Ed Mullins President of the NYPD Sergeants Union, joins to discuss the NYPD and first responders on the front lines of COVID-19. The NYPD reported Tuesday that roughly 15% of uniformed officers, about 5,600, are currently out sick amid the Coronavirus pandemic.
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I'm gladuate with us right down our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Sean. If you want to be a part of this extravaganza. Well, even the fake news New York Times. I mean, they are a despicable newspaper. I decided this morning and a tweet out at some idiot that works for this paper, and I'm like, you know, are you really proud of the newspaper that you work for? Are you proud of this? Because it is never ending, NonStop, continuous lying. That's all it is. This is who they are. This to find them, you know, make it a case. My mom only listened to Fox News and Sean Hannity, and I was worried about my mom. And so what I did is I gave her a timeline about what I was saying and upon a timeline of what the stupid New York Times is saying for three long consecutive years. I know there are more important items than this on the agenda today, but for three and a half long years, these mob media maniacs have been out there lying Russia, Russia, Russia. They've been out there lying Ukraine, Ukraine. Impeach impeach stormy storm there's never ending crisis, crisis, hysteria, panic. We got him, we got him, Oh we didn't get him. Here we'll go for this. Same with the Democratic Party. It's it just defines who they are. And um, so I just tweeted out, so you proud. The woman's name is Kara of Swish her. I don't even know who she is. This this newspaper is just pathetic. And somebody sends it to me and I read it and she writes about her poor mother. By the way, I wish her mother well. Mother apparently at one point wasn't a friend of mine. I guess not anymore, but she was a friend of mine. Her daughter maybe talked her out of it. Um and I just said, you are ignorant, and you are lazy, and you are a total hypocrite. Because she is this, this defines them. I said, you're gonna lecture me about what we defined as what do you have the January twenty six Linda tape of Fauci about what we were telling people the first time I had Anthony Fauci on this program. And he is a national hero. That goes back to January twenty seventh, of last year, and when I was saying on the twenty seventh of January, I'm sorry of this year, and the twenty eighth of January of this year is I started reading about it. Now, this is only six days after the first known coronavirus cases in the US. And because I read a lot, that's part of my job is to prepare for this program. I began to read about this virus. And because almost half my friends in life are real life doctors, medical doctors, and I sit through these discussions and they fascinate me. And I've gone to operating rooms. I've watched people be operated on, and I just have a love of medicine. And if there's an operation on a TV channel somewhere, I will watch it and watch it and watch it like a lunatic. I don't know what's wrong with me, But if you ever watched like a hip or a knee replacement, it's fascinating. I mean, back in the day, it's like they have a hammering chisel and they're cranking away and putting in somebody's new knee or new hip. It's crazy, but I'm fascinated with it. And I also know that our medical researchers, and I believe in science and our doctors and our healthcare professionals. I mean, they're just amazing people. We come up with better and better, better ways to keep people healthy. The advancement that we have made in finding treatments for let's say cancer and heart disease. Think back twenty years ago. Stants didn't exist or somewhere around there wasn't that long ago. Now stants are used as a matter of regular course for people that have blockage in their arteries, and they do so successfully. And there was a process to that. First they had stints, then they came out with medicated stents, and then they just kept improving on it to the point where now it is it's commonplace. You can be stented and sent home almost the same day. It's crazy. A buddy of mine I talked about a hip issue. I have the guys, well, I can go in, I can go in anteriorly and take out your hip, and I see this stick that's gonna go in your femur, and you see this ball at the end of the stick that'll pop out, and you see this cup. We put this up here. It takes me about forty five minutes you walk out of the hospital the same day and I'm looking at I'm like, huh, I mean crazy stuff. If you go back Lynphomas, if you go back Hodgkins disease, if you go back any of the cancers, that should scare the living hell out of everybody. I mean, I lost a cousin and decades ago to Hodgkins disease. He'd be alive today. He would be alive today because of medical advancement. So anyway, this Kara, what's in a Cara Swisher? Person you know, is writing that. Finally I talked to my mom and they're not listening to Sean Hannity said, I'll put my timeline up against yours because your newspaper was printing Trump virus. If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame. Oh, that was her newspaper. Of course, I don't expect one day that I'm going to hear a responsing. Yet that was that was irresponsible of my newspaper to do this. Well, I'm not holding my breath because if I do, I will be dead or her paper. You know, they did use the Left and the Democrats were using from the earliest days as evidenced by that headline. Anything they could use to pull size this, weaponize this, continue their bludgeoning politically of Donald Trump, because that's who they are, that defines them, that is their ever overwriting obsession in life. And it's you know, like, for example, her newspaper printing, let's see February fifth, who says it's not safe to travel to China. The Corona virus travel band is not just unjust. Oh. I wonder if her mom, perhaps, if she was going to China, maybe she had a planned trip, if she was listening to her daughter's newspaper at the time. That would have been a really, really, really dumb idea. And then I did something that, you know, you would think that a New York Times reporter would have a quick answer too. She ends up writing back something to the effect, what did Kristen tell me that? Oh? I think he really likes me. Oh. I gave her attention. I'd never heard of this woman before, but I said, all right. Ten days after the first confirmed COVID nineteen case in the US January twenty first, President Donald J. Trump implemented the travel band January thirty first, I asked her a question, did the potus President of the United States, make the right decision or do you agree with quid pro quo the ever confused Joe that it was hysterical xenophobia, fearmongering. No answer yet to that question, Hey, Kara, you might want to share with your mom and her fellow leftist like Ben Smith over at the New York Times. Ben Smith, he writes this I Hate Fox column, by the way, basically in every other day column. And Ben Smith got the information about what I had said and when I had said it, and he just acts like it doesn't exist. But that's the same for every newspaper here. This is what fake news CNN has been doing and continues to do. This is conspiracy tv MSDNC has been and continues to do. This is the same group of people that have lied and that have pushed conspiracy theories and hoaxes on the American people. Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine. It's the same group and now they will politicize even this. And for those of you that don't you have that, by the way, Linda, I don't know. Somebody can talk to me, yes, you know, you know, if somebody you know cares about the truth, those people that attack conservatives in this, they're the most guilty. Let's go to the Washington Post. This is Eric pop the Pimple's newspaper, Get a grip America. The flu is a much bigger threat than the coronavirus for now. Okay, I'll put my timeline up against that crap too. Then. Yeah, in early February, the same newspaper, Washington Post, why we should be weary of an aggressive government response to coronavirus. Wow, pretty amazing. That's your medium mob. She started out. Oh, Sean Hannity, don't worry. I'm not going to sue, so I said to her. I said, listen to me. I hope you do. Sue me. Please sue me. Discovery and a counter suit buy me against you. I have good attorneys, I think for this, I would probably want Charles Harder and Lynn Wood, you know, the people that are going to get a fortune and are getting a fortune for Nicolas Sandman and the guy that beat what was the name of that public a gawker. I'll hire both of them. They're both friends of mine and I love them both, and they're both the best in their industry by far, and I'll hire them. I could be a landmark case. They said, let's go game on, file your suit anyway. The balls in their court. We'll see if they do. But this is what we live with. There is nothing that Donald J. Trump will ever do, and I've been saying it forever, that is ever going to satisfy these people. It's not going to happen now. As we have been discussing for a long period of time, The New York Times finally is beginning to catch up because we've been talking about hydroxy chloroquin along with zithromax for a long time on this program. Doctor ros will be back today with the latest updates. We have some really good medical updates today and malaria drug helps virus patients improve in small study. Wow, they're telling us help speed the recovery of small number of patients who are mildly ill from corona. You know, they can't make a big deal of it because Donald Trump went first. You know, that's the problem. Mildly ill coronavirus doctors in China reported this week, Well, maybe they should get a little bit more up to speed because there's more studies, tons of anecdotal evidence that it's working all over the country. But they would rather, I guess quote China, not that I think that it is any particularly, you know, good information. I got a lot more on the MOB. I want to get to today. But you know, Morning Joe, what happened in Morning Joe? Everybody but Trump saw coronavirus coming in January. That's a lie, Joe. Why you still what happened Joe? What happened to you? I remember a call in the middle of the two thousand election, and I know exactly where I was. They're stealing this from George W. Bush whatever it is. If you are a Republican and you go to ms DNC, the conspiracy theory channel, you change. I don't dislike Joe. I don't have anything against Joe, but Joe has Trump de arrangement syndrome, like Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt and everybody else over there at ms DNC. They all want to hang on to Rachel Maddow, the chief conspiracy theorist, hotels and hope that they get ratings so they can stay on television. Anyway, It's just false. We knew that in early January China was busy covering up the pandemic. I reported very early on in January, but they didn't over there at NBC