Sean covers the latest on the battle for oil as America stops the purchase of Russian oil. We're going to make sketchy deals with Iran and Venezuela because we're not willing to use American oil... someone needs to ask... why!
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Where coming to y'all city, saying you will all be desire and if you want a little banging again, come along. Are you open to running for president again? Oh? Come on? Today, I'm announcing the United States is targeting the main artery of Russian's economy. We're banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy. And there are nine thousand unused approved drilling permits. So I would suggest to ask the oil companies why they're not using those if there's a desire to drill more. Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm coming to your city? You want to play our gains? And saying you account a new Sean Henny Show behind the scenes information on breaking news and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trapped Behind Enemy Lines, Day number two O six I Day two oh six, Stay two nineteen. Since Joe promised not to abandon Americans, how many Americans might be trapped behind Ukrainian lines? Will probably never know? Never hear of um. I hate being lied to. I just don't like it. Now does everybody occasionally tell a lie? Probably? If we examine our consciences. Um, you look great in that dress. Absolutely, Oh that amazing? Is that? Is that a lie? And maybe you don't believe that ever, But I used to say to my kids, they'd get more trouble if they lied to me. Then whatever it is that they got, we're gonna get in trouble for. And I used to just look at that and I say, you're not good at it. You're not even a good liar. So stop, you're insulting my intelligence. I just hate when people just outright lie to you. And that's what happened today with Joe Biden. Joe Biden. Today, I'm announcing the US is targeting the main artery of Russia's economy and we're banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy. Okay, that part is true, but it's meaningless when every NATO ally Western European country, it is completely meaningless if they're not doing the same thing too. And then he goes on to say something that was driving me crazy. Now keep in mind, this is the same Joe Biden that canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and then poop Pete Booty judge genius that he is says, Oh, we want you to get another high paying career union job. I'm like, where are you going to get that job? Because it's very skill specific, not transferable to other trades. Whatever. It was Joe Biden that paused new oil and gas leases on federal lands. It was Joe Biden that gave these new and updated restrictive environmental actions and new rules on emissions. It was Joey that rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement that does not recognize as China and India is developing nations, so they pay next to nothing and we pay almost all of it. The same guy that ended and more drilling, and they keep going to this argument about, well we've already we got nine thousand leases already, you need to talk to the oil companies. Okay, well we did. The American Petroleum Institute answered the question, where at a two decade high for percentage of leases in production with nearly two out of three leases. Let me slow this down, two year decade high for percentage of leases induction. In other words, we're really using the limited the limited resources, you're allowing the few resources may sound like a lot. Nine thousand, Come on, that's that's a big number, Hannity, Not really if you knew anything about the oil and gas industry. And with nearly two out of three leases producing natural gas and oil leases are issued prior to exploration, what does that mean, Hannity. It means that the leases that Jensaki keeps saying, go ask the oil companies about we don't even know if they're gonna capable of producing anything because the leases are given before the exploration happens, and not every acreage, as they go on from the American Petroleum Institute, not every acreage leased land has resources to tap into despite substantial investments by developers. In other words, a little bit of a crapshoot. That's why it's a you know, boom and bust industry, the energy into tree and with production still below pre pandemic levels and an imbalance between supply and demand exacerbated by the Russian invasion into Ukraine, now it's time for the administration to support domestic production and send a message that America is open for energy investment. So it's you know, this lie that they're telling and clinging to as a rationalel to please and cater to and appease the climate change alarmist cult base that represents the New Green Deal, Democratic Radical Socialist Party. You know, it's not a valid excuse, you know, start building the keystone, you know, get rid of this pause on new oil and gas leases on federal lands, Get rid of these environmental restrictions and rules on emissions that Joe is put in place. Get out of the Paris Climate Agreement. It's costing us a fortune. And if you really want to