No Time For Security - October 22nd, Hour 1

Published Oct 22, 2021, 10:02 PM

Sean covers the amazing story of President Biden's latest blunder... where he told reporters he "doesn't have time” to visit the border.

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Stay number sixty nine. Alright, day sixty nine. Joe abandoning Americans behind enemy lines seventy two days. I'm sorry, eighty two days ago he said he'd never do that. Unbelievable. Now, Joe Biden his numbers collapsing now down to thirty seven percent in a poll that is outweighing Democrats over Republicans by a dramatic amount. I think there's pole had twenty three percent of Republicans anecdotally. This just kind of crossed my desk. We get ratings, as you know, every night from from television, and Joe Biden, I guess was on fake newsc and then last night. I've only seen the highlights. I didn't watch the whole thing. I was busy at the time. It was up against my show. But anyway, it only had one point two million viewers, Linda, that's total. I can't believe that many people watched. To be perfectly frank with you, okay, honest guy, it's serious, right, I mean, who wants to watch bumbling Biden? Not me? Okay? It was so bad that I'm just stunned by it. I am. It is an unbelievable failure, and I'll tell you why. And it's also the things that he's sang. And it's also the fact that everybody knows he's a cognitive mess and everybody knows his policies are are failing the country. Five thirty eight. Biden support quote plunging across all groups. Over his first nine months in office. Biden has lost support among Americans of all stripes, men and women, African American voters, White voters, Hispanic voters, baby boomers and zoomers. Even Democrats are disenchanted with Biden. Two groups with whom Biden has lost supports really stand out independence Hispanic Americans. Independents have soured on Biden to the extent that his approval ratings among this group are some of the worst of any president in the modern era. Another interesting development today is Joe Mansion is now threatened to blow up the entire infrastructure negotiations he's had it. He says, how about we spend zero dollars. This was in the Hill today. Apparently we're learning about the shouting match between the two of them, and anyway, and Sanders get into this argument Wednesday during this during which he said he's willing to abandon Joe Biden's social spending plan. According to Sanders, Joe said, I'm comfortable with spending nothing. Mansion confirmed he said, I'm comfortable with spending zero. By the way I saw I Joe Joe Mansion, if he can hear me, that would be the better plan for the people of America. We can't afford it. I know it sounds great on paper, but you know this is coming from the same party that can't even keep can't even keep safety and security in towns and cities all across the country, don't believe in law and order, that want to dismantle the police. The same people that you pledge to keep your doctor plan and save money. How did that work out for the people of West Virginia. The same people that have destroyed our school system coast to coast, especially in states run by blue state governors for decades and mayors for decades and anyway, so we're going to see what happens. Apparently, Chris Coons from wis Coons from Delaware, I think anyway, described the verbal quarrel as a vigorous ten minute discussion, and according to him, Mansion said we shouldn't do it at all. When she said this will contribute to inflation. He's right, we already passed the American Rescue Plan. We should pass the infrastructure bill and pause for six months. Yeah, that would be actually thoughtful and smart, rare for the Democratic Party. So I don't know where this is going to end up. This was their self imposed day deadline, by the way, for the Democrats. Even the San Francisco Federal Reserve is blaming Biden for the for the inflation that's going on. San Francisco paper found Biden's American Rescue Plan playing a major role contributing to the spiking of inflation. The economists estimated the plan would add zero point three percentage points to the Fed's preferred inflation gage known as the Personal Consumption Expenditures Index in twenty twenty one, a bit more than what they expect in twenty twenty two, and they concluded that, based on the size of Biden's spending package and historical evidence of fiscal stimulus impact on the market, this plan of Biden's could push the vacancy to unemployment ratio near its historical peak that took place in nineteen sixty eight. That's how bad it is. Jobless claims now falling because millions of workers have left the workforce, whopping four point three million quitting their jobs in August. And if you think that's bad, you just wait, you wait till this mandate kicks in and we start losing thousands of cops and firemen and nurses and first responders and teachers and