November is So Important - 4.2

Published Apr 2, 2018, 10:00 PM

The upcoming summer will be filled with more fake news and attacks on President Trump but it's all in an effort to protect the Deep State and the swamp. Dr. Kelli Ward, Senate candidate in Arizona and Fox News Contributor, Sebastian Gorka, join Sean to talk about their path to victory and just why control over the Senate and the House means so much to the President. The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity Radio Show podcast. If you're like me and suffer from insomnia, you know what, that's not fun. You know I tried everything I couldn't get a good night's sleep. And this is neither drug nor alcohol induced. That's right. It is my pillow. Mike Lindell invented it and he fitted me for my first my pillow, and it's changed my life. I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and the good news you can too. Let go to my pillow dot com promo code Sean and take advantage of one of Mike Glendell's best offers, his special four pack. You get fifty percent off to my Pillow Premium Pillows to go Anywhere Pillows. My Pillows made in the USA, has a sixty day unconditional money back guaranteed no risk to you, and attend you warranty. You don't want to spend more sleepless nights on a pillow tossing interney that's not working for you. 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Here's a list of all the accomplishments of Donald Trump that you never hear about. And I put it up on the screen on television and let people see it, because I just think no one else is gonna report it. At least I can do a job that they would never do because they are so abusively biased. So I kind of look at it, well, that's my job. And and by the way, they've given me a huge opening, like an open field. You have all the anti Trump, destroyed Trump media out there, and then you've got Hannity and and a few other of us in radio and TV, not many. And then we've got our assembled team of of cracker Jack investigators and reporters that we've basically broken a hundred stories to their zero in terms of everything that we've been able to put together in the last year on this program and on on TV every night. Um, I mean it's so bad. I just the Hill reports another example of why more and more Americans every day they can't trust the media to fairly report anything. New York Magazine taken a swipe at the president. They have a new cover depicting the President as a pig. Just stopped for a minute. Imagine if they ever did this to Obama just to manage There was an article I tweeted out this weekend, Obama in pictures, Why thirty three uh moments pictures why we miss Obama and everyone h was a heart wrenching video. You could do the same thing, same scenes with Donald Trump, but they'd never print that. And it's and it's not everybody that misses Obama. I'm sure the people that were out of work and in poverty and on food stamps that are now working and back in the labor force and off of food stamps and out of poverty, I bet they're pretty happy Obama's gone and the economy is turning around. I'm just guessing. You know, here's another story that the media of the corrupt media will never tell you. You You got an eight year old kid, his name uh, his his father ended up on a kidney transplant list around Christmas a last year. So the eight year old kid writes President Trump. The letter Trump sent in response has done nothing but inspire this kid. Now. But for Fox, I don't think you'd ever know about this story, and but for Talk radio anyway. So for his father is his name, his name's Trey Puttnam has been battling a rare blood disorder for the past three years and it's caused his kidneys now to lose function and he has to undergo dialysis treatment treatment three days a week. By the way, that's brutal. I know people on dialysis. It's a very very difficult way to live your life. The transplant lists are very, very large. They have a whole system of prioritizing who gets a liver transplant, who gets a kidney transplant, who gets this transplant. But anyway, in the case of dialysis, if you've ever known anybody that's ever been thrown, it's a pretty rough haul. And you're just hoping and praying that one day somebody that's a match may come along and and they had donated. Well, I mean, when I'm dead, I don't need my kidneys. Take them on, what do I care? I didn't take anything you want. I should probably sign one of those forms right that I away my take everything, you know, I'm not sure. Yeah, And I'll even donated to a liberal and maybe it'll turn him into a conservative. You never know. All right, while you're laughing, I don't think my kidneys are gonna I don't think that anyone's gonna I use so much salt. I don't think anyone's gonna want those kidneys. Those kidneys will go into you know, complete withdrawal. The second you know that I pass away, it's gonna be like there's not enough salt that this person is gonna put in their body that's gonna match what they're used to. I know, my a few of my bad habits. I can't help it. I love salt. I just do. I just I. I suck on pretzels just to get the salt. Breaking news, really, Jason, Okay, So anyway, so the guy's been he's got a rare blood disorder, he's lost kidney function, He's on dialysis. Each treatment is five hours. Then it leaves him too sick to even work, and sad seeing his dad go through all of this. Well, anyway, this kid for sent letters to President Trump and Ivanka Trump in Santa Claus and it says, Dear Mr President, my dad has been sick for a long time. He he's had to have a kidney to live, and I wanted him to get better so he can get a job again and we can play. And my mom just laughs. So if my dad gets better, she might come back. That's all I want for Christmas. This is a heart wrenching letter, adding that maybe maybe one toy I mean, which is pretty you know, we need to find this kid's address. Send him a toy. You know, we'll send him what do you want to send him a bicycle? We will send him an iPad. Is eight years too young for an iPad? Every kid once, and how about an xbox or a PlayStation or something like that. I'll ask his parents what's appropriate. Anyway, So his grandmother got a letter on official White House stationary and she called her son, and I went to the mailbox and I got it out in the official envelope, she said. And I really thought it was probably just a canned picture of him with some sort of canned response. But I called my son and told them that four had some mail here. And when we opened it, I was just in awe. As busy as presidents are, he took the time to write into an eight year old uh that has such a heart for his father. And Trump's letter praised him for being a brave young man with a big heart, and he said he and his staff were looking into, you know what help they might be able to provide his father. Now I gotta tell you this is how that the media will spend this. Now, the guy's gonna end up finding kidneys that match because he'll probably get on. For example, if you're on a kidney transplant list, you want to be on the list in a big city, because if you're on a list in a big city, more people pass away, more donors, you have greater opportunity to get it. So I mean, something's gonna happen and they're gonna say Donald Trump took kidneys away from this person. I gret that's how the media would run the story anyway. So the President wrote and he said, thank you for sharing your story with me. I'm so sorry to hear your dad's going through a difficult time. It's clear to me that you care so much for him. I have shared your letter with my staff. They're working to see what help they can provide. I can tell you you're a brave young man with a big heart. I admire your determination to make your dad. Make sure your dad has the support and the resources he needs to feel better. I hope you know how much joy and encouragement you already bring him. Mrs Trump and I will keep you and your dad and our thoughts and in our prayers with very best wishes. Donald Trump the President. Now, presidents can't answer every single letter that's sent to them. It's impossible, but anyway, this uh. The father said he didn't even know his son had written a letter until the president's responses arrived. He said, I've been on the kidney list for three years, and you kind of feel helpless, just like I'm never gonna get it. But all the people that responded on it on Facebook and people calling, we actually had a few people give us their information that are interested and maybe donating it. It really made me smile again. Most of all, he said, I just want people to know how proud I am of my son. He's extraordinary and special, and he always thinks about everybody else more than he thinks of himself, which is rare for an eight year old kid. As grandmother's Oh, they have a go fund me page. Why don't we just donate money? Hey, Linda, I'll let you. Hello, there's a show going on here. Hello, Hello, can you pay attention? I'm sorry they have a go fund me page. If you been paying attention to the program, you could just do it that way. Grief, I have to say it five times because you're like, in what do you what's so important that you have to discuss with the staff. You want to share what I was talking about my nail color and I wanted to make sure it was appropriate for work. Are you serious? I told her I liked it. You know, this is what I have to put up with as the boss. I just have to suck it up. I can't tell you to work or else I'll get a lawsuit. You know. Can't say get back to work. That would be wrong. I'm only teasing, of course. Um. Now, while we were away, um for a couple of days. I guess this was what was it Thursday night, Friday night? I don't remember, but it happened. Uh that the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions finally respond did two Chairman Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Trey Goudy, Chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and Rob Goodlatt, who is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. And he responded and said, I write in response to recent letters requesting the appointment of a special counsel to review certain prosecutorial and investigative determinations made by the Department of Justice in seventeen I take the concerns you raised seriously. Since I took this office. It's been my goal to establish the highest standards for our work and maintain integrity and discipline throughout the Department of Justice. Now there's something going on. It seems like the Attorney General has now kicked things into another gear. I mean, when we found out he said to FBI Director Ray, this is too slow. Get the committees the information they've been asking for. Stop delaying, and they doubled up their staff. In the hours working, they're doing two shifts, not one shift, anyway, he said. It goes on to say that I that I know this department, I respect their mission, I love it and the people. I'm deeply proud of the important work and the hard working men and women of the Department what they do every day to fight violent crime, reduce opioid, la la la. We're determined to be worthy of the responsibility we've been given. It's important that Congress and the American people have confidence in the Department of Justice. No institution is perfect. That is why my senior leadership team, including FBI Director Ray, of working every day to ensure the highest levels of performance and integrity that we carry out our fundamental mission. We view Congress as partners in this effort. Effort. However, the law requires that much of the work we are doing to accomplish these goals remain confidential to ensure full and fair process and just outcomes. In that regard, as you know, the Department of Justice