November Elections Breaking Red - 10.12

Published Oct 12, 2018, 10:00 PM

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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Sean Hannity radio show podcast My Friends at My Pillow. My buddy Michael Lindell told me he was coming out with a brand new product. It's called the New Mattress Topper. So I got the New Mattress Topper immediately and I've been sleeping on it now for a couple of months. It's the best thing you've ever felt in your life. Now you literally have my Pillow foam for support. It's a transitional foam that helps relieve pressure points. And it's ultrasoft patented temperature regulating cover, and I gotta tell you has a ten year warranty, a cover that's washable and driable. It's made in the USA, backed by the sixty day unconditional money back guarantee. Once you try this new Mattress Topper, you put it right over your mattress, you will never sleep better. And right now, you, my radio listeners, you're gonna save thirty percent off when you go to my pillow dot com and use the promo code Topper. And by the way, Mike will also give you two standard my pillows absolutely free. All right, So try my pillow dot Com promo code hopper, promo code topper for this great deal and the best night's sleep you ever had. PLADU with us twenty five days to go until very important midterm elections, and it is tight. It's gonna take a lot of momentum and a lot of effort and time by every single person that listens to this show. And if you can bring about ten other people with you to the polls, then we can shock the world again and another miracle can happen. Things are really really looking up on the Senate side. I'll go through those numbers in the course of the program today. We got our posters coming up. John McLaughlin and Doug Schooner going to join us. New Gingridge will check in strategy wise for the next twenty five days for Republicans and some of these tight races, I've been picking ten of those a night for the very purpose of letting you know whether or not you're in one of those districts that matters the most. Then, of course, we have Senate races that are also important. One in Montana, North Dakota, Indiana, You've got Arizona, Nevada, Missouri, you've got Florida and a few other states that are key if Republicans could run the table. Look, I'm a dreamer. I'm not expecting we're going to run the table. But if we can have major pickups where we deserve to have them, you know, just think the President might have as many as two or three more Supreme Court appointments in a short period of time. Brett Cavanaugh is already having an impact on the Court. It was a story out today in the La Times that Brett Cavanaugh spoke up just earlier this week on Wednesday, in defense of the Trump administration's view that legal immigrants with criminal records must be arrested and help a deportation even years after they were convicted and completed their sentences. In other words, you can't come to America and have one of the few open opportunities that everybody in the world would cherish, and then come here and break our laws. At issue, by the way, was a federal law that calls for mandatory detention impossible deportation of criminal aliens, including legal immigrants, convicted of crimes ranging from violent felonies to drug possession, etc. In a class action lawsuit brought up shockingly in California, you have lawyers for the ACLU complaining the mandatory detention policy has been applied to lawful immigrants who had lived and worked in the community, etc. Etc. After being convicted for crimes such as drug possession, and Kavanaugh said he saw no basis for putting any time limit on arresting immigrants for past crimes. In other words, if you're going to come to America and you want to be a part of our family, you got to start with one basic, simple, fundamental rule, and that is that you've got to obey our laws. I think that's that should be basic and fundamental for anybody. The issue of incivility is now back in the forefront even more. I mean, it shouldn't surprise anybody. And by the way, what is really happening. We're gonna play James O'Keefe is going to join us and the Democrat Breticon whos running against Marshall Blackburn, who's now began to pull away in the polls. A little bit there, him and his campaign his campaign staff caught on tape absolutely saying he's lying to the people of Tennessee. But the very purpose of getting elected, and they say it not once, but they say it over and over and over and over again. I'm gonna play it for you later in the program today, But I mean, is it is mind numbing that people have zero truth or ability or character that they can be honest with who they are and what they believe. And the problem for Breticon, just like the problem for people like Claire mccaskell or Heide high Camp or Joe Donnelly or Cinema, Oh way do we get to the tape on Cinema today or you know some these other Democrats that are running John Tester, is they can't be honest with who they are and be honest with their voters of what they're gonna do when they get to Washington, if they get to Washington, because when they get there, here's what they're gonna do. Even though they're in red states that overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump, They're gonna get to Washington and they're gonna vote for Chuck Schumer. That's our first vote. And then they're gonna vote with Chuck Schumer ninety eight percent of the time, because that's what Democrats do. There is no voice of moderation in the modern Democratic Party. I gotta give one little tip of the hat to Joe Mansion in West Virginia. Frankly, why he stays a Democrat in this day and age, I have no idea. But Republicans also are offering solutions and answers and solving problems. And the numbers bear it out all across the board, which is why you know, historically in mid term elections, people don't like to show up. But if you don't show up, all of the progress that we've made in the next two years is in jeopardy, and you're gonna get endless investigations, possible impeachment, which they've stated publicly they want their crumbs back, they have stated publicly, in other words, they want to raise taxes. Well, that's that's what created the last eight years of Obama, which put thirteen million more Americans on food stamps, eight million more in poverty, and he became the only president in history ever to never reach three percent GDP growth in a single year, and he gave up on manufacturing jobs. Of those jobs are never coming back. Well, in less than two years, Trump's brought back more than four hundred thousand of them. Half the time he brings it back not only by ending burdens and regulation and asking businesses, well, what can we do to help facilitate you working here and building here and creating factories and manufacturing centers here? And well they tell them, well, you know it's costing us, you know, a thousand dollars for this regulation per unit and a thousand dollars per unit for that because of that regulation. Well, the President's wiping those regulations off the books. And then on top of that, he's created a tax incentive for business to build in America. And then when that doesn't work, he just gets on the phone and just will humiliate publicly any company that is not building in America. And then on top of that, he challenges even allies of ours that have taken advantage of US economically on bad trade deals over the years, and he's telling them, hey, you're treating us unfairly. This is a one sided deal. I'm pulling out. And we've now successfully navigated thread the needle, negotiated better deals with, for example, most recently Canada and Mexico. If you don't fight for a better deal, you're never gonna get a better deal. It's pretty amazing. I know everybody's been all hyped up about Kanye being in the White House. You know, I listen very closely with Kanye was saying, and I'm like, well, I do think we need some prison reform. I'll give you an example. When the President commuted the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson. Remember the woman had given like a life sentence, one offense, drug offense, a grandmother. Apparently, she'd run in a horrible economic difficulties. It's like there's no nuance sometimes in our criminal justice system. Anyway, spend twenty one, twenty two years in jail. I had an opportunity to interview her. I absolutely fell in love with this woman. She comes rushing out of prison after President Trump does this for her, right into the arms of her loving family. I got to meet her sister, and I got to meet somebody, a lawyer that was working for her pro bono and help make this happen. And then she goes to the microphones and she says to America, thank you, thank you for giving me a second chance. I'm not going to let you down. Well, I want to find all the Alice Marie Johnson's in prison that are like her, with that attitude, that deserve a second chance, and you know that maybe have been given heavy sentences for reasons, for whatever the reason happens to be. I agree with Kanye, we can find those people. He also talked about safe neighborhoods. We need safe neighborhoods. I disagree with him on stopping frisk only because the murder rate in New York while I've been here under Rudy Juliani went from about twenty five hundred a year down to three hundred three or four hundred. Bernie Kerrig was a big part of the success of that program. It just works. Unfortunately, got to go into the neighborhoods where the crimes of being committed, with the shots of being fired wherever it happens to be, and you have aggressive resources and policing of those areas so every man, woman and child can go to sleep at night and not worried that bullets are going to be flying through their windows in the next hour. It's unbelievable that nothing has ever been done at this point to fix Chicago. I mean, it's it's sad, it's unnecessary. Our human our human family and talent are being literally, you know, are literally evaporating before our eyes. It's unbelievable. We can do better, we ought to do. We owe it to people to do better. And then he's talking about bringing jobs and making things in America and creating jobs in America. You know it shouldn't be about conservative, liberal Republican democrat. But liberalism failed, socialism, redistribution has failed, and we see it. We've had eight years of it and hasn't done a thing. And why as any African American conservative that speaks out is just beaten up and excoriated on a