Old Democrats vs New Democrats

Published Apr 17, 2019, 10:00 PM

Kayleigh McEnany, National Press Secretary for the Trump 2020 Campaign and Jeff Lord, author of the upcoming book, Swamp Wars: Donald Trump and the New American Populism vs. The Old Order, discuss the new factions of the democrat party. With the extreme leftists like Cortez, the anti-semites like Omar, and the old guard like Pelosi, 2020 is shaping up to be a very interesting year. Finally, what will be the fall out for Justin Smollett and Kim Foxx, with new texts revealed that Foxx was making a deal, and knew Smollett is lying.   

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Now, right now, you my listeners, You're gonna save thirty percent and get free shipping when you use the promo code Shawn seven Sea and seven when you go to my pillow dot com again, that's promo code Sewn seven Sea and seven at mipillow dot com. All right, glad you with us? Yes, it is pre Muller Report release day and the media is already salivating and predicted this might happen. It's finally happening. It's they know it's a dud, they'll act differently. This is their last moment to breathlessly, hysterically hyperventilate over nothing, because we already know the answer, and whether they want to admit this or not, the answer is clear on ambiguous, and it gets right to the point because Attorney General Barr already included from the Muller report the sentence that kills all Trump Russia collusion. From Robert Muller's report, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. So now they've been hanging their hope. If you watch closely, though, they're not really even hanging their hope on obstruction, because you know, the way the Attorney General wrote this up, He's like, yeah, well, we decided in seconds that he didn't obstruct justice and it didn't rise to the level of any type of indictable offense, in part because there's no underlying crime you would need that to get to beyond a reasonable doubt, and just because Donald Trump said he wanted to fire Muller and it's a witch hunt, and wanted to fire Rod Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions, and he fired Jim Coman. He wished that Lieutenant General Flynn. I hope he doesn't get in trouble. He didn't do any of those things. So just because he says it now the perfect example is, well, the same deep state operatives that are about to be hit so hard their mothers will feel the vibration of what's about to happen in terms of all that is going to be coming out. Everything we have reported in the last two years, we have evidence that will confirm and corroborate and verify that we were more right than we ever knew. They're going to do their thing tomorrow. They're going to hysterically report. Look at this sentence. See see when he said to fire Muller, and he talked about the eighteen people he hired, that we're all Democratic donors and it's all true, including Clinton's lawyer, etc. Yeah. Trump, Trump acted, I've trade Gaudy infamitely said if you're innocent, act like you're innocent. And in that sense, he was using it the wrong way because he was suggesting that maybe Trump should be quiet, and I'm thinking, well, if I'm innocent, I'm gonna scream it from the rooftops. Then I'm innocent because you're innocent. And I think one of the most I think Jerome Corsi, I'll use him as an example, was on the brink of being indicted. I really believe it because Jerome Corsi came on this radio show for a long time, came on TV and Jerome Corsi said, I didn't remember all the emails in the details. It's two years ago, I you know. And that's called the perjury trap. And I ask any of you, this is the danger for anybody that goes in and testifies, because if they get you get something wrong, you don't remember, or you don't remember correctly, which is frankly very human, then they think they get to decide. They're the deciders. They get to they get to determine whether or not you're lying or whether you're not you really didn't remember it accurately. And he gave me a sneak preview. I guess there's a book coming out, and in it he talked about, well, if there's anything to you guys have that will jog my memory, I don't remember. And you know he's seventy whatever years old. I know I'm fifty seven. I'd kind of have my memory lapses too. You know, it's weird how everybody has a different type of memory. I know people they are great at memorizing in school. They didn't, you know, ten minutes, they'd have their vocabulary list down, Pat, And I'm like agonizing over trying to remember it. Just that's not how my brain works. But when I talk about Reagan's record, I can give you chapter and verse. You want George W. Bush's record, I'll give you that chapter and verse. I'll give you a Clinton chapter in verse. I'll give you Obama chapter in verse, I'll give you the Trump presidency chapter in verse. But if you asked me who was on my show on Monday, I'm I'm gonna struggle. I won't remember, and I'll need to say if I hang on, let me go back and look at my you know, look at my text message. What is it all right? So and so so and so so and so and so. I really I can't tell you who was on TV Monday night? Right now, Linda, do you remember? I can't remember? Well, I mean, we do have our cast of characters. I don't remember what Solomon I think was on Monday Night. Right, he's got a great gray piece out today. Oh did you see hell froze over? Oh? I cannot believe what I well, I guess it was the news Busters that pointed it out where they actually at the Washington Post admit that Fox News has been right all along, and I got a special shout out, especially Sean Hannity, although they've been slammed for it, clamoring for an investigation of the investigators, aligning themselves with the President's claim of politically motivated witch hunt. Yeah, it goes on, it says Fox News. Yeah, an echo chamber for the right, but no more than CNN and MSNBC are for the left. And to be fair, when a Democrat's in the White House, the network switched places and Fox News criticized that they remove MSNBCCNN defend the Wall, which isn't true Fox News. You know, I just happened to be the one talk show host that is a conservative. I'm a member of the press, whether they like it or not. Now, I never I've never been to the Washington Correspondence dinner. I was glad to see that the president is going to hold a rally on the Saturday night of the Washington Correspondence dinner. I literally got in trouble one year when Fox was making me go. I'm like, I don't want to go, have to go. I don't want to go. I don't like those people. I don't want to go. I don't want to put on that stupid suit that they make you wear number one and number two. I there's nobody that's going to be there that I really want to hang out with. And I'd rather sit home and watch it on TV or never watch it at all. Anyway. So do you remember that year. I got very sick on that Friday before the Saturday and I could have sworn you were washing your hair. Yeah. Well, so I get a call from I pulled the I'm really feeling really bad on Friday. I think I can't go to work tonight. And Bill Shine calls me and he goes, you're full. You're absolutely full of it. He goes, you're not sick, you're lying to me, And I said, one hundred percent, I'm lying to you. Well, you do you tell Roger? He says, at the time, I think I think it would actually be fun if you went nothing nothing. Well, okay, well, it's kind of like tickets every year. I'll give you the tickets. You can have my tickets. Oh no, you can't send me. They don't have a bleepout button there. I'll never make it. No, I think you'll make it. I mean it would be interesting that that might make work work worth the price of admission at that point. And then anyway, so Bill goes in since Hannity doesn't want to go, after we'd been through like four weeks of saying that he has to go, he finally throws up his hands. He said, I can't even repeat what he says, but basically I was off the hook. But you know when they go through that, Yeah, all of this stuff happened. It's all true. That's why you know. Look, this is not an accident. I'll explain later. I've talked about why why why do we always get these stories right and the media always gets it wrong Because the media is now in a state of Trump psychosis. This is beyond derangement syndrome. And I remember the first person to say this was new King Ridge. He goes, no, no, no, they wake up every morning. How can we hurt Trump today and they're they're salivating for tomorrow. Now. I just read to you that everything they've been telling you on these networks and in the Washington Post, in the New York Times for two and a half years is false. On Russia collusion, no evidence, it says from the Muller Report. The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. Okay, done, and then it gets into a long explanation, I did it yesterday, won't do it again with the Attorney General very quickly, without any consideration surrounding the indictment of or the possible indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting president or DOJ policy on such. It was based on the facts, and it was based regarding many factual matters. The Special Counsel's investigation on obstruction, it was based on a review, but the Special Council's final report that they'd never found an underlying crime. It was reviewed by the Office Illegal Counsel, and they applied the real principles of federal prosecution, the guide charging decisions, and even Ron Rosenstein and Attorney General Barr concluded quickly that it's not nowhere meets the standard of or sufficient enough to establish that the president committed an obstruction of justice offense. The great irony is as they hyperventilate starting at nine am tomorrow and continue all through the day and all through the night, and all through Friday and all through the weekend. Well, the problem is not one of them will ever mentioned the fact that Hillary did commit underlying crimes. It is the proof positive, it's not. It is incontrovertible evidence. She violated the Espionage Act. I put it up on TV last night, eighteen USC seven ninety three. Having special access programming information, top secret classified information marked is such on her email server. That is a felony. She committed multiple felonies. Okay, so you got an underlying crime, then you got the intent, the intent when she deleted the subpoena emails and clean the hard drive with bleach bit and busted up the devices and remove sim cards. That is the clearest, biggest you justist, slam dunk obstruction of justice case you will ever see in your life, because the intent is obvious to hide and eliminate the evidence that proves she violated the law. And not if