cannot provide continuous updates on ongoing investigations or confirm or deny the existence thereof. This is an integral part of the duty that we have to adhere to in the highest ethical standards and to ensure the prosecutorial and investigative decisions are made without political bias of favoritism in either direction. As you're aware of, asked the Department Inspector General, Michael Horowitz to review certain matters that you and some members of your committee committees have raised in recent and previous letters. In addition to his ongoing investigation the intern, the Inspector General has now confirmed that he has opened a review into the Department's compliance with certain legal requirements and Department and FBI policies and procedures with respect to certain applications filed with the U s Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By the way, let me repeat, Hannity was right and all the media wrong, and Congress now created the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General explicitly for the purpose of, among other things, investigating alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by department employees, including actions taken by former employees after they have left government service. The Inspector General's jurisdiction extends not only to allegations of legal violations, but also to allegations that department employees violated established policies as well. To carry out these duties, Title five of the United States Code provides the Inspector General with broad discretion and significant investigative powers. The office currently employees approximately four d and seventies staff, a significant number of whom are lawyers, auditors, investigators, who may exercise wide discretion on matters under their jurisdiction. If the Inspector General finds evidence of criminal wrongdoing, he may refer it to a United States attorney who can then convene a grand jury or take appropriate actions. To be clear, the Inspector General has the authority to investigate allegations of wrongdoing, collect evidence through subpoena developed cases for presentation to the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General for prosecution or other actions. The Inspector General may also, under appropriate circumstances, make information available to the public even if no criminal or disciplinary action is recommended. In contrast, this type of information would not normally be publicly available after the conclusion of a traditional criminal investigation. Now, I'm gonna explain what he's been doing and what this means when we get back, and then we have Sarah Carter and Greg Jared are going to weigh in on this also. It's this is very important what I'm telling you here. So what does this letter mean. It's it's important. He goes through what the special council law is, and then he goes on to announce that I have already directed a senior federal prosecutors to evaluate certain issues previously raised by the committees. And in that letter he goes on to explain why he's not appointing a special counsel now. But he said us specifically, and this goes back to November. I asked the United States Attorney Jonathan Hoober to to lead this effort. He's an experienced federal prosecutor who was twice confirmed unanimously by the Senate of the United States for the District of Utah and he said. He goes on, he previously served in leadership roles in the U. S. Attorney's Office National Security Section, and he goes on and on and on, and how he's gonna be coordinating the Task Force against Violent Crime, Terrorism, etcetera. Only worry I have as the guys the Democrat and I'm sorry, but politics in this environment seems to matter, which is why you know, when when Democrats or or the Obama administration of people are getting investigated, it's by a Democrat. President Trump is getting investigated, It's by Democrats. Why is it always democrats? He can't find any competent Republicans to do any of this. It's unbelievable. Anyway, Mr Hooper is conducting his work from outside the d C and in cooperation with the Inspector General that would be Horowitz, by the way, in Obama appointee. I'm just pointing out facts here that you can I'm suspicious. I always am. By nature. The additional matters raised in your letter fall within the scope of his existing mandate, and I'm confident that Mr Hooper's review will include a full, complete, objective evaluation of these matters in a manner that is consistent with the laws and the facts. I received regular updates from Mr Hoober, and upon conclusion of his review, he goes on to say, will receive his recommendations as to whether or not any matters not currently under investigation should be open, whether any matters under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel. Now, the good news here is that the Attorney General has had this prosecutor working on this unbeknownst to us. The first que we got or clue we got, was when he was on with Shannon Breen. Now, Jonathan Turley actually thinks of winning the Utah Federal prosecutor is better for Trump than a second special counsel. I'll explain that when we get back, and much more, and why this coming election is so important. Why are you playing this? I've taken over your show. I was wondering when you were going to pay attention to this music and realize it wasn't F G L. Yeah, I was wondering what that was all. What is that we have a special occasion that we need to address in our studio, the wedding march thing, Yeah, I know, Yeah, the wedding watch thing. You know where people do that thing where they watched, Well, they walk up the aisle. I guess I don't know. Some people march with great gusta all right, so I know what this is. It's the one year anniversary that Ethan got married and I didn't go to the wedding, and you guys gave me a hard time. One was a great wedding without you there, I bet it was. Now, let me ask you what the next question so the audience doesn't think I'm a horrible person. Who gave you the best gift for your wedding? Me? Who gave you the best gift for your wedding? Ethan? Not? You were one of the top there were, Yeah, you were. You were very good. Yea. Let me just let me just let you know he gave you the most expensive gift for the wedding. God, really, we're gonna bring this. We're really going to bring that up horn right now. No, because you're abusing me for not going to the worst of all, no one is advising you know I was. I gave the best gift. Let me tell you why. Because Annie and Ethan got married in the middle of the day and despite the fact that they got married in the middle of the day, and though many people shied away from their dance floor, I made sure I was up there. Okay, I got that party started. Who gave you the most expensive gift doesn't matter that can't dance on the dance floor. That doesn't because I already know it was me, Because nobody gives that much for a wedding. And I did it because I gave you a choice? Did I not give you both a choice? You got married three and a half hours away out in Montalk someplace, you know, out in the ritzy Hampton's or wherever the heck you went, and I don't. I don't. I didn't go and have a choice. I have. I have a very strong inclination soon. If I said that you wanted to come, you may have not showed up, though writing four hours you know what that weird clause you had right there, That just shows that I went. On all accounts one, you would never what do you bring. You're not gonna wear a tuxedo, You're not gonna dance on the dance floor, You're gonna be the most boring guest there. And I invited to a party that I might go to that requires a tux. I can't say it on the air, though, huh. Remind me to tell you in the break. All right, glad, you're well to look forward to that. I hope someone has any any any whatever her name is. Okay, you know, don't say my last name. Actually don't. Yeah, nobody wants to be that associated with me, which is why you don't want me at the wedding. Right, take the money and run. Take the money and run. And Sunshine's gonna do the same thing. She's gonna take the money like everybody else has. I give everyone the choice. Your motorcycle and I don't have a recycle. You you should officiate. We're gonna get you a motorcy. You want me to officiate that wedding. You didn't offer to officiate mine. You didn't even afreciate. You're not in the conversation. I can say it's completely different, and I faced time and then this you okay, just stop talking. Don't even say that out loud. That's just rude talking. I think you should officiate. I listen, I offered my house, and while you're officiating, didn't interrupted my offer my house for you to have your wedding you did. It was a very gracious Oh yeah, because that's easy for everyone from Pennsylvania. You know, it's easy for me. No one cares about what's easy for you. And then I can hang out upstairs, come out like the Great Scatsby and watch the park by little people at the wedding. And we have this little gazebo in the backyard. I've never been to it, but there listen. I've never been to a part of your own property. I listen to. Bob Beckel had a key to my house. This is a true story. And he would come over it all, you know, crazy hours of the night, and uh, my kids referred to It was hard because I have to explain to my young kids at the time, why is this crazy guy we called Uncle Bob sitting out on the porch at six thirty am smoking a cigar. It was kind of difficult to explain. And that's what he did. And and my daughter daily would say, he's gonna die, Dad, Why do you let him do that? He's gonna die. And I'm like, well, I told him not to, but he doesn't listen to me. And I'm I'm you know, I'm his friend. What am I supposed to do? And she said take it away from him and throw it in the garbage. And you know it was very difficult. So Beco one day goes to me, I love the Jacuzy bathew have. I'm like, what jackouzy bath? I don't have a Jacuzy bath. I didn't know I had one. You don't need this visual. Just end it with Bob Beckel and that's it. Don't worry. The bath has been sanitized and recoded. It's all. It's fine. No, But in all seriousness, he I didn't know that there was a tub that had jets in it in the house. I had no idea. I've never been to the room. I don't sleep in that room. Why would I go there. I used my dojo, I used the kitchen, I used the bathroom, and I used my my room. And that's it. What you don't need more than that, that's my point. You really don't I go into my kids room. Considering your attention span, it makes a lot of sense to me, So well, what other rooms do you need? What? What is it that that there are so many things you can do in so many rooms? Listen, the only reason I have a big piece of property is because so many people have threatened to kill me, That's the honest answer, and so many you know, we started on such a happy note about marriage and a one year anniversary, and we're ending it with people trying to murder you. I'm glad you took it down this road. It's it's it's nice, it's very nice. Should we end with the handles Messiah? Perfect? Ending to being murdered on your property and not knowing where the rest of your house is. Oh my gosh, perfect, It's fantastic. So there was Trump threatened to cancel NAFTA. There's this big caravan, as the President called it, of illegals walking to our border that want to come into the country. And you know, Mexico can stop their own people, you know, because they they know what they're doing. They're walking to the American border to walk over the border. Remember when I was out in one of my many trips to the border, there was an Arizona lawmaker. I said, okay, see I'm stepping over here. Now I'm in Mexico. Then I stepped back