Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee, is asking questions about the choice for a member of Biden’s defense team who may have leaked classified information to social media platforms. With questions now being raised about Russia intel operations and false accusations made against Trump and Biden’s campaign team peddling the narrative, it’s just another moment of deceptive behavior against the American people. Hagerty will also touch the effort by the left to pack the Supreme Court.
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Hi, Thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Right down our toll free number. We'll get to a lot of calls today. Oh, we're gonna have our New York New York start spreading the news. I'm leaving today. Don't want to be a part of it. With Joe PAGs and a caller Krista that we talked about earlier this week, this ought to be fun. Linda has heard both versions. I have not yet, and I'm looking forward to hearing it later in the program today. Very you know, I'm I am tired. A couple of things are happening. And you know, you don't ever underestimate the brilliance of the people. We the people now, we the people. We we go up and down, and for whatever reason, the country always seems to want to flirt with socialism and then it's implemented and you see what it's really all about, and they lurch back to conservatism, where real answers and solutions to problems are are made. And I think we're beginning to see a shift dramatically now away from the radicalism of this new democratic Socialist party. And you can see it with the court packing You can see it with the attempts to end the legislative filibuster. You can see it with the massive power grab of ruling by executive fiat and the stroke of a pen and bypassing an entire coequal branch of government. You see it with the borders and amnesty and Joe Biden's cages for kids in the middle of a pandemic when they're literally laying on top of one another, and then you know, pushing these kids out to the states, you know, basically facilitating law breaking, aiding and the betting. It's illegal to enter this country without permission. It's not the law. If you don't like the law, change the little law. But they haven't changed the law. They just let them in. And that's watching all of this lawlessness, sanctuary city, sanctuary states, pushing for higher taxes, being lied to about. Oh, Joe got blow over by the wind three times, that's why he fell down. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he tripped three times or the fact that he got blown over by the wind. That might actually be worse if he's that week and that frail and doesn't even know the day of the week. Let's be honest. So and then you get led to emergency COVID relief. Yeah, hundreds, you know, billions and billions of dollars, two trillion dollars, mostly a blue state bailout, mostly green new deal moneies. Everything is now infrastructure. Everything has become infrastructure. Whatever you say is it's all infrastructure. House Democrats are now actually claiming packing the US Supreme Court that's infrastructure here. What the hell are they talking about? You can't even make this up. Childcare is infrastructure, pre K is infrastructure. Just sick of being led to The money's there, There's has nothing to do with infrastructure. Most of that money either, just like COVID emerged relief was not about COVID emergency relief. We get lied to all the time. But now the polls are beginning to American people are beginning to see this. There was an it's Ipsos poll that came out. Forty nine percent of Americans believe law and order is the most important thing to ensure, even if it means limiting peaceful protests, while thirty one percent think the right to protest is the most important thing. Now, I believe in the right for people to peacefully protests it's a protected right of the American people. But I think now one of the interesting things that came out of this, sixty nine percent of Americans trust local police and law enforcement to promote justice and equal treatment for people of all races. That numbers up from fifty six percent. Fifty two percent feel the same about police unions, that's up from forty percent. At the same time, trust in the group again, the group different from people. The chant black Lives matter, the group Black Lives Matter is dropped. You know, they're now a fifty percent down from sixty percent. Slowly but surely, people begin to see truth for what it is not fast enough for my liking. So we have this and it is a tragedy. It is sad, it is heartbreaking. You've got a thirteen year old by the name of Adam Toledo, a teenager. You know, we all now have seen the video, and then you see the lying about the video, and then you see the rush to judgment on the video. Then you see no due process by the by the predictable actors and the mob, the media and of course the Democratic Party. But we now have a lot of facts they released, and I really do want to comment much on yesterday. I didn't have the time to really study it took it takes a lot of time. I had my entire team working on this, and we have the ability to look at this frame by frame, slow it down, speed it up, whatever you need to do so you can get a full picture. Now what we know is the thirteen year old teenager. This incident took place around two thirty am. It was on Monday, March twenty ninth. The thirteen year old two and by the way, is it Dana lash gave an impassioned plea last night and it really got a ton of reaction from people for all the right reasons. Now, I'll be the first to admit, well, my kids were young. I was a helicopter parent. I was a painting the ass as a parent. I mean I knew where my kids were every single second of every day. And I mean it's just the fact that any thirteen year old is hanging out in a violent city like Chicago at two thirty in the morning with a guy that has a a gun violation already on his record, that in and of itself is heartbreaking. He needed to be in his bed asleep so that he can get up and go to school the next day, although I guess schools are probably still closed in Chicago, but or at least get up and do the school work, all of which is what thirteen year old kids ought to be doing. This is you know, we're really dealing with children here, and it's it's just so sad when the whole thing it just breaks your heart anyway, But we've been talking about this for a long time anyway. So he's hanging out with his twenty one year old individual named Ruben Roman, guys on probation because of a gun conviction. It's just after two thirty and then in a dark alleyway two thirty am video of the cam quarter of the police department. You can see the police responding to the scene because of a shooting that had just been reported. Apparently the claim was that, you know, several shots fired at a car, and there's video that seems to appears to be what they might have captured that on tape. I can't say that one hundred percent right now, but I'm it's it's a possibility it was all caught on tape, and I'm sure that when they dig in deeper there, we'll get an answer on that, and prosecutors claiming that the local gunshot detector. Imagine living in a city where they need gunshot detectors, in other words, if they've put them all over the city, so when shots go off, the police know where to go. I mean, it's that's how bad it is in the city of Chicago anyway. And then of course it went off, so the police go and into a situation where they know gun shots had gone off. Video then shows the office here first with the audio off, but then puts it on, chasing Adam Toledo down an alley, and police report that Toledo was carrying a firearm. Now we know in when you slow down the images and you look framed by frame. In fact, yeah, this thirteen year old teenager had a weapon in his right hand, a gun. Now get to that in a second. But during the pursuit, Toledo ditched a pair of red gloves. Those red gloves we now know from forensics contain gunshot residue. We know Toledo's right hand also contained gunshot residue. A kid that's thirteen years old that needs to be home in his bed and living. And I say this all the time, every kid in America, every town, every city, we deserved safety and security. You can't possibly pursue you're God given talents in life in the American dream if you don't have the fundamentals law and order, safety, security, a good education. We spent more per capitave pur student in any industrialized country with the worst results. So this kid is out there two thirty in the morning on a Monday night, and this gunshot detector goes off. Police respond, a pursuit follows down a dark alley and this thirteen year old is carrying a firearm that was recovered right where at the scene where the shooting took place. During the pursuit, he ditches his pair of gloves with the gunshot residue. Is this thirteen year old as gun residue on his right hand. The video appears to show Toledo ditching the gun at the last moment as he's now turning towards the office. Well, he's had his hands up, but the problem is he had the gun in his hand. Now we haven't gotten an answer to the police offer. See it my guess as he did, and even you know and anybody that has watched the tape with any knowledge of the law and policing has said, this is a sad, tragic, but justified shooting of the police officer. And the problem is all the predictable people come out and they don't care what the video shows. They don't care that this thirteen year old had a gun in his hand. This cop has a right to go home to his family too. I don't think he went to work that night. I'm gonna kill me. I'm gonna kill some thirteen year old kid. I have a source that happens to know the person that says, this guy will never be the same. He's devastated. His life forever change. He has to make a split second, under a second, He's got to decide as he's turning with the hand if the gun is still in his hand. Squad Member Congresswoman Presley. He was thirteen years old. The police executed him. Oh so much for due process in the presumption of innocence. Aoc A prosecutor lied about police killing a child. How does this help, Chucky Schumer? Adam Toledo was just thirteen years old. He was a child. This is