extract the most energy at the fastest pace, we know where the energy is in Alaska, in Anoir. It's a vast wilderness. I know because we sent a plane to fly over at one time for television to show people what's there. Then Biden goes on and says we are a net exporter of energy. That is just a vult faced lie. Let me read this headline, Oh, the US will be a net importer of oil in twenty twenty two, after two years of finally being in the net exporter loopsie daisy, and they quoted from zero Hedge that the total crude and petroleum products trade marked a historic shift in twenty twenty when the US became a net exporter of petroleum and on a monthly basis. It was September twenty nineteen when the US exported more crude oil and petroleum products than it imported, the first month in which America was a net petroleum exporter since monthly records began in nineteen seventy three. Actually was the first time in seventy five years. It turns out, we forecast the United States will continue to import more crude oil than it exports in twenty twenty two, reaching an estimated annual three point nine blah blah blah blah. And however, we expect net exports to fall, and we expect the US to import less crude and that means that we will be a net importer of energy. So he's lying and he's playing word games, you know, just like on the you have nine thousand leases already that those leases are issued prior to exploration. So they need more areas, and we ought to go to the richest areas. That would be Alaska and anmir If you want the richest area for natural gas, that would be West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. If you know, you don't have to beg Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. You don't have to beg those countries. Now, the most insane part of all of this is we now learned that there was an oil begging mission, as I call it, down in Venezuela. So we're now going to America's thugs, dictators, and in some cases Putin's satellite and allied countries for them to increase production. Now, I still can't make sense out of the fact that we're begging OPEC to increase their production of oil. We imported six hundred and some odd million barrels of oil from them last year. We're asking the Saudis to increase. They don't particularly like us either. A lot of these OPEC nations don't like us. Now, as part of this idiotic Iranian deal, we're going to free up some tens of billions of dollars in frozen assets based on the sanctions we put on Iran, and then we're going to make us part of the deal that we're going to import oil from the Mullahs of Iran that are desperately seeking nuclear weapons, and we're gonna have the weakest Iranian nuclear deal ever. There won't be any place anytime inspections. The last deal didn't even allow for one American inspector. So we'll do business with Iran, with Venezuela, we'll beg OPEC. And meanwhile, we have all this energy available to us, all these natural resources in America that we're not going to touch. And tell me, tell me how any of that makes sense, because it doesn't make sense to me. You know, he's out there, you know, talking about, oh, the ruble is down fifty percent, okay, great, the rule is down fifty percent. Putin is making billions of dollars every day with the price of oil this high, and all of our allies are dependent. Now he's even threatening to shut off the spicket. That's the phrase I've used for many, many years, that the insanity of our allies. And this goes to what Donald Trump had said, that we're, in fact, we're paying the bulk of moneys to protect our ally a NATO from an attack against Russia, on our NATO allies in Europe, and meanwhile they're making Russia and Putin rich again rich so he can fund wars like the one he's waging against a sovereign country in Ukraine. You know, then Biden lied when he said we cut Russia's largest banks from the international financial system. No, you didn't, Joe, you're lying because you put loopholes in that anything dealing with energy, oil gas that they could still use the banking system, because he wouldn't be sending the energy to Europe or the US up till today without getting paid. And the only way you're gonna pay is keeping that financial system and creating a loophole that you never told the world about. You know, we're taking steps to ensure reliable supply of global energy, and we're going to use every tool at our disposal protect American families and businesses. We understand the Putin's war against the people of Ukraine is causing prices to rise. Well, we now have. We am now paying more as of today for gasoline than we've ever paid as a country ever before, thanks to Joe Biden, thanks to the New Green Deal, cult of climate change alarmism, and Joe's policies. And then he goes on to say, you know, there's no excuse for the exact excessive price increases or padding profits, and it's no time for profiting or price gauging. What do you mean, what would you want him to do? It? For free, Joe. It's based on how much it costs. That's based the market supplying demand criss cross, and that will dictate the price, and you artificially reduce the world supply as