level that is downright racist and disgusting. Why does it matter if somebody happens to be African American and a conservative, and it happens all the time, and somehow, in this era of political correctness, it's acceptable to say the most disgusting and atrocious, an obnoxious, vicious, vile thing. You can listen to some of the things said about Kanye. Kanye West is what happens when negroes don't read. Black folks are about to trade Kanye West in the racial draft. Now, all of a sudden, Kanye because he's put on a Maga hat and he's an attention who are like the president, He's all of a sudden, now the model spokesperson, He's the token negro of the Trump administration. This was an embarrassment. Kanye's mother is rolling over in her grave. I think you had there a man who's clearly not okay, and a president who's willing to exploit that. Well. It was a combination of stream of consciousness. I felt like I was sitting in on a psychiatric visit and a commercial for Donald Trump. On the question of mental health, on the question of exploiting him, I felt very exploitive to me. There was something very fragile about and sad about Kanye pulling out his phone and frankically typing in his code. We all saw it. I think it was four zeros and pulling up some weird picture of a car. I mean, just to sixpand on that. It seems like an important point. I haven't heard anyone else on television make it. But if you think it's going to get a thoughtful play by play and political analysis, you're not. Because that was an assault on our White House. I'm just going to be honest. I may get in a lot of trouble for it. I feel actually feel bad for him. What I saw was a menstrual show today, him in front of all of these white people, mostly white people, embarrassing himself. This is white supremacy by ventriloquism. A black mouth is moving, but white racist ideals are flowing from Kanye West's mouth. Kanye West is engaging in one of the most nefarious practices yet. A black body and brain are the warehouse for the articulation and expression of anti black ciniments that have been chin checked by people with far more rigorous credentials. It is so vicious and vile. I don't even know where to begin. How is that acceptable to anybody? This? I don't know Kanye except I've talked to him twice in my life, and we talked about safer cities like the city of Chicago. We talked about economic empowerment and opportunity for people, for everybody in this country. He's a billionaire and he is attacked on that vicious, horrible level. I don't even know what to say. My friend, Heisman Trophy winning football great herschel Walker, He's called out CNN's Don Lemon for allowing all all of those insults to go out against Kanye West, and he questions his on air behavior and as his guests are referring to him as quote that I don't even want to repeat what you just heard. I don't even want to repeat it. It's so downright despicable. He went to Twitter. I went to bed, appalled over Don Lemon's fake new CNN despicable behavior, laughing, you know, and laughing at some of the comments made by his guests about Kanye West and his visit with the President. Woke up wondering why why does CNN not take all three of these people off the air? By the way, I don't call for boycott's but it's it's just unbelievable. It's what did he say? What was the content of his remarks? The content of his remarks were prison reform, so the system is fair. His comments were about job creation for every American so they can have nice home, safe neighborhoods, a nice car, and a better future for their kids, and entrepreneurship and building things in America. That was the That was the gist of it. Disagrees on the issue of stopping frisk, so what an opportunity to maybe help better people's lives and this is the result. So it's like Cavana. Who's ever, Who's ever gonna want to get in the public eye in this atmosphere and try and fight for a better tomorrow. Who wants to do it? If this is the way you're treated just as shameful, disgusting display. With only a kite, a house key, and wet hempstring, Benjamin Franklin captured lightning in a bottle over two hundred and sixty years later. With a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, We're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it, ensuring Americans have the energy they need whenever they need it. Learn more about the nation's leader and energy storage at next Era Energy dot Com. As we roll along Sean Hannity Show eight hundred nine four one, Sean told free telephone number, you want to be a part of the program. So much happening, you know, I just wonder, I think there's something we can't factor in here. There's actually two things that that are just unknown with the president. I know the President is going to be in Ohio tonight. President's been now traveling the country. You know, I'd love the fact that you know, probably political people around the president are telling him. Well, you may not want to get involved in this. Republicans lose, they're gonna blame you, blah blah blah. That's just not how he rolls. If you, if if you fight hard and you give something, you're all and you don't win, at least you can look in the mirror and say you did everything you could do. Because there's a lot at stake now, It's not going to be the end of the world if the Democrats win. It's just gonna make everything harder and more divisive and more difficult, and it's gonna waste our time and slow our progress. That's really the truth, and it's important that we keep the momentum. Are you better off than you were two years ago? Are you safer? More secure? Is the economy better off? On every measure? We know the answer to it. But watching democrats unhinged is pretty amazing. All right. We got tapes on. Yes, Brettison is running in Tennessee and Cinema in Arizona will play those next twenty five told what what do you? Why? Why? Go ahead, do your intro, then I'll interrupt twenty five to the top of the hour. You're gonna interrupt me anyway, I might as well get it out of the way. Well, I mean, you know you're enjoying saying twenty five to the top of the hour. I never want to interrupt that. Well, I want to make sure people know that it's the bottom of the hour and when it's the top of the hour, and so that they can keep track of time in some sense. I guess they have a phone or watch. I don't wear watch us. Heaven help us if we didn't have you for that. I don't like any jewelry at all. I like nothing. I'm gonna want anything on me. I'm aware that's why you're never on You want to know why. Because many of my friends that like into like sports cars and watches and all that stuff. It means nothing to me. I have a phone. The time is on my phone. I look want the time. I look at my phone. I actually really like watches for men. You do or you don't. I do. I think it's very nice. My father wore a TIMEX. He bought it at the local drug store. That's what he wore. Was it the black band one I usually had now, the one that was like um silver or goldie changed colors every once in a while well, keeping with silver and gold and all things precious and rare. I just wanted to give a little shout out to our new person, Kylie, because you know, I just feel like she's just doing such a the one that you ignored the other day. Yes, iored her birthday wishes to everybody else on the team, the person that I stuck up for it that you ignored that. I know, it's really horrible that I did not wish her a birthday when it was not her birthday. I don't know what I was thinking that day. I don't know what you were thinking that day. So I just wanted to make amends and just let America know how great America, how great Kylie was doing, because you know a lot about a singerport nothing like it. Um, you're now sister in law who got engaged right here on this program to your brother. Can you believe that she left me for my brother? It's just ridiculous. Well, she that we had a job, rare job opening, and Kylie is doing a wonderful job filling in, isn't she. Though. I'm so glad we took this time now to talk about Okay, I got work to do. We got an important show to get please my days away from election day. This is why you need to watch, because you just can't keep your I can keep talking. I have a clock in front of me. I don't need to wear a was on my time. I can reclaiming my time right now. The problem is I can't reclaim the time that's been wasted. That's true. Oh you think praising Kylie is wasteful, you know I think that's that. Don't flip this on me. But you ignored earlier in the week. I'm not due to the city now to a waste of times. But you're the one that did. You literally ignored, you know when you open everybody else people to walk right. Linda did not praise you either. That didn't say, of course not, that's just standard operating procedure. Thank you, Ethan. You forget the guy. Forget the guy that buys lunch every day and is the best boss. Wasn't your birthday though? Well? I bought didn't I buy pizza today? You're right, whenever you buy lunch, we should wish you a happy birthday. About birthday, shine, the pizza was great. I didn't buy the pizza. You guys order you know sushi or whatever else you get. Every time. You haven't gotten sushi in every year. There is a full office of people out there every day. I have no idea who they are or what they do. But once a week, two weeks, I try to buy pizza. Everybody, you need to stop lying because you know everyone in the news room. You're in everyone's business, and you stop then to everybody. That is such a lot. But there's name. I don't know everybody's name. You don't know anybody, honestly, don't. You didn't know my name for five years. All right, goodbye, good time. Why why is it that when you look at the number of Democratic leaders, you know, those out there like Maxie Waters speaking of her and others, you know all of this mob violence that we have seen. Then you look at Kanye and then you look at record low unemployment in fourteen states, record low unemployment for Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workforce, youth unemployment, all record lows. And then somebody goes in and talks about prison reform, bringing jobs back to America, building factories and manufacturing centers in America, making America great again, and helping those people that want their shot at the American Dream, and then talking about eliminating crime in some big cities like Chicago. Anyone that dares to try and work on a solution with Donald Trump and crafts some real solutions is just unmercifully vilified. And