heartbreaking. He deserves justice, His family deserves justice. Nina Turner. They murdered a child, Joy Reid. If police scream put your hands up, and you put your hands up and they shoot you anyway, what's the point of barking the order at all? Yeah, Pennsylvania Senate candidates saying similar things. Chelsea Handler, I don't want to hear an elected official calling for calm when the public is shown a video of a thirteen year old boy being murdered called for calm amongst your police force, prosecute officers. Accordingly, Americans are angry and every mother should be why he had a gun in his hand. I'll ask anybody that's making these comments, Comrade Dablas, why will this country stop killing black and brown people? Adam Toledo was a child. Young men of color are consistently treated as lethal threats, regardless of what they do. It has to stop everywhere. They were shooting at a car. One of the two of them was shooting at a motor vehicle. They ran from the cops. He had a gun in his hand. He has gun residue on his hands. Is a tragic It is beyond sad. You know, in the Biden Obama years, you know, I think I was the only show saying why aren't we stopping the violence in Chicago? I'd scroll the names of the people, names you've never heard before, because you can't politicize these cases. Of all the people's shot in Chicago while Biden was Vice President Obama's hometown, and then all the people shot and murdered during that time, I'm like, we can fix this. Rudy Giuliani, you know, I like him, but he fixed it in New York and a lot of lives were saved. Murder rate was, you know, headed towards what three thousand. He got it down to the hundreds, low hundreds, and it was tough policing in areas that had the most crime. Politically got the crappiet out of him every day over it, but he made the city a safer place. New York came back because of it. Now, you gotta understand all these people that I'm mentioning here, the squad members including now Congresswoman Pressley and AOC and the Chucky Schumer's and you know, the TV newspeople like Joey Reid and the Chelsea Handlers. You get your your of course, Hollywood contingent there, Comrade de Blasio and Julian Castro while Keene Castro, what does this do for police officers? Because now that we we broke it down frame by frame, and this thirteen year old teenager ditches the gun as he's putting his hands up, and it's it's it's you're you're in a dark alley to begin with, and the gun is right there at the scene and he has gun residue on his hands. What is an officer? When do we start thinking about, Okay, well, what are you gonna do if you're in that situation? What should a cop do? Now? Anybody with the police background here, I could see even on fake news CNN, they had a police expert that said, no, this was justified. You know, look at the case down in San Antonio. There was a quote routine traffic stop. There's no such thing as a routine traffic stop turned into an exchange of gunfire, killing two people injuring the officer anyway. The police chief, William McManus said the bodycam video shows the officer pulled over a truck for a reason not determined. At this point, they begin a casual conversation three people inside the car. After two minutes, McManus said, the video showed the driver pull out a gun and begin firing at the police officer, who was struck in the hand. Police chief said, then the officer retreated, returned fire, shooting and killing the driver and the front seat passenger. A woman in the truck's back seat was also hitting the torso taken to a hospital. This is not an easy job. There are people, whatever reason, have evil in their hearts, and the line of protection for most of us is ourselves and the police. They want to get rid of the police. The Democratic Party leadership bad idea. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sean you want to be a part of the program. The Epic Times today has an interesting tidbit. The inspector General of the Capitol Police has told lawmakers that the forces response to the January sixth breach at the Capitol was obstructed when a senior official ordered the officers not to use their most powerful weapons due to a lack of training with the equipment. By the way, this has now been going on, they've been they've been trying to stop police in Minnesota this week, during the height of all this unrest that's been going on. There from using traditional methods and means of crowd disbursement, which is tear gas and rubber bullets. Anyway, Michael A. Bolton, Inspector General US Capitol Police, told the House Committee as of yesterday that officers were ordered not to use non lethal munitions to repel the attack, as they feared they would be misused potentially caused life alterating injury or death. Now, by the way, remember the Capitol Police chief who since resigned really seemingly for no reason that I can tell. He's the one that requested on six separate occasions, Hey we're gonna need We're gonna need the guard. We have, you know, hundreds of thousands of people that are in town to hear the president talk, and they're going to march to the capital. That was denied. By the way, Nancy Pelosi's in charge of that. Anyway, Bolton didn't name the official that gave the order. I mean, if we don't protect our institutions and elected officials, I mean you've got to protect them. Notice all this talked of not just defunding the police, but now eliminating the police of all the squad members. You notice all this talk that we've had regarding this. You know what's fascinating to me about it. You never hear about the people in Congress that are down saying no more police. The squad members, I don't hear them particularly talking about getting rid of the Capitol police to protect them. Right and by the way, rightly, so, we need to protect our capital, our institutions. Politicians, it's not political. I don't care what your politics are. You're an elected official of the United States. Got to protect them. A lot of the same people saying, you know that they were so traumatized on the sixth, Well, how do you think the people of Chicago field every weekend? I think they're probably pretty traumatized too. For years now, I've been scrolling names of people shot, shot and murdered streets of Chicago every weekend. I can come on the air and give you the statistic how many were shot, how many are shot and killed in Chicago on any given weekend. Now you can do it with New York, and you can do it with a lot of major cities. And now we see that the police have pulled back dramatically around the country, and it's not working out well for these cities. It's not making our cities safe, and it's not making our cities anymore secure, you know. It's it's all sad, and it's also preventable. You know, in the week before Adam Toledo's death, sixty people were shot and sixteen were killed in the city of Chicago. Can any of you listening to my voice right now, can you name one of them? I don't think you can. Now you might say, well, it's not always a thirteen year olds, Okay, that makes a difference. Well, I was talking about it over the summer when the medium mob was denying that riots were happening around the country. We had a little girl that was shot and killed playing in her grandmother's backyard. Remember that case. What about Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior killed in the Summer of Love? Autonomous chaz Chop spaghetti potluck, dinner zone where anarchists took over entire city blocks, Fake news CNN, fake news MS DNC showing pictures literally city, the images behind them of a city on fire. Mostly peaceful. These are mostly peaceful protesters. Anything but the truth. You know, so far this year you have a thirty three percent increase in murders in Chicago and that's over last year's record high and Chicago mayor lightweight. What is she doing to stop this? What did ram Rambo dead fishermanual do nothing? What did Biden and Obama do nothing? Is it Obama's hometown they did nothing? I don't know. Maybe now they'll take seriously. I hope I'll be glad to share with them the names of all the people that have been shot and shot and murdered. We scrolled the names of them. We did it during the Biden Obama years. Nobody seemed to want to seem like the only ones paying attention to it. It's not political. Every every human life matters. This whole issue of Adam Toledo. It is tragic. You know why is a thirteen year old kid out with a twenty one year old with a gun at two thirty in the morning and with gun residue on his hand. So sad and so preventable. What do I always say children are a national treasure? Or losing them? They're not living in cities that are safe and secure. They're not living in cities where there's law and order. They're not living in cities where they can pursue their their god given talents endowed by their creator, life, liberty, and pursue the happiness. How do you begin to pursue happiness when you can barely walk outside your front yard. Some cases, you can't even walk outside your front yard. You know this people trying to score their usual cheap political points or turn this into a gun issue. It's not. You know, we saw what happened in New York. By the way, you can look at the rest of the country. It's not much different. Law enforcement, legal defense fund. Murders are soaring all around the country. Why because police are pulling back? By the way, any of you want to be a police officer today, I don't, and I have nothing but the deepest it's the hardest job. Look at how you treated in New York City under Comrade de Blasio. Why haven't we taken every bit of video? And I asked the comrade this when he was once on my TV show in studio. By the way, we had four armed policemen with him protecting him. I said, why can't every New Yorker? Does every New Yorker have the right to have a firearm in there where they live. Every New Yorker has the right to be safe I didn't ask that you are now protected by armed New York police detectives. Does every New Yorker? Should they have the same right as you? Every New Yorker has the right to be safe? The answers no. Basically, he just didn't want to say it to average people. Should they have the same safety you have? And if somebody breaks into their house, can dud? Would