News. They were too busy involved in the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, just like the Democrats on Capitol Hill. Foxo's Hilert. The deadly coronavirus, which originated in China has now spread to the US. Here now live from our West Coast newsroom tonight with the very latest trace Callagher, Trace and Sean. Just to get the numbers straight without alarming anyone. There are currently five confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US, but the CDC now says one hundred ten cases are under investigation in twenty six states. That number is likely to rise. The five confirmed cases are among those who recently travel to Wuhan, China. And clearly, all right, we have an incubation rate, that is, in other words, you can be while it's incubating in your body. Apparently you're infectious. Is that correct? It is correct, you know. So that incubation period committee was from two to fourteen days. The question is whether or not somebody can be contagious during the period where they're asymptomatic, you know, so they can fly over to the United States have no symptoms on the plane, but then develop the symptoms once they're here. The question is were they were they contagious while they were on that plane and when they were traveling, And if that's the case, then how do we track all of those contacts so that while it was going to be recontact tracing, it doesn't appear that it's even possible at this point in China, does it, Doctor Rumber. I think in China, with the population density they have, that would get much harder to accurately track that, especially as people start to hit the public places, the hospitals and doctor's offices in mass so you have this large crowding effect, but maybe not everyone was registered when they went there. They're waving in line. So yeah, that was January twenty seventh, doctor Fauci on TV of the twenty seventh reporting about it in the US, reporting about asymptomatic people that seemed very contagious, and the twenty eighth of January that was even before the travel ban. I guess I was ahead of the curve. Well, nobody saw this coming anyway, they're just liars. It is even in the midst of a national emergency, they're playing games. CNN didn't even take the presidents of opening remark yesterday. Oh, we can't run the president. We can't get updates on a national emergency from the president. Oh we don't like him. Send on eight hundred and nine fold one sean, if you want to be a part of the program, you know, one of the main things. So they were putting out worst case scenario between one hundred and what two hundred and twenty thousand potential deaths in the United States. That's scary. But what they don't talk about in the media is that the potential without the travel ban, without the quarantines and the extended travel bands and the mitigation and the fifteen days now extend ended to April thirtieth, the number would have been more like two point two million. Now would somebody say, well, Donald Trump made a good call there if anyone at the fake news New York Times. No. Now, I've got a montage that I'm gonna play when we get back because the mob and the media. I don't want anybody to die, said that too early in this process. I want to cure for cancer and heart disease. I want cars that are safer. They have great technology about they hit somebody in front of you, little car will stop for you. I want all of that. I want to live forever, frankly, hopefully in heaven. I will all right, I'll play this on the other side, quick break, right back. We'll continue right twenty five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, right then, let me give you a small sampling of how insane the mob is. Now, why is this important? It's important because if Donald Trump, I'd said, long before coronavirus cured cancer, they would still want to impeach Donald Trump for curing cancer. This defines them, It is their obsession. It is twenty four seven. They will lie, smears, slander, bissmirch and a pedal, lies in conspiracy theories, one after another, breathless hysteria, and then they sanctimoniously act like, well, Donald Trump should have done this or should have done that. Never before in the history of pandemics as anybody ever acted as quickly and decisively as Donald Trump. January twenty first, first known case of coronavirus in the United States first Now January thirty first, Well, that would be when the travel ban and a quarantine put in place. By the president. That's when Joe said it was hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering. Why does that matter, Well, it matters now because exponentially, you know how many tens, if not more, of thousands of Americans would have contracted the disease, spread the disease, and exponentially mathematically died. They don't care. Bludge and Trump, bludge and Trump twenty four to seven, politicize, weaponize, and you know it doesn't matter how wrong they are. They'll never revise, extend their remarks, ask for an apology, correct their methods of failure. That's just who they are. Listen, the risk to New Yorkers for coronavirus is low and our city preparedness is high. They should not stop you from going about your life. Should not stop you from going to Chinatown and going out to eat. I'm going to do that today myself. Come to Chinatown. Here we are. We're again careful, safe, and come join us. There is no concern at this time for coronavirus in our region. The Department of Sanitation is ready for Matikra twenty twenty. The facts are reassuring. We want New Yorkers to go about their daily lives. But there's really no need to panic and to avoid activities that we always do as New Yorkers. We are hardy people. Americans do not need to panic. What I would suggest, however, is that Americans take this as a wake up call for seasonal flu. There's very little threat here. This disease, even if it were to get it basically acts like a common cold or flu. So we're telling New Yorkers go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life, and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday if you had to, Would you close down the borders. No. We needed to to be honest about the American people, with the American people, about the fact that we can't keep people coming here from China, and transmission is not that easy. I think there's been a misperception that coronavirus hangs in the air waiting to catch. You know, it takes direct person to person contact. We also know that if it were likely to be trained tansmitted casually, we wouldn't be seeing a long lunch right. Yeah, they all got it wrong, And you know a lot of that came from the Office of Public Advocate New York whoops it Daisy and the idiotic mayor ill prepared number one terror target in the United States. They didn't even have extra gowns or mask or gloves. That's how bad it was. State of New York rejecting five years ago a warning that they needed in case of a pandemic sixty eighteen thousand ventilators. Governor Cuomo now in his third term, they had a task force put together. Well, how can we just sort of, you know, make the most of the two thousand that we have. But they'll blame Trump for it, you know. Over at fake news CNN, MSDNC, one host after another saying it's dangerous to keep airing the president's Corona briefings. That's not what they're they're afraid of. The President is giving a daily update as a as to a national emergency, and they don't like it. And then, especially when you compare it to the ever confused, confounded quid pro quo joe, there is no comparison. Nobody has ever done more more quickly than this president, including you know what is the massive amounts of money to take care of every single worker, making them whole. That has never been done before. It has never been done before in such record time that they were able to cast aside FDA regulations. We never had ever the ability to break down the sequence of a virus, then coronavirus, now phase one trials of a vaccine. We've never had FDA rules put aside for the treatment that shows hope and promise, like hydroxyley chloroquint along with the zithromyacin. We'll put those rules aside. Let's get the game going. If we're saving lives, let's do it. Let's give people the right to try, Let's give compassionate use, and let's get it out there. And it is showing beyond anecdotal evidence now that it is working. If I had it, I'd use it. Doctor Oz said the same thing on this program yesterday. We'll join us later today and I want to say one thing and then we're gonna check in. We have a problem in New York with the NYPD that is scaring, should scare everybody in New York. Got to protect our officers. You know, they put out these models yesterday. Everybody misses the main point of the model, which if we didn't do the mitigation, if the President's travel ban and quarantines weren't put in place, this could have been exponentially worse two point two to two point four million. Now they'll look into at a between one hundred and one and two hundred and twenty thousand and fake news Jim Acosta, Fake news Acosta, you know, takes out of context a sound bite of Anthony Fauci asking federal doctors if the US could have prevented more death by acting to mitigate the virus sooner. Well, that's not what they were calling for on fake news CNN. But that but that is a sidebar. Now let me say this before I play doctor Fauci. Doctor Anthony Fauci has now served what I believe six presidents. Serve Reagan, Serve Bush, he served Clinton two terms, he served George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and now Donald Trump. He has dealt with all of these pandemics his entire career. The span of his entire career, he was in the forefront of helping find answers and solutions to keep people alive with AIDS. He has worked on these other pandemics. He is to me a hero, the guy. He is a doctor on the front lines dealing with things that we don't often have the answers to and for all of you, well you chi Uchi, you change, you changed. So five days after the first known case in the United States, doctor Fauci was I was on some radio program, I don't remember which one, and he didn't think it was much of a threat. Now that's five days after the first known coronavirus confirmation of the US, and literally five days before Donald Trump implemented the travel ban, which was called xenophobic, racist, hysterical, and fearmongering. Here's what Fauci said January twenty sixth, And I say this not to disparage Fauci, just the opposite, to show that we don't know right away, that some of these things take time, and here we are two months later, and look how far we've come. Listen, what do you tell you American people about what's going on? Should they be skid? I don't think so. The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very very low risk to the United States. It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about. Because we have ways of preparing of screening of people coming in and we have ways of responding, like we did