into America and the local politician tried to make the claim that I was illegally re entering the country. That's how frivolous politicians are. I said, Okay, this is where Mexico starts, this is where America is. And I stepped over for a second into the Mexico side, and she wanted me arrested and handcuffed and purp walked and mud shotted because I took one step into Mexico. And then the funny thing was, it turns out I was wrong, that it was actually further down and I didn't know, so I didn't get in trouble anyway. But so anyway, the President fired off a series of tweets yesterday warning Mexico about letting illegal immigrants uh and illegal drugs and human trafficking continue into the US. And the President singled out this group of people. He said, a caravan of illegal immigrants from Central America marching towards the US with the permission of the Mexican government. Now, he writes that Mexico is doing very little, if not nothing, at stopping people from flowing into Mexico through their southern border and then into the US. They laugh at our dumb immigration laws. They must stop the big drug and people flows, or I will stop their cash cow. NAFTA, we need a wall. Well, it's true. Listen. One of the things, I don't think there's ever gonna be a trade war. And I know the president, you know, went out with this terrorists. And if you notice, every country is now, as I predicted, now renegotiating their trade deals with the United States. And but those who weren't involved in free and fair trade now it's becoming freer and fairer. Presidents are constant, you know, consummate negotiatory. If I would say to him, um, I want you for the full hour, because no, no, no, I can't do a full hour. I can do most I can do with thirty minutes. And I'm like, all right, I'll tell you what. Just give me forty and you got a deal, and then you go thirty five. Alright, I'm just alright, thirty eight now. Meanwhile, once he's in the chair, I'm gonna keep going in the full hours forty two minutes, so i'd like, i'd still so you always start high when you're a negotiating I actually told him that once he goes good, next time, I'm gonna say ten minutes, that's it, which is pretty funny. Uh, London's murder rate is now higher than New York cities. That's scary. All right, let's get to our busy phones here. I know a lot of you are very patient. All right, Let's say hi to Dan in Michigan. Dan, how are you? What's going on? How good? How you doing? I'm good, sir. What's happening? You know? And and just consider me a carbon copy of you conservative brain. But you know I don't want to specially here anymore. The second one, I want Sessions to be in charge because you know, if you if there is a crime in your office and you were in chowers to find it, we can trust you, even though there's people in your efficit. You know you're gonna do what's truthful and we can trust and we know you. But if you brought some outsider in, how do you know the outsiders some Sessions? I want him to run it. I want I don't get rid of the specialprise to this stuff. This guy in Utah can turns crimes in between Sessions and the inspector General. If they figure there's crimes there, they hand it to the guy in Utah figures it's interesting. But what you're saying is what Jonathan Turley said, and he's say George Washington University law professor. I'm sure you probably have seen him on TV. I happen to like him. He's a very very smart, soft spoken guy. But he actually said, what Sessions is doing is brilliant. We'll ask Greg Jared at the top of the hour to combine all the powers of the U. S. Department of Justices, Inspector General. Remember the Inspector General doesn't have prosecutorial powers or reach. But what he's doing is he's combining that with the Inspector General with this prosecutor Huber, who can bring charges and seek indictments and get results for President Trump far more quickly than a second special counsel would, which is interesting to me because maybe I don't know. I mean, I still think in my heart I would have preferred the special counsel because of the severity, and under this scenario it's not as transparent. We don't know what's going on. It's it's all happening in a bubble. The good news is is that when we didn't think the Attorney General was doing anything on these matters, he had this guy Hoover working since November. So obviously the the Attorney General, and he's also now extended out. He wants the inspector general to look into abuses and other issues. He's telling FBI Director Ray to kick it into gear and give the Congressional oversight committees the information they've been requesting. So it seems like the Attorney General is now beginning to move and it's been a while and it's been frustrating for me anyway. But what you see that he's moving on is everything that we have broken and have been covering here on this show. I mean everything from fise abuses to investigating the investigators and the exoneration before the investigation and the dossier and the fies of courts and everything in between. There's been a lot of corruption. So I guess you know, look, I see both sides of it. I really do. I think you make a good point. Can I say one more thing, yes, sir um and okay. And the second point was it is that everyone says, well, the Just Department can investigate itself, Well, well, the Obama Justice the Department people would be investigated by Sessions and whoever he deals with. Concessions wasn't a part of it. So Sessions can honestly investigate the just Department because he was a part of the criminal conspiracy. Look, he's doing it now. I mean, the good news is is that the Attorney General is moving and I'm happy about it. Anyway, Dan, thank you appreciate it. Uh. Let's go to Dan is in Ohio. Dan's an auto worker. What plant you're working at? Dan? What are you making? Uh? I work at a car plant and I don't want to say the name that rhymes with Rhonda, um in central Ohio. Um. I live in Columbus. Basically, Yes, sir, By the way, You've got to anybody that works in the auto industry has got to be happy that these auto companies are now building their plants their factories right here in America, and so many are now committing to doing it because you guys deserve these jobs. Uh. And the fact that we are have been outsourcing it now for such a long period of time because the high taxation and regulation has absolutely been devastating for people like yourself and the American people. Yeah. Their session was rough, big time, UM, but we get I just want I was telling your girl I was talking to that we get blasted with anti Trump's media at work. They have flat screen team. He's all through the plant that they put their their own version of the news up what's important to them and to the plant. And it's constant negative stuff on Trump across the bottom. And I used to really be all positive stuff about Obama and now it's like, you know, overport on eminem doesn't like Trump, or you know, the view doesn't like No, that's that's their news. But for a couple of weeks they had a big thing on NAFTA, how great NAPTI was for for the company that I worked for, and how we should all support naptin support politics. Look, maybe you could. I I believe I want American built cars and I don't care if it's Honda. Sorry, I don't care. What if they're building the cars here and there are American jobs here, That's what I care about. Yeah, because people in Ohio, and I don't know if if NAPTA, how if if it affects them different than other car companies that must I don't know, because I would think that NAPHTA would be bad for car companies in America. But all right, Dan, thank you, buddy, appreciate it. God bless you and all you guys work and heart every day. Bob is in Palm Bay, Florida. What's up Bob to day, sir. We just my wife and I just wanted to thank you so much. We went and saw the movie Light Up Your Life last Thursday. Oh you mean you mean my movie let Let There Be Light? Yeah, I mean let it be like. Yeah, it was one of the most fantastic movies we've ever seen. Uh. You know, it's fascinating. We did that movie on a on a shoe string budget, to be honest, we did it with and I'm very proud of it. Uh. And the storebos did a great job. And and we didn't have any Hollywood. We had no studio backing, no Hollywood backing, nothing. And now all these Christian movies are coming out. Uh, I can only imagine and Paul and Let There Be Light, and they're doing so well that now the studios look and look at Rose hand and they're all saying, well, maybe we shouldn't insult at the American population, and maybe we shouldn't uh impugne their values the way they do every day. Maybe the formulaic you know, sex and murder and violence and uh, and Jennifer Anniston Paul's in Love and Out of Love every five seconds, Maybe that maybe there are other alternatives for movies, or some of the cartoon hero movies. All right, so is it better not appointing the special counsel and having the Inspector General work with this? Uh? Sessions appointed Utah federal prosecutor Nathan Turnley thinks it is. Also, why is eighteen so important? I think you know the answer, and this is gonna be your dilemma in November. Do I want to punish Republicans more than I want to prevent Democrats from impeaching the president? I have a parting in person outside of Washington many years in Department of Justice to look at all the allegations that the House Judiciary Committee members sent to us, and we're conducting that investigation. The big felony and all of this that nobody talks about from the very beginning was the leak of highly classified information. When they leaked the phone call of the Russian ambassador talking to General Mike Flynn right before the inauguration, that was a felony. Nothing's ever been done about. It is your office investigating this, sir. That is a violation of the law to lead classified documents, and it is being investigated. I will say this, there are last two years before I became Attorney General, there are each year there was three open investigation of classified leaks. Now we have twenty seven, and we're going after this aggressively. I have directed it personally. Some of the matters involved this matter and some of it is UH matters that I'm not recused on, and we're pursuing aggressively. All right, glad to with us our two of the Sean Hannity Show right down our toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. That was the Attorney General his announcement that a Utah federal prosecutor he has been appointed UH to look into all of the issues involving the requests of people like Bob good Lad and other committee members that have called for a second special counsel, and he appointed this Utah federal prosecutor. What's interesting about it is you have people like Professor Jonathan Turley as a Democrat and other legal experts actually saying that this decision to bring in Attorney John Eubers is brilliant because he combines all the power of the U S. Department of Justices and Inspector General with a prosecutor who can bring charges and seek indictments and get results for President Trump more quickly than a second special counsel would actually do. Uh here to weigh in on that whether or not it we should have just gotten a second special counsel because all the all the Attorney General did is say, well, not now, but maybe later, and that this is part of a process. Erik Carter is with us as well as Greg Jarrett uh Fox. It was legal analysts, Sarah an investigative reporter. Greg, let's start on the legal side. Do you agree with Jonathan Turley it would have been better to just to point a second special council it. Turley makes a valid point that a U. S. Attorney uh does have the power to impanel a