O'Reilly Trump Tour - December 1st, Hour 2

Published Dec 1, 2021, 11:01 PM

 Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and his new bestseller, “Killing the Mob, talks about his upcoming History Tour with President Trump and the latest media news. 

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Only mean one thing on this program, and that's all things simple, man, He's not really simple. Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly at Bill O'Reilly dot com. St O'Reilly, Sir. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, did you? Yes? I did, Hannity, thank you very much. And I know you do it as well. But I bet you didn't do what I did. I bet you don't fry your turkey. No, and I don't ung fu it either, So Hannity, I don't When did you get this kung fu? I do mixed martial arts, right, That's what I do. It's even exhaustive explaining um anyway, So there's a lot of stuff going on, YEA once on your mind today. Well, I'm under a lot of pressure because the Trump O'Reilly History Show. The first one is in ten days for Lorderdale Sunrise the FLA Live Arena on December eleventh, Saturday, and I'm I'm prepping to make this the most thorough interview ever done with Donald Trump. So I like your help in a sense that by the way, we actually put a link on my website. It's on your website, billareilly dot com. And I know you sold thirty forty thousand tickets already, but there's still some seats available in some locations, so that would be great. So wait, wait, you said you want my help. You know, I'm I'm asking a few, not a lot. I don't want a big cacophony, but I'm asking a few people who know the Trump administration very well what they believe they would like to know as far as history is concerned. So there's a whole bunch of stuff. I mean, I just got finished researching President Trump's trip in twenty eighteen to Europe to honor to World War One dead remember that when Atlantic Magazine accused him of disparaging the dead Marines. You know, I found out a lot of really interesting new stuff about it. Yeah, like fake news again shotka right, horrible, But it was way more than just lying about it. It was the way that it came about. So I'm doing a lot of research, and I want to know what interests you give me a couple? Wow, Now that all right, I'm gonna take this seriously, George, you're asking me. I like the fact I didn't like the idea of your tour when I first heard it, And I said, now, all right, he's gonna be O'Reilly. You know he's gonna go in, he's gonna be gig be doing the non cupcake interview, and you know, putting Trump on the spot. And when you told me that it's going to be very different than that, I was actually glad to hear it. And then I supported it, and I would actually advise people to go see it. I think it's gonna be fascinating. But you're asking me these are questions that I would like to have answered. I'll tell you one that comes right to the top of my mind. I believe that George W. Bush forty three became president. In other words, he knew he was president because a lot of presidents will say, like Reagan famously said after he won in nineteen eighty, now what do we do? It's surreal. And I interviewed Trump very early in the administration, you know, what's this like? Now you're the president? As it hit you yet, and he gave an interesting answer. I don't want to give it away. So I think Bush became president the day he went to New York City and stood on a pile of rubble and took a bullhorn, and soon the rest of them will hear from all of us. I think he became president in that moment. I think Reagan when he said, now what you know, it's like surreal. You know, there's only been forty six presidents of the United States. So I would want to know at what moment Donald Trump realized the magnitude of being the president of the United States. And I asked that question because you're you're doing this for historical purposes. That's an interesting question. Um, I might have to frame it a little bit differently because now I'm going to get edited. Okay, look, you and I know Donald Trump pretty well. I would say we know him better than okay. He's not an introspective man, nope, okay, doesn't like lookbacks, doesn't like to analyze what happened in the past. So what I have to do, and I think that your question is a good one, is bring him into the White House itself and say something like, were you ever scared? Was there ever something that was presented to you particularly early on that you and holy you know what? What am I going to do that make it a personal thing? Because he reacts emotionally and personally, and that's what many of my questions are going to be rather than the dry stuff you get on sixty minutes. It's all about emotion. But well, I have a second question. You ready for number two? I am now you and I take this for granted because this has been our lives for our professional career. But and we've interviewed many presidents. And here's a question though. You know, every time you're around the president and I would see the nuclear football. I would see there is one man dedicated to carrying that football and being next to the President's side at all times. In case, God forbid, the president and only the president has to launch a nuclear weapon. I would like to know what the president felt at different times when