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Wow, we're loaded up. This is this is just mind numbing. Every bit of information we've been able to peel off this onion as it relates to deep state corruption, abuse of power, and the level the effort, the insanity of what they have done to destroy first chance Trump's chances of ever winning the presidency and now delegitimize and and really an insatiable appetite to get him out of office. And and it's it's it's mind numbing. And it doesn't matter how how corrupt they are the news media. They're more corrupt because the news media are the willing accomplices every single solitary step of the way. You know, I went back and I'm reading through this, this sentencing recommendation of Muller, and they did talk about in the last page of this thing to defend history, meaning Lieutenant General Flynn, three star and he served, you know, his military services public service, they say are exemplary. Served at military thirty three years, five years combat duty, led the Defense Intelligence Agency, retired as a three star lieutenant general. And the defendant's record of military public service distinguished him from every other person that has been charged by the Special Council Office. Is investigation, and it goes on it adds this line, however, senior government leaders should be held to the highest standards. And I'm reading this and I'm like, Okay, well, why aren't all of these other people in trouble for doing far worse than what they alleged that General Flynn did. Because the people that interviewed in the FBI General Flynn, including Peter Struck, including then Director come who light himself, and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe who lied himself repeatedly, that was in the Inspector General's report. When are they gonna be held to the highest standards? And this is my problem with all of this. You know, some people said, why do you keep bringing up Hillary? She did so much worse as it relates to Russia collusion. And with the Blockbuster report new evidence that we have, everybody knew that what they were presenting to the FISA court judges was a lie, and they did it anyway. That's what the deep state has been about from the get go. They knew better than you we the people, and they went about and made significant, conscious attempts to destroy Donald Trump. And he continues today this hasn't come to an end. You know you read through these the sentencing recommendation on General Flint again, you know this is pretty screwed up. When I don't know if you know this, you know, but they mentioned the Logan Act. The Logan Act is from seventeen ninety nine. Okay, But what's even worse than that there are only two instances in seventeen ninety nine, two known instances in which individuals were indicted for violating the Logan Act. The last one was in eighteen fifty three. I mean, the Logan Act is about prohibiting unauthorized private diplomacy with foreign nations. Oh, you mean like John Kerry undermining the President's Iranian policy by backdooring out of the government, saying that he disagrees with Donald Trump and his sanctions against Iran and a tougher stance against radical Islamic Mullah's the chant death to America, Death to Israel that promised to wipe Israel off the MAMP. So we're gonna use We're citing it a law from seventeen ninety nine, with only two known instances in which individuals were indicted for violating the Logan Act, and neither incident resulted in a conviction, and that's this is how deep they're going into General Flynn. And then the other one that they mentioned was the FARA Act, which talks at length. I don't want to bore you and get you tied up in the details, but you know for those people that that end up Foreign Agent's Registration Act is what it's called far up for short, pertaining to a project that he and his company. This is where his son comes into it. Listen, if the FBI didn't think that General Flynn lied, and come McCabe and Struck didn't think he lied, why would General Flynn u ask sign onto a guilty play of lying to the FBI because he had no choice because they basically said, well, your son worked in the business with right general. Hmm. Well you know we're gonna offer you this plea agreement or we're gonna have to go full bore, just like they did with your own Corzi. Jerown Corsi says, I can't lie to my God under oath about a crime that I never committed because I didn't lie. It was I forgetful. I'm seventy two years old. Yeah, I was forgetful. I got it wrong, and I still corrected the record when I was when it was pointed out to me that I had sent an email, or I just didn't recall it. I don't remember a single email I sent today. I can't recall I'd have to go back and look. It's not how people's minds work. And so anyway, the other one is from nineteen thirty eight, and this is ridiculous. I'm sorry. In the case of the Farah law that they mentioned in the plea agreement that they had and the sentencing agreement or the sentencing statement that they put out from Muller's office, they fight Fara and they fight then. But the dog, hey, you should a report in September twenty sixteen, and they actually tallied all the prosecutions under that law since nineteen sixty six, a whopping seven prosecutions. This is how we treat a thirty three year veteran five year combat duty servant of his country. Wow. And on top of it, nobody's telling you that to get the information that they had on General Flynn, what did they do? They surveiled him illegally, unmasked him illegally. They didn't use minimization, which is the process by which if an American is on the phone and caught up an incidental surveillance. They're not supposed to, even if they know who it is, identify who that American is unless they're doing something illegal. And the illegal thing that they thought that General Flynn is trying to hide is that as the incoming National Security Advisor, he's telling the Russians that there's going to be a change in in leadership and a change and approach to how we deal as nations together and talking to his future counterpart, which by the way, would be his job during a transition. It's insanity, and it's wrong, and it's corrupt. Now this is where it gets even worse. You got to stay with me here. We have been up peeling this onion layer, you know, one thin layer at a time, one thin layer. We've almost spent, and we have exposed so much between this ensemble team that we have put together, Greg Jarrett and John Solomon and Zak Carter and Sidney Powell and David Shown and I'm gonna start forgetting the people that deserve credits. So but we've been doing it and we've exposed a lot surveillance abuse, unmasking abuse, intelligence leaking, abuse, a massive increase in all of these behaviors in the lead up to twenty sixteen by the Obama administration, and all of which she never should have happened. So we now remember, we've been asking, wanting, hoping, and praying that we get the FISA applications, and we do have the Inspector General Harowitz. I've been told that he's buried so deep in so many different investigations that that's why we're not getting his reports sooner, which is frustrating because it took eighteen months to get his first report, which was fairly devastating to a number of people, and to confirm a lot of the process of corruption that we knew was going on. So John Solomon writes this piece. Now let's go to the FISA court issue. So remember Hillary Clinton got a pass, Hillary Clinton got special treatment. Hillary Clinton was involved in violating the Espionage Act, and Hillary Clinton had subpoena at emails on her in the Mom and Pop bathroom closet server Platt's River network. Okay, that's being investigated. The crimes are overwhelming and incontrovertible in terms of the evidence. The same with her obstruction. There's never been as big an obstruction of justice case than her taking subpoena emails and having them deleted, bleach bit on the hard drive, and then busting up devices with hammers. That's what Hillary Clinton did. Now. Just before Thanksgiving, House Republicans amended the list they wanted, the FISA warrants, the Gang of Eight material, and the three O two's with Bruce or and Christopher Stile. President said he to release it. The President has since probably very strategically and wisely, has said, you know what, well, the Democrats are coming into the House and they're promising endless investigations. I'm going to hold this ace in my back pocket, and I'm going to show at on my schedule when it's most important to reveal, because there's so much corruption in them. Now we know, because just before we went away from Thanksgiving, I interviewed Devin nunas he's gonna be on Hannity tonight, that there's a string of emails that now we know exist between the FBI and the Department of Justice. In other words, once these come out, what do we know they will reveal? John Solomon reports, sources now tell me that the targeted documents, the Devin unas these their chain of emails provide the most damning evidence to date of potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FISA, evidence that has been kept from the majority of members of Congress now for more than two years. The email exchanges included then FBI Director James coleme Key, FBI investigators in the Russia probe, and lawyers in the DOJ's National Security Division, and they occurred in early to mid October before the FBI successfully secured the first FISA warrant on hard Page, a Trump campaign associate. The email exchanges show that the FBI were fully aware before it even secured the warrant that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence that were used to support the obtaining of the FISER warrant. And that was remember the new Nest memo, the grassly Grand Memo memos. The bulk of information provided to the FISA courts was the Steel dossier. Yeah, the Steel dossier that Hillary bought and paid for, the one that's full of Russian lies, The same dossier that even Steel himself, under oath in an interrogatory in Great Britain, would not stand by his own dossier. What this is saying is they this email change shows that they knew it was fraudulent, they knew it was unverified, they knew it was phony, and at the exchange also indicates that FBI officials were aware that Steel had contacts with news media was leaking this information, which eventually got him fired for leaking and for lying. And that was in November twenty sixteen. But the FBI withheld this information from the American public even though it's being disseminated hookers in a bed, urinating in a bed in Moscow, and Trump's rich Carlton hotel room, and that they actually, in spite of knowing none of this were verified, they signed their names to it anyway, and they broke the law and purposely committed a fraud on the FISA courts, knowing