grand jury. He can do it anywhere, he can do it in Utah if he wants, and he can compel people. He can issue supenies, he can issue warrants to seize documents, and uh So, while I would have preferred a second special counsel who would be equally empowered UM and would not be beholden to the Department of Justice as the U s attorney is he works for the d o J. I still think it's a you know, it's not a bad move by Sessions. He's ramping up the investigation, and he's doing it not just with the Inspector General, but now with the U S Attorney. What did you make of the fact, Sarah that he sent this letter to good Lad Trey Gaudy, Chairman Grassley and in respon ons to their calls for the appointment of a special counsel, and his decision that Okay, we're gonna start here, but ultimately we might get to that point. Well, I think it was a good move on his part because he wanted to address the main players, especially the people that would have the most power and who have been pushing for a second special counsel, particularly Senator Grassley, who has a lot of influence and a lot of power uh and has been very concerned about the slow progress with the Department of Justice, what he sees as slow progress uh and and among the others who have been actually complaining and very concerned about the fact that they're not getting the information that they're requesting. I think here Attorney General Jeff Sessions was making his plea to them, making a point saying I've had this man. I've had John Huber on this since last fall. He has been working diligently for me. We want to move this thing forward. We don't want to be encumbered by calling on a second special counsel right now. We're leaving that door open for when the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz reveals his report, and if we have to, then we will will move into that realm of a second special counsel. But isn't over another Democrat? Why is it that when Robert Mueller appoints people, he only appoints Democrats. Why Jeff Sessions appoints somebody? Why is this guy a Democrat? Well, I think this was a strategy here. Now, remember Huber was also somebody that President Trump decided not to fire. He was one of the he had put in his letter of resignation. They were letting go a lot of of a lot of the U. S. Attorneys and in the end President Trump himself said, Okay, I'm not going to let this guy go. I'm going to keep this guy on my side. And then Huber was also criticized for supporting the president on his immigration stance and This was something that you know, he was criticized highly by Democrats for doing this, but it's something that he actually believes in. He's also worked on a lot of criminal and national security cases. So I think with this how having all of this in his lap is a huge responsibility. I mean, he's gonna have to come forward. I mean, we know that there's evidence out there. We've already seen a lot of it. We haven't seen all of it. That there was something going on in the FBI, right. We know this from seeing you know, the text messages between Peter Struck and Lisa Page. We know what was going on with Andrew McCabe. And now Andrew McCabe is going to be facing a big legal battle. Um. I believe, and I've spoken to people. Grand jury has probably already been in paneled. People are gonna be indicted here for for their actions. I do believe that. Now what is going to come out of the Inspector General's report, how much more are we going to see? You know, we know Andrew McCabe lied four times. Um. You know the deputy director of the FBI, we know he lied four times. Um. He's going to be fighting that incredible that he had to go fund me page. The McCabe is very wealthy, uh So it's kind of shocking that they would even set up a go fund me page for him for his legal the legal costs of the battle that he's going to be facing. But I think in a way it makes sense right now because if they can move forward with this with a with a prosecutor looking into this, which we know they have then since last fall, and if they move forward with indictments and if a grand jury has been in paneled and they're reviewing this information, then we're going to see some progress here Sean. We're not going to see just it's not going to be slow. Now. Remember if they do bring in a second special Council, this could take years. I mean, it could be the only thing we can do if we find out that there's some major conflict of interest, that they're not going to be able to move forward with this the way the Attorney General would like to move forward with it. But I think that if if not, we're going to see this move a lot faster. Also, the Attorney General has said to the EPI Director Ray that they've got expedite their work. While all of this is happening. It's like we've got an intellectual civil war going on in an ideological civil war going on in the country. Uh. And you've got, on the one hand, you've got Robert Muller and his band of mary Democratic donors. And there is Alan Dershowitz out there saying that this Trump Russia probe and everything associated with it is going to impact everybody. He has called on an end to the Special Council and the investigation. Uh. Then you've got the FBI pulling over and questioning this guy, Ted Malick, a guy that was involved with Nigel Faraj and the Brexit uh, the whole Brexit strategy. And and you've got lawyers out there saying, well, the president better, you know, get ready because here comes Mueller against him. So where's this all going to end? Well, let me let me get ash where's it all gonna end? I think it'll end with indictments against members, uh, officials of the FBI and probably some people at the Department of Justice. And I I'm absolutely convinced mccable will be indicted. I also think that Peter Struck and Lisa Page will at the very least lose their jobs, if not Beach arged with obstruction of justice, and I think James Cummy is looking at more than half a dozen different potential criminal charges for austral The Hill has a Hillary Clinton case. Hill has a headline today called me his book tour is a colossal mistake. I couldn't agree more. Yeah, absolutely. I mean what he should be doing is following the direction of his criminal defense attorney, assuming he has one. I'm sure he does, because just look at stealing government documents. I mean that's what he did. Seven presidential memos he took on. But what's going to happen on the other end of this? What's Robert Muller got up his lee? What does he want to do? How far is he willing to push this country, you know, pitting Americans that feel that, you know, the deep state fixed was in against this president, the effort to delegitimize this president, that the whole thing has been a sham from the get go. Is Robert Mueller going to push this all the way to you know, the point where people throwing mashed potatoes at dinner at each other. I think he will. I think Muller is determined to find wrongdoing on the part of uh, Donald Trump and in his campaign and if he can't bring criminal charges, he'll make a a statement of referral to Congress UH and try to encourage them to move for articles of impeachment. And you know, look, that's a very real possibility if in the House of Representatives in November, Republicans lose a majority. And if that happens, this country is going to be more divided than we have ever been. I mean, I honestly could I honestly, I don't see any reconciliation between the two sides here. And we've had the truth Robert Mueller for that, because Robert Muller is a hyperpartisan. UM. It's pretty clear by assembling a team of partisans old Democrats uh, and the thuggish tactics they have engaged in and a violation of the Special Council law itself, this is a man determined to bring down the president by hook or by krup. All right, we'll take a quick break more with Greg Jared Sarah Carter, UH eight nine one. Shawn is a told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program as we continue, Sarah Carter Investigative reporters, Greg Jarrett Fox News legal analysts. Sarah, you wrote an article Collusion Delusion about the new documents showing Obama officials all the way up to and including the President and the FBI coordinated in this anti Trump probe um and other words, they all knew about it. And this is where Peter Struck sends a text to Lisa Page. Here we go inferring they knew what they were doing in leaking would create public outcry for a Russian interference investigation. You go through the sequence of events strongly suggesting the FBI encouraged Harry Read to write letters to to legitimize, uh, the surveillance of Carter Page, and it goes to the highest levels inside of the Obama White House. Explain, Yeah, I think this is where you know Robert Mueller is going to run into trouble, right, because the more evidence that comes out based on the Special Counsel investigation into presidential Ump, which was supposed to be remember in the beginning, alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and there's never been any evidence of this. What we are seeing evidence of is this collusion between members of the Obama administration and others, especially as we saw in the fall of two thousand sixteen heightened when they were trying to find a way to go after President Trump. And in this story, in particular, in the text messages and also White House logs reveal that Dennis McDonough, who was in the Chief of Staff for Obama, had a meeting, He had meetings with Um, with FBI officials, with Brennan. We know that Brennan had briefed the Gang of Eight, particularly Harry Reid, had a private meeting with Harry Reid Um. Harry read at the time. This was in two thousand and sixteen in the fall, then writes a letter to Director Comy. Now, remember this is all happening at the same time that we have Christopher Steele, the former British spy, gathering information, creating as dossier which he himself said was unverified. He reached out to former FSB Russian agents for some of this information, and not only them, we have evidence that he also reached out to people in the State Department, into Obama State Department, and others like Cindy Blumenthal and Cody Sheer, who were very close allies of the Clinton of the Clinton's and getting information from them putting it together in this dossier. Then you have Brennan, I mean the I mean the Director of the CIA basically briefing without any evidence the Gang of Eight and asking pushing Harry Reid to ask Director Comy to continue and look in and have this investigation into Trump and his campaign. So now you have Mueller working on this, and you know, this investigation into this alleged collusion. He's not getting anywhere with it. But what we are seeing is insurmountable evidence, sean insurmountable evidence that this was a native effort by people within the Obama administration to open an investigation into Trump and leak information to the media. These are people, I mean Mike Flynn. You played a clip of that, the Flynn leak of his conversation with Russian ambassador Keith Lee act during that time set off this spiral. We have Sally Yates, who was with the Department of Justice then going to the White House and you know before that conversation even leaked to the Washington Post and saying, oh, he could be blackmailed by the Russians. And even as recently as this past month, you have Brennan on television, I mean they're keeping with this kind of it's like a propaganda disinformation campaign. They're alluding to all kinds of things, but without one ounce of information. It's almost like they're fighting for their lives. They have no evidence here, and they keep coming. Now, let me get back to Greg. I mean, I think there's a lot there that Sarah's