One Size Doesn't Fit All

Published Aug 13, 2021, 10:02 PM

Sean reviews the latest medical information on COVID and vaccines including the idea that vaccine passports could endanger those who might be at risk by getting the vaccine. Plus, 213,000 illegal immigrants have come into the United States and many of those are carrying COVID. Where is President Biden?

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Thanks to all of you for being with us. Are toll free number this Friday is eight hundred and ninety four one Sean. If you want to join us, we'd love to have you be a part of the program. I saw this, somebody handed this to me, Sweet baby James. I believe in human events. Biden weighing vaccine mandate for interstate travel. You know, my biggest concern in all of this is and is there one size fits all medicine? Now? I don't know why there are so many people that are so comfortable out there that have no medical background whatsoever, that know nothing about your medical history or your current medical condition, that feel that they can demand and tell you exactly what you must do, and in the process, in some instances, even ignoring the quote science, which has been their mantra for however long now, because the science, for example, says from the Cleveland clinic, if you had COVID nineteen, you don't need any vaccination. Well, what about your need for a vaccine pass where you're still going to insist they get vaccinated because that's not going to work out well for people. But I mean, it's especially offensive that frontline healthcare workers, nurses, and those those in the middle of the pandemic threw themselves on you know, COVID grenades every day to save other people's lives and got COVID themselves and survived it. Are now being fired if they don't go along with the mandate, even if they're following the science of the Cleveland Clinic and the prestigious medical institution that we all know that to be Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, MD Anderson, you know Nyu Lang Gone, Sloan Ketterery, There's there's Cedars Sinai Los Angeles. There's certain medical institutions that have this prestige factor that has been earned because of good science and sing good medicine. But we gonna only only apply the medicine and follow the science only when it's convenient politically for us. Well, what what? What kind of science is that I'm following the science? You know a lot of people, a lot of you got mad at me at the time when I said, you know what, I would never want to get anybody sick. I really began to doubt myself when Jimmy Kimmel tweeted out, I agree with Annity because he hates my guts and the feeling, by the way, is kind of mutual. But but putting it all aside, it's not political health I would never want to have. I would never want to make anybody else sick. It's just something I'd never want to do that would bother me, you know, to no end. And I wanted to get to the back to normal life as fast as possible. Concerts, sporting events, you name it. I'm you know, I wanted life to return to normal restaurants, et cetera, et cetera. Now it's you know, and I'm watching everything that's going on, and it's it's vaccine mandates. One science fits all. What about people with rare medical conditions, and there are many of them that they does doctors say, do not get the vaccine. It's not good for you, it's not safe for you. When we're gonna now shut them out of restaurants, we're gonna stop interstate travel for them, We're not going to allow them in sporting events. They're not going to be allowed to participate in society due to no fault of their own, because they're following the science of their doctor based on their unique medical history and their unique medical condition. Or those that are following the Cleveland Clinic science that already had COVID that have natural immunity. I mean, it's it's this cookie cutter, one size fits all medicine really really bothers me. Now, I want you to take this seriously. Somebody that I care about very much, his brother died last night from COVID last night. It breaks my heart. Take it seriously. I've been up to my eyeballs in this. And the one thing I know everybody knows about social distancing in masks. And we have three vaccines, well nobody seems to be talking about, and we've been talking about is okay Now that we have the delta variant and the lambda variant right behind it that seems, you know, to be able to very easily penetrate vaccinations. Now we've got to make a little bit of a pivot towards therapeutics that have similarly been developed that are working. The one that stands out the most in my mind is regeneron and that's the monoclonial antibodies that are infused into somebody that tests positive for covids, you know, into their body. At least at least six people I know had the infusion this week and the last week. At least a dozen people I know had the most of them except for two cases breakout cases meaning they've been fully vaccinated, and the seventy four year old friend that I have with sixty eight year old wife that were not vaccinated. They did great. Doctor for Reid actually was extraordinarily helpful. They live in Atlanta. They they got Regeneron at Emory University Hospital and they got in less than twenty four hours after their diagnosis of COVID. They're fine, their kids got it, They're fine. Everybody's fine. Everyone I was tested negative, thank god. And