military personnel. Hannity, you're encouraging them to to not get the vaccine. I'm not encouraging anything. I've been encouraging people to take this damn thing seriously. I know too many people dead because of it, and I've seen the worst of it. But you know, the thought of firing nurses and hospital workers and are military, all of whom during the worst moments of COVID you know, we're working in the COVID petrie dish, diving on COVID grenades. Why would we ever think about firing them or docking their pay? You know? We Actually there are other creative ways to solve disagreements in life. One obvious way to do it is what Joe initially said, and that was okay, well, or you're gonna have to get tested once or twice a week. Fine, give people the option. I don't know why people make up. I don't know what goes onto somebody's thinking. I don't know if they have a rare medical condition, I have no idea. I don't know if they believe in natural immunity. I don't know. I'm not their doctor. I don't know anything about their unique medical history, current condition. That's up to them and the doctor to decide. But to have one size fits all medicine, get the shot or you get fired. What about the person with the rare condition whose doctor says you don't belong taking this shot. There are those people out there. Why won't they at least creatively think of a way. People, If you're that locked into this position that you're willing to lose your income, lose your benefits, lose your retirement, you know, obviously you feel pretty passionately about it. And I think the battle, the debate over vax are not vax is over because these people are indicating they're willing to sacrifice everything job wise because of what they believe. Whether you disagree or not, that's irrelevant at this point. That's how far they are willing to go because this is what they believe. You may not like it, but it's just the reality. And to add this now, the loss of these key, key professions would be an unmitigated disaster on top of everything else that we're going through. Anyway. So in this kiss ass town hall with Anderson Cooper, you know, Biden, you know, with his fist clenched during the entire length of a question for no apparent reason. There was so many bizarre moments. Biden at one point grabbed Anderson Cooper's arm and squeezed it. What about social distancing Joe? While answering a question from him, Biden dropped into his you know, trademark whisper. He goes into whisper when he discusses the tax cuts. We have a montage of the whisper. Listen that America wasn't built by Wall Street. They're not all bad folks on Wall Street. I'm not suggesting that. But then build America. It was built by the middle class. In unions built the middle class. You know. I notice when you all do that, everybody benefits, whether they belong to a union or not. Whether they belong employers can't find workers. I said, yeah, fay them more. This isn't employees employees bargaining ship. Now what's happening. Oh my god, them one point nine trillion dollars relief so far, they're going to be getting chicks in the mail that are consequential this week for childcare to build on the environment. Why would I not be for it? Get vaccinated, Get vaccinated? Okay, Joe, all right, this is getting bizarre. But now his new trademark whisper Biden calling climate change an existential threat to humanity, saying that the world and keep the global temperature increase below one point five degrees cells. We're done. That's not a joke, man, Come on, man, you know we forgot exactly what he was going when he was going to the climate conference in Scotland, saying, oh, I've lost track of time. Then he also forgotten until uh Anderson Cooper had to bail him out, and we got all these these cargo ships off the coast of uh Los Angeles and um um and Los Angeles and oh what oh what am I doing here? I was able to go to the private portion of all products coming into the United States America on the West coast, go through uh Los Angeles and uh and uh uh um, I'm one am I doing here? Long Beach? Thank you, we got the assist. Gave a big assist for Anderson. He gave him the answer. Oh nice of them. Biden forgot exactly what all of this stuff. Almost an hour into the event, Biden realized that the two Maryland senators and the mayor or Baltimore, we're sitting in the audience. It turned out that it wasn't the mayor, it was a local congressman. Both men are African Americans. Imagine if that was Donald Trump. Biden made an odd racially charged remark about how his son Bo would go to the east side of town, where the best basketball has played and sit down and meet those folks. And then Biden, you know, back to scolding and mocking unvaccinated Americans, saying that they felt they had the freedom to kill others with their COVID. Okay, this guy's lost his mind. Then you want to talk about the policies. That's just how screwed up