pointing out. And again, I just have no faith in Mueller, and it seems like, you know, come hell or high water, he wants to justify his very existence and all of this, although he's running into roadblocks because of the Inspector General and now that we have another, well a prosecutor on the case as it relates to hoop or being appointed and what he's been doing since November. Well, Mueller's problem is that he was tasked when he was appointed with finding a crime that doesn't exist under the law. Collusion is not a crime in a political campaign, so it was an impossible task, but he was undeterred. Didn't bother him. He was going to search for anything and everything that that Donald Trump ever touched, which is well beyond the mandate and well beyond the scope authorized by the Special Council law. I think he has probably been discouraged that he's failed to come up with evidence of criminal collusion. Perhaps he's turned his but he knows that there's gonna be a lot coming out about the organization and the upper echelon in the FBI and d o J. So does he try to muddy the waters politically? I think he'll stay focused on trying to bring down Trump, and if he doesn't do it with collusion, and I don't think he can legally, he'll try to do it with obstruction of justice. The president's words to call me about Flynn, which do not amount which by the way, even James Comey didn't think it was a big deal. That's right, all right, I got not obstruction of justice. We'll have more on the program tomorrow. Thank you both for being with us, Sarah Carter and Greg Jarrett. Eight nine for one, Shawn are toll free telephone number now till the top of the hour, eight nine four one, sewn. Thank you for your medical recommendations. Lauren was answering, the phone's here today. All right, Let's go to Salt Lake City, k n r. S. Roder Cat's home and the home of one of the best burgers in the whole wide wide World Crown Burger. They actually put pastrami on the burger. It is so delicious. Justin what's happening? My friend glad you called sir either Sean, You're a great Americans saw the Salt Lake City Tribune was taking another cheap shot at me, uh recently in some editorial or something like that. They can't get over the fact that people in Salt Lake City like the show. And I'm like, well, too bad whatever, Yeah, yeah, I don't read the soul Lake Tribune, not use So It's like when I went out there and I debated your mayor. What was the Rocky Anderson? Was that his name? Yes, I watched that on TV. That was before I lived in solt Lake City. But I was glad you tore him up the way he did. You want to know that became the highest rated television show local TV show in like the history of that station. And a poll came out. I think I won the debate eight to I was very happy, and I flew out there on my own time, and I did it because it was the right thing to do, and I was sick and tired of his crap. What's he doing these days? I have no idea. I think he's an attorney for somebody. I saw him the news not too long, but I didn't take too much attention. Then, yeah, nobody else is either. Good point. I stand corrected. So what's on your mind, Justin? I was just calling in. I've heard a lot of discussion about John Huber and uh, kind of some concerns that maybe he's not the right guy. But I want to put your mind at ease. I have a personal association with him. First met him several years ago when he was a federal prosecutor. I was on a jury and it was a pretty clear cut case and I watched as he laid out the truth, destroyed the defense, and put this guilty guy where he belonged in prison, And um, I don't I don't know him, but that's reassured. The only thing somebody told me was he's a Democrat. I'm like, if we don't get any Republicans appointed to anything, Yeah, I don't know that he's a Democrat or not or And honestly, honestly, I don't think it matters. He'll get to the truth and he'll lay it out and we will see really what's going on behind the closed doors of the Robert Mueller and investigation. He'll he'll bring the truth to light. Listen. That's very reassuring the fact that, listen, I'm glad that and I've been very critical of the Attorney General. The fact that the Attorney General appointed this guy back in November and we didn't know it is, you know, gives me some hope because you know, there's been a group of us and we have look. Look, it's in. It's incontrovertible the crimes that Hillary committed. It's incontrovertible that Struck and Page and Comey and McCabe and and looks like Lauretta Lynch all were involved in rigging the investigation. You know, it's incontrovertible. She paid for Russian lies to influence the American people. It's incontrovertible. She stole a primary from Bernie. And it's incontrovertible that affies a court was lied to on multiple occasions using Hillary's bought and paid for Russian lines. Now I could. I always talked about equal justice under the law and the Constitution, which is the foundation for the rule of law in this country, and it is it. I cannot believe that the news media, as corrupt as they are, have ignored the biggest abuse of power scandal in American history. They're that corrupt, and that's why all these people in the media hate me. I was invited again to the Correspondence dinner and I can't believe it. I'm justin I'm not going to be able to make it. I've never been. I've never been free on a Saturday night to hang out with these swamp creatures in d C. I've never It's twenty three years and running. I have never gone, and I'm proud of that record. You know what I'd rather do, I'd rather hang out. I'd rather hang out anywhere where real people are. That's where I want to hang out. I want to hang out with the American people, the forgotten men and women in this country. They could get screwed every day by government. You know. That's that is my biggest that that is what drives me. Now, everyone in the media, they have no idea what drives me, no idea why I take I'm so passionate about all this because I was that person, you know I I people ask me, what do you do for a living? Well, I'm a dishwasher to be perfectly blunt, and I've just been blessed with opportunities. I want to fight every day and and do my little part. It's like I say all the time, we're all spokes in a wheel, and if we all do our job, we can get the country headed in the right direction. Uh, thank you. Justin go get yourself a Crown Burger as a reward. They're so good, Mark and Brick New Jersey, Mark, how are you good? Sir? All right? My question to you is is this, when can we at least expect like the first portion of the IG report to become public, Like we're just gonna be the best guess because we're keep week after week it's coming. It's coming. I was told for the longest time that it was gonna be this week, then then last week, or the baby. Towards the end of the previous week, I was told, Uh, looks like it's gonna be May now. I was told by a really really reliable source what the reason is. But I was also sworn to secrecy on the reason, and I'm gonna respect the fact that it was off the record. Uh some, but I do know the reason why they've delayed. There is, and it's actually a very good reason. It's just I'm like you, I'm impatient, and I hope and I hope now that the Attorney General has expanded the mandate for the I g that that that means we have to wait for all of it to be done. I don't want that to happen. I want to get this first report. Oh please God. But you know one thing, I'm I'm I'm really proud of the team that we've assembled here, Sarah greg and Tom Fitton and Dan Bongino and Sebastian Gorka, j Sekulo. Who am I forgetting? Um? Sarah Carter, Sarah Carter. I mean, these guys, everybody together, We're all doing our part here and we've been right. And you know, when talk to people that really know my sources on a regular basis, they keep confirming to me I'm more right than I even know. I'm right, and I'm I'm listen. I'm working the phones as hard as I can everybody else's and for those people that want an instant resolution, that's just not how these investigations work. I mean, we've been able to in a year discover what Hillary rigged the primary. We've learned that Hillary, We've gone through all the crimes that she committed that the i G is gonna report on as it relates to the email server. And then we have the fixed being in and then we have the Fies abuses. Then we finally discovered it was Clinton that paid for the dossier that was full of Russian lies. And then we you know, people like Comey telling the President, well, it's salacious and unverified, but three months earlier they're using it for a Fizer warrant. They don't tell the Fizer judges either. We're making a lot of progress. That's the best part of what I all I can say here. By the way, the Trump administration this just broke sued California over federal land sales. That's interesting. Uh, we'll get you more information as it becomes available. David is in Boston in Massachusetts. What's up, David? How are you? Sir? Good Shawn, long time first time listener, long time listener, first time caller, and uh, yeah, you know, I grew up. When I was I spent five years in Rhode Island. I used to listen to w RK whole lot and Jerry Williams and James Burns. David Brudnoy was on late night on another station, and uh then later obviously how he Carr was an institution in Boston. He's a great host. J Severn was there. You had some amazing people on the radio. There absolutely great, great voices on the radio up here, that's for sure. And by the way, everyone in radio in Boston gets in trouble. They all get in trouble. They're always on the edge in radio and in Boston anyway, what's on your mind? All right? Well, a quick statement. First of all, like you as as as a Bostonian in New Yorker, I feel a sense of urgency that I don't see the Republican to getting and you know, the investigation it's moving so slow. And now my question is has anybody thought about the possibility that Comey is being so brazen because he has some sense of immunity from Mula. Well the problem for him if that was his strategy or if that was the case. Now, remember they're all best friends. Rosenstein, Muller, McCabe called me. They're all BFFs. I've all you know. That's where Andrew Weisman comes in with his atrocious record appointed by Mueller. But it's not gonna matter, is the answer, Because whatever's gonna happen as it relates to Comey is separate and apart from the Special Prosecutor. So, you know, why is he so arrogant? Him and Brendan are the most arrogant, the deepest of the deep state. Sean, let me ask the question, is it going to be separate from from Mueller? Because if he has something to give, whether it's true or not, and if he has the protection from Mueller at community, he can go on a book to him without you know, well, I just don't think that that's gonna be in his purview. In other words, I listen, it's all possible. I am pretty convinced, for example, that Lisa Page and Peter Struck the only reason that they're not fired is because I think they flipped. I think they're working. I think they have some type of deal that they've they've made. Uh. It's as it relates to the investigation into the cover up with the Inspector General and now with this guy huber So, I hope, I hope you're right. I really do. I mean, listen, if we we're headed towards us. I'm gonna tell you something. This country has headed towards a civil war in terms of two sides that are just hating each other. And if Robert Mueller wants, there's a big red button in the middle of the table, and if Robert Mueller is so pompous and so arrogant and so power hungry and so corrupt, that he's gonna hit the red button and he's gonna ignite a battle that we've