in the case of the person that recently died, it was unvaccinated and did not use any therapeutics. By the time I heard about the case, the person was already on a ventilator. There's nothing I could do at that point in terms of offering ideas of putting them in touch, I don't. I offer my thoughts, but I usually put them in touch with people that have varying medical viewpoints so they can make their own informed decision. Rhonda Santis now has done something I think brilliant, and that is now he announced that well now that the CDC says the vaccination is not preventing people from getting COVID, that he is setting up centers starting in Jacksonville, which happens to be a hot spot right now all throughout Florida. So vaccinated people, especially the most vulnerable, the people that he protected while other states did not protect the elderly population, will have access to the monoclonial antibody cocktail like Regenera on Eli. Lily, to their credit, has developed one as well. It's I think equal to Regenera on and again I urge you to I'm not going to tell you what to do, but that would be my first consideration considering we have now all these breakthrough cases. I mean, it's it's it's pretty unbelievable. But then the worst part of all of this is that while we are, as American citizen being told that we've got it, we have vaccine mandates, masked mandates, vaccine passports. Are You're going to be cut out of everyday life to pressure everybody to take their one size fits all medicine regardless of their unique medical condition. Their medical history may be rare conditions they have, whether or not they might have had COVID and out of natural antibodies and they might just be shut out of life. While simultaneously, you know, last month, what do we have two hundred and twelve thousand, I mean, this is the biggest month yet, over two hundred and twelve thousand illegal immigrants crossing over the border illegally, with a very high percentage of people that are of COVID positivity. The mayor of McAllen, Texas is warned that Biden's COVID carrying illegal immigrants are infecting America. CBS News reporting that you know, we're starting to see, you know, the slew of reports that Joe Biden's media operatives insists absolutely no way that four hundred thousand COVID carrying illegal migrants, you know, will be imported into America. But there are going to be Americans that catch COVID because of the open borders policies of Joe Biden. And there's going to be some that get hospitalized, some will be put on ventilators, and some won't survive, they will die. And that's just by not controlling the border the way we were controlling The border mayor of McAllen, Texas, they're growingly concerned. He said, so, I saw no correlation between the increase in COVID within our community and the immigrants because they were isolated there. But initially I didn't see the problem, But now I think there is an issue, he says, because they're going throughout the count the country. In other words, he's saying positive or not positive. Usually not even tested. They picked up, They're going out, and we have no authority to stop them. CBS News asked the mayor of McAllen, so, when you hear the governor's talking about this being a problem for the health and safety of the rest of America, am I hearing right? You agree with that? I totally agree with that, the mayor said. Dallas Morning News reporting today that buses of migrant families from Laredo and Del Rio are being driven to Dallas, where confused passengers are then dropped off in an effort to alleviate overcrowding in border cities. We learned earlier this week that in the dark night, planeloads of illegal immigrants are are flying into Laredo and other parts of Texas and other and then being dispersed to other parts of the country. You know, two hundred and twelve thousand plus this last month of July alone. You have a democratic border mayor. You know, I mean, this is pretty interesting, you know, discussing all of this. The city of Laredo reached an agreement last week with the Biden administration that allows them to send the illegal immigrants to Austin, Dallas, Houston after they're release by border patrol. Laredo's mayor, a Democrat, revealed Wednesday that the migrants are no longer being tested for COVID before they're being bust out. The city is no longer required to test them. He said. The reason why we don't do the testing is that one should test. There is an obligation. He's admitting it. He'd rather get him on the buses and make it somebody else's problem. Not particularly nice. We have the former Westchester County executive. He's now running for governor of New York along with Andrew Giulietti and Congressman Zelda rob Asterreno is a good Guy's been a long time friend. He says that a plane carrying Biden's illegal immigrants landed last night at Westchester County Airport, New York. He's now running for governor, revealed this morning on our flagship station wo R that a source familiar with what's going on at Westchester County Airport, it's a private at small airport, told them a plane landed in the dead of night, three in the morning, and he said Westchester County Airport normally closed at that hour, so the plane must have had special clearance. And according to his source, the plane was packed with the illegal migrant children, who, according to the DHS, have a twenty percent COVID infection