Sean sits down with Senator Rand Paul who has been pushing for real ObamaCare repeal and replacement. It's clear that the Republicans do not have a coherent plan to replace ObamaCare but he believes that we're far from giving up. The Democrats rammed ObamaCare through Congress and now they're doing nothing to help. Senator Paul outlines the path forward. The Sean Hannity Show is live weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and
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Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to the Shawan Hannity Radio show podcast. All right, so I have insomnia, but I've never slept better. And what's changed just a pillow. It's had such a positive impact on my life. And of course I'm talking about my pillow. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. And now you can to just go to my pillow dot com or call eight hundred zero nine zero use the promo code Hannity, and Mike Lindell, the inventor of My Pillow, has the special four pack. Now you get off to my Pillow premiums and to go Anywhere pillows. My pillows made here in the USA has a sixty day unconditional money back guarrantee and a tenure warranty. Go to my pillow dot com right now or call eight zero nine zero promo code Hannity to get Mike Lindell's special four pack offer. You get to my Pillow Premium pillows and to go Anywhere pillows forty percent off. And that means once those pillows arrive, you start getting the kind of peace full and RESTful and comfortable and deep peeling and recuperative sleep that you've been eving, and you certainly deserve my pillow dot com promo code Hannity, you will love this pillow. All right, glad you with us Happy Tuesday, and write down our toll free telephone number you want to be a part of this extravagance. That's eight hundred nine for one Sean. You know what may sadly define this error of our lives and the presidency of Donald Trump has nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do with anything. How do you possibly deal with a madman in North Korea that has threatened again and again to use nuclear weapons, that has now had the capacity and the ability to build I C b ms. You know, I went over this in in great specificity, in great detail last night on the program about well, how is it possible? How did Kim Jong il, who is Kim Jong UN's father, how did he manipulate the United States of amery into giving him billions and billions of billions of dollars and then say, oh, we're not going to build nuclear weapons and then he goes out there and builds nuclear weapons. How is that possible? Well, it happened. And if you look at the history of it. I think it's an abject lesson of exactly what this country should never do. Remember it all started on Friday. And I'm only telling you. I'm not trying to scare you. I am trying to get you to understand the reality here that is really dangerous. On top of everything else that this country is now facing. And and that includes Iran, that includes ISIS, that includes China, Russia, that includes Radical Islamis, that includes all of those that are sworn to our destruction. But we've got a growing threat, and I think it is probably the number one threat we're now facing, and that's North Korea. And you've got the president now vowing to take action, Lindsey Graham said earlier today. And this should scare everybody that one of the options that President Trump is actively considering is to neutralize the North Korean nuclear threat. Is a military attack that would quote destroy North Korea itself. And Graham told that the NBC News today, there's a military option to destroy North Korea's nuclear program and North Korea itself. If there's gonna be a ward to stop him, Kim Jong un, it will be over there. If thousands tie, they're gonna die over there. They're not gonna die here in President Trump told me that to my face, that's a pretty scary scenario. You know, almost reminds me. You know, you think this is big news everyday. Russia, Russia, Russia, Well, Russia, Russia, Russia could quickly involve into North Korea in seconds. That's how dangerous this is. It all started again on Friday. You got the rogue regime conducting yet another I CBM test, which of course is the longest missile test in the history of North Korea. Do you understand that? Now we're talking about missiles that can go nearly ten thousand miles and reach downtown New York City, downtown Boston. This is now a real clear president danger to the United States. Now. On the upside, over the weekend, the US conducted a military successful fat anti ballistic missile test over the Pacific Ocean, and earlier today during a cabinet meeting, the President said yesterday that his administration will handle North Korea. Didn't want to go into more details. Now, the presidents also trying to press and pressure China because China has so many economic ties to Pyongyang to stop their aggressive behavior. Now Japan's Prime minister is now saying that he and President Trump have agreed to take further action against North Korea. South Korea is now hoping that they can get ahold of the nuclear weapons themselves, because they're sitting ducks right now, and the President is now facing what I think is a situation where there are no good answers here, they're none. And the reason that there are no good answer and this is why it dove tails perfect glee into the things that we conservatives were warning before. This idiotic Iranian deal where billions and billions of dollars were handed over to the Iranians, where they get twenty five days notice of inspections, they continue to spend their centerfuges and we don't even get to send the inspectors in. They're not even American expect inspectors if we even get them in. But they got the plainloads of money that were dumped on their laps so they can buy more military equipment as they continue to save her rattle, as they continue to threaten to wipe Israel off the map, the United States off the map, as they burn the Israeli flag and the flag of the United States of America. You gotta understand how we got here. Most people don't know this history. I'll give it to you. The media will never touch it. There is something the media won't tell you, and that is back in the Clinton administration at the time, they struck a deal with Kim Jong UN's father, Kim Long Ill. We're According then to the New York Times, the US agreed to give North Korea over four billion dollars four billion taxpayer dollars, a lot of money back in the nineties over energy aid over a decade. And what were we to get in exchange? North Korea was gonna freeze and eventually end their nuclear weapons program, and their nuclear ambitions were gonna go away. And as part of the deal, North Korea would allow inspectors into their nuclear sites. It's all sound familiar, but in the important part here is the butt. They'd also be allowed to keep its nuclear fuel rods, which can be used to make weapons, for for an unspecified number of years. It was a horrible deal, and every time they'd save a rattle and would come to Clinton's all right, but you really gotta minute this time is he hands over more money? And he hands over more money. All right, but listen this, I'm serious this time. You gotta promise me. I want your word here, Kim Jong, I'll please, please please, never happened and anyway, and Bill Clinton then goes out into there's a good deal from the American people. I will prevent it and get nuclear weapons. Now you did, Before I take your questions, I'd like to say just a word about the framework with North Korea that Ambassador Glucy signed this morning. This is a good deal for the United States. North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program. South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons. South Korea, with support from Japan and other nations, will bear most of the costs of providing North Korea with fuel to make up for the nuclear energy it is losing, and they will pay for an alternative power system for North Korea that will allow them to produce electricity while making it much harder for them to produce nuclear weapons. The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so, will North Korea fully joined the Community of Nations. Oh only then, Okay, Well, the problem is he gave him the money. They never kept their promise, and guess what they got nuclear weapons, And by two thousand and six they conducted their first nuclear test. And then under the Obama administration, Well, the North Korean nuclear threat grew rapidly because we did nothing, and it's now turned into a crisis. And here's why it's there's no good option here because if this guy keeps saber rattling, and he keeps firing his I C b ms, at some point we've got to realize that this nut could possibly because he has the weapons, used them. So then what are our options? Think about this? What give me a good option here? Because the options are gonna be you take out his nuclear sights. But does he have enough time to launch weapons? Nuclear weapons? Where's he gonna launch them? Does he have short range nukes that he will drop in saul in South Korea? Does he have short range nukes that will drop in Japan? Does he have long range nukes that he'll fire try and fire into the United States? And what if the THAD missile, the technology that we have doesn't work, then now listen. I admire the fact that we we have this capability in this technology and that we probably have the ability to to stop it all. But at the end of the day, the fat anti ballistic missile test we had over the Pacific was great, But what if it doesn't work here when it matters. I mean, now we're counting on technology to save American lives and you're dealing with a guy that has nuclear weapons, and you have a guy that's a madman, and a guy that seems to absolutely not care about his own people and absolutely not care about the rest of the world. Is he that crazy that he wants to you know, doesn't believe in mutually a short destruction. The former Soviet Union that was smart enough to understand that they'd get destroyed in the process, and they didn't do it. So like, we can't say or speak for him. So we go in there, we attack their nuclear sights, but we don't get to them fast enough or all of them. Maybe they've got a hidden sight we don't even know about because it's hard to get intelligence on the ground in North Korea, alright, So we we try to take out their sights. He launches against Seoul. He launches against Japan. Who knows he might even launch against China for crying out loud. If he's that nuts, there's no good option here. You can't negotiate with him. Bribing didn't work, So the only thing that's left is a military option, which is, you know, an unmitigated human disaster and tragedy because you've got a maniacal dictator that is hell bent on holding the world hostage. That raises another question, Well, why would we do it again and this time be doing it In the case of Iran, We're making the same mistake all over again. We know what their intentions are. There's no good option here, and I just I'm telling you pay attention. This is going to become a much bigger issue than I think anybody's anticipating as of today. August one. Anyway, one other thing I want to talk about. Finally, the House Judiciary Committee sent this letter to the Department of Justice calling for a second special counsel to be appointed. It's about time, and we're gonna get into all of the details. What was Debbie Wasserman Schultz trying to hide? For example, Debbie Wasserman Schultz knew that this guy was in fact double billing for his work, some four million dollars, getting paid as much as chiefs of staff in Washington, which is the highest salary you can possibly get. And then on top of that, he's getting more things. You know, he's he's he's got his whole family. One guy works at a car dealership, one guy works at the McDonald's, and then he's staying home all day and people that don't seem to be qualified to be working in I T. And then he stays on the payroll. Apparently was even going to continue to get paid, according to the Daily Caller today, if in fact he went to Pakistan where he put thre hundred thousand dollars of trying to leave the country with an ankle bracelet. So what what? What was it that he had that Debbie Wassonman Schultz clearly didn't want out. Was it the fact that she colluded, as we already know, to prevent Bernie from ever having a shot at denomination, That the d NC primary, the Democratic primary was rigged and