhino Republicans were too dumb to get and willing to give them. This was never a good idea because remember, they have one more shot. You can't in other words, with a reconciliation. With that process, you cannot filibuster that bill. And therefore it can pass the Senate with the fifty Democratic votes and Kamala Harris as the time breaker. There's nothing to stop Democrats now from passing the rest of their four trillion dollars infrastructure package themselves, because they will use reconciliation. They've told us they're going to use reconciliation. So you'd have Republicans providing cover for the first five hundred and eighty billion dollars, even agreeing to new tax revenue, and then all the other taxes and extraneous spending that Republicans work to strip from the package that's still going to be passed. Democrats aren't losing anything. They gain nothing in this negotiation, not a thing, because they're going to do it anyway. And that's where the trap was set. And Democrats Biden, they're bragging about the bait and switch. Now, look, I'm just a humble little talk show host. I'm you know, I've been doing this thirty three years. I know this is my passion. I love politics. But to not know this and see this as clear as day scares me. I mean, it's really beyond the pale, you know. And then watching the Democrats, they don't even get it done and they're already bragging about it. That's how dumb they are. And then Nancy Pelosi saying she's not going to take up the Senate's bipartisan infrastructure agreement because it's not radical enough. This was all a big trap that was set by the Democrats against the Republicans. On an interesting side note to this, there's a good piece on Ripe Bart today, how Nancy Pelosi as of yesterday was suggesting she's blowing up the entire infrastructure bill if the Senate does not also do reconciliation. Why because Nancy's Pelosi's power is contingent on one thing, and that is that she appeased the radical squad that really runs the House. That's why I say she's speaker in name only. It's really Congresswoman Accio Cortez and a congresswoman to leave and omar the whole gang, that what they called the squad, the whole squad. So she is trying to you know, now, these these radical New Green Deal socialists that are in charge, you know, they're they're screaming bloody murder because they want their New Green Deal and they're not going to take anything less than that. And if Nancy wants to remain speaker, she has to do their bidding. And that's exactly what's going on. Therefore, she said they won't be an infrastructure bill unless they get the entire package, meaning through reconciliation in the Senate. So you know, exact words were, there won't be an infrastructure bill unless we have a reconciliation bill, plain and simple. There won't be an infrastructure bill unless we have a reconciliation bill by the US Senate. And she said this with her remarks garnering approval from the leader of the squad, the real speaker of the House, that's Congresswoman at Alexandriacossio Cortez. And then she said, let me be really clear on this. We will not take up a bill in the House until the Senate passes the bipartisan bill and the reconciliation bill. In other words, until the Senate gets every darned thing they want. She's not even gonna take the bill up. And you tell me who's controlling the show. And Chuck Schumer, he's got his own fear of the squad. He's scared to death that Congresswoman Accassio Cortez is going to primary him, which, by the way, I think she'd have a good shot of beating him, a really good shot. She backed an obscure candidate for mayor in New York who had nothing in the polls. I think ended up, well, what's the latest come may the name Maya, I think so I forgot her last name. A real radical like once they get rid of police altogether. And I think she came in second based on the numbers. We won't know who won that race for weeks and weeks. I mean, it's it's unbelievable. We know Curtis Sliwa, who I'm supporting for mayor, that he won hands down, as I predicted he would. But it's going to be an uphill fight. And we were talking about it the other day. It's just New York City where Democrats out number of Republicans nine to one. It's just now, it's a math equation, and all the people that have left New York City are the people that likely would have voted Republican. So it's not good. Now Biden is actually urging business to inflate their wages. This is another part. You know, Look, we're now heading into a period where the agenda of Biden and the squad, etc. Is in real jeopardy. Now for this to work, if Republicans in the Senate just stay united, all fifty of them. The problem is now we have to include Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney and Ben sas the jackass. I mean, it's like we have all these week Republicans. They could stop all of this if they would just hold the line. But I all right, they did it this week as it relates to uh, you know, they prevented this, this power grab SR one. Are they going to do it with the legislative filibuster? Are they going to do it with DC statehood in Puerto Rico statehood? Are they going to do it with pack in the courts? Because the Democrats that they want all of this power and they want to lock it in in perpetuity, you know. So now biden is are arguing that if businesses I haven't when he did his little whisper thing having a hard time finding people to work, the answers pay them more. Okay, how much can you pay? Let's be real here. The problem isn't study after study he has shown this that you increased the minimum wage and guess what working opportunities cease. You take existing employees and you put more work on their shoulders. That's what happens. And that means, you know, kids in school like it was the best thing that ever happened to me washing dishes every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night when I was twelve years old, when I was a cook at thirteen, when I was a bus boy through the rest of my teen years and a waiter and a bartender. I was the best thing that ever happened. Although when I was a bartender it wasn't exactly the best years of my life in terms of my behavior. But I changed, I found Jesus and I want to be a better person. But you know, it was good and as much as I learned how to work, and I mostly stayed out of trouble. Not completely. The bar wasn't the best environment for that, but you know, it kept me out of trouble and it kept money in my pocket. You know, my father used to scream at me, it's pistol. You used this house as a flophouse. And every night I come home with big wads of cash getting paid in tips, etc. My dad was still least sixty seventy percent of it. I'm like, what did you do with my money? He goes, I put it in the bank and it ended up being money that I spent, you know, for college. When I went to college, paid every penny myself. That's that's why I ran out of money. Ran out of money to pay for college. Kamala Harris was greeted by the way with Trump one signs. I don't know why. That just made me lad. Did you see that, Linda. It just cracked me up. And you know, it just pisses people off. I mean, this is art range these people. By the way, no credible conservative is saying Donald Trump is getting in the White House in August. Just let's set the record straight. I know people read this stuff online. I get it. There's no constitutional path, there's no appetite by any court. There's no way the Democrats are ever. It's not happening. I don't like when people give other people false hope. We don't do that. We just tell you the truth. Maybe sometimes you don't want to hear it, but I'm just telling you what the truth is. Anyway. So she goes down to the border. We'll have Mark Morgan on later. He's the former acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Control. And it was all this was was a photo op. This wasn't a real meeting in Kamala, Harris. She did nothing of substance here. You know, it's it's it was basically just a waste of time, you know, visiting a spot hundreds of miles away from where the actual border crisis is. I mean a lot of good that is. And the only reason she went. I think the word is troll, isn't it. Donald Trump trolder By saying he's going first, and