rate. What's going to happen. It's obvious innocent people are going to be protected, but we're not even doing testing down there, Department of Homeland Security. I'll play at tape later in the program. We got Mayorchis on tape saying this is not sustainable. Leaked audio. He says, you know, literally, we're close to our breaking point and on our responsibilities to make sure this never happens again. Well, he's not doing anything to fix it. And the Department of Homeland Security even admitting coronavirus positive border crosses are increasingly arriving at their open borders and Americans that it's sick. Can blame one person directly, and that's Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and ma Orcas himself. Former cbe BE Chief Customs Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan said that Joe's Department of Homeland Security is potentially released already forty thousand coronavirus positive the illegal immigrants into the US. White House confirmed two hundred and twelve thousand, six hundred and seventy two illegal immigrants entering in July. That's just the ones they know about. I mean, I mean, and then they're just literally, you know, just dispensing people all around the country, saying to the governors, the mayor, you handle this, well, how are they supposed to handle this? And do we expect that these illegal immigrants are just going to stay inside and not come into contact with the Americans and every city and town in the country. And what happens when then Americans get sick? I mean, it's not that burdensome to control the borders. Stay in Mexico, policy work, the border wall worked, catchum release was rescinded under Trump. We keep people there and then if you want to, if they have a refugee claim, let them go through the claim in Mexico and if in fact it's valid and you can confirm it's valid. How about then they've got to have at least a coronavirus PCR test, maybe a background check to see that they don't have radical associations, show that they have the means to take care of themselves. When they get into the country, they have a place to go. That's not unreasonable, except if you're a liberal Democrat, and then they're gonna they're gonna put all these mandates on you, mandate vaccines, mandate masks, mandate vaccine passports, or you're just shut out of society and shunned and shamed. Even let me play. We have Homeland Security Secretary Mayorcas privately meeting with border patrol agents in Texas, and this this audio leaked where literally it says the border is unsustainable, these numbers can continue, and then it goes on to say, we're close to our breaking point. Our responsibility is to make sure this never happens again. It's gotten worse every month. He needs to be fired. Listen, unsustainable, these numbers cannot continue. You cannot get to a blind building or a couple of weeks ago, and you're gonna make sure that doesn't happen. If you're looking into policious how close you've been to breaking here in this sector, and it's our responsibility to be true. Yet never happens again. He says that the border crisis is unsustainable. We're going to lose if quote borders are the first line of defense. A couple of days ago, I was down in Mexico and I said, look, you know, if our borders are the first line of the defense, we're gonna lose. This is unsustainable. That was leaked. Thankfully some Order Patrol agent recorded it and leaked it. We need to hear it. We can't continue like this, Our people in the field can't continue, and our system is in Billport. Well, the answer is to go back to the policies that you inherited that we're working. Senator to Tom Cotton rightly now is calling on Mayorcas, the Department of Homeland Security secretary to resign or be fired over this border failure. And then they don't even test people, and the mayors of these Texas towns are fine with it because they they're so overrun. They're like, we need some relief, so they don't test them. So then they put them on buses and airplanes. In the dark and night and ship them anywhere, and then they get exposed to the American people. Americans will die because of this madness. Twenty five until the top of the hour, eight nine one, Shaun is our number. FDA now has authorized a third vaccine dose in immune no compromise. I can say it. I talked for a living people. FDA authorized third dose Fauci flip flopper that he is. It's inevitable. People will need COVID nineteen vaccine boosters, but only immune compromise need them now. So the bar keeps shifting every day. Then you have this this idiot, the ni age guy in parents. You need to wear your masks now at homes. Oh, never mind, I didn't mean to say it. Didn't expect the backlash. New Orleans will now require proof of COVID nineteen vaccination or negative tests for bars, gyms, concerts. You have the fourth lowest vaccination rate in the country, apparently at forty five point four percent. New Orleans Saints are to ban fans without vaccination or proof of a negative test. Well, why don't they set up testing centers if they want to, If they if they really want to make a convenient for fans. You know you got this, for example, in your local rite aid in CBS, it's about a ninety eight percent they say effective rate and it's emergency authorized use. But they have the home tests. And one of my best friends found out through the home test that even though he was fully vaccinated, that he had