with this one case in Seattle, Washington who had traveled to China and brought back the infection. Doctor Fauci is the best of the best of the best. Please do not miss don't misinterpret this. The point is we didn't know. He didn't know. Now the very next day when he was on my radio program, I think he was on my television program. You know, it was that that point beginning to seem different because Ace and then I interviewed him about on February tenth. Again, my timeline, I'll put it up against the any anybody else on TV and radio. They don't want to discuss my timeline. They just want to say fire Hannity and ignore every irresponsible, reckless, insane thing that they've printed or said. But by February time, we're talking about asymptomatic people, asymptomatic but still highly contagious. Turns out it's like three times more contagious than the flu. Nobody knew that at the time, and so we were all learning together. And look at where doctor Fauci is. He's on the front lines and his counsel, his experience serving six presidents, saving lives, just like Donald Trump's travel band, five days after Anthony Fauci said that is saving lives. Anyway, I am concerned. So I was at the USNS comfort this amazing. I mean it is so massive, this Navy hospital ship that came into New York this week, and I'm looking at this thing. I'm like blown away. And I met a lot of NYPD officers there. I love New York Police officers. I wish the Mayor of New York loved NYPD officers as much as I did, because when I challenged him about it, You're going to take the video evidence of everybody throwing water on cops and dousing them with water and attacking them. Are you going to arrest them all? Oh? You choset through YPD. I said, why don't you, as their leader say something? You didn't? But anyway, we have now. Unfortunately, as of today, fifteen percent of uniformed officers fifty six hundred are out sick, many of them now confirmed one thousand, forty eight uniform members and one hundred and forty five civilian members positive for coronavirus in New York. Ed Mullins is the president of the MYPD Sergeants Union. First of all, thank you and all of these officers and first responders and byronmen and EMTs and nurses and doctors on the front lines for all you do every day. I talked to a bunch of MYPD officers the other night, and yeah, they said, they're dropping like flies. This is bad because you guys are on the front lines. That's correct. Thank you for always being an advocafity NYPD. Let's say dropping been to that contracting the virus. I'm not saying bread right right. Well, the NYPD is taking some real hits right now with UM sickness. We're up around close to sixty two hundred. They're outsick thirteen hundred moments. Thirteen seventy are positive with corona, and we have about thirty two people hospitalized. So the numbers continue to grow. It was three thousand just over the weekend, right around the weekend, and we've nearly doubled. Um. You know, as you know and the general public knows, you need the police in the street. UM, we have about thirty five thousand. Obviously, I think Commission to Shat is doing everything possible to try to keep cops out on the street. But we are taking hits and I anticipate this is going to continue. EMS is losing people and working incredible hours. Um So when you see what's taking place, we have tactors and nurses in the hospitals, but we are the people that are getting them to the hospitals. And this is a situation. I got thirty eight years in the NYPD. I've been at both World Trade Center attacks and all types of explosions. That's burden, and I've never seen anything like this, and we have a bit of a bad line here. Let me let me offer you this. If there's anything ed that I can do or anybody can do, do, do you have a website, anything you need for support, any any items you need, because I know the people in New York, Well, look the good people in New York, I'll say it that way, not the ones dousing cops with water and attacking them. But anything we can do, any website we can go to help you guys out. We love you guys. We know you're putting yourself in harm's way every day. I think is one thing Sean is keep talking about what you have been talking about and how did this happen? Nearly twenty years after nine to eleven, is the city of New York ill prepared to have dealt with this? Can you can you explain this to me? How is it? Andrew Cuomo is now in his third term, was told to get an additional sixteen thousand ventilators to the two thousand he has and it's and then sets up a task for Uce that says, well, let's see how we can ration the ventilators, and then screams at Donald Trump, who's sent the Navy hospital ship, Who's you know, built a three thousand bed hospital at the Javit Center, that is building hospitals with the Army Corps of Engineer at the Javit Center, Westchester County, Nassau County, Suffolk County, and wherever else they're going to need him send four thousand ventilators that Cuomo puts in a warehouse. How is it possible after nine to eleven and the first Trade Center bombing, they don't have anything? How is that possible? Well? I find great difficulty with it, and I take issue with it. Um you know, I was at ground zero, and you know we lost thousands of people because we who weren't prepared back then and since then you know, we hear all about counter terrorism and all these things we should have in place. But if you compare what we're going through right now, this scenario would be the same if this was some type of biochemical attack and the cops did not have the equipment when its first started. We don't have decontamination. And by the way, that would be on the mayor and the governor everyone their last year. This mayor, though, Sean, we have Bloomberg here for twelve years, we've had a different governor. Right after nine to eleven, we have this governor. Now we have no excuse he is it a third term as governor and the second term as mayor. No excuse, I think, And then they ripped Donald Trump every day. If is there a website or anything we can do to help you guys, I think one of the biggest things you could do, Sean, is we need Congress to pass the Public Safety Officer to Benefit, to let the cops know across the nation that they have all backs while we're out there, and to ensure that if something happens to us in a line of duty as a result of Corona, you guys are taken care of. I agree you know, and it could have been it could have been easily prepared for. Absolutely. I don't have to run, but ed, We're praying for your guys. We love them, Thank you, Please tell them all great guys and its skinnered, simpleman. It can only mean one other thing. It is all things Bill O'Reilly dot com who joins us, mister O'Reilly, sir? How are you handling uh? Your social distancing? That might actually be easy for you, because you know you're complicated. It might be hard to hang out with you. Yeah, I think that is so mean. You should tell me to drop dead. You really should know any but you're being honest. I'm with you on this, no spin zone. I don't like most Americans. I don't have that that social distancing problem. People see me and the same with by the way, we have the same day. You have the same thing. It's like the Westerns when the bad guys rode in, all the kids who run off the street and the women and that's just like me. I kind of walking down the street and everybody's gone. But I am feeling more simple than usual today because I have noticed something that I hadn't heard on any of the media, and it's fascinating. So the nexus between politics and the pandemic has now been established this week. If you read the Boston Globe editorial from March thirtieth, it says that President Trump has blood on his hands over the coronavirus. All right, they wrote those words. And then if you look at the New York Times article from today, White House economists warned in twenty nineteen a pandemic could devist state America. New York Times. So this is not by accident that these two newspapers ultra left. Both of them have come out this week in conjunction with CNN and NBC News. Now, the theme is that the president of the United States knew early that there was going to be a pandemic and did nothing. Nothing hit it from the people, this is what you're going to hear from now until the conventions in the summer, that you can't reelect the president who covered up a pandemic even though he knew it was going to kill Americans. So I have a rebuttal to that. If you don't have any questions going forward so far, I'm listening to what you have to say. I'm listening. By the way, you are a man of your word. Thank you for sending me an early copy of your book. I think it's out in the summer. I appreciate the early copy. Thank you. And you know, I know you have a lot of time because people right now, I did like the I look like I'm interested. You got my interest on page two, but I have to have time to read it. All right, killing crazy Horse. But people don't want to hang with Hannity either. We're just we're just too controversial. But anyway, all of this is hatched, as we discussed previously on the Hannity radio program on K Street in Washington. It comes out of a place called the Bonner Group, and then it goes up to Boston. There's another democratic thing tank up their Dewey Square and they disseminate this stuff. So this is the new theme. So let me take this apart. So the Boston Globe says President Trump is blood on his hands because he didn't alert the country in the world to it. So I say to the Boston Globe, in three and a half years, you have not said one good word on your editorial board about Donald Trump. We did a Google search on Bill O'Reilly dot com. Not one good wor word, not anything about the economy, not anything about trade deals, not one word positive for the Boston Globe, and they endorse Elizabeth Warren for president. Now I want to know, because I'm a simple man, what other world leader tagged the pandemic? Give me one name. Did Boris Johnson do it in Britain? Did Antela Merkel do it? In Germany? Did the Australian Prime minister do it? Did anybody do it? What's the answer, Hannity, So I have a long answer. I'm just want You're laying out a very good case. And the problem with what you're the problem with what you're doing is you are you are speaking truth. You are looking at fact truth. It's very simple truth to the knowledge about complicated truth. I can add. Let me add to this with one one statement. Now I think you're like may I'm guessing I have such a profound, deep respect for everybody in the medical community. Doctor Anthony Fauci has served now six presidents six He was in the forefront of saving lives with AIDS and other pandemics. He's been there. The guy is amazing. The twenty sixth of January first known case timeline matters of coronas in the United States the twenty sixth. This is Anthony Fauci. What do you tell you American people about what's going on? Should they be scared? I don't think