O'Reilly On The Debates

Published Jul 31, 2019, 10:00 PM

Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of 15 instant #1 books including the #1 “Killing” series of histories, and host of the popular daily podcast “No Spin” on billoreilly.com, has written a new book on the life of Donald Trump titled “The United States of Trump: How the President Really Sees America, gives us his take on the debates last night and what to expect from tonight’s sparring between Biden and Harris.

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All right, glad you're with us now, don't you can't buy the media hype. They didn't even get to ten million in last night's debate. Do you know what the numbers were of people watching Republicans back at this time in twenty fifteen, there was there was twenty four million people. This is not this is not anything near Linda just saying something. This is nothing near what happened in the Trump years and the phenomenon and who was going to replace Barack Obama. Now, I'm just saying that because everybody's all jazz oh the Democratic debate, they'll probably get a few more viewers tonight. Fine, that's okay. Well, we're just gonna follow it, and let me make one big standard correction before we get into our deep analysis today of all of this and the crazy stuff involved in all of this. And there are no moderates on that stage last night, and no moderates will be on the stage tonight. And anybody that tries to tell you that there's any moderates running for president on the Democratic Party ticket is just lying to you. Now, some are saying, well, we can't afford everything in the Green New Deal, but we can afford a lot of it. And the idea that they're saying that to me is just wow. They all support a version of the Green New Deal. None of them is talking about free market solutions for healthcare, none of them is talking about tax cuts, energy independence, ending burdensome bureaucracy. All of them want to raise taxes. All of them want to raise taxes the top marginal rates significantly on both individuals and corporations, as high as seventy percent for individuals, ninety percent for corporations. That is not a moderate democrat. Those are all radical, extreme socialist Democrats. And by the way, and one big thing that is fascinating to me, and it was on foxnews dot com today. You know about the debate, and you know, fake news CNN has led the way along with you know, the rest of these networks out there, every major network, the three broadcast networks, and then of course you got conspiracy tv MSDNC and three years of lies. But fake News CNN, they they're one of the most that one of the primary culprits in advancing lies and conspiracy theories and a hoax for two and a half years, and even after Muller's testimony before the two House committees last week, which was a disaster. And it's all over in spite of a few straggly little Democrats claiming was going to impeach him anyway, just because he takes a breath every day, not for any high crime or misdemeanor or nothing to do with Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. I mean, I think the worst offenders of his spreading the talking points for the Democratic Party are on fake news CNN. Anyway, it was a disaster. Everybody knew it was a disaster. They had a few people even on their network that snuck in it was a disaster. But that was a big mistake. I'm sure they probably were suspended for weeks and weeks at a time, having actually momentarily slipped into a moment of truth. But he watched them, but they ignored the whole Mueller situation. How do you ignore all of that? And we do have news that we're going to get to in the next hour which is pretty interesting. I had not known this before, and that is that the FBI actually went to James Comey's house to get documents that were illegally stored there. Remember the memos that he wrote about Donald, you're not allowed to take them out of his office. And the FBI he had copies at his house, and apparently they went there and they retrieved the documents and apparently interrogated Komey. And well, let's just put it this way, I have little birdies in my ear all the time. That is the low hanging fruit in terms of the exposure that Jim Comey is ultimately gonna have. Linda, you remember the first day I said it, I said, Jim Jimbo, mister Komey, mister SuperPatriot, you have the right to remain silent. I tweeted it out myself, and I suggest you invoked that right. And he's been out there bragging about setting up General Flynn. He's been out there saying we don't spy. But we now know he's signed three of the FISA applications. We know he was warned that the FISA warrents he was about to sign were not verified, bought and paid for by Clinton, and of course unverifiable because not even Steel stands behind them, and that Steel had an agenda. He was worn numerous times, at least two specific warnings that we know about, and then of course he signed them. Anyway, when you signed a FIZE warrant, you're verifying that the information is true to the best of your ability, and you have verified and corroborated the veracity of what you have presented to the FISA court judges. But because this was all premeditated on his part, and because he had the warnings on his part, and even before he was fired, we learned in the last two weeks that the after Donald Trump became president, the FBI actually had a spreadsheet and had examined Hillary's dirty Russian dossier and they realized that nine plus percent of it was false. And then they kept signing these these documents with the bulk of information being the fizor warrants. Anyway, CNN doesn't even touch this issue of Robert Muller's testimony largely ignored why because that was a disaster. Now the analysis of all of this that I've been hearing ever since. Oh, before I get to that, can we play a flashback? Because with all the talk about Donald Trump, donald Trump has done the city of Baltimore the biggest favor ever. Donald Trump has now focused attention on one of the worst, most violent cities in the country, and by the way, what's happening. We sent Lawrence Jones to Detroit. We showed some of that last night. I mean, Detroit has been decimated, just like Pelosi's own district in San Francisco's decimated. And you've got literally people shooting up heroin and dying in the streets one mile from her house in one direction, one mile from her office in the other direction. And then they got a little problem because there are no facilities, and they're just dumping needles all over the streets. We've shown you the video. And then of course they urinating in public, defecating in public, and then of course when they defecate, they kind of leave the pile there, and the stench is overwhelming, and the feces is preventing anybody from ever wanting to go there. And the thirty million dollars speaker of the house and name only well hasn't had the wherewithal to go to a rich friends in her in her gated community a mile away from where all this is happening, and say hey, we need to build a facility to help the people out and give them a place to go to the bathroom and take a shower and maybe give him a little drug rehabilitation counseling, and while we're at it, we can feed them. She hasn't thought of that, But that's happening in Los Angeles. These encampments are getting bigger and bigger. But the Donald Trump's a racist. And we played the mayor of Baltimore saying at the time about the rats and the vermin. We pointed out all the statistics about how it's the number one, you know, murder capital in the country, by the way, twice as many as Chicago. Who would have known. We pointed out they're losing population, by the way, all of these liberal cities are losing population because nobody wants to pay the confiscatory taxes in this anyway. Then we heard from Obama himself on what happened. Bernie Sanders said, it's a third world country. Oh guess what. We just happened to find an audio tape of Elijah Cummings himself calling Baltimore a drug infested area from nineteen ninety nine. This morning, I left my community of Baltimore, a drug infested area where a lot of the drugs that we're talking about today have already taken the lives of so many children, the same children that I watched. All Right, we get the plane, it goes on. I don't have time. It's twenty nineteen. It's twenty years later, he called, he hasn't fixed the problem. Why do we keep electing the same liberal politicians that don't fix any problems? Because he hasn't done a single thing to the drug infested area that he's represented now for twenty four years or whatever it happens to be. At this particular time, I left my community of Baltimore, drug infested area were a lot of drugs that we're talking about today have already taken the lives of so many children. All Right, Linda wants to play the whole thing, Play the whole thing. Play it. In his own words, this morning, I left my community of Baltimore, a drug infested area where a lot of the drugs that we're talking about today have already taken the lives of so many children, the same children that I watched fourteen or fifteen years ago as they grew up now walking around like zombies. Oh, they're walking around twenty years ago. He said, exactly what Trump's said just last week. But Trump's a racist. Bernie Sanders is at a racist. Elijah Cummings is an a racist. The mayor of Baltimore at the time that said talked about the rats, wasn't a racist Mayor Pew at the time. No, it's only Donald Trump. Donald Trump. This is now a phenomenon. People are leaving. This dovetails perfectly into last night's disastrous debate. And I resent, I can't. I resent the hell out of people saying, oh, last night was about the moderate versus the extremist. There's not a moderate in the Democratic Party today. They don't exist. They are non existent. And if you're talking about well, I just I want to pay for just a little less does not make you a moderate. They all support higher taxes, they all support energy dependence. They all want and will create dependency. They all support a version of this insane New Green Deal. They all can't stand Donald Trump. The next election, which is gonna be a tipping point for America election, This is gonna be the biggest choice election in our lifetime. Now, either we're gonna continue the progress of freedom and liberty and capitalism, or we're gonna buy the lie of keep your doctor, keep your plan, and save money on steroids and human growth hormone to every aspect of the economy. They're all making crazy predictions about the end of the world and life as we know it. And you know, we saw that last night. O'Rourke was saying, betobozo. I listened to the scientists. We don't have more than ten years to get this right. Or the genius, you know, the prep school may mayor Buddha judge who can't even manage his own city. Science tells us we have twelve years before we reach the horizon of catastrophe