that the law demands that they verify, authenticate the information. You understand how deep and profoundness is. This is a massive smoking gun, and there's another one coming tonight. By the way, John Solomon's going to join us at the top of the next hour. All right, we're gonna get into more details of this. But they knew it was fraudulent, They lied to these FISA Court judges, and on the other hand, they also omitted information that probably would have prevented any warrants from being issued. Do you understand how corrupt that is? There are so many reasons to be a grateful nation, and in large part we have our military and our veterans to thank for our liberties and freedom. National Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December fifteenth. You can join in the mission to remember our fallen heroes onto those who currently serve in their families, and teach younger generations the value of freedom. A fifteen dollar donation to Wreaths Across America sponsors a fresh, handmade balsam wreath from Maine with a single red bow. The Veterans Wreaths have become a gift of America's respect. The circular wreath with ten ball bouquets is a catalyst for unity, healing, and an expression of gratitude. What started with America's most hollowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery has grown to ceremonies at close to fifteen hundred other participating locations across the country and overseas. Sponsor of Veterans wreath today and show your appreciation visit www dot Reaths Across America dot org. That's www. Dot Reaths across America dot org. All Right, stay with me in this because this is very very important. So now we know that there's smoking on email exchanges. It's a long chain of emails that includes James Comeyke, FBI investigators in the Russia probe lawyers in the DOJ's National Security Division. This is why they have been so incapable of handing over the documents to investigative committees. This now, and why just getting this now is even worse because what it shows is in these exchanges is the FBI was fully, completely and totally aware that the dossier put together by Christopher Steele was well, let's just say, not only not verified, not corroborated, but likely false. Now here's where it becomes very troubling for that for every one of these people knowing that and still allowing the dossier to become the bulk of information to obtain the original FISA warrant and the subsequent renewal FISA warrants in subsequent applications, and the original application that in fact they knew the FBI had an obligation. I'm going to prove this in our next right after the news at the bottom of the hour, that they had by law, by FBI protocol, by standards, in the words of the Great Rod Rosenstein. Now he's probably in the most trouble because he's signed the last warrant. But to everybody that put their signature on these FISA applications committed a fraud on a spectacular level to the FISA court judges, and that would our own great Jared, who will join us too later. Today he's identified at least six felonies that would be applicable to every single person that signed off on these FISA warrants, the foundation of which was the Clinton Boughton paid for Christopher Steele Russian dossier full of Russian debunk lies that he himself doesn't stand by. This is the smoking Gun email, and we only now just got a hold of it. We'll continue. Hey, let me tell you something about smoking. Guess what. It's not about politics, it's about people. Now, they're about thirty eight million Americans that smoke. And I want to tell you about my experience switching to jewel I used to smoke cigars, I smoked them regularly. I even inhaled them at times. Not good. Everyone in my family growing up, they all smoked. And now that I've made the switch to Jewel, guess what I have found the best alternative ever. Now Jewel is designed with smokers in mind. In terms of its form technology. It's simple to use, no buttons, no switches. 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So we now have email chains that have been kept from us in spite of every committee in Congress that has oversight authority that shows, in other words, an email chain that shows exchanges that show that include former FBI Director come Key, FBI investigators in the Russia probe, lawyers in the DOJ's National Security Division. They've known about these emails for the entire time, which explains a lot of the obfuscations, explains a lot of the back and forth with the committees, their reluctance, their unwillingness to cooperate with congressional committees because that's their job. Oversight is part of Congress's job. You're going to see a lot of oversight as soon as the Democrats take control of the gavels and a lot of these committees in the House now hope it's not going to go anywhere in the Senate. But that's that's neither here nor there. But the fact that the FBI, according to these new emails, were fully aware that the bulk of information that was used in all four FISA applications, in other words, the bulk of information, the Grassy Grand Memo, the new memo bear this out was a dossier these Christopher Steele Dossie not only does he not stand by it, but it shows the FBI was fully, completely, utterly away about all of the concerns about the veracity and the truthfulness about the main evidence. The bulk of information that was put in the FISA applications to get a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate not only once, but you have to renew that application every three months because it is so difficult to obtain that FISA warrant, and it's usually for cases that evolve terrorism, etc. Etc. Not in this case. Now I'm going to use the words of Rod Rosenstein. Now keep in mind, this is the guy that signed the third renewal or the fourth FISA warrant. This is almost this is nine months into this warrant. Every warrant still used as the bulk of information the nacier. There's a reason why, is specific reason why, And I don't know because I never read pages ten through twelve and seventeen through thirty four. But I am told that those pages in the last FISA warrant signed by Rod Rosenstein would be devastating. Now we've all been asking why, as in the President unredacted the information in the FISA warrant, the three O twos that would be exchanges for example between Bruce war and Christopher Steele. Because remember Christopher Steel gets fired for leaking in line, but Christopher Steele was not done because they never told, by the way, another fraud committed on the court. They never told the FISA judges how much Christopher Steele, just like Page and Struck and Comy and everybody else involved in this, how much they hated Donald Trump, and I mean hated. Now sources in all of this now say that they knew all of this. Now, what should the standard be if you're filling out a FISA application in terms of the evidence that you're putting forth towards the court. Now we had already known that they never informed the FISA judges that this information was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, the opposition party candidate. They only had a footnote that said, well, it might have some political taint, it might be somewhat political in nature. No, this was bought and paid for by Hillary and her campaign, these Russian lies, and also by the DNC that she was controlling the finances of. According to Donna Brazil. Now listen to what Rob Rosenstein said in May of this year. The way we operate in the Department of Justice, if we're going to accuse somebody of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence, incredible witnesses, we need to prepare to prove our case in court, and we have to fix our signature to the charging document. That's something that not everybody appreciates. There's a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it not to recognize what a FIES applicat. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant, you need an affidavit signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. And that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong, sometimes it is if you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences. Think of what you have said there, because not only did they not only didn't know it was not accurate, they knew it was an accurate they were being told. According to this new column by John Solomon, again he joins us at the top of the they're all being told it's not accurate. There were massive concerns about the truth and the veracity of this. Now the law requires exactly what Rod Rosenstein laid out there to the best that they are. Now they didn't to the best of their knowledge. Now what does that mean. That means that when they use the bulk of the application being the Steel Nassier, what they were doing is they were using unverified, uncorroborated political lies bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, put together by a foreign agent using Russian connections, which spectacularly bizarre if you will, allegations in it, and the irony of all this is even coomy in January, remember this is done in October before twenty sixteen, when he goes to see Trump in Trump Tower to say that this exists, this Dacier, it's salacious, but it's unproven. Well, it was unproven, and why was it already used twice at that point to secure FISER warrants against Carter Page. The Trump campaign is associate when that was the bulk of the data. Because Rod Rosenstein is right, they had an obligation to certify to the court before they put the application together that the evidence was verified, and if they couldn't verify it and they still wanted to include it in the FISA application, they had a duty to alert the judges to any potential flaws as it relates to evidence or information that suggests the target might be innocent. Now we also know this is in John Solomon's column, that the FBI used an article from Yahoo News. This is the circular reporting issue we keep talking about. They tried to present to the court Yahoo News his article as somehow being independent corroboration for the Steele dossier, knowing damn well because he was fired November first of twenty sixteen, that Steele had talked to that news out and that was part of the renewal applications. So maybe they could say they didn't know that Steele talked to is a cooff before with the first application, but it couldn't say it for applications two three and four. Certainly, and if the FBI knew that Steele had media contact before he submitted, before they submitted the article, they would be guilty of what's called circular intelligence reporting, which is forbidden as a tactic in which two pieces of evidence are portrayed as independent from each other, independent corroboration, when in fact they know it originated from the same source. So that's another problem with it. Then again I go back