that's what they did to con yesterday. And you know, I'm just sitting there saying wow, and but it's not new to me. They've done it to a lot of our friends on this program, Nigerinist and Nan Bruce Barelli. She'd been She writes about it in the first the first sentence in her book. It's called blacklash. You know that google her name and you see what comes up, the horrible things that have been said about it. She's a wonderful person and her husband Tom, We love them both. You know. You look at the Democratic leaders encouraging but mob violence against their opponents, follow them into gas stations and department stores and getting their faces and confront them and and kick Sarah Sanders out of a restaurant, and Pam Bondi and Secretary Nielsen, and you know, literally, you know, get in front of Ted Cruz's wife. This is what these people have become you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to can't be civil capable are fortunate enough playing the gun's Bible's religion. That's when civilian enough. I can't take it. I honestly can't. Eric hole to just kick him. Let's kick him anyway. So this is the modern Democratic party. No due process, no presumption of innocence, no constitutional authority. You know, Hillary cheats to win a primary, tries to cheat to win a general election. They literally use her bought and paid for Russian lies as a means of lying to fise the courts to spy on an opposition party candidate and campaign before the election. Still doesn't work, then they use it with no evidence, they disseminating that information as a means of starting a phony Russia investigation to put the country into chaos. For the last eighteen months, that still hasn't gone away completely. Apparently, according to news, I guess these Special Counsel's office has now finally agreed to written answers, you know, to ridiculous questions because we now know so much about the media leak strategy, the insurance policy, and the fact that if this dossier information which was never verified or corroborated that was used to commit a fraud on FISA courts, was then also used to initiate and gin up this disappointment of Robert Muller, and we got Bruce Orr, you know, funneling Christopher Steel lies to Special Council Muller's office. And where do we find ourselves or they're indicting a bunch of you know, intel officers in Russia that are never going to come to the US to be tried. Okay, I have no doubt. I mean that Putin is corrupt, that his regime is bankrupt and corrupt, that this is a hostile nation, and he's a hostile actor on the world stage. Nobody doubts the interference. Devin Nunez, he warned everybody in twenty fourteen it was coming in twenty sixteen. Thank god, it didn't impact any votes according to all the studies. But literally there was a backlash, a island coup attempt by just a small select people in power that happened to be at the FBI and the Department of Justice. We still haven't gotten to the bottom of that because the media tries to ignore that story as much as possible, So unbelievable what we've lived through. And then so the Mueller investigation will come to an end. Then you'll elect Nancy Pelosi, Gerald Nadler and Maxine Waters and they'll start investigation from day one. It'll be endless investigation. How much progress are they going to make for you, we the people? None? What is their agenda they're running on. It's simple, investigate Trump, impeach Trump? Where they want their crumbs back, open borders, eliminate Ice, keep Obamacare. What a great agenda that is. All of it's failed. Why would we go back to what has failed? That's what's at stake. Well, yeah, we can survive it, but why should we we deserve better? We can do better. Americans now just literally popping their heads out from getting under the enormous economic pressures of the Obama years, the dreadful Obamacare law that has cost families in some cases double and triple the premiums they were paying, and losing their plans and doctors they were told they can keep. It's just horrible. Now finally people are getting to move ahead. Energy jobs are on the way in a massive way in this country because of the president opening of Anoir and allowing natural gas and saving the cold industry in states like West Virginia, Kentucky and other places. It's all good, you know. The one thing Democrats cannot do is run on who they really are and what they really believe. You know, they won't say it as blatantly as I have just said it, but that is their agenda. Stop Trump, investigate and peach Trump, open borders, eliminate ice, sanctuary cities, you know, higher taxes, wanting crumbs back Obamacare they did in spite of all the failure. They want to double down on stupid project. Veritas actually caught people that work for the Phil bretticon campaign literally caught them red handed where you know, Breticon said he would vote for Cavin all a listten to some of this tape because he wouldn't really, right, I don't think so, No, I'm not going too. I was so confused because I just can't believe that he would actually vote yes like I would have wouldn't and but you said he wouldn't, So I don't know if that makes it worse about it now it makes it better, but it's still but what's the like, I don't understand what's to gain by Fanning. Yes, is it because of like the voters, So he'll lose voters, I guess, says him. I people of Tennessee, you're that ignorant, So they're gonna lie to you and say that they would have voted for Kavanaugh. And there's no way in hell, no, no, no no, that's just we're just saying that to get some more Republicans on his side. No, he's gonna get there, he's gonna do the right thing. No more, he'd never do that. He's just saying it for political purposes. Wow, is that what you want? Thank god, Marshall Blackburn is now beginning to pull away in the state of Tennessee. Now we also have the race that's going Martha McSally as a war hero, she's a great patriot, and she's running for the Senate against this woman's cinema who's running out there, radical christin Cinema, radical leftist. Anyway, So now we got a tape of kristin Cinema. She was speaking in Texas and she makes no bones about it, And I think this should have a big impact on the people out in Arizona where she is literally caught calling the people that she's asking to vote for her crazy. Listen, and I want to talk to you about some of the things that I think that you can do to stop your state from becoming Arizona. You know my state. I was born and raised in Arizona or an amazing two sons, You're the Border. And when we grew up, I remember in first grade we learned the song about Arizona because Arizona is the state of the five Sees, so cattle, copper, citrus, cotton, and climate and those were the five things in our state historically made its money up. But I had a sixth scenes called crazy. Oh they're crazy Arizona. It's a crazy Will you please vote for me? And there's more. Disturbing news was yesterday on Foxnews dot Com that Kristen Cinema promoted events at Arizona State University featuring a lawyer convicted for aiding in Islamic terror organization and its leader. The lawyer in question represented this person that was sends to life in prison in the nineties, why for plotting to blow up the un and an FBI building and more. Martha McSally has now finally taken a slight lead. Do you want Kristen Cinema, who's calling you in Arizona, Tucson, in Phoenix, she's calling you crazy. When she's out of state, you're gonna vote for her. Inviting that lawyer representing someone sentenced to life in prison for plotting to blow up the UN and an FBI building looked great. Another race that's really razor thin is the Dean Heller race in Nevada. That is an important seat. They get that seat, that would be massive for the Republicans. Same thing if send John Tester packing in Montana, because all of these people, Joe Donnelly in Indiana, and then you've got Missouri Clare McCaskill, Breticent in the case of Tennessee, and of course you got Rick Scott running against Bill Nelson in Florida. We need Rick Scott is to the hardest working politician. I know, he may not be charismatic, but the guy gets the job done. And Rhonda Santis is running for governor down in California. But all of these red state senators that are Democrats, you're basically voting for Schumer. Let's be honest, they're all going to vote for Schumer. They're all going to support his agenda. They're not going to back away from his agenda. They're gonna be Schumer Democrats. And that means that Schumer will never support an appointee to the Supreme Court of Donald Trump. I mean if the person was perfect and mother Teresa, they wouldn't appoint her. Well, it might be, you know, the perfect example, because that brings up issues of abortion. But you know what, you can't you get the perfect justice because they believe in the constitution. They're not going to support him. It just didn't matter, Chuck Schumer within seconds, No, they had signs made up. We're opposed fill in the blank. These left US groups right A lot to get to today. What do we do strategically to win New Gingrich No better strategist in the Republican Party. He's coming up next also Project veritasas James O'Keefe while he blew the Tennessee Senate candidate out of the water with this tape that we have and our polsters and much more straight ahead. And I want to talk to you about some of the things that I think they knew could do to stop your state from becoming Arizona. You know my state. I was born and raised in Arizona, born amazing two sons. You're the Border. And when we grew up, I remember in first grade we learned the song about Arizona because Arizona is the state of the Five Seas, so cattle, copper, citrus, cotton, and climate and those are the fine things in our state historically made its money up them. But I had a sixth scenes called crazy. As we see in this very quote, that the states are the laboratories of democracy, and then my state, Arizona is clearly the meth lab of democracy. Yeah, and I cannot take credit for that line. Someone at the Daily Show wrote it, but I'm happy to steal it and use it all the time. The meth lab of democracy. That's this Christen cinema that is running out against Martha McSally, who is a war hero in Arizona. After the tape we just played in the last Hour where she literally called the people of Arizona when she was given a speech in Texas crazy. Now we also have Project Veritas. James o'keefell joined us at the bottom of the hour. He went on to cover at the Bretticon headquarters and got