he thought about that enormous amount of responsibility and power. You know, I might frame it this way. Why why am I even trying to answer your question? Annity? But you know I'm not Haiti Turr. I'm not gonna just tell him. Man, people what what somebody told me to say? How about this? Of all the world leaders, who do you think is most capable of starting a nuclear war? I know the answer, don't tell everybody because I don't know it. I know the answer. But isn't that a fascinating question. It is, and I've actually asked it, but it doesn't matter. You need to ask that question. That's a good question. But the nuclear football itself is around him all day and all night, every president, right, and at some point I would imagine you're looking over and you know, does it hit you? Does it strike you? Holy Adam ship? Yeah? All right. Last question is an obvious one. You probably have it as part of your questions, but you know, maybe you don't. So I'm gonna give you one last one and then I'm done playing the silly game that you're making me play, because what's the point. I give you a question and then you edit it down to what you want to do anyway. But um, so it's kind of a funny, you know, a funny thing, all right. So the last thing I would say is what did you most love about the job? And what did you most hate about the job? The press? I'm paid, I probably yeah, um, but love about job is good. Um. And that'll be at the end that you know, because I'll kind of start with the heavy take away. The press is an answer to what he hated the most and saying, except for the book, put the press aside. How did you not like about the job. Okay, I like it, and that I probably will use verbatim. And you know, I'm just thinking about Cocker. I'm one for three. The nuclear football thing. I hope Hunter Biden doesn't happen. Oh my god. Imagine you've been following this Laptop from Hell book by Miranda. You know what's fascinating about that is that there hasn't been one left wing news organization or social media company that censored that story, that has explained why they censored it or apologized for it. Do you realize that not one? And you combine that with Russian collusion and I wrote this in my message in the day on Bill O'Reilly dot com this morning. You combine those two enormous events that both turned out to be fraud, I mean outright fraud, and you are looking at the destruction of the American media. I think quick break more with Bill O'Reilly than your calls eight hundred and nine one Sean. As we continue well with Bill O'Reilly, all things o'reiley, Bill O'Reilly dot com. You know I will say this, um, look at the media today, Bill, it's I think journalism. I said this in two thousand and seven. No one, no one will ever give me credit for it. But I wasn't wrong. Media is dead. Journalism in America is dead now. For example, if people ask, you know, people think I don't know what why. People don't understand what it is that you and I do. And we actually have slightly different roles. But I'm a talk show host. Bill on radio and TV. We do straight news reporting, and you know, I could produce thousands of hours on radio and TV of that. We do investigative reporting. Three years on the deep State, we were vindicated completely Barack's radical associations, black liberation, theology airs, darn right. We did all of that. We also do opinion, and I don't hide the fact that I'm a registered conservative and I support America first, make America great again, Ronald Reagan conservatism because it works. And I also do culture and sports. So that's the talk show host. All these other people Bill claim to be objective, they're not. They claim to be fair and balanced, they're not. They're talk show host. But they won't admit it. Why because they want a certain status, particularly if they live in Washington in the community. But here's how that it is. You know, there are a lot of phonies in our business. And I could sit here and rattle off the names, and so could you. We all know them. You and I know these people are their phonies. A lot of them aren't particularly bright. Um, they may look good. There's a reason they're there, but you're not going to learn much from them. But look at this Chris Cuomo thing. And I saw your comments about Cuomo that you believe in second chances, and I thought that was very charitable. M Cuomo gets caught up in something that he had no idea. He was trying to help his brother. Okay, but essential journalism one O one and I have a master's degree in journalism. Okay, essential journalism one O one is if you are personally involved in any story, you recuse yourself. Just like here's here's what hear me out on this. No, I'm listening to you. Okay. So number one Chris Cuomo, who's not a journalist, Okay, he doesn't recuse himself, but even worse than that, his company. And he doesn't walk in and say you can't cover your brother. You can't. So it's not going to be permitted, you know what I stand. Let me interject this bill the difference. You see. I think Chris is a talk show host like I am, but I think he calls himself a journalist. I think he may even believe it. He's not. He's not. Look, he worked at ABC after he worked at Fox. I remember him coming into my office and I like him all right. He came into my office, very respectful, sat down, said, look, I got an