he is. You know, he's claiming that he visited the southern border. That's another lie again, and Peter Doocey again today called out Jensaki on it. It's a lie. Biden admitting that he kept titled forty two in place because of the high rates of COVID and nations where migrants are coming from. Oh, okay, Biden said, is that a travel ban? By the way, is that Fomac his hysterical racist travel man. Anyway, Biden said, the first responders who refuse the COVID vaccine should be fired. Okay, when Chicago loses over a thousand cops, come back and tell us how that worked out for you, Joe, because it's not going to work out well now. The vacts, don't vacs debate, That's not what we're discussing right now. But if you have people so locked into the view, they're not getting it. They're not going to be bribed into it. They're willing to lose their careers, their income, their benefits, their pension. They're willing to give it all up. And these are essential workers in hospitals, in our medical system, on our nurses and first responders, and the teachers that teach our kids, and the policemen that try to keep us safe even in cities that hate them. And then fireman, same thing, and our military personnel. This doesn't be an unmitigated disaster if he stays here. And then Biden asked about well, what about the high price of gasoline, Well, he doesn't foresee gas prices coming down for at least another year, claiming they were high only because OPEC was holding American hostage. No, that's the dumbest dass answer I've ever heard. It's because he put in energy policies that removed America's supply from the world's equation, artificially reducing the supply. The demand remains consistent, consistent. That means we're going to be paying hundred bucks one hundred dollars a barrel of oil, and everything we pay for costs more because of him. It's not OPEC, it's not even Russia, it's you, Joe, And admitting inflation would continue even if his idiotic New Green Deal, Build Back Better Socialism bills aren't passed. He's just he doesn't know the first thing about economics. Biden said that Americans are generally depressed by the pandemic, among other things, their problems were canceled. Wow, well you're not going to get fifteen colors, but you'll get what you want, the tragedy of the treadmill. Their proms were canceled. I mean they have such just dripping contempt for we the people. Biden said, the fear of COVID is keeping people from going back to work. That's not true, good grief. Widen said. The time will eventually come to fundamentally alter the filibuster and prove the car val for voting rights and other issues. Of course he's trying to do it, by the way. Majority of voters support Mansion and Cinema and their standoff with a White House. Nearly two thirds of likely voters say it's important that Cinema and Mansion opposed Joe Biden's agenda. Wow will continue, quick break right back, We'll continue. If you like me, have and you suffer from insomnia, don't forget all things. My pillow work for me, and now I fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer. Starting with their premium My Pillow and there my Pillow mattress topper Mike Lendel. Now you've heard me graving about his Giza dream sheets, made from the world's best cotton. They are so soft, comfortable, breathable, durable, and right now, when you go to the Sean Hannity Square at my pillow dot com, you buy one pair, one set of Giza dream sheets you get another one free just by going to the Sean Hannity Square at my pillow dot Com. All my Pillow products come with a sixty day unconditional money back guarantee. They have other deep discounts at the Sean Hannity Square on other products, or you can just call and mention my name eight hundred nine nine six zero nine zero. You get all these great discounts and the promo code Hannity. But the sleep you want, you crave, you need, you desire and deserve. When these products arrive, they will be yours. My pillow dot Com, Sean Hannity Square. Unbelievable. All right, so I'll have all these crazy moments. This is a train wreck what happened last night out Nobody even wants to see it because it's too painful to watch, which is why nobody watched it. I mean, it's almost as low rated as most late night TV so called comedy shows. That a dull as dirt. Anyway, Biden, you know he has no answer for high gas prices. I have answers. Go to Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska, North Dakota, and West Virginia and start producing our own energy, and we'll start having low gas prices and energy prices like we did under Trump. When he's talking about the supply chain crisis of what am I? What am I doing here? And then Anderson Cooper needs to jump in and bail him out. By the way, there's no evidence that Biden ever visited the border. He just lied. Peter Doocey brought this up, which never not so happy circle back Propaganda's Jensaki today. You