Craig Keshishian was educated at Cornell, Princeton, and Yale Law School, and served on the White House staff for President Ronald Reagan and Matt Towery, Syndicated Columnist, Attorney and Pollster talks about the left and the corner they have painted themselves into with their hatred of all things America. Now we must open our borders, close our energy sectors, put Americans out of work and apologize for being alive. Most Americans are not on board with getting on the apology tour for breathing while the left raises their taxes and imposes laws that hurt small businesses and families across the country. If the recent poll by John McLaughlin showing how constituents feel about Liz Chenery are any indication, the support for Trump and his policies are stronger than ever.
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All. I'm glad to with us toll free numbers eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, you want to be a part of the program. Uh, you know you got to give our buddy, our meteorologists the official meteorologist of the Sean Hannity Show credit at WeatherBell dot com. Because yeah, Texas and the country got hit as hard as he was warning it would get hit and massive power outages as the winter freeze. Now four million people in Texas in the dark, and that means they have no heat unless they have a generator. I strongly recommend even a tiny generator for everybody if you can, if you can find one, but probably won't have it for this time. But it's I just think it's a good thing to have. But you know, as many will tell you, I'm always thinking in apocalyptic terms, and so all my friends, I'm going to your house when something bad happens. I'm like, all right, great, just make sure you announce yourself before coming in if bet tough times come. I just believe in preparing for tough times. Over a million outages just in the Houston area alone, and I mean not good at all. I noticed that this. You know, remember we were watching all the California you know, rollouts of energy and blackouts that were happening. You know, part of this is connected to this global warming madness, and nobody really wants to ever talk about it. But if you look at it, you know, it's four point three million people without heat and it's you know, feeling like twenty below zero in some places. That's a big problem for a lot of people. Got older people, you've got young kids, and if you don't have heat in your house, you're gonna be freezing fast. And on top of it, people don't really have the ability because they don't have snow removal equipment. They don't have plows and sanders and salters and all the things that that snow. States have the power shortages in many ways. I think the Wall Street Journal got this right today. You know, gas and power prices. Have you noticed that they're now spiking all across the country, all across the central US. Texas regulators now ordering rolling blackouts as of yesterday. Is this arctic blast frozen these wind turbines? In the Wall Street Journal saying, oh what about the great wind turbines that kill birds? Anyway, a little bit of a paradox of the left's climate agenda. Yeah, okay, the less we use fossil fuels, the more we need them. And now we're going to be dependent on countries that hate us, but for the needs that we look, it's a lifeblood of the world's economy, whether you want to admit that fact or not. And I'm still in all the above. Guy, you show me away that we're gonna get energy that's gonna be cheap and that and affordable. That's better than fossil fuel, gas, oil, coal. I'm all ears. You haven't convinced me. It's wind, turbines and solar power. You haven't convinced me that's going to be enough anyway. So they, you know the same thing that California experienced, these rolling blackouts. I guess it's better than everybody being without power, but they do it on purpose. They say, Okay, well we'll give this part of town heat for three hours. Then we'll give this part of town heat for three hours, because we don't have enough to heat the whole town, enough power to ensure that everybody can heat their own home. I mean, it's that is rough Texas was you know, there's a state a wash in gas and oil. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which oversees the state's wholesale power market, urge residence as weekend conserved power to avoid power outages. It sounds like Jimmy Carter telling us and lecturing us to, you know, wear sweaters in our house. I mean, it's just as people had enough of that pretty quickly. But anyway, the Texas Emergency energy emergency that was called Public Utility Commissioner Chairman D. M. Walker said, my understanding is the wind turbines are all frozen, and we're working already to try and ensure that we have enough power, but it's taking a lot of coordination. They're not ready for this winter weather. The death toll now, I think we're up at eleven dead from this winter storm. It's a lot of people, at least eleven deaths according to CBS News, linked to the dangerous wintery storm that's been breaking low temperatures all across the country, four million homes and businesses in Texas without power. Frozen wind turbines, limited gas supplies have hampered the ability to generate enough power, according to Texas energy officials. Among the dead a woman and a girl who are in an attached garage in Houston because people have been taken to their cars so they can get warm again, and as authorities there said, they suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning. So did a man and a young boy from the same family that were hospitalized. No word on their condition. Fort Worth, Texas, two people in critical condition, one in serious condition, and what was believed to be another carbon monoxide poisoning. I mean, if you've got to go in your car to get heat, you can't be in an enclosed area. Better you've moved the car outside and probably even cracked the window a hair even though I know it's counterintuitive, at least you're getting some fresh air in the car, considering you're reliant on the heat. So, you know, our thoughts and prayers is not much right now that we can do to help our friends in Texas anything that they need. The American people are the most generous on the face of the earth. They know Americans will go all in, but we're not going to be able to get everybody that needs one a generator in this shorter period of time. Unfortunately, I wish it was the case, but unfortunately it's not the case. And this is these are just the beginning of these problems with green energy, a green new deal, a socialist utopia, you know, ending the pipeline. You know, Republicans, you know, I really watched with anger and fury at like these leaders in the Senate, like McConnell and and Thune. Watched these guys and I'm like, you know, Thune, I'm sure will consider a centure. And Mitch McConnell's speech on Saturday, like, really, you gotta be kidding me. What has he ever given a speech? He watched the videos of Kamala Harris, of Maxine Waters, of Joe Biden, of Nancy Pelosi, of Chuck Schumer. I never heard such passion in my life from Mitch McConnell. Didn't even know he added in them. When does he ever apply the same standards to Democrats? Which was such an effective defense by Trump's lawyers. And this is where Republicans they don't they never understood and don't understand. Putting aside the personality part, the stylistic side of Donald Trump for a minute here, why did thousands of people show up line the streets on President's Day yesterday to cheer on Donald Trump? When he was driving back from playing golf earlier in the day. Thousands of people showed up and it wasn't organized by anybody associated with Trump that I know. Why were they there? Because it is it? Because well, obviously the impeachment vote on Saturday probably had something to do with the President's day having something to do with it. But what can Republicans learn from Donald Trump? Now again, I'm putting aside stylistics. I'm putting aside January sixth for a minute here to make a point because one of the reasons I would argue Donald Trump even got elected, we all knew he was a disruptor. We knew he was an iconic class We knew he was not a conventional politician. We meaning we the American people. You voted for Donald Trump, and seventy five million voted the second time rarely that was by far and away the largest number of voters for any Republican running for president in history. And it's very rare that you see an eleven or twelve million vote increase when somebody's running for reelection. And he shattered that record too, and he did it. Why what is it? What is the appeal? Well, it's because he made promises and he fought to keep them, and he fought hard, and he went out there and every day in his style, which okay, if you don't like a style, I get that. Actually I understand it. I'm I'm from New York and I'm not gonna sit here and be a snowflake and act like I've never heard rough language before. I'm not. And all those people in the media, I would argue a feigning phony outrage, because if they really cared about insurrectionist inciting language, then they would apply the same standards to Kamala Harris. Start with that one after the Minneapolis police precinct was burned to the ground and the rioting going on, and she jumps on with Stephen Colbert. You better beware and take note on both leave you take note on both levels. They're not gonna stop. We're not gonna stop. They shouldn't stop where not where? We shouldn't stop. Whoa or Chuck Schumer on the steps of the Supreme You won't know what hit Chick Gorsage and Cavanaugh. Wow, you know I'm looking at the mob. Media coverage of Biden is so fawning, and you know, Biden likes to put his own logs in the fireplace the White House. Oh, I'm so thankful that I got to learn that, and that he beat his granddaughter at Camp David and at mario'cart. Mary is one of those you know, kid games like on PlayStation or whatever. And Joe and Joe Biden bought you know, public displays of affection PDA back to the White House, and Joe goes to church more than any other president in modern times. By the way, I'm fine. I'm fine with any of this. Did Donald Trump ever got this coverage? I don't think so. I don't recall he had a California Well, I'll talk about that later. This was interesting Breaking nine one one. It said that Vice President Kamala Harris has been taking calls with world leaders on behalf of President Joe Biden, recently speaking with President mccrona France and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeaux. Well, that's interesting, It's very interesting to me. The agenda. We told you everything that they said they're gonna do. I told you to believe them