you respect their right to have a firearm in their house? Everyone deserves to be safe, and ask the answer is not for everyone to have a firearm anymore. That's for every teas well. I believe people have rights, but I also believe we need background checks when you an assault weapon ban if you have a period for purchase. Oh so, the answers no. And I asked him and then he trashes me, why are you Why are you not confident in our police department? I said, are you going to take all the videos of all the policemen that are being doused with water? I mean, how much restraint it must take for a cop when somebody comes with buckets of a liquid you don't know what's in that bucket. I have a friend the mine captain Howe's his name, great guy known him for years. It's actually a boat captain. Now I haven't seen him in a while. I miss him. Great guy. He served in the NYPD. He was in the middle of a of a conflict and arrest. He had acid thrown in his face. Acid. He's blind in one eye. Being a New York police officer, you don't know what's in the what they're pouring on you. Those police officers we've all seen in the v I asked the comrade. I said, comrade, the Blazio. We got videotape of all these people. You're gonna find them professional. I'm not going to personally arrest him. The NYPD will arrest him, and they know what they're doing. And you promised to try to arrest everyone. Of course, anyone who commits a crime of any kind we're going to arrest. But I give to the NYPD. I put two thousand more officers on patrol. And this is an extraordinary police force that is getting better all the time and working more and more close to communities, and that's going to take us forward. Yeah, well we've gone backwards. And since then, he cut the NYPD budget by a billion dollars. What a genius. I mean, the whole thing is so tragic and so preventable. I mean, you just look at the statistics and you know it's and it's all around the country. New York arrests have dropped by thirty eight percent, but murders are up in New York City by fifty eight percent. Louisville, traffic stops they're down thirty five percent, murders up by eighty seven percent. Minneapolis we're watching every night this week, forty two percent decrease in traffic stops, sixty four percent increase and murders. Los Angeles thirty three percent decrease and stops, and a whopping fifty one percent increase in murders. And I can go on and on. In sixty of America's largest cities, murders on average up at least a third least all human lives gone in an instant. But you don't know the names of people because it's not politically I guess expedient. It doesn't advance the agenda of the left wing, because if they really cared, they'd do something about it, wouldn't they Unbelievable by the way, defund the police activists take to the streets as business business owners. They're boarding up their stores again in Chicago and their Magnificent Mile Area shopping district boarded up their windows. May Or Lightweight is out there calling on the public to keep the peace. Why doesn't she out there saying, yeah, I see the gun. Why didn't they tell the truth? Fake news? CBS they shared a version of the police bodycam footage where the right and left edges of the video were trimmed in such a way to literally the portion of the video where Adam Toledo is seen holding the firearm in his right hand. It's no longer visible because of their edit. Well, that's really telling people the truth. Same people that did the hit job on Rhonda Santis did an I did an hour interview with Ted Copple. He runs a minute in seven seconds of him looking great. Such a phony these people are in sixty minutes. Was begging me, you know, about a year and a half ago, Oh please, we want to do a feature on you. I said, okay, I'll do it, life to tape or life I'll go on. Because then they don't want to do that. They want to basically they take you know, five, ten, fifteen hours of footage, then they build a narrative around what they want to say. Well, who the hell needs that crap? Got my own show. I don't need this show anyway. AOC finally cares about being shot in Chicago. Why didn't they speak out? Why are they? Why didn't any of these people ever speak out ahead of time? Do you ever ask yourself of the question? By the way, in Florida, they have an anti riot bill going to the governor down there, stiffer penalties against violent protesters, good old people that are violent and accountable. It's a good idea. I think it's long overdue too, and it's it's just the whole thing. By the way, we had a shooting a rampage in Indianapolis had a FedEx facility. So sad, this country so divided. Apparently the FBI director, according to the Washington Times, is investigating Antifa radicals linked to violent attacks around the country. Little light director Ray. By the way, where's the Durham report. We're still holding our breath for that one. Don't count on it. In other news, House democrats are claiming court packing is infrastructure, actually saying this, that's how desperate they are to grab power. Democratic Representative Mandare Jones cosponsor the build a Supreme Court expansion is infrastructure. You can't even make this up, but that's there now, big push. By the way, it's interesting liberal justices both Bryer and they ever so worshiped Ruth Bader Ginsburg both opposed court packing and somebody what's his name, Oh, that's right, Joe Biden said it's a bone headed idea. It is a bone headed idea. It's dumb, and it's stupid, and it's reckless and it won't end well. Period. As we roll along eight hundred and nine f one, sean, you want to be a part of the program. Something really despicable happened out in Salt Lake City. To Salt Lake Tribune, they have a political cartoon. One is one side of it is a klansman with you know, holding a torch on top. It says seventy years ago, they're coming to your neighbors neighborhoods, it says, and with a finger pointing. Then on the other side it says last week, they're coming to your neighborhoods burgess Owens is they're comparing burgess Owens to the clan. This news paper needs to apologize. That is outright racism on their part. All he's saying is uphold the loss right our two Sean Hannity Show toll free on numbers eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of this program. I had been reading all day yesterday before the release of this tape of this incident, this police shooting in Chicago, this teenage young man, his name is Adam Toledo. And uh, I've been hearing. Oh there's because there's gonna be deep unrest in in Chicago last night. Now, there was some minor not not what people were talking about, because even the mob, the liberal mob of the media, even they understood the picture with the gun was playing as as day. Um. Anyway, let's play the body cam audio. Uh, leading up to the police shooting of Adam Toledo in Chicago. Stay with somebody, bring the medical kick now, stay with me, Hey stay wait, hey stay wait, stay wait. I'm gonna start CPR. I'm not feeling hard. Go ahead, I got But even fake news CNN had a contributed that said this was justified. Listen. It was less than a second, literally less than a second from the time the officers saw that gun in his hands at the time he fired that shot. I believe that's reasonable. I know right now everybody's you know, blood in the water about policing. Uh and I have not hesitated to speak up whenever officers inappropriately used force of any kind. This ain't one of those cases. UM. I don't know how many people have ever chased an armed person down an alley at night. I have, and I know what it's like. Believe me. Then you have the squad members Congresswoman Pressley. He was thirteen years old. The police executed him. AOC you know say they the prosecutor lied about police killing a child. You know, others you know, say murdered in cold blood, Chuckie Schumer saying he was a child. He's thirteen years old. This is heartbreaking. He deserves justice, His family deserves justice. Joy Reid, MSDNC. A police scream put your hands up, and you put your hands up, but they shoot you. Anyway. What's the point of barking the order at all? It's not what happened here. It is a tragedy. It's a thirteen year old kid. But it shouldn't be politicized either. Anyway. We have that issue to contend with and Out in Salt Lake City is a liberal newspaper of the Salt Lake City Tribune. They don't particularly like me. I don't think out there. But anyway, long story short, they now have a political cartoon out and on one side of the cartoon it says seventy years ago, and they've got a ku Klux Klan member, you know, holding a torch of fire whatever they call it, uh quote, pointing fingers saying they're coming to your neighborhoods. And then they have uh let's see last week, Burgess Owens, They're coming to your neighborhoods. This is beyond disgusting and despicable and even a new low for the left wing media mob to be doing this. Anyway, Burgess Owens, Congressman Great State of Utah fourth Congressional District, is with US. Uh. Kathy Barnett is with US candidate for the US Senate in Pennsylvania, who have become very fond of and I'm very supportive of her efforts there. Thank you both for being with us. Uh. Well, Burgess, let me first get the reaction. This is personal for you. Frankly, I feel it's racist what they put in the paper. Your thoughts. Oh yeah, yess Catham a good friend. Um, you know this grew up in a due South and I remember, around sixteen years old being able to sign the difference in a Southern racist racist and a Northern raceist. The Southern races were in your face. At least I can respect the fact you knew what they're going to try to do. They're trying to hurt and harm and destroy you. The Northern racist was a different one. They're the ones that to put your arms, their arms around you. They they struck to wrap themselves in white compassion and the minute they can, they will stab you in the back. The racist Salt Lake trib is nothing. It's a racist attack. They will never do that to any other representatives that came from the state of Utah. They are an outliers and what they do they double down and say this is the way Utans thinking. Now, I'm going to say this, Utahns, we embraced differences. We're the ones that ask and