that. Now all these people start sounding like they care starting at nine am tomorrow about obstruction. They are full of it. They just it's just like they believe, you know, the accusers of Kavanaugh, but they're dead silent when it comes to the Lieutenant governor of Virginia. Nothing. I don't hear any eye believers, none of them. And those interviews were beyond credible that Gail King of CBS did in both cases won an accusation of rape, another accusation of violence, sexual assault, and corroboration of people that they hold at the time. We don't even have an investigation in the state of Virginia going on at this point. I don't know where the federal investigation is. So that's gonna be for tomorrow. Now. The worst part for all of them, and I don't expect they made a mistake over at the Washington Post. Somebody messed up Hannity's right. Hannity was right. Oh yeah, Well, here's what's happening. What we've learned just from Nellie Bruce or and their closed door testimonies. Thanks to Doug Collins released and struck in page and James Baker and Precep and all these other people, and there's fifty three other closed door sessions we haven't even touched yet. That's all gonna come out, all of it. And what we're seeing though is an emerging circular firing squad struck in page They brought this right into the office of the Attorney General Lauretta Lynch Okay, what did she know? When did she know it? Where's her emails? Where's her text messages? But then then asked the question, what did Rice know? And what about the leaking and the unmasking, And you know, Brennan and Clapper's role in all of this is this is not going to stop. It is now the beginning. They have one more rubber bullet, political bullet They're gonna fire at Trump and it's gonna bounce off him like Superman. And they're stuck because they lied. They advanced conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, and they will wrong the entire time. But then we'll get the new Nez criminal referrals. Then we're gonna get the bar investigation. He used the word spying on the Trump campaign. That's all gonna come out the Horowitz Fiser report sometime in May, which is going to show fraud committed at a high level against the court, to get a warrant to deny an American citizens constitutional rights, but more importantly, to also spy on an opposition party campaign using a bought and paid for Russian dossier, Russian lies that Hillary pay and everybody, according to Bruce or was warned about, and you got the hoober leaking. Then we'll actually at some point get the FISA applications. Then we'll get to see pages ten through twelve and seventeen through thirty four. Then we'll actually get to read the Gang of Eight material with the FBI admits they abuse power. And then we'll get oh, maybe Christopher Steele's testimony from down in Florida, which is going to be pretty damning I hear. And then we'll get also the three O two's it's all coming out. Hillary's investigation is going to be reopened, and if it is, she's going to be charged. And deep state actors, many of the names we have been repeating for two years, they too will be getting criminal referrals and many will be indicted. Because if we don't do it, the end result is this will happen again. An attempted coup, one to help the favored candidate in an election and rig an election, and then to bludgeon with lies the duly acted President of the United States. And if we don't have equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, if we let this pass, there won't be a constitution, and in the end say goodbye to our constitutional republic. It must be investigated. Justice has to be served. I don't like the fact that, you know, in the process, the ninety nine point nine percent of good intelligence people and good FBI people, the premier intelligence and law enforcement agency in the world, are tainted by this. But I'm not blaming them at all. They're great. They save us every day. But those that abuse their power, those that had a corrupt agenda, will be exposed. You know, there are more than thirty four million American smokers. I bet that finding a satisfying alternative to cigarettes is at the top of your list if you're a smoker. Look, I've been there before, but after many years of smoking, I finally made the switch to Jewel. Is no more worrying about the way my clothes smell, worrying about what people gonna say. With jewel, everything is so much easier now. Jewel is a vaporizer that contains nicotine for a satisfying transition. When I found Jewel, it was a complete game changer. 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Bill O'Reilly also checking in today and Kaylee mcinaney and Jeff Lord will be with us in the course of the program. Let me just tell you ahead of time, it's all going to start. The craziness like you've seen for two and a half years. And remember all the lies, all the conspiracy theories, all the webs they weave. They'll never retract, they'll never apologize, they'll never correct. They're already setting the stage the next battle. We now have a memorandum understanding of leaders in the House of Representatives to go after Trump's taxes, the clearest evidence even they know collusion obstruction are dead. I'll come back. I'll tell you about that, and why in the end this Mueller report it's already dead. They don't even get it yet, and why it won't matter straight ahead, all right, twenty five before the top of the hour, eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. By the way, I you know, I warned everybody. And it's interesting. The media is dead silent. You know. You may not like Julian Assange, but you can't say that he's wrong, especially when you compare it to the fake news media in the US. And it's the fact what he gets the sources, you know, it comes right out of the Pentagon papers. Alan Dershowitz makes this great case saying that you know what Osange is doing because everything he does, the Washington Post and the New York Times print, they print the same thing after he does. So it's gonna be interesting because and it's very interesting too that they're only going after Diddy in any way help Chelsea Manning on the information, which apparently also too was edited. I remember asking a question in that interview about this, would you put people's lives at risk? And he said they carefully do not. That was the I remember the answer to that, or something to that effect. But okay, well, let's see where he got the emails. Did it really come from Russia? Did it come from multiple sources? You know? Why did they not ask him that? Why are they only focusing on the Chelsea Manning issue when it comes to all the other information? You know what the broader question is, how is it even possible because this has been going on for decades that we have as a government, our top secrets are so vulnerable, and it's like, here another case you've been hacked, You dummies, Fix it you know, it becomes shame on you. Shame on you. After thirty plus years, when does it become what the hell is going on in the government that they don't protect our secrets? I want to know why the Clinton you know, look at the of Information Act request by Judicial Watch showing the emails when officials began to realize the top secret classified information on her secret server in the mom and pop bathroom closet, they were like, oh my god, this is going to impact forever, impact our relations with foreign countries because that's how sensitive it was. On top of the fact that they originally believed that six foreign intelligence services hacked into the Platts rivers network server in a mom and pop bathroom closet. Watch all the people that care about obstruction, they're not going to say a thing. But in the Pentagon paper, if you're not involved in the stealing of information or or conspiring to do so, well, then it becomes a case that we have sixty three The Supreme Court ruled with the New York Times and Washington Post that joined in that effort and the information they had a legitimate right of the press to print. Question is when is our government I think we have two hundred and fifty thousand it people, government officials. Why why are we so why so vulnerable still that this keeps happening when we literally have sources, methods, you know, information about our defense department, war, peace, our enemies, intelligence. You gotta keep it secret. It's the other danger that we have the powerful tools of intelligence. You got to protect them and only make sure that people use it for good, for peace, to protect innocent Americans, protect other innocent people around the world. You know, if we pick up intel that you know, such such country, an ally of ours is in trouble that something might happen, we pass it on. You know, if something terrible is in the works, we pass it on, so innocent people don't die. That's how it's life and death. So don't think, by the way, after nine am, that this is it, because oh, I believe you're gonna hear from Jay Seculo, Rudy Giuliani and a major rebuttal and real truth and real fact finding because the president's lawyers, this was reported by the AP, have put the finishing touches on their rebuttal that will also come out tomorrow. Rudy Giuliani, one of the president's attorney said earlier yesterday that the document will be dozens of pages long. He says it will be published in the hours after the release of the Muller Report, as it should be, and we'll see, just watch. You're gonna watch the same hysteria that you've watched for two and a half years, the same get Trump. But it's it's already dead. They don't know it's already dead. We have the literally bar inserted in his letter. I can read this again and again and again and they won't get it anyway. The Muller Report says the investigation did not establish the members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. It's over now. Do I think the Andrew Weissman's a Muller's team and the Genie Rays and all the Democratic donors that worked in our office, they're going to take shots at Donald Trump and try and raise innuendo. Innuendo's fine, but it doesn't mean a thing in a court of law. You know, we can you know there was plenty of innuendo when they said they wanted to tape the president of the United States and trap the president of the United States and invoked the twenty fifth Amendment of the You know, who remove the sitting president a duly elected president? They said it, we now know because a closed or testimony, they said, but they never did it. You can say a lot of things. I like to kick his ass or heart, you know whatever. Blah blah blah, you can say it. Don't do it. You don't do it. You didn't give me a crime. I'd always thought