Olympics vs US

Published Jul 22, 2021, 10:00 PM

Reverend CL “HeavyFoot” Bryant, Host of the CL Bryant Show, author of The Race for Freedom and Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks, is absolutely outraged by what we are seeing with race in America. CL, a former head of the NAACP, knows all about the lies that the left will tell to create a false narrative and trick the American people. We have the Olympics trying to change our flag, educators forcing CRT and racism, and an administration that stands behind socialism. Enough is enough. Joining him is Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst, Host of The Brief, his new podcast, and author of two bestsellers, Witch Hunt and the Russia Hoax, who is also here to talk about the truth behind the law and your rights with your children and CRT.

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All right, thanks Scott Shannon, and thanks to all of you for being with us. Are toll free numbers eight hundred and nine four one Sean you want to be a part of the program. What a while night we had last night, great great people that we met down at the Versailles Restaurant in Little Havana in Miami. First of all, cool restaurant. The people were unbelievable, The crowds were massive, and I have some great news for the people in Miami now. And the only reason this happened is because the people in the Cuban American community have taken it upon themselves to highlight the issue of the liberty and freedom movement that is currently going on in Cuba. They are hoping that their family, that their friends, their neighbors, their relatives can once again live in a free Cuba. And if and if ever they'll be able to pull this off and topple this murdering, you know, communist regime, then it is you want to see economic growth, You've never seen economic growth, you know, the likes of which they will see down in Cuba. They're gonna the ocean, the ocean front property alone. This is a beautiful Island. I mean this, this is God's majesty. And the number of resorts that will instantaneously if there's freedom in Cuba that will be built, and the new homes that will be built, and the hotels that will be built, and I mean it'll be amazing, the restaurants that will go up, the jobs that will be created. Cuba the way it looks today will look nothing like it does five years from now if it became free today. And I think we've we've made some strides because Biden first tried to light up everybody and say, oh, no, they're only protesting because they want more access to the vaccine. Mike, he's lying through his teeth. You know, it took enormous pressure to get Joe Biden to admit what the truth was. Uh. Yeah, this is a communist dictatorship. Yeah, a murdering communist dictatorship. You know, we've been highlighting how the starting in nineteen fifty nine and it's gone on now in a sixth decade. You know, this murdering communist dictatorship. The Castro regime. They first outlawed owning private property in nineteen fifty nine. They started confiscating people's homes, people's farms, people's businesses. They nationalized every major corporation and media outlet. They outlawed any and all descent, They restricted all travel. People would disappear, never to be seen again. They murdered people, imprisoned anybody that they thought what would speak out against what was happening in terms of freedoms being taken over. You know, Cuba, the Cuban people, you know, there's a reason why, and the same thing would be for Latin America. And I've shown great sympathy. It's a perilous journey for people to make the track, you know, all the way to the Mexican border and the hopes that they'll come in. Now, Joe's letting processing people and he's not enforcing the laws, but he says, if you come by sea, well then we're not gonna let you in. Wy he does he think that people from Cuba might be more inclined to vote Republican, because if you're gonna let people in from Latin America, why wouldn't you let people in from Cuba? But anyway, people and he's broken down totally dilapidated, rickety boats, shark infested waters, risking their lives and make shift rafts and inner tubes and anything that will float. Frankly, you know, but this is what I said in Liberty. You know, live free or die, I said in chapter four. Whatever name, whatever manifestation, you know, I don't care if it's Marxism, communism, socialism, whatever name, it always ends the same way. In failure. The promises are never fulfilled. Poverty increases, not decreases, and then it's a matter of how much freedom you gave up in the name of false security. I say this all the time. But you know, in Cuba today, you know, do you know that most people live on less than a dollar a day. Food is so scarce you have to wait in line for hours. It's like the former Soviet Union. You know, you only get five eggs a week and a few pounds of rice per month. Now I'm sorry, five eggs a month, not a week. A few pounds of rice a month, two kilograms of meat every ten days if you want milk, yeah, only for pregnant women and children under seven. Soap, toothpaste, basic medicine, aspirin you can't find it, you know. Building materials they're even more scarce. Roads are nearly impassable. The poverty is real, and it's it's all throughout the island except for Oh that's right. Yeah, those in power that they live like kings. It's unbelievable. Now they're close ties to Russia and China and Venezuela. Everything basically they have they have to import from around the world, you know, from Vietnam, from South America, and yeah, even from the US. So but anyway, the reason I bring this up is so we did this show. Governor Rhonda Santis joined US Congresswoman salos Are, the mayor of Miami, joined US Senator Mark Rubio literally raced to an airplane after his last vote, I mean barely may because he wanted to be a part of it. He came down and it was a powerful moment. Now, is it a coincidence that Joe Biden now is saying that he plans to target individual's sanctions on Cuba and the Cuban regime officials and increased internet access. No, I don't think it's an accident. I don't think it is at all. If he's imposing sanctions, that's the very things we were talking about. Now, this isn't because we went down there. Let me be very clear. I went down there because the rest of the mob, you know, the blue checkmark medium mob cult on Twitter, they're not They're barely talking about the story. They've ignored the daily and the nightly protests that have been going on in Miami with the Cuban American community. I'm not ignoring this freedom effort, and neither was Governor Ron de Santis, Lieutenant Governor Florida was there, the Mayor of Miami who was there. Senator Mark Rubio was there. You know, local congressmen and women like Congresswoman Salazar was there. They were all there, And the only reason that's really happened is because of the people that are diligently out there every day and night, that have been protesting and trying to get the attention of the country to understand this is a window of opportunity to bring freedom to the people of Cuba in our hemisphere. I tell you right now, it would be the same with Venezuela with all their natural resources. You know, if you can topple these murdering communist regimes, the people will prosper. Freedom works the great irony, and I've talked to a number of people yesterday and last night, is that they see what's going on in this country and it reminds them of the lies and the phony promises that they were being told from from from their early days in Cuba or the quote revolution. Anyway, Um, we're gonna stay on the topic, I promise, and and but I do. This happened because of the people down in Miami protesting your your voices are slowly being heard, and I just wanted to go down and and you know, bring some light. I always say, were spokes in a wheel. And and that's why it was important to me to bring the TV show down there and the radio showdown there, to let people see it um for themselves, so that they understand. All right, we got a lot of news to get to, not the least of which is Joe Biden's mumbling and fumbling and bumbling like usual. Apparently there's this town hall. Uh. It was like jokes running all over Twitter. Sweet baby James printed it all out for me, you know. Uh. President Biden says, uh, not a joke. It's not a joke seven times over the past thirty minute. Not a joke, literally, you know, not a joke. At least seven times in the last thirty minutes not a joke. And then you know, then there people on Twitter can be wickedly funny, even people that attack me. It can be funny, possible drinking game for those who, unlike me, aren't working. Every time Biden says all kidding aside, I'm not joking, I'm being serious, I'm not being facetious. You have to take a drink. And then of course you get the mumbling and the bumbling and the fumbling and the utter incoherence of some of Joe's answers. Here's some of it. Yeah, I want to say, I'm in this territory. You know, there's a Portman is a good man. Portman is a is a Congressman from this area I talked to before I got and I really mean it, and he's a decent, honorable man senator and he is. He and I are working on trying to get this this infrastructure build past. So you seem pretty confident that that inflation is temporary. But if you're pumping all of this money into the economy, couldn't that add to know? Look, here's the deal Moodi's today when our Wall Street firm not some liberal thing tank said, if we pass the other two things I'm trying to get done, we will in fact reduce inflation, reduce inflation, reduce inflation. If it's a relicive jim crow. It's been used to fight against civil rights legislation historically. Why protected there's no reason to protect it other than you're going to throw the entire Congress in the chaos and nothing will get done, right, nothing at all will get done. And there's a lot at stake. The most important one is the right to vote. That's the single most important one. And your vote counted and counted by someone who honestly counts it. That's underway, just like the other question. It's a logical and I've heard you speak about it because you'll not be a solicit, but you're all straight up about what you're doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you um are. Why can't the the the experts say, we know that this virus is in fact, uh, it's going to be our