yesterday, told you about guns. Now. There's an article in the Atlanta Voice on Fox News and Reuter's similar article how Congresswoman Shila Jackson Lee sits on numerous House committees, including Judiciary, Budget, Homeland Security. Now reparations is going to be debated HR forty. That's again, what is Biden's agenda. Biden's anti drilling Interior nominee once led a company, by the way, that I've actually profited from fossil fuels. New Mexico Democrat deb helland is her name? Co sponsor the Green New Deal twenty nineteen pledged to vote against all new fossil fuel infrastructure. Oh what do we say to the guys losing their jobs here, high paying career jobs in the energy sector. It's unbelievable. Now they're moving Medicare for all. That's part of the agenda that's now happening, you know. Add to the rest of the agenda. You know, Biden's immigration reform is going to be unveiled this week. That means amnesty. And they're already, by the way of a couple of stories, the Biden's DHS secretary releasing border crossers into the US and guess what, they're not even giving them a coronavirus test. You have the Senate complicit in providing cover for Biden's Oh, it's an open border plan. They just had what twenty five thousand people allowed to stay just last week. This is the everything we told you being a Conservatives not hard. We should have health care cooperatives, health savings accounts. You should have lower taxes, more freedom, less bureaucracy so we can create great manufacturing career jobs. You know, we want originalists on the core, constitutionalists. We want law and order, safety and security in every town in city, good schools for our kids and every kids in every town in city. We want border security, we want energy independence, we want peace through strength, and we want free and fair trade. And well, what's so complicated about being a conservative today? It's not complicated. I guess the morning. Joe, our old friend Joe Scarborough, is in a little bit of trouble. Apparently called business is destroyed in some of the riots by Antifa, etc. Etc. Over the summer. Nothing more than taco stands what I read. I can't even believe what I'm reading. Listen because I know they're idiots on other cable news channels that will we'll say, well, you know, this mom and pop store was vandalized during the summer riots and that's just as bad as the United States Capital being endle it. No, no, actually, no, jackass, it's not. The capital of the United States of America is the center of American democracy. And while I am a fierce believer in people's right to defend their private property, I'm not going to confuse at taco stand with the United States Capital. I'm not going to confuse the selling of tacos with actually moving through a constitutional process that is laid out in the United States Constitution for members of the House and the Senate to actually to perform their constitutional duties. No, no, no, no. Property damage does not equal insurrection. Were there are properties burned to the ground, business is destroyed, lives destroyed with them, police precincts burned to the ground, occupation of city blocks. Happened, What happened in the capito. I'm I'm saying every single day we cannot ever allow this to happen again. But you know it was over there at MSDNC and fake news CNN, they have like cities burning behind them, arson, looting, bricks, frozen water bottles, molotov cocktail. We're talking about violence. Rioting in any way, shape, matter of form is just wrong. How do you diminish to just Taco stands, No, Joe, that's that's people's livelihood, their heart, their soul, their dream, you know, going up in small It's just they're both wrong and we can we can do better, but you gotta say it's wrong. His network denied that truth. All right, twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine four one Sean play the Scarborough cut again. And and I'm not disputing. I've been out here saying every day in a post nine to eleven world, it's incomprehensible to me that our institution and any elected official, and I said this all through the Obama years, you got to protect our elected officials. This and that doesn't matter what party you're from or what your political views are. The capital is an institution. We that's the people's house. These are our elected officials. It's not about politics. This is one of these things that transcends all politics. You got to protect elected officials. You know, you think of the over two thousand cops injured, almost twenty five hundred cops injured over the summer. You think of, you know, the nearly thirty people that were killed over the summer. You think of police being pelted with molotov cocktails and rocks and bricks and frozen water bottles and knives and guns and federal courthouses that they're attempting to burn them to the ground, and are taking over city blocks, burning police precincts to the ground, burning police cars in New York like crazy, and attacking law enforcement and then attacking Yeah, you know, small businesses. You know, I need to get an actual count. How many people anybody that I know that goes into business, every single person, They don't go into business thinking that they're gonna fail or that their taco stand to quote Joe is going to be burned to the ground. Their livelihood depends on this, you know, is it a matter of degrees? What's right? What's wrong? We how we don't did not protect the capital as incomprehensible, But why people denied and refuse to acknowledge that which our eyes consist Our eyes weren't lying to us all throughout the summer when the violence erupted and the chop the Chad's autonomous Summer of Love, spaghetti pot lug zinners, dinner zones showing up or that police precincts burned into the ground, city blocks taken over, and business is destroyed. Every person I know in business they put everything they've got into that business. All these restaurant owners have talked about because of draconians shutdown efforts. By the way, looks like Rhonda Santis proved to be the guy that got it right. Not Governor Newsom and certainly not Andrew Cuomo. They got it wrong. They got it wrong on a million different levels. You know these these businesses, Economists saying thousands of them torched in major cities all across the country, tens of billions and damages. Dream shattered, shattered. You know that. You know to open a restaurant. Let's say, let's TAKEO Joe's example, Taco stand. How much? How much can you charge for a taco? I love tacos. I like taco bell, like the hard shell, and I just like it playing with the meat, nothing else on it, And everybody looks at me like there's something wrong with me. I don't care. I like Taco Bell, I like I really like Mom and Pop. I love hotdog stance. If they have so Brett with the casing on it, you can't hardly find them. If I find one, I'm the best customer. But you think of okay, well you gotta pay for the rent, you gotta or buy the building. Then you got to build out the kitchen. Then you got to hire a full staff. And how much can you charge for a taco only? So much? How much can you charge for a coke or a pepsi whatever, whatever your drink of choices. I know red bull, I didn't monster. Whatever you like to drink, how much can you charge? So it's a it's the tiniest margin business you have. You have you have iconic restaurants in New York that I've shut their doors forever. Restaurants now, if it's the prestigious twenty one club or a taco stand, doesn't matter. Lives are shattered. You know. We can't be putting people's live We can't put cops lives in jeopardy. We can't put store. We have to protect every business, We have to protect our capital, we have to protect every elected official. A difference is is during the summer, nobody wanted to say this. The silence was deafening. It's wrong, it's wrong. Play it again because I know they're idiots On other cable news channels that will say, well, you know, this mom and pop store was vandalized during the summer riots, and that's just as bad as the United States Capital being vandalist. Now, no, actually, no, no, jackass, It's not the capital. The United States of America is the center of American democracy. And while I am a fierce believer in people's right to defend their private property, I'm not going to confuse at tacos stand with the United States Capital. I'm not going to confuse the selling of tacos with actually moving through a constitutional process that is laid out in the United States Constitution for members of the House and the Senate to actually to perform their constitutional duties. No, no, no, no. Property damage does not equal insurrection, law and order, peace and prosperity. The mob, the media we played so many montage should remember denying the reality our own eyes were showing us, even when thousands of cops got hurt, when people died. Business is dreams destroyed. Listen characterizes this is mostly a protest. I think it is not. It is not, generally speaking, unruly peaceful protests, peaceful protesters, peaceful protest, peaceful protests peaceful protest, peaceful protests, peaceful protests, peaceful protest, peaceful protests, peaceful protests, peaceful protests, peaceful protests, peaceful protests, peaceful protest, peaceful protests, peaceful protests, peaceful protesters. My favorite thing to show on TV at the time was a CNN reporter say mostly peaceful protests behind the reporter, the city was a place. The same thing on fake news conspiracy TV, MS, DNC, same thing. I don't know, I you know, it's unbelievable to me. I love small business owners, I love mom and pop shops. I'm going to be very blunt and honest, and I'm not patting myself on the back here. I'm just saying I tried to do my little part, just a little part. I ordered more food than I would ever ever in a million years consume so during COVID to show support for my my favorite restaurants, because I know, I know these waiters, I know these cooks and chefs, and I know the owners. They're dying. They're trying their best to hang on a lot of them and a lot of them aren't making it. Man, just so easy, you know's And let me let me throw me shatter another little illusion here. Nobody in TVs should be streaming poverty or acting like they can. I done, None of us can. I've said many times, Yeah, I'm I used to do real work in restaurants, wash dishes. I was a cook, I was a busboy, a waiter, bartender. I know people roll their eyes when I say it. House painter, paperhanger, laid tile, did reconstruct, auction, fell off a roof, three story. I told all these stories. There's twenty years of my life though, twenty years of my life. Best thing that ever happened to me, you know, because you get you get praised. You don't