we're goringts to come to our space. But we plant and these guys instead of think about what my conversation was. Protect these young kids coming through the border and they're being a used abused and sex traffic. They turned to the race card, and that's what It's a natural thing for racists to do this. They did it, by the way. They did it with me a Love before the first black women's kind of congressman for Congress Counseselman, and they did it also with Black Lives Matter. We're burning down black businesses and twenty five black people killed last summer. They did it to the enforce that they turned them as KKK. So, my friends, is what true racism looks like. Uh. They didsses. They're cocky, uh, and they wanted to about us, and they had their towers and the bullies and hide behind newspapers that give them complicency. You know, it's just sad. And you know, I've been we've been friends a long time, and you had a very tough race. You were able to pull it out. Uh. In Utah. We've been supporting you from day one, and we're so glad that you're in Congress now and you've been doing a great job and a lot of people have taken note of all the great work you've been doing. Uh. Kathy Barnett, I know you saw this cartoon as well. What was your reaction. You know, my my initial thought was, and let me just say, thank you so much for having me on Sean, and I love you, burgess um and everything that you stand for. You know, Burgess, like me, we have the out of slaves coursing through our veins. But it is nothing like these white progressive liberals. I call them the kk Karen's on the left. They are the k the KKK the KK Karen's on the left. And these are perhaps some of the most racist people I have ever met in my life. They know everything, and they even know what it means to be black. All you have to do is ask them, and they have no problem telling black people what it means to be black. And now talk about progress that even black people can be racist now to these white progressives, and it truly is a shame. But what it is, it's just a distraction, whether we're talking about what's going on with how black lives matter and te fare being used as cludgeons against this country, or whether every time, you know, if they can't explain something or if they can't win a legitimate argument, they throw white progressives throw out the word racist or racism just to try to shut you up. Now, they now, they're so emboding that they're using it against black people who have the blood of slaves coursing through their veins. That's how arrogant these people are. You know, it's a very dangerous place because they are just trying to distract us from the real issue of a border that is not secure. It's not rocket science of what will happen if you leave the border open or if you send a double messages to those who are truly in me. There's a reason why over a million people become legalized residents in this nation every year, and there's a reason why millions more try to sneak in through our porous border. There's a reason, and we're exploiting that. But instead of talking about it, they will have they will rather talk about a black man being a racist. Let me ask you both about this incident involving Adam Toledo being shot by police officers, because it's so sad on so many levels. You know, many years ago, and I actually showed this last night on TV when Biden his vice president, the eight years of Biden Obama, this was Obama's hometown of Chicago. I would scroll the names of all of the people that had been shot in Obama's home city, and all the people that were shot and murdered in Obama's home city, and nobody ever lifts a finger. Now you've got every politician weighing in on this one case. And I wonder why the silence has been deafening up to this point, because you got thousands of people shot and murdered just in the eight years that they were in office, and they never lifted a finger. They never went to Chicago to say this has got to stop. I think they Obama mentioned it maybe twice pretty much in passing, never made it an urgent issue, which it should be. And so we all watched the video. We all now saw that he had a gun as he had turned and he just flicked it away. Looks it looks like to me. And then the gun was right next to the fence where he had come out from behind. And I'm listening to the commons of everybody. For example, Kathy, you have a Pennsylvania Senate candidate, Malcolm. I think it's a kenyada. I'm not sure exactly how to pronounce it. You know, I was twelve or thirteen, and the first time my mom gave me quote the talk Adam Toledo was a child, His life was valuable and it was ruthlessly stolen. My heart is in pieces. Those who murdered him should be in jail. Now. Yeah, I don't view this as a murder. I view this as a terrible, terrible tragedy all too common in Chicago. And we don't hear about the weekly death toll and shooting toll except for programs like this. Yeah, you know what when I hear, you know, like the AOC talk about a child a child, I remember doing this Summer of rage last year when a mom had her black son who was two years old and a stroller, and during this time with just people just acting all kinds of ways out there, two young black boys were just shooting their gun. They weren't necessarily aiming clearly or or with any type of precision, and one of the bullets went through the belly of that two year old boy. Even when I think about it now, is shakes me to my core. I am a mom, and yet I remember AOC coming out at that exact moment talking about people are shooting because they're hungry, and he had said nothing about the two year old little black boy who lost his life, who was sitting there with his mother in a stroller. I didn't hear any Democrat come out about the black police officer of retired Chief of Police Officer David Dorne, who was shot in the face during the Summer of Rage by a young black boy once again, and all David Dorne was trying to do was convinced them not to loot his friends poun shop. I didn't hear anyone talking about that and the countless other lives that are lost at the hands of someone other than a white police officer. You know, no one talking about those things. These folks, they're just peddling fear, and they're weaponizing a very sensitive topic that they know is going to give them what they want, and that is to shut the rest of America up and then get the other half to just lose their loving mind and go out here. And that crazy Congress Van Owens who remember the Chaz Chop Autonomous Summer of Love spaghetti potluck dinner zone where they took over city blocks, including a police precinct. It turned out there was a nineteen year old, actually two young men that were killed, one African American by the name of Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior. And when I called his father, nobody had picked up the phone and even called this guy. I mean, I couldn't believe it. And then President Trump happened to be watching it that night and got in contact with my staff and said, can you please send me the number of this man lost his nineteen year old son in the in the Summer of Love Zone. The mayor never picked up the phone up to that point to call the family. This is weeks later. I mean, it just is so sad, and all of these shootings take place, nobody lifts a finger to solve the problem. Why, well, Sean, this has been and I want to close back. We're talking with racists. Uh. And I've seen this last six years. There's these uh, these these uh white racists who who wrapped themselves in this value from passion. They turned. They do nothing but try to store the family unity. That young thirteen year old kid. Two o'clock. Where's the family, the family that grew up grew up in in which we were taught to love God, country's family respected women in authority. Where's that family, the family that was out building businesses that were leading our country to growth the middle class. Where are those families? The policies of these racist white and elitist blacks have done this. The racist people like the Salt Lake treat like a trip who put out this the pedals this is this will continue to um um encourage robbing and looting and killing. And the minute we trade, we say we're gonna need to stop it. They call us the racist. So I want to marry. I think they they they owe you an apology and an attraction. They owe you an apology. Hockey. They're very, They're these people very. They know everything. Captain makes before, These people know everything. Who owns that newspaper out there? Do you know? I have no idea, but I know this. I've always thought this about these guys, and they just prove themselves. And I'm glad you're showing the showing the country what true white racism looks like. Elitists, people who who would would tell me what kind of message has to give the black kids. That's another nice example is there. It's repulsive, it's revolting what they did to you. It's awful. Well, we're the kids. This is not who we are and the good things that we're now going to the period where Barris across the cross country realizing I am not that I'm pired of being called and if they can go to this far, just this stretch to call a black man or a black woman a KKK person, they have a Kathy just mentioned lost the everle of the mind, and we're finally seeing him. So that's that's a good thing about these people. They don't know when to draw the line. And I'm just thankful for a state that brings in so many good people and have such a good heart. And I can see this these people have are an outlier to our I've got a run, but I hope you consider hiring an attorney and suing them for libel, malicious libel. Anyway, Burgess Owens Congressman, Thank you, Kathy Barnette, Senate candidate, great state of Pennsylvania. Thank you for being one of us as well. We're following your campaign closely too quick break right back if I'm to the top of the hour, gladual with us eight hundred and nine four one. Sean you want to be a part of this program, all right, as promised to our busy phones on this Friday, as we say hi to Vince. He's in the great state of New Joys. What's up, Vince. How you doing in Joys, Joyce? Good afternoon. It's an event. So I'm in the suburbs of Burton County, New Jersey. Yes, sir, glad you