that, you know, punish people for what they do. I never understood hate crimes legislation. If there's a motivation that you can tie to the actual crime, then you get an extra penalty. Like it became a big deal in the two thousand presidential race. You know that horrible ad, the horrible killing of James Bird. He was dragged to his death by animals, and George Bush supported the death penalty. That ad said, it was like my father was killed all over again. Because they didn't support hate crimes legislation. No, he supported the death penalty for the evil perpetrated on this innocent man, which is what you should punish people for. You know, it's hard when you get into obstruction, you have intent. That's why Hillary's case is such a slam dunk. The intent to erase the subpoened emails and acid washed the hard drive and not with the cloths with something we never knew existed bleach bit now everybody knows. And then of course beat up your devices because there may be some more evidence on those with a hammer and remove simcards. The intent is to cover up the real crime, which is the Spionage Act violation. Nobody will talk about that tomorrow as they hyperventilo. That's what it's going to be all day, and it's going nowhere. You know whatever it you know, innu window they have in there, which is guaranteed there's not anything that rises to a level to warrn an indictment. That's it. Muller already decided that, or else he would have indicted. You know, it's bad enough that the Democrats keep them in the media propaganda, the psychosis that has engulfed media and democrats in this country. They should be apologizing for being so wrong on Russia collusion. They should be it never should have happened in the first place. But they're never gonna go there. I mean, do we really think that the cowardly shift or Gerald Nadler I want them all to come on this program. Maxine Waters, I'll give her three hours any day. She wants, Adam Shift three hours, Nadler three hours. Come on. Let's let's let's let's go through this chapter and verse and but they already have they The greatest evidence that this is true, that they're in this position is they're now moving on. And the evidence of that is now, Oh, Sarah Carter actually broke broke this a letter that Jim Jordan sent to the Chairman Elijah Cummings about unprecedented subpoenas, etc. Etc. They we describe these memorandoms of understanding as an agreement to conspire, coordinate their efforts to attack and investigate the president. Now, Jordan, emphatically, by the way, objected to these secret memorandums of understanding, you know, excoriating Democrats. They didn't consult with Republican members of the committee, They didn't allow members to consider and debate the terms of the memorandum of understanding. But where they executed it, it was Chairman Cummings, Chairwoman Waters, and also Chairman Schiff, the cowardly Schiff. They didn't disclose it to any members or the American people until Jim Jordan had to find out about it, and he wrote a letter to Cummings to provide greater transparency around your secretive conduct. And by the way, if you intend to continue to use the committee's limited resources to attack President Trump from political gain, I hope you'll at least be transparent about your actions. Your ability to function as a fair, unbiased finder of the fact is now at grave risk. The members of the committee and now more importantly, the American people we represent, deserve to know exactly how you're leading the committee. And then he has a series of question, well, how many of these memorandums of understanding are there? You know what other chairpersons signed on to the memorandum of understanding? You know what it's about. It's about going after Donald Trump on money finances. They're on to the next conspiracy. They're on to the next witch hunt. This one didn't work out. Let's try another one, see if that works. You will you would you provide a detailed list of how many you've signed and what their dates, who signed them, the topics. Why did you not publicly disclose that you signed memorandums of understanding to go after Trump? You know will you publicly disclose the wall? Why did you choose not to consult with Republican members? Have you signed them as Chairman with any entities outside the House of Representatives to the extent that these memorandums create duties for committee and conflict for the rules of the House of Representatives on the Rules Committee, which duties prevail Rules Committee for one hundred and sixteen, Congress has not authorized Chairman to bind the committee through memorandums of understanding. You know, I understand that you're a memorandum of understanding with Chairwoman Waters. You agree to consult with her before issuing a subpoena. You intend to consult with Congresswoman Waters before before or after you consult with me as required by committee rules. If I Objack, do your proposed subpoena? Do you intend to consult with the Chairwoman Waters before or after the committee votes? Gotta be kidding me. All it is is a never ending witch hunt. That's it. This is all they got. This, this is what you've elected. People that don't care about safety, security, the things they cared about DOCCA dreamers, they don't even care about I believe because now their silence is deafening in the case of the Attorney General of Virginia. By the way, it looks like aoc at aoc on Twitter is taking Bernie's advice on how to become a millionaire. Who goes Apparently she has inked a book deal. Apparently we hired a top Hollywood talent agency and explored the possibility of writing a book. I think Congresswoman Omar already has a book deal creative arts agency. All right, so we can expect that book. By the way, Lindsey grahmmed two other Senate Committee chairman launch a probe into the FBI's Hillary email coverup. You cannot get to equal justice under the law and application of our laws. You cannot talk about obstruction when Donald Trump did nothing except express frankly warranted frustration at what he had to live through, no collusion the fourth time we found that conclusion and not get frustrated at the never ending distraction. And still he's governed at this high level. By the way, now Americans, they're not gonna like that Donald Trump was spight on. Tell them you just buckle up. It's all coming. We haven't been wrong yet. Just wait for the circular firing squad, the behind closed door interviews coming out. They're all turning on each other. This is their last political rubber bullet that they're gonna, you know, breathe hysterically over tomorrow. And the criminal referrals and the Bar investigation on spying and the conduct of those in the twenty sixteen investigation of Trump from them forward, then the Phiser warrants than the Uber report and Phis applications, then the rigged investigation. That's what Lindsey Graham is talking about. Which is the right thing to do? You know, Grassly Graham criminal referral asked the DJ to investigate direct contacts by Clinton operatives with Christopher Steele. Yeah, I'd like to answer to those questions too. And that's all gonna happen. It's all coming out. May not be the first and only article. The Washington Post says that Hannity has been right. I think there might be more. Linda's laughing. Now that's it by one shot at glory. I mean, I don't know. I was shocked by the first one. I'm still I'm laughing. They they somebody didn't do their job, somebody messed up. Somebody's probably gonna get fired. Over all of that by the time the day is done. Anyway, we got a lot to get to. All the Democrats now are scared to death of Bernie Sanders, you know. Yeah, Beto O'Rourke saying we're all gonna have to sacrifice, he sounds like Jimmy Carter will need to put our heat down and wear sweaters. We'll sacrifice on a scale of US and World War two sacrifice. Once we give up boiling gas, no other country's gonna give up boiling gas. Were done. Then he calls Trump a racist, islamophobe in defense of Omar and a anti Semitic statements. And by the way, oh I noticed that Robert Francis Beto. Let's see, he only donated a thousand, one hundred and sixty six bucks to charity in twenty eighteen when he made three hundred and seventy thousand, four hundred and twelve. Again, liberals are only generous with your money. And by the way, over the last ten years, his donations exceeded one percent of his income only one of the ten years. Wow, unbelievable. So that's that's your party. But everyone's scared to death New York Times. They're scared to death at the rise of Bernie Pelosi's on defense over Democratic anti semitism in Denial. We have I guess David Brock of media matters or one time of media matters. I don't know what he does now. But Clinton loyalist. You know he's now building an organization to campaign to stop Burnie. Bad blood between Bernie and everybody else. I don't know why is Bernie. Why are they so scared of Bernie? I guess because they think he can win the primary. I don't see anybody that's gonna be Trump. Nobody. All can change, you never know, but right now, nope, not this extreme radical party that is not interested in governing this country, that is only interested in destroying a duly elected president who's made more progress than two and a half years than their president on the Democratic side made an eight on doing the total colossal failure and mess of Obama. Good luck running on that, Joe Biden. I don't think that the congresswoman is anti Semitic. I wouldn't even put those in the same category. I think, but she's being accused of it. Well, she's being accused of it. But I criticized the president for using a film of video of nine eleven as a political tool. I think he was wrong to do that. That's position if the president bankrupt of any ideas. I don't want to talk about the president here because I'm overseas. Come see me in Washington, DC, and I'll tell you when I think about that and the president. But no, I because we are not We have no taint of that and the Democratic Party, And just because they want to accuse somebody of that doesn't mean, uh that that we take that bait. Honestly, I've never thought more posting my grandma, but I'm more post He comes from a broken family. We're a teenager where you know, we're a little unsettled and you know, uh, you know, having the parents, you know, is tough. You know, sometimes you spend weekends with Divorce Dead and that feels like it's fun. But then you can say that's what America's going through. We're kind of living Divorce Dead Care was founded after nine eleven because they recognize that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties. I think what we're really seeing is the assent of