when it comes to our planet. Well, we'll have ten or twelve years. I say, let's screw it all. Let's all put our money in a pot and just keep drawing one big hell of a block party all nationwide, you know, long from sea, the Shining Sea, you know, north to southeast to west, will spend ten years party. Why are we gonna bother if it's over in ten years, there's no point. If it's really over, let's go out with the biggest party in the industry. A man, Now, if we knew when the when revelation was to occur, Now the Bible tells you at what hour, what time? No man knoweth But for the father. Nobody knows, but you will see the evidence of you know, diverse earthquakes and natural disasters and floods, and man's in humanity to man, the hearts of man shall grow cold, etcetera, etcetera. You know, I think at any point in history you can say, yeah, that looks like it's happening, but it's not going to be based on what they say. They all support the radical socialist, redistributionist agenda. They all want to fundamentally transform America and take away everybody's fear and buy everybody's vote. They will do the opposite of what we are now doing that is actually working. So this idea that there's any moderates is one other big fat media lie. After two and a half years of lying to us about Mueller. There's not a moderate up there. Name the moderate who was the moderate there? Because there weren't. There wasn't one. By the way, the Fed cut interest rates by a quarter as the economy, which is good news for the economy in my view. This democratic these democratic hopefuls, there's not a model, are it among them? Look at their Oh you just come in for the candy, I understand. They look at their position on security of the borders. Look at their position on taxes, look at their position on energy, look at their positions on the New Green Deal, look at their positions on foreign policy and reparations. It just goes on and on from there. If there is a winner last night and tonight, you can say in advance it will be Donald Trump, because America is seeing what the modern extreme radical democratic Socialist Party looks like. You know, Lizzard, we live in a country where the president is advancing environmental racism, economic racism, criminal justice racism, healthcare racism. Okay, hate Trumps, that's part one. Whoever wins the nomination, you know. And Buddha Judge is so whacked out. I mean, and I thought that Mary Ann Williamson was whacked out out. You know, the psychic forces around Donald Trump. I'm like, okay, what's next the seance. We're gonna look into a little crystal ball and tell us what's happening in the future, Pete, Buddha Judge, the racial divide lives within me, Okay. Bernie Sanders, you know he went after Claire McCaskill using racial dog whistles. We're gonna break down everything, and but They're just understand this. They're not moderates versus the radicals. This is the radicals versus the more radicals. All right, glad you with us twenty five down till the top of the hour. Governor Mike huck could be just announced he might be abandoning his support for Donald Trump. He just tweeted it out. He said, I might abandon my support of at real Donald Trump and go with Mary Ann Williamson. He said, I've already lit a candle, stoked to crystal, gotten a yoga pose, taking deep breath, chanted out loud, and I'm I feel I'm feeling real love right now. She's got the groove. Kylie showed that to me. I'm like, this is the funniest thing I've read all days. It is funny. You know what's interesting is as you look, it's not there is This is not about moderates in the Democratic Party. There are no moderates in the Democratic Party. There is not a single moderate on that stage. There's not a single moderate among the twenty twenty presidential hopefuls, not one. And when you look at the let's look at the ratings back in at this time, Republican debates with the seventeen Donald Trump will remind you he was always in the middle because he was always on top of the polls. But at that time, it was twenty four million people and people were interested, and people were captivated by the fact that we've got to get out from under what if anything, it's the it was the moderate socialism that was perpetrated on the American people by Biden and Obama. In retrospect, there's nothing Obama did for the economy. Biden did for the economy that ended up working out well for we the people, spreading the wealth around and you didn't build. That is not an economic philosophy that encourages investment and the building of factories and manufacturing centers. You know, Donald Trump is talking to business and saying, why are you going to build your factory out of the country, What laws, what burdens and regulation is preventing you from building in factories here? And then he'd eliminate such laws and burdens and regulations to allow the factories to be built. Now, the results speak for themselves. Most of you that listen to this program, you know the statistics of Biden Obama. I won't repeat them, but we have seven million new jobs that have been created in two and a half years. Whoever is the Democratic nominee's gonna have to answer that question. There are seven million fewer people on food stamps compared to the thirteen million added by Biden and Obama and their socialist policies. There are millions of Americans out of poverty thanks to the Trump economic boom. I think the Fed's cutting the rate by a quarter today. That's that's a good break for the economy and for the president. The President has been all over the Fed for the fact that they keep raising interest rates, something they never did to Biden and Obama. They just kept cutting them and still it didn't help their economy. And you know, I don't blame the Trump campaign proclaiming after last night that the debate winner was Donald Trump, because if you're gonna double down on Biden Obama stupid that we know doesn't work. I don't think people's memories are actually that short. And you know, look at where they want. Let's just take an issue by issue on taxes. They all want redistribution at a higher level. They think that you're undertax not overtaxed, and they take it to an extreme level, depending which candidate it is, but it's somewhere around the seventy percent mark for raising taxes top marginal rates. Maybe it's forty percent in some cases, maybe it's fifty or sixty ninety percent. For corporations, well, corporations don't pay taxes. People pay taxes, and corporations usually pass on the costs of any new cost of production or tax onto the consumer. That's just the facts. And on immigration, okay, where they want illegal immigrants to have? What healthcare? Who's gonna pay for the healthcare? You're gonna pay for the healthcare. We'll get to the immigration issue in a second. Most of the candidates want some major form of repper rations. Okay, that is hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars that they're talking about on that issue. And we look at the issues, for example, on foreign policy, scares the living daylights out of me, and even you know, sleepy creepy, crazy Uncle Joe, they support some version of the New Green Deal. So if that's their agenda, you know, whatever they say that they think that they historically people would say a little bit, They go a little right or left, depending which party, and then race back to the middle for a general election. There's no racing off of the New Green Deal because you'll definitely lose your base. There is no backing off of free healthcare for illegal immigrants. How do you back away from that in a general election? You know, look at for example, Beto Bozo Jim Crow in suppression is alive and well in every aspect of the economy and in the country tree. So you got Bezo Bozo, Beto O'Rourke basically saying that America is a racist country. Americans are not racist. There are racists within the country. Nobody likes them. It's not socially acceptable, nobody likes them. Well, Donald Trump's a racist. Look at what he said about Baltimore. Well, Donald Trump, what he said about Baltimore is the same thing that Obama said, the African American mayor said, and even Elijah Cummings said, which we played in the last damp Hower and Warren saying, we live in a country now where the president is what does this even mean advancing environmental racism, economic racism, criminal justice racism, and healthcare racism. Well, the fact that it's the best employment situation in America since nineteen sixty nine, and the people that were so disproportionately negatively impacted by the Biden Obama economic policies. The fact that we now have record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, Well, it sounds to me like the guy that called out Baltimore for being what Baltimore sadly has become and can be fixed if we ever cared enough, if they ever, How do you spend one point eight billion dollars of stimulus money and waste two hundred million of it directed right at Baltimore and have nothing to show for it because you were spending a lot of it on environmental issues. Oh, I would think it's good for the environment of Baltimore to get rid of the rats. Why didn't we start there, because we showed some of that video last night. But in terms of the economy, in terms of who's benefiting the most, well, clearly it is you know, the Democrats claim to have a monopoly of compassion for all these demographic groups, but those demographic groups are doing and great under the policies of Donald J. Trump. You know, Pete Boodha judge the racial divide lives within me. Okay, if you want to, if you're a racist, get out of the race. You know, if that's how you feel about yourself, and you believe I don't know where that came from. I never thought, he says, as an urban mayor serving in the diverse community. By the way, he's doing a crappy job. Nobody in South Ben thinks he's a good mayor. And now he's off running for president, probably auditioning you for writing a book and becoming an ms DNC contributor of some kind. But anyway, I'm not saying I became mayor and racism or crime and poverty ended on my watch. But in our city we have to come together. We have come together repeatedly to tackle challenges. Systemic racism has touched every part of American life, from housing to health, the homeownership, and it goes further. I mean, Bernie Sanders actually declared that MSDNC the extension of the Democratic National Committee and the number one conspiracy theory channel in America. Claire McCaskill, while you're using dog whistles, remember older in the Obama years, that was Chris Matthew's favorite term. Dog whistle, dog whistle. Anyway, Don Lemon says, Trump voters prioritize the economy over the president's bigotry. No, the president's economic policies. These are facts that are indisputable. These are numbers that are real. We have record low unemployment for African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and