to they never told the Fizer Court judges that this was Hillary Clinton, the opposition party candidates bought and paid for op research. They never told the phiz A Court judges that, in fact, Christopher Steele hated Donald Trump the way he did this entire thing. Understand how profoundness is when you have the top members of law enforcement, not rank and file. There was a reason all of this was taken out of the hands of rank and file FBI agents and the field offices. When you have the upper echelon of the FBI knowing or even having any doubts about the veracity, the accuracy, the truthfulness of what they're putting and affies the application, what have I been saying? This is abuse of power. This is the biggest corruption scandal in the history of the country, and the fact that they were willing to use paid for unverified Russian lies, and other members of the intelligence community were leaking those lies to you. We the people ie Iszikoff, David corne I believe was part of that and others and disseminating the stories to impact the selection and the choice of the American people in favor of Hillary over Donald Trump. They were using Russian lies. That sounds like Russian collusion to me, except they're colluding with the top people within the Department of Justice and the FBI. Now, this is where the frustration of the president comes in, because we've known a lot of this, we've been able to piece this all together. Now we've got smoking gun evidence that they knew what they were doing. Now you know why the FBI chain was kept from most members of Congress this past two years and it's suddenly just landed on the declassificationless why because they know the incoming House Government Reform Committee is not going to look into it. Well, now it's a legal issue now because we still have the Inspector General's investigation going on. I think there's a very strong likelihood slash possibility and Greg Jarrett later will identify the six felonies that could have been violated here. Now, if we go after we're gonna use the Logan Act. Let's see Logan Act, OH seventeen ninety nine and only two known instances in which the individuals were indicted for violating that act. Last time it happened was eighteen fifty three, and that's in the sentence recommendation of Robert Muller. This is how deep they're going after Lieutenant General Flynn. And then the other thing that he mention mentioned the Farah Law, and we know since nineteen sixty six there's only been a whopping seven prosecutions. And if they use that also in the sentencing recommendation as violations that General Flynn made, then I've got to believe that they're going to really stick to their guns with equal application of our laws and equal justice under the law, and you know, a constitution, They're gonna throw the book at all of them. Now. In addition to all of this, House Republicans prepared to question Comey on Friday. He signed off on the fives A warrant, as did Sally Yates, as did Rod Rosenstein, most Intelligence officials like John Brennan and James Clapper. They've embraced the concerns laid out in the Steel Pony dossier. Nothing was ever proven with that. You really believe that two hookers were urinating in Trump's bed in Moscow and they knew about it the whole time and we haven't heard of seeing any evidence of it. And that Donald Trumps snubs putin left and right and take shots and much stronger than Obama ever was tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the election. So here we are. You know, all this time, Robert Muller Comey has been casting you know, Comy cast out on the Steel dossier after they used it to get the warrants unverified. In sealation, Lisa Page further corroborated Comey's concerns and recent testimony when she revealed that the FBI had not corroborated any collusion charges by Maya twenty seventeen, nine months in when her former lover were, you know, colluding if you will, to go after Trump because Trump should lose a hundred million to nothing. Now, maybe we understand what the media leak strategy and the insurance policy were all about, don't we this is the insurance policy all makers now want to question Comey about it, but the question is long lingered. You know who inside the FBI ever verified the Steel dossier. The answer is nobody because they couldn't. Who corroborated it? Nobody because they couldn't. And in John's article they'll tell us more after the top of the hour that the email chain provides the single most direct evidence that the bureau, only the upper echelon don't take this out on income file guys, and the DOJ had reason to doubt the steal dossier long before the FISA applications ever went in, and they didn't do their job, and they knew it was total bs. But the desire of those few at the top to stop Trump no pun intended, trumped their desire to obey the law. When these documents are released, the American people will have all the evidence they need of what was an attempt to stop Donald Trump from ever becoming president and if God forbid he did. This is where all the bludgeoning about Russia came from and originated from. And congressional investigators now have this evidence that you know that some evidence even inserted into the fourth and final application, the Rosenstein application was suspect Devin Newness basically said that to me, you know, the last time I interviewed him, He'll be on Hannity tonight. Going to be an interesting night to get to the bottom of this. By the way, you know what the sickest part of all this is the media that cares so much about getting to the truth about Trump Prussia collusion. Do they care about the Constitution, the rule of law, abuse of power out on an attempt by abuse of power by people that we give the most powerful tools of intelligence. Too unbelievable the way we operate that affirment of justice. If we're going to accuse somebody of wrongdoing, we have to have admissible evidence and credible witnesses. We need to prepare to prove our case in court, and we have to fix our signature to the charging document. That's something that not everybody appreciates. There's a lot of talk about FISA applications, and many people that I see talking about it seem not to recognize what a FIES application. FIES application is actually a warrant, just like a search warrant. In order to get a FISA search warrant. You need an affidat and signed by a career federal law enforcement officer who swears that the information in the affidavit is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. And that's the way we operate. And if it's wrong sometimes it is. If you find out there's anything incorrect in there, that person is going to face consequences. The rule of law is indispensable to a thriving and vibrant society. It shields citizens from government overreaching and arbitrary action. It allows businesses to enter into contracts and invest with confidence. It gives innovators protection for their discoveries. It keeps people safe from dangerous criminals. And it allows us to resolve our differences peacefully through reason. Lawyers are obligated to speak up for the truth. John Adams famously observed at facts are stubborn things, and whatever it may be our wishes, our clinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of the facts and evidence. Pursuing truth means always yielding to the facts, even if they run counter to our hopes. In a courtroom, truth is about credible evidence, not strong opinions. Truth is about credible evidence, not strong opinions. Rod Rosenstein, I think these words, in light of John Solomon's big breaking news story yesterday, are gonna come back to haunt him, because if you sign a faisal warrant, that's like, that's an affidavid and to the best of your ability, you know that those things are fair and true and correct, or the consequences are gonna be severe. Those are Rod Rosenstein's own words. Now, we told you that there is a big breaking news story we've broken on Hannity last night by John Solomon over at the Hill, that there is now a series of emails and email chain that has been discovered and what we find in the email chain, by the way, between the FBI and Department of Justice, and this is now available which will now provide the most damning evidence to date as it relates to the FISA warrant applications. Because the email exchanges and they do include director former FBI Director James Coomey, he investigators in the so called Russia probe, lawyers in the Department of Justice's National Security Division, and that this was all known to all of these people as it relates to the information in the dossier being false. In other words, they had all this information, they knew that it was questionable at best. Now we have to remember what are the new nas and what are the grassy grandmamos say that the bulk of information in the FISA applications, the original application, the three subsequent renewal applications, the bulk of information to obtain the FISA warrant against the Trump associate Carter Page, was in fact the dossier the Boughton paid for Russian lies of Hillary Clinton. And these email exchanges show that the FBI before they ever filed the first application, were aware before they secured the fies A warrant, that there were intelligence community concerns about the reliability of the main evidence used to support it, that was Christopher Steele's dossier. And the exchange also indicates that FBI officials were aware that Steel, the foreign actor that was hired by Fusion gps I thought foreign nationals weren't supposed to impact our elections, that in fact was working as a confidential human source for the Bureau, had contacts with the news media. In other words, now we get into a whole circular reporting issue that we've talked about to create an image and an impression that there were independent sources corroborating the same news that turns out to be false, and the FBI what we now know. The FBI fired Steel for lying in leaking, but the fi I withheld the information that they had earlier from the American public in Congress for many many months, that Steele had been paid to find dirt on Trump by Hillary and the DNC, and that Steele himself harbored a hatred of Donald Trump. And then, of course, if we ever get the three O two's, even after he's fired, meaning Christopher Steele, even though he can't in an interrogatory in Great Britain, didn't stand by his own dossier. He said, oh fifty fifty at best in that interrogatory. Well, that was what was used to obtain the warrants. And in fact, the FBI knew his media contacts, they knew that he didn't certify it. There was no verification, there was no corroboration of the things that he put in the dossier. And we now find ourselves at a point where pretty much the FBI and this new email chain that was discovered that they kept from Congress members of Congress for