all these people working for the Democrat wanting to un seat or take the seat away from Marshall Blackburn. And they're all saying, oh, we're totally lying. He's just saying that to get votes. We're trying to get Republicans to believe he'll be conservative. He gets in, believe me he'll be a Schumer Democrat. Unbelievable, Just such lying and deception, which goes to my point is you Democrats can't run on who they really are, because if they do, they have to admit they're voting for Pelosi, they're voting for Schumer, They're supporting Jerry Nadler, They're gonna support Maxime Waters That, They're gonna support impeachment, endless investigation, open borders, no more ice, higher taxes. They want the crumbs back Obamacare, the disaster that that is twenty five days to go, joining us now. Former Speaker of the House, author of the bestseller Trump's America, The Truth about our Nation's Great Comeback. Now, I know we could survive if God forbid that we lost the House. The problem is is just everything then gets fifty thousand times harder, and a lot of our progress gets stalled. That's what's at stake here. Well, the other thing. It's a stake here is exactly what was at stake by the time they were done with character assassination and smears on Kavanaugh. That is, if he had gone down, if he had failed the signal that would have sent to decent human beings to stay out of public life, to not agree to serve, to hide from the filth, would have been horrifying. It's as terrible as it was at least when it was over. He's now sitting on the Supreme Court. So you know what hit me? And I was just listening to thinking because as once again as you did with Obama way back in two thousand and eight, and as you did with Hillary, I think you just cut through something really important. I think we should describe this as the year the mask came off. Yeah, I think it is. I think what's interesting. I don't know. I definitely feel momentum. The polls are showing momentum we now have. If we go through all the states, there's a very tight race. Heller's up by two out in Arizona McSally, believe it or not, is now up by six. This is before the release of these tapes, which I believe is definitely going to hurt in the case of Kristen Cinema. Marsha Blackburn is up by eight in Tennessee. That is such an important race. Ted Cruz is rebounded in spite of all the hype of the Beta O'Rourke and all the money that's thrown against Ted Cruz. That is such an important seed. Claire McCaskill is down, Heide High Campus down, Joe Donnelly is down, and I think Tester is vulnerable in Montana. I think there's a lot of Senate races that are really winnable in this atmosphere where we just watched the Senate all stand in line but for Joe Mansion and followed Chuck Schumer's lead. Oh and remember, if you have that happening in that many states, you're not going to get a blue wave in the House. I mean, they're the same voters, are the same people, and the tide is not there. But but there's something else, and what you just said that I think it's really important. And again I'm thinking out loud with you, so because you've triggered the you're doing has triggered this in my own thinking. I think our folks ought to start shifting towards humor. I think I really mean this. I think you could take this now. I mean, here, I am, I'm throwing as hard a punch as I can. I'm fighting as hard as I know how to fight. And then you come in and said, hannedy, just just put your foot off the gas and tell a joke. No, no, no, no, I want you to put your foot on the gas even more. But remember, as Reagan often proved, sometimes humor is more devastating than anger. He's right. So, for example, what pret us and I really think Marsha's attitude all be. It's okay, we all understand you're a liberal. We all understand you're gonna vote for Schumer. Don't don't be ashamed of it. It's all right, none of us hate you for it. That's who you really are. And again, I think I think this is something I learned this in part from from theater Why It's great coverage of John F. Kennedy in Queens, New York in nineteen sixty where Kennedy won on the riff, but weekend before the election, just just ripping the Republicans. But it was all funny, it was all humorous. I mean I think McSally, for example, could take all of these crazy things that our opponent has said, weave them together into an eight or ten minutes speech. Should be like a vaudeville act. That's okay, But could you imagine saying the meth capital of the of the of the world and the people at Arizona are crazy. I can't. I think the race should be over now. But think about it, Sehan. The first thing we should say to her is why would you want to be the senator from the meth capital of the world. I mean, if you believe the stuff you said, why would you want to represent people who are crazy? But what's wrong with you? You know? Really? I think I think we should we should accept they really are who they are. I accept that, and I also accept another thing that there's no more moderation. You know, the history of relationships, even Tip O'Neil and Reagan, I mean, those days are long long gone, and the era of moderation or a Scoop Jackson Democrat or even Joe Lieberman got thrown out of the party. Mister Speaker. That pretty much says it all that one of the nicest human beings ever you cannot be a moderate Democrat today and survive and because you just hit more and more and more isolated. I mean, the vote. I thought it was very telling that the votes in Kavanaugh, you had people who might have had a better chance getting reelected, but they couldn't break with their caucus on only one person. And that I give him credit. Joe mentioned job. Probably Joe mentioned you know, I'm sure he got the hell beat out of him by Chuck Schumer and company. They were desperate for him to not vote because they didn't want it to be bipartisan, and that's what his vote did. Well. I mean, I guess that means he's strong and he's like, you're not going to ruin my career because because of your radical leftist agenda. Maybe I'll even think about becoming a Republican if he wins. And that is the one seat that seems safe for a red state Democrat, the only one at this point. I think that's right, I think, and it really even he's going if you watch, even when he voted for Kavanaugh, the number is narrowed. The race is closer today than it was a week ago. Because I think what's happened is people looked up and suddenly realized what a team sport. This is that you got two teams. And there's a really simple question for every so called moderate. And I say this, I would also say this to Mansion is he is he really going to vote for Schumer? It's a fair question. Everybody needs to be asked that question. That's a Democrat because because he's going to vote for Schumer, why would why would West Virginians send somebody to Washington to take power away from Mitch McConnell in the neighboring coal state. I mean McConnell least understands West Virginia. Schumer has contempt for West Virginia as Hillary Clinton has contempt as just recently two weeks ago, you know, you had Nancy Pelosi saying things that were contemptible about West. Is the question I'll be posed to to Mansion as why are you even running? I'm got to vote for Schumer? Why run? You know, when you look at things that have been said, and I mean just in recent times, I mean the idea of smelly Walmart voters or we can't be civil, or Joe Biden saying in September the Trump voters or the dregs of society or irredeemable deplorables, or bitter people clinging to their God, guns, Bibles, and religion. I mean, it's pretty obvious where these people are. You haven't had a chance. You have to see the Bretticon office be the undercover video of Project Veritos. I don't know if you saw it on my show last night, but it reveals a deep, deep contempt. They're literally calling the people at Tennessee, within the office of the Senate candidate from Tennessee. They're calling the people stupid and ignorant. Now I would say it's over. Marsha Blackburn will be the next Senator from the Great State of Tennessee, as will Martha McSally be the next Senator from the Great State of Arizona. I think guys are very high that the wave is starting to build now, and ironically it's going to be a red wave, not a blue wave. You really believe that. I'm not sure that there's enough psychoanalysts available for The New York Times, in the Washington Post and CNN to deal with this. If this election that comes out the way I think it's going to come out, every single one of those channels is going to be in such an okay trouble psychologically. What about these Republicans and these important House seats to prevent Nancy Pelosi from becoming speaker. What do you say to those candidates as they now go into their final wretch twenty five days? I say, I look at it's very simple. As you know, I wrote a paper or which you were kind enough to point out. This said Amazon on the twenty eighteen election, pretty straightforward. This election is about the future of America. One side wants to deliver results. And by the way, with the release of the pastor in Turkey today, President Trump has once again delivered for America and delivered for religious liberty and for human rights. Another victory for him and for America. The other side basically just wants to resist. And then I take it to very specific issues. I think Kevin McCarthy's introduction of a bill to control the southern border that will be voted on in December is really important. And I would say the other side, how can you tolerate MS thirteen in our neighborhoods? How can you tolerate fence and all and opioids fifty four? There were seventy four thousand drug overdose deaths last year, more than people we lost in the entire Vietnam War. How can you tolerate this? How can you tolerate sanctuary cities? We have to make well. I have John Coxon later, I never thought a Republican would be within striking distance in California. Gavin Newsom now not only a sanctuary state. We talked about it the other day. Now he wants a free healthcare for everybody's you know, resident of California, nonresident, legal, illegal, doesn't matter, go to California. Free healthcare for anyone. Well, I think you pointed out to me that I hadn't quite put it, thought about it. He said it. Not only not only is Newson willing to take care of everybody who's sick on the entire planet, but that also is a great signal for every governor of the state to have a little medicaid swift that says, by the way, if you get sick, here