women in the workplace. That's you know. And then of course the climate doomsday stuff. You know, Beto Bozo wow I listened to the scientists on this. Well, by the way, in spite of liberals saying it every day, there is not this universal opinion on climate change. And I've always told you that there is a massive, huge political basis for all of this environmental hysteria that is out there. Remember in the nineteen seventies, the same liberals were telling us the earth was gonna burn up because of global warming. Well, actually, first they were claiming that we're heading into a new ice age. That was in the seventies, That was in Time and Newsweek. Then it was we're gonna burn up because of the environment. Then it just became a generic climate change for any because well, we started having record cold years when it was supposed to be hot record hot years when it was supposed to be cold, and they just said, all right, we'll come up with a generic term climate change. But it's all rooted in a political philosophy and ideology, which is that we man on this earth, that we're raping and pillaging the planet profit and we're destroying all of our natural resources like trees. Well, trees happen to be a renewable resource. We have more natural gas, clean burning gas. You know, natural gas can actually be used to run your combustion engine. Amazing with just slight modifications, not expensive. And they want to retro fit every single home in America, and then Comrade de Blasio saying, well, we can't build buildings with metal and steel. Oh, Comrade de Blasio is agreed apparently to come on Hannity the TV show. I know, by the way, smart move on his part, to come on, and I'll give him a lot of time. We'll have a good time, because the rest of these people that I've invited on, they didn't have the courage to say yes. So I'll be nicer to de Blasio. I'll ask him tough questions. But I have a lot of questions for de Blasio I mean a real lot of questions. I hope he comes, or Mayor Pete. Science tells us we have twelve years. Well, if if Bato Bozo says ten years to get it right, and Acasio Cortez says ten years, and Buddha Judge says twelve years, they're debating the two year period themselves. When we're doomed, Why don't we just have one big party, and why don't we all just celebrate life as we know it because it's all about to come to a crashing halt, you know. And then Ryan and Sanders Tim Ryan from Ohio, they're fighting over climate change solution. You don't have to yell at me. And then you have you know, Mary Ann Williamson. According to all accounts, I'll use this well. People are complaining about the Drudge Report, Paul, there's Rudge report. Pole was right every time during the during the Republican nominating process. All right, so we'll put that off to the side. But all right, let's look at Google trending. Well, the number one most search candidate last night was Mary Ann Williams. Number two was Crazy Bernie, number three, Elizabeth Warren, number four, Mayor Pete and I don't even know half these other people. The rest of them and I follow politics at are pretty close level every day. But Williamson is talking about the dark psychic forces of Donald Trump. This is part of the dark thunderbelly of American society, the racism, the bigotry, and the entire conversation that we're having here tonight. If you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized Cathred that this president is bringing up in this country, then I'm afraid that the Democrats are going to see some very dark days. We need to say it like it is. It's bigger than flint. It's all over this country. It's particularly people of color, it's particularly people who do not have the money to fight back. And if the Democrats don't start saying it, then why would those people feel that they're there for us? And if those people don't feel it, they will vote for us and Donald Trump will Yet, well, how come, how come Biden and Obama didn't create millions of millions of jobs even with the stimulus money that save cities like Baltimore or San Francisco or Los Angeles or Detroit or Chicago. How could this so good at all of this? What did they do with the eight years we gave them? And you know, and Beto Bozo I will not criminally prosecute people who cross the border. And then they start debating decriminalizing border crossings. And of course walls are immoral. And Donald Trump's a horrible person because he wants to have legal immigration and that means we get to vet people who come into the country to make sure they're not extremists. Now, don't forget on healthcare, you know, well they all want some version of medicare for all that. How did it work out with keep your doctor your plan and save money on the economy, you know, Buddha Judge is mocking conservative. If we're all crazy socialists, then the American people are too. Well, the American people vote for anybody on this day age, they would be crazy socialists and they'd be literally voting their economic demise again, and Buddha Judge then invoking Christian scripture to argue for an increased minimum wage. Then then Mary Ann Williamson's America's sociopathic economic system is heartless. No, there's never been a system. Marann Williamson, that's ever created more prosperity than our system, and wealth and opportunity than our system. Then the issue of reparations anything less than one hundred billion is an insult. And then the weird you know answers. I mean it just as this is your modern Democratic Party. Senator Grassley, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, says that there are seven memos. He says four of them are classified. Is that right? I don't know, because I don't have the memos. I don't know exactly how many there are, some maybe memos, some maybe emails. There's somewhere between five and ten, at maybe seven, at maybe eighth. I don't remember. And I think some of them. I know when I created some of them they were classified, But I don't know how many of that group. One of them is the classified one is obviously from when you told President Trump and Trump Tower about what was in that two page ANAX about the Steel dossier, the summary of what was in the Steel dossier. What would the other classified ones be about? Well, I can't answer that if they're classified. Oh, I can't answer that if they're classified. All right, We're going to get back to last night's debate. Well, a full coverage of tonight's debate nine eastern on Hannity on Fox. Also, the other story we are covering, a lot is going on behind the scenes on the periphery that are going to result in crescendo into massive news that I can tell you. But Judicial Watch has some great news today breaking as it relates to investigating the investigators. They were able to get new documents freedom of Information Act requests that show that FBI agents actually went to Komey's home to retrieve the memos, and they got six pages of records from the FBI showing that in June of twenty seventeen, that's a month after FBI Director Comy was fired by the President, that the FBI agents visited Komey's home and collected as evidence quote unquote four memos that allegedly detailed conversations that he had with President Trump. One of the memos written on June sixth, a month after he was fired. When Coomy was fired on by Trump May nine, twenty seventeen. And don't forget he started signing off these FISA applications in October twenty sixteen, even though he was warned that they were not verified, and we now know unverifiable. And we also know that the FBI later created a spreadsheet before he got fired that showed that well ninety plus percent of the dossier was made up lies. And with all this talk about oh, Russia wanted to interfere in the elections to help Donald Trump, well, it appears if the New York Times is right, that it was Russian, meaning the Clinton bought and paid for dossier was Russian disinformation from the get go. Anyway, joining us to discuss all of this, we welcome back to the program. Tom Fittney's the president of Judicial Watch. John Solomon is an investigative reporter executive director of The Hill. Thank you both for being with us. Tom, let's talk about how come we never knew the FBI actually rated Come's home to get evidence before. Now, well, it certainly wasn't guns drawn. It was scheduled ahead of time by the documents suggests, oh, you mean the way they usually do things. In other words, he didn't get the Manaphoor treatment, he didn't get the Roger Stone treatment. He's fired from the FBI from misconduct, and they get wind of the fact he has the FBI files on President Trump to include potentially classified materials, so they scheduled a meeting with him. And that's the sort of ben that's the sort of special kid gloves treatment that the Deep State gives its home. But it's an indication that there was a crime at play here, which was the illegal taking of the memos to begin west, the illegal leaking of them to get his friend. Mister Muller admitted he's his friend in the testimony last week appointed his special counsel. Well, that's pretty unbelievable. What else can you tell us about this, because, look, I would say the lowest hanging fruit, and the issue that I'm probably least interested in at this point is the issue of Comey and the Espionage Act and whether or not which he might have violated, very likely violated when he leaked government documents to his professor friends so that it would be leaked to the New York Times, So then a special council would be appointed. All of that he's admitted to, right, So, but that to me is the low hanging fruit. Well, the fact that the fruit has have been eaten yet tells you volumes about the inability to hold these folks accountable. I mean it's much more difficult to charge him with crimes related to uh, you know, sending people pursuing leads on so called encounter intelligence matters. There's all sorts of cover there. However, a week it may be here he's admitting to leaking documents as part of a vendetta essentially against President Trump. And you know that, to me, is an easy crime to prosecute. And you know, the Privacy Act protects the president. You know, if it was your FBI files taken from the FBI or mishandled by COMI and then leaked, anyone would be prosecuted for that, or at least ought to be prosecuted for it. And I hope that the Attorney General and his colleague up in Connecticut or seriously looking at this, and you know, and again just compare and contrast this kid, this kid gloves soft raid with what happened in Mattith forarton Stone. Well, I think it gets a little more interesting too, because it now shows FBI agents go to his home and to retrieve the memos. That means that in many ways, probably there's been more of an investigation John Solomon into Jim Comey than anybody knows because he does have questions to ask how many times he was warned that the dossier was unverified? How many times