the past two years, all of this information that they knew. Let me put it in another way, they willingly used the Hill or Clinton bought and paid for Steel dossier, Russian lies to illegally commit a fraud on the fies the court not once but four times, and purposely lie and also withhold pertinent information defies the court judges in these applications. Now, the person that has broken the story, I think it is most damning evidence to date, and we have had a lot of it. John Solomon joins us now with the hell, how are you, sir? I'm good, Sean, thanks for having me on. All right, So, there is an email chain that basically corroborates that everybody in the FBI DOJ that there was no corroboration of any of the information in the dossier, and quite the opposite, they even had their own doubts. Yeah, let me tell you what specifically, what sources are saying, they're what they're saying is that there's an email chain that only has become known recently to members of Congress that shows that the FBI was aware there were intelligence community concerns about the validity, accuracy, reliability of the Steel dos And that is so important because those concerns enter the FBI leadership chain before the FIS is given to the court and before it's approved. And we know one of the people on that email chain. You don't know how much it designed there yet, but is James Comey, who signs one of the FISA warrants. So the head of the FBI is on an email chain where people are aware and being alerted that the intelligence community has concerns about elements of the Steel dossier. That's important because the FISA regulations require if you're going to use the Steel dossier as corroborating evidence for a warrant, you have to have confirmed it was verified it's accurate, and we now know that we're concerns raised about the accuracy reliability prior to the dossier being used in that capacity. The second thing is we know from the release of the redacted version of the FISA that they used a Yahoo News article has separate corroboration to bolster the dossier. Well, we know that Steel and Yahoo talked, right, Michael scoffin, Steel talked before the publication article. We learned that, but it's never been clear did the FBI know prior to the fies of its steel and yeah, who had talked. We now know, according to email chain the sources who are familiar with it, that the FBI was aware of steels contacts with the media before they went to the fi succurt. If both of those things are true, If the email chain shows both of those things, it would provide prima fac the evidence if the FBI did not meet its obligations to the FICUC court. And people who've seen it, who are talking about it, Devin Ningez talk about this as some of the most damning evidence of wrongdoing it. In other words, wouldn't that be by every definition. Let's let's use Rod rosen Stein's own words, and by the way, can we throw those over to TV so they have it because we're going to get into this more detail tonight. When he said, well, if fis an application, if it's an affidavit, and if and if a career law enforcement officer puts his name to it, he is sort fying with his full faith and confidence that it is fair and true, inaccurate, or there are severe consequences. I think I think I captured his tone cadence when he says it. I think so there's something we ought to talk about there, because you know what, there was a moment this past summer that has stuck in my memory and I wish we can follow up on it in the next morn testimony by Rod Rosenstein. But Jim Jordan basically got Rod Rosenstein to one inch from admitting he never read the FISA application that he signed. If that is true, rod Rosenstein failed his own description of his obligations. That Rod Rosenstein did not fully read the fourth renewal application, which is the one he signed, that is going to constant hang on if he didn't read it, did he really not read it? Or maybe he did read it? And maybe now that he knows, because at the point at which we're discussing this, we now know that the bulk of information to obtain the fisas the phony dossier that even Christopher Steele doesn't them buy. So my question is maybe he actually did know. Maybe actually, and he's just saying it because that's the better of two bad choices. Yeah, yeah, they're both bad choices because the court and the law will not look favorably on the Deputy Attorney General under either circumstance if he knew they were wrong, and he submitted it. He has significant culpability, and he dishonored the Justice Department. And if he didn't read it and do his obligation inside it, he didn't fulfill his obligation, and he dishunted the Justice Department. Doesn't just prove though that they were willing to do anything, including not follow procedure protocol and the actual law itself. And they willingly lied and committed a fraud upon the court to obtain a warrant to spy illegally on an American citizen. Isn't that what we're really talking about? We are? And I think Sean the other maybe two weeks ago, just before Thanksgiving it Devin Neutoni is on and for the first time I heard him describe the insurance policy is something that what's been speculated in the media in the past, and that is the insurance was all the evidence they were going to gather to bulk up with Steele dossier. And I don't know if you remember what Devin said in that interview. You did a great job interview me. He said, when people find out what the insurance policy is, which was a bunch of evidence put together to bulk up a very weak dossier. They're going to be just as a shamed as they are of the dossier. It's just as problematic and concerning. And you know where a lot of that evidence was submitted for the first time to the fight Sup Court that bulk up the questionable Steele dossier. It was on the frice application that Rod Rosenstein submitted, not the three prior but the one he submitted. And I think on your show, Devin said that that there's information in that fourth fice that wasn't in any the other fices and it's as troubling as a Steele dossier itself. I can't wait to the day we get to see that when the president he classifies that. Okay, now, what our own judgments, we thought the president would do this before the election, he decided not to. Now he did give us some insight since then. When right when the question came down, well what are you going to do about all these Democrats that are pledging to you know, start endless investigation after investigation, he said he's got information that he's holding in his back pocket that is going to show their corruption. Now, I kind of like the strategic tactical thinking of it. But I don't know what's worse. I'd prefer, I think, to see what is in those three zero two's and the Gang of Aid and those FISA applications, especially in line of your report. Right, Yeah, I think you know it's interesting. Donald Trump always has a lot of fun on Twitter, right, But I think the real reason my reporting I've done a lot of reporting on. Remember it was the interview with President Trump that I had back in September where he mentioned he was going to classify it, and he just goes for the first time, he hadn't even read the documents. He was trusting the people in Congress and their judgment and he would he would release them without reading himself. So he didn't tamper with the investigation. Here's what my reporting indicates on why the president hasn't done that yet. He hasn't done it because, as lawyers believe, it could be construed as an effort at a structing the investigation in its final phases. It is winding down by all accounts, and the greatest exoneration the president can claim is that the investigation just ended. And guess what, I wasn't charged, just like I told you there was no clusive That is the most important thing. Plus, it ends an investigation that has tormented all of America, all politoclous. I think the President is waiting for that moment, and then I believe all my reporting ind JCS will be prepared at that moment to start to unleash these documents, and we'll then begin to go from the phase of he's been exonerated to let's hold accountable the people who put the sharade upon the American people. Quick Break, we'll have more with our good friend John Solomon. Now he's going to be breaking other news tonight that is also as big as last night's revealed. That's coming up nine Eastern Hannity on Fox News quick Break. Right back, we'll continue straight ahead, right as we continued, John Solomon with the Hill reporting with US. I guess what's so amazing that the FBI and the dj and now we now know they knew that it was at best, so they never corroborated. Now we have an email chain that proves they never corroborated the Steel dossier, the bulk of information for the FISA applications. There are crimes in play here for individuals. This is this. We're going to put people in jail. We're lying to the FBI repeatedly in process crimes. These are real crimes. There really was a not only an effort to prevent Trump from becoming president, but also worse than that, they have an insurance policy to destroy him should he win, which we're now discovering. But you also have a story you're breaking tonight. Can you give us a headline? Well, there are two questions in this whole investigation that particularly conservatives have been most concerned about it. Right The first is was this a railroad? Was this an effort to legitimize President Trump's election victory by creating a bogus election scandal? And I think we are election collusion scandal. And I think you know we from the House Intelligence Committee report, we know from what the Senate Intelligence committe chairman just said recently, still no collusion two and a half years later. I think we're pretty certain that collusion will not be proven. We should wait for BROB. Muller's last report before we make a final determination. But I think the first concern is if it wasn't a real investigation, were abuses committed to create the appearance of a real investigation, and that's what we just talked about. The second question that comes up, because they're really twinned in the consciousness not only of the American public, but in the FBI agents who worked in both cases, was the treatment of the Clintons. Did that Clintons get a disparate treatment from that of President Trump? If there were so much? In other words, we would go ahead. We're going to get the second part. We now know the part that they will deal with the Clintons. Absolutely, yes, you've interpreted exective that I said directly. We're going to learn tonight about some evidence that the Trump Justice Department has had for more than a year about the Cunton Foundation. And I think it will be interesting. It involves whistleblowers. It involves explained why a whistleblower's home was rated recently. It's a different