deserve if you're in the public eye, you just do. And I just I you know what, that my belief in God, the two things that keep me somewhat somewhat grounded. Thank God. Which you know, why you get to sign autographs? Why is my autograph more important than a contract? It's not. I know it when I'm signing it. But I just you know, people, I want to be nice. I think my customers. I'm providing goods and services here, news information that you won't get from the mop An opinion. News information and opinion, and you know, it's got its downside too, getting the crap kicked out of you every day. But that's that goes with the territory. You know. I had my team start looking into Mitch McConnell and John Thune's comments, for example, on the biggest corruption abuse of power scandal in history. I just had them go back and look. Now, McConnell did a few things. He embraced the idea of supporting subpoena subpoenas for Obama era officials and that Senate Republicans are taking steps to issue subpoenas for variety of Obama administration officials, Operation Crossfire, Hurricane, and said, you know, as if the debacle needed more shocking behavior. Understand, the federal judge may try to continue prosecuting one of the cases talking about I think the General Flint case. And certainly you would think the outgoing Obama administration should have used the awesome power of the federal government to try and pry into their political rivals if they had. And I'm thinking compare that to Mitch McConnell's hatred of Donald Trump and comments about Donald Trump. I don't think any of these politicians, starting with Joe wanting to beat the hell out of President Trump when he's president, or Kamala Harris. They're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop. We're not going to stop. They they're not gonna stop. Take note on both levels. Beware, I'm gonna take Trump out tonight. How's that not viewed? His insurrection? Same same with John Thune. You know, the optics are pretty bad for Biden and the Obama administration. Okay, that's your big comment. Why weren't they leading the charge calling out you know, lying on FISA applications, premeditated fraud, real Russia quote collusion, Hillary's dirty Russian dossier that she bought and paid for, misinformation dossier, then those that abused power and used it to spy and a presidential candidate and a president. I didn't hear a lot of yelling about that. Just unbelievable, unbelievable. Um, there's a lot going on. I will tell you this. Oh, I do have this one other thing I wanted to share with you too, about energy. Forbes put out a piece outlining issues with the reliability of renewable energy sources. Now I'm in all the above, guy, but right now, the lifeblood of Our economy is oil, gas, and coal of the world's economy anyway, So freezing rain ahead of plunging temperatures is now frozen some of these wind turbines solid means there's not enough electricity being produced at the very moment when it's needed the most. And the ramifications they go on of changing the current electric grid from carbon and nuclear based sources to wind, solar, and other environmental, environmentally and politically correct sources are not esoteric. They're real, consequential and even life threatening. They say nothing is fail safe, but more traditional sources of energy currently have a leg up on renewables because the infrastructure is hardened and pervasive old school energy sources were here first. It's plain and simple. AP reported yesterday about the damage that swept Texas with this winter storm, knocking out power for more than four million people, shutting down grocery stores, air travel, Fox Business reporting that the Trump administration's energy secretary, the guy that followed our friend, Governor Perry Rick Perry, what we're seeing today is an avoidable tragedy. Yeah you think so, sort of like you know, watching the coronavirus. By the way, we found out that according to the Daily Mail. Robert de Niro covered eighty percent of Nobu's operating costs. Apparently, I guess he's a part owner. You know. I'm just just nothing surprises me anymore. You know. Then we you know, we're watching this whole thing that when went down yesterday with Governor Cuomo. It's the same with Newsom. Newsom. Now they have they have the number of signatures needed they need. They're just gonna get a lot of extra so they can guarantee a recall vote out in California. I think every state should have that. And then Andrews out there saying, oh, no, no, no, we have to separate political spin from facts. Okay. The fact is that he made the choice, he signed the executive order, and it's not because nursing homes wanted more money. And it's not because of Donald Trump. Eighty percent of the beds that Trump built, manned, all the all the mask gloves, gowns, shields, necessary, ventilators were given to New York by Trump. They didn't use them. And they did send people with COVID into nursing homes. It wasn't just people that worked there from the hospitals, nursing home owners that they could lose their license, that they're hesitant to speak out about Homo, but they were screaming, we don't have the capability to handle this, screaming about it and then long time nursing home work or slamming the governor, you know, for blaming the stabs at these nursing homes for the COVID spread. Joe Biden, by the way, backs newsom as the recall, by the way, as approval dropped eighteen percent out in California's because it's RNDA Santis. Biden cannot square wanting open borders for illegal immigrants, travel restrictions for Americans. They're trying to prevent people from flying to Florida. Florida, Florida got it right. New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Philip Pennsylvania, California got it wrong. And I'm not even I'm giving some slack here because I don't think a lot of people did it on purpose. They just screwed up. Everybody got everything wrong. Experts were wrong, models were wrong, but we still got the vaccine. We're gonna walk down and I'll be there with you. We're gonna walk down. We're gonna walk down to the one right here. We're gonna walk down to the Capitol and we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not gonna be cheering so much for some of them, because you'll never take back on our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong. We have come to demand the Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Peacefully, patriotically make your voices heard as you just her. Oh they forgot that. They didn't put that in there, this selective editing. Oh what a shock. All right, So here's Pat lay He announcing the senator acquittal of Donald Trump and Nancy Pelosi. Yeah, she failed on a spectacular level, although I'm sure that's not where the intention is. If they have a real investigation, it's going to be just the opposite. And the days are fifty seven, yea, The yay's are fifty seven, the nays are forties three. Two thirds of the senators. President not having pretty guilty that he Senator judges that the responded Donald John Trump, former President of United States, is not guilty as charged the article of impeachment. As far as the impeachment a trial is concerned, Senator Graham said that if the Democrats call any witness that they'll be prepared for the Republicans, Polly prepared to call in the FBI tell us about people who planned this attack and what happened with the security footprint at the Capitol. What's your response to that question? Is a waste of time? Oh, the question is a waste of time. Let me give you the chain of command, because the chain of command is clear, and that is congressional research if you're interested the relationship between the House Sergeant of Arms Speaker of the House. Sergeant of Arms attends all floor sessions, is tasked with maintaining order under the direction of the Speaker and other presiding officers, and shouldn't incumbent sergeant at arms not complete a term. The Speaker of the House has the power to appoint and in terms of reporting the letter from GOP lawmakers, etc. Etc. This was her responsibility. Now I guarantee you anything they do is going to be Let's get Trump. Let's get Trump. Ron Johnson pointed out, by the way, about Mitch McConnell, Yeah, his anti Trump's speech does not reflect our conference. More and more people now, even within the Senate are saying bye bye, Mitch, and we'll see what happens on that front over time. You saw the people showing up in Palm Beach yesterday on President's Day. I've never seen anything like it. I mean, as John Thune or Mitch McConnell ever seen a crowd like that ever in their political careers. I kind of tend to doubt it. If you want to look at some polling data, we have some seventy five percent of Republicans want Donald Trump to play a prominent role in the GOP. American support for a third political party has now reached a new high, with sixty two percent of adults saying the parties do such a poor job representing the country that a third party is needed, and an even higher percentage of Republicans yes, sixty three percent according to Forbes Voice support for the creation of a new party compared to seventy percent of Independence forty six percent of Democrats. Everybody he's fed up with all these swamp creatures anyway, joining us now. Craig Kashchian is with us, by the way, educated at Cornell. Matt Towery with us, syndicated calumnist, attorney and polster. Welcome both of you to the program. Uh okay, So you saw what Mitch McConnell did, and I'm sitting there watching. You know, I don't remember Mitch McConnell and John Thune ever, the leaders in the Center for the Republicans. I never heard them criticize the comments of let's see the Vice President Kamala Harris or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or Joe Biden or Maxine Waters. No, they save all their their vitriol for Donald Trump. This is why, you know, rank and file Republicans like Trump and hate the establishment. Matt, Yeah, it's it's a little confounding because I think they live in at DC bubble and they just keep hearing the same bubble and the same reverberation over and over and over again, and somehow they must have gotten it into their mind that the polling was completely the opposite, and that somehow Republicans had suddenly just washed their hands of Donald Trump. Which nothing could be further from the truth. Whether you like it don't like it, it is the reality. And I think Craig and I would both tell you that right now. I'm not optimistic about the Senate races coming up in two years because I'm not optimistic that they're going to change their approach the way they see things. They ran miserable campaigns in Georgia. And let me just add one thing i've read where