excu We know why all the drugs approved or not temporarily approved, permanently approved. That's underway too. I expect that to occur quickly. Well, do you mean for the FDA, for the FDA. Can you comprehend that? Because I can't. Then Biden lies outright lies when he says, you know, Republicans who say Democrats want to defund the police are lying. I'll get to that in a little bit. Uh. This guy now actually came out and said he wants to eliminate a nine millimeter pistol. Okay, that's not an assault weapon, Joel. Uh, which, by the way, most times they say it's an assault weapon, usually isn't an assault weapon. Okay, that would be the end of the Second Amendment as we know it. That is like the most the simplest home defense that most people have. And he went into so suggesting a ban of nine millimeter pistols. Oh, there goes by clock forty. But anyway, Biden, you know, lies about defunding the police. Blame's Republican says it's a lie. You know, if you fact check Joe spreading misinformation about the COVID vaccines during the the town hall at fake news CNN, you know, he suggests mass shooters get their guns illegally. Okay, Biden tells other lies at the town hall, We're going to go through all of this and get to it. But it was a mess, all right, this big lie. We're gonna go through all of Joe's lies and we'll fact check the ever. You can't even really understand this guy half the time, Biden from this ridiculous town hall last night. You know, probably one of the biggest lies is you know, Biden is out there saying no, it's Republicans. Any Republican that says Democrats want to defund the police are lying. Okay, we'll prove that it is false at the bottom of the hour, because it is completely false. It was one interesting Rasmussen survey on the issue of crime and January sixth and what they call the insurrection and the rioting last summer. But Rassmunsen survey shows sixty six percent of voters said they want last summer's Black Lives Matter protests Antifa, some Antifa members as well investigated. Now, in most of these jurisdictions where there are people, we have all the evidence you would want. We have videotape evidence. We got people on tape pulting rocks, bricks, bottles, molotov cocktails at cops. They're not being prosecuted. We know who they are we have the evidence that would convict them in a court of law and then not lifting a finger. And the people that were involved in arson of police precincts, for example, the people responsible for taking over city streets supported by these idiot politicians that called it Summer of Love and chop Chaz autonomous zones where people died looked like in the case of Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior, his poor father of the night. I wanted to cry myself the night that his dad was on my show, and I actually stayed in touch with them. He's a great guy. The majority of people, including sixty four percent of African American voters, said that last summer's ryots should be the top priority. Now there's one guy that was that went into the capitol illegally entered. He didn't steal anything, he didn't vandalize anything, he didn't hurt anybody, just had a flag. Eight months in jail. How do we say that we have equal justice and application of our laws, because I don't care what former riot it is. You got to prosecute everybody equally, twenty five to the top of the art. You know, nobody really showed us in the media, this town hall of the cognitive mess Joe Biden. I mean, the room was like empty. I honestly don't think this guy's capable of getting her crowd. Maybe I'm wrong. I mean, we never saw him really get a crowd at during the campaign at all. It's certainly doesn't seem to be much passion for him. But he got he got what, fifteen million more votes than Barack Obama, fifteen million more votes than Hillary That's what they tell us. Now, Biden lied a lot last night. Now, he struggled mightily cognitively, but he also lied when he said that you know Republicans who say Democrats want to defund the police, they're lying. He said, well, that's when that's not a lie, because it's true. He in an interview said he would reallocate funds. We have his own vice president praising the LAPD for cutting back funding for police in New York City. They cut a billion dollars from the police budget. We saw what happened in Minneapolis and other places as well. So he's just he's the one that's lying, and we've got the tape to prove it. Listen, the last thing you need is an up farmer at HUMV coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading. They don't know anybody to become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people. They're folks in law enforcement that share the goals of reimagining police. We have confused the idea that to achieve safety you put more cops on the street. Reimagining policing in the twenty first century. My push is that we defund our police departments. And I know people don't want to hear. Oh, we don't want to talk about defunding, rethinking and reimagining policing. I don't believe that officers need to necessarily have weapons. You know, every time they they're they're making a traffic stop. Community efforts to reimagine policing, To reimagine policing, we have to reimagine what policing looks like. Reimagining policing, reimagining our public safety, reimagine a citizen led approach. You can begin to reimagine law enforcement, reimagine public safety in this country. Police power showing up in a kind of thanks the FuG mentality, you know, you know how you can We're all come the colors and be a FuG. You can sometimes well there's colors of the state and behave like a thug. We shouldn't be surprised when we see police officers act like bullies on the street. What can we do to reimagine public safety? Reimagining public safety? To reimagine public safety, we must reimagine what public safety looks like. So this is a lot like, for example, their new definition of infrastructure or you know, they used to say, well, we're gonna do We're gonna be investing in this. It was another way of saying socialism when they when they talk about human infrastructure meaning childcare, free college, loan forgiveness, um, early child education, all of these things, you know, government healthy food, guaranteed wage, job, government guaranteed healthcare, guaranteed retirement, guaranteed everything. Right, it's it's these they're playing word games because they have poll tested and focus grouped. Even nobody likes the idea of defunding the police and dismantling the police, which has been their stated policy, so they just say now reimagining the police. Okay. Kamala Harris praised the LAPD for cutting back the funding of police as they did out there the one billion dollar cut to the NYPD. We know how that ended. Didn't end well, it's not working out well. Then, of course you've got Minneapolis, and you've got a lot of other cities, and you see the disaster that is Chicago each and every week, and he's out there saying they're lying. No, Joe, you lied. Joe Biden lied last night right there, and fake news CNN, and of course they're not gonna call him out on it. And then this whole issue of I'm going to continue to eliminate the sale of things like and what he's saying is I'm not going to be a wise guy. No reason. Have you seen the gun violence? I introduced legislation, as you know, because you're you're you're so involved. Crime is down. No, it's not, you idiot. Read the statistics. Murder rates are skyrocketing all over the country. Joe. It happened all during your eight years as vice president. I think I was the only one scrolling the names of victims shot every weekend, and shot and killed every weekend in Chicago, Obama's hometown. Nobody paid attention because you couldn't put democrats, couldn't politicize it, and it's now at a record high, even on top of last year's record high. What the hell are you talking about? No, crime's not down. Then he gets into the whole gun issue. You know, as you know, murder rates are up. Okay, Well that's kind of contradicting Biden's you know, views on the Second Amendment during the election cycle and he said crime is down and etc. Etc. So now he's saying, just the is it. How will you address gun violence from a federal point of view to actually bring about change and make our local cities safer. Now I'm not being a wise guy. There's no reason you should have you seen my gun violence legislation they've introduced, as you know, because you're so involved, Actually crime is down, gun violence and murder rates are up. Gonless. I'm the only guy that ever got past legislation when I was a Senator to make sure we eliminated assault weapons. The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire twenty thirty, forty fifty, one hundred and twenty shots from that weapon, whether it's all, whether it's a nine millimeter pistol or whether it's a rifle, is ridiculous. I'm continuing to push the anine. I own nine millimeter pistols. I own them. I have a license to carry that pistol. And I could tell you right now that that pistol that I carry is not capable of carrying a clip with fifty one hundred and twenty shots. Joe, you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs ten bullets to chill a deer. Yeah, I had to follow the laws in New York. I literally I have a capacity ten ten bullet capacity for my gun. Yeah, I had to take out three bullets to confirm for a while, to comply with the law. I can't break the law. I mean, I get you know when I've gotten pulled over. But this is more in the past. In any recent years, I've really drive much slower than I ever did. I'm just being smart and I don't never want to hurt anybody, so I drive slow. I don't care. I'm never in a rush, but when I care. First thing I would tell an officer is, Officer, I have a firearm in the car. That'd be the first thing that I would say. I have a license to carry, I have a weapon. In the car. That would be the first thing I'd say to the officer, and I'd show my hands and I'd have to plat them out there. If I was carrying it, I won't tell you where I carry it, But if I was carrying it, I would tell him exactly where it is and then follow his specific instructions whatever they happen to be. But he's just wrong, you know, this seat just lying through his teeth. You know, Kamala Harris supporting these idiotic no bail laws and a bail fund for people that are pelting you know, rocks, bricks