ye, different whist the blower. Though. I think at the end of the day, I'm gonna have to run. But yeah, I think, all right, So John Solomon will be breaking more news on the Clinton foundation tonight. People were looking at me. They wanted an insurance policy just in case I won or Hillary lost, And this was the insurance policy. It's a scam. There was no collusion whatsoever, and the whole thing is a scam. All right, That was the President responding, And now we know that the FBI knew it was a scam. The bulk of the information used to obtain the FISA warrant against Carter Page, the bulk of the application, the FISA application, both the original application three subsequent applications were based on information that was false and the FBI knew it. That's what John Solomon is reporting. And with his new report out tonight, well, we're going to discover just how far and deep the protection was given to Hillary Clinton. You know, we're joined by well, our good friend Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts, author of the book The Russia Hoax, and also David Shone, civil liberties attorney, criminal rights attorney. All Right, you've read Solomon's article. You just turned him in the last half hour. He'd between the report we broke last night, the FBI knew that the information that they were putting in the FISA application was questionable at best. They never verified as the law requires, that protocol requires, and they never corroborated, and they did it anyway using faulty information. So it seems like a conspiracy if you're going to use that word or in terms of the law, legal term, to defraud a FISA court and commit a fraud on a FISA judge, and he illegally obtained a warrant on an American citizen's right. And if I'm Carter paids tonight today, I'm thinking I'm a very wealthy man. By the time this is all said and done. He should be because he was victimized by people who deliberately broke the law. James Comey, Andrew McKay, Sally Yates signed off on the five so warrant Rod Rosenstein, who appears to have known or he ignored and didn't do his duty of due diligence. I spent three chapters in my book The Russia Hoax, presenting the facts, the evidence in the law of how the FBI knew that this dossier was fabricated and phony, they didn't care. They used it to launch the Trump Russia investigation, signing papers July thirty, first, two and sixteen without credible evidence required under federal regulations. And then they took it a step further. They present it to a judge to spy on an American citizen, concealing vital evidence and deceiving the court. That is a fraud on the court. But the bigger picture is that they have committed a fraud on the American polity. Felonies are we talking about potentially here? Well, I've identified in my book six different felonies just with respect to the fires would mean if now this email, as John reports, shows that they knew the information was false, they knew that it was questionable at best, but yet they still used it, they would have You've identified six. That would mean the people that signed it. That would be James Comey, right, Sally Yates, is Andrew mc Andrew McKay, Rod Rosenstein, Rod Rosenstein, Steinn the last one which makes it especially back, which is why he's been obstructing Congress's efforts to get their hands on these documents. The President needs to declassify this information and then we'll see the evidence. How did this email chain We've been at this story now for almost two years, David Show, almost two years? How did we only now get to that point? That's just how good they are concealing this And by the way, it's in one more reason to read Greg's book everyone should have. Let me say this, besides carter Page becoming a well wealthy person, I think honestly that carter Pages lawyers are to give some thought to filing a motion to get him before the fives accord, maybe emotion for contempt because as of today, the Physo Court rules require the modification of any application and the correction of any information that was in that in any application for a warrant, including information that left out the reliability of that information. I think it should be before that court, and that court should now bring sanctions. This is what the United States Supreme Court and every court down the line has written about the danger of the ex parte practice of seeking warrants. Sometimes there are reasons for it, and it's a normal practice, but with the physocort the consequences are even heightened, and the secrecy is for the greatest intrusion into the lives of an American citizen. We can't have even an iota of question about whether an application has reliable information. In this case, now there's apparently strong evidence that they wasn't reliable, and they knew it wasn't reliable. I think he should be proceeding on every front lawsuit. There should be criminal sanctions if this is in fact true, and I think they should bring emotion before the phiz accord. He has standing as are not heard from these Fier Court judges. I know this is a secret court. I know, but that's it. Because it's secret. John Roberts, the Chief Justice in the United States, is actually in charge of the FISA Court. He appointed all twelve members that currently stood on the court. He should issue an order directing the presiding judge of that court to hold a show cause hearing for contempt to haul these individuals in front of the court. And a point, by the way, an outside representative and advocate, because this is a secret, one sided court, to make sure that the interests of Carter Page and others the American public are represented properly. Unbelievable, all right, So now if we get other information we knew about the exoneration, this is a lie that Comey told that. I think eventually he's going to have to be held accountable for he in two separate ways. Number One, by leaking the information as he did to that Columbia professor. Sure, but the purpose of getting that leak to the New York times and appointing a special counsel. But James Comy also lied himself by saying that he didn't write an exoneration before an investigation before interviewing Hillary Clinton. Does that mean he gets the Flint treatment? Does that mean he gets the Michael Khne treatment. Does Cheryl Mills get it? Does Uma Abadeen get it? Does John Brennan get it? Do James Clapper get it? Does Eric Holder get it? Does Lauretta Lynch get it? Because I've got our articles on every one of them having lied before Congress, and I've Michael Cone lied before Congress. He had to fast up to it before a judge. And that's a crime last time I checked. Right, Yeah, I think it's an example of it, and we'll be an example of some of the most selective enforcement of the laws that we have ever seen unless these people are brought to justice. The same thing's going on, by the way, you see Manafort prosecuted. What about Podesta and Greg Craig. What's going to happen in those cases? We're gonna have to wait and see. But listen, this is an whole new set of questions to ask Comy with this information coming out and it's critically important that they be prepared when they have him in these congressional hearings to get him under oath about these things. And a question and there will be will Daniel Richmond represent him? Because Comey said he's represented still by Richmond, David Kelly, Pat Fitzgerald. How interesting that he has the three people that would be otherwise used against him in a case like this, isn't it right? And remember, Daniel Richmond has a specific conflict. He worked as a special government employee for over a year for the DOJ. His duty was to the DOJ, not to Comy. There's a real conflict there. And under the US Code Section two zero five, eighteen USC. Two zero five, he's prohibited from appearing against ay the interests of any agency that he worked for in any matter he was involved in. It's gonna be interesting how this plays out. He's a law professor. He certainly knows better. Comy is one of the most prodigious liars, in my judgment, ever to hold a high government position. And you know, he brags about it. You know he's on the view and he readily admits that he's a liar. And all you have to do is look at the presidential memos he authored and stole and then leaked. They are right, you know, lies to president. He says that good people can lie. I mean, I guess he wasn't talking about Michael Flynn. He wasn't talking about George Papadopoulos or any of the other people talking about himself and Drew McCabe here second in McCann McCabe demand McCabe was fired for lying multiple times within the FBI. You defended his character on Twitter. That's that's okay. Lying is okay internally, No, it's definitely not. In fact, the McCabe case illustrates what an organization that's committed to the truth looks like. We investigated hold. I ordered that investigation. We investigate and hold people accountable. Good people lie. I lay out in the book. I think I'm a good person. Where I've lied, I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person. Oh, every good people lie. I've lied. I've laid it out on my book. He says, well, I got news for him. I didn't lie in my book. I presented facts, evidence in law. His book is one big lie. And I mean, you would need a calculator to keep track of all of the lies and deceptions that James Comey has been peddling for the better part of two and a half years. Let's go to the Flynn sentencing recommendation from earlier this week. It's interesting because two antiquated laws were cited in this. One is the Logan Act. This is interesting to me. There are only two known instances, David. I've done a little research the little Greg Jarrett on my own here in which individuals have been indicted for violating the Logan Act, the last of which was in eighteen fifty three. Neither indictment resulted in a conviction. And the Farah law, which is you know when you're doing businesses with foreign governments, Well, in September twenty sixteen, they should have reported the DOJ that tallied all the prosecutions unto FARA since nineteen sixty six, there's been seven, with I believe one conviction. That's great work. Listen, if they're going to bring that's what you do to a thirty three year veteran five years of active duty combat. That's how we treat him right. And it's a classic situation of having the special counsel decide who is telling the truth and who isn't. He rewards those who give him what he wants, and otherwise he punishes them. But listen, if there's going to be a Logan Act prosecution, ever, line up John Kerry, because John Kerry was overseas marshaling Iran against our country, undercutting the Trump administration with the recently Yeah, line them up first if you really want to bring a Logan The truth is the Logan Act is a joke. And you know, in the twentieth