not seen in this tree before. You think it's you know, and I'm not talking about a war. I'm talking about in terms of there's gonna be two sides of this that are fighting and dividing this country at a level we've never seen. And you're gonna basically have two sides in America, those that stand for truth and those that that literally buy into the corrupt deep state, you know, attacks against a duly elected president. And that's what it's gonna be. And is I'm not talking about violence. I'm talking about everybody hating each other. You're not gonna be able to have a family dinner without mashed potatoes being thrown across the room. Uh. And if you think I'm overstating the case. I'm telling you, I'm not it's gonna get that bad. It's that dangerous I'm saying. I'm saying I don't think or the consequences of what's going on, and I don't think they care. I think this is exactly what they want in the Civil Wars mentality. It's just look at the people. He's a pointed. They're all bitter left wing partisans. All right. I will tell you this, I don't like the Boston Red Sox. Don't take it the wrong way, but I did love the Celtics back in the day when it was Bird and Parish and DJ and McHale and Danny Ainge. I think it was like one of the best teams ever and when they would battle the Magic Johnson and the Lakers the best time in basketball history. Part none, Absolutely, Yeah, we missed the great not necessarily by the way. How dumb was it for the Red Sox to get rid of Babe Ruth. I won't rub it in the I know that's terrible, alright, my friend. I just hate the Red Sox. I don't know why. I just don't like the Boston Red Sox. Uh and uh. I want the Yankees and Mets in a world series. That's my goal this year. It's a big goal outside of politics. That is all right, back to our phones. Clark is in Birmingham and Alabama. What's happened in Clark? How are you? Hi? Hi, Sean, how are you doing? Listen? I've been, you know, being from Alabama. I've been a Jeff Sessions fan for a long time. I was really encouraged when he was one of the first ones out of the gate who recognized the strength of the Trump message and embraced it and you know, publicly and embraced it. And so I bet a Jeff Sessions fan, voted for and most multiple times, unlike his his counter counterpart of their Richard Shelby, who I think is totally repulsive and I blame him for the Democrat. We haven't sent it up there today. But but I digress. My My my question to you is I can live with the fact that this is a positive step that Sessions is made now, but I'm still bothered by Robinstein, who has seemed to have his puppet streams and pulling him around it like a puppet. To me, this thing with Moeler has has to end, and Robinstein has to be the one to step forward and do it. I mean, the fact is Rosenstein should be conflicted out he he apparently signed one extension of the Fiser warrant using the fake phony Clinton Boughton paid for Russian dossier, and then he appoints Robert Mueller. And Rosenstein is the guy that didn't want Devin Nuness's committee even though they have you know, we do have checks and balances in this country, and he didn't even want. We never would have known about the Fiser abuses if Rod Rosenstein had his way. Rod Rosenstein, to me, is corrupt. He needs to go MCA, just like McCabe went, and just like I don't like his relationship with Mueller or Comey, and I look at the whole bunch of him and and every FBI guy I know, every intelligence guy I know, it feels the same way. You know, the rank and file are disgusted over this because this taints them and they do a good job every day and these tactics would never be acceptable if they did it, and they know it, and they tell me every day. And I'm gonna give you a little insight. One of the only reasons we're getting to the truth in all of this is because of rank and file FBI and until LEGiT's officials. There are good people that are literally exposing their bosses every day, little piece of intel. So don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Have deep I have deep respect for these guys. All right, when we come back, Why is twenty eighteen gonna be a tough year for a lot of people in terms of deciding, well, do you vote for a week pathetic Republican that maybe represents your district, or do you vote for the Democrat or he is stay home? When you know, if the Democrats get control of the House, they want to impeach Donald Trump. I mean, that's what they want to do, no matter what doesn't matter. There's no evidence, you know in peach forty five. You know, bumper stickers, shirts everywhere. Anyway, we'll get to that. Kelly Ward, Sebastian Gorka coming up next, and we'll get to your calls as well. Eight hundred nine for one seawn are toll free number quick break right back, we'll continue final hour free for all next. Al Right, news rounds up, information overload our one sewn If you want to be a part of the program. We're gonn to take a little deep dive because we begin to our our research and look at eighteen and what does that stake here on one of the biggest sues will be in states like Arizona and elsewhere, frankly around the country, and that is going to have to be about immigration and building the wall and Docca kids. For example, the President uh said this weekend that Mexico has to help at the border, and then he further went on to tell Jim a Consta that Democrats let the Docca kids down and they were offered numerous deals, but they preferred to have it as an election item. In the Democrats don't want to improve it because they don't want to give us a victory. They think we've had too many victories. We've had a lot of victories. We've had a lot, and we're trying to have a doctor victory for everybody. By the way, and the Democrats to know where to be found, they know where to be found. It's really terrible. We're ready, you know the expression ready willing enable. We're ready, willing enable. They are nowhere to be found. Mexico has got to help us at the border. If they're not going to help us at the border, it's a very sad thing between Duke guts. Mexico has got to help us at the border, and a lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of data. And we're going to have to really see. They had a great chance. The Democrats blew it. They had a great, great chance. But we'll have to take a look. But Mexico has got to help us at the border. They flow right through Mexico. They said it to the United States. Can't happen that way anymore, Thank you, Mr President. What about the doctor kids? Should they worry about what's going to happen to them? Sir? The Democrats have really let them down. They've really let them down. They had this great opportunity. The Democrats have really let them down. It's a shame. And now people have taken advantage of DOCCA and that's a chance. It should have never happened. Did you kill Doca, sir? Didn't you kill Docca? Is fake news, Jim Acosta, and it's pretty unbelievable. Um. Now, I want to just point out one thing, and that is you've got to understand I don't know. I don't have a crystal ball. I do know that what is happening, as I said earlier today, with the Attorney General now clearly being far more engaged than he was before, and with the appointment of this guy uber and that goes back to what November, and he has designated John uber Us Eternity Attorney as the prosecutor task with looking into allegations of abuse at the FBI et cetera, and the FIS abuse and everything else. Coupled with the Inspector General report, I think we can say with some clarity here that there are going to be some serious, powerful people that are gonna end up being indicted. And then the question is, of course, Robert Mueller. He's a a hyperpartisan that has an agenda in all of this, as evidenced by the people that he appointed, and who knows what direction he's actually headed it. One thing he's not going to be doing. He's indicting anybody over any quote Trump Prussia collusion. Then the question comes down to, all right, well, eighteen is an important mid term election year, and that's a year where the party that has the White House usually loses a significant number of seats and you can look at different and varying polls and say, okay, well, what if Nancy Pelosi become speaker again. I think there's an odds on every heavy favorite in terms of a bet that she's gonna try to impeach this president regardless of what evidence is out there. And I don't really think that's a bold prediction. And that means that voters are going to have to make a decision early on how much they want to support the president and not put him in that position where a bunch of partisan, hacked Democrats are going to go out there and and try and get this guy impeached. Now, there's some polling numbers that have come out which are pretty interesting, and this is UH survey Monkey polls conducted from February twelve to March the fifth and five Senate Democrats would lose to Republican candidates if the elect were held today, and three have approval ratings under fifty and UH, at least in the Senate, the Republicans as of now are looking pretty good and you can see the most vulnerable senators are Joe Manchion and West Virginia tester in Montana, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and each of their approval ratings are under fifty, and the least vulnerable Senators Bill Nelson of Florida, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Shared Brown of Ohio, and Trump's approval is at fifty today, but with the election many months away, a lot can happen between now and then, and Trump's approval is higher than the incumbent senators in West Virginia, North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Missouri, In Ohio and North Dakota voted for Trump over Hillary by a thirty six point margin. A generic Republican would have a two point lead over Democrat Heidi hike Camp and Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin's has a narrow three point advantage over a generic Republican anyway, joining us to discuss this in a lot more, Kelly Ward, she is a Senate candidate in Arizona to plus replace Jeff Snowflake and Fox News contribute to Sebastian Gorka. Welcome both of you to the program. Kelly Ward. How's the race out there going? Hey, Sean, It's great to be with you. It is going amazingly well. The people of Arizona. The Republicans, the Conservatives, the Independence and even some of the conservative Democrats are really coalescing behind our effort, my effort to get to Washington as a thoughtful conservative leader with a proven track record. They are tired of the all talk and no action that we've seen from the people in Washington for far too long, and they want to send me there to get the job done. What is the approval rating in Arizona for Jeff Snowflake and John McCain. I think it's down around eighteen percent. And I don't even know who those eight percent could be. Yeah, you know, and an immigration Dr Gorka. It's not just Arizona, it's really the whole country here. And I know the President said, all right, well Democrats killed DOCCA today, But still the Republicans and the Omnibus, they didn't fully fund the wall to be built. I I do believe as Commander in chief he would be authorized and within his constitutional authority to have national defense money spent on the border, considering it's a national defense issue. Absolutely sure, I mean, think about it. This is just the revenge of common sense. I think November was Americans applying common sense to have broken the swamp is And of course how can I that's how can our national border where mst and all these people are coming across the drugs? How is that not a national security issue? So, you know, the President is always good at pulling