and frozen water bottles and molotov cocktails it cops. And while he's saying all of this crap yesterday, How's Democrats are now literally moving to gut Immigration and Customs Enforcement in other words, ICE, that's the federal agency that's responsible for a rest and deporting illegal immigrants. Why he's not enforcing the law anyway, because they all these agents now do is they process people rather than enforce the laws of the land. And I don't suggest any of you break the law or pick and choose the laws that you you want to obey, because it's not going to work. Out well for you. You know, his answer and about COVID vaccines were beyond ridiculous as well, you're not he said, you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations. Now, in most cases that's true. That's true in most cases. But there is a percentage of people, it's small, that fully vaccinated against COVID nineteen that still contract COVID nineteen. Now, not Sean Hannity saying it, it is the science saying it. But you know, why let why let fact checking get in the way. You know, another lie that he told Biden suggested mass Breitbard did a good job of fact checking. They suggest mass shooters get their guns illegally. If they went through a list of high profile mass shootings in our country, the Atlanta shooting, Boulder Colorado shooting, of Indianapolis, FedEx shooting, San Jose shooting. In each of those instances, the attacker acquired the gun or guns legally. Nearly every mass shooting incident in recent memory has acquired the guns legally. Parkland, Texas, Church Vegas attacker, Alexandria attacker, Orlando attacker, UCLA, Sam Bernardino Colorado springs, and I can go down the list will take me, you know, the rest of the segment to get there. And they fed him softball after softball after softball. And then I want to highlight again this one answer he's He's asked simple question about younger people getting a COVID vaccine. Now, pay close attention. I won't talk over it because I'm like waiting for the answer. Tell me if this makes sense to you, because I've listened to it multiple times that I still don't know what the hell he's talking about. That's underway, just like the other question. It's a logical and I've heard you speak about it because you'll I'm not being solicitous, but you're always straight up about what you're doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are. Why can't the the the experts say, we know that this virus is in fact, it's going to be our achievement. We know why all the drugs approved or not temporarily approved, but permanently improved. That's underway too. I expect that to occur quickly. Well, that means do you mean for the FDA? For the FDA makes no sense. That's not the English that I comprehend or understand. Also, you know, you know Joe claiming the economy is booming, No, it's not. Has he not seen the price of gasoline soaring, inflation soaring? Even jobless claims went up again despite his claim that the economy is booming. You know, initial filings weekly new jobless claims went up four hundred nineteen thousand last week, the highest level since mid May. It's it's not recovering, unbelieving. It's just these are unbelievable times that we live in here. And then of course the mob, they are just so corrupt. Look at all those studies, for example, Hannah a Union to tell people, I'm gonna deal with this question later. The media's lied about what I've said about COVID, and I have been saying take it seriously forever, and we have the tapes to prove it. I'm going to deal with this. And by the way, what happened to our friend Wayne Dupree? Why is he attacking me with something that there's fat truly false, which will debunk later in the program. You know, Oh, they got to do a headline hydroxy chloric win that Hannity had doctors saying on mitigates some of these symptoms. That it works, then then I'm gonna give me credit for that, or that we were right because we knew the virology lab in China studied coronaviruses and were involved in gain of function and it was and the origins are likely that Chinese lab. Yeah, we won't get credit there, or Hunter Biden's laptop is reel, or the Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op the media line, or the Russian bounty story was more fake news, you know, or that you know, we did produce vaccines before the end of twenty twenty in record time, and blue state lockdowns didn't work, and Ron de Santis proved schools that were opened a year ago in August that they could be open. You know, they gonna take credit for what the buck twenty five more per gallon we're paying for gas, and the more the high amounts of money we're paying for everything we buy and every service we get, are they're gonna take credit for the absolute Adams shift show down at the border. I don't think so. You know, how's critical race theory working out? How's Joe Biden's new Green Deal policies? Working out. None of this is good by Gavin Newsom. As if California didn't have enough problems, he's encouraging more homeless people come from other states to pursue the California Dream. By the way, a poll showed big jump for Larry Elder leading the pack. If you get to question two on the recall out there in California, I mean it's it's it's actually amazing by a long shot. He went ahead. The great story about Curtis Slee was running for mayor who literally stopped a guy from that had set his sights on a woman. I think she had a child with her, and Curtis stepped right in the middle of it. The woman pulled out a knife to protect herself. Sleewa very very calmly said please put the knife away, and she's screaming, please get this man away from me because he was threatening violence. And that shows Curtis Leewa putting his arm out to block the madman who continued to yell racial slurs at the woman. And he's right, he said to The New York Post. I was the only one standing between him and a crowd ready to pounce. I mean, he's done this his whole career. I mean, and if you want law enforcement policies that have worked, they're out there, they're available. Do you want to follow it? We have the model. Rudy Giuliani showed the way an hour two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one Seaun you want to be a part of the program. By the way, I mentioned this earlier, I want to mention it again and that is now. Oh, let's see, we have a big town hall little Havana. An incredible night we had at this amazing restaurant Versailles, and this massive crowd outside and Governor Ronda Santis and Congresswoman Salazar is there, and Senator Mark Rubio is there. Oh, all of a sudden, today Biden announces plans to slap targeted individual sanctions on Cuban regime officials and to increase internet access. Oh what were we all talking about last night? So Biden is doing this, uh CNN fake news town hall and it says we've been telling you an unmitigated disaster. I want to go back to this. I want to play the whole thing telling a restaurant owner hurt by COVID. Oh, you're going to be in a bind for a little while, and you need to pay people more. I nearly I nearly lost it when I heard this answer. How do you and the Biden administration planned doing incentivize those that haven't returned to work yet. Hiring is our top priority right now. Well, two things. One, if you notice, we kept you open. We spent billions of dollars to make sure restaurants can stay open. And a lot of people who now who work as waiters and waitresses decided that they don't want to do that anymore because there's other opportunities at higher wages, because there's a lot of openings now in jobs, and people are beginning to move, beginning to move. I would God love you doing what you do, but all can decide. I think it really is a matter of people deciding now that they have opportunities to do other things, and there is a shortage of employees. People are looking to make more money and to bargain. John, my guess is that people being seven eight dollars an hour plus tips, that's I think, John, You're gonna be finding the team bucks an hour or more now. But you may pay that already. You may pay that already. Excuse me, then why did all these restaurants, Iconic and otherwise end up closing? That statement is just false because that's not what happened. On top of the cognitive mess that this guy is, which you know we've been talking at length about. Anyway, eight hundred and nine for one, Shaan is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Joe Concho with us, Fox News contributor frankly the only honest media columnist in the country today at the Hill, and who deserves his own TV show on Fox. I hope happens one day. Carol Roth is with us. She has her own podcast, The Wroth Effect. She wrote the book to War on Small Businesses and how the government used the pandemic to crush the backbone of America. Carol, I'll start with you, and and you know, from your perspective, is there anything in that statement of Joe that's true? Absolutely nothing. And I am so angry. The things I'd like to say, Sean about that little clip that you played, I'm not allowed to say on your show or we would be hit with many censorship fines. But know that I am thanking all of those. The goal to say when these restaurants and other small businesses were shut down by government mandate, that we kept you open. And everybody's clapping like a little lemming with that. I mean to first of all, to say that, then to not acknowledge the fact that the government is competing on the long tail end of this with these small businesses for employees. He says, we gave you money, you all helped. Well, we've spent as a country more than six trillion dollars on quote unquote COVID relief. Very little of that went to small businesses, and these billions that he's talking about is his restaurant relief fund. Well of that, almost three thousand grants that were made to women and minority owned businesses were pulled by the SBA because it was found that they were handed out on a discriminatory basis, and more than one hundred and seventy seven thousand applicants, which is about two thirds of the applicants, got absolutely nothing. So how is it that he has the nerve to go on and say that we are helping. But you heard at the end, you heard the one honest piece is is him admitting that they're interfering in the market and trying to push through this minimum wage in a de facto ways. That's the only truth that