century nobody was ever indicted or prosecuted. Why constitutional scholars and lawyers and judges all agree it is unconstitutional. Logan Act, by the way, again twice since eighteen it was a law. By the way, this was law. It's seventeen ninety nine. Right, it's dormant two times. But it is prohibiting unauthorized private diplomacy with foreign nations. And you're right, David, that John Kerry would have violated it. But wait a minute. This is an incoming national security advisor talking to a future counterpart, which seems to me to be logical. It has no application because first of all, Michael Flynn wasn't acting as a private citizen, but rather as a government representative of the incoming administration. And this is what all transition teams, including the last president's transition team, Barack Obama, did, engaging with foreign diplomats and foreign governments to prepare them for the incoming administration and the challenges that lay ahead. The Logan Act has no application, but they used it. Sally Yates used it as a pretext to interview and entrap Michael Flynn. Well, now nobody talks about those little known facts in my bust. Okay, by the way, it's called the Russia hoax. We've I quick Greg more with David Shona and Greg Jarrett on the other side. Right as we continue, Greg Jarrett and David Shone is with us, and we left off talking about the Logan Act and so on and so forth. Now, the thing is that nobody talks about is that we know that Lieutenant General Flynn was illegally surveiled. There was no minimization. He also was unmasked, and it was raw intelligence before he ever went into an interview with the FBI that the FBI didn't even think he was lying about. They had a whole transcript of an illegally taped phone call by the government. Am I wrong on that? You're right, You're absolutely right. So they knew what he was, they knew what he had said, and anything that deviated from that phone call they were gonna say guilty. And remember they withheld the belief by the FBI that he did not lie. Listen, every fact surrounding the Flynn case, in my view is it makes it a pitiful case. This is a man who served his country with great distinction for many, many years. It's it's an absolute example of the Justice Department seeking injustice rather than justice, turning the screws to his family, leaving him without the resources to really defend himself in this case. And he had no choice but to do what he did. But isn't that the case with a lot of people. You know, look at ninety percent of the American people can barely survive three months economically if a catastrophe hits their family. So when you have the added costs being in government. I know people now that serving government that actually are paying to work on those jobs. That's how big a sacrifice is. By the time they hire their attorneys and all every time you have to go before a congressional committee. Every time you have to go before an investigator, it's over and over. So he had to sell his house. Oh yeah, and they also, I would bet any amount of money I had. They threatened his kid who worked with her. Oh they did. I've confirmed that, and I, you know, have presented that in columns and in the book as well. Here's what happened. Sally Yates, who was then the acting attorney general until Jeff Sessions took over, decides she's going to damage Trump. She gets a transcript the surveillance of this conversation between Flynn and Kissley Act. She says, let's use the logan act as a pretext. Will go in there and interview them, interview him even though and we have the transcript, and that'll give us an excuse for interviewing him. And if he deviates one word from that transcript in his account of it, based on his memory, will charge him with Lyne Well. Peter Struck and another agent who interviewed him came out of that and said he didn't lie, told the truth. Otherwise, McCabe and call me both on record. Think he did it a lot. Is exactly right. So the DJ drops it along comes Robert Muller and his special counsel. They resurrect the case and prosecute Flynn for lying even though he told the truth, to squeeze him for some information to implicate Donald Trump in so called collusion. Last for it, David, I think Greg just had the last word. That's really what's gone on in this case. Greg has a lot of material for the sequel. As I've said before, I'm really eager to hear what's going to come out tonight. You could hear how you reported on your show, and it's just us. It's an absolute shock to the justice system as operated and going to be this way. Is it really a shock or have they had free rain now for decades and that the whole thing is because Donald Trump is a disruptor. You're right, but I hope it's still a shock to the American people that it's in such dysfunction. Problem is the media doesn't report what we do. All right, Thank you both, great insight. Uh, Happy Hanuka to you by the way, David, and Merry Christmas to you, mister number one bestseller Quick Freak. We'll come back, well, we'll come in to y'all city sell and if you want a little banging, you ain't come along, will. We lode through Cincinnati and we all got really happy, wrapped the bowl of that Skyline chili along the way. Then we rolled on in the camp and scared to hell, have a Maryland manson. Then the hardy started happening. Yay. We ran into Jessica and a little moved, got a rod bums and we're coming all right. That can only mean one thing that my buddy John Richards in New York and he's in studio. You just told me, what's what your tenth winding anniversary? Your kids are eight and seven? Now remember the little teeny boppers you just had your baby? I know, man, Yeah, they're seven and eight, have been married ten years today. That's a that's an accomplishment, man, right, save a horse, ride a cowboy, Yes, all right. So all of a sudden, I'm watching I've got a huge country music family, whole life, you sir, another. And then all of a sudden and there's this video of you and Big and Kenny, Big Kenny, and I'm like, what the hell is this? What just happened? What just happened? Um? And then you create the music mafia, right, and you add all these other incredible artists. Yeah, you're one of the most prolific and really best writers of music I know. And I get to be your buddy and hang with you and watch you do your thing. What do I tell you every time I see you? Why couldn't God make me a singer? I want to do this? Well, You're welcome on stage anytime with us, you know that. Yeah, that'll ruin your song. Man. It's it's been a great, great run. We got new music out now. I mean it's it's pretty incredible to see, uh the impact big and rich music has had around the United States. But um, you know, I'm in New York. I come up here and talking about the Folds of Honor, which I know is a group that you're time big time. You know. Folds of Honor puts kids through college who lost a mom or dad fighting in combat, or a spouse to college who lost a spouse. And I've got this new whiskey, Sean. It's called Red Nick Riviera American blended whiskey. And you know me, we've been out a couple of times now. I'll say, if Sean takes it easy, I don't take it so easy sometimes around Sean because I get excited around Sean Hannity. No, No, you're not telling the right story. I'm gonna be honest here. You cannot hang with John Rich unless you're willing to stay out till the sun comes up. Number one, Number two, whether you like, Well, I guess it's gonna be Redneck Riviera whiskey from now. Well, I wasn't a Crown Royal guy. Well, I was gonna say you were a Crown and Crown Royal just taste like crap to me. Well, it's Canadian blended whiskey. I've always drank that, and I got to one er in a couple of years back. Well I've been drinking this Canadian blended all these years. Where's the American blended whiskey? And nobody had it right? So I said, well, I'm gonna make it. So I worked on it for all of twenty seventeen. We put it out at the beginning of this year. We're now in forty one states. So if you go, they're actually in Vegas, you own a bar. It's called the Redneck Riviera. One in Vegas, one in Nashville as well, in downtown. Yeah. So I'm hanging out with you one night. You and Big can you guys Big and Rich are up on the stage. You're singing a bunch of songs. But you got a bar in the back right of that, and tell the story about what you have to do when you go to the bar in the back and you're a you can show that you're a military person. Uh okay, So if you're active duty or you're a vet. And this goes for all the Redneck RIVERA bars out there. First drinks on the house in Nashville, it's it's buy one, get ones all night long. We comp half their drinks. We had we hire active duty and vets to work at Redneck Rivera. So we're employing veterans and active duty and then we give ten percent of the profits tithe. As we know, my dad's a preacher, man. He talked me about tithe growing up ten percent of every bottle of Redneck Rivera. But you're you're like your dad must have done a lot of prayer and fasting still does still goes man, he's always praying for you. You're tearing it up. Well, you know, I picked my shots nowadays, But but I was gonna say ten percent of every bottle of Redneck rivere a whiskey that we sell goes to the Folds of Honor. And I just wrote them a check that covered thirty seven college grants. And my goal this year though, was forty. I wanted to hit forty college grants with the whiskey swam three short. So I wanted to come on your radio show and say, guys, gals, if you're out there, go to Redneck via dot com. How much is it to get to the how much do you need to get to the forty total we need to sell? We need to sell a couple thousand more bottles, which can be done. We can pull out I can and I can buy a one hundred and didn't give him out to my audience. You could do that, I could do that. You could do that. Well, I consider it done. Redneck rivera dot com. It's got a store locator. You just click on that, put your zip code in, Boom, the stores pop up. Listen, this is real for you now. I work with the Freedom Alliance for a lot of years. They do scholarships too, like Folds of Honor, and I know a lot of guys have folks at Fox do it with Folds of Honor at the Great Charity. The other one I work with lately is Building Home for Heroes Guy Andy that runs it Unbelievable Guy. One of my favorite big and Rich songs, and they're all my favorite. Honestly. When you guys jam, it is a party, it's just fun. I always have fun around you. So, you guys did a song about the eighth of November. I want to just play a little bit of it because, Okay, I watch you guys perform it, it blows me away the reaction of the crowd to explain what the story is about, because you start by Chris Stofferson starts that, yes, by telling a story. Yeah. So November eight to nineteen sixty five was the first major ambush