rabbits out of the hat at the last moment, and I think he's done it again. So there's there's some funding already there. The prototype wars have already been built. We've seen a massive decrease in illegal border crossings already. But we just have to get this done. And Arizona is on the front line. And Kelly ward gets this. She understands that this is a national security issue for all of us, whether you live in Arizona or look in Maryland. Last week, Maryland, we had six members of MS thirteen convicted, and five of them had gotten into the country illegally. So this is a national issue shore Oh, I agree. And when you go around the state of Arizona, you know, I guess it's considered by many to be a sort of purple state. Well, you know, Jan Brewer was very popular because of our position on immigration. Dr Warden, It's true, you know, SB ten seventy was very popular because the federal government wasn't doing its job in Arizona, was willing to stand up and saying no more. Didn't say no more. And you know, I saw a tweet from Charlie Kirk from Turning Point us A. He's a great, great young conservative with a great head on his shoulder, and he agree with him. I too. I'm tired of the media and the left e queety equating open borders as the moral and the righteous thing to do, because nothing moral. There's nothing moral about moral about heroin pouring over the border, about thousands of kids being trafficked, about gang members walking free, just like Dr Gorka just mentioned in Maryland. It's not as though they're just in Arizona, all the way up to Maryland. Illegal guns flooding our streets, criminals walking free, uh, in our cities and towns. This has to stop. We have to secure the border, and that starts with building the wall. I'm so glad to hear the President say that we're gonna build the well and we're not gonna focus on DOCCA. The Democrats have missed the vote, They missed their chance on DOCCA. Let's build the well. Let's uh, let's not repeat history that happened under Ronald Reagan by talking about amnesty and authoring amnesty without securing the border. Let's secure the border first. Well. The President also challenged Republicans that if they need to, you know, get rid of this the sixty vote margin needed in the in the in the Senate so that some of the agenda can get approved. Now that is totally Mitch McConnell's call, Dr Gorker, But he seems to be missing an action on most of this, which which is really disappointing many Republicans that want to see action and feel like the Republicans have let them down in terms of keeping their promises. Not not just missing an action, Sean, he's supporting candidates in Arizona that are running against amazing MAGA agenda candidates like Dr Kelly Wards. So you have to ask a question, what is Mitch McConnell done for this president in the last fifteen months. It really is quite stunning how the GOP establishment doesn't understand that politics changed forever when we elected a non swamp dweller outsider like Donald Trump to become the president. And the same thing has to happen in Arizona Kelly Ward is not a swamp dweller. She believes in the President's vision, and we need more people like that to shake up the establishment. Whether it's past the Mark Burns, whether it's all those great candidates to towards the country who are energized by the election. We've had enough of the swamp left and right. It's just one big Uni party and we need Do you believe as I do that if Nancy Pelosi ever became a Speaker and Democrats controlled the House, do you agree with me that it's probably a certainty that they would try to impeach Donald Trump, regardless of the fact that there's no evidence of any Trump Russia collusion. Just the opposite, there's evidence that Hillary colluded with quote Russian government sources through Christopher Steele, a for Oi National, that she was paying from Fusion, GPS, and Perkins Cooey, without a doubt, without a doubt. I mean, look at Maxine Water has been shrieking about impeachment every day since the inauguration. It goes without saying, we're still we're still waiting for any evidence on Russia collusion, yet to receive any, despite the fact that we know Hillary Clinton twelve, a twelve million dollars for Russian propaganda that acquired an illegal fight warrant against a Trump associate that's been documented on your show by Sarah Cardis. So yes, the insanity would continue, and that's why November is potentially more important Sean than even the last presidential election. In my opinion, Dr Ward, how are Senate Republicans and leadership in the Senate helping you out with your race in Arizona? And what we do have one great supporter in Senator Rand Paul, and I think people want more people like Senator Paul and Senator Lee and Senator Cruz in Washington. But just like what Dr Gorkad was talking about the uniparty, there are two women standing in the way of my becoming the first female Senator from this great state of Arizona. On the left, we've got Cinema, who is handpicked by Chuck Schumer. On the right, we've got mc sally, who is handpicked by Mitch McConnell. I want the people to choose who our next senator will be and look forward to that happening, because all across the state we're seeing the great momentum and the inspiration and the motivation to to change Washington, and um, you know, I think that we're right on the path to being able to achieve that, and I hope that we do. When is the primary and how does the system work there? Do you win with fifty of the vote? I assume and go forward? And when's up it's August, and it's whoever gets the most votes, it's you don't even have to get to fifty one. And so the the establishment is well known for throwing spoilers into the race to try to dilute that unhappy, frustrated vote that we see again and again and again. All the polls show of the Republican electorate in Arizona are sick and tired of the Just Lake Martha McSally brand of Republicanism. And I'm putting that in quotes. They want a new, fresh, bold leader who will stand up with President Trump pushed the America First agenda forward and and be a mega candidate and a keep America great candidate. That's what we have to do in I hope people will join me at Kelly Ward dot com. Kelly with an eye, come join this team all across the country. I know only in Arizona. Can people vote for me, But remember, when I'm in the Senate, I'm going to be voting for everyone else out there, all the conservatives out there who have had the frustration for year after year, decade after decade. We're going to change that, all right. Thank you both for being with us one Shawn A toll free telephone number. Dr Kelly Ward and Dr Sebastian Gorka. We appreciate your time. Thanks for joining us. We're gonna follow that race closely when we come back. We'll get to your calls eight nine one Shawn for the rest of the hour as we continue. All right, let's get our busy telephones here. Lisa is in Arizona. Lisa, Hi, how are you? And we're glad you called. Hi. Sean, thank you so much for everything you're doing to fight against the corruption that we've been seeing. Thank you. What's going on there? Okay? I really want to ask you to help me solve this riddle on Jeff Sessions. How is it that he recused himself on the Trump Russia probe to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, but he doesn't have the same standards for his deputy Rod Rosenstein recusing himself when he has even more conflicts of interest, so much so that he signed off on a PISA application at least one maybe two, and then he appointed Robert Mueller. Your that you raised the million dollar question, I don't have an answer for you. It does see Modley said, does you know what, Sean? It makes me think es Session as part of the deep state? Is he part of the cover up? Because you explain that to me. I really want to know the answer to that. If you recuse yourself because you have a conflict of interest and then you appoint someone that has even more conflict of and interest and sum applications. If he knew he was going to recuse himself the day that they were voting on him, and then recused himself the next day, he should have taken himself of the running period. And then on top of that, then he cited the wrong law as the means of recusal. So it never made any sense from my perspective. You know, I think he's trying to do catch up now. I mean, he had a certain urgency with FBI Director Ray, and he did appoint this guy uber Uh, the attorney out in Utah, and I think that's all important, but I think we gotta go further till the top of the hour. Gladio with us Happy Monday, toll free numbers eight D nine for one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program, all right, ads, promise we're gonna get to our busy phones. Will start with sal He's in the ever so corrupt Albany in New York. You should see the way they spend money in New York. It's unbelievable how much money they wasted Albany, New York. And how is it the New York as a ten percent state sales tax and states like Florida and Texas a better infrastructure than all of New York. Anyway, how are you so glad you called? Sir? Hey, Sean? Thanks. I just wanted to say thank you for all that you do on the TBN radio, just educating us all to the truth as far as the Russian collusion stuff. Thanks to you, Sarah great Jed Dan Bontino, who I love his commentary. I just wanted to say thank you for all of that. And I don't try to flip anyone anymore, but at least if they're watching, they're seeing the truth, and again just wanted to say thanks for all. So I don't thank you enough. I'm meaning you and this audience because I don't have a microphone every day and I don't have a a camera every night. But for you, in this audience that listens and watches listen, I will say this. I know it's slow for a lot of people, but I've never been more proud of Number one, the team we have assembled, the work and the research and the stories we are uncovering, and I believe that time is now proving over and over again that we've been right on all of this for a very long time, and there's so much more coming. I just it's just as an evolving story. But the but everything that we pointed out from Hillary to fix in on our email server scandal and how it was rigged, the entire investigation, exoneration before investigation, etcetera. Everything that we've said about the deep state, about the dossier, about the visor courts, every bit of this is now coming to truth and fruition, and even the mainstream media now is playing catch up, but they still are more obsessed with Russia, Russia, Stormy, Stormy. So it is what it is but sal you you make it possible. I thank you, sir, thank you very much, and we'll keep listening and hopefully we can get to the truth and people that need to be punished get punished. Thank you again. So it's all happening. Look at look at the the contradiction between Comey and McCabe. This is going to be fascinating that plays out, I can tell you right now, it's all getting fascinating. All right, back to our phones we go for one. Shawn, you want to be a part of the program. Laura is in North Carolina, Laura High, how are you? And we're glad you called. Hey. I just wanted to say that I am thirdly disgusted at the GOP big boys club, just as I am with the Democrat big boys club, because they have they have it all, they have it all. They had a Christmas gift, they had an epiphany, and they are throwing it all away. And Trump is doing all the right things. And this whole Russian collusion thing, I mean, look what you did just did to Russia throwing out Democrats. So that little argument has been debunked. But still they're on it. They're on it, They're on it. And I just do not understand. Listen, you