authoritarianism across the world. I think that Netun Yahoo is a Trump like figure, or would you be in favor of reducing military or economic aid to Israel? I mean, I think it's on the table, all right. Our two Sean Hannity showed that, you know, it's just nothing but insanity and madness that we get. Oh, not a taint of anti Semitism in the Democratic Party, Not not at all, really, Michelle Obama, the US under Trump is like having living with a divorced dad. Um, So let me just tell you something. I know more divorced dads. I don't know why people get divorced at the level they do. I don't think anybody has any clue what goes on behind closed doors. And then you have some of the best fathers I know, Linda, you know John Goman is my best friend from third grade. He ma right, And you know his daughter Jackie, who just got married beautifully, the sweetest girl in the world. And uh and as a state, the best step dad I've ever met in my life. I mean, just amazing relationships. I mean, what is that where is that cut coming from? Oh? These guys that show up every other Saturday for ten minutes and watch football. I mean what is that. Maybe the Obamas aren't as happy as they portray well, whatever, all part of the insanity what we have going on in the twenty twenty campaign. By the way, our two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred and nine for one seawan, our toll free telephone number, you've got Hillary's top media ally now organizing to stop Bernie Sanders before it's too late. As David Brock now is openly saying, it is a growing realization Sanders could end up winning this thing, or certainly that he stays in so long he damages the actual winner, which the Clintons hate Bernie. Bernie Sanders would have won the primary against Hillary had they not cheated and the super delegates, and now the rules have been changed, so they're scared to death now more of Bernie than ever. But it is a real battle that is happening. And it's also the stop Sanders Democrats agonizing over his momentum and Sanders, you know, I mean, say what you will about the guy. He's out there fighting, and you got, of course the insanity the other candidates, Eric what's his name Swalwell, he's now saying, oh, the second Amber, he wants gun confiscation. He wants to everybody to hand over their guns that he chooses that are deemed too powerful. No, no, not one of these people can tell you what the difference is between quote, an assault weapon or an AR fifteen, except for cosmetic reasons that they don't even understand, nor have they ever shot these weapons. It's ridiculous. Then the battle over reparations. Then of course late term and during birth and after birth, infanticide and abortion and murder. Frankly, so that battle is going on. Then you got the intramural battle with AOC and and let's see Congresswoman Omar and Talib and they're standing up against Pelosi. Pelosi finally, you know, trying to fight back, but she knows that they have enough power to destroy your speakership anyway, Joining us now, Kaylee mcinaney, National Press Secretary Trump twenty twenty campaign. Jeff Lord. Of course, his new book is coming out soon, Swamp Wars, Donald Trump and the New American Populism against the Old Order. Welcome both of you to the program. Good to hear from you both. I'm watching what has now become a circular firing squad in the Deep State, and now after they final after they finally shoot their last rubber bullet that's going to fail on Thursday with the reveal of the Muller Report, Jeff. Then they were already turning to taxes and memorandum of understanding between different chairman Maxie Waters and Chairman Cummings, and also of course the cowardly shift. So you know, if Donald Trump cured cancer and gave every American five million dollars and embraced their radical New Green Deal, they still would hate him. Yeah, I think back to before we were around Sean and Harry Truman campaign and the Republican do Nothing Congress in nineteen forty eight. I believe it was, and of course one in an upset. What these all these activities that these people are involved in here currently that you've just named among others. They're doing that rather than say, infrastructure bills where they could work with the President, they're doing that, rather than say, trying to fix healthcare. What they're doing is frankly, I think, very damaging to themselves. And the President is well aware of exactly how bad this has gotten, and he will make this an issue. He will take it right to him and he should by the way, and the president wins because he keeps fighting for his agenda, even in the midst of a two and a half year a witch hunt. You know, we look, Kaylee, we know what tomorrow is. Tomorrow is well Donald Trump, Well, he didn't commit collusions. So we were wrong on that for two and a half years. But an obstruction maybe because he openly talked about firing Muller, He openly talked about a witch hunt. He openly talked about, Oh, let's see firing Sessions or Rosenstein, or wishing and hoping and praying that a thirty three year veteran who served his country in the time and times of war, General Flynn, I hope nothing happens to him. But at the end of the day, he did none of that. Nothing. Just like the deep state talks about, oh, let's invoke the twenty fifth Amendment and let's tape Donald Trump in the Oval office when he doesn't know it. They didn't do that either, They just thought about it. Yeah, that's exactly right. Look, President Trump has done nothing wrong. We already know the conclusion before tomorrow's report. Even times we know that Mueller himself said no collusion, as you noted, we know that bar himself said no obstruction President Trump has been Rod Rosenstein said it, and the Department of the whole department went over this. Legal counsel went over this absolutely. And the Democrats used to love Rod Rosenstein up until about three to four weeks ago when he exonerated the president. So tomorrow, right, the media will take this out of context, they'll distort it. But we have to keep our eye on the ball. Now. It's time to investigate the wires, investigate the investigators who started this three year witch hunt, who spied on President Trump's campaign, who unmasked people, who use human sources, who wire taps. It's time to turn the game. Investigate the investigators. That is where the wrongdoing lives. And we won't take our focus off of that. It's campaign. Can you imagine, Jeffrey Lord, I'm still in a state of shot. The Washington Post Prince and an article from a contributing columnist based out of Hillsboro, Ohio, admit it. Fox News has been right all along, and well not a listen. There were very few of us, and we built a team, frankly, an ensemble team that I'm extraordinarily proud of. Everybody that works on this radio show as a part of it, as well as everybody that works on my TV show. And I'm not going to mention every name because I'm going to forget some people that were part of the ensemble. You were part of the ensemble as well, Jeff. But those of us that said, no, what the media is saying is false. There's no evidence. These are anonymous sources. This is Brethel's hysteria. They're out to get Trump and we were proven right, and now we're about to get proven more right than we ever dreamed because all of the evidence is now sitting and waiting and will be revealed in pretty short order. Well, that's right. This was and I say this in my new book Swamp Wars, this was a silent coup. The old novel and movie Seven Days in May about an attempt to the military to take over an unseat a president of the United States. This was exactly that, except it was done by bureaucrats and the FBI and the Department of Justice, and I suspect John Brennan had a hand on this over at the CIA. This is what this was all about. It's incredible Banana Republic stuff. It's very dangerous, and so I think that we're finally going to get to the bottom of this. But you were one hundred rights as for all of these people that this ensemblecast that you've had on your show, and that op ed I did you. I didn't know you read it. I mean, I'm reading this thing and I'm saying, no, no, no, this must be some other newspaper. This didn't get past a Washington Post editor, saying that especially Hannity had it right from the beginning. I'm like, wow, you know, and I have to tell you this is this is exactly what mirror is my experience right here in the middle of Pennsylvania. I mean when I go around and people stopped me. I got stopped this morning when I was at grocery shopping. You know, people love you. Let me ask you a question. Do you get what I get? I was shopping last week, and I got grocery shopping every week everyone every week it happens the same thing. Why are you here? And I'm like, look at me. I like to eat and They're like no, no, no, no, really, why are you here? And I'm like to buy food And people can't believe I like grocery shopping. I like cooking. Does that make me a bad person? It makes it makes you in touch with the common person. My father took me, made me go grocery shopping with him every Friday night because he did the shopping and to keep me out of trouble on Friday nights, I had to go with him. I'm actually a great shopper. I know exactly what's on the list, and I go for it really fast. But you know something, as we watch this unfold, Kayley, this is what's going to happen. But now we have fifty three we know undisclosed closed door session testimonies that are given by these deep state members that are now creating a circular firing squad. They're all turning on each other. We have the criminal referrals of Nunez. We have Bars investigation. Yeah, that was real spying, as we had Andy McCarthy on this programming on TV last night. So we'll get to that. Horowitz and his Phise investigation is coming out in pretty short order. The Uber investigation. Then we're still going to get to the FISA applications themselves, the bulk of imation as Hillary's bought and paid for phony Russian dossier. Then we got three ZO two's Gang of eight and very clearly now this is moving in a direction that this rigged investigation into Hillary Clinton, who had committed a real crimes, real felonies, violating the Spionage Act with top secret and classified information on that private server and with the intent she took thirty three thousands of peen at emails, erased them and then used bleach bit and then busted up her devices and removed sim cards. This is now going to flip. It is going to be the biggest Boomerang one eight I think the media and the Democratic Party have ever witnessed in their life. Oh, that's exactly right. And we heard Attorney General bars testify just last week. He said there was a failure among