in the Vietnam More thirty Americans went out, only three survived the ambush. One was our friend Niles Harris who lives in Deadwood, South Dakota. Big Kenny and I met him many years ago. He was a bartender and we met him at the end of one of our sets found out about his story. He was at Walter Reid for two years. After that, got out of Walter Reid, signed up and did three more tours of Vietnam for the one hundred and seventy third Airborne Brigade out of Fort Benning, Georgia. We were so blown away by his story and patriotism like our buddy was, like our buddy Marcus Latroute Loland survivor. Absolutely so we wrote this song that's literally a play by play of what went down on the eighth of November with our friend Niles Harris play a little of this as he lives after Court White Bows, the Red, White and Blue. He was nineteen in gree with the New M sixteen, just doing what he had to do. He was dropped down the jungle where the choppers would rumble with the smell of name arm in the air, and the sergeant said, look at like a Donke evil cloud while under came down on you man twenty nine. They one for the life, but most of them died in the one seventy bird evermore on the member ain't go crying as a Carria brother away the fire laying down in the hill. You know, this is just one of many many hits that you guys have um and I just love your music, and you know you get to do cool stuff. I know, the behind the scenes of the life of a musician. You got to spend lots and lots of hours in a bus, in a little cubicle, and and but then you get to play, right, it's north it they turn you loose. Yeah, So you know, you spend your whole life practicing. You know, I tell people, you talk about our vets and active duty, what they really are are preserving is the American dream. And for me, that's making music and writing songs and doing that. For you, look at look at where you're on the radio, you're on television. You're getting a message out that's important to you. That's what they fight for. But you got to spend your whole life getting good at it. Man. You know, I think I think one problem in America today is a lot of people think they have the right to be happy, to be comfortable. You don't have the right to be happy. You have the right to pursue happiness. And to me, that in the pursuit of happiness is the American dream. One of the You're one of the few people that's not shy about talking politics, and I know it's probably your ages, Like oh no, Hannity's going there, No I'm oh, man, no, no, And you know Donald Trump, I do. I was the Apprentice, was on Celebrity. You tell me not to do the show. You said, why would you do that crazy show? John, I said, I don't. I'm gonna go on there for Saint Jude. I think I can win. I said, I'm only going on to see if I can raise a million bucks for Saint Jude. And you ended up winning. We ended up winning, and you helped. Yeah, I don't remember. I gave you some money and he gave me some money for Saint Jude's cool. Um, But I what was he like in that environment? Because we have Peers Morgan on earlier this week. I like Peers a lot. It's a good He's crazy. I love him, and he's outspoken like us. Um, what was that like for you? What did you think of Trump? Then? Well, one interesting thing I noticed about him is when you're at the boardroom, at the table, you know, he's a big guy, he's a big person. He's big, and so what he does is when he'll ask you a question, he leans in. He'll lean across the table and look at you right in the eye without blinking and ask you a question. And I was watching him do that, and when he does that, there's a you know, there's a force field around this guy basically, and people will lean back, like away from him and answer the question. And I watched that go on. It got my turn a few episodes in and he goes, so, John Rich, how is Gary Abuse? He has your project manager? And he leaned in on me, and I leaned right back in on him, and I said, mister Trump, he's the nicest bunch of guys I've ever met. And he said, he started laughing. He goes, that's a big statement. I mean, Gary, you're talented, Gary, you're kind of nuts, right, John Rich said it. Yeah, it's a good statement, but I think at that minute not bad. It's not quite there yet. But if you look him in the eye and and and push pushed back against what he's got, he respects that out of people. All right, quick break, Welcome back more with the Great John Rich, redneck Rivieria dot com. We'll put it up on our website if you want to help out. Folds of Honor and more on the other side, and we're gonna play the eulogy. George W. Bush's eulogy was unbelievable yesterday, very touching. I know most of you are working, so um, I want you to hear it. It's it's really goes to the heart of a great relationship between a father and a son. Right, as we continue, John Richards with us in studio today. Now, your dad was you told me once and correct me if I'm wrong. A fire and brimstone guy. Yeah, still attaches at the prisons. All right, So you big time? You know you party, you have a good time. I know you're faithful, I know you're You're a strong Christian, Yes, sir, I know that's who you are deep in your heart. Um. Holy Water, by the way, is another amazing song. Watch that video. I ask anybody, it's great. But does he not like you're creating whiskey for example? Right? Does he care about that? Does he care about your party too much? I asked him about it, and he said, well, are you tithing on its first? That's what he said, malacat three ten the tithing verse. I said, yes, sir, who you tithed them too? I said, folds of honor? What do they do they put kids to college who lost a parent in combat? He goes, how's it going. I said, we're almost at forty scholarships. He goes, well, Jesus didn't turn the water into doctor pepper. That was his answer. Does he drink or no? No, no, no, he's not at all. It's hardcore. I think it's like anything else, as long as it's not to excess and doesn't mess your life up. You know, people people that if you eat too much, that's a bad thing. If you do anything too much, it's a bad thing. You know. No, I agree, but um, what's the worst that with? Your biggest disappointment to him? Because I would think growing up with a fire and brimstone preacher Dad, that's rough man and I you were a help Listen. I was incorrigible as a kid. Oh, we would have been best terrible. We would know. It's a good thing we didn't grow up together. Dude, you have no idea. You would both probably be behind. Not here. My mother swore I was either gonna be successful or in prison. Yeah, that that's kind of between. Well, we're either we're either in park or we're got the floor to the penalty of the floor. You know. I think he was concerned about me, especially in my twenties and early thirties when it was just I mean, full blown rock and roll out there. But one good thing I've got him, I've got my Granny Rich. You's still alive. She's eighty six. A matter of fact, she was the final taste tester of Red Nick Rivere whiskey. I say, it's Granny rich approved. And she still works a forty hour a week and you know she'll have a little whiskey. But you know, I think he watched me go through that, and it was probably a little prodigal son there for a while. But then you come back around, you make the circle and you're still alive. God took carry you, kept you out of harm's way, and you realize how fortunate you are to have made it through that. I call it the wonder years. It's a wonder I lived through him, you know, Like I went to Catholic schools. What I realized later is it got in right like, because you can't live that way and not start feeling like crap overliving that way. That's exactly what that is in anybody's life. I mean, there's a lot of that that's out there. Yeah, and then I've got two kids, you know, I've got two sons. So now they're watching. By the way, my son's older than yours. God is going to pay you. Boy. I'm warning you, it's if you get it back twice as bad. Well I earned it. Did your dad hit you? Minded? Spankings were pretty common around my house. But but once I got the belt, you never got the belt. No, I got the belt all the time. But once once I got too big for that, he started coming up with these creative punishments. So this one time he said, all right, go out in the backyard. This is Amorala, Texas. He said, dig me a hole that's three feet by three feet by three feet. And it was like nine o'clock at night. I was out there till one o'clock in the morning chopping this hole out. He said, all right, next time it's four feet. Next time it's five feet. And I stopped it. And so I'm trying to be a creative punisher in my house. Listen, I never hit my kids, um, but what I found work. Just take away their stuff. Yeah they got if they got a lot of stuff, start taking it away. You take away that electronic whatever, yeah, and let me And I used to make them just stay in their room. Yeah, my son would be in there and I go in an hour ladio okay, oh yeah it's great, Yeah, the hour three. Yeah, well we've got you know. Meanwhile, what daughter can be in there twelve hours and she's building tens and you know, reading, and we like to go out and shoot BB guns and teach them how to split a split a log and build a campfire. And BB guns got me in trouble, John a baby guns. I shot out some headlights. Yeah, yeah, you and I would have been We would have been the pair. I hate to tell you. We used to have BB gun fights shooting at each other. Yeah. It feels like getting stung by wasp. Never forget. One kid had right up here and it's lodged in right above the eyebrow. Yeah, all right, we gotta let it go here, all right? Uh, where do we go to help you out? With you guys? Everybody out there listening? Yeah, go to redneck Riviera dot com. The front page it says store locator, put your zip code in. You'll find those bottles in your hometown. We're in forty one states. I'm trying to get those last three scholarships paid for all. I'm gonna put it up on Hannity dot Com. I'm gonna buy a bunch of bottles and we'll give him away on their sounds great. All right, appreciate you. All right, John Rich, Big and Rich. We'll continue the radio show. The mainstream media Love State. This is the Sean Hannity Show. All right, twenty five down till the top of the hour. Eight hundred nine one, Shawn is our number. You want to be a part of the program. So I'm watching this eulogy George W. Bush, and I know most people didn't get to see it or hear it because it happened like eleven in the morning, and it's so powerful, with so many different levels. It is about honoring a great man who also happens to be your father. And I just wanted to play some of the highlights of the because it was just well you'll understand as you listen. Well, we have an awful lot of fun too. Always a delight to be in the President's box at the Kennedy Center. Off to