Mitch McConnell keeps saying that we know why we lost George It's because of Donald Trump. That's not true. That vote was held on January the fifth, before the sixth, and the reasons they lost in Georgia were twofold. One, they ran ads that were a giant dog whistle that had Raphael Warnock and them and Reverend Right and it irritated the African American community and they turned out at a higher number than they did in the general election. And number two, they ran away from President Trump and did not use him in all the commercial statewide. Had those two things changed, both of those people would still be in the US Senate right now. It is not Donald Trump's fault, and Craig, I mean when Donald Trump supported a two thousand dollars relief. So you got Joe Biden out there and all the Democratic candidates out there saying we're gonna give you two thousand, and Mitch McConnell insists that it's only going to be six hundred. So that's what Leffler and Purduer left with. That's right, and thank you for having me aboard. Our good friend Robert Kahaley of Trpaugar and I were both in Georgia at the same time and we compared our notes and sure enough, that was the That was the tipping point Sean about two thousand dollars gambit versus the six hundred speaker that the President was acting like a quarterback trying to get us over the line, and Mitch McConnell was the center, and he blew the snap when the President said, hey, let's raise us to two grand. You don't offer a man dying of thirst a glass of water in the desert and then get back, And that's exactly what Mitch McConnell did, and then hurt the ticket. And I think that was we actually have empirical evidence showing how both candidates were winning. Are Republican candidates for winning at that point. Then after Mitch McConnell fumbled that snap both were losing. I mean, it was clear as crystal. This is now big problem Matt Towery, and that is that maybe he thinks that he can purge the party of Trump's supporters and re establish the old order of I guess establishment candidates and think that they're going to quote take back the party from those that make America great again. In America, first, I don't think that's going to happen. No, And I tell you who, I feel sorry for his Senator Rick Scott, who now has to be the head of the Senatorial Committee to try to get this thing across the finish line. And he's got this mess on his hands. So you talk about a way not to succeed is And let me tell you. These memos are going around DC left and right from republic consultants about how we need to get back to the basics of conservativism, and I liked, Look, I get it, they don't like Donald Trump. I get it. They didn't like his style. I get it. But if you look at what they have and all these memos where they're going to reinvent the Republican Party. Everything they talk about are things that Donald Trump achieved in four years. I find it just stunning that they put all of their cannon fodder and all of their attacks on Donald Trump instead of the other side, where they're going to have to try to get some weverage to win the next racist and take over the Senate. Well, I mean, and that's going to be already it's a herculean task. But I do see a split that I've never seen before Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and others that they don't seem too intimidated taking on Mitch McConnell anymore. He doesn't seem as all powerful as perhaps he once was or thought he was. Great. Well, I think I think that's the case. Yes, yeah, I mean, Matt, you wanted to add some go ahead, Yeah, well, I was just going to add if Right now, the party has basically been led the true party, which is is that seventy five percent because they still dominate the party. They've been led by people like Lindsey Graham, because Lindsay Graham has been out articulating what they've been thinking and what they've been believing, and there's when you see the leadership in the Senate going the complete opposite and clinging to these concepts that I can tell you I haven't pulled it myself. But when when I have organizations like when a PIAC and CBS News and the like showing that eighty percent plus a Republicans stand with Trump, you don't have to be a genius to figure out which direction the party is headed. You really don't, you know, I don't think conservatism, guys, is that hard. And I say this all the time. All right, what do I care about? I care about greater freedom. I want lower taxes, less bureaucracy to help build jobs. I want constitutionalists on the court. Not that hard. I want secure borders. I want energy and dependence. All of the above. It's not that complicated either. I'd like that all these states run by Democrats for decades that are failing on law and order and safety and security, and have decimated our educational system. I'd like to fix those things, and then free and fair trade and then something called piece through strength. And I think you pretty much have summed up who Sean Hannity is politically. Yeah, I think so. And let me just point out also that those are the very things that Donald Trump achieved in four years. Now, they didn't get all completed. You can't do everything in four years. But I think the reason that there's such a disconnect is that these people who are supporting him, even if they didn't like his style, like the results that they had and the fact that he did it in such record time. Everything from trying to work on border security to lowering taxes to getting those justices appointed. That's the stuff that the Republicans have been talking about forever that they were going to achieve. Well, he actually did it. And so I don't think these people are going to leave Donald Trump just because Mitch McConnell and a group of senators or some insiders in DC have decided that all of a sudden that he's no longer palatable. Quick break right back more with Craig Kashician and Matt Towery on the other side eight hundred and nine for one seawan and your calls next half hour as to continue, Craig Kashician is with us and Matt Towery back with us. The Democrats have the same battle going on within their party, although they seem to have pretty much all coalesce behind this Green New Deal socialist madness, and one has to wonder what the outcome of that is. I think he could, knowing that socialism always fails. Result, Craig, I'll give you first crack at this in failure, this is going to come back and bite them all. And I don't know how they begin to moderate this extremism. I agree. Look at Texas case in chief, Look at California. Case in chief. Texas is freezing as we speak. That's thanks to woodmills and other issues that we're on that sucked up power off the grid and now they're all iced up like propellers frozen on a tarmac. And now the Texas and text, the good people of Texas are paying a price for that. This is what happens when you don't open up the energy industry to private sector and to market forces and led governments and bureaucrats dictate policy. And I think it's going to reverberate, especially here in California where I live, where I'm speaking to you from, and I think California is right for a renaissance and populism to it. The recalls, I don't know. I don't see that at all. Now they might get rid of Newsom, but even that I think is a long shop. I will have to wait and see. I will tell you for a fact that the President did the Republican Party a huge favor. He inverted it back to its populous roots. And all the things you are you articulated about what you believe in Sean is exactly what a good chunk of the country believes into. And Trump was nearly the messenger. The message resonates and it is here to stay. The key thing now is we're finding it. And our friends who run the Senate don't really get that. They are living in an echo chamber, and they're going to pay the price. I think down the road, what's your I'm interested, what's your take on that? I don't you know? When we can go back to Reagan and California was in play. Pennsylvania was a Republican state. Uh, same with the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Rust Belt, Michigan, Wisconsin, you know. Uh, these were all Republican states. And when we now, not only did we these states become purple, many of them, or just right down the middle, but a lot of these states too. Now we have to fight for Georgia. Now we're gonna have to fight for North Carolina. And if trends continue fighting for Texas within the next five to ten years, how do you win under those circumstances. It's going to be difficult, But populations do shift, and I will say to Craig's point, I am beginning to see a shift in California. I don't know if it's going to happen right now, but I think what they've done in that state and the degree to which people have suffered, is going to have an effect for years to come. And a lot of this is based on demographics and states like Georgia, and you just can't change demographic shifts. But I think the political shift is beginning to start in places where you would never expect it, like California, maybe even a little bit in New York, a little bit that Matt also dur in mind, it's hard to interrupt it. We clawed back four congressional seats from the Democrats, Sean and Matt this last cycle out there, that's true statewide referendums. We turned down higher property taxes and turned down quotas on a statewide basis. We saw this happen before, in nineteen seventy eight, it was called Prop thirteen. Governor Jerry Brown was a Democrat and was the governor at the time. So the one eighty seven I remember that one too. That's right, that's right. So there is a populous streak here in the state. Libertarian I should really truly say so, don't. I'm keeping a candlelight. We'll leave it at that, all right, Craig, thank you, Matt Towery, thank you. We'll have you guys back soon. When we come back, we'll hit the phones. Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn our number. You want to be a part of the program. We'll continue Ali twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred nine four one sewn little scary Israeli ministers, according to a report I saw today, summoned to a classified cabinet meeting over an urgent national security matter. And as we mentioned earlier, does anyone really think it's a good thing that, let's see, Joe Biden is called China, he's called Russia, he's called America's enemies. He hasn't had time to call the Israeli prime minister. Now Republicans are saying, okay, you spoke to Russia, you spoke to China, but you're not speaking to Israel. On top of everything else that we know about how the Israelis retreated in the Biden Obama administration. All right, let's get to our busy phones here. All right, Shannon Oklahoma has a disagreement with me of some kind. I am ready. How are you, Shannon? Glad you called. I thank you Sean for taking my call. I don't know if it'd be so much of a disagreement as much as just a concern that if Trump were to run again, i'd see a split vote, I'd see a lot more contention within the Republican Party. I would like to see Trump get more behind the next generation of Republicans. Not to be too cheesy, but maybe an apprentice getting behind somebody and using his influence and using his voice to promote moving towards somebody that would appeal to the gen Z generation that's coming up. Now. Well, it's I don't know what the press it his plans are in the future. I have had a couple of conversations with him since he's left the White House, and I don't know what. I don't even think he knows yet what he's gonna do. He's been uncharacteristically quiet in terms of media. Part of it's being deep platform, but I also think it's a decision the president has made. He did put out a statement after his acquittal on Saturday. You know, but there are certain things that we all need to learn from Donald Trump that worked. First and foremost. It's the agenda. And I just got done saying to Matt and Craig in the last half hour. I got done saying to them, Hey, guys, this is simple being a conservative. It's not that complicated. Lower taxes, less bureaucracy, so we have more manufacturing. I would add to the list, which I didn't add earlier. I would add to that list, you know, affordable and innovative healthcare like con Sier's care, healthcare savings accounts, cooperatives. Those are good answers, fixing America's schools, maintaining law and order, constitutionalists on the bench, energy independence, secure borders, free and fair trade, and piece through strength. It's not that complicated. Okay, most most Republicans probably are pro life too, you can add that to the list. Yeah, but I think most Americans are also libertarian, and they want to be left to hell alone by their government. How do you get that message to the next generation of voters that are coming up, Well, I just gave it to you. It's not complicated. Bernie Sanders is very appealing to the gen Z. They just didn't get out and vote. They actually did get out and vote. I mean, I think a strong argument could be made that he was totally completely railroaded twice in his primaries. But you know, there's no point going backwards and thinking of about it. And the other thing that I think there's a lesson with Donald Trump is look at the crowd that showed up spontaneously in flority yesterday on President's Day, and I couldn't believe it myself. I mean, it is a phenomenon. What is it about Donald Trump that people like? My first, my gut instinct, more than anything else, is that he fights for the promises he makes. People I also believe, find it pretty darn refreshing that somebody's speaking their mind and not giving us Washington talk, swamp talk. And he never was a part of the swamp. I mean, he's his success speaks for itself. Conservatism when implemented works, and he was a force of nature. He went in like a disruptive, you know, this this tornado like force of nature, and and he just you know, shocked the whole system. And I think the system needed to be shocked, frankly, and it could and it needs more shock, not less. You know, you know how many Republican senators won't come on this show, Linda, How many times do we invite Republican senators on the show. They don't want anything to do with speaking, They don't want to come on TV. Ever, you might wonder why do you always have the same people on because they're the only ones that say yes, and the others are too timid and afraid to take a stand and go fight. And the American people want people to fight for them. You know, I tell you where Republicans ought to be. They ought to be fighting right now to save these jobs that are being lost, high paying career jobs. Our fellow Americans are getting pink slipped after pink slip after pink slip, and I don't hear anybody championing their cause. I mean, it's it's sad. This is this is self inflicted stupidity, and it's pain for our fellow Americans. These are career jobs, the specific training skills that you can't just move over to win mills and wind turbines or whatever they're called. Anyway, I'll give you the last word. Oh, I just wonder are you receiving the same reaction from the younger senators, the younger politicians that are cant are they? Are they just as afraid to come on? If no Republican in history ever came close to seventy five million votes, not even close, and no incumbent president in modern times has ever gotten that dramatic and increase in the number of voters from the first term. So with all the four years of hell that they put Donald Trump through, people went out and voted in numbers that we've never seen before for an incumbent. But look at the measures and the drastic effort put in by the left for the election to make sure that they want it. Do you yeah, well that front runner again. Do you not think that they would still come back with just as nasty trickery that they did this. I don't care who the Republican candidate ends up being, that person is going to be characterized by the mob, big tech, and the Democrats as racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, is lomophobic. They want dirty air water and killed grandma and grandpa in a wheelchair and throw them over a cliff. That's that's their playbook. That's what we see every two and four years. It doesn't matter who you are, what you stand for. I mean, you know they did it to Mitt Romney for crying out loud is his now his new best friends. That's how they treated him in twenty twelve. So you know, it's it's just interesting to me. But you raise good points. I think it's the principles of conservatism, champion by somebody who means what they say, say what they mean and fights for those fights for the American people to have the ladder to success, and fights for the cause of liberty and to get government, to the extent possible off our back so we can do what we were born to do. I don't think it's complicated anyway. Good call Peter, North Carolina. Next, Hey Sean, good talking to you. Thanks Fetia McCallan. You just talked about Trump being a disruptor, and I had this weird idea a couple of days ago watching the news. And I'm from California. We're now refugees from California. We're in beautiful North Carolina. We actually moved out here exactly four years ago when Trump got elected. Good for you. I loved Carolina. It's beautiful and I love it. Would never want to go back. Got a lot of friends back in California, and I talked to them, and they go, there is a serious resentment against Gavin Newsom right now, you know, and he's going to get recalled. I was there when Schwarzenegger got got in, when they got Gray Davis out, and that was over a stupid car attacks and the ballot was like one hundred and eighty six names on it. My idea is, my thought is President Donald Trump should run for governor of California. Just stick it, move in next door to Pelosi, and he'd be the governor. And based on all that govern Nwson has done, executive orders is apparently the way to go. He could mimic Joe Biden and sit there with a stack on his desk on day one, Twitter mini dollars fine for censorship, you know, shift shut down reason. I mean, he could literally cause habit for everybody there. Look, and I know I think in a lot of ways. I understand what you're saying. He's been the president, why would he become a governor? It would be a huge step down for him. And look, he doesn't need any of this. I mean, there's there's a big part of this that was extraordinarily unpleasant for him and his family, and I frankly feel sorry for all of them. And I think good people are going to foreverist any any desire to want to do good in the political arena because they know what's gonna happen. Democrats are not gonna change. The playbook isn't gonna change. So you have to be willing to step into the arena the octagon every single day and get the living crap beat out of you every single day. To a far lesser extent, those of us that are conservative on air, we get we're in the octagon getting the crap beaten out of us every single day. There's hardly a day that goes by where I don't have to deal with it. Um, you know, you'll learn to live with it. There's always an upside and a downside to any business, right, Yeah, absolutely, I think. But Donald Trump is a fighter. He is now prepared knowing what he's going in for, and he could. I don't know if he could win California. I really don't know. I'm not I don't I don't see it yet. And I know that people in California are pretty ticked off. But you've got some looney left wing radicalism. You know, you got Los Angeles, you got San Francisco, Oakland, you got pretty liberal areas of the country, and they would come out and force to stop him. That's mine. That would be my guest. He wasn't the majority of vote he was. You have to have one more vote in the next guy. One hundred and eighty six people ran schwarzeneget got in because of name recognition. Trump would only need to get one vote more than the next guy. It's a shoeing for him. If Newsom gets recalled. There was a two part ballot, yes or No one the recall and if yes, years one hundred and eighty six names, pick one. And because maybe you're right, I don't see it, but maybe you're right. I am, but I can't see Donald Trump ever doing that. If I think his decision will be does he want to give it another run? And if you will, we'll know in two years, two and a half years, we'll know for sure. And that's plenty of time. It's going to be interesting that it was an article in Red State that Democrats the media they can't quit Donald Trump. They need that, they just need their daily fix of rage and psychosis. And when Joe gets boring after a hundred days of you know, executive fiats and executive orders and bypassing an entire branch of government, the media is gonna be pretty darn bored and they're gonna, like, deep down they won't admit it, They're gonna be missing Donald Trump. That's my prediction. Busy telephones, Diana in Utah, Hey, Diana, k n R. S rod Arquet Territory and also the home of Crownburger. What's going on hi there? Sean just wanted to get to the point instead of pontificating all I have a short time and I want to be effective. And my concern is number one is that we all know, and we have been trained and we have been educated for the last one and a half years of the behavior of the Democratic Party, and that behavior is called a criminal element from the top bound and in your face, and have admitted so, and it behaves so in our face. Therefore, why