here is your your one way airfare to California. They would love to take care of you for free. You might have solved forty nine states medicaid problem in terms of their budgets, but just you know, allowing them to send everybody to California. I mean, Newsom's plan is worthy of a former mayor of San Francisco. It is literally crazy. All right. You made me laugh spontaneously, all right, former Speaker. Yeah, I listen. Winning is fun. I'm not sick of winning. I'll tell you that. Um No, I'm not sick of the American people winning. I don't know what Linda was saying in my ear. Why don't you just say it on the air, what you know? I'm so sorry, but you know, you guys are just so caught up in the business. But I wanted to remind everybody about the speakers event on Monday. So if people want to find out about it, mister speaker, maybe you can tell them where to go. Yeah, they can have an evening with newt It's it's in De Moine and we're gonna talk about ideas and about history and also about current events. And I'm looking forward to you'll you'll be shocked to know I'm talking to from Seattle and I want to get done here. Tomorrow. I'm gonna go to Dallas and then I'm gonna go to De Moines, so you know, no more. I'm gonna be on the road. I have a big announcement where we're going to be next week and then next Saturday, a week from tomorrow, I'm gonna be since what Senator head Cruz. That's great, all right, mister speaker, thank you if I inspite of all the hype and the money, Yeah, eight hundred nine one Sean is a toll free number. Guys, we got to take a break. We'll come back, we'll continue. Have some good news. Pastor Brunson, who had been held captive in Turkey life because he was preaching Christianity, has now left Turkish airspace. A lot of credit goes to the president fighting for his release. This has been going on for a while and also good friend of this program, a good friend of mine, Jay Sekulo in the American Center for Law Injustice. They have been on this from day one, and now the pastor will be home free with his family after all those years of confinement. And I'm sure the stories are just going to shock the conscience and from everything I've heard, listen, I want to we also have this tape. Now we've got another cinema story that is breaking this Christen cinema. This is just breaking literally moments ago, and apparently there's now remarks that she associated with some prominent nine to eleven truther and told a radio host in an interview that she didn't care if he joined the Taliban. This on top of saying all Arizona the meth capital of the world. Arizona's are crazy. And then we've got the James O'Keefe tape he's going to join us at the bottom of the hour, and his undercover cameras going into the offices of Tennessee Democratic wanna be Senator Bretticon and they're basically saying the people of Tennessee are ignorant. Not basically, they're saying it, and they're trying to pull a fast one. He doesn't wouldn't have supported ever, Judge Cavanaugh. They're just lying to the people of Tennessee. Those are two races that I'm going to watch the polls in the next week or two. This information makes its way to the people of Arizona and Tennessee. Respective he wouldn't really right what vin I don't think so, But I would so confused because I just can't believe that he would actually go yes like I have, wouldn't and but you say you wouldn't, which I don't know if that makes it worse or better. No, it makes it better, but it's still But what's the like I don't understand what's the game by finding yes? Like why would you say yes? I can would really say now you know yeah, because it's like a political move, and so he's trying to make up those points. Um So I don't know, like how is the nature now? I don't know. We'll see, Like I guess we won't know until November six whether or not this was like working. I would understand my hemid li like this. So what I've been told is like data, like data has like so I don't know if it's saw the news CBS pool, Um so it since we're down eight points, we're down to eight now, yeah, we're down eight points. And it also said that forty seven percent of tennesseeans oh no, no, no no, those seventy four percent of Tennessee's wanted to see Kavanaugh confirmed. So I'm like, I like, this isn't like what is it right messaging anything? But like logically based on those numbers, and what I've seen is that he had already known that that gap between women her had has like run more and so he thought that love by coming out and support that it would get more Republicans on his side. He wasn't doing as well in the rule parts and so like what he's banking on is for people who are like Democrats and stuff to still come out and vote. I think it's important to just remind your soft But like all us, that's just a political mode, right, That's the only way I can't us it is that the way it has to go. Like, I just hey that he has to link right, why to like get that though its reality like you and not about possible. It's at and I mean like I don't like, I don't know what to say about it. Because we were in the medal of training and we had set some people up to knock and then I'd thinking back and they were like we just saw the statement and like what are I supposed to do? And I was like if I so, what do you mean it's a political statement? What does that even mean? He thinks that, like you were down like half a point right now, he's like really close into rosy by a point or two. So he thinks I didn't like by faces He's a peplate two more moderate Republicans and have more a little time for last moments. So he's really just saying yes to get that Republican thought. Yeahs and Tious really doesn't like. That's where I'm lost, because I'm like, I feel like he's lost her trunk of some thought that he wouldn't have otherwise. It seems Bretticon and his staff have a pretty low opinion of Tennessee voters. Is it because of like the voters? Yeah, so he'll lose voters if he says yeah, yeah, I don't think people have Tennessee that ignorant. I'd like to think in my little heart that he's not a super boat on top. But you don't say that out of these walls were here, of course we talked about because it's so funny. The messaging is like, don't talk about blue wave, we're not running against Trump, all this sort of stuff, even though that's all why we're all here, right, we can't mean, I can't I can't help but think that fills the same way though, oh yeah, yeah, right, campaign why it's not on message. We can say it in here, but like on those calls and stuff, that's not the message we want to be sending because we're not running. It's it plays yeah exactly, because there's a lot of people who are Republicans who are going to vote for him, but that they know that he's like I don't want to say, like I don't want to feel like not that he's like aligned with Chustmar, but that if he like was in likes yeah exactly, then they would be like novout yeah. And that's the whole verbal messaging against us, because like it's clearly not in this for personal reasons. It's probably going to be one term senter um. And to that point, what you just said, like he could do that, because I mean, I don't think you'd go that hard, but like I mean, I'm just going to be running for re elections and he can get in there and do the right thing. You're in six years, you're gonna do the right thing. He'll be a good Democrat, I know, always has been, still actually gets into the Senate. But you know, so there you have Tennessee Senate hopeful Democrat Phil Breticon's staff literally explaining away why he's consciously lying to the people of Tennessee that he would never support somebody like Judge Kavanaugh. But we're down eight and we're trying to get more Republicans on our side. And when he gets in there, he'll be the real liberal that he always wants to be and do the right thing and won't be concerned about reelection. This is just a political move and a political statement, And I mean it doesn't get any more sick than this. I think goodness are friends over at Project Veritas. We're able to catch all these people, including top campaign workers for preticon exposing what was the truth with their undercover cameras. You know, Base, it's all exposed. There breticents staff saying that Reticent's a liar when he said he would vote to confirm Brett Cavanaugh. It is purely a blatant political move. And when I asked for comment, all they said was, well, Project Veritas posed as a fake volunteer and use secret video recording equipment to capture uninformed and speculative comments made last weekend by college students and youth organizers. Well that's not exactly true, is it. James O'Keefe, who's the CEO of Project Veritas, is with us. Some of them were high ranking campaign members weren't they. That's right, Sean, and thanks for highlighting this. And yeah, this is a coordinated campaign between the Tennessee Democratic Party and the and the Silk Reticent campaign. And these workers have been working at the headquarters for the president campaign for a couple of months. And it's a Greek chorus of voices all saying that it say, quote political move to vote. This is a big deal. Last Friday when when this Tennessee Democratic Senate candidates still Brettison announced that he was going to be voting for Kavanoff if he were in the Senate, he said, I would be voting for him. It was a big deal. And they're all saying, no, it was a big lie. It was a cheap political move to get rural voters that were in supporting him in Tennessee. I mean, and that that isn't but that isn't your statement. Now, that's the statement coming from their own mouths. And Sean, I don't I'm not speculating here. I'm not reporting this anonymously. You can actually see this video. You can see it coming out of their own mouths. They're the ones who are saying it. So we're confirming the suspicions. What you just said, We've confirmed this. And again it's not just one or two or three, there's half a dozen of these people are saying inside the campaign office. They have confirmed that the people are real. And and and then of course you have the bonus material where this bread does in. Staffer thinks the Tennessee voters are ignorant. He says that quote, we don't say this out of these walls. He says, will be a good Democrat. Now what that means he'll be a good Democrat. That means that he's going to vote with the Schumer wing of the party once he gets elected in Tennessee. They don't want them. Even the Democrats don't want them to be Chuck Schumer Democrat. So