have a great congressman in the state of North Carolina. You've got Mark Meadows. There there are some other great guys. I love it, and I'm gonna tell you when he's on your show. We need to just keep the pressure on them and we need them to hold them accountable for their promises. I'm gonna tell you what what November is gonna be. Right now, November you're gonna have a choice. There's a lot that's gonna unfold between now and November. Mueller is gonna be done. Uh, if I had to guess, Mueller doesn't find anything indictable on the president in any way, shape matter informed. There was no evidence of collusion. You know, he'll make hints about who, well he might have, should have, could have done this and that better, and you know, procedurally, etcetera, etcetera. But at the end of the day, there's gonna be nothing. And here's the choice that every conservative is gonna have. It. It's not a great choice. If Nancy Pelosi becomes the speaker, they're going to impeach this president. They won't stop. They can't control themselves, and it's not good for the country. And I'm gonna tell you something. You know, if Robert Mueller wants to go deaf com five and and really put this to a constitutional crisis, this will divide this country. There will be to Americas, and we're very close to it now in many ways as Americans now a sick and tired look at the president's approval rating today up why is he Why is he now getting the best ratings because people see through this this never ending conspiracy two to delegitimize him and to stop him from Do you realize the only way they can be successful of this he fails at his job. That's why they'll never tell you the successful things he does. And they're now insulting the American people's intelligence at this point, and they think we're stupid. So the question that you will have, and I'm saying this in April and I've said it before April, going into the voting booth this November, in these mid terms, is do you want to help protect the president from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. And I hate to tell most of you, it's you're gonna hold your nose and you're on a vote for the people that will at least protect the president and not try to impeach them. And if you don't, then we're gonna get a very It will be it will be a divide in this country, and it's gonna be fierce. It is not going to be good. You're gonna have one side and you're gonna have the other side, and you know people are gonna be throwing mashed potatoes at each other at dinners. Anyway, Laura, I appreciate your kind words. God bless you. Keep up the fight. Lisa is in Arizona next on the Sean Hannity Show. Lisa, Hi, how are you glad you called? How you doing? I'm good? What's happening? Good? I was calling because last week you were questioning the legality of moonshine and whether or not you could drink it. And my parents live in Tennessee, and I promise you it is totally legal. There are moonshine tasting places all over the place, just as frequent as there is up in Napa, California for Apornia for wine. Well, so it's whoa really Yeah, they're everywhere? Wow? And do you like like clear moonshine? Personally, I am allergic to alcohol. So I don't drink it. Sadly, I'm eighty percent Irish, and I am ashamed to my people. My mother says that I'm really never heard a beat. So you're allergic to alcohol? What happens if you have a drink? Like do you break out and I get no, I get six? I just get sick, like you get physically ill? Yep, yeah, well you do know. That's what happens to most of us, right Lisa, when we drink? Are you sure you didn't have too much? Everybody needs to know what their number is. Lisa's number zero and zero? Yeah, no, no, it's too simp Lisa. She's too simp Lisa. That's what she is, all right, too simp Lisa. But like everybody, here's the problem with most people in drinking. They don't know what the number is, and the number is defined by after what number drink? Do you? Does your personality change after what number drinking? Does? A woman becomes super flirty with guys she's not married to her dating, but they're there with her, or start beating up their boss, Yeah exactly, they'll stop beating up or or you know where a guy is so jacked up that he's like, you know, thinks he's the king of m m A and is really fight Whatever the number that sends you off into that personality shift, that's that's where you cut it off. One below that that's the number. And for every person, the numbers unique and different. My kid who's a marine, we're trying to teach him what his limit is because marines they don't know what their limit is. So well you need to tell him is you don't want him to be the marine that's throwing up in the waste paper basket or outside in the law. Right now, Leasta, we got three types we got thank you first of all for your son service. And second of all, um, we have three types of moonshine here from our friend in Tennessee. And you said your parents they know all about this, right they do. And I'm actually going so if there's a flavor you want and I'll get some for you. Well, so in front of me, I just want to know if you know this. So our friend Shelley sent us old smoky moonshine and it's like apple, it's apple pie. Then we have a BlackBerry, and then we have cherries, which which one is your family familiar with. They're probably familiar with all of them, but they would probably go towards the old smoky type. I would imagine. Very cool. We're gonna keep checking it out. It's pretty awesome. All right, thank you so much, Lisa. I think we have a new moonshine convert here in Linda. You really liked it, huh. I have to say I was really surprised, and it's very very good. I mean, anybody that can can make alcohol tastes like apple pie, I mean, less calories, same great taste. You know, what's what's the expression on beer less more filling, less calories? What is it? Yeah, no, you're talking about that's great, Thank you, jastes. Great. Well, that's how I feel about app a pie moonshine. You know, stay skinny, getapapie flavor. It's good something like that. All right, back to our phone. Thanks a lot, Sewan for the support that I'm very very helpful, very helpful. Uh. All right, let's go to Donna's in Maryland. Hi, Donna, how are you? We're glad you called hello, Sean. Before I get to what I really called about, I just want to say I've had moonshine. Kentucting moonshine. It was back in the eighties, and it tasted like pure grain alcohol. I held my nose trying to get that down, and I tried to mix it with everything. We had a few good laughs and and it just it was as bootleg as it gets, and and it was scary. In all honesty, I was scared. I didn't know when I was drinking. So hats off to Linda for predating this new Thank you, Donna spread the word. I'm starting. I'm starting to trend. Oh my gosh, here we go the trend. And Linda, I see you in New York. Accent got a little thicker since you've been away for a few days. Well, you know, you go down to Bocca and you meet your you know, your wintertime friends down there, and they all talk like this. That's what they talk like. It's very nice, very nice, very nice time. Oh great, she's hilarious. Great, go ahead, donn it gets your point. I'm sorry I interrupted. My family is into prosecco in the New York area. That's like Lauren. Lauren's favorite drink is prosecco. Yep, taste. Thank you guys. I have me on the show today. We appreciate it. Thank you, Donna. Uh you know we have the best callers. However, I can't believe somebody. I'm looking at Linda's moonshine right in front of her right now, and it just cracks me up, and uh, well, maybe we need to get some Kentucky clear and just try it. I want to what do you mean, No, once you've had apple pie moonshine, you don't go back? What am I guess? Why? Why am I guessing? All the sugar in that though? It's not good to be drinking all that. Listen, if it's that or a slice of pie, I'm happy. All right, there you go, let's play it. You know you pretty one your Easter, Sean, did you have a good East? Did you have a little moonshine on? No moonshine? No moonshine with your hand, lemon drop, take a sip. I wasn't drinking lemon drops. I was drinking apple pie. Get your shine on and shush when just drink in the moonshine, right. I think we ought to put it on instagrat to give it to you. That was a good one. That was pretty good. Oh man, urn your party light on. I think all Mondays would be better if we did a little moonshine. Moonshine mondays? Anybody moonshine mondays? I don't know. I'm recovering from moonshine Sundays. Starting another trend. Alright, let's go to Patty's in Vegas. What's going on on k DON Radio? How are you, Patty good? How are you today? I can't believe we got lost in a moonshine discussion. Alright, what's going on? What's happening? I know I was. I was listening to the tangent on moonshine and was quite impressed. I just listen. I don't I'm not a big I don't like the taste of strong alcohol. I just don't. I try to water it down so I don't taste it. Well. Then the apple pie sounds like it might be your thing. It actually was pretty good. I'm not gonna lie it definitely, it didn't burn. I've always assumed that moonshine clear and like a hundred proof would burn your esophagus and your vocal cords out and melt the paint off your car exactly, and melt the paint off your car and put a hole in your stomach. But apparently it works for some people. So what's on your mind today, Patty? Well, I think what I was really frustrating me, especially after listening to you today, was talking about this, you know, Pelosi coming in the Speaker of the House because we're gonna lose these votes, and then the impeach talk, the impeach for what. That's the frustrating part. The media is going on this impeach tangent, which they've done before he was even took the seat in the Oval office, and they're not being real honest with us on the actual issues they want to talk about. You know, he's racist, but yet we have the lowest unemployment rate in the Black and Hispanic UM population ever recorded. He is anti women, he appoints women to some of the highest seats. Let's go see I a director. He's shown us on several different points, so that is not his intention or what's in his heart. But yet we're still focusing on things like Stormy. Who cares about Stormy? You guys didn't care about one need to Broadrick, You didn't care about Paula Jones, you didn't care about Monica Lewinsky, and those things happened while he was sitting in a government position, so well, they actually, but the point is they were non consensual. And you know, I mean, we're gonna go back fifteen years in everybody's life and and we're gonna do a deep dive into who they kissed and who wants to tell and whatever. And I'm like nobody that no human being is gonna be able to run for president when we were done with him. Now, what they do in office is a very different thing. I mean, because at that point then it's it's Look, I'll give you one example. If you want to be president of the United States, I doubt your plan is to go on Howard Stern show. You know, I guess if you live in a monastery, you can run for president. All right, So tomorrow we're gonna get into Donald Trump. Your president is now pressing McConnell to use the nuclear option. Now, why should McConnell do this, because no Democrat is ever going to support anything that is Donald Trump. You want to get anything done, you want a fence bill. Okay, let's get rid of the need for sixty votes keeping a simple majority. Alright, As always, we appreciate you being with us. We have a big show tomorrow. We'll see you then. Thanks for being with us. Back here tomorrow

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