so. The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very very low risk to the United States. It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about, because we have ways of preparing, of screening of people coming in, and we have ways of responding like we did with this one case in Seattle, Washington who had traveled to China and brought back the infection. Now symbolman, Bill O'Reilly, please know that is not to say gotcha to Anthony Fauci. He didn't know. Nobody knew, and that's an excellent SoundBite. And you love him like I do, right, You respect him. Respect He's making one big mistake though, and I'll get to that in a minute. Look on January twenty second, on Bill O'Reilly dot Com, I did an analysis and I said to Americans, you got to watch this thing now. I missed the Fauci SoundBite because like everybody else, including you, I was covering impeachment all right. Impeachment was everything all day, and I was locked in on that and I wasn't looking, but I did pick up the Wuhan situation, and I did flag my viewers. However, when you go to the Boston Globe and you have a major newspaper in this country saying the president is blood on his hands and there's not one other world leader, not one who flagged this, you're lying, okay, So then every world leader has blood on his hands, every one. And the second thing is when you look at the US Intelligent Report today and I don't know whether you got this or not, but it was given to the president today. Bloomberg News Service broke it. The US Intel report says that the communist Chinese government misled everyone and put in false statements. So the British, the British study points out ninety five of this world pandemic would have been stopped China told the truth, didn't tell the truth. And then you have the New York Times, and this is really fascinating. The pandemic was warned and White House economists said it. You know how many studies are put out a year from the federal government fifty thousand plus in World War Two. Fdr got a study. Has said the Japanese are going to bomb Pearl Harbor. Do you know that? Okay, you got a study, he did nothing. Japanese devastated Pearl Harbor. Bill Clinton, President, boys the younger both got studies. It's at al Qaeda in Afghanistan. I'm going to attack the USA, which they did on nine to eleven. So what do you do when you get a study? What do you do? Well? Adam Schiff is already drafting legislation to set up a nine to eleven commission to review Corona. You know why, Bill, because he wants to bludge in Trump. Let me give you my long answer. By the way, if if you want to stay past and a half hour, will let you because I don't want to rush this conversation. It's too important. No, no, Well, I got I got hit by this idiot at the New York Times like I was giving her mother better information. You said you mentioned it on the twenty second. I flagged this on TV with Anthony Faucci on the twenty seventh, before the travel ban. I flagged it on radio with Vauchi. What the twenty radio? The twenty seventh. I think TV the twenty eighth, either or I'm not sure which is where. So I get pounded by the newspaper that said Trump virus. If you're feeling awful, you know who to blame by the paper again using it to bludgeon Trump as they went out there, you know, politically and politicizing this. Who says it's not safe to travel to China. The coronavirus travel ban is unjust. That was the New York Times. Then, well, Joe so ten days after the first case January twenty first confirmed case in the US, President Trump implemented the travel ban January thirty first. Biden said, xenophobic hysteria, xenophobian fearmongering. Now on February fourteenth, Comrade de Blasio, you should not stop from going about your life, and nothing should stop you from going to Chinatown going out to eat and Pelosi February twenty eighth, Bill O'Reilly is telling people, we want people to come to Chinatown, she said. Marty Gray continues, the New York Health Commissioner was telling New Yorkers, you know, largely for two months months to the guidances, and it got worse from there, the Democrats were in the middle of impeachment Bill O'Reilly, And while they were impeaching Donald Trump, he was putting in place a travel ban. Now, I want your simple analysis to me, it's incalculable how many how many Americans did not contract this virus. How exponentially mathematically worse this would all be but for that brave decision that brought on nothing but insane criticism and charges of xenophobia, hysterian racism. How important was that decision. Well, That's gonna be the lynchpin of Donald Trump's campaign for reelection, and he's going to always be able to fall back, and then Biden is always going to have to defend the xenophobic remark. But it's it's more than that. It's it's the United States now has become tribal, as we discussed. But I don't understand stand why there isn't more anger toward the media for absolutely putting this stuff up and lying about it. You know, hey, Bill, it's worse than that. They don't even want to cover in a national emergency, the President's task force with important like saving information, Who does it help that? The Boston Globe says, the President United States? Is blood on his hands? Who does that help? All right? Who? We know? You hate Trump? Boston Globe, New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NBC. We know it, all right, that's all you do is hate him? But is this helping sick people? Is it? Hell? They don't care raise the spirits of Americans? You know, Oh, it's not three and a half long years fake news, CNN, conspiracy Rosal Rachel Maddow's channel MSDNC. They lied to the American people. That includes the New York Times and Washington Post. Sure what the Washington Post was writing February first, get a grip America. The flu is a much bigger threat than the coronavirus. And February third, why we should be weary wary of an aggressive government response to Corona. That's them, that's on them. Build They'll never you know, they all they want to do. It's just propaganda now, And since I'm a historian, I know what propaganda can do to a nation. I saw it in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. All right, stay there, don't go anywhere. Bill O'Reilly dot com simple man, and Bill O'Reilly will get more of his analysis also doctor Oz with our medical update for the day. All right, as we roll along, eight hundred and nine four one sean, if you want to be a part of the program, Bill O'Reilly will stay past a half hour with us. He's got a new book coming out, I guess sometime now when the summer has been delayed a little bit like everything else. All right, So we look at this the media. We understand they haven't been helpful, they haven't been right, etc. From a health standpoint, I'm looking at everything that the president has done, public private partnerships, drive up testing that has now evolved into five minute tests that we're going to have fifty thousand a day. I look at, you know, getting rid of old FDA draconian rules, so we have off use of medicines that are also safe FDA approved, like hydroxy chloroquin and end zithromyas in, etc. And we have new procedures that are used convalescent plasma. All the rules on pandemics have changed in less than two in two months, less than two months. Well, look if he gets it under control by summer, he's saying June first, now he wins um. You know he's gonna win reelection if he doesn't, if kids can't go to school in September, it's gonna be very tough because I don't think it's gonna be by and I think it's going to be Cuomo. We could talk about that next half hour. I have one suggestion for the Trump administration. I would tell Fauci and bricks in, the two doctors, to speculate about deaths. I don't think that does anybody any good. Don't throw numbers out there. This might happen, This could happen if people want facts and they don't need that, and they don't need be just pulled that. While it could come back in September. Hey, you know by September, there could be an atomic explosion somewhere. So speculation, I think the Trump administration should ban that in their in their expositions. Well, I think what they did yesterday is that when they came out with these varying models, that we do this for everything medical bill and monitor trial, but the models, but the models are predicting what it would have been had we not mitigated and not how to travel ban versus where we are now. Look backs are all right, but it's you know, look Fouch, you're saying yeah, well we could have this in September. Again, that doesn't do any good. All right, let's take it week by week. You want to look back, look back, all right. People are gonna have to make up their own minds whether the Trump administration has done them a solid in the pandemic or not. And facts will drive that, not hysteria from the media. So we all know that's a bunch of crap and speculation by the Trump administration doesn't help their cause. I think that the American people understand that. And this is why the media doesn't even want to cover his daily Coronavirus Task Force, you know, press conferences, because they're afraid, well, Donald Trump looks to presidential It's not how could you not, in a national emergency want to cover that when the American people need the information for themselves, for their safety, for their loved ones, for their families. It's that is part of the insanity. More of Bill O'Reilly on the other side, Doctor oz our medical a team coming up at the top of the next hour, straight ahead, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one sewn. If you want to be a part of this extramaganza. Bill O'Reilly is with us all things Bill O'Reilly dot com. And I want to go to what are the responsibilities of mayors and governors? You just mentioned the last segment that you think, for example, that Joe Biden they ever confused, confounded, quid pro quo, Joe is not going to be the Democratic nominee, that you think that they are preparing to steal it from him and give it to governor quommel. Why do you believe that and how do they pull it off? So my annalys and first I'm going to give you a complimentality and you can't stop me your analysis about why the left wing media NBC and AT and T in particular on television and it's really I mean, when you really step back and look at those companies, Comcasts and AT and T, I just can't believe it's happening. But it is. They know that by being on television every night talking about the pandemic, that Donald Trump is winning over some independent voters. That's why the assault this week from the New York Times and Boston Globe on his handling of the pandemic. But it's CNN and MSDNC are saying they don't want to cover it. Yesterday did not cover his opening statement because it's not going well for them. Even Jim Accosta, though he's trying, he's trying his hardest to diminish Donald Trump. Trump is making him look like a fool. So that's what that's all about. Now for your question about Okay, So