she had to say, I'm going. I'm going after ninety three days, I'm finally gonna go. Pretty unbelievable. Um, yeah, what's it? How do you pronounce Maya's last name? Is it Willie Wiley? I believe it Maya Wiley. I always like to pronounce illegal's names the right way and be respectful. Anyway, Um, she did way beyond I guess it was. Eric Adams got thirty one percent of the vote counted so far, and she has twenty two percent before the endorsement of Congress. We want to cause your Cortez. What was she at? Like one percent? Two percent? It was? It was low right? Yeah you hello Earth. I had a mouthful of a rice cake and I couldn't answer you. I apologize. How do you eat a rice cake? It has no taste? Well, it's like it's a nothing thing. It's nothing. It tricks you into thinking that you're having a snack. So in my mind, I'm like your mind into thinking you're that you're eating when you're not eating right, exactly right. It works, wonders, you're not you and food was right answer. I had my avocado shake, bright green. Linda drinks these disgusting green shakes, these disgusting orange shakes. I mean, she won't take her kid to get a happy meal at McDonald's because she's she's a health nut. Every kid wants a happy meal to make him happy, and this poor kid has been denied a happy meal, and she air fries her French fries because she doesn't want to put any oil in her son's body. I'm like, it's five years old, he's a normal kid. I guarantee you, when Uncle Seawan gets to the opportunity and it will come and I get him a happy meal, he's gonna like McDonald's french fries better than your air fried french fries. I guarantee it. I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do that right after you do your finger painting. Oh good, agree. Seriously, you said, we have been spending a lot of times now, a lot of time on this program pointing out something that was very very obvious in the beginning, when when Senator Tom Cotton. I think he was the first person that I heard that talked about the Wuhan Virology Lab and the origins of the coronavirus. All he did was asked questions, and he was excoriated by the mob by the media. And then Trump said it, and it was this is a debunked conspiracy theory. It wasn't just a conspiracy theory. It was a debunk conspiracy theory. The same mob in the media that actually pedals in conspiracy theories and lies and a political agenda every single day of the week. All right, So now we're getting lectures from them pretty much they're guilty of the very thing they accuse others of. Now, we knew at the time that the Wuhan Virology Lab dealt with coronaviruses. We knew they were involved with gain a function research. We knew all of that, so it kind of made sense right from the get go. But no, no, no, this this came from a bat in a wet market. But now we have a letter that an email that Anthony Fauci flip flop Fauci got January thirty first of twenty twenty, happened to be the exact same day, Donald Trump implemented that xenophobic historical travel ban, as Joe called it, ten days after the first identified case of coronavirus and the email to Faucci. It said that they had spotted a particular genome in COVID nineteen that indicated that the virus, that gain of function work had been done on the virus. He was told that January thirty first, twenty twenty. Then the flurry of emails about the moneies that the nih had granted this Wuhan virology lab. Why why our tax dollars are going to China is insane? Anyway, long story short, but Faucci was clearly nervous in these emails. We read them. I won't bore you with reading them again, but it was clearly nervous that in fact this was gain of function. And then he went to Congress and Rampaul said that doctor Fauci lied. Now in the case of Roger Stone, Roger Stone lied quote to Congress, he got, you know, nearly thirty guys pre dawn raid guns, drawn tactical gear, CNN cameras for a process crime. And they want to put him in jail for the rest of his life. It was insane. But we don't have equal justice or application of our laws in this country anymore. Isn't that a sad thing to say? It's sad, but it's true, But it's sad. Now with all of this now in place, now we get to a legal question. And Greg Jarrett has been laying out some pretty compelling columns and analysis on his new podcast called The Brief about COVID and China and doctor Fauci and what he calls a tangled web of deceit and how it just got bigger. Greg Jarrett, let's talk about the legal aspects involving this case. Well, as I say in my most recent column, the web of deceit by Anthony Faucci is growing more tangled. You know. It's it's not just that it appears he lied in a Senate here in last month, for which he should be criminally investigated. But Sean, now it looks like he lied a year ago to a House committee when he was asked why the White House had ordered him to stop funding this Wuhan lab and Fauci said, gosh, gollygi, I don't know why they canceled the grant of money that was being funneled to the Wuhan lab. He did know. There's a new book out by two Washington Post journalists. They recite specific conversations that Fouci had with the White House, with Health and Human Services and with a longtime friend, and these in some cases these are verbatim conversation stations, which suggest perhaps at least one or more were actually reported. And it shows that thought she knew exactly why. Because Trump was irate when he found out that American taxpayer dollars were being sent to a Wuhan lab that was doing dangerous coronavirus experiments from which COVID nineteen may have escaped. The pandemic ensued. Trump ordered an immediate halt to it, and of course Fauchi resisted. He thinks gain of function hazardous research is wonderful stuff. He's on record saying that, let me add emphasis to that. He said in twenty twelve, even if gain of function research results in a worldwide pandemic, he still supports it. I mean that is breathtaking to me. Where you've got to be crazy to believe that this is the problem with some of these pinhead scientists. They don't ever look at the big picture. They just look at their narrow little area of interest infectious diseases for Fauci, and he doesn't think about the consequences. Who thought it was a good idea to send money to China? Moreover, who thought it was a good idea in Faucci's group at the NIH, including Fauci, to send money to a lab in Wuhan that is infamous for its shoddy safety protocols. I mean that place apparently leaks like a sieve, and that may have been how the pandemic originated. And Anthony Fauci tells this House Committee Chi, I don't know anything about why they cancel. He knew exactly why Trump canceled the grant of money. This was a presidential directive by the by Donald Trump in April of twenty twenty to cancel the research grant going money is being funneled to the Wuhan virology lab. And he resisted it. And he only did it because the President demanded he do it, right, He the General counsel at HHS got on the phone with Fauci and said, this is a direct order from the President. And at that point in time, Fauci, as well as Francis Collins, who is the head of ANAH, relented and they canceled the money. But then Fauci appears for the committee and said she I don't know anything about this. Now that strikes me as a lie on top of the Senate lie. And both are crimes called perjury eighteen USC. Sixteen twenty one. At the very least, Fauci's statements appear deceptive by design, so they constitute a different but comparable crime known as making a fault or misleading statement to Congress eighteen SC. One thousand and one. Why break shows off? I mean, you just see this USC eighteen Usc. Sixteen twenty one, eighteen USC one thousand and one, which, by the way, it just means you're a genius. But go ahead. I'm just I gotta take noted the fact that you know the exact law and well code it's under. But go ahead. It's it's impressive. But look, you know Fauci here he is. It appears to me I'm absolutely convinced he deceived, misled, misdirected two legitimate congressional inquiries into a deadly contagion that infected one hundred and eighty million people worldwide, caused close to four million deaths. And the fact is that Fauci had a motive to conceal the