all this is pretty amazing stuff, Sean. And you know, it's just we're confirming what we've known for years. You know, you think back and you think of Peter Struck and he talked about smelly Walmart Trump voters, and you think of Biden just what like last month saying that if Trump voters were the dregs of society. Despite losing in the courts and in the court of public opinion, these forces of intolerance, remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made. This time they not you have an ally in the White House. This time, they have an a They're a small percentage of the American people, virulent people, some of them the dregs of society, drags us society. So then you got Smellie Walmart people dregs as society, irredeemable deplorables that we now learned this week from Hillary you cannot be civil with you know, we got Eric Holder saying to kick him. Obama once famously saying that you know, these are bitter, angry people that cling to their God, guns, Bibles, and religion. I mean, there's such hatred and contempt for voters. There's another tape we showed last night, James. I don't know if you saw the show. We did run your tape and thank you for sharing it with us. But an Arizona Democratic Senate Senate candidate, her name is Kristin Cinema, literally caught on tape in twenty eleven calling the people of Arizona crazy. And it's even worse than that because we found out foxnews dot Com reported that she was promoting an event at Arizona State University featuring a lawyer. This lawyer was convicted of aiding an Islamic terrorist organization and its leader, and the lawyer in question presented represented someone who was sentenced to life in prison in the nineties for plotting to blow up the UN and FBI building. It more, we're going to invite that person to you know, I mean, it's unbelievable to me. What they're doing is they're just outright lying to people. Well, they have to sean that that's the whole purpose behind our organization, Veritas, is to expose the real nature of things, the reality and the motivations behind these people. And they have to lie. In the Red States, it's not that the democratic Red state Democrats have to lie in order to get elected. And when they get into the Senate, they can only vote one way. They can vote yes or no, but they have to mislead and misinform the voters. And again it's so it's people think that it requires all this Esmionosh, it doesn't. You walk into the offices and just ask them questions. The staffers will all tell you the same thing. Then we'll say, well, we don't actually believe this and if there's one thing voters won't tolerate, Sean, if there's one thing leftist, is not a left or right thing, because it's just so self evident. You can't lie to people. You can't lie about what your intentions are. You have to be honest, and they cannot get elected. They will not if they exclude No, you're right, if they if they state what they really believe, they'll never get elected. So what they do, it's like they just it's an orchestrated lying campaign, and you caught them on the other side. We'll be the first time, and we got a bunch more coming and that I was just going to ask you about that in just a second. Then we'll talk about who might be up next on the list. James O'Keefe project. Veritas dot com is the website, all right, As we continue with James O'Keefe project, Veritas dot com is the website. We'll put a link to this on Hannity dot com. And James O'Keefe strikes again, exposing just outright lying in corruption in the state of Tennessee, where the Democratic candidate Bretticon is literally his campaign staff. Nay, no, he won't support Cavanaugh. He's just lying to get votes. I mean, caught red handed. Um, I know how you work, James O'Keefe. I've I've known you now over a decade, and I'm just assuming that there's probably part two, three, four, and five coming And what do you got, Well, there's This is a big the biggest congressional elections of our lifetime. And in the past we've done parts of a particular state. Now this time we've got multiple states. Um, I know four years ago we did four of these, and we've got so many and this is a problem, Showan, that's in all the swing states. We have another one coming out early next week. It's a similar problem and these red state democrats having to lie to their voters to get elected. It it is in every single swing Do you want to get as a hint, what state it is? Or is it one of Is it either North Dakota, Indiana, Missouri? Is it Arizona, Florida? One of the it's one of the ones you just mentioned, And and and we have to we have the senator on tape and and listen, Sean, Oh, if you have the senator on tape, that means it's not Arizona. Let me go put it's an open seat, so it could be Indiana. It could be Heidi high Camp, Joe Donnelly, it could be Dontester, Montana. And yes, Clara McCaskill is on tape. The Senator is on tape. And let me tell you this, and our democracy, people need to be informed. They have to know what people actually believe in how they're going to vote. I don't think this is a partisan issue, although we Oh, I don't think people like being lied to. Oh. I don't think they like it one bit. I think the people on the you see who are not right wingers, A lot of these Democrats are moderate and they it just transcends the whole political issue. It's just, don't I gotta say one thing, James, They're all going to vote for Chuck Schumer, all of them. They're all gonna be Chucky Schumer Democrats. When they get and say that publicly, then they won't publically. What you're catching them doing is lying. Is it is systematic, conscious lying to get power. That's all it is all. It's a big deal organization is designed to do. It's to get them to its mist and I think it's very important. I cannot wait. I cannot wait, all right, So we'll have our next tape what Monday or Tuesday next week? That's right, that's right, all right, Thank you for sharing it with James O'Keefe found our project Veritas. It's up on Hannity dot com. Project veritas dot com. We got to take a quick break here. When we come back our news round up, Information overload, our we're going to look at the polls and all the major races with our posters John McLaughlin and Doug Shown and believe it or not, the Republican candidate for governor in California has a shot. He's within five points. Is it possible? Can we really shock the world. We'll get into that more as we continue. But for Republicans, you're doing the right thing because a vote for US is a vote for lower taxes, less regulation, and more products that are made right here in the USA. That's what we're doing. It's about to respect our borders, respect our Constitution, and respect the heroes of law enforcements. They say, Maxine, please don't say impeachment anymore. And when they say that, I say impeachment, impeachment. They should once and for all work with us to improve the Affordable Care Act and renounce repeal once and for all. As well, we've got to critically re examine ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing, and we need to probably think about starting from scratch. We should protect families that need our help, and that is not what ICE is doing today, and that's why I believe you should get rid of it. All right. We are now to twenty five days away from election day. If you'll look at the generic ballot, there was one pull that got my interest this week, and that's got Rasmussen that had the enthusiasm gap now dead even than the generic ballot gap also down to zero. But on a if you look at real clear politics, it's about a six point spread in favor of the Democrats, but that had been much higher. If you look at the battle for the House of Representatives, you got thirty two toss up states. You got two hundred and four that look pretty solid for the Democrats, one hundred and ninety nine that looks solid for the Republicans at thirty two. I am putting up on the screen every night on Hannity. I'm picking ten a night, there's actually seventy that I think are in play that will determine in the balance of power ultimately as it relates to the Senate election polls. You got Marsha Blackburn now pulling away in Tennessee, and I would imagine after this tape of Project Veritas of Bretteson's team saying that he's openly lying about ever trying to support Cavanaugh just to get rural voters, I think it's going to be devastating for them. Ted Cruz has now got a comfortable lead in Texas. In Nevada, this is going to be a very tough race for Dean Heller, but he's up by two in the latest race going on there. I wish our friend John James would be doing a little bit better. He's only down nine in Michigan against Stabin now, but he is a future rock star leader. I would love for the people of Michigan to take a good look at him. We have in the Arizona race with McSally and Cinema, Well, that's McSally now is up in the latest poll there by six, and that's before the release of the tape that we showed last night. Of Cinema in twenty eleven, calling the people of Arizona that she wants to vote for her crazy. I don't think that's gonna go over well. Nor do I think it's gonna go over well that she invited this radical attorney to Arizona State University University a lawyer convicted of aiding and betting an Islamic terror organization and its leader. And the lawyer in question represented someone who was one sentence to a life in prison sentence in the nineties for blowing up applotting to blow up the un and an FBI building. So I think Cinema is going to see a dramatic drop in the polls there, and I think things will look up for Martha McSally, who's a rock star, a person that has served her country with incredible distinction. And here to go through all these latest numbers and what it means and whether or not this is going to be the blue wave or is it going to be a shock the world? Twenty sixteen, Donald Trump all over REDUCS. We have our good friends John McLaughlin and Doug Schooners with us. Welcome both of you back to the program. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't think there's any doubt the Kavanaugh overreach and the loss of due process and even simple principles like the presumption of innocence has now definitely hurt the Democratic Party. I think these tapes of breticon and in Tennessee and Cinema and Arizona are going to hurt those candidacies. And when you have thirty two House seats, really you know, going to tip the balance one way or the other. Which way does it go? John mclonclin Well, I think without a doubt. By the way, one of the things you got to notice this week, you notice the market went down. It's up a little today, but went down the past couple of days, and it was triggered by interest rate stuff. But in the meantime, I had some analysts telling me they're afraid of the Democrats taking the House of Representatives and they would want to raise taxes again. They would stop Trump from doing all the good things that he's done on regulations of businesses with the economy, and they would want to raise taxes again, and that would cost jobs. That was slowed down the American economy, and you've got an economy now that's really growing. It about four percent higher than any of the expectations. And what they're really afraid of is that Nancy Pelosi could become speaker again. I agree with you showing that the Republicans are going to pick up sentence seats, and the sentence seats are looking really good because of what happened with the backlash about the whole Kavanaugh hearing and how unfair it was. And you can see we had a poll this week where mccaf school was losing to Holly the Republicans or the US Senate. And by the way, that's also Joe Donnelly is now down, right, and then Heidi High Campus finished, She's down by double digits. Right. We had poles there because of the energy sector is so important to that state that you're seeing that you're seeing these these poles um. You know, people want jobs, and what's scary is in the last three weeks where you're going to decide is do you want the economy to keep growing or do you want do you want it to slow down? You want Pelosi to raise taxes, take what you've got and take away the jobs, take away the pay raisers and the VACE majority of Americans don't want to go back to that. I mean, we had Poles in September when Nancy Pelosi has a fifty five unfavorable among all voters, she has she has a fifty three percent unfavorable among independent women. That the independent women are going to decide this election, and they don't want to go back to the way things were before Donald Trump took over and started to drain the swamp and get things moving against the country. So these House races you're talking about, overwhelmingly most of the ones in play are Republicans. Those Republican incumbents or the Republican candidates in those open seats. They're the ones who are going to vote to keep lowering taxes, to keep the economy growing, and basically to stop what you saw in the last couple of days where you know, the smart money on Wall Street, who Saint hold it, if she's if she's going to be Speaker, and they're going to oppose the president's agenda, they started selling off. I mean, it would be a disaster for the country. Doug Sean Um, I honestly don't have a feel yet for the House, but I think the Senate you have to admit is looking very good for Republican pickups. I think when you have thirty three races now, that will that will actually tip the balance one way or the other in the House of Representatives a little too close for comfort, because as somebody that knows Nancy Pelosi, I think that would be a worst case scenario, and we'd have endless investigations and impeachment and higher taxes, and you know, they want to get rid of Ice, they won't fund the border wall, etc. It's gonna be the same nonsense all over again with them. Well, my sense is that the House is still in Democratic hands where the election today, so it's getting closer. The real clear average has gone from thirty one or thirty two seats for the Democrats to twenty six or twenty seven. So it's moved the same direction as the Senate races, but not quite as far. And I would have to concede, much as I would like not to, that the Senate races have moved decisively in the direction. You think Kavanaugh had a lot to do with it, Yeah, I do. I think there are really two realities. There's the reality of the world that we live in on the East Coast, and West Coast and the reality of the rest of the country who thought that a lot of what happened to him. Yeah, I'm kind of like an island in the middle of that East Coast. I'm not the rest of the East Coast. I don't represent the values of New York I've noticed, which is a pretty hardcore left wing state. Even Governor Cuomo doesn't even want me in the state. Did you know that? I didn't know. But if I've got no no, no, I got taken. No. He actually said those conservatives that the problem is not me and the Democrats, the problems themselves. Who are they are they? These extreme conservatives who are right to life me? Who was sold weapon pro second amaze? Is that who they are? Because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, if they have no place in the state of New York. He knows that it's not who New Yorkers are. It's simple. No one hunts with an assault rifle. No one needs ten bullets to chill adre. I'm right to life, IM pro Second Amendment. Uh. And although I don't I'm libertarian on people's personal lives. I think we ought to leave people a hell alone. Um so, but there's no place for me in the state of New York. He said it himself when that happened. I had a bunch of governors Flow Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, all calling and inviting me to move to the states. I want to take them up on it. Mister Shane, that would be your governor. Governor that you love and vote for, wants me out of town. So I speaking for myself and wanted you to run as an independent for president. I think had you run in Alabama, one of your old stomping grounds, Doug Jones would not be a Senator, and I would be happy to be part of the bipartisan committee to keep Hannity in New York order to promote Hannity whatever office he would like to run for. I think my friend John and I can. John will, will you disabuse our friend Doug of any notion that I can win any office? And I don't even think I could win dog catcher Now, I think, Look, you're still the kid from Franklin Square. You're still You're still in with your working closroots. And Andrew Cuomo is trying to make you move out to join because New York. That's our biggest export is the people and taxpayers of New York State. We sent into places like Florida and Tennessee in Texas where they have no income tax and no state income taxes, may have jobs. But by the way, Doug Folding had on us because his client, right douggies still work for this former mayor for New York, Mike Bloomberg. Yes, I tell you you know, people are speculating he might run for president, but Andrew Cuomo is clearly afraid of him because he's moving so far left that it's unbelievable. He's gonna get whipped last. But but I don't even think. I don't think though Mike should get through mayor Bloomberg could get through a Democrat primary these days, because they're so radical. And that's my point about what's going on right now. The country is realizing in the next three weeks what's at stake is this is the most, as Sean says, the most important midterms in our lifetime, because you really have a clear choice from a country that's gotten back, it's got its footing back, where the economy's moving well, we're stronger in the world. We are Basically, the heartland is feeling that people are paying attention to them, that the swamp is being put back in its place, that the average person might have something to say about how their wives are going to be governed, have control of their own healthcare. But but if Nancy Pelosi becomes the next speaker, she will be the most powerful elected Democrat in the country. She will be the national face and voice of the Democratic Party. And that is just frightening. So let me tell you something. You're not just fighting frightening Republicans. Doug shown does not want this, do you, Doug? I want Democratic candidates at all levels in the House to say I will vote against her because that's the way to get votes in these marginal races. Absolutely, she should go, period. Absolutely. And Doug's point about in previous times that we've been on the radio is you know, you knew what the president's message was when he ran for president was making America great again. What's the message of the House Republicans to get reelected this time? What should have been? But it should be you better stop Nancy Pelosi from getting Oh, I think it's got to be broader than that. I think Look, if you like the success of the last two years, if you want your tax cuts to go permanent, if you if you believe in secure borders, if you believe in energy independence, if you believe in a healthcare plan and a free, independent market healthcare plan that actually would work for the American people, like the concierge care for blue collar workers that we talk about all the time with our buddy doctor Josh Humber, all of those messages and constitutional originalists on the court. I think those are all winning issues. Yep. But you can put all those issues in one vessel and personalize it because Nancy Pelosi will take away all those things, shall reverse it, will have fewer jobs, shall raise taxes, you'll have open borders, you won't have security, and you'll have endless investigations. And we know Maxie wants to Impeache forty five and Peage forty five and Peage forty five. All right, we'll take a break, Doug shown John McLaughlin on the other side, quick break right back. We've got a lot more to get to in the course of the program. Can a California Republican win the governorship? Well, Poles show it's a possibility, believe it or not. And as we continue with Doug Shown and John McLaughlin our posters just twenty five days from election day, besides running on endless investigation and impeachment and wanting their crumbs back and wanting to keep Obamacare and wanting to eliminate ice and open borders, can you name one policy that Democrats are running on that would help the American people? Doug Shown, make sure that healthcare is covered for those with pre existing exist. But by the way, Donald Trump is saying the same thing. Good. They're good. It's just the Republicans as a party have not been as sensitive to the issue as the Democrats. But I got another issue shot. But they're all saying to hold on to Obamacare so well, to my way of thinking, what they should say is no Pelosi, no impeachment of Kavanaugh, no impeachment a Trump. Just work on issues like a compromise on immigration, compromise on healthcare, and continued choice in education. Now, let me tell you if they if they would listen to that, which they never will because they're not a moderate party, that would absolutely pretty much wrap it up for the House. In my opinion, I