know, then he's mocking the unvaccinated, claiming that they believe they have the freedom. Listen to this, claims they believe they have the freedom to kill you. I'm gonna play all this at the time in the next half hour, right after the news, mocking people who say they're making the COVID vaccine a political issue. Freedom. I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID No, I mean, come on, freedom. Wow, this is getting really scary. Anyway, he appeared pretty unhealthy at times. You know, he didn't look good to me. And he talks about getting rid of the filibuster pledges to defend Taiwan if China techs. You mean like you were not going to leave any Americans behind in Afghanistan. Joe, Yeah, We could have pressed him on that last night too. He takes seven questions from Democrats too, from a Republicans only twelve participants. Shawn, it's got more behind the scenes information, more contacts than anybody, more friends behind the curtain. Seawan Hannity is on twenty five to the top of the hour. By the way, Joe did mention that he was vice president for thirty six years last night, in case you missed it. A lot of the folks in Amtrak became my family. Not a joke. I'd ride every day. I commuted every single day for thirty six years as president vice president. In stage, after my wife and daughter were killed, I went home to see my family. Never stopped going doing that. Oh, thirty six years as vice president. All right, I'm being nitpicky there, All right, fair enough, then this is crucial. Now we're in the middle even of of a shortage in the workforce, where now post defund dismantle the police, and massive cuts to police departments all around the country. A city like Chicago will lose over a thousand police officers, it's estimated. And the mandate does not allow for any exceptions, no religious exemptions, no rare condition exemptions, no belief in following the science of natural immunity exemptions, no one size fits all medicine. They won't even allow people the option of getting tested. Now, this isn't about vacs known vacs. This is about thousands and thousands of military, police teachers, nurses, medical workers, frontline emergency workers, firemen, and all these other professions. They're going to quit their jobs, lose their income, give up their benefits, and lose their pension because that's how passionate they feel about their position. Again, I'm not having the vacctone vaccs debate here. I'm just telling you what they're saying. And originally we heard let's go back in history here, because people like Pelosi and Fauci and Biden, they're all out there saying no, no, no, I'll never mandate of vaccine. Never mandate of vaccine. That's what they said. Listen, No, I don't think I should be mandatory. I wouldn't demand to be mandatory. Perhaps the federal government should step in and issue man means. And if not, are you putting the needs of unvaccinated people ahead of the needs of vaccinated Well, I think the question here one that's not the role of the federal government. That is the role that institutions, private sector entities, and others may take. We cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. I am all for more vaccination, but you know, I have nothing further to say on that except that we're looking into those policies, and quite honestly, as people are doing that locally, those are those are individual local decisions as well. I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public. Amazing what the mob and the media won't tell you, isn't it now? Joe Biden supports police first responders. That would include nurses, even military. By the way, they're not only talking about military military people being discharged. They wanted to be a dishonorable discharge as if they did, you know, as if there was some horrible thing they did. Maybe they're just listening to the doctor and following their doctors science. It may shock people, but not every doctor agrees with doctor Joe Biden and doctor TV commentator ABC and D and doctor radio commentators you know, X, Y and Z. Because Fauci's been more wrong than anybody. Here's Biden supporting first responders getting fired. Should police officers emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines, and if not, should they be stay at home or let go? Yes? And yes, by the way, I waited until July to talk about mandating because I tried everything else possible. The mandates are working. All the stuff about people leaving and people good you you have everyone for United Airlines to spirit all these airlines, we're not going to get all ninety six ninety seven percent of the people have gotten the vaccine. All the talk about all these folks who are going to leave the military if they're mandated, not true. You got about a ninety percent vaccination rate. I mean, so there's the idea is that. Look, the two things that concern me one are those who just try