demand has remain the same. I mean, it's unbelievable that this guy is our president and he's this dumb. So the answer is to Joe is all right, we're gonna stop importing oil from Russia. We'll talk to Iran, we'll beg OPEC, we'll beg the Saudias, and we'll beg the Venezuelans. How stupid is that in terms of compromising our national security? You know the benefit of being energy and dependent, You have many benefits on the national security front. You don't have to give a rip about what happens in the Middle East, except I would argue support our friends in Israel. You don't have to worry about the straits of hormones and what a rand may pull there. You don't have to make a rich again, OPEC nations rich again, the Saudia's rich again. You certainly don't need to prop up this thug murdering dictator in Venezuela and make him rich again, and have Europe making putin Rich again. These policies. This this is madness, This is insanity, and we're at a point where facts don't matter. Truth doesn't seem to matter to a lot of people on the left, and it's driving me absolutely batty. Anyway, So when the White House was pressed on these deals with the Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran, Jensaki said, yes, we can't confirm the discussions of oil. We're also part of the negotiations of the nuclear talks and we're getting closer to a deal. I don't want to get closer to a deal with Iran because you're going to lay out a pathway for them to get nuclear weapons, and you couple nuclear weapons with their radical ideology and their promise to wipe Israel in the US off the map. I think you should take them at their word that they mean it. Wall Street Journal had a good piece out today about Jensaki acknowledging that the administration sent emissaries to Caracas discussing energy security, and the administration is going to ease sanctions on Venezuelan oil to replace the lost Russian supply. So we're going from one crazy maniacal megalomaniac dictator to the next crazy megalomaniac dictator. How stupid is all of this? And OPEC they don't seem too interested in Joe's please, is in begging and crawling to increase their production? Or do the Saudist seem to care much? This is awful for our national security. It's awful for the American economy. Where do you think the high cost of inflation is coming from? Why does everything cost more? And every store we go to, why does it cost more to fill up your gas tank and heat your homeless winner? Because prices have gone up before this invasion of Ukraine and it's only going to get worse. It's this is insanity, and you want to you want to take it to another level. We're not even negotiating with Iran. The Russians are being the intermediary in those discussions. You can't make this up in a spine novel. It's it's utter stupidity. And this mysterious, insane reluctance and resistance to be energy independent that's not even in It's not part of their discussion at all. It's insane. If COVID isn't bad, enough. By the way, now we have to be on the lookout for fake, unregulated these called pop up COVID testing sites because now identity thieves are using those to harvest personal information without any intent of providing any test results. And the bottom line is you never want to get pay or give out your Social Security number to receive a COVID test anyway. This is about identity theft, and LifeLock sees the threats that we all miss on our own and they'll leaven scour the dark web on your behalf to see if any of your personal information is compromised. If it is, you get an alert. 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According to your Denny research, increased oil costs suggests the average American household will pay almost two thousand dollars more for gasoline this year over last year. Can you believe that? You know? But you know why drill here in the US. Then we get the lies, etc. Etc. But Pete Buddha Judge has a solution. Everybody needs to just go out and buy an electric car. By the way, most people, it's over fifty grand. That was what was so amazing about Elon Musk's comment. He said it against his own best interest, but he didn't care. Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures, and we need to dramatically ramp up gas and oil production in the US. And don't forget it, ran his fueling Russia's war machine. If you remove sanctions on Tehran, It'll be a massive victory for them. They're the number one state sponsor of terror. Senator Menendez even said, you know, he couldn't believe that officials of our government are talking to venezuel and murdering thug dictator Maduro. He says, it ricks, risks, perpetrating a humanitarian crisis that has destabilized Latin America and the Caribbean for an entire generation. He's a cancer to our hemisphere and should not We should not breed new life into his reign of torture and murder. He's right, but you know, I guess you know what we have now, Biden whitewashing Maduro's crimes against humanity. Marco Rubio, by the way, said Iranian oil is fueling Rusha's war machine. We can't lift sanctions against the Mullows and Orion. That's simple common sense. Why don't we follow it.