fixed. Who knows what what she was thinking here? Why did she fight the Capitol police as hard as she did. That's another mystery that that needs to be answered. Why did we have to government hard drives smashed into the little smithereens and this guy's garage. Why was he trying to leave the country. Why was he gonna get paid if he even left the country. Why did she keep him on the payroll up until recently? You know what is it with the obsession of Democrats that they take hammers two electronic devices like blackberries and iPhones like Hillary did, or they delete thirty three thousand emails and then just to make Tripoli sure, they asked wash the computers and they bleach bit them. And then any phones they do hand over to the FBI, will they end up being phones that are useless because they don't have SIM cards in them. How do you get away with such such obstruction? And when are Republicans going to use their their power that you gave them. There's subpoena powers to bring these people into Washington, Ukraine, Uranium one, Hillary's email, James call me, Lauretta Lynch, Debbie Washsing and Schultz. Let's start with all of those first and see if we can get to the bottom of it all. All right, one sewn, you want to be a part of the program. Covert operative. Mitch Rapp is ready for anything, but this time the enemy is ready for him. Read Order to Kill, the explosive new novel in Vince Flynn's number one New York Times best selling Mitch Rap series. Because of unscrupulous members of the Pakistani Secret Service, Rap finds himself chasing false leads in an effort to keep Pakistani nukes from falling into the hands of terrorists. Soon, it becomes alarmingly clear that the forces in Moscow are bent on fomenting even more chaos and turmoil in the Middle East, and Rap must go deep into a racky territory, posing as an American ISIS recruit. There, he uncovers a plan more dangerous and insidious than he ever expected, one that could have far reaching and catastrophic consequences. Written with the same relentless action as Vince Flynn's greatest novels, Mitch Rap's latest adventure is as timely and provocative as ever. Ordered to Kill, a Mitch Rap novel by Kyle Mills, is now in paperback wherever books are sold. So I know most people probably are not paying a lot of attention in North Korea now, but I'd pay attention I'd pay very close attention. Now. I meant to mention one other thing that then. This was from the Washington Examiner. Today, the US military is detected highly unusual North Korean submarine activity just now days after the Friday missile test, the intercontinental Ballistic missile test that they had, and the activity was evidence of an ojection test, and that means a a missile's cold launched system from a submarine, and that test uses high pressure steam to propel the missile out of the launch canister and into the air before its engines ignite, and this prevents damage to the submarine launch in the missile. This would be the third ejection test this month alone, demonstrating Pyongyang in North Korea and Kim Jong Lun are making progress at developing their submarine launch skills. Who's giving them this technology by the ways of the Russians, Chinese, Who's who's giving this to them? The Iranians working in conjunction with them. Who knows? But it's all really scary. I want to get back to the Special Council that the members of the House Judiciary scent they want a special council appointed, and they should and that should be about Hillary Clinton, and Hillary's the letians acid wash bleach bit. It should be about her hammer taking a electronic devices after Ohio lights. Just wanted to convenience of one one device. A big lie. It's like the thirty three thousand emails about yoga, wedding a funeral and writing Bill Clinton. Who does an email? It's like Debbie Wassonman Schultz And you know, why was she fighting the Capitol police so hard over a laptop? And why was why was she protecting this guy that had smashed government property hard drives on it in his garage? Why did that happen? You know, when are we going to have an investigation into the former FBI director James Comey? Now we got the General Council of the FBI being investigated for leaks Lauretta Lynch, and we know what she did. It's only a matter. It's not it is not an investigation, it's a matter. And as we've been telling, there's such a double standard. We don't have a two tier justice. We have a two tier justice system. We don't have equal justice under the law anymore. Because the media is so corrupt they don't care. Just just flip it. Let's just say everything thing that happened with Ukraine and meeting with the Ukrainian ambassador at the embassy was Trump. Let's say that it was Trump destroying hard drives. Let's say it was Trump deleting emails and smashing phone devices blackberries, iPhones with a hammer and sending the FBI, you know, devices without sim cards and acid washing, you know, entire systems. Imagine it's uranium. One is Trump giving up to our uranium to Russia and a hundred and forty five million dollars kick back to Trump's whatever. Imagine what they would what what the outrage would be. Imagine how people would be reacting to all of that. You know, just how many more instances? When is the shoe gonna be on the other foot. When are Republicans if they can't get anything done legislatively, and they seemingly can't, when are they at least going to use the subpoena powers and the ability to put these people under no oath? Because my list is getting longer by the day. At least a few of these guys are waking up. I gotta take a quick break. We'll come back. Your calls much more coming up. Shawn is our number alright now till the top of the hour one, Shawn, if you want to be a part of the program. Alright, So we gotta get into, um, what Lindsay Graham is now proposing. You know that I want a healthcare bill, and I want it yesterday. And I think that the Republicans are really pathetic. Um, but I think the President's right, Um, they can't be quitters. They can't give up, and I think if they do, there's there's gonna be held to pay at the ballot box. I think the American people will accept that Washington is a swamp and that there are some Republicans that absolutely are themselves somewhat. They're just disingenuous, dishonest, and they didn't mean the promises that they made to the American people. And it's beyond disappointing because you know, who would have thought that they didn't have any intention of doing what they said they were gonna do. Who would have thought that they And I forgot fusion GPS in the last segment went to make that remark anyway, So they're now moving forward with Lindsey Graham has put out a plan and it's his health care plan bill, and it's, you know, on the surface, he makes it about federalism. At the surface, he makes it about you know, all right, let's let's send it back to the states. On the surface, as a conservative, I'm thinking, all right, there's a pretty good idea. Well, let me see the details of this. And already I see the new revised Senate bill collapsed. Mike Lee, Jerry Morana Kansas came out against that on Monday night. So he got this Graham Cassidy plan, and they might get a chance. But a lot of the devil is going to be in the details of this. I'm not sure if it's going to get legs or not. But the alternative, at least so far as can be gleaned based on Lindsey Graham's press release, you know, it shows that the Republicans plan to change health insurance in general. What it would mean for consumers, The Senator's plan would turn all of the estimated one under and ten billion federal dollars currently spent on Obamacare and to block grants to the states. Well, does it repeal any of Obamacare, any of the taxes, any of the mandates. You know, I'd like some specifics to all of this, Graham is saying that each state would get a lump sum of federal money and they get to spend it as they wish. Any point, Vermont has expressed interest in the state government runs financed single payer system like they have in Canada. Now, if they want to do that, I'm I'm fine with whatever Vermont does. I'm never gonna live in Vermont. I'm just not gonna So what do you want to tell My son just walked into the studio. Do you want to tell me what you want to tell me? Go ahead, tell everybody. I don't know. I don't know if I want to share this to you don't want to share this to the general public, which what happened today? All right, it's not a big deal. I'm not worried. All right, there you go. Oh great, you're great. Seriously is my good news of the day. That's fine. So anyway, so I want to know that the devils and the details and all of this. I don't care what Vermont does with their block grant. In California probably wants to single payers, let them have. I'm never going back to California. Lived in California five years. Beautiful state, but I'm not paying thirteen and a half percent of my income and in state taxes for it to be wasted in California. I'm now gonna be careful like so many other Americans are, and we're actually comparing and contrasting what states offer before we make decisions about whether we're gonna move there. One of the great fascinating developments of of states, with their high taxes, burdensome regulation, their unfair treatment of individuals that enjoy any level of successes. They punish success they are. You know, it's amazing that, you know, people are supposed to want to get up, work really really really really really really hard, go to school, get their degree, and then figure out ways that they can do things that they love and and make products and service. Is that people want, need and desire and provide a good living for themselves in the process. And sometimes they fall a little short, they didn't finish college. They pay the consequences. You know, life is about you know, you do suffer consequences for some of the things you do, some of the choices you make. And if some people decide not to go to school, that's gonna limit their opportunities down the road. If some people decide that they don't want to eat and live healthy, and they want to just eat everything inside. You're gonna pay the consequences for getting overweight and and risking your health in some capacity. Want to smoke a hundred cigarettes today, same thing you're gonna do drugs. You're ruining your life. There's absolutely ape squared plus B square equals C square. And if you're lucky enough and you don't die, if you're using hard drugs and you get a chance to start over, we'll go. You're one of the few because a lot of people never get offul So people are making decisions. Why do so many people now move to Florida? Why has there been a mass exodus from states like New York, New Jersey, Illinois and others because of their in California, Because they're ridiculously high taxes, they've burdensome regulation and the confiscatory policies of those states. So if you pay a forty percent rate, hopefully those numbers go down under Donald Trump, and you pay a forty percent top rate income tax federal income tax, and then you pay a thirteen point five percent tax in California. Okay, that's that's fifty three and a half percent. Now you still gotta pay your fight at taxes, your Social Security taxes. Then you gotta pay let's see, you're hidden taxes, your sales taxes, your gas taxes. If you die in a state like New York, you know another ten percent. You get taxed twice on all of your money because then they take ten percent of your wealth when you die. That's the death tax after you pay death tax to the government. So you know, you get taxed again. If you're smart enough to save money and not take vacations and not spend extravagantly, you can't even give the money to the charity or the people in your life that you love. That's that's so people are looking at Okay, South Carolina, North Carolina. They're looking to Florida, they looking at Texas. You know the problem I have with people moving to these states. I don't know. If you want to move from California to Texas, I'm fine with it. You want to move from New York to the Carolinas, you want to move from New York down to Florida. If you want to move to to Texas, I'm fine with it, But don't bring your the liberal policies that destroy your state with you and destroy these good states. That's the only thing I ask. You know, half the people that end up going on Florida from the Northeast end up voting liberal down in Florida and then now turned it into a purple state. Well, don't ruin Florida