offer to go to ABC News to do X, Y and Z. I like it at Fox. I'm learning a lot. You know, what would you do? Because I had worked at ABC as a correspondent for two years, and you know I gave him as I would give anyone, the best advice I could give him. But it is clear to me that Chris Cuomo was in the business of celebrity, trying to get famous, trying to make money, rather than digging around trying to break stories. That's what real journalists do. They try to find out facts that the American people don't know. Is that going on anywhere? It's funny. But I would argue, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, and tell me you disagree with me. I would argue that some of the best work I've ever done in my career was the deep dive into the phony dossier, the FISA applications, and I've been completely vindicated, while the rest of the media will completely wrong, and they sold lies for three four years, the same thing with Obama. Nobody wanted to vet Obama the way I did. If you, Sean Hannity, have the power that you have, okay, which is enormous. You can use that power for good or for evil. It's your choice. So what I think you have done, and I follow you fairly closely, is to try to get the truth on the record. I do, okay. So when you do that, you enter the realm of journalism because you have to find facts in order to establish the truth. It doesn't mean you know you're you got the label journalism on your forehead. It means you're practicing journalism. It is a part of what I do, right. I am an entire newspaper that they claim that they only do the news part, but their their talk shows too. H. This is a good discussion. H Now, I'm going to have to go to one of these billow' riley, Donald Trump, have no I want to see how you butcher and change and alter my question so it becomes unrecognizable. I just and then I'll then we're gonna come on. Oh before you go, I gotta play Mick Jagger was playing in Florida. Let me play this quick and mister Christmas treatment, and the BBC says Trump and Bill O'Riley, you know, all right, you gotta laugh with Mick Jagger mentioned your name. All right, all things, Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Reilly dot com Sir, we're out of time. Thanks for being with us, all right, always quick break right back your calls on the other side, straight ahead. He never stops working for the good of the country. Sean Hannity with behind the scenes information on today's breaking news. Nity is on right now at twenty five down to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. I see it. In a pretty abrupt reversal, Oakland's mayor is now pushing to refund the police I wonder why that is, you know, how is that possible? Um? Now, all these stores are scrambling to stop these smashing grab robberies out there happening now everywhere anyway. Oakland mayor is now announced that she's working to reverse plans to divert funding from the police department to social services and hire more officers to stem this year's spike in deadly street final, what do you expect when you defund, dismantle the police, and have no bail laws. This this is all predictable and like every other problem the country's having, it's all preventable. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an upbarmer in humvee coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people. So my jineering point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding. Yes, we have confused the idea that to achieve safety you put more cops on the street. Not only do we need to defund, but we need to dismantle and start a new Why is the word defund? Why is the word defund? And it's like this is the word that's coming from the streets book. The reality is we can't rely upon the police to provide public safety. You know, even the San Francisco chronicles saying there's nothing festive about boarded up storefronts as Union Square retailers look different this holiday season. Well, they don't really have any choice because you're allowing you know, all these people involved in all of these crimes and these smash and grab robberies to get away with it. They lost six stores, what Walgreens I think it was in San Francisco because they can't afford to be ripped off and the city do nothing to stop it. Los Angeles suspects mother with a baby outside home and a daytime robbery called on camera. You know, security executives say retailers are scrambling to now protect their stores from smash and grab robberies. What's going to happen next? And the next thing that's going to happen is it'll be smash grab and then you know, a shootout at the OK Corral. I mean it's pretty obvious. Sadly, Georgia police officer among Ford dead. Bloodbath there also left a young boy twelve years old shot in the face. Unbelievable. San Francisco leaders are considering allowing deputies to provide private security of businesses. I don't even think unless you hire the right amount of people. They're now so emboldened that it's only going to continue. And look at this on Fox Business dot com headline, Black Lives Matter calls for a month long boycott of white companies. White supremacist capitalism uses policing to protect profits and steal black life. According to BLM, this is the group BLM. You know what do we want dead cops? When do we want them? Now? Pigs in a blanket for I am like bacon. White