information. He had to lie to these congressional committees. He was trying to conceal incriminating evidence of his own possible involvement in the spread of this virus that ravaged the world. He didn't want to be implicated. You know, we don't know whether it was a virus hatched in a lab that caused this pandemic, but it is gaining currency. Why Because there's no empirical evidence that this thing happened in nature. Thousands of tests have been conducted. They have yet defined an infected bat population or an animal host, as they have in previous pandemics, they've always founded very very quickly. It's been sixteen months they haven't found it, which suggests this thing was hashed in a lab, it escaped, and Fauci is arguably complicit in the pandemic and the deaths, the economic destruction because it looks like he was helping to fund these days. Counselor Greg Jarrett, you make a compelling case. Here's our problem, isn't it that we don't have equal justice under the law in the United States? Anymore. No, we don't have an equal application of our laws. By the way, where's mister Durham anywhere? Any Durham sighting by anybody anywhere? I mean somewhere. Yeah, okay. Well. Also the Horowitz Report, they made referrals for high ranking members of the FBI. Uh, they didn't get pre dawn raids, guns drawn, CNN cameras, nothing happened at all. And it just makes you know, it's the saddest thing to me that I'm saying about our country, which is which is based on the constitution. Account constitution is our foundation for the rule of law, and those laws are not applied equally. Just like you know, we're watching Joe Biden as president, the cognitive mess that he is, ignore laws that he doesn't like. He's not enforcing the law at our southern border. He takes it beyond that. He's aiding and abetting and facilitating law breaking. Nobody cares. Yeah, you know. The tragedy of all of this is that the Department of Justice and other law enforcement agencies have not only been weaponized as you've described it, but they've been politicized. Instead of launching an investigation of Fauci and whether he lied about a pandemic, and whether he was complicit in the pandemic. What's Merrick Garland, the Attorney General doing? He is filing and he filed it today, a frivolous merritiss lawsuit against the state of Georgia over their new voting law that mimics the law in thirty six other states, including blue states. Now, why did he do that? He did it because you know, Joe Biden has been railing that Georgia's voter laws Jim Crow resurrected. So Merrick Garland is nothing but a political partisan pawn of the Biden White House. Well, I mean that was obvious because the Delaware voting laws are far more restrictive than the new voting law in Georgia. As very obvious. He's not going after Delaware and and I think some of the most accessible voting in the country is in the state of Georgia. And that means it's only a political move. By Now we have a politically motivated activists as Attorney General of the United States, and you know what, that's extraordinarily dangerous too. Why wouldn't you know they have seventeen days early in person voting in Georgia, dropboxes in every precinct in Georgia voter ID requirements, just like they have in Delaware. Delaware has no early voting. They don't have you need to provide an excuse if you want an absentee ballot. That's not the case with Georgia. They have none of these things. So why does he go after Georgia but not Delaware. But because he's a partisan now and he is doing great damage to the rule of law in our system of justice. Merrick Garland, in my judgment, is demonstrated. He's a disgrace. You know, more than seventy percent of the American public agree that you know, showing some form of identification when you vote is a good idea. It prevents fraud. That's common sense, it's logic, which is why thirty six states have some form of it. But Merrick Garland somehow thinks that you're discriminating against African Americans. And by the way, in Georgia, you don't have to show a driver's license, you don't have to show your Social Security number of the last four digits, even to show a utility bill if you want, or you can ask for voting identification upon requests. That's all you have to do. They act. Shall we make it easier in Georgia to vote in many other places in America? It's unbelievable. All right, Greg Jarrett, we appreciate your analysis. Uh. Greg's podcast is called The Brief and uh it's a great show he's put together. Thank you for being with us, as always, my pleasure. Thanks. All right, all right, then we're gonna take calls the next half hour eight hundred nine one shun. We gotta deal with a little problem on our radio staff here. Katie is scared to death to go on the air. She screens calls for everybody, nicest person in the world. And I've been telling Katie, you got to overcome any fear you have it in life. You got to conquer your fears. So I said to Katie, I'm gonna put you on once a day every day until until you get over this fear. So you know you're okay with that, you know what. I'm over it now. I'm very feeling, very brave. I think today is just the only day we don't have to do it, that is it? No, why are you fearful of this? What I mean? You really said it creates Hannick, Why are you panicked over this? You have a great voice. Well, I mean there's millions of people listening to you at once. That's that's kind of terrifying. Well, why don't you just talk to him? You know, it's like like talking to a friend. I mean, you don't have to think think about how many people are listening. Don't you think it's a good idea for you to conquer this fear? Surely? I think, like I said, I think I conquered it right here. No one needs to go No, you're trying to manipulate me to not do this every day for a month. I would never do that to you. Oh no, And Linda, of course, is taking Katie's side. You know, boss one, I don't have any fear, So we don't need to talk about me in this segment. I'm good. Oh we don't need to talk about you. Yeah, you're so shy on the air. You're scared. Oh yeah, all right, Katie, for the next three weeks, once a day, we're just gonna put you on. You know, we'll just we'll ease you into it. Okay, Sure, it doesn't sound too willing. Quick break when we come back straight to the phones. Eight hundred ninety four one sean, you want to be a part of the program, all right, twenty five downs to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn If you want to be a part of the program, all right, let's go to william Is in the great State of Tennessee. Where in Tennessee are you, William? I'm in Jonesborough, Tennessee, Shawn, Tennessee's oldest town. Oh my gosh, good for you. How long you if you lived there your whole life? I've lived here in my entire life. Yes, sir, well, thank you for checking in with us. What's going on? Well, listen, I think that you need to take Hunter Biden to task now. And I'm what I mean to say is I am a working artist. I've been a working artist for forty five years, and I've been a professor and college instructor in studio art for twenty eight and the only I have no issue with Hunter Biden using art as a way of therapy is a way to better than himself. And if he wants to be an artist, I think that's a great idea. But what he has done and his agent has done is they have taken art and they're taking it's like a shortcut. They're just trying to get past the whole effort of working art and becoming a great artist, and it's all about instant gratification and it's all about exploitation. Now, I was really impressed with the fact that Linda had talked to you the other day about you creating artwork. Oh my god, I am Listen to me. I am challenging you. I can we can do this. I have been teaching people who don't know anything about art for long. I am you don't understand. I am like the least artistic person you'll ever meet in your life. I mean, if you gave me color by numbers, I don't I'll screw that up. Sean, listen to Van Listen. So was Van go Van God had no talent, he had listened to He's my favorite artist, but he had no talent. He willed himself to do it. But the difference that the issue here between you and say Hunter is is that you have a teachable hear it. You love