a group of leaders at the upper staurant of the FBI. He also said, I think spine did occur. We know spine did occur. I've watched you Sean break it down. Put the timeline out there of all the spine that occurred dating back to the summer of twenty sixteen. Stephan Halper, when after Papadopolis, Carter Paige, Sam Clovis, then we have, of course, the the FISA abuse, fraud committed upon a court to get a backdoor into all things Trump campaign, and then also to bludgeon the president with that phony dossier exactly, and then the hundreds of unmasking requests that revealed the identities of Trump officials. And then you have Peter Strock's text Alisa Page saying we have an insurance plan against the president, all the while knowing there's quote those there there. We have got to get to the bottom of this. When the intelligence departments of the US government are weaponized to attack a political campaign, that should be a headline on every newspaper. Unfortunately, it's not been a lot of credit to you for putting a spotlight. I'm not I'm not looking for credit there about while ago. Let me let me tell you one thing and I'll just say I'll tell you after the break. This is not by accident that we get things right. And I'm gonna say, and it's not tooting our own horn. I wish I wish it didn't happen. I don't like to ever talk about as Joe Degeneva says, and he's right, but it stings every time he says it. Bad cops and there's not a lot of them. There's a few of them, but they were at the upper levels of power within the DOJ and FBI. But there's a reason we get things right, and I'll explain that on the other side. But listen, on a scale of one to one hundred, how does the media react to the Muller report tomorrow? On a scale of one hundred, they'll make it a thousand. They'll find something in there, and they'll try and magnify it, and they will lose in doing so. Kaylee, that's exactly right. You're going to watch a coordinated effort to where the media echoes the DNC talking points all across the networks, absolutely apoplectic. Scale of a thousand, has Jeff suggested? All right, thank you both for being with us, Kaylee mcinanny and also Jeff Lord. When we come back, wide open telephones and much much more later on, Bill O'Reilly will join us as we continue the Sean Hannity Show. All right, that's candas owns. That's what she faced as she went courageously to speak on a college campus. This time in Pennsylvania. You had student groups all aligning, the Pan Association for Gender Equality LAMBDA Alliance United minorities counseled denouncing Candas Owns, who's a conservative in her ideology, and criticizing her opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, which, by the way, we had tapes of members of Black Lives Matter chanting what do we want that cops when we want them now? You know, pigs in a blanket. I am like bacon in a blanket, bacon daisy, a blanket, bake, blaketake, blaket blake. Anyway, minutes before the event starts, some of what you just heard there you have even Philadelphia Antifa wearing ski masks and bandanas, old gall gathering on the College Green and shouting Fu Canda Zoans and f the police and protesting just the fact that you had a different voice, different point of view on a college campus, among things. Canda Zoens has said that African Americans in America are being misled by the Democratic Party. I think look yet, America's first African American president had eight years in office, and he added thirteen million more Americans to food stamps, eight million more to poverty, had the lowest labor participation rates since the seventies, worst recovery since the forties, lowest homeownership rate in fifty one years. Only president ever not to reach three percent GDP in his time as president, and doubled the debt of took on more debt than every other president before him combined. Well disproportionately minorities in America were negatively impacted by those policies. Here's Donald Trump two plus years later, record low unemployment African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the work, or youth unemployment. And I can go on for another hour, but I would take away time from Canada's Owens who joins us. Now. You know I pay very close attention to the things you say. And one thing you did very well in this particular event, in spite of all that hate, you were extraordinarily polite in your interactions with those people that were getting in your face. It could be a very threatening situation. And one thing I'll just offer unsolicited device, I hope you always have security with you, because there are some crazy people at all of these events. But more importantly, when you talk about this entire movement you call it the Blexit movement, it's something that is I have over the years. Remember I'm thirty years in radio. I'm a little older in twenty three years on Fox and has been very frustrating to me to see such a low percentage of the African American community vote for conservative policies, and in part because I know they work for every American, which is what I want, and it's now being proved on steroids and human growth hormone. And I think there does come a point where every two and four years when Democrats predictably say that Republicans are racist and sexist and homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, want dirty air water, they want kids to die, and throw Granny over the cliff. In the case of African Americans, I do believe that when people see the opportunities, the policies that work, and begin to understand the history of the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, I believe that this is this is something that can happen for the conservative movement, policies that are good for everybody. That's absolutely corrected. Look, I say this because I come from a position where I was that typical Black American who believed that Republicans are racist. Nath you had asked me three years ago, just three years ago, you know what do you think about Republicans would have said they're racist. What do you think abou Fox News? It's a network full of racists. So this ignorance that we're talking about that has descended in the black community, there's something to do with it has more to do with the fact that they're brainwashing us via the education system. That is what we are proactively learning in school, these disastrous public disastrous public schools. They're teaching us our history wrong. No one ever mentioned the fact that Republicans saved us at every point in history. So they tell you that a high school diploma. As a Black Americans, you are certain that at every point in history, the Democrats saved you and the Republicans tried to block it. And that could not be further from the truth. So I consider the blaxit movement almost a re education program for Black Americans to get involved and to embrace their futures and to learn the truth about the sick and twisted and racist history of the Democrat Party. You know, I know the defined an expressed movement of Black said, it's basically it's aimed at African Americans to exit the Democratic Party and vote Republican. I want to be very clear, I'm not a registered Republican either, and I'm not that fond of some Republicans, especially the ones that have no vision, no backbone. Their legs buckle anytime that it comes to fulfilling a campaign promise like repealing Obamacare, protecting our borders. You know a lot of these people, Hey, so you know, they're just afraid of their own shout out. But anybody that's going to institute the conservative policies of that would secure our borders, that ends burdensome regulation like the President has done un energy, big example, that unleashes the tax burden on the American people, lets people keep more of their money, incentivizes business to build factories of manufacturing centers here. That's that those are all jobs for Americans. The energy sector alone, Candice is going to create hundreds of thousands of high paying career jobs for all Americans. It was we are going to be wealthy. Every American can be wealthy if we would just tap that one resource, right, And that's exactly right, and that's what I advocate for. So I want to be clear, I have never told a single person to register as a Republican. You know, I consider myself an independent, and I support this president. And I'm very vocal about my support of this president for all the reasons that you just listed, and the number one reason being that he's decreasing our government dependency. We're talking about independence, the ability to go after the American dreams, something that we were really losing under Obama's leadership. And I hate to even use the word leadership. We were losing this country round the brink of losing that American dream and losing the jobs, and everything was going overseas. That's what we talk about things that are actually impacting Black America specifically. And I'll tell you one thing, it's sure is not white supremacy or white nationalism or white people that has been keeping us out of the American dream. I think it's it's the culture of victimhood that is descended on my community, and it's like a plague keeping us from our future. All right, quick break, welcome back, more with Candice Owens on the other side. Also Bill O'Reilly at the top of the next hour. This is it's just a typical of song, but the title is calling Mama. I Fell in Love with the June different. It's the same but different, and I'm gonna need your help just singing, and I said something like, uh, that's fine. I go. Oh, I'm in love with the June. I fell in love with the June. That's all you have to say. Oh love, and did you have a woman the juice? Then I'll continue and say her skin is wife and my skin as well. She was going up up, I was going down. It's gonna since it all happened, Illiva two story, not Lee Lane's not real even than even see, so that's flying together because I need your help. I can I'll be at the same. Oh, I'm in love with the un when I see Oh, you just said, let's try. Oh, I feel in love with the j Her skin is white and my skin is brown. She was going to drop up. I was going down. Oh, yes, I don't give it here. You wanta hit me, I'll shoot you, and then this up with my dad. I'm with you, fight, I'm with you. Listen race a little who All right, as we continue with Candice Owens and all that you went through yesterday. Is this happening everywhere or do you find that in some instances on some college campuses that your message is received warmly. It actually is received warmly in the end. So what you don't see is that we get into these rooms like at the University of Pennsylvania, for example, there were about I would say twenty Black