came out of that statement. That's a perfect analysis, Joe Kanscha. Let's get your reaction to that. And I'm sure you have a little bit to say about the mumbles and the bumbles and the fumbles and the huh what did he just say? I can't understand a ward of that, but we'll get to that in a minute. Yeah. I actually have a story up a calm up on the hill right now, Sean, that talks about and the headline I think will be pretty self explanatory, the absolute farce that was the Biden Lemon town hall, because here you had a moderator, right, for example, that openly advocated for the president to blow up the filibuster so voting rights bills can be passed. And it wasn't like it was formed in the form of a question. In terms of Lemon's argument, it was actually all about how his grandmother growing up told him that you have to count jelly beans in a jar, and if we're not counting all the jelly beans, then how is that fair? And you know why won't you Basically the exact question. So why is protecting the filibuster? Is that more important than protecting voting rights, especially for people who fought and died for that. So you know, this isn't Tim Russer that we should get this confused with. This is somebody who's taking a stand saying this is what you should do, mister president, and this is why, and that's not what a moderator is supposed to do in these situations. And as for Carol's point around small businesses, what an insult. I got more friends in Jersey who either work at restaurants. I know two that own restaurants, and two of those owners are bussing their own tables. They have to wait their own tables because they can't hire anybody because they're getting paid more to stay at home and watch Captain Kangaroo, then go to work and actually earn a paycheck, because remember those government checks going out to people, those are intact. So then even these restaurants are even more behind the eight ball in terms of incentivizing people to come in and work for them. And then the President United States has the audacity to say, well, you know, we gave you money. We're the reason why you're even open in the first place, Give me a break. And of course, if you had a real moderator there to follow up impress the president on these issues or why inflation is going up, and the president has again the audacity to say that, well, my spending plans will bring down inflation. What economists believes that? And then obviously the border was barely mentioned. And then you have violent crime. The president only can speak about how guns are the problem, not the reason. I don't know that everybody's gonna ban nine millimeters now. I don't even think he knows what a nine millimeter pistol is. A Joe concha that that would be the minimal defense of any citizen in their home. I mean, okay, if that's the case, this country is not going to stay the United States. I'm telling you, States will say enough, They'll have had it with this because they're not going to put up with losing with him shredding the constitution, which is what he'd be doing, I would hope. So. But the problem is that all these democratic mayors are the ones that are pulling funding from police. It's not a federal thing. Police funding it's mostly done at the local level. So even if you know, you stop Biden, you still have de Blasio type of person, or you have all these other governors like Lightfoot around the country or Bowser in DC that are making the jobs for police officers that much harder. And then you see resignations and retirements at record levels, and there's no real backfill because who would want to become a police officer right now in this environment when they are targets not just by the bad guys, but by the media who paints them as racist and those the type of people that are not serving the community, of course they are, so now being a police officer used to be something you kind of strive to be as a little kid. Now it's like, no, thanks, I don't want to be part of that because I'm portrayed as the bad guy now. You know, it was such a difference last night and Europe in the New York area, So you know this, Carol, I'm not sure we're I hope you're not in New York for your own benefit. In Chicago, okay, well you're a you're in a schiff hole also, so no offense. You're you're probably more violent than anybody in the country, you know, But the cops. So we're doing this town hall last night with Governor Ronda Santis and Senator Rubio and Congresswoman salos Are and and I mean, we have massive crowds in the restaurant, outside the restaurant, and we went out and I stopped with every officer. I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, because of what they I have had to go through. There's one difference, though. Governor de Santis gave every law enforcement official in Florida a bonus, unlike what they have been doing the cops in New York or putting handcuffs and cops in San Francisco. I mean, a part of me almost wants the laugh because it's so stupid. But it's also so destructive and dangerous. You know, watching these thieves, you know with green you know, plastic garbage bags full of crap they're stealing and they just throw it over their shoulder and they walk out and nothing can happen as long as they don't steal what over nine hundred and fifty or one thousand dollars. So they go in and they take nine hundred bucks worth of stuff, and they know nothing is going to happen. All the people involved in rioting, looting, pelting bricks and rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails and cops. No, then nothing is going to happen to them, even though we have video evidence of them committing these crimes, burning down police precincts, taking over cities. Nothing is going to happen. But the one guy that walked in that never was violent, that never was in any way destructive of any property, that just carried a flag, which can happen. I've been very critical of January six. It can never happen. We've got to protect our institutions. But he gets eight months in jail. That's not equal justice under the law. Carrol, No, it isn't, and we're not saying equal justice anywhere here in Chicago. That started with the Jesse Smollette situation, if you recall that, a little relic back in the day, and it's gotten worse and worse, and the refusal sometimes by law, as you've noted that they're not prosecuting what are considered misdemeanors or some of these shoplifting crimes in Chicago, they're not prosecuting some of the violent crimes. And then the worst part is that we have the officials who are blamed aiming it on quote unquote gun violence, as if the guns, you know, have some sort of ideology of their own and some agency of their own. And then the rhetoric around people not hang their fair share, and that it's the successful people's fault that you're in this situation. All they're doing is stoking the flames and drawing division. And I can tell you here in Chicago people are scared. I'm scared to go outside of my house. And even Lightfoot has finally come around to acknowledging that much, but refuses to do anything. Kim Fox refuses to do any prosecution. And so until that changes, nothing else is going to change. Quick break more with Carol Roth Joe Concha on the other side, and then your calls eight hundred and nine for one, Shawn our number if you want to be a part of the program. All Right, we continue final moments, then your calls coming up Carol Roth, Joe Concha talking about Biden's disaster that was yesterday. Let me go to the cognitive issue, Joe Contra. I think you follow media enough to know that I probably by a oh, I might be the only one really focusing on Joe's cognitive decline, which is quite evident to everybody. Um, let's go to Joe Biden as nonsensical answer on COVID vaccines. That's underway, just like the other question. It's a logical and I've heard you speak about it because you always not be a solicitus, but you're always straight up about what you're doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are. Why can't the the the experts say, we know that this virus is, in fact, it's going to be our achievement. We know why all the drugs approved or not temporarily approved, but permanently approved. That's underway too. I expect that to occur quickly. Well, that means, do you mean for the FDA? For the FDA? Can you tell me what? Can anyone interpret that speak? Because I can't understand the thing that he just said. There, mad leads make more sense than that. Yeah, Yeah, I think I think you might be right. You know, and I would ask the guy who got eighty one million votes, the most in US history, and that wasn't even a coherent thought on a very easy question to answer by the way right. It wasn't like he was breaking down calculus or something like that problem. This was basically about vaccines for those under twelve and under. And if he thinks it'll be approved in my seven year old, I'm certain can put together a better sentence than we saw from Joe Biden. So it's very fair, I think, to bring up the fact that Joe Biden isn't even the person he was five years ago when he was vice president. And again he has the most important job in the world. Should we be concerned she'll be asking questions and why hasn't he released his medical records yet? Because he has yet to do so, And he said, hasn't gone for you even a checkup since he has been president. I'm pretty sure any seventy eight year old, your president, or you're working at the food king, should get regular checkups to make sure you're doing okay, particularly a stressful job like that, and he refuses to do it, and no one's asking the questions as to why. And let me leave you with this. Sean Gallup came out with a poll in terms of trust and institutions, confidence and institutions small businesses for Carol okay, highest on the list seventy percent. Yeay, you got to go all the way down to the bottom two. You'll never guess what those are. Television News sixteen percent confidence, Congress twelve percent confidence. So the way they weren't talking about me, I'm sure. Actually we do try to. We got Russia right, we got Ukraine right, we got fetting Obama right, and we're not wrong on Biden either. All right, Carol Ross, Joe Concho, thank you both. We appreciate you being one of us. Eight hundred nine for one, Shawn our number when we come back. A lot of you want our way in. We got a lot to talk about today, quick break right