the American people are sitting there and they want a solution, but they also want to cooperate. Most Americans want to cooperate with this pandemic thing. I haven't seen any civil unrest. I'm seeing a lot of stuff going, Hey, blank you, I'm going to do what I want. Everybody understands how dangerous this is. But we're living in a divisive country. And Joe Biden is the front runner, and we'll get enough delegates, I believe if he can make it through to July. However, I know by because and I don't like to use anonymous sources, but I have to do it now. There is great concern among mister Biden's family and friends about his mental health, great concern, and his wife is the key, all right, doctor Jill Biden shows a PhD in education. They're worried about him. And the thinking now is that if Biden can't make it, they'll get him to a couple of weeks before the convention, and then he'll step aside for health reasons and give his delegates to Cuomo because the pooh bas and the Democratic Party believe Cuomo would be the strongest candidate, much stronger than Bernie Sanders against Donald Trump. So that's what's being discussed. And I know this to be true, and I think that may very well happen. I don't see Joe Biden making a comeback from his mental acuity problems. I don't see that. I could be wrong. I've heard from many in the Democratic Party too that they would like to do that, and there is angst, anxiety, concern. It's dep com five. I'm going to ask you guess or no questions, and then I'm going to let you give a long answer. Okay, do you Bill O'Reilly believe that governors and mayors have a responsibility to prepare for emergencies? Through all broke, I didn't ask that. Do they have a responsibility? Bill o'reiley, Now that you're way a minute, this is a no spin zone. Come on, they have a responsibility to psibility, but you have to be realistic. They wanted the money to buy the stuff. Okay, well, we'll get to that in a second. But you do think that you have responsibility? All right? Now? Would you agree with me? The state of New York we both live here. We're stupid, we really are. But anyway, the state of New York and the City of New York would be the epicenter for any pandemic, considering the large population ten million people, the smallest geographical area in the country. Correct, certainly we have to be the epicenter. Certainly, right. Would you agree that the number one terror target, maybe one or two in terms of a terror attack would be New York and or DC one in two or one or two? Would you agree with that? Of course? Okay? Would you agree that the President that is now building triage hospitals in Westchester County, Nassau County, Suffolk County, a three thousand bed Army Corps of Engineer built hospital at the Javit Center. We saw this incredible ship, this floating hospital Comfort come into New York Harbor just this week, and that the President sent up four thousand meta lats and sending up mass, sending up every other bit of equipment that New York needs. Do you think the President has gone all in for New York? I think the President is trying to defeat the pandemic no matter where it is, but he's specifically gone all in for New York. He's given everything he's got and working feverishly to get me more generous to New York. I know where you're going with this. No, you know, I'll mark him back. The country's broke, the federal comments broke, and the states are broke, and the cities are broke. They're not going to be stockpiling anything unless unless there is a provable threat. And certainly the Wuhan virus was not. That nobody knew what the hell it was. Okay, now here's my argument, and then I'm going to turn the show over to you. Okay, all right, all right. In twenty fifteen, there was a warning, this is Andrew Cuomo's third term to build the Blasio. I don't think it's capable of much period, So that I put him aside for a minute, the great Andrew Cuomo. That's I need thirty and ventilators. That same guy, I only got three point eight billion, Chuck Schumer says, it's more than forty billion in this last bill that was passed. And I would argue being the number one the epicenter of any pandemic possibility that will get out of control, it would be New York. The number one target for terrorism in the United States is New York. And I think there is an especially compelling obligation if you're the governor or mayor to be prepared. Now, in twenty fifteen, the governor was warned that he was sixteen thousand ventilators short if there was a pandemic. The governor had a task force put together and they just decided, well, let's figure out how we can ration the only two thousand ventilators that they have. He made a decision that was his choice. Now, we also know a lot about Governor Cuomo and things that he has spent money on. Bill. We know he's spent seven hundred and fifty million dollars on a solar panel factory that closed down in upstate New York, wasted waste ninety million for a light bulb company in California that failed, to six hundred million for a computer chip factory that sits empty. And the governor was warned he would need sixteen thousand additional event latists. They had no preparation. Now I had the governor on the program, Bill O'Reilly, I kept him up. I even blew break for the government, two breaks because I thought it was important. He talked about getting along. Talk is cheap with politicians, and then I watched him every day. I need this, I need that, I need this, and he did nothing himself. Now maybe he does run. I don't know if you're right. I've heard similar chatter everywhere. But to me, that sanctuary state status, city status, free healthcare to illegal immigrants, waste, fraud and abuse, lack of preparation. There's a lot to vet here, Bill O'Reilly, I think that it wouldn't go over well for mister Cuomo. Okay, you want analysis a Cuomo here it is. It's going to be pretty I'm not going to go on too long. Number one, and he's moved tremendously to the left. The abortion law and the letting the prisoners out of jail are just incredible radical left pieces of legislation that he's signed. Number two. People are moving out of New York State, affluent people, hundreds of thousands, of them since he's been governor. They're moving out of the state because it's the highest tax state in the Union, Number three Upstate New York is a disaster because he won't allow fracking. If he did, the state would be in much better condition economically, and then he could have bought all the medical supplies that you refer to. It was impossible for him to stockpile medical supplies because the state has no money. They're running one hundred billion dollar deficit. He can't do it. He can form a commission, but he can't buy anything. And that's the federal government too. They don't have any money. A Bill if he weighs seven hundred and fifty million in the solar deal and the light bulb deal and the other ridiculous deal six hundred million, Wait a minute, he wasted that money. They all went belly up. And you're right about fracking, you know. And I will say this, it just it is just to me. I won't I set to the governor Bill, I said, anything I can do to help my fellow in New Yorkers, let me know I want to help. And I watched this guy. He won't even allow We have all this anecdotal evidence, and doctor Oz will give us an update at the top of the hour about how hydroxy chlora quinn along with the zithromyason is working. Somebody we know used it. I haven't told you yet, and it literally prevented our friend from getting intimated. He was probably twenty four hours away. That's doing that, right? Is that up? No, doctor, Listen, people have questions about him. I put him aside. He's but he's metric if you want to look in and believe him. But apparently he's I didn't know at the time when we talk to him that he's. I don't know. People have questions about him, No, doctor, Yes, we have we have a study out of the France, We have a study, we have studies now coming in, and we have a clinical trial going on in New York with eleven patients. And I believe those will be successful. I think what you're saying will be born out in the next month or so. But Number One, the New York Press does not quiz Andrew Cuomo in his daily upbreak do they? Does anybody ask a tough question of him? One person? No, No one does. Contrast that to the Trump press conferences and number two. The biggest deficit Andrew Cuomo has if he runs for president is his statement that he told the nation America has never been a great country. Every now he said it, that's going to be rammed down his float. So it's not a slam dunk that he beats Trump. It's just that you got to give him his due. He's are articulate and intense and driven, and when you interviewed him, you saw that personally correct. No, I wanted to help. I wanted to put partisanship aside. This virus doesn't discriminate between a Republican, a Democrat, conservative or liberal. And what's frustrating to me is all of that waste, fraud, and abuse. And you're right about every other economic measure, and you're right about his statements. And when I watch everybody killing themselves to create to save the people in this state, which we need to do. We're Americans. If we can bail out Europe and beat Nazism, fascism, communism, radical Islamism, we certainly need to help any American in trouble New York, California, doesn't matter where there are family, We protect our family and then go out there and with all of that help, all of that money, all of those resources, all of that energy. He'm politicizing it, lasting out more. I want more, I want more, and it is infuriating to me. And then he's denying the people of this state. Bill O'Reilly, if you want hydroxy chloroquin and you want to try that treatment and you're sick, you can't get it unless you go to a hospital. I don't want anybody right now if you don't need to to go to a hospital. Why because it's an open Petrie dish there, And why he would deny with all the anecdotal evidence that we have people that medicine is unbelievable to me, he'll reverse it, I predict soon. Well, they did it in Michigan, and they did it in Nevada, right, and Cuomo will reverse it. But you know as well as anyone that Andrew Cuomo is running for president right now, and he's got to do two things. Put himself up as the virus slayer, that's my name for him on Bill O'Reilly dot com. And he's got to diminish Donald tru that's what he's got to do. And he's really what you said when you say diminished What you're really saying is that Donald Trump needs to fail, right, in other words, for him to be in a position to win. You're saying that, well, if Donald Trump fails, the country fails, Bill, And we're talking about life and death here, and people die, right, But there's no other way for the Democrats to take the White House back, no other way. He's got to fail in the pandemic or he gets reelected. So that's what you're seeing now. The Political had an article yesterday that confirms us that you know that the