No Collusion!

Published Mar 25, 2019, 10:00 PM

Vice President Mike Pence joins Sean to talk about the findings of the Mueller report, and the reaction of the left now that their main man Robert Mueller wasn’t able to find any collusion, after two years of investigating President Trump and every person he’s ever known since the 2nd grade.  Sean has been saying it for two years, No collusion! Now, liberals are trying to find the next scandal to start.

The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and 

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You'll never want to sleep on anything else now, right now, you my listeners, You're gonna save thirty percent and get free shipping when you use the promo code Sean twenty six sea N twenty six when you go to my pillow dot com again, that's promo code Sean twenty six sea N twenty six at mipillow dot com. All right, happy Monday, and we're glad you are with us right down on toll free telephone number if you want to be a part of this program. You know a lot of friends, a lot of you that make my life, my job, what I do possible all week and have been asking me what do you think? And I didn't. I don't have a Twitter account. I have no access to it anymore, and either Linda or Kristen who works on the TV show I was. I did have them tweet out on my behalf and a lot of things this weekend, and I just I know a lot of you are like, yeah, you know you want to spike the football. No, finally, I don't even feel that a little bit. I'm angry. I am pissed off today. I'm happy that the truth came out. I'm happy that, yeah, the media is wrong again and we've been right all along. And I know that there's a part of this that should be saying up here. It's this should not happen in the United States of America. And as far as I'm concerned, this is just the first chapter in what has got to be the biggest challenge that we face as a country moving forward. You know how many lives have been you know turned over upside down inside out, and the Democrats, all they want to do is keep it going, keep it keep it going. How we handle what has happened, and we'll go through all of this in detail going forward is all that's gonna matter here, Because, for example, we have watched for nearly three years a corrupt, abusively biased media report every day with hysteria, with a breathlessness, with an excitement and a glee that they were going to impeach and bring down a sitting president of that was elected by the smelly we, the smelly Walmart people, the irredeemable deplorables, the Americans that proudly cling to their Bibles and God and Jesus and our yeah, our belief in the Second Amendment. What has happened that needs to be unraveled and checks and balance is put in place is not going to be an easy task if we in this country. And I never thought this could happen. It just just not the glee that some of you think I should be feeling that Well, Hannity, you've had it right the whole time, and all these other people were wrong the whole time they lied to us. That happens almost It's been happening for years. I did not cavalierly one day decide that journalism in America is dead. They earned it. And not only have they not gotten better, they have gotten they have gotten demonstrably worse. Brit Hume calling the media's coverage of this entire debacle the worst journalistic debacle of my lifetime. Do you know how many people have wanted me fired for my coverage? Do you know this ensemble cast of people that we put together that if it wasn't for maybe fifteen people, including some of my fellow brethren radio talk shows Russian Mark and Laura and others, there was And it was like we were standing there alone the whole time, knowing that the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in this nation's history was unfolding. Brit Hume said, the worst journalistic debacle of my lifetime. And I've been in this business fifty years. I've never seen anything quite this bad, last this long. It was a terrible thing. It needs to be investigated. He called on media organizations and newspapers to review how and why they spent so much time covering utterly baseless speculation. How many non misreports that we had in the last couple of years, in some cases culminating with accusations of treason, which I'll chronicle today against the President of the United States. Leading members of the media must do some major soul searching, But so far he's not seeing any of that type of introspection from many since the conclusion of the Muller Report. When you have the highest people in power in government abusing their power in government, when we haven't even gotten to the illegal surveillance, the illegal unmasking, the leaking of raw intelligence, we haven't gotten to the twenty sixteen a three hundred and fifty percent increase in such unmaskings three hundred attributed to the former UN ambassador under Obama, Samantha powers. When we give people the ability to basically shine a laser into your house and record every single thing said and done in that house, and that power is abused, and when that weaponry, as powerful as it is, is turned on it, we, the people of this country, we are at risk of losing the country forever. They at the end of the day, we know and we have evidence of a rigged FBI Department of Justice investigation into Hillary Clinton, which needs to now be reopened after she rigged the primary. As we all know, I've never understood why I was the only one that seemed to care, because foundationally, is such a danger to our country. Then they tried to rig a general election, and they leak through their friends in the media Russian lies in the process to Iszikoff and David Korne and the Washington Post, and they disseminated that information to the American people prior to the election, Russian lies of all things. And when they spy as they did on an opposition party in a presidential election year, as they did, when they go before FISA courts and commit frauds of omission by not telling the PHYSA Court judge who paid for the dirty Russian dossier, and fraud before the FISA court by representing what we now know is unverifiable Russian lies to secure the warrant, which denies an American citizen, in this case Carter Page, due process and constitutional rights. When you deny a free and fair election to Donald J. Trump and his supporters, and then after the election you attempt a coup of a sitting president by using, of all things, Hillary Clinton's bought and paid for Russian lies, as an insurance policy. And I know everyone's praising Mueller, but when you appoint a special counsel that appoints a one sided team of pro Hillary and anti Trump political advocates, and you still can't get to where you want to go. The damage that have been done to countless people in this is incalculable. But more importantly, the damage to our justice system is extraordinarily dangerous in terms of is America going to have equal justice under the law, Are we going to have equal applications of our laws? Are we going to have a constitutional republic or will this be a banana republic where the chosen powerful get to decide how this country goes. That's why it's now time to focus on fixing this colossal, corrupt abuse of power and mess. And no future president should ever have to endure this. The American people deserve better than what we have had happened here. And these people that abuse this power, every single solitary one of them, and I'll list them, they need to be held accountable for the crimes they committed, for the abuse of intelligence weapons that they turned on their own people because they knew better. They're superpatriots. Now, the media if They're just hopeless. Don't ever expect the retraction and apology or that they're ever going to change their ways. They will double down again. They are so full of conspiracy theory, rage and hatred of any and all things Trump and anybody that supports them. They're not capable of change, but they are never to be trusted going forward. That's who they are and that's who they will ever be. I do not expect them to change or be held accountable. They're they're even showing signs of more rage and hatred now because they've been exposed again. Notice how often they're wrong and we're right. Did they ever vet Obama? Frank Marshall, Davis Olinsky, Acorn Community Organizing, the Church of ged America, America's Chickens Home to roost, starting your career in the home of a repair terrorists. They were not interested. They would never tell you about his eight years of what was a colossal failure of a president. We did, you know. It's funny that we've now revisited recently the Richard Jewel case. They were wrong, then why did they go after a sixteen year old Nicholas Sandman as hard as they did? And these other kids that are in high school, sixteen year old kids, and bludgeoned them with lies and misinformation because they wanted it to continue their political narrative about Trump or Jesse Smollett, whatever his name is. Why'd they buy that Hoholk line and sinker? Why were they wrong on the Cambridge police. Think of the ramifications of their horrible reporting in Ferguson, the expectations that they built up in people buy them rushing to judgment having an agenda. They did it again in Baltimore, Freddie grat They rushed to judgment. Those cops are getting convicted. They didn't. They did it down in Florida with you know, the Zimmerman Trey Vaughan case. They rushed to judgment. They did it with Uva. They did it with Duke Lacrosse. They did it with Kavanaugh. They did it with Justice Thomas. They did it with Robert Bourke. This is just a whole new level. They laughed at the idea run Donald run. They have never taken a second to stop the every second, every minute of every hour of every day now for three years, to even mention a single accomplishment of this president, of which there are many record breaking accomplishments. They hate him, and they hate all of you and us that voted for him, and they wanted to take him down with a vigor and a rage that was psychotic and out of control to the point that any source or no source was good enough for them. And that's the same with the You know, we have the media and the extreme radical Democratic Socialist Party. They are one entity. What they say about the border, oh, it's not a manufactured crisis. Manufact They even used the same words. Are we going to get to the bottom of this, because let me tell you something, this is not a celebratory moment. We have a psychotic, dangerous rage and hatred that brought us to this point. Sore loserism at the highest level. Any anonymous source will do