called. By the way, your state is number forty eighth in terms of the basically one of the worst places in the country to live. You did. I don't know if you saw the whole list that came out this week. I'm stunned. I saw yesterday. Imagine my surprise to find out that, by the way, New York, they totally botched New York. They put in New York in like the top ten, and I'm like, hell no, unless maybe if you're live in you know, an upstate New York is beautiful. Long Island could be. Okay, it's a little overcrowded now for me, but uh no, it's not exactly the one of the top ten, not even close. Well, we should be right behind him, then, not in forty eight. So New York's in the top ten, We're very close. Well, there's a reason people are leaving New York and New Joysey, and one of the biggest reasons is you know, massive government overreach, ridiculously high taxation, misappropriate of funds, highest property taxes. I mean, it's just as awful. You're preaching to the quieter there, sir, tell me all about it, But what I wanted to say to you is probably gonna You may agree with some of it, but I'm sure many of your listeners will not. So as I said, forty nine year ruld blackmail or living in a predominantly white neighborhoods. But I don't agree with this whole defund or banning the police movements. I mean, I've had some horrible experiences with police as a young male and even as an old, older adult, but I don't agree that we need to get rid of the police as a whole. I mean, if something's broken, you fix it. You were talking about houses earlier. I heard the commercial about fixing your home. If your house is fixed. If your house is broken, you fix it. Your car is broken, you fix it. You don't just throw out the police department because it's fixed. And I get that sum in our community, in the black community, feel like the police are like these wild pitbulls that we always read about that have killed people. But some of these dogs have been rehabilitated, right, So, I mean it's it's a really tough, hard decision in the conversation. So I'm glad that somebody just having even though the people mostly affected by this are not going to agree with either one of us. But look, I lived in the ghetto years ago. I wasn't born in the ghetto. I'm a good boy. My father's surge in the army. I come from an quote unquote normal, traditional two parent household. So most of the people you know in these so called ghettos don't want to hear from or listen to people like me to begin with, no matter what age we are. But I lived in the ghetto for a while because what's a hard head seventeen year old kid gonna do when he gets his license. It's going to do the opposite of what mama dad said not to go, not to do. So I wanted to see what all the fuss was about living in the ghetto. So I hunt out there for a while, and while I was there, a friend of mine got murdered. You know who saw that crime, mister Hanley, The police did. It wasn't community policing that found the murderers who killed my best friend or some gang initiation night riding around feeling people in Camden. The police solved that murder. So as much as there's to be said for community policing, I mean, you know you have you may have to rely on the local neighborhoods. Niche maybe he'll tell the quote unquote ojeeba, who's who's going to cast the toid molesters. It's not going to be Chris Hansen. So who's going to cast these people who cast as the serial killers the code cases that we're always seeing on TV for decades later. Most people would give up if they don't get the results that they want in a few years. But you got detectives who are committed to finding some serial killer who for some unsolved case from twenty thirty years ago community policing. Maybe they had that kind of passion if it's their loved ones and family members. But it's just it's a horrible idea to say just get rid of police in general. I mean, look, I used to hate cops years ago. I mean I live in the suburbs. Now, as I've said many times, most of the cops who are who I mean I'm gonna pretty I have a pretty good rapport with some of them. They pull over and talk to me when I'm walking my dog. I mean, this was unheard of to me three decades ago, right, But the idea that we just need to get rid of the entire police force, no, you get rid of the bad apples. I'm anti bad cop. I'm not anti or cops. But but the thing is what you're what you're saying, and I agree with in the sense that yeah, there's oh, I don't care what the profession is. Name any profession and you've got bad actors in every one of them. I talked about the one percent FBI top echelon, and you know, I grew up I revered the FBI growing up. I mean that to me, to my family was the ultimate success that the the two sons of my grandfather's brother, immigrants from Ireland. You know that they made it to the FBI. They were deity in my family. They were that was the top of the top that I had a deep reverence for that, and I still do for the ninety nine percent. But what happened with the one percent that was corrupt and abused power. You know, we exposed it. It took us three years. We got to the bottom of it. Everything we reported ended up being proven true. And you know, so you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Now, policing is tough. We did learn lessons from Rudy Giuliani on how to make cities safer, and that was stopping frisk that worked in New York. He purposely focused on This has nothing to do with race. The neighborhoods that had the highest crime statistics is where the cops focused most of their attention and most of their resources, and and it worked. And as a result, the murder rate went from nearly three thousand a year. You know, we ultimately got down like three hundred. Now it's skyrocketing back up in New York because of this idiot mayor and dopey governor we have in New York. So it's you know, it's all a matter of leadership. Rudy, Rudy took hell. I mean, he took on. They called him every name in the book, but he was saving lives. And many of the lives he was saving were minorities in New York that had never gotten the protection they deserved. You know, I look at this. I look at these shootings in Chicago every weekend, back when Obama was president Biden was vice president. I'd scroll the names of all the people that were shot in Chicago, those that were shot and murdered in Chicago. Nobody seemed to pay any attention to it. Nobody wants to know everybody's name because they can't politicize it. We have a hundred cops already this year that have been shot and killed in the line of duty. That's a lot of cops. It's a it's a horrible job. And now we're demonizing police. And we sit back and you know, the media and Democrats they won't even call, you know, cops under fire with rocks and bricks and frozen water bottles and Molotov cocktails. You know, they won't even say it's it's a riot, and when it's obviously a riot or burnie. Now the police precincts are taking over police precincts. And please let me respond to that, please, because uh, there's a common refrain I hear from people who you know they back to blue. Oh. You know, it's basically it reminds me I don't remember the guy's name. But it reminds me of that. Uh. I think it was either British or American military officer who was responding to the Indians who wrote him a letter complaining about how many casualty the Indians just suffering, And so this callous response is what you're basically what you're saying about Chicago. It reminds me it's the same thing as that what I hear from people who are always saying, you're not the first, you're not the only person. Oh well, what about Chicago? What about Camden? What about Philly? What about Newer You guys were killing each other long before the cops start killing us, before the cops started killing you. This is true. There is no denying that. There's no denying, no, no intelligent person is but deny that Chicago is a violent dump. I would not wanted to live in Chicago if the rent was free, and if I could, if my dad was still alive and I can have him in my own let me and let me end it this way. And I appreciate your call, I really do. And I just want to say, if we wanted to salvage Chicago, if we wanted to make Chicago a city that was safe and secure, where they had law and order, where kids If we wanted to improve the schools in Chicago we could do so. We knew how to do it. They don't care. These are cities and states run by liberal Democrats for decades and they don't lift a finger to help people. But I gotta run good call events. Appreciate it. You have a good weekend. Call back again eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. You want to be a part of the programs Zach in the Great State of Florida. What's up, Zach? How are you good? Evening? So? And it's a pleasure to talk to you. I just wanted to share with you. A few months ago, my wife and I were driving and a young African American male stepped out in front of us in the middle of traffic. He was about twenty two years old, I believe, the officer told me. And long story short, we out nine one because we watched him walk in traffic with his headphones and we tried to talk to him. He refused to talk to us. The city police got there, they refused to get out of their cars because the first thing he said was if you want me, you're going to have to shoot me the police. That was a third time that the city police had been out there. They were scared to get out of their cars because they didn't know what was going to happen. What you're describing as very real, This is common now. It never used to be this way. The Sheriff's department, they sent a deputy out there. It took him a little while, but he finally talked to gentlemen into coming over there, and come to find out that gentleman had just lost his wife and kids in a car accident the day before. He felt there was no reason to live anymore, and he said, so my best option was to call the cops, or have somebody call the cops, and they could come out here and shoot me. Because he kept shoving his hands in his waistband, and it just brought me to tears sean because well, I don't understand the philosophy and I don't understand why people think that it's just that easy. So we called the chief of police and