Lives Matter people that actually sat through the entire my entire program. At the end of it, they came up to me and they said, I'm I'm finding it really difficult to disagree with you. I said, great, join the plexit movement. And I told them this, if you changed your T shirt, if she's wearing they're all wearing Black Lives Matter T shirt, I said, if you change what Black Lives Matter was about, if you started talking about abortion, you started talking about actually saving black lives, seventeen million black babies being aborted. Right. I planted one of those T shirts tomorrow. But do not believe in this myth that police brutality is somehow infecting or impacting our community negatively. And that's how my movement grows. I go right into the fire and I talk to these people about real issues, you know. And that's the thing. Um and I do see a movement in the country, and I think we see it, especially with the economic prosperity of the of the president. Um, are you finding that this is really a stronger movement than people are seeing that? Maybe the polls are picking up and they know it, they absolutely know it. That's why that's why they're afraid of you, I guess because there is a fear. Our blexit rallies are sold out every place. Who's done it, It's been sold out. We're sold out this month in Dallas April twenty eighth. We can't get venues, you know, big enough, And it's because people what we are selling. It just feels better. I'm saying to Black America, we can do it. We deserve this. We should have a piece of the dream. What is the left offering? Sean, what's the left name? To them? You can't do anything, You're never going to be anything. Here's more handouts. You know you've been feeling because of this that messaging doesn't even feel good. We're talking about real empowerment. We're talking about patriotism which actually knows no skin tone, no skin complexion, and no gender. It just feels better and it's starting to see then, and I'm so proud to be a part of such a you know, impactful movement in this country. Well, I hope that that continues. Um, now, what are your plans for the future, because I think your future is bright and your voice is powerful, and you've really been having a huge impact on young people, which I think is you know, heartwarming for a guy like me, an old guy like me. But um, why are you laughing? Why don't you just call me grandpa? I heard that you were thinking. I tried to be nice to you. I'll try to help. I mean, I really am a fan of an old guy. You're not an old guy. You're so young. What are your plans for your future? No idea. I haven't planned a day ahead of my life, one single day. I have no idea. You know. I wake up in the morning, I look at my calendar. That's it, and I know I have radio and TV at least for now. Although a lot of people would shut me down too if they could. So what are your plans? So what would you like to do? Have you have your thought into the future a little bit? No, one foot in front of the other every day. You know, my heart is with Black America. My heart is I've always believed that there could be this mass awakening in my community. You know, I've lived through it. I've seen what Democrat policies have done to my family firsthand, and I just I want to see this awakening. I want to crack the Black vote in twenty twenty and beyond that, who knows. You know. We make plans and God laughs at them. All right, Candis Owens, thank you so much for being with us. We really appreciate all that you do. We wish you the very best. I'm sorry that you have been through so much pain in the course of expressing your views, and I hope you continue and wish you a great, bright future. I think you have that ahead of you. It'll be fun to watch it. Thank you so much. Sean. All right, God bless eight hundred and nine for one. Seawan told free telephone number Bill O'Riley. At the top of the hour, we'll ask him about this, what he thinks of the Muller report, and more. Straight ahead, stay right here our final news round up and information overload in the final hour of the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Ammi Horowitz, and I'm here on the campus of the University of North Carolina, where UNC and Duke are holding a joint conference on the conflict in Gaza. So I came here to get a sense the perspectives of the people attending the conference. This was a major conference with hundreds of students, professors, and administrators who spent a weekend ashing Israel and whitewashing the terrorist organization. Come us if it only stopped there. This is a professor who I asked about her views on the spate of attacks in New York by black teens on Jews and synagogues. Blacks have a lot of also reason to be angry at Jews. Now, oh, absolutely, you guys. Not you guys. Jewish lobbyists aren't very good. Click at the treatment of Ethiopian Jews, right, Jews that are supposedly in the club, but they're Ethiopian. The black refugees who come to Israel assuming a thing as a Jewish state have actually been sterilized in the past. Lay, you're telling me that the Jewish government sterilized Ethiopian Jews coming into Israel. Yeah, yeah, that's crazy. Just days after the conference, swastikas were found on campus. Thirty eight the largest departments and schools at the University of North Carolina sponsored this event. It also got a federal grant of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. All right, that's so, I'm Tommy Horror, which we featured last week on this program going to a conference unc Duke and virulent anti Semitism on display there. And before that it was Michael Knowles and now the latest victim, Canada's Owens that we had on Hannity last night. I mean, she goes to the college hall and she's giving a speech and you know, co hosted by college Republicans, and anyway, Owens, you know, is outspoken. She's talking about the Me Too movement and saying that African Americans are being misled by the Democratic Party. Before the event even starts, you have all of these different aligned groups Antifa included Philadelphia Antifa wearing masks and bandanas and gathered on the college green shouting f candas Owens f the police, and it becomes a total you know, mess for her and a threat to her on campus. Not on common for any conservative that speaks on any college campus today. So whatever happened to the free exchange of ideas and opinions and thought on college campuses looks pretty dead in around most of the campuses today. Bill O'Reilly is with us, the author of fifteen number one best selling books, his Killing series, and his latest, of Course, is doing phenomenally well. He's also is in the works of writing a book Donald Trump, The United States of Trump, How the President really sees America, and is a column out today about how these college administrators know that they have to keep order to keep their jobs, and they are really no longer institutions of higher learning in places where you do have free exchange of ideas where that's encouraged. Still, Riley, how are you, sir? Good. I'm hanging tough. How are you doing, Sean? We're doing good. By the way, did you see the Washington Post declaring Sean Hannity has been right all along? Believe it? And it must have been a mystery. I went down there and I had talked with him, So that's why they did it. Oh, so you went down and argued on my behalf that Hanna, you know that very reasonable editor at the Rushington Post. I said, hey, Marty, look let's go to lunch. Went to the old edit screw. I said, look, you know, Hannah has been right, so let's get an op ed up there. And he's sure, Bill, How are you doing well? Yeah? Would you like to join our editorial staff on the column I wrote that you mentioned is on Bill O'Reilly dot com. It's called propaganda you and here's how it works. So everybody understands because I and you we're both paying tuition, uh, you know, for urchins to go to college and unbelievable costs, So people should know what they're getting into. Every college is a board of directors, and the board of directors is directly responsible for hiring and firing administrators, not teachers teachers. A lot of college teachers have tenure. Tenure it means you can't get fired, but the administrators don't have that. So in many many places, the college board of directors and this is extended to places like Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, conservative places in the country. They are very liberal people, and they now are demanding two things. Inclusion and that's an interesting word because not everybody is included in inclusion and diversity. So above all, the chancellors of the universities have to prove themselves to be champions of inclusion and diversity. And how they do that is they let their campuses run wild to the far left, and that's what's going on. It's a hostility, though that is it's always been there. I mean, go back to the Bill Bennett days and Bill Buckley days and other prominent conservatives at the time, and they faced some type of criticism, some protests, but I don't think it's ever been this bad, to the point where it's almost become impossible in many instances for conservatives to ever even get to giving the speech on campus. Well, that's because they only hire far left professors and administrators. Ninety percent in recent studies of college teachers are liberal, and they may not be bomb throwing far left liberal, but they're certainly not going to vote for Donald Trump. So if the election were only held among college professors and administrators, Trump would lose to anybody ninety to ten. Now, in the Vietnam era, that's when I was at college at Maris College of Keepsie, New York, there were radical left and they cause a lot of trouble by burning down buildings and occupying and yelling and screaming and all of that. But it wasn't the campus policy to allow them to do it, so there was at tension. Now there is no tension it's you can do whatever you want if you're a far left loon, but if you object to the lunacy, then you are a bigot. So you're interfering with inclusion and diversity. So we don't want you here. Get off campus. So much hold that the President of the United States had to sign an executive order that said, if colleges do not allow freedom of speech, you're not going to get any federal money. Now, the media didn't report on that. I know you did, but the media didn't report that that executive order. That's how bad this is in America today. Let me ask you your thoughts. There's Muller Report is out tomorrow. This is the we've had two and a half years bill of NonStop, never ending Tinfoil had conspiracy theories. We already know from the March twenty fourth, twenty nineteen letter of the Attorney