Democratic operatives they quoted in this piece. It's so repulsive and annoying and disgusting. You know, Bill, If if you kill Solomony, and you know Iran number one state sponsor terror killed Americans in Iraq, uh this guy is the terror leader. If you killed Bagdaddy an associate, you kill the al Qaeda leader in Yemen, and you can't get a good job, President Trump. President Trump, in retrospect, your travel bands prevented tens of thousands of Americans from getting contracting the virus and prevented death. That was a good call. We disagreed at the time, but in retrospect you were right. Is anyone in the media, Bill O'Reilly, is Andrew Cuomo gonna say, good job, mister Trump, you save lives. No, he's got to position himself as being smarter and more effective than Trump. So therefore, anything bad that happens in New York, anything bad that happens here, what's he gonna do. He's gonna blame the federal government. He's gonna blame Trump. He has to do that if he wants to. Okay, so he has to play politics at the expense of the people in his state. Might misinterpreting what you just said. No, and that's how savage. The nexus of the politics in the pandemic is sick. This is three years of hate Trump. If George cancer, Bill, this guy won't get credit from a lot of these people. It's sick, all right, Bill Oreilly dot com, all right News, Rounded Up Information Overload Hour eight hundred and ninety four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, Facts without Fear. Coronavirus deaths in the US top four thousand. Now. Some say it's for passes China. I don't know if we're getting the truth out of China, even at this late date. I'll let other people figure that out. Apparently we do have some of our our CDC members on the ground there, and I know other people want informal discussions. Who's gonna put fingerpoint? And California is releasing prisoners three thousand, five hundred of them. Doctor Burkes is saying significant amount of missing data from China may have led to the slow coronavirus response. That is in keeping with the study out of Great Britain that said ninety five percent of all of this could have been prevented had they just been open and honest and sought the guidance, help and brilliance of the world's researchers, especially the US. Apparently China scientists. Chinese scientists are saying they have found several extremely effective antibodies in their coronavirus research. I don't know whether we get to that or not, but something to maybe hold onto something we might need or want. The estimates from yesterday were chilling. Had we not taken mitigation efforts, had we not had the travel ban, the quarantine knows ten days after the first case reported in the US, it could have been as high death. The testh toll could have been as high as two million plus. They think it'll be somewhere between one hundred thousand and two hundred and twenty thousand. Here with his expertise, he's all hands on deck during this medical epidemic. As our friend doctor Oz, how are you, sir, I'm doing well. I'm excited today. I had a big, big night last night after we finished the show tell me about Church. Well, I got this paper that these days, instead of researchers publishing their paper in a journal, which takes months to do, you send it in a reviewer. It looks at it and they made a hem and ham. They give you some feedback or back and forth a bunch of times, and someone prints it in the journal. These days, literally people just slap it on a line and they say, this is my roosters are working on. I'm sending it in to get published. But in the meantime, I want to spread the wisdom because it's a pandemic. There's no time to dilly dally. And so the Chinese group that we had been tracking for a while and we had reached out to in the past last night published a randomized trial, which for the listeners means half the people got the treatment, half didn't get the treatment. That's what doctor Fauci has been asking about with, for example, with hydroxychloroquin right, that malaria drug. Well that's what these guys published. Literally, they did a randomized trial. It was actually done about a month ago in China. They wrote it up. You can tell that it was written by folks whose first language was in English. But it's a pretty good English papers, certainly much better than I would write it in Chinese. And they went through these sixty two people and let me just quickly summarize what they found. They got the traditional therapy that everyone gets in China when they get sick, which includes things we don't do here at anti virals and some antibiotics. But then they added to half the people, to sixty two people, half got thirty one got the hydro chloroquint, half didn't. They were very clear and what the inclusion criteria work. Basically, you had to still be living in reasonably good health and you had a pneumonia on your CT scan, but otherwise, you know, the doing okay, and then the exclusion criteria where things you should exclude left you have a bad heart with the rhythmias, because that's one of the side effects of this drug, And what they found was was I think wonderful to hear and I think it is going to change a lot of people's minds about whether they should be using hydragus the chloroquint. They found that in terms of symptoms like, for example, did you have a cough, Well, instead of having a cough for three days, you have it for two days. That's a big deal and statistically signific Again, instead of instead of having a fever for three point two days, you have it for two point two days, again, cutting off a day from that statistically significant. And then this is the important part. They did it analysis of the CT scans to see how the pneumonia fair because pneumonia is a pretty big deal. And in the control group they dropped they moved towards an improvement in pneumonia fifty five percent of the time. In the experimental group it was eighty one percent of the time statistically significant. And that's with that very small number of patients. Now, I don't want to overstate this, sixty two patients is not a huge number. We're doing our own trials in this country. It will take a while to get the answers. We'll know for sure when those trials done with top notch American physicians are completed. But I'll tell you for a thumbnail sketch of deciding whether you want to take this or not, it's worth it. So I brought doctor Ian lipkenn In, who's one of the most famous virus hunters in the world. He was actually asked by the Chinese, went there and helped them back in January, and I asked to come on the show and just be honest about what this means him. Now, interestingly, he actually had COVID team despite all his travels, he'd escaped it. He got sick about ten days ago. He took I drops the chloro quinn. He got a little dizzy for the first day, but otherwise was okay with it. And he's doing well. And he talked to his colleagues in China, the top scientists there, and they know the group. They didn't know this paper, but they say they use it routinely. It's part of their manual for operation for treating paces now in China, and now we know why. Now we have the randomized trout. The senior authors a woman doctor's ank. She did not want to speak on camera, but we confirmed that it was her paper and submitted. So I feel pretty good about this. It's the I'm gonna focus tomorrow. I have doctor Burke's on my show tomorrow and I have this topic and I asked her about it. I saw I'm setting it to you so you can look at it as well. I want to task force to see this, Well, this is not the only evidence that you've gotten a hold of. You have, add to that the French study that you had mentioned, add to that the anecdotal evidence that you're getting with all the doctors that you've been inviting on your show, all the patients that you've had on your show. It would I'd be wrong in interpreting that you're what you just described to me this way and saying, well, let's say you're twenty four hours away from being indebated and you use the hydroxy chloroquinn along with zethro max sum, say zinc as well. I don't know how you feel about that, but if you use it and that prevents intibation, how how pivotal could that be in saving lives? Well, again, this study deals people who are not that advanced, and it could be valuable there, but I would much rather use it earlier as soon as you're diagnosed, and it seems to change the course of the infections. Let's go over this again for everybody. The French data which was not randomized, which was the big knock on it, but just said, okay, I'm we're desperately deal with patients here. I don't have time to do a study. I'm just gonna take everybody and treat them. And what he found in eighty patients was that they clinically did better. You put them on on this combo drug that you mentioned, the millary drug plus zpac, but it's because you didn't have a control group. No one knows if that's real or not. However, he didn't have he did not have complications, and he showed in a prior study that the viral load, the amount of virus coming out of patients was down. That's important because that lets you get them out of a isolation area and they're less infectious when they're home. This study. Similarly, if you have a reduction in symptoms of fever and cough win that's one of the ways we decide if you're infectious. The rule of thumb is for at least three days or a total of a week after you first present with illness, you're going to be really infectious. Well this reduces that. So this all sort of shifts the curve of this virus towards a more benign for you. If you can just sort of push this back towards being regular old influenza, that will be a great goal. Now I'm going to point something else out that they've mentioned in the paper that I'm you can tell I'm excited about this, but this is sort of a just still work in progress. They noted that the people who came to their hospital who had rheuma toward arthritis and lupus and therefore are on hydroxy chloroquin none of them. None of the eighty patients had COVID nineteen none, And in the hundreds of ninety or whatever patients who had been there by then who came in with the infection, not a single one had rheumatorithritis and lupus. So what you're saying is it may be a prophylactic exactly. So we have a clinical trial going on at my institution. You're Presbyterian to examine this, but I actually this is a this is an idea. Brian Kilmead said this morning on Fox and Friends, to me, it is very smart, uh that that why don't we ask Medicare Medicaid services right Sima Burma's administrated. They're a very solid leader. And I wrote out today note and I said, can you just go back and look at the Medicare database of all the you know, tens of I mean ten tens of millions of people in that database. They've got to be a bunch who were taking the struggle ready, right, we had their prescription forms and they're a bunch who weren't taking it. That is a great idea. And by the way, you could do it anonymously