was he warned that Hillary paid for it? How many times was he warned that Christopher Steele had an agenda against Donald Trump? Why did he sign the first FISA application if in fact he knew all of those things were out there? And we now know that Christopher Steele doesn't stand behind his own dossier, but again he signed it anyway. So you know, where do you think the investigation in regards to Comey is at this particular time, if there even is one. Well, as I've mentioned on your show many times, he Inspector Generals in the final phases of finishing an investigation intoas Comy's leaking, specifically the documents that are referred to in the in the great information that Tom and Judicial Watch got out today, I believe that investigation is now complete. I believe it will be very harsh on James Comey's conduct. You won't hear the level of self righteousness from Comy after this report comes out that you might have heard in the tweets before. I think that there will be some disappointment among conservatives about the decision of the Justice Department whether to pursue criminal charges. But I want to point out something, Oh, stop right there, because I've heard the same exact thing you've heard, that there's going to be evidence that he knew that what he presented to the FISA court was a fraud, that there were probably criminal charges recommended, and you're saying that the Attorney General might not charge him. I think that is a likely outcome of what's going to happen. But I want to point out something that Tom's great documents today don't have, and I think it's a sign of the potential exposure that James Coomy still as going forward. If you look at the interview the FBI agent did in conjunction with this, there is nowhere in there where Coomy cheles the FBI agent. Hey, I didn't just take these to my house and you're retrieving them. I forwarded them on to other people, including one who leaked it to the media, and some to my lawyers. That omission that's in that document. You can see no mention. Tom. You didn't see any mention of that in there, right. I didn't want to read them, And the interview I think was the day before a testimony where he admitted it. It's very significant that that could be viewed as deceptive, dishonest, misleading, not forthcoming in the investigation of James Coomy. You would think after being caught with these documents at his home, he would be honest about where he sent them. Next, Hey, I didn't just take him. I did pass them on a little bit. There's no evidence in that interview, and I think that that is going to be a critical point about Coomey's willingness to work with his own agency to get right on this issue. And I think in the IG report when it comes out, that sort of behavior is going to be highlighted as unbecoming of a former director of the FBI. So I think Tom great job on these documents. They really give us insight, and I think they also are a roadmap to the potential liabilities that James Comey has, both in the court of public opinion and maybe one day in the court involved. You know, and quickly, Sean, we can it's difficult to overstate how the important this document league was illegal violation of president's civil rights and ash as maybe subject to chronal prosecution if justice is being served. No Muller League. No special Council. It's the original sin of the Muller Special Council. It was how it was corruptly formed. This is the loadstar to how the Special Council was launched against President Trump, this illegal league of the documents. Well, I'm all right, so, but there's all other vulnerabilities here as well. For call me. I mean, let's go back to what I was just mentioning, all right, and that's he knew that what he presented and what he signed off as verified, he knew that it was not verified. We now know it was unverifiable. So is he going to be held accountable for what has to be now premeditated fraud perpetrated on a fiz accord to obtain a warrant not only to spy on Carter Page and denying him his civil liberties and constitutional rights, but also was an attempt to spy in spite of him saying we don't spy. Yes, he did on the opposition party candidate, and then of course light to Donald Trump in January twenty seventeen when he said it's unverified and sallacious. Is he still vulnerable legally? There? In other words, there is there more exposure on that side, misusing your misusing your position, and disseminating and using classified classified information and using classified authorities for political purposes as a crime. And that is kind of the key issue. I think that I ought to be the subject of investigation by Durham, people like Struck Page, Comie McCay brennan, people like that. It's if their decision was to spy on Trump and target his campaign, that the dossier was merely protextual, it was an anti Trump effort. Then at the crime and you know, to me, this league shows you that he was willing to go there, the mendacious ways in which he handled these files sensitive and classified privacy, a protected FBI files of President Trump. Is it any surprise or is it hard to stretch one's mind to think that maybe he did something similarly illegal in targeting him when he was Stay right there. I want to ask John his thoughts on the exposure on specifically that issue and what other exposure might exist. Right as we continue, Tom Finton of Judicial Watch, John Solomon, Executive vice president, investigative reporter at the Hill. All right, so we were talking about the exposure Number one, the FBI got the documents that never should have been in Comey's possession at his house. You think he's going to get a pass on that. What about the exposure as it relates to the FISA applications that he signed now knowing that they were unverifiable and then lying about it. Does how much exposure does he have there, John Solomon? And what other exposure might he have criminally? I think there is a significant evidence in my sources tell me that in the last few weeks the IG and the bar Durham investigations have finally located documents that I think Devin Nunez has talked about previously on your show, and that I've talked about in your show, Sean, This chain of FBI emails in the fall of seventeen sixteen that suggests the FBI knew of the problems with steal before they submitted the document. In addition, the State Department documents we uncovered just about a month ago obviously caused an entire reopening of parts of the investigation. I think if you look at what Barr may have done here, which has declined prosecution on a technical violation of handling classified information in these memos, he may have made that decision because there may be a bigger issue at hand here, which is the FBI's conduct, and that would make a lot of sense. You don't bring a small case if you're building a bigger case. And so I think there'll be some disappointment among conservatives when they see how the IG investigation ended on Komy related to these memos, But I think the signs are pointing toward a very serious investigation with potential culpability for many leaders of the FBI in Justice Department related to that fiset and other activities. When are we gonna get the indictments if they're ever gonna come, because you know, my heart of hearts all of these people that we have and You've been a big part of exposing and Tom's been a big part of it, and Greg and others and so many others, Joe and Victorian. The list goes on. How many of these people are going to pay the price? How many of these people are going to be indicted in your view? And when are we going to start seeing that? And how deep does this go? Into the Obama White House with Brennan Clapper and Loretta Lynch and maybe Biden Obama what do they know when the day? When did they know it? So I'm going to be the careful journalist and I'm trained to be. Which it's too early to make a prediction on that yet. And here's why we don't even know all the facts yet. I think when declassification occurs, when the Bar and Ig reports come out, when the Komy memo investigation comes out in a few weeks, we're going to know a lot more we can make good assessments. I'll give one word of caution, which even goes to today's suggesting that there's not going to be prosecution of Komy and these memos. The Justice Department long has had a hard time prosecuting its own people. It's just a difficult thing. They don't do it well. I think the profecial it's got to be high. Now there's a lot of evidence of wrongdoing in this case, but until we know all of it, it's hard to understand whether there's a prosecutive decision ahead or not. The first step has been watch and see if a grand jury's and paneled. If there is in Washington, then you know Bar is serious about pursuing criminal charges against those involved. In the face of it, And what is your last thought, Tom Pitton? Judicial Watch? We need justice in always possible, and the idea that there would be findings of as John suggests, criminal misconduct by the FBI director Comy and there'd be no prosecution would be affront to the rule of law. And just reaffirm that there are two sets of rules for the deeps. Takee oh, it's going to guarantee that it will happen again because there are no consequences. Ever, That's what it will do, right, Hillary gets off and then Carmy gets off, and it would be extremely disappointing tois and millions of Americans. Thank you both. We'll have more on Hannity tonight. Also, we'll have reaction apart two of the crazy leftists New Green Deal Democrats debate tonight, Kamala crazy, creepy, sleepy Uncle Joe. We'll get to that when we come back. We'll check in with Joe Kanscha about last night's debate. We'll get Bill O'Reilly's take, and we'll get to your calls. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn is our number as we continue, But you are calling for up to five hundred billion dollars in financial assistance. What makes you qualified to determine how much is owed in reparation? Well, first of all, it's not five hundred billion dollars in financial assistance. It's five hundred billion dollars, two hundred to five hundred billion dollars payment of a debt that is owed. That is what reparations is. We need some deep truthtelling when it comes. We don't need another commission to look at evidence. I appreciate what Congressman O'Rourke has said. It is time for us to simply realize that this country will not heale. All that a country is is a collection of people. People heal when there's some deep truthtelling. We need to recognize that when it comes to the economic gap between blocks and whites in America, it does come from a great injustice that has never been dealt with. That great injustice has had to do with the fact that there was two hundred and fifty years of slavery followed by another hundred hundred years of domestic terrorism. What makes me qualify to say two hundred to five hundred billion dollars, I'll tell you what makes me qualified. If you did the half of the forty acres in a mule. Given that there was four to five million slaves at the end of the Civil War, there forty five, and they were all proud with forty acres in a mule for every family of four. If you did the math today, it would be trillions of dollars. And I believe that anything less than one hundred billion dollars is an insult. And I believe the two hundred to five hundred billion is politically feasible today because so many Americans realize there is an injustice that continues to form a top sualtity underneath the surface, an emotional turbulence that, thank you very much, We have to respond to all of these changes. And you know, in addition to confronting tech, in addition to supporting workers by doubling unionization as I proposed to do, some of this is low tech too, like the minimum wage is just too low, and so called conservative Christian senators right now in the Senate are blocking a bill to raise the minimum wage when scripture says that whoever oppresses the poor taunts their maker. Senator Warren, you say the provision making illegal border crossings a crime is totally unnecessary. Please respond. So the problem is that right now, the criminalization statute is what gives Donald Trump the ability to take children away from their parents. It's what gives him the ability to lock up people at our borders. We need to continue to have border security, and we can do that. But what we can't do is not live our values. I've been down to the border. I have seen the mothers, I have seen the cages of babies. We must be a country that every day lives our values, and that means we cannot make it a crier when someone thinks that they're just to clarify, would you decriminalize yes, illegal border crossings. The point is not about criminalization that has given Donald Trump the tool to break families apart. Senator Warren at the beginning of the night said that Democrats cannot bring cannot win the White House with small ideas and spinelessness. In the last debate, she said, the politicians who are not supporting Medicare for all simply lack the will to fight for it. You do not support medicare for all, the Senator Warren, correct, You just not lack the will to fight for it. That is incorrect. I just have a better way to do this Medicare bill. Let me clear up. One thing is people talk about having insurance. There are millions of people who have insurance. They can't go to the doctor, and when they come out of the hospital they go bankrupt. All right, what I am talking about and others up here are talking about it's no deductibles and no code payments. And Jake, your question to me is a Republican talking point. At the end of the day. And by the way, and by the way, by the way, the healthcare industry will be advertising tonight on this program center. All right, there you have more fallout. Yep. That was the Democratic Party debate. Can somebody tell Elizabeth Warren that there are no cages of babies, that they don't exist, that Donald Trump is not taking children away from their parents just because you say it does not make it so. Or Buddha judge trying to use a biblical phrase to justify total, complete confiscation and redistribution of wealth. And then of course we've got Mary Ann Williamson and the Dark Day's psychic forces in America and the emotional turbulence, etc. Etc. On the American psyche. Anyway, twenty five now till the top of the hour, joining us well, twenty four now till the top of the hour. Joining us now is Joe Concha. He is a host on wo R radio in New York and also well a writer for The Hill, the media critic. How are you what I'm doing? Great, Sean, I'm really exhausted already from night one and we get night too tonight, and the numbers are just coming in. Only eight point seven million people tuned in to CNN. Just to put that in comparison for the first Republican debate in twenty sixteen that was on Fox, twenty four million tuned in for that. So this is certainly a big drop off from even the first Democratic debate that was in Miami last month, where they drew more than twice that number. Well, what do you what do you think that says? For example, there was an energy to the Obama experience because and I think it was a guy that read a good teleprompter and people and he said the right things and it was very slogany and no specifics, and nobody in the media wanted to dare vet the guy and hope and change, hope and change, hope and change, and yes we can and yes we can, and people got excited. But you know, in person, I see that can sustain the enthusiasm that is pretty much unprecedented at modern times. There's nobody close to Donald Trump. Is there anybody that you see that is capable of getting the kind of energy that would be needed to show that there's a movement to elect them? Could I see Sean, for instance, twenty twenty five thousand people going to a stadium, going to an arena, packing it standing outside if they don't get in for any of the Democratic candidates right now, No, I do not. If Joe Biden is the front runner, he's certainly the least electric, he's one of the most old, he's white, he's establishment that doesn't exactly fit all the boxes. And Joe's gonna get hit again on his past positions on race and everything else. And you know where I would hit him is that they should say that Joe Biden's economy failed. But I don't think they're gonna do that. No, I don't think so. If you're saying they, as far as other Democrats know, they'll they'll go after the identity politics part of Joe Biden and his record from the nineties and the eighties. Well, okay, here's his answer. Though. If Barack Obama picked me is his VP, that's all I need. How does that go over? I don't think very well because the guy who picked him to be VP hasn't endorsed him. And they're not only is supposed to be people that work together for eight years at the highest level of government, but best friends, right, they even have bracelet's prove it. And yet Barack Obama has not endorsed him. You can make a political argument as to why, but I'm sorry, if that's my vice president and he's one of my best friends, I break the rules and I go ahead and I endorse him. But to your first question, did I see a president up there last night? Were any of them likable? Were any of them not angry? I don't think so. They're playing to a Twitter crowd at this point, Sean, which is perpetually angry. And ultimately, optimism is what wins elections, and that's what Donald Trump bought quite frankly in twenty sixteen. Make America great again. Not America is horrible and we're going to try to save it. That doesn't quite fly with independent voters. All right. So the fact that this is only eight and a half million and Republicans at this time we're getting twenty four million viewers, means what does that mean that the enthusiasm and the interest level is that low? Boy, that's a good question. I mean you can make the argument, well, the debates are split up, so the audiences just split up. I would argue that the people that tuned in last night Tuesday night are the same people are going to tune in Wednesday. So I think I don't think it's two different audiences. No. I think around Donald Trump, the curiosity certainly, hey how's this businessman, this reality show star, how's he going to do against seventeen other Republican candidates Season one for that matter, whether you're talking Casa or Bush or Cruz. That was in Cleveland. So there was a curiosity factor, but more a star power factor. And I hate to say it, but that's half of what elections come down to these days. You know, Reagan was a great orator, you could say Bill Clinton was charming, a good orator. Obviously, Barack Obama as well. George W. Bush, the guy you would have a beer with if he drank of course, so you look at all the past candidates. You need that star quality to a certain extent. And honestly, even though there's twenty five people to choose from, I don't see one on the Democratic side that has that quality. And that means something because optics, as you know, is very important, particularly when TV fuels so much of these candidacies. At the end of the day, I don't see anybody on the outside breaking through, but you never know, something could happen. So that means it's either Joe sleepy, creepy, crazy Uncle Joe, or Kamala Harris or let's see crazy Bernie or Elizabeth Warren won one twenty four, it's gonna be one of those four. Well, maybe Mary Ann Williamson. Maybe she will cause a spiritual awakening in the country and we'll get in touch with our psychic selves and maybe we can have a seance and get our palms read in the meantime. You know how, Sean, you know how you know that last night's performance was so weak by those other candidates that were up on stage last night, or at least wasn't relatable the fact that Mary Anne Williamson won the Drudge Poll quite easily. They're climbing. They're claiming that was rigged by a bunch of right wingers. Okay, Well, then the Google trends in terms of who people looked up the most easily went to Mary Ann Williamson. Right. I was watching cable news today. Everybody was applauding her. So it's not just Drudge, but it seems like she was the winner last night. And when she wins your debate, you got problems, Sean Well. The top searched for Democratic candidates were Mary Ann Williamson, Bernie Say, there's Elizabeth Warren mayor people to judge, I mean Beta. I think these other people that never never ran in the sense that I don't think they're getting any traction at all. And Kamala will see tonight, crazy creepy, sleepy uncle Joe will see tonight. Everybody's gonna hope that they go at each other. But you know, Kamala takes one position one day, goes after him in the last debate, then pulls back the next day. And the same thing with well, you can have private insurance, Yes, you can have private insurance. You can't have private insurance, you cannot. You know, she can flip some flops everywhere. She has an authenticity problem, right, she is not very principled. I think that shows she was supposed to be the big winner of the first debate and you thought she'd take off, but she's fallen back now behind Biden in the real clear politics average pulls. That's where they take eight pulls may But the bottom line is they got no traction out of that one shot they all support. They're all gonna run. Whoever wins is gonna run on hating Trump, and they're gonna run on some version of socialism and America and it's gonna mean higher taxes. And this is the bottom line. It's gonna be a weak foreign policy. It's gonna be free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Walls are immoral, maybe tear down walls, and it's gonna be basically everything is free, and we're going to rob from the rich give to the poor, and some version of the New Green Deal. The positions are called clear now, and I don't think they get to back off them once