General William Barr. He actually quotes the Muller Report as it relates to quote Russian interference and collusion, and it says the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. So the collusion lie is what it is, and it is to me, it should be. It should be the end of anybody putting any faith, hope, and trust in the big networks or fake news CNN or conspiracy TV, MSNBC or the Post of the Times. But I assume they're going to pick out a couple of lines like, oh, Donald Trump talked about firing Muller, Donald Trump wanted to fire Sessions, Donald Trump fired Coomey. Even Comey said he could be fired for any reason at all or no reason at all. Old Trump talked about that, but Donald Trump didn't do anything. Like the deep state talked about, oh, recording a sitting president and surveiling him without a warrant, and also the twenty fifth Amendment trying to invoke that, but they didn't do it. Where does this land, because this is the final rubber bullet in their gun? I think it lands flat. Yeah, I mean Boris Marty releases it on Holy Thursday, then then we have Good Friday Passover and then the story who's going to be watching nobody? But this is all about saving face. Now, if you know Eastern culture, the most important thing for Asians is not to be embarrassed publicly. So the networks and the and the media operations in America have been embarrassed publicly. I don't think do they ever lose a lot of money, do they ever lose the branding of Trump saying their fake news. I don't think it goes away ever, because he's been proven correct. Yeah, but they have to. But this ties right into the Muller Report. So they're not going to come out and say we were wrong, We're sorry, and we'll try to do better next time. We'll try to be fair and examine the story as it unfolds, not root for a certain outcome, which is what they did. They're not going to do that. They're going to try to lash on anything in the Muller Report that justifies their erroneous and unfair reporting for the last two years. But the good news is Americans have had enough. So is that gonna be any audience for it? If you look at the television ratings, and I'm sure you do, because you're now the top rated cable show. Yeah. By the way, you can have that distinction back anytime you want it. You know I'm too old now. No, No, I actually want you to have it, because then you'll take all the crap I'm taking and I'm I really want to get back into that hate swamp. But if you believe it, thanks a lot. I'm inviting you back, and you won't take my invitation. No you are, it's though umbody, give me go ahead. Yeah, but CNN and MSNBC of lost, I don't know thirty forty percent of their audience and the last three weeks correct, So they're not going to get it back. And no matter what they do. So it's like a spoiled kid after you punish him and then he comes out and he starts, well you do that to me? You know. I was like, okay, um, no one's listening to you. And so that's the good news that no matter what they do at GIN up not going to have any effect on the country. But here's what will On Bill O'Reilly dot com on Monday, we had Joe de Jenneva on, You've had him on many times, very smart US attorney form US attorney in DC. He guarantees Hannity guaranteed that the Inspector General report Horowitz is going to come back with devastating criminal reforms. Yes, that's all true. Referrals for indictments. Hey, Bill, it's Bill. There's gonna be the You're gonna have the Horowitz Report, You're getting the Hooper Report, You're getting fifty three more undisclosed behind closed or testimonies out. You've got a real investigation now into the investigators, and Hillary's rigged investigation because she did commit crimes and did obstruct crimes than that, because once you start to indict and arrest, a number of those people are gonna flip. You're already flipping. You can see it in a few Doug Collins, the congressman from Georgia, his release of the ores, Nelly and Bruce and Struck and Page and more recently James Baker, we're seeing it. All right, stay right there. Bill O'Reilly is with us. Quickbreak, Bill O'Reilly dot com for all things O'Reilly quick break, right back your calls on the other side of this break in the bottom half hour. All right, as we continue with Bill O'Reilly, who's with us, billoreilly dot com? All right? Last question, what do you think of these twenty twenty candidates? And they're all they're all seemingly seemingly now first turned on Biden, now they're turning on Bernie I don't think the field is very strong at this point. When I see a guy like Beto O'Rourke and his wife making close to four hundred thousand dollars a year and giving a thousand dollars a charity and then a college could ask him about it and he's got no answer. That's not good. He could have said, I'm just cheap. Well, he could have done what Bill Clinton didn't give his hues the underwear, right that all you know, it's a matter of Look, if you're gonna beat Donald Trump, and I know this has been than anybody on the planet because I'm writing this book even as we speak. I mean, this is a tough guy. And Trump's a tough guy and you can hit him fifteen different ways and he doesn't rock Nope. So look at you. If you're gonna beat him and the economy is wrong, good, Look, it's gonna be tough. So you gotta the Democrats better have more than the Green New Deal. And we want to be socialists. Bill, you want to ride a bike to work every day? Right, you're gonna get it in your sailboat, and you know, sail on over to Europe. Why do we need airplanes and you don't like you don't like basewagon. I you know, I got it going. So I'm already going down Northern Boulevard, a long island and that covered wagon waving. But he's headed to the Miracle Mile. That's what he means by that. All right, Bill, O'Reilly, Uh dot com is where you can get things all O'Reilly and more. Bill, Great to have you on. Thank you, thanks a lot. I'm appreciate it. By eight hundred ninety four one Sean Tolfrey telephone number, the phones and the other news of the day. Next Hannity Tonight Ninetiestern Big Show. You don't want to miss it. A preview of the Muller Madness straight Ahead. We come from a broken family. We're a teenager where you know, we're a little unsettled and you know, uh, you know, having the parents you know, is tough. You know, sometimes you spend weekend with divorce dad, and that feels like it's fun, but then you can see that's what America's going through. We're kind of for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback. Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country. All right, twenty five now until the top of the hour. That was a former First Lady Michelle Obama. Yes, she was in England promoting her book, and Stephen Colbert flew across the pond. I assume they didn't sail over as envisioned by Congresswoman Accio Cortez, and they're making the comments, Well, it's like where we have a divorced dad and it's great, but then it's horrible. M Linda, you were just you're apoplectic about that remark. Why why such a visceral reaction? I mean, first of all, I just wanted to be quiet. First of all, you know, the woman started a program for food in schools that nobody ate where we spent millions of dollars and kids went hungry and food went to waste. We don't or that's nothing compared to the guaranteed government healthy food that is part of the New Green Deal plan guaranteed what is it? Meatless? Mondays here with the Blasio, Well, that's we have in New York. For those that don't know, we have meatless mondays, Yeah, and the kids love it, and I know it's the right thing to do because Sean Hannity hates it. That's what he tweeted out. Yes, love how the tolerant left, the most accepting liberal people in our world have nothing better to do than to crack on everyone else. I mean, these people are the most intolerant, disrespectful. It's it's insane. You know, divorce is hard enough. Now you're going to make fun of what Well, what if mom gets the visitation rights on the weekends? Well, now is it living with divorce? Well, no, there, I mean custody. I mean, if you go back, you know, a couple of decades ago, it was always given to the mom, almost almost always, and that has changed dramatically, And I guess they have joint custody is the term that is used, and you have, you know, equal time shared among both parents. You're right, it's hard enough for kids to go through that, but it also happens is at least fifty fifty five percent of first time marriages. So she's making fun of it. She's making a joke about it because her her husband did such a great job. Oh, your husband, the junior senator who voted one hundred and ninety one times not president while he was in his first year of office. That guy, Oh yeah, he did a great job. No, but it's insulting to all either step dads or divorced dads that literally I know people, for example, that had great career opportunities that were divorced, but they stayed in whatever city they happen to live in, bypassing the opportunity of a lifetime in some cases, for the sake of their children so they could be around and raise their kids and be responsible. Now, you do have deadbeat dads, and you have some deadbeat moms, so there's deadbeat parents in general. But to say that, you know basically what happened. Michelle got sent a time out. She's not happy right now. She's in time out. She's not allowed to participate in President Trump is towner. She can't have her way, so she's having a temperate temptrum. It's just any time you get those broad sweeping generalizations, I don't care if it's about any particular group of people, or I don't care if it's along gender lines. It's pretty fascinating that these comments often come from those that most embrace identity politics as political fodder and campaigns. But I mean it happens all of the time. I mean we see it. We see the race card played every two and four years by the Democratic Party. We see the gender card. I mean, poor Mitt Romney, you know, God forbid he had resumes of women in binders that he wanted to look at their resume so he could hire them and look at what they ripped him apart over that, but the double standard exists. Just like I don't hear any eye believers streaming about or talking about what happened with the lieutenant governor of Virginia being accused of rape and violent sexual assault. I watch both interviews of Gail King, and I'm like a ghast because those women seem believable it. Certainly, I don't rush the judgment. I believe in due process and presumption of innocence like I have in all of these cases. But all those people, I guess they only care about such things if it's a Republican related to Trump. I mean, it's the same