and see if they want to part and give him a choice to participate, and I would bet ninety eight percent, ninety nine percent would participate. So let me let me then ask you. And I always go back to the simple question. But it matters, um do you think you look? You're in You're in people's faces all day, massed up, gloved up. I understand, but it doesn't matter. M You're at risk, as is every other healthcare work or medical professional. And amazing brave people that we have in your industry. And by the way, I love your passion about all of this, would you consider using it proactively like that prophylactic if I was called to serve in the emergency. Really, remember the the er doctors and the ice doctors are not the heart surgeons, which is what my day job is, my training is. So if I was called the work in front of people with COVID nineteen, I would take this as a prophylactic measure. That's the clinical trial we're experimenting on. And I think that's another example of how you might deal with it. If if you've got folks who are more frail, more at risk, or first responders that you know, because you know, we've got fifteen twenty twenty five percent of physicians and nurses out of commission, and when they get sick, remember the first of all, they're exposed to higher amounts of the virus. So we think that might make them a little sicker. And in addition about leaders like you know, Boris Johnson or President Trump or you know, God forbid, I'm gonna want anybody to get it too risky for them. I think that's not the first line they think you want to. I mean, the drug is a seventy year old drug. It's been used forever for you know, for chronic purposes to prevent malaria, and it's used now even for chronic or immune problems, as we've talked about. But I wouldn't start with world leaders. I think you want to get it to the people who are most at need. And that's actually one of the big challenges now is make sure we can get enough pill. Because but as this data begins to accumulate, see until now, everyone justifiably in the medical field can say, wait a minute, wait ament, we don't actually have an experiment where half the guys got it and half didn't get it and they didn't know if they were getting it or not. And now that we can compare them face to face, head to head, was there really a difference, because you know, three days, two days, how big a difference is that this is? This is actually the first it's small, but the first trial of its nature that I'm aware of that short the difference. There wasn't randomized trial that didn't show a difference. But those folks all they all got beds are so fast I couldn't tell. So that you know, no one's going to say it's completely solved. But these This kind of data gets physicians take a step quickly. In your view, could we do the study what you're suggesting, which is this, go go to local pharmacies. You don't identify people by name, and they can contact obviously people that get prescriptions. If this is being used either for lupus, rhumatory arthritis, or people to interrupt you, you don't have to go to pharmacy. You don't have to ask patience. We have has they have a database they can de identify, which means to take the guy's name off, age of birth, all be identifiable. If there's like nineteen things that you can identified with, right, get rid of all that way. I don't care about any of that. I literally only care about your age and your sex, primarily, which doesn't identified because there are lost a fifty nine year old men around right, So then match match one list of people with another list. They know if you filled your prescription, because they can tell they paid the bill. That they can't tell you took the pill. But they're assuming that if you already know if you're carrying a diagnosis of lupus and you're on this pill, you're gonna be taking the pill. So that Oh, there's a lot that's that's listen. I'm as excited as you are. That sounds if we can get that data how quickly? Is that something you can get in a week? Is that something you can get in three days? Yeah? I think it's who would be in charge of that, Who would be the person to contact and say, hey, get this information? I think it's Seema Verma, who I already wrote, has wrotten me back? She texted back. She wrote back, she said, I'm excited. There's a good idea. She moved. I mean, but you don't usually get from someone as busy as she is, trying to manage all the things she's got to take care of. To get that kind of feedback is wonderful. She has to obviously get people who do you know, to do it, but I think they're excited. I don't believe there will be no delay. Everybody wants answers and solutions, and this seems to be a solution that might with an answer being able to become routine. Now, this is hydroxy chloroquinn with the zithromax um. You've also talked, Hey we're looking at a hundreds. Wasn't this wasn't i azithromax. Oh, that was just the hydroxychloroquine. Correct. Yeah, the good point. Good point. So there are a hundred other things that you said you're looking at. You've mentioned a number of them to me as well, and some other for really sick people. There's been some anecdotal success with convalescent plasma those that had the virus, those that are you know, are well, and you take the plasma from the blood and you infuse the antibodies which which built up in that person's blood into somebody who's really sick. That's been somewhat promising. One of the promising things you see besides hydroxychloroquin Well, the convalescent plasma concept is big, and we need people to donate blood. The only time I've left my house here in the last two weeks was to go donate blood with my kids. So we don't have enough blood period, and we don't have enough people who've had COVID nineteen who are well enough to donate blood. But if you've been through it, we need your plasma because you're antibodies you made are valuable. Now there's a company, you know, this e lip I mentioned earlier, the Virus Hunter the famous guy. He was actually the medical consultant on contagion. He and sort of sort of based on what he does and for his life, so he was you know, he's one of the big supporters of convalescent plasma use of antibodies. One of his collaborators, I guess in the movie. I just reading it about it today when to hear back from him, it developed some antibodies that were already made. So they were looking at this for stars back in two thousand and two three, and then they've looked at all these antibodies and some of them cross reacting. Good work for the COVID nineteen virus. So here's the idea. Instead of having to get somebody donate their plasma to you, you can actually take antibodies pre made in a test in a vial right and check them into a patient like the one you mentioned earlier, who was a day away from intubation. Now you're helping their immune system keep up because people who are sick or have more virus in general, we don't know why, but they're not able to keep up with it. I love medicine, I mean, you just love figuring it out. I mean, it's your passion and it's infectious. What about the task force numbers they talked about without mitigation, without the travel ban, the quarantine, we could have had well over two million deaths. And I think you respect doctor Fauci like I do. He's been around working for six presidents. He's saved an incalculable number of lives over the course of his career. This is what he deals with aids and pandemics. And you know, but even on the twenty sixth of January, well that was five days after the first known case in the US, he didn't think it was that big a deal. Then he was getting more concerned the twenty seventh and twenty eighth when I interviewed him. Now they say the mitigation efforts, travel ban, it would be one hundred thousand and two hundred and forty thousand deaths. What do you think of those numbers. I think those numbers are pretty accurate. I'm hoping we get to the lower side of that range. But the travel ban was an important contributor to slowing it. They gave us some more room. Unfortunately, we squandered that lead by not having tests available, which I think I mean in retrospect it'll be the single biggest failure of the whole and one that would have envisioned that none of the scenarios and nobody saw this ever had fashioned in the fact that you wouldn't know what hech was going on. Doctor Oz, Great News Today will update all of this tonight. You'll join us on Hannity. You're always generous with your time during and your information is amazing for the audience. Thank you, We appreciate it. Eight hundred and ninety four one Sean Tolfree number. We'll continue news. That's right, Facts without fear coming up. All right, that is all right, hang on. The President is now stepped to the podium his daily Coronavirus Task Force. I see the Attorney General is there and a lot of military people as well. We'll see what the President's to say. Yesterday and we explained why we're extending our nationwide guidelines to slow the spread for thirty days. Together, we have the power to save countless lives. We're attacking the virus on every front with social distancing, economic support for our workers, rapid medical intervention, and very serious innovation and banning dangerous far in travel that threatens the health of our people, and we did that early, far earlier than anyone would have thought, and way ahead of anybody else. In this time of need. I know that every American will do their patriotic duty and help us to achieve a total victory. As governments and nations focus on the coronavirus, there's a growing threat that cartel's, criminals, terrorists, and other malign actors will try to exploit the situation for their own gain, and we must not let that happen. We will never let that happen. Today, the United States is launching enhanced counter narcotics operations in the Western hemisphere to protect the American people from the deadly scourge of illegal narcotics. US not let the drug cartels exploit the pandemic to threaten American lives. In cooperation with the twenty two partner nations, US Southern Command will increase surveillance, disruption, and seizures of drug shipments, and provide additional support for eradication efforts, which are going on right now at a record pace. We're deploying additional Navy destroyers, combat ships, aircraft and helicopters, coast Guard cutters, and air force surveillance aircraft, doubling our capabilities in the region. Very importantly, our forces are fully equipped with personnel protective equipment, and we've taken additional safety measures to ensure our troops remain healthy. Secretary Mark Esper, Attorney General Bill Barr, National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien will provide more details. In addition, I'm going to have General Millie, who's done an incredible job so many ways, say a few words. And also with us our Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Guilday, will you know, I think you know, and Commandant