because you're fleeing New York and and the liberal policies you left behind or New Jersey. So the thing I don't really care on On the face of it, it sounds like something that federalism I'd like to support, But I don't see any talk in this bill at all about eliminating anything that is Obamacare, any of the taxes, any of the mandates. Now maybe it's me, you know, I guess I'll have to get Lindsey Graham, and he's not exactly my biggest fan. Well, maybe we can get Senator cass Who's Cassidy. Let's get Cassidy on and see if they want to talk about it. Anyway, the federal government already contributes and distributes money medicaid money to states based on need. Under the the bill that that the Senate is starting in, states would choose between accepting a fixed amount of money per Medicaid and roll lee per capita or one large but capped block grant regardless of the number of participants. This is why you've got That is why I was upset with John Kasick. John Kasick brought into this. Why did John kasya because he's saying what it was good for the people of my state, and you know, you know, the problem is what I've been saying. The Republican Party is a party now that has no identity. In the course of all of this discussion and lead up. Remember Trump became president back in January. It's now August. And for the life of me, after seven long, long, arduous years and so many show votes sixty plus show votes. Yeah, going back to the districts, we used support, repeal and replaced. We first saw this, the first signs of this in when Senator Ted Cruz said, you know, we have some constitutional authority and it's called the power of the purse, and let's use the power of the purse. And we used the power of the purse, we can defund Obamacare. No but and he was excoriated by his own party and they predicted is going to be a disaster. But Cruz was right. Cruz was the one standing on the Constitution and principle, and the rest of these guys were proven that they didn't mean what they said. We learned this in the House, and we learned very quickly after they didn't share the bill that Paul Ryan laid out. It was an establishment bill. It was written behind closed doors. Nobody saw it, there was no collaboration. So it was a dumb way to do. What same thing happened in the Senate. I mean when they dumped the the I guess the skinny repeal bill out there with nobody had twenty four hours to read the stupid thing. It's just the gang that can't shoot Street. But they're missing an identity. They're not the party that they said they were repealing and replacing. They're not the party of limited government anymore. They're not the party that believes in principles of free markets and capitalism and competition. They're not the party that believes in securing our borders. Certainly we haven't seen a lot of funding of the border wall go on, though it did happen in the House. In fairness, there's certainly not the party of action, you know. But for President Trump, there would be no success today but for what he's now doing on his own in spite of all of them. And we're beginning to see that the enemy is on the precipice. It's dying to turn around. I mean, it's if they have their way, they would they would love to fix this economy, love to turn this thing around. Let's to get this the ship righted. We still have the lowest number of people on food stamps that we've had in what seven years. We have all those other economic success that nobody talks about, record after record of the stock market is happening a lot. Don't consider that the biggest barometer, but it is an indicator. You know, for me, if we're not getting people back to work and out of poverty and off of food stamps, this is all meaningless. But we have the lowest unemployment right now, and we are getting nearly a million jobs created. And that's only because the President has has moved forward with the regulations and doing the things that he can do on his own. But can he really governed by himself. He does need Republicans to go out there and do their part. And they're just as responsible on all of these things as anybody. Alright, moving on to some other things here we have, according to the Daily Caller, and we're gonna talk to the reporter that's that's been breaking all these stories and doing a great job over there. You know, emails that were stored on hard drives that were destroyed by Debbie Wasson and Schultz's computer tech I, the I T Guy recovered by the FBI. Apparently federal law enforcement authorities may have already recovered and read what was on those hard drives. It depends what happens. But even if it's hit with a hammer, it says, it probably doesn't damage the platters that actually hold the data, which remains recoverable. Well, that would be a good thing. Also, So one other bit of information. Andy McCarthy has a really good piece out. I know, I really go on in our own anymore. They all hate me over there, which is fine, a bunch of never trumpers. But anyway, he pointed out that the hard drive smashed that apparently, you know, she was the d n C chair up until the the the the Democratic National Convention, and also to other two dozen other House Democrats. Their computers were serviced by this computer tech g I and since Russia Gate began with the publication of emails to and from Wasserman Schultz's d n C were leaked to Wiki Leaks by an unknown source. You know, will the FBI be able to retrieve it? It looks like yes, the hard drives, even though they've been smashed, and you know, the FBI can do that, and they can match them with the d n C emails that were published by Wiki Leaks. And it raises the questions, why was she so trying so so hard this is the Luke Rosiac story to prevent us from seeing them. Could it be that she's exposed as colluding with what we now know there was collusion of some kind with the d n C and Hillary Clinton's campaign. Bernie Sanders, the fix was in the whole election. The primary was rigged. I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter. I'd be pretty piste off. The Justice Department's crackdown on Trump administration leakers has uncovered a quote astonished number of suspects. According to The Washington Times, this is all deep state stuff aiming to deliver on the president's promised to stop the unauthorized release of sensitive information. Apparently on Friday or later this week, the Department of Justice will deliver news on the progress. And apparently it's astonishing the number of leakers that have been Well, we know at seven times that a previous administration, So that's gonna be good. You have one top Republican rightly, so that is calling Trent Frank's for Mueller's resignation. Well, he's so conflicted, how could he possibly be a part of it. He's Comey's best friend. He's only hiring Democrats and Hillary Clinton's attorney and people that donate to Obama Clinton and the Democratic Party. So that would be a good start in my opinion. Let's see, you see, I have a new poll out. In spite of people thinking, oh, it's chaos with the Republicans, Democrats are still sinking with blue collar voters there. They are no idea, strategies, not a strategy that's not gonna work. Their slogans and bumper stickers aren't going to solve their problems. And we've got one other report today and I'm not sure if this is true. I'll be looking for information that Kelly and Conway may in fact be the next communications director. I have no idea at this point if that's true or not. So that's just the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average. Just kidding, But those of you don't know that reference is a long story, all right, as we roll along Sean Hannity Show one, Sean, you know, I keep hearing from a lot of you, and I I share your your frustration. I don't know what else to say, because we all worked hard, everybody, every one of you worked hard. Okay, you wanted the House in and the Tea Party movement started, and we all went out. We all voted for people that promised something that apparently they didn't mean or they now have gotten cold feet on, and that's repealing replacing Obamacare. Give us the Senate will do it, give us the House, the Senate white now so and we'll do it. President will sign it. And now they're not doing it, nor are they doing the tax cuts now where they're building the wall, nor are they doing anything. And they can't even subpoena those people that are responsible for committing crimes and felonies. We can't give up. You've got to keep fighting because I think this is America's last shot, we'll continue. Is the President cining to cut off funding for the health insurance plans for members of Congress. Is that what that means bailouts for members of Congress. Actually, I talked to the President at length about that exact issue yesterday, and I think his attitude is this, and his attitude is pretty simple. Keep in mind, he does have this way of channeling a large number of the American public, and what he's saying is, look, if Obamacare is hurting people, and it is, then why shouldn't it hurt insurance companies? And more importantly, perhaps for this discussion, members of Congress, there is a certain benefit the members of Congress get as part of an op M decision from a couple of years ago. And I think the President is simply looking at this and go is this fair? Is it fair that Obamacare is hurting people that if you live in a county that's what we call now a bear county with no coverage, if you're obliged by law to buy something that's not for sale, that's hurting you. Or if you've got a coverage but can't afford to go to the doctor, and that's hurting you shouldn't. Insurance companies and members of Congress bear some of that burden as well, so familiar with that issue will see what happens as we move forward. It's interesting there's a headline this morning in the Washington Post that I'm curious if you accept the premise of and the headline was simple, it's not Obamacare anymore. It's our national health care system. You accept that the attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act as we know it are dead, and now your job and the job of Republicans is to make this system work better. Well, no, I don't accept the premise because we don't have a health care system. We've got about five health care systems. You've got Medicare for seniors, Medicaid for those individuals who are low income or vulnerable or disabled. You've got the employer sp in coverage where most individuals in this nation, about a hundred and seventy five million, get their coverage, got the v A system. And then you have the individual small group market, where where the Obamacare focused its attention on setting up the exchanges, and it's that area where we've seen absolute failure. We've got the counties in this nation that only have one issue where one insurance company providing coverage, so that's no choice at all. Next year you'll have dozens of counties that have nobody offering coverage. So this system is imploding, it is failing. And the President's passion, our passion, our concern is to make certain that we've put in place a system that actually works for patients. And I want to ask you about a specific that the President tweeted about. He said this yesterday, if a new healthcare bill is not approved quickly, bailouts for insurance companies and bailouts for members of Congress will end very soon. Now appears to be referring to these payments that your department has been making monthly. And I know there is some legal questions about whether this has been appropriated by the legis a branch or not, But the insurance companies have said this month to month reimbursement of propping up the insurance markets UH is creating more uncertainty and they would like to see some yearly, yearly certainty. There can you say for certain that the all of these insurance payments are going to be made every single month while the Affordable Care Act is law. Well, Chuck, as you know and your viewers know, this is a case that's in court in the cases House v. Price, So I'm the defendant in that and therefore I can't talk about it. What I can tell you, though, is that the court has has made a decision that those payments were made illegally, and that's working. It's the way through the through the court system, and it will. But again, what the President wants us to appreciate, and wants wants everybody across this land to appreciate, is that the system is being propped up in in in a way that makes it so it's not working for people. It's not