said, listen, those officers, something needs to happen. And because had the kid died, it would have been on their hands because they were afraid to do their job. And I understand the political climate. But if you can't do your job, then let somebody else step in the way and do it for you, because their job is to protect and serve. The problem is is they don't have there's a problem they have. They don't have the backing. You know. For example, every cop that I know in New York City billion dollars police cut this idiot, dopey, dumb mayor. We've got Comrade de Blasio, he's not We saw police officers being doused with water. We watch patrol cars get vandalized with the cops in them. You know, we've seen all these aggressive actions towards police that happened last weekend. Also, he doesn't lift a finger to help them. So if I'm a cop, I'm thinking, I'm not going to put myself in a position where I know that if something goes wrong that I'm not going to have any support. I'm gonna be thrown down the stairs by the mayor. Even if I'm right and do everything right. And I'm telling you, cops, instead of turning when they would when they would one at one time turn left to turning right, they're avoiding the trouble and they're not get they're not getting involved, and that's why you see dramatic reductions in the number of police encounters, but you're seeing a dramatic increase in the murder rates and in every big city across the country. I mean, it's a predictable outcome. Cops need to be supported now. They want to take away city liability and demnification for cops and meaning that they'd have to if they get sued, they can be held legally liable. They can't afford to hire attorneys on a cops salary. You can't trust me. I have more attorneys in my life than I ever dreamed i'd have, you know, just so I can keep doing my job every day. And I'm just telling you they they cannot afford it. They're being laft, hung out to dry. The reason I've spent so much time on TV and on this program this week talking about non lethal options for cops is because they've got to have a plan be short of that firearm that they get trained in every every month or every two months. And it takes way too long. And I'm speaking as a student of martial arts to really get up to the level that they would need to be at. Although they should be training on a regular basis. So the next option is a non lethal weapon that is effective. And I don't care which one they choose. I have my own personal favorite, which I've talked about. But they've got to decide for themselves, and they need some support from the people in the community too. If you listen, if you're a cop and they're gonna come out and you know, with buckets of water and they feel there's no consequences if they dump it over your head, you don't know if it's water or battery acid for crying out loud out. I just wish there were more marches and more Americans coming out and saying we support the police department because I feel that they desperately need it right now, because there's nobody else who has their back, absolutely nobody else in the upper echelon. Yeah, anyway, I appreciate the call. Thank you. Going up next, our final news round Up and Information Overload hour. All right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour, Sean Hannity Show on a Friday, eight hundred nine Pot one shauns On number. We'll get to a lot of your call's final half hour of the program today. Now you know, sometimes we're a little cynical on this program. We don't like being lied to. How many of you, Linda, Liam's probably too young to lie, right, I mean, well, maybe never too young to lie. That's fake news. Kids are smart ethan though, that points out the kid on YouTube who has the blue icning all over his face and the mom said did you eat? Did you eat the cupcake? And he's like, absolutely not, absolutely not, That never happened. Anyway. With that said, we get an awful lot of lying from elected officials. Let's play Joe Biden, this is twenty twenty, not that long ago. He was asked which of these ideas he supported, Expanding the size of the Supreme Court, setting term limits for justices, abolishing the legislative filibuster. Now, Joe answered, listen. Speaking of those other candidates, several of them have proposed major structural reforms to our government and to our democracy. These include abolishing the electoral college, expanding the size of the Supreme courts, setting term limits for justices, abolishing the legislative filibuster. Which, if any of these do you support? None? None? Okay, he lied, because he supports them all. We welcome back to the program. Senator Bill Haggerty. He's with the great state of Tennessee. You know, I talked to all of I talked to governors and senators from all over the country. I'm the biggest idiot in the entire country because I'm up here paying these high taxes in New York which are about to get higher. And well, what's your state income tax down in Tennessee, Senator Sean, it's going to pain you to hear this. Oh, no, I income tax. What's that? There's no personal income tax. There's no personal income tax. So say it, Hannity, you can say it, Senator. You have my full permission to tell the truth. I am an idiot. What am I doing in the in the rotten weather when I could be on music grow on a regular basis, listening to my favorite country music. I am a dope. I'm an idiot. Why I'm so stupid? Got the welcome We've got the welcome carpet out for you here, Sean. You'd love it here. You need to visit more often. I look forward to being your host when you can come here next. You know, I do go down there quite a bit. I'm a big supporter. I don't know if you know Michael W. Smith's charity Rocket Town. Yes, yeah, so I've been down there for a number of events, and I try to help Michael out as much as I can. He's a great guy. Music. There's nothing like music, row Am, I tell me if I'm wrong. Here, isn't it the coolest place on earth? It's great. That's why I kept my private office for years. Sean. It's just got a great vibe to it. It's it's the heart of the culture here in Tennessee. We've got a great music culture that extends from Johnson City up in the northeast all the way through to Memphis. You know. The one suggestion I do have, and I've made this mistake in my life. I'm friends with John Rich. Don't ever go out on the town and party with John Rich because you're not gonna come home in good shape. I can promise you. And it doesn't matter. No, I'm only gonna have one. I'm only gonna have two. That's it. I can't. This guy has these magical powers. The next thing you know, you're you're you're taking shots of redneck Riviera of whiskey, which I hate. Anyway. I'm not a big whiskey guy, And but it's a great towns. I've been been right in the heart of trying to get our town reopened. You know, he's he's got a great presence down on Lord Broadway. The entertainment part of our city is an exceptional asset, and it was shut down during the pandemic, and John is getting it back. A Democratic mayor of Nashville, correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't he lie about the numbers were related to COVID? I think there's been a lot of accusations about trying to keep everybody massed up and shut down that that seems to be a goal of a lot of the Democrat leaders, not only in our city, has been in our states, and the result has been absolutely terrible from an economics perspective, it's been terrible from a psychological perspective to Sean, and then you have the Democrats come back and reward those states to shutdown by creating a formula that gives them more stimulus money. If they happen to have made bad economic positions and shut their state down and have higher unemployment than the rest, No, it's unbelievable. And if you just be honest with us, and which kind of gets to the question about Biden. By the way, I would love John Rich to run from mayor in Nashville, but he probably would win. Let me ask you about what you just heard Joe Biden say versus where he stands today, and then ask you as a follow up, I want to know, do you think the Republicans are going to stay united, all fifty of you and not allow Chuck Schumer and company to take to abuse their power and make the biggest power grab in the history of the country. Well, I think that the recording you played shows exactly what we got during this election. It was a huge bait and switch. You know, we were told repeatingly, repeatedly by the Biden campaign he wants to respect our institutions. This quote returned to normalcy. And then what do they turn around to do exactly what he said he wouldn't. They want to pack the Supreme Court. We warned about this. They want to go from nine justices to thirteen. They want to add four more justices that would give them a seven to six majority. Activists versus constitutionalist on the bench. They want to do away with the filibuster. Biden said, of course, he wouldn't before that, but that's exactly what they're talking about doing now. They'll stop at nothing. And they wanted to away with free elections. Just look at their so called HR one Senate one bill. It is an abomination. And you know they accused President Trump of coming to Washington and destroying our institutions. He did exactly the opposite. He didn't come to Washington to blow our institutions up. He came to return those institutions to the people. That's exactly what he tried to do. And then the Democrats come in and I have no respect for institutions whatsoever is witnessed by what you just ran through. Let me ask you on some international issues. We have Biden's un ambassador, a woman named Linda Thomas Greenfield. I don't know how well you know are seeing this week, you know, running down the US as a quote white supremacist nation while addressing foreign diplomats. It's very reminiscent to me of the apology tour of Obama. It is Sean and I tell you, one of the greatest honors in my lifetime was to represent our nation overseas as the US ambassador to Japan. Japan as you know, third just economy in the world after the United States. In China, we have more US military station than any place else in the world. It's a huge strategic relationship with US. It's a very tough neighborhood as you know, you've got North