to make this a political issue. Freedom. I have the freedom to kill you with mine COVID, Tom McCom freedom. Oh man, we're junkie. Come on, man, you're a junkie. The freedom to kill you. It's not what people are saying. Joe. Now, you did originally say that you'd give people an option to test. And by the way, I know he finds it mildly fascinating. The Fox News mandates vaccinations. Well, Joe, I work at Fox News. You couldn't be more wrong with that lie either, because they give people the option to be tested at the Fox News channel, you know, just in case Fox ever matter to people. Look, the only reason I am I'm trying to find a solution here because I believe many thousands and thousands of key workers in key industries, including our healthcare industry, including our military, including our police departments, including our our teachers, our education of our kids. Because there's so many of them, why don't we go back to the mantra, follow the science and the science of testing. I thought they believed in. They've got home tests now Abbott has them. They're like ninety eight percent effective. One of my friends that had a breakthrough case fully vaccinated. He found out he had COVID by taking a home test and then he got it confirmed in a lap and then he got regenera on and he went fishing for the next ten days and sent his family away, and he said he's never been happier. And he's shown me all the stripe bass he's catching. By the way, they catching tuna fish near the Statue of Liberty. Bluefin tuna six hundred pounds. It's like wicked tuna in New York. I can't believe it. Then we've got Joe Biden saying he's open to eliminating the filibuster on voting rights. Okay, listen, but I also think we're going to have to move to the point where we fundamentally ordered the filibuster. But are you saying, once you get this current agenda passed on spending and social programs, that you would be open to fundamentally altering the filibuster or we are doing away with it. Well, that remains to be seen exactly what that means in terms of fundamentally all or not, whether or not we just end the filibuster. Straight up, there's certain things that are just sacred rights. One's a sacred obligation that were never going to reneg on a debt. We're the only nation in the world we have never ever renaged on a single debt. But when it comes to voting rights, voting right equally is consequential when it comes to voting right. Just so I'm clear, though you would entertain the notion of doing way with the filibuster on that one issue, is that correct? And maybe more and maybe other issues. All right, So there there's the power grab and then he had to admit, well, if I can change the filibuster, I lose three votes right now. Then he claims were Peter Lee has been to the border, and but he's been too busy to go is probably what do you mean? He calls a lid on most days. He does nothing but sleep all weekend, most weekends. And by the way, Peter Doozy called out Jensaki about his lie again today listen to this exchange. Okay, following up by something else the president said last night, Why did President Bynds say he has been to the border? Well, Peter, as you may have seen, there's been reporting that he did drive through the border when he was on the campaign trail in two thousand and eight, and he is certainly familiar with the fact and it's stuck with him with the fact that in El Paso the border goes right through the center of town to the border. To know what a mess was left by the last administration, that's his view, does that cow? It's a visit, he said, I've been there before. You're saying he drove by for a few minutes does that cow? What is the root cause? Where are people coming from? Who are coming to the border? Peter, The President said, I'm asking I'm asking you a question because I thin people should understand the context. Where do people? Where do people come? Ask you? Okay, I'll answer it for you. People come from Central America and Mexico to go to the border. The President has been to those countries ten times to talk about border issues. There is a focus right now on a photo op. The President does not believe a photo op is the same as solutions, but he said that maybe a difference he has with Republicans. That's not what he said either. He said, I guess I should go down. So does he think that he needs? Is that what he says? He doesn't? So she won't answer the question because he lied. But they lie all the time. Oh, we're not giving COVID test to illegal immigrants because they're not going to be here very long. Oh No, no, four am flight in the morning dumping people and you know obscure airports all around the country. No, no, no, we're not. We're not bringing people into cities in the dark of the night. Yes they are. We call that an early morning flight. They just lie. That's a high class problem, the supply chain problem. You need to go shopping