working for those small businesses, it's not working for those families across this land. It's not working for patients, not working for physicians who are trying to care for those patients. So we're trying to put in place, trying to get a system that actually does work for patients and families and doctors. So they're making decisions, not Washington, d C. I've been here just six months. I'm ready to act. I have pen in hand. Believe me, I'm sitting in that office. I have pen in hand. You never had that before. You know, for seven years, you had an easy route, will repeal, will replace, and he's never gonna sign it. But I'm signing it, so it's a little bit different. But I'm ready to act. For seven years, you promised the American people that you would repeal Obamacare. People are hurting in action is not an option. And frankly, I don't think we should leave town unless we have a health insurance plan, unless we can give our people great healthcare. All right, as we continue Sean Hannity Show gladiate with us, one Shawn is a toll free telephone number. So Republicans in total, complete, utter disarray as it relates to healthcare. When they ever going to get this bill done, somebody that's had great ideas, he actually ended up getting the full repeal repeal vote back on the table, and even then we still have senators that wouldn't keep their promise. It's beyond frustrating. And I think the fact that three four senators can keep the entire Republican party held hostage is a party beyond recognition to me, and and the way this has been handled is just it's it's like amateur hour. It's disgraceful. Rand Paul has been one of those that has been rock solid. I want to give you credit as we start this Number one, you are credited and pushing the repeal vote, the very same thing that a lot of these people voted for then when it would have met, when it didn't matter, and now they wouldn't vote for it. I think you exposed a lot of people for being frauds and phonies. So I thank you for that. Number two was a good idea. I remember the first time you suggested it on this program and said I can go for that, and then transition into health savings accounts and cooperatives and really good bold ideas that would have been fine with me. And the other thing. As I know, you had to grit your teeth to make the votes you made here, but I think you did the right thing to advance the ball. Maybe it was like of what you wanted and I felt the same way as you did. You know what I never understood about this is we all promised to repeal Obamacare. I can't understand why people went back on their word. But I kept arguing, you know what, there is some version if we just keep narrowing the repeal till we get everydybody on board. But the skinny repealed, when they were calling the skinny repeal, it was probably repeal, and by the time we got to that then people were saying, oh, it's not enough. So the bigger repeal the repeal was too big, and the skinny repeal was too little, and so there was nothing gonna please these people. But you had to start somewhere because there's not one Democrat in Congress who will vote to repeal any regulation on healthcare or vote to reveal any tax, So we had to do with Republicans, and that would have forced it toward the Democrats would have to negotiate. But the Democrats are not gonna negotiate because they've just seen us to be spineless. You know, I blame the Democrats because they want nothing that they need to own this things, lockstock and barrel. And you know, it's frustrating to me that there is no desire for any consensus building on their part, just like when they rammed it down our throat the first time, and and the way they use reconciliation to pass it, which they even thought in Obama even said that he didn't have the right to use that that process to get it done. But anyway, that's a different story for a different day. But what do we do now? Do you like Lindsey Graham's idea about block granting this back to the states. I have serious questions about the amount of money they'll spend number one, But a part of me says, let the states decide if the money is right. I'm not this thing sounds a little bit off kilter. He's going to keep all the Obamacare taxes, so that's at least half of a strike two. Okay, go ahead. Strike Strike one is they're going to overspend, so what strength keeps all of the Obamacare regulations. I only even repeals any regulations. And then the big thing is is that these hundreds of billions of dollars they're going to give to the insurance companies. I think they still do that, so I think it has most suspending, keeps those to the rags, and keeps all the taxes. So I think they're trying to dress it up in states rights and dress it up in federalism, but it still sounds like a big government to me. I will tell you one hopeful thing, though, I just got back from the White House about five minutes ago. I spoke to the President yesterday, I spoke to his team today. I'm keeping alive and trying to get the administration to expand association health plans. This is where you can join a co op across state lines. And we think we're close to it. I think the President, I hope the President does something very soon to let everybody in the country who wants to join an association basically get their insurance. As group insurance, you're protected from pre existing conditions, and most importantly, you get a good price because you're buying it as part of a large group. What what form of legislation, Senator would that take? It would actually be through executive action. The Department of Labor defines which groups are allowed to be an association, and under President Obama, surprise, surprise, they didn't let anybody form an association. They just said, we don't want anybody to be able to join a group. If the Trump administration takes a different approach and says simply, you know what, we think the National Restaurant Association, the National Retailers Association, how about the National Talk Radio Hosts Association, everything but that we can't let any of those right wing talks. Yeah, by the way, do you hear Senator McCain your buddies attack on us and talk radio? By the way, did you hear the clapping in the Senate chamber you thought I can go straight to hell? I'm like, I'm sure it was among many, but that was very need of him to do that. Don't get me started on that, because, as I recall, he campaigned quite heavily about repealing Obamacare, and so exactly a big disappointment. But on the association, before you get to I have one question. Is it true there was one? Somebody sent me some stuff on online and I can't confirmed this. Do you know if Senator McCain was huddled with Demick rats and bragging yeah, good good, go try and make America great? Now, Donald, did that happen? Yeah? Now, I can't. I can't confirm or deny that. I don't know, and I wasn't proving that. What do you mean you can just kind of joking. I wasn't part of the meetings. I don't know. I have no idea. But on the association plans, what I would say is what's really neat about this is there are two million fast food restaurants in our country. There's like fourteen million workers in fast food. These are people that are struggling their working class. They're trying to get ahead, and a lot of them don't have health insurance. There's twenty eight million people don't have health insurance. Under Obamacare, with allowing the restaurant Association to purchase insurance, fourteen million people could have one person negotiating price for them. It would be the greatest thing you could ever see or ever imagine as far as changing the relationship between the consumer and big insurance. Big insurance hates this idea because they want you to be beholden to them and they have all the power. But what if fourteen million people were able to negotiate together for their price and insurance. I think a lot of people who don't get insurance now would all of a sudden be able to get insurance. All right, stay right there, Senator Ram Paul, Senator of Kentucky. One Shawn is a toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, We'll take a quick break. Congressman Mo Brooks at the bottom of the hour. Somebody I'm supporting for the U S. Senate. Al right, as we continue, Senator Ram Paul of Kentucky is with us. Look, I try not to drag it too deep into all of this. It's not your fault that the Senate majority leaders from your state, and I know you guys get along personally, But in all honesty, um, how is it that he can't get this done? It's August. The president's been in office since January. You know, I guess if there's blame to go around, I would probably assign the blame to those who went back on the word. You know, they promised to vote for Obamacare repeal. They did vote for it a year ago. We gave him the same bill and they changed their mind. And so really I think those are the people if you want to cast blame and want to figure out what happened. Even in the the leadership, they can't make people vote. They try to get people to the table and get them to vote. But in the end, really it goes back to those who promised to repeal Obamacare and then didn't have the courage to do it. In the end, what about why is it taking so long to get all the appointments of the president, get his people on board, so we can get rid of Obama holdsovers in the deep state Democrats. Democrats won't allow any votes. In fact, why don't we get rid of the why don't we get rid of the super majority and just go to well, actually, for most appointees it is, it's simple majority for most nominations. What they do is they delay, they delay, they dragged their feet, and it's just taken forever. And so that's what we're up here this week fighting to do. You know, I just met with the Department Secretary Department of Labor and he said he's got twenty he's got nobody approved. He's got twenty two people that he has given forward, all the paperwork has been done, and he can't get sent to approve them. So, yeah, we need to speed this along. And really, probably when you look at how many people have to be approved, maybe we shouldn't be approving more than just the top couple because it's taking so long to do it. Two things the President brought up and is tweeting this weekend. One is that you guys should get rid of your own plans while the American people suffer under a different system. And the President also said no vacations to get your job done. I agree with agree with him on both. Well, the only thing is is I think it may not be exactly accurate. For example, we do get Obamacare, and that's one of these things that people have put out there. Every member of Congress were stuck with it. I hate it. It's terrible, But we do get Obamacare. What they're talking about is getting rid of the employer benefit, and the employer benefits what everybody in the federal government gets, and everybody gets worked for Toyota, everybody works for your radio station gets what's called an employee benefit. So tell me getting rid of that. If they did that, you have to realize, though, what they're asking to do is to treat members of Congress differently than everybody else in the country. Even Obamacare didn't take away anybody's employee benefit, So I think it has been a little bit of inaccurate reporting on that. The other thing I would say is some conservatives are convinced, oh, if we take it away, they'll change your mind. Look, these guys are richer than Midas up here, by the way, not not Louie Gohmer. Louie Gomer lives in his office along with a bunch of other congressmen. Yeah, but is it right to punish somebody lives in their office that is already voting against Obamacare. Listen, I'm not trying to hurt Louie Gohmer. I'm just saying that, you know, for goodness sakes, how about this, how about you guys just stay work. You guys have more vacation, Senator, and you know that. And I'm not blaming you. You guys have more vacation than anybody I know on the face of the earth. Right My only point is is, you know, I think it was Mark Twain who said, you know, no one is safe from the legislature's in session. We don't do a lot of good things. It's mostly us trying to stop bad things from happening. And right now there is no agreement. I think the only way we're gonna get agreement on on repealing Obamacare is it's going to get worse. I think it's gonna get worse over the next six months. There's going to be more areas of the country with one insure monopoly prices and more areas with no insure. And and either the Democrats are gonna have to come to the table or the weak need. Republicans are gonna have to stand up and say, Okay, I've had enough. I'm actually gonna keep my promise and vote for repeal. But they need to stay on this before they go to the tax cuts. And it's here they change their mind in two weeks. We had them here all night and they they they kind of are where they're gonna be. I think the only thing that changes things now is uh, if Obamacare gets worse. But in the meantime, I haven't given up on trying to fix this. Like I said it was at the White House today, I think there's a good chance that President Trump can legalize millions of people to get group insured. Last question, But that also include being able legally to buy catastrophic plans. And I gotta go that you have to get rid of Yes. In some ways, yes, because when you join these groups, you can do what you want under under under the Arisk law, some people are free of Obamacare regulations. That is my goal is to make them free of regulations. I'll take that. That's a good start. As as usual, you you have a lot of good ideas. I like that idea, all right, Senator thank you eight one, Shawn. I'm toll free telephone number. Moe Brooks in a battle for the Senate. Republicans lootdown in Alabama's next holding them accountable, Sean. It gets the answers no one else does. America deserves and know the truth about Congress. I'm O Brooks, candidate for the Senate, and I approved this message. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. President Trump promised the wall to keep us safe and to protect American jobs for American workers. But even some establishment Republicans are blocking the way. Elect me to the Senate and I'll fight every spending bill that doesn't fund that wall. And if I have to feel about drow on the Center floor, I'll even read the King James Bible until the wall is funded. And you know what Washington could benefit from that. We're going to build that wall, or you'll know the name of every Republican who surrenders to the Democrats to break my filibuster. I give you my word, and I don't give my word like and you know there's an old saying that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Now is not the time to leave the American people in a lurch. Now is not the time to leave American health care at risk. Now is not the time to continue to stress even worse the family budgets as parents are trying to take care of their kids. So I hope they won't quit. And if they're going to quit, well, then by God. And maybe they ought to start at the top with Rich McConnell leaving his position and letting somebody knew, somebody bowled, somebody conservative take the reins so that they can come up with a plan that can get through the United States Senate and serve the needs of the American people. You think that the problem is leader ship, You think it's time for a change for the Republicans in the Senate, Well, unquestionably, the leadership at the top is responsible. The buck stops there. That's why you take on that kind of responsibility. And if Mitch McConnell cannot get the job done on this, how is he going to get the job done on the rest of President Trump's agenda over the next three and a half years. As I see it right now, this is a killer. As you recall from six months ago, if we did not get healthcare past. That meant that there would be no tax reform, which in tournment that there would be no infrastructure improvements. And if that ends up being the case, as was represented to us in the House back in the spring when we forced through a healthcare bill, well we need new leadership in the Senator. If they can't get the job done. It's not it's not necessarily anything bad about Mitch McConnell himself personally, but he's got a job to do and if he can't do it, then, as the apprentice would say, you're fired. Get somebody who can. There you have Moe Brooks, Congressman from northern Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama, and he's saying, hey, Mitch, you can't get the job done, it's time to go, which I agree with wholeheartedly. And he's in a bit of a big fight down in Alabama to get the nomination to replace Senator Jeff Sessions was now the Attorney General and Moe Brooks have known for twenty seven years. I knew him in my my local radio Alabama days, and he had the great privilege and distinction of filling in for me at the time and did a lot of radio himself. At the time, he was also the Madison County District Attorney and he's been working hard for the people of Alabama for years. Moe Brooks, welcome back to the program. How are you. I'm doing fine, Sean. How about yourself today? I'm good. Now you're getting You're getting attacked on a variety of fronts, and one is is that you didn't support Donald Trump in the beginning, and I want to give you an opportunity to address that. I think that's a fair statement. I was statewide campaign chairman for Ted Cruz and I was also one of his national spokesmen who are asked periodically to be on national TV. So up until the point in time in late May, um perhaps June, that Ted Cruise was out of the race and Donald Trump was locking it up, I was using every argument I could possibly conceive of in order to help Ted Cruise win the nomination. But I will say this, there are three things. One, in October, after Access Hollywood, when a lot of Republicans were fleeing from Donald Trump, I wrote check to help Donald Trump win the state of Florida. That's definitely not something that I never Trumper would have done. Two in that context, Luther Strange, who is miss McConnell's boy in this race, h he appears to be the never Trumper. We've asked him to produce check, asked him to produce some kind of endorsement of Donald Trump, and he never has. So while he's attacking me, it seems that he's the one that fits the bill for what he's attacking me for. But all that is kind of behind us. What we really need to focus on is the future. And in the United States Congress, if you go to five thirty eight dot com shot I'm sure you're familiar with that website, they say that I've voted with Donald trumpent of the time on the issues important to the White House, for the White House has taken a stance that's an aid in anybody's book. But finally, the entire conservative agenda is dead. The entire Republican agenda is dead. The entire Republican agenda and support of President Donald Trump is dead. If we keep the rule in the United States Senate, we only have fifty two Republican senators. If we have to have sixty votes to pass legislation, that means Chuck Schumer can block anything that we might want to try to push through the United States Senate. That kills all of our efforts to reverse the damage that the Democrats have done to our country. But you so, and I had some conversations with you when the House was was doing repeal, and I think both of us were a little stunned at the number of Republicans who had campaigned for years and years on they want to repeal and replace, They had no intention of ever doing it, and look at the Senate now, they can't even do a simple repeal. And my argument, I think yours too, because I think we agree on this, is there's really no excuse now when you have the House, the Senate, and White House not to get It's not going to be the perfect bill. It's not going to be the Moe Brooks and Sean Hannity bill, but they ought to get something done. Well. I agree with that wholeheartedly. But there's a bigger picture on this sixty percent rule the United States Senate. The presidents figured out that the President's agenda is dead for three and a half years at the standard capacities, and I state Senate is six percent. When we have of the body that is Republican and so he's asked us to go to majority rule in the Senate. I agree with the majority rule in the Senate. And Luther Strange, my opponent, has signed a letter urging Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer the Democrat to retain the sixty rule, thereby empowering Chuck Schumer the Democrats to balk everything we want to do in our country's futures at stake sewn. We cannot afford to waste this opportunity. But unless we get more Republicans the United States Senate that will act like they're the majority, then we're just sitting our wheels. You know, I'm I'm watching you, and I share your passion, and I agree, and I'd like to get to the number sixty. But then are we're gonna be able to count our Akowski, Collins, McCain and a bunch of others that really have been so disappointing to us. Um With that said, what did you think of Lindsay Graham's proposal about all right, let's block grant it all back to states and if California wants a single payer system and let them have a single payer system of Alabama is smart enough, and I believe it is to do something that maybe like the cooperatives that I talked about in Wichita, Kansas, where you can get concierge care for fifty bucks and adult and ten bucks for a kid and get a catastrophic plan on top of it, and the people Alabama will do much better than the people of California. Ultimately, do you like that idea? I'm for states rights, and to the extent the federal government is gonna be involved in this issue, let's limit that involvement to the amount of money we're going to dedicate to it. Send it to the fifty states, that the fifty states be the inturbators of ideas, their spindamental place, those that get it right, that get it done best, and you just get some examples, but others can encopy it. But if you have the federal government dictating top down, then there's one chance, and if we get it wrong, people are gonna lose their lives. I much prefer the fifty state approach, and I am very intrigued by what Lindsay Graham and others are now offering. Let's see if the Senate can get off the desk and get that job done. Now, last question, if the guy that you are running against, that is the temporarily took the slot of Jeff Sessions, you believe, has ethical issues, tell us about those huge ethical issues. We're having to incur fifteen million dollars in the state of Alabama to pay for a special election solely because Attorney then Attorney General Luther Strange, when he sought the appointment from the Governor of Alabama, who has since been disgraced and left office, was holding over the head of the governor a criminal investigation, and with the use of that criminal investigation, he, Luther Strange, was able to obtain personal gain, that being a U S syndency. Now, every prosecutor knows that your job is to represent the people the state of Alabama in this instance, and you do not cut side deals with a criminal defendant or a target of a criminal investigation that benefits you personally. That violates every ethical rule book that there is. Do you think cause the governor decided to speed it up because of the ethical cloud associated with that kind of unethical conduct. That's a pretty big charge, um, And has anybody responded to that? Well, there is no response. Everybody knows it. It's true. Um, the governor ended up leading guilty and he was doing him and Luther Strange was doing the investigation. In general he was he had to resign thereafter, and Luther Strange was doing the investigation the unethical conduct. Well, I gotta give you credit for one other thing. I've known you all these years, so I know you're a man of great integrity, and I know you believe everything you say, which I love. And you're also a member the Freedom Caucus, and frankly, that's one of the few groups of people in Washington I feel I can now trust anymore. And that's sad, but I wish you a lot of luck here. I do think people need to look at the fact that you did support Donald Trump in the general election. There's nothing wrong with supporting Ted Cruz in the primary. I happen to be a fan of Ted Cruise to UM, and I think he's been doing great work, especially on healthcare. His amendment that he was putting together on healthcare was amazing, and he's been very supportive, working hard for the President to keep promises, unlike a lot of these other people. So, uh, Moe Brooks, I wish you luck in the primary. Uh, and I appreciate you being with us. We really appreciate your time. And when is this primary? The primary is two weeks from today August. And if people want to help and we need it, go to Moe Brooks for Senate dot Com. Mob Brooks for Senate dot Com. A way of example, Mitch McConnell, who I want to toss out of the layership position in the United States Senate. It's holding a ten thousand dollar