Korea, Russia in China right there. But it's also a very important economic relationship as well. And it was always my greatest honor to represent the greatest nation in the world. As you say, are we perfect? No, but we can fight to make a more perfect union. And we have a legislative branch and executive branch that should be working toward that every single day, in a judicial branch that we need to hold intact that will help continue to propel again the greatest nation in the world forward. And to have our United Nations ambassador speak in that manner I think is entirely inappropriate. It's you know, and I will say this is very far for late one of the great pioneers of talk radio used to always say that there's never been a country in the history of mankind that has accumulated more power than the United States and abused it less. And I add, there's never been a country in the history of mankind that has accumulated more power, abused it less, and used it to advance the human condition than this country. I mean, it's going to be American medical researchers and scientists ultimately that saved the world from COVID and the coronavirus and this worldwide pandemic that we've had. We're not courting our developments. We're sharing our developments as we always do. That's the type of people we are. We're not perfect, but we are good people agreed, and I think President Trump set the example that all Americans appreciate by putting Operation Warp Speed in place, setting aside the bureaucratic barriers. Let's be the best we can be in America here, let's find let's innovate, let's create something that's going to solve a massive global problem. Any delivered, He's getting no credit for it now. In fact, other people are taking credit for it, as you well know. But it's going to be an impact felt around the world. Dealing with a problem caused for the rest of the world. By I mean, it is pretty unbelievable. Now, the New York Times and the media, the Democrats, the Intel Committee, et cetera. In the House Adam Schiff, who was a congenital liar. But that's my own opinion. But you see that the mob and the media, they're trying to make up stories to use against Donald Trump. They did it during the campaign, and finally now the Biden administration had to walk back one of their quote big bombshell campaign season revelations last year that the Russian government had put bounties on the heads of US troops in Afghanistan. Now we're finding out very low confidence in the story the team Biden and the media was pushing at the time, and that was a big deal. I remember that those accusations were extremely inflammatory. They weren't supported by intelligence. You know, if they were shown that President Trump would have stepped up immediately to deal with it. The fact that he didn't underscores the fact again that he respects our institutions, something like the Democrats, and he certainly abided by the intelligence in the flow of intelligence in a way that meant we acted in a more responsible and appropriate manner than the rhetoric that was coming from the Democrats at the time. Yeah, I mean, and that was a big lie. Quick break right back more with Senator Bill Higherty of Tennessee and your calls right. As we continue with Tennessee Senator Bill Higherty, let me ask you this. I'm a little worried about what's happening with the Russians in Ukraine. I'm worried about the territorial ambitions of China and with Hong Kong Taiwan. And you notice that they're building all these new islands out there in the Pacific, which is a little scary, and that could become a huge destabilizing force, not just in the region, but a military launch area. I understand they're actually building certain areas just for military maneuverings. And then you have the Mullows in Iran. Joe Biden has already said, oh yeah, we're going back to the other deal, getting nothing in exchange for it. As usual, I'm pressuring South Korea to give them seven billion dollars. Why would we ever force another country to give the iranium mullahs that chant death to America, death to Israel seven billion dollars. Why would we do that. It's just an abasement strategy, Sean. They want the headline. You know. It's amazing to me that John Kerry has now been sent over to China to negotiate with them on climate. He's the one that got us into the Iran deal, a terrible account. You've articulated it very well. Now, what was he talking about yesterday or earlier this week? We're going to talk about talking about coming to the table. This is thematic double speak at its best. And what he's doing is again I think evidence in his randal. He's going over to deal with China and talk. Chinese don't appreciate talk. They appreciate strength, power and action. They have been the ones that have not abided by this Paris Climate Accord. In fact, their emissions have gone up since they signed it. And here he is trying to quote talk with them about what they might do to come back in again, the same negotiating strategy that put us into the JDA with Iran. Now we've got that person leading us in China. I am very concerned in Russia. I share your concerns with that too, Sean. You know, as soon as the Biden administration step back the earlier indications they're going to send our naval forces into the region of Ukraine and the ports they're now all being blocked by the Russians. They say they're going to keep the blocked for six months. That's putting a huge amount of stress, economic stress in the Ukraine at a time when I think Russia is really acting in a belligerent fashion. We should be supporting our allies, not backing away from them. Well, I think that's that's all true. And the worst part on all of this is the fact that now we're moving away from energy independence, which we've now developed for the first time in what seventy five years, And now you know, the Keystone XL pipeline has been canceled. High paying career jobs have been lost in the middle of a pandemic, and you know the basically nonchalantly they're telling union members union jobs. Some of these guys were making one hundred and fifty two hundred grand a year. Yeah, we just want you to get another union job. Well, where's that other union job, Senator, Because I don't see it. I tell you, Sean, you've you've hit the nail on the head in terms of the strategic implications of canceling the Keystone XEL pipeline and halting new drilling leases on federal lands. They're removing one of the greatest accomplishments of the Trump administration, which was achieving energy independence. And we used to say we were not just exporting energy, we were exporting freedom. And to put us in a position where we weren't depending on other nations that did not have our best interest at heart was exactly where we needed to be. From a national security standpoint. Our economic security in our national security are completely aligned. The Biden administration is weakening us there. And what happens with that oil from Canada now that it's not going to go through the Keystone XEL pipeline, It's going to be sent to Chenna. They're going to get discounted oil, be put in a better competitive position, just as we're raising the cost of energy here in America. And when he talks about all those jobs, I think there were eleven thousand jobs that are lost with the Keystone XEL pipeline construction. Those jobs are going to go to green industry. Let me tell you, Sean, the solar turbines and I'm sorry, the solar panels and the wind turbines, they're made in China. That's what great increasing. Yeah, that's that's great news. You're full of great News Senator. Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend as music row now finally back open or no, it's it's it's pretty much back open now, Sean. We've got great weather here. It's a good time, you know. Terry Boston's blooming it there in Washington. You've got Prime Minister Suga from Japan meeting with President Biden today. That's an important relationship. I think it underscores the importance the fact that it's the first space to face meeting that Biden has had with a foreign leaders with Japan. Again, given the strategic importance importance of that relationship in a tough neighborhood, as we discussed, there are reasons to be optimistic because I think that relationship is going to continue to flourish and strengthen. But we've got to be open eyed. And you do a great job of informing all your listeners and viewers of the concerns and the challenges that we face. And I'm honor to represent Tennessee to fight those challenges. I'm glad you're in the fight. We need you, Marshall Blackburn. Also, your colleague has done a great job from Tennis for the people of Tennessee, as Kenny Chesney says, I'm a Tennessee in right, So anyway, appreciate you being one of us. Thank you, Senator twenty five till the top of the hour on this Friday, eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program. So I've been making it pretty clear now that New York is about to raise taxes to fifteen percent on income, state and city taxes in New York fifteen percent. I mean Tennessee has no income tax. We talked to Senator Haggerdy. No income tax in Florida, no income tax in Texas. Other states, the Carolina is they have state income taxes, but a very very low marginal rate, especially compared to cities like New York, or states like New York, or states like California. And I'm just sick of it and I've had it, and they'll live in the On top of it, they cut the police in New York City by a billion dollars. You want, you want to walk through the streets of New York today, good luck? You see how they treat the cops now. People in New York harassing cops. They can't even get out of their cars safely. It's so despicable. Anyway, so I brought up the idea just came flying out of me one day in the middle of the show that we really need to do the song New York, New York, redo it and saying, start spreading the news. You know, I'm getting the hell out of here today. And anyway, Linda called our friend Joe Paggs, who's a syndicated host in his own right, good friend of the program for many, many years. And anyway, so I and I had no idea Joe Paggs could sing. So I said, okay, then Christa from New York could call her. She said, well, I want to