back. You won't hear the mainstream press talking about this stuff. Sean Hannity is on the radio. Nope, you won't hear from the media, mom talking about this. Gladual with us twenty five to the top of the hour. Let's just go to some of the highlights, if we will, or low lights of Joe's cognitive struggles just last night alone. Listen. Yeah, I want to say I'm in his territory. You know, there's a portman as a good man. Portman is a is a congressman from this area. I talked him before I got I really mean it. He's a decent, honorable man. So this thing pretty confident that inflation is temporary. But if you're pumping all of this money into the economy, couldn't that add to know? Look, here's the deal Moodi's today when our Wall Street firm, not some liberal thing tank, said, if we pass the other two things I'm trying to get done, we will in fact reduce inflation, reduce inflation, reduce inflation. If it's a relative Jim crow. It's been used to fight against civil rights legislation historically. Why protected There's no reason to protect it other than you're going to throw the entire Congress in the chaos and nothing will get done. All right, nothing at all will get done. And there's a lot at stake. The most important one is the right to vote. That's the single most important one. And your vote counted and counted by someone who honestly counts it. That's underway, just like the other question. It's a logical and I've heard you speak about it because you'll not be a solicit, but you're always straight up about what you're doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are. Why can't the the the experts say, we know that this virus is in fact, Uh, it's going to be our achievement. We know why all the drugs approved or not temporarily approved, but permanently approved. That's underway too. I expect that to occur quickly. Well that means, do you mean for the FDA. For the FDA, Yeah, thank thanks for the assist. I need a little assist there. On top of of course some of the oldies, but goodies, I guess my favorite in particular. You know, I have to admit to you, I was not only surprised, but somewhat stunned, although I admit, uh solely and his wife at an event in Los Angeles back in the in the spring lay fall or I mean laden late winter, early fall earlier. Anyway, you know what I mean. I'll later effective strategy to mobilize true to our suffage of pressure. Just a mess, I mean, it's embarrassing. Eight hundred and nine for one, Shaun is our number. You want to be a part of the program. Uh, it's not a coincidence at all that um last night and It's not me I got to give the people in in Miami and Little Havana. It's been their persistence that has resulted in what happened today. Uh, not by accident. The day after Governor DeSantis and Senator Rubio and the mayor of Miami and Congresswoman Salazar and others you know, all joined us at the Versailles restaurant. Now Biden says he'll sanction Cuban officials and increase internet access. Oh, you mean the things we've all been talking about for a couple of weeks now that you haven't even acknowledged because you are lying to us and telling us that what was happening with the People's Liberty and Freedom movement down in Cuba was about COVID and lying to us as usual. It's unbelievable anyway. Um uh, let's see, is it? Fabiola? Miami is with us that I pronounce your name correctly? I hope I did? Do? You did it perfectly? Hi, Fabiola? How are you glad you called them? Thank you for coming yesterday. It was such an amazing experience being there with all of you guys. Um, I can thank you enough for everything that you've been doing. From the Venezuela. I'm from Venezuela originally. So what you've been doing for the Venezuela and the Cuban community talking again, what's okay about what's going on in the border is only you guys, the Fox people that who are doing that, and we really thank you for that. My question, let me let me just give all due credit, because honestly, all we did was shine a light. There was sort of a blackout of the coverage I noticed, and I felt very strongly about this, and this is why we pulled this town hall together last night, is because I felt that the medium mob was protecting Joe from having to answer the questions that we as Americans have got a stand in solidarity for the liberty freedom movement in Cuba. It's that simple. Because the people in Cuba, the friends and the relatives and the neighbors of many in Miami, they're they're now risking their lives and Joe is lying to us. So a Senator Rubio has been outspoken, Governor de Santis has been outspoken. But really what motivated me to go down more than anything was the people in Miami, in Little Havana that had been out there day after day and night after night. I mean, you saw the crowds last night. It was inspiring to me that so many people, you know, you made this change happen, not me. I just all I did was was shed a light on it. That's all that was my part. And I'm glad I could contribute even a little bit. As I said, I just want to be a little spoken the wheel here. Yeah, no, and thank you for that. But let me give you a little bit of context me. Growing up, we had our international news turn CNN in Espanance. And one of the contributions that I hope to see my lifetime happening is that somehow there have to be a new network that is gonna be like Food International or something like that. And I'm gonna tell you, guys, because nobody questions what we've been fed since we had little kids from the media. Nobody questions, like as an example, I'm gonna give you my own mother when she came in two eighteen, she was visiting me and she saw the caravan of the Migens and into her face she's like, oh, poor people, they're coming. They just need to help. One about how the president has and of course I am like an unicorn in my family. I'm the only one that's really conservative like that, I think right. And I gave you just a not simple talking point that you can give to anybody like you don't want to offer your words, you don't want to to put it all up and blah blah blah. It's very very simple arguments. At the end about two men. As conversation with my mother, she was like, why do people coming like that without doing the right way? It took me three minutes too many. You know, I won't tell you this. Let me give you some hope. I mean, you're talking about an island that is stunningly as natural magic, God's majesty and beauty. And I'm talking about Cuba. If Cuba became free, I guarantee you five years from today, if it became free today, the amount of investment dollars that would go in to this this prime real estate, and the same thing would happen in Venezuela, maybe even faster because of all the natural oil reserves and resources they have. But in five years, Cuba as we know it today would be unrecognizable. There would be there would be resorts and hotels and expensive water from property being sold and jobs created everywhere. For the people in Cuban. Instead of making a dollar a day, they've been making real, real money. And so it would it would be it would be the biggest education for the world to see the difference between freedom and socialism, communism, Marxism, you name it. It would it would flourish under and it would become a mecca, would become a you know, people from Europe, people from all over the world, people from the United States. They would vacation in Cuba because it's it's such a beautiful place. I mean, it's the beaches, the majesty of this small island. Would be amazing and that would happen and it wouldn't take much, so you know, it would totally transform the lives of every Cuban citizen. And we would have an ally in our hemisphere and a partner, a business partner. That would be amazing. This is just a start, but we need to do more. That I can tell you. Keep on keeping on because you're you're having an impact. The people in Little Havana made this happen, and that's that's amazing. Right back to our busy phones. Todd is in Florida apparently lives in the Villages, America's friendliest hometown, and I've been there. Really is a cool place. What's up, Todd? How are you ninety eight percent Republican, highest STD rate in America? Go figure? By the way, your neighbors are going to hear you say this, They're not gonna appreciate that. It's not the first time I've heard it, and I'm not sure if it's a myth, legend or truth. I have no idea, but how my parents ended up down here, I don't know. They don't drink, they don't golf, they don't socialize, they certainly don't swing, and we're definitely not Democrats. We had a catneymed Carter in seventy six. If that tells you anything. How they ended up down here, I don't know. I guess it's just the weather. Here's what I know about the Villages that I really like. They got all these golf courses and pickle ball courts and tennis courts and bridge clubs and card clubs and veterans clubs and bars and restaurants and movie theaters. I mean they got they got at all. It's a very cool place. What I do know is that when people move there, just like there's a there's a mob of people that's whose job it is to say, no, you don't get to stay home every day and and wait to die. We're gonna we're gonna live, and we're gonna live and and and party hard, and we're gonna have a good, you know, end of life retirement. They're they're called the red hat ladies. You don't want to serve them, trust me. Oh it's by the way, what is that story about the shoe color true? Or is that total? Be us? If you see a woman with gold shoes, they're swinging baby. Oh man, come on, this is all this has to be a myth. Come on. I've been down here for eight years taking care of mom and dad. I know the facts, Sean. I deal with facts only. Well, how did your parents get away from the red hat ladies as you call them, because what I understand is they don't let people stay home. They make you go out. No, no, no, my my My parents stay home and watch the Dodgers game during baseball season. We watched the Buckeyes during football season. Uh, Dad hits hockey on wintertime. And other than that, Mom stays home and reads books. Okay, so you they like that. I see they're a little more private than the average person. Average person down there. Hey, they stay up later than most looks down here. They are up till one in the morning, watching the Doctors game last night. That's true. The town Square. I mean, you want to talk about