supremacist capitalism uses policing to protect profits and steal black life. It was on Instagram by the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Skip the Black Friday sales by exclusively from black owned businesses, where dreaming of a hashtag black miss black Xmas that means no spending with white companies from eleven twenty six, twenty twenty one to one one, twenty twenty two. How does that bring the country together? What happened to a aller blind society? It's just sad. We have news on the Jesse Smullett case. We now have discovered that the embattled Empire actor Smullett was in fact caught on surveillance video doing a dry run one day before his alleged hate crime attack. Prosecutors sat at his trial in Chicago yesterday, and prosecutors contend the footage confirms the actor fake what happened on January twenty ninth, when he alleged an attack with Nigerian brothers, who were expected to be key witnesses for the prosecution in the case. Jesse Smullett's lawyers claimed that the actor was really attacked by the two brothers. Prosecutors poked a hole in that claim, revealing a text message sent by Smullett to one of the siblings a couple of weeks after the alleged attack. Oh excuse me, how did that happen? And you might want to remember Kamala Harris calling Jesse Smallet's attack an attempted modern day lynching. At Jesse Smallett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I'm praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate. She posted that in January twenty nineteen, the same Kamala Harris that helped that bail fund in Minneapolis after they burned down the police station. Anyway, let's get back to our busy phones. Sam is in California. Sam, you're almost as dumb as I am. I'm paying more now in taxes than you are. But you're right behind me, so we're both pretty dumb. Anyway, Glad you called. Yeah, I can't wait to get out of here. You're so smart to get out I can't wait to get the hell out of here either, Oh God, so smart. Help me understand one thing, Sean. Okay, I just watched you know, your president there on TV, and he is telling the people of this country that he needs to lower by spending this trillion dollar fund, he's going to help lower prescription payments. Now, I don't think I'm that dense. It's only been ten eleven months. In his second day of office, Donald Trump passed a bill to lower prescription prices, and he actually passed the bill to reverse that bill. Remember that, And now he's going, we need to lower prices. Couldn't you explain that to me or people? Just that we just forgot what happened yesterday. Listen, you couldn't be anymore right. We're being lied to on a daily basis. He's even saying today that free daycare is going to cost j zero. I mean, the lies just continue, even though we now have a CBO score that says just the opposite, and we have, you know, Wharton business numbers just the opposite. As I went over earlier in the program, look, which is like, oh, well, we don't need to check the COVID status of illegal immigrants that we put in overcrowded cages in the middle of a pandemic because they're not going to be here long anyway. That's another lie. It'll cost you zero, another lie. I mean everything that they do is you know, and this worst part of all of this, Every single crises that we're now dealing with, they're all preventable. And the way you prevent them is go back to the policies that they inherited that we're working. Trump's economic plan, Trump's energy plan, Trump's border control plan. All of these things can be fixed, and fixed rather easily. It's not complicated energy independence plan. Let's go back to being a net exporter of energy, and let's not artificially reduce the world's supply. May look in a year, we get the first opportunity to stop this madness. In one year and in three years we get a chance to get the country back on track. That's the play. In the meantime, make sure your states have voter integrity measures adopted by your state legislatures. In other words, signature verification. You would also need voter ID, chain of custody controls. Partisan observers can observe. You need updated voter rolls every election. You can't have you illegal immigrants like some counties apparently in Vermont, allow them to vote when they didn't respect our laws, borders or sovereignty. You need to get that done before next year's election, and everybody in every state, especially these important states, needs to make sure that these integrity measures are adopted so we can have confidence in election results. Anyway, appreciate the call, Sam, feel better, all right? Chris is Michigan. Chris, you're on the Sean Hannity Show. Yeah, Hi Sean, thanks for taking the call. At your opener, Yeah, Wayne County's a mess. It always has been a mess, along with Macomb County. But getting back to doctor Sauci, the question I've got is, you know, it's all these doctors that come on Fox News, mish Way, etc. They're all in the same agreement except for one doctor, and that's Bouci. He's nothing but a political tool for the left. And when that's America gonna wake up and deal with it, rather than keep announcing it on talk shows we need. I have had doctors. And by the way, now I don't agree with every opinion that's ever been given on this program, but I want you to be informed and know what important