one of them emerges as the nominee, right, And I think if you're President Trump, you continue to hammer the Baltimore argument I'm calling it, and that is if Democrats are saying that they can run healthcare better than private insurance companies. Well, then, how is it exactly that even the government of Baltimore that gets billions of dollars sixteen billion dollars can't even pick up the garbage? In other words, if they can't do that simple job, right, how they gonna run something as complex as healthcare? How are they gonna save the planet again? If you can't save Baltimore from ranch, it's a very easy argument to make. And once it comes down to capitalism versus socialism and big government versus small government, that's a very easy argument for President Trump to make. I don't care who he's running against. All Right, gotta take a break. We'll come back eight hundred nine for one Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, all right, as we continue. Joe Concha as a media writer for The Hill, a friend of the show also on wo R New York. All right, so we expect this back and forth. What I don't like about the media coverage of this, Oh, it was the moderates against the more extreme members up on stage. There's not one moderate running. Everyone will raise taxes everyone will adopt a version of the New Green Deal. Every single Democrat that is in this primary will take this country solidly to the hard left. And just because some are even more looney tunes left, that doesn't make it justified. There's no moderates in the Democratic Party, no moderate that I see running for president. Yeah, I think you want to go Sewan instead, the progressives or the liberals versus the relatively moderate right, because I don't think that you can call any of the candidates that are up their monitorate. I think Joe Biden you probably could at one point, maybe back in the nineties, but obviously the positions that he has taken since he started running here in twenty twenty, or Lynette's giving illegal immigrants healthcare and down the line, I don't think you can't even call him moderate anymore. But that's the way they're branding it. But either way, it seems that the far left is winning in media circles because they have the more feel good story, even if they can't explain how they're going to pay for all the feel good stuff, and those are the ones that are going to have the wind at they're back. From immediate perspective, the Warrens, the Sanders, the Harrises, and then Biden has such a big lead, perhaps he wins it anyway, But those three candidates I think have the most momentum from a media love perspective. Sean, Well, let me ask you this, as of today, the thirty first of July twenty nineteen, who do you think wins this nomination. I think it'll be a combination. I don't know who's on top and who's on bottom, but Elizabeth Warren Kamela Harris. I think those are your two. I think Elvin all female ticket, because that's just the way the Democratic Party wants it at this point. That's why I think it's gonna be. Look, I think the people in the running, I think sleepy, creepy, crazy uncle Joe. I agree. Kamala Harris is a close second, more likely than the others to win the nomination, not really far behind her as Elizabeth Warren. And then you got crazy Bernie. They just steal it from him and he would take it like the last time. So I think those are the four people to watch out for. I agree, And by the way, I like Jeff Biden. I don't know why anybody's picking that nickname up. I was very proud of that one, Jeff Biden, that would be you. Thank you all right, Joe Consha, thank you eight hundred and ninety four one sewn you want to be a part of the program, Bill O'Reilly. We'll get his take on this crazy debate and your calls coming up next hour. We'll have full coverage of the debate tonight right out of the box, nine Eastern on Hannity and the highlights on the Fox News Channel. Tune in at nine You're not gonna want to miss it. Straight ahead. This city is turning around because the government and the private sector are working well together. That has to be our model going forward. We need to encourage collaboration between the government, the private sector, of the nonprofit sector and focus on those kitchen table pocketbook issues that matter to hard working Americans, building infrastructure, creating jobs, improving their pay, creating universal health. You know, I don't understand why anybody does to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can't do and shouldn't fight for. We want to turn out to the issue of race in America Congress, in our President Trump is pursuing a reelection strategy based in part on racial division. How do you convince primary voters that you'd be the best nominee to take on President Trump and heal the racial divide in America? Last week, the FBI Director Christopher Ray said that the majority of domestic terrorism cases this year have been motivated by white supremacy. In fact, the alleged shooter and this weekend's attack and Gilroy California reference a well known white supremacist book on social media. How are you going to combat the rise of white supremacy? What do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president's bigotry. Speaking of reparations, Miss Williams, Miss Williamson, many of your opponents support a commission to study the issue of reparations for slavery, but you are calling for up to five hundred billion dollars in financial assistance. What makes you qualify to determine how much is owed in reparation? Sipar Senators, you don't think cash payments are the best way to address this issue. But according to a new Gallop Pole seventy three percent of African Americans are in favor of cash payments to Black Americans who are descendants of slaves. How do you respond to them? This is part of the dark underbelly of American society, the racism, the bigotry, and the entire conversation that we're having here tonight. If you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country, then I'm afraid that the Democrats are going to see some very dark days. We need to say it like it is. It's bigger than flint. It's all over this country. It's particularly people of color, it's particularly people who do not have the money to fight back. And if the Democrats don't start saying it, then why would those people feel that they're there for us? And if those people don't feel it, they won't vote for us and Donald Trump yet? Right that from the Democratic debates, if that's what you want to call it. Last night in Detroit, we've been going through the phenomenon which is very obvious. Liberal cities, the most liberal cities in America, we see the most poverty, the most misery. A mile away from Nancy Pelosi's office in one direction, a mile away from our gated community. In the other direction, we have drug addicts openly shooting up in the streets. Needles are everywhere. There's no place for the homeless and the drug addicts to go to the bathroom. So the urinating and defecating right there in the street not particularly beautiful. Then the encampments now in Los Angeles have gotten bigger the president. We've been through all the statistics now on Baltimore, and none of them are any good, and the same with Detroit. But now what has failed so miserably on the local level after decades and decades of liberal Democratic rule, Well now they want institutionalize locally. If you listen last night, everything on the issues of race and reparations and taxes and seventy percent top marginal rates for individuals, ninety percent top rates for corporations, wealth taxes that they want everything's going to be free, some version of the New Green Deal, the climate doomsday that we heard last night. O'Rourke claiming that Beto bozo I listened to the scientists on this. They're very clear, we don't have more than ten years to get this right. And then you got little old mayor Pete Buddha judge telling us science tells us we have twelve years before we reach the horizon of a catastrophe. Uh. And of course then you've got mary Anne Williamson and Trump and dark psychic forces anyway, and then of course free healthcare, medicare for all, free healthcare for illegal immigrants. And it's only the beginning, all right, joining us now for his insights into this well circus, if you want to call it, that is Bill O'Reilly all things O'Reilly or on Bill O'Reilly dot com. You know, I know, Bill O'Reilly. This is what I'm thinking. Bill O'Reilly's watching this debate and the real cynic Bill O'Reilly comes out, and you're saying, what the hell am I watching? Well, talk about a dark psychic force here? I am, I'm here. This is it? Well, we'll call you. You're gonna be Darth Vader. O'Reilly is now saying, I've Mary Anne said that I want you should have invited me here. You could have just cut you know, CNN could have cut to me in the audience. I would have waved. Then yea, there is dark psychic force. Um, you know I watched it because I have to analyze it. I'm Bill O'Reilly dot comment on the radio affiliates that we have, and I felt that there was a big split between the radical socialists, and I put Beto O'Rourke in that category along with Bernie and Warren and then the other ones who are afraid of the radical Socialists but are basically saying the audience, Hey, I hope you're not buying all this because it's never going to happen, and if it did happen, we'd be venezuela. I'll be happy to explain that if you Are'm me too. Oh well, you see. The only thing I'm taking a little issue with is I mean you're saying the radical and more moderate, and I know people have characterized it that way, but the more moderate Democrats they still want the New Green Deal bill, they still want everything that's radical. They're just either unwilling to say it or they're saying it in a water down fashion. But they're not disagreeing. Well, that's true, and they're not disagreeing with open borders. They're not disagreeing with reparations because they're afraid. Well, so, well, if you're afraid to speak your mind? Bill, how do you become the president of the United States? So, Ryan Delaney, Hick and Luber Bullock Klobits are those five wouldn't go the crazy route, but they don't have a chance. They don't. So if you, if you're going to stand up to the radical left in this country today, they're going to tear you to pieces because the media will help them do that. So whereas guys like you and I are fairly realistic, let me use that word realistic in what we know, cannon can happen in America, right, Okay? If we go against, as Delaney said, the fairytale rhetoric, then where racists or missogynists? So if I say, Elizabeth Warren, the Senator from Massachusetts, is that of her freaking mind? Which she is, right, I'm a misogynist, even though I can back up what I say when I would point out that if miss Warren were elected president, she would attempt to have the federal government run the