early bird special and lights out at like eight thirty or nine or ten, hopefully ten after Hannity. But now there's very cool people down That's a cool place. I was listening driving around town, and there was a woman that called in and was saying that she felt that the reason why there's a rise in code cases is directly correlated to the number of illegal immigrants currently coming into our country. And while while I will not disagree with that possible option, I think there's another one to consider, and that might be the fact that we've got Republican members of Congress such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is comparing, you know, getting a vaccine shot to holocaust in Nazi Germany, which she didn't apologize for. You you're a liberal, let me let me let me help you out with where you're going here, Okay, And I speak for Sean Hannity, Okay, I don't speak for other people. That's number one. Number two, We've had a million people almost now illegally entered the country this year. We have a high rate of COVID positivity. These are all facts. We have Joe's cages with kids in it that he was building out and literally in the middle of a pandemic, kids, you know, piled on top of each other. Were we testing for COVID very rarely, very limited. It wasn't happening. And Joe is just processing people and not enforcing the lawn and then giving free transportation to whatever state people are going to be sent to. If you want to know where I think vaccine hesitancy has come from the most, it's come from the liberal left. You know, Joe Biden, fully vaccinated, with his wife, fully vaccinated, socially distant from anybody outside, wearing a mask, walking in a Jimmy Carter in Roussel and Carter's home, and then taking off the masks while they're right on top of each other so they can take pictures. Okay, Now, people saying why now all of a sudden would being told all right, the indoor masked mandate is back. But that's not what we were told originally, Todd, we were told, if you got the vaccine, you don't have to worry about what other people do. That's what we were told. Jesse Kelly Show coming up tonight from six till nine, mister New York Mark Simone tomorrow at ten seven ten wo r. Well, we are coming y'all, sit sire, and if you want a little banging, ain't come along. Even if everyone did what they said they would do in Paris, the temperature of this planet will still rise by upwards of two point five or three degrees stigrade. Now, why don't Republicans want us want kids to know how to not be racist? You are why one of the reasons people can't stand the media. Sorry and cracking me up. It's your fault. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the Revolution. I'm coming to your stay a Conscience New Sean Hannity Show. Behind the scenes, information on breaking news and more boned inspired solutions for America. Coming up next, our final news round up and Information Overload Hour. All Right, News round Up, Information Overload Hour. We'll get to your calls. Final hamp hour of the program today eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program um critical race. They again democrats. They are trying to drive this into seemingly every school in the country. And you know we've gone over the history of it. I won't bore you with those details again, although we'll get some of those points out and throughout in this interview we're about to do here. But there's a woman. I've read this article and I thought of our friend, Reverend Ceo. I call him heavy foot Brian because he gets pulled over by the cops a lot for speeding and then he talks about Jesus and he gets out. He uses Jesus to get out of tickets. I never thought he'd never used Jesus talking about Jesus to get out of tickets. Sir, are you saved? Do you know you're going to heaven? Have you accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart? Are you sorry for your sins? This is what he does when he gets pulled over. He never gets a ticket. I've never heard anything like it in my life anyway. So a mom actually in Nevadom. Mother talks about well families that are by racial and she thought that things would be smooth sailing for her son ended up having a bad experience with her child's Vegas charter school, and in a fundraising page you know, she claimed her son was given an assignment that required him to list race, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities and then assigned labels to them. Her son refused to the teachers threatened to fail him, and his answer was, well, I'm by racial. My mother is African American, my father was white. And he told the you know, the people in charge, let me play it for you. I was married twice. My first husband was black, my second husband was white. So I have some kids who were three quarters black and some kids were three quarters white. Now, for all intensive purposes, some of my kids looked black and some of them looked white. When this all had happened, I'm thinking, so my white kids are oppressing my black kids. Is that what we said? All right? We welcome back to the program, Reverend cl heavy Foot, Brian and Greg Jared. He has his new podcast called The Brief, two New York Times number one bestsellers. Welcome back. But by the way, Reverend, I just want to make sure you've gotten pulled over a lot in your life, right, I have done that, Sean. And every time you mentioned that you're a pastor. Correct. Not all the time do I mention that I'm a pastor, Sean, But most of the time, most of the time. And somehow it works its way into the conversation, somehow magically works its way to the conversation. And have you or have you not had conversations and asked police officers that it should be writing your ticket if they've been saved and if they've accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their heart. I do, Sean. And how many kids have you ever gotten? I have not gotten a ticket, Shawn Man. But Greg, are you listening to this? Why would I need to hire you? I need to hire cl Brian as my attorney. I'm going to Divinity School. That's what I'm going. That's where you're head. I'm going with you. But you know, and here's the best part of the story, though, is that it's real. The cl Brian is the real deal. Anyway, great to have you back. Cl will start with you. I mean, when she started talking about, well the children that are African American and the children are white, are they saying that about their brothers and sisters. I mean, part of me is kind of laughing, but it's not funny. And it's true, Sean, because as you know, you met my wife before she passed on a couple of years ago, that I'm an interracial marriage over forty years, and that same dilemma, of course, would exist with me today my children are grown. But I thank God that America is a place and it doesn't matter who your mother and father was. It matters who we came to be at this point in time, in this more perfect union that our founders put in the preamble of our constitution. That's why the country was formed in order to form a more perfect union. And we weren't supposed to be judged on that. But the character of what God had given to us in our creating, we are endowed with it, with those unaienable rights, and that's all we want. Critical race theory is a cancer. It's a poison upon who we are as Americans, and the socialist idea behind it could not exist without the free market system where all of us red, yellow, black and white can benefit from in this entrepreneurial experience that we have here in America. And let me say that, Sean, I'm really glad to be on with you, and just Greg Jarrett, I haven't had a chance to talk to you, but it's great to be on with you. I really do it by your work. Greg. You wrote in your latest column about a video series by one of our nation's biggest newspapers that I have zero respect for. They ran an online video series where the guests were urged urged white people to experience quote a period of deep shame and join white accountability groups, and it got worse from there. Tell us about it. So, I mean, you know, the Washington Post, who's trying to be the wokest of the woke, and frankly, as I write and say in my podcast, they're winning. They're winning big time because they are among the biggest advocates of this Marxist orthodoxy known as critical race theory. It defines Americas as irredeemably bigoted. It denounces all whites as racial oppressors, diminishes all blacks as racially oppressed victims. So why are they doing this? Well, they hate America, first of all, and they want to radically change the country. And to do that they have to convince people that our institutions are so fundamentally bad and systemically flawed and based on racism that you know, they're not worth saving. They have to be changed, and they want a revolution. And so that's what's going on here. But as I pointed out of the podcast, the really good news is that people are beginning to fight back. Twenty five states have crafted legislation that prohibits the teaching of critical race theory. Eight states have already banned or limited it inside the classrooms. So the momentum is beginning to shift. There's anger over this. Recently, the Department of Education under Joe Biden backed off their advocacy of the Abolitionist Teaching Network. They were promoting it, and now the Department of Education says, oh, that was an error, sorry mistake, We're not going to promote Adalyst Teaching Network anymore. So, you know, some success is being made, but we have a long way to go. You know, cl you mentioned your wife, who's who I'm sure is waiting for you in paradise and you will see her again. I really believe that. Um. And you mentioned George children, and you mentioned what you married forty years ago. Is a little bit of a different time. Then, if anything, it was more difficult, I would argue than it is. Now. Are there racist in America today? Yeah? There are? There are There are ignorant, racist, bigoted, hateful people. Is that the majority of the American people? Not only is it not the majority? You know, I'd argue that the ninety eight percent of Americans find such people repugnant and ignorant and want nothing to do with them. Absolutely, that is true, Sean, and I have found that Jane and I lived across the country, coast to coast, board to border, travel the world, but here in America. Let me say this to you, especially to our full disclosure, I