of the Coast Guard, Admiral Schultz. So I'm going to ask Mark to start and then we can go and after that we're going to take questions as it pertains to this, and then we'll go on to phase two, which is the virus itself. Okay, thank you, please Mark, Well, thank you, mister President, and good afternoon everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be here today as we make this a very important announcement at a time when the nation and the Department Defense are focused on protecting the American people from the spread of the coronavirus. We also remain vigilant to the many other threats our country faces today. At the presence direction the Department Defense, in close cooperation with our interagency partners, began enhanced counternarcotics operations in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. This initiative is part of the administration's hole of government approach to combating the flow of illicit drugs into the United States and protecting the American people from their scourge. I want to thank all of our partners in this effer, to include the United States Coastguard, the Department of Homeland Security, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Department of Justice, and members of the intelligence community for their tremendous support and cooperation to conduct these enhanced operations. The President has directed the deployment of additional ships, aircraft, and security forces to the United States Southern Command Area of responsibility. Included in this forced package our Navy destroyers and latoral combat ships, Coastguard cutters, PA patrol aircraft, and elements of an Army Security Force Assistance Brigade. These additional forces will nearly double our capacity to conduct counternarcotics operations in the region. Additionally, twenty two partner nations have joined us in this fight, bringing with them a variety of intelligence and operations capabilities needed to defeat these criminal organizations. Last year, loan United States Southern Commands operations resulted in the seizure of over two hundred and eighty metric tons of drugs, much of which was designated for shipment to America. While this was an incredible achievement, there is much more work to be done. Transnational criminal organizations continue to threaten our security by smuggling cocaine, fetanol, methamphetamines, and other narcotics across our borders. These drug traffickers put our communities, communities at risk, and destroy lives. Every year, tens of thousands of Americans die from drug overdose and thousands more suffer the harmful effects of addiction. Furthermore, corrupt actors like the illegitimate Maduro regime in Venezuela rely on the profits derived from the self narcotics to maintain their oppressive hold on power. The Venezuelan people continue to suffer tremendously due to Maduro's criminal control over the country. Drug traffickers are seizing on this lawlessness by increasing their illicit activities. We must do more to prevent these drugs from arriving at our shores. These enhanced counternarcotics operations that are now underway will further disrupt the flow of illicit drugs to America, deny our adversaries the financial resources they depend on, and build the capacity of our partner nations throughout the region. I want to thank President Trump for his leadership and support to this critical mission. This is particularly important time for this operation to begin, as nations around the world shift their focus inward to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Many criminal organizations are attempting to capitalize on this crisis. The enhanced operations we are announcing today will keep the pressure on these criminal groups and protect the American people from the devastation caused by the flow of illegal drugs into our country. Mister President, thank you for your leadership as we begin this important operation. While the men and women of the United States Military work hard here at home to fight the coronavirus, we continue to take action around the world to defend our great country. Thank you, and I like to invite General Millie Thanks. Thank you Secretary for those words, and thank you, mister President for your leadership, and I want to publicly thank Admiral Craig Fowler, the commander of US Southern Command out of Miami, for leading this operation which is underway effective today, and also Admiral Guilday, the Chief Enabled Operations, Admiral Schultz, for their contributions to this from their services this thousands of sailors, coached cardsman, soldiers, airmen, marines involved in this operation. We came upon some intelligence some time ago that the drug cartels as a result of COVID nineteen. We're going to try to take advantage of this situation and try to infiltrate additional drugs in our country. As we know, the seventy thousand Americans die on an average annual basis to drugs. That's unacceptable. We're at war with COVID nineteen, We're at war with terrorists, and we are at war with the drug cartels as well. This is the United States military. You will not penetrate this country. You will not get past Jump Street. You're not going to come in there and kill additional Americans, and we will marshal whatever assets are required to prevent your entry into this country to kill Americans. So right now, the Navy has Marshall additional Gray Hall ships from both Paycom and yu Com and for the Naval Fleet at Norfolk, and they are set sail already and they are in the Caribbean right now. In addition to that, there's ten coastcard cutters, and there's Special Operations Forces and Security Force Assistants brigades along with Air Force reconnaissance aircraft. The bottom line is you're not going to get through. Now is not the time to try to penetrate the United States with illegal drugs, to kill Americans. With the United States military, we will defend our country regardless of the cost. Thank you, mister President, Thank you Secretary, Thank you mister President. Thanks for your decisive leadership as we confront this unprecedented challenge posed by Corona coronavirus. And I'd like to thank you for your support for this important initiative, and thank all of the Parry of Defense and all the services for taking on this important initiative. Obviously, during this crisis, we're all focused above all else on COVID nineteen. But at the same time, our law enforcement and national security work must go forward protecting the American people from the full array of threats. For the Department of Justice, one of our highest priorities must remain destroying the Mexican cartels. They're trafficking is largely responsible for the deaths, as we all know now of seventy thousand Americans a year, and also the cost of this don't count the destroyed families, that destroyed lives, the draining of our national treasure as state budgets are crushed by the burden that narcotic trafficking causes. The President has made clear that we are in this fight against the cartels to win, and that we are not interested in half measures, and that the threat posed by the cartel is not just a law enforcement threat, but a national security threat as well. And in December, building on your success with the Mexican President and forging cooperative relationship in the area of immigration, you asked me to go down and meet with the President Lopez Obrador and our Mexican counterparts to see if we could also establish a more comprehensive and coordinated effort with the Mexicans in confronting the cartels. And we've had some successful visits and discussions and currently have an array of activities underway against the cartels, and we anticipate along with the Mexicans, that these are going to bear fruit in the months ahead. But it quickly became clear that we can obtain the most immediate results, the best bang for the buck, where we increase the assets involved in interdiction on both the Pacific and Atlantic side of Mexico and the Central American countries. For years, the cartels have been using these sea roots to take the cocaine up from principally Columbia, now also out of Venezuela, and these sea roots on both coasts have become the primary means of bringing cocaine up to the United States. Because of the superb work done by the Defense Department and our intelligence community. We know exactly most of the time where these traffickers are at sea, but we're significantly have been up till now significantly limited in our ability to interdict because of the numbers of the assets we have deployed prior today. This limitation meant we could only intercept the fraction of the traffickers and the various boats that were detected. This will now double our capacity, and we are talking about hundreds of tons of cocaine. Now We're now in a position to seize. So this is going to radically improve our interdiction efforts and put tremendous pressure we think on the cartels, and the effort that Southcom is undertaking is going to save lives by taking drugs off the street. Last week, I announced the unsealing of charges of narco terrorism, drug trafficking, and other crimes against the former Adoro regime, sixteen members of that regime and their involvement in trafficking of two hundred and fifty metric tons a year. A lot of that comes by sea, as I discussed at that time, but also because of the pressure we're applying by our see interdiction, they are trying to establish an air route out of Venezuela up into Central America, which is one of the reasons we're trying to move firmly against that corrupt regime. You know, this drug war has gone on for many decades, and at times in the past we've had great success and great I think President in his task Wars, they're actually now talking about the drug cartels, and especially during the pandemic, they're doubling their efforts and a lot of weird stuff, I mean, people are unbelievable. You see the best, you see the worst in people. We'll get back to that in a second. I want to remind you, all right, it's time to cut the grass. You love cutting the grass. I bet everyone is dying to get outside more often. Now you can get outside with a brand new Hustler turf mower. It is the best mower you'll ever use, heavy duty, zero turn. 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All right, quick break, we'll come back. We'll go back to the task Force in a second. All right, now, facts without fear, news that we'll give you the good, the bad, and the ugly, without the panic, the hysteria, the politics and the lies. We have all the villains. They cannot control themselves. I mean, it is unbelievable to me that this is how people act, you know, the way they've been acting in the middle of all of this pretty despicable. We'll have all of that tonight, nine Eastern on Hannity loaded up. By the way, Doctor Oz, Rhonda Santis, Tom Cotton, Karl Rove, Jason Chafittz, Marie Bard to Romo and the economy. All right, stay safe, We'll see you tonight at nine. Back here tomorrow as always, Thank you for being with us.