any wild speculation is within bounds, run amuck. The rule of law be damned, Do process be damned, Equal justice under the law be damned, Equal application of our laws be damned, The Constitution ignored, and not be damned. Two. In the process of advancing their agenda, the media mob, the Democratic Party mob have now caused incalculable harm, division and damage in this country and every deep state actor as well. It now defines them. And unless and until we get this right and put in place the checks and balances that we the people deserve, this cannot this will this will happen again and again, and we will lose the country. Just to give you a programming notes here, Jay Sekulo is going to check in with us. You know one end of George Popadappolo spend twelve days in jail. May not sound like a lot, but two years a hell, him and his wife and a lot of other innocent people's lives ruined. The Vice President will also be joining us today. I've got so much more to say on all aspects of this. The most important is getting it right for the future of this country. By the way, one place that you can help your kids learn about the constitution, don't ever forget you want to know. Teach your kids about how politics and the constitution work. Well, it's not going to happen at a government school. Like explaining the difference between capitalism and socialism. Yeah, big issue today, Or maybe you wish you knew more about American history. The good news is, you know what, we should all be lifelong learners. And no matter how busy you are, how long it's been since maybe you went to school. Well, you can do it for free. Hillsdale College as a service to the country, and it is a necessary service. They have free online courses that provide a taste of the core curriculum every Hillsdale College student takes and the cord that teaches how to think critically and act virtuously. 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I'm reading people now, I see. I honestly don't take any pleasure in the fact that for two years that we have gotten a living crap beating out of us. And I've got to give shout outs because there were not many of us there really weren't. That we're digging deep, you know, John Solomon, Greg Jarrett, Sarah Carter Byron York, j Secular, Rudy Giuliani, Kim Strassell at The Wall Street Journal, Sydney Powell, Andy McCarthy, Victor Davis Hansen, Dan Bongino, our friend d C. McCalister, Molly Hemingway, another one, Monica Crowley, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Matt Gates, Jeff Lord I, by the way, think of our team here, Linda, Jason Ethan. What's the new girl's name? Ah, kidding, Kylie. We have one. I meant the other a new person. I was thinking of her. She's not here. Yeah, you don't remember either, Oh great? Yeah? And my TV team team, I would ask them all to dig deep. I asked everybody to research daily, you know, and and and you know, then you can't forget the others. Like my fellow talk radio brethren, you know, I mean Joe PAGs and you know, all my wonderful I'm not gonna mention everyone because Lars Larsen, Rush and Mark and you know what, my fellow people of Fox Tucker, Laura, Fox and Friends, these people all there weren't a lot of us. There weren't And it was a ninety nine point nine percent of the corrupt medium mob in their psychotic you know, a vile hatred and rage that took over any sense they had. That's got a change too, look at you know, it's you have Zucker Proud. You know there was one hundred and you know Michael Avanadi got arrested today and it's not my top story by any means. You know, it's um what for trying to extort charges are trying allegedly trying to extort Nike for fifteen to twenty five million. He's in custody, um, you know whatever. But he was on fake news CNN and MSNBC in a two month period, one hundred and ten times their favorite anti Trump guest. It wasn't an accident. What happened to Nicolas Samman or their position on Jesse Smollett, whatever you say, his name, and what am I looking at? Oh, Linda handsman package, I mean my team. Honestly, this has not been I'm the fa, the voice on radio, in the face on TV. But I gotta tell you we've all you know, we we don't sleep, did we live, eat, breathe and do this every day. It's not by accident that we've been right in all these high profile cases and they've been wrong. Because if I'm wrong once, they want to rip my lungs out and fire and boycott me. And just like everybody else on Fox and on radio, mainstream, I have put it up on the website. I can't possibly get this in in a three hour show. It's on our website, Hannity dot com. I didn't have to ask why you're just such a wise as early you know you just love to rub it in. Chance means the prepared mind. Thank you as an order, thank you, You're welcome. Um. Look at this this letter by our new Attorney general. Oh, I have hope for once that we add let's see a special council. Sixteen lawyers, forty FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants. The Special Council issued two thousand, eight hundred subpoenas, executed five hundred search warrants, Obtained more than two hundred thirty orders for communication records, issued almost fifty orders of authorizing use of pen registers, and thirteen requests of foreign governments for evidence. Interviewed approximately five hundred witnesses, five hundred lives upturned in ways you will never know. And some of these people can't afford the lawyers they had to hire. They can't. And now the Democrats they don't give a flying rip. They're gonna call them all back again because they can't handle the truth that they were so wrong and that, in fact, that there will be no further indictments. There's no sealed indictments, which they were reporting late Friday, and you know, look at Mueller couldn't have been any more clear. My biggest question about Mueller is why did you take so long? Why did you upend everybody else's lives? Why did you appoint this team of radical Trump hating Democratic donors with a track record of people like Weissman and even Clinton's own lawyer, and he still couldn't get what they wanted him to get. They just they everything they had they've thrown at this president this man went through an FBI investigation, two congressional investigations, both said no zero evidence of collusion. I mean, when you know as it as he says the first describes his orders, what it was for Russian efforts to influence the election, documents crimes committed by persons associated with the Russian government. Why didn't he care about Hillary's bought and paid for Russian dossier that was leaked to the media to impact the American people before the last election and used as according to the new Nest and the Grassly Graham memos of the bulk of information in the Faizo warrant applications against the Trump campaign associate. So they had a complete backdoor and spies in the Trump campaign in the lead up to a presidential election. If we don't get to this is what needs to happen the investigation. Now, even James Baker thought and Hillary should be indicted. The number one General Council lawyer at the FBI under Komi, thought she should be She should have been indicted for the espionage Act. I've never seen you know this whole thing about everybody? So, well, what about obstruction? It didn't take a position, No, the a g and Rod Rosenstein took a position, and it's in the letter where they clearly state no, they had no evidence as it relates to obstruction of justice either considering the president's comments were rightful and true, and if they don't have the evidence, that means it doesn't rise to the level that now is being spun out of control, and then they're moving on to the next one. Hillary needs a full, complete, honest investigation. Everybody involved with the rigging of the Bernie Sanders primary needs to be investigated. Everybody involved in this attempt to use Russian influence to either spy or get into the Trump campaign. They need to be investigated for their abusive power, spying on an opposition party in a presidential election year under false pretenses. Visa v. Faiza warrants fraud by omission by not telling the court she paid for it, fraud in representing Russian lies that were never verifiable. They didn't do their job, and they did it to impact the election, denying an American citizen due process and constitutional rights, denying America a free and fair election that goes for the American people. And the president now himself when he was a candidate, you know, Jim Comey's lies. He signs the first eyes a warrant basically attesting to the truthful nature of the Russian dossier, and then three months later in Trump Towers says, well it's unverified. That's not what they said to the FISA court in October leading up to the election. Then, of course, then the insurance policy, which is nothing short of an attempted coup of a sitting president by using, of all things, Russian lies paid for by Hillary as a as a weapon to bludgeon Donald Trump for all of this time, and making sure that their friend got appointed special counsel with a one sided team of pro Hillary anti Trump political advocates. Think of the collateral damage. Michael Flints pleads guilty to lying when the FBI didn't think he lied. Why because they were threatening his son and his family and he lost his house because he couldn't pay for the lawyers. This is how we treat thirty three year old, thirty three year veterans and war heroes that fought in combat. That's that's not the country. I know he needs to withdraw that guilty plea. He needs. I'll start a fund that he gets a lawyer it's ridiculous. But the collateral George Popadopolis, what about his collateral damage? An unknown? He has a book out today. Where do you read this book? It blew me away? I was reading it last night anyway. Or Manaphort's case was dead and buried? Now did Manaphort and call on it? Looks like it looks like they were stupid. They didn't pay their taxes and they lied on loan applications. Michael had taxi medallion issues and Manaphort, but no Russia collusion at all. But they you know, what did they want to do? What? What did the judge teach us in this case put the screws to mana for it? So he sings or composes so they can impeach Trump or whatever, or you know, or remove them from office. That's what happened. Kimberly Strassel has also been amazing in all of this, actually, as a column out today pointing out that Muller's report and failure to find any evidence against Trump is an indictment on the senior official. Senior officials is key. I had an FBI friend last night through another friend of mine, give me FBI pins an