private economy. She would take over forcefully corporations. That's what you have in a socialist country. That's what Venezuela, Cuba, China, Vietnam, that's what they all do they run the economy. So I'm gonna point this out that a that's unconstitutional, be it will never happen. See, if it did happen, the American economy would collapse and would be violence in the streets. But if I said any of that, I'm backed it up with historical facts, I'd be still be a misogynist, you know. Look, But the thing is is, here's what I'm gonna I'm trying to understand how they go get it get around these facts. The economy that was Biden Obama is what it is, and eight years of failure. You can't you can't take away the fact that thirteen million more Americans ended up on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, lowest labor participation rate since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties, more debt than all forty three presidents combined, and the failure of Obamacare. On foreign policy, you've got, of course, the Mullahs in Iran. They got one hundred and fifty billion dollars and you try to bribe Mullahs and they got a horrible deal. So how do we buy for kate separate those eight years with the two and a half years of success, the best employment situation since nineteen sixty nine, record low unemployment for every demographic group. How do you how do you argue against successful policies and failed policies because they the radical left have banished the Obama administration. They've banished it. You don't You didn't hear it once last night? Okay, well you, but you've been you've been thinking that Biden still pulls this out, and I think he's got a good shot will use the Obama card. But the radical left is they don't use it. So what they were telling the American people in a segment, and the people believe it, is that the economy is not good. So the American economy is not good. I mean, Sanders and Warren were there all day long on that. So is O'Rourke. But O'Rourke is out. He discus he's finished left night. Well, I don't know. I'm thinking Mary Ann Williams now emerges as a real leader in the Democratic Party, and I think psychic forces are going to be the future of America. Well, I think we're going to have a mass seance as a as a country. We'll all hold hands at the same time. Bill and you know, back to Mary Anne's policy that all of us would have to buy wind chimes, that's an intrusion. I don't want to buy a wind chime. Well, you don't want to sit through a seance to you. I mean mary Ann Williamson, she wants me to buy a wind chime, and I'm not gonna do it. So I think the wind chime would be good inside your house. I mean, because when the wind blows, you'll know it's it's you know, climate change is occurring right before you're you're hearing it right in your ears. Well, in real time. If the world's gonna end in ten years, okay, I gotta pay my mortgage. You know why, I'm going to refinance because I'm gonna get every nickel now, because in ten years, the house is going to be like the Wizard of Oz is gonna be zipmen. Oh if we well, that's a good point going to be. You know, but O'Reilly. If the world's gonna end in ten years, why don't we all just say blanket and we'll throw one hell of a big party for ten straight years and go out and have fun. Well I'm already doing that, Hannity. You know, that. Yeah, And I know, and I resent the hell out of your life. I really do. I mean, I'm I'm I'm pounding away and grinding away, and you abandon the ship. That's right, I'm I'm I'm with Frankie Avalana and that's what I'm doing. Mary Anne and Beato and Buddhi judge, they all said, hey, you know, why why break your back when the oceans are they run us. Here's this. They all support some version of the Green New Deal. They all want higher taxes, they all want reparations, they all want leftist judges. They all want the old typical democratic womb to the tomb, cradle to graves society where they're going to redistribute wealth. There is no moderation that I see, so I kind of take a little issue with that. To be fair, Ryan Delaney, Hick and Looper Bullock clovichar they're they're not buying in, but as we discuss, they're too afraid to stick up. They have no shot. Eybody should know one real important thing, the Green New Deal really doesn't have anything to do with climate change. A Kazio court to do. Yeah, well, by the way, A Kazio Cortez's Chief of Staff even said those words, Oh, when we put this together, it had nothing to do with climate change at all. It has to do with giving the central government in Washington so much power that the individual American is going to be told what to do on a daily basis in his or her own life. That's what the Green New Deal is, empowering federal government in Washington to run everything. All right, quick break more with Bill O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly dot com for all things O'Reilly. As we continue, we'll get to your calls. Final half hour, eight hundred and nine for one Sean told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, Great Hannity tonight. We'll tell you more about that coming up straight ahead. Right as we continue, Bill O'Reilly with us, Bill O'Reilly dot com. We're talking about last night's debate. Is there anybody that stood out in your view that could possibly, maybe somehow kind of breakthrough and we're not seeing it? Is it? Is it? For example, Maryanne Williamson, No, Marian Williamson. What about what about the mayor Pete Buddha judge. He'll be any year or eighteen months, he'll be hosting a program on CNN. No, I'm curious. I don't think. I don't disagree at all. That's where he's going. He knows he's not gonna win, right, but booda judge, you'll get a million dollar contract to be in primetime on CNN. You mark my words? All right? So they let me ask you a TV question. So they got good ratings last night, about ten million people. A little less than ten million, Okay, that's fine. But if you're going back to twenty fifteen when it was the Republicans and Donald Trump was on the scene, it was twenty two million. So I know everyone's saying, Wow, this is huge, this show's excitement. Is there anybody that you see that has a little bit of the Obama or Trump wow factor and the ability to draw big crowds? No? No, Trump can put twenty thousand in an arena because he's entertaining and he's provocative. None of the Democratic candidates could come close to doing that, none of them. And you're standing by your prediction it's gonna be Joe. Yeah, watch Biden tonight. Okay, gotch the drama tonight and they'll have thirteen to fourteen million viewers tonight. On CNN. So somebody's going to go after him. I don't think it's going to be Senator Harris, but somebody's gonna go after him. They're gonna ram his tough on crime legislation that he championed in the nineteen nineties down his throat, and the overarch is going to be you're a bad, evil white man, and you are responsible for young blacks being in prison at a record rate. All Right, I'll tell you what I gotta I gotta roll. It's Bill O'Reilly dot com. And I know when is your birthday coming up in September? Good, I'm getting you win chimes for your birthday, and I'm gonna see if I can get Mary and Williamson. I'm gonna no, no, no, I'm gonna get them, and I'm gonna see if Mary Ann Williamson will autograph them for you. All Right, I'm a generous, thoughtful guy. Who else would have thought of that? All right, Bill, thank you, sir? All right, twenty five till the top of the hour, we'll get to your calls here in a second um. Last year on this program, we introduced somebody to you that was celebrating his one hundredth birthday, and uh, the man is incredible, and uh you might remember his name is Elwood or Woody Snell. And by the way, he's now one hundred and one years old, and he served his country in World War Two, part of a fight flight crew and navigator who flew the quote hump through the Himalaya Mountains to China and Burma, starting in India, stationed in India for a number of years. And I mean just an amazing track record and amazing service to his country. He said. The experience of doing that number one has made him more deep in his faith, which is Christianity, a deeply devoted American patriot who loves this country. And now he has hit another milestone at one hundred and one, and we wanted to say happy birthday again to Woody. I guess I figured. You know, we're going to be doing this for the next twenty thirty years while I'm on the air, and I'll pass away and somebody else will have to interview you and you'll still be here. How are you sorry? Happy birthday? Hello. It's always an honor to hear your voice, sir. Did you get a lot of reaction last year when you were on the program. I certainly did. A lot of people reminded me. And one person from South Carolina has sent me a book that their father wrote when he was in when they made the landing at France, right, and they said, go ahead, sir, go ahead, and he send it to you. So then your company send it to me. The only trouble is I got Bancter degeneration and I'm legally blind, so I had to give it to my grandson and he was reading it for me. You know why I like that because then I hope you at least listen to the TV show because I'm getting grayer, older and fatter, and I'd rather not see that anyway. So if you're listening to the TV show and not watching the TV show, then that makes me feel better. So what do you do every day? What's your average day? Like? I get up and I stay with my son part of the time and I stay with my daughter the other part of the time. And so I get up and after breakfast, I read. I have books on tape and I listen to a book or some I have numerous books I read, and then I get on my son's trademill and I exercise a little bit on it, and that's just about maybe. Then I go outside and set in the sun when the warm weather's warm. So and I go up to the Bonefish restaurant every Tuesday night, and I have a real good time up there. Well, I gotta tell you, first of all, you're a great American hero. We just want to check in with you once every year, make sure you're doing okay, if you need anything from us. Thank you for your love of your country, your service to your country. And we want to send you a little something for your birthday, and Linda is going to put that in the mail probably sometime in the next day or two, okay, And we wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Thank you very much, Sehn. You're a true American. I really love you so You're awesome. That makes me feel so good. God bless you. Thank you for who you are. And I'm going to do everything possible in terms of fighting for the cause that you fought so hard for. My dad fought in World War Two and it's people like you that paid the real price. Thank you so much, sir. We stand on your shoulders. Thank you very much. John. I hope to hear from you next year again at when I'm one hundred