a plate fundraiser with special interest groups so that Luther Strange can have more money to run false ads against me. That's what I'm up against in the state of Alabama. And I need conservatives across the United States to rally to our cause if we're gonna get our ships straightened in the United States Senate and in the Washington d C. All right, Mob Brooks, thank you so much. What's all the best? Two weeks from today eight hundred nine for one, Shawn as a toll free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program. We just need people like Mob Brooks in the Senate. And it's pathetic to say, but we got to replace I mean, Jeff Sessions was a great senator. You know, we can't replace it with somebody that's gonna end up working with Lisa Murkowski. Good grief. All right, let's get back to our busy phones eight hundred nine for one, Shawn, Let's go to Lisa murkowski territory. We're in Anchorage, Alaska now with Tony. Tony, Hi, how are you? What's the temperature at this time of year in Anchorage? Late fifties, sixties up all day? So I can't complain. So you've got twenty four hours a light now, not an Anchorage, it's like that up north. Yeah. How many hours do you get? Probably? Uh, fifteen? It all depends right around solstice we get about alright. So on the worst day of the year, the darkest day of the year, how many hours of sunshine do you get? Between four and six? I think, I mean, isn't that Isn't that devastating? Doesn't that like dark in your day? You know something? It makes upsurd in the summertime when you get all the light. I'm from New York. Originally I'm up here, but I like it up here. You know what's funny. I mean, I'm not trying to take your time away but I'm just fascinated by it. I watch all those Alaska shows out in the wilderness kind of shows, and and people living out and and literally off the grid, et cetera. I mean, it's pretty amazing how people live. It's so different from my life experience that I'm I'm fascinated by it. Anchorage is like the city, so it's totally different than everything you see in the shows, but is probably the most realistic show you get. All right, So what's on your mind today? I'm just frustrated with new Susy. I mean, I didn't vote for her because I knew she was like this, but no, I was sixty hours a week. I don't have health insurance right now. Health insurance for me is five dollars a month with the five thousand dollars deductable by the end of the year with they start cooking, and I'm gonna spend ten thousand dollars. It's absolutely ridiculous and I'm set up. I don't know why they can't make health in Chance like Carr and Chance. Why I can't, you know, join a cooperative? Why can't It's ridiculous and I'm tired of it. You know, Look I get it, and I think this goes for a lot of people in the Senate, in the House. I think we're gonna really have to start re evaluating, and we really have to start asking ourselves that is this the person that we wanted in office? And I think I'm going to spend more time focused on primaries than I ever have in the past. I've always tried to stay out of that stuff, and I'm just gonna pay attention. And if you're one of the senators that did not go along with doing your job and getting this over the finish line, I can't support you anymore. I won't support you. I can't support you, especially if you're one that promised to repeal and replace and you didn't do it, because you could have at least repealed the thing and started from there and begun the process of transitioning to the better plan, and that would have been fine with me. I was perfectly perfectly acceptable that you do a piece meal. So I'm I'm disappointed like you, and I think if there's no consequences for their actions, then I think that you're gonna get the government you deserve. Anyway, Tony stay warmed, my friend, God bless you Davis in Syracuse and upstate New York. What's up, Dave? How are you glad you called? Sir? Hey? Thanks JN thanks for taking my call. Hey. Uh, you know, I've got a few thoughts about the Republicans. I think Donald Trump should hold the class and teach these people what it's like to win. They've been so accustomed to being losers so long, they don't know what it's like to have the ball in an open field and know how to win. And even the best of them, like Jeff's Sessions, I think the reason that Trump is so upset with them is Sessions should immediately call for a special prosecutor and look into James Comey and Robert Mueller and all of the Democratic lackeys that Mueller's hired and turn their lives upside down like Mueller's doing to Trump. Uh. That's where the vulnerability to President Trump is. It's not looking into Hillary Clinton. She was last year's Super Bowl. Trump already knows he won that. As a matter of fact, keeping the Clinton's at the head of the Democratic Party is probably the best thing every Publicans can do. The stench of the Clinton's and all the people associated with him, can only hurt the Democrats. All Right, I gotta go, but listen, I've been calling on specific names. I'll even do it again tonight on TV. Just lay out the names of the people that need to be questioned under oath. Some need to be investigated, some should be indicted, and some should be tried one Seawn, if you want to be a part of the program, will take a quick break. We'll come back. Uh, an investigative report about Debbie Wasson and Schultz and this bizarre handling of this I T guy, What were they trying to hide? Next? Coming up next, our final news around a ban, Information Overload, Our right news round up, Information Overload hour. This is the Sean Hannity Show. Right down our toll free telephone number. Remember when Debbie Wasserman Schultz was threatening the U. S. Capitol Police for gathering evidence on her I T staffers, you know whatever it was. I guess it was a computer that she had had a laptop, and she really goes at the Capitol police guy, and the Capitol police guy, no, we're gonna keep this, and then this has now gotten deeper and deeper. At no time did the FBI, the d h S or any intelligence agency contact me about a breach by Russia. J Johnson testifying the Peter King that the d n C declined the Department of Homeland Securities offer to fight Russian hacking, and Johnson said the d n C CrowdStrike security firm Ember, they brought them into help. They wouldn't let the FBI have access to their computers. Then you got this whole Debbie Wasserman should story about her. I T guy double billing family members on boards without experience, we're told. Then she keeps this guy knowing that they've been double builled. Everybody else gets rid of this guy. And then he's trying to sneak off to Pakistan and he's got what he's got an ankle bracelet on after wiring nearly three hundred thousand dollars to his future location. How did he get all that money than he was, of course arrested. Now, the question I guess everybody has is very simple. How is it possible that you have to government hard drives that are smashed in the garage of this guy when we know that this firm, this group of people, this guy in particular, were involved in double billing and when you put all these stories together, what do we got. Let's remind you what Debbie Wasserman Schultz said and also what j Johnson said. Can you elaborate more on what the DHS is uh connection with the d n C was. Consultation with the d n C was after he became aware of the hacking and they became aware of the hacking. As to what was offered them, what they accepted. Was there any level of cooperation at um to my disappointment, not to my knowledge, sir um. And this is a question I asked repeatedly when I first learned of it. You know, what are we doing? Are we in there? Are we helping them discover the vulnerabilities? Because this was fresh off the o p M experience, and there was a point at which DHS cybersecurity experts did get into o p M and actually helped them discover the bad actors and patch some of the ex filtrations or at least minimize some of the damage. And so I was anxious to know whether or not our folks were in there. And the response I got was FBI had spoken to them, Uh, they don't want our help. They have CrowdStrike. The cybersecurity firm, And that was the answer I got after I asked the question a number of times over the progression of time. Respectfully, the Secretary Johnson is is utterly misinformed. That is simply not accurate. And much that has been has been written about the timeline of events by New York Times, the Washington Post that document through multiple sources, including me, that that the the FBI and other federal agencies did virtually nothing to make sure that when they were aware, at the point that they were aware that there was or concerned that there was an intrusion on our network by the Russians, that they did virtually nothing to sound the alarm bells to make us aware of that, and they left essentially the Russians on our network for more than for almost a year. Under my understanding, the Capital Police is not able to confiscate members equipment when the member is not under investigation. It is their equipment and it's supposed to be returned. Well, I think there's extenuating circumstances in this case, and I think I think that you know, working through my council, and you know the necessary personnel if if that in fact is the case, and with the permission of through the investigation and more returned equipment. But it told accomplished. I can't try to quit. I think you're violating the rules when you when you conduct your business that way, and should expects that there would be consequences. All right, joining us now is the investigative reporter who blew this wide open. He works for the Daily Caller. Luke Rosiac is back with us. How are you, sir, I'm good. Thanks for having me, Sean. All right, this is getting bigger and bigger, isn't it amazing? If you took out the name Debbie Wasson and Schultz and you put it in Rhys previous when he was the RNC head or the current r n C head, and you put their name in there, and you say, Okay, Now you've got these two busted up hard drives. You got this guy over billing, You've got unqualified people working in the I T Department that may have access to all the classified information that some of the Democratic Party congressmen have, and she does everything in her power to keep this guy on the payroll, and all this happens. How do you read this? Well, just to the criminal investigator sation into cyber breaches UM. That is information that likely went outside of the Capitol Police, the Capitol network as well as UH theft going on since and these guys UH, it seems like they learned about the investigation and they frantically began liquidating assets. So they sold four houses UH from November often onwards. In the since June twentie they've sold or are selling three houses UH. The wife got on a plane to Pakistan with twelve thousand knowledge in cash in March, which was just days after UH Capitol Police formally sort of announced and banned these guys from the network. And then the guy Imron most recently tried to leave just last week and the FBI did stop him. So it's very clear that they were fleeing. That's a fair characterization of this. They knew that they were criminal suspects. Debbie Watson Chults also knew their criminal suspects, and it appears that he knew that the wife left because she took her off the payroll, like right after she boarded a plane. And then we were told by this guy's lawyer that the house was informed that he was going to Pakistan as well. So it seems the w W. Michulz knew that this other guy was leaving too well, I mean the whole thing. Let's go through the story completely here, and what you know about this guy in particular and about the people that were being paid. Let's whose name is uh lebron Owana? Is that his name? The Congressional Aid tried to send three so wired three hundred grand of Pakistan. Right now, let's talk about what we know about him and the people they got what over four million dollars in payments? Right And I've been investigating these guys for the last six months, since before this arrest and before they started doing more attention to it. And I know a lot about these guys, and what stood out to me the most is what seems to be a ghost employee scheme. So right after him Rom started working for W. WARSONN. Schultz a decade ago, you've got four of his relatives and two of his friends joined the payroll. And they're literally making about as much as members of Converse made, which