FBI shirt and I'm wearing that FBI pin tonight in solidarity with the rank and file FBI agents, the ninety nine point nine percent of the world's premiere law enforcement agency. And you know what FBI guys have been saying, thank you for always taking the time to distinguish us from them, because they aren't us, they don't represent us, and they were angrier than anybody else that I know. It is the greatest law enforcement agency on the planet. And what Comy did in this particular case. But Strassell's right, you know, the FBI unleashed as well as the intel community powers on a candidate for office of the presidency, an astonishing first in this country. It did so on the incredible grounds that the campaign conspired to aid a barn government used the most aggressive tools in their arsenal surveillance of US citizens, secret subpoena's, phone records, documents, human informants. None of this should have ever happened absent highly compelling evidence from the start. Yet we now know the FBI operated on a basis of an overheard conversation of a third tier campaign a George Poppadopoulos, who knows he was being set up as well as a wild dossier finite finite, financed by a rival presidential campaign. Mueller's no colusion and finding amounts to judgment that there wasn't any evidence. The Papadopoli's claim was always then the dossier could never be verified because its author doesn't stand by it. This was not hard for me to figure out. I wish I could tell you I'm a genius. I'm not. This was staring us right in the face, and my soul called. You want to know why. I've always had contempt for these people. That's why I've never been in one of these idiotic Washington correspondence dinners. I was dragged once to a Christmas party during the you know, during the at the White House during the It was for family. It wasn't for me. Trust me. I don't like them. They have an agenda, and that agenda has been exposed. How are you ever gonna watch them and trust them again? They never deserve your trust again, period. How many high profile cases or these people go to get wrong, most recently Smollett, most recently Nicholas Samman, but Uva, Duke, Richard Jewell, Ferguson, Cambridge, Tray Vaughan George Zimmerman. You know, when do they ever get held accountable? The media even you know, there's a piece by Matt tibby Rolling Stone. He's devastating to the media today and used to be on Imus's show quite a bit, I remember. But anyway, he said, nobody in the press wants to hear this, but news from the Special Prosecutor Mueller is now headed home without issues. It is a death blow for the reputation of the American news media. What I've been telling you since two thousand and seven, nothing Trump is accused of from now by the press will be believed by huge chunks of the population, a group that is now larger than his original base. There will be people protesting the Muller's report doesn't prove anything. What about the thirty seven indictments yet most of these indictments are Russian into intel and bought companies. And Devin Nooness warned everybody way back in twenty fourteen, Russia and Putin would do this. They've done it before, they'll try and do it again. Let me warn everybody, that's all gonna happen. And then he says, stop, just stop. Any journalist who goes there the thirty seven indictments. The financial matters, he said, is making it worse. Of course they're gonna make it worse. They can't control themselves. The cowardly shift Adam Schiff. He needs to be removed from that Intel Committee. It's a disgrace the lies that he has told. No wonder he won't come on the air. Piers Morgan has a devastating column out in the Daily Mail today, The Russia collusion hoax was a disgraceful fake news witch hunt. The chains all of Trump's deranged enemies in the media, the FBI, Hollywood and has probably insure their worst nightmare his reelection, and with his track record, he deserves it, but they've never reported on it. And then Shift now will say, well, Muller ignored incriminating evidence. No, he tried hard to nail Trump, gave it everything he had. James Comey will be among the first witnesses of Lindsey Graham. You're a barbera streisand said about oh, those kids were privileged to be around Michael Jackson and whatever his sexual needs are worth, these were children, Barbara Streisan, What is wrong with you? Diana Ross? This is insane and by the way we learned, it goes right to the top, and that means Lauretta Lynch. I want to know what she knew and when she knew it. I want to know what Susan Rice knew and when she knew it, and what Clapper knew, and what Brennan knew. And you know what else, I want to know what Barak Hussein Obama knew and when he knew. Jay Secular, Vice President Pence, George Popadopolis, I am pissed off. I had a lot of ground to cover today. Vice President Mike Pence will wag in on Muller's report and where we go from here. Also, Jay Seculo, between him and Rudy and that whole team, they've worked there. Literally they literally masterful in terms of protecting the office of the Presidency, the Constitution, the rule of law. You think that job was easy, it wasn't. And also, George Popidopolis, one person, one life impacted in a major way by all of this deep state abuse of power. All right, our two Sean Hannity Show, the Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence is coming up. George Popidopolis is stopping by. I was reading his book last night. Wow, just one person, small player, and you talk about having your life turned upside down, including twelve days in jail, which would, by the way, a miracle. At one point he says, you know what, I'm not taking this. I'm gonna I'm gonna not go to the twelve days. I'm like, no, go take your twelve days. I said. It may be two five years by the end of this. And I'm no lawyer, but I do have one of the greatest lawyers that I know, Jay Sekulo, is with us. He is the chief counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice. He is the counsel to the President. He has I know from personal knowledge. We've been friends a long time. I don't think he has slept more than three or four hours a day. Is this entire thing has gone on, And I know that you'll never get the credit you and your team and Rudy and everybody else. The amount of time, energy, effort, and detail that went into your case here had to at times be very hard. Well, Sean, First, it's been an unbelievable honor representing the President of the United States, and obviously we are very very excited with the way this has concluded. I think this is a great day. I think that the President said is right. This is America is the greatest country in the world, and this was a great day, and not only for our president, but also it was a great day for the country. And I just I'll tell you it's a humbling thing to represent a president of the United States, and that God's allowed me to have that opportunity is just something that you know, I'm thankful for every day. I will tell you this. This is This was a hard thought when it took almost two years, but the end result is pretty great. I've been I know I should feel the same way, and I know my audience has been saying because there's been two narratives in the country, there's been a handful of us, Greg and John and Sarah and my TV and my radio team and I Sidney Powell, and I'm not going to mention everybody, but this has been a small small group of us that have been saying, this is the biggest abuse power scandal and you're missing the whole story and they got it wrong. To me, Jay, if we don't fix this mess so that no other election could be influenced this way or no president ever has to endure this level of unfairness and abuse of power by really the top intelligence, Department of Justice, even top FBI players. We're in deep trouble as a country. That's what I'm worried about. How we now correct us. Well, we got to find out how did we get here. What we know is that there were the spies of warrants which apparently were not supported, obviously not supported. Now there was also the Steel dossier, which was a trumped up fake document that was circulated within our intelligence community at the highest level, and that was wrong. And the fact is that the country paid a price for that. As the President said today, you cannot allow this to happen to another president in this regard. This I think was the prime example a I call it exhibit A of just a horrible not only corruption at the highest levels, but really, if you can't even if you start going over all the events that took place Strock and Page Bruce or and Ellyora and Fusion GPS with Christopher Steel, it's it's numbing. And I think in a sense we got a little numb to it. But look at the end result, we got a great result, and we can't be. I can't be more pleased. I am right now. Look I also, and I've said this publicly. I mean, you've represented me for many, many years, so I know how you work, and you're a very special individual to me and on a personal level, a mentor a friend in a very deep way. And you know as this as this report from Barr came out, the Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in efforts to influence the twenty sixteen present sidential election. It cites the report, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities, which is great. But there was Russian interference in the election, and Devin Nunez warned about it in twenty fourteen, and there was a phony Russian dossier that was leaked and disseminated to the American people, leaked to the press, and then of course it was according to Newness and the Grassly Graham memo, the bulk of the information used in a FIZE warrant to spy on an not only a campaign associate, but the whole campaign, right, So you had a counterintelligence operation that starts with bogus evidence, and the end result of that counterintelligence investigation is that we've spent millions of dollars, We've had people's lives turned upside down, literally turned upside down, and you're asking the white questions how to correct it. You got to find out where it happened, why it happened, and then figure out how to present it never happening again. Let me go through where in the obstruction of justice side of things that Bar points out, after making a thorough factual investigation, the special counselor consider whether to evaluate the conduct under department standards governing prosecution or declining decisions, and ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, and they therefore did not draw a conclusion one way or the other as to the examined conduct whether it constituted obstruction. Instead, for each