are we trying to make reason with a criminal? And that's all of them, including the media. Therefore, we have to change our behavior because the only way you can change someone is change yourself. So the dialogu's got a change now. And you, Sean had mentioned that four years ago, all up until the election. If we lose this election, we lose our country, and you were so emphatic about that. And That's where I'm at right now. This is not a time that we can take and waste time. What we have to do is take action. And the action is is this is for the American people. The message in all of this from Donald Trump that I see it is to initiate the original fire inside you. As an American. I was raised in Japan from five to fifteen. I was educated in Europe and graduated in Germany. I was there when my parents told me this, you are not Diana an American, and as you live in this country, you will live and you will represent America and be the best American you can. And therefore I'm sharing with it the public. Sean Hannity's on an audience, you raise an American from the cradle to the grave. They get a Social Security card at birth. From that, you teach them and you read to them, and you read the Constitution before they can even walk or speak, and by the time they're of Ah, they are going to know their country. And the thing for us to do right now is we need to get involved as Americans and get down into our towns and our cities. Diana. If I keep going, I'm gonna have to like hold you for the next four hours. But I will say this, Diana, and Utah is talking about a call to action. Let me sum it up, Diana. All hands on deck, and the battle for liberty and freedom never ends, and the conservatism works. These are principles worth preserving and principles worth fighting for. An officials that advocate them is job one. Great call. Appreciate it, Diana. Eight hundred and nine four one Sean. You want to be a part of the program, Devin Newness at the top of the hour and your calls also next half hour get to a lot more for our final news round up and Information Overload News round Up, Information Overload hour. We'll get to your calls coming up. Mike Lindell now part of the cancel culture here, there, and everywhere. We'll check in with him and get an update how his company's doing. Now, we have a number of issues rightly that have come up. Now I went through earlier in the program, this whole issue of okay, what is the chain of command as it relates to who is in charge of what happens in the Capital. Well, the answer to that, as I've been telling you, that would be Nancy Pelosi. And if you look at the chain of command, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. According to a Congressional Research service that's our source, the sergeant of Arms attends all floor sessions tasked with maintaining order under the direction of the Speaker and other presiding officer. And shouldn't income in sergeant of arms not complete a term. The Speaker of the House pursuant a specific section blank blank blank has the power to a point an acting sergeant of arms. All right, now, what have we learned since the sixth of January. We learned that the Capitol Police chief made a request for the National Guard on January the fourth, and that request why was it denied? He made a total of six separate requests and he was denied every time. And the Sergeant of Arms did he get, for example, permission or instruction from your staff on January fourth denying the chief funds request for a National Guard. Now, these are all questions in a letter to Speaker Pelosi signed by Jim Jordan, Devin Newness, James Comer, and Rodney Davis. Now we have other questions we're gonna get to in a second. Then we just found out from Mark Meadows. He was on TV on Friday night that in fact, days before January sixth, Donald Trump asked to have at the ready and mobilized, ready to move ten thousand National Guard troops. Well, why weren't they mobilized? Worry weren't they ready to go? Why was it? Did it take thirty seconds to a minute to have our capital breached? When every law enforcement agency knew ahead of time that, in fact, hundreds of thousands of people were going to march from the Washington Monument to Capitol Hill. They knew in advanced they knew the crowd was there the night before. Why wasn't it protected? Who's responsible for that decision? That's a big part of this equation, and we do need answers to this now we have for example, AOC. AOC said she knew a week in advance. Here's what she said a week before. Why before the week prior to the insurrection, I started to get text messages that I needed to be careful and that in particular I needed to be careful about the six And those text messages came from other members of Congress. They were not threats, but they were other members saying that they knew. Who were these members that knew? And why wasn't there a huge call to have the proper security of what is an institution of the people. We've got to protect our institutions, and we got to protect every elected official. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on at all. And Nancy Pelosi was asked by our good friend Kerry Pickett about capital security. Oh no, no, no, that question is a waste of time. Here's what she said. As far as the impeachment of a trial is concerned, Senator Graham said that if the Democrats call any witness that they'll be prepared to the Republicans Polly prepared to call in the FBI and quote tell us about people who planned this attack and what happened with the security footprint at the Capitol. What's your response to that? And your question is a waste of time? Your question is a waste of time? Apparently not. Congressman Devin Nuness, California's twenty second district, is one of the authors of this letter to Nancy Pelosi. A lot of other great questions in there as well, Congressman, great to have you back. Thanks set And well, I didn't know AOC had all these people that I had not heard that clip that she knew a week in advance. Wow, that's a quite something. Now that means, Congressman, you're not listening enough to the show three hours a day, as all your friend asked, that's not too much. Well, I just know that I find it highly unlikely that AOC received any text message from members of Congress that knew something that was going to happen a week in advance. Now, what we did know is the day before senior members of Congress were briefed on the concerns. I was actually briefed the morning of January sixth by the Capitol Police, as you know, as the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee. Now I know the last four years. It hasn't meant exactly this, but we're supposed to be looking at foreign operations, not domestic. Now, of course the Democrats would love to do domestic spine on all of their political enemies. But what you know, I think the Capitol police the reason they were coming to me because they were wondering if I had seen any of the intelligence products that had been presented the day before. I knew there were some concerns. I hadn't seen the intelligence products. But look, clearly, Sean, this was one of those times when there was plenty of information to do a real minimum, which would be just to have proper fencing up. And if there was proper fencing, none of this would have happened. And historically, well wait a minute, I thought walls didn't work. Although now the Capital surrounded by a huge well fence wall with razor wire on top of it. Well, well, two things, John, One normally that that big fencing double fencing is up and preparation for the presidential inauguration. So I don't know why that fencing was not already up. I don't know. Maybe they were waiting, but it seemed a little unusual. It wasn't up and then they had what I just call the bicycle parking, the little spots that were there. You know, they're like three feet tall that anybody can just you know, jump over. That's that's all that was that was there. So it leaves the question, you know, you had the intelligence before you were briefed, you were asked for the you were asked for the National Guard to come in and fencing, you didn't do it. And now, and I'll tell you there is no intelligence that I've seen that I'm aware of that there would be any reason to have one military personnel there at the Capitol orphancing for that matter. I mean, I'll tell you Sean, nobody wants to go to the Capitol anymore. Well, if AOC knew, and now we know the FBI had advanced knowledge of this, I mean, Washington Post is saying that fake news. CNN is even reporting that now that we know that we had all this intelligence that in fact, this was going to happen, Now that we have even video evidence the pipe bombs were being strategically placed the night before, Now that we know that some of the individuals that plotted and planned and scheme this attack on the Capitol, and now did a tiny percentage of the people that showed up for the rally where they caught up and did they join in what other people had prepared to do. Yes, and they're all going to pay a price. But the fact that it was pre planned takes away this whole idea that the whole thing was an incitement and insurrection, doesn't it. Yeah. And one of the frustrating things that I haven't seen is normally we would know exactly at this point, just exactly know, within within a few dozen you know, how many hundreds of people were in the capitol. You know, who were the people that broke the actual windows, you know, because it's quite possible that that you know, many of those people just walked up and walked right into the Capitol right and the doors were open. So you know, there's a difference between someone who was just you know, going to you know, peacefully protests they walked through the doors, versus the people that were using hammers and ropes and breaking windows there. You know, there's a big difference. And that's where the focus should be put onto is those people that perpetrated the Capitol. And also, what did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it, because, like you said, I wasn't aware that AOC knew this, but she she knew it more faster than the FBI or anybody. Sean. Well, and who did she tell? I mean, who's in charge of security at the Capitol. Wouldn't that be Nancy Pelosi? And she's in charge of the sergeant of our I mean, did Nancy Pelosi here from the Capitol police chief that had requested days earlier, um the National Guard be there? I mean, how did how did we have such a colossal screw up in a post nine to eleven world. Well, those are all the questions that we asked the Pelosi and you know, clearly, either her or her staff, the buck stops with them. They're responsible. They're the reason that the National Guard wasn't