am a black conservative in this country, former president INACP to you forgot to say, I am a handsome, really good looking, and smart and intelligent African American. And I'm also a pastor with a heavy foot. Go ahead, and Sean, what I would say to our Caucasian audience is this, how are you going to stand by and allow the birthright that was given to us by yes, those old white men with European names like Hamilton and Washington and Jefferson and those types of Alexander, those types of names Hancock, How is it that you're going to stand by and let the birthright they have given to all of us at this point in time be erased. Why are you running away from the people who found it the eist nation on the face of the planet that all of us can enjoy. That's a good thing. America's a good thing. Sure, we started off with a lad foot on our foot or led shoe on our foot. But the fact of the matter is we have run a long way in this race, and we are not back in the eighteen hundreds. We're not in the early nineteen hundreds, We're not in the early two thousands. This is a travesty that is going on in this country, and they're enslaving the minds of not only young black children. And let me say this to the black parents, how is it that you're going to let your children be told by these government institutions? And that's what a school house is. It's a government building that you send your children to every day. How are you going to let them fill their heads with the ideas that because they have a slave history in this country, somehow they're less than I'm here to debunk that life is from the pit of hell. I'm telling you, Sean, and we should push back against it and stand up. And the little white kids are being enslaved just as well because they are being told that they are evil because they have European ancestors. It's a debacle that we must must not allow to progress any further in this nation of ours. Quick break more with Reverend cl Brian and Greg Jarrett and your calls broadcasting coast to coast, border to mortar, and all are America. This is the Sean Hannity Show on seven ten. W All, all right, as we continue, the Reverend cl heavy Foot Brian and Greg jarretta with us. You know, Greg, I'm listening to Reverend cl Bryant, and he's he's lived out this very unique circumstance. Um. You know, Okay, nobody, nobody would ever argue there's not a perfect country on the face of the earth. The reason I often quote Barry Farber because I don't think I can say it any better. I can't figure out a way to say it any better that in the history of mankind has never been a country like ours that has accumulated more power and abused it less than the United States of America. And I add also has used it to advance the human condition and the beauty. As Reverend cl was saying of our founders and framers, is that they created a system where we get to right wrongs and correct injustices. And we have we have made great progress. Do we have a ways to go? Of course we do. Um, So I mean that that is the beauty. And now this goes to your legal mind of this found this great democratic republic we have in our constitutional republic. What made America great were things like freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of action. But critical race theory wants to get rid of all of that. With this artificial construct that stigmatizes and disgraces people based solely on the color of their skin. It is actually racism masquerading as anti racism. It's prejudice masquerading as anti prejudice. Proponents of critical race theory pretend to be fighting racism, but they're really substituting an equally insidious form of race. When Doctor King, who was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived, said so famously that one day hope that people will not be judged by the color of their skin, the critical race theory advocates want to do you know just the opposite. They want to prejudge people based on the color of their skin, and that is to gin up racist resentment, condemnation, and hatred. Forget about your character, forget about your ideas, your your brain, your intelligence, your hard work. No, everything comes down to be judged to the the myopic lens of racism. And that's wrong. Anybody with a brain knows that's wrong. You don't see if in my house my parents were both Catholic and devout. And let me tell you one thing that would never have been tolerated at my house is that is any racism any I mean when I cursed, I got, you know, my mouth washed out with soap until they couldn't catch me anymore and I just run away. But in all seriousness, I mean that that would that would have ended with the belt off my father. And you don't talk like that in this family, in this house, in my house, you know, it just it was non existent and a real belief that we're all children of the same God, regardless of race, and the opportunities that come to us are because of that God that has created us individually. What this critical I think God can created you better than most though, I think, because that is the that is the most clever way to get out of a ticket I've ever heard. I mean, you just have a special gift. Bless your heart, John john you know I love you man. You know I'm never giving this up. I am never letting this guy. You're not I could tell. But this is the thing. With all of us, we have the opportunity. But this Chris critical race theory would have us all walking the same way, talking the same way, and thinking above all, Sean, they want us to think the same way. This is what they did to black folks back when Lyndon Johnson, my movie Runaway Slave dealt with this. Glyndon Johnson prepared the way for uh, the NAACP, Jesse Jackkins, you named them, to create a hustle that would round up black folks and corral them. For over sixty years now. And this is the evil that has fallen upon us, is that they are taking away the individual, the individual from the citizen who is an American, and American is an individual. He doesn't think the same way, he doesn't walk. That's what makes our country so unique that even you may be the same color, but each one of us have our own different purpose, and all of us are a purpose with a name here in this. I gotta run seal, but I will tell you your message is powerful. Greg's same thing. Thank you both. Thank God most people do have good hearts. Thank you both of being one of this eight hundred and nine for one. Shawn, your calls are next, gosh Buck Jesse Kelly next from sixty nine on seven to ten. Woe when news breaks, you get the inside story that no one else has and the behind the scenes chatter that the mainstream media doesn't even know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five on the top of the hour. I need to I finally need to address this. I mean, it's the oddest thing. I mean, me and my team have been laughing about it for some reason. Me saying take COVID seriously has finally caught up with the mob in the in the in the media. Now. I think they've got ulterior motives. They monitor the show and TV every night, and I think it has to do with the fact that they know there's been this attempt to blame conservatives for the vaccine hesitancy, and you know, for example, Yahoo News suddenly, Sean Hannity and other Fox hosts are urging their viewers to get COVID nineteen vaccines. Suddenly. Well, first of all, I'm not urging people to get the COVID nineteen vaccine because I'm not a doctor. That is not what I said. I said, to take it seriously. It can kill you. I said to do a lot of research. If you have a phone, do your research. I said, to consult your doctor and doctors and medical professionals you trust. I said, to consider your unique medical history that I know nothing about. I said to also look at your current medical condition, and in consultation with your doctors. Take don't don't not do this, do the research. You know, look into the FISA moderna mRNA vaccine versus the more traditional way of making a vaccine, which is Johnson and Johnson. You know Biden suggesting that you know, people like me had an altar call on vaccines. No, I haven't. I've said all along. I said back in January twenty twenty that it's going to be medical researchers and our great medical professionals to get us out of this mess, and we'll save the world. I said that in January twenty twenty. I said it often. I mean, we have the tapes. I can go back and pull them all. And you know, after Yahoo News again, after Hannity's viral plea to take COVID seriously, you know, then they go on to use me to attack other hosts on Fox. I'm like, because they might have a different point of view. That's that's total bs. You know. Sean Hannity basically begs his viewers to get vaccinated. No, I didn't. I'm begging everybody, don't mess around with this thing. Take it seriously. Just like pretty early on, I said, I'm going to wear the mask. The mask doesn't bother me. I want to go back to ball games. I want this thing to go away. It's only going to be temporary. I said that at the time. And you know, do you want to know the flip at the floppers and like Fauci, I mean people that got wrong on everything. It would be wrong of me not knowing your medical condition to tell you what to do. It's not right. And I've asked many doctors on radio and TV AM. I giving the right message to my audience because I want everyone in this audience to be healthy. I have seen people go through hell with this virus. I have seen people, you know, literally walk right up to death's door with this virus. You know, if it gets a hold of you, it's not good. Now, we do have therapeutics. I mean, they could be saying, wow, studies show that people like Hannity were right on a hydroxy lurk when and iver mectin and therapeutics like Regeneron. But I we're never going to hear that either. I don't expect to hear those those headlines. Hannity's pro vaccine speech is welcome, but he's not the Fox News voice. I'm like, Okay, Um, I've said all Linda, have I ever said I'm anti science or I always say I'm pro science? Absolutely not, not even once, like a hundred times. I mean, it's this is the most bizarre moment the views. What's her name, Sonny as at Houston, I don't know how to pronounce the last name. Okay, calls Hannity's vaccination endorsement too little, too late. Sonny. I hate to burst your bubble, but you you haven't listened to anything that I've said. It's obvious because your statement is just dead on