martial arts. You talk about the discipline of it, about the history of it, about the funk. Linda force you into this call, Linda, you did this so absolutely set me up here. Absolutely not. I was painting a mural. I'm off for the summer from college. I'm painting a mural. I listened to you every day. Never had inclination to call you because I just enjoy listening to you. But when Linda proposed that, I said, that is beautiful. That is absolutely beautiful. I can be able to teach you what you need to do to be able to make competent, flash accomplished artwork. And here's the beautiful thing about it is that the person who be most affected and most impressed will be yourself. But on top of that, your staff thinks you can do it. I believe you can do it. And we're not talking about a long period of time, but I mean, how long alight, So let's go just very quickly. I don't want to spend all the call time on us, Okay, I campaign, I can paint a room. I can do a great job doing that. I like doing that. As a matter of fact, I find it to be fun. I enjoy doing it. I feel good when the job is done. And I remember, you know, my daughter wanted a room paintings, all right, we'll do it together. She lasted about thirty seconds, and then all of a sudden, the room is done, came out perfectly, and then my family is like, Wow, I can't believe it. I'm like, my own family doesn't even know anything about my own life, because I would used to be a house painters. I used to hang wallpaper, I used to lay tile, I used to do framing, I used to do reconstruction. But anyway, how long will it be before I can make a painting that I wouldn't be humiliated by? Okay, John, let me let me explain this to you. The way that I have to teach freshman, not just art majors, but freshman. Every year, every student that goes through the university, did I teach that they have to take an intro to art class with me, every single one of them. And because they're fresh freshman, they couldn't draw a conclusion, much less a line. And I have them for one semester, and anti a semester, every single student creates a competent, slashed, accomplished piece of artwork. Parents call me at Christmas time in the summertime saying I can't believe my child did this, and their paintings me more to them than their diploma. Now you have, you have experience, you have aged to you in the sense that you understand and appreciate the discipline and structure and all that. You're the perfect student. And like I said, you have a teachable How would I get this lessons like a zoom call thing? I don't know how to do zoom calls? Okay, well, I listen. I had to learn because of the COVID, the virus. I had to be able to teach studio art classes and teach to all these kids via zoom. It's very simple. Three weeks, one hour a day and let me see you man and a half training every day. All right, let me tell you this. I'll think about it. Only if they could make it like a week and I can make a photo that I can donate to somebody if anyone wants to buy it. People, nobody's gonna buy it. I mean it's gonna be humiliating. People will been like twenty cents. And you know that's the whole joke about hunters. I mean the crack addict. What portraits of a crack addict? I mean, he's gonna get a half a million dollars for a painting. I'm like, maybe I should be a painter. I'll teach me how to paint, and I'll paint him and sell him for five hundred grand. It's not about the money, it's about doing the work. It's about understanding what art is. I can't put my numbers. It doesn't matter. You're listen, you're the perfect student. You're the perfect student. Trust me on this. And it's gonna be more than just one painting. You're gonna get the first one done and then you're gonna do another one and another. And here's the beautiful thing about it. When you get done, Bill O'Reilly is going to be speechless. When he looks at your artwork, he's going to cry. And the only thing he's gonna bull O Riley is not going to cry. I mean, Linda, you set this whole thing up. I know you set this up. You see up today. Listen, I gotta be honest with you. I did not set this up. But I'm loving everything. First of all, I'm telling you right now. I told Katie, I'm like, I want as many callers as possible to talk to him about his finger painting. Now, this person happens to actually be a professional. But in all seriousness, if you did this and we could auction it off and give money to the VAC, why not. I'll tell you what I'll agree to. I mean, and I'm not and I don't take it the wrong way. And William, I have a very hard time relaxing. It's not something that I'm good at. I'll work at well, I just don't. I don't ever relax. It's hard for me to focus on something that I can't do well immediately. You know. When my my sense is teaching me, especially Japanese jiu jitsu and certain holds and certain you know, putting people in certain positions. I only have a limited capacity to learn like one thing a day because then I want to just get to what I love to do, which is hitting. I love to hit. I hit the heavy bag, bare fisted, I hit you know, I hit the mits I hit. He has this other thing. I like to hit it and get a real strong workout with it. But and then we do a lot of core. All right, I'm gonna give it one shot, but don't be if you have to promise me, if I don't want to continue, you won't be offended. Hey, listen, I won't be offended, but you're gonna have to promise me that you can tell me you wrong when you don't, when you can't. Okay, all right, all right, all right, I'm only I'm thinking of other people that might benefit and Linda, if if I don't get five thousand dollars for a bid for this painting, you're paying the rest. Let me tell you something. I will pay five thousand dollars myself just to watch you do it. Well, I'll set up to zoom. Oh my god, all right, I gotta we gotta move to other callers. Thank you, William. I'm sure we're gonna be talking soon. You totally set me out. Stay with William a little longer. No, no no, no, you have one talk today. You did this? No, you know who did this? Who do you know? Who did this? Katie? Katie set me up? Katie? Did you set me up? No? I didn't say you hope, I I you know what. She totally set you up. No, William was so nice. Wait a minute, and I was like, yes, I think you're great, and come on here talk to Sean talk about it. She wasn't enjoying you. Watch she wasn't joining listening to scorm Honestly, you no, this is a vast radio show conspiracy that is working against me. Up on me. All right, I'm listen. Christmas bonus time is not far away. I'm gonna remember this quick break right back to the phones. Eight hundred nine one Sean is our numbers. All right. As we continue back to our busy phones, James and Pennsylvania, You sir, are up next. Hi Sean, Hey, how are you? I'm fine? Uh? My stories basically, uh, I had corona nineteen pneumonia and you Numa had COVID. I had covidneument You and President Trump saved my life. Let me explain. I wound went to the emergency wood I had, I had COVID. Okay, it didn't get better. I wound him. Going back to the emergenc you would uh I go into My wife throwed me. They wouldn't let her in. I'm laying it by myself on oxygen and the doctor comes in and he says to me, how would you like me to treat you? Which I thought the question was a little crazy, but I knew the answered because you. When President Trump told me, I said, I want to be treated like President Trump. I want the plasma and RUNDSERVERA and he said the mono colonial cocktails like we're general right, right, right right. So he says to me, you can't have it. You're too young. Now, I'm sixty I was sixty three and a half. And that's why that's an absolute lie. I know people younger than you got it. This is what he told me. Okay. So he said you can't have it, you're too young, and he walked out of the room. Okay, now I'm laying there on oxygen. Comes back in the room. He says to me, well, what else would you besides that? How would you like me to treat you? I said, as far as I know, there are no other ways to treat me. You're going to shove a ventilated down my throat when I run out of oxygen and I'm going to die. That would have been likely. Your odds would have been very low. You had very good instincts. Okay. So