relevant actions investigated, the report sets out evidence on both sides of the question, leaves unresolved what the Special Council views as difficult issues of law concerning the president in fact, and here's the question I have, And because then he goes on to say something very profound. It's that the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, and I have concluded that the evidence developed, meaning what the Special Council had during the Special Council investigation, is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction of justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to it is not based on the constitutional considerations that surround indicting a sitting president. So, in other words, they looked at it and they said, we're prosecutors, no way. Well, here's what happened, So that someone in the Special Council's office developed the facts, and they developed a theory of law, and it was a theory of law, and the facts were what they called difficult questions of law and fact. When when you've got difficult questions of law and facts, you don't recommend criminal engagement or a criminal enforcement. Here they said that they're not accusing the president of criminal conduct, and then they have this line about it's also not an exoneration, which, by the way, is that's not really their job. The job is not to exonerates, either to bring a charge or not more to decline to bring a charge. But having said that, so what happened was they obviously internally could not come up within the Special Council's Office what this theory would be or whether it was viable. And because they worked for the Department of Justice, they are part of the Department of Justice, they did what was appropriate, which is have the Department of Justice review through the Office of Legal Counsel initially, and that looks like that was going on for a number of weeks, maybe months, these issues to determine whether there was any theory of obstruction that they thought would be applicable. The Office of Legal Counsel then, in consultation with the Deputy Attorney General's Office and the Attorney General in the United States, concluded that there was not well all, you know, again, obstruction would be if there was an underlying issue. Wouldn't there any declarative statement by the president about this being a witch hunt or unfair? Would be to me, the normal reaction of an innocent person. You know, it's very easy to criticize someone, except if you're the someone that's in the middle of this. And look, I mean, this turned a lot of people's upside down, and there was also a drain on the individuals that were engaged in this investigation as far as the people that were being looked at, but not only being looked at, the witnesses and everybody else. This was Remember how many witnesses went forward from the White House. This was unprecedented in US history. The end result of all of that, the end result of all of that is that the president has been vindicated, the country has been vindicated, and it's good news for America that nobody was engaged in any kind of coclusive activity. Here's what I'm most worried about, Jay, and there's a long list. It is very clear the investigation into Hillary and the Espionage Act and obstruction was a rigged investigation. It's very clear that not only the primary, but there was an effort to rig a general election, spying on an opposition party in a presidential election year. The FIA and fraud of the fraud on the FISA by omission not telling the court who paid for the dossier, and fraud in representing that it was verified when we now know it's authored, can't verify it. So it was an unverifiable list of Russian lies that denies an American citizen due process and constitutional rights. That's Carter page that denies a free and fair election for the president and his supporters, and then afterwards using that phony Russian lies those documents, you know, in an attempted soft coup of a sitting president as an insurance policy. Is there anything I'm saying that's wrong. No, I mean, so all of that. I don't disagree with anything you said. And here's what happened. The justice system actually worked, and we should be very proud of the Americans, even though it took a long time, that the justice system ultimately prevailed here and justice was done at least as it relates to these issues. And I think it's it's really hard pressed after twenty eight hundred subpoenas, five hundred search warrants, fifty pens, which is the phone record, the phone things back and forth? Was it five hundred witnesses thirteen countries, and then Congress is saying they're going to now investigate Russian collusion and obstruction that's already been done. Well, I mean when you actually look at the list, I mean it's extensive, Jay, all right now, you know, I mean you look at Papadoppolis, you look at what happened with all these other people, and Congress now wants to do it again. I'm not going to go into strategies on that on the broadcast. I will just tell you that I think it's an unbelievable oval reach by the United States Congress, and I think it raises serious constitutional and statutory issues. That's all. Also well Bar's summary of the you know, if you really want to break it down, of the Special Council's investigation, twenty eight hundred subpoenas they executed, what only five hundred search awrence third team requests for foreign governments for evidence, interviews of five hundred witnesses. What did you know? Dowd and others turn over one point four million documents? Right? Exactly? How many hours did you know the Trump family and Jared Kushner and and all these people you know, have to hundreds of hours came out of the White House alone of the testimony, hundreds and hundreds of hours. What changes unprecedented quir There's never been cooperation like this in any any inquiry of a president like this, where there's been this kind of quie was the exact opposite of the Complainton case. I we got and we ended up with a much better result. I must say I was always dubious and very vocal about the team that Robert Muller put together, and I think there should have been done more expeditiously. And I thought it was a partisan team from Weissman to Genie Ray and everybody in between. And I've been very vocal about it. But I look back here and I'm wondering, you know, I wondered, did they not see the abuse of intelligence of power of the FISA courts, the FBI, Bruce or Nelly or James Comee, McCabe, Baker, Struck, Page, Yates. And now we learned from the testimony last week of Page and Struck that this went right into the office of Lauretta Lynch. Yeah. So the answer is this is inexplicable. The whole situation with or the Or family, the Jusian GPS, Struck and Struck and Page. You can't explain it that their phones were wiped clean. None of this is right. At the end of the day, although painful as it was for a lot of people, justice as to the president was done. I think some of these people have had a very unfortunate turning upside down of their lives. And I think you know the human beings should feel compassion for other human beings. But my job was representing the president, and my team's job was representing the president, and we're very pleased with the outcome. Well, I will tell you because I know the personal told that you paid and the price you paid in the hours you committed to this, and I think that you did the country a great service. And I don't ever think you'll get the recognition you deserve. And that's for you and your entire team. Rudy, I'm I'm, I don't want to leave anybody out here, and UM, I'm glad that he did a great job, even John Dowd and Ty Cobb back in the beginning of this, Ye, Mark cass was like Bowie all the way back. I mean, there's been just just look, you know, I'm a man of faith. I believe that things don't happen by accident, and the right teams were in place at the right time, and the end result of this was a very good day for America and um, and we carried forward and that's what we do next. You know what we say next case you know, actually, one day I want people to hear you once told me you pray unceasingly. I want you to explain that I don't. I'm not a good I need to, but I don't. Um. Well, it's just, you know, it's really seth when you're doing something of this magnitude. If you think you could do this on your own and in your own power, I think you're eluding yourself. That's just that's I'm not commenting on anybody else's faith commitment, but for me, so praying without ceasing means when I'm thinking about it, when i'm I always ask God for wisdom. You know, it's it was good enough for the older New Testaments is good enough for me. All right, Jay Sekulo, thank you for what you've done for your country here. I appreciate it. We'll see you tonight on Hannity. Also Rudy Giuliani tonight, Also tonight New Gingrich the Great One, Mark Levin. I mean, we have a great show and a monologue that we're going forward. If we don't fix it, we lose the country. Eight hundred and nine four one sewn. You want to be a part of the program, will continue, all right. George Papadopoulos and his wife Simona gonna stop by Their book is so fascinating, and I've read it over the weekend. I've marked up a thousand different ways the deep state, deep state target. How I got caught in the crosshairs of the plot to bring down President Trump. It's sad what he went through. Now. I offered unsolicited advice to George when he was about to do his twelve days in prison. I'm gonna challenge this. I'm not. I'm like no. I said, if you withdraw your plea, you might spend five years in jail. I said, anybody can suck it up for twelve days. He actually describes the chicken wings on Wednesday with the best and that the prisoners respected him because they knew, like everyone else, he could sing or compose, and he didn't. He didn't. You can lie and get out of anything. Now, which has to change his wall. Does anybody in this panel right now have a sense of how this accumulation thing's gonna work. We're looking now at Paul Manafort, the chairman of the campaign, the chaircoun chairman of the convention of the whole campaign. We're looking at people like Jeram. Of course, there are people lesser players, like Papadopoulos, we're looking at Roger Stone probably on the list for the gay for the giant scene here. All these people go into prison for a significant amount of years looking ahead, and then the President I state, sit there is this a Rico situation, Barbara, And if the mastermind walks, as David thinks, anything's possible here, if the master mind walks where twenty people go