with immigration, it's the same with you know, they really care. Tomorrow they're going to be streaming about obstruction of justice. But nobody will mention the single biggest slam dunk case on obstruction of justice, which is Hillary and our email server and bleach bit and deletians and hammers, and so I find that whole thing frustrating. Well, I also think one thing that we should talk about as well as we start to want sure, we'll talk about it a lot, but as we gin up for all of these different you know, campaign trail folks, you know, and they're out there, you know, like Bozo who now can't explain why he hasn't donated more and him being at the events is enough because it's time away from his children. And I'm not disagreeing with that. You know, we all have to go to work and spend time away from our children. Like, you know, this is the line of work you've chosen, Bozo, Like why why should we feel you know, grateful or sorry for you? It should be okay, this is what you want to do, well, this is what's you know, entailed in trying to get it. And it's like, you know, now he doesn't want to show his tax returns, he doesn't want to show his charitable donations, and then he has to show them because he said that he would Bernie's the same way. Bernie's like, oh yeah, let's tax everybody more. Okay, well you start first. Let's start with you. You're the one running. Well, you got that, by the way, you watch Beto Bozo now he talks first. He's talking about the Green New Deals, says it will spurs sacrifice on the scale of the US and World War two. We don't need to sacrifice our lifestyles for your you know, hysterical belief in global temperatures. When we have done more than any other country in the last fifteen years to reduce carbon emissions, no other country is going to participate in this Green New Deal insanity. They're not giving up oil and asked and not giving up their combustion engines and their factories, and they're certainly not going to give up airplanes and cows in the process. Um so that's number one. And then you know, Beto O'Rourke goes out calling Trump a racist islamaphode Vobe defending Congresswoman Omar's anti semitism and her comments about nine to eleven. It was great yesterday to watch a college kid asking Bozo Robert Francis O'Rourke, and you know, why did he give less to charity charity than a recent college grad because he only gave apparently a thousand dollars and he made plenty of money that year. I got this, and we're wondering why as someone who earns sometimes gives less and chas that she does. Thank you for the question. There are charities that we donate to that we've recorded in itemize, others that we donated too that we have But I'll tell you, I'm doing everything i can right now spending this time with you. He caught with Archidos in alta sol because a want of sacrifice everything to make sure that we meet this moment of truth with everything that we've got. So, oh, excuse me. Gave one thousand, one hundred sixty six bucks to charity during the twenty eighteen tax year on a reported income of three hundred and seventy thousand, four hundred and twelve bucks. And by the way, in the last ten years, as donations exceeded only one percent of his income only one of those years. And I'm thinking it fits in perfectly how many times I've I set on this radio program. Liberals are only generous with other people's money, period they don't care about. You know, Nancy Pelosi lives in the one of the richest enclaves in San Francisco, net worth tens and tens of millions of dollars outside of that walled gated community, though we sent our cameras, and you know, people, homeless, people are all over the place, Needles are all over the streets, feces all over the streets. And could she not go talk to all our millionaire friends and build a shelter on their own without federal government assistance, and give the people that need help drug treatment and a hot meal, and a shower and a place to lay their head at night besides the and a bathroom so they don't have to go to the bathroom on the streets. But see, that's that's the whole point, Shun. And this is this is the irony of the Democrats, right, So it's the tolerant left. It's you know, we want to help everybody. We want to save the world, we want to go green. We want to give everybody shelter, and everybody's going to have healthcare and free college education. Okay, you start first, and daycare and daycare. You're right, everybody have to get at they're not ever going to this is you know, and these promises. The thing that bothers me is that there is an appeal to some people that they actually believe these politicians. You know, the greatest latest examples keep your doctor, your plan, and save money. Uh, none of those promises were kept. Now you won't even have a choice of a private healthcare provider if Bernie Kamala Harris or any of these lunatics get elected. And worse than that, Okay, we're going to have a wealth tax from Elizabeth Warren. That's you get taxed after you've been taxed. I mean, that's licensed stealing. They want to write. But we got to hold them accountable. Sewan. We have to get Schwan is trying well hold on. Washington Post recognizes and declares Fox News has been right all along. You do know that they said that, right, I do know that. I'm assuming they must have had a cocktail party right before they all went back to their I have no idea. By the way, this will not happen ever again. This is a one time effort. I need to get this framed. And I was singled out in this article and especially Sean Hannity have been slammed for clamoring for an investigation of the investigators, aligning himself with the president's claim of politically motivated which hunt. And then he said, uh, yeah, Hannity's right now. By the way, I was going to go over this with O'Reilly, and I never got to it. So, you know, everyone here my radio show knows how hard we all work behind the scenes, digging up information, doing research, making phone calls, real investigative journalism, you know, shoe leather journalism, phone calls, sources, you know, trying to put pieces together and doing so and tons of betting and tons of verification, and speaking to local news when I get one thing. If I get and you know, occasionally we get things wrong, I have no problem apologizing and retracting. But we don't like to be wrong. So we put a lot of diligence into being right. And our ensemble cast and I can't mention everybody because I offend somebody. And here it is two years later, and all of this is not only right, it's right. Beyond our wildest imagination. We have not been wrong at all in this. Now I tell everybody the story how Richard Jewell changed my life well, we are wrong on the Covington kids, worry we weren't wrong in order we rush to judgment in a smallet case. Had my suspicions from the beginning or UVA or Duke Lacrosse or Ferguson or Baltimore or Cambridge or vetting Obama and predicting the failure that was so obvious, and that he was a rigid ideologue that had zero flexibility or ability to grow. And in terms of his intellect or his ideas, he was a rigid radical ideologue and never deviated, not one time. So it's not my accident. We're right and they're always wrong. It's how they approach things through a political prism. As political some people think that I am I don't want to be wrong, and we haven't been. Just look at the Washington Post. I don't think there's anything wrong with being wrong, if I may, but I also don't think that there's any room for it anymore. So it's like, you know, when I call you out for doing something wrong, you can't stand it. I hate it with a passion. No times you've had to apologize to me. You hate it. Yeah, thanks for bringing that up. It's a way to set the mood. That's good. What mood have we said? It would just telling the truth. But in all seriousness, you know, I think I think there's a lot of there's a lot of people out there who don't care about telling the truth because it's not about being right, it's about being first. So if they can get out there first and they can get their message out there first and then sometimes true. But this is even worse than that. In this case, this was an agenda. They have devolved into a psychotic state of raging against the duly elected president. But the Covington kids, I think was definitely a place of being first. Like they got a tape, they didn't vet it, they didn't call about it. But it was also if they didn't have this hypnotic rage syndrome, they wouldn't They would have at least taken five minutes and made one phone call, because that's all it would have taken to find out if it's true. And they did. Look, they wanted to destroy that. They didn't care if if they can destroy a sixteen year old kid in the process, are hurting Trump, They're gonna do it. Yeah, nobody is. Nobody is free from scarring in this. Yeah, but I gonna tell you something. They're so dead. Oh, lynn Wood is going to crush them financially, crush them. It is for lynn Wood. This is like taking candy from a baby. It is. It is fishing in a barrel. It is. You know, just how much pain does he want to inflict on whatever particular so called news organization he's after at any given moment. I mean, that's what it is. You And we're gonna see it all in display. I guess this thing comes out at like nine tomorrow morning and you just watch Breathless Hysteria and you'll see everything that they've done wrong for two and a half years. They're gonna do it wrong again. Eight hundred ninety four one Sean Tofrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. And it is a case study in what why Americans can trust them, a case study in what fake news is. They will never overcome the branding that this presidents has now tattooed into their foreheads. They'll never ever live it down. And as I've been saying, they missed the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history, and it's gonna get worse. Because we have a cascade of information proving how right we were coming. And it's all coming as I promised you it would all right. Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern Fox News Channel. Also we will give you a preview of the Muller Report, but more importantly, the beginning of the investigation of the investigators. We are about to have a cascade effect of information that proves we've always been right. Joe de Jennifer, Victoria Tunsing, John Solomon, Dan Mangino, Larry Elder, Karl Rove on the political side of all this, and Victor Davis Hanson, nine Eastern Hannity Box News. Hope you'll join us. We'll be back here tomorrow for Mueller madness. It's all dead already. They don't know it.

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