earlier if you want to get toys for your children for Christmas. Now, the tragedy of the treadmill unbelievable. You're not gonna get what you want in fifteen colors, but you might get at least you'll get a code if you're lucky. Oh not the America. I know. Then we've got Joe Biden saying inflation's gonna last if we don't make certain investments. By the way, the word investment means spend money, and then the lie about oh, it's not going to cost us a penny to spend three point five trillion dollars. Listen, you get told us at a town hall. I think it was in July that the it was just near term inflation. The Walster Journal recently talks like sixty seven financial experts who said that they saw high inflation going all the way or deep into twenty twenty two. Do you think it's gonna last for a while. I don't think so. I don't think you will last if depending what we do, if we stay exactly where we are, yes, if we don't make these investments. Yes, yes, Okay, then he blames OPEC, but the high price of oil. He's the guy that shut down the Keystone XL pipeline exploration in an moir in Alaska, and he's the one that is pledging that he's going to get off all oil gas coal in this country. He artificially reduced the world supply. But he's blaming OPEC because OPEC won't listen to him and increase the demand that he wants when we have more resources than they do. Listen, what about gas prices? Because something gas prices relate to a foreign policy initiative that is about something goes beyond the cost of gas. And we're about three thirty a gallon most places that now when it's up from was down in a single digits, I mean sitting with a dollar plus. And that's because of the supply being withheld by OPEC. And so there's a lot of negotiation. That is, there's a lot of Middle Eastern folks want to talk to me. I'm not sure I'm gonna talk to them. But the point is it's about gas production. It's not Ope's fault, Joe. The world's supply was reduced by you and your capitulation to new green deo radical socialism. You abolished energy independence, that's your decision. While you did kiss Putin's ass and give him a waiver so he can build his pipeline, which is making the hostile regime of Russia and the hostile actor Putin rich again. And you say you're going to defend Taiwan, what like you defended Americans that you promised you wouldn't leave behind thirteen days before you left them behind. Now they're walking back this promise to use the National Guard. On the supply chain issue. There was one gas station in Gorda, California, seven fifty nine a gallon in that town. Other places in California well over five bucks a gallon for gasoline. And Joe even said last night that he doesn't have a near term solution to reducing gas prices. But I do go back to the Trump energy independence policies. And now all of this is going to get worse because we're not going to have workers because Joe's gonna fire them with his vaccine mandate. Let's see how well that works when cops are fired nurses? You know when nurses are fired, I'm telling you and They're gonna lose a lot of these cases in court. By the way, today it was the day they're supposed to have their deadline of self imposed deadline for a deal. Not gonna happen. None of it is not a single solow. Well, there's a funny moment Nadler was sleeping during the Garland hearing. That was pretty funny. You should show that on TV tonight, you know. And that they just want to blame Joe Mansion America in this poll. They want Joe Mansion and Kristen Cinema to continue to stand strong. By the way Republicans oppressing Attorney General Garland. He was another disaster yesterday to a point, a special prosecutor for a hunter. I think the reason I think the entire Biden syndicate family is compromised by Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. You know now, now we're going to fire these these police officers and nurses and firemen and healthcare workers and armed forces. It's unreal. Shipping companies warning Biden the vaccine mandates will quote Reek havoc on the holiday supply chain. Cargo. Airshipping companies warning the White House what will happen, it will be an unmitigated disaster. That mandate is December eighth. Federal contractors that includes UPS and FedEx cannot have their employees opt out of the vaccine mandate. Oh and yeah, everything that we told you about doctor Fauci and the NIH, his NIH funding the Wuhan Viology Lab for gain A function research was true. We went into this yesterday. Yeah, and he knew about it the whole time, and Rand Paul was right. Fauci lied and he knew from the very beginning all of this is true. Illegal immigrants now they get an exemption. They're not being tested. There's no vaccine mandate for any of them. Unbelievable. Times eight hundred nine four one. Shaun was on number you want to be a part of the program.

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