give you my version. And so they now have produced their own versions of New York New York. And we're gonna have a sing off and you can vote on Hannity dot Com which one you like better. We'll start with Joe Pags's start spreading the new I'm leaving today. Don't want to be a part of it, New York, New York. Cool almost of you. COVID's here to stay right through the very heart of it, New York York. Do I wake up in a city run by bad cream. I'll soon go over the hill. Leave this trashy deep Blasio blows upwards that crime goal, bad guys, run every part of it like a New York. I'll get right out of there, take my family anywhere in my rearview New York, New York. All right, that's stuff. Joe Pig's version now, Chris the kind of cheated a little bit now, But but I gotta give her a name for effort. As she got someone else to sing it because she's scared to death to sing. But she wrote the lyrics herself. And here's her version. Start spreading the news. I'm leaving today. I don't want any part of it. Cuomo's New yaw O. The fuck me down. You can't make me stay. Cuomo is at the very heart of it. No more New York. I wanna wake up in a village right on the beaches and to put my toes in the sand, my freedoms. I'll keep these high taxes Blue de Blasio too. I'm gonna leave all the socialists in this crazy New York. It's all gone, and get the fan there. It's time to get out and breathe some fresh air. Goodbye to you go your your all right, and we welcome our buddy, Joe Paggs and Christa. I don't know if you want me to give out your last name, Chris. This is fine either way. Uh. Now, the first thing we've got to say, Krista, you were supposed to sing your own song. Okay, No, no, no, that was the deal. I mean, I may have to just protify you. No, no, no, here I never said, Linda, I want to resing that song, I said, Linda, I want to rewrite that song. But what you don't know is that I have written over forty songs and I have a male co writer. I just melody. Of course the melody was done. Oh man, I'm crying foul. This is unfair. I'm crying foul. Oh man. We got on to protest now, Okay, I gotta leave it up to PAGs because the way we left it, Christa, was you were gonna sing it if I my memory, I think my memory is better than Joe Biden, so put it that way. That was my recollection. I has got to your brether. You just totally one up from New York. I listen, I can't remember what you said. John Christmas said I've got a guy in the studio, and I thought he was going to record her singing the song, right, That's what I thought, Frank Frank Sinatra, impersonator, exactly. Well what that said, Joe, I mean, you know, slouch. I'm gonna be very honest because we're gonna put both versions up on Hannity dot Com and we'll let the audience decide which version they like better. Um. But if I have to vote on just the song, the lyrics, the singing, I can't pick a winner. I just both great. Wow. I think that great job. I mean Christ cheated. I think that without Joe, you re recorded yours because I heard yours last week and yours did not know I got to rerecorded. No. When I when I knew that you weren't going to be singing it, I said, I better raise my game here because you only had to do half the work. I had to do both parts. I had to write it and sing it. That's not fair. I'm sorry about that, but I mean it's just what you do. Is this your first time around, because it's not mine. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a talk show host. I'm not a singer. I mean, I'm glad that it got aired. It I think between us, don't don't don't tell Sean. Hey, Chris, and don't tell Sean. But I think what you wrote was masterful. I thought it was great. But it's unfair that you didn't singer. I think, Sean, you should sing it live right now on your show. What do you think? I think actually that would be I think you should sing a little bit of it yourself. And let's just hear. Why are you so afraid to sing? Well? All right, how about this. Linda is a singer. Linda has the lyrics in front of her. How about we give Linda a chance to sing part of your song and see if we like it. I'm sorry, who told you I had the lyrics in front of me? I know dark sounds. Okay, you have the lyrics right there in front of you. All you have to do is read them and sing them. Tell me when you're ready. I was in the middle of producing your show, but I guess I'll look up these lyrics. Chris Staff. Oh let's see. Let me make this clear to everybody. Krista put us in this position. Thank you, Christa man oh man. This is this is like a cold war that's broken out over a song. All right, Linda, do you want to give it a shot? Starts breading. No, no, no, no, no no. We need the music behind you. We gotta if you're gonna do it. I don't even need the music. That's how professional lamb. The music's there, all right, ready, Now this is the thing about you, Sean. That actually wasn't the cue. The cue's coming up, right, Joe, That's why I'm feeding. Starts breading the news I'm leaving today. I don't want any part of it. Cuomo's New York. Suck at Cuomo deep lock me damn blues so good you can make me stay Clomo you I'm no all right? Is that enough? More? No? No, I'm good. I'm all right all right. So um, so I gotta. I got a dilemma here. I don't know what to do. Here's the thing, you know what, Joe, I like yours. I do, but he and I didn't get to say this. Okay, So I have a guy that have been writing with for since two thousand and seven. Okay, because I don't sing, I'm I'm a word master. I'm not a vocalist. I'm smart enough to know what I'm done. At and singing is at the top of that list, right. So I've been writing with this guy and I called him and I said, hey, we gotta do this song. And he said, all of my equipment is packed up because he's moving. He's moving out of Georgia. Huh yeah, right, so he said, I'm moving out, all my stuffs packed up. He said, but I give you my guy that I play with sometimes. They said, okay, great. I've still never met the guy. He's brilliant. But let me tell you something strange. I talked to him yesterday. His father came to him a week ago and said, you know what we need to rewrite New York, New York. This is before your show, Hannity, and he said, would you mind singing it for me? He's like, no, no problem, And I think his version is better than mine, and Joe's totally I heard his version two, which was pretty good. But let me let me say this. I'm going to defend myself and again, your song was great. Linda, Wow, that was amazing. I gotta tell you, I'm a talk show host, a one guy. It sounds it sounds like Christa had thirty two people involved in this. Sean I cry foul. I think it's unfair, and I'm going to throw the flag. Oh man, I want and I want to hear Christa. I want to hear Christa a host of talk show one day. Then it'll be an even comparison. I used to host the talk show. I used to have two talk shows, one on AM Radilius. I was on a morning show Bob and Todd and oh man, this is serious stuff. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna have to put it in the hands of the audience. I can't. I can't make a decision, which is very rare for me. I make my decisions very quickly. Uh as anybody that knows me knows I just decide, Boom, that's it done, do it, let's go. So this is what we're gonna do. We we are we are going to we are going to take this is Judge Wappner here, Okay, we're going to take note of Joe Paggs under protest motion. We'll take it under consideration, and we're gonna put both versions on Hannity dot Com and let the people decide, knowing what what what was unfolding all week, and then they will pick a winner and I'll come up with some you know, booby trap prize for the winner, but we'll put it up right after the program today Hannity dot Com. They will call it the Great New York New York sing Off, and uh, anyway, we wish both a lot of luck. Joe Pegs is pissed. I've never heard you pissed. This bad come on ruining our Yeah. Look, uh, I think they're both phenomenal. It just makes me laugh because this place sucks. Man, It's gotten so bad it's ridiculous. I quite frankly think that they should both win just for writing songs that talk about how much qual all right, stop with that. Everybody gets a trophy. Crap, No, there's a winner and abody gets a trophy. Everybody has a different skill set here. Christ's I said, I'm having a hard time voting myself. I'm gonna to spend some serious, significant time voting you. You're the judge, You're out of it. No, I'm not the judge the people. I'm letting the people be the judge. That's why we're putting a pole up on Hannity dot Com. Yeah, I'm putting a pole up on Hannity dot Com. Yeah, I don't even have access to Hannity dot com. I have access I don't have access to at Sean Hannity on Twitter. I don't have access to Facebook, I don't have access to Instagram, and I don't have an email account. I don't have any of it. All right, But putting all that aside, you both did a great job. Thank you for being good sports and Monday we will announce the winner and whatever prize I decided to come up with. Okay, brother, listen, thank thanks for inviting us to do it. It's a lot of fun. I really appreciate doing it. Man, all right, it was a ton of fun. But Joe changed his lyrics when he re recorded it, because a man, this is now you want to you want to put a protest in. Also, I'm just saying I never said that I would sing it. I said I want to, I want to write it, which I did. All Right, there it is, well, let the people decide. Hannity dot Com, Joe Paggs, thank you, and uh, we really appreciate it. Krista, thank you for being a part of it. All right. That's gonna wrap things up at today full complete coverage Minnesota all the craziness Chicago, around the country, whatever's going on. We will have full coverage of all of that. Also, Burgess Owen so we had on earlier today, he will join us. Rick Rnell joins us, LEO two point Tire will join us, and we'll also be getting into the other issues of the day, including the Democrats power grab, this racist cartoon by the Salt Lake City Tribune. As far as I'm concerned, what they did to Purgesses, they owe him an apology. Anyway, Nineties turn tonight. We'll see you then. Thank you for being with us, have a great weekend. Back here on Monday. Thanks for making the show possible.