people think, and then you make up your own mind. Um doctor Oz, you know, in the middle of COVID, I really got to know him because we were on the phone almost every night for a while as he was getting information Europe. You know, it's nine o'clock in Europe, it's three o'clock here on the East coast, and he was talking to his you know, to fellow doctors across the pond, and talking to these doctors and looking anecdotally what do you see that might be working? And then of course doctor Daniel Wallace, the largest lupus practice, rheumatoi dothritis practice anti malarial practice in the country, wrote a letter it was in I believe April of twenty twenty on hydroxychloric when the risk of taking it is nil it's a drug that's been around over sixty five years. It's like seven cents of dose. And because doctor Roz said, well, okay, you go to arm you go to war with the army, you have not the one you wish you had, and if the risk is nil, maybe it's not a bad idea to try it. Now, we since have had studies like the Henry Ford study and numerous others that confirm if taken early, it can help mitigate some of the effects of COVID. I don't think it's anywhere near as good as monoclonal antibodies, but it's certainly something, and at least it gives people some chance, especially if taken early. And now the scientific studies show that he was right. We've had Harvard trained doctors, Yale trained doctors on this program and then they come on they get the crap beat out of them for just having an opinion that, you know, one size fits all medicine doesn't work by the way it is, the by it's very definition. You know, we're not following the science if we say everybody has to do the exact same thing. So it's a little frustrating, you know, look at the look at the choices. Now, parents in some New York schools are being forced to vaccinate their five year old kids five to eleven. Well, the last time I checked, it's been a while now, about a month the CDC website. We lost one hundred and sixty two kids in that age group during the entire pandemic. It's zero point zero zero eight percent, almost identical to the number of kids will lose annually to just the regular flu. So it's not impacting younger people. If it was, we'd have to revisit it. The science doesn't show that it is. But yet this obsession, and I've had people friends of mine cry to me because they don't want their five year old or six year old or seven year old to get a vaccine that they really don't see a need for. And in some cases some of these kids even had COVID and have natural immunity already. It's you know, tell me how we're following science here. You see, they only want to follow science when the science is convenient to their politics. That should scare everybody. I'll give you the last word. When it conveniently helps them. That's the only time they want to talk about it. America the US citizens that are legal US citizens need to stand up and put an end to this. Enough so enough. I mean, everything that Biden was talking about today on the news and is hourly broadcast that he put out to the nation, fifty percent of it was lies written by somebody else. We need to stand up and say enough, so enough. And Sean, Hey, thanks for taking my call. I appreciate it, sir, Thank you for checking in with us. A quick break right back to her calls eight hundred and nine for one, Sean, you want to be a part of the program. At the top of the hour, we look into the legal, moral, ethical implications of the vaccine mandate and much more straight ahead, all right, as we continue back to our busy phones, Harvey and Georgia. Hey, Harvey, we got about ninety seconds. They're all yours, sir. Hey, I needs electric trucks and stuff, battery operated the trucks. The problem is there's just no place to charge. I mean, there's no place for trucks to mark at night. Um, it's this, Uh, you're taking the free choice away from people saying, hey, we got forces down you because a few years back they were trying to push this natural gas deal and find j P all of those natural gas tanks. It's the truck stops who pay for it. They're not being used. There's very few new technologies not there, and and they want to spend you know, trillions of dollars. But it's really under the guys. They say new Green deal, but it's really about it's really about Marxism. Two weeks according to the need from each according to their ability. Are you a trucker, yes, im, because like I sing, your the lady answer the phone, Um, there's really no tru trucking shortage. It's I mean, I could prove to you what's going on with the industry and not just in the trucking, because it's all around trucking. You've got all kinds of stuff defects the transportation. Now let me ask you if you will own our operator or do you work for a company. I'm an Okay, good for you. I'm proud of you. And by the way, everybody needs to know every store we go to, every product we buy, is because you guys, you know, do the hard work of getting those products to the store shelf. So thank you for what you do. Okay, all right, my friend eight hundred nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, all right. At the top of the hour, we'll look at some of the medical legal policy implications of these mandates. Biden is losing big time on them.

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