there. They're the reason that the proper fencing wasn't enough, and with as much intelligence it was available. And the concern that I saw in the Capitol police officers that morning, you know, you had to know that there was a there was a concern about a possible breach of the Capitol. I mean, that's it's just it's just clear. Now, look, this AOC thing a week before, Sean I mean, I just find it highly suspect, highly highly suspect. But then I know what I actually don't. I'm giving under the benefit of the doubt. I mean, if she if she knew something, and now the next question needs to be to her, what did you know? And who told you? Who are these congress people that told you? Yeah? Yeah, exactly, that's right. She should be questioned on this. Maybe Nancy Pelosi's a nine to eleven tile commission. Clearly they need to bring bring an AOC in and ask ask what does you know? When did she know it? And who told her? I think you're you want my prediction that that commission is gonna all it's gonna do is look at Donald Trump. They're not going to ask the questions that you rightly ask in your letter with your three other members, including our friend Jim Jordan. Yeah, that's right, And that's the concern with the commission, um you're going to have to put on. You just can't let the Democrats decide who to put on a commission, because commission is only successful if you truly get people on there that are going to try to get to let Jamie Raskin, Adam Schiff, Jerry nadler Um, maxiem Waters. Who else are we going to put on the commission? There's my guess. Well, and it doesn't really matter Sean that they're gonna put. They will put leftist on there. You know, it won't even be the big names. But you're right, at the end of the day, this will be a whitewash, and so it will be let's just target Donald Trump because that's what they're good at. And you know, really, this is what I said when I started out with at the beginning of this of this segment here where we should know who the I mean, look, there's one hundred or two hundred people that really need to be prosecuted for this, and why do we not know who they are? I mean some of them, we know, some of them been arrested. But you would think that this would be that this would be a priority of the FBI, and they would be putting this out there and they would be squashing a lot of this nonsense that's out there that you know somehow you know this was a conspiracy with Trump and Republicans and whoever. Director Ray should be willing to answer all those questions and how did they miss all the intelligence and if they had advanced knowledge, why didn't they act? All right, quick break more with Congressman Devin Newness on the other side, the eight hundred and nine for one Sean, you want to be a part of the program. As we continue with Congremen Devin Nuness, let me let me shift gears on you a little bit here if you don't mind, and we go back to the whole We're still waiting for the Durham report. I guess probably maybe my deathbed one day, we might might get news that is coming out. We wait, and we wait and we wait. Now we have just anews dot com. Our friend John Solomon broke the story yesterday and that is an email. Then the emails from Jim Comey to James Clapper, and the email happened to be the day now James Comey signed three of the four FISA applications, the original one which allowed spying on then presidential candidate Trump, and on the day that he signed the second one, he's writing James Clapper that he cannot affirm the veracity of this whole Steel dossier. And we know that without the dirty Russian misinformation dossier that Hillary paid for. Is Andrew McKay have been others have said, James Clapper has said there would be no Fizer warrant. And we also, you know, we now have Clapper and I'm sorry Sally Yates and McCabe and Comy all saying, knowing what they know now, they wouldn't have signed the app of David but they did know. James Comey is admitting here that it's not verified. It says at the top of a FIER application verified, and he's admitting the day he's signed it for the second time that it's verified. Yeah. So so look, this is if you remember when we put out the memo House Republicans put out the Nunest memo back in early twenty eighteen, you know, we were aware of this classified information, but we couldn't talk about it, if you recall, because it was classified up until up until recently. So and that's what really, you know, drives me crazy with all of this, is that the DOJ and FBI knew back in twenty eighteen. They knew that document existed. They knew what Comey knew and when he knew it. They knew when we were putting us out on Faizo abuse and other matters, in that investigation. Remember they said that this was going to destroy our intelligence capabilities. There's going to be all sorts of bad things that are going to happen, and this is why it was so frustrating, and still to this day you and only a few people are actually reporting on the facts of this. And I think I saw you last night onto your show. You know where where is Durham? Because look, I think the future of DJ and the FBI really lie in the hands of John Durham because he is going to have to bring indictments and you know, I don't know if they'll be prosecuted. You know, who knows what a jury will do in Washington, DC. But indictments need to come down or it's going to look like a complete cover up. And I think it will be a slow flow into the confidence level in DJ and FBI, if there's even any left with many of the American people. I mean, it's unbelievable. Is that not the smoking gun email that he signed three warrants, but yet he knew for the last two without any question whatsoever, that it was not verifiable and not verified, and it says on the top of that application verified he clearly knew, Sean, and look, anybody with any common sense, they all knew. They all knew what was going on. Well to me, he's saying, you know that he should not have signed it by saying I can verify it, and you're signing It's that it's verified. All right up exactly, Devin Nuness. Appreciate you being with us as always. Uh And Devin nuns told America the truth and Adam Schiff lied to America. That's the end result of it all. Thank you sir for being with us. Hey, Um, By the way, Michael and de will join us at the bottom of the hour. The attacks to cancer, you know, to cancel him completely has never been higher. We'll tell you about it. Twenty five to the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine f one. Seawn, you want to be a part of the program. Now, we were talking about the Lincoln Project and all of the huge problems that they now have. But remember the Lincoln Project. It's getting pretty nasty. Talk about canceled culture out of control. Remember they were talking about specifically, oh, keeping a list of names of people that worked in a Trump administration for the purpose that they never get hired again. By the way, A second underage victim of Lincoln Projects, John Weaver, has apparently come forward according to reports today, and that that whole company now seems to be unraveling a lot of the money we learned now funneled into the companies that are owned by some of the people that started the Lincoln Project. Why would you want what? Because you are you or have you ever been a Trump supporter? And if you have been, we'll get to make sure nobody ever hires you. Is that the country we live in? Because I kind of want to live in the country that has free speech, even the speech where people rip me to shreds. If you don't believe it, go on social media. Just look at Twitter, just look at any of these social media sites, and you can look for my name and you'll find it, and you're gonna find the most vicious, vile, hateful things ever said. And you know what, given the choice, I never would want it any other way. Have at it, Call me any name, you want to attack me, anytime you want. That's freedom of speech, that's free speech. I believe in freedom. I believe in liberty. I believe in you know, the free exchange, the open exchange of ideas, ideals and opinions. Well, Mike Lindel, he had this huge He has this huge warehouse in Minnesota where he employs local fellow Americans, good paying jobs. Remember, in the height of coronavirus, while he was able to change on a dime part of their manufacturing capabilities so they can make end ninety five masks. Why because the country needed it and he wanted to help and he wanted to do his part. Okay, you may not like his political opinions, but I guarantee there are people that work for Mike Lindell that, now, if this canceled culture actually takes root and is successful, that are going to lose their jobs and may not be able to in the middle of the pandemic when a lot of people have lost their jobs, to get a good job. That's that's gonna pay them the same amount of money that's going to impact people. Has nothing to do with politics. Are the products great or is it made in America great? Will Will you give any credit for somebody that took a part of their warehouse, stop producing and manufacturing the goods and products that they sell every day to help the country out, You get any credit for that? Anyway, it's canceled culture, it's gone insane. We now have two dozen retailers that have dropped My Pillow. I love the products. You've heard you hear me raving about the products. I fall asleep faster, I stay asleep longer. It works, and it doesn't. These products don't just work if you're conservative, they'll work for anybody that uses them. It's been innovative and it's helped change people's lives for the better. It helps you get to sleep, you need, your want, your crave, your desire, and deserve. But now because they don't like Mike's political opinions, now these big box retailers, twenty two of them and some shopping outlets have now tried to silence Mike Lendel. He's been thrown off social media like the president's been thrown off social media. CVS Dollar General now have jumped on the bed Bath Beyond bandwagon, and many of these retailers just attributed their decision to get rid of My Pillow products with people love one of the best seller, because they don't like Mike's opinions. You don't have to follow Mike's opinions. He don't have a why I support Donald Trump label on a my pillow premium pillow. But it's the it's the mere act of we don't like what you say, so we want to shut you down and shut you up. Well, I don't want to shut off people or shut up people that attack me. I don't want to do it. I don't call for boycott's I never have. I don't call for canceling shows. I never have. Going back to Bill Maher and his politically incorrect days, it was conservatives like me, Rush Mark, we're the ones that stood up