away to prison for a hard time, I think history of a hard time figuring this maybe out? What are the outstanding questions? Your committee, the House Intelligence Committee, for example, will continue to investigate regardless of what the Mueller Report reveals. Well, either there are any number of examples that I could give you of the information that we've obtained our investigation, information that's become clear from the Special Council investigation that may not be neatly summed up in a decision or disclosure that we decided to indict a but not be If they're not answered, then we're going to have to answer them. We're gonna have to find the truth, all right, twenty five now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine for one, Sean told free telephone number. You want to be a part of the program, what I've been saying all day is you know, I know a lot of you want to take a victory lab here today, and it is a great day in the end that Okay, we went through all of this, we got to the truth, and a part of me is glad. But it's how we handle what has happened moving forward that is all that's going to matter. If the media is allowed to continue these lies, this propaganda, this anonymous sourcing, hysteria, breathless coverage, their conspiracy theories, which I am predicting they will double down on, then we have a real information crisis, way beyond me telling you all in oh seven the journalism is dead. But more importantly is this that if these people with all of this power that we give them, that have abused this power in unprecedented ways, if we don't get to the bottom of Hillary Clinton, who did commit felonies getting a rigged in vestigation. George Poppadoppolis joins US Deep State target How I got caught in the crosshairs of the plot to bring down President Donald Trump. He rightly has dedicated his book to his wife, Simona. They both joined us in studio. Good to see you both. How Are you doing great, John, Thanks for having us. First of all, I first met your wife. I mean, she was fierce. Everyone thinks, by the way, you're Russian. You're not Russian. Unfortunately too, I cannot disappoint the public. I'm and where you're from. I know what I'm from, Caserta. It's a tiny seat in near by Naples in the south of Italy. Okay, I have a tiny It's funny, right, everyone thinks your wife was Russian the whole time. Oh she's Russian. He's got a Russian wife. We have blonds over there. I'm not going anywhere near that comment. But I watched your wife come on my show and defend you with a passion that was wow. It was spectacular for you. In the end, I want you to give the overview. You got caught in all of this mess, and when you get to the truth about the professor, it was no reason for you to go through this ever, and if it can happen to you, and you were lucky. You only got twelve days in jail. And I talked to you before you went into prison, and I said, look, anyone can suck it up for twelve days. Easy for me to say I'm sure tell us how you got here and explained because you go into all the detail in your book. Yeah, so's it's a very complicated story that's probably gonna go against what the mainstream narrative has been for the last two years about me. And that's why I had to write this book, Deep State Target, because I finally had to speak with my own voice and describe my experiences from a personal standpoint. Obviously, my wife was my champion, and she was fierce in her way that she was trying to get my story out there. But because the story was so complicated, involved so many different countries, so many characters, a five minute or a ten minute interview wasn't going to allow it to be justified. So what I did was I wrote a book where I explained from A to Z how I got involved, not only with Ben Carson, but then with Trump, what my career trajectory was, what led me to get a target on me and all the foreign operatives and assets that were used to try and sabotage me, and by doing that, try to get to President Trump eventually. And basically what I do describe as a very very well orchestrated operation in which the British and the Australians were involved to try and working alongside the Obama Department of Justice to create these fake Russian assets intermediaries to make it look like Trump people and Trump campaign advisors or transition officials were working with Russians while at the whole time it was basically just a hoax. And this started with a professor in your particular case, and you just give the short version of it. Sure, so, there was a Multese professor who the FBI described as some sort of Russian agent, who one day in London told me that the Russians possess thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails. That was the narrative for two years. What my book explains is that this person was highly connected to both the British intelligence services, the CIA, and even the Italian intelligence services. He's currently being held in Italy under the protection of the Italian state. And I do hope that moving forward, President Trump and his administration gets more clarity from the various countries that were involved trying to undermine his candidacy and presidency. You know, and as I look at your story and I've followed it along the way, you know, it ends up with you meeting the Special Counsel, which you discussed bring us into that room that day. Yeah. So after I'm basically violently arrested at the airport coming back from a trip from Europe. I am rushed off a train, I have the FBI looking through my bags. I've never read my Miranda rights. And then I'm not told actually what I'm being arrested for, except I'm being tossed into a filthy cell with two in and there, and me not understanding what happened until the twenty five hours. For twenty five hours. The next day, I wake up, I'm sleeping with one eye opened the whole time, and I'm in front of a magistrate where the Special counsel is two hours late to that meeting, and they're telling me I'm looking at twenty five years in prison for some bizarre charges of lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice. The story gets a little more complicated because, as I explained in my book, what they were really after me for were my ties to Israel. This is something that's very shocking to many people because they really didn't understand what and how I actually got involved in presidential By the way, you first supported Ben Carson. You annoyed Korey Lewandowski you talk about in your book to Death exactly, and you kind of like get in the campaign, you meet the professor. Next thing you know, you're you know, you have a call with Sam Clovis, and that's what kind of brought you in deeper. Yeah. Absolutely, And basically some this target, all these various characters in London were just following me around. They had this pre planned. I mean, this was not they didn't wake up one day decide to takedown Trump. This is why Australian, Great Britain don't want the president giving out these materials. And they've been all over him. I believe not too. And you you're smiling because you know that's true. Absolutely. Where we go from here as an important question, let me just say, so you went to prison for twelve days, Simona. You went there and every single day you would go see him. For the twelve days, every single day I was allowed into. I was basically in this hotel, very simple hoteil, nearby his prison camp, and I could experience the support of the locals. They were outraged by this machinician. They follow my interviews on TV and they were sincerely empathetic with what was happening. Seeing George in jail was a defeat. Defeat. He didn't like his green uniform. It was very cute. It was very very cute. I guess you could hold hands, but that's probably the most they could do in jail. Well, I was saving and appropriately every time I tried to hug him, some of the officer was like, they're not allowed to. So it was it was very frustrating, but um, you know, seeing him here, what did it mean to have her there? Every day? She kept me alive. But the prisoners were nice to you. The prisoners chicken and Wednesday chicken wing it great. You're right about all those in the book. Ye I do. Look, I was fortunately in Trump country. We live in La now, so I'm very happy I wasn't designated to go to prison in California because I just don't know what would have been waiting for me. And it was minimum security. I mean, I mean I spend most of my time reading newspapers in the morning, playing basketball, and if it was warm enough, we would have played softball outside where they have a stadium. So I mean, it wasn't what you see in the movies or anything like that. But still I missed my family. I felt there was an injustice. And even the inmates and prisoners, I mean and the guards themselves were basically telling me that this is a war going on against the president. You got caught up in it. Just keep your head up. But they also liked the fact that you know, for example, it's like in the case of mataphor it they want you to and describe Mueller in your interrogation. They want you to sing or compose, and they basically give you a script, don't they If you say this, we'll go easy on you. Basically, did that happen to you? That was gonna be my next point. Basically, what my entire interaction with the FBI and then Mueller for the entire year and a half was basically, who did I tell on the campaign about this stupid information that this guy in London told me? Because they were looking to make a conspiracy professor the professor, they knew who this person was. I explained in my book that the FBI knew exactly who this guy was. He wasn't a Russian. He was obviously working with the British and the American intelligence services. They wanted to use me to basically create this conspiracy, and they were gonna and my lawyers were pressuring me, tell them, tell them, tell them, they were saying, tell us, and you won't. Nothing will happen to you. I was never going to flip against the President because I would have rather gone to jail. When you say flip, you meant lie, yeah, yeah, lie lie, And they wanted you to lie. Basically, That's what my impression. I was in there for hours and hours having my head beat, but I wasn't going to lie. Quick break more with George Papadopoulos and his wife Simona putting it up on Hannity dot com. This is a must read book. This gives you, you know, just one player in this whole scheme of things and the pain, the suffering that they needlessly had to go through in our country with our system of justice, and it should never happen. It's called Deep State Target, How I got caught in the