COVID, and it was the Abbot test. I actually ended up buying a bunch of them because I know there's going to be people in my life that need him at some point. I'll have him available. I do that for everybody. And so, but then he went and he went to the dock in the box, got the full PCR test. Turns out he was a breakthrough case. He's fine. He had regeneron infused in less than twenty four hours. Doctor Freed, Harvard Medical School grad who believes in proactive medicine, also abused ivermectin and HCQ and zinc and vitamin D three and vitamin C one of my missing quite certain. I don't even remember the whole protocol. But you know, I'm not telling people what to do, but I would say this now that Rhonda Santis, the governor of Florida, realizes that even vaccinated people. The CDC said the vaccination is not preventing people from getting COVID. Well, that's a game changer. And as part of the game change, I think the most underreported and underutilized weapon against COVID are the therapeutics and more specifically my personal belief. I'm not a doctor and I'm not a scientist, but anecdotally, the people that I know that have had it, I had two other friends of mine infused two days ago with Regeneron and Eli Lily has their version of it. Anyway, in Florida, they're setting up these mono colonial antibody centers for people in Florida, vaccinated or unvaccinated. If you're a breakthrough case, you'll have a fairly immediate access to it. Like with everything COVID related, the faster you move, the quicker, the odds are great. That's that's what they even said, these studies that came out eventually, even though the mob and the media went crazy. Yeah, I've taken early HCQ eighty four percent effect of at mitigating some of the symptoms of COVID. Is it able to fix COVID? No, that's not what the studies say. It's starting with the Henry Ford Hospital study. And there's been at least seven or eight of them now that have confirmed that that study. And I've remect and you should look into that. I'm not your doctor. I'm just giving you information to look into. But you know, all these people out there telling everybody what to do one size fits all medicine, that's that's not going to work. Now. I wish I could tell you news that you'd like that this this delta variant is going to be the end of it, but it's not. There's uh, we're following very closely. I mean, we try to stay ahead of the curve. And as we're now currently dealing with a delta variant, you know, we now see the variant behind it that has been ravaging parts of South America, what's called the lambda mutation of the Lamanda variant. And anyway, there was a report with a study of ways peer review that prior to getting published researchers in Japan. This is very preliminary and early and it's not been peered reviewed, but they show they're sounding the alarm that the lambda variant is just as virulent as delta thanks to a similar mutation, making it even more contagious. Member viruses are always mutating in the fight to stay alive. It's why they do that. I don't know. I'm not a virologist. That's why gain a function is so dangerous. That's why our tax dollars being used for the Wuhan Institute of Herology is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life, Separate and apart from what we're dealing with in the moment anyway. Notably, the vaccination rate in Chile is relatively high. The percentage of people who received at least one doses about sixty percent. Nevertheless, this variant, which started in the spring of twenty twenty one, the Lambda variant, is proficient in escaping from the anti viral immunity elicited by vaccination. They warn, in other words, breakthrough cases. It's something you're going to have to pay attention to, and that's why we have spent more time focusing on therapeutics, because it's if these breakthrough cases. Now, if you take one, if you clean one good thing out of the breakthrough cases, that you can kind of take to the bank a little bit. They seem the vaccination seems to provide enough help even if you do have a breakthrough case to prevent you from being hospitalized and dying. Okay, at least you're getting some benefit out of it up to now. Is that going to last? I don't know. I don't know. You know, my advice stays the same, though. I'm not going to be your doctor on radio or your doctor on TV. But you better take it seriously and for the people you love to take it seriously. And that means you've got to take into account your unique medical history, your unique current medical condition. I urge everybody. If you have a phone, everybody has a phone, you can look up more information at your fingertips and in seconds you'll be reading more about COVID and variance and therapeutics and vaccines than you ever want to read in your life. Trust me, I've read it all. And then talk to your doctor, your doctors, the medical professionals in your life that you trust, that you go to for the advice that you're going to believe. And then in conjunction with them, you got to make that decision that's so easy for everyone else to make it for you apparently, and play doctors with no credentials whatsoever could you imagine if I was doing this, you know, doing what they're doing. You've got to do this. Everybody, one size fits It doesn't work that way. I will tell you. We'll get into this with New Gingridge at the top of the hour. I mean, how embarrassing is it for this