for Bill Maher said, don't fire the guy. If you don't like it, turn it off. If you've really hate Mike's opinions, you don't have to go to my pillow dot com. You don't have to buy the products Mike's life. You know, ten years ago, he writes in his book, he literally was a crack addict. I thought we celebrated people turning their lives around for the better. Talks about his faith a lot. He joins us, Now this is now. What is the impact it is having on your business and your workers and people that have to provide for their families. Well, we've been you know, we've been through this before, Sean, and we you know, I have twenty five hundred employees that are these are careers. They stick, they come to me. I pay him. Well, we share, we have stock programs and stuff we do with them. And it's uh, this is just shameful. And it goes back to We've been through this before. When I first met Donald Trump in the summer of two thousand and sixteen in a private meeting, man, I went in there and it was just him and I. We talked about making stuff here in the United States, and I told him I was a former attic. He says, well, I'm going to stop the drugs porn in and boy. I left there and I and a half hour later, I said, Wow, if he completes all these problems, he'll be the best president ever. I went back to Minnesota and I did a press release going, hey, I met Donald Trump, and uh, you know, you know what you know, here's just a businessman, an ex crack addict from Minnesota, and he wanted my opinion as well. I didn't even tell him what we talked about, and it was crickets. No media called me, and then all of a sudden, I was attacked on social media, calling me a racist, all these things. But what I found out, and I think people need to know, these are bots and trolls, and these are attack groups that attack. And what's happening right now. So we've been through it, We've been through it many times with my pillow, but nothing to this magnitude right now. What they're doing. They are trying to cancel me out, cancel out my pillow. And all these box stores that joined in. What happens is these attack groups went after them and said, you know, we're going to boycott you and their social media if you carry my pillow, we're not coming in your stores. And these aren't real people, that's not their customers. So these box stores and these places that conform and cancel us out, they're as bad as the people doing it. Because it's not gonna end. They're gonna keep doing it. And then you had people like Google, or you got Twitter and Facebook and all the platforms that you know they can erase us in a minute. But it even happened to me on Google. You know, I've always my opinion. I put movies out there and stuff and put my opinion. Well Google, when I go to Google, my name and I paid, I paid a helb from my website Michael Jaalendell dot com can come up because higher and I've had it for five years, my website and here you google your I buy Google AdWords for my own name, and they charged me ten cents to click. Then it went up to fifty cents to click, then it got up to a dollar click. And now Google says I can't even buy my own name after they took all my money and Wikipedia same thing they attacked me there. I mean, this is this is amazing that we can even let allow this in our country, allowed us to go on because the ones that are hurt are are the employees and uh and but they've been through it, you know, and Sean, everybody's stepped up so they are buying. The real customers aren't buying from those stores. They're buying direct right now. And and it's um, it's it's helped. I mean, everybody's competent will get through this. But man, you know CBS, like you say in Dollar General they just joined two days ago. It's just like every box store is like, okay, we'll jump up. But then he got good ones like Walmart and UH and Sam's Club. They're busier than ever because about they've stuck with us. You know, Yeah, I'm glad to hear that. I mean, I didn't even know you had twenty five hundred employees. I mean, these are people that have to put food on their table. They got rent to pay, mortgages, to pay, car payments to pay they probably all want to save a little for their retirement and a kid's college fund. And you're making a great product. I mean, I have no problem ever if if somebody's in a store and I know they have very liberal points of view or points of view that I don't care. If I like their product, I'm gonna buy their product. That's it, and it should be. Yeah, and Sean, you know, of my employees, we have every every race, we have every political We have Democrats, Republicans, and you know, my place we have we have people that don't like Donald Trump or that like Donald Trump. But you know what, they put that aside. When we come to the door. We're like a big family and they're going, why are you? You know what's really showing here is people, This isn't a political thing. Cancel culture is horrible. It's it's against all people. It's against what we stand for a free speech in this country. And you know, it's like, I guess that's why the guys that speak a loud it's like your you know yourself. You get attacked all the time, you know, and that shouldn't be that should it should be? Um, I like the point you made when you guys all stuck out for Bill Maher. You might not like what he said, but this is a country of free No, it's even worse than that. I hate Bill Maher. I can't. I can't stand the guy, you know, but but I really can't. But I don't want them to be canceled. I don't want them to be shut down. And he said horrible things about me. I don't care. I And the bottom line is is that, you know, one of the things that I really was highlighted very well on this whole impeachment shift show, Charida as I call it, is that you know, all these democrats and all their insurrectionist language based on their definition of inciting insurrection, and you never hear word one about it. I think it was the only show to put together all the insurrectionist style comments. You know, look at your your state of Minnesota. Minneapolis police precinct has burned to the ground, people rioting in the streets. Kamala Harris, you know, tries to help raise money for those people arrested for being involved in this to get them back on the street. We've now chronicled a number of them that have committed serious crimes because of that bail fund when they got released. And we on top of that, you know, she's saying you better, you better be where take note on both levels. Stop they're not going to stop. And that's they're not. This is a movement. I'm telling you, they're not going to stop. And everyone beware because they're not going to stop. It is gonna They're not going to stop before election day in November, and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't They're not going to let up, and they should not and we should not. Well, if we apply the same standards the Democrats apply to Donald Trump with the impeachment, well then I would assume we're gonna have an impeachment and a trial any day now. But don't hold your breath right. Well, you know what I want to say too, Sean. This is these platforms that the lapt has, you know, like your Twitter. I'll take Twitter for example. They took down both my personal and my pillows Twitter accounts. Facebook. I can't do live fees on Facebook. They limited to people I can reach out to. I did a test the other day. I can only reach one third of my family. I'm not stopping, by the way. I want to say this on your show. I will tell any box store that left my pillow that did this, I will never I have one hundred and ten products now. I will never sell to them ever unless the management or the ownership will let me, let me, let me, let me pull you back from the edge here. I don't think you should do that. I think that now you're you, you've had a big religious conversion in your life, and when the story is forgive them fother than know not what they do, right I think I think I wouldn't make that statement. And and you know what, if you can restore a relationship with a former business partner, don't close the door. That would be my humble advice. But what don't I know, I'm just the dumb talk shows, right, Well, I guess I can forgive, but you know I can forgive. But you know I had a thing with Target stores three years ago and I never sold them again. They were going, they were doing, they did a bad thing, buying our own AdWords, cannibalizing. I mean, there's different, different things. I guess you have to look at. I guess there would be exceptions, but but I mean, for right now, I just I just think they need to know how. But the problem is not only can you are they banning the sale of your product, but on top of that, then there then these platforms, being deep platform prevents you from even advertising your product elsewhere and letting people know to buy direct. And it goes beyond you, Mike, I mean twenty five hundred employees. I'm imagining you probably don't need the money yourself. I'm imagining that I might be wrong. No, I care about each care, but I care about those twenty five hundred family members that need their jobs that are reliant on the sales of the products you've created, which are amazing products. Right and you know, you know sean to the these box stores. I think what they found out right away, and it's been very public out there, the customers they're real customers, not the box controls that attack them that they thought were there real customers. These guys now are buying direct or they're buying from the place that kept my pillow. So it does hurt them. We were their top selling products, I mean by far, every single story and they and for them to make that, all right, I mean, I know they made it as a business decision, but it really hurts. It hurts everybody. All Right. I'll give you a plug here and I love the products that is and it works for me my pillow dot Com. Mike Lindell, thanks for being with us. Check out the Sean Hannity Square when you go there. Unbelievable. Right, that's gonna wrap things up for today, all right, Hannity Tonight nine Eastern Fox News. Lindsay Graham on well, would he and Ron Johnson have been saying that, no, the leadership in the Senate does not speak for the conference. Pretty interesting to watch. Greg Abbott on all that's going on in the state of Texas are a Fleischer joke. Concha, Dan Bongino, and you're gonna meet the guy. He's an owner of a brewery. All right, So La County Health inspector shuts his place down, then goes outside, and it's seen dancing on surveillance tape. Say in DVR ninety Eastern News, you won't get from the mob, Hannity tonight. We'll see you then we'll be back here tomorrow. As always, thank you for being will us