crosshairs of the plot to bring down President Trump. It's on Hannity dot com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere. Now. All right, as we continue, George Papadopolis and his wife Simona with us their brand new book. This is a fascinating read. You're gonna love it, including his time in prison, Deep State target, how I got caught in the crosshairs of the plot to bring down President Trump. Later this week, I'm gonna have you both on TV. Obviously, I've got a lot of news to get to. But you also, I remember when your name came up. I was all around the Trump campaign. I never heard of George Popadoppa. I'm not being insulting to you, but I'm my huh, and I'm like, Okay, the president didn't know who you are. I don't nobody remembered you. Maybe Corey did. But what happened with they made this case about drinks without Australian diplomat Andrew um, what's his name? Downer? You know, so when you're brought in and Muller's people, how many people are in the room when they're interrogating you about Downer and about this professor? So that's a very good question. Actually, they weren't even interested in the professor. They wanted Downer. Actually they weren't even really interested in him either. They wanted Trump. They wanted Trump. They knew how many times had you met Trump? I met him once, Okay, in one meeting. Did you talk in that meeting? Yeah? Did you think he remembers you? Because I I don't think he does. I'm I'm there just doing my job at on the campaign. If he I don't know exactly, but what I was involved with, what the special counsel was. They were using these orchestrated events to make my situation larger than life, which were all fake and events. And look at how NBC News MSNBC covered the you and Downer and Clovis. They blew this up into the biggest thing in the drinks that you had together was the biggest conspiracy ever. But you know where it gets even more nefarious right now, Sean, I was one of four witnesses that was asset testify in front of the House Oversight Committee, Papadopoulos, Lynch, Yates, and Komy. There's a reason I was one of only four witnesses invited because they know as well as I know, and as well as I always knew, that Alexander Downer was sent to spy on me and was working as an asset of Western intelligence, probably in coordination with the FBI, to try and sabotage a Trump campaign on behalf of his own vesset interests in the Clinton presidency and obviously with the dirt other words, they outsourced intelligence techniques that they can't do on their own. Yes, and it's been very clear. I mean, I don't want to talk for Carnerson Mark Meadows, but he's been recently tweeting a lot about me, about a lot of information in my file that I think is going to reveal a lot of this information that I've just been talking about openly, but they obviously approve to the classified stuff. What I'm gonna do is I just wanted to get you on today. It's obviously a huge newsday because you're one family that I've gotten to know, and I remember at one point you were going to give up your plea and I said, serve you twelve days. I offered it it unsolicited to you because I felt like, if you open that can of worms, what you might be doing two years and I did not want that for you and your family. But I'm going to invite you back here in the studio here all week, absolutely, and I we're gonna do a deeper die. But I want everyone to grab this book. It's on sale now Hannity dot Com, Amazon dot com, bookstores everywhere, Deep State Target. How I got caught in the crosshairs of the plot to bring down the president? George Papadopolis, how would you like to give up twelve days of your life? And it was only twelve because you wouldn't lie to people that wanted you to lie in their effort to bring down the president? Simona, you have been wonderful on behalf of your husband. It was an amazing display of strength and partnership. I applaud you as well. George. I've gotten to know you well and I think a lot about you. I know who you are, and everybody get those Amazon dot Com, Deep State Target. It is a fat This will be a movie. I want the movie rights. I think it has a place to become a movie episode. I want to play George because he's really good looking, and I'm like, you know, I'm an old man. That's a fatman, out of control, great hair. You guys start getting into the Marshall training that you're doing. You're looking good. I got to get back in shape like you are right now. Listen. I may not look like it, but I could really kill you. But I never would obviously, all right, quick break right back the Vice President of the United States, Mike Penson's next stay right here for our final news round up and information overload. Yesterday was a great day for our country, our president, and every American who cherishes the truth. After two years of investigation and reckless accusations by many Democrats and members of the media, the Special Council confirmed what President Trump said all along, there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the twenty sixteen election, and the Attorney General confirmed there was no obstruction of justice. Made no mistake about it, my fellow Americans. This was a total vindication the President of the United States and our campaign, and it should be welcomed by every American. And even if some Democrats want to spend more time on discredited allegations, the American people can be confident the President and I are going to continue to focus where we always have, on the issues that are most important to our country, on a stronger and more prosperous America and on a safer world. And that's exactly what we've done since the first day of this administration. All Right, that was the Vice President of the United States just yesterday speaking out obviously about the things that we have now gone through, and as I have been saying the entire show and frankly the work that me and our ensemble cast, there have been two very distinct narratives that have been moving forward. We now know that the American people, the media, and they have not been held accountable all their lies for two plus years, all their conspiracy theories for two plus years, all of the misinformation for all of this time. But more importantly, those at the highest levels of power that abused that power, that rigged an investigation into one favored candidate, illegally unmasked American citizens, league raw intelligence about American citizens, weaponize the powerful tools of intelligence against the American people, abused the greatest trust that we could ever put in anybody in terms of as a country. If they're not held accountable, then America, as this great constitutional republic, the greatest country God has ever given man, will cease to exist. And we have in this case criminalized political differences on a level this country has never witnessed before. We either hold these people accountable or we will pay a price. Future presidents will endure the same type of attempt to rig an election first and then undo a duly elected president because they think they knew better. The Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, is here with us. Mister Vice President, always an honor. Thank you so much for being Willis Sean, Thanks for having me on. And today really is a great day for America. I said as much as a gather here in Washington, DC. But it's a great day for a country or for President Trump, for our administration. And let me just say, at the outset, when we saw in the midst of this two year investigation, reckless accusations not just by Democrats but by so many in the media, let me just say thank you to you for the way you stood strong for the facts. You stood strong with this administration, and all of us I know, from the President to meet and everyone in the administration are just we're grateful for your voice in the media. And it's great to be with you today, mister Vice President. We had prior to the report that came out yesterday. Thank you so much. I mean, it means a lot to me that you say that. But we had we had an FBI investigation that found no collusion. We had two congressional investigations that found no collusion, and yet they pursued this with almost a psychotic rage and an unwillingness to accept the results of the election. What do you think needs to be fixed so this could never happen again? Well, I think I think there's a that's a conversation that everyone needs to have it. I'll be honest with you, If if your colleagues in the national media aren't doing a lot of soul searching today, they should start right now. As the Vice president, I don't believe that's going to happen. There's no indication. Look, look, this is a day that the the Muller Report, the Attorney General's report to the Congress and to the American people, found that literally here's two years investigation, nineteen lawyers, more than five hundred witnesses, twenty five million dollars that the Special Counsel confirmed what President Trump said all along, there was no collusion between our campaign and Russia during the twenty sixteen election, and the Attorney General confirmed there was no obstruction of justice. It is a total vindication of the president of our campaign administration. But it should be welcomed by every American and it should it should drive you know, the leadership on the air and off the air, and networks around the country and newspapers around the country to take a step back and think about what they did. I was looking at some numbers here about the number of stories that ran on the Muller investigation since September. It was literally in the thousands. And you saw, you know, Karen and I when we settle in for the evening, we turn on the TV and fire up the TVO and we always catch the opening monologue of year show. And it was just, to be honest with you, Sean, it was an oasis in a sea of acrimony in the national media. And now that these allegations have been discredited, it's time for the national media to take a step back and to ask themselves why they were so quick to assume the worst about this president, our administration, our campaign. I mean, the American people deserve better. I mean what the national media and the Democrats put this country through in the last two years should invite a reckoning in the national press. And for the Democrats say, look, let me very clear, you look at what and no one does a better job listing the accomplishments of this President and this administration better than you on the airways. I mean, I just tell the truth. Yeah, it's not that hard. Yeah. Look, this president said we're going to rebuild our