and two. Well, I'm I'm I'm thinking the next thirty years, and then when I pass away, we'll play tapes of the older versions you know of me interviewing you, because you're gonna still be around. I'm forget it. You're the Thank you, sir, You're the best. You made my day, all right, God bless you. Wow? What a hero? All eight hundred nine for one, Shan. So we have two interns in the studio today. We have interns coming all the time. Well, we don't always put them on the air, but this is a special case. Well, I'm just gonna use your first name because you guys are well, Peter, how old do you? You got to speak into the microphone? Eleven? Jack? How old are you eleven as well? All right, so you're gonna intern with me. You've been shadowing me all day and you've been at the radio show all day. Now, a deal like it? Is it different than you ever thought it would be? What do you think of it? It's a very engaging atmosphere and I also like a very engaging atmosphere. Okay, yeah, it's an engaging atmosphere. Uh, and Pete, what do you what do you say? Peter? I just think it's very cool and it's fun to see what happens behind the scenes. Yeah. Now, both of you have seen me do the TV show right all right, and you've got to see it again tonight. And so what's the difference from your perspective radio and TV? Peter will let you answer the first one. Um, I just I don't know, I really don't know. You don't know. What do you think, Jack? I think it would be the very nice snacks that you got in the control room. Oh yeah, oh yeah, jee Peter, and Linda gives every kid like all the love the kid. She jacks them up on more sugar than they've ever had in their life. I'm sure their parents are gonna love hearing this. Um okay, So what do you think the difference is, Jack, Well, I think it's can be different in the way where it seems sort of like it can be rushed, like in the back room you can see them coin trying to get people on the show, and I feel like the TV show feels a lot more. That's actually a real, a good solid observation we're working I can't imagine why it feels so rushed. Well, we have we have a sn't know, we have a smaller staff in radio. Um, I truth, tell the truth. How many f bombs? Zero? Zero? We heard zero. They've been very careful, They've been very they've been very careful, except for the Howard Stern part that who said that? That was you? No, that was you the talent. Um. Well, let me ask you. Now you both like Donald Trump? Um, I know why do you like Donald Trump? I like Donald Trump because I think he's doing a lot for this country and I think he really cares about the average American versus the um the other the leftists who don't really care about the average American. They're just doing whatever they can to make a bigger government, rates, taxes. That's and you have been interested in politics, Jack, since you're how old, probably like six or seven in a long time. That's a little that's not the average kid. I hate to say. I was a lot like that too. I mean i'd be up my parents would scream it with me because I was listening to the radio late into the night. Peter. Now, you like politics, you followed politics, but you also like other things too. You're a quarterback, a really good quarterback. I've seen you throw. I've actually thrown the football with you. You got, you got a heck of an arm Does Jack have as good an army here? Or he's just I wouldn't say for football, but he's a great hockey player, great hockey playing ice hockey. Yeah, I position um Normally I play either defense, right ring, I really play anything they put me out. I was a center, but when we were playing in the beginning, we didn't even wear helmets. Then we had to wear a helmet, but we didn't wear guards or mouthpieces. Every one of my friends lost teeth except me. I mean, I came close. I was able to dodge that boat. Then I fell off a roof and I lost a lot of them. I've only lost one tooth, but that was just because of impact during like a practice. So right, if we don't lose it because of getting the force hitting the actual tooth, we might lose it from the helmet at hitting us, or just the tooth does loose anyway, and you just lose it from the movement you've had your bell rung. In other words, it hurts right headache type and uh pete you. Peter is so good. I mean you've been recruited now and people are keeping an eye on you because you're such a good quarterback and football players that your favorite sport. Now, yeah, I've been invited to a couple of showcases. I've been invited some teams. Um, it's just been fun. I love doing it. You loved it. You love football, and you want to play college and maybe pro football. Yeah, you gotta be careful. I mean a lot of people get hurting football. You know what the average professional football player's career is? How long? Oh? No, I really three and a half years? So I did hear about that? Yeah, it's I mean it is. Now. Then you got somebody like Tom Brady, I mean Peyton mann Okay, Peyton Manning. Eli. I'm not getting into you know, the quarterback fight here, Um, but um, you know they're able to Well, you gotta have a Sean. I've think you should ask him what he thinks about Tom Brady because he shared it with us. I don't really want to know. I don't feel like you should. No, let's just forget that part. But I want to ask you this, So, do you think you're going to try to be a pro football player. I guess I can try. Um, oh, just see where football takes me. What if? What if you don't become a football player? What's your plan? B what would you like to do? I haven't got that part out. I've always like a joke with my family to be maybe a sports announcer. I joke about it. You could do it? Yeah, it sounds like fun. Uh? And what do you want to do? Jack? Um? Well, I don't think sports. Um. I don't think if sports as a potential career. I think it's a lot of fun and something I would want to do in college. But I've always thought about a career like maybe in the military. I love politics. And would you want to go to like West Point, Annapolis or one of the military counties. I would want to go to West Point or Navy. Um west Point. Um, I've been to camps there with Peter Actual. How are you you have good grades? I know you? Do you get straight a's? Do you get straight a's heat grades? Yeah? Really good grades? All right? And do you like studying or no? Um? I like social studies history, that's like my favorite subjected study. UM. I like geography a lot to study maps and stuff up unbelievable. All right, guys, well you've done a good job so far. Today, go in there and your new aunt Linda will give you all the sugar and Jackie up for TV. Okay, so on, real quick, don't you think you know? Just for you know? Don't you think that Jack looks like a grown up Liam. I can't stop looking at him. He looks like my Liam in seven years. I can't even. I don't know yet. Maybe I want to, I don't know. Well, forget it. It's not gonna happen that kid. This is Linda with her kid. Leam, limp, get stopped jumping down the whole stairs. You're gonna break it, Liam, Lip one? Two? What did mommy say? What did mommy say? What happens if I get to three? One to Linda never gets to three. She's never made three once because she just spoils his poor kid, Rob. I love children, Yeah, but spoiling children is not a good idea. I'm not spoiling him. I'm just giving me. I got the three quick. Not easy to get to three with you. Forget about I listen, my kids learned I met with you. Well, okay, you give you your own you give your own son more flexibility. It's unbelievable. All right, guys, you can hang out here as we take some calls. We got let's see, uh you talk, Kurt, Kurt Hi, how are you welcome to the program, Sean, I ate a Paulo Burger last week. I just want to let you know that. Oh, I love the place. You mean Crown Burger. You're a Crown Burger? Yeah, well, Crowburger are like the same thing, different names. Wow. I told him to name the Stromieburger after you. Yeah. I think they need to. I give these people at Crownburger more free press. I can't believe they're not an advertiser on my show. Maybe I'll just stop. I'll mention that to him next time. I'm man, I love Crownburger. It's the best one of the and I love it and out Burger. They don't and advertise on my show either. They should all advertise on the show. I'm telling everybody to go. Everybody should go in and say Sean Hannity sent me and see if they'll sign up. Okay, I'll do it. Well, Hey, I called into uh for two things. Okay, yeah, a liberal? Oh boy, don't do it. I know how long have you been How long have you how long you've been dating her? Just over a year? Okay? Are you thinking of marrying this liberal? I don't know how. On a scale and a scale of one to ten crazy liberal? Is she like a New Green Deal socialist redistribution status liberal or no? I would say she's she's more of your moderate democrat. There is there's no such thing as a moderate Democrat. Who did she vote for when Obama was running? She vote for Obama twice. Yeah, she voted for Hillary. Did any chance any chance she'll vote for MP in twenty twenty? No, because she's met Trump before and she says she just doesn't like the way he talks. Okay, So here's here's your dilemma, and I'm gonna I'm just telling you. I have seen people in the age of Trump lose friendships. I have seen there was there was a story about this the other day in one of the New York tabloids about how friendships are lost over Donald Trump. It's hilarious, but you gotta think, you know, really, seriously, what else I would go over? What matters to you the most? Where your areas of agreement are and disagreement are And if you're looking at life and this through this pollyannist lens um, it's probably not gonna go the way you think. My advice to anybody who's contemplating marriage, but what the hell do I know? Nothing is look at the person's worst qualities and then ask yourself how much of that can you take? The bottom line is, you know it's not just lovey dovey hugs, kisses, happy light and fantasy, sunshine, rainbows and cotton candy. You know, when things get tough, is there that person gonna be there in the bunker with you and share your values? Are You're gonna be fighting every single solitary night for the next you know, for the rest of your life. I'd rather not have the fighting part. But what do I know? Right, Linda, Absolutely all right, Hannity Tonight, ninety Eastern Fox News, chownel right. We are loaded up. We are going to show every insane, crazy, nutty thing that the Democrats are and have been saying at these debates, and it's out of control. We got also, yeah, did you know that the FBI rated former FBI director Comy's house. We knew it. And we have all the details coming up tonight. Tom Fitnoll join us, John Solomon, Greg Joe Conscha, Lawrence Jones, Bernie Carrick, Nine, Eastern Hannity, Fox News, See you then, and we'll be back here tomorrow

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