wrong. I mean, I don't even know what to tell you. Um, I am encouraging people to really really do the right thing for them because I don't know. And yes, enough people have died, and yeah, I want you to take it seriously. No, I don't apologize, and I was being pressured heavily early on to tell people what to do. I'm not qualified to tell you what to do. I'm not. I bring on doctors and experts, some of whom I agree with and disagree with, so you can have more information at your disposal. Hannity's pro vaccine speech is welcome, but I mean, why are they saying something I didn't say. I said, I believe in the science. I believe in the science of vaccinations. And then I said, but I can't make these decisions for anybody. You know, we you know, Hannity urges viewers get COVID vaccine. I never said that. I said, if it's right for you, after you do all of your research, after you talk to your doctor, doctors, medical professionals you trust. I said, after you really need to take it seriously and then make the decision that is best for you. So these headlines are wrong, you know, make no mistake. Vaccine misinformation is still thriving on fire. I mean, I don't even know what these people are talking about. What about that girl that I had on TV earlier this week that has a unique medical condition where she got a vaccine in twenty nineteen and she was paralyzed for a month and she her dream was to go to bring him young in Hawaii and she got in and she applied for a medical exemption based on this condition she has. It's a rare condition. They denied it, and her dream school just went away. And by the way, that was not BYU that made that mandate. That was Hawaii's mandate, you know, so you know. And by the way, whatever happened, what's wrong with Wayne Dupris? Oh? Wayne dupri was a friend of ours, Linda, right, he thought it out at the caller on the show, Sean Hannity is skating on very thin ice with his supporters that he finally cross the line and he does this whole bit and then I'm reading it and sweet baby James princess this out and he goes, you need to see this because you don't Wayne dupre We always like Wayne Dupris. We've never had a problem with Wayne Duprie is a good guy, but then he's saying he's very passionate about people taking the vaccine, and he's pushing it a lot on his show. Hey Wayne, if you're gonna say something about me, get it right, I said, let me, let me say it slowly so everybody hears me. This thing is killed enough people take it seriously. Everybody knows about masks and social distancing, and that there are three vaccines available. Everybody knows. I can't make the decision for you. But actually, Sean, let's do one better. Let's play what we have. I think it deserves to be played at this point, by the way we which I dedicated to our old friend. Apparently Wayne dupre I always liked, Well, let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say maybe he didn't hear it. So Wayne, we hope you're listening and maybe you understand what's really going on here and stop, you know, listening to fake news. It seems like something changed because Sean Hannity basically it sounded like endorsed getting the vaccine Fox News. How Sean Hannity told Virus on his show last night to take the coronavirus. Seriously, July twenty one, right on time. You would think that the one thing we might all want to get along on is fighting and combating a virus that can make our fellow Americans sick. Because I don't think. I don't think the viruses discriminate in terms of what your political orientation is. San Hannity now urging people to get the vaccines. I do not support mandatory vaccinations. I don't. If doctors and scientists say it's safe, well, my personal inclination will be to take it after I read the studies, consult with my own personal doctors, make my own informed decision. I watched that Handity clips several times, trying to see if it was a deep fake, trying to see if somebody had kidnapped him. I'm not in any way. Let me be very clear. I am not at all anti science. I love science. I'm not anti vaccine at all. I'm actually grateful that scientists, medical experts were able to develop one in record time. But I'm not a doctor either, and I'm not going to play one on TV and tell you what you should do. Let me ask you about this switch a little bit at Box News, where you have Sean Hannity and Steve Doocey kind of changing their tune. Do you detect just a slight that they might be back on their heels a little bit because you can't keep lying about everything. I'm not a doctor, and I refuse to play on radio or TV no matter how many times people demand that I tell people whose medical conditions I know nothing about what to do. I've been urging everyone to take it seriously. Do your research, ask your doctor or doctors who know your special, unique medical condition, and then make the right decision to protect yourself, protect your love ones, and protect innocent people you may be in contact. So we've been saying this for months and months. You saw the other night when we had doctor Nicole Sapphire our Fox News Medical a team on the show Linda, And she's been on radio and TV with us regularly all throughout the pandemic, and she's reading these headlines. Listen, um, doctor Nicole, how many times have I asked you if what I'm saying to my audience is the right advice? She started laughing. Oh, the last you know, eight months or whatever. She said. She says, you've been at you've asked me that very question, using that very verbiage, you know a lot, because I know people listen, you know, watch and listen in and out. Sometimes people have conflicts. I really do prefer three hours a day, every day and one hour at night. But that's a side that's a side note. But she started laughing because it's not news, and the way they've distorted it is ridiculous too. I'm not creating vaccine hesitancy. I am telling people that you've got to look at unique medical condition and there are people with compromised immune systems that these are very these can be very complicated cases. There are people with comorbidities that I don't know anything about pre existing conditions. I don't know anything about them. You know this this group think blue check mark pressure of the medium mob to force people and shame them into what they demand we tell our audiences. I think we have handled it all extraordinarily responsible. Now let's say, for example, we now know from the Cleveland Clinic study that that if you had COVID, and you know, in the beginning usually for the first three months, it could have lasted long as six months or nine months, you have antibodies that will show up in your blood. But then they begin to decline and eventually they use You can't discern them in the in the bloodstream. They seem like they've disappeared. They haven't fully disappeared. We've gone over those with many doctors because what we have what's called T cell antibodies. Well, now what are T cell antibodies. I'm giving you a layman's definition here. I'm not a doctor, and basically, if you are. If you had COVID, you had corona virus and you recovered, even though you're in a body levels went down, you still have memory within your cells. God's beautiful creation the human body, right, that would recognize the coronavirus that your body once fought off, and they would be activated. That's what Rampaul was saying, and the Cleveland Clinic backed him up. The science. We're following the science. We keep here in the mantra. Follow the science. We followed the science. So Rampaul was right. And now what if I had Linda. Let's let's play a hypothetical game here. What if somebody had been calling this program and I'd given into the pressure of the mob and the blue check mark cult on Twitter, and I started doing what they were demanding that I do tell my audience what to do. I don't feel comfortable telling my audience what to do. I believe in freedom. Sorry, maybe it's an alien concept to them, it's not to me. What if I told people? Guy calls in, says Hannity, I had COVID, but should I get the vaccine? I had it at six months ago, and I said, yeah, you absolutely need to get it. You must get it. You know, everybody needs to get the JAB. And then the Cleveland Clinic study comes out. How do you think I feel today? Pretty horrible, Pretty horrible because we don't know now, what if? What if? You know, we're seeing the delta variant, the Lambda variant, the first case is now arriving in the US with that variant. We don't know how that's going to work out, it seems with delta. There was a great piece of the New York Post yesterday. It is more infectious, but not any more lethal. There are conflicting reports on the efficacy of the of the vaccines on the delta variant, and so you know what happens, is there going to be the booster shot as they're going to be this I don't know, but I don't think they knew either. I'm just the one that's been honest to tell you that there's a lot we don't know. But I do stand by. I will not apologize for telling my audience after what I've seen up close in my own life with people that I love and care about and their family members, to take it seriously. Is that a good statement, Linda. I've been consistent the whole time. Absolutely more than they believable. I have to deal with this crap. I mean, they just lie, you know, or use me as a means to, you know, pummel other people because they don't like them for the moment, you know, they kind of switch back and forth. Wayne Duprie, I'll accept your apology eight hundred and nine four one sewn if you want to be a part of the program. Sean Hannity defending freedom, providing clarity, and calling out the left now more than ever we need Kennedy on seven ten, w oh mister New York Mark Simone tomorrow from ten till noon on seven ten wo R. All right, that's gonna wrap things up for today. All right, full coverage tonight. We will do with the mob in the media, the blue media mob, Checkmark cult on Twitter won't do and that is Yeah. We're gonna point out all of Joe's lies, his incredible cognitive weaknesses, and much much more. Ronnie Jackson will join US Congressman doctor Nicole Sapphire, Stephen Miller, John Solomon as breaking news tonight, the great One, Mark Levin, Dana lash and the divine much more Ninetiestern Hannity Fox. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible

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