is not at all normal for an I T. Guy. And what's more, um, you know some of these guys spent significant amount of time in Pakistan every year. One of them was running a car dealership, one of them was a twenty year old college student. One of them worked at McDonald's. So there's indications to believe that these guys were not actually working, and yet they're making these exorbitant salaries. So even before these extremely uh wassonan joult is clear reluctance to fire this guy in her very strong desire to keep paying him no matter how weird it looked. You have a decade of payments that were suspicious from the beginning, and some members of Congress should have or would have known. It seems that these guys were not actually working. And you know, that does raise the question of why they would sign off on those pay sheets. And that's where it does become concerning that they did have access to all their emails and files. Unbelievable. So you've got a bunch of guys working for some of one's running a card dealership, another McDonald's. The somebody that's working at McDonald's have the skills to be an I T person, You wouldn't think so. And you know, and as soon as this guy got busted by the FBR and he got he got this lawyer that was like, um, a close aid to Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. I don't know how a random I T guy gets that lawyer, but he's been saying all kinds of stuff, like they just had to leave the country because they didn't have any money. They couldn't afford to live in the DC area anymore. But it's a public record that these guys, just a husband and wife alone, we're making a hundred and sixty five thousand dollars ships, three thirty thousand dollars a year. They owned like five houses. Uh So it just doesn't make any sense. I mean, it's that that money does appear to have left this country because they don't seem to have extracted extravagant lifestyles in this country. Um, but it seems like it's either going to pack standard somewhere else. Pretty amazing amount of money, Pretty interesting story. Why would Debbie Wassonman Shoultz be fighting with the Capital a police so hard and why would government hard drives be busted up in this guy's garage? What do you speculate? Well, Watsman Schultz has retained an outside attorney to argue speech and Debate clause to prevent the Capitol Police from examining this laptop, which I'm told the Capitol police took after im Rom left it, So there's reason to believe it's im Ron's laptop, not hers, But she doesn't want them to see it. UM. And speech and debate clause would typically protect like her own political activity, legislative activity, it probably wouldn't really apply here. So she really doesn't seem to want anyone to see what's on that laptop, and she really seems to want to keep paying this guy UM. So you know, there are concerns that you could be using her emails against her and threatening to blackmail or to release these emails if she doesn't, you know, protect them and keep them on the payroll. It's a very legitimate concern when you consider that these guys are separately facing a civil lawsuit in Fairfax County, Virginia involving their own stepmother, saying that they um installed high tech listening devices in her house and on her computer, and they were using it to monitor her, to tell her she's not allowed to leave the house or to speak to anyone, And the goal of all this intimidation was basically to get her to sign this power of attorney in Pakistan that would give them access to money over there. So there's reason to believe that they were putting money in their father's name. Their father died, so the mom would get access to the father's bank accounts. And it seems like they definitely wanted to make sure that they got to get access to this Pakistani bank accounts. Unbelievable. All right, stay right there, we'll continue, We'll have more with Luke rosy act of the Daily Caller. This Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Imagine if it's the r n C, and imagine it's the RNC chairman, and imagine that the RNC chairman is protecting somebody this closely as well. What is it that they're hiding, because it's obvious they're hiding, and what is this, you know, proclivity of the Democrats that they love to smash devices into smithereens or bleach bit them or just delete them and get rid of them completely. Right, As we continue to investigative reporter Luke Rosiak is with The Daily Caller and he's updating us on the very latest. Imagine a Republican r n C chair uh At is hiring a guy that they know that double billed is hiring people that seem unqualified for I T positions, paying as much as the chiefs of staffs of many members of Congress, which is a very high amount of money to be paying them. And you find out one's running a card dealership and other works at McDonald's until he was fired and at which point he sat home all day, and a third I T person was a twenty year old college student, and multiple members of the group spent a month at a time in Pakistan. Do you worry about this more from an intelligence vantage point or do you worry about other things that could possibly be revealed? For example, one of the things that I have a lot of questions about. Remember the firing of Debbie Wasson and Schultz and others on the eve of the convention. And remember we now also have learned that the fix was in against Bernie Sanders. Do you think it's possible that maybe evidence of the collusion between Hillary's campaign and Debbie Wassonon Schultz is that part of the reason that she wanted this information destroyed. Well, if you search him on his name in Wicky Leaks, he does come up. And there's people involved with the d n C who are like on a first name basis with him, and when they need access to Debbie Wassonon Schultz's personal iPad, they call him. So he was involved in some capacity. I don't particularly think he would have had access or at least I haven't seen any evidence indicating who would have had access to the d n C servers. But there's just without Wasson, not the servers necessarily, but Debbie Wasson Schultze's emails, which could in some way implicate her. I mean, because we all know that the primary was rigged, and we all know that Bernie Sanders and his supporters, which he did, and we know that the DNC was involved, don't we And there's no doubt that Imron had access to all of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's emails. Uh so really anything that she did, uh Imbrom could have read about. And there's no doubt that he's a bad guy. I mean, he's been accused and his family members have been accused of fraud numerous times. So for the attorney to go out there and say this is just about bank fraud, I mean, first of all, anyone who takes thirty seconds to look into this, it's transparently not true that Bed was surveiling his house as part of a long running criminal investigation into his activities on Capitol Hill. The only reason they charged him with bank fraud is because he tried to flee the country and then needed a way to take his passport so this broader investigation UM could continue. How long did Debbie Wassonman Shultz keep him on knowing that he had double build Well, the Capitol police investigation was revealed and he was banned from the Capitol network, which is very rare UM on February second, and He's layer says that he told the house that he was going to go to Pakistan on you know um five months later, almost six months later in John July, and Wassman Schultz said she only fired him because of the arrest, So that clearly implies that she intended to continue to pay him even while he was in Pakistan while also being the suspect in a criminal investigation. She's also said that he was serving as a technology advisor after he was banned, because you have to ask why would you pay an I T guy who can't who's not allowed to touch computers. She said he was advising her on technology issues. So if it turns out that the members of Congress decided that he shouldn't touch the network and she helped, she had him still access it in some way, even if he gets on the phone and tells other people are stands over their shoulder or who knows what, because he was seen in the Capitol building after that time. I think that would really jeopardize and also be sort of a slap in the face two other members of Congress, And that's something that members are interested in. People like uh, I've got far along und round. De Santis was saying, you know, she should probably testify that this kind of thing. I totally agree she needs to testify. And I gotta give you credit. You've done a lot of legwork on this, and you've really worked very hard. I know the media is ignoring it, which is so typical, isn't it, But will continue to stay on the story. And I hope in fact that she does get subpoena is put under oath because there's very very strange happenings here and the proclivity of the left to smash devices and hard drives and blackberries and iPhones and bleach bit and acid wash Hard Drives is so out of control and if Republicans ever did it, God help them, they'd be handcuffed, perp walk, mug shotted and put in jail and the Keith thrown away for light anyway, thank you, Luke. When we come back, wide open telephones as we continue the Shawan Hannity Shop. Coming up next, the Anity fake News round up to the full scale investigation by the House, the Senate, and a special counsel over collusion with Russia during the election. President Trump has engaged in this series of Russian style purges. First there was Paul Manafort, the campaign manager axed. Then came Chris Christie, the transition chief acted. Then came Sally Yates, the acting Attorney General who refused to enforce the president's travel band acted. Then came James Comby, the FBI Director axed. Then came Sean Spice, the first one out spokesman acted. Then came Ray's previous, the presidential chief of Staff, acted. Then came Anthony Scaramucci acted with the regularity of the nightly news. President Trump is throwing bodies out of the White House at a rate that matches the Russian evolution. Who he doesn't act, He threatens. He threatens Republican senators who voted against him, like Dean Howard of a Nevada. He criticized John McCann of Arizona, who he said was not a hero despite spending seven years as a tortured prisoner after being shot. Then over Hannoy McCain gave him a screw you for that one. By building against the Obamacare repeal, Susan Collins made her. Of course. I wonder, by the way, if he's ready to give Russia, or actually Alaska back to Russia because of Murkowsky. Nobody likes to be scared by anybody. When you get scared from somebody, you turn against him because it bugs you to be scared. It's true men and women as well. I think Trump is scared. I get with Peggy Neon this week, and he's weak. He's scared. I think all this going around and purging people, just like Kim Young Onen, what is he doing knocks off all his relatives when he gets scared. When you get scared of your position, you start killing people around. We don't do that in this kind. We fire them. Trump seems to know how to fire. That's my argument. It's not that he doesn't like chaos. He doesn't like being threatened existentially by by an investigation which he can't seem to stop, and that hasn't stopped because of this weekend's craziness. It goes on and on. While we're sitting here. Some of the best lawyers in the country are looking for dirt on Donald Trump in every direction. He knows that he is scared today. Could anyone have predicted so much staff turnover from a man whose catchphrases You're fired? Just over an hour ago, another name added to the growing list of major exits under President Trump. Now it's White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, gone after just a weekend change on the job. His official start date was supposed to be mid August, for what that's worth. In the last hour during a metal honor ceremony at the White House, President Trump made no mention of the Scaramucci departure. But we do expect to hear something more in the White House Daily Briefing, which is set to begin any minute. Now. We'll bring that to you live. We mentioned that long list of exits in just over six months over Other high profile departures include Ryant's previous out last week as Chief of Staff, Sean Spicer out the week before as Press Secretary, Mike Dubcky. He was the previous Communications director, James Comey as FBI Director. Of course, my Flynn was National Security