country? We were finally energy independent. Do you know? When Donald Trump left office, we were not importing a single barrel of oil from Saudi Arabia ever and anymore. Those days were gone. We had reached something we had not achieved in seventy five years, called energy independence. Now, because of the high price of the lifeblood of the world's economy, oil and gas and energy and coal, and we're not we've artificially now reduced the supply because we're not. We're not in the game anymore, because Joe Biden's shutting it all down, appeasing these New Green Deal radical socialists. Now the price of gasoline up at buck thirty a gallon on average and going higher. Now now we're begging OPEC, We're begging OPEC to increase their production so that the price of oil might be reduced. When we can literally turn the spicket back on here, all you gotta do is put the pipelines right back where they were higher, back to workers you fired with their career jobs, to get them back to work, and then start allowing exploration and drilling again in this country, and we can get back to energy independence and we won't have to suck up to countries that hate our guts. Now, all of a sudden, we were at the point whatever happened in the Straits of hormones didn't impact us. Now that's gonna matter again, and we know how the Iranians feel about us, you know. And then this rush to aacuate cobble after Joe Biden, he was so strong and as you know, saying in July, you know, as the Taliban gonna take over Afghanistan? Is that non inevitable? No, it's not inevitable. No, I don't want to play play with Newton next hour. No it's not. Yeah, it is happening. About seventy percent of Afghanistan has taken over already. Now we're sending in Marines reminiscent of Saigon Circus nineteen seventy five to get remaining Americans out of the embassy in Cobble, while we're begging OPEC to make oil, and we're begging the Taliban, oh, please don't destroy our embassy. I cannot believe it. We're sitting back and getting lectured after COVID by the communist Chinese in Alaska. They're threatening our military bases in you know, on the West coast of the United States, and our allies like Japan and Taiwan. They're threatening Japan's military bases. They're threatening quote reunification. It's not reunification. It's basically them taking over Taiwan. And we're letting him get away with all of it. You think maybe the tape of Hunter being compromised, that the Russians have one of his laptops, and the amount of money he made from Russia and the amount of money made from China, all of while he's doing crack and hanging out with hookers the whole time. And you don't think the Russians and Chinese have everything they need to compromise the Biden family. Why did Putin get a waiver on the pipeline while we're firing Americans for our pipeline. That didn't make any sense. Why does Putin get rewarded with a summit after the cyber attacks on our electric grid and our and our meats in America. You can't even make this up. It's so pathetic, it's so weak, it's so bad. The Taliban in the Taliban a terrorist group. Please don't destroy our embassy. What do you think the international community? What role do you want to play in the internationals? He doesn't give it. They don't give a flying Adam Schiff about what's going on in the international community. They're terrorists. Biden's approval rating now under water in three major polls. Last month, he broke the record the highest gasoline prices twenty fourteen. Last week, Biden set the record worst inflation since nineteen ninety one. Yesterday broke the record for the most illegal immigrants to cross the border, and now he's on track to set the record for the fastest plunge in presidential approval rating since Herbert Hoover. Unbelievable. Oil states are begging Biden, please stop trying to replace America's energy. We can fill the gap quickly, Texas, Governor Abbot, stay out of the way, Get out of our way, Dear White House, he tweets, Texas can do this. Our producers can easily produce the oil if your administration will get the hell out of the way, little let's us say editorial freedom by me. And then he goes on to say, allow American workers, not an OPEC, to produce the oil that can reduce the price of gasoline. Same with the Oklahoma governor Kevin's how do you say his name? Stitt, accusing the administration of punishing his state with their unfriendly policies towards fossil fuels, which include the cancelation of the Keystone XIL pipeline. I mean, this is insanity, is latest push. I mean you got to say, huh begging OPEC to boost fossil fuel production? Why because he shut it down? Here we can again be energy independent and wouldn't be hard consumer confidence now at a ten year low. Great job, Joe, seven months, that's all it took. Maybe you don't miss those those tweets that that's so oh negatively impacted blue check mark cult members of the media mob as if they were so offended by Donald Trump's tweets. I'll take bad tweets and lower gas prices and no inflation and countries being afraid of America and not threatening America any day. I'll take the tweets. One Harvard economist breaks the bad news to fake news CNN. Biden's inflation has wiped out all wage gains from COVID relief bills. The Biden inflation tax erases all gains and workers pay. Can I be any more clear how bad this is getting

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