military, largest investments in our national defense since the days of Ronald Reagan. Our economy is roaring through tax cuts, deregulation, the unleashing American energy, has a record number of conservatives appointed to our federal courts. America's standing tall in the world again. We're seeing we're seeing long term challenges on the foreign stage all of a sudden begin to open up the possibility of peace and resolution. All that is a testament to what the President has been able to do over the last two years. Despite the fact that so many in the national media President company accepted Sehn largely ignored what this administration was accomplishing for the American people. Five point three million new jobs created, wages rising at the fastest pace in more than ten years, and including the wages are rising most rapidly among blue collar Americans. Forgotten men and women of America are forgotten no more. There's an incredible story of success of this administration. And what I want your listeners to know is that now the mular report is published, the Justice Department has made drawn their conclusions and release them to the public. Isn't that we're going to start focus. We're going to keep doing what President Trump and I in this administration have been doing since the first day of this administration. We're going to keep looking for ways to make America more safe, more secure, more prosperous for every American. And if the Democrats ask more time on discredited allegations, if the media wants to continue to run down this same pathway, look, I think the American people know better. The American people are gonna, They're gonna they're gonna welcome this President's a determination to continue doing what we've done since day one. I agree with you, mister Vice President. It is a historic day that the truth came out here. But I am very concerned about the following because if we don't put in place checks and balances so this could never happen again in America. You know, when you think about you know, everybody from the Attorney General of the United States, Loretta Lynch and an FBI director, you know, rigging an investigation into Hillary Clinton because they favored her as the primary was rigged spying on an opposition party during a presidential election year, by committing a fraud in multiple ways on the Five Court by omission, by not telling the court who paid for the dossier, and representing that the dossier was true when we now know it's unverifiable. It's author doesn't stand by it, Denying an American citizen carter page due process, denying a free and fair election to Donald Trump and his supporters because they were leaking this information of the press and literally using that to bludgeon a president for two plus years. You know, James Comy signed off on the dossier APPLICAFIES application in October twenty sixteen, and in January twenty seventeen, President elect Trump was told to Trump Tower, it's it's not verified, but sealacious. He said the opposite three months earlier to the court. How do we what should we do going forward to hold everybody accountable. Well, the first thing we've done is install the kind of leadership an Attorney General Bill Barr renewed leadership at the FBI. We've moved out these bad actors, including Jim Comey or from the FBI. But look to your point, the American people have a right to know, and we welcome Senator Graham's call for further investigations into into what took place at the FBI. Look, you know a lot of FBI agents. I travel the country and with FBI agents. The rank and file of the FBI are men and women of tremendous courage, tremendous commitment to law and order into the American people. But at the top of the FBI, what we've seen you revealed over the last two years is deeply troubling to the American people. And it's and now that the Muller investigation is completed, now that the American people have the answers to the questions that were raised out infinitem in the national media and by our political critics, we ought to. We ought to, we ought to take the same energy to ask what happened at the FBI and why did it happen? Into your point, ensure that it never takes place again. Just to have seen individuals at the FBI at the highest level, as He's congressional investigations have revealed, and engaging in partisan activities and casting aside their their solemn obligation to be to be officers of the law at There needs to be an accounting, There needs to be a reckoning. But I want, I want to assure all of your listeners the new leadership the Justice Department, the leadership that we've installed the Federal Bureau of Investigation over the last year. It's a new day at the FBI. It's a new day at the Justice Department under Attorney General Bill Barr. But we have to find we have to get answers, and we're going to work with members of Congress to get to the bottom of what happened and make sure it never happens again. You know, I received a gift last night from a friend of mine that is in the FBI, and he gave it to me last night for a reason because he said, he goes, you have no idea, and I think they are the world's premier law enforcement agency. And I have a family that is they are. They absolutely are. And I always said, sir every night, this is not rank and file, This is not rank and file. Look, my mom was a prison guard, my dad worked in family court probation. I had a million cops in my family, and two guys were deity that made it to the FBI. And he said, thank you for sticking up for those of us that have been aghast at what we have uncovered here. And we need to get this right because he's heard me say, and I believe it, that the FBI is the world's premier law enforcement agency and it must regain that and the checks and balances must be put in place. Do you agree with that? I absolutely do, Sean. We have an obligation to get to the bottom of what happened in twenty sixteen for precisely the reasons that you just eloquently describe. It is in keeping faith. It's in keeping faith with the rich tradition and the men and women of the FBI who every day put their lives on the line. But look, I mean, we've got we've got a director, and Christopher Ray is a man of integrity, and his quiet strength has been reflected since the first day that he was confirmed with that position. We have an Attorney General in Bill Barr, who again, you know, show the respect that he commands across the spectrum of justice and law enforcement in producing that public report yesterday. We have taken steps, at the President's direction and by his decisions, to restore the credibility the Justice Department and the FBI. But to ensure this never happens again. Now is the time for us to This investigation is now over by Robert Muller. Now is the time for us to, with renewed vigor, look back, give the American people the answers to what happened in twenty sixteen at the highest level of the Justice Department. The American people deserve nothing less, you know, mister Vice President Vice President pencils with us. People often ask me, because I've known President Trump way before he ever thought about running for president, I've known him for well over two decades, and people ask me all the time, well, what's he really like? And it's funny because my friends have other friends that they say, well, what's Hannity really like? A jerk? Right? And I'm and I But the word I used to describe him more than any other is he is unrelenting, tenacious, and fearless. And I have spoken to him, interviewed him enough in this process to know that the amount of pressure that this had to put on his presidency, he never showed it. He just kept working. He kept his head down. I mean, he'd fight back, but you know, when he's fighting for better trade deals and lower taxes, in a border wall to protect us. He's fighting on our behalf. And when he fights other people, it's like, I don't expect him to be any different in life, but I've seen I've never he has a quality that I have seen him very few people that he doesn't allow things like this that I think might have overwhelmed others to consume him. He just kept going. No truer words have ever been spoken. You know, I'm with the president almost every day when we're both in Washington, DC. We'll spend hours together every day. And look, literally, since the outset of this administration, the reckless allegations of collusion in the twenty sixteen campaign and then an obstruction of justice swirled around in the national media. But I got to tell you every single day when I walked into the Oval Office in the morning for the first meeting of the day, this president was focused on the issues most important to the American people. Focused on providing for the common defense, rebuilding our military, focused on border security and confronting the crisis of illegal immigration. Focused on getting this economy that had been that had been lackluster growth for years roaring again, and now it's working for Americans. The American dream is roaring back, making sure that we have conservatives appointed to our courts at every level. And then we bid farewell to Prime Minister b B Net and Yahoo from from the west winging of the White House here at a state visit. He's on his way back to Israel in the wake of the terrible rocket attacks that injured seven outside Tel Aviv. This president has engaged the world consistently and has been changing the paradigm in so many areas of the world, whether it be Asia Pacific with the negotiations we have underway with China, whether whether it be a new alignment across the wider Arab world, whether it be North Korea, no more missile tests, no rockets, no nuclear testing, the hostages our home and Chairman Kim is at the table in one area after another, including in our hemisphere, and what we're seeing as freedom is erupting all across. Then, as this president never taken his eye off the ball, he stayed focused right worthy American people elected to focus, and that is making America safe again, making America prosperous again. And we're going to keep on every day under his leadership working to make America great again. Well, I want to say this too, mister Vice President. You know, I've always viewed BB as a you know, up until President Trump got on the scene, as a Trichillian figure with moral clarity and understanding of the evil and our time and the challenges in our time, he stood alone. But with President Trump, I think there's been an emerging partnership in moving Jerusalem from Tel Aviv to be tel Aviv to Jerusalem the Capitol, and more recently rightly saying the goal on heights as Israel's. But you