agree, Sean, We're on the same page. John, do I have your support to work with Sean when we find a state or a nation for him to run in for the highest degree, Yes or no, he can run. He's not gonna winfinitely you would. By the way, By the way, we're checking out your high school yearbook right now. I've never looked at it, so I have no freaking idea what's in there. Oh my god, I know you're not exactly running for the spring court. But if if check out, well, I definitely listened half of my junior, my junior and senior year. I was tending barton four thirty in the morning a lot of nights, and you know, I was decided. I didn't show up half the time. So that's probably a good thing. People won't even recognize that I went there. Yeah, I'm sure there is. We'll dig them up somewhere from forty years ago. All right, John McLaughlin and Doug show and thank you both for being with us at twenty five now until the top of the hour, eight hundred nine for one, Sean told free telephone number you want to be a part of the program. I want to send a shout out. We saw all the pictures the devastation down in the Panhandle in Florida. Wonderful people that lived down there, and thank god most of you got out. You were heating the warnings. You know, we're seeing entire neighborhoods that look like a tornado wipe them out. I mean, that's the only comparison I can use, um. And I'm very glad to see if I saw a lot of the coverage today and and a lot of the help that has been on the way, and a lot of the cavalries arrived, and I even see them putting up you know, all the all the electric power that's out. You see all the different power companies from throughout the southeast and Texas and all neighboring states. They've all hands on deck and they're all helping everybody out. And just hang in there. And I know if there's any needs for some people that the American people will be there for you. We're just that's it. We're family, and a lot of you lost a lot in this hurricane, and our thoughtsome prayers go out to you all. Hey, listen, it's Friday, and twenty five days now to election day. Anyway, one race, I know this is a long shot. I know when I talk about California, the sanctuary state that it is where Gavin Newsom, the lieutenant governor now running for governor out there, wants to have free healthcare for everybody. Remember, in the state of California, you've got a thirteen and a half percent state income tax. I thought it was bad in New York with a ten percent state income tax. Now that's a lot of money, a lot of people's money. And Gavin Newsom now wants to make universal healthcare available to anybody Californian, non Californian, legal, illegal, doesn't matter. It would cost a fortune, now, I know. Because California is so radically left wing, it's kind of hard to think that a Republican could win the governorship out there. But I kind of believe in miracles. And when I saw a pole that showed it was a five point race with John Cox, he's the other candidate running for California governor against Newsom, I'm thinking, well, Donald Trump shocked the world. Why not. Here are a couple of the ads that John Cox is running out there in California life, honestly, it's a struggle. Traffic and roads a mess, Rents going up, friends and family moving out of state. Millions of Californians live near or below the poverty line. Politicians like Gavin Newsom talk about change, but they've done nothing. Sky high gas and food crisis, homelessness, Gavin Nissom, it happened on your watch. So yeah, it is time for a change, time for someone new. This election is about the status quo versus change. We must have the courage to admit that those who have been leading California for so long have not been leading it well. Gavin Knewsome stands with the lobbyists and the corrupt insiders. It's about time someone stands with the California's keys forgot. I'm John Cox and I want to be your governor, all right, So is it possible that there could be a California miracle out there now? One other addend them to this is there are a number of races house races, especially in southern California. And that would be even our friend Dana Rohbocker Seed and Daryl Issa's old seat. These are really important seats inasmuch as they could determine the balance of power in the US House of Representatives. So anywhere from Los Angeles on down. Well, frankly, the whole state of California. You have to get out and vote for these congressional candidates because otherwise Nancy Pelosi could end up being speaker. But is it possible that there could be a California miracle anyway? Republican John Cox, who is? I think you've surprised so far a lot of posters. Nobody thought you'd get within single digits, ever, and one Paul had you within five. Thanks for having me on, Sean, And you're right. I was listening to you earlier remarks about Florida and everything, and you said help is on the way. That's actually our message to the people of California that you haven't knew. Some political class has resulted in the highest housing prices, the highest gas prices, water is being rationed in California. You're right, he's proposing to open way. Are they still rationing the water because of the Delta smelt? I went out there in Devin Nunas's district is a great guy. And if you're in the in the San Jaquin Valley, I was out and I did a show for them there a couple of years ago. And then farmers couldn't farm because they were saving the water for this little litsy bitsy fish called the delta smelt. Well, that's part of it, Sean. But they haven't built a reservoir out here in thirty years. Imagine California if it hadn't built a road in the last thirty years. Can you imagine what the congestion would be like. It's it's all horrible anyway. And but they haven't built a reservoir. And we built one desalination plant that took twenty years because of lawsuits and regulations. And you know, we've got to do more desalination, we got to do more recycling, we got to build more reservoirs. That's all there is to it. And but the political class, you're right, they don't want to do that. They want to say, well, a little tiny fish, which is wonderful, but we got to live. Well, farmers got a farm, and it is such a big part of the California economy. I mean, you're growing oranges and avocados and all sorts of other strawberries and fruits and vegetables. You may not know this about me, but I lived in Santa Barbara five years of my life. When I was I was the poorest guy in sannapartber at the time. But I love the weather out there. When I had my first orange picked off a tree which I stole, it was like the best thing I've ever had in my life. Let me ask you this, So you have thirteen state income tax rate out there. You're a sanctuary state, not a city, a whole state. And now Gavin Newsom wants free healthcare for everybody. Is he putting up a sign that says, if you get sick, come here, We'll take care of you. I saw that Newton has said that all the other governors around the country are probably pulling for a Newsom so that I can send anybody who's ill to California and our taxpayers will pay their healthcare. You know that's ridiculous, Sean. I mean, even Vermonts that they didn't want single payer healthcare. But you know, Newsom is basically just offer anything free to anybody. And in the process, what he's doing is he's going to make California even more unaffordable than it already is. I think the people know that this guy mismanaged San Francisco. He didn't fix the homeless problem there. He's personally compromised. He's pretty much an empty suit. He was put in business by the billionaire Getty family, and I think people want somebody like myself. I struggled, I built a small business. I've gotten results in the private sector, and I think that's what people are looking for. How come the people of California? And maybe I should ask the same question to myself, because we're not far behind you in New York State with nine point nine percent the highest income tax rate, Why do the people of California take a thirteen and a half percent income state income tax rate? And there's no rebellion out there? Why are they taking that crep? It's beyond me, and a lot of people are leaving Sean. As you might know, California has had an exodus of people to New York, New Jersey and Illinois. You know what everybody's saying in Texas and Florida and then the Carolinas, you can come, but if you're gonna bring your dopey, dumb liberal policies with you, stay home. I don't blame them. I talked to Greg Abbott about that. He said, they're they're they're ruining the politics of that state, although I think they'll still survive. Listen, we've got to make sure that California is affordable, that it's open for business, Sean, our education system is now vuying with Mississippi for one of the worst education results and the best best. You know, Well, look, I don't know what the I don't know what your odds are. I will say this, I really hope that the people of California pay attention because, you know, putting a businessman in there, California is one of the most beautiful states in the Union, and it's literally being destroyed from within by politicians. And I hope the people of California rise up and realize that this is happening to them, and the ideas Gavin Newsom of putting out there are so dumb and so cost prohibitive that it's going to end up being a disaster for everybody, and they'll be just a further mass exodus of tax There's nobody's gonna want to be there. So I wish if you look around the country, you look at Maryland, Massachusetts, you know, Nebraska, Arizona, Kentucky. They've elected Republican businesspeople who have spent a career, solving problems, delivering results, making life better for people. That's what I'm going to be doing, and I think the people of this state are gonna wake up to that fact. All Right, John Cox, we wish you luck in twenty five days running for governor of the great state of California, Sir, Thank you for being with us, all right, Hannity Tonight, a lot of breaking news, unbelievable video literally the race of the Senate and Arizona's exploding right in front of our face. Same with Tennessee. That's good news for Martha McSally and Marsha Blackburn. Hannity Tonight, Johnson New New Herman Kane, Joe Concha, Hayley Mcinay, matt A, Jim Jordan, Greg Jarrett, nine Eastern Hannity Tonight on the Fox News Channel. Have a great weekend when we get back twenty two days till Election Day, the most important midterms in our lifetime.

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