Advisor. That doesn't even include lower level of departures. The White House now resembling the red wedding from games of Game of Thrones. A real sense of cultural alienation that the older, white, non college educated Americans have the sense of their country is changing because of immigrants, because maybe blacks are getting rising up to a kind of central place in society because of you know, gays being a accorded equal rights, because of Frankly, a lot of working women. From NBC News World Headquarters in New York, This is NBC Nightly News with Lester Hold. This is the CBS Evening News with Scott Kelley. From ABC News World Headquarters, This is ABC World News Tonight with David Ure. This is all right. We get the idea, the breath the breathlessness. It's so amazing the times we're living in here. Really amazing is that the media stokes a phony story. They ignore real stories with real truth, with real evidence, and you know, the double standard is im play and they just don't care. And if it ultimately comes out that in fact, they're wrong, they'll just move on to another one. It's not truth in media anymore. It's propaganda, it's ideology, it's misinformation, and it's just outright lyne I. I can't imagine we did the Debbie wassonone Shultz story in the last half hour. I can't imagine that Donald Trump's r n C smashing up a bunch of hard drives that our government owned wouldn't be a bigger deal in the news media than it is but for the few of us that are covering it. And that goes It's the same with every other news story. You do you not think that the media would be freaking out if if there were subpoened emails of Donald Trump and he goes ahead and Donald Trump's campaign deleted thirty three thousand of them. Whoops, They're about a wedding and a funeral and yoga and conversations with my my wife who doesn't even email, or taking a hammer and breaking up blackberries into smithereens and breaking up by phones and the smitherens and delay delay and obfuse gate and then send the FBI phones and blackberries without SIM cards. And then, just for good measure, let's acid wash and bleach bit the the computer system where you deleted the thirty three thousand email. Let's do that too. Let's ignore the fact that five foreign intelligence agencies hacked into and got top secret classified in special Access program information. Let's forget all of that. Let's forget the real Russia conspiracy story with the Ukraine I'm sorry, with uranium one. Let's forget the the hundred and forty five plus million dollars kicked back to the Clinton Foundation where the money ultimately came from. Nobody knows. She signs a waiver. It allows up to America's uranium, the foundational materials for nuclear weapons. But Vladimir is such a threat she does. It is a big reward on the other side from people that benefited from that deal. I don't know how else do you explain it. Forget, you know, imagine Donald Trump had an RNC REP go to the Ukrainian embassy, meet the Ukrainian ambassador, the Ukrainian ambassadors involved in trying to stop Hillary from winning, and then that information is is back channel to the to the r n C and to Donald Trump's campaign. You don't hear about that either. It's you know, James Comey leaking New York Times to get a special counsel. No problem, you've got the General Council, now the FBI. He's now being investigated for deep state leaks. Seven times the numbers of of leaks from the intelligence community than the previous two administrations. Three hundred and fifty increase in unmasking of people's names in the last election cycle, Susan Rice unmasking. By the time it's all said and done, I bet of a lot of other big names are going to be revealed as having been involved in this process. But then media is not interested. The media is interested in three things. Palace intrigue is certainly not interested in policy. Palace intrigue creating an atmosphere that the presidency is being taken down and that the will of the people are being overturned, and they're giddy about it, and they certainly don't care about the American people being served well in any or in all of this sad. The whole thing is pathetically corrupt and sad, but it is what it is. Let's go to Craig Is in California on the Sean Hannity Show. How are you, Craig, what's going on? Hey? Um? You know, all these issues obviously are real important and they need to be dealt with. But I think it should be obvious to all of us that the most important item on the president's agender list is draining the swamp. And by want, I'm referring to the Republican establishment, because if the Trump's phenomenon did anything, along with exposing the leftist Democrats and leftist media for who they are, it also exposed the Republican establishment for who and what they are. And unfortunately, it turns out there is corrupt, greedy, self serving, big government minded power brokering, palm greasing who faced elitist as the Democrat establishment. They hate President Trump, they hate Trump supporters. They don't believe what we believe, and they don't want we what we want, and we have to replace them. Son. As important as it is to repeal and replace Obamacare, it's more important to repeal and replace these these career politicians because if we don't, then whatever the president accomplishes during his presidency within a year or two of him leaving office, these corrupt politicians, including the Republicans, will overturn or reverse everything that he does. You gotta understand the simple truth here. And we were all hoodwinked in many ways. I believe them in twenty ten, the House Republicans that ran on repealing replacing, I actually believe they wanted to do it. I actually thought they were sincere. And then eventually, over time I began to see a chink in the armor, if you will, and a weakening of resolve, because when we saw Ted Cruz to a filibuster, it became very apparent that the Republicans who were being denied every opportunity the right to repeal them and replaced, they had constitutional authority and power, and that was the power of the purse. And Ted Cruz ended up being excoriated for doing what he did, saying, let's use it. That's all his filibuster was about, let's use the power of the person. Let's stop it. And so they've had the power all along, and they've just we're afraid of their own shadow and afraid of political consequences, all right, but the political consequences now now they've got the power, and now they're just afraid to lose the power. I mean, so, you know, one of those things that you you keep saying, this you're making I'm not making excuses for this. I'm not making out benefit of the doubt. I'm saying what they did and then is wrong, and what they're doing now is wrong. How am I making an excuse. There's no excuse for this. It's time we accept the fact that we've lost the party. These guys are all crooked, they're all corrupt. You may find one or two that you'd say actually believe in America. Hey, Craig, without due respect, do you listen to my show, Because I've been saying now for weeks, this is a party without principles and without identity. What do you think I mean when I say that they have an identity. They're all socialists, They're in the same Listen to me. The Republican Party was supposed to be and I'm not a Republican, I'm a registered Conservative. They were supposed to be the Party of limited government, less bureaucratic regulation, the Party of free markets, the Party of competition, the Party of capitalism, the Party of repeal replaced the Party to Build the Wall, to protect our borders, the Party of energy independence, the Party of strong national security, identifying evil in our time, the Party of tax cuts to stimulate the economy and economic growth. Well, I don't see any of these things being accomplished by any of them. So I've been saying they have no identity. What they were supposed to be, what they sold us that they were. They're not, because if they were, they would have done it. But they've all sold out to a system that's corrupt, that puts career before country and money before. Okay, there's nothing you're saying that I'm not saying. So how am I giggingving them any I'm giving them no leeway here, none, and I am calling them out on a daily and nightly basis they really are. Can I give you a simple step plan here, because I gotta take other calls to be fair or other calls. I get your point, I'm not. There's nothing you're saying that I agree. I don't agree with. The plan is get rid of them. There's no other plan. Let's go to Susannah Is in Pittsburgh. Hello, Sean, we love you in Pittsburgh. How are you? I'm fine, frustrated, like you, this is funny. I feel lied to by the Democrat, maipulated by the Republicans, and frustrated inside with all the rest of americ character. I read an article the other day that says, the people want everyone to the Congress to move on from health care. That's a lie. We want them to stay on it and fix it. That's why we're paying them. And so here's what here's what I'm thinking. Why won't they Why won't they fix it? And I really do believe Number one, they don't have to live under it. Number two, they do want to not want Trump to win. They don't want to give him any victories so that he is flatlined by And I hate to tell them that what they have done was their uh manipulation is to totally strengthen our perseverance to make sure he gets back in again and if they get out, and I hope they hear this message. And I want to tell you that Rich McConnell sticking me after the vote when he made this pathetic windy, I want to say, um, staying hearted, are n't disappointed? So we're going to give this to the Democrats and see what they can do. Is he sleeping is he in a comment. We know what they want to do. They have given us what they want to do, and that's single payer, socialized healthcare. We voted for, we voted for his policies. We told them to work on his policies, not mccains because he failed as a presidential candidate. So I'm saying to the boys NDC, you start being like men otherwise. List there's no there's no other way to interpret John McCain's actions here. Let's be blunt and let's be honest. And it is it is what it is. He had made the promise repeatedly to repeal and replace, and John McCain enjoyed sticking into the president. That's just that, Listen. I've known John McCain for years. I admire his service. I pray for his health. But I'll be honest, he's one at times, very bitter, angry man. And I've seen it myself. I've you know, we we've not gotten along a lot in recent years, trust me. Chris Matthew said that that's why John McCain did. He said he sucking to the president, absolutely stuck in to the president. Is at the reports that he's gloating over and I haven't been able to confirm them, but I've read them. Anyway, Thank you, will it not your heart troubled, Susanna. We're gonna do our best here, because look, if it's I don't particularly love Lindsey Graham either, to be honest, and the Lindsey Graham has his proposal, let the states decide. Look, if you're in California and you want a single payer in California, is gonna pay the freight and you want to pay the taxes? I guess that's okay. What worries me about Lindsay Graham's plan is it's gonna be are We're gonna get rid of all the Obamacare taxes, all the bad stuff with Obamacare, and then we're gonna send it back to the states, because I think Southern states would probably do a great job with it. I think there are some Republican governors that could do a great job, and and they put together the cooperatives and health savings accounts that I've been talking about for years. You know, it's sad that they the Republicans, have to punt, but frankly, taking power out of Washington in any way, shape, matter of form is appealing to me. But my fear is, of course they're gonna bloat it up with so much money that will bankrupt us. Anyway, all right, that's gonna wrap things up today. We've got a very busy Hannity night. Well, way do you see the video? The left unhanded, the left losing their minds, the deep state, the destroyed Trump media, the obstructionist Democrats, weak Republicans, never Trumpers. Way do you see what we've got? Laura Ingram joins us tonight. Also, we'll talk about a media double standard which should be looked at Mueller's conflicts of interest and oh yes, Debbie Rawson and Schultz that everybody's ignoring, but they wouldn't if it was Trump. Ten Eastern tonight, Hannity on Fox. Thanks for being with us. We'll see you back here tomorrow