too, Look, I've known all of you, BB, the President, and I've known you for over two decades, and I know you never want the credit, but I know the relationship behind the scenes and that you're there every step of the way. And you know, the economic success and the success that we've had in making the country safer wouldn't happen without you and your strong contributions and unending support of the President and the country. And we thank you for all of that too. And today is a big day, but it's also for me very sobering. I never thought this could happen to our country, sir, never believe this possible, and thankfully we're on the other side of it. But I feel a very strong urgency that we need to fix it so it never happens again. We couldn't agree more. And you know I'll end where I begin, Sean. Today's a great day for America, for President Trump, for our entire administration, and it really should be welcomed by every American of churis as the truth, mister Vice presidentegrity of our elections. Thank you for being a voice for truth on the airways of America. Sean. We couldn't be more grateful. And there's nobody that's had more moral clarity on life than you. You are a great example to all of us. Thank you, sir for being with us. We appreciate it. Thank you, Sean. Thank you, mister Vice Resident. Amazing Hannity Tonight at nine, Remember Rudy Giuliani, Jay Sekulo. We are loaded up with the best guest, best analysis, and I think we're gonna put together the best monologue I think I can ever do. Newke Ingridge, Mark Levinland'sy Graham Meadows and Jordan. You know, without these people, we wouldn't be here today. And the fact is we were right the whole time. But I will say this, and I mentioned it earlier in the program, the media is hopeless in this country. That's why I declared them dead so long ago. They won't retract, they won't apologize, They're never gonna learn from this. Where is their retraction? Where are their apologies for all? They're no source, anonymous source, hysteria and insanity? It just where are they? How did they just now move? Well, let's move to the Southern District investigation. Let's move to a new investigation. Let's look into Donald Trump and what he might have done back in high school. Like Mitt Romney cuts some kids hair, did Donald Trump cut it kids hair as part of a prank? The problem is, it's not funny when you are abusing the trust and power of the people you know and taking advantage they expect you to be honest and truthful. It never veted Obama back in oh seven and eight, they literally were fawning over him. It never told you eight years after that his record was a failure. Why do you think Nicolas Sandman and the Coming and Kids were such a big story because they used of sixteen year old to bludgeon Trump? Why did Jeff what's his names? Uh, Smullett, that guy's name, Remember Jesse Smullett. Why Jesse Smollett, Why in his particular case did they want to believe him so bad? All started with Richard Jewel. You've hurt the wrong about all of these cases, wrong, about the Cambridge police. Wrong, and what happened in Ferguson, Missouri as a result. What happens when they build up expectation of results that are never coming, like Baltimore or Trey Vaughan and George Zimmerman. You know what happens to young kids when they rushed to judgment, deny due process and the presumption of innocence to Duke Lacrosse kids, or to Justice Cavanaugh, or to Robert Borke or to Clarence Thomas. These generations of failure that is allowed to continue. You know, the very media that laughed at the idea that Donald Trump because it would ever run, run, Donald run, they said, never taken the time to ever cover the president's accomplishments because that goes against their political narrative. That's why they fell for every lie, every you know, an anonymous source. That's why they were breathlessly reporting every second minute hour of every single day. What they did, ignoring what would get them pullets or prizes in their cases, the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in American history. You know, the media and the extreme radical socialist Democrats, they are one entity. It's like two shall become one, the spiritual manifestation of God joining two people. They shall be one. You know, I am my father are one. The Bible says, you know, well, okay, the media and the extreme radical democratic socialists they are one. You know, remember when they said the it's manufactured. They all say the same word. They're one entity. You know who they're not serving you? We the people. Listen to this. I wouldn't be surprised if, for example, this week, on Friday, he is going to be delivering what I think are going to be his indictments, the final indictments. I would not be surprised if there were a number of indictments that's still going to come down the pike. I takeaway is there's a very real prospect that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time. Do you agree with Congressman Adam Schiff, who is going to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. That President Trump could be indicted and possibly faced jail time after he leaves office. Yes, absolutely, I think he can be looked at and perhaps even charge with obstruction of justice. This is evidence of willingness to commit collusion. This BuzzFeed news report is true, then we are likely on our way to possible impeachment proceedings. If this story is true, we must begin impeachment proceedings. This is suborting perjury. I think there's no question it's an impeachable offense. Man at that point, we are in high crimes at misdemeanor, and we are in impeachment. Impeachment is the remedy. I mean, the president can't the only remedy. The spirit of what Trump did is clearly treasonist. This is moving into perjury, false statements, and even in a potentially treason, there's outright treason. I mean, there is no question. I think he's feeling the news around his neck. The news is tightening, and I think they're shocked that the news is tightened. He feels the news is tightening, tightening, the sound of hoof beats of all those investigations catching up with Donald Trump must be loud in his ears. Do you can get the end of the day. If Trump chooses the country over his own family, is that a good thing or would you rather him vice versa. Well, I think they're all going to end up together in prison, and maybe that's all right. That's your media, that is your Democratic Party. They are one, and they are corrupt and dishonest, and they have betrayed the American people on a level, on a scale that is so spectacularly dangerous if we want to remain the Democratic Republic. We are all right, Let's get to our busy phones here, all right, Rod, We really haven't been covering those. But yes, Michael Avanani has been indicted, I guess what, for trying to extort money from Nike. And he's also good tax evasion. He's filed taxes, fake taxes for years he didn't even actually file. Also, he filed fake paperwork. You know, I'm gonna I'm gonna surprise everybody again. I don't take any pleasure or joy and people going to jail and having their lives wrecked and ruined. It's just sad, the whole, you know, the whole sordid. You know, Michael Avenati nonsense is ridiculous, rodding California. Thanks for checking in, Thanks for your patience, Sean Hannity. You are a great American and on behalf of all conservatives on the West Coast. I want to think not only you, but your entired team for keeping your faith through this entire debacle. And I think it is just precious, precious that the first indictment that comes down after the Muller report comes out is from the biggest critic that Donald Trump has had in the last two years, and that is Michael Avenatti. I think it is just awesome the fact that he is just filth and what do they say, Things that happen in the dark will eventually have the light shown on them. And the light is glaring brightly on mister Avianati today, and I am just I'm sorry. I'm spiking the football and I'm taking I'm taking glory and the fact that he is the first of the dominoes to start falling because Donald Trump keeps winning and the people that keep attacking him will continue to lose. I honestly, look, a lot of my friends want me to spike the football, and I've been saying I don't know. Maybe it's because I've been so immersed in this rod for all these years and all that I know that has been done, and I feel like me and this ensemble cast that I keep telling you about that has been such a big part of making you know, there were two narratives running in America, and there was you know, a very small group of us were on one side that had real evidence and that kept pounding and pounding away at the truth, and another side the ninety nine percent that were wrong. And we knew they were wrong the whole time, you know, And maybe I'm supposed to, maybe I should feel good that we were right, but I feel like if we don't get it right, I just think the long term damage and ramifications for this country are so severe you can't recover. We better get the checks and balances correct in this country. It is you know, when you give power to these high individual the upper echelon, FIDJ, the Intel community, and they use it as a weapon against the American people, and they think that we smelly Walmart, you know, shoppers, the irredeemable deplorables that cling to our God, our guns, our Bibles are religion, and they turn because they're smarter than us, and they rig an investigation, They for the favored candidate, try to rig an election, and then when it's when it doesn't come out their way, then they try to undo the will of the people. That is exactly what has happened here, and we've been saying it with evidence for a long time, and now it's time to get it right. Eight hundred and nine four. Thank you for the call, Rod eight hundred ninety four one, Sean Tolfrey telephone number. You want to be a part of the program that's gonna wrap things up at today? All right, I don't miss two night's monologue on TV. We have got to now step up and handle all that needs to be handled, or we're gonna lose the country. Jay Seculo, Rudy Giuliani, Nuke Gingrich, the Great One, Mark Levin, Tonight, Senator Lindsey Graham, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, all of who played a huge role in helping us get to the truth. And by the way, our team of those that have helped us will be on radio and TV tomorrow, you know, the great Jarretts and everybody else. John Solomon's of the world. That's nineties during Tonight Hannity on Fox, see then back here Tomorrow

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