a play at the National Theater of the Warner with the bushes and outside of the President's box one evening and there was a massive six foot vase but an extraordinary glaze. I hope you know the difference to it in a vase and of oz thirty five bucks. Now George walked up to it and he said, well, wait, I think that's Etruscan. I noticed that, he said, this blue grayish glaze from that period, a play that could only be found during that era. And I said, no, no, George, the patina there gives me the perception it was possibly older, perhaps of Greek origin, with that particular herbal paste. Before firing, of of course, people gathered around mumbling about these expert observers, and Barbara and Anne finally came by and said, get out of here, both of you, get back in that box. Well we did well. It was impressive for a while. And then, of course, one night the four of us one to see Michael Crawford singing the songs of Andrew Lloyd Webber. All four of us were singing as we went back to the White House. Don't cry for me. Argentina then titbits from the fabom of the Opera and other magic of Webber. And a few days later he's getting hammered by the press for some extraordinarily petty bit of trivia and suddenly he sings out, don't cry for me Argent. The press then wrote that he was finally losing his marbles. I once heard it set of man that the idea is to die young as late as possible. At age eighty five, a favorite pastime of George H. W. Bush was firing up his boat, the Fidelity, and opening up the three horsepower engines to fly joyfully fly across the Atlantic, with the Secret Service boats straining to keep up. At age ninety, George H. W. Bush parachuted out of an aircraft and landed on the grounds of Saint Ann's by the Sea and Kenny Bugport, Maine, the church where his mom was married and where he worshiped often. MO would like to say he chose the location just in case the shoot didn't open. In his nineties, he took great delight when his closest pal, James A. Baker, smuggled a bottle of Gray Goose vodka into his hospital room. Apparently it paired well with the stake Baker had delivered from Morton's to his very last days. Dad's life was instructive as he aged. He taught us how to grow with dignity, humor, and kindness, and when the Good Lord finally called, how to meet him with courage and with the joy of the promise of what lies ahead. One reason Dad knew how to die young is it he almost did it twice. When he was a teenager, a staff infectionarily took his life. A few years later, he was alone in the Pacific on a life raft, praying that his rescuers would find him before the enemy did. God answered those prayers, it turned out he had other plans for George H. W. Bush. For Dad's part, I think those brushes with death made him cherish the gift of life, and he vowed to live every day to the fullest. Dad was always busy, a man in constant motion, but never too busy to share his love of life with those around him. He taught us to love the outdoors. He loved watching dogs flush a covey, he loved landing the elusive striper, and once confined to a wheelchair, he seemed happy sitting in his favorite perch on the back porch at Walker's Point, contemplating the majesty of the Atlantic. The horizons he saw were bright and hopeful. He was a genuinely optimistic man and That optimism guided his children and made each of us believe that anything was possible. He continually broadened his horizons with daring decisions. He was a patriot. After high school, he put college on hold and became a Navy fighter pilot as World War Two broke out. Like many of his generation, he never talked about his service until his time as a public figure forced his hand. We learned of the attack on chi Chi Jima, the mission completed, the shootdown, We learned of the death of his crewmates, whom he thought about throughout his entire life, and we learned of the rescue. And then another audacious decision. He moved his young family from the comforts of the East coasts to Odessa Texts. He and Mom adjusted to their arid surroundings quickly. He was a tolerant man, after all. He was kind and neighborly to the women with whom he Mom and I shared a bathroom and our small duplex, even after he learned their profession Ladies of the Night. Dad could relate to people from all walks of life. He was an empathetic man. He valued character over pedigree, and he was no cynic. He looked for the good and east person, and he usually found it. Dad taught us that public services noble and necessary, that one conserved with integrity and hold true to the important values like faith and family. He strongly believed that it was important to give back to the community and country in which one lived. He recognized as serving others enriched the giver's soul. To us, his was the brightest of a thousand points of light in victory. He shared credit when he lost his shouldered the blame. He accepted that failure is a part of living a full life, but taught us never to be defined by failure. He showed us how setbacks can strengthened. None of his disappointments could compare with one of life's greatest tragedies, the loss of a young child. Jef and I were too young to remember the pain and agony he and Mom felt when our three year old sister died. We only learned later that Dad, a man of quiet faith, prayed for her daily. He was sustained by the love of the Almighty and the real and enduring love of her Mom. Dad always believed that one day he would hug his precious Robin again. He loved to laugh especially at himself. He could tease and needle, but never out of malice. He placed great value on a good joke, so I chose Simpson to speak on email. He had a circle of friends with whom he shared or received the latest jokes. His grading system for the quality of the joke was classic George Bush. The rare sevens and eights were considered huge winners. Most of him off color. George Bush knew how to be a true and loyal friend. He nurtured and honored many his many friendships with a generous and giving soul. There exists thousands of handwritten notes encouraging or sympathizing, or thanking his friends and acquaintances. He had an annoy amost capacity to give of himself. Many a person would tell you that Dad became a mentor and a father figure in their life. He listened and he consoled. He was their friend. I think of Don Rhodes, Taylor Blanton, Jim Nance, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and perhaps the unlikeliest of all, the man who defeated him, Bill Clinton. My siblings and I refer to the guys in this group as brothers from other mothers. He taught us that a day was not meant to be wasted. He played golf at a legendary pace. I always wonder why I insisted on speed golf. He's a good golfer. Well, here's my conclusion. He played fast so that he can move on to the next event, to enjoy the rest of the day, to expend his enormous energy, to live at all. He was born with just two settings, full throttle. Then sleep taught us what it means to be a wonderful father, grandfather, and great grandfather. He was firm in his principles and supportive as we began to seek our own ways. He encouraged and comforted, but never steered. We tested his patience, I know I did, but he always responded with the great gift of unconditional love. Last Friday, when I was told he had minutes to live, I called him. The guy answered the phone said he I think he can hear you, but he hadn't said anything for most of the day. I said, Dad, I love you, and you've been a wonderful father. And the last words he would ever say on earth were I love you too. To us, he was close to perfect, but not totally perfect. His short game was lousy. He wasn't exactly fred Astare on the dance floor. The man couldn't stomach vegetables, especially broccoli. And by the way, he passed these genetic defects along to us. Finally, every day of his seventy three years of marriage, Dad taught us all what it means to be a great husband. He married a sweetheart. He adored her, He laughed and cried with her. He was dedicated to her totally. In his old age, Dad enjoyed watching police show reruns volume on high, all the while holdings Mom's hand. After died, Dad was strong, but all he really wanted to do was hold Mom's hand again. Of course, Dad taught me another special lesson. He showed me what it means to be a president who served with integrity, leads with courage, and acts with love in his heart for the citizens of our country. When the history books are written, they will say that George H. W. Bush was a great President of the United States, a diplomat of unmasked skill, a commander in chief of formidable accomplishment, and a gentleman who executed the duties of his office with dignity and honor, and as an order address, the forty first President of the United States said this, We cannot hope only to leave our children a bigger car, a bigger bank account. We must hope to give them a sense of what it means to be a loyal friend, a loving parent, a citizen who leaves his home, his neighborhood, and town better than he found it. What do we want the men and women who work with us to save when we are no longer there, that we were more driven to succeed than anyone around us, or that we stopped to ask if a sick child had gotten better and state a moment there to trade a word of friendship. Well, Dad, we're going to remember you for exactly that and much more, and we're gonna miss you. Your decency, sincerity, and kind soul will stay with us forever. So through our tears, let us know the blessings of knowing and loving you, A great and noble man, the best father, a son, and her daughter hit a half, and in our grief by this smile knowing that Dad is hugging Robin and holding Mom's hand again. That was George W. Bush honoring his father. That was the eulogy he gave. Really tough at the end, as he rightly said, the most wonderful things. Only two times in American history has a father and son has a father and son ever been president of the United States. So that was Bush forty three, given a heartfelt euloge as a father. And the second funeral service of George H. W. Bush is underway in Texas, and the President laid to rest today on the grounds of the Presidential Library Museum, where many people. If you haven't had time to go to one of these museums, they're great. We'll be right back, all right. We're gonna blow a brand new report out tonight with John Solomon, Devin Newness. We have Michelle Malkin is joining us, Robert to Hernandez, Joe Concha is going to check in in. Dan Bongino also our Fox Morning team apparently got to spend time at the White House and see everything that was going on there. Ainsley and Doocy join us, which will put a little holiday fun and we'll talk about the war on Christmas. That's ninetiestern tonight, Hannity, Fox News. We'll see it then back here tomorrow as always, Thanks for being will USh