he walks out of the room. He comes back in a third time with a piece of paper. He says, if you signed this waiver, I'm going to give you what you want. You've got a transfer to another hospital because we don't have the plasma. I said, okay, fine, do it right away. So they take me to the other hospital. They admit me. They don't have my blood type. Okay. So the first day I'm in the hospital, this was December tenth. And by the way, at this point, now though, pneumonia is getting worse, all right, So now I'm running out of breath. I'm having trouble breathing. At this point. You know what your oxygen level was at that moment, I believe it was in the low EIGHTIESE You're you're you're literally now on vento later Land. I was on my deathbed, John, I was on my deathbed. I knew it. I knew it right then and there. So anyway, I signed the paper. They thank me to other hospital. I'm admitted on December tenth. They don't have my plasma. Okay, he says, we're gonna try to get it. Okay. The next day they have it. They give me the plasma and I'm getting the regenera. And the next day they come in my room and they said, well, we've got the violence under control and we're going to release you. And I'm like, well, what about my breathing. I can't breathe right. Well, it'll come back in two to four weeks, you'll be all right, Oh my god, Okay, they're trying to get the regenera on by then. Yeah, I had the regenera on and then I got the play. As soon as I got the plasma, it stopped the virus. Whatever. Let me tell you the way people have explained it to me. By the way, thank God. And look, I cannot even begin to tell you how many people in New York, for example, your basic treatment was this, if you get a fever, take tile in all. If you can't, if your oxygen goes below ninety, then go to a hospital. That's they weren't treating. And we've had all these doctors. Now now we have studies about hydroxy chlorical in work, ivermectin work, or general on work. We weren't using all the all these weapons in our arsenal. And I can't tell you, Linda could confirm this. How many cases did we get involved in and get our doctors involved in. And we never lost one person, and some were in desperate shape, including one person that you know who I'm talking about, Linda, that was on a ventilator for forty days and we and they saved this woman's life. Yeah. I mean we had at least fifty close friends and close friends and family. I owe all of these doctors. If I started paying for what they did, I'd go bankrupt. They did it because they loved people, and they were proactive in medicine, not reactive. Thank god you knew that. Because I'm gonna tell you something seriously, James, what you're describing to me. I'm a layman, I'm not a doctor. It sounds to me like you'd be dead. Oh. I was on my deathbed show, and I knew I was. If it wasn't for you and President Trump telling me what kind of cocktail to take, I would have had an answer for that doctor. Why do you think I would have gotten? You know, I hate you know what? The funny thing is, I've gotten a living crap beat out of me by the by the medium mob people because I because I talked about treatments early treatments. Now we have what twelve studies that show, yeah, dy hydroxy and chlorical and take in early is eighty four percent effective in mitigating some of the condition I've emected. Also reports regeneron. Regeneron has been described to me as like liquid gold that immediately once the infusion takes place you it goes to war with COVID in your body and wins, and from what I've heard, wins almost every time. Anyway, I'm glad you're alive, sir. That is unbelieva glratitude to you and President Trump for giving me the answer to the doctor when he asked me the question. Well, I'm just glad you're alive. I mean, oh, you could take some credit for that. Stron Thank god. Well, hang in there, get well, keep exercising. You got it to get strong. One thing we did learn people that did the worst with this beyond age, comorbidities, pre existing conditions, uh, compromised immune system. Also, wait, everybody's got to try and keep their weight down. What he wants to hear it, including me. But I diet regularly. I make myself to it. I hate it. I'd love to eat everything. Quick break right back, going up next our final news round up and Information Overload hour. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload hour eight hundred nine for one seawan is our number. You want to be a part of the program, So Kamala Harris, after what ninety three days as of borders are, after accumulating all of that information in Guatemala and Mexico, finally makes a trip down to the border. And I'm listening and I'm watching, and you know, I can't believe my own ears. They're actually blaming Donald Trump, the guy that put in place to stay in Mexico policy, the guy that built five hundred miles of wall, the guy that ended catch and release, all things that they got, the guy that brought the numbers down to the low US level in decades in terms of illegal immigrants coming into the country. And Kamala Harris is saying, oh, we inherited a tough situation at the border. No, they did not. They made this situation. What it is a crisis that they don't even acknowledge being a crisis. Letsten our administration, it is important to be clear, is working to build a fair and a functional and a humane immigration system. We feel very strongly about that. And as you know, we inherited a tough situation. In fact, right here in Alpaco was the launch of the chocolate ration policy. You saw it as it rolled out on the brand in real time, we have looked at a system where people have been inhoused and inhumane conditions over the last many years, an asilent system that has been broken and that needs to be reconstructed. The inhumane conditions at the border were created by her and Joe. They're the ones that built the cages for kids, of plastic cages, whatever you want to call them, where in the middle of a pandemic. I remember they tried to keep cameras out of it for a long time. Still never got a camera inside. You know one of those trailers, you know with a tiny window with bars on it, that had butterflies apparently on the walls. No, they created this crisis we had. We were enforcing the law of the land. You're not allowed legally to enter this country without permission, and people are not respecting our borders, our laws, our sovereignty, and they're being facilitated by Joe and Kamala Harris. This is a crisis of their making. They're the ones that ended the stay in Mexico policy that ended up being a disaster. They're the ones that stopped building the border wall. They're the ones that brought back a new version. It's catch and released two point which is basically process and give you a plane ticket or a bus ticket to the state of your choice. And then the states are burdened with all let's see, providing food and shelter, healthcare, education, and every need of people that have nothing. You know, Now, governors, they don't have the authority to enforce the law of the land either because it's a federal law. So now governor's like Governor Abbott, he now has to build his own wall, and he's allocated two hundred and fifty million dollars to start that process down there. Now. The only reason Kamala went down to the borders because Donald Trump's going to be down there on Wednesday. How do I know, boocas, I'm gonna be there with him, just like I'm gonna be with Governor Abbott also on Wednesday. I think this will be my fifteen trip to the border. Everywhere from the Rio Grand straight on through across our southern border into San Diego. I've been everywhere helicopter, horseback, all terrain, vehicle, foot boats, you name it. I've been there when gang members are arrested. I've been there when families crossed the Rio Grand, when I'm interviewing Governor Rick Perry at the time. Henry right, literally within a stone's throw, if you will. It's pretty unbelievable. Now. Oh, and we have this Democratic congresswoman from Texas, Veronica Escobars her name. She's saying, welcome to El Paso, the New Ellis Island, the capital of the border. Listen, everyone, welcome to Alcatso, welcome to my community, the New Ellis Islands, to the capital of the border. I am standing before you with a heart full of gratitude. Not only are they not enforcing the laws, they entice people to come. Kamala Harris promised free healthcare when she was running for president. Joe said, no, I'm president. You get to come to the border and and come. I want you to come. And people that we've interviewed in all our investigative reports that we've been doing from the border. As this crisis gets worse, because we're now on track the last three months, there's been more illegal crossings than at any point in the last twenty five or thirty years. We're looking at millions of people entering this country this year illegally. And then I'm sure amnesty is at the end of the road, at least in the Democratic Party's mind. So we're rewarding law breaking they're not, you know, Joe said, well, no, we're turning them away. They didn't turn anybody away. How do I know, Because we have our reporters down at the border. All they do is they get processed and then released and if they're unaccompanied miners, they get put in their cages. That Joe keeps building, building out more and more and more cages, one after another, cages, cages, cages. You know, it's pretty unbelievable. Anyway. Joining us now is Mark Morgan is a former Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection at the Heritage Foundation of Visiting Fellow. You've been looking at this fiasco today. Tell me what you think. Yeah. For Sean, I want to say that is that your listeners are listening to you talk. I've just got to say, Sean, everything you said was just absolutely correct. It was spot on, and I do want to think. Look, I'm not trying to bull spook, but I want to thank you personally because you have been down to the border multiple times and you've done something that out everybody does. You've gone to the epicenter you've gone to the areas where the crisis was actually happening. And what our vice president did is she intentionally choose to go to a place that's about a thousand miles away from the actual epicenter. What if they really wanted to know what was actually happening on the border, she would have went to the Rio Ground Valley because the artb area of McCallen that is currently the epicenter of Southwest border crisis. Just when here to day they've got they're nearing three hundred thousand apprehensions works aliens or port Acost Gang members of port Across. If you really wanted the ground too, that's where she would have gone. So it's like, you know, it's like if a state is devastated, you know, by by a tornado, that the vice president president would go to the outskirts of the town where no buildings were destroyed, rather than going to a horse where homes were devastated and talk to the people who actually live in it. No, instead she goes to Elpaso, gets some good really photo opts. It's all form over stuff swing. It's just frustrating, it's just a show. Now, it's not going to be a show for us. I'll be doing a show, but it's not a show. The president. This has been an important issue for him from day one. It's a signature Trump issue, and he sees what's going on down there. He knows that this is this is all happening because of Joe and Kamala's policies. They're facilitating this. I don't know. I mean, the idea that I would ignore certain laws of the land on my own and pick and choose what laws I want to obey, I don't know. I have a healthy fear that I'd probably end up in jail if I've violated any law. I think. I actually think, because I'm a conservative, if Jay Walker spit on the sidewalk, I'll be put in jail for ten years. I mean, that's that's just the way our system is. But then they take it a step further mark they actually are aiding and embedding and facilitating it. Otherwise, why are they giving them free transportation, free hotels, free everything. So you're outside correct, but we sent for a long time because they're broken immigration laws. It encouraged and incentivized. Well, this administration, we've added a third adjective that you just described. They're actually facilitating, they're encouraging, they're incentivizing, and now they're actually facilitating our United States government for the first time. They're actually complicit and completing the human struggling change. They're actually complicit in the opener of our borders to other threats. We've been saying this a long time. This isn't just about it immigration. When you have policies that opened the border to one crisis, one threat, you're opening the borders to all the threats. Two hundred thousand goataways this year, two hundred thousand sean. Look, if you're conservative, just say ten to fifteen percent of those are criminal aliens getting through. That's twenty to thirty thousand criminal aliens. They're getting through passive border tronk and making the way every into every town, city, and state. The trug's done a cinal job job talking about the drugs are ported in this country. You know it stays at the southwest or what happened southwest border doesn't stay at the southwest border. If you have a tuget a meth overdose in Ohio, that meth came from the southwest border. I'll say one last name where you're going, and Sean, I may just be joining you down there next week. But look where you're going. You're going to the callend, You're going to the epicenter. Listen. I've been at every bet at every point. I was there where literally gang members got arrested. We didn't know at the time, but then when they processed them, they got back to us they were known gang members, and I was right there as they got arrest you know. But then it's the human trafficking, I mean, even the sex trafficking that goes on. Ninety percent of America's heroine crosses that border illegally. Now, Fenton, All, it's killing people. It's crossing that border. By the way, I know you are friends with the Customs and Border Patrol, a senior level chief named Rodney Scott, and apparently he got a letter ordering him to resign, or retire or relocate to another position. Why would they do that to a guy that has served in honorably for twenty nine years. Yes, So, first of all, thank you, I mean that with all the sinsity, I thank you for talking about this because what you just described is right on. This is a man who for twenty nine years has served this country as a career official, the chief of the border troll position. A lot of people don't understand this. That's not a political pointee position. For myself another picture, its home and we were serving in political pointy position. We knew where there's a change of meistration, we have to move on. But but that's not the way. You remark, you cannot teach twenty nine years of experience. You know that experience is invaluable. And so who did this Department of Homeland Security secretary mayarchist? Who did this? Absolutely absolutely Sean And look there's no cause that they gave him, no reason to whatsoever. And at the end of the day, Roddie Scott, he's a man of integrity and courage and since day one he's been provided them counsel and guidance and pushing back that their policies are are jeopardizing or national security. And this Secretary Seanning, you you spoke about multiple times all he wants. He wants to bully career officials and to be nothing more than puppets to further their open border policies. Rodnie Scott refused to be bullied. He refused to be a puppet. And let me ask you this, is there any legal recourse for him, because I've got to imagine there has to be some so wants you in the system right now. You described it very well. It's called a three R letter with his career executives. Unfortunately they have that authority design or retire or relocate yep, three rs. Yeah, exactly, You've got it. You got it. And now look, if I was a lawyer, i'd take it on because even with that, what they can't do is reassigned someone in the name of politics. That is against the law. But you know it would be a longhord fight. At the end of the day. I think Roddy's doing the right thing. He's keeping his health health high, and he's gonna continue to do I think stay in the fight to do with wrest of the United States Border Patrol. But look so real quick, you can't go to any other federal law enforcement agency HSIDIDA. It's never happened, John, It's never happened where a department has reached down to a career level person at the Border troll chief level and removed the person. It has not happened ever. Oh man, I feel sorry for him. Is he coming with you? So those the chances are high that I'll see you on Wednesday with President Trump and Governor Abbott? And uh, are you going to bring him with you? Bring him with you? Yeah, yeah, that would be great. That would be great. I'll talk to him. Thank you. I'd appreciate that. Yeah, bring him. I'd love to meet him, and I want the President to meet him because you know I and I'd like to thank him. This guy served his country for twenty nine years and he wouldn't bow down to this, this new policy of of not enforcing the law of the land and facilitating law breaking and aiding in abetting. I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm just really old fashioned. Maybe I was brought up to believe that I can't pick and choose which laws I want to obey and which laws I refused to obey. I was, what's that? I'm sorry? Yeah, so I if you're old fashioned, soul am I and I think the majority of Americans are with us, you know, and what they've done, like Torgie Matney Scott, they politicized what is otherwise it should be a non political position. I mean, we're headed down a bad road and so now with the new administration, and what are they going to do Now They're going to be forced to put their own person in and it we're going to be this in perpetual cycle now or career law enforcement officials who should be non political, who should be doing just what you said, dis enforcing the law. It doesn't matter whether Republican or Democrat. You enforce the law. And now they're changing the game as we know it and politicizing and make it every position now a political position. It's disgusting, it's unfortunate, and we got to keep pushing back. All Right, I appreciate the update. We really appreciate all that you've done. And please send our best to Rodney as well. Okay, I sure well, thanks Sean, all right, thank you eight hundred nine for one Sean Tolfree telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, quick break right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead, all right, twenty five to the top of the hour on this Friday. We'll get to your calls here in just a couple of minutes. I wanted to ask I invited on the program. Former Senator friend of the program, Jim Dementt um for a very specific question because he knows the Senate rules inside and out, and how this What options are available for Republicans in terms of stopping not only SR one, or stopping DC Puerto Rico statehood, or packing the courts all these power grab issues. What are the best strategies? Senator, welcome back. I don't know if you want to be called senator anymore, Maybe view it as an insult. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, Jim is fine, Sean, but thanks for having me on. And you're right, there is a lot that can be done. And really, even though it's not a legislative procedure, the more calls that the Democrats get to back off, the more calls Republicans get to stand strong of the outside pressure does help right now, particularly trying to buck up Joe Manchin and possibly one or two others because if they get due away with the sixty vote threshold or what I'm really worried, that means you're talking about eliminating the legislative filibuster. Yeah, and I find a lot of people confuse filibuster with the idea that you're out there speaking on the four just trying to delay. But there is a sixty vote rule that you really can't pass a bill in the Senate without sixty votes. They're trying to get rid of that. It has nothing to do with speaking and trying to delay. That's just a procedure that's been in place for a long time, which I think both parties have supported in the past, although it can be frustrating. By the way, So that one, Democrats have used the filibuster eight hundred and six times and now they're calling at Jim Crow. I'm like, uh, okay, were you practicing Jim Crow era politics eight hundred and six times. Yeah. They actually change the filibuster rule for judges, and it turned out it backfired. It helped Trump get some judges on the court that we're very, very important. But right now, what we need to do is get the Republicans to stand together. They did on the first vote of this voter corruption bill that they call HR one and SR one. So what we need now is to worry about Joe Manchin coming back with some compromise where he says, Okay, they fixed it for me, and now I can vote for this terrible bill. We just have to be ready to expose every bad part of it. Americans don't know yet that this is really a way to take away the whole constitutional idea of state controlled elections. We've got to clean up some things at the state level, and that's a lot of us are working on that. But if the federal government controls the vote and does a way with voter ID, which over seventy percent of Americans support, we're going to lose a lot of what it means to be American. I mean, it's for These are really scary times, I gotta tell you. But what you're basically saying is pressure from constituents works, and we got to keep our foot on the gas or this powergram will will be successful. I think you're giving some good advice. By the way, I understand you just released a book. I guess it's a novel. It's called What Satan's Dare. It's on Amazon dot Com and I guess some bookstores everywhere. When did you get into writing. I didn't know we're doing it. It's a sean. It's a defense of Biblical truth and all of America's ideas Western civilization are based on Judeo Christian ideas that come out of the Bible, and we're not even defending the basic truth. America's declining because the Christian Church is declining, and so this is a novel, but only because we create characters so people can relate to a lot of the arguments in their own life. And so I think it's the most important thing I've ever done. So it's if you don't connect biblical truths with politics, you miss the whole point. And mostly what we deal with in Washington are just symptoms of a declining culture. Uh wow, unbelievable. Anyway, it's called Satan's Dare. Author is Jim Deman, Senator. You are missed greatly, but your insights are powerful. We appreciate you clarifying this for our audience today. Thank you, Sean. Thanks for what you do every day. Couldn't do it without you. I'm trying, man, I'm doing my best. All hands on deck. We need every every hand is we can possibly have. Michael is in the great state of Texas. We're going to be in Texas next week with President Trump and with Governor Greg Abbott. How are you, Michael? Glad you called I am good work. Let me step out. See I'm at work. Let me step out. What kind of work? You do. I'm working on a black Hawton at Corpus Christi Army Depot. Oh, awesome, what are you doing? Black hawks? So you like a mechanic? Yes, they're am electrician. We're taking the old analog style of helicopters and making them fully digitized for the Army to save about millions of dollars on each bird. That's awesome. Those are by the way, those are beautiful birds too. That is an amazing, amazing piece of equipment. They're they're they're impressive. Anyway, the purpose you mean calling to day is this whole voter I think Sean and I don't get it. Like, have you ever tried to follow your taxes twice? If you follow your taxes once, you know you're not gonna be able to get away with doing it twice. Virus knows all right, if you tried to put all the numbers in through turbo tax and then turn around and do it through H and our block, they're gonna throw a red flag after red flag and tell you know you can't do that twice. Well, you can revise, for example, like some people get paid by ten ninety nines and maybe they overlooked one I mean, honest mistake, nothing, nothing nefarious. You can revise your tax return and say, oh I missed this, I apologize. Boom, they might hit you with a penalty or something. But I mean that happens quite often. That's you know, that's regular. That happens every day. The same thing with drivers licenses. If my driver's license get suspended in Louisiana, I try to apply for license in Texas or Mississippi or anywhere else, it's in the national database. Hey, you're you're flag. You can't get a license to take. Those systems do such a good job in holding each individual American accountable. What do you think the odds are I'm either paranoid or what do you think the odds are that that my income tax returns, my filings are pulled every year? Oh shoot, probably daily, but probably daily, I'm not sure. I mean, I just assume it's pulled every year. I just absolutely assume it, you know. And I talk to my accounts. Now, we have two accounts. I got one set of accounts to do the taxes first, and I got another team to objectively analyze the work to make sure every eye is dotted and teas crossed and we do it the right way. Yeah, in these systems, why can't that same tick be applied to voting. Well, I mean that's an interesting question. You know. Um, I get very very the libertarian side of me. I don't like like, for example, COVID passports or fingerprint is UM usage in mass Uh. You know, it just gets too big brothery for me, and it feels like freedom is gonna lose out in the process. So I'm not again, I'm not for those things. But a picture idea to vote, it's simple signature verification. You have your signature when you when you register to vote, put it in a database, compare it to your signature to make sure it's the same person. You know, clean up the voting roles every every election to make sure they're up to date. Partisan observers should be able to observe um. You know, these are these are a chain of custody controls, so there's integrity with those votes. Those are simple, basic things that now Democrats want to call racist. Right, it's fair. You know, you know who else doesn't like fairness? Tear sean people like to cheat because they can't win, because they don't cheat because it's fair. I appreciate you having me on today. Well, I appreciate you calling. Thanks for checking in, and best of luck to you, my friend. All right, Yes, sir, be saved down here when you come in. Yeah. Thanks for the great job you do. It's important work keeping those guys safe up there. Eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of the program, let's go to Lee in Florida. What's up, Lee? How are you? I hope you have room for a new neighbor. I'm thinking about going to Florida. Oh, it's beautiful down herr. You'd love it. What part of Florida are you in? Can I just say something because I didn't get this right yesterday? Have you ever been It's in the Tampa clear Water area. There's this company it's called Chicken Salad Chick in Penellas County, UH and Pascal County. Has you ever heard of it? No, I haven't heard of it. I haven't been over that way in quite a while, and I talking about it yesterday, but I know nothing about it. It's called Chicken Salad Chick. It's in Pinellas and Pasco Counties. You gotta go and let me tell you something I've I've beaten there and I cannot believe. It's the tastiest thing I've ever had. And get this, you know, they got all these different flavors. I went and I looked because I forgot the names of them they have. The classic one is called Classic Carrol, another's called Fancy Nancy, another's called Buffalo Barclay, Sassy, Scottie, Hallo, Pino Holly. I mean, they got funny names, all named after women in the founder's life. And you can't believe. I mean, there's lines out the door at at at these chicken it's called chicken salad chick. If you ever get a chance to try it, all right, I have to get over there and make my way over to check that place out. Hey, I'm calling about miss Harris going down there to uh to the border. Yeah, and uh personally, you know, I was listening to you yesterday and it's just a photo op. I mean, I was here in Tampa when Barack Obama came in on his bus tour and he didn't stop in any of the areas that he should have stopped in or talk to the people that he should have talked to. They clear out the area. They make sure every all of bums are off the street, all the homeless are off the street, so he can just drive through and do his handshakes and and get his picture taken like Joe Biden getting his ice cream the other day. And even speaking of Joe Biden, how come everybody wanted to do the twenty fifth Amendment on Donald Trump? How come they haven't? They're not pushing the twenty fifth Amendment on Joe is because who they might get stuck with behind him? Uh, you know, you're raised a lot of great questions here. Um, I don't think Joe's capable. I mean, we have now witnessed this guy. I think I wouldn't use the word to sintegrate. Um, we've seen, I have seen. I have observed, in my opinion, Um, he's in a he seems to be in a decline even from January. To me, Now that's what I'm look I'm watching him closely, and I'm really beginning to get worried. Now I'm worried mostly because you know, the media mob won't talk about it, although they're slightly now the late night comedians they're beginning to make fun of it. And we did have that one Democrat from New York say, he gave me this blank stare and it was really strange. And we saw the G seven moment, and we saw yesterday. And I'm telling you my biggest fear is Putin sees it. President. She sees it, the Iranian Mullas see it, Kim Jong Un sees it, Radico Islamic terrorists see it. And seeing a week a cognitively weak American president probably emboldens them and their nefarious ambitions. I'm worried about it. Yeah, me too. And I always wondered too, if if you invited miss Harris to go down there with you and take the trip trip with you that you're going on next week down there in sective. Let me tell you the only reason she went down today is because Donald Trump announced he was going down I mean, and by the way, a stroke of genius trolling her on that it was great. Let's say hi to Jeff. Is in Chicago, not exactly America's safest city. How are you, Jeff hey Sean. In answer to your question, the answer is probably yes. I am pretty confident that your tax liability or potential liability is pulled every year. Someone is looking at it, and they're wondering should we call him in, you know, should Well, I mean I keep telling everybody pay pay, pay pay everything. Yeah, so o listen, I mean, I have enough money. The last thing I want to do is end up in jail because they don't like my politics. And I'm like, we gotta dot every iron, cross every tea. I mean, in a few years ago, we started the practice of bringing in a second accounting group to go over the taxes after they're done, to make sure they're done right. Yeah, I don't think that's paranoid at all if I could, if I especially with you know now, as part of the infrastructure bill, they included fifty billion dollars for the IRS to go after the average citizen to pay for all the other things that they're looking to present. Forward fifty billion dollars to the IRS. That infrastructure bills should have been killed just on that merit alone. So but yeah, listen, I mean, we can't afford what they're what they're given us. And I'm telling you this is not going to end well for our kids, and that that scares the living daylights out of me too. And I'm worried that, you know, I don't want America or as Reagan used to say, freedom is but one generation away from extinction. I don't want to happen on our watch. I really don't. Anyway, I appreciate you being with us, my friend. Thank you. We're gonna do everything we can possibly do. I'll tell you that we're not gonna stop. We're gonna we're gonna stay on everything every single day, three hours on radio, an hour on TV with your help, because we it's on all hands on deck moment for the country. What's gonna happen here is going to impact future generations, you know, and a lot of kids deserve better than what's coming their way and the debt we're going to put them under. All right, that's gonna wrap things up forward today. Don't forget. Next week we will be down at the border with a town hall with President Trump and Governor Greg Abbott. In other words, do the job that Kamala